The trustees of the Peru Achievement Foundation suggest that permanent endol/JlTients or memorials be in amounts of $1000 or higher. Interest on $1000 will provide the foundation with $50-$60 annually to be awarded in donors name. HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? You should make a will if: you are part of a family; you have a home or property; you are a Peru State College alumnus; you have stocks or bonds; you have an automobile or a few antiques; you have an insurance policy. Your attorney may desire suggested forms of bequest when he prepares your WILL for the benefit of Peru Achievement Foundation. The following form is provided for his information:
I give, devise and bequeath unto the PERU ACHIEVEMENT FOUNDATION, with an office at Peru State College, Peru, 68421, the sum of dollars (and/ or the securities or other properties described herein, ) to be used for its general purposes.
Available on request are forms for:
2. BEQUEST -- income only to be used
3. BEQUEST for a specific purpose
4. BEQUEST -- income to a survivor
5. Form of devise of Real Property
6. Residuary Clauses
7. Memorial
Another way of contributing to the support of Peru State College thru the Achievement Foundation is to make Peru Achievement Foundation a beneficiary in a life insurance policy.
_.,............. '£AU SIAT( <Oll[G( t..-pus of • lhc-usand Oaks Peru, US""'PAll ,., No.• .......Address Correction Requested
fW.1Y.IY.IYl71717.IY.IY.IY.IY.IY.IYl7.IYl..41"AW....IY.IY.IY.IY1 I I I § § § I § ,. I ' § § § I § § I § I § § § § § § § § § § § § §i Q {@ @=Jo [§ §) @ ®
Dear Alumnus:
This is a follow-up on my recent l_etter the computer printout (reproduced at right) your gift to the college through the Achievement Foundation.
Your personal is needed for both the alumni information and the Foundation.
Please complete your computer printout (use one at right if the original was lost) and send it with your generous check to the Peru Achievement Foundation.
Cordi ally,
Dorothy M. Stepan ( '47) President, Peru Alumni Association
P.S. If you can't make your check as large as you want to at this time, why not send some and pledge the rest?
1973-74 GOAL $100,000!
t · more than four times as many dollars this year in Asdthetgraph 445 alumni out of 8500 made a gift to through or er o ' 5% W need your help and we want to be able to list your the Foundation. This is over e r recruitment and scholarships are our priorities Foundation can provide meaningful assistance to the college this year.
What is Your Annual Fair Share?
In March I sent you a letter asking you to provide the Admissions Office with names of prospective students. The results show that we have nearly 300 names of students we would not have had without your support. All of those students who are eligible for admission this fall have already been contacted at least once.
Several of you have brought prospective students to the campus and that effort is also appreciated. We feel we have an excellent chance of encouraging a student to enroll if we can get him on the campus. The usual response is, "This is really a beautiful campus. I didn't realize prior to coming today that there was so much here."
As of this date we have admitted 226 students for the fall semester. That compares with 156 on the same date last year. The increase·is due to the combined efforts of many people--including members of our alumni association.
Our job is not yet finished as far as our fall class is concerned. We are and will be admitting students until the middle of September. Many students have not yet decided on their plans for the fall. A word from you about Peru State could be helpful to them. We ask you to continue as a member of the team until we cross the goal line in August. Three hundred new students is our goal! Help us achieve that victory!
Thomas S. Stone, Director of Admissions
PERU STATE COLLEGE e PERU, NEBRASKA 68421 • 402/872·3815
Income --1/4 of 1% 1/2 of 1% $ 2,500 $ 6.25 $ 12.50 5,000 12.50 25.00 6,000 15.00 30.00 7,000 17.50 35.00 8,000 20,99 40.00 9,000 22.50 45.00 10,000 25.00 50.00 12,500 31.25 62.50 15,000 37.50 75.00 17,500 43.75 87.50 20,boo 50.00 loo.oo 25,000 62.50 125.00 50,000 125.00 250·:00 100,000 250.00 500.00 3/4 of 1% $ 18.75 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00 67.50 75.00 93.75 112. 50 131. 25 150.00 187 .50 . 375.00 750.00 1% $ 25. 00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 250. 00. 500.00 1,000.00 PERU AllJMN I ASSOCIATION RECORD NAl',E AND ADDRESS TELEPHOi•E NICKNAME e IR THDA TE PARENTS' AND AODRf:SS TELEPHONE NICKNAME BIR THDA TE "JAME OF SPOUSE COLLEGES ATTENDED OCCUPATION EMPLOYLR Is NAME A1•D A OD RE SS OCCUPATIUNAL AWARDS HONORS AND OFFICES COLLEGfS [llRTHDATt=S f":ATCHING GI F1 CU YE A!<. S PlRU COLLlG[ OTHERS OCCUPAT!Oi··JAL FIELD UE:GRtE TITLE MAJOR
Lorillard Corporation
Louisiana Power & Light Co.
Loya1 Protective Life Ins. Co.
Lubrizol Corporation
Ludlow Corporation
Lummus Company
Lutheran Mutual Life Ins. Co.
MFB Mutual Ins. Co.
M&T Chemicals, Inc.
Maclean-Fogg Lock Nut Company
Mallinckrodt Chemical Works
P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc.
Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.
Marathon Oil Company
Martha Washington Kitchens, Inc.
Marine Corporation
Marine Midland Grace Trust Company of N.Y.
Martin Marietta Corporation
Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co.
Matalene Surgical Instruments Co., Inc.
Maytag Company
McCormick &Company, Inc.
McDonald's Corp.
McGraw-Edison Power Systems Div.
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Medusa Portland Cement Company
Mellon National Bank and Trust Co.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Mettler Instrument Corporation
Middlesex Mutual Assurance Co.
Midland-Ross Foundation
Miehle-Goss-Dexter Incorporated
Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co.
Minnesota Mutual Life Ins. Co.
Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Mohasco Industries, Inc.
Monroe Auto Equipment Company
Montgomery Ward
Moog Inc.
Moreland Chemical
Morgan Construction Company
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
Motorola Inc.
Munsingwear, Inc.
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company
Mutual Boiler & Machinery Ins. Co.
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
Mutual of Omaha-United of Omaha
National Biscuit Company
National Cash Register Company
National Distillers and Chemical Corp.
National Lead Company
National Life Insurance Co.
National Steel Corporation
Nationwide Insurance Companies
New England Gas and Electric Assn. Sys.
New England Merchants National Bank of Boston
New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.
New Orleans Public Service, Inc.
New York Times
New Yorker Magazine, Inc.
North American Car Corporation
North American Rockwell
Northeast Utilities Service Co.
Northern Natural Gas Co.
Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.
Northwestern National Life Ins. Co.
Norton Company
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
John Nuveen &Company
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co.
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Old Stone Bank
Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp.
Oneida Ltd.
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.
Owens-Illinois, Inc.
PPG Industries, Inc.
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co.
Parker-Hannifin Corporation
Paul Revere Life Insurance Co.
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company
Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.
Pennwalt Corp.
Pennzoil United, Inc.
Penton Publishing Company
Petro-Tex Chemicals Corporation
Phelps Dodge Corporation Philip Morris, Incorporated
Phillips Petroleum Company
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Pickands Mather & Co.
Pillsbury Company
Pilot Life Insurance Company
Pitney-Bowes, Inc.
Pittsburg National Bank
Plainfield Cytology Lab. Inc.
Polaroid Corporation
Preformed Line Products Company
Price Brothers Company
Pri,ce Waterhouse & Co.
Provident Life and Accident Ins. Co.
Provident Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Philadelphia
Provident National Bank
Prudential Insurance Co. of America
Pullman Incorporated
Putnam Management Co., Inc.
Quaker Chemical Corporation
Quaker Oats Company, The
Ralston Purina Company
Rand McNally & Company
Raytheon Company
Reader's Digest
Reliance Insurance Company
Rex Chainbelt, Inc.
Richardson, Gordon &Associates
Rexham Corp. Foundation
Richardson-Merrell, Inc.
R.J. Reynolds Foods, Inc.
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Riegel Textile Corporation
Rio Algom Mines Limited
Rochester Germicide Company
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc.
Rockefeller Family &Associates
Martha Baird Rockefeller Fund for Music, Inc., The Rockwell Manufacturing Company
Rockwell-Standard Division
Rohn and Haas Company
Rust Engineering Company
Salomon Brothers
SCM Corpora ti on
SKF Industries
St. Regis Paper Company
Sanders Associates, Inc.
Schering Corporation
Scott Paper Company
Joseph E. Seagram &Sons, Inc.
Sealright Co., Inc.
Security Van Lines, Inc.
Seton Leather Company
Sherwin-Williams Company
Sherwood Medical Industries Foundation, Inc.
Shulton, Inc.
Signal Oil and Gas Company
Signode Corporation
Simmons Company, N.Y.
Sinclair-Koppers Company
Singer Company
Smith Kline & French Laboratories
Smith-Lee Co., Inc., N.Y.
The Southland Corp.
Sperry and Hutchinson Company
Spruce Falls Power and Paper Co. Itd.
Squibb Beech-Nut, Inc.
Stackpole Carbon Company
Standard Oil Company (Indiana)
Standard Oil Company (New Jersey)
Standard Oil Company (Ohio)
Standard Pressed Steel Company
Stanley Works, The
Stauffer Chemical Company
Sterling Drug, Co., Inc.
J.P. Stevens & Co., Inc.
Stone &Webster, Incorporated
Suburban Propane Gas Corporation
W.H. Sweney & Company
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.
Sybron Corporation
Syn Tex Corp.
Tektronix Inc.
Teledyne, Inc.
C. Tennant Sons & Co. of N.Y.
Tenneco, Inc.
Texas Eastern Transmission Corp.
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Textron, Inc.
Thomas & Betts Corp.
J. Walter Thompson Company
J.T. Thorpe Co.
Time Incorporated
Times Publishing Co. & Congressional Quarterly, Inc.
Torrington Company
Towers, Perrin, Forster &Crosby, Inc.
Towmotor Corporation
Tracor, Inc.
Transamerica Corporation
Travelers Insurance Companies
Trust Company of Georgia
Turner Construction Company
Union Camp Corp.
United Engineers & Constructors, Inc.
United Fruit Company Foundation, Inc.
United Illuminating Company
United Life & Accident Ins. Co.
United Parcel Service
United States Borax & Chemical Corp.
United States Plywood-Champion Papers, Inc.
United States Trust Company of N.Y.
Upjohn Company
Utica Mutual Insurance Co.
Varian Associates
Victaulic Company of America
Vulcan Materials Company
Wallace-Murray Corporation
Wallace & Tiernan Inc.
Wallingford Steel Company
Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Co.
Warner &Swasey Company
Washington National Insurance Company
Watkins-Johnson Company
C.J. Webb, II
Weeden & Co.
Welch Food, Inc.
West Sand &Gravel Company
Western Publishing Company
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Weyerhaeuser Company
Whirlpool Corporation
White Motor Corporation
John Wiley & Sohs, Inc.
Williams & Company
Winn-Dixie Stores Foundation
Wolverine World Wide, Inc.
Wyandotte Chemicals Corporation
Xerox Corporation
Young & Rubicam, Inc.
Connecticut Light & Power Co.
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Hoover Company
Union Commerce Bank Union Electric Company Union Oil Co. of California Uniroyal, Inc. Volume XXII I Number J.une, 1973 United Aircraft Corporation United Bank of Denver United-Carr Inc. Official publication of Peru State College. Published and distributed periodically. Please notify college of change of address.
M.A. Gesner of Illinois, Inc.
Getty Oil Company Gibbs & Hill Inc.
Gillette Company (and all U.S. Division and Subsidiaries)
Ginn and Company
Girard Trust Bank
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
B.F. Goodrich Company
W. T. Grant Company
Graphic Arts Mutual Ins. Co.
Graphic Printing Co., Inc.
Great Northern Paper Co.
Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company
Griswold-Eshleman Company
Guardian Life Ins. Co. of America
Gulf Oil Corporation
Gulf States Utilities Company
Gulf & Western Guring Group, Inc.
Haliburton Education Foundation, Inc.
Hamil ton Watch Company
Hanes Corporation
Harris-Intertype Corporation
Harris Trust &Savings Bank
Harsco Corporation
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Hartford Electric Light Company
Hartford Insurance Group
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co.
Haskins & Sells
Hawaiian Telephone Company
Hayes-Albion Corporation
H.J. Heinz Company
Hercules Incorporated
Hershey Foods Corporation & Associated Companies
Hewlett-Packard Company
Hill Acme Company
Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc.
Honeywell, Inc.
Hooker Chemical Corporation
Houghton Mifflin Co.
J.M. Huber Corporation
Hughes Aircraft Company
Humble Oil & Refining Corp.
ICI America Inc.
Illinois Tool Works Inc.
Industrial Indemnity Company
Industrial Nat'l. Bank of Rhode Island
Ingersoll-Rand Company
Insurance Company of North America
International Basic Economy Corp.
International Bus. Machines Corp.
International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc.
International Multifoods Corp.
International Paper Co.
International Salt Company
International Telephone &Telegraph Corp.
Interpace Corporation
Irving Trust Company
Irwin Trust Company
Irwin Management Co., Inc.
Itek Corporation
Jefferson Mills, Inc.
Jefferson-Pilot Corp.
Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Co.
Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co.
Jewels Companies, Inc.
John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Co.
Johnson & Higgins
Johnson & Johnson
S.C. Johnson &Son, Inc.
R.B. Jones Corp.
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation
Kaiser Steel Corporation
Kearney Div. of Kearney-Nat' 1 • , Inc.
Kenda 11 Company
Kennecott Copper Corp.
Keri te Company
Kern County Land Company
Kerr-McGee Corporation
Kersting, Brown & Co.
Walter Kidde & Company
Walter Kidde Constructors
Kidder, Peabody & Co., Inc.
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Kingsbury Machine Tool Corporation
Kiplinger Foundation, Inc.
Richard C. Knight Insurance Agency, Inc.
Knox Gelatine, Inc.
Koehring Company
H. Kohnstamm Company, Inc.
Koopers Foundation, The
Lamson &Sessions Company
Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Co.
Lehigh Portland Cement Company
Lever Brothers Company
Levi Strauss &Co.
Liberty Life Insurance Co.
Little, Brown & Co.
Hoyt, Esther Louise '25
Corpus Chri st·i
Yanders, Mrs. Beatrice
Thomas, Lawrence Fred
San Anton·i o
Johnson, Mrs. James A. (Clark) 1 59
Soper, Melba (Mrs.) 1 38
Arlington Kelly, Ronald
Coffman, Mona 1 29
Hanson, Mrs. R.M. (Ethel Kelly) 1 15
Be 11 evue
Webper, R.lrL 1 47
Port Angeles
Floerchinger, Richard 1 65
Cotner, Mrs, Wanda (Pavlat)
Hodwalker, Mrs. Theodore 1 32
Greenlee, Catherine 1 12
Ryan, Mrs. Mark 1 66
Carman, Joyce Ann '61
Milwaukee /\dams, Lydia
Vickers, Eramus G. 1 36
1 39
l gift each from classes of-·-
2 gifts each from classes of '
3 gifts each from classes of
4 gifts each from classes of
5 gifts each from classes of
6 gifts each from classes of
7 gifts each from classes of
8 gifts each from classes of
9 gifts each from classes of
10 gifts each from classes of
11 gifts each from classes of
13 gifts each from classes of
14 gifts from class of 15 gifts from class of
16 gifts from class of
17 gifts each from classes of
Good, Mr. & Mrs. Neal (Margaret Goodridge)
! 41 o I 42
Wheeler, Alan '61
Morgan, Mrs. C. Thomas (Jean Blankenship) '32
Chamberlain, Roy '27
Rock Springs
Johnson, Mrs. Leland (Laura Collins) 1 27
•• • ••••••••••••
The 504 gifts received by the Peru I Achievement Foundation in 1972 were from the I following categories: I Businesses
Tu 11 ahoma
& Corporations
of Peru State College . Past & Present Faculty ....... . A1umi1 i o " " 'l * " • " ;'I <I !lo " II Current Student .............. . Earliest Alumnus Contributor: 8 18 32 445 1 504 I • I I I I I I , Andrew Majors, Omaha, NE ( 1 96) I 1972 Participation by Alumni ·is as lCMS:
'96, 1 , 1 03, l 04, 1 46.
'.34, 1 37,
BREAKDOWN STATE TOWNS Alaska l Arkansas 4 Arizona 5 California 51 Colorado 8 Connecticut 5 District of Columbia l Florida 4 Georgia l Hawaii 3 Idaho 4 Illinois 16 Iowa 20 Indiana 5 Kansas 12 Massachusetts 4 Maryland 4 Missouri 6 Michigan 5 Minnesota 4 Montana 4 Nebraska 77 New Mexico l Nevada l New Jersey 3 New York 7 Oklahoma 2 Ohio 7 Oregon 5 Pennsylvania 3 South Dakota 2 Tennessee 2 Texas 3 Virginia 3 Washington 5 Wisconsin 3 West Virginia 1 Wyoming 4 ?% ''06, .,in. 'HJ ' ·'.)'Cl LJ > 1 35, 1 6·1 08 '.) 12' I 19 9 '42, 1 09, '39, '49, '7L 1 13, 1 59 l "16' '33, '70. '32, '60, 1 30. '69. '63. '15, l 44 o I 45. 11 ' ' 56. 1 52, '53, '20' ! ' 1 24, 1 28, '40, ' '29, ' '14' I 18 > l 21 ' '36, '50 ' l 31 ' ' I 41 > I '57, ! 27' ' !:) ' ' '64. '17. ' '48, I '66, 1 68, '65. 1 38. GIFTS l 4 8 7 20 5 l 5 ·1 3 6 16 28 6 14 4 4 8 5 4 4 229 2 1 3 7 3 7 5 3 2 2 3 4 7 3 l 4 !:;fl/!
This is the design of the plastic coaster that will accompany our thankyou letter for gifts to the Achievement Foundation.
Filley, J. C.
Goldenstein, Mr. & Mrs. (Edus Hohn) '38
Hesseltine, Carrie '04
Highfield, Mrs. Joe (Amber Dougherty) '49
Hungate, James '22
Jennings, Mrs. E.E. (Ingeborg) '65
Landolt, Dr. Paul '33
Lisee, Mr. & Mrs. Robert '71
Livingston, Bobby Dean '50
McCartney, Ted '51
McMaster, Ingeborg (Jennings) '65
Moore, Mrs. Fay (Maxine Russell) '63
Mumford, Martha '08
Nielsen, Mrs. Alfred (Mildred F. Huffer) '17
Palmer, Hazel '44
Rowan, Mrs. B.H. (Dora Zook) '09
Rowoldt, Miss Frieda
Ryan, Patricia '71
Sanders, Mrs. Amon L. (Mary Dallas Harris) '38
Schwenker, Harold '15
Sederbeg, Mr. & Mrs. Curtis (Mary Campbell) '54,' 54
Sorensen, Mrs. William H. (Gladys V. Anderson) '36
Stakn, John W. '31
Stepan, Dorothy '47
Stewart, May '50
Tihiesfield, Mr.& Mrs. Dean (EileenBeethe) '52, '51
Thorpe, Dr. & Mrs. Norman (Goldie Creech) '29, '25
Waybright, Ralph '15
Webb , Mrs. 0. L. ' 09
Westgate, Mrs. V.V. (Pearl Shepardson) '14
Stevens, Mrs. Wade (Flora Marie Warner) '18
Macy Harper, Mrs. Ward (Ellen Broyles) '54
Mead Jeppson, Edna '11
Millard West, Donald '58
Klima, Joseph '15
Kotas, William H. '25
Mull en
Bramer, Mrs. W.H. (Sara Ann Thomas) '22
Vanderford, Dale '50
Nebraska City
Ehlers, Olive, Lewis (Mrs. Herbert '28
Francois, Constance '62
Francois, Virginia '67
Haith, Mrs. Ivan (H. Pauline Rothjea) '68
Jantzen, W.G. '28
Lederer, Mrs. John (Dessie Wright) '24
Livingston, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald '43, '42
Seybert, Mrs. Dale (Mardell Birkmann) '70
Stevenson, Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Mary Hunzeker) '66, 1 68
Schneider, Mr. & Mrs. Leland (Janet Wheeler)
I 67 >I 69
Alexander, William '50
Frauk, Mrs. Patricia (Richardson) '64
Wiechec, Donald '70
North Platte
Bauer, Mr. & Mrs. Merle (Margaret Lewis) 50, '48
Dallam, Mr. & Mrs. Dan (Ida) '26, '43
Helms, Lelia (Frazier) '35
Allgood, Mr. & Mrs. Monty (Judith Adams) '63, '62
Barnes, Russell
Bischof, William '38
Burns, Walter H. '40
Clark, Mr. C.E. "Bud" '28 Clark, Thresa '32
Davis, Etta May '14
Dawdy, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Drake, Mr. & Mrs. Steven '71
Dunn, Cecil H.
Ebner, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Farmers National Co.
Gramlick, Miss Edith '18
Gunderson, Ethe 1 '20
Hall, Mr. & Mrs. Myrton (Dorothy Leonard) '47, '42
Hallstrom, Mr. & Mrs. Jack (Nancy Hardy)
1 50, I 51
Harrison, Ruth
Holdrege, Alberta S.
Kilgrove, Vivian '19
Kirby, Joseph T. '62
Klever, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Kozak, John J.
Langdon, Mrs. Harold (Olive Christensen) '16
Law, Mrs. Larry (Carolyn Wing) '60
Lewis, Mr. &Mrs. John L. (Donaldeen Parriott) '48, '46
Majors, Andrew D. '96
Maynard, Mrs. Raymond (Sharon Beatly) '72
Miller, C.H.
Peterson, Harold '27
Polston, Dela (Mrs.) Merritt '55
Rumbaugh, Mr. & Mrs. Verlan Jr. (Gladys Harriett) '57, '54
Snyder, James L. 1 66
Troia, Carl T. '70
Wood, Fern (Heiser) '68
Stoddard, Fred '15
Papi 11 ion
King, Lucille,M. '53
Pawnee City
Fis her, Mary ' 14
Peru Bank of Peru
Bradley, Juanita (Miss)
Camealey, Edward G. & Mrs. Christ, Dr. John & Lilian '60 Cox, Chalmer (Mrs.) '38
Faculty Women's Club
Fitzgerald, Mr. &Mrs. Tom
Good, Everett '14
Hahn, John
Hays, Mrs. Athur
Lewis, Carroll
McAdams, Mr. & Mrs. Bob '57,'54 Mcintire, Jack Mcintire, John '69
Majors, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur
Majors, Mrs R.C.
Masopust, Mrs. Joseph (Hollis Arlene Hutchinson) '33
Mathews, Lavern '15
Miller, Steve
Patterson, Herbert '14
P.E.O. Chapter A.U. Peru Kiwanic Club
Peru State Faculty & Staff
Phi Beta Lambda Scherer, Mr. &Mrs. Schottenhamel, George Singh, Dr. Balwant
Vance, Mr. & Mrs. Stacy (Buelah Anderson) '19
Duey, Mr. &Mrs. David (Wilma Lichty) '38, '38
Gilliland, Lucile '25
Red Cloud Crook, Roger '65
Portenier, Lillian '17
Davisson, Mrs. Claire (Hicks) '30
Springfield Hogarth, Mary A '13
Eickenberger, Nora '60
Stell a Mason, Mrs. Michael (Jan) '69
Castle, Mr. & Mrs. Mike '69, 1 68
Sutherland Adee, Mrs. E.H. (Beatrice Blythe) '15
Syracuse Ebert, Mrs. Maude (Page) '47
Rodaway, Mrs. Constance (Bright) '31
Windels, Doris '69
Union Becker, Mary L. '61
Wahoo Ekblad, Mrs. Phil R. (Ellen Wahlstrom) '09 Roach, Mike '62 Wells, Mrs. Esther (Anderson) '12
Weeping Water Ellis, Kathryn '18
Weston Pascal, Richard W. '47
Rains, Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Sherry Seibert) I 67 > 69
Wood River Gordon, r1r. & Mrs. Charles (rJancy Check)
Wymore Huntington, Mrs. Eugene '70
York Ferguson, Emma L. '09
Duncan, Erna '27
Gallerani, Capt. & i1rs. Robert '64, '63
NEVADA Las Vegas Warner, James E. (Lois Genoa) I 55
Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. George (Nancy Rhoderi) 1 71, I 71
Moorestown Rose, Francis & Shirley (Koch) '53, '51
Rohway Merch Co. Foundation
Brooklyn LaRocca, Mr. & Mrs. Michael East f1orthport Woods, Mr. Bill '45
Ithaca Moore, Clyde B. '09
New Hyde Park
Davis, Mrs. Elsie (Mares) '27
Rochester Caress, Mrs. A.E. '26
Sea Cliff Seiger, Helen '39
Staten Is 1and Annan, Dr. Murvel E. '48
Lawton Hajek, Francis B. '61
Oklahoma City Fass, Leland H. '47 Wylie, Mrs. L.E. '15
OREGON Portland Alcorn, Mildred '10
Winston Brunsdon, i1ell (Grof) '54
Akron Poo 1 , Mr. C. H. ' 08
Columbus Sc ho 11 , Ra 1ph E. '38
Dayton Henderson, Capt. Ervey '65
Manfield Morton, Mr. & Mrs. Eldred (Thelma Evelyn Howe) '22, '23
Mil ford Gomon, Mr. & Mrs. (Linda Stephens) '65
Oxford Brakney, Miss Ida Mae
Springfield Niemeier, Donald '57
OREGON Forest Grove Walker, Mrs. Clyde (Hazel Osborne) '26
Reedsport Ferguson, Mr. &Mrs. Ara '33
Winston Duey, Mr. &Mrs. Robert (Bonita Brunsdon) 55 > 55
Allentown Air Products and Chemicals
Alum Bank
S1ick, Walter R. Jr. '69
Sinking Springs Lamm, Mrs. Wayne (Darlyne Sweet) '40
Sioux Falls Hein, Dennis D. '63
Springfield Nichelson, Howard '53
Nashvi 11 e Sutton, Mrs. Keith (Bertha Clayburn) '42
1 66
Adair Harnld Lea, Jr. '71
l l:ii a
Horel, Paul L. '69
DeMoH, llrs. Lanny (Jan Bumer) '65
Stukenholtz, Carl '64
Cedar Falls
Hanson,RoseL. '12
J'.,;1.>:',c;rn, ik. & Mrs. LeRoy (Nancy Jones) '41' '42
Des Moines
Adams, !Ir. & Mrs. Bertis (Georgia Bauer)· '56
Gabus, Charles, Mr. &Mrs. (Frances Hardy) '40, '38
Jones, Ruby (Huff) '14
McGrath, Mrs. Verne I (Marquerite Bridges) '21
Lyll is '17
Essex Black, 11rs. Dale (Eva Ruse) '39
Fort Dodge
Bath, Howard '30
Gl env1ood
Adams, David
Kelly Mrs. Eugene (Winnifred Klein) '59
Hamburg , Mr. &Mrs. Martin (Ruth Luenberger) 70' '71
Malvern Frazier, Miss Jessie '62
Panora , Mrs. Ralph (Vera Jacobs) '52
, Thomas '63
Riverton Smith, Fa:1ny 1899
Sac City
Sorensen, Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Diana Ware) '69 '70
, M. U. '40 Mrs. Betty '63
Oestmann, Ronald '63
Si , Mrs. Beth
Ocker, Mrs. Sharon '59
Pov:ell, Mrs. Betty (Elizabeth Hilman) '15
, Lorraine '58
Cc':1:·, Mrs. H. L. '30
Dr. &Mrs. James M. (Wanna Metcalf) 30 1 31
Ma thev,·s , Robert Mr. & Mrs. '63, '65
, Mr. and Mrs. Leo '32, '32
Sutton, Mrs. Keith '42
Rome City
S , Charles A. '17
Cunningham Turner, Richard '38
low, David '58
, Milan '63
Clinkenbeard, Thelma '63
Kansas City
f;ern, Julia (Rumery) '66
Lawrence , Mrs. Wanda (Willmaroe) '26
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Falf (Aileen Wheeldon) both '48 Harriss, Stella M. '08
t1endland, Mrs. Farunklin (Martha Daesenner)
Prim, Monica (Zeiner) '53
Overland Park
Pi Goebel, Mr. and Mrs. Paul '60 Fische;·, Mr. D. '57 & Mrs. Robert S. (Mary E. Jones)
Faulkner, Mrs. Antoinette (Martin) '68
Dennis port Teleen, Mr. &Mrs. Frank (Brenda Mc Carthy) '65' '66
Holliston Brooks, Mrs. John P. (Eleanor Hemphill) '39
Southbridge Cotton, Ronald '64
Semrad, Dr. Elvin '32
Baltimore Bruns, Mr. Donald '47
Rockvi 11 e Kerr, Gerald vi. '55
Saint Mary's City Power, Mrs. Donnell (Mary Sue Moore) '26
Silver Springs
Chatelain, Dr. & Mrs. Verne (Celia Group) '14, '15
Lively, Mrs. Charles (Ethel) '13
Kansas City
McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald (Mary Lu Hicks) '67, '68
North Kansas City
Alson, Mrs. Ralph A. (Helen Chapman Loudon) '21
Bohlken, Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Mary Riley) '59
Carlile, Donald K. Henry, Mr. &Mrs. Robert '59, '58
Garst, Mrs. Arville (Belva Carder) '33
St. Louis Gillilan, James 0 '35
Ann Arbor
Pate, Robert S. '34
Brighton Beck, Mr. &Mrs. E. C. Coldwater
Sherwood, Mr. & Mrs. Allen '69, '69
Klaudt, Mrs. Ernest (Nina Kanel) '43
Doane, Floyd T. '19
Three Rivers
O'Dell, Mrs. C. W. (Katherine Bartling} '41
Glaesemann, Don '65
Shubert, Mr. &Mrs. Loyd (Florence Shogren) '55
Fitz-Patrick, Nan (Bartos) '03
Rochester Holt, Marjorie (Mrs. (Majorie Seeba) '52
Sporleder, Mrs. A.E. (Ruby Taney) '29
Grand Forks
Bukacek, Jody '71
Great Falls
Parsons, Mrs. Ed (Lorine Erickson) '29
Golt, Mrs. Glen (Catherine Kelly) '17
Harrold, Mrs. Allen '47
Haverkamp, Mrs. John '15
Albion Anderson, Mr. &Mrs. Jack '29, '67
A11 i ance
Schill, Katharine '20
Arnold Wehrman, Mrs. Basil (Dorothy Mariek) '20
Carnes, Gerald '57
Auburn BoW11an, Lillian (Humphrey) '38
Clark, Mrs. J. E. '54
Corners, Grace '32
De Vore, Mr. & Mrs. George (Leta Baldwin) '15 Hicks, Lucille Kelligar, Ruth '21
Moore, Edna L. '60
Peck, Mrs. Lela '33
Aurora Hansen, Yrs a A. '22
Rawalt, Emma (Marquardt) '05
Stewart, Mildred '60
Burton, Margaret M. '16
Berger, Linda '72
Ga 1e, Mrs. C. W. ' 07
Hamer, Mrs. Lewis K (Josephine Shacketon)'38
Le Poidevin, Marie '24
Hebard, Alberta (Skeen) '24
Meyer, Mr. & Mrs. Ed11in (Sharon .i\llen) '65, '64
Schmit, Mr. and Mrs. Leland (l1ilma Johnson) '60, '61
Slagle, Mr. & Mrs. R. D. (Julia O'Brien) '40, '37
Zartner, Capt. Donald C. '68
Martin, Mrs. Allan (Mary) '69
Ruzicka, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond '59, '53
Christy, Mrs. Clair '13
Green, Larry J. '71
Brownvi 11 e
Kennedy, Mrs. Ruth '15
Sierks, Mrs. John '47
Burwell La Rocca, Mr. &Mrs. Dominick '66
Svoboda, Martin J. '49
Central City
Riley, Mrs. H.H.
Chadron State College Flower Fund
Forell, Mrs. Cecelia (Wehrs) '11
Clarks Thomas, Mrs. Green (Ruth Philbrook) '27
Fulton, Mr. & Mrs. David (Rae Henry) '60
Hopp, Sandra '68
Beer, Mrs. Harold (Wilma Nofsger) '64
Edgar Hart, Mrs. Earl (Marjorie West) '48
Elk Creek
Finke, L. Eugene '70
Elmwood Clements, S. L. '12
Traeger, Mrs. Lydia E. (Dux) '62
Wenz, Bertha '53
McKelvie, Mrs. Alice '20
Falls City
Davies, Charmain '72
W. B. Maze Const. Co.
Monroe, Mrs. Richard '57
Slagle, Mrs. R. H. (Hattie Lilly) '13
Bowersox, Mrs. Frank P. (Mary Lu Hibler) '16
Gottula, Omar L. '38
Harriss, Mrs. R. C. (Alice Hunt) '10
Hormel, Mrs. Thomas Beard) '63
Krause, Jo Ann (Frericks) '64
Perkins, Mrs. Frank (Gladys Gunderson) '23
Weber, Viary Ann '54
Moore, Amy L. '13
Wright, Don '65
Grand Island
Good, Mr. Richard '48
Somers, Dr. Benjamin '42
Stevens, Mrs. Howard E. (Wilma E. Parnell) '41
Marsh, Lenyce '17
Bloss, Miss Bertha M. '15
Coon, Gertrude, L. '07
Embree, Mrs. Arthur (Rose Bauks) '10
Hansen, Miss Carrie '12
Kucera, Miss Helen M. '30
Faukhouser, Pearl (Kinter) '57
Howe, Mrs. Edward '67
Standerford, Mrs. James (Jeanne Powell) '49
Watson, Mr. & Mrs. L. E. '65, '71
Hayward, Mrs. Willard (Genevieve Nicholas) '29, '59
Broady, Mrs. ber (Madge) '61
Pharoah, William
Duryea, Donald Mr. & Mrs. (Ruby Br01vn) '33, '30
Norman, Mrs. Ronald (Anita) '69
Palmer, Mrs. Charles (Margaret Mitchell) '18
Hagadone, Mrs. Harold (Ellen Knudson) '16
Ashley, Alma
Bailey, Mrs. Rex D. ' 13
Broadston, Clyde '51
Brophy, A. W. '49
Clarke, Mary '45
This graph illustrates the Peru Achievement Foundation record since its beginning. Our goal for this year is $100,000. With your help we can reach or exceed that level and expand our aid to Peru State College.
HONOR ROLL OF CONTRIBUTORS TO Achievement Foundation in 1972
Heimbuck, Dr. & Mrs. Floyd (Bonnie L. Aufenkamp) '48, '49
Blytheville AFB
Hamer, Capt. &Mrs. Richard L. (Carolyn Christopher) '67, '69
Fayetteville Wilson, Donald I. '25
Fort Smith
Howe, Mrs. Ruth (Ruth Walker) '49
Pea Ridge
Gaines, Jack L. '68
Matscnullat, Mr. &Mrs. Gerald (Arlene Lowe) '49, '63
Abbey, Mr. & Mrs. W. S. (Mildred Hanks) '31
Sun City Jones, Marshall C. '·14
Tempe Cotner, Douglas '68
Graybill, Mrs. Irene '36
Niemann, Roger E. '48
Yuma Booth, W. E. '30
Hayes, Mrs. Warren (Isabelle Majors) '39
Anaheim Stegeman, Zelda '21
Swanholm, Effie '18
Apple Valley
Johanson, Mrs. Fritiof (Edna Barnes) '10
Bell Gardens
Woolsey, Mrs. Darolyn '41
Buena Park
Nichols, Mrs. Lyle (Neva Hoak) '21
Capistrano Beach
Wilcox, Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. (Margart Ethlyn Thomas) '27, '22
Scott, Mrs. Pauline (Lyle) '30
Hertz, Edna '28
Caster, Mrs. Grover V. (Grayce C. Teich) '16
Concord Bienhoff, Mr. Herman
Codson, Mrs. Marvel (Lucas) '37-'38
El Capn
Hammon, Mrs. Mabel (Bobb) '30
Graf, Mr. &Mrs. Lon (Mildred Tibbets) 29, I 28
Wilson, Miss Veva '31
IOranada Hills
Overman, Mrs. John '44
Doxon, K.L. Faculty '64-'67
La Canada Prante, M. Loyd
Lafayette Smith, Mrs. Lawrence (Lucille Bicknell) '36
La Jolla Johns ton, Mrs. Opal '13
Redfern, L. D. Mr. & Mrs. '12, '10
La Puente
Schafer, Mrs. M. H. '23
Newhauser, Mrs. Herman (Muriel Sugden) '35
Lompoc Adamson, Mrs. Ralph (Phyllis Bugbee) '32
Long Beach Dixon, Mrs. Crene (Kulp) '07
Kuhlmann, Mrs. Frederic (Bertha Poteet) '17
Los Altos
Clarey, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer W. (Maxine Randall) '38, '39
Los Angeles
Esma.v, Philena (Uhlig) '25
Fl our Foundation
Harvey, Mrs. James P. (Ruth Donner) '35
Stark, Mrs. Clara I. (Fowler) '16
Stevenson, Dorothy '38
Vernon, Robert O. '14
J. Harold '08
Los Gatos Koenig, Mrs. Alfred (Cora Wright) '17
Menlo Park
Broderson, Henry J. '06
Wear, Lyman C. '14
Morongo Valley
Munson, Grace '05
Cutler, Mrs. Harold (Laura Mackprang) '17
Oakl aud
Blair, Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Ruth E. Louise Souder) '41, '39
Jensen, Hanna '15
Pacific Palisades
Suller, Miss Helen H. '19
Christensen, Clarice '51
Seeck, Miss Margaret '09
Whitney, Mrs. Robert (Nina M. Jones) '31
Lehman, Chloe (Pate) '36
San Bernerdins
Sandberg, Mr. & Mrs. Robert '33, '17
Willhoft, Waldo '26
San Carlos
Goerke, Mr. &Mrs. Delton C. (Marcelle G. Redding) ' 41
San Diego
Fisher, Louis W. '20
Snyder, Dr. Peter '19
San Fernando
Nixon, Mr.& Mrs. Dana '36, '34
San Francisco Smith, Mrs. George (Corrine Whitfield) '15
San Jose
Pasco, Etta G. (Mrs.) (Arndt) '18
Weigand, Mrs. Charles (Bernice McHirron) '06
Wolf, Mrs. H. E. (Mary Margaret Harvey) '33
San Leandro
Warman, Clair '29
Santa Ana
Plumb, Vanche Etoile (Miss) '06
Wiley, Iva Dunn
Santa Rosa
Albright, William '57
Francis, Charles R. '60
Clayburn, Mrs. A. B. (Ethel) '24
Norton, Susan W.
Harrison, Carlos '51
Groves, Oscar '56
Villa Park
Ehlers, Mr. & Mrs. A. B. '59, '58
Walnut Creek
Redemann, Phyllis (Steever) Mrs. Carl T. '49
Wear, J. W. (Mrs.) '30
Stoody, Virginia '27
Woodland Barber, Mrs. Dulcie (Morris) '29
Richardson, (Mrs.) C. H. (Mae True) '12
Findeis, Minnie (Mrs. Stanley) (Minnie Doman) '30
Castel Rock
Stevens, Mr. Avery '32
Colorado Springs
Adair, Edna (Beach) '08
Majors, Lt. Col. & Mrs. A. L. '51, '50
Ashton, Mr. & Mrs. Jack '35
Di dde l, Norma L. (Miss) Green, Marjorie (Rouse) Grim, Vida (Van Camp) '13
Hill, Mrs. Arthur L. (Leone) '23
Howie, Mr. &Mrs. C. A. (Audrey Chase) '16
Johnson, Mrs. Ruth '33
Krebs, C. Vernon '13
Englewood Delzell, Mr. & Mrs. James (Luci11es fiewcomer) '29, '29
Terry, Hugh B. '26
Fort Coll ins
Barrett, Mrs. Ara '09
Costello, David '25
Kerner, Frauk '30
Schmelzer, Persy '48
Cook, Mrs. Myrtle E.
East Hartford United Aircraft Corp.
Hurst, Mr. C. W
New Haven
Brownell, Mr. &Mrs. S. M. (Eshter Delzell) '23
Uncasvi 11 e
Lewis, Mrs. Anna '14
Duffendack, Mr. &Mrs. O. S. '09
Morgan, Dr. Joy Elmer '09
Sims, Mr. & Mrs. Ken '64
Port Orange Pumley, Mrs. Ruth (Blomquist) '24
Riddle, Mrs. J. Howard (Helen Barbara Majors) '15
St. Petersburg
Galinis, Mrs. Victor '30
Kirtley, Mrs. Walter D. '14
Crawford, James '41
Diane, H. L.
Miller, Shelly '70
Gorder, Maybella '30
Gockley, Miss Elma I. '49
Coeur Dalene
Buising, Mr. & Mrs. L.W. '36, '25
Coy, S. Clay '31
Emmert, Mrs. John W. (Cella Esse Teich) 'll
Idaho Falls
Jones, Mrs. Truman (Hazel Vance) '28
Twin Falls
Carlson, David '08
Hamm, Mr. &Mrs. Pat (Karen Mcintire) '63 Bell evil e
Read, Mrs. Richard '42
Carbondale Pederson, Franklin D. '59
Chicago Adams, Amy J. '21
Chicago Heights
Applegate, Amy '18
Barrett, George H. '52
McHenry Smith, Mr. &Mrs. Richard (Margaret A Lutt) '69, '70
Marion Case, Ron '60
Firoved, Mrs. W. G. (Laure Salzmann) '16
Mount Zion
Mickel, Jere C. (Dr.) '26
Oak Park Oqurek. Marcella '31
Park Forest
Riggs, Dr. Wayne L. '37
River Forest
Sugden, Mr. W. E. '32
Scott AFB
Thomas, Major Robert J. '54
Sterling Myers, Mrs. C. Cloyd (Majorie A. Young) '54
Kohler, Mrs. Edward {Barthuig, Elizabeth) '36
INVESTORS li'V PERU STATE'S FUTURE •••• \ \ I ' / *-$100,000$so,ooo.1------J--+---+---1--+---j $40,0001------l----+------+---+--+1+--,-1 / /: .L ' ... ' I \ i /\ $30 ,0001----+---l----l-----i-+--1--+\ - -··· : I I : $20,000 I _.: ) I $ ----: /\ / / ..-- / / . 'ss 'ss '61 '64 '67 '70 '73'. ·-- ··74?
A permanent yearly scholarship of $100 in
memory of Mae Miller Beck has been established
by her husband, Dr. E. C. Beck, with a $2,000
gift to the Peru Achievement Foundation. The memorial scholarship will first be offered to a Peru State College student majoring in Eng-
lish for use in the fall, 1974.
Mrs. Beck, a 1912 Peru State graduate, died May 14, 1973, in Livonia, Michigan.
When announcing the memorial gift, PAF Development Director Edward J. Craren said
the scholarship will be funded from investment interest.
Dr. Beck, also a 1912 PSC graduate, and Mrs. Beck have contributed on a yearly basis
for the past ten years for a $100 scholarship
awarded to a PSC English major.
Both Dr. and Mrs. Beck returned to their alma mater to teach he as head of the English department (1923-28) and she as first
and second grade supervisor in the Peru State
training school (1925-28). The couple also
served Peru State as educational consultants
their fields during the 1964 summer sess10n.
After graduation from Peru State, Dr.
Beck earned A.B. and A.M. degrees from the
University of Nebraska, and M.A. from Harvard,
and Ph.D. from George Peabody College, Nash-
ville, Tennessee.
Mrs. Beck had elementary teaching experi-
ence in Lincoln, and taught elementary educa-
tion courses at Montana State College, Dillon and the University of Florida, Gainesville.
Dr. Beck served on Eng 1i sh department
January when members of the State College Board of Trustees met 1;;ith the Advisory Council. Their comment was, "We have never seen such enthusiastic support by citizens for the co"llege in their area."
With news of the Governor's 1973 legislative budget proposal, it appeared Peru State's future was on the line.
The advisory council rallied behind the institution in their February meeting, agreeing that the immediate need was to strengthen the future of Peru State by continuing fouryear academic programs on the PSC campus and expanding vocational technical programs.
Determination on the part of the council enrollment and to promote legislative and community support were pledged . . When discussing his advisory council position, Judge Albert Maust of Falls City said "This is the first time I 1 ve been aware of ' what is going on (at Peru), but I do believe that there is great enthusiasm for Peru at Peru itself that never happened before, that I was aware of. '1
Auburn!s Richard Layson believes that the advisory group has helped the image of PSC in that "Each of us understands the college better, and because of this VJe can communicate to other people of our communities at least some of 1ivhat we learn at the monthly meetings."
The positive attitude reflected by the energetic emissaries of the advisory council is considered invaluable by Peru Staters.
staffs at the University of Florida, Montana
S State, Northeastern Preparatory School, Bos-
ton, Central Michigan College, Mt. Pleasant,
and Stillman College, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
In earlier years he taught elementary school in Nebraska.
President's Advisory Council
A recent battle cry for Peru State is "We're on the move" and the President's Advisory Council formed last September is aiding in the push.
The voluntary 33 member council of businessmen and women, civic leaders and professional representatives from 15 area communities has viewed the working of Peru State more closely plus relaying to the institution what the people of Southeast Nebraska see and expect of the college.
Leon Joy, Falls City High School council member, said, 11 The advisory council has opened doors for the college by the fact that the members have their ear to the ground for feedback of what their community expects from the college. They can see what is happening and how it can improve.
11 The council works both ways, 11 Joy continued. "Not only are they giving feedback to the President from the community, but from the college to the community."
Peru State has been put to the test sevl times since it's inception. Many council members were meeting Dr. Smith for the first time when attending the initial meeting last September.
Dr. Smith and other PSC administrators perhaps most realized the council's worth in
Resolution Honors Dr. Smith and Dr. Bowers
Allan Casey, Peru Achievement Foundation President from Auburn, announced that PAF passed a resolution of appreciation honoring Dr. Max Smith, Peru State ColPresident, Dr. Frank Bowers, vice president, for their personal assistance to the Foundation during recent months of recognition were presented the May 30 PAF finance committee meeting in Auburn. Casey commended Dr. Smith 1 s and Dr. help in recent Peru Achievement Foun?ation reorganization and in renewing the comm1 tment of cooperation from Peru State College.
After PAF trustees meetings last November and the Foundation proceeded with plans to hire a development director, initially by Dr. Smith. Edward J. Craren was appointed early in April.
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