1971 The Peru Stater (Nebraska)

Page 1

Joh Corps Grad Receives Honors

Jerele,an Fears Mitchell, a graduate of the Omaha Job Corp, was tlre best dressed coed at Peru State in the 1971 contest sponsored by the Student Center Board. Conducted in connection with Glamour magazine, photographs of Mrs. Mitchell have been entered in the event.

Mrs. Mitchell, wife of Louis C. Mitchell, a staff se_rgeant in the Air Force stationed at K. I.Sawyer AFB, Mich., arrived inN ebraska in 1965.

She _came from Atlanta, Ga., where her mother still makes her home. At the Job Corp '"Jerry" was selected to partic:i'.pate in the Upward Bound program at Omaha University.

Upon completion of the program, she was encouraged to put her abilities an_d energies in a career. Her counselor, Don Roddy, a 1958 Peru graduate, recommended she attend Peru State.

So in 1968, she began her Peru State College career, majoring in home economics.

"I feel that coming to Peru gave me one of the best opportunities of my life," Mrs. Mitchell commented.

While at Peru, she has taken advantage of the opportunities as they presented themselves. Active in the Home_ Economics Cl uh, she is currently _serving, __ i!s president. has assumed maJ!y respons1biht1es for the organizatron's United Nations Dinner in the faJl and the Martha Washington Tea ea ch spring.

Our Cover Bob II Hollle' in Gyinnasiulll

Peru State again has a live Bobcat!

The tradition of a live mascot for the Peru State athletic teams was revived January 22, 1971, when Bob II arrived on the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. Purchased by the Blue Devils, men's pep club, from a Florida wild animal farm, Bob II has his temporary home in a cage in the "pit" area of the gymnasium.

Bob I came to make his home on the Peru campus in October, 1927, the gift of the late George Hansen '12, who was then superintendent of schools Safford, Ariz. Mr. Hansen's widow, the former Iva Glasgow, '08, lives at 7750 North 16th, Phoenix. Bob l lived in a cage south of the Auditorium until his death May 20, 1938. He was mounted and is now displayed in a troph..y case in the Student Center. Until 1921, Peru State had no mascot for her athletic teams, but that year, Pedagogian sports editor. Paul "Baldy" Wilcox, 2 yr. '22, AB '27, now a resident of Capistrano Beach, Calif., named the teams. According to Ernest Longfellow's "Normal on the Hill," Wilcox '"thought bf 'bears' but that reminded him to<? much of the future teacher's hugs. became pensive dreamy; finally one night he out of bed with his great inspiration: 'Fight ike a Bo?cat.' He sprung it on the boys and they voted for it. Thus the Bobcat becanie the mascot " Plans are being made to construct an outs.ide cage for Bob II.

Bob II photo courtesy of Dean Terrill, Lincoln Journal Star.

Music Camp Will Include Both Junior, Senior High

Music camps for both sen-ior high and junior high stude.nts are scheduled for Peru State College during the term of the summer session, according to Dr. Gavin Doughty, head of the division of fine arts and camp director•

Mrs. Mitchell serves staff members Mrs. Ferne Stephens and Mrs. Caryl l Bohl Ubben fs •35at Martha Washington tea. ' '

. Her newest student organization is the Student Wives Cl uh, which she joined following her Decem23, 1970, marriage_ S/Sgt Louis C. Mitchell, Gilmer, Texas, at Omaha s Salem Baptist church.

The romance that led to marriage began two days her Job Corp graduation, when she met was. at Offutt for a brief tour coming from a stmt m Thailand. Much of their courtship was by long distance ••• letters •.• and trips to Omaha when the Sergeant was back- at Offutt from his tour of duty in and Japan.

Mrs. Mitchell. has been inyited to speak at a Corp graduation c:eremony m Washington, D.C., this summer. She will be a degree candidate in 1anuary,1972.

The junior high camp for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students, is set for June 13-18 while the senior high camp will be June 20-25. ' Band activities will be under the direction of Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson, associate professor of instru• mental music for Pc=:ru State. will be assisted by Mr•. Gary Dahmke, director of rnstrumental music for the Public schools. Mr. Edward G. Camea__,_li-y __ , associate professor of voice, will direct choral activities.

Greater Omaha area alumni who majored in language arts at Peru State, met at Anthony's in Omaha, February 27, for a dinner meeting. Sixteen were in attendance.

Volume XV Number 1 Spring, 1971 Official publication of Peru State College. Published and distributed in November and May. P le_ase notify college of change of address.

Industria] Arts Club Aids Santa

Last December Santa Claus received an assist from members of the Industrial Arts Club of Peru State. Thanks to their efforts and the generosity of Nemaha county organizations and business firms, 185 toys were mass-produced for distribution by the welfare department of Nemaha County, the Beatrice State Home and the Action Editor of the Omaha World-Herald.

The wooden toys-model racers, pound-a-peg, roll toys, bus, and stilts-were designed, with jigs engineered, and parts constructed and then mass prodaced on an assembly line by members of the 20-ye..-old organization.

hag of tO)(:S produced by the club incladed more than 2,500 different parts and required approximately 500 man hours of 1 abor. Besides the toys,, the cl.b members constructed four balance be:anits for the Beatrice State Home at the request of school officials* The scraps of wood remaining from the were made into sets of building blocks. of the club studying. graphic arts designed anti prinl:ed labels for each toy which listed donors who coa.tributed money and materials: the Penli. y._ of Foreign Wars, Post 7299, Pern

Volunteer Fire Department, Peru Kiwanis Club, Peru Tuesday Literary Cl uh, Peru Wesleyan Service Guild, Peru State College Student Wives Club, Peru Building and Supply company, and the Mead Lumber company of Auburn.

Some of the toys meet special needs of handicapped children. After discussing special problems with officials of the Beatrice home, club members designed longer handles on roll toys so that children up to 16 years of age can use them without having to stoop.

The blocks made from the scraps were designed to be educational as well as amusing and all of the toys were made especially strong so they will have a long life.

Safety was engineered into the toys. The stilts, for instance, do not have a strap over the foot rest so that youngsters will fall free if they lose their balance.

The balance beams were designed especially for children at the Beatrice Home and will be used to teach equilibrium to handicapped children while providing amusement.

A. V. Larson Dies Suddenly

At his Peru Home 17

A. V. Larson, professor emeritus of industrial arts, died February 17, at his home in Peru. He joined the faculty in 19 26 and retired at the close of the 1958 summer session, serving as head of the division of practical arts since 1945.

Since his retirement, he had been active in the Peru Achievement Foundation, Inc., serving as treasurer from March 29, 1962, until his death. A permanent memorial scholarship, established by the family following Mrs. Larson's death, which occurred eight years earlier, February 17, 1963, has been renamed to honor both A. V. and Wilhelmina Larson.

FIN t SHED PRODUCTS di sp 1 ayed and waiting for di st ri but ion by "Santa• s helpers" are pounda:-peg, pull-toy, racer, bus and stilts.

AT WORK on the I A toy project are Gary Linden, Tekamah; David Gibson, Beatrice; and Roger Rosenthal, Cook.

He is survived by his son, Frank C. Larson, M.D., director of hospital laboratories, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Helen Margaret (Mrs. Joseph) Seiger, Sea Cliff, New York; and Leonore (Mrs. Rooert W.) Graf, Fairfield, Conn. All three of the Larson children received their elementary and secondary schooling at the T. J. Majors Campus school and hold bachelors degrees from Peru State College.

It was not until after his retirement that the industrial arts department would have a new building. During his tenure he had made several plans for new facilities to be a part of several proposed building only to see the necessary appropriation not forthcoming. The new building for which he had done considerable planning was occupied in September, 1960, and in April 1961, was officially ded-icated and named for A. V. Larson.

A January 3, 1971, article in the Lincoln Sunday ] ournal and Star told of the record of 'durability" of the presidents of the Nebraska State Colleges. The story noted that Dr. Neal S. Gomon is the senior considered by his colleagues "the dean of state college presidents in the country. Some of the students who were on campus when he took over leadership of Peru State in 1951 now have sons and daughters enrolled "


AluIDs Meet in California, 0Inaha, Lincoln

at Newport

Sixty five graduates, former students and friends of Peru State attended the annual luncheon meeting of the Southern California Chapter of the Peru Alumni Association Saturday, March 27.

Meeting at the Airporter Inn, Newport, the group saw the 1970 Homecoming and snow scenes in a movie filmed by J. D. Levitt of the Peru State faculty.

The officers-Millard Hamel, 3273 Washington, Costa Mesa, president; Lee Haeberlein, 213 II ene drive, Arcadia, secretary; and Paul W. Hartz, 4457 Live Oak drive, Claremont, advisor--were re-elected; Among those present were former f acuity members: Glenn Gilkeson, Riverside; Nona Palmer, Bradshaw, Nebr.; Iva Dunn Wiley, Santa Ana, and Waldo hoft, San Bernardino.

Vanche E. Plumb, '06, Santa Ana, was the earliest graduate present. Other early day Peruvians present were Mr. and Mrs. Ben (May Wright) Jones, '13, '10, and Norman Wickland, '11, all of Seal Beach, Calif.

at Omaha

Two Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson High school faculty members were elected to head the Omaha chapter of the Peru State Alumni Association at the April 2, dinner meeting at Anthony's 72nd & F, Omaha. The 91 Peru alumni and friends of the college present, elected Reuben H. Fanders, 2212 Ave. K, and Joyce E. Grubb, 730 Lindberg drive, as president and secretary-treasurer, respective! y.

They succeeded two of their Thomas Jefferson colleagues-Wilber Ege, 3323 16th avenue, and Ernest E. Robinson, 2428 7th avenue-who had served as officers the past two years.

A movie filmed by J.D. Levitt of the faculty showing the highlights of the 197:0 homecoming and the aftermath of the 1971 snow st>0rm was presented. By special request, the vintage 1928-31 film of campus and area scenes and events shown the year before was' presented.

Two 1950 Peru graduates elected to principalships of Omaha's two new senior high schools to opened in the fall were present with their wives.

They are Dr. John McQuinn, 127 Bellevue Boulevard South who will head the Bryan Senior High, and Jack Hallstrom, 5514 Jaynes, Omaha, who will be principal of Northwest Senior High. Both were Cass county residents at the time they were Peru State students.

Miss Cleo V. Hale, class of 1912, 6032 Poppleton, Omaha, was the earliest graduate pres€'nt. She was presented the center piece from the head table. L. B. Mathews, '15; Peru, professor emeritus, also was given special recognition. Other graduates present from the 1910s were Miss Marie Hiber, 1804 Dodge, and Olive M. Christensen Hemmer, 122 South 39th, both class of 1916, and Dr. W. F. Novak, 1522 North 5lst street, class of 1917.

In attendance at the meeting were Peruvians from Bellevue, Ralston, Plattsmouth, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, and Moorhead, Iowa. Attending from. Peru State college were Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller, Miss Bonnie Rutz, Mrs. Maryanna Gnade, Don Carlile, Mr. Mathews and Mr. Levitt.

at Lincoln

Eighty-two alumni, former students and friends of Peru State College met Friday, April 23, at the Legionnaire Club in Lincoln fo't the annual dinner meeting of the Lincoln chapter of the Peru Alumni Association.

Bob Cappel, '69, 4135 Lenox avenue, was elected new president and Thomas Mosser, January '71 grad, 1502 South 23rd, was elected secretary-treasurer.

Ted McCartney, '51, chapter president, was master of ceremonies. He was assisted by Elaine Brier Gleason,' 48, who acted as secretary-treasurer in the absence of Mrs. E. H. Thalmann, whose (continuedonpageBj

Elaine Sri er Gleason and Ted Mccartney, retiring officers of the Lincoln area chapter of the Peru state College Alumni Association, show the record books to the new ·off ice rs Tom Mosser ( 1 eft} ·secretary-treasurer, and his wife Danna Henry Mosser, and to Bob Cappel (riqht). president, and his wife. Pat.

Basketball Record is 17-7

The Peru State Bobcat basketball team an impressive 17·7 record in the 1970-71 season, winning two tournaments and boasting an NAIA national ranking of 18th for three weeks in a row. But an injury to a key player and a mid-season slump Ptlt the team out of contention for the Nebraska College Confetence title.

Head Coach Jack Mclntire's team opened the season with a 76-66 win over Tarkio College, then won six more games, including the South Dakota Tech tournament at Rapid City and the William PeAD College tournament at Oskaloosa, Iowa.

The Bobcats' first loss of the season was to UN-Omaha. Larry Green, Brock, leading scorer with an av:erage of 22 points a game, injured a foot in the fkst half against Omaha and was unable to play Ille second UN-Omaha won the game on its hme court by a score of 9 3-8 7.

The Bobcats followed with a win over Northwest Missouri State without Green, then went into the to Nebraska Conference stretch of the schedule. Wit a playing at less than full speed and the Bohea!s in a mid-season slump, Kearney and Wayne eaclt .toak advantage of the situation to win games and Clmdron won two games over the Bobcats on home court before Peru regained its poise and "defe.ated both Kearney and Wayne in return games..

G1:een will graduate along with starting guards Mib John80n,. Omaha, and Clyde Wilkins, Lake La.

Coach Mcintire will replace the losses with promising sophomores, juniors, and trans£ er students.

Lack of experience appears to be the greatest problem in 19.71-72 for the potentially explosive Bobcat haskethall. team which will operate with a new center and two guards who had only limited play· time in 1970-71.

C Mcintire, who has had eleven winning seasons since he became head basketball coach 15 seasons ago, this year stretched his record to 231 wins and 146 losses while coaching Peru State·tea:ms.

Prospects point to another successful campaign in 1971-72.

1970-71 Games, Scores, PSC first:

Miss Bonnie Rutz, director of women•s physical education at Peru State College, reads the inscription on the trophy presented to MissPhyllisDavidson, Chico, Calif., professor emeritus of physical education at Peru state, at the close of the 25th annual High School Girls Volleyball tournament. Miss Davidson, originator and di rec tor of the tournament from 1946 until 1957, was a special guest at the tournament, which was won by Mead High sp i kers, who defeated top-seeded Dawsonverdon for the chanp ion ship. Odell defeated Norris of Hickman in the consolation game.

Culver-Stockton is Grid Foe For November 6 Homecoming

A ten-game football schedule has been announced by Head Coach Joe Pelisek for the 1971 season. The opener will be against a new Peru State College foe when the Bobcats journey to Madison, S. D., to play Dakota State College on Sept. 4.

The schedule includes the third annual game at Nebraska City against Tarkio College in conjunction with Nebraska City's Apple Jack Festival on September 11.

Four games will be played in Peru State's colorful Oak Bowl, including the Homecoming game, last game of the season, against Culver-Stockton College of Canton, Mo. at 2 p.m. on November 6.

The 1971 schedule:

91· 55 66

Triple Donors to Brock' s Green

L · Green,, high scoring center from Brock, has.. :k triple basketball honors to Peru State in tile ·1970..,71 season. The 6-7 senior was named to the honorable mention list of the Naliomd. MAI.A All-Star team, to the N AIA District ll team All-Stars, and to the Omaha World Hendd"a lfebmska College All Stars.

scored an average of 22 points a game the season, had a 54 percent accuracy from the and hit 73 percent of his free throws while m:::coamag for an average of 11 reb.ounds a game.

Sept. 4 at Dakota State

Sept. 11 Tarkio College at Nebraska City

Sept. 18 Graceland College

Sept. 25 at Northwest Mo.

Oct. 2 at Southern State

Oct. 9 at Missouri Western

Oct. 16 Kearney State

Oct. 23 at Chadron State

Oct. 30 Wayne State

Nov. 6 Culver Stockton (Homecoming}


November 6

76 Taddo 66 77 Tarkio 56 95 Nodhern State 82 84 Wayne State 87 85 S.J). Tech 82 66 Simpson 71 84 Mt., Mady 65 84 Bellevue 63 72 Lea {Minn..} 65 78 Doane 69 53 Wm. PEi:ml 52 65 Chadron State 78 93 58 62 Chadron State 65 90 MWland 66 68 Northwest Mo. 83 81 tfft-OmaLa 93 80 Kearney State 69 76 Northwest Mo. 71 80 Bellevue 77 75 K.earney State 87 88 Mount Marty 61
Wayne State 65

Golfers Win NCC; Track Records Fall

This was the year for golf and track at Peru State. The golf team, considered by Coach Ervin Pitts to be the best ever at Peru, won the NCC championship, placed second behind Hastings College in the District 11 NAIA tournament and won seven of nine meets. Only losses were to UN-Omaha and Northwest Missouri State, which Peru even,ed by winning return meets with both schools.

Senior Ivan Miller, Grundy Center, Iowa, and sophomore Guy Lammle, Peru, led the golfers with scores in the low 70's. Miller qualified for the National NAIA golf meet at Rockford, Ill., in June.

Distance and javelin records fell as the track team, coached by Jack Mcintire, won second place in the Nebraska College Conference.

Senior Jack Weyers, Sterling, this year turned in a 4:08.1 mile run, a 9: 11.9 2-mile run, and a 14:04 3-mile, while sophomore Jim Hinton, Lake Charles, La., threw the javelin 228' 9". All are new Peru State records.

Weyers is this year's winner of the Swenson Athletic Award, a gold watch and medal. Established in 1925 for the outstanding senior who has participated in athletics by the 1 ate Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swenson, 1909 class members, it is the oldest award presented by the college. In addition to holding track records in the one-, two-, three-, and six-mile, Weyers holds all of the cross country records in which he has run, and he has been named All-American four years by the NAIA. He is also a member of the record-holding distance medley team.

The baseball team, coached by Tom Fitzgerald, won thre.e and lost three in NCC play and finished with four wins and eight losses over all.

The tennis team, coached by Dr. Darrell Wininger, had a complete turnover in personnel from last year and the new players were able to gain only two victories in six meets.

Coed Basketball Gains Interest

Women's basketball has gained wide interest at Peru State the past two years with the team playing a nine-game schedule in 1971.

But interest is gaining in other colleges to the extent that the Peru team which a year ago lost only one game of a 10-game schedule ran into stiffer competition this season, winning three and losing SIX.

Leading scorers for Peru were Karen Sell, Tabor, Iowa, with an average of 10 points a game, and Pat Prose, Glenwood, Iowa, with 8.1 points a game.

Sponsor of the team is Miss Bonnie Rutz, assistant professor of women's physical education. The team plays under rules of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, which are similar to rules in men's basketball.

Basketball Brochure Gets Award

The 1970-71 basketball brochure of Peru State has been awarded an All-American rating by the National Association of Inter;.c-0llegiate Athletics.

The brochure, distributed to sports editors of newspapers, radio and television, was compiled and edited liy Everett Browning, sports information director.

Cecil McKnight Honorary Referee For Invitational Track Classic

Cecil McKnight, Plattsmouth High track coach, \Jas honorary referee for the sixth annual Peru State Invitational Track meet, April 23. A 1952 Peru State grad, McKnight taught two years at Morrill, and then moved to Plattsmouth where hehas coached track and assisted in football and basketball.

At Peru State McKnight played on the 1951 football team which won the conference championship. He ran the 100-yard dash for Peru in 9.9 only two

Harlan Krein, right, assistant professor of heal th and physical education, presents Honorary Referee trophy to Cecil McKnight, tenths of a second off the all-time Peru record of 9.7. At Plattsmouth his track teams have won seven Class B district championships.

Nebraska City High, coached by Ken Clark, '58, won Class A, while Highland, Kans., won Class B. The new girls division event was won by FremontMills, Tabor. Sixty-two teams from 42 schools, involving nearly 1500 students, participated in the one-day event.

Wrestling is Peru's Newest Sport

Wrestling, newest intercollegiate sport at Peru State, made its debut this winter and proved to be a popular activity with a 20-man team, a seven-meet schedule, and a record of four wins and three losses.

Head wrestling coach is Harlan Krein, who also serves as assistant football coach.

Peru State won two meets against Concordia of Seward by scores of 23-17 and 28-8, won two from Doane College 22-18 and 25-21. One loss was to Doane 26-20 and the other two losses were to Midland College, 25-16 and 25-21.

High point man for the Bobcat wrestlers was Rod Wartman, sophomore, Calumet City, Ill., 142-pound class. He gave up only three points while earning 24 pointsr

Second and third placings on the team were Larry Pracht, sophomore, Carson, Iowa, 167-pound class, with 21 points, and Rick Black, freshman, Millard, 150-pound class, 20 points.

Roadside environment in Nemaha county was improved on Saturday, April 17, when students at Peru State College cleaned along Highway 67 from Peru to US 73-75.


Funds £or Scholarships total $8,375.42

Foundation Year Nears 1970 Record

Receipts totaling $37 ,310.50 were reported for the fiscal year ending April 30 at the annual meeting of the PerU:" Achievement Foundation at Peru State College May 7.

Receipts were down slightly from the previous record year when a bequest in excess of $19,000 pushed total gifts to $44,442.91. The previous fisc.al year, total receipts were $25,436.16.

Founded in 1955 as a non-profit foundation to provide financial assistance to Peru State in areas not cove.red by legislative appropriation, the Peru Achievement Foundation during the past fiscal year provided a total of $8,375.42 in· scholarships and awards to Peru State students.

A total of $7,555.75 was provided during 1970-71 , for matching funds ($1 for each $9) for the National Defense. Student Loan program. Since the inception of NDSL. the Foundation has provided a total of $39,297 34 in matching funds, which together with repayment money, has made possible the lending of $452,115 under NDSL.

Tile trustees voted to provide additional funds, if necessary,. for completing of a new outdoor bulletin board in front of the Administration building, using funds provided by the classes of 1919 and 1920.

Funds from the general fund were allocated to be added to the E. Albin Larson memorial fund to establish a permanent scholarship in memory of the late 1933 graduate and long-time secretary of the state. college board.

In other action, tile hoa:rd voted to provide funds to provide salary and expenses for a counselor for prospective students for Peru State College.

During 1970-71, new securities totaling $13,623 we.re purchased. The new investments will make possible three new permanent scholarship funds as memorials to the late Benjamin Harrison, '07; Lura Hendricks Eichler, '13, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pate, former president and wife, an 1898 former student.

Additional securities totaling $5, 704.50 were gifts from Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Choyce, '19, Clear-

PAF Reeeives $10,000 Bequest

A $10,000 bequest has been received by the Peru Achievement Foundation, Inc., of Peru State College from the estate of Benjamin Harrison, Omaha, according to Arthur R. Majors, president of the Foundation.

A 1907 graduate of Peru State College, Mr. Harrison died February 27. At the time of his death he was chairman of the board of the Standard Chemical Manu.facturing Co., Omaha, with which he he had hee11 associated 55 years.

The bequest has been mvested and income will provide scholarships for worthy Peru State students. The first five JlDG scholarships will be awarded in in September..

Mr. Harrison's career with Standard Chemical began as traffic manager when deliveries were made by ltorse and buggy. He became secretary in 1916, •ice-president in I'920 and president in 1938. He was president: until 1954, when he became board

Mr. H.attison received a law degree from the University of Nebraska in 1913.

NDSL Matching totals $7,555.75

water, Fl a., and Miss Lena Huff, '09, Des Moines, Iowa. Income from the securities will provide additional permanent scholarship funds.

The 17 trustees present for the artnual meeting reported total investments of $87,911.59, up from the $63,199.75 reforted a year ea:rlier.

Mr. Carrol Lewis, Peru, was elected treasurer to succeed the late A. V. Larson, Peru, who served in that capacity from March, 1962, until his death, February 17, 1971. A resolution entered in the records gave tribute to the 1ate professor emeritus of industrial arts who had served on the faculty from 1926 until 1958.

Arthur R. Majors, L. B. Mathews, and Don Carlile all of Peru, were re-elected president, vice-president and secretary ,respectively.

The following trustees whose terms expired in 1971 were re-elected, with terms extended to 1974: Claude E. Matthews, John P. McKnight, Auburn; Ival Schmucker, Brock; Willard Redfern, LaMirada, Calif.; Gordon Peterson, Omaha; Barbara Bragg Clayburn, Stockton, Calif. Mr. Lewis was electec to the hoard with his term expiri!Jg in 1972.

Among the scholarships a'.warded during the fiscal year were five $100 scholarships for the second semester from the Vending division. They were named for Mr. S. L. Clements, Elmwood,a charter trustee who served on the Peru State faculty for 27 years, retiring in 1953.

Nine Workshops Offered 1971 Summer Session; Two Tern

In addition to the regular college course offerings during two five-week terms, Peru State College will offer nine short term work shops during the 1971 summer.

The regular five-week terms will run from June 7 to July 9 and from July 12 to August 13. Summer catalogs may be requested from Dr. Keith L. Melvin, dean of the college and director of summer sessions. Two theatre workshops in cooperation with Buffalo City, USA, Nebraska City, are scheduled. These workshops will run throughout both regular five-week terms.

Other workshops are of two and one-half weeks duration. During the first term, Environmental Science (Ecology), will be offered from June 23July 9.

During the second term, running from July 12 to July 28, will be six workshops: Conservation of Natural Resources, Contemporary Social and Political Problems, Aerospace Science, Human Physiology, Psychology of Exceptional Children, and Drug Education.

A workshop in special education, Methods and Materials in Education of Exceptional Children, will be offered from June 7 to July 9. The seminar in student teachi!Jg will be July 12 to August 13.

Receives Research Study Grant

Leland H. Sherwood, associate professor of art at Peru State College, was awarded a social science humanities grant through the U.S. Office of Education for research in art education for the second semester.

Under the grant Mr. Sherwood continues research in a doctoral program at the Indiana University, Bloomington.



Nona M. Johrtswn (Mrs. William J.) Lowri:, '?6, lives at 1320 18th street, Auburn. Mr. Lowrie is a retired Presbyterian minister.


Clarence H. Pool, '08, writes that his first fotroduction to Peru 'was his school superintendent, the late G. Frank Bixby, 05, and his predecessor, the late Frank Stockton, '01. A resident of 537 Woodside drive, Akron, Ohio, Mr. Pool, an attorney, maintains a second residence in his home town, Rising City.

Crene Kulp Dixon, '07, lives at 774 Gladys avenue, Long Beach, Calif.

Hope Abbott Dorland, '06, lives at 4127 ThirtyFifth street, San Diego. She reported the January 11, 1969, death of her husband, Frank N. Dorland, a former resident of Peru, who was manager of the canning company and owner of the Crystal moving picture theatre during. the 1910 's.

]. Harold William$, '08, 1286 Woodruff avenue, Los Angeles, Calif., returned recently to Broken Bow where he was principal of the high school from 'i909-ll. He was the alumni banquet speaker.

I essie L, Fox, '06, now lives in Wolbach, where she taught in the prim:ary .department. She also taught in the Newport and Burwell schools, as well as rural schools.

E. R. Gross, '08, is in his 25th year of retirement head of the agricultural engineering ?ement at Rutgers ·University. He is now convalescing from a hospital stay. His address is 33 Claremont, North Brunswick, N .J.

Bereniece McHirron (Mrs. ,Charles) Weigand, '06, is now living in the California PEO home, 5203 Alum Rock, San Jose.


Russell]. Hale, '13, returned this spring after several weeks' visit with his son, Sheldon, in Australia. Mr. Hale's home is in Hardy.

Eugenia Moore, '14, has completed 18 courses in the Institute of Lifetime Learning at Long Beach, where she spends her winters. A retired Omaha teacher, Miss Moore's permanent address is Oak.

Laura M. Dustin Heacock, '15, lives at 4318 North Forty-Eighth street, Omaha. She is retired after 35 years as a teacher and elementary principal in the Omaha

Rosaline Kohn Fisher, '17, is chairman of the absentee voters service of the League of Women Voters of.the District of Columbia. Today's Education journal of the 'NEA, September issue carried she gathered concerning absentee voting in the 50 states. In February, 1969, she retired as president of the N House in Washington. Associated with the mst;ttution since 1952 she became president in 1958. Mrs. Fisher lives 'at 4912 New Hampshire, N. W., Washington, D. C.

The April 4 edition of Omaha World-H era;ld Magazine of the Midlands earned a story concermng &Nebraska's Forgotten Ace," which rel ates the career of the late Orville Ralston, '15, during World Wars I and II.

Mr. and Mrs. B·en (Mary Wright) ] ones, '13, fs '10 who live at 1260 Northwood road, Seal Beach, Caiif., have been married 52 years. They met wh_ile in school at Peru. They have two children, five grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Norman Wickland, '11, 13371 Danbury lane, ?eal Beach, Calif., taught five years after graduation. Since 1929 when he came to California he was in the manufacturing business until his retirement. The Wicklands have two sons, one daughter, six grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Clara Beck Camp bell, '19, lives at Leisure World, 474 B Calle Cadiz, Laguna Hills, Calif.

Plan Case for Prep Trophies

The Peru Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a project to install a trophy case in the new city hall to be erected on the site of the old structure. The case will house athletic and other trophies from the T. J. Majors campus school, which were w_on _by Peru Prep students over the years. Contributions are being received by Bob Fike, treasurer. Names of contributors of five dollars or.tmore will be placed on the dedication plaque.

Spring Enrollment is 1,012

Total on-campus enrollment for the second semester at Peru State College is 1,012, according to Dr. Kelly J. Liewer, registrar. The figure is down from the first semester, when a total of 1, 118 were enrolled. Fifty eight students completed graduation requirement at the close of the first semester. Represented in the total enrollment are students froin 40 Nebraska counties, 16 other states, American Samoa, and Hong Kong.

Lincoln Area Grads Meet

(continued from page 4) husband's illness prevented her being present. Mrs. Thalmann provided a centerpiece of mums, which was distributed to the guests.

Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president of Peru State since 1951, in his greetings from the College, noted about half of those present were graduated from the college during his tenure. He expressed regrets over the possibility of a tuition increase at the State Colleges of Nebraska, and added that every increase denies some students the opportunity for higher education._

Mrs. Alta Bell Callen, '11, Lincoln, and Mr. S. L. Clements, '12, and former Peru State faculty member, Elmwood, were the earliest graduates present. They were accompanied by their spouses.

Musical selections were provided by a girls sextet from Lincoln Northeast High school. A member of the group, Miss Patty Broads ton, daughter of Mr. Clyde L. Broadston, '52, and Mrs. Broadston, Lincoln, sang a vocal solo.

Films of campus events from the past and from the current school year were shown.

Three former faculty members were present: Nellie M. Carey, librarian emeritus, Frank Masek, former campus school principal, and Mr. Clements.

Attending the dinner from Peru, besides Dr. Gomon, were Bonnie Rutz, J.D. Levitt, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Stemper, and Don Carlile.

Mwdia Daesclmer (Mrs. F.E.) Wendland, '18, lives oa Friendly Acres, Newton, Kans., a United Metl.4ist retirement home. Her husband is a retired mhdster.

Mwpret Albert. "19, '32, has moved from Omaha to 890 Jefferson avenue, Elgin, Ill.

Belea Lawrence Morgan, '19, has retired in Cre$ted Butt where she taught for 25 years.

£as MtJC. s. {tnson) Murphy, '17, reports that slle aad:\ller !lmhaad will observe their golden _.lyerssy in June. Their home is at 4 . Long Beach.

r_.. smer (lln:. Walter D.) Kirtley, '14, is now Ii 818, the Plaza Fifth Avenue, SL

it :12-. Alliance, was an honored guest Qi8.) High school last October at the ion of the Francis Bellamy was the 29th recipient of the to 3. high school in a different state -.uthor of the pledge of allegiance. teacher of business education in the Lead Biglt Scl.ool from 1924 until her retirement in 1.956,. be doae much in national patriotic organizatioDB her retirement. A successful geneolo· a member of the Ladies of the Grand Arm,- of th.e American Colonists, Daughters of the American Revolution, AAUW, and Rebekah pledge of allegiance was written by at the invitation of President Benjamin to ltoaor the 400th anniversary of the dis.America. It was spoken simultaneously 1892. by an estimated 10 million school chil*en. to mark the occasion. No one dreamed it would. h remembered beyond that one Columbus D-.y.. ,.'1 the Lead ceremonies, Miss Nation was honored. fol' •the presentation of the award she, too, ..

lf'.e,ster Ross, '10, 1012 Bay street, Santa Cmz* Calif.. was in Omaha in late summer to reher 58-ye.- Eastern Star pin. At the c ere"'. moaas* she met former Benson High students she h.ad years before retirement. In September, Mr.. • Ross observed their 50th wedding

Cutler, '16, BEd '17, is now living in a mobile home at 19120 Nordhoff, No. 32 Dover drive,, Northridge, Calif. A widow since 1966,

N. Mau• Carpenter Dies

M:issW Ila.ad Carpenter, who taught public school mUBic al Pem State College from 1913 until 19 22, died.in March 12, at the age of 100.

Sile woald have been 10 I on March 30. A United story concerning her approachlOOth llkthdar resulted in her receiving a deluge of not only her former Peru State stur weU wishers as well. Among the car4s Im-warded to her by the alumni office at that time was a signed by a class of Omaha el · school children.

toinfonnation received from her friend, Colton of Owatonna, Miss Carpenter Iler life either attending school or

piano teacher, Miss Carpenter pretndeats in a recital last spring, and

last lessons in December.

a record of qualifying for social applying as a self-employ:ed of 89. A memorial music scholar-established in Owatonna, with Mrs. nrale, as administrator.

she is interested in space exploration since her son, who lives in Riverside, is associated with the space program.

Kathryn Shellhorn, '16, has moved to 1049 Leisure way, Panorama City, Olympia, Wash.

Rose Banks Embree, 'IO, and her husband, Rev. Arthur L. Embree, live at Good Samadtan Village, Hastings. Rev. Embree has had a retired relation with the Methodist conference since 1961.


Harold B. M cCreight, '29, 616 West Fourth street, 0 ntario, has been teaching mathematics at Chaffey Union High, Ontario, since 1947. His son, Peter, is a doctor at UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles.

Loyd Prante, '20, and his wife, Pauline, were April campus visitors enroute from a Florida trip to their Oregon home at LaPine. They reported an exciting winter "snow mobiling." Last fall they traveled 6,000 miles during a Midwest visit. Mrs. Prante retired from teaching last June.

HaroldO. Peterson, '27, retired from the Omaha Public Schools in August, 1970, after 37 years of teaching and counseling. In November, he was elected Douglas county superintendent of public instruction. Prior to coming to Omaha, he taught at Bellevue from his Peru graduation until 19 33.

Zelda Redding Stegeman, ? 21, and her husband, Carl, live in Anaheim, Calif., at 300 West Katella. Mrs. Stegeman taught in Columbus four years, then did four years of substitute teaching in Cleveland Hei_ghts,. Ohio, w.here .they lived for 21 years. They res1.ded .rn J?etro1t, Mich., 12 years before going to Califorma m 1960. Mr. Stegeman has retired as traffic manager for the Union Pacific railroad.

Dorothea West Stahn Lemon, P. 0. Box 5252, Los Angeles, is now employed by a CPA firm. She spent 15 years as associate secretary for Lincoln and Nebraska Councils of Churches. She was a member ·of the office staff at Peru from 1929 until 1937.

Gertrude Conger (Mrs. Harold) Delano, '22, visited the two years ago and is looking forward to a v1s1t rn 1972, when her class will be reunion honorees. Her address is 827 Allen avenue St. Paul. '

Mr and Mrs. Floyd (Alice Brandt) Chase '29 2 yr. '28, toured Europe in the fall with an World Herald tour. They are both retired from the Omaha Public schools and live at 4228 Ames avenue.

Marie Le Poidevin, '26, 1218 Ella, Beatrice, has recovered from surgery last summer and is able to manage her own household and "help others less fortunate."

· Mr and Mrs. Sam (Gladys ] orgensen) Ma;ors, both fs '22, live on a farm near Peru. Their daughter, Irene Majors Gladish, fs '45, lives in Billings, Mont., where she supervises 1adies clothing stores. Their son, Robert P. Majors, fs '49, and his wife, Charlene Nelson Majors, fs '52, own Arbor Manor Steak House in Auburn.

Marion Marsh Brown, '27, faculty 35-38, has authored a new book, Mamie, released by Westminster Press on March 15. The story of a little girl growing up on a farm in the 1900s, the novel is based on the author's childhood. Author of numerous juvenile books, Mrs. Brown, a former member of the Peru State faculty, is professor emeritus of the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

A second edition of Introduction to Nutrition, an elementary college text, and a third edition of (continued on next page)


(continued from preceding page)

Exploring Home and Family Living, authored by Henrietta Fleck Houghton, 2 yr.' 23, were released in January, 1971. Mrs. Houghton, head of the school of hoµie economics at New York University, and her husband, Dale, live at 15 7 East 18th, New York, N.Y.

Betty Graves Osgood, '27, 4545 SW Poplar Lane, Portland, Ore., is kept busy with home, yard, art, lapidary and several professional organizations.

Edward W. Matejovsky, '20, is retired and lives at 6032 North Wilbur, Portland, Ore.

Harold Marren, '29, Beatrice, enjoyed an extensive trip to the Southwest and California, where he visited a number of 1929 Peruvians. Enroute he saw Cedric Crink, chairman of the dramatic arts department at the State College at Weatherford, Okla. At Fullerton, Calif., Mr. Marren visited with Barton Red/em, who is now retired from the Fullerton. Schools and devotes his retirement time to rose culture. At Claremont, Calif., Mr. "'Swede" Hertz and Mrs. Hertz at their mountainside home surrounded by their orange groves. The 1929 ·Peruvians Mr. Marren visited, plan to make it to Peru for future class reunions.

The Spanish translation of Guidance in the Elementary School by Dr. Robert H. Knapp, '27, professor of educational psychology and guidance in the University of South Dakota school of education, has gone into a second printing for expanded use in Spain. The book also has been translated into Portuguese for circulation in Brazil. This is the fifth major publication in the field of student personnel and guidance written by Dr. Knapp, a member of the USD faculty for 24 years. Mrs. Knapp is the former Myrtle Law, fs '27.

Katharine Schill, '20, retired in 1965 after years of teaching. She is kept busy in volunteer work-tutoring children, helping in a nursing home, working with "meals on wheels," and various organizations in Alliance.'

Now in his 4lst year of practicing civil law, Waldo Willhoft, 2 yr. '25, '26, faculty 26-28, lists his address as 398 West Fourth street, San Bernardino, Calif. Mr. Willhoft's sister, Nora, 2 yr. '26, is now retired and lives at 5517 South Keniston, Los Angeles.

Eldred 0. Morton, fs '22, has retired for the second time. His first retirement was in 1967 as manager of Laundry Engineering, but was retained as a consultant for three and one-half years. Mr. and Mrs. Morton, the former Thelma Howe, 2 yr. '23, !ive at 179 Lind avenue, Mansfield, Ohio.


Ralph H. fl opp, fs '38, has been named director of libraries for the Twin Cities c;:ampus of the University of Minnesota. Previously· he was associate director of libraries at the University of Minnesota.

Irene Geiger Woolley, fs '31, retired from teaching in 1966. She had taught at Waco for IO years.and more recently in New York state for 13 years. Mrs. Woolley's address is 628 Main, Northport, N. Y.

Edna Mays tick Fitch, '34, 6135 Janice way, Arvada, Colo., received an honorable mention certificate for the Colorado· Teacher of the Year award. She teaches in Lawrence elementary.

Lillian Mason I a ck son, fs '36, and her husband have retired from Sandia Corp., and are living at 13425 Sunset Canyon drive, N. E., Albuquerque. She

Dr. John McQuinn (left) and Jack Hallstrom, veteran teachers and administrators. in the Omaha Public Schools, have been named principals of the two new high schools which will· open in Omaha next fall. or. McQuinn, who is now principal of Bryan Junior-$,enior High, will head Bryan Senior High, and Mr. Hallstrom, now principal of Monroe Junior High, will be principal of Northwest High. John and Jack were in attendance at the April meeting of the Omaha area chapter of Peru Alumni and their wives. Mrs. Mc Qui nn is the former F ranees Irene Finkle, fs '.50, and Mrs.·Hallstrom is the former Nancy Hardy, 2 yr. '51. reports that R. A. Quelle, former dean of men at Peru, retired from Sandia ·in February, 1970.

Ralph E. ,Scholl, '38, 2889 East Mound street, Columbus, Ohio, is supervisory budget officer for the Defense Construction Supply center, a department of defense depot.

Mildred May Smith Mills, fs '33, 8701 62nd avenue, Berwyn Heights, Md., recently took a leave of . absence as first grade teacher in Prince Georges County schools to tour the South Pacific.

Gretchen Miller Kline, '37, master therapeutic recreation specialist at Fort Meade (S.D.) Veterans Administration hospital, has been elected to membership of the International Platform Association. She is a resident of Sturgis, S.D.

Richard Q. ff!rignt, '32, will retire in June, 1972, from the Detroit board of education after 37 years of service. Mr. Wright _was first athletic manager at Peru State from 1931-32.

E. ,G. ,Vickers, '36, is in his 21st year with the Pittsburgh Testing laboratory. A civil engineer, Mr. Vickers lives at W220-Sl499 Springdale road, Waukesha, Wis.

lean Livingston (Mrs. Rolland) Neff, .fs '39,is a distributor for Vanda beauty counselor cosmetics, an organization with which she has been associated for 10 ·years. Her husband is a salesman for Meadow Gold dairies. The Neffs' son and two daughters are married and live in Colorado Springs, whe.re the N effs live at 434 Valley Hi Circle.

Marjorie Young (Mrs, Cloyd) Meyers, '34, is teaching flute, clarinet and cornet to beginners in grade schools in Sterling, Ill., where her husband is director of bands in six schools. The Meyers live at 110 East Eighth street.

Constance Bright Randall Rodaway, '31, is


home in Unadilla after spending the winter in Caiifornia, Alb ll:querque, and Denver.

Gilbert N. Cook, '34, Larchwood, Iowa, teaches earth and life science at West Lyon Community School, Inwood, Iowa, where Mrs. Cook teaches · 1'.elementary vocal music. Their sons include a doc. toral candidate at UN-Lincoln, an Oregonian, and ···an attendant at a state park near Sioux City.

Ora 'Strander l effery Eggers, 2 yr. '31, lives in Torrington, Wyo. Sfie retired in 1963 after 35 years of teaching-21 in Evanston, Wyo. Mrs. Eggers and her husband live at 2509 West D. •

R. E. Mason, '39, is superintendent of schools

East Monona District, Moorhead, Iowa. The ""Masons' children are Patricia, a teacher at Story City, and Bill, a student at Westmar.

Keil.A D. Wolfe, '31, has retired as manager of the Colorado State Employment service office at Pueblo,. Colo. He is now living at 105 Peg Sue court,. San Antonio, Tex.

Mr. aaJ Mrs. /Jon (Ruby Brown) Duryea, '30, '33, live at 909 West Twenty-First, Kearney, where Don Eaglish at Kearney State and Ruby teaches at Kearney Senior High.

• Larry F. West, '37, is retired from the air force and meved recently to Huntington Beach, Calif., where Be is employed by the post office. He and Mrs. West live at 7240 Corsican drive.

Paal;ne Lyle Scott, '30, teaches English at Oceansi-de(C.aUf.)High. Her son, Terry, will be grad.: ffiUated from San Diego State in June. Her daughter is a graduate of Denver University.

Elsie Paf'Tet Gru.nwal.dt, 2 yr. '35, '40, teaches in tke Long Beach Unified School district. World travel and volunteer hospital work occupy her free time• Her address is 2660 Chatwin avenue.


Sadie Bar_nett Anderson, 2 yr. '40, writes of renewiagacquaintance withOmahans Doro thy Teachman Backenberg, '40, and Ruby Redding Thornton, yr. '41, '53,. while in Omaha last summer. Mrs. Anderson, paroachial school teacher, lives at 260 .

Ernest Robinson presents a hurricane lamp table decoration used at the Omaha Area chapter meeting of the Peru Alumni Association to Miss Joyce Grubb, who was elected the new secretary Ernie served as president last year , and was secretary-treasurer this year. Reuben "Fanders was elected president to succeed Wilber Ege,. who had been secretary-treasurer the previous year. The past and new officers are al 1 teachers at Thomas Jefferson High, Counc i 1 Bluffs.

Graff avenue, Bronx, N. Y., with her son, a junior high dean and her daughter, a secretary. Mr. Anderson died four years ago.

Lucille Tibbetts Clark, '48, is living in Hays, Kans., where her husband is a professor at Fort Hays State College, and she is teaching first grade Eunice Buhrmann (Mrs. _Alfred) Bogle, is elementary guidance director and assistant principal of of the Crete elementary schools. Mrs. Bogle first attended Peru in 1940 and later completed her degree in 1959. Her children include a married daughter and a son, a Green Beret in Vietnam.

Keith.Albers,_ '47, has lived in Holdrege since January, 1970, where he is associated with First Security Bank.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Frances Hardy) Gabus, '40, 2 yr. '38, have been living in DesMoines since September, 1967, where they own a Ford dealership. They welcome Peruvians to their new building at Interstate 80-35 at the Merle Hay exit.

Mary Lu Harvey(Mrs. P.M.) Stupar, '43, 245 North Pinecrest, Milwaukee, Wis., reports that two of her children are college graduates, one is a sophomore and the youngest a high school sophomore.

Dr. Tom Hallstrom, '49, coordinator of physical education for the Omaha Public schools, has been elected chairman of the United States Junior Olympic Track and Field program for boys. This will be his fourth term in the position in which he will assist in organizing track and field in 58 districts in the nation. ·'

Mr. , and Mrs. ,Ralf (Aileen Wheeldon) Graham, both '48, live at 1636 Leavenworth, Manhattan, Kans., where Ralf is an information assistant to the Director of Extension at Kansas State University and Aileen is librarian at Manhattan Junior High. Their daughters are Gay and Dawn.

Dr. and Mrs. ,Donald D. (Betty Johnson) Smith, '48, 3 yr. '48, live at 1210 Highland View drive, Boise, Ida., where Dr. Smith is professor of psychology at Boise State College.

Mr. p,nd Mrs. Ross (Maryon Thomas) Adams, '40, '58, live on a farm near Peru, where Ross is a slockman. Maryon is teaching kindergarten and elementary music teacher in the Peru attendance center of District 29.

Helen Janecek Clark, teaches parent education for Long Beach City College, where her husband is vice-president of auxillary services. Her sons are college students-at Stanford and UCLA.

Reuben H. Fanders, '43, 2212 Avenue K, Council Bluffs, drama teacher at Thomas Jefferson High, has a new theatre in which to present his productions. The F anders' daughter, Cathy, a high school junior, plans to become a Peruvian.

Esther Meritt Renner, '49, teaches in the Council Bluffs Public schools. Her daughter, Vera, is married and daughter, Sally, is a junior high student at Lewis Central.

For the past six years Betty J. McArdle Harouff, '44, has been a visiting teacher with the Omaha Public schools.

Jack D Atkins, 2 yr. '41, is general agent for Western Life Insurance company, with offices at llO North 69th street.

Wendell Handley, '44, was honored during the South· Dakota class A high· school tournament "for meritorious service to athletics in South Dakota schools, 1946-71." A two-year navy veteran, he taught and coached at Hot Springs five years, going to Lead in 1951, where he headed track and football. He earned his masters in 1955 from Wyom( continued on next page)


(continued from preceding page) ing and returned to f:ea_d. He has _his p_resent post of assistant principal and actlv1t1es director since 1967.


Ted McCartney, '51, has been assigned to the new position of director of Lincoln Individual Needs Leaming Center of the Lincoln Public school.

Robert D. Reed, '58, Stapleton, received the master of in education degree, from Kearney State at the January, 1971, commencement.

Cdr. Ronald C. Kucera, fs '51, a graduate of the U.S. Naval academy, is serving in the U.S. military offices and .working with the Colombian navy at Cartagena.

Evanelle "Mom" Paradise, housemother during the 1950s and 1960s,says she is looking forward to being present for the 1971 Homecoming. She attended the 1970 event, coming from her home in Lancaster, Mo.

Adela F. fun (Mrs. Murray)Williams, '56, is in her fourteenih year o( teaching second grade in Colorado Springs, where her address is 426 East Madison.

Dr Phillip ] ay Slagle, '52, is director of the Area Media Center, Council Bluffs, Iowa. He reports seeing many Peruvians in southwest Iowa. The Slagles live on Rt. 2, Council Bluffs. Formerly Phil taught 12 years in Sioux City. He earned MA and EdD degrees from the University of South Dakota.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville E. fErma D. phlers)IGobber:, '50, '49, and their six chi dren live at 730 Midland, Manhattan, Kans., where Mr. Gobber has taught metals at Manhattan Junior high since 1952.

Among the 750 faculty members at Mankato (Minn.) State College are a number of Peruvians, writes Dr. ,Kent H. ,King, professor of psychology, who was a Peru faculty member in 1954-56. Former Peru State students and their year of beginning service at Mankato, include: C. pean Alders, mathematics, 1956; Dr. , Floyd A. , Miller, education, 1969; Ellen Shively, English, 1966; Dr. ,C. Loyd Shubert, education, 1958; Dr. , Charles R. ,Utermohlen, education, 1968. Former Peru faculty members in addition to Dr. King, are Eddice Barber, English, 1956; Dr. r;ordon A. r;avin, industrial arts, 1967, and William S. fiankin, physics, 1964. During the spring quarter Dr. King is on a sabattical leave visiting applied psychologists in Minnesota.

Mr. and Mrs. David (Bonita Brunsdon) Duey, both '55, te.,{ch in the elementary school in Winston, Ore. Bonnie's mother, Nell Graf Bruns don will retire this year from teaching in the Mapleton {Ore.) district.

Marjorie Seeba (Mrs. D. L.) Holt, '52, i$ teaching business education at Rochester {Mtnn.)State Junior College. Her husband is speech pathologist at Mayo Clinic. The Holts and their three daughters in grades five, four, and one, live at 2331 Twelfth avenue, N. W., Rochester.

Mildred Spencer Stewart, MS '59, Rt. 1, Avoca, and her husband, Rev. E. B. Stewart, who are both retired, spent four winter months in Florida visiting two of their children.

Cdr. and Mrs. Donald H. (Mary H. Moore) Gress, '52, 2 yr '54, and son, Bruce, are now living at 2828 Wood street, Ames, Iowa, where Don is affiliated with the ROTC unit at Iowa State.

Constance McKinney Vanderford, 2 yr '59, '64,

retired in 1969, and is now living in Springfield. Her twin sister, Lucile Gilliland, 2 yr '57, retired in 1970, and lives in Ralston. Mrs. Vanderford's daughter, Mrs.. Anita Ahl, 2 yr '55, lives at Springfield, where her son-in-law, Ron Ahl,' 56, is business education instructor. Her sons, Dale Vanderford,' '50, teaches auto mechanics at Bellevue Senior High,_ and Dean Vanderford, fs '57, farms near Peru.

Cteo B. Kelly, assistant librarian at Peru State from 1954 to 1957, is on the staff of the library at .the State University at Nacogdoches, Tex. •

Robert N. "Bob" Adams, '55, is assistant superintendant of the Westside Community schools. Bob and Shirley have two children, Kurt, 12, and Molly, 8. Their home is at 7722 Hascall, Omaha.

The Grand l sland Independent carried a story in December concerning the activities of Moorey B. Cook, custodian at Peru State from 1950 to 1960. A resident of the Veterans Home in Grand Island, Moorey, although blind, works daily at ceramics. At the time the story was written, he was making piggy banks for his niece to be given to her students as Christmas presents. He delights in having visits with Peruvians.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles( Elaine Spier) Krumme, '57, '58, live at 11815 Frances, Omaha. Chuck is principal at Ashland Park, and Elaine has returned to Central High as a counselor following the birth of Jodeen Lynn, September 9, 1969.

Della Meritt Polston, '55, Js elementary reading supervisor in Ralston, where she has been a faculty member 16 years.

James R. Porter, '56, reading supervisor K-12, Omaha Westside District 66 schools, has been elected president .of the newly formed Nebraska State Reading Council of. the International Reading Assocfation. Mr. and Mrs. Porter, the former Elberta Rhoten, '57, have three children, James III, 13, Jeannine,9, and John, 5.

Wayne]. Wt.st, '54, is an elementary principal in Council Bluffs. The Wests' daughter, Lind a, teaches sixth grade in Council Bluffs.

Unadean Armstrong (Mrs. Lloyd) DeFreece, '59, is taking a one year leave of absence after 14 years of teaching first grade in Grand Island. Her address if? Cairo. Her sisters, Leslie Armstrong lames, '56, is a counselor at Barr Junior High, Grand Island, and Iva Armstrong Shaw, '43, is a housewife and substitute teacher in Jonesboro, Ark., schools.

Dr. Dick L. Rottman, fs '59, has been appointed Nevada insurance commissioner. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Peiinsylvania in 1964, he taught at the University of Missouri, University of Arkansas, Arizona State University and at the University of Nevada, Reno, where he was professor of finance and insurance at the time of his appointment. Mrs. Rottman is the former] ean Ruyle, '59.

Dr. L. Fred Thomas, '51, is professor of education at North Texas State University, Denton. The Thomaseshavetwo sons, Larry, 13, and Tommy, 2.

Betty Flack Hutton, fs '51, is teaching kindergarten at the Depot Dependents school, Island, S. C. Her husband, fame$ Hutton, fs '50, is on a tour of duty in Vietnam.

A poem by Marcia Hinton Schwartz, '59, Falls \" City, entitled, "The Old Stone House," illustrated with photographs of the Kansas farmstead which had been the home of the Falls City poet, appeared in the Februa7 7 issue of the Omaha World-Herald Magazine o the Midlands. Mrs. Schwartz and her two sisters, Elaine Margaret Schwartz, '65, and Mildred Appleoff, '69, both of Falls City, had lived on the Brown county farm.


Betty Sedlacek (Mrs Wayne) Wright, '59. is living ilt 16 Marshall lane, Middletown, R.I., where her husband is attending the N-aval War College. The Wrigkts have four children-Alan, a first grader, Julie. a Kindergartener, and twin three-year-old sons. .

Dave Lo1tgfellow, a member of the English staff at Butler County Community Junior College, ElDorado, atteaoed the Shakespeare Institute at the Uaiversitv of Bridgeport, Conn., last summer. He reports tf1at he and his wife, Shirley, a business teacher at BCCJC, recently met Mrs. fna D. retired Pem home economic instructor, who now resides in ElDorado. The Longfellows live at 628 West 10th.

Julia Wmtney Chase, '59, is teaching second and third grade in Liberty, put resides in Wymore. Her sons are both in school work: Tom Whitney, '58, MS.59, guidance ccfunselor at Southern High, Wymore, and Jerry Whitney, '59, math instructor at Horton (Kans.) High.

Beverly Rist Niss, fs '54, former staff, lives at 5945 Hudson, avenue, San Bernardino, Calif. Beverly and Keith have a daughter and three sons.

Bob Simpson, '55, has been named head football coach at Dana College. A member of the Dana athletic staff since 1967, he had previously coached in Harlan, Iowa, and Wymore. During his


To Robert Kelly, '69, and Kathy Gregory Kelly, fs '71, Johnson, a daughter, Christina Lee, March 29, 1971.

To Charles Arnold, '69, and Bonnie Crook Amold, fs '68, 1420 Ramirez street, Marysville, Calif., daughter, Heather Lynn, April 4, 1971.

To George Andrew and Mary Louise Fraser Andrew, former staff, 327 Nickless, Frankenmuth, Mich., a son, Philip Todd, August 30, 1970.

To Bernie Jarecke, '66, and Melissa Fulkerson Jarecke, '64, 7902 Greene circle, Omaha, twins, Mark and Meredith, born June 11, 1970.

To Larry Johnson, '65, and Mrs. Johnson, Boleus, a son, David Loren, June 2 2, 19 70.

ToMonroe McCoy andBarb-ara Vanderford McCoy, botk '64, Forest City, Iowa, a daughter, Julene Marie, February 17, 1971.

To Don Glaesemann, '65, and Mrs. Glaesemann, Hibbing, Minn., a son, Kurt Raymond, December 29, 1no. ·

To Robert F. ,Gibson, '62, and Karolyne Powers Gibson., '63, 117 South 53rd street, Omaha, a daughter, Amy, November 7, 1970.

To Dennis Hilfiker, fs '60, and Lynda Ehlers Hilfiker, 2 yr '60, 1903 Collins drive, Bellevue, a daughter, Heidi Sue, December 2, 1969.

To I erry Greany, fs '70, and Connie Lindbloom Greany, '71, Peru, a daughter, Jessica, February 27, 1971.

To Nick Petrillo, '70, and Cheri Combs Petrillo, '69, Beatrice, a son, Anthony Lynn, February 25; 1970.

To Geral,d Kirkendall, '63, and Mrs. Kirkendall, Stella, a son, Michael Wayne, April 6, 1971.

• To Lee W. Haeberlein, '63, and Mrs. 213 Ilene, Arcadia, Calif., a son, March 26, 1971.

To Gailen McMullen and Barbara Adams McMullen, 2 yr. '58, Beatrice, a daughter, Tamara Lea, March l, 1971.

To Millard Hamel, '63, and Mrs. Hamel, 3273 Waskiagton avenue, Costa Mesa, Calif., a son, 1970.

stint, he was named the most valuable player on the All-Sea service team, including Navy, Marine and Coast Guard personnel. Mrs. Simpson is the former Shirley Gess, fs '55.

· Eugene S. ,McMullen, '58, moved to McCook on February 1, where he resides at 1202 Norris. He represents Hoover Brothers, Inc., school supply and equipment company, in western Nebraska.

Gerald Kerr, '55, is with the Atomic Energy Commission, Bethesda, Md. The Kerrs and their children, David 10, Janet 7, and Roger 3, live at 509 Lynch street, Rockville, Md.


Ron Stoltenberg, '6), teaches at Cajon High, San Bernardino, Calif., where he lives at 5868 Chiq_uita lane with his wife, Doris, and children, Bradley and Susan.

Emes t Ridgeway, '61, teaches English and coaches at Fort Calhoun.

Ruth Carmichael Deline, '68, lives in Plattsmouth, where she is a fifth grade teacher. Her children are Teri Elizabeth, 8, and Jeffrey, 7.

Mr. and Mrs. Gary (Verona Borcher} Neumann, '.67, '66, are teaching at Filley, where Gary teaches junior high social science and math and Verona is fifth grade and remedial reading teacher. They are parents of a son, Michael Alan, 2.

, Nebraskans followed with interest the drive to get the Syracuse High band to Miami for the Orange bowl festivities. The musical group, headed by B. A. f ohnson, '68, and Dale Duensing, '66, ran into difficulties enroute home from the game in which Nebraska was victorious. At Maryville, Mo., they enjoyed the hospitality of NWMSC for two days when caught in a raging blizzard--only 48 hours after enjoying sunny Florida. The Missouri college provided accommodations for the 88-member group for two days.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Janice Johnson} Rinne, '67, fs '67, live at 90 Olympic boulevard, 2104 West Spring Mountain road, Las Vegas. Bill is a candidate for a masters in zoology at the University of Nevada this spring. The Rinnes have a son, Jeramie William, born November 13, 1970.

f ack Rinne, '66, received his masters in zoology in 1969 and is continuing work on the PhD at Arizona State University, with the spring of 1972 as completion date. Mrs. Rinne, the former Mary Inglis, fs '66, will receive a bachelors degree in June from the Tempe institution

Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Mary Sautter) Caverzagie, '64, '66, teach at Plattsmouth High. Charley teaches American History and Mary teaches journalism. They have one s on.

Russell Ash, '66, is instructor in curricula research and development at Western Electric graduate engineering center, Princeton, N .J. His assignment ind udes developing and teaching graduate courses in computer telecommunications. Russ and his wife, Sharon, live at 366 Green lane, Trenton, N.J.

- Nora L. f3radley(Mrs. Adolph) Eichenberger, '60, is now retired and enjoying her farm home near Steinauer after teaching in the elementary schools of Nebraska for 29 years. Presently a granddaughter and nephew are enrolled at Peru State.

Gerhard Schlange, '63, received a ml:!-ster of arts in elementary education degree from Hofstra University, Hempstead, N. Y., the February, 1971, commencement. Gary would like to hear from Peruvians in the Greater New York area who are (continued on next page)

1 ..,

(continued from preceding page)

interested in beginning a Peru alumni chapter. His address is 1603 Kenneth avenue, Baldwin, N. Y.

Mr. ,and Mrs. ,Wayne (Ann) White, both '69, are living at Lake Iowa, where Wayne is coaching football, track, and teaching boys physical education at Lakeview-Auburn school. The Whites have two sons: Brian Michael, born July 6, 1969, and Mark Allen, born September 26, 1970.

Dr. Arlan G. Richardson, '63, who is now engaged in research in the college of biological sciences at the Uu.iversity of Minnesota, join faculty of Illinois State University, Normal: in September, with the rank of assistant professor of chemistry. He holds a Ph.D. from Oklahoma State University, Okla., and taught one year at Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colo.

The Beatrice Daily Sun reported a new innovation in the women's physical e-ducation department at the high school. Under the direction of Cheri Combs (Mrs. Nick} Petrillo, '68, the girls had a football game as a benefit for new gymnastics suits.

The Gateway, student newspaper at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, carried a story concerning the Pero State ties with the university division counseling department. The story tells how the four counselors in the department were in the starting backfield at Peru State during 1959 and 1960. They are Ken Rhodus, '62, fullback and end; Robert Gibson, '62, quarterback; Ross Pilkington,


Roy D. ,Windhorst, Jr., '66, June 20, 1970. At home: Avalon, Wis. Roy is in his fourth year of teaching at Clinton (Wis.) High school.

Gloria Jackson, '68, to Dave Gleason, First Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colo., March 20, 1971. At home: 2020 East LaSalle, Apt. 301, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Ruth Leuenberger, '71, to Martin Paper,, '70, Tecumseh, December 27, 1970. At home: 204 M street, Hamburg, Iowa, where Martin is teaching. Ruth is teaching at Fremont-Mills, Tabor.

Richard Sampson, '71, to Rosemary Oakley, January 23, 1971, First Christian Church, Auburn. At home: Apt. 6, 4544 Nicholas street, Omaha.

Sonja Marie Amick, to Larry Poessnecker, '68, August 15, 1970, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Doniphan.

Sally Kelly, '67,. to David Primrose, Conception Church, Rulo, February 6, 1971. At home: 1706 Thomas ddve., Bellevue.

Jutj,y Holt, '79,to William B. Straw, United Methodist Church, Sidney, Iowa, December 27, 1970. At horn e: Nor folk, Va.

Peggy Ottens, fs '70,to Stanley Johnson, Bethel United Church of Christ, Nebraska City, February 5, 1971. At home: Julian.

Vicki Hall, fs '71, to Michael Chandler, Christian Church, Shubert, December 27, 1971. At home: 1211 East Anne street, Millard.

Roxanne Johns, fs '71, to Alan Smith, St. John's United Church of Christ, Syracuse, January 24, 1971. At home: 6117 Park Lane drive, Omaha.

Sarah Goracke, to Steve Seawall, '70, St. Andrew Catholic Church, Tecumseh, December 26, 1970. At home: Still water, Okla.

'61, and Ron Kelley, '63, halfbacks. Rhodus, a member of the UNO staff for five years, director of the counseling department, is married to the former Jane Kunkel, '64. Gibson's wife is the former Karolyne Powers, '63. Ross' wife, Pauline, a graduate of Simpson, also took classes at Peru State as did Kelly's wife, the former Nancy Simon, fs '63. Following graduation from Peru State, all but Kelley entered coaching at the high school level. Kelley entered pro-baseball with the Red Sox and played with their Waterloo, Iowa, team.

John Creamer, Jr., '69, is enrolled in graduate school at the University of Connecticut. His address is 105 Woodhaven park, Storrs, Conn.

Betty Koester (Mrs. Earl) Tutt, fs '63, lives in Scandia, Kans., where her husband is owner and operater of a grocery. They have two children, Dale and Mary.

Sherrill Torring, 2 yr. '59, '61, is in her eighth year at Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, S. D., where she is elementary physical education supervisor. Her address is 518 East Omaha, Rapid City.

K. Wayne Wallace, '64, is teaching in the West DesMoines schools. The Wallaces live at 200 West Grand with their daughter Anne Marie.

Mr and Mrs. Marion (Inga Faubion)Battani, '62, fs '60, are living at Algona, Iowa, where Marion coaches and teaches and Inga is employed in a bank. They have two children, Roger, 7, and Angela, 8. ,,

Jeanette Romans (Mrs. Roger) Eck, fs '60, is teaching accounting in the junior college system at Mesa, Ariz., where her hush and is teaching operations research in the University of Arizona. They live at 401 South Standage, Mesa.

Fern Heiser Wood, '68, lives at 3853 North 65th street, Omaha, where she is an elementary teacher.

Paul Stevenson, '66, will be a summer candidate for an MS degree from Kearney State. Mrs. Stevenson, the former Mary Hunzeker, '68, teaches first grade at Shelton. They live at Countryside Trailer court no. 98, Kearney.

Mr and Mrs. Charles F. (Nancy Check)Gordon, both '66, are living in Kearney where Charles is working on a masters degree at Kearney State under a graduate assistantship.

H. Pauline Rathjen (Mrs. [van C.), Haith, '68, is in her seventh year teaching in the Humboldt Public schools. She teaches fifth grade.

Anita (Mrs. Ron) Norman, '69, received a master of arts degree in library science from the University of Denver in August, 1970. She is now a supervisor librarian in a branch library in Austin, Tex., where her address is 6201 P enwood Lane, Austin.

Steve Parker, '63, 3439 West Charter Oak road, Phoenix, is teaching high school art' in the Phoenix school system. The Parkers have two daughters, Shelly, 4, and Amy, I.

James L. Snyder, '66, received a law degree from the University of Nebraska and is now staff assistant to the secretary of the board of education, Omaha Public schools.

PaulL. Horel, '69, plans to complete his masters at NEMSC, Kirksville, Mo., during the 1971 summer. He is in his second year of teaching in the Lincoln Middle school at Albia, Iowa.

David Fulton, '60, is teaching in the social science division at Platte College, Col um bus. Mrs. Fulton is the former Rae Mae Henry, 2_yr '60·

Mr. , and Mrs. , Frank (Linda Elliott) Ruecker, '65, '67, teach in the Omaha Public schools-Frank at South and Linda at Central. They live at 7426 Grover.

Karen Cahow, '65, is Girl Scout executive, in


NEBRASKA PO ET LAUREATE John G. Ne i hardt remi.nisces with Miss Nellie McAuley, left, and Mrs. Mary Ruth Wi 1 son at his Apr i 1 appearance on the Peru State Co 11 ege campus. Mi ss Mc Aul ey, Peru, was a member of a 1919 class in modern poetry when Or. Neihardt made his first visit to the of a Thousand Oaks. Miss McAul ey recaH s that or. Nei hardt, a friend of the late or. Homer House, then head of the English department, caae to the campus to speak to her class \Vhen the poet was writing his famous epic, ""The song of Hugh Glass. " The visit was two years before Or. Nei hardt became Poet Laureate through an act of the Nebraska 1 eg is1atu re. Mrs. wn son. ass i st ant pro fe sso r of Engl ia mKI speech, is chairman of the commi ttee \Vhich arranged the poet's 1971 visit to Peru St.ate.. Miss McAul ey was present for Dr. leihaf"!dt•s -Laureate tour" visit to the ccnpus in 1921. and again when he returned in 1965. s 811 ance, scheduled for the Fine Arts had to be moved to the larger canap limditorium to accommodate the tll of Nebraskans who. flocked to hear leihardt recite 1 i nes from hi .s famous poetry,.

the (K:.....,) a:rea council. Karen received a MS .... lramiamms.State University, Manhattan, and aow lh!ea at 9111 'West Central, Wichita.

Laaa!ti *fl'l!ti is teaching at St. Anne's -duee years at Arcadia.

co for Bmwm !tave JodiS.

llmwa, "62, is attached to the mlll:.nlctor of emergency war orders

Cl'8WS at Warren AFB, Wyo. The ·dwee eltd.d:ren:: Joel 8, Jay 7, and

lllllMI• IL Yelaa" '61, is teaching English and has aew comae "Problems of the 70s," pl J.•.. md the students at Indian Hill J On• attending the University of Creeley under a fellowship and wlD th llA degree in mental retarda tion m II&)" B• Imme: address is 4305 North 85th OR-'8.

Sc:lmeiller,, *67, is a health-physics techmci• for Nehraaka Public Power District at the Cooper Kacie• station Brownville. He and Mrs. Sc " the fomter l•et Wheeler, '69, live at Nema'8.

Ro:s Case, '6), is teaching at Shawnee College,

Ullin, Ill. Ron, his wife, Billie, a former staff member, and family live at 1610 West Copeland, Marion, Ill.

ForMelissa Fulkerson I arecke, '66, 190.2 Greene Circle, Omaha, the spring play, «Blithe Spirit," had special significance. Patty Lewis, a Bellevue fr'eshman whom she nad taught speech in the ninth grade, had the role of Ruth, the same part that Melissa played in 1961.

Mr. and Mrs .Marion L. {Barbara Lasko) Miller, '65, fs '65, live at 11 Tuller road, Fairfield, Conn., where "Butch" is an administrative assistant for the State National Bank of Connecticut. The Millers have two children: Scott, 5, and Kelly Jeanne, I. Sandra Hopp, '68, is in her third year of teaching girls physical education at Columbus Senior high. She is working towards her masters at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

Capt. (Lnd Mrs. Kenneth (I udy Elsinger} Boatman, '66, '68, are residing at 5345 Cherry street, Lawton, Okla., where Kenneth is attending field artillery officers advance course at Fort Sill. The Boatmans have a three-year-old daughter, Diane.

Michael Chu, '65, who teaches in the Grandview (Mo.) High school, became a United States citizen December 18. Last summer he and his wife, Marianne, visited San Francisco where they took the bay cruise and traveled under the Golden Gate bridgeunder which he had traveled IO years and four days earlier when he arrived in the United States from Hong Kong. '


Alan Kraeger, '70, 69 24 Oak plaza, Omaha, is teaching at Westside High school. The Kraegers are parents of. a son, born June 8, 1970.

Steve Byers, '70, is in jet pilot training at Randolph AFB, Tex. When commissioned in last June, the oath was given by his father, 0. V. Byers fr., '47, a lieutenant colonel in the USAF reserves. Steve was married to Cheryl Kaye Long, in December, 1970.

Mardell Berkmann (Mrs. Dale} Seybert, '70, of Nebraska City says 1970 was a great year. Twentyfive years after high school, she received her degree. She taught 15 of those years. The Seyberts have three children, Alan, a high school senior, Mary, a sophomore, and Julie, age 3.

Don Seger, '70, is teaching English at Grand Island Senior High.

Wayne A. Stuck, '70, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and has been assigned to navigator training at Mather( Calif.) AFB. His wife, the former Elaine Flattre, '70, is teaching at Hebron.


Information comes to the Peru Stater of the death of these alumni and friends:

Raymond B. Bauman, 2 yr '41, Omaha, December 12, 1970.

Betty E. Henning Vanderford, '98, Auburn, December 20, 1970.

Kate Carter (Mrs F. W.} Setzer, '99, Auburn. A member of a pioneer Peru family, six of her brothers and sisters had attended Peru State. Survivors include her daughters, Lavern Lunsford, '36, Falls City, Leora Hammond, '29, Boone, Iowa, and sisters, Harriet Carter Blythe, '06, Peru, and Bessie Carter Amman, '03, Falls City.

Dr. W. G. Brooks, '07, president emeritus of Chadron State College, April 7, 1971.

(continued on next page)

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(continued from preceding page}

B. A. Eddy, assistant professor of education and campus school supervisor from 1951 until 1967, December 15, at Beatrice. After the closing of the campus school, he served as principal of Nebraska City Junior high, at Talmage, and did graduate study at Kansas State University, Manhattan.

C. A. Huck? a member of the mathematics faculty from 1923 until 1952, Lincoln, April 10, 1971; following a long illness.

Louise Upson (Mrs. C. E.) A mold, '11, Sargent, November 27, 1970.

Gertrude McAdams (Mrs, Elmer) Talmage, '15, March, 1971, Billings, Mont.

Amelia Clary Young, '14, Cape Girardeau, Mo., April 6. She served as postmaster for 15 years at Brownville, where she had lived since 1914.

Miss Lottie Gertrude Deubler, '18, Johnson, December 4, 1970. She taught 45X! years in Nebraska public schools.

Roger Kuhlmann, '58, November 25, 1971, in an automobile accident enroute to the high school where he was a teacher. Roger served as secretary of the Southeran California Alumni chapter in 1969-70. Survivors include his wife, Bobbie, daughter, Carlynd, and sisters, f une Kuhlmann, '48, Placentia, Calif., and Clara Mae Kuhlmann Moore, '48, Kenai, Alaska. ·

Donald Graham, '51, chief of manual arts therapy, Veterans Administration hospital, Knoxville, Iowa, March 5, 1971. Previously he was on the staff of Northern Ariz.ona University, Flagstaff.

Lydia Wheeler (Mrs./.].) Glasgow, '37, burg, N. Y., December, after a brief illness. She was chairman of the English department at Cumberland Head High.

Dorothy] ennings (Mrs. William G.)Stump, fs '35, St. Paul, Minn., November 11, 1970.

Rolon Orval Rasp, '28, Lincoln, in an automobile accident, March, 1970.

Fay Farthing Hale, '14, Hardy. She is survived by her husband, Russell, '13, and sister-in-laws Cleo V. flale, '12, Omaha, and Ethel Hale Russell' '13, Kalamazoo, Mich. '

Esther McDonald Axtell, '18, for many years a teacher in Nebraska rural schools, December 19, 1970, at York.

Pearl Wagey, '07, October 28, 1970, Cambridge.

L.uluP as co, '05, Good Samaritan Center, Auburn, January 6, 1971. She was a retired Omaha teacher.

Dr. Frank E. Ware, head of the department o physical science at Peru State from 1930-39, Seattle February 3, 1971. A World War I and II veteran, hi left Peru to teach at Slippery Rock (Pa.) and late was a lecturer at the University of Washington where he retired in 1968. Survivors include his wife Cora, a son, daughter, and two grandchildren.

Ethel Williamson (Mrs. ]. B.)Kilbourn '04, Denton, Tex., where she w-as making her ha'me wit: her daughter, Marian Benson. She had been a long time resident of Gooding, Ida.

Eulalie Shaffer Call (Mrs. W. G.) Ohlsson, '1( Laguna Hills, Calif.

Walter M. Ubben, '35, March 13, 1971, at Veteran: Administration Hospital, Topeka, Kansas, where h• had been hospitalized for eight years. A Nebrasb high school administrator for 23 years, Mr. Ubben survived by his wife, the former C aryll Bohl, fs '35 a Peru State business office employee, and i daughter, Christie, a Peru State senior.

!dress Lea Conner Cole, fs'31, March 22, Counci Bluffs, Iowa.

Bonnie Ellis LaRue, '21, Weeping Water, Sept· ember 20, 1970.

Karen Blair(Mrs. ljoward F.J,Rowley, '17, Omaha November 6, 1970. She was in Peru for her 50-yeai reunion in 19 67.

Gloria 0' H arra (Mrs. Richard D.) Noell '61 Colorado Springs, Colo., December 9, 1970. Sh€ taught until about one month prior to her fina illness and had attended the November 1 meet of Rocky Mountain Alumni in Denver.

Carol Gunlach, 2 yr. '41, '45, Nebraska City iI an automobile accident near Omaha February '19. 1971. '

Emma A. ,Eggenberger, '06, Chico, Calif., Marcl 13. During her teaching career, she had taught ir Nebraska and at Long Beach, Calif. in Woodro'I Wilson High. '

Reported Deceased by Postal Authorities.

Bertha Reed Swan, '08, Chico Calif., where she had been confined to a nursing home.

Della Mae Brenner Wheeler, '59, Falls City.

Alice Hickey (Mrs. ] . F.) Conway, '02' Pender.

Fanny B. r;ross, '08, Crowell home, Blair.

Laura Mc Conney (Mrs. William) Wentworth, '14 Waterloo.

Stella V. flindenach, '38, Columbus.

Reba True Meyer, '13, Fairbury.

Zalia Current Autry, 2 yr. '26, Sterling, Colo.

Marjorie E. Nelson(Mrs. William) fs '33 Gresham.

PERU STATE COLLEG£ Campus of a Thousand Oaks Peru, Neoraska US Postage PA ID Permit No. 4 Peru, Nebraska 68421 Address Correction Requested
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Well Child Clinic Operation Again • ID

Beginning November 12, a free Well Child Clinic is again in ope1;_ation· on the campus of Peru State College. The clinic for pre-school and elementary age c:hildren will be open to Southeast Nebraska residents, ·according to Brad Field, Humboldt, director of the Southeast Nebraska Community Action Council.

A well-child clinic operated at Peru State from April, -1948, until the death of the resident pediatrician, Dr. Dorothy Smith, maternal child care director for the State Board of Health, in the fall of 1969. The new clinic, patterned after the original which was started under ·a Kellogg Foundation largely through the efforts of the late Ruth Vernon (Mrs. L.B.} Mathews, Peru health educator, will be sponsored by the Southeast Nebraska Community Action Council. Dr. Van Leeuwen, chief of pediatrics, University of N ehraska Medical School, Omaha, will he pediatrician.

Peru State College will provide the facilities of the Student Health Center and the services of Mrs. Virginia Miller, college nurse.

Under the positive health program, parents bring their children for regularly scheduled visits and through the pediatrician's examination any defects found may more easily he corrected. At no time does the cHnic y,rescribe treatment--it refers the parent to the fami y doctor or a specialist.

•The whole concept behind the Well Child Clinic· is to provide preventative medical care and to keep children well and happy," Mrs. Miller said.

Esther Holmes (Mrs. Lester) Russell, Peru, will serve as clinic aid, a position she held at time the clinic was discontinued. Appointments should be made by contacting her.

Under the new set-up, the Clinic will operate once a month and will he open during ahernoon and early evening.

Additions Include Replacements For Faculty Members on Leave

With the start of the 105th academic year, seven new professional staff members were on duty at Peru State.

Kans., joined the library staff during the summer months. New to the teaching faculty were Verona Beguin, Rushville, vocational-technical and business education; Stanley McCaslin, Rochester, Minn., director of data processing; Edward Bodensteiner, Ames, Iowa, ec;onomics; Randy Bolton, Blair, drama; Jeffrey Dilts, St. Joseph, Mo., business administration; John Semon, Los Angeles, Calif., sociology.

On leaves of absence for graduate study are Jerry Cox, business education; Dave Gunderson, business administration; William Miles, sociology; and William Snyder, .economics. Cox, Miles and Snyder are inprograms at the University of Nebraska, and Gunderson is at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks.

Everett W. Br owning, assistant director of special services for the. past two years, was reassigned to teaching English and journalism.

. Howard Hatcher, '33, 2651 South Logan, Denver, is elementary principal at Fort Logan Elementary school, Sheridan district, Arapahoe county. •

Our Cover Buffalo City Shoot Out

The 1971 Summer Drama workshop at Peru State had Buffalo City, USA, Nebraska City, as its stage. Each Sunday, the troupe, under the direction of Mrs. Mary Ruth-.,Wilson, broqght the town to life with "shoot-out," comedy, music, and dancing. Their initi_al performa:n:ce hadthe Nebraskaland tour group in the audience. Among those present were Lt. Governor Frank Marsh and Mrs. Marsh. The proprietors of Buffalo City, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stites, have invited, the. 1972 workshop back to their frontier city near Camp Creek. The workshop is designed to give each class member knowledge and experience in all phases of •putting on a show.•

Farewell From Editor

After writing and editing the Peru Stater since the issue of October, 1954, your scribe will lay down his pen with this issue. Come January 1, 1971, he will assume the position of Director of Place?Ient at Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville. As these words are being written, he is trying to adjust to thinking in terms of green and white instead of pale blue and white.

Since coming to Peru in June, 1954, your scribe has had the opportunity to vmeet some of the finest people he will ever expect to meet. Associations through the Alumni Association and the Peru Achievement Foundation have been heart-warming.

Through these years he has had numerous experiences which illustrate the fact that the influence of Peru State is felt far beyond the borders of Nebraska.

This past summer at the San Francisco convention of Kiwanis International,. your scribe met a 1908 grad he first met at the time of the 1958 reunion of that class--J. Harold Williams of Los Angeles. Later that same week he met a Boone Iowa, nephew of Harriet Carter Blythe, '06, seh, and a door keeper from on'e of the host clubs at one of the sessions said his wife had attended Peru.

The real coincidence came later on a cable car ride when another Kiwanian noted "Nebraska" on the lapel tag. He remarked his "great grandfather was first superintendent of public instruction in Nebraska."

Your scribe answered, "Yes, his name was J.M. McKenzie, and he was the first president of the first college in Nebraska-- now Peru State College."

Further conversation identified the great grandson of J. M. and Charlotte Burch McKenzie as Malcolm R. Robertson, academic vice-president of Azusa Pacific College at Azusa, Calif. He has promised to· pay Peru State a visit.

Best wishes to Peruvians--everywhere.

ct'be [p [E! ill 1]J Volwne XV Number 2 Fall, 1971 Official publication of Peru State College. Published and distributed in November and May. Please notify college of change of address.


50th Grad Day Brings 1931, 19"46 Reunions

All the ingredients to "Have a Happy Day,, were there November 6, when Peru State College celebrated the 50th Homecoming. For the first time since 1965, the alumni day crowd was treated to a Bobcat football victory. The 35-15 ho me coming victory over Culver-Stockton was even more significant since it snapped a 15-game losing streak.

Miss Marlene Meyer, of Nehawka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Meyer, was presented at halftime and crowned the thirty-third Homecoming queen. Her sister, Jody, now Mrs. David LaMontagne, 513 Wilshire drive, Bellevue, reigned as queen in 1968. It was the first time in Peru homecoming history that a sister had been elected. Miss Meyer's .attendants were Cathy Cole, Auburn; Jeannine Davis, Tecumseh; Charlene Harrahill, Omaha, and Betty Johnson, Omaha.

Alumni week end activities began Friday evening when members of the 25- and 40-year classes met at Arbor Manor in Auburn for reunions. Seven of the 54 known living members of the 1931 class answered roll call and seven of the 32 known living members of the 1946 class were present. ·

Balloting for alumni offices throughout the day, resulted in the election of Robert Adams, assistant superintendent of the Omaha Westside Community Schools, as president of the Peru Alumni Association. Richard Daly, Auburn, was elected first vicepresident; Karlene Dougherty Sherwood, Peru, second vice-president; Sandy Hopp, Columbus, secretary and Marianne Shuey Applegate, Louisville, treasurer.

The concert by The Bells, well-known rock group, presented Friday evening to a capacity audience in the College Auditorium, started oncamp us events.

A 31-unit parade of area bands, and floats by student and civic groups, highlighted Saturday morning activities at a.m. Winning marching bands were awarded trophies in four categories. Rock Port, Mo., Junior High won their division. In the other division, Auburn High won class A; Platteview of Springfield, class B, and Fairmont, class C. A three-number concert by the massed bands, which included in addition to those mentioned, Pawnee City, Humboldt, Beemer, and DawsonVerdon, was presented at halftime.

The Industrial Arts Club won first in the flol!t co·mpetition with their animated airplane and the slogan •shoot Down.the Wildcats". The Peru State Social ·Science Society placed second, and the College Secretaries Association pl aced third. Window decorating contest winners were Beta Beta Beta biology honorary, first;. Connie Gregg, Hartington, second; Junior Class, third.

Tynon Farms of Peru had a family entry: A Ford carrying Mrs. Vashti Cornell Tynon, a 1905 graduate, her grandson, Mike, a 1970 graduate, and Kelly Tynon, a future graduate. The sign declared three generations of the family have been educated

Happy Day I

At halftime ••• Dr. Gamon, Queen Marlene and escort, Mike o• Brien.

at Peru State starting well before the coming of the Model A Ford.

Alumni day activities included coffee hour, registration, voting, and a noon 1 uncheon at which classes 0f five year intervals for years ending in 'l' and '6' were given special recognition.

Graduates registered from as far away as Hawaii, California, and Indiana. ·

A third presentation of the Peru Dramatic Club's production, "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare was presented at 7:30 p.m. Music for the Homecoming Dance was presented by The Elastic Band. Yes, it was •a Happy Day,, at Peru.

Mrs. A. B. Clayburn, 1309 North San Juan avenue, Stockton, Calif., writes that she is •busy doing whatever it is that keeps a housewife forever busy." Mrs. Clayburn's late husband was a member of the geography faculty from 192 2 until 1962.

Al and Fran Wheeler write from their retirement home at Matthews, N. C., to report that Al, Jr. received his Ph.D. from Cornell in Entomology at the spring commencement and was elected to Phi Kappa Phi. He is now a survey entomologist for the Bureau of Plant Industry, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture in Harrisburg. Al coached at Peru from 1938 until 1965, and Fran held several teaching assignments during that period.

• IS

1971 Grads Number 274

Two hundred and forty-seven candidates for degrees were honored at May and August commencements at Peru State College.

The May 29 event had as speaker, J. Alan Cramer, Wayne, president of the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska S. Colleges. Special recognition was given members of the 1911 and 1921 reunion classes.

Summer graduates were charged with a two-fold obligation by Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president of Peru State College.

They were charged to provide cfor yourselves and your families a full way of life unattainable without the advantages you now enjoy as a college graduate" and "to contribute positively to the welfare of others ''in the community in which you live, to the state which has so significantly shared in the attainment of your goals and to the nation which has as one of its cornerstones a free and educated citizenry."

In his address .Dr. Gomon told of the critical evaluation which is being leveled at higher education. With the increasing pressures e>n all levels of government for support, colleges and universities are under particular scrqnity because of the nebulous measures availahle for assessment of their product.

"It is not too difficult to evaluate tons of bombs, or yards of concrete, or yield per acre, ·but how does one measure the effectiveness of human productivity?" he asked.

The graduates' work has been evaluated and satisfactory. within the framework of values developed, but graduation does not necessarily guarantee acceptable performance, Dr. Gomon warned.

"The institution can only say it has provided the product with a body of knowledge and experiences with which they should be able to make a positive contribution to the society in which we all live."

He called for support of the continued efforts of Peru State to provide educational programs to meet the needs of students yet to come.

August degree candidates:

Bachelor of Arts in Education-Merlyn W. Arends, Talmage; Harlan J. Cripe, Beatrice; Leland Isaacson, Essex, Iowa; Ellen Meritt, Peru; Barbara Harms Million, Hamburg, Iowa; Jane Margaret O'Connor,

Pawnee City; Steven E. Wymore, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Bachelor of Science in Education--Ralph M. Bodie, Burchard; Carole Ann Boice, Nebraska City; Gerry Brammer, Peru; Phyllis Bridgmon, Cook; Richard L. Bryson, Wymore; Evelyn E. Buethe, Tecumseh; John F. C avotta, Machanicville, N. Y.

Evelyn C. Crain, Northboro, Iowa; Coleen Ann deKoning, Burchard; Virginia M. Feurer, Johnson; Eldonna S. Forrest, Plattsmouth; Janet M. Frana, Nebraska City; Esther Gebers, Auburn; Verlene E. Hobein, Beatrice.

Betty J. Huskey, Murdock; Beatrice Mildred Jenkins, Omaha; Cremora Fern Dougherty Johanns, Michigan City, Ind.; Laura E. Judkins, Lincoln.

Leona M. Krause, Stella; Bruce McClintock, Pawnee City; Lorna Mae McMurray, Adams; Sandra Ann Meinzer, Falls City; Terrance J. Moran, Jr., Worcester, Mass.; Norma Jane Moyer, Thurman, Iowa; L. Darlene O'Brien, Geneva.

Judy Henning Peterson, Auburn; Victoria B. Pickering, Syracuse; Carolyn Spohn Pointer, Elmwood; Connie Ann Rausch, Lincoln; Phyllis Jean Reeves, Brownville; Mildred Gilliland Rieschick, Falls City; Sue Vaughn Rieschick, Salem.

Sheila Kay Steinkuhler, Douglas; Joyce Elaine Stukenholtz, Curtis; Willa Jean Tu. Stutheit, Johnson; Joyce C. Walter, Farragut, Iowa; Dorothy M. Wander, Syracuse; Merna Ward, Fairbury; Jack W. Weyers, Sterling; Wissler, Pawnee City.

Bachelor of S cience--V. Elaine Curren, Riverside, Calif.; Jane Ann Frerichs, Talmage; John Stephen Gilmore, Shenandoah, Iowa, Thomas W. Gomon, Lincoln; Wade E. Lair, Hamburg, Iowa.

James T. Million, Hamburg, Iowa; Fred Owen Rist, Humboldt; Richard Gary Samson, Omaha; Randall Lynn Sulhoff, Council Bluffs, Iowa; David Green Trenholm, Denver, Colo.

Associate in Arts--L illian R. Davis, Omaha; Mary Jefferson Holmes, Omaha; Essie Lillian Jefferson, Omaha; Emma Louise Wilson, Omaha.

May degree candidates:

Bachelor of Arts: Susan L. Larson, Nebraska City; Janet McMullen, Stella.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education: Benjamin M. Allen, Omaha; Christopher P. Corbett, Lone Tree, Iowa; Wilson E. Field, IV , Tecumseh; Connie Lindbloom Greany, Lincoln; Barbara J. Kingery, (continued on page 5)

Dr. Gomon congratulates Omaha teachers at the 1971 summer commencement. Associate of arts and a bachelor of science degree were awarded to the ladies who have been a part of the College's supplementary program for head start teachers. They are Mary J. Holmes, Enma L. Wilson, Lillian Davis, Essie L. Jefferson, and Beatrice Jenkins, the baccalaureate degree recipient.


Alumni Tour To Cover

Early response to the Alumni tour to Europe during the summer of 1972 has been very gratifying. A number of Peruvians have already sent deposits to hold reservations for the Four-Capitals tour.

Open to all interested alumni, parents, faculty, friends and their families, the tour will leave New York on July 13 by jet for Madrid and return on July· 27 from London after two weeks of fun and excitement.

There will be many exciting features on this tour including the colorful sights of picturesque Madrid, the gaily illuminated "Venice of the North"' city of Amsterdam, the wonderful city of Copenhagen with Kronborg Castle of Hamlet fame, and historic and scenic London. Peruvians will see the many treasures of paintings, mosaics, sculptures and murals in the famous galleries of Europe.

The tour price of $750 includes round-trip jet fare air transportation from New York, accommodations, sightseeing and transportation in Europe, and • almost all meals. The services of a professional tour company thoroughly. familiar with Eurepean travel have been secured to take care of all details for a worry-free vacation.

Befere departure you will receive full details on shopping, currency, packing and other informetio:a to assist with travel preparations.

One of the good aspects of the tour selected for ':eruvians. is the fact that at each stop, a full day is set aside for free time spent in shopping,

President Gomon Expressed Hope for Expansion of Vo-Tech Program

Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president of Peru State College,, is hopeful vocational-technical offerings at Peru State will be expanded in the future.

,LB759 passed by the 1971 legislature created eight Vocational-Technical districts in Nebraska, hut .calls for exclusion of four-year colleges in the program.

Despite this fact, an amendment to the present law could make such offerings possible at Peru State. An alternative would be a lease arrangement for Peru State facilities for use in vocationaltechnical programs administered by the vocational:technical district.

Four Capitals


i:aformation was revealed by State Senator Wayne Ziebarth, author of the original bill who was on the Pen1 State campus in October during hearing he(p,btll.e legislative budget committee. for add·itional vocational-technical proat. Peru by Southeast Nebraska governmental organizations and individuals has beea ovenvhelming, Dr. Gomon said. He feels peo,ple in the area would support a change in the original hill by amendment or for a lease arrangement.

Further discussions are scheduled with officials in working out a plan to make expanded vocationaltechnical programs possible at Peru State, Dr. $aid. ·

The two present vocational-technical programs and Accounting Technology) are Fese.ndy offered at Peru State. Funded by the 1971 legislature, the programs will be included in the budget request for consideration by the 1972 I egislature.

Aarhus, Jutland, air museum.

Denmark ••• o1d Town open rest, or more sightseeing. It is planned to be more relaxed than the usual •u it's Tuesday, we're in Belgium" type tour.

For additional details, contact the alumni office.


(continued from page 4)

Peru; Maynard D. Martin, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Ivan V. Miller, Grundy Center, Iowa; Richard R. Munson, Lehigh, Iowa; Jacquelyn A. Pummel, Nebraska City; Joseph A. Tackett, Tabor, Iowa; William M. Wassil, Lilly, Pa.

Bachelor of Arts in Education: Gerald M. Bender, Milford; Sara M. Beran, Louisville; Daisy J. Berry, Thurman, Iowa; Harlan F. Biere, Auburn; Jean E. Blair, Creston, Iowa.

Lawrence T. Bradley, Lenox, Iowa; Mary Ann Burgess; Julian; Darlene M. Cogdill, Shelby, Iowa; Danny D. Collin, Peru; David Allen Davison, Nebraska City; Naomi Y. Dettman, Stella; Otto C. Deuchler, Omaha; Lola Jean Estle, Sabetha, Kansas; Nancy Sue Hunzeker Fox, Humboldt.

Alan L. Henning, Auburn; William F. Hulette, Gardner, Mass.; Ronald E. Kubik, Valparaiso; Carol Langer, Nemaha; Janet McMullen; Stella; Ivan V. Miller, Grundy Center, Iowa; Gary D. Nelson, Osceola; Clifford D. Owen, Shenandoah, Iowa; Harold D. Prior, Orient, Iowa.

Roger Riensche, Beatrice; Donna Mary Thomas, Papillion; Carol A. Tynon, Peru; Judy K. Whitney, Reserve, Kansas; Frederick W. Will, Syracuse; Lanny L. Williams, Stella.

Bachelor of Science in Education: Donald L.

(continued on page 16)

Enrollment at Peru State College for the fall semester is 1,00 I students down slightly from the l,O 12 enrolled the spring semester, according to Dr. Kelly J. Li ewer, registrar and director of admissions.


As the Peru Stater goes to press, Jack Mclntire's basketball team, owns a 2-2 record, winning over Doane College and Albert Lea and losing to Iowa Wesleyan and Albert Lea. Th,e wrestling team of Harlan Krein in its second season has an undefeated record of 4-1, having defeated l'{,ebraska W.esl eyan, J. F. Kennedy, and Bellevue Colleges.

Hanford Miller Feted

More than 100 former students, colleagues,and friends of Hanford Miller paid tribute to the retii-ing P_eru State College chemistry professor in late May. Mr. Miller retired at the close of the spring semester with emeritus rank after 24 years of service to Nebraska's first college.

The Millers' three children--all graduates of ·Peru State-were present for the dinner: David, a music teacher inthe Panora-Linden, Iowa, Community. Schools, Mrs. Dave (Judy) Stiteler, Albuquerque, N.M., member of the board of directors of the Albuquerque Symph<>"hy, and Hanford, Jr., chemist with the U. S. Food and Drug B altim.ore, Md.

Mrs. Stiteler played two violin solos; accompanied by Dr. Gavin Doughty, chairman of the di vision of fine arts, who also played a piano solo.

A tribute by Dr. John C. Christ, chairman of the division of science and mathematics cited the many former students of Mr. Miller who are in positions of leadership in science,, industry and education. Dr. Neal S. Gomon, president of Peru said Mr. Miller was one of the. veteran faculty members upon whom the college had depended.

Mr. Victor Kingery, assistant p·rcfessor of physics, presented a bound volume of letters from Mr. Miller's former students.

Mr. Lyle McKercher, associate professor of ma thematics, presented a •homemade gun site," a gift of those present and others who sent good wishes. With the gift was an explanation that the proper choice was difficult and a cash gift was available for the purchase of one of his choice.

Dr. Daryl C. Long, assistant professor of physical science and mathematics, was master of ceremonies, and Albert 0. Brady, associate professor of biology, gave the invocation.

Mr. Miller spent the first week end inOctober in Indiana attending a special "retirement party." Financed by his former chemistry majors in the area, he attended the Purdue-Iowa game and toured the Perdue campus with Dr. Fred Regnier, '60, as his guide. Before returning to Peru, he toured the research and production facilities of Eli Lily Co., in Indianapolis, where he was a guest of Dr. John Parli, '62. Dr. Arlan Richardson, '63, and Don Schmidt, '65, also were sponsors of the "private" retirement party. Arlan is a member of the chemistry faculty at Illinois University, Normal, and Don has taken a teaching assignment in Texas and his new address has not as yet been received.

The children of Hanford and Edith Miller were present for the retirement dinner lt"J>onoring the 24-year chemistry faculty member. Jr., and his wife, Mary; Judy (Mrs. bave) Stiteler; Sandy and Dave Miller, stand behind their parents.

Grid Season Ends With Hopes for '72

The 1971 Bobcat grid team showed great improvement in defense, regardless of a 1-9 record. Only two losses were by more than two touchdowns. The closing game of the season, the 'Cats single victory over Culver-Stockton, broke a fifteen game losing streak and gave Peru the first homecoming victory since 1965.

Regardless of the victory, Head Coach Joe Pelisek felt the team's best effort came the preceding week against NCC champs, Wayne State. The final score left the Bobcats short, 7-6. A field-go al attempt by the 'Cats in the final two minutes of the game was spoiled by a bad snap from center.

Throughout ·the season the Bobcat scoring threat came ho th in the air and on the rush. Sophomore quarterback, Terry Criger, Nebraska City, threw eleven touchdown passes; four into the hands of junior end, John Winkle, Whittemore, Iowa. The ground threat was led by the speedy freshman halfback, Avery Wallace who accumulated five TD's to lead the scoring. These three young players along with sophomore fullback, Barry Reed, Henry, Ill., who shared the second scoring position of 24 with Winkle, will be ret'urning next year to lead the Bobcat offense.

Outstanding for the defense was 155 lb. Gordon Thompson, sophomore from Lake Charles, La. "Gordy" was responsible for stopping many strong runners but n:i.ainly for picking off four passes and returnin& them 378 yards, scoring two TD's.

The tCats lose only four seniors from the 197 I line up, but returning upperclassmen, anticipate freshman recruits and transfers should help to fill these pos.itions

1971 Scores: (PSC ,score first)

13 S. D. State, Madison 12 Tarkio 22 Graceland 28 N. W. Missouri State 20 Uni. of_ S. D. -Springfield 12 Missouri Western 14 Kearney State 7 Chadron St ate 6 Wayne State 35 Culver-Stockton Record: 1-9-0 45 14 29 35 34 21 24 47 7 15

Fou)n,dation Continues to Serve PSC

The year 1971 is fast approaching its close. The trustees of the Peru Achievement Foundation are grateful to Peruvians EVERYWHERE for their which have provided Peru State College with nof provided for through legislative appropnation.

One of the greatest needs met by the Foundation is matching funds for the National Defense Student Loan program. Since its beginning in 1958, the gifts of alumni and friends of Peru State for matching funds - totaling $34,923. 21 plus re-payment mo:aey available for re-loaning, has made it possible for Peru State students to borrow $50 3,550 under the terms of tht> federal NDSL program. Every dime of matching funds have come from the Peru Achievement Foundation.

Add to this, the scholarships provided by the Foundation: a report of the fall, 1971, scholarship total is included in the story of the October meeting of tile Foundation.

CO$e; Spring, a project began by gifts of the class of 1919, will become reality. That class took: upon itself replacing the bulletin board, a gift of the 1917 class attheir graduation. The new threesided,, lighted structure will be erected on the site of the present bulletin board in front of the administration (Note to 1917 class members: the plaqtre from yo.ur bulletin hoard will be incorporated in the new bulletin board.}

A Lonor roll of giving for 1971 will be prepared and ma.iled to Peruvians after the first of the year. We are grateful for gifts which have made the Foundation of service to Peru State. We hope we can count on yonr support in 197 2. The need continues.

State College Board Member Joins PAF-Trustee Board

Ward H. Falls City, was elected to the hoard of trustees of the Peru Achievement Foundation,. Inc., of Peru State College at the October meeting of the non-profit educational foundation..

Election of Mr. Reesman, member of the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State College, brings the total trustees on the Foundation hoard to 25. Founded in 1955 to provide financial assistance to Peni State in areas not covered by legislative appropriation, the Foundation receives the bulk of its support from alumni of Peru State College.

The Foundation hoard scholarship report shows a total of 60 scholarships totaling $4,825 were awarded Luthe fall semester at Peru State College. For the fall semester, P AF provided $4,444 for matching funds for National Defense Student Loan program.

Report of Treasurer Carroll Lewis showed receipts of $3,124 in the general fund for the first five months of the fiscal year. Special gifts to the A.V. and Wilhelmina Larson Memorial fund of $2,000 and to the Elsie Imo Fisher Memorial of $5,000 were reported for the period. These will support perpetual scholarships. Income from investments totaled $3,877.09. Total receipts for the period were $24,367.44, and investments purchased total $17 ,223.50.

Total investments for the Foundation, excluding

insurance policies, and assets of the vending division are now $95,7 45. 77.

The Foundation authorized the granting of four $125 scholarships for the second semester from the Vending Division, which owns and operates soft drink, candy, ice cream and snack machines in residence halls. The scholarships have been designated "'A. V. Larson"" scholarships in tribute to the to the late emeritus faculty member who served as treasurer o fthe Foundation from 1962 until his death in February, 1971.

Scholarships for the 197 2-73 academic year were authorized by the board, including the Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Pate, E. Albin Larson, the Elsie I. Fisher and the A. V. and Wilhelmina Memorial scholarships which will be awarded for the first time from income received from investment provided by various donors.

The Board heard a report from Gary Hoemann who was employed by the Foundation to serve Peru State College as an admissions advisor.

A 1971 May graduate of Peru State, he served during the past year on the College's school and community relations committee. He will be available to counsel prospective students1visit their parents, and high school officials about the offerings of Peru State College.

Cross Country Continues into Team Success 1971 Season

The cross country team was successful in the 1971 season. They won four of their five duels; defeating Tarkio, Northwest Missouri State, Doane and Kearney State. Their only loss was in an earlier meet with NWMSC.

Peru's third victory over Tarkio in the Applejack Festival gave the Peru team permanent claim to the Applejack Festival Cross Country trophy. The 'Cat harriers finished first in the Doane Invitational, second in the South Dakota State Invitational, and third in the N AIA Di strict 11 meet. Peru's runners finished 25th place out of 43 teams in the N AIA National Cross Country finals at Liberty, Mo.

The team was led by Senior Dave Harris, Auburn. Also in the top slots for the 'Cats were Junior Don Monzingo, Om aha; Junior Dave Hillman, Omaha; Freshman Bill Sell, Nebraska City; Sophomore Randy Hansen, Bennet; and the only other senior on the team Jerry Stukenholtz, Nebraska City.

Jack Mcintire, Cross Country coach, will have large places to fill with the loss of Harris and Stukenholtz; but feels that the younger men will improve and hopes to see some new material next fall.

Library Gift

A collection of more than 100 biographies and autobiographies of world figures--military, political, humanitarian--has been presented to the College Library from the collection of the late Donald J. Tyler, '31. The books are a memorial gift of his mother, Mrs. Beulah Tyler, widow of the late J. W. Tyler, former faculty member. Mrs. Tyler, a resident of Good Samaritan Center, Auburn, held several teaching assignments on the English faculty while her husband served in the education department.


Members of the 1921 class returning to Peru st ate college for their 50 th anniversary May 28-30 are, left to seated: AfnY J. Adams, Chicago; Effie MargueriteG11l1land (Mrs. Harvey) Moeller, Fremont; L. J. Hacker, Englewood,'Colo-.; Myrle Argabr!ght Niccoli, Nebraska city; and Zelda Redding Anaheim, Cal if.; - standing, Est her D_el zell (Mrs. s. M.) Brownel 1, New Haven, Conn.; Fr!inces Gilliland (Mrs. L.L.) Cowell, Quartzsite, Ariz.; Mona Keith (Mrs. Gerald M.) Francis, Silver Spring, Md.; Nevada (Mrs. R.A.) Reid, David City; ·and Lenq_ra Cowell (Mrs. Harding) Gassner, Scottsbluff.

Honors for Peruvians

Four Peru State College graduares have been chosen Outstanding Educators of America for 1971. They are Dr. Kenneth Sand, '58, MS '61, tendent of schools, Shenandoah, Iowa; Dr. Gary Olson, '60, vice-president, Kearney State College; Dr. Tom Hallstrom, '49, coordinator of physical education, Omaha Public schools; Dr. Harvey !deus, '56, director of placement, Wisconsin State Vniversity, LaCrosse.l

Journalism Day Event

Area high students had the opportunity to explore Journalism on Friday, November 12, at Peru State College. Sponsored by the department of 1 anguage arts, the day was planned to give interested students an opportunity to hear working journalists explain their work, give qualifications for and advancement.

Fifteen new scholatships were awarded freshmen students entering Peru State for the fall semester. Valued at $363 a year for four years and restricted to Nebraska residents, the scholarships were provided by the Board of of Nebraska State Colleges.

A. V. Larson Me,morial from Rocky Mountain Chapter

A memorial scholarship honoring the 1 ate A. V. Larson, professor emeritus of Peru State, will b€ presented the second semester by the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Peru Alumni Association.

Meeting November 13, at the Ramada Inn, Lake· wood, Colo., those present, plus a number of absen1 members, established tl!_e fund honoring the forme1 head of the division of practical arts at Peru Stat( who died in February, 1971.

Dale Moore, '54, Golden, Colo., president of th; chapter, was master of ceremonies. Jerry Wanser, '61, principal of Wheat Ridge Junior High, elected secretary-treasurer of the 14-year-old organization. Rita Russell Bolinski, '40, Englewood, was elevated from vice-president lo president, and Bernard Williamson, '55, Littleton, was promote( from secretary-treasurer to vice-president.

Miss Alma Ashley, Lincoln, professor emeritus, and Miss Bonnie Rutz, assistant professor oi physical education at Peru State, were special guests of the chapter.

Don Carlile, director of special services anc alumni secretary, narrated a program of slides oJ camp us activities and scenes of the campus and Peru area.

Special recognition was given Mrs. Arthur L. Hill, Denver, who, with her late husband attended the organizational meeting of the chapter, and has since attended every meeting of the chapter.

New Calendar in Effect

A new calendar for Peru State's 105th academi1 year brought students back to the Campus ·of ; Thousand 0 aks earlier than in the past.

The new schedule will make possible the com pletion of the fall semester prior to Christmas, witl classes ending on Thursday, December 23. Th< second semester will open January 10 and will rm through May 12, with the Spring Commencemen scheduled for Sunday, May 14.


Memorial Scholarship

Honors Elsie Fisher, '06

A memorial scholarship fund in honor of Elsie I. Fisher, has been established in the Peru Achievement Foundation, Inc., by her sister, Miss Mary E. Fisher, '14, Pawnee City.

The $5,000 memorial gift has been invested and income will be used to support a scholarship for students in art education.

Miss Elsie I. Fisher, a member of the class of 1906, taught in the Omaha Public Schools for 39 years, retiring in: 1944. She died June 17, 1947, in Pawnee City. A similar memorial scholarship fund inhonorofthe former Omaha teacher has been established in the Foundation of Omaha Central High School, where she had been a history teacher. She was graduated_, from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and attended the Chicago Art Institute.


Ncm Bartos Fitz-Patrick, '03, 5048 South Vincent avenue,,Minneapolis, Minn., is active in church and servi,ng as vice-president of the Minnesota Poetry League. She notes her •years at. Peru are still among my very happiest memories."


Elm.a Gockley, bursar at Peru State from 1919 to 1949. is retired hut keeps busy with her duties as state vice regent in the Idaho Daughters of the American Revolution, and department chairman of of the American Legion Veterans Affairs and Rehahiliiation Committee, and serving as a volunteer in theidaho Veterans Home and VA hospital in Boise, where her address is 715 0' Farr el 1.

Frank E. Hosie, '15, 26869 Bagley road, Cleveland, Ohio, notes that "even though I studied at Columbia, Syracuse and Rochester, Peru holds my affection and allegiance."

Mr. and Mrs. Sanford L. Clements, '12, former faculty, were honored at an open house at the United Methodist Church in Elmwood on the occasion of their Golden Wedding anniversary on August 22, 1971. The hosts were their children, Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Clements, '42, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Ellen DuerfeNl,t) Clements, '48, 9 48, Mr. and Mrs. John (Eileen Hamel) Clements, '49, '51, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Marilyn Hawxby) Clements, '56;,'55. The whereabouts of Katherine Ruth Campbell, '19, was recently reported to the alumni office. She is now Mrs. Calvin R. McCoy, 235 Taylor Park drive, Lincoln.

Blanch E. Wells (Mrs. Frank) Snyder, '11, and her husband observed their golden wedding anniversary June 22, 1971, at their ho·me in Hastings. Their children and their spouses are Beth and Arnold Bohling, Superior; Phyllis and Arthur Schriker, Oklahoma City; David and Glenna Snyder, Wichita, and Mildred and Jacob Knapp, Anchorage, Alaska. They have 12 grand children.

Martha Daeschner (Mrs. F.E.) Wendland, '18, and her husband, a retired minister, live at Friendly Acres, a United Methodist retirement home, in Newton, Kans., where their address is 14 Friendship lane.


B,esides the complete sets of the college yearbooks of Peru State located in the Library and in the Alumni Office, one other •near-complete" set is known to exist. Only the yearbook for 1928 is missing from the collection of Nellie M. McAuley, '20, a resident of Peru. Nellie would appreciate hearing from anyone who would be able to help he1 locate the copy which would make the collectior complete. •

After having retired from teaching at Millikin University, Decatur, Ill., a year ago, Dr. f ere C. Mickel, '26, professor emeritus of speech, was pursuaded to return to high school teaching this fall. Dr. Mickel' s efforts in receiving a teacher's certificate were successful, he reports, largely because of his undergraduate teaching at Peru between 1924 and 1926. "'Education subjects Peru required then are still required." He recalls his first teaching job was at Riverton, Nebr.

The current school year will be the final one for ] ames W. Delzell, '29, who will retire from his industrial arts teaching post at Grant Junior high, Littleton, in June, 1972. Jim· and Mrs. Delzell, the former Lucile Newcomer, fs '29, live at 3279 South Pearl, Englewood.

The Joe Robertson patio has been dedicated on the campus of the University of Nevada at Reno. The dedication was on the occasion of the retire· ment of Dr. ] oseph H. Robertson, '28, professor o: Range Management. The plaque ox: the patio walJ reads "Ecology Here, The Joe Robertson Patio June 30, 1971. •

Corinne Frye (Mrs. M.L.) Root, fs '28, r continued on next page)

Present for the reunion of the 1911 class were Alta Bell Callen and her husband, Karl of Lincoln; Ruth Wortman Barnes, and her husband, Calif., and Miss Ethel Rae Robinson, Lincoln.


(continued from preceding page)

McLeay drive, Indianapolis, Ind., is a teacher of retarded children.

Ralph Noerrlinger, '29, who resumed- a teaching career in 1968 after retiring from an insurance and real estate business in Fremont, retired last spring from teaching and coaching at Elkhorn. For a retirement gift, his colleagues presented him a rod and reel. Mr. and Mrs. Noerrlinger, the former, Evelyn Whiffen, '29, live at 2'.142 William avenue, Fremont.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren W. (Winnifred Teich) Buising, '26, '25, 3010 North Fourth, Coeur d' Alene, Ida., are now retired fropl teaching in Washington and Idaho. They plan to make a visit to the Peru State campus within the next few years.


Major 0. H. Witt, fs '32, retired May 12, 1971 from the Nebraska State Patrol after 35 years of service. He formerly taught at Syracuse and Omaha, where in 1939-40, he. initiated and taught the first high school driver education courses in Nebraska. He was one of original44 troopers in the patrol.

Martha Gorder, '36, retired last spring after a 38-year teaching career. Her last assignment was senior counselor at South High, Pueblo, Colo., where her address is 2517 Acero.

Dr. lames M. McGuire, '30, retired May 31, as an administrative assistant in pharmaceutical research and developm.ent and of the research grants committee at Eh Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. He joined the Lilly firm in 1940 as a mycologist inbiological research and in 1945 was promoted to head of microbiological research. In 1963 Q.e assumed the post from which he has retired. Dr. McGuire and his wife, the former Wanna Metcalf, '31, live at 3110 Kessler boulevard, East Drive, Indianapolis.

I ohn Horton, '39, is assistant director of the Veterans Administration Hospital and Center, Fort Harrison, Helena, Mont.

Florine Elliott (Mrs. George) Cook, '31, lives at Leavenworth, Kans., where her address is Route 4, Box25IA. Mr. Cook, '32, died in children include two sons, a medical doctor teaching at Case_ Western Reserve, Cleveland, and anthropologist in Ta hi ta, and two daughters, both musicians.

Homecoming, 1971, saw the return of seven members of the class of 1931 for their l.J.Oth anniversary of their graduation from Peru State College. The group met Friday evening at Arbor Manor, Auburn, for a homecoming eve dinner and visit. They are (from left) front row-Grace Graham (Mrs. 01 iver) Briley, Pere ival, Iowa; Elsie Wal 1 in (Mrs. Clarence} Miller, Menlo Park, Cal if.; Florene Elliott (Mrs. Georg@) Cook, Leavenworth, Kans.; June Brickell (Mrs. Roll i e) Riggins, Fairbury. Back row-Mrs. Lewis; Sam Lewis, Daykin; John w. Stahn, Lincoln; Mrs. Stahn; Mr. Riggins. The re are 51.J. known 1 iv i ng members of the cl ass of 1931 of Peru State.

Gift Painting

An oil painting of the Peru Gymnasium painted by Norma L. Diddel has been placed in the alumni office as a gift of Phyllis Davidson. Painted in 1932, the picture is a view from the top 'floor of the old music hall and shows the morning light streaming across' the picture. Both professors emeritus, Miss Davidson lives at Chico, Calif., where her address is Rt. 1, Box 208, and Miss Diddel lives at Life Center, Ivy at Eighth, Denver, Colo.


SMS Donald]. Seeba, fs '49, Cook, received the Meritorious Service medal during his retirement ceremo.ny at Randolph AFB, Texas. A 22-year veteran, he was cited for outstanding professional skill, in personnel data systems.

Dr. Gilbert C. Shreiner, '43, chief of staff at Childrens Memorial Hospital, Omaha, was pictured in the Omaha World-Herald attired not in his doctor's gown but in an apron preparing for the annual Friends of Childrens Hospital bazaar.

Thelma V. Roberts, '43, is now living at 235-B N. Sierra Vista, Monterey Park, Calif.

Eula Redenbaugh, '40, is executive director of the Boise (Ida.) YWCA. Previo_usly _she was in Denver as a national staff member serving as Rocky Mountain and West Central regional director, college and university division for eight years.

Loretta M. Wernsman, '48, 2209 Autumn street, Bakersfield, Calif., is a guidance counselor for the Bakersfield City schools.

Helen Dahlke (Mrs. Robert) Robbins, fs '40, is president of the Lincoln Education Association. Her address is 341 Sky Way road, Lincoln.

Dr. Bill M. Woods, '45, has been elected president of the National Federation of Scie·nce Abstracting and Indexing Services. His home address6 Frontier lane, East Northport, N. Y.

Delores Schreiner (Mrs. Harold). Pedersen '46 lives on a farm 11 miles northeast of Cozad: Pedersens' two sons are Vic, a junior at the Univeri;;ity of Nebraska, and Grant, a high school senior.

Bernice Bletscher (Mrs. Kenneth) Rieger, '46, lives near Falls City where her husband farms. She teaches second grade at Verdon. Their son, Paul, and daughter, Martha, are students at the University of Nebraska, and Roy is a sophomore at Falls City High.


Duane •Whiz,, White, '46, a retired Air Force major, is president of Mission Auto Sales in Bellevue.


Geraldine Com (Mrs. William) Allen, 2 yr. '55, is principal of Palms and Cherry Beach Elementary schools near Marine City, Mi ch.

Corwin Arndt; '58, joint(d the faculty of Nelson High in September after a three year stint as principal at Oshkosh. He is looking forward to visiting Peru.

Charles Pickering, '56, was among the first five graduates in a new masters program in business education from the August ID, 1971, commencement at the University of Nebraska. He is a business education teacher at Syracuse. His wife, the former Vicki LeCure, received her bachelors from Peru at summer commencement "with distinction.,,.

Sidney B. Brown, '59, is representative for Riegel Paper. Sid, his wife, Nancy, and three-yearold soa, Todd, were campus visitors over the Fourth of July holidays. They live at 108 Nebraska street, Geneva, Ill.

Nell Graf Brunsdon, '54, retired from teaching in May and is now •in a new trailer on Bremner Hill• at Winston, Ore. She pl ans to- do some substitute teaehi»g in Winston, where her daughter, Bonita Duey, fs '55, and Bob Duey, fs '55, are teachers..

Cmapas summer visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Gene F • . (lilaty S4ermd) Leber, both '56, 3807 West Gold.ell Lane, Phoenix, Arizona, where Gene is associated with the Honeywell Corp. ·

Mr'" aad lilrs. Robert L. (Elaine B eethe} Roberts, fs '58, '50., are owners and directors of the LambRohen:s Funeral Home in Ottawa, Kans. Residents of Ottawa for 10 years, they have two children, Mary Lya 9, an.d John, 6.

Rose Edelman Ruzicka, '58, was coach of the girls track team at Blair High School last spring whim won Ute first State Track Meet for girls in Lineoln. Rose and Ray, are both members of the Blair High. faculty.

Marl& Bomemeier, •s 1, teaches mathematics and industrial arts at Greeley(Colo.) Central High, and his wife, the former Pat Benford, '52, is an elementary teacher. In his spare time, •Mike' builds houses including their own at 1923 26th avenue court, Greeley, where they reside with children, Mark and Elaine. ·

Carol Duerfeldt(Mrs. Kenneth) Whitcomb, '52, is in her second year as librarian at Blevins Junior

High in Fort Collins. She is in her eighth year as a member of the Fort·· Collins Symphony. Carol and her husband and four children, Roger, 15, Mark, 14, Sheri, 11, and Duane, 7, live at 204 Ridgelawn drive, Fort Collins.

Ilene Thiltges (Mrs. Boyd) Good, '53, notes she "finally" received a masters from Denver University last summer. She is in her fourth year coordinating an enrichment program for 660 innercity kindergarten children in Denver. Boyd and Ilene and their family live at 916 Elmira, Denver.

Lois Bush Norris, '58, is enrolled in a doctoral program under an assistantship at the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley. Her husband, Marshall, '57, is teaching in Hudson, Colo.

] erry Whitney, '59, is in his third year of teaching American history, world geography, ma th, and driver education at USD 430, Horton, Kans.

Joyce Jf. Ridder, fs '53, taught science five years in Southern California. Since attending Peru she has earned MS, MEd and EdD degrees from the University of California at Los Angeles. She has been a school psychologist in the Pasadena Unified district and for the past seven years has been in private practice as a marriage, family and child counselor on a part-time basis during the past five years. She is now in private practice with offices at 920 I Sunset boulevard, Suite 710, Los Angeles.


fames N. Butts, '69, was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force i'n August upon graduation from OTS at Lackland AFB, Texas. He is now in navigator training at Mather AFB, C aJ.if. Ken and Lee (Christen) Dostal, '63, '61, are living at 302 Hale Lake road, Warrensburg, Mo., where Ken is attending graduate school at Central Missouri State College. After a year's sabbatical leave, they will return to Omaha, where Ken has taught since his Peru graduation. The Dostals have four sons and a daughter.

Devon Adams, '67, art teacher at Falls City High, had 25 paintings displayed at the Haymarket Gallery, Lincoln, through the early part of September. Since her Peru instruction, Devon has studied at the University of Nebraska and with Thomas Palmerton, artist in residence at Brownville.

Gary Dahmke, '63, is director of the Auburn High Bulldog Band, which won the .first division trophy in the Applejack Festival marching band contest at Nebraska City in September.

Richard Elmore, '64, received the 1971 Henzlik (continued on next page)

Seven members of the 1946 class returned to their Al ma Mater over Homecoming to eel ebrate their 25th anniversary reunion and the 50th homecoming at Peru State College. Present for the Friday evening dinner at Arbor Manor, Auburn, were (from left) seated: Luella Tiemann (Mrs. ward) Adams, Peru; Delores Schreiner (Mrs. Harold) Pedersen, Cozad; Bernice A. Bletscher (Mrs. Kenneth) Reiger, Falls City; Janice Slagle (Mrs. Darrel) Crose, Lincoln; back row--Wayne Buhrmann, Martel 1; Wi 11 ard F. Hunzeker, Wahoo, and Duane E. "Whiz" White, Bellevue. There are 3 2 known living members of the 1946 class. -


(continued from preceding page)

Award as Nebraska's outstanding male teacher fr om Mu Epsilon Nu, honorary and professional education fraternity the University of Nebraska.

f ohn Bstandig, '67, Steinauer, served as a crafts director at Camp Easter Seal in Beatrice during the summer.

Dr. Chris Buethe, former high school principal of during the early 1900's, is associate professor of education at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.

Six Peruvians received masters degrees from Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville, at August, 1971,· commencement. They are Steve Colerick, '67, Robert A. Krofta, '66, Roger Eschelman, '61, Harold Hylton, '67, Donald A. Ro re beck ' ' 68, and L. H. Schafer, '68.

Donald A. Weiner, '65, received the doctor of education degree from the University of Northern Colorado at the summer commencement, 1971. He taught a one-year assignment at Peru in 1965-66 and is now teaching industrial arts at Chadron State College.

David N. Gomon, '65, has been appointed principal and athletic director of Milford (Ohio) Junior High.

Stanley H aU I ohnson, '66, librarian at Brinley Junior High, Las Vegas, Nev., received an MA in Education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His mother, Winnifred Hall Johnson, received


Charlotte Klever, '64, to G. Lyndon Berry, Princeton, N. J., June 26, 1971. At home: Rt. l, BC>x 424, Ringoes, N. J.

Robin: Rasmussen to LaVelle Hitzemann, '69, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Doniphan. At home: Adams.

Marjorie K. Engelman, '69, to Roger Lee Blobaum, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Beatrice, May 29, 1971. At home: Beatrice.

Marsha Sue Lewis to f ohn M Vanderford, 'ff), Southminster Methodist Church, Lincoln, June 12, 1971. At home: Marcelline, Mo.

Karen K. Achtenmeier, '69, to Roger Huls, Harbine United Methodist Church of Christ, May 23, 1971. At home: Sterling.

f ayne Wymore, '69, to Gene Marsh,St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Lakewood, Calif., August 20, 1971. At home: 9205 Alondra, Apt. 21, Bellflower, Calif.

Marilyn Clare Robertson, '66, to Mark Ryan, Methodist Church, Dunlap, Iowa, August 22, 1971. At home: Seattle, Wash.

Pegeen Swisegood, ;69, to Frederick Fast, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Verdon, May 29, 1971. At home: Lincoln.

Donna Spargur, '70, to Danny Fem-backer,_ senior, First Christian Church, Falls City, May 29, 1971. At lnne: Peru.

Rose Ann Maloy, '71, to Norman Duncan, United Methodist Church, Unadilla, Ju.ne 1, 1971. At home: Lincoln.

Gerry Haupt, fs '70, to Bob First· Methodist Nebraska City, May, 1971. At home: Ne-:-

an MA degree at the same ceremonies. Stan's wife teaches in an elementary parochial school.

Harvey Fraser, '65, is teaching driver at Shawnee Mission West, Overland Park, Kans., after a year of graduate study at Central Missoilri State, Warrensburg. His wife, the former Madelyn !}leach, '65, taught at Odessa, Mo., last year but is now devoting her time to their family, Kristi Mike, 3, and Kendi, born August I. '

Edwin E. McCartney, fr., '64, received a masters in mathematics from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., at the August, 1971, commencement. H: is head of the mathematics· department at Loup City.

The TV classroom College of Continuing Studies series of the University of N ehraska at Omaha featured a fall series, "The First Years." Ken Rhodus, '62, director of the University Division Counseling Center, is the program coordinator. Two of the other five participants in the series are Peruvians--Robert Gibson, '62, Ronald Kelley, '63, both members of the UN-0 counseling staff.

Dan Knudson, '66, was ordained a minister in in the Lutheran Church at services in Lincoln on June 7. He is now pastor of the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Richard and Sherry Seibert Rains, fs '67 '69, live in Wilber, where Sherry is a business teacher. Rich is associated with'S afeway in Beatrice and is scoutmaster at Wilber. Sherry received her masters from the University of Nebraska in August 1971. '

Charles Niemeyer, '65, was recipient of the master of combined sciences degree at the Unibraska City.

Mary Helen Wolfe, fs '70, to John A. Duncan, 1 Baptist Church, Union, April 30, 1971. At home: Lincoln.

Gwenith Closs, to Gary Colgrove, '70, United Presbyterian Church, Wymore, April 24, 1971. At home: Beatrice.

Letitia Maria Buss, fs'71, to Richard R. Munson. '71, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, DeWitt, September 4, 1971. At home: Beemer.

Linda Groothuis, fs '71, to Greg Thompson, '71, First Presbyterian Church, N eh raska City, September · 3, 1971. At home: Omaha.

Sharon Dieckhoff, '71, to fames Gnade, fs '71, St. Martin Lutheran Church, Elk Creek, August 21, 1971. At home: 1205 Ninth street, Auburu.. _,., Phyllis I ean Anthol tz, fs '71, to Sterling Bruce Davis, '71, St. Martin Lutheran Church, Johnson, home: Johnson.

Gloria Ann Patak, to John Ray Bernadt, '69, Tuxedo Park, Crete, August 14, 1971. At home: Shickley. •

Diana Lynn Meek, to ] ohn f. Eickhoff, '66, St.. Paul's Catholic Church, Tarkio, Mo., August 14J 1971. At home: Tabor, Iowa.

Barbara Lynn Koenig, to Roy A. Bleich; lit' Immanuel Lutheran Church, Daykin, August 14,. 1971. At home: Bellevue.

Cheryl Thede, to David Tickner, '68, Zion Lut4etan Church, Worms. At home: St. Libory.

Diane Schramm, '71, to John Tarpy, '69, St•. Joseph Catholic Church, Beatrice. At home: 2810 South Fourteenth, Lincoln.


versity of Mississippi May commencement.

Ronald McCoy, '67, has been promoted to assistant superintendent of the Missouri Pacific railroad, Kansas City, Mo., division.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger (Mary Ann Lewellyn) Noell, '64, '63, are now living at 1907 Cimmaron, La Junta, Colo., where they are now teaching. While they were on a United flight for an interview, Mary Annspottedaphotq of Rosalee Baehr, fs '60, in the airline magazine in a story entitled, "Stewardesses-Fact and Fancy." Rosie has been a stewardess since attending Peru State.

Robert R. Peek, '67, is an agent for MF A Insurance, with offices at 124 South! Eleventh, Nebraska City.

Three Peruvians received master of arts degrees from Northeast Missouri State College Kirksville at the August, 1971, commencement. They are Elmne Neddenriep Peterson, '66, Ronald Peterson, and Roger L. Hein, '67.

Nick and Cheri Combs P '68, '69, teach in the Beatrice Public schools. Nick is taking graduate study at the University of Nebraska. Cheri's volleyball team, which she started three years ago,. won the Wilber invitational t-0urnament.

Mary Grovenburg Elliott, •ro, is employed by the Nebraska School for the Deaf and does substitute teachingin the Omaha schools.

JohTli F._ Bohaty, '68, is enrolled in graduate study in biology at the University of ·Nebraska at Omaha.

I ean Wewel Logsdon, fs ;68, and daughter are living in her home town of Newport, while her husband. Tim, '68, is serving with the army in Vietnam.

Dom muJ Kristine Wewel LaRocca, both '66, live at 140 Second avenue, Burwell, where they teach in the Public High school.

Mr. Mrs. Bill (LaVerna Roos) Sayer, '62, '63, teach at Platteview, Springfield. They have two sons, Steve,. and John, 15 months.

Jerry D; Beclr:mann, '60, chairman of the mathematics department at Lincoln East High, studied at Camell University, Ithaca, N. Y., under a Shell Oil Co. M·erit fellowship during the summer.

Ross Pilkiagton, '61, received the_ doctor of education degreef.romthe University of Nebraska in July and assistant professor in counselor education at University of Nebraska at Omaha. Ross and Pa•line and their sons, Mark, 9, and Jay, 4-,. Hve at 9630 Taylor, Omaha.

Maril:y'4 Robertson, '66, received a master of arts degree in remedial reading from the University of Nortltem. Colorado, Gredey, in August. She is now uv· Seattle, where her husband, (see Married} k Ryan, is studying oceanology at the Univemity Washington.

J. Hubbard, '63, is living in Kirchberg, Germany, where her husband is stationed at Hahn AFB. Ber address is 50th TFW, Box 2919, APO New YM"k 09109.

H. De.as. llarsktSl.l, •66, received his master's in educati.oa Kearney State in August and is teach.i • ·or high mathematics at Fremont.

Dr. Odte.r, '67, was presented the "Outstanding Professor of the Year" award at the spring honors day convocation at Morningside College, Sioux Cit:y,hwa Associate professor of education, Dr. Ocker Bas t&u8ht at Morningside since 1967 and is directu seee:ndary student teaching.

Klever {Mrs. G. Lyndon) Berry, '64,

received a masters degree in industrial enginnering at the June commencement of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. After teaching one year at Central High in Omaha, Charlotte joined Western Electric in Omaha and in June, 1969, was transferred to the Research' and Development Center at Princeton, N.J., where she began graduate study. Charlotte and one other woman in the Western ElectricLehigh program out of a class of 17 were the f.irst women to receive engineering degrees from Lehigh. Charlotte was married in June, 1971, and now lives at Rt. 1, Box 424, Ringoes, N.J. 08551.

Dennis D. Hein, '63, June recipient of a Ph.D. in statistical research and methodology from the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, joined the faculty of Augu">tana College, Sioux Falls, S. D., in September. Following his Peru graduation, Dr. Hein taught at Diller and was an advanced systems analyst with General Electric Corp. He began his doctoral program in 1968.

] ohn Chasse, '67, this fall became junior varsity basketball coach at Nichols C.ollege, Dudley, Mass. A veteran of two years in the army and recipient of two Bronze Stars, Purple Heart and Silver Star, John previously was teacher and football. coach at Leicester (Mass.) High. John, his wife, Marie, and son live at 19 Hollywood street, Worcester.

Margaret Beard (Mrs. Thomas].) Bonnel, '63, is in her ninth year as an elementary te a?her in the Fremont Puhl ic schools. Her husband is Fremont city fire marshall.

Donald C. Zartner, '68, has been assigned to a unit of the Pacific Air Forces as a C-130 Hercules cargo-troop carrier pilot. He is stationed at Ching Chuan Kang Air Base, Taiwan.

Allan and Lucy Sporer Sherwood, '69, '67, received master of arts degrees at the April commencement of Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Kathleen Hennig, '66, received a master of arts degree in special education from the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, at the May, 1971, commencement.

Richard M. (Mike} Donovan, '62, chairman of the department of English at Ramona Junior High, Chino, Calif., has been elected a member of the California State Council of Education. Past president of the Associated Chino Mike lives at 1145 West I, No.31, Ontario,Calif. Next year he will become chairman of the English department at Don Lugo High.

Duane Wiechelman, '63, received the doctor of education degree from the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, at the August, 1971, commencement. He is now coordinator of the reading center and assistant professor of education at Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia. Duane, his wife, the former Lynn McCann, '63, and their son, Daniel, 2, live at 924 Elm, Emporia.

GaryN. Scoggin, '61, is ona two-year assignment as principal at the American Community School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A member of the Topeka Public schools faculty since his Peru graduation and an elementary principal since 1965, Gary is teaching in the •sister• school of Topeka. The Scoggins' address is American Community School New York, N.Y. APO 09319.

Rodger Bassett, '67, is teaching American studies at Fullerton High school._ Last summer he com( continued on next page)


(continued from preceding page)

pleted work on his masters degree in education from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.

Six Peru State graduates were recipients of masters degrees at the 1971 summer commencement at Kearney State College. They are Charles F. Gordon, '66, H. Dean Marshall,. '66, Stanley E. Johnson, '66, Lonnie W. Shafer, '65, Paul R. Stevenson, '66.

Douglas R. Cramer, '68, has been teaching at the Newark, N. Y., State School for the mentally retarded for the past two years. Doug is proud of his special Olympics team of seven students who brought home 14 medals from the special state meet in Binghamton, N. Y.

Gary Stover, '64, received a master of arts degree in secondary administration at the summer commencement of the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley.

Jerry Littell, '63, is in graduate school at Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg. Work-


To Larry Searcey and Louise Marshall Searcey, '58, Wymore, a daughter, Dionne Louise, June 27, 1971.

To Larry Lucas and Jeannine Ehlers Lucas, "62, Huntington Beach, Calif., a son, Stephen Craig, July_ 14, 1971.

To Harvey Fraser, '65, and Madelyn Bleach Fraser, '65, 9964 Countryside road, Lenexa, Kans., a daughter, Kendra Kay, August 1, 1971, at Independence, M>.

To ]_erry Whitney, '59, and ] udy K. Whitney, '71, Reserve, Kans., a daughter, Jacqueline Denise, September 3, 1971.

To Vern Knock and Sharylin Vrtiska Knock, '63, 6610 Van Gordon Court, Arvada, Colo.; a son, Larry Than, 1971.

To Ronal,d McCoy, '67, and Mary Lu Hicks McCoy, '68, 5411 N. E. Mersington, Kansas City, Mo., a son, Brian Scott, August 27, 1971.

To Gary Anderson, '00, and Marian Schmidt Anderson, '60, Hamburg, Iowa, a son, Spencer James, September 5, 1971. -

To ThomasJ.HormelandMargaret Beard Honnel, ' - 63, 1145NorthSomersavenue, Fremont, a daughter, Miranda Gay, July 1, 1971.

To Thomas Majors, '65, and Marilyn Larson Majors, Broken Bow, a son, Kyle James, August 12, 1971.

To Kent Wallace and Sharon Richardson Wallace, '64, Lincoln, a daughter, September, 1971.

To John Bohaty, '68, and Martha Mullen Bohaty, '69, 7109 North 106th Court, No. 80th, Omaha, a daughter, Celeste Marie, April 23, 1971.

To Sam Carneal, '66, and Mrs. Carneal, Rt. 4, St. Joseph, Mo., a daughter, May 4, 1971.

To Ken Dostal, '63, and Lee Christen Dostal, '61, Warrensburg, Mo., a son, Daniel Kenneth, October 7, 1971.

To Robert N. Agnew, '69, and Linda Oestmann Agnew, fs '69, Hamburg, Iowa, a daughter, Amy Marie, November 5, 1971.

To John Peters and Iva Jean Erisman Peters, '71, Bellevue, a daughter, Amy Joe, July 31, 1971.

ing on a Specialist Degree, he is attending on an assistantship in the school of education. The Littells live at 822 Sol.Ith Washington, Warrensburg.

] erry Wanser, '61, is principal of Wheat Ridge Junior High, and lives at 1425 South Estes way, Lakewood, Colo., with is wife, the former Linda Nygaard, fs '61, and two sons, seven and three.

Barney Mcllroy, '63, received the master of arts and education specialist degree in physical education and education at the University of Iowa, Iowa Falls, during the August 6, 1971, commencement ceremonies.

Dorothy Bock Willis, '66, received a masters in library science from the University of Denver in 1967. Now a housewife living at 2311 Cherry street, Denver, Dorothy is active in the Big Sisters of Colorado.

John Creamer, '69, received a master of arts degree from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, at the June 7, 1971 commencement. John is continuing graduate study at Storrs as a graduate research assistant and in January will begin studies toward the Ph.D. in educational psychology. His address is Box U-64, University of Connecticut, Storrs.


Second Lieutenant Wayne A. Stuck, '70, completed navigator training at Mather AFB, Calif., in November. He is attached to Wurtsmith AFB, Mich., for duty with SAC.

-Don McBride, '71, has been named vice-president of the Nebraska City Chamber of Commerce.

Mark Weiler, '71, is an associate of the Granneman Agency in Syracuse.

B. C. Cappel, '70, became physical director for the Carondelet Branch YMCA in St. Louis on July 16. Since graduation he had served as assistant director at the Lincoln YMCA.

Patty Bindrum, '70, is associated with the Fourth and A branch of Bank of America in Oxnard, Calif. During her spare moments she is program supervisor with the Ventura county USO and works with the Cabrillo Music Theatre in Oxnard, where her address is 651 Kentwood drive.

Kenneth E. Wal,tke, '70, was graduated in May with honors at Goodfellow AFB, Texas, from the technical training course for communications analysis specialists and is assigned at Ft. George G. Md ..

Michael Johnson, '71, 5726 South 14th, Omaha, is in a management trainee program with Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.

Greg Thompson, '71, 6775 Bedford avenue, Omaha, is a district circulation manager for the Omaha World-Herald.


Information comes to the Peru Stater of the death of these alumni and friends:

JoshuaH. Adee, '15, '16, Peru, October 10, 1971. A Nebraska teacher and school administrator, he retired in 1948 and moved to Peru where he became active in bee raising and the production of honey;. Florence Dye Coles Taylor (Mrs. G. E.) Pennell, '02, Clarinda, Iowa, October 19, 1971.

Nadine Cowell Lawrence, fs '07, Auburn, August 14, 1971.


Zeta, (Mrs. Lawrence) Bausch, '66, Dawson, August 4, 1971, at Hunlbo ldt.

Mathew M. Murphy, '03, Seattle, Wash., August 18, 1971. In 1966, he retired as president o.f GriffinMurphy Business College, which he helped found in 1903. ,

Lillian Galbraith (Mrs. Hans) H emmmgsen, 11, Auburn, October 28, 1971.

Chauncey W(lliam Smith, '09, Roseburg, Ore., September 18, 1971.

Virginia Chandler (Mrs. Everett) Good, fs '45, Peru, April 25, 1971, at Omaha. ,

Amelia Clary(Mrs. Earle) Young, 14, Brownville, April 6, 1971, at Cape Girardeau, Mo. She had servedas postmaster at Brownville.

Bessie Manuel, '06, Walnut Creek, Calif., January l, 1971. After graduation from the University in 1924, she went to California to teach, and later was on the staff o:l the Stanford University.

Charles A. Novak, '14, Ottawa, Kans., January 30, 1971. A retired civil engineer, he had lived in Ottawa since 1917¥ Born in Czechoslovakia, he emig,ated with his family to Nebraska. Editor of the 1914 Peruvian, Mr. Novak brought the original individual photographs of the class with him to the 50-yearreunion of the class.

Berila Spearman Burbank, '99, Burbank, Calif., July 27, 1971. A Nebraska teacher, Mrs. Burbank taugltt a the Los Angeles Schools in nursery work for m rears..

H. Bea Groothuis, '31, Greenleaf, Kans., Septemhet2', 1910.

Viola Stoddard (Mrs. Fred) Durst, fs '06, Elk 1971.

Et1e. (Mrs. Wayne D.) Chaney, fs '29, teaG« in Nebraska: and Iowa schools for 28 years, March 3, 1971.

MBl"f J1'11"'Uis Morton, '21, '50, Nemaha, October 7, 1971,. at Nebraska: City. She had taught for more than 20 years in Nebraska and Iowa schools.

Ste:diag ('Furls;) Whitfield, '15, Omaha, September 14, 1971., Operator of a theatre in Peru during the 1940s, Mt. Whitfield was later in civil service at Offutt Air Base Omaha.

Rex Tftlmsa,. 'ID, Rogue Valley Manor, Medford, Ore., July 31, 1971.

Margaret .All>ert, '19, '33, Elgin, Ill., where she had lived the past year and one-half. She was retired from teaciiing in the Omaha public schools.

William Bracey, fs '70, New York, N.Y., June 17, 1970.

Virgilli11:B. Ballard (M:-s. Paul) Vrtiska, '42, January l. 1971, Beatrice. During World War II, she was empoyed by the FBI in Washington, D.C. A widow, Mrs. Vrtiska operated her own business for the past 15

Alben '01, >12, Auburn. A 35-year member of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Mr. Gilbert had been a teacher at Purdue and later developed. equipment for the John Deer Co. at Waterloo, Iowa, and Rock Isl and, Ill.

Nettie ABde:rson (Mrs. Dale) Epler, 2 yr. '40, Brock, June 10,. 1971.

Katleriae Gor_der Birdsley, '55, Auburn, June 9, 1971.

G. C. (Cash} Kennedy, '14, Brownville, June 8, 1971, at Omaha. A leader in farm development and commuai.ty life* Mr. Kennedy had lived his entire life en tire farm between Brownville and Peru, where he l\l\'BS horn. He and his wife, the former Ratk Coartright, •15, were gracious hosts to Peruvians tllroughoat their married life.

Helen Whitney Glasgow, 2 yr. '22.

Rollin F. Hall, '49, Sabetha, Kans., where he was assistant superintendent of schools. Survivors include his wife, the former] oyce Kennedy, '60.

Ralph W. Hunter, '22, '26, Arlito, Calif., April 30, 1970.

Vera Janssen Spellman, fs '33, Santa Monica, Calif., December 13, 1969.

Chester W. Darrow, '13, Chicago, Ill., April 7, 1967.

Paul W. Lamb, '23, Pasadena, Calif., June 17, 1971.

Maude Boyd Oglesby, '06, Porterville, Calif., February 22, 1971.

Helen L. Bloodgood Bean, '27, Lynnwood, Wash., November 5, 1970.

Opal Conner Gilmore Cheairs, 2 yr. '29, Sterling, Colo., May 25, 1971.

Lee B. Thedford, '23, Greeley, Colo., January, 1968.

Dr. Fred C. Smith who started the industrial arts department during his tenure at Peru State from 1911-18, Knoxville, Tenn., April 17, 1971. When he retired in 1953, he had served the University of Tennessee for 17 years, retiring as vice-president. Previously he had be en director of the graduate school. His post-retirement career was filled with many worthwhile activities in the interests of education and good government in Tennessee. While at Peru, he organized the "Kid Band" in the campus school.

Wayne K. Wilson, '39, Lincoln, July 26, 1971. A teacher in the public schools of Nebraska, at the time of his deatli he was a guidance counselor in the Lincoln schools. Survivors include his wife, the former, Vivian Lambert, '37.

Clara A. Sloane, '11, Superior, March 17, 1971.

Vera R. Hudson Manville, '15, Omaha, September 29, 1971.

Violet Riches, '(i(), Auburn, July 16, 1971.

Eva Crocker, '13, Denver, Colo., June 16, 1971.

Eda E. Allen, fs '37, Nemaha, March 12, 1971, at Auburn.

Lester L. ! ones, fs '25, Stella, June 12, 1971, at Auburn.

Tillie Salzmann (Mrs. Glen I.) Anderson, '20, Lincoln, March 7, 1971. She was a returnee for the golden anniversary reunion of her class.

Hazel Ruth Carson Henthorn, '22, Wichita, Kans., January, 1968.

Winnifred Wells (Mrs. R. C.) McCall, '22, '41, Lincoln.

f essie M cAndrew, '04, Ainsworth.

! ohn Scharp, '66, Oakland, August 6, 1971, in a construction accident at Devil's Nest near Crofton. He had been business education teacher at Oakland sine e his Peru grad nation.

Grover H. Meyer, husband of the late Anna Dunten Meyer, '06, October 7, 1971.

1 Reported deceased by postal authorities:

f essie F. Modlin, '12, '17, Nellie Uerkvitz, fs '15, Nebraska City.

Edna Mae Jones Howe, '33, Verdon.

Selma Marquardt, '15, Omaha.

Alma Lemke, '20, Nebraska City.

Alice Kegley(Mrs. E.W.) Drake, home economics instructor, 1951-52, Walnut, Iowa.

Bertha Jones Blount, '05, Auburn.

Edward R. Gross, '08, North Brunswick, N.J.

Grace Dillon Carlile, Lincoln.

Ruby Lichty Blohm, 2 yr. '26, Hubbard, Iowa.



Degrees Granted

( co.n t inued fro• page 5)

Atkinson, Red Oak, Iowa; Janet L. Bailie, New Market,lowa;"Dorothy L. Parrett, Barbara

K. Becker, Nebraska City; Ralph E. Beckman, Plattsmouth; Kathryne Mae Beery, Gravity;, Iowa; Dianne L. Bender, Milford; Margaret E. Bennett, Council Bluffs/Iowa.

David W. Bierbaum, Griswold, Iowa; Roger L. Borgman, Wymore; Leon F. Bose, Avoca; Neal W. Bower, Chatham, Mass.; Gwendolyn Bragan, Peru; Aline R. Bryson, Wymore; Katherine G. Buffum, Magnolia, Iowa; Kay K. Cook, Beatrice; Ronald Lee Cotner, Whiting, Ind.

Ronda Craig, Peru; David L. Curtis, Nebrask_a City; Pamela Nebraska City; CarolynJ. Dorn, Burchard; Harvey L. Eickhoff, FaIIs City; Diana

L. Elliot, Falls City; Stephen J. Emert, East Alton, UL; Gail Fanders, Wymore; George Gardner, Brown Mills, N. J.

Linda S. Glather, Humboldt; J. Goodman, . Nebraska City; Candy Welter Gray, Nebraska City; Charles 0. Grotrian, Johnson; George H. Hanssen, Syracuse; Christine M. Harris, Fairbury; Judy Henry, Peru; Cynthia A. Houseman; Weeping Waler; Mary E. Howe, Verdon; Judith Ann Warren Irvin, Wymore; Carroll E. Johnson, Stanton, Iowa. Rose Marie Justice, Humboldt; Robert J. Kiser, Plattsmouth; Gloria Crawford Kline, Clarinda, Iowa; Alan H. Krager, Plattsmouth; Thomas L. Kunkel, Falls City; Susan L. Larson, Nebraska City; Pamela K. Lee, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Carol A. Mahlendorf, Oakland; M!chael S. Mahlendorf, Uehling.

Rose Ann Maloy, Unadilla; Dianne E. Martin, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Darwin J. McHugh, Nebraska · City; Roher t "McLucas, Lilly, Pa.; Ronald L. Meyer, Johnson; Elizabeth A. Miller, Sidney, Iowa; Deborah Mintle, Auburn; Rodney D. Peru; Marilyn A. Moody, Auburn; Thomas G. Mosser, Omaha.

Norma J. Moyer, Thurman, Iowa; Nancy Nelson, Red Oak,. Iowa; Nap.cy Olson, Stanton, Iowa; Ann Omer, Tabor, Iowa; Richard G. Owen, Nebraska City; Ritth 't.euenberger Paper, Tecumseh; Gerald :Parrish, Auhlirn;. Cheryl Patera, Brentwood, Calif.;, Stor:m Lake, Iowa; Elaine

M. Patt K. }>atton, Syracuse; Ida

M. Pof Fze.DcisM. Powers, Worcester, Mass.; Ri d L_,..,Pullman, N ebrask.a City. J runes Granite City, Ill.; Ralph L.

Reed Nebraska City; Kyra K. Rengstorf, Sterling; John A. Rist, Humboldt; Michael V. Rosso, Bridgeport, Conn.; Marjorie Y. Russell, Beatrice; Patricia R. Ryan, Dawson; Richard G. Samson, Omaha; Charles Santos, Taunton, Mass.

Pamela A. Tuning Sawyer, Syracuse; Diane Schramm, Odell; Rogene E. Settell, Farragut, Iowa; Charles R. Shellhase, Superior; Frances Griswold, Iowa; John R. Stewart, Morton, Ill.; Peter G. Stewart, Worcester, Mass.; Mildred M. Teachout, Farragut, Iowa; Ronald D. Templeton, St. Joseph, Mo.; Gail E. Thies, Crab Orchard.

Patricia Trottier, Brattleboro, Vt.; Jacqueline S. Vanderford, Auburn; John A. Warren, Gr_etna; WilmaR. Watson, Humboldt; Mark P. Weiler, Dunbar; Mary K. Wenzl, Wymore; Jane M. Wheeler, Pawnee City; Roger Wiksell, Omaha; Nancy J. York, Essex, Iowa.

Bachelor of Science:. Phyllis J. Bodie, Superior; HarlanR. Bohl, Nebraska City; Michael D. Bolinger, Creston, Iowa; Richard L. Bourne, Auburn; Jody A. Bukacek, Tabor, Iowa; Richard J. Carroll, Lincoln; -Ronald L. Cotner, Whiting, Ind.; Sharon F.Crunk, Nebraska C itx; Bruce Davis, Stella; Michael S. Deal, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Steven L. Dean, Douglas;; Sharon K. Dieckhoff, Tecumseh; Harold L. Dory, Adair, Iowa; Steven C. Drake, Atlantic, Iowa; Ellen Engelkemier, Nehawka; Daniel J. Faverio, Chester, Pa.; Thomas B. Fenton, Nebraska City.

Larry Green, Brock; Jeffrey C. Greei;iwald, Lincoln; David W. Hammer, Red Oak, Iowa; Merlin L. Harry, Beattie, Kansas; Gary L. Hoemann, Nebraska City; William C. Kean, Dawson; Barbara J. Kingery, Peru; Christina R. Linden, Falls City; Robert G. Lisee, Wilber; Leon M. Matzner, Gresham. Donald E. McBride, Nebraska City; Edward D. McGaughey, Kansas City, Mo.; Robert J. Meier, Peru; Michael J. Mulvaney, Independence, Iowa; Richard D. Naftalis, Irvington, N.J.; Robert J. Onnen, Hel>ron; Ivajean Lu grisma11Peters, Auburn; Robert A. Peterson, Palmyra; Barry Ray, Bellevue; Carl W. Richards, South Lyon Michigan; Paul W. Rybolt, Bedford, Iowa.

Larry B. Seawall, Tecumseh; Rogene E. Settell, Farragut, Iowa; Eugene J. Sinkule, Millard;James R. Staley, Ralston; Steven K. Taylor, Beatrfoe; Gregory C. Thompson, Plattsmouth; Malaetasi M. Togafau, Pago Pago , American Samoa; Christie B. Ubhen, Peru; Clyde Wilkins, Lake Charles, La; Robert J. Witt, Falls City; Kimiko Yamahira, Hyogo, Japan.

PERU STATE COLLEGE Campus of a Thousand Oaks Peru, Neoraska US. Postage PAID Permit No. 4 Peru, Nebraska 68421 Address Correction Requested
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