1974-1975 Peru Pedagogian

Page 1

Constjtutjon, Currier's Suggestion Appoints Wheeldon Senator

The validity of Susie Wheeldon as Student Governing Association senator representing Davidson-Pal1J1er Hall was resolved on, Wednesday, September 11, when no other petitions for the 'office were submitted.

The controversial topic was solved on the suggestion of SGA sponsor Mike Currier which would now allow President Amy Walsh to appoint Ms. Wheeldon to the position. Wednesday was the deadline for the 50 signature petitions from anyone who was running for an SGA office.

The controversy began when President Walsh notified Ms. Wheeldon that she was elected dorm representative without the election being under the supervision of the SGA. The election was also called invalid because petitions were not submitted to the SGA prior to the election and because the election wae not held when elections of that nature are usually run. Ms. Wheeldon was elected on April 11 of last semester while the election was to be held this September 18.

· Mrs Susan Hallock, resident director at Davidson-Palmer hall, charged that the SGA constitution does not clearly state the rules of an election of that nature. At last Tuesday's SGA meeting Mrs Hallock ex-

pressed her desire to solve the problem and suggested the wording in the constitution on elections should be revised. SGA Vice-President Dennis Ehmke volunteered to work on revising the constitution on elections and will report at tomorrow night's meeting.

The problem was threatened to be solved at one time during the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting Senator Ray Boeche motioned that the session .end at 7 o'clock, the motion was seconded by Senator Roland Barrett.· A vote was held and it was unanimously decided that the meeting end in an hour. However, before the vote was taken Senator John Robertson suggested and it was approved by Boeche that the meeting end only if all important matters were om of the way. After ,minutes of indecision Mr Currier reminded Boeche this was added to his motion before the unanimous vote was taken. Both Boeche and Barrett were excused from the meeting at 7 o'clock and Boeche volunteered to look into ways of shortening future sessions.

Another issue discussed at the meeting was the Student Center Board coming up with the Homecoming theme permanently. Vice-President Ehmke made the motion and it was carried unanimously.

Peru Pedagogian

Dean Violates Rule

v Phil Dean, a Peru sophomore residing off-campus has been found to be in direct violation of the college rule requiring all full time students not of junior standing and under the age of 21 to live in residence halls unless special permission is granted from the administration.

It became the responsiblity of Housing Director John Letts to enforce the ruling by informing Dean that unless he conformed to the present policy and moved on campus, he would be refused the right to register for classes.

Dean appealed the ruling,

to the Student Affairs Commission, which, in a meeting held September fourth, upheld the ruling, barring him from registration, unless he moves to a dormitory.

Dean, feeling this to be in violation of his rights, intends to : carry his case to the Board of Trustees, initially responsible for the P.S.C. housing policies.

Dr. Rosenberg and Mr: Letts have entered a joint recommendation to the S.A.C. that a study of the college campus residency policy be made with the idea of changing the

requirement for campus residency to cover freshman only. If the Commission in favor of the change, it will be presented to the College Affairs Council. If the council :eels the situation warrants a change in the present policy a recommendation will be made to the Board of Regents, who hold the power to make the requested change.

Phil intends to work with the S.G.A. and the Student Affairs Commission in an effort to bring about such a change.

Kanin's "Born Yesterday"

First Drama Production

Auditions were held for the has, nevertheless, ominous Speech and Drama Depart- overtones in more than one rnent's first 1974-75 production, l!Born Yesterday," by Garson Kanin,.on the evenings of August 27 and 28. The play will run through the evenings of September third through the fifth.

Now in its third week of rehearsal, the play is relevant to the present-day political-. situation of intrigue and questionable credibility. A hoodcurn-multirnillionaire attempts to control legislation in Washington dealirig with his business interests. A comedy, it

scene. Ed Clark, P.S.C.'s new man in speech, drama and mass cornmUJlications, sees the play as expressing values on three levels. First, on the surface, it plays on government corruption. Then, on a deeper level, it deals with the basic American values of democracy. Even in a more intense vein, "Born Yesterday" comes to grips with the question of personal honesty.

Describing it as a comedy in the style of Salinger, Clark feels

the play will become a classic. Clark feels there is a great deal of potential in the cast, and he wants to bring out all three levels of values in the actors. Commenting on the te!!hnical situation, Clark said, "I'm especially happy that I have a lot of people on tech because it means. there are a lot of people interested in theater for the magic involved. Many of them are people )Vho tried out but didn't get parts. It shows intent and dedication. I feel I've got a very good technical director in , Dan Bolin."

Peru Marching Band Is Reactivated

The Peru State College Marching Band, clad in blue and white, will be spotlighting such events as the Bobcat grid games, pep rallies and concerts this fall. Dr. David Edris, new rnilsic staff member will direct the newly reactivated band. Although stage band, concert band, and other instrumental groups have been continuous throughout in the college's 108 year history, fne most recent

marching band was in the late 1950's.

Edris said the bandsmen registered know how to march but perfection is needed in the areas of high step marching (eight steps to each five yards on the football field) cornering, right-left facings and cadence.

Agift of 90 blue and white twill band outfits from the Plattsmouth school system give the. PSC band a definite advantage

over other newly formed bands' less fortuante in receiving uniforms their initial year.

Dr. Edis said, "We may have some problem with sizes, but with the 90 uniforms plus several partial sets, we hope to be able to fit everyone."

Dr. Edris hopes to build a highly polished marching band .with a defined performance and a touch of flair.

Fitzgerald And Camealy

Receive Their Doctorates


Torn Fitzgerald, head of the · P.S.C. Athletic Department and an 8th year veteran of Peru, was granted a Doctorate of Education from the University of Nebraska in August.

He entered college in 1948 at the University of Missouri at Columbia. After receiving his degree he joined the military where he coached till his separation. He then enrolled at Kansas State Teachers' College at Emporia, where he earned his Masters in Education.

Edward G. Camealy of the Peru State College music department received his doctorate in music from the

University of Colorado at Boulder, May 24, 1974.

Carnealy was told in the early 1960's to start work on his doctorate or leave Peru State College. He then enrolled at the University of Colorado and ipvested the next nine years and $45,000 in achieving his degree.

Dr. ·Carnealy has hopes of publishing his dissertation, written on Oswald v.on Wokenstein, a German composer of the Middle Ages, and recovering at least part of his expenses.

When asked what advice he would give someone working toward his doctorate or masters,

Dr. Camealy replied, "He should learn an effective style of prose writing.''

Women's Dorm Elect ·Reps

Freshmen Connie Burgess and Penny Baker were elected representatives for the Davidson-Palmer dorm council at the annual Sister Sue party held September 5th in the Neal Dining Hall. The purpose of the party was to give incoming freshmen and transfer students a chance to get to know the other members of the dorm,

VOL. NOa 1
'.1429 5 /.?"/ 15 'f:6.
Football Coach Bob Riley speaks at September 5 pep rally.


Welcome to your newspaper

ijopefully it is a newspaper that will inform you, entertain you, provoke thought and present controversies. It's a newspaper that will attempt ·to present many and .varied views of college life. It is a paper that will investigate campus practices and issues. How well we do our job depends largely on you, the readers.

H we know someone is out there listening, we 'II" feel like we're accomplishing something. We need your ideas for possible stories. There is no way we can know about all you interesting people and the interesting, iiossibly unusual things you're doing unless you tell us.

I think we can work together. We'll he honest with you because we feel very strongly about a newspaper staff making the final decision of what goes into

the paper - but since we want to cover a wide range of subjects, ideas and personalities, only our readers can accomplish that.

Letters-to-the-editor, story ideas, and questions about campus p0licy that you would · like us to look into can be sub· mitted to the Editors mailbox in the Education Building, Room 218. We want your criticisms as well as a pat on the back when a job is well done.

Investigative reporting should be a major undertaJ9ng of the college press and I think that any campus paper that fails to do so is gravely shortchanging its readers. Few thjngs that go unchallenged will ever improve.

Consequently, we'll be providing you with both the what of things going on and the why. I think a college paper should at times go a step beyond investigative reporting and should


For my first coltimn I was going to write about how my confidence in the judicial system of this country was restored over the summer and finally recaptured on August 9 when Richard Nixon resigned.

I was going to continue by praising our new president, citing how he has displayed open-mindedness and honesty throughout his first month in office. Then I was going to comment on the guts he displayed in favoring some sort of amnesty in a speech at the VFW convention. I can't think of an audience where he could have received a less favorable reaction. I was going to write about all of these feelings of mine until I learned Mr Ford pardoned Nixon from the first day he took office in 1969 until the day he left the White House, , Now there are doubts in my mind about our new President. Doubts like the ones on my mind when Nixon moved American troops into Cambodia in the spring of 1970. Doubts like the ones I've had two years ago when the break-in was first revealed. Doubts about Mr Ford's actions which for a month led me to admire him.

My doubts turn into questions, many questions. Does Gerald Ford really believe Nixon should be put above the law? What was Ford thinking about when he decided to pardon Nixon? Does Ford really care about the war resisters and deserters (I think he should worry about those missing in action first) or was that interest in amnesty just used to prepare the American people fQr Nixon's pardon? Was there some sort of deal set up between Nixon and Ford1 Why did Jerald F. terHorst really resign? Why was Special Watergate Prosecutor Leon Jaworski left out of the pardon decision?

My job as a journalist is not to ask questions but to answer them. There is now one question I or anyone else will not be able to answer. Last November 17 Nixon said " people have got to know whether or not their President is a crook; well, Iain not a crook." The question of whether or not Richard Nixon was guilty will now never be answered, since he was never proven guilty his pardon leaves him an innocent man. Many statements · he has made while in office I had doubted. Some have turned out to be lies.

advocate changes in the system and we 'II do this when we think necessary. Such storys are clearly marked to distinguish them from objective news stories.

Any interested person who has a view he or she would like to express in a column fo;'mat rather than a letter-to-the-editor should feel free to notify me at any time.

We are greatly in need of columnists, sports writers, photographers and business majors who are willing to volunteer their time and effort' toward an important cause, the paper. Those interested in possibly receiving extra credit in their courses by helping the Ped in any of the preceding ways contact me immediately.

The Ped Editor Editors Note: I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank certain people who in the last crazy moments we had before going to press stayed up all night typing, doing advertising layouts, and other little essentials vital to putting out a paper of high caliber. · A round ·of applause plus unlimited gratitude from the staff goes out to Tallie, Kerns, Ruth Minshall, Connie Burgess, Peg Jones, Larry Franzine, Mark Felker and the students from Journalism I who got all their articles in on time.



My first topic of this column will be an introduction of more than one use of Ja-Jakes. Ja-Jakes may be indestructibly used to massage swollen ankles after 27 miles of trucking done daily to the campus from the Complex. Destructably you could put them into .another persons clean clothes while they are in the dryer. Stink? ·

Getting into the more prosperous uses of Ja-Jakes you could, but it is not highly recommended you do, but you could, raise them by locating a male Ja-Jake and a female Ja-Jake, properly mating them, raise their offspring and finally becoming the first human in the entire history of the universe to have a Ja-Jake farm. Resulting from your glorious investment your present financial status will multiplied overnight by the estimated figure of. 5,000.

The more uncomplicated uses of Ja-Jakes are briefly as follows. You can: flex them, decorate them, comb them, blame them, exhibit them, scare them, coax them, deliver them, pump them, reward them, save them, freeze them, thaw· them, flour them, fry them, eat them, digest them, throw them up!

By the way Ja-Jakes are commonly referred to as chicken livers.

Note: Walk your Ja-Jake daily.


Managing Editor Terrie

Contributing Editor Frank D' Addesa

Artists/Cartoonists : Larry Franzene

Business Manager Tally Kerns

Sports Editor Mark Felker

Circulation Manager Connie Burgess

Advertising Manager Peggy Jones

Photography Editor , Gail Harmon REPORTERSFrank D' Addesa, Connie Burgess, Larry Franzene, Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel, Gail Harmon and Larry Kosch

i. Septo 197.4 Peru Pedagogian
• chicken • snacks • ice cream Phone in your order! 872-5025 Open Daily 10:30-10:30 Page 2
DUFFY'S .lNN "THE REAL HOME OF THE ·BOBCATS" downtown PERU, NEBR.· Phone 872-6025 • Package liquor • Game room • "Happy Hour" - Fri. 5:00-6:00 p.m.

Many New Teachers On Peru Campus

Mr Alan Robert Cram, one of our many new teachers, is in charge of the handcrafts, industrial crafts and wood technology classes in the Industrial Arts department. He also has a class called "the world of construction," held. on Wednesday nights.

Mr Cram is from Alliance, Nebraska where he attended elementary school and high school. The fall after his high school graduation he went on to Chadron State and graduated in 1971 obtaining a B.S. in education. That summer he got married and moved to Bruning,Nebraska, where he taught at the Bruning Public School of Industrial Arts for three years. During all the summers of these three years he attended silmmer school ·at Chadron and this summer earned his Master of Science Degree and applied for a job to Peru.

He and his wife like living in Peru very much, but have not decided yet whether or not they will settle here permanently. He says he wants to "get used to ·everything" before he makes any decisions having to do with the future of his family as well as having to do with the classes he's got under his control.

John Jacobson is the new director of Planning and Development at Peru State College. Mr Jacobson has a BA degree in Speech 'f?eatre Art from the Umvers1ty of Minnesota. Agraduate associate in the Institute of Research at Bemidj State College for one year Mr Jacobson also earned his BS degree in History. He went on to be a research assistant .in the Institute of Research at Northern Michigan for the next four years.

When asked his main objective, Mr Jacobson replied, "I will work on faculty work load, cost-Of-analysis data and act as an institute of research for the administration, faculty, and students."

Mr Jacobson has a wife, Cindy, two sons, Andrew and Aaron, and a daughter, Barbara.

There's a new man in one of the most rewarding jobs on campus this year. That man is Darrell Williams, head of the food services at Peru State

Mr Wp!iams, an employee of Broughton Food Services, (the company which handles food service at Peru), was sent here by that company to take over the food services at Peru. Mr Williams said that he liked the town of Peru and that he thought the college was a nice little place. He said he hasn't had any complaints about the food but it wouldn't bother him if there were.

Mr Williams and his wife Ann came to Peru from Clarinda, Iowa, where Mr Williams was thehead of food services at Iowa Western Community College. He also brought with !iim his four children, Sheryl, Tim, Mike and Tammy.

There aren't many things about the facilities he'd like to change, but there was one thing. Mr Williams said, "I wish they would put all the equipment in the kitchen in good working order."

Mr Bill Snyder, named head of the Peru Achievement Foundation, has held this post since August.

Born and raised in Pawnee City, Mr Snyder graduated from the University of Nebraska and taught at Johnson-Brock Schools for the next five years. His next three years were spent at Peru teaching economics. Last year he transferred to Columbus Senior High but has returned once again to Peru.

Mr Snyder's primary responsibility as head Of the foundation is to organize and keep record of all incoming contributions to the · college. Business campaigns, alumni, and bequests left for the school constitutes a Iarge percentage of the contributions.

Founded in 1955, the Peru Achievement Foundation feels its main objective is to "improve our ability to give scholarships and provide for more capital improvements."

By capital improvements Mr Snyder said hjs organization would in the future like to provide needed revenue for the gymnasium, library, and band uniforms. The foundation also works toward the improvement of services to the alumni in the surrounding communities.

Peru Pedagogian

a teacher at Auburn Middle School she feels that "College is much more intellectually stimulating than middle school. Middle school only involves basic training. I would like to teach more complex materials." Holding various other high school teaching iobs (Table

Rock, Nemaha Valley), her first teaching job was East Jordan, Michigan. "My husband was tired of Nebraska but since East Jordan was a resort area for winter sports, the expenses were extremely high. My husband decided he liked Nebraska after :ill."

Mrs Fell believes students want something different. In the near there will be a meeting to discuss ideas for activities and discuss how the Peru home-ec department can rebuild its image and make home-ec a worth-while department of Peru State CollegP,.


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This year as P.S.C. honoree instructor is Mrs Arlene Fell's first college job. Formerly College:
Support The Bobcats"

Midland Takes Opener 31-12

The Peru State Bobcats The PAT failed and the halftime traveled to Fremont, Sept. 7, for the pigskin season-opener against Midland College Warriors. First-year head coach, Bob Riley, saw his wishbone-oriented Bobcats go down in a 31-12 defeat by a solid wishbone-cracking Midland defense.

After a scoreless first quarter, Midland lir up the scoreboard with a 35 yard field goal. The kick came with 2:44 elasped in the second quarter.

Recovering a loose pigskin on the Midland 27 yardline, Peru State moved in for their first TD. Jim Ford, a running back, scrambled for 19 yards around right end for the score. The PAT failed and it was 6-3 with 5:09 left in the first half.

With 58 seconds left on the clock, Rodney Carter, Peru's quarterback, ran a 2:7 yard

::.1:ore 1i-.>, rn Peru's favor. Things were different in the second half as the Midland Warriors' defense became ironclad. Peru State was allowed only one first down in the second half and could not get beyond their own 35 yardline until late in the fourth quarter. Meanwhile, the Midland wishbone offense was off and running with their inside-outside ground attack.

Two TDs were scored on consecutive drives of 73 and 59 yards each to lead 16-12, goinl$ into the fourth quarter. After Midland scored on a 67 yard march to lead 24-12 in the fourth quarter, Peru State staged their only scoring threat of the second half. Aided by a cquple of 15-yarders against Midland, Peru State moved the pigskin down to the Midland 38

Peru J.V. Beaten

The .Peru State College junior varsity football team lost their game with Midland last Monday night by a score of 14-0.

The contest looked like an opening game with tough looking defenses punishing the unsure and spotty looking offensive teams. The Bobcat offense got off to an unimpressive start and just couldn't put together what they needed for a score. Greg Sprague received the starting nod as the hometown signal caller. In the second quarter, Sprague was replaced by Harry Phillips, but the team didn't

seem to have its timing beneath him either. The P .S .C. defensive squad was hitting hard to hold the spotty Midland offense. Two defensive players deserving mention are linebacker Ken Handy and safety Ken Brown who snagged three interceptions.

Midland's offensive punch came from Steve Monson, and quarterback Chuck Micek who both scored touchdowns for the cause. The p_Qint-aftertouchdowns were both kicked by Ed Wathen.

Harriers Drop Debut

Outmanned is the only way to describe the Peru State Cross Country teams 1974 debut. Northwest Missouri handed the Bobcats an 18-35 setback.

Northwests Junior - John WeHerding sporting a brown golf cap, emerged the winner despite a push by freshmen teammate Mike Cregeen. Both runners time was recorded as 14:47, which PSC Coach Ron Jones described as a "real good time for the first meet."

Peru's best was Ron Storant, who finished third in 15:00. Storant broke out early and led the field for the first mile. However, he fell back as Wellerding and Cregeen came on strong in the final two miles of the three mile course. Northwest

freshmen Vernon Darling was fourth with a time of 15:05.

Buy- Sell-Trade?

We welcome your want-ads, students! What better way to advertise than to put your ad in the "Pedagogian" where your fellow stiidents are sure to see it? Student rates are: 2c per word or 25c per column 112 inch. Ads must be turned into the "Pedagogian" Office, which is ocated in Educ. 218, by 3:00 p.m. the Tues. preceding publication. Please include name, phone number or address where you can be reached and the length of time you would like the ad run.

yardline. A clipping infraction set the Bobcats back 15 yards. On the next play, a Bobcat pass was pirated to end the scoring threat.

With 3:56 left -on the clock, Midland added frosting to the victory cake on a 64 yard TD drive to .make the final score 3112.

Anyone wishing to sign up eir team for the men's inramural touch football league, ust do so before Wed., Sept. 8th. Entries can be registered the men's P.E. Office. H you ould like to participate but annot find a team, leave your ame at the P. E. Office and you ill be assigned to one.

Any student intereste i lifeguarding at the campus pool on week-ends and some week nights, should contact Mr Schnaser to apply. Students must have Senior lifesaving o Water Instruction certificates to guard. Please bring a zeroxe copy of your certificate whe you apply. Lifeguards will b aid 2.00 an hour.

Sept. 0 1974 Peru Pedagogian
PERU First downs 8 Rushing yards 36-157 Passing yards 24 PassinHom.-att 2-10 Fumbles 0-0 Penalties 9-79 Punts 6-26 Midland 22 52-269 90 5-14 2-2 7-85 2-42 Top Midland RusherGilbert 100 yards on 21 carries. Top Peru State RusherCarter ,(1st half 7 carries 83 yards)
SIXTH STREET SKATING RINK Satvrdo.y EveninJ: 7--IO P"I SaturJ"'y Svr.do.y /-1 Pm in ttebraska. City. Nebr.
STEINER'S HOBBY CENTER downtown Nebr. City ARTS and CRAFTS See Us For Page 4 Art and Craft ·Supplies Otoe Paint Store downtown Nebr. City ACADEMICRESEARCH -· LIBRARY Thousands of Topics $2. 75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 176-page, mail order catalog of 5500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage (1·2 days delivery time). 519 GLENROCK AVE. SUITE #203 · LOS ANGELES, CA. 90024 Our materials are sold.for research only DONNA'S GIFT SHOP Best malts and sodas in town Downtown Peru Ilf¥!&11flllSI I STEAKHOUSE ll LOUNGE I NEBRASKA CITY, NEBR. f[ i U. MIN I Ml&R1 GAS- -!CE 7 -ii t>AILY checking accounts savings accounts HEW student

PEP Promotes Team Spirit

A new organization for young ladies has formed ,to promote Peru. The title PEP, is a consolidation of the group's full name. Comprised of several of Peru's young ladies who want to be involved, the group began the only membership requirement being that the person have an enthusiasm for Peru.. Jayceettes. last pring deeiding not to associate with the Mrs Jaycees

Brenda Chambers

Auto Accident Fatal To Coed

Brenda Chambers, a junior at Peru State, died from internal injuries suffered in a car accident Wednesday, September 18. She was a passenger in a car driven by Frank D'Addesa, a PSC junior who was listed in fair condition on Thursday, September 19.

Both were involved in a near head-on collision with Charles V. Heskett. His wife Twyla.and.

Bruce Sweenie were passengers in the car. The accident occured 1.2 miles north of Abuurn on highway 73-75 at approximately 6:45 p.m., according to investigating officer Ed Pokorny.

Brenda, a resident of Davidson-Palmer Hall was from Champion, Nebraska. She was 23 years of age. She died on the way to the University of Lincoln Medical Center in Omaha. Frank, 21, of Elizabeth, New' Jersy, was transferred to the University Hospital in Omaha. He suffered severe head injuries and minor cuts and bruises. An-English.maj9r, Brenda had attended both McCook and Kearney State before transferring to Peru in 1973. Funeral procedures will be held in Champion.

"From Peru To

With the theme "From Peru To Peru" a sixteen mile walk sponsored by the Christian ReliefOverseas Project (CROP) and·the Peru Jay-cees will be held in· Peru on October 20.

According to Rev. Robert Cordes, director of the walk, the goal for the day is $2,500 with all but twenty percent going toward agricultural 'equipment for the South American country. The rest will go to set up scholarships at Peru State College in the name of the Jay-cees.

Cordes also said sponsors and walkers ate needed and anyone interested should contact him or Gary Hoemann by October 16. The walk which will. begin at one o'clock is also being aided by Peru State instructor Robert Lewellen and Phi Beta Lambda who are in charge of planning: the route and clearance of roads and People Enthusiastic for Peru (PEP) who will be in charge of registration and finance. Hoemann is in charge of pu':llicity.

organi'!:ation because ot tne involved membership restrictions. So the group set about choosing a new name for themselves, finally deciding on Peru's Enthusiastic People, .or PEP Club.

The club put together and successfully ran, a summer program for the City of Peru. The program included arts and crafts, story hours, tumbling, gymnastics, and outdoor movies.

PEP Club will also work with the Jaycees to bring younger people in Peru a bicycle safety program and a bicycle rodeo.

One of the group's first moneymaking projects will be selling helium-filled balloons at Bobcat home games, to be released after 'Cat tou.chdowns.

Officers of the organization , are Betsy Norden, president; Bonnie Letts, vice-president; Jayne Engle, secretary and J,

Crafts Fair Is October 19

A Colonial Crafts Fair will be one of the activities for the Peril Bicentennial which begins on October 19 with a day full of other events. The fair will feature the making and selling of gingerbread, quilts, soap and candles. Mrs Jim Pryor is in charge of this event.

Other activities planned for the day include a Bicentennial · Parade at 10:30 a.m., the Peru Mini Park Dedicatfon and Designation of. Peru as a · Bicentennial City:• and the Bicentennial Flag Raising at 11:30 a.m. The day will also feature the Peru State Bobcats playing Chadron at a 1.:30 contest.

According to Ernest Longfellow, Chairman of the Peru Bicentennial, this day will mark the beginning of

events planned between now ano 1976.

Other projects being planned for the future include a placing of an Veteran's Memorial Monument on November 11 at Peru's Cemetary Hill, setting up a country school, a steam engine tourist train from Nebraska City to Brownville which stops at Peru, an. adult spelling bee contest, a museum at Peru State College, and establishing a hiking and bicycle trail from Peru to Brownville's Indian Cave.

Other members on the Peru Bicentennial Committee include Mr and Mrs George Schottenhamel, Laverne Mathews, Robert Lewellen; Joe Masopust and members of the Oak Dale, Rural Life, Eastern Star and Tuesday :

Divis,ions Replace .."chools

Anew department system has been initiated this fall placing the instructors at Peru State College in divisions instead of schools, the former system used.

According to Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Clyde Barrett the change was made to the system with a minimum of positions." Barrett noted all the

department heads are teaching.

The Division Chairmen and their divisions are: Performing Arts, Dr. Leland Sherwood; Humanities, John Barrett; Natural Science, Albert Brady; Physical Education,·· Dr. Tom Fitzgerald; Education, Dr. Tom Scherer; and Applied Arts, Dr. Lester Russell.

Cathy Currier, treasurer.

Even though the group is not connected with the college in the usual sense, they would like to bolster the student's soirits.

Exchange Student To Learn English

Thirty year old Manuel Moreno, a Rotary International Exchange student from Los Mochis, Mexico has come to Peru State with the intention of learning to speak more fluent English.

He was nicknamed "Chicas," meaning "Shorty" while earning his Bachelor's degree at the Institute of Tech!l.OlOgy in Mexico which he cofupleted last ·December.

This 6'4" young man can be easily distinguished from the incoming crop of freshmen.

Manuel has no problems understanding English considering the dropped word endings and slang phrases plainsstaters are prone to slip· into their conversation.

Manuel hopes to adapt some of the ease of speaking his new classmates have into his own speech.

He has studied English in elementary, secondary, and preparatory school, but finds living and conversing with English speaking people the best experience in learning verbal communication in the language.

Manuel is the last of his:.three sisters and one brother to travel to the U.S. on similar scholarships.

His father is ·director of the Rotary Youth exchange program i nLos Mochis, a city of 80 000 but Manuel was already to be a biochemical engineer when the program began.

Patrol Issues

Warning Tickets

The safety Patrol set up radar on Highway 67 last Friday in order to keep the speed limit down to 55 mph. There were several people stopped and given warnings at this time.

In a few short weeks, one of the most widely attended events of the year will be underway. This years Homecoming is scheduled to be the first weekend in October.

The weekend festivities will begin Friday, October.the fourth when a pep rally and bon fire is tentatively scheduled for 7:00 p.m. The majority of the activities will take place the next day. From 9:00 to 10:45. that morning, coffee and rolls will .be served to alumni in the Fish Bowl at the Student Center. Immediately following this, the parade will be held. ·

' The 1l5hpoint of the day will be the football game where the Bobcats will clash with Benedictine at 2:00 p.m.

Following the game (at approximately 4:00), a tea will be held at the President's home for the alumni. At 7:30 that evening, the drama department will perform their fall paly, "Born :Yesterday" in the college auditorium.

To top off the weekend a dance will be held in the Neal Ball Room at the Complex. .At present, no decision has been made about the. possible band.

Candidate selection for Homecoming Queen began September 16. Morgan Hall elected Marge Jelinek, a Sr. who is majoring in Elementary Education. Marge was elected from three other nominies, Dev Anderson, Denise Hanes, and Patty Collins. Marge's first reaction was one of excitement and disbelief.

Gail Harmon, a Junior majoring in journalism, was selected as the candidate from Davidson-Palmer.

Gail was selected from six other nominies, Peggy Kreifels,

Sharon Durtelot, ueo .t:Sarton, Vicky Emken, Loretta Tackett and Mary Bauman. Gail was filled with exhilaration when told about the nomination.

Linda Doty, a Junior music major was the selection from Clayborn-Matthews.

Peggy Kreifels, a Senior majoring in Business Administration and Education, was elected as the Delzell Hall nominee. Peggy was selected from three other nominies, Patty Collins, Patty Johnson, and Linda Vockle.

Both girls were very pleased with the nomination.

The Safety Patrol used radar and set one car off on a country road to get the radar readings. The other patrol car was set on Highway 67 to stop the ones .who were in excess of the speed limit.

Complaint Committee

A food complaint committee has been established under the student center board. Any student wishing to voice his complaints about food service should cont:id Deb Hebda, Dana Davis or Jeff Turner. Things aren't going to change unless you speak up.

,,.. ' ' VOL 70, NO. 2 PERU PEDAGOGIAN September 23, 1974


Letters to the Editor:

If appears to me that our former rec room has been turned into a psychadelic romper room only lacking a sand box and tinker toys.

At first I expected to see a three ring ·circus with tight rope walkers and the whole bit. Much to my surprise the room was only equipped with pay pool tables, an added attraction from the free ones we had last year. I guess the revenue that comes from the pool tables pays for the paint job. Apparently we are paying more for .the new and improved atmosphere also because all program fees have gone up from $20 to $30. The only words I can find to

express my appreciation for a job well done isGEE THANKS!

Terrie Funkhouser

Letter to the Editor: What is the purpose of making a full time student who is employed by the Maintenence Department of Peru State College wear those ugly gray uniforms to classes every day?

As far as I know Mr Wendell runs that show.

Terrie Funkhouser

Editors Note: Due to a lack of interest on the part of the student bo,d.y, advertisers, and the publishing company the school annual has been cancelled.

Housing Trends

Over the past ten years or so there has been a national trend among college students to live off campus, rather than in the college residence halls. ·This trend is now in the process of reversing itself, making it more fashionable to ··live in the dormitories. The question considered in this article is - has the trend to return to college residence halls hit Peru yet?

The answer to this question, judging from the information at hand, is no. In the two halls that were checked, it was found that less than 10 per cent of the residents were of either junior or senior standing. A school policy, here at Peru, states that only upper-classmen may live off campus (except, of course, those residing at home). This accounts for the rest of the junior and seniors.

Why don't upperclassmen want to Jive in the dorms?

John Letts, Director of Housing, said that he felt the reason for the ·urge to live off campus is to acquire more freedom because they feel too restricted in the halls. Florence Johnson, dorm motber at Clayburn-Mathews Hall, agreed with Mr Letts and added that they also want liquor in their apartments and 24-hourvisitation ri@ts f?r men and women.

Why don't the,y,return? That is

a question that can only be answered by those who left. One said, "I tried the dorms lastyear and I'm not to put up with them this year.' That student also stated that his biggest gripe was.the noise factor. Others say they like the freedoms that living off campus holds for them. "Why live in a place where you're restricted more than you were two years ago, when you were living at home?"

When the upperclassmen will return to living on campus seems to some to be a matter of whenever the trend reaches Peru. Others say it is a matter of finance.

Dr. Douglas i,>earson, President of Peru State College can be at times a very hard person to find. For an issue of the paper we wanted to do a story on the Faculty-Administration meeting on September 3. Our information was to come from Dr. Pearson. Our reporter went in on Friday afternoon at 1: 00 o'clock to set up an appointment with Dr. Pearson. His secretary informed the reporter that he would not be back in his office until Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. He was to have a meeting at 8:30 Monday morning, so the reporter was told he could either talk to Dr. Pearson just before or after tl\e meeting.

At8:00 o'clock Monday morning the reporter was there to get the story for the paper. Dr. Pearson had not shown up yet but his secretary was sure that he would be in before long. After a 25 minute wait, Dr. Pearson still had not shown up The reporter asked the secretary when he would be in for sure and she still insisted that he would be in in just a few minutes; or else he might not come in at all; she never could be sure what he was doing.

So the reporter went back in for one last attempt to try and corner Dr. Pearson. Dr. Pearson should make it a practice to let his secretary know where he may be found at any given time. In case of an emergency it would be only through sheer luck you reach him. If someone important wanted to talk to Dr. Pearson they deserve a little better explanation of Dr. Pearson's whereabouts.

Bugged Complex

Some people can make a big thing out of even the smallest problems. Such are the complaints about the bugs, especially crickets, at Centennial Complex. There have been a few complaints about the bugs invading of the Complex but everything possible is being done to control them.

The bugs move in over the summer when everything is shut down, according to ClayburnMathews house mother Florence Johnson. Once a month an ex- · terminator is brought in and after the first few weeks the bugs are practically gone. It's , the same situation that you get anywhere, according to her.

The bugs are no big deal at all in the upper floors but can be a : nuisance on the @ttom floor. Aside from a few crickets though, there is really no worthwhile complaint at all. Mrs Johnson wishes they would write about something worthwhile such as the movies that are offered for the people hi the complex once a month.

Crosswinds Perform

Acombination of Peru Staters - Roland Barrett on trumpet and Flug el Horn, Lenny Lahman on drums, and a senior from Nebraska City Hi@ School, Jeff Jenkins on piano forms the trio"Crosswinds."

"Crosswinds" performed a Jazz Festival at the Neal Dining Hall Sept. 13, from eight p.m. to 10 p.m., playing such old standards as "All About the Blues" and "Summertime." The group also played contemporary music such as "You are the Sunshine of My Life", "Spinning Wheel", and a selection from Jesus Christ Superstar, "Heaven ON and On".

The Peru Pedagogian will attemot to print all letters and editorial ·material received. All letters must be typed, limited to 300 words, ana bear the name and address of the writer. Letters must be signed but names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor upon request.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all material for contents, length, and good taste but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 5 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Managing Editor Terrie

Contributing Editor · , Frank D' Addesa

Artists/Cartoonists Larry Franzene

Business Manager Tally Kerns

Sports Editor Mark Felker

Circulation Manager Connie Burgess

Advertising Manager Peggy Jones

Photography Editor Gail Harmon


Frank D' Addesa, Connie Burgess, Larry Franzene, Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel, Gail Harmon and Larry Kosch


Little does anyone realize that the original pattern for the children's "teddy bear" was provided to us by an Australian ·naiive known as the "Koala". Theodore Roosevelt, however, suggested that the idea was adapted by the grizzly bear cub. I wonder if that's why they gave him the nickname Teddy. · It would be fascinating to own a tailless, blue-gray animal, that was quickly recognized by its large, bushy ears and prominent, rubbery, black nose. Of course to contribute to the koalas survival you would simply plant dozens of eucalyptus trees, on which they live and eat. An average koala reaches the length of 34 inches and weight of 30 pounds, making it easy to carry with you. Did you know that the mama koala carries its cub in her pouch until it becomes an inch in length and then it automatically attaches itself to the mama's back. In four years they reach their full growth and live to be about 20.

The reason I have gone into such detail is that it seems there has been a rumor that there may be a dispute arising to change the school mascot. Seeing how the koala is so cuddly andfurry and cute and tiny, I have only one suggestion if such a quarrel does occur. How does the Peru Koala Bears grab ya?

Page 2 PERU P.EDAGOGIAN September 23, T97 4 *
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Supplies Otoe Paint Store downtown Nebr. City.
Art and Craft
******************1.' I I I I I l\ 1. i'

Teacher Features

Peru's new speech and drama instructor is Ed Clark. He graduated from a Columbus Junction, Iowa, high school in 1964 and attended junior college in Muscatine, Iowa, for one year and worked as a reporter for the Muscatine Journal. Ayear later, while in the army, he says he attended the school of "hard knocks". During the service he also had the opportunity to live in three German cities: .Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt Am Main. While living in Berlin, Ed got involved with a newspaper, the United States' Air Force television and radio and played a· few roles for a theater. During his last year of army service he lived in Frankfurt Am Main where he worked as an actor in a traveling show.

In 1969, the year after his service ended, he went back to school at the University of Iowa where he attended a year after quitting twice. At the beginning of 1971, he left for New York with three friends with the idea of starting a theater for children which failed. A month later, Ed

Terry Pardeck is the new social work instructor in the Sociology Department at Peru State College. Mr Pardeck has a BS Degree in Social Work and Psychology and a MA degree in ·Sociology from Central Missouri State. The past year he has been working for Jackson County Welfare in Missouri as a case worker and a social service worker. He also has done work in child abuse and neglect.

In his first year of teaching, Terry is teaching five classesSocial Science, Social Work, Introduction to Social Work Methods, Family, and Principles of Sociology.

Some of his chief aims are. making the departme'ht grow and to get people interested in social work, not only on campus but in the community of Peru.

The functions of the Sociology department include giving degrees-in social work and to give a background to social work. Mr Pardeck is planning to take his social work classes on field trips to public and private agencies in the area.

Married only a year Terry Pardeck and his wife Jean are looking forward to an active academic life here at Peru.

Alice Kite is the new reference librarian at the college library. She started as a paraprofessi0nal July 1, 1974. Previous to this she worked parttime evenings at the library. She is responsible for helping individuals in the library. She also does general work in the Media Department, whicp includes being able to show the students how to operate the different Media machines.

She is a certified teacher in Secondary English, having a MA degree in English and education from George Peabody College in Nashville, Tenn. and a BA degree in English from Wheaton College in Illinois.

Mrs Kite:S family includes her husband Dr. Lloyd Kite, their children, one son John, age 25, two daughters, Rebecca age 23, and Frances, age 21. All the children live away from home. The Kites havt llved Hl Peru ror 14 years.

came back from New York and went back to school that summer. In January of 1972, he went to Arizona to continue his studies and received a B.S. degree in journalism with a minor in theater in 1973. While living in Arizona·, Ed participated in twelve theater productions in a year and a half either acting directing or in any of the various jobs there are to be done in the productio'n of a play. Some of the roles he played were Kit Carson in "Time of Your Life'' , by William Saroyan; Mr Androbus in "The Skin of Our Teeth" by Thorton Wilder; Curly in "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck and many others.

He decided to go bJlck to the University of Iowa and got an M.A. in radio, television and film in the fall of 1973. This is the first time he has ever taught.

Ed hopes to produce and direct four major plays this year. The first is already in production and will be performed October third, fourtlf and fifth: This is "Born Yesterday," by Garson Kimin.

Steve Norden, Peru resident, presently empl0yed by the Peru Bank is currently teaching a night course titled, "Money, Credit, ancl. Banking." Mr J'.'l'orden received his degree in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska.

His · plans include the revamping of the present course structure with emphasis OQ th€ purpose of the course and its nature. He believes the knowledge obtained from this course will help to generate more interest m banking and its procedures.

Steve Henton, new assistant manager for Broughton Foods from Carroll, Iowa is a graduate from Wayne State College where he obtained a Business degree in Marketing Management.

Unsure of how long he would · be staying he said he would enjoy it as long as it lasted.

The purpose of his transfer was to expand the Broughton Food Marketing in this area.

Professor William E. l\fansfield is the new keyboard instructor at the Peru State College campus this year. He is also the Associate Professor of Music at Tarkio College in Tarkio, Missouri, a staff that he joined in 1969 after receiving his Masters of Music degree at Bowling Green University. He received his Bachelor of Music degree at Heidelberg College in 1955.

He has studied piano under such people as Henry Gibson and Lili Kraus and studied organ with Walter Rye and William Teague.

Besides his talents with the piano and organ he has also studied composing under Harry Behrens and Donald Wilson. Due to his tight schedule teaching at both ·colleges Professor Mansfield can only be found on the P.S.C. campus on Fridays from eight a.m. ti! noon.

For December 11, 12 and 13, "Company", a musical by Hal Prince will be presented.

"Hamlet" by Shakespeare will be on by late February and the last one, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" by Tom Stoppard is scheduled for some time in March. He also wants to put on two one-act plays this fall and two more in february and March, touring them through all area high schools and colleges. The plays he has in mind for this fall are "Of Mice and Men" and "The Cuckold," a commedia de l'arte play. One of Ed's major goals is to build the "best theater program in the area.".

Ed has two brothers, one of them a drama and. speech teacher for the Lansing High School in Lansing, Iowa, and the other is an engineer and works for the Monsanto Chemical Company in Muscatine: Ed's father is an employee of the Roth Packing Company and his mother has been an elementary school teacher for thirty years and both live in Columbus Junction, Iowa.

Tutors Available

A new tutorial service has been made available to P.S.C. students due to a federal grant to the Consortiutn of NETCHE

Institutions, which has made a grant to Peru State as a consortium member. The program, titled Tutorial , Services, was worked out this summer by Vice President of Academics, Dr. Clyde Barrett, and Dr. Tom Scherer, Head of the Education Department. It offers tutors in the categories of English, mathematics, science, study skills, reading!

vocabulary, spelling, personal self-awareness and selfimprovement. Aid is arnilable at present in the academic and realted fields, with personal aid available when reguested. Dr. Scherer has state(j that he will do his best to find student assistance in other areas if possible.

Students interested in working in or receiving aid through the program may contact Dr. Scherer at his office in Room 200 of the Education Building.

Campus Rip-Off

Security is everyone's business, and if you've ever been the victim of a theft, you know this more than ever. During the past summer a number of changes were made here on the Peru campus to improve the security of those living in the residence halls.

At Morgan Hall all of the old locks, which were the skeleton key type, were removed and replaced with a newer and more efficient lock system. The mechanisms in the old locks Peru State journalism in.- were worn from years of usage structor Everett Browning and to the point where one key could ,his wife Laurel spent three open a number of doors. This, weeks this summer on vacation obviously, was poor security. in England and Scotland. Meanwhile, at Delzell Hall, the Some of the more interesting more modern locks were spots Mr Browning visited were already present, but still school Stonehenge, believed to be a officials were fearful. A number prehistoric computer, and of keys had been lost in previous Plymouth Harbor, where years and some keys had even Mayflower II is anchored. The handed out without authority, Brownings also went to the creating yet another security Samuel Pepys Library and the problem. To remedy this, the Rehn Library, where many of · ·· locks at Delzell were changed to the original writings of Robert insure safety and security to the Louis Stevenson are kept. residents.

Mr and Mrs Browning also No matter what the extent that. spent ten days in Scotland where 'measures are taken, one can they visited the Highland almost expect some kind of Games, a very different type of mishap in security: When asked competition where the con- about the measures taken showd testants compete in anything a ·theft occur, Dr. Guy Rosenfrom the sixteen-pound shotput berg replied that first a theft to the bagpipes. Before the report must be filled out, which games can begin a cow pasture is fpllowed by an investigatiOn. must be cleared for the com- Interviews with the suspects, petition. Mr Browning says that. witnesses, and anyone else who the contestants must be very migl)t have information are careful where they step. included· in this, in addition to

Successful Fund Drive

The Peru Achievement Founation has been successful in their second annual fund drive. Following is a list of businesses and individuals that contributed a hundred dollars or more to the college.

The contributors from Auburn are Schneider OK Tire Service, Palmer House Hotel, Carson National Bank, CaseyWitzenburg Funeral Home, Hahn· Clothing, Auburn State Bank, Hansen Motors, Hemmingsen Clothing, and Nebraska City Savings and Loan. Mr and Mrs Al.Ian M. Casey donated, and there was an anonymous donor.

Donations from Peru included the Bank of Peru, Peru Kiwanis, Mr and Mrs Joe Masopust, Mr and Mrs Bill Snyder, and Jenny Benford.

The Falls City donors are the First National Bank, James Oil Company, and Falls City Federal Savings and Loan.

Other contributors are

Nebr:aska City Savings and Loan and the Farmers Bank, both of Nebraska City; the State Bank of Stella; First National Bank of Johnson and Pawnee County Bank.

Aword of thanks is also given to the students that donated money during registration. In return the students received a bumper sticker reading, "Pray for me, I drive Highway 67." There are more stickers available. The students who contributed are Stan Hallock, Robert Krajicek, Gary Parrish, Allan Oestman, Scott Palmer, Jim Lennerton, Debbie Anderson, David Alvis, Steven Thompson, Roland Barrett, Carol A. Coffin, Anne Tackett, Carl Stevens, Brad Wittlief, Sandra Weidman, Ken Stanley, Dale Shallenburger, Duane D. Skiles, Mary B. Paap, Greg Sprague, Lance Wilson, Gary Spalla, Susan Piper, Ed Harris, Amy M. Walsh, Tim Ford, and Kerry Coufal.

reportmg tne mcident to the local authorities. Dr. Rosenberg also stated that just because a person is a student does not· eliminate hisrights as a citizen, and he has a right to a fair· hearing as outlined in the Student Life Handbook.

------------Sue Cough Ii n Begins Internship

Sue Coughlin began her intership in Lincoln during September of this year. She will be working in the area of public relations which includes ·public relations for the four state colleges. She will be.there until the end of this semester.

She will have 12 hours of Internship credits going towards her major in Mass Communications. ·

Sue is presently a sophomore at PSC.


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September 23, 1974 PERU PEDAGOGIAN Page 3

Switch In Offense Means Applejack Win

Since the Wishbone didn't both teams struggled to get their for a minus 22 yards· rushing fulfill Coach Riley's victory wish respective offenses goillg. Peru effort for the night. at the Midland game (a 31-12 State came withing six inches of With their ground game defeat), a switch in offenses was lighting up the scoreboard as a solidfying late in the third made. The Flexible -I offense medium-length field goal attemp quarter, Peru State started :a was introduced and worked on in bounced off the cross-bars. game-clinching TD drive. It preparation for the annual ended on a fourth-down, one- .At the start of the second half. Applejack Festival Bowl affair· Tarkio was in punting yard plunge by Dale Patton, a with Tarkio College. freshman running back of Peru

Peru State gained 166 yards on after their first series of play State. The PAT failed and Peru the ground to outpace Tarkio for faltered. The snap from center State led 8-0 early in the fourth was fumbled bv the Tarkio a 8-0 victory in the Sept. 14 bowl punter, Bob LaMura. Picking quarter. game at Nebraska City, th 1 al Th · d f th Nebraska. up e oose b 1, in his own end e remam er o e game

Th' · if · zone, LaMura saw a couple of was played as the Peru State is was a sign icant vICtory Bobcats bearing down .on hun· defense held the Tarkio Owls for the young Bobcat football · team. It is their first win of the Scrambling for his life. LaMura from bemg a scormg threat.

d th d was clawed by Lloyd Derricoate, Dale Patton was named the season an 1s was one m , 1 bl 1 · th Fl ·bl I ff Bobcat defensive end, and pulled game s most va ua e p ayer usmg e exi 0 down for a two-point safety. The, after the game and was

The victory is defensive gem gave Peru State a. presented the Bob Lade s1gnif1cant m one other aspect.

·· · · d h

Th · th · th·. d t ht slim 2-0 lead in the third guarter. memonal trophy. He came t e 1s 1s err Ir s ra1g · ki t' f 103 d · · t T ki · th pigs n 23 1mes or yar s m v1c ory ar o m ree Tarkio got their passing game the ball game. years. Which means the young going in the middle of the third Bobcats get to take the Ap- quarter. Th.e trouble is, the plejack Fesitival Bowl traveling Bobcat defense was still skytrophy home for keeps!! high from that 2 point defensive The first half of the Applejack effort. And the Tarkio quarFestival Bowl was scoreless as terback was repeatedly sacked

Coach Riley later commented, "We feel more confident with this Flex-I formation because our personnel are more adaptable to this kind of formation."

Dale Patton receives the most valuable player award from Mrs 0 Bob Lade 0

Gxm Program Up For Approval

Coach Roger Schnaser has taken his proposal for an open gym program to the city council for approval. The program would be supervised by students rather than faculty members, as has been the case in the past. The council's approval was needed because one of thE stipulations of the proposal declares that the program would be open to the community. Thus, the council would pay a portion of- the cost of keeping the gym open. A schedule for the weekend program, now under consideratior., will be announced at a later date.

The pool schedule this year is expected to coincide with the open gym. Anyone interested in working as a lifeguard is asked to contact Dave Lainez. ASenior Lifesaving or W.S.I. certificate

Art and Craft Supplies

is required.

There's still time to sign up for intramurals; the deadline has been moved up to Wednesday, Sept. 18th. More students are needed for the singles tennis tournament; it's an elimination contest, with a trophy awarded to the winner.

The Bobcat gridders took home their first Applejack Bowl trophy for keeps, after an 8-0 win over Tarkio Saturday night (September 14) in Nebraska City. Tarkio possesses the first Nebraska City Chamber of Commerce donated trophy after ·winning three in a row from 196971. The two schools will tangle again next fall for the first leg of a new moment.
September 2 3, 197 4 3 ( ·1 ,.· ,'
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The floor representatives at the Clayburn-Mathews Residence Hall for the coming year have been announced. The representatives were elected on September 17, when the floors members met.

The representatives are: Mark Bondziwiski, Freshman, representing the basement; Brad Wittlief, Freshman, for the first floor; Jim Fuentes, Sophomore, for the second floor; and Russ Mort, Freshman, for the third floor.

Floor representatives meet monthly to discuss items pertinent to the Dorms.

The Women's Athletic Association of PSC held an election of officers on September 11.

Those chosen to lead the 197475 year were Linda Uher, President; Allie Stoltenberg, Vice-President; Debbie Scholl, Secretary-Treasurer; and Carol Shiells and Brenda Hoffman, Intramural Directors.

Tentative plans for the year will include the 28th annual High School volleyball tournament to be held at Peru October 21 to 23. It is expected that 30 teams from Nebraska will attend.

The residents of ClayburnMathews and Davidson-Palmer residence halls were treated to a movie on Thursday and Friday, the nineteenth and. twentieth of September. The tab was picked up by the residence halls with money from the fees charged at the beginning of the year.

The movie, "Cinderella Liberty," starred James Caan, Marsha Mason; and Eli Wallach and was shown at the Pioneer Theater in Nebraska .City.

The members initiated a window painting contest, to be judged Homecoming week. Prizes will be given, $15 for first, $10 for second, and $5 for third. Sketches were to be in by September 20 in order to be eligible for the Contest.

According to SCB president Jim Lennerton, four concerts were · arranged, the two upcoming are:

Winterwood, a folk-rock group will be appearing in the College Auditorium from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. The group will also show slides of their recent U.S. tour and have planned a general rap session with the students, time and place to be announced in the future.

Frank Hall, a.folk singer, will be appearing at the College Auditorium on October 18, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

The student center board initiated a window painting contest to be judged homecoming week at their September 16th meeting. Prizes will be given.

The Student Governing Many people may not realize Association has set up a 'com- that the newly formed Peru plaint' committee to handle State Marching Bobcat Band is students complaints and also a formal concert band and problems. This committee will is considered a vital try to advise the student of the organization by the music best course of action to take in department. After speeche getting his complaint or problem those nominating members for resolved. For more information varfous officesi the new officers

1 h S G A were elected. La.Urie Comal, a contact Amy Wa s , · · · junior flute major from Platt president. smouth, is the new president;

The Mini Concert that was Nancy Chomos, a sophomore scheduled on the blue sheet for voice major from Greensburg, September 16, 1974 was an error. Pennsylvania, will serve as vice According to Mr John Letts, president; and Emily Rosewell, Director of Student Activities a junior piano major from Ames, and Housing, the error came as : Iowa, is the new secretary a result of a calendar request treasurer. form that was turned in that shouldn't have been. Pegg Witty and Charley Jackson have initiated an inClass presidents have been terest in setting up a Youth elected for the 1974-75 school Association for Retarded year. Senior class president is children. The purpose of the Charley Jackson. His ·vice- organization will be to coorpresident is Dennis Ehmke. Deb , dinate student effort with the Barton is class treasurer and Southeastern Nebraska ComPeggy Kreifels is secretary. munity Office of Retardation in

The junior class has no Auburn and the Arbor Traini,ng · representation at all due to tlTu Center in Nebraska City. fact I!O one ran for any of the For further information offices. contact Pegg Witty, found most Sophomore class president is often in the Bob-Inn, or Charley Terrie Funkhouser. Kevin Knoll •

was nominated as her vice-

PED EDITOR STAYS ON TOP OF THINGS president. The offices of secretary and treasurer remain open.

Bill Martin was elected freshmen class president. His vicepresident is Dennis Jonk. The two remaining offices have not been filled as yet. Due to time limitations before deadline the above officers were unable to be reached for comment as to their plans for the upcoming year.

A dance was planned to be held at the Christian Church after the pep rally last Friday but according to John Letts, director of student activities the dance never materialized due to a lack of student participation. Only a hand full of students turned out for the event.

The Christian Church at 921 5th street in Peru will be open every Friday for students wishing to play games or dance , to records, eat pretzels and drink pop. Food and drink will be sold at cost.

Science Career Day will be held Tuesday, October 22. Mr Hamann, director of the program, feels the switch to a fall date will bring more students than last year's spring date-which brought-66 students.

Mr Hamann .sent letters to approximately 100 to 125 High Schools in the four state area of Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska; inviting Juniors and Seniors to Peru State.

The idea behind Science Career Day is to give the students some idea of the different vocations in science and possibly get them interested in Peru State.

Joh Placement Here To Serve You

H you are a senior and are graduating in December of this year or in May of next year the Job Placement Office here on campus is one place which can help you. They receive job information from the University of Nebraska that might aid you in finding a job after or before you graduate. Also from time to time businesses send men to this campus to interview students who are graduating for jobs that either their company has open or

their school nas available.

To get use out of the job placement bureau you must go see them. They will be glad to help you fill out a form that they will send to the University of Nebraska, Teacher Placement Office. The two weeks later you will start receiving their Bulletin on teaching jobs that are available. While you are there they will help you fill out a resume and put it on a Mag Card.

The interviews with businesses and schools who come to this campus are posted on bulletin boards on campus. H an interview is desired an appointment should be made. Permission must be granted from an instructor before he-she is used as a reference. Stopping by the office periodically can make the difference between getting an interview and not getting one.

Student Center Fees

This year, when Peru State students registered for classes, many were upset over an increase in Student Center fees from twenty to thirty dollars.

Student Center fees are not activities fee, they are used to help pay the mortgage on the Student Center building, whereas the Programs fee, is used to pay for our various movies, ·dances, and other functions.

The State doesn't pay for the upkeep and running of our Student Center or for our tlorms. (Donn rooms also went up this year.) The responsibility of the Student Center belongs to each individual student; not the state. Why the increase? We are paying for our center by what is known .as a "Revenue Bond."

Each year, all the revenuetaken in from the S.C. Building is sent

in to be paid on the Bond. This includes such items as rent paid for use of the Bob-Inn and other rooms used by non-student organizations, an example is Kiwanis Club. Another source of income is money from pin-ball machines, and now, this year, our beloved pool tables. Why new "coin" pool tables? Our old pool tables were free, but because of the mis-use of them - playing is difficult on ripped tables and broken cues-we needed new ones. And coin pool tables are used in everyone of the other three state colleges unions and yes, even the Great -u:N.L. student union has coin pool tables; we are behind the times, the University had had coin machines like ours, for the past five years. These tables paid for upkeep and maintenance, not

just the new e.aint io_b.

Mr Letts, head of the s.C. Board, said, "The thirty dollars that the students pay goes into salaries, utilities and main" tenance." Last year, Mr Letts kept a record of students who used the game-room, average was six a day. Which is tripled this year, if not more.

One thing I'd like to point out for students who are here on the weekends - the game room is open from 12-10:00, Sunday and the Student Center is open 1210 :00 on Saturday (note: BobInn is open 12-2:00 on Saturdays).

If anyone has any more questions, you can look it up, and student who wishes to know where all the money went, has the right to look - if you have the time. I wish to thank Jim Lennerton, Mr Letts, and Mr Gress for their time and help.


Why isn't there going to be an annual this year?

Why can't the journalism majors publish the annual? I'm a senior and there won't even by an annual for my last year. Why isn't there any money for a yearbook? I sure see a lot of money contributed to other projects which aren't even as worthwhile.

These are only a few of the questions and comments I've been hearing around the PSC campus lately. As editor of the 1974 Peruvian I feel some comments should be made regarding the yearbooK publication.

Some of the problems facing the Peruvian at the opening of the 1973 school year were: no money appropriated by the school, lack of a sponsor, no staff or photographers, and an over-all lack of concern on campus. Several students did feel there should be an annual and so we decided to endeavor to publish one. President Pearson assisted us in finding sponsors Mr and Mrs William Hallock and in presenting fund-raising ideas. Pictures were taken by Rich Hinkel and Mr J. D. Levitt. Due to a late start, however, many pictures were almost impossible to obtain. Problems were also encountered in setting up pictures due to a lack of interest or conflicting schedules. -..

Money-raising projects were planned. Advertiser were contacted and yearbooks were soia. Au 01 these things take time. I often wonder how many

Dar Editor: Letter to the Editor: Are students living off Dear Ms. Funkhouser: I campus eligible for Food don't know where you got Stamps? If they are, what your information, but the are the requirements and yearbook has not failed process to follow? due to lack of interest.

people realize all the work involved in both the Ped · and the Peruvian. More important is the enormous amount of work left up to a few responsible individuals.

Weekly meetings were held and layout was explained, but still some of the sections were left incomplete or not even started. Two or three people simply cannot assemble a yearbook satisfactorily, especially at the last minute. I certainly don't believe one person should be left with the responsibility of the entire yearbook!

There are many aspects of the 1974 Peruvian I am quite pleased with, but there were those things which time and circumstance could not permit. Pictures I could not obtain I tried to compensate for by at least mentioning the individuals in print.

I realize there will be complaints about these items, but I feel we did the best we could considering the situation and the many problems we had to meet. I hope you will take these problems into consideration when the yearbooks arrive.

The 1974 annual is still facing a financial crisis because not all the money was There will be some extra books available for those of you who still wish to purchase one.

I would like to thank everyone who helped me make the 1974 Peruvian a reality. Special tribute is given in the yearbook to all who made it possible.


Letter to the Editor: Rumor of the week: The administration is

Last Wednesday, September 25th, only ten seniors showed up for the Senior Class Meeting that was held in the Fine Arts Auditorium. I don't know if it was due to· the fact that the students didn't care or whether they just had better things to do. However I don know that we, (the seniors) are going to have to show ·some type of interest or involvement if we want to get the show on the road. This will be the purpose of the second senior class meeting to be held once again in the Fine Arts auditorium on Wednesday October 2nd, during convocation period, which starts at 9:40 a.m. Will all senior class members please be there at this time. In the September 25th meeting the decision was made to set dues at one dollar for each senior so I request that the money be brought at this next meeting.

Letter to the Editor: What ever happened to the Students Rights and Responsibilities Constitution that was seemingly under revision at the close of last year?

I would like to express. currently looking into the my personal thanks to possibility of buying several Letter to t.he Editor: school buses so students would Coach With his not have to be away from home Why is there air? cooperation and en- for more than a day at a time.

Dear Reader: There will not be a yes, students living off yearbook this year due to campus are eligible ·for lack of funding and Food Stamps, but as you financial backing. mentioned there are

certain requirements

besides the process of application. These requirements are three:

1) Must live in a household not a dormitory, (in other words off campus.)

2) Cannot be on the work-study program.

3) Economical resources must be limited.

If the conditions of the applicant are the above, then he or she shall proceed to fill the necessary for ms, these forms will contain information such as: appl i cant's income, economical sources, life conditions, etc. The forms will be submitted to the Welfare office where after · a long and deep study the officers will decide whether or not the a pplieanlis in true necessity of receiving Food Stamps.

athletic department will -

the Ped and


The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorial material received. All letters must be typed, limited to 300 words, and bear tne name and address of the writer. Letters must be signed but names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor upon request.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all material for contents, length, and good taste but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 5 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Manalting Editor Terrie

Artists/Cartoonists Larry Franzene

Business Manager Tally Kerns

Sports Editor Mark Felker

Circulation Manager Connie Burgess

Advertising Manager :. Peggy Jones

Photography Editor Gail Harmon REPORTERS Connie Burgess, La!!Y Franzene, Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel and Gail Harmon


Being that I am a foreigner of 'these here parts,' it becomes clear to know that people in Nebraska and elsewhere, don't understand each others language. For instance, if I were to write to you about 'borktrait,' you wouldn't know what the-----I was talking about. You'd go, you'd go, 'borktrait,' what is that - man?

Borktrait is a birth of a newly for of the English language. It means simply that yesterday afternoon you were standing with a pick in your tooth in front of the Monster Movie Matinee, while your Chief Crunchy bar was melting in the ladd's palm. The bait is tough including the one acre farm still playing Deliverance. Before you close the shop bring in the sabra tooth tigers. After you let Carter know that his uqderwear are missing, please send me a fruit striped zebra from Egypt. Don't forget to go down the downstaircase not up, because everyone and Howard is watching. Attempt to jaggi the barry's into the caboose in Cougarville. Possibly sex comes in tons, if so, mark the spot with brewster's. looking through those contact lenses and return the Corby's.

I haven't lost you, have I? Borktrait is a very real word. It is not make believe. It is goo. There is no reason in the world for you now not to know the meaning of 'borktrait'. However if knowing this word cause you or your friends embarrassment, do not blame Idiosyncrasies.

Remember the saying: There are no strangersonly friends you haven't met yet!

I \I 11 ! Page 2
SEPTEM13ER 30, 197·

Help Available

Members of the Blue Valley Mental Health Association will be. available on campus 'every Thursday morning to help any student work out their problems. They will be over in the Nurse's Office between the hours of 9: 30 and 11:30, and the service is free. If however · the need ·becomes greater more days may be added.

Some of the problems they will deal with will be helping students cope with school problems, parents, girlfriendboyfriend relationships, marital, and possibly homosexual problems. A possibility exists there could be any number of different problems and each will be dealt with accordingly.

They feel the need to go into the dorms and get to know some

Things We Could All Do Without

of the students which would create a more friendly atmosphere so students will feel ·free to attain assistance in the time of need. The main office is in Nebraska City and the members who will be available are: John Olson, Greg Friedman, Margaret Eager and Peter Tsantlis. Margaret is a social worker and Peter is a clinical phycologist and they will probably be the two who will be available most of the time.

If you need help on days they are not here, feel free to call Rev. Cordes in Peru. H you are on drugs and get into a situation you cannot cope with and are in need of immediate help you can get this by calling Equilibria in Omaha.

Due to a limited amo;mt of time before deadline, Peggy Griffith of the Washburn Review was not given credit for a story. Personal apologies are in order.

The Pedagogian staff apologizes for any unpleasantness caused by the editorial concerning the availability of the administration which appeared in last weeks edition.

Reporter Retracts Statement

The purpose of a journalist is to report the news and facts to the reader. To reveal the good and the bad of all situations so the people can take whatever action they wish to remedy a situation. But as a first year journalist I've found that you must be very careful about what, and why you print something.

In my first few weeks as a journalist I found that it is ·sometimes more profitable to back out of fight than to slug it out. When you don't have the time, or the ability, to fight you have to give in and admit where your wrong.

Although a retraction was due, the President of the college for an article that was printed in my name it was only one mistake. Enough research had not been put into the story; which was written at the last minute to give enough material for the paper. But that doesn't mean that if something is brought to our attention that the students feel should be changed that it won't be investigated and reported about.

Even though I was wrong once I still intend to inform the students of situations that should be looked into. To function as a paper you have to be able to print the good and the bad; no matter what the consequences.

If the students will back us in our comments it will be easier to get what we want accomplished.

As a reporter for the school paper it is my responsibility to write a retraction for an article I wrote for the last issue of the Ped. In the article I wrote about a bad I had trying to find Dr. Pearson, the school president. Later it was brought to my attention that the· President·had undergone a very hectic time when I was trying to reach him.

I failed in my responsibility to

Things we could all do without:

- Another chronic attack of strep throat to hit our campus.

- Monday Morning

-:- Grouchy .People

- Pop quizes

- Cold football weather

- The bad looks you get from a cashier if you pay her with anything larger than a $5 bill.

- Girls that bring you a single daisy on your birthday but expect you to send them a dozen roses on theirs - and take them out for an expensive dinner, too.

_:_Women who can tie up a telephone line for 45 minutes exchanging the news that there's nothing new in their lives.

- Politicians who say a little inflation isn't bad for a country now and then - just so long as it

-doesn't get out of control.

..:_ People who rush out to hoard anything that is in short supply whether they need it or not.

- Hypocritical. girls who dress so as to invite mens stares - and then · meet them with glares.

- Neighb6fs who put off raking their autumn leaves until most of them have blown onto your lawn.

- Going to the funerals of acquaintances that take up strenuous jogging after 50.

- Ladies who bleck ac- · cess to the supermarket checkout counter with their shopping carts while they gallop around collecting eight more items they remembered at the last minute.

From these and. other trials of fleshl and spirit, deliver us, Amen.

arrange a conference with liiin which he said he would have been happy to give me. Inspite of my own failures I wrote an editorial for the paper that made some insulting accusations toward Dr. Pearson.

I understand Dr. Pearson's outrage at these accusations and would like to make this public apology for my article and for my conduct in a conference with him. It was very unprofessional for me to lose my temper and it showed disrespect for the President

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Striped sweater sets score with sol id bottoms for winning looks. Top sleeveless shrinks with matching cardigans for unbeatable combinations.

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SEPTEMBER 30, 1974

Peru Shuts Out Wesleyan 27 -0 V. Team Qpens Season

Dale Patton, 210-lb. freshman tailback from Springfield, Ohio, provided the offensive punch for Peru State in the 27-0 shutout of Nebraska Wesleyan, September 21. He scored one TD, two field goals, and three PATs to account for _15 of Peru's 27 points.

Peru State struck paydirt very ·· early inthe first quarter on a two yard plunge by fullback Ignacio Martinez. The PAT by Patton was good and the Bobcats led 7-0 with 10: 20 left iii the first quarter.

The second quarter of the. Peru-NW game was field-goal kicking time for Patton. With 5: 35 left, a 39-yard field goal attempt by Patton was barely good. It was_ a near duplication .of that missed field goal in the Tarkio game, when the ball bounced off the cross-bars and fell short. Except for the fact that this attempt had a little more boot behind it. The sailing pigskin bounced off the crossbar and went throiigh for a three-pointer. With 1:41 left, a second FG was added to Peru's score tally by Patton on a 29yard kick. And Peru State led 13o, going into the dressing rooms at halftime.

As the two teams and their •coaches discussed the secondhalf strategies, the new MARCHING BAND entertained the home crowd with their precision marching and their music-playing talent.

In the third quarter, Nebraska Wesleyan stfffenea up - their

to stop the charging Bobcats. And they did. Until Patton penetrated the yellow double stripe on a one yard TD plunge with 19 seconds left in the third quarter. The PAT by Patton was good and Peru State led NW 20-0, going into the fourth quarter. · With 3:22 left, Harry Phillips, Peru's reserve quarterback, gave the Oak Bowl crowd a thrilling sight to watch with a 44 yard TD scramble. It started out as a run around left end, with Phillips carrying the ball. Meeting NW defenders near the .sideline, he cut to the inside, turned on the speed, and ran against the "grain" in the secondary. Breaking a couple of tackles and picking up key blocks along the way, Phillips ran into the end zone, holding the pigskin aloft. The PAT by Patton was good .and thus read the final score: Peru State 27, Nebraska Wesleyan o.

The shtitout can be credited to the stellar Bobcat defense as they held NW to nine .yards rushing and 87 yards total offense. They also recovered four of five NW fumbles and pirated one NW pass.

The Bobcat offense rolled up 273 yards in total offense (194 yards rushing, 79 yardspassing.) Patton gained 51 yards on 20 tries and caught two passes for 53 yards. Carter, Peru quarterback, completed four passes for 74 yards and carried the ball 10 times for 53 yards.

The Bobkittens, Peru State's women's volleyball team, opened their 1974 season with a two-out-of-three game victory over College of Saint Mary in , Omaha September 19.

In a practice game, Peru's Linda Uher led the scoring with 14 of the 15 points needed. Sally Ament scored C.S.M.'s only three points.

Peru's Sue Roberts led the Bobkittens to a 15-2win, scoring 12 points with Lotinda Frank of _ Peru scoring the remaining 3 in · game one.

Game two resulted in a 15-1 win, with Peru's Debbie Scholl scoring 14 points. -

Members of the squad include Linda Uher, Sue Roberts, Barb Lohmier, Nancy Sepp, Sue Dunn, Debbie Scholl, Lorind< Frank, ArDella Klein, Allie Stoltenberg, Nancy Jones, and Me1oay Leach (student manager).

ine remaining schedule of gamesjs as follows:

At Peru:

Oct. 9 - College of St. Mary -

7:30 p.m.

Oct. 13 - Creighton Univ. -

2:00 p.m.

Oct. 19 - Chadron State4:00 p.m.

Oct. 29 - J.F.K. - 4:00 p.m.

Nov. 2 - Nebraska Wesleyan -1:00 p.m.


Sept. 25 - Univ. of Nebr. (Lincoln) -'- 7:30 p.m.

Oct. 14 - Doane (Crete)7:00 p.n1.

Oct. 30 - Midland and UNO (Omaha) - 7:00 p.m.

Nov. 4- Hastings (Lincoln)9:00 p.m. _

Nov. 8-9 - State Tournament (Wayne).

The Best Man Won

"The tournament is set, may the best man win,'' were the words of Coach Schnaser before he defeated Mike Currier 3-6, 6-1, 6-3 in the Peru Singles Tennis Pro Tournament held Friday, September 20th. Other participants in the totirney were John Jacobson, Jack Hamilton, Stan Mccaslin, Bob Cordes, Doug Pearson, and Gary Hoemann.

Earn Extra $ By Officiating

For anyone caught in the college money crunch, several Peru State students may have found a partial solution. · These students are earning their extra dollars by officiating for area high school athletic contests. The pay isn't bad and in most cases the work is only moderately hard.

The qualifications imposed on these officials are relatively few. They pay a fee, graduated according to sport, taken an open book test, attend a rules interpretation meeting and they are all set, if they pass the test.

The tests and all of the rules meetings are conducted by the

Nebraska School Activities Association, which keeps records of all registered officials available for all approved high school sports. ·

The sports that_. Peru State students officiate range from volleyball, football, basketball and baseball, to wrestling matches.

Some of the PSC officials are Patty Johnson, Gail Harmon, Denny Williams, Dave Lainez and Ted Harshberger.

C.C. Team Undert'ew Direction

The '74 cross country team is under the direction of Ron Jones, former Bobcat harrier and resident of Auburn, Nebraska. According to Coach Jones great things can be expected from Ron Storaut, a sophomore from Humboldt -and Bob Lowery, a junior out of Superior. Making up the rest of the team will be Dennis Brady, Peru; Ralph Arnold, Falls City; Carnell, Omah'i:

lntramurals Offered

An almost endless number of intramural events and toiir-. naments are being scheduled for the upcoming 74-75 school year mixed tennis doubles, bowling and badminton are just to name a few. The tournaments will be announced prior to the event and registration will be on a sign up basis.

A place kicking contest, along with one-on-one basketball, freethrows, softball, golf, and a broom hockey tourney will be forthcomil;lg if enough interest is shown.

Treat Your Parents To A • - * •Live Show* ''BORN YESTERDAY'' Oct. 3rd and 4th - 8 p.m. Oct. 5th - 7:30 p.m. Peru State College Auditorium in Nebraska.City, Nebr.
$2.00 Students
$1.00 checking accounts savings accounts HEW student loans
• t • • • t HOMECOMING 1974 . "The Wonderful World Of .Movies" • • • s . .... • ·..·.·. ·······./ ·. . . l· The Classes Of 1929, 1934, and 1949 . Co-starring · High Marching · Homecoming. Queen Candidates t Peru State Bobcats McNasties (At Dance) : And ACast Of Thousands • ·Today Featuring In Living Color · · · · Alumni And Registration 9 a.m. Homecommg Parade Down 5th St. 11 a.m. All ·.Alumni Luncheon Noon .i• . Footb'all - Peru vs. Benedictine, Oak Bowl 2p.m. t Post Game Tea At The President's Home . "Born Yesterday/' College Aud. 7:30 p.m. Homecoming Dance, Neal Ballroom 9:30 p.m. t Produced And Directed By The S.C.B. And S.G.A. . t "A Good Time Is Guaranteed. For All". - The Peru . R t d Gt •. FRANKD'ADDESA a e • · .- ... ..

Dear Editor: Do you know of any places nearby where students could go horseback riding?

'Dear Reader:

The n9arest place to Peru where horses are available for rent is in Buffalo City, about five miles south of Nebraska City. It belongs to Bill and Erma Stites and is open only on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. In addition to supplying horses they also have a trail where you are to ride. The charge $2. 75 an hour which is the time that it takes you to ride this trail over and back. If a considerably large group of people are interested in going horseback riding, special arrangements can be made concerning the fees.

Letter to the Editor: Due to the fact that Majors Hall has not been in use since the 1972 school year why is it still featured in the student handbook which is sent out to all prospective students. Ethically speaking isn't this in some way cheating the students into thinking this ·is a bigger than· it really is?

Letter to the Editor: While eating in the cafeteria last Tuesday afternoon my social science book was stolen from the table sitting right outside the door of the lunchroom:

It really is a shame that a student can't take out 20 minutes to go eat lunch without having to lug their books around with them or have a fool proof brief case to ward off possible thefts.

I feel when students reach the age of responsibility they should know the difference between right and wrong and things like this should not have to happen.

I think its about time somebody stood up and said something good about exPresident Nixon and his predisessor Gerald Ford. In an issue of the· Pedagogian columnist l4:ak D' Addesa attacked Presiden( Ford's -decision to grant Richard Nixon on unconditional pardon for his part in the Watergate· affair as an act similar to that of the Watergate.break in. It surely can't be all that bad.

I think that Mr D' Addesa's attitude goes along very well with the attitude of the whole nation that the president should do:... only the things people want done. One of my greastest fears is almost realized in this attitude; the fear that the President of the United States will be turned into a Congressional puppet. Someone used only as a tool to pass the legislation that Congress wants. Is that what President Nixon retired his office for. To see the Preisdency turned into an office of honor not po!fer, like the Queen of England.

Already people are talking as if they want to impeach Gerald Ford because he is doing what he thinks is right. Don't you think Nixon admitted his quilt in retiring and then accepting his pardon. Do you think ft is necessary to keep attacking a man whose emotional state is already such that he has lost his will to fight. Why can't we just leave people alone? Must.we kick a mann when he is down? Why don't we just let a man spend his last few years on earth in peace.

We attacked Nixon without mercy for all his faults but we seem t-o forget the good points of the man. Nixon descalted the war in Viet Nam while two presidents Kennedy and Johnson, escalated the war to great proportions. Nixon established better relations with China and Russia opening new doors for a chance at world peace.

Dear Editor: Why does Homecoming only come once a year?

near Reader: If it came more than once a year the entire staff of the Peru Ped would have a nervous breakdown.

To the Editor, Recently it has become increasingly hard to get a little shut eye in Delzell. If it's not my neighbors loud stereo blarring in my ears, its the party they have going outside my room in the hall. One added bonus is the people who drive by my window at night with horns honking rather loudly and blow my whole nights worth of sleep. The pulling of the fire alarm is serious business and some people don't realize this. Is it too much to ask for just a little bit of sleep? Thik about it the next time · you have three tests that next day and your neighbors stereo is keeping YOU up.

Letter to the ,Editor:. It has come to my at· tention that 20 womem athletic scholarships wen available for women b01 only two were given out Why? and to whom wert the. two given?

Dear Reader:

This is due to the fac that Miss Mier was no notified that she was going to have scholar· ships available until Jul) which was rather latE considering the requirements which were: 1) Girls must not be already enrolled at Peru for that term. 2). Girls must be Nebraska .residents. 3). Girls mus be athletically inclined in one or two sports.

One of the scholarships was given to Tami Coleman from Peru, Nebraska, and the other was given to Lorinda Frank for volleyball. Miss Mier hopes to be able to do more recruiting so more scholarships will be able to be given out in the spring semester.

Now we attack Gerald Ford for doing what he thinks right. People were disillusioned to the fact that just by Presidents everything would be alright. They don't like the fact that Gerald Ford does what he: thinks right now what pleases the country. For a better America, we need to start with the people, not the president.

AJunior at Peru State


I know that each arid everyone of you knows the.true identity of a guppy. It's a fresh water fish, usually rasied at home in an aquarium. Well, I must tell you a story of,a lady I new who once told me that guppies, plural of guppy, were the potato chip gub• gubs found in your Pepsi.

A once very .good. friend Qf mine, told me that I had guppies in my Pepsi. I just kinda lookfi!d at het'', tilted m,y head and saj9; "What"?

My friend told me that the hunks of potato chips that I had edged out were gubgubs, and when I from my Pepsi bottle they fell in and became guppies.

I told her .she was half crazy. The topic of fish got me thinking about ·tuna crot}uettes. If you ever have time to make a real mouth-watering food, you have to try tuna croquettes. They can be eaten freshly warm or refrigerated cold and taste

The Peru Pedagogian will attemot to orint all letters and editorial material received. All letters must be typed, limited to 300 words, amt bear the name and address of the writer. Letters must be signed but names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor upon

really good both ways. Here's the recipe if you ever have the time available to make them:

2 c flaked cooked fish, (or more commonly known as tuna fish)

1 c. thick white sauce

1 dash cayenne

1 tbsp. minced onion

1 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tbsp. minced parsley

1 beaten egg

1 tbsp. milk (for calcium)


Fine bread crumbs, dry

1( Mix first six ingredients. 2) Chill thoroughly. 3) Divide into 12 portions: shape as desired. 4)

Combine egg and milk together.

5) Coat; dip in flour, then egg, and finally crumbs. 6) Chill about one half hour longer. 7) Fry in fat til golden brown, or about 3 minutes.

I guarantee you will make them more than onece. Keep an eye out for those guppies.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all material for contents, length, and good taste but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 5 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

ManaginJ! Editor Terrie

Artists/Cartoonists Larry Franzene

Business Manager Tallie Kerns

Sports Editor Larry Kosch

Circulation Manager Connie Burgess

Advertising Manager Peggy Jones

Photography Editor Gail Harmon REPORTERS

t:onnie Burgess, Lar!y nanzene, Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel and Gail Harmon


Taking the spotlight in pregaID:e and performances in the Oak Bowl is march1!1g band. Preceding the 36 member is Color Girl Shelly Alile; left and drum maJor. Ted Harshbarger, right.

Views On Hitchhiking Revealed

Is the thumb dead? After interviewing over 25 people as to their views and experiences concerning the sport of hitchhiking I have found it is indeed still alive and living. Of course the laws concerning hitchhiking_ have not changed. In Nebraska' state laws forbid hitchhiking on all interstates or expressways. It is permissable on public highways as long as the hitchhiker is not interfering with the flow of traffic or is not standing on the pavement. Local ordinances vary from county to county. All who were interviewed agreed Nebraska was the worst state in which to get a ride.

"On my way to Peru to look for off-campus housing my VW broke down on highway 73-75. I stood in pouring rain for 2 and a half hours trying to get a ride to

the nearest filling station. Truck drivers drove past and honked and gave me a sympathetic look but do you think they would stop? One little old lady drove past about two miles an hour and flashed me the peace sign. By thi$ time I was almost on the verge of tears. She probably went home and told her grandchildren all about it. Finally a. farmer stopped but l1?d a pife of boxes in the front seat with him I was forced to sit in the back of an open pick-up. When it began to ahil pretty hard I could feel the oncoming signs of walking pneumonia. It was about this time that I began wondering if this was what American and Brotherhood were all about."

"The worst thing I hate about

hitchhiking" said Peg Jones, who thumbs to her home in Plattsmouth frequently, is when people it is really smart to slow down as if they are going to stop and just when you are almost caught up with· the earl they take off and yell out their window, "Maybe next time."

Mike DeRuntz has had similar bad experiences with people who have thrown empty beer cans at him.

One girl said she had a frienif who always carried a can of mase in her purse just in case the situation might arise she needed it. Another said she always hitchhiked with a friend and would never accept a ride in a two door vehicle, "You just never know when you may have to make a quick get away."

Sharing leads in the Homecoming Play "Born Yesterday" are David Alvis and Peggy Jones. Performances run through Saturday night. One of these candidates will be named Homecoming Queen at halftime of the Peru-Benedictine game. They are (left to right) Peggy Kreifels, Shelly Able, Marge Jelinek, Gail Harmon, and Linda Doty.

1929 Season Reviewed

This article is taken from the Dec. 6, 1927 issue of the Peru Pedagogian.

Traveling thru the state conference with breakneck speed due to a powerful scoring machine and in impregnable defense, trampling roughshod over all its opponents, the ·smashing, pile-driving Peru Bobcats have amassed a total of 356 points to their opponents 7.

As to their powerful offensive they have rolled up 356 points in 8games, an average of 45 points a game. Only one team has crossed their goal line.

Peru .has won 32 out of 39 conference titles in the last five years.

In her characteristic steam· roller attack, she Ilattened Tarkio 18--0, and St. Benedict 190.

However, these two teams were tough, and it was onlv l!fter

a hard-fought battle that they were able to secure victory.

Next came the Vikings from Dana. They fought hard, but to no advantage, and the Peru juggernaut crushed them 96-0.

The Wesleyan Coyotes presented a formidable defense, but blocked punts resulting in safeties gained Peru a moral advantage which they kept throughout the game. Peru then pushed over three touchdowns to ice the game, making the score 22--0. It was the best played game of the year and a nice win on


· Trimming the Midland Warriors was no easy task, but Peru's all-around §uperior playing earned the 20-0 decision.

The Cotner Bulldogs showed little defense again!lt Peru. It was a good track meet, a touchdown being scored on the opening kick-off, final score, 74-


Activities For Th is Years Homecoming

The Wayne Wildcats started to make considerable trouble at the start of the game because Peru's second string were on the field.

In came the first string. Bang! and the pigskin was over for the first touchdown. It was a long afternoon for Wayne and then on, the final marking being 91--0.

The Kearney Antelopes gave the Peru Bobcats a stiff argument, but Peru took them to camp 19-7, and brought back their second football championship from the west. The first and last quarters of the. game saw Kearney setting the pace with Peru strong in the second and third quarters.

Kearney's aerial attack, at which they were very proficient, netted them their only touchdown. This was the only method of attack that they made any progress against Peru.

Peru Played By Different Rules

Not many can think back to 1927 when Peru State College went undefeated in a football season that saw opponents fall to scores of 97 or 91 to O. Back to the time when the forward pass was ·a new innovation or now unheard of. Or instead of having a holder many of the place kickers used the drop kick. Try and picture a 1936 football game with all these new rules for the game.

On the kick-off you could either drop kick the ball or place kick it from anywhere behind the forty yard line. If you kicked .the ball out of bounds you could take it back and try over but if you kicked it out a second time the other team got the ball on their own forty. In 1974 if the ball is kicked out of bounds ·you a fiven a five yard penalty and another five yards for every time you kick it out after that.

If you were tackled you yelled

down and hoped everyone heard you. Piling was unheard of in those days. If you called a fair catch you were given the option of either running a play or taking a free kick. The free kick was executed the same as a kick off. This was the)'ear of the pass. One pass per four downs was 'allowed for each team and must be thrown from five yards behing the line of scrimmage. Safeties and touchbacks came to be a part of footballand the shift was introduced to the game. If the shift was made illegally it was a fifteen yard penalty, more serious than the five yards assest today for the same in· fraction.

Substitution was a very strict aspect of the game. If a player was substituted for he could not return to the game until the next quarter. This meant that if one of your best ·players was hurt

Did You Know That . ..

Peru was the first college in Nebr. to offer fulltime student teaching for nine weeks to its elementary teaching candidates.

Peru was named by some of the first settlers who arrived here from IDinois.

1965 was the first year Peru passed the 1000 mark in enrollment. That year 1041 students registered for the fall semester.

The first principal of the Peru State Normal School· had a salary of $1500 and the preceptress of $800.

The only resources of the Peru State Normal School at its beginning were tuition, in· ciditals and room rent. A dollar. and one-half was charged for incidential expenses and four dollars per term for room rent.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Peru has an elevation of 902 feet and is located at a latitude of 40 degrees, 29 minutes north, and longitude as degrees, 440 minutes West.

In 1892 the Peru School motto was "The flood of time is getting on, we stand upon the brink."

The first PSC football team was formed in 1887.

In 1902 the Peru football team played all. high school in the surrounding area. Their record was 5 wins and 2 losses.

Peru use to have 4 doctors and 2 dentists and a cider factory.

you either had to let him suffer or call a .time out and substitute. The coach didn't dare risk sending him back in the game before his time was up because the team could be disqualified for an illegal return. To make sure the coach didn't send in any special plans for the next play; the substitute was restricted from communicating to the other players until the ball was put into play or there was a 15 yard penalty.

The flying tackle was abo1ished and if you coufdn't \ manage to punt the ball over the line of scrimage eithe · team ·could pick it up and advance it. Football was a simpler game

There weren't the intricate pass patterns and fancy reverses. It was straight ahead, hard-nosed play' run over instead of run around; the same way many coaches still play the game.

Peru use to have a theater downtown.

PSC use to have elections for "Snow Queen".

In 1928 the PSC Basketball team beat Dana 64 to 13.

PSC use to have Philomathean Society.

In 1928 Dana beat PSC in a Radio Debate.

Green Beanies Once On Campus

The little green beanies, that so ·;ividly mark a freshmen of Peru State Teachers College, are earning quite a name for themselves. Worn in a most rediculous fashion on the frontal part o{ the skull, the greenies are the center of much discussion.

Upon conducting a poll, most freshies agreed that they thought the color was pretty, but a little hard to match with the rest of their dress. The girls said they thought the, hats helped some to hide their true ap· pearance since they had to wear their hair up in curlers. A few

The tree covered hills of Peru are turning on their color for the arrival of the alumni who are going to attend Peru State College's Homecoming. Honored classes for this years Homecoming are the classes of 1929, 1934, and 1949, which will be entertained to a social hour, dinner, and class meetings at the Arbor Motel in Auburn, Friday evening.

Other special events that will be offered Friday will be the play "Born Yesterday" which will run for three days Thursday and Friday at 8:00 o'clock and Saturday at 7:30. There will also be a pep rally and bon fire in the maintenance parking lot at 8:30 p.m. followed by a dance in Neal Ballroom West of the Centennial Complex. Music for the dance will be supplied by the McNasties.

Early Saturday morning, while the floats are receiving last minute attention, all visiting alumni will gather in the Fish Bowl lounge of the Student Center for coffee, talk and registration. The 1,000 Oaks alumni chapter will host this event.

Fifth and Washington Streets are the starting p<iint for the parade that begins at 11 a.m. Saturday morning. Dr. Guy Rosenberg, Parade Marshal, said that approximately 50 units

have registered for the event, including seventeen area high school bands that will also ap· pear at half of the game, between PSC and Benedictine of Atchison, Kansas.

Color Girl Shelly Able, of Auburn, and Drum Major Ted Harshbarger, of Humbolt, will lead the Marching Bobcat Band in a pre-game show that will feature some flashy routines under the direction of Dr. David Edris. At 2p.m. the Bobcat's will pit their 2·2 record against a Benedictine team that hasn't won a game.

During the game blue balloons with a white P on them will be released when the Bobcats get their first score. The balloons can be purchased either downtown during the parade or at the game from any Peru's Enthusiastic People club member. Mums can also be purchased during the parade from any member of the Women's Athletic Association.

Half-time will be highlighted by the coronation of the 1974 Homecoming Queen. Aprogram will also be provided by all the participating bands from the parade. Bobcat Boosters will have a roped off area and parking on campus lots will be directed by PSC and Peru police.

were altogether disgusted with them and said only thing they helped them to do was to get excercise, since the wind seemed to be constantlY blowing them off the tops of: their heacts. l'hey all agreed 100 percent that they would be glad when they would no longer be required to wear them.

One girl commented that if we lost the game with Chadron which is possible but not probable, and she had to wear that beanie all semester, wem' '. ! There are just some things that we can't print in the paper.


Beginnings Of Peru

The beginning of Peru was one of modesty and slow envolvement, but it was not withoug its highlights. Five years before President Buchanan made a land grant to the Territory of Nebraska in 1859, land transfers appeared on Paper in the Peru locality. The Buchanan !and grant did nbt include Peru, but it just forced the territory to recognize Peru as a community.

Peru stayed pretty much a frontier town until the early 20's, when the automobile and other modern inventions came to stay. These inventions made it essential to form the towns first ordinances,

The first ordinances made it unlawful to allow animals and fowls to run at large. If you let your female dog in heat run free you would be fined $20. All toilets must be constructed wholly of stone, well burned brick, terra cotta, concrete or equivalent in combustible material. With the public in mind there was law aginst using a sling shot within city limits. For the morally minded, prostitution cost an offender between $10 and $100 for every offense. It was also unlawful to "expectorate" on any sidewalk, window, or door.

1929 Ped Ranked 2nd

In a canvass of college newspapers in Nebraska, made by an advertising company iri New York City it was found that the Peru Pedagogian ranked second to the University of Nebraska daily newspaper.

According to this ranking Peru had the best weekly paper.

After the game President and Mrs Douglas Pearson will welcome all alumni at their home for a tea. During the day the residence halls will be holding an open house and would like everyone to come and see the dorms. The Fine Arts building will also have an art display by senior art major Alan Burwell, of Seward. The display will be in the Diddel Exhibition Court and continues through October 16.

Everyone is welcome to eat their noon meal at the Student Center for a nominal fee or at any of the other food booths that will be open in Peru. There are also some nice places to eat in downtown Peru.

In 1929 Pedagogian

This mind-boggling article appeared in a 1929 Pedagogian.

It is affirmed that you are what you think you are. If you think you are what you think you are, you will naturally believe and think that you really think what you are; but if you only think what you are in truth you are more than likely to think and believe that you only think that you think what you are. If you think you think you are what you are not, then what you ·think is not what you are and what you are is not what you think and what you think is not what you think you are not and what you are not is not what you think you are but, what you think you are. While as a matter of cold and hard fact you are what you are and not at all what you think you are. So if you truly want to be what you think you are, be sure and think only that you are just what you are rather than what you think; and then it must follow that if you think you are what you are, you are what you think you are. Think it over.

I'' ii' ii I'.! Page 4 PERU PEDAGOGIAN
OCTOBER 5, l 974

News Items In 1949 Pedagogians · Pedagogian

Every English major and minor at sometime or other is granted the questionable privilege of being on the staff of the Peru Pedagogian. To all other students, it is a mystery how our paper is constructed, produced and assembled. To these students, and all future students we offer the following information for your general education.

The greatest problem of any newspaper stall is gathering enough interesting information to fill a paper. The Pedagogian, being a newspaper has this same difficulty. We could use things like "Who did the editor of the Ped see in Chatelains's Jewelry store with his girl?" But that is. for high school papers and not for sophisticated college papers. who Devan was doing in the Jewelry store with his girl?)

We are ai"'.asy by strict censorship. We certain beverages consumed in hberal quantities, nor can we mention trade names. We must be constantly aware that different conotations are put on words by different people ?e certain that none of the or1gmatmg m the Music Hall find their way into our paper to contaminate it. We must be certain that the sponsor of our paper is able "to see the point" of our feeble attempts at humor.

When each member of our stall has turned in his assigned 400 words, it is edited. revised and rewritten until it in somewhat satisfactocy· condition, and then taken down the hill to the printer, who sets the type. Two proofs of each are made, one is used for corrections and the other is used to make the dummy. If this did not leave the editor limp and suffering from a mental block· at this point point there would be a clever pun about the dummy, but McCoy will have to go unnoticed in this issue.

After the dummy is made up, and those clever little headlines are written, it is returned to the· printer for final printing. On Thursday the finished paper is brought to the campus to be distributed among students after the convocation program. which everyone has seen and will read about in the next issue of the Ped. each student hurriedly scans the paper for his own name. If he finds it he is satisfied thatit is a good issue, if not he looks for the names of his friends. These two things are important. He also expects the paper to be funny - and if the staff doesn't exactly feel funy, and makes no attempt at all, the. paper is 'smelly.' If someone does write a humor column, the staff hears ''Who wrote this thing?" or "I don't get it." It must also tell hime' something he doesn't already know. The reader usually has a good eye for detecting all printers

Did You Know

errors on the paper, and usually makes subtle suggestions that he has seen them - subtle I said like marking them in red -pencil and handing it to some staff member. Then there are the days the paper comes out and several nice people take the time to remark to one of the staff that the paper was exceptionally goOd this time and our week is brighter. ·

This was written by one of the staff members of the Peru Ped which came out May 19th, 1949.

Alot of have in the Pedagogian . since 1949. The staff still receives similar com,. ments as "why isn't there any news in this paper," or "It seems that the Ped has become a ditto sheet" for the alumni and prospective students who might decide to come here." Journalism students Still have a habit of turning their stories in late or sometimes forgetting to turn them in at all. We still have deadlines to meet, we still have little student -input into what they would like to see or read about in the paper, we still have students who only use the Ped to wipe off excess ketchup from their soybean burgers and we still have students who either don't realize we have a student publication on campus or have better things to do with their time than to take out a few minutes and read it. There are many who still don't realize how much time and effort goes into finding the news, writing about it, rewriting it, editing it and finally laying it out. Journalists still are crazy to even t-0 even for one moment believe it's rewarding. But we do have our days when the staff walks into· the Bob Inn and everyone has a copy of the Ped before them. There are still times when people come up to "Hey the paper isn't too bad this week." There is still the personal satisfaction of knowing we are doing our best. The staff of the Ped in 49' had many of the same problems we hfive in 74' and many things have-changed or are trying to be changed but they did it then and we are doing it now and when the going gets rough we just look at each other and say, Keep on smiling, it can't be this bad next week."


In 1949

Getting out this paper is no picnic. If we print jokes, people say we are silly; if we 9on't they say we are too serious. clip from other papers, we are too lazy to write it down ourselves; if we don't we are stuck on our own stuff. If we stick close to the · job all day' we ought to be out hunting for news. If we get out and try to hustle, we ought to on the job in the office.

If we don't print contributions, we don't appreciate true genious; if we do the paper is full of junk. If we make a change in a fellow's write up, we are to critical; if we. don't we aFe asleep. Now, Like as not, someone will say that we swiped this from some other paper. · WE DID - SO WHAT?

This editorial was printed ih the November 10th issue of the Pedagogian, 1949. Editors note: We still liear the same gripes. So WHAT'S NEW?

1934 News

An organization known as the Young Mens Christian Association was established as a union of students and faculty members for the purpose of leaning to know God.

At the same time a Young Womens Christian Association was formed whose purpose was to realize a full and creative life through a growing knowledge of God. It was their goal to have a part in making this life possible for all people and to see to understand and to follow Jesus.


The following friends of Peru State College have given $100.00 or more to the PERU ACHIEVEMENT FOUNDATION or the BOBCAT 'SBOSTER CENTURY CLUB


Nebraska City SJ vi ngs and Loan

Schneider OK Ti re Service

Palmer House Motel


Carson National Bank

In the spring of 1925 the first shurbbery ·planting on the Peru campus was started.

Out of the 1928 Pedagogian:: Sara Jane Whitten visited at her home in Nebraska City over Sunday.

In a 1928 track meet, two Peru Staters, Zook and Mumpers tied for first place in the 100 yard dash with a time of 10.4.


(as listed in the October 3, 1947 Pedagogian)

You've got to, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, down the line.

win, win, win, win, all the time.

Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Casey

Casey-Witzenburg Funeral Home

*Hahn Clothing

Auburn State Bank

Hansen Motors

HJ'mmi ngsen C1oth i ng

Roy Steinheider Agency

*Thomas Distributing Company

*Don Dougherty

Auburn Newspapers


*Bud Moore, Inc. (Peru Mini Mart) Bank of Peru

Peru Kiwanis

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masopust

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snyder ·

Or. and Mrs. Duuglas Pearson

*Paul Kruse

*Bank of Peru

*Peru Kiwanis

Pawnee City

Pawnee County Bank

Falls City

First National Bank

James Oil Company Falls City Federal Savings and Loan


State Bank of Stella


First National Bank of Johnson

Nebraska City

Nebraska City Federal Savings and Loan

Farmers Bank

Otoe County Nati ona 1 Bank

*Fraternal Order of Eagles #968

*Scharp Distributors

Novak Investment Co.

Central Beverage Company

Karl H. Nelson

* Indicates Bobcat Booster Century Club donor

Keep drivin' Bobcats never bow in defeat Against the foes they meet Pale blue and white are the colors to cheer We have nothing ever to fear Keep winnin' Victory for me and for you. FIGHT, FIGHT for Old PERU!

S.G.A. Discussed Dorm Policy Rules

Achange in dorm policy which would require only.ireshmen to reside in residence halls was the main topic of discussion at last Thursdays Student Governing Association meeting

Ideas were exchanged about the possibilities of establishing .fraternity and sorority houses. It was suggested by Senatur· Connie Greg that if the. idea of frat houses would involve long time research then ways should be folUld to increase the appeal of dorm life.

Discussion wa.s also brought up concerning a new student activity flUld. This would mean a change in the present policy for admission of students into home

KPSC Ready For Use By Its Club

When a small school has facilities, ·they should be used and considei; themselves lucky to have them. One example of this is the KPSG, an AM radio station that ol>erates right here on campus:. Well. almost.

The station isn't operating at the present time, and won't unless there is more interest exoressed by the students. Ed Clark, sponsor for the presently nonexistant Radio Club, stated that all is ready and waiting and the station could go on the air at any time. "All we need is about ten students to man the statfon on a defined schedule.

Thieves Hit Complex

games, plays and other extracurricular activities. Consequently this would add another fee to pay each semester. This fee would allow the school to contract more well known bands which might invite more student participation. ·

The topic of a student book exchange was brought up and · ·placed in the hands of the research committee for further investigation.

A three year plan was discussed to replace the present dormitory laundry facilities with new coin operated equipment: because of an increasingly ;high number of students living off campus are returning to the dorms to do their laundry. No decision was reached as ·to whether this would be put inti> effect or not.

The student Governing Association meets every Tuesday night at 6 p.m. in room 212 of the Fine Arts Building. Anyone may attend. ·


• cnicken

• snacks

• ice cream

The Centennial Housing Complex was the scene of a theft of rather large proportion in the early morning hours on SeptPmber 31, 1974. The articles stolen consisted of five automobile eight-track stereos, three television sets, two stereo sets, one clock-radio, and a wristwatch. There was also a number of records and tapes missing.

The automobiles with the tape players that were stolen, were all in the paiking lot of the Complex and were entered by force. Wing-vents were broken out to provide entry. One car that was entered had the entire side window shattered. The majority of the thefts took place · in the students dorm rooms.

One resident said that his door was unlocked, another said his was locked, and the other two rooms said they were not sure.

The incident occured after 1:15 a.m., for that was when one of the victims went to bed. Florence Johnson. Housemother

at the victimized ClayburnMathews Hall, said she could not IUlderstand why anyone would leave their doors unlocked in a situation such as this. She asked, "Would you leave your door m1locked if you lived in an apartment in Omaha or Lincoln?

Of course not, so why here?"

George Wendell refused comment on the Security Police hours. · Of the four rooms entered, three of them were on the Clayburn side (which is the opposite side that Mrs Johnson lives), and three were on the third floor.

Thousands of Topics

$2. 75 per page

Send for your up·to·date, 176-p)ige, mail order catalog of 5500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to, cover postage (1-2 days delivery time).


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Our materials are soldJor research purposes only

ICliffs Course Outlines are keyed to your textbook in these important courses. Next to having a private tutor, they're your best way to keep 1 from falling behind. Suggested test questions and final exam essay topics are included for many courses. · Helpful index and bibliography aids in °pre-exam review. Come in and· look them over.

Available at:

Once in operation, the statior could acquire tapes from th National Public Radio netwm·J which would give the statior. variety to interest many. Tapes available through this network include concerts and national · programs such as William Buckley's "Firing Line."

Also possible is a public affairs ·program on KNCY, an .AM station operating out of · Nebraska City. This would be one thirty minute program e_Ye..r.Y week ·

For the moment, KPSC can only be heard at Morgan or Delzell but Clark said that another transmitter could be installed at the Complex if there is enough student interest.

Phone myour order!


downtown Nebr. City ARTS
872-5025 Op.en Daily 10:30-10:30. and CRAFTS WILLMS PHARMACY 1·:•'. 823 Central Nebraska City .- --·- >: ,..
See· Us For Your Supplies! PERU MINI MART GAS - GROCERIES - ICE OPEN 7 - 11 DAILY Downtown Peru NP.braska Treat Your Parents To A Sh * 1ve ow* ''BORN YESTERDAY'' Oct. 3rd and 4th - 8 p.m. Oct. 5th - 7:30 p.m. Peru State College Auditorium Adults - $2.00 Students - $1.00

Concordia Beats Bobcats By Two

The Peru Bobcats, in their September 28 road game with Concordia, outplayed the Bulldogs in every statistical category except rushing yardage and extra point conversions. But, the mistakeplagued Bobcats fell short, 14-12, in their bid for ! three game win streak. Peru's miscues and zero for two PAT conversions were responsible for the score.

After stopping a sustained drive at the Peru 11 yd. line early in the first quarter, Peru State took ball possession deep in their own territorv. A couple of plays later, a Bobcat pass was pirated and returned to the Peru 14 yard line. Concordia moved in for their first TD on an eight yard pass from Seeves to Larrabee. The PAT was good and Concordia led 7-0 with 6:12 left in the first quarter.

Peru State received the ensuing kickoff and drove 66 yards to paydirt. The TD was scored on a five yard option run around right end by Patton. The PAT was missed and the first quarter score read: Concordia 7, Peru State 6

Midway through the second quarter, the Concordia defense stopped the Bobcat offense on a 4th down and inches play on the {;-27 yard line. The Concordia offense took over and drove 73 yards for their second TD of the night. The TD came on a 53 yard scramble by Baker with 3: 58 left in the half. The PAT was bouncingly good and Concordia led 14-6 at halftime.

With 4: 34 left in the third quarter, Peru State capped a 62 yard drive with a 22 yard TD bomb from Carterto Seiler. The two point conversion pass was

dropped and Peru State trailed 14-12.

For the rest of the third and most of the fourth quarter, the Bobcat offense were stopped by their own miscues. Two consecutive Bobcat drives in Concordia territory were stopped by a pass interception and a fumble.

Then, with 4:00 left, a golden scoring opportunity appeared for the Bobcats. A Concordia fumble, near the C-20 yard line was scooped up by Jerry Weber and was carried to the C-7 yard line. The Bobcats tried two running plays. The Concordia defense held them. A desperate third-<lown pass was tried by Carter. And one of the referees whistled Carter for grounding

the ball. The 15 yard penalty and loss of a down set up a long-shot field goal attempt by the BobcatS. It fell short at the goal line and Concordia ran the clock out to clinch the victory.

Offensively, Peru State outdowned (14-8) out-passed (145· 33) Concordia and led in total offense (229-169). Concordi.a had the rushing edge (136-84), and went two for two in PAT conversions.

Carter was the top pas.ser of the game with 11 out of 21 passes for 145 yards. Top Peru State receiver was Seiler with 92 yards on six catches. Patton led the Peru State rushing category with 56 yards on 22 carries. The next road game for the Peru State Bobcats is at

Peru Champion Cheerleader Site

It has been announced that Peru has been chosen as one of the sites for the second annual All-Star Cheerleading Championships, scheduled to be held Saturday, October 12. The schools will be competing for the Nebraska championship

The teams, will be judged on enthusiasm, talent and originality with trophies and ribbons going to the winners. There will also be the Pepster All-Star Cheerleading award presented to the outstanding senior cheerleader.

Fire 13, Sharks 6 Packers 6, Oilers O Patriots 15, Chiefs 7 Bears 12, Texans 6

The competition will begin at 9 a.m., followed by the junior varsity and the varsity competition. A training session will follow the competition.

Spectators are welcome and dinner will be served in the PSC cafeteria.

What a few good college men should know about Marine Corps PLC: Platoon

Leaders Class. It's our commissioning program open to freshmen, sophomores and juniors. All training is in the summer, with pay. And there's financial assistance avail-able during the school year: $100 a month, from Septem--

/ ber to. May, for up to three years.

,/Ground. If you want to be a leader of men, you go to Quantico, Virginia-and prove it. Meet that challenge, and you'll be commis-sioned when. you graduate from college. Air. One out of three · Marine officers is· in...-\ aviation. We fly up a storm -in aircra t like the new Harrier VSTOL jet. We'll teach you to lead, and then to fly. Law. If you're headed for law school, you can earn a commission now, and begin ac-ti ve duty as a lawyer after you've passed the bat We're looking for a few-good men.. Quality, not quantity. Men who will lead · other: men-as officers in the United States Marine Corps.

A·rt and Craft Supplies Otoe Paint Store downtown Nebr. City SIXTH STREET SKATING
Kearney on October 12. , STATISTICS Peru State First downs Passing yardage Rushing yardage• Total Offense Passes Att...Com. PuntsNo.-Av. Fumbles No.-lost Penalties No.-Yards Concordia 14 8 145 33 84 136 229 169 22-11 6-4 6-37.0 7-31.9 3-1 2-1 10-74 6-70

Bobcat Cheerleaders

Cross-country Schedule

Sept: 11-N;W. Missouri State (ff)

Sept. 14 Tarkio, Graceland, and Coqcordia at Nebraska City.

Sept. 21 South Dakota State University Invitational (A)

.Sept. 2ll - Doane·Invitational "

Oct. 5 - poane (A)

Oct. 12 - Kearney (A)

Oct 19 - Wayne, Concordia, at Seward

oct. 24 - N:c.c. Meet at Keamey '

Nov. 8- N.A.I.A. District II at

Nov. 16 - N.A.I.A. Finals at Salina, Kansas

Buy- Sell-Trade?

We welcome your want-ads, students! Wh<!.t better way to advertise than to·put your ad in the "Pedagogian" where your fellow students ·are sure to see it? Student rates are: 2c "per vlorli or 25c per column IA! jnch. Ads must be turned into the "Pedagogian" Office, which is loeated in Edue. 2'18, by 3:00 p.m the Tues .• preceding publication. Pfease · include name; phone number or address whei:e y.ou can be reached and the )ength of .time ysiu would like ·


Striped sweater sets score with solid bottoms for winning looks. Top sleeveless shrinks with matching cardigans for unbeatable combinations.

checking accounts savings accounts

HEW student loans

IJ2b Garton Peggy l'.ri efo 1s ; Gobber Patty Collins Janet Vance Deb Hebda
Get Into Ql!MND at OCTOBER 5 "1lllMHM1MA.AIJ4'A

Short Stuff. • • •

Morgan Hall and Davidson Palmer girls enjoyed a showing Wednesday, October 9, of bridal' gowns, crystal, china, tableware. and cookware.

Each girl that attended received a fu!J.eolor brochure of the latest wedding gowns, a coupon entitling her to a year's subscription of Modern Bride Magazine for $2.50 and she also had a chance on winning a vacation in Florida.

Julia Gonz!tlez from Morgan Hall and Becky Niday from Palmer won the vacation to Florida.

The Language Arts Reading Program was instituted to give Language Arts students a broader background in the classics and in the area of the novel. It is also to keep students

updated on present novels that have been written. The program is for all English majors and is set up on a five semester base. During each of these semesters the students are required to read two books that are chosen by the English department.

At certain times during the semester tests will be given over these books. The tests are twenty questions long and are ·given during a convocation period. The books chosen this semester are "The Great Gatsby" and "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress." The tests will be given on pctober '9 and November 13. If you are an

English major this is required and you must· go and see Mrs Wilson and sign up.

Delzell has become a pacesetter at PSC. Under the direction of Gene Sinkule and Chris Showers the dorm has visitation time of 65 hours each week. This figure is compared to 25 hours for Davidson-Palmer, 24 hours for Clayborn-Mathews, and '1:l hours for Morgan.

;According to John Letts, IJirector of Housing and Student the individual hom:s were voted on by the various dorms. The dorm's visitation motion must pass thru the S.G.A., Student Affairs, and finally the College Affairs Council must approve it before it becomes official.

The family of Bren1la t

Perimeter Points

The McNastles

C. Chambers wishes to a '

thank the students ' Ten new. campus. directory ' t signs at perimeter pomts of the f staff, and the Peru State College campus and residents t clearly indicate building t of Davidson-Palmer t locations. Maintenance

family. Your deeds have t Grounds Superintendent George made our loss easier to f and on I bear. We shall never old boiler tubmg, also f t d h II l f brown. The three week proJect is t orge an a a ways being carried a step further with have a special place for f repainting existing campus f you in our remem- signs naming buildings. Recent t' brances of Brenda. f PSC visitors have favorably Thank you. ·f c?mmented on the ca?1pus


Dr.. Douglas Pearson has the SGA (Student Governing Association) to look into the possibility of publishing a school annual. The question of not having an annual was brought up after the state dropped all support for an annual. The SGA will be putting out a questionaire in the Ped to see if students would buy an annual and help work on it. Credit may be given for the people who help with publication.

The high prices at the Bob Cat Book Store were also mentioned. The idea was offered if students had books for sale they could put · an ad on the bulletin board so people could get their books

cheap. The idea of opening a student book store was disregarded for the most part because of the fact that it may run the Bob Cat Book Store out of business.

Many other ideas were tossed around such as having a course in library as one of the required courses at the college. They also discussed the revision of campus constitutions and approved Barb Lomier as the representative from Morgan Hall.

The SGA has been having trouble getting people to come to the meetings and tried to change their starting time. Abetter time could not be decided on, so they will still meet every Tuesday at 6

BEOG Can Mean Help

Those freshm.en and sophomore students in Nebraska affected by drought conditions may file sOpplemental applications for a Basic Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG) said Financial Aids Director, Donald Miller. Miller, who attended a national leadership conference in Washington D.C. spoke with Nebraska Congressmen and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare officials to determine the amount of additional federal funds needed.

"Applications for BEOG funds were completed some time ago by most Nebraska college students and aid granted was based on l!m family resources so students affected by drought conditions should contact the financial aids office soon for possible revision", said Miller. The newly formed BEOG program was expanded in 73'-74' to include freshmen and soph· mores. A student must begin college after April 1, 1973, be a

full-time student and demonstrate financial need to be eligible for the BEOG program. Financial applications will be accepted until May of 1975. "Grants for 1974-75 are based on income from 1973", Miller explained.

To be eligible a parent or spouse must have been unable to pursue normal income production activities due to a disability or national disaster for a t least 10 consecutive weeks in 1974.

The supplemental form calls for estimates of 1974 income, and student eligibility will be computed from the new information, Miller said.

Calculation customarily takes from three to four weeks, so grants· should be available to eligible Nebraska students early in the fall semester.

According to a recent statement by Jack Ritchie, additional alocations to other federal student aid programs is - being sought.

Vol. 70 No. 4
Pretty maids all in a row and their escorts, being led by queen, Peggy Kreifels.
..... '
l_ _ _ _ _
t; Hall for the many painter Harold. Patterson memorials, kindnesses t created attractive on t d th ' cream signs on metal acqw.red a.n O er con- f from prison industries, ac- t s1derations shown the · cording to Buildings and ' provided hoflly entertainment last October 5th at the Homecoming dance.
_ directory, Wendel mentioned.
Annual - Yes? No?

As a reporter for the Pedagogian I have been given several human interest stories to report on which required getting students opinion on different issues such as what they thought of the Winterwood concert, why girls prefer living at Morgan than at the Complex and vice-versa, what is your stand on amnesty, just to name a few. Students have been very reluctant to put their opinions of the above issues in the paper with their name behind them. The Ped staff has been trying to relate news that is of student interest. It is our responsibility to know how students feel about certain issues and how they are responding to them. After all the student newspaper is supposed to be the voice of the students. Without student input this is virtually impossible. When students are asked a specific question there are four typical reactions 1). I don't know. 2). I don't care. 3). Don't quote me on that. 4). I,11 tell you how I feel but I don't want my name in the paper. What if there wasn't a student newspaper anymore? Would anybody care?


Dear Editor:

It has come to my attention that many of the people on campus would like to have political speakers on campus. This being an election year, many of the students from Nebraska would like to see what and who they're voting for. It would be nice if some of the important candidates could come and express their views.

If enough interest is shown -in having a speaker, the SCB (Student Center Board) might be able to get in contact with some of the candidates to see if they would be willing to come to Peru. I also know that many of the other colleges have had prominent political officials speak at their schools. Why not Peru?

The co 1 u·m n "Idiosyncracies" has been discontinu.ed because the columnist, Connie Burgess has flown back to New York. Peru will never fully realize what they've lost in her leaving. Enough said.

Letter to the Editor:

The women of DavidsonPalmer, in their ·tradition of leadership and enthusiasm, were involved in every aspect of Homecoming '74. To start out the day, Davidson-Palmer's "Lovebug" entry in the parade won a first place trophy. Visitors to the Student Center for lunch could view Davidson-Palmer's first place window in the campus window painting contest. Later in the day, as three of D-P's residents played In PSC's marching band, six of D-P's women cheered the team on to ·Victory, as varsity and alternate cheerleaders. Halftime at the football game, saw D·P's own Peggy Kreifels crowned as the 1974 Homecoming· Queen, while Linda Doty and Gail Harmon from Davidson-Palmer attended her. Following the game, residents and their guests returned to the Hall, where they enjoyed the colorful windows, parnted by residents for their own window painting contest, and to show their support for the team. Rounding out the evening, was the drama department's production of "Born Yesterday", starring a D-P woman, with another residentof D-P in a supporting role.

It is with tremendous pride that I say thank you to "my girls" for their spirit, enthusiasm, and dedication in helping to make Homecoming '74 a success a(PSC.

Letters to the Editor: On a ten point scale the Pedagogian is lacking eight points.

Dear Reader: Phooey on youee ! ....: What ever happened to constructive criticism? ·

Letter to the Editor: I have found one way to get along with the students of Peru a little bit easier. .say "Go Big Red" a Jot.

Dear Reader: "Rah Rah."

In answer 'to Wendell. Henderson's questions concerning Majors Hall.

In the past Peru State students have wondered why Majors Hall has not been used as a residence hall. Rumor has it the building is sinking down into the foundation and has not been in use since the 1972 school year. In talking with John Letts, Director of Housing and student activities this rumor was found to be true. In a survey taken by Letts felt, Delzell Hall and the residence halls at the complex were inore conducive to the type of dorm life students wanted. A lack of occupancy was the major factor involved in the closing of its doors.

Letter to the Editor: What is the cosmic factor?

Dear Reader: God made-. That's what it is. There are just some things you cannot put into print.

Letter to the Editor:

A remark made at the Homecoming bonfire by a speaker really shocked me. Peru was stated to be a loser, primarily referring to the football team. The 'Cats were termed losers before they even had a chance to get on the field.

I would like to list some of the accomplishments of the "Losers'' in the past year:

o PSC football team tied Kearney for first place in NCC.

2) Outstanding Homecoming participation in a variety of events.

3) Jim Lennerton elected as Nebraska State Program Coordinator for SCB.

4) Musical productions and activities (band, swing choir, marching band, and choir) which promote the school.

5) 12 PSC seniors named to Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.

6) Five 'Cats football players named to NCC team by state college coaches.

7) Barry Reed selected in the tenth round by the Minnesota Vikings. ·

8) 173 students were Dean's List students.

9) Wrestlers took NCC rournament trophy.

10) Pat Hopp named Lieutenant Governor for Circle K, division four.

11) Excellent student involvement in community activities

12) Apple-Jack trophy winner.

13) Alumni who have achieved prominence in their respective fields.

14) Achievements of organizations on campus.

Sound like a school of losers? I don't think so. These are only a few of the WINNING things about Peru. All you have to do is look around to see the countless other accomplishments that make Peru a success.

It is impossible to be a winner all the time, but it helps to be able to enter competition with the desire to win and the knowledge that people are backing you up.

I know there are many people who have faith in us and these are the people who know PSC is really a winner.

Letter to Editor: You've all got flies in your eyes,!

Editors Note:··

We were going to publish a column, titled "Where to go for five dollars or less," but due to rising costs we found it im- · possible to go anywhere except the bathroom without spending a small fortune. Moreover than that we couldn't find too many places to go in the first place.

Letter to the Editor:

Recently I read an article in a _ , leading women's magazine and going to say or think then there some guy was giving some would be a lot less unhappy and advice to forlorn, shy and lonely bored people walking around girls about making the first th h th move with a guy whether it be in wondering why in e - ey are here and more students a conversation, or to call him on would be less inclind to worry the phone or in connection with about who was out with so and so asking a guy out on a date or and "did you know that Jane even going over to see a guy if he Jones did not come in at all last just happens to be a personal nite." Coming from a city the friend. The girls were seeking size of Chicago I'm not used to advice on whether all this was this. Does anybody have the right and proper or not. it seems answer? from the advice that he was giving to these girls that the (Namewithhelduponrequest.) double standard still exists. Letter to the Editor:

The male is still the aggressor There is a financial and the female is still supposed to wait around for something to crisis in higher education happen. From the flow of the and we students ·are questions that were being asked getting stuck with the bill. and from the advice he was One of the reasons giving, I thought it must all just students are being asked be the type of games that arl\: · • played in high school. But the' shell out the loot IS more I thought about it the same simply because we are the situation also exists at Peru. I least organized. gr-0up · believe that nine out of ten times which funds higlie'r · if the girl do.es not make the first education. Traditionally move then It doesn't get made .• and both parties Jose out. "No students have paid less sadder words of tongue or pen, than 20 per cent of the cost are the words ·it might have of their education while been." This is said with the attending schoo,l. The exception of those that are money they pay through only out for a one-mte stand. .· • This year I have heard several taxes and gifts after comments made from guys who graduation helps keep seem to think the girls at Peru tuition low for the are stuck up. But out of the thirty f 0 II 0wing student girls I asked about having a date • to Homecoming, only five said ge!erabons.they did. Of course there is the Now several groups possibility that I asked the have suggested students wrong people but everyone is pay one third or one half open to error once in a 'Yhile. of the actual cost of Now what exactly IS the d t · T h problem. The guys think the e U c I O D • , • : ·. e girls ai:e stuck up and the girls suggestions. · from feel they are acting too groups of busmessmen to aggressive if they make the first whom· the already move. Of course everyone staggering tuition has had a couple of drinks under h t ·n their belt, it really doesn't seem c arges are mere rI es. to matter to either party because They can afford to pay for everything is usually forgotten the college education of the next morning. their children with the The. age old problem of money they save by meet!Jlg each other and gettmg • th · · the ball rolling (so to speak) is cheatmg on eir mcome still around. My question is why tax. do pe<iple fmd it so hard to level For those of us who with ·each other? What ever cannot deduct our happened to communication? sophomore term papers

One male friend of mine said for $50,000 the increase in he wanted to ·take out my roommate but was already .tuition is· a major obdating someone at the· time. stacle, especially if you What ever happened to the are out to pay your own concept of dating around? way and not on

I realize that at a school the size of Peru the problem exists your parents for financial where if you are seen with one backing. A recent study person one nite you are shows that for each $100' automatically stereotyped as ,dollar increase in tuition, going with that person. 11 you 2 per cent of the college are seen with another person the d next nite the immediate reaction population roups out of of the masses is that you are school. being disloyal. It seems people We as students need an always have to have something information base from or someone to talk about which to begin organizing because apparently nothing exciting is going on in their own against higher tuitions Jives so they make it a point of and finally a rebuttal to making it their business to know the higher education what is going on in every one proponents. Are YOl;l elses. ready to start planning

My suggestion is that if more now for a tuition strike students would stop worrying about what other poeple were next fall.

Note: Due to lack of interest, Peru has been cancelled. PERU PEDAGOGIAN
October 12, 1974

The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side. •

The grass is greener on the , other side, "maybe one of the main reasons Peru State can be catagorized along with the other state colleges as "suitcase" COlllltry.

Every Friday arolllld· noon, "suitcasers" ban together for the mad rush to the parking lot, supposedly on their way to greener fields of entertainment.

Something really big must be happening in such small surrollllding towns as Wilbur and Murray, Nebr. that the majority of us don't know about because the only inhabitants that can be found on a Saturday · afternoon are those students from the big cities that are stuck here. ·

, With the exception of a few cars, the entire parking lots behind the mens and womens dormitories are empty which only adds to the ghost like atmosphere that is alreday ap-


In a random survey conducted of more than 60 people the main reason most students sighted for theif was homesickness, seour.itv. or just plain !onliness.·

"I gp'home for a good cooked meal," remarked Peg Jones.

I have a job on the weekends which gives me ·enough spen'ding money to usually last me through the week," said Jan Dorn: ' uys are just IittJe bit more friendly at home and I am still

active. in organizations at home," said Ruth Minshall.

''I still don't know many people here and. ·I've folllld it hard to know who you can trust and who you can't," said Tally 'Kerns.

COnnie Burgess from New York Said if only 40 per cent of the people would go home on week-ends the Qther 50 per cent could get to know the 10 per cent and the 50 per cent would soon be 60 per cent.

Old high school buddies and steady boyfriends and

girlfriends may act as a major contributing factor as to )Vhy many go home.

Even with ·the decre.ase. in eI.!fOllment one would think that with as many people as there are :who circulate the campus during· the week !onliness would be a problem. ·

· Once a habit is formed it is hard to break. But if more people kept their suitcases in their closets and stick aro.und more often soon we would have our own 'action' city

In The Beginning. ..

The. school grew, and there came a time when the students who attended desired· some record of the society meetings, debates, campus life and a publishing of articles inspirational to the prospective teacher and alumni ill. the field.

The desire taking form in the minds of Peruvians l;>ecaine a reality in the "The Normal School Courier," 1892. That forerunner of the newspaper was more nearly a magazine as was its successor, "The Normal School Messenger," 1898. "The Normal Sc;hool Journal," came to life in 1905, only to give way to "The Normalite," the following

year. Though still in maga;zine form and publishe(l only once a month until 1915, when it achieved the'size and'form of a· newspaper, the Normalite gave its readers a distinct picture of Peru Athletics,' organizations, music, debatetes, and social life lllltil 1921. The changing of the school from a normal to a state teacher college necessitated another name. The Peru Pedagogian most aptly named (Pedagogian means teacher in Greek) proved to be its worthy successor. Unlike that of today the faculty members would edit the paper before it went. to press.

1) Would you be interested in having an annual?

Yes No

2) Would you be willing to pa&· for your yearbook in advance on a payment basis?

Yes No

Have you ever nursed a secret desire to get on the football field and show the world what a great place kicker you are??

The PSC Intramural Department is sponsoring a Place-Kicking Contest today at four o'clock. The contest will consist of kicking a football from the fifteen yard line ten times: The contestant with the most sucessful field goals out of ten

3) Would you be willing to pay $9 tries will receive an award for , $12 for an· annual? his or her nerformance.

Yes Ne

4) Would yciu be interested in · volunteering a few hours of your time a week in these designated areas:


Business Aspect




Social Activities

Advertising Academic Aspect

and Craft Supplies

October 12, 1974 PERU PEDAGOGIAN
• •
-:= PERU -
L!M.lll!IAtL\ -- STATE '.., ' \\1111<1 COLLIGI ::. 11 eohere theresMORE OAKS .......,' F01K5 ' ' < '
in Nebr. Page 3
Left· to right, student volunteer Patrlee lhili'ilon helpl Tim Polter build with blocks, In the Peru Head Start cla11 on Thunday.
Otoe Paint Store downtown Nebr. City checking accounts savmgs accounts HEW. student 129455

Peddle Power

, Riding bicycles for pleasure and transportation hit its peak in .the 1890's. Recently, this pasttime has been rejuvenated and bikers can be seen peddling up and doWII the streets of most cities. Why then hasn't the fad hit Peru?

At the beginning of this. year some freshmen brought down ·their 10-speed bikes to Peru With tile idea of using them for transportation to classes.

One of the students has had his bike for five yers and said that the enjoyment has been worth the expense he put into his bike. ·When asked why there were not many others riding bikes he said, "Probably the main reason here would be the hills. Or maybe the people here just haven't discovered biking as a, recreation."

· In these days of outrageous gas prices and air pollution perhaps more people will soon realize the value of the rather archaic but yet economical means of transportation, The BICYCLE.


Fire 20, Packers 6

Chiefs 12, Oilers 6

Patriots 2, Texans (second forfeit)

Sharks 12, Bears 16 Texans are now eliminated from league play and all games forfeited.


do not play this


We cannot adequately express the coach's feelings at this time because there are just some things you can't explain.

Peru Pulls In A Victory For Homecoming Event

The 1974 Homecoming game between Peru State and Benedictine took place· on the Oak Bowl griqiron under chilly, overcast skies. Chances for a Bobcat victory seemed just as dreary as the Bobcats· met a surprisingly tough Benedictine defense. 'Sputtering at times, the Bobcat offense got some help from the Big Blue defense in subduing the Benedictine Ravens, 10-7.

The Ravens, still winless after three games, scored a TD on a 66 ·yd. pass interception in the first quarter. This defensive gem let the Bobcats know that the Ravens are not easy game. Late in the second quarter, a punt by Benedictine, deep in its own territory, was returned to the Ravens' 38 yd. line. The punt return by Jeff Lewis put the Bobcats in a good field position to score. Two plays later, a Rodney Carter-Mike Seiler aerial went 35 yards for a first and goal at the Ravens three yard line. Three plays later, Ignacio Martinez, Peru fullback, sent the blue balloons aloft on a one yard TD plunge. Atwo point conversion run by Carter was successful and Peru State led Benedictine 8-7 at halftime. Homecoming 1974 was Band0-Rania day as senior and junior high bands amassed themselves

on the gridiron during halftime. They presented a concerted performance of several music numbers to entertain the Homecoming crowd. The band trophies were presented and the Homecoming queen was announced. Peggy Kreifels, a senior from Nebraska City, was crowned Homecoming Queen of 1974.

The only score in the second half came on a blocked punt by Peru State. A Benedictine punt from their own end zone was fumbled by the punter and the , · hurried kick was blocked by Mark Clark. The·ball sailed out of the end zone, giving the Big Blue defense two points to pad the Bobcats fragile one point lead. With 7: 13 left in the third quarter, the scoreboard read: Peru State 10, Benedictine 7.

· The Big Blue defense held the Ravens in check until the 1ast two minutes of the game. Starting a desperation drive, the Ravens gained 54- of their 127 total offensive yards on two long passes. The Big Blue defense held up and another gridiron · victory was safely kept in Bobcats' hands.

The game statistics reflected the defensive struggle between ·the Bobcats and the Ravens as neither team had more than 170 yards in total offense, (Peru

State-167, Benedictine-127.)

Fullback Dale Patton was the game's leading rusher with 85 yards on 27 carries.

The team accumulative statistics, after five games, revealed that Peru State is leading in rushing yardage (13892), and in total offense (212171). Peru State is lagging in the passing yardage category by five yards. This is due to the opponents' edge in pass interceptions (8-4).

The Bobcats' next home game appearance will be on October 19, when they'll meet Chadron, a conference foe.

Bobkittens lose to tough UNL team

The Peru State Bobkittens traveled to Lincoln for their second volleyball match of the season on September 25.

The opposing team, UNL, proved the victor in their opening match with final scores of 15,3and15 to 7 for the Varsity, and 15-0 and 15 to 7 for the JwiiOr Varsity.

The next game is with Nebraska Wesleyan at Peru on October 4.

I :I 'i 11 I Page 4
STANDINGS <October 8th) Fire 4-0 53-12 Bears 4-0 46-18 Patriots 3-1 42-25 Packers 2-2 3o-44 Sharks 1-3 24-54 Oilers ·· (}-4 6-26
Bears (4-0)
2) 3:45 :_Oilers ((}-4)
Fire( 4-0) 4: 30 - Patriots (3-1)
Packers (2-2) Sharks
3:00 -
SCHEDULE October IO Bears-Chiefs Oilers-Fire Patriots-Packers Octoberl5 Patriots-Oilers Bears-Fire .3harks-Chiefs October17 Chiefs-Fire Bears-Patriots Sharks-Packers
PERU PEDAGOGIAN ;ti October 12, 19741 -1
Templemeyer and Hoffmeyer go for the same catch in a touchy situation.
Word Of Week Goo! Coining - Friday, Oct. 18th - FOR YOU!! IN CONCERT The "Association" Show Begins Plus At 8:00 p.m. ''Frank Hall'' All Tickets .. 84.00 Appearing at Peru State College Auditorium

It Wasn't Easy But We Did It

The appearance of the Association, a popular recording group who to date have played to over five and 112 million people highlighted last weekends events.

Student Activities Director, John Letts and· Student Programs Committee chairman Jim Lennerton, got the show on the road for the appearance of the group after others were deemed unaffordable on Oct. 9th.

The manager of Variety Theatre, a booking agency notified Lennerton that the group wollld be in the area with an open date Friday, Oct. 18.

Association Not Born Of Trends


"We already had a concert scheduled that night, but it wasn't something that an additional act couldn't enhance," commented Letts.

"Dickering for price was the next consideration," he continued, "The group usually gets about $5500 for a performance, something. we could never handle."

Two colleges in Iowa showed particular interest in getting the group for their free night before a scheduled appearance at Concordia College in Seward.

With a little financial finagling and a way with words, Lennerton hung up the' phone and calmly said "We ,got 'em.';

As a rule, rock groups don't last a decade. Born of trends, the loyalty of the public reflects perpetual progress. The Association endures because it grows. It is not a static tribute to one moment's glory. When not touring, the group spends difficult days in long, intense rehearsals. Musical excellence, textured and true is the resUlt. With six Grammy nominations to their credit, The Association is sure-footed, and professionally adept.

Ted Bluechel, one of two percussionists, sings baritone. A product of southern California, he has an obsession for Snicker candy bars and a disdain for clothes. Had he not become involved with The Association zoology would have gotten him.

Maurice Miller, a native of Alton, Illinois appeared in the musical rock opera, "Hair," and "Tommy." In his valley home he grows Ms own spinach and

David Vaught plays bass and sings baritone. He has appeared · with Helen Reddy Paul Williams also. David says he insists on aisle seats on airplanes so he is able to keep his eye on the stewardesses. Because of a tendency toward hypochondria he has been nick.named Oscar Levant. He has also produced a momument to the absurd - an alubm called "Flaming Pits." It is.

Jim Yester who plays rhythm guitar and sings tenor might have been a Catholic brother had worldly temptations been less · persuasive.

Richard Thompson, comes to the group as a piano player, cla,ssically schooled, jazz trained. He swears dolphins are more intelligent than man, and would rule the earth, had they been blessed with hands.

Jerry Yester, who has played with the Christy Minstrels and

The Lovin' Spoonful, feeds a live audience more than a spoonful; He is a band within a band, playing guitar, bass, piano, and autoharp and he can sing you to high heavens.

Larry Ramos plays lead guitar and sings tenor. Born in Kauai, resideing now in San Juan Capistrano, he awakens to call the weather bureau to determine this size of local waves. Then off on his surf board he goes.

To date The Association has played over 900 concerts in seven years, 791 being in colleges and universities.

69 of. their 84 songs recorded were written by members of the group. To add to their growing achievements The Assoication has also come out with a book entitles "Cnrne Your Spreaders."

VOL. 70 NO. 5
OCTOBER 21, 1974


Letter to the editor: The purpose of this letter is not to give abusive but hopefully constructive criticism of this year's Pedagogian.

The first criticism is aimed at those writers who tend to knock Peru. Examples are October 12's editor's note: "Due to a lack · of interes.t Peru has been cancelled" and also the sketch on page three where there's a sign saying, "Peru State CollegeWhere there's more oaks than folks." Little do the editors and writers of the paper realize that such negative remarks tend to

create or further apathetic attitudes of some of Peru's

. Constructive Criticism

students. There was also an article in the paper apparently urging students to stay during the week ends and not go home.

Unfortunately the purpose of this article is entirely negated by the other two useless remarks. How do you hope to encourage students to stay if you conridicule the college?

The second criticism is that the staff of the Ped should try harder to report on the activities _of the college. The staff might

argue, "Well, there is nothing to report on in Peru." What about the window painting contest at the Student Center or this year's

Homecoming parade? There was no report at all, on these unless you count the letter to the editor emphasizing what Davidson-Palmer hall accomplished during the week. Many people would agree with me that this years parade was one of the best ever with its beautiful floats and well sounding bands. Unfortunately the of many people who worked many hours for night on end on the floats and window

paintings will not be given due credit by pictures or articles in the college newspaper.

What about the picture of the Homecoming queen and her

The Way It Is

The Peru Pedagogian editor is not God, _ has never claimed to be, and never wants to be. Concerning the letter to the editor signed by Scott McKercher and the criticism against the cartoon on page three of last weeks Ped which stated "More oaks than folks." I have this to say. The cartoon was meant in a satirical sense because above it was placed the article urging more students to remain on campus over the Perhaps the lines "More oaks than folks on weekends," should have been added to clarify the point intended.

Students in universities and colleges all , across the country are complaining about apathy. Alot of students got tired of reading about how' much apatJty there was on campus and how few students were involved in anything last year. The point of "Due to a lack of interest Peru has been cancelled," was another way of pleading with students to become involved on Peru's campus beacuse if a lack of interest in the college persists, the possibility of our campus closing could very well become a reality. Again the point did not come across well.

To answer the writers second criticism that the staff should report more on college activities I might add that each week story assignments are handed out to the five journalism I students which make up my staff. Whether the stories are handed in or not is a direct reflection of how much news there is in the l!al!er that week. At present I am without a news editor - who's job is to collect the news on campus and hand out assignments. Due to this lack of staff I cannot know of everything that possibly happens on campus; Few are the times when suggestions for possible stories are made to me. I thank you for yours.

Deadline for stories is Monday at 3 p.m.

I spend the whole week making sure we have enough copy for press on Thursday because stories seldom make it in on deadline. Thursday at S:30 after that week's issue is finished I begin to start worrying about the next weeks edition. This means that new assignments are made on Friday which leaves little time tq meet Monday's deadline. I accept the blame.

..)\s for why there was no picture of the window painting contest. Pictures were taken butglare off the gfass made them impossible for print.

The idea of Shelly Able's name not being in the October 5th issue of the Ped was an oversight.

An article reviewing the play was assigned at the beginriing of the year. It was never .turned in and notice that it would not be turned in was never given to me.

As far the the Winterwood concert was concerned, students ar.e reluctant not to openly express their views on any subject if they know their name must go behind what they say.

Out editorial policy states that what is written -0n the editorial page is not the collective opinion of the staff and does not reflect the opinion of the school. It is one persons and his only. He or she has a right to say what they feel.

If the news stories are not turned in supplements or trivia must be used to fill in the space.

If a paper does not receive criticism then it is not being read. Thank you for taking the time to read the paper and thank you for having enough guts to put in print what you believe is wrong with the Ped and sign your name to it.

Ped Ed.

Takes Poll !

In an effort to increase the budget for entertainment, thus improving that entertainment which is brought to the PSC campus, researtch is being done in the.area of student activity fees. Three basic proposals have been considered, but no decision will be made until student opinion has been determined.

Please mark the proposal which you favor and turn in your ballot in one of the designated boxes, wherever the "PED" is picked up:

fee at registration ---"Pay-at-the-door" admittance rather than pre-paid fees.

-----Keep the system • exactly as it is 'with the same fee, paid at registration, probably resulting in lower cost and quality en: tcrtajnment.

attendants and escorts? Why aren't their names printed under the picture along with a brief write up on the coronation? Why wasn't there a writeup about Miss Able as a Homecoming candidate'? I realize that the article on the candidates was done before Miss Abie's election as commuter reprsentative, but there is still no reason why one couldn't have 'been included in the Ped of Uct. 5.

What about an article reviewing the Homecoming play or the fantastic concert given Oct. 5th. Why not write an article on the refounded Home Economics department or the activities of the campus organizations? As a former cross country runner in high school I always appreciated and was inspired by articles in the paper mentioning the results of eross country meets. I imagine this year's team wouidfeel the same way. These along with other informative articles could be included in the Ped. If-there's a complaint that there is· not enough room in the Ped for News, then the staff should take out the worthless articles and find room· Scott McKercher

a I : Want .to become a part of one:

:of the most controversial: :organizations on Peru's cam-: :pus? Join the Peru Pedagogian: istaff and get involved. It's fun!:

•Positions are open for:

+Assistant editor

+Copy editor

+News editor

+Photography manager

+Feature editor


+Circulation manager

+Columnists : +Photographers

Three loud and lusty cheen for the writer of the letter to thE editor in the October 12th Ped whose main points seemed to be (1) boys not asking girls out, (2) mistaken concept that we Peru girls are "stuck-up" and (3) whatever happened to communications?

Of the girls that I talked to about this letter, 3 out of 3 agreed with it 100 per cent. We're in college now. We're supposed to be mature. Yet, here we are, playing pointless games instead of setting up communications with the opposite sex.

The most popular game seemsto be Read MY Mind. The rules are (1) Boy makes first move, (2) Any girl making first move is labeled "pushy" or "fast" and immediately disqualified (3) Boy may only say "hi" to girl (if he says anything at all), (4) girl must keep her mind open 24 hours a ?ay to ESP suggestions given out by available male players, (5) If ESP signals are missread and girl make- the wrong move, she loses (severe dent in ego, results). Object year". '

I enjoy receiving the PED and think you are doing a fine job, if impulsive at times. Congratuations on the cover of the Oct. 5 issue, but I can't resist teasing you a bit of the fact that nowhere in the entire paper did I see the date of Homecoming. I am sure the students all know, but us slums are not on campus, and "All we know is what we read in the papers." I am guessing Homecoming was last weekend Am wondering if. the State Senators are on your mailing list. ·If they are not, they should be. Let them know you are not 1 second-class college!

Keep up the good work!

There will be a Senior class meeting, Wednesday at 9:40, during convo., in the Fine Arts auditorium.

Freshmen! You have a class meeting in F.A. 105, at 9:40 during convo. ,on Wednesday morning. Please attend.

Sophomore class dues are due Wednesday preferable during convo. in the West Dining Room or contact Peg Whitty, most often found in the Bob Inn during that time.

The Peru Pedagogian will attemut to urint all .letters and editorial material received. All letters must be typed, limited to 300 words, amt near tne name and address of the writer. Letters must be signed but names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor

The deadline for submission of letters is 5 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Concerning the article that appeared in the last issue of the Ped about Majors Hall. The rumors that the Hall was closed because it was seeping into the ground are false. Dr. Rosenberg took the survey to determine where students would rather live. The students made other than Majors Hall and this is the reason it was closed. It will be opened again if the other dorms fill up.

Managing Editor ·, ·· '"· ·Terrie

Artists/Cartoonists Larry Franzene

Business Manager .-- Tallie Kerns

Sports Editor : Larry Kosch

Circulation Manager Connie Burgess

Advertising Manager Peggy Jones

Photography Editor GailHarmon REPORTERS

Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel and Gail Harmon

Larry Franzen•

i ·11 ! PAGE 2 PERU !'.:DAGOGIAN OCTOBER 21, 197 To The Editor.
Dear Editor:
Counterpoint. •
. . -----Higher student ac-: tivity •
Retraction S.G.'A.
:-·······....................... ..

Circle K Behind Yearhook

If this year's PSC yearbook becomes a reality Circle K will have been largely responsible. Under the direction of President

Jim Smith, Circle Khas taken on the of gettting the yearbook started.

One of theirfirst steps was to survey students to see how many students wre interested. Approximately 300 students replied in affirmative, this figure represents about half of the student body.

·With this -number of students behind them they proceeded to tackle the chief problem of funds. President Smith estimates the cost of producing the annual at about $3500. This price could be brought down by various cuts in the formal' way of producing an annual. In. order to break even, President Smith

approximates the figure of $8 per copy if every student bought one. If only half of the student body buys one, the cost couid rise to $12 per copy. Under the law the college can no longer appropriate funds for the annual; this puts reliance on the students and other sources for the money. · According to E!resident Smith, lack of funds is only one of the problems. At present time there· isn't any organized annual staff and lack· of organization on previous annuals this year's annual from having any money to start with. -..

Circle K is continuing to look for ways to cheapen the cost and are open to ideas for fund raising projects. Anyone that could contribute ideas, should contact the Ped or Mr Smith (Delzell) personally.

Talented 1 Artist Appears

FRANK HALL (Guitak-Vocaliat) F1ank with a called the which played thkuughout the midweat. He began aa a aingle pek601mek in 1967 and haa cuntinaed tu play the cikcuit. Hia ahow atkeaaea vakiety and "oldiea but gaodiea", humok, and hia own vekaiona 06 hita. The aong, "Hey, What Abcut Me?" haa become a Ftank ia ta be cne 06 the beat aingle pe,6v,mek6 in the buaineaa.

PSC Drama Group Tours

A PSC drama group that contains actor-director Ed Clark, PSC students, RitaMiller, Kevin Knoll, Tom Banks and Jo Kuck will be going on tour beginning Oct. 21 at Falls City high school.

The tour will contain three one-act ·comedies and will be staged in the high school auditoriums of the surrounding area. Mr Clark hopes to give the high schools an outline of the dramatic program at PSC and hopefully get them interested in the program.

Touring for the remainder of October thru November 27, the group will be giving a trio of plays which includes a commedia 'dell arte style lover's uarrel, "A Lover's _quarrel"



Prof. John Hahn - Citizen and

Mr John Hahn, Prof. of Political Science at PSC, has recently became a U.S. citizen.

Mr Hahn came to the U.S. in 1956 to continue his studies in Political Science and Journalism. He received his MA in Journalism at the University of Minnesota in 1958, and is currently working towards his PhD in Political Science.

His Journalism expedence includes being chief editor for a news paper in Tokyo, Japan, which published both Japanese and English editions.

Mr Hahn accepted the position at Peru State in 1968 because he wanted the unique experience a rural area could give him. Since moving here he has come to admire the ethusiasim of the students as well the people of Peru. This is one of the reasons he wants to do all he can to · contribute to the intellectual growth of the students at PSC.

When Mr Hahn takes time.for leisure it is usually in the forni of sports. His active participation in track, soccer, and baseball while in high school, has given him a natural love of sports. He loves football and is a very ardent fan of the Minnesota Vikings and the Cincinnati Bengals. ·

using Shakespearean sonnets, and a "A Marriage Proposal" by Anton Chekhov.

The following performances include Southwestern Community college, Creston, Ia., Oct. 22, Tarkio high school, Oct. 24, Weeping Water high scbool, Oct. 28, Elmwood high school, Nov. 4, Plattsmouth high school Nov. 5, Beatrice high school Nov. 7, Murdock high school,

Nov. 19, Douglas high school, Nov. 20, Rockport high school, Nov. 21, and Palmyra high school Nov. 22. Confirmation

dates have not been made for the high schools in Tecumseh, Falls City Sacred Heart, Auburn, Papillion, Nebraska City public school, and Nebraska City Lourdes.


we will be able to solve the problems at PSC quicker.


downtown Nebr. City
WANTED Auto Repair Work *Tune-ups *Brakes *Shocks See Terry -Burkhalter Apt. M3 Oakhill, Peru Art and Craft Supplies Otoe Paint Store downtown Nebr. City CRAFTS See Us For Your Supplies! ACADEMIC RESEARCH LIBRARY Thousands of Topics $2. 75 per page Send for. your up-to-date, 176-page, mail order catalog of 5500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage (1-2 days delivery time). 519 GLENROCK AVE. SUITE #203 LOS ANGELES, CA. 90024 Our materials are sold.for · research pt• 'flC\Ses only {10" 5I STEAKHOUSE,JI LOUNGE It NEBRASKA CITY, NEBR. LEE bElls ANd s1uds
patch pockets. Four
studs. Low.
Aphilosop4ical man, Mr Hahn has a very strong belief in 1;he old saying "God will help those who help themselves" and that this should be applied to the faculty as well as the students. He feels that if students and faculty work Hemmingsen's LEE Auburn $t3.00 Sz. 26-34
hip-snug fit
match. The "Down
Earth" jeans by Lee. In Navy Blue Denim

Bobkittens Scrimmage 1

· The Bobkittens competed in a scritnmi;lge game with Creighton; '()ct. 16, in the Peru gym. The BObkittens won the. first game 16-14, but were beaten 16-14 and 15-0 in the neXt two. The remaining schedule consists of:

Oct. 29 _ J .F .K., at Peru, 4 p.m.

Oct. 30- U.N.O. and Midland, at U.N.O. 7 p.m.

Nov. 2 - Tarkio, at Peru, 10 a.m.

Nov. 4 - Hastings, at Wesleyan, 9 p.m.

Nov-. 8-9 _ State Tournament at Wayne.

Recreation Programs

The Recreation Department is having an instructional class in the "Basics of Canoeing" this Wednesday afternoon, October 23 at 4:00 p.m. (weather permitting). The instructor will be Jack Hamilton who has over 10 years of experience canoeing in the waterways of Nebraska and Kansas. The class is free and all novice canoers are encouraged to sign up for the instruction.· There must be at least 10 students signed up to Jake the class for it to take place. Please check in. the Recreation office afternoon to make sure the class is meeting.

The Recreational Department has begun to a of out door recreation eqmpment, designed for free use by students faculty, and other Peru

The latest included two 17-foot aluminum canoes. The availability of the canoes and other equipment will co!11e soon, -according to Recreation Director, Roger "'There are some minor details that have to be worked out before the new equipment can be checked out," explained Mr Schnaser. Students are asked to check the bw,Ietin board occasionally to see happening in intramurals and recreation at Peru State.

Lifeguards are needlid for the campus swimming pool. You msut have your senior lifesaving certificate to guard. The scheduled hours to work are:

Sat. 1-5 and 6-10

Sun. 3-5 and 6-10

If interested please contact Dave Lainez or Coach Schnazer. Guards will be paid $2.00 an hour.


Intramural Activities


For five stright weeks the Fire has rolled; The really think they're good so I've been told. But this week's game the flame goes out; It looks like the Bears in a rout.

9-o sounds about iight; But I think the Bears could score all night. With a high-powered offense and a dymite "D"; An easy victory I foresee.

It looks like the Fire's bubble has burst; as they slip to second from their spot in first, joan 26 peru

intramural football

Team Standings (October 15)

Bears 13, Chiefs 6

Fire, 20, Oilers 6

October IO game results

Packers 7, Patriots 6

+++Sharks won by forefeit

October 15 game results

Patriots 2, Oilers o (Sudden Death Playoff)

Bears 9, Fire O

Sharks 6, Chiefs O

+++Packers won by Forefeit

Final League games- October 17

Chiefs vs Fire at 3:00

Bears vs Patriots at 3: 45

Sharks vs Packers at 4:30

+++++Oilers win by forefeit

The Intramural ..flace-Kick contest was held on the Oak Bowl gridiron, October 14th. The winning place-kickers were Fred Reed and Pat Collins.

Fred Reed, a Peru senior, showed perfect form and consistency as he kicked 10 FGs on 10 tries. This performance stood up under the pressure of three other kickers that had eight FGs apiece. A total of 17. competed in the male div1s1on of the contest.

Pat Collins, a Peru junior, had very little competition to contend with as the only other entrant was Sue Fitzgerald. Collins had the better feminine foot as she kicked more !<'Gs than Fitzgerald did. The winning kickers were given awards' at the completion of the Place-Kick contest.

The Student Tennis Singles Tournament is now in the final and · champion-,{letermining stage. Von Bachle has advanced to· the finals in the lower bracket

by defeating Nancy Sepp, (6·2, 7-. 5), and Stan Braun, (6-1, 6-0). In the upper bracket, defeated Hoxie (6-2, 6-2) and will. play Von in the 1'.he tournament champ will receive a trephy upon cQmpletion of the tournament.

The Intramural Office is considering having a Co-ed Volleyball League this semester and will start during the second week of November. Students interested in forming teams should have four guys and four gals on a team. The maximum number of players on a roster has been set at five guys and five gals. Those interested in forming teams should pick up an entry form at the Intramqral · office.

Volleyball-minded guys are asked to start getting their teams together for the Intramural Mens' Volleyball League. The deadline for turning in team rosters will be November 5th. All team

McE1:roy tangles, with defendP-rso managers will meet with Mr. Schnaser on November 5th to discuss schedule, rules, and dates of games. The league will be playing their first games on November 7th. Those who • getting a team together can pick up entry forms at the Intramural Office.

The Faculty Double Tennis Tournament was held up due to an injury suffered by Mr Hamilton in a recent match. The match between Mr Hamilton-Mr Jacobson and Dr, PearsonReverend Cordes just got through the first set when Mr Hamilton suffered a slipped disc in his back. The Pearson-Cordes duo won the first set, 7-5. Jacobson will complete remaining two sets of the match with Marty Dwine as his new partner. They must the remaining sets to wm the fmal match of the tournament.

Gordy Thiesfeld was the winner of a sixteen gallon keg sponsored by Gamma Theta Epsilon, the. geography club through a raffle held last week.

Varsity Basketball

varsity basketball season started last Monday, October 14th, when the Bobcat cagers opened their pre-season practice. Twenty-one players, hopeful of making the varsity squad, were in at the ' opening practice session. The Bobcat cagers will be extremely young as 13 of the 21 players are freshmen. Freeman Beville, Bob Craig, Ron Winston,· and Dan Parker are the only lettermen returning from last year's souad. 1 ed "It Coach Schnaser dee ar , (young team-tough 1s the foundation of our rebmlding program here at Peru State College. r am happy about the new faces on our team and I am sure that Peru State fans will not have to see another season as they did last year."

The Bobcats wiU have six short weeks to prepare themselves for one of the, toughest tournaments in the United States where they play in the Invitational Tournament at Salina, Kansas. The Bobcat squad will face Bethany College of Kansas in the first round on • November 21st.

Bears Fire Patriots Packers Sharks Chiefs Oilers 6-0 5·1 4-2 4-2 3.3 2-4 ()-6 68-24 73-27 50-32 39-50 32-54 35-58 12-48
checking accounts savings accounts Ht.W student loans

Peru State President Douglas Pearson, left, talks with Hess Dyas, after Peru's Bicentennial Program.

"Company" Comes To Peru

New York in Well, ·that's what it will be when drama professor Edward Clark produces '.'Company."

"Company" is a musical comedy that was first produced in 1971. Its fresh approach to the association of people, and their friends, makes "Comapny" funny while it gives a message. "Company" is based on a book : ' written by· George Furth with music by Stephen Soundheim.

After its production in 1971, "Company" was acclaimed as a work of art. The New York Drama Critics named it the best musical of_ 1971. The play won a Grammy Award from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Science for its musical score. At the Tony Awards "Company" received "five nominations: Best Musical, Best Score for a Musical, Best Lyrics

Peru Is A Bicentennial Community

Peru officially was designated

for a Musical, Best Book for· a Musical, and Best Direction for a Musical.

The Tony Awards are presented each year for Broadway shows. "Company" was rated highly in almost all categories.

The play will be produced

December 11th, 12th and 13th.

Of the twenty people who tried out for the musical "Company" fourteen of them are in the cast.

Producer Edward Clark announced the cast as follows:

Robert, John Chatelain; Sarah, Janet Wilson; Harry, Phil Rogge; Susan, Kerlene Badgett; Peter, Greg Sprague; Jennie, Trena O'Banion; David, Kevin Knoll; Amy, Sue Scott; Paul, Rick Mathis; Joan, Terrie Funkhouser; Larry, Maynard Geschke; Marta, Liz Deason; Kathy, Karen Doden; April, Jeanne Remington.

Student Recital Tonight

There will be a mid-term student recital on October 28 at 8:00 P.M. in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Students involved in the recital are: Dianne Rees, Piano; Emily Rosewell, Piano; I:.ois Vavra, Piano; John Chatelain, Piano ;Diane Sullivan, Piano; Nancy Chomos, Voice; Linda Doty, Voice; Maynard Geschke, Voice; Richard Moore, Trombone; Mark Thompson, French Horn;

Dennis Ehmke, Trumpet; Laurie Coufal, Flute; Lindia Kull, Clarinet; Vicki Cross, Clarinet; Cindy Dunlap, Clarinet; Kerry Coufal, Oboe; Jan Wilson, Clarinet; Karlene Badgett, Flute; Sharon Holthus. 1 The students are performing from the studios of William Mansfield, Dr. Edward Camealy, Dr. David M, Edris, and Dr. Gilbert E. Wilson. The Public is invited to attend.

a Bicentennial Community on October 19 in a day which many events were scheduled. The Saturday highlights included the official dedication ceremony; a parade, a Colonial Crafts Fair and an afternoon football game which pitted the Peru State Bobcats against the Chadron Eagles.

A parade composed of dignitaries, floats and the Peru State ·College marching band began the celebration at 10 a.m. The parade's route was down 5th Street and terminated at City Hall a half-hour later. There the dedication ceremonies began with Peru State President Douglas Pearson presiding as Master of Ceremonies.

The program began with an invocation by Laverne Mathews followed by a welcome speech by Mayor Rex Allgood. Dr. Pearson took over the program and introduc_ed · the guests. The presentation of the flag, the flag raising and the Pledge of Allegiance followed. Members of the Nebraska National Guard raised both the U.S. and Bicentennial flags.

Presentation of the Bicentennial Banner was made by Frank Harrington and the acceptance and speech was made by Ernie Longfellow, Peru Bicentennial Committee Chairman. The Peru Park was dedicated by Chamber·. of Commerce President J.L. Schmidt and Hess Dyas spoke in behalf of the absent Congressman Charles Thone.

The .,Benediction was presented by Mr.M_athews arul vocals were performed by Mrs. Lexy LuAnn .Pearson being accompanied by the Peru State Band.

The public was then invited into City Hall where a Colonial Crafts Fair1who Mrs.G.M. Pryor was in charge of. featured the making and sale ol gingerbread, quilts, rug crocheting and soap. A table was also set up by Peru instructor Dr. George Schotwho urged people to sign a copy of the Declaration of Independence.

The Nebraska replica of the Liberty Bell was placed in front of the City Hall for citizens to ring. The Bell was brought from Lincoln by the Nebraska National Guard and was also in

the parade.

After the ceremonies a luncheon was held for the dignitaries at the college's Student Center and the football game between Peru and Chadron followed at 1:30. It was also a day which honored the parents of the Peru football players. The parents were introduced at halftime and a dance was held in their honor later that night in the Neal Ballroom. The Bobcats dropped the afternoon contest to Chadron 10-4.

The Colonial Crafts Fair which began at 8 a .m. continued until 8 p.m. irr'the evening.

The next Bicentennial in Peru is scheduled· for November 11 when a memorial monument will be erected at the Mount Vernon cemetery.

Peru Enrollment Down

President Douglas Pearson has released the fall enrollment figures of PSC, 770 students compared to 853 a year ago. 212 freshmen enrolled, one short of the 1973 mark and parttime day students improved from 37 last fall to 79 in 1974. Last years transfers students number of 40 is overshadowed by this fall's 51 mark.

Night Class registration can be attributed to a reduction in the total enrollment. The number fell from 49 last fall to 25 this fall. Off campus enrollment (70 compared to 121) and 596 full time day students compared to .the fil!ure of 646 last fall.

r.lass enrollment for the fresh-

men was 271 compared to 294 for last fall. 142 sophomores compared to 138 last fall. 92 juniors compared to 119 last fall. 116 seniors compared to 183 last fall The Post Graduate number fell from SO to 50, while students-atlarge and high school students enrolled for college credit rose from 39 to 99.

Kearney St. reports an enrollment increase of 377 students, while Wayne has 13 fewer than in 1974 and Chadron rlroooed by 140.

The total enrollment at the four state colleges increased by 92 students this fall over the 1973 ·total.

Peru Mayor Rex Allgood displays plaque certifying Peru as a Bicentennial community.

Letter to the Editor:

As chairman of the hospitality committee of the student Center Board, it is my job to write thank you letters to all those who help us out throughout the year. As such I would like to address a thank you to many Peru State Students. Thanks for nothing! ! ! All semester since I first joined SCB all I've heard is that there is never anything to do on weekends. Trying to remedy this situation, a concert was held last Friday night, Oct. 18th on campus with a nationally known group called the "Association." Remember the posters? Well perhaps many people don't realize what this group cost. The contract was signed for $2600. In order to even attempt this it took a lot of work, especially on the part of Jim Lennerton our student programmer, to come up with the money. A mere $4.00 a chair was charged and just in case, the Chambers of Commerce from Peru, Auburn, and Nebraska City were kind enough to agree to pay what ever we didn't clear at the door. Little did they realize that they would end up paying $500 apiece, a steep price for a small town to pay for something which they got no benefit from.

NI I'm asking is what in the world do students want? Nothing is free. I've heard the complaints about $4.00 to get in. How much money do the same students blow elsewhere in one week? To tell the truth I personally would rather pay $4.00 and see a group like that here and sit 50 feet from the stage than to pay $6 to $10 in Omaha for the same concert at 150 feet from the stage.

As a result of last Friday nite it is very unlikely that Peru State will ever see a big name group again for a long time. H this is the support we get for getting what the students cry for, then we may as well give up. We just can't afford it.

Finally, I WOULD like to thank the approximately 250 students and others who did come. I think they saw a fine concert and will be sorry that not too many more if any will be given. Your support was appreciated.

Ch., Hospitality for SCB

Dear Editor: I found nothing wrong with the Oct 12th cartoon depicting "More oaks than folks." It was one of the funniest cartoons I have seen in a long time. I thought it was done in good taste.

Sincerely, Dennis Williams ·

Editorials or letters to the editor will no longer be accepted unless they are type written and double spaced. All incoming letters must be signed.

Ped Ed.

biggest groups in the last 10 years, The Association, gave a concert in front of a mere 250 or · so people of which only 175 fo 200 were students at Peru. Not even half of the student body supported this concert. Not only did these people miss a good concert but if there's a possibility of no entertainment the second semester because of paying off for the Association concert, then it is clearly their fault. According to a rumor the football players had to go to the AuburnWaverly football game. Why make them go if 75 per cent of them don't even know any of the highschool players playing? H this is true, then some of the blame in the poor attendance of the concert rests with. the coaches. As for the people who cried about $4.00' a head cost, remember it's $5.00 to $8.00 plus $3.00 to $4.00 gas mileage to go to a concert in Omaha. Those who said they couldn't pay the cost were probably downtown buying pitchers of beer and getting drunk.

Dear Editor:

As a member of the ,,Student Center Board, I was shocked at the resignation of Jim Lennerton as President. Jim has been a member of the Board for three years and has been in charge of booking concerts, dances and other social activities. Unfortuantely, Jim couldn't work the miracles some PSC students expected of him. He did the best he could with what he had to work with. No more can be expected of ariy man. His experience and /devotion to PSC will be hard to replace.

All I ask is that the next time you stop to critize the SCB, SGA, Jr the college newspaper, think 1bout the students who head .hese organizations and it's members, and the time and effort they put forth to make Peru State College something to be proud of. But most of all take time to admire them because at least they have enough guts to try.


Ten-Year Old Finishes CROP Walk First

Ten-year old George Nincehelser of Peru was the first participant to finish the sixteen mile "From Peru to Peru" CROP walk which was held on the afternoon of October 20.

George, a fifth grade student at the Peru Elementary said he walked because he wanted to and added he "didn't know if I could walk the whole way and my mother thought I could only walk three (miles)". It took George only about four hours to complete the Peru route and other walkers claimed he ran about half the distance. George says he eats "Life" cereal for breakfast and has no interest now in being part of a track team in the future.

Cordes, the director of the walk, an estimated $500 was raised. Cordes credits Gary Hoemann, Sue Fitzgerald, John Letts, Bob Lewellen, Peru State's Phi Beta Lambda club, People Enthusiastic for Peru club (PEP) and all the hikers and sponsors for the walk's success.

Others who participated in the CROP walk were; Cordes, Lewellen, Dick Staple, Alonso Collins, Patty Collins, Carol Orr, Jack and Karen Tuxhorn, Frank D' Addesa, Peggy Kreifels, Judy Becker, Eileen Gladis, Amy Lewellen, Peggy Fitzgerald, David Voss, Charlie Zwolenski, Chip C-0rdes and Peanut Tuxhorn.

SCB President Resigns

Student Center Board president', Jim Lennerton resigned from his position as president and Chairman of the Student Programs Committee last Monday, October 21st at their weekly meeting. When asked the reasons behind his resignation, Jim said he was tired of being everyone else's boy. He went on to say that his priorities had changed and that he felt his responsibilities

were now of a different nature. Procedures of who will take his place and if another election will be held have not yet been decided said Mr John Letts, Student Programs Director but will be discussed thoroughly at their next meeting on October 28th. Mr Letts also commented that he was sorry to see Jim resign because of the fine work he had produced in the past.

College Auctions Unused Items

Dear Editor:

Where were all the people who complain about nothing to do in Peru at Friday night? One of the

Eighteen other hikers participated in the marathon which began at about 1: 15 after a registration at the Peru State Bob-Inn. Each hiker was given maps of the route and their cards were marked after each mile they completed. The hikers were sponsored per mile walked and all but 20 percent of the money will go for agricultural equipment for the South American country with the rest going toward scholarships at Peru State College in the name of the Peru Jaycees.

According to Rev. Robert

All but two finished the sixteen mile walk and dinner was served to all who were involved after the walk at Peru's City Hall. Refreshments were also provided at Bob McAdams' cabin at the end of the eleventh mile.

Notice to all Gun enthusiasts and liunters· We have Blue Rocks (Clay Pigeons) and a hand trap thrower availab)e at the Recreation office. You must pay for the number of Blue Rocks· used and the Thrower is free for your use. They were purchased for your use.

PSC Recreation Department

An auction was held of items of no longer use to Peru State College on October 19 at the maintenance parking lot. The event which began at 9 a.m. and ended about four hours later was to be held a week earlier but the availability of the state auctioneer belated the event.

According to George Wendel, Peru State's Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, the proceeds from the auction was $2,000 which will be used to buy any equipment the college needs. Wendel said items auctioned couldn't be used. sold or destroyed without a public auction first taking place. Items

not auctioned may now be disposed of any of these ways. Only a few items were not sold. Sinks, desks, laboratory tables, biology stools and other old items were auctioned by Paul Knoll with his son Kevin assisting as clerk of the sales; ooth are from Nebraska City. The items were taken from the College's Education and Science Buildings and also from the cafeteria.

The most expensive item sold was an old rolled topped desk which went for $315. The desk is believed to be more than fifty years old. A maintenance truck was also sold for $125.

Kim Hogan, left and Gerard Woods were named king and · queen of the Black Student Union at their October 19 dance.

PERU PEDAGOGIAN Student Teach er Program Begins

The student teachers will be placed in their teaching assignments on October 21 and ' will finish up on December 20. There are 13 schools involved in this program this semester and 27 students in both secondary and elementary education. The schools and students are as follows:


Secondary Education: Beth Butts, PE; John Perkins, IA; David Rombach, PE. Elementary Ed., Mary Barker (Weber) grade 4; Karen Johns, Kindergarten.


Secondary Education, Dan Bolin, Speech; Patricia J. Hopp, PE.


Secondary Education, Stephan E. Roberts, PE and Drivers Education.


Secondary Education, Karen K. Mezger, Home Economics; Elementary Education, Theresa Symancyk, Grade 1 - Vz Reg. and l/z except.


Elementary Education, Deborah Ehmen, Grade 1; Nancy Heskett, Kindergarten; Eileen Laggett, Kindergarten. NEBRASKA CITY

Literature Class Sponsors

·Story-Telling Program

The Children's Literature class is sponsoring a storyhour program for the children of the Peru Elementary School from kindergarten through fifth grade. The story telling hour will be held every Thursday beginning November 14 through December 12, at 3: 15 p.m. in the. P.S.C. Library. During the story telling hour of December 12, a puppet show will perform for the children, the story is: "Blue Bean," by the English author Antonia Ridge. This story is really a take-0ff on "Jack the Giant Killer." Miss

Hicks is the supervjsor of this program, and is also in charge of the puppet show. Rehearsals for this puppet show are being held for one hour a day, three times a week; in November the rehearsals will be intensified (every day). The characters in the p)ay will be performed by the following students: Susy Piper, Jim Bartels, Carol Coffin and Penny Baker.

All of the students in the Children's Literature class participate in the program, and each one of them has to narrate at least one story.

81 Attend Career Day

Eighty-one students participated in the School of Natural Science Career Day held last Tuesday, October 22 in the college auditorium. Registration began at 9 a.m. Dr. Clyde Barrett, Dean of the college of Arts and Sciences welcomed the students and introduced the speakers.

Speakers gave presentations


Sponsors Canoeing Course

The Peru · State Recreation. Department sponsored a free course in the "basics of canoeing" Sunday afternoon, October 20. It was held at a farm pond a few miles from Peru and 28 people were in attendance. Jack Hamilton, the instructor of the course, lectured on the basics of canoeing and canoeing safety. Hamilton and his charges then headed for the pond. Agreat' canoeing time was enjoyed by everyone, including those four people that tipped over tlierr canoes in the pond.

The second course of instruction is being set for Wednesday.afternoon at 3:30 for PSC students only. The purpose of this course is to make more people aware of the sport of canoeing. The Recreation

Department has two canoes available for use by Peru students, staff and residents. .There will be no charge for using the canoes and all are encouraged to use the canoes this fall and next spring.


Veterans who served in tht IArmed Forces between Oct. 1 1972, thru Dec. 31, 1972, bav1 some additional pay coming. If 1You have moved since getting out of service, your check may have been sent to your previous adress. To obtain this back pay, you must fill out a "Back pay claim," and furnish a copy of y!)ur DD Form 214. Contact the Office of Veterans Affairs, for the Form and assistance.

Secondary Education: Barbara Breed, Speech and English; Robert McKelvey, PE; Marleaite Mullens, Busienss. Education. Elementary Education: Janice Lyons, Grade 1 - 1h reg. and 1/z except.


Secondary Education: Thomas (Burke) Popek, PE.


Elementary Education: (Carriage Hill) Robertson, Grade 5


Secondary Education: Judy Lynn Buddecke, Home Economics; Steven A. K:empkes, Math. Elementary Education: .Nancy Nutzman, Grade 1.


Elementary Education: Joe Lynn (Meadows) Barry, Grade



Secondary Education: Phillip Richter, PE-Biology.


Secondary Education: Terry Elliot, PE; Steven L. Kllippel m eyer, PE-Drivers Education.


Secondary Education: Mary Paap, Home Economics.

in the areas of Medical Technology, Computer Math and Science Industry, Earth Science, Pre-Nursing, and Education.'

A tour ot tne Natural Science and Computer Facilities was given by Mr Gary Hoemann Admissions Personnel and M; Stanley Mccaslin.

The events closed at noon.

The Peru Peda!lo1dan will attemot to print all letter8 and editorial material received All letters must be typed, limited to 300 words, and bear the name and address of the writer. Letters must be signed but names will withheld at the discretion -of the editor upon request.

The· Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or. statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all material for contents, length, and good taste but shall endeavor to maintain the orighitll meaning.. · · ·

}rite deadline-for subpiission of letters iS 5 p.m. on Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not. .necessarily· reflect the collective opinion ·of the administration, faculty, student body, or .Pedagogiap •taff.

Managing Editor Terrie Funkhouser

Contributing Editor Frank D' Addesa

News Editor Ray Kappel

Artists/Cartoonists Larry Franzene

Business Manager Tally Kerns

Sports Editor Larry Koscll

Photography Editor Larry Franiene REPORTERS

Frank D' Addesa, Larry Franzene, Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel

Mike Nichols and Larry Kosch ·

OCTOBER 28, 1974
Mike Currier paddles tlie back of a canoe while John Letts works up front.
in · Nebraska.City, Nebr. PAGE 3
checking accounts savings accounts HEW student loans

Chadron Comeback Beats Bobcats, Defense Scores Peru's Points

It was. a warm sunny day for the' Peru State parents as they watched the Peru State-Chadron game, Oct. 19 it was Parents' Day and the Peru Bicentennial celebration, held earlier that morning, added a festive air to the afternoon game. Before the game was over, Chadron scored a field goal and a TD to spoil the fun, 10-4. ·

Peru State took the opening kickoff and drove down the field as if they wanted to break their touchdown-less streak of six quarters, only to be stopped at the one yard line by a Chadron goal line stand.

Three plays later, a fumbled Chadron pitchout was recovered in the end zone by Chadron for a two-point safety. The aefensive tally QUt Peru State in the lead, 2-0, with 6:20 left in the first


Chadron had three opportunities to score in the second quarter. But, they could not score as two field goals were missed and a TD on a punt return was called back by a blocking penalty.

APeru State drive, late in tht ' second quarter, was stopped within the Chadron 10 yard line.

Several plays later, Peru State scored another safety as Jerry Weber dumped the Chadron quarterback in the end zone. This gave Peru State a 4-0 halftime lead.

Chadron came out ready to play in the third quarter. They took the second half kickoff and drove down to the Peru 13 yard line before the drive stalled. They settled for a 30 yard FG and PSC's lead was cut down to

nGame Of The Century"

Wi II Aid Senior Class

The Peru State College gymnasium will be the site for "The Game Of The Century" on November 6 when Peru State · faculty members taken on the college's seniors in an 8 p.m. contest.

The game is being sponsored by the senior class to raise money for their commencement gift for the college in May.

According to Senior President Charles Jackson this is the first of other activities to raise money for the cause.

Admission to the Wednesday night event is fifty cents and the , l'.S.C. Pep Band will entertain during halftime. Refreshments

Final League Standings


will be served by Circle K and profits from thefr safes will go to the senior class. The faculty will be coached·by Albert Brady and his players include; John Jacobsen, John Letts, Paul Kruse, Donald Miller, Gene Sinkule, Chris Showers, Bob Riley, Dr. Tom Fitzgerald, Roger Schnaser, Bill Snyder, Fred Hamann and Danny Kennetf.'

Dan Parker will coach the seniors and his players are; Jackson, Mike DeRuntz, Jim Cash, Dennis Ehmke, Bill Hosack, Gus Krajicek, Dave McDaniel, Fred Reed, Don Templemeyer and Jeff Turner. Tickets can be purchased at the door or from Jackson and other senior class officers.

one, 4-3.

Peru State returned the ensuing kickoff Jo a TD, but it was called back on a blocldng penalty.

After one Peru series of play, Charlton took the ball and drove down the field for the gamewinning TD. The PAT was good and Chadron led, 10-4.

The fourth quarter was more or less a stalemate, with neither team threatening to score.

The statistics revealed that thiS' was another one of those games in which Peru State dominated the game on the field, but lost the game on the scoreboard. Peru State outrushed (106-73), out-passed (127101), and out-downed Chadron

The statistics revealed -that this was another one of those games in which Peru State dominated the game on the field, but lost the game on the scoreboard. Peru State outrushed (106-73), out-passed (127101), and out-downed (15-13) Chadron.

The final home game for the Bobcats will be a 1:30 contest with Doane College.

Cordes, Pearson Win Tourney

Rev. Bob Cordes and President Pearson combined their powers to crush their doubles opponent; JacobsonDwine, in the final set--(6-3) to win the PSC Doubles Invitational Tennis Tournament. The winners struck early to lead 4-1 and coasted the rest of the way to victory and the championship. The. champs were awarded two free chicken '-dinners at the Dairy Shack in Peru, Neb.

Women's Volleyball Peru vs JFK 4:00p.m,, October30

Women's Volleyball Peru vs UNO & Midland at Omaha 7_p.m.


Dance 9p.m. and Movie Fine Arts Auditorium


Women's Volleyball at Tarkio lO:OOp.m. Football - Peru Vs Culver-Stockton at Canton

Stats Show Peru Defense High

The NAIA District II football statistics report_ made public on October 16 showed Peru State ranking high in team defense, and low in team of"fense. Before the home game with Chadron, Peru State ranked second in team defense (196.7 · yards ave.) and ninth in team offense (198.3 yards ave.).

In the personal statistic categories, several Bobcats players are faring well, in spite of tough competition from other colleges. Dale Patton is fifth in scoring (27 points}, and seventh in rushing (54.8 yards ave.}. Todd Madjar is fifth in punting (33.9yardsave.). Rodney Carter ranks sixth in the passing category (63.1 y_ards ave.}.

A look at the other· teams indicates that Peru State will have a hard time going against Culver-Stockton College, Nov. 2, as they are ranked tenth nationally in team defense 074.5 yards ave.).

The home finale with Doane College, Nov. 9, won't be any easier as they are ranked first in team defense in the District 11 area with a 188.8 yards average.

V-8 Tourney Held At Peru

The 29th annual Peru State Volleyball Tournament was held on the Peru State College campus, Oct. 21-23. Sixteen volleyball teams were entered in the tournament and by Wednesday, only four teams were still in the running for the championship.

Douglas made their way to the semi-finals by defeating Nebraska City 15-5, 15-2 and Falls City 15-4, 15-6. In the action of the upper bracket, Mercy fought their way to the semifinals by defeating Nehawka 1416, 15-7, 15-4 and Dawson-Verdon 8-15, 15-3, 15-1.

In the lower bracket, Southeast Consolidated easily handled Nemaha Valley 15-9, 157 and Johnson-Brock 15-3, 15-2. Meanwhile, Murdock disposed of Elk Creek 15-10, 15-6 and Syracuse 11-15, 15-3, 15-0. Due to a publication deadline, the complete tournament summsry will be printed in next week's issue.

Bachle Wins

·----Tennis Finals

Von Bachle came on strong in the final set to win the match over Dave Berger in the finals of the Student Singles Tennis Tournament, October 16.

Cl ty

PPtriots ( 5-2)

Von Bachle, a junior from Auburn, Nebr., grabbed the first set, 6-3. Dave Berger, a freshman from Lincoln, Nebr., claimed the second set, 6-4. Thus, the stage is ready for the final and determining set of the tournament.

Both players played nip-andtuck tennis to go even, 3-3, in the final set. Bachle grabbed the

Dli ?lae: Football Chemplon next two games for a 5-3 lead. Then, Berger built up a 30-15 lead in the next game. Bachle, making his move, smashed his

way back to set up a match point serve. After four match point serves., Bachle won the match point and the championship. Von Bachle was awarded the championship trophy provided by the Intramural Department.

5-2 73-29
Bears 6-1
5·2 52-50
Patriots 5-2 52-50 October29 Patriots 5·2 74-45 Sharks 3-4 32-67 Chiefs 3-4 37-58 Oilers 1-6 14-48 Flag Football Results Oetoberl7
Patriots 24
.13 Packers 13 Sharks o +Oilers won by forfeit
Chiefs 2 Fire o (forfeit)
3:00-oct 24
P2 rk Field
OCTOBER 28, : ND ScfloJ.-AR5tlll1 ?.. Ne LOAJl)? /JO ND '•.·No NcTHWG.-, •.• flow 48oUT ?0rz !P6fJ[Ji
Fire (
Art and Craft Supplies Otoe Paint Store downtown Nebr. City
4:00-0ct 24 City ?ar'L Fi,, ld
Pe ( :;-2)
+ Due to a publication deadline, the writeup of the tournament results will be in next week's issue.

Dr. Stewart Views The Financial Situation

Dr. Michael Stewart, the new vice president of Financial Affairs at Peru State College believes declining enrollments and inflation are the major financial problems at Peru as· well as at other colleges and universities.

Stewart, whose position became effective on September 15, previously served as Director of Institutional Research and Assistant to the VicePresident for Academic Affairs at Fort Hays Kansas State College in Hays, Kansas.

18 Elected To Who's

Who Among Students

Eighteen Peru State College seniors have been elected to Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges for the 1974-75 academic yeaT. They were chosen by the College's Who's Who Selection Committee which is composed of adminstrators, faculty membrs and student leaders. Dr. Guy L. Rosenberg, Dean of Students at Peru is the Chairman of this committee.

Selection to Who's Who is based on a cumulative grade point average of at least 6.50 as well as excellence in leadership. in academic and co-curricular activities. Also considered is service to the College and

promise of future to society.

The students elected and their majors are; Debra A. Anderson, Bellevue, elementary education; Ralph N. Arnold, Falls City, Math and Chemistry; .Mary Weber Barker, Shubert, Elementary and Special Education; Deborah Kay Barton, Omaha, Journalism and William S. Hallock, Art, Mary Lynn Bauman, Falls City, Elementary Education; Julie Kay Bredensteiner, Omaha, Elementary Education and Early Childhood; and Barbara Wilkinson Breed, Auburn, Speech-Drama and English.

Also elected was; Dennis Allen

Ehmke, Syracuse, Music Bethany, Missouri, industrial arts; Charles Jackson, St. Louis, Missouri, biology; Robert Krajicek, Papillion, business administration; Peggy Lynn Kreifels, Nebraska City, business; David Paul Lainez, Leicester, Massachusetts, Math and physical education and James C. Smith, Cook, who is majoring in English.

Other seniors on Who's Who are; Theresa Krontz.Symancyk, Tecumseh, elementary education; Bobbi Lea Thiesfeld, Nebraska City, journalism and English; Susan Rene' Zimpfer, Omaha, mathematics and John Robertson, Falls City, elementary education.

Youth Association New Campus Organization

Needing only their constitution to be passed by the Peru State Student Governing Association the Youth Association for Retarded Citizens will officially become a new organization on campus. Elected president Pegg Witty said the purpose of the organization is "for helping the retarded citizen be more .accepted in his community."

The group, which is made up of Peru State students is now working with Jesse Stein, Director of the · Otoe CoUJJty Association for Retarded Citizens and Russ Schlicting, tifrector of Nemaha Countys' citizens center.·

Weather permitting the organization's first project will be on November 9 when members of the group take the retarded citizens on a one to one basis to Peru's l<jst football game. Other events being planned by the stuaems is working for sales on "Honey Sunday" which is November 17, attending plays, sports functions

and social events in Peru and nearby communities. Plans for the spring call for picnics and ideas of holding an olympic meet and a bowling tournament are also being worked on.

The organization's sponsor is Peru faculty member Miss Juanita Bradley and being worked on presently is a plan where students can receive colle_ge credit hours for being a member of the orgami.ation.

Other elected officials besides Ms. Witty, a sophomore from Nebraska City are: Roger Harders, vice president, a junior from Wahoo; Terrie McCaig, secretary, a sophomore from Omaha and Jeane Brownell, treasurer who is a sophomore from Kearney. Ms. Witty gives credit to Charlie Jackson. a senior from St. Louis, Missouri, for help in organizing the group.

Music Department Sponsors

Second Swing Choir Clinic

Peru State College's second swing choir clinic was sponsored by the Music department last Thursday, October 31.

Eight southeast Nebraska High School Swing Choirs registered.

PSC vocal music instructor, Dr. Edward Camealy was Clinic coordinator.

William Fischer, Swing Choir specialist from the University of Missouri, Kansas, served as

clmician with critiques and' instruction for visiting groups. The opening took place at 4 p.m. with one of Falls City High School's three vocal swing groups. Performances that followed were Humboldt, Auburn, Falls City, Syracuse, Nebraska City and Southeast Consolidated from Stella. Performances in the college auditorium were free and open to the public, Dr. Camealy said.

The new Peru administrator also believes that the College should take a good look at what it has done and find out what it should be doing to meet the needs of the area.

He and his wife, Lucille, have two children, Heather, 11, and Blaine, 6. The couple are native Californians and love the Peru scenery, particularly the trees and hills. He is also impressed with the friendliness of the people and said he admires the Peru campus layout.

Circle K Backs Advertising

Circle K club at Peru State College has decided •.to. finan, cially back the Peruvian, PSC annual, according to Jim Smith, Circle K president.

Smith said the chief source of funds will be from advertising. __ Anew style of advertising will be used, he said. Instead of appealing directly to merchants, Smith said, the club will appeal to chambers of commerce and city councils of Southeast Nebraska and Southwest Iowa.

Towns will be solicited to advertise themselves with history, population, numbers and types of businesses. This information will be in a special section of the annual which will make the section readable and will enlarge the scope of the ;m_nual to make prospective buyers more aware ·oi merchandise and services offered in this area, Smith said.

George Wendel, superin._ tendent of buildings and grounds, has given Circle-K another fund raising job, that of policing the campus before and after major events. Circle K volunteers will be paid $1.90 an hour for the work, the proceeds going to support the annual.

Donations will finance a portion of the annual, Smith said.

Circle K is trying to solve another problem of the Annual, that of staff organization. Smith said that obviously Cirle K club can't do all of the work of producing the annual, so a meeting will be held at Wednesday convocation to get student help.

"Without student help, the annual will die," Smith said. The place of the meeting will be posted on bulletin boards before Wednesday.

Another change planned for the annual is to split the production into two sections with a fall edition and a spring edition. Each section will have a minimwn of 40 pages, Smith said.

Price of each section will be about $3, Smith said. The fall section will go on sale in the

Aspect Of Peruvian

spring semester. The club will take orders for the section immediately, Smith said.

Training Available To Counsel Handicapped

There is now a program available for those students having a bachelor's degree in human science or service field and wishing to be trained for a professional position in counseling the handicapped and disadvantaged, by the Mankato State Coliege. There are also work-study plans available, and qualified students may receive Federal aid which can include a dependency alowance.

The program lasts one year, featuring courses in areas such as, counseling techniques, interviewing psychological and medical aspects of disability, diagnostict techniques, vocational choice process and others.

Anybody interested can contact the following for further details of the program: call: Dr. Kenneth McDonald 507-389-1319

Rosewell, Author Of Anthology

Emily Rosewell is the alltlwr of a Poetry An hopes will December. Emily book about a year and a baJ:r...g" because she thooght "it would be kind of fun" and had always wanted to write something on her own. The book is supposed to be rather short, around 15-20 pages long, has no definite theme but all the poems tend to have something relating them to music. Emily says she is not sure whether she'll sell the book or not, but if she does it should be out in February.


The yearbooks are here! Pick up your 1974 Peruvian now at Davidson-Palmer. Yearbooks will also be distributed in the Student Center <Upper Level) on Wednesday, November .6, from 9: 00-5: 00. Extra annuals will also be available for $8.50.

The PSC Who's Who selections are: First row: Ralph Arnold, Dennis Ehmke, Peggy Kreifels, Debra Anderson, Julie Bredensteiner, Theresa Krontz Symancyk. Second row: James Smith, John Robertson, Mary Bauman, Deb Barton, Susan Zimpfer, Barb Wilkinson Breed. Back rwo: Willock, Robert (Gus) Krajicek, Dave Lainez, Mary Weber Barker, Charles Jackson.

Street Improvement Proiect Comes After 107 Years

· In 1867 the town of Peru was the site of a new college. Now after 107 years the town is·· getting some curb and guttering on the streets. In a street improvement project 8 streets will receive curb and guttering and 55 blocks will be asphalted.

According to John Schmidt, 'town councilman and editor of the Peru Challenge, the project was started in 1970 when 70 blocks of Peru streets were asphalted. Original bids for the _ new project were made in November of 1973. The DECO company received the job. A

probleni had to be reworked with the conipany and the contract was set in February of 1974.

Work on the streets was to begin in June of 1974 giving the · company 90 working days to complete the job. The contract was not met and had to be renegotiated. Surfacing was to begin between October 14 and 18 and got underway on the afternoon of the seventeenth.

The surfacing will cost the Peru citizens approximately $111,584 and $5.19 a foot for the streets with curb and guttering added. T6e property owners will

pay for the curb and guttering •while the paving will be paid for by th-e general obligation of the public. Streets receiving curb and guttering are: Washington Street from 5th to 8th Street; 6th Street from Washington to Nebraska Street; 7th Street from Hoyt to Washington Street; and 8th Street from Hoyt to Nebraski Street.

Mr Schmidt said that the possible paving of 5th Street will be discussed at the next town council meeting. The brick portion of 5th Street will not be paved because it is part of State

Highway 67. It will be paved when the south portion of highway 67 is finished by the state.

Nebraska, which has approximately 400 miles of unnaved road, says it will around $150,000 per mile to pave the roads. Meanwhile the state has been hit by about a 50 per cent inflation on materials needed for the surfacing. Peru has been hit with about a 20 per cent inflation on the materials .for surfacing and is paying about $2,300 per block.

The main reason for the price increase is that asphalt is a

derivative of oil, a product to come by these days. The• of setting up and operatio asphalting takes much r DECO, the company w received the bid for the facing, had to turn the job to the Flinn Asphalting C Omaha. The Flinn Co. set plant in a quarrie southwe Auburn. Here the asphai heated to a temperature o: degrees and hits the stre< about 250 degrees. The extr heat makes it possible to as1 roads at very cold temperatt

Clubs Vary From Social To Political Letters To The Editor

There are many clubs and organizations on the campus of They vary from social· clubs to political organizations.

According to senator Ray Boeche and dorm representative Susan Wheeldon, SGA, the Student Governing Association, is the political organization of campus. It's main function is to serve as a guiding force for the students.

To be eligible to run in a campus election, candidates must have 50 signatures on a petition submitted to the SGA prior to election time.

Representatives are elected from the dorms, and senators are apPointed to office. There is room for 2 senators and a dorm representative from Delzell. Interested persons should contact president Amy Walsh.

The SGA meets Tuesday at six p.m. in FA 212.

According ·to John Letts, Director of Student Affairs, SCB - is the co-ordmator of Student Activities. They arrange activities such as dances, concerts, tournaments, etc. for the enjoyment of the s.tudents.

ficers and nominates the new members.

SCB meets at 5:15 every Monday in the West Dining room of the college cafeteria.

According to President Jim Smith, Circle K is a service organization on campus. It gives aid to other clubs and groups on Campus besides various other tasks such as investigating the possibility of an annuai · this year.

This Junior order of Kiwanis is one of the most active clubs on campus. The current membership number is 16 and could use students interested in the social aspect of PSC.

Any PSC student is welcomed to join. Membership is attained by coming to three meetings.

The meetings are held at 4:45 every Tuesday in the West Dining room of the college ·cafeteria.

Editor's Note: Each week special attention will be given to each of the campus organizations as to their pur- · pose, thei! goals and

Letter to the Editor: I think something should be said about racisism, social reform, and the government of the United States.

I am talking about the reason there was a need for Alcatraz, the bureau of Indian Affairs, Wounded Knee and the trail of broken treaties left behind from these incidents.

Did you know: Women and children are on trial for just being present at Wounded Knee.

That a fifty year old Indian woman was beaten, arrested and is serving 1 to 5 years in the South Dakota State Prison for publicly protesting the release of _ two white men she watched kill her son.

That the average life span of an American Indian is fourtyfour vears.

.That the U.S. has broken every treaty it ever made with the Indians.

.That the deaths and the qualifications if any are discrimination of the Indians is

The membership is open to necessary for membership. more severe now than the any PSC students willing to Time and place of meetings will persecution that took place work. The board elects the of- also be mentioned. against the Blacks in the 60's

My question is why are all of these events kept quiet, why as Americans citizens have we turned and looked the other way when these events were taking pl<1ce right before our very eyes?

As Russel Means put it, "We've been put away on reservations, out of sight, out of mind." Ask how you can support and organize activities in your community by writing to:

Wounded Knee Legal Defense-Offense Commit! Box 255 Sioux Falis, South Dakot 57101 MarkFelk


Knowing what kind of a jc Jim Lennerton has done whil involved with the SCB, all I ca say is "that'll be a tough act t follow".


The Peru PedaS(ogian will attemnt to J>rint all letters and editorial material received. All letters must be typed, limited to 300 words, and bear tne name and address of the writer. Letters must be signed but names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor upon request.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise- libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all material for contents, length, and good taste but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 5 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Managing Editor Terrie Funkhouser

Contributing Editor Frank D' Addesa

News Editor Ray Kappel

Artists/Cartoonists Larry Franzene

Business Manager Tally Kerns

Sports Editor Larry Kosch

Photography Editor Larry Franzene REPORTERS

Frank D' Addesa, Larry Franzene, Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel, Mike Nichols and Larry Kosch

....... ........................................-.....................................................-: . .• I '. . I I I I I I

·C II · L' f f' t T' E . F M Students Go · o ege 1e 1rs 1me xpenence or om To Chadron

Sue Lacy, a 27 year old commuter housewife from Nebraska City and mother of three children ages 8-6-2 is experiencing college life for the first time. She enrolled this fall as a full time, self supporting freshman, majoring in English and Speech and Drama. When asked how she can manage a household, three children and going to school she said this "All my clases are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9-2 which makes it fairly convenient. That and the fact I have a live in babysitter to be there at home in case of emergencies helps alot."

the opportunity to go to college because of the financial cost involved. She attributes this as the major reason why she qever attended college sooner. After high school she settled down to a domestic life of caring for her husband and raising a family, but Sue can in no way be classified as you typical stereotyped housewife. Four years ago Sue formed a small community theatre group in Nebraska City called "The Little Theatre." 12 members began performing melodramas, in the winter and comedy hits such as, "Come Blow Your Horn," in the summer. Since that time the regular cast has grown to that of 30. With admission set at $1.50 a

head the "Little Theatre" ·of N.C. grossed $600.00 for their first performance. "It took alot of sales promotion, hard work and a lot of knocking on doors trying to get people to buy tickets to have the outcome turn out as well as it did." said Sue. "Usually it takes a theatre group the size of ours at least two or three years to get off the ground. Our enthusiasm and dedication helped tremendously in getting the rolling," she added.

Last summer the group performed three one-act plays at Buffalo city, one being a melodrama and the other two a comedy and drama. Sue was president of the theatre group for two years but has stepped

other members broaden their horizons.

"I think it is a much more stimulating experience to be learning and fo be involved in an atmosphere where learning is going on than to be around in. coffee klatches with ladies talking about kids and recipes," said Sue when she was asked how it.felt to be in school.

After graduating Sue's first choice would be to go into the area of teaching speech therapy. Her dream she said would be to teach in a speech and drama department on a high school level, but added that' for it to become a reality it would take alot more schooling.

down from her position to let the Sue came from a large family where not every child was given..

Lamda Delta Lamda, the honorary society for chemistry and physics students have an upcoming national convention. The convention is to be held at · Chadron State College on November I and 2.

Ralph Arnold, president of the Peru chapter, said that the convention will basically consist of students delivering research papers with various committees with· meetings following afterwards. He stated that Peru's chapter has a membership of almost a dozen, and added that the society's membership, as a whole, is generally limited to the mid-west.



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Season Records Don·'t Count In ATournament

"Season records don't count in a tournament."

This old sport saying was proven as the Packers shed their underdog image to win the 1974 Flag Football Championship.

In a preliminary game with the Fire, Packer quarterbactc, Randy Wollenberg, threw a 23 yard TD pass and ran for another TD to lead the Pack to a 13-6 upset.

The other preliminary game saw the Bears play trq(! to season form as they shut out the Patriots, 14-0. Doug McElroy threw a five vard TD nass and ·ran for another TD on a 21 yard scamper. Both extra point· attempts failed. Late in the game, Marty Sauberswig caught Gordy Thiesfeld in the Patriots' end zone to add a two point safety to the Bears scoring.

The championship game itself

was a real defensive struggle between the Bears and the Packers. The first half action saw ootn teams put on pass rushes, intercept passes and generally kept each other from scoring.

In the second half, the Packers offense got rolling and moved all the way down to the Bears' goal line. Then, the Bears joined together for a goal-line stand that made the Cornhusker Blackshirts look easier to penetrate. After three running plays and an incomplete pass, the Bears took over on downs · with 8: 30 left.

The Bears, after a couple of posessions, started moving the ball down the field. With 59 seconds left, the Bears' closest scoring threat was intercepted in the end zone. After a Packer punt, the Bears threw long

desperation passes to beat the clock. The last pass of the game, in regulation time, was knocked down in· the encf zone. And lhe game went into sudden death overtime.

According to the overtime rules, each team runs four offensive plays, starting from thei1own 15 yard line. The team, with the higher number of offensive yards, wins the game. A pass interception would end a team's offensive turn.

The Packers won the coin flip to determine who would nlav on offense first. They lasted only one play as their first pass was intercepted by the Bears. All the Bears needed to do is to gain one yard in four offensive tries. But, the Packers threw them fm: a six yard loss on the first play. A successful second down pass was nullified by a penalty, and a third down pass was intercepted by Galen Kronhofmen to end the Bears' offensive turn.

Since the Pack had zero yardage and the Bears lost some yardage, the Packers were declared the 1974 Flag Football tournament champions.

11 Students Take Basic Canoeing

Eleven PSC students took advantage of the free class on the Basics of Canoeing Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 23rd, offered by the PSC Recreation Department. The class, with Jack Hamilton as canoe instructor, enjoyed the Nebraska fall weather and their first paddling experience in a canoe.


74-75 Basketball Schedule


1974-75 Basketball Schedule

Dr. Tom Fitzgerald AD

Roger Schnaser Head BB

Nov. 21-22-23, Marymount College, Salina, KS, at Salina, Ks.

Dec. 3 Alumni Game at Peru,.

Dec. 7, Doane College, Crete, NE at Cl'ete.

Dec. 10 '. · Midland College, Fr!!mont, NE at Fremont.

Dec. 12, Tarkio College, Tarkio, MO at Tarkio

Dec. 16, Bellevue College, Bellevue at Peru.

Dec. 20-21, Buena Vista College Tournament, Storm Lake, IA at Storm Lake,

Dec. 27-28, Hastings Holiday Tournament at Hastings.

Jan. 1 Doane College, Crete, NE at Peru

Jan. 9, Tarkio College, Tarkio, MO at Peru

Jan 11, +Kearney State College, Kearney, NE at Kearney.

Feb. 7 JFK College, Wahoo, NE at Peru.

Feb. 31 Metro State, Denver Co at Peru.

Feb. 15, Dordt, Sioux Center, IA at

Feb. 18, Dana College, Blair at Blair.

Feb. 22, Concordia College, NE at Peru.

Feb. 26, + Wayne State College, Wayhe, Ne at Wayne. · All Games start at 7:30p.m. ·+Denotes Nebraska College Conference.

The deadline for Volleyball leagues is Nov. 5th. League play will begin on Nov. 12th.

Two leagues are being organized - Men's and Coed. Pick up entry forms at the Recreation Office.

Packer quarterback, Randy Wollenberg, is shown, trying to get a pass aloft as the Bears' defensers put a pass rush on him', in the championship game.

Only Six Return To Varsity Squad

Only six returning varsity players made the 1974-75 Bobcat cagers squad with ten freshmen to make a full squad after the cut · last week. New faces on the squad this year are: Mark Hanson (Fairbury, Neb.); Ed Brown (Miami, Florida); Duane Ideus (Adams, Neb.); John Herbst (Independence, Mo.); Rich Severson (Marine City, Mich.); Lin Volker \Humboldt, Neb.); Russ Mort (Pawnee City, Neb.); Joe Fleskoski (Falls City,· Neb.); Jeff Scanlan tPlattsmouth, Neb.); Ernest Dimbo (White Plains, New

York) and Scott Hoegh (Treynor, Iowa).

The cagers begin their 4th week of practice under new coach Roger Schnaser. "Defense has been our number one priority in the last weeks of practice," states Coach Schnaser. "Everyone is working extremely hard and the spirit of the team has been great. · Our style of play is going to be a lot different from last season and the veterans have shown great leadership."

Those who participated in thP free canoe class were Kelly Evers, Rhonda Ohl, Lilly Blase, Evelyn Palone, Jan Armknecht, Judi Maul, Wava Goodenkauf, Jeff Turner, Greg Derks, Kent •Hoxie and Greg Pruett..

Attention! Hunters

We have blue rock for sale at the Recreation Office $4.00 per case. you can use our thrower at no charge.

Jan. 13 Chadron State College, Chadron, NE at Chadron.

Jan. 18 , +Wayne State College, Wayne, NE at Peru.

Jan. 21 ·. JFK College, Wahoo, NE at Wahoo

Jan. 24, +Chadron State College, Chadron, NE at Peru.

Jan 31, Kearney State College, Kearney, NE at Peru

Feb. 4, Bellevue College, Bellevue. NE at Bellevue

fo Flag Football Championship team members. Front row left-right: Coach Rick DeKlotz, Galen Kronhofman. Back row left-right: Frank Barone, Fred Reed, Jim Hambright, Kurt Scott, Randy Wollenberg, Ken Hoffmeyer, Roger. Harders, Barry Blasi.
STEINER'S HOBBY CENTER downtown Nebr. City ARTS and CRAFTS I STEAKHOUSE II LOUNGE I in Nebraska.City. Nebr. See Us For Your Supplies! checking accounts savings accounts HEW student loans

Turner Elected S.C.B. Head

Jeff Turner was elected by the Peru State College Student Center Board members to replace Jim Lennerton as President of the organization at their November 4 meeting.

Turner, a senior from Yutan who is majoring in biology, ran against Mike DeRuntz and Dale Shaatz. The new president who has served as an S.C.B. member for 2 years said his main objective is to build up student interest.

Lennerton resigned on Oc-

tober 21 stating his priorities had changed and feeling his responsibilities were now of a different nature.

After the election a date for holding the Student Center tournaments was discussed. The tournaments, which will be held the 2nd, 3rd and 5th of December calendar permitting feature: pinball, foosball, pool, ping pong; singles and doubles, and maybe bowling. Trophies will be given for first place in each event.

The SCB will also sponsor a pie

eating contest which will begin at the intermission of the coffee house on November 25 and 26. The coffee house held in the Bob Inn will feature the music of John MacNamarah. Trophies will also be given to the winners of the pie eating contest.

SCB will also be charging 50 cents for the people who attend the movies that are nonstudents. They also discussed holding contests for students during Convo period on Wednesday.

feru No. 1 On Construction List

Dr. Douglas Pearson stated in an interview last Thrusday, October 7th that Peru State College will have first priority on capital construction which deals with the budgeting of new buildings. The Board of Trustees confirmed that we are first in line for the new physical education-health complex in a meeting that was held in Kearney on October 17th.

Before the wheels can be put into motion an itemized budget will be submitted to the

legislature concerning two programs which come before building appropriations, one of which is Miscellaneous Renovation and reparis. Peru has asked for $50,000 to complete this project which would take care of the maintenance and upkeep of the campus.

Aflat amount of money will be given to each college for the purpose.

Second in line is deferred maintenance projects. This money is allocated for man-

President Pearson Feels Report Not Accurate

Dr. Douglas Pearson, president at PSC does not feel the fiscal analyst report projections concerning declining enrollment at PSC are accurate. According to him the fiscal analyst did not consult with the, individual institutions in developing these statistics.

In answer to the rumor that Peru does not have 655 students which was the projection for Peru in 1979, at present Dr'. Pearson quoted these statistics. "At present we have 675 fall fulltime students which is eight less from last year. The total enrollment for the fall semester, is 770." Dr. Pearson outlined programs which should aid in increasim! the enrollment at PSC. , The was the Tuesday's Women's program which came mto eXJstence last summer because of an appropriation of-funds from the state legislature. The program was originally set up for 50 women to take six hours of credit free of charge. Their only fees consist of $15.00 for the use of the Student Union and the · price of books. The class counts for regular credit if the worrian _ decides go on for her degree.

Honey Being Sold On Sunday

Members of the Youth Association for Retarded Citizens and volunteers have received distribution rights from the Nebraska City Jaycees to sell honey in Peru on November 17.

According to President Pegg·

'Witty, 300 6-ounce jars are hoped to be sold by 20 people on "Honey Sunday." The money made from sales will go to the retardation program in the area. Sales will 'begin at 1p.m. on a door to door system.

power to take care of the miscellaneous ground projects. Peru is asking the legislature for $47,322.

According to Dr. Pearson, the third priority is our building. A , 3,000 to 4,000 study has already been completed to draw up architectural plans for the size and type of building. The total cost of the new physical education-health complex is $380,820. Approximately 7 per cent of this total cost which comes to $230,000 will be given to the architects.

According to Dr. Pearson, PSC has a fairly good chance of receiving allocated funds from the legislature due to the fact we have first priority of all the state colleges in capital construction of buildings.

S.G.A. Starts

Monthly Award

On a suggestion from sponsor faculty member Mike Currier, the Student Governing Association of Peru State College will award an individual or group with a "What's Right With Peru" certificate. The monthly award, said Currier will stress the positive aspects of Peru.

The S.G.A. senate will vote on a winner after hearing from the Nominating Committee. One certificate will go to the individual or group receiving a majority vote with thank you notes going to the runners' up.

• According to S.G.A. President Arny Walsh, the first award will be given for achievements during the month of November. Student senators on the nominating committee are: Barb Lemeir, Connie Gregg, Ruth Gottula and Penny Baker.

Comedy Duo

Performs Nov 19th

Franken and Davis, a professional comedy duo, will perform for the students of PSC on November 15 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. The show will begin at 8:00 p.m

There are now 54 women enrolled in the program for this semester because some women only audited. the coilrse and some are only taking 3 hours. This particular program is not offered in the summer time and it is not known.If it-will be of. fered next fall. · ·

According to Pearson PSC is reasonableycertain to have a graduate program in elementary education by this summer. This cooperative program would be in conjunction with another college. At this time both Wayne State;mdthe University of Nebraska are being considered.

Dr. Pearson went on to say he felt there was no basis for the fiscal analyst report. "Projections are a risky business. Projections will only come true if cireumstances stay the same," said Pearson. "A more concerted effort is being made at PSC to positively affect our attrition rate,:' he added.

Acc?rd.in.g to ?r. Pearson an overall effort is being made in each md1v1duahzed department to retain the present quota of students as well as recruiting new students.

As a part of this program a strident-teacher evaluation committee has been set up to derive some sort of way of evaluating faculty to make sure the staff is doing its job. "The committee," according to Pearson ''should be ready to give out a report as to what type of evaluation will be made and in what form by the end of the semester." Dr. Pearson also stated that faculty will be evaluated by their peers-colleagues-students division heads and by the administration. '

In answer to the questions whether or not he agreed or disagreed with what the fiscal analyst said about high school students going out and finding jobs rather than going on to college Dr. Pearson commented: "We have definitely seen a trend which moved from the liberal arts type education to an emphasis on occupational preparation. The ()urrent decline in enrollment in most of the community technical schools has come to a peak. I think students have become more interested in a complete education involving not only the skills but the mind."

Dr. Pearson feels that trends from declining enrollment to increased enrollment come and go like this. Ife added that be feels there is now a better emphasis on human relitions ·1·"""-'··

According to Pearson we are beginning to See a reverse in the trend. With the current changes that have evolved in almost 1every field. Pearson feels education is now involving people from all age groups and from every walk of life.

Dr. Pearson felt that the biggest fallacy in .the fiscal analyst report was the fact that not only the traditional age group of students are coming to college and was .,noftaken into account in any way. · ·

"The academic community can be used as· a retooling for ?omplete change in a with as many Jobs that are becoming obsolete in this day and age," concluded! Pearson in an interview belti last Thursday; November 7th.

Schnaser annuunces birth of baby girl

Mr and Mrs Roger Schnaser

It is rumored that since a girl proudly announced the birth of was born in his family,. Mf their baby girl, Joa Suzanne. She Schnaser is seriously conwas born at the University. ·sidering coachi11g a girls Hospital in Omaha and weigbed: basketpall team, in which his in at six pollllds, 12 ounces · ·· '. girl, Joa, will play forward.

President of the Youth Association for Retarded Citizens Pegg Witty.

wHours For Girls Dorm

Student ciation discussed several assorted topics at their meeting last Tuesday. Areport by the Student Affairs Committee brought up talk of the school's rights pertaining to drugs and alcohol on campus. Discussion was tabled until a later meeting. The students rights and responsibilities were brought up.

The new open dorm hours were presented for DavidsonPalmer and Clayburn-Mathews. The new hours for DavidsonPalmer passed. The hours for an answer to any problems for there would not be any questions

answered. Discussion was continued with the suggestion of having a rap session once a Clayburn-Mathews were not acted upon for they were not typed up '

The suggestion was made to have a complaint session open to the students to make their complaints without the presence of faculty members. The point was made that this would not be month at one of the SGA meetings instead of the scheduled meeting, with several high-ranking school .officials present. This was viewed with general approval.

Clubs On Campus

The Peru Social Science Society is another of the many clubs of the PSC campus. They meet every first Monday of the month in the Fine Arts building in room 105. The requirements to become a member of this club is a student must have an interest in the social sciences although it is not required to have this as a student's major.

The club has a membership of 15 and the dues are $3.50, which covers everything but special events. Some of the events planned by this club include such things as a field trip to Omaha on Nov. 15, a Christmas party in December and a spring dinner and movie. All people with an interest in this club should notify

The repaving of Peru Streets now provides parking spots for residents of the faculty housing on 6th Street. Before faculty members parked in the street.

the president, Anne Tackett. -

The black students on campus have their own club which was orginially called the AfroAmerican club but now has the title The Black Student Union. This club was designed to give the black student on campus the ability to keep some of their own black culture.

The club holds its meetings in the Fine Arts building in room 105 and membership is open to any student who is interested. The number of members in this club is not really known.

According to the president, Jim Ford, no special events have been planned for the rest of this semester.

PSC Defines Their Role

According to Legislative Bill 1054 which was passed early last spring in the Legislature Peru State College is directed to define its institutional role and how it is to be met on a 5 and 10 program New vice president of financial affairs Dr. Michael Stewart has been appointed by Peru State president, Douglas Pearson, as chairman of the Future and Planning Committee which will report to the Legislature.

Dr. Stewart, whose committee

Clark Leads P.S.C. Students

To 1 Act Plays

Actor-director Ed Clark and his traveling troop of PSC students will present three oneact plays for PSC students. Clark plus students Rita Miller, Kevin Knoll, and Jo Kuck will present their three one-act plays to. students on Wednesday, November 13, in the Fine Arts Auditorium and on Wednesday November 20, in the College Auditorium. On both days the performances will run during convo.

PSEA For Future Teachers

The Peru Student Education Association is a branch of the Student National Education Association and is basically designed for future teachers. Their members are made up primarily of students who are going into teaching. This must be a prerequisit in order to join.

is composed of five Peru faculty members, said their report "will get the house (Peru State College) in order a.ad will also establish credibility which is the best way of getting adequate funding for the college."

The committees' results are in the process of being adopted and are due back to the Legislature on December 1. Other members of the committee are: Mary Ruth Wilson, Dr. Lester Russell, Dr. Daryl Long, Paul Kruse and Fred Hamann.

In an article from the October Pedagogian, Clark explained the /1 purpose of the traveling group. He had hoped it would show the high schools what kind of drama 1department PSC had to offer. The plays, consisting of three comedies: "A Lover's Quarre4" using Shakespearean sonnets, and "A Marriage Proposal" by Anton Chechov, will also continue traveling through the area for the rest of this semester.

P.S.E.A. holds its meetings in Fine Arts 212 every 3rd Monday at 6: 30 The dues that you pay as a member are $6.50 and for this you receive a subscription to Today's Education every two· months, a state newsletter on educational happenings in the state, a magazine called Impact four time a year and when you are a senior and student

teaching you get 100,000 dollars worth of liability insurance. Some of the planned events according to Deb Anderson, the president of P.S.E.A., that have already happened this semester were a field trip to ETV in Lincoln, a rap sess10n oerween the members and some of the faculty, and a trip to Lincoln to hear Ralph Nader speak on education. Other planned events are more field trips to different educational facilities to observe how they operate, more guest speakers to come to Peru and give speeches and P .S.E.A. together with Kappa Delta Pi are planning a Christmas program for the Headstart children in December.

Fire AlarmsTampered With

According to John D. Letts, Director of Student Activities the fire aiarm system at Delzell has been tampered with by students on an average of at least twice a week. Letts stated the problem has grown to such great proportions that the State Fire Marshall is seriously

thinking about sending down an investigator because the person or persons responsible have not yet been caught in the act. If the investigator were to be successful in his attempt to catch the culprit the punishment would be a $500 fine and-0r six months in jail.

· The Peru Peda!fol(ian will atte.mut to Qrint all letters and editorial material received. AU letters must be typed, limited to 300 words, and bear tile name and address of the writer. Letters must be signed but names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor upon request.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements ·otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all material for contents, length, and good taste but shall endeavor to maintain the origin;Jl meaning.

tlie deadline-for submission of letters is 5 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or .i.>edagogian staff.

Managing Editor , Terrie Funkhouser

Contributing Editor Frank D' Addesa

News Editor Ray Kappel

Artists/Cartoonists Larry Franzene

Business Manager Tally Kerns

Sports Editor Larry Kosch

Photography Editor Larry Franzene REPORTERS

Shown is the Peru State Swing Choir as they swing through their routine during a rehearsal for the Swing Choir Clinic held on Nov. 1st. Frank D' Addesa, Larry Franzene, Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel, Mike Nichols and Larry Kosch

''Twirling Fun" Says Color Girl

"I like to twirl," said Shelly Able, "and I thought I might as well put my talents to work. I like doing it because it's fun; not everyone has a chance to try it; I'm just glad I had the chance."

With the football season over for the Peru State Bobcats, it marked the last performance for Miss Able as the schools' color girl for this year. Since she is a junior, who is majoring in math and business administration, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank A. Able of Auburn said she will tryout again next fall for the position.

Shelly began taking twirling lessons at 5 while she lived in Nebraska City and for 6 years was the student of the foJmer Karen Rankin who once twirled at Peru. When her family moved to Lindsburg, Kansas, she attended clinics there for the art when she was 13 and 14. She then received training while at Auburn Junior and Senior High Schools from ex-golden girl of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Joyce Burns. Shelly is presently taking lessons from Sue Koontz, who is now teaching at the Middle School in Auburn. She also is a former golden girl at the University in Lincoln. Miss Able, who is 20, has i earned 18 trophies and 15 medals

Financial Relief Seen In '75- 76

The '75-'76 school year may see some financial relief for Peru State College students that have received money from V.A. or Social Securit)'. benefits. The ability of these students to be eligible for the Basic Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG), was discussed at a 1 meeting attended by Donald Miller, Director of Financial Aids at PS<;.

Miller, also the State Training Officer for Nebraska Financial Aids AdIDinistrators, also 'said that new inflation and assist allowances may also be addM to the BEOG for '75-'76. Mille,r got his information from attendihg a · training session for the accounting .principles in the federal funding procedlies on a college level.

Mr Miller said the training will help him in the two Nebraska work shops that will be held this month. One of the workshops will be in North Platte on the 11th and the other in Fremont on the 15th.

Youth Association Meeting Convo Period

for her twirliflg talents. She says her biggest thrill was being named Little Miss Novice Queen

of Nebraska when she was 11. The contest was held in Salina. Kansas, and w.as based on wise, appearance and personality as well as twirling.

'·'Poise, patience, endurance and motivation are the virtues needed in order to twirl" believes the brown-eyed, 5-5, 115 pounder. Miss Able said the advantages of twirling were exercise and gaining _better coordination; she said there were no disadvantages. When asked about performing in her scanty outfit in cold weather she answered "I move faster when it's cold."

Shelly can twirl a baton flag, a single baton, 2 batons, a double flag, fire batons, knives and a hoop. She rates the single baton as the hardest to twirl. At her, last performance she did, her knife routine for the first time this year, doing 1 and then 2 knives at one time.

The former Auburn High School cheerleader and Homecoming Queen candidate both at Auburn and Peril State plans to travel around the United States after graduation. She is looking forward to marriage and family life and is interested in · working in the field of medicine. "I want to do something to thelp the world,'' Shelly said, "I feel there is so much that has _to be done."·

Views Given On Dance

The hard rock beat of Choil;e entertained Peru State College in the second dance of the year. The four man group played out some well known tunes and some not to well knoirn ones as Peru Staters danced until about eleven o'clock.

The crowd was as large as could be expected for the group, which played many instrumental tunes that had students. listening, instead of dancing. Most of the students agreed that the group was better for listening than dancing. '

.People have a tendency not to dance to either long songs or songs that are not well known, both of which Choice played frequently.

The dance, which began at eight, November 5, wasn't really started until about ten, according to some students there. People didn't really show much interest until they had had time to get some beer in them. pue to the elections the bars w.eren't open until eight p.m.

R.,E.O, Speedwagon Reviewed

r The place was Pershing Auditorfllm in Lincoln, Nebraska. The date was Halloween. The happening was R.E.O. Speedwagon.

The evening began with a _performance of Lightnin' Lyie. Achorµs of girls "add punch" to their show.

Following an intermission that had it's highpoint ill viewing the many varied costumes that showed up to celebrate Halloween, The Blue Oyster Cult took the stage. The cult had impressive gimmicks with the monsterous BOC flags on either side of the stage and the smoke bombs and flash powder that was set off every so often, but their performances didn't come off like they were the "hitbound" band as they are said to be. The high point of Blue Oyster Cult's performance would have to be the number "Biff's Boogie". The purpose of ttie number was to impress spectators with the expertise of their lead guitar player and that they did, at least to this spectator. It was his guitar playing, more than any other single factor, that brought them back for their encore.

During the second in·

Nebraska Survey Shows Teacher Supply Down


termission, the audience's attention was toward the tremendously thick fog that was .engulfing the auditorium:•fans, stage, band, costumes and all. Everyone ·knew· tlie that.R.E.O. strolled on stage, in spite of the dark stage (which was lit only by jack-o-lanterns). When the lights came up, the thunder of applause rose to meet it. The Speedwag<;m rolled through their numbers giving an audible reason for their being the top band of the evening. An indescribable electricity flowed through the crowd as "Riding the Storm Out" began to rumble forth from the massive S{leakers.

Agift of R.E.O.'s is the ability to maintain the quality of a studio recording while performing. under the pressure of eight thousand fans-a talent that can be viewed November 22, when they are schedUled to perform at 8 p.m. at Prep. The only way to close this article is with several thousand flaming matches transforming Pershing Auditorium into a massive birthday cake: an encore for R.E.O. Speedwagon LARRY FRANZEN

In a survey released by Monty Allgood of the Omaha Public School District, a significant decrease in the supply of teachers was shown. In the survey of six Nebraska colleges it was shown that people are less apt to have trouble finding jobs in the teaching field than in any other area. The student teacher placement survey showed the number of student teachers from the six colleges in 1973-74 had dropped lower than it has been since 1966-67 in the secondary education field.

Donald Miller said in a meeting in Chadron, November 1, it was shown the teacher surplus may soon be a thing of the past. Miller feels that within three to four years there may be a shortage of students in professional education. He blames most of the decrease on the publicity given to the teacher surplus.over the past few years. He went on to say the publicity has scared many prospective teachers into different fields.

Although jobs in the P.E. and Social Science area are still relatively hard to find many other areas besides these are lacking even more greatly. Some of the areas needing teachers are: Business Education, Science, Math, and Music. Mr Miller stated the area of Industrial Arts is at an almost critical level. He has found people in the I.A. field are leaving teaching for construction jobs where the money is more plentiful. Music teachers have little or no difficulty in

finding employment. Miller went on to say every student in the music department from Peru !;as been found a job.

In a quick addition of figures

Mr Miller was able to show that the number of student teachers from last year, first semester, and this year, has decreased. Peru went from 44 student teachers last year to only 28 this year, a loss of 16. Miller believes this shows a cycle in• teacher education from a shortage not many years ago to a surplus for the last few years, now the start of another drop. He said that the "much over emphasized teacher surplus" may soon be gone.

Another topic of the meeting which may have some effect on students is the Buckley Amendment. This amendment requires that all s he open for inspection udents of 18 years of age and older. The amendment was to take affect on November 19. It is expected that Senator Buckley will ask for a one year delay to add better guidelines to the bill.

Mr Miller feels this may hurt college students looking for teaching jobs if they can look at their placement files. He stated many superintendants and principles do not like to hire students who know what is in their files. Many have said they won't even.consider apµlications if the person has had an open file. Even if the bill is _in effect he would recommend keeping a confidential file for the students own benefit.

November 13 Place Will Be Posted On Campus Buy On
Shelly Able
Practicing for "Company" is Kevin Knoll, John Chatelain and Trena O'Banion.

Culver-Stockton Blanks Bobcats, losing Streak Now At Four

A touchdown by the Bobcat offense is becoming a rarity these days, since they haven't scored a TD in the last few games. Culver-Stockton made it a real rarity by shutting out the Bobcats, 17-0, on November 2nd, at the Culver-Stockton home turf. The nation's ninth-ranked team in rushing defense extended the Bobcats' losing streak to four games.

With 3:06 remaining in the first period, Andy McDonald went over left tackle for 11 yards and scored C-S's first touchdown. The PAT was good and Culver-Stockton lerl 7-0.

After being bottled up deep in their territory most of the first half, the Bobcat offense started a scoring threat. They drove 63 yards down the field on the strength of three pass completions by Carter· and personal foul penalty on the Wildcats. The drive stalled at the C-S 26 and a 42 yard FG attempt was missed with seven seconds left in the

Seniors Win Of The Century"

first half.

In the second half, a C-S fumble was recovered by Hall on the C-S 30 to eive the 'Bobcat offense a good scoring position. On the next play, Culver-Stockton committed a personal foul and the ball was moved down to the 15 yard line. After a five yard gain by Dick Ramsey, the Bobcat offense started moving backwards. A holding penalty and two quarterback sacks later, the Bobcats found themselves on the C:s 44. Harry Phillips gained 10 yards, but Peru State was forced to punt as they were 29 yards ·away from a first down.

Culver-Stockton scored twice in the fourth quarter to put the game out of reach. A 36 yard drive and a 19 yard field goal accounted for the two scores.

The statistics showed that the Peru State offense kept up with Culver-Stockton, but they could not put points on the scoreboard they had the opportunity

The Returning Lettermen

in the "Game of the Century" ·fmal quarter. The spectators that basketball game, Nov. 6, Galen The tiring Faculty Staff used a watch the fun-filled game 1 Kronhofman and Von Bachle 2-3 zone defense in the fourth 'entertained at halftime byv, came on strong in the ,quarter slow. d?wn the Peru State Drill Team. They half to the College,Seruor to a dancing routine to the turn a 73-59 victory over the Faculty And the Semors lead dwmdled Chicago's "25 or 6 to 4,, Staff. Galen and Von scored 10 down to a lone point, 51-50. But, · and 14 points respectively in the the College Seniors kept up their The College Seniors switc: second half to clinch the victory. fast court breaks and became to a man-to-man defense at Tite first quarter saw the aggressive on defense. Led by start of the third quarter. '. College Senior use a 2-1-2 zone Kronhofman and Bachle, the tighter Seniors' defense foJ.'I defense and gain a 12-S lead. College Seniors scored on tne Faculty Staff to co!lll Paul Kruse, a Faculty forward, Faculty Staff turnovers and turnover. Captializing on became aggressive on defense pulled away to put the game out turnovers, the College Sen , of reach for the victory. ripped eight straight poi1 and led Staff back to The game scoring honor was through the nets before 1 12-11 def1C1t at the end of the claimed by Paul Kruse as he Faculty Staff got their first tv .f!rst quarter. poured in 35 torrid points for the pointer of the second half. W "I The tempo stepped up in the Faculty Staff. He was the only 4:43 left in the third quarter, t second quarter as both teams Faculty Staff player to finish the College Seniors were enjoying used fast court breaks to score game in double figures. Mike 41-38 lead. Time-outs a1 easy points. After Paul Kruse DeRuntz was the Seniors' high frequent substitutions were US1 tied it up, 14-14, on a three-point scorer with 20 points. He was by the Faculty Staff to sic play, Jim Lennerton, a Senior followed by Von Bachle and down the rampaging Senio guard, made a couple of steals to Galen Kronhofman with 18 and offense. They managed to, at 01 make it 20-16. Several fast court 14 points respectively. time, close the five point gi breaks later, it was 30-26, in The proceeds from the charity down to three, 47-44. But tl favor of the College Seniors. Led will be used toward the College Seniors maintained the by Kruse's aggressive play, the payment of a commencement five point lead by using fa Faculty Staff made a comeback gift the college will receive in court breaks. They were leadin and forged a 36-33 halftime lead. May. ,. 51-46, going into the fourth an

There will be a "Game of the Century" volleyball game between the Faculty and members of the Student Senate, Nov. 12 at 8 p.m. Proceeds from the game will go to a unidentified cause

This week, let's take a look at a couple of the returning lettermen on the Bobcat basketball squad and learn a few things about their background.

BOB CRAIG - Bob is 6'91h" weighs 195 lbs., and hails Overland Park, Kansas. He played one year as a centerforward for Shawnee Mfssion South high school and three years as a center-forward for Peru State College. He is majoring in math and plans to teach and coach after he graduates.

FREEMAN BEVILLEFreeman is 6'4", weighs 185 lbs., and hails from White Plains, New York. He played two years as a center-forward at White Plains high school and he played forward for Peru State as a freshman. His honors included All-county and All-state in 196768. A junior majoring in physical education, he plans to teach when he graduates.

This is the first of a series of articles on Bobcat cagers to be published during the basketball season. Hopefully, this will help the basketball fans to become familiar with the players on the Bobcat squad.

Indoor horsesh0e courts are set up in the "pit" of the gymnasium. Anyone desiring to use the courts can check out horseshoes in the Recreation Office at no charge.

Six Mens' and four Coed: teams were formed last wee and they will start league pla this week. The PED will give th games and the schedule up-tc date coverage each week.

checkmg accounts savings accounts HEW student loans

Bob Craig
in N_ebraska City,
Freeman Beville

Mud and rain blurred the but not the score Saturday,

Peru Officials Apologiie

Doane Bemoans·

.Illegal Cleats

In an AP article qtled, "Best Bemoans Peru's illegal Shoes," taken from Monday, November 11, edition of the World Herald pointed out the fallacy of the statement that a muddy football field usually presents an equal problem for both teams,

; Peru won over Doane 24-12 in sloppy weather !!Onditions but the loser contend that the Peru Bobcats had an advantage for part of the game. "They used mud cleats." said Doane coach. Ray Best. "We didn't catch it until the second or third series in · the second 9uarter.''.

Mud'cleats were outlawed two from the time involved in or three years ago, according to switc.hing the·cleats.

· Best and are normally about an µ;ch long. The ma'ximum lengtli: for 'cleats allowed now is one half iiich.

'I don't know what size they were, but they looked awfully long from the sidelines," Best said. ·.

Best said when the cleats were discovered he called time out and notified officials. Peru State was penalized 15 yards for illegal equipment and five yards for that

Peru State Athletic Director, Tom Fitzgerald said he preferred not to comment on the: incident until after talking with· Peru Coach, Bob Riley.

·"I talked to Ray and to the officials about it after the game," Fitzgerald. "It was my understanding that was the reason for the penalty.'' Fitzgerald added it was his assumption the officials checked for the cleats before the game.

Health Center Hinkle - Editor Of Fall Tahloia

A d G · I

Rich Hinkel, 25, a senior from n

. n. Plattsmouth, has volunteered to be editor of the fall tabloid

·section of the 1974-75 Peru

yearbook. Hinkel, a physical education major, said members Peru State College is in the of his staff have chosen "The · planning stages of a new Peru Graffiti" as the title of the gymnasium which will be a first installment. He has not as adequately facilitated com- yet chosen other editors to assist him.

bination of Gym, and Health Center. According to vicepresident Dr. Stewart , the college has decided to attempt this project because of the inadequacy of the old gym. Because it was built as a chapel in 1915, the old gym does not have the proper underlying support for present' activities. The old gym does not 1contain classrooms, conference

)rooms, 'dance studios, wrestling weightlifting rooms. The jhigh cost of maintenance and

He feels the hardest job facing him is organiziang the in· dividuals who have volunteered to help with the tabloid. Hinkel is working with jim Smith, head of the Circle K who.are sponsoring

the tabloid, members of the club and other students who have offered to help.

A meeting will be held tonight at 6:30 p.m. in room 314 in the ,Education Building on campus. Hinkel urges anyone interested in working on the "Peru Graffiti" to attend.

Smii:th Stated the staff has already sold 4 pages to some clubs on campus. Smith stressed the fact that all clubs except for the C()llege sponsored activities will pay for their own pages. TIW copy for the clubs has to be in the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

P.s.c: Coach Persons

Signs As Free Agent

Jim Persons, 22, a post graduate and the defensive line coach for the Preu State College Bobcats this fall has been signed as a free agent by the British Columbia Lions at Vancouver in the Canadian Football League. College. Peru won 24-12. .isiiiuiichilllaiiciitiiiionii.• "

In an AP article taken from :repairs of the old gym has also last Tuesdays (November 12th) The statement read: "Peru·' \directed the college into this new edition in the Omaha World State College acknowledges the project. Herald, Peru State College of- irregularity involved in the · Dr. Stewart added that ficials said they regretted the ,November 9th game with Doane. because it is still in the planning incident Saturday, November 9, The college. regret$ - this in- ,stage, the college does not have in which Peru used illegal cleats discretion and states that Peru ;a definite site or an official date in a home game with Doane State College does· not condone ·for construction. The college has

1asked 'the state legislature to Persons., who received a n c 17 s . 11 - R r 't :appropriate funds in the 75-76 history degree from Montana 0mpa ny 0cIa y e evan fiscal year. This means the Tech in June was notified to try - earliest construction date would out by Dick Zornes, a British Ed, director of the is a'recent one, for it. bein 1976. and would take from a Columbia Lions coach.who once dramatic activities at Peru is was first presented on Broadway year to 18 months to .complete served as an assistant coach at excited about his about 1970· It is a short musical the 111,000 sq. ft. building. Ad- Tech. Persons will be trying out production here. The production with a lot of action, is not one joining the gym will be two at an offensive guard position in to follow the year's premiere, !of your everyday musicals. "nie · outside tennis courts, and a June. "Born Yesterday", is a musical, delves into the lives of parking lot which will bring the "Company", and is scheduled to agmg yoll!1g people that have area size up to approximately - "I think I can make it, I be presented December 11-13) been married for several years 274 ,000 sq. ft. The Health Center wouldn't be going up there if I What does he have to say about and the.games. that they play to will be approximately 24,000 sq. didn't think I could," said the 6it? "It's going to knock keep. alive. As Mr Clark ft. 31 255 pounder. f>ersons went to everyone's eyes out." This he \put it, Yesterday', was The Health Center will Canada and tried out last year accounts to having a fine work, a pohbcally .and ,,com- primarily contain two but was cut, adding he wasn't in cooperative cast, and a plan to pany IS examination rooms, waiting the right frame of mind. use integrated media in the Clarkalsosaidthatheismore room, a laboratory, and a performance. .than with the treatment room.

The cast is extremely that he has received The gym itself will hold 2,000 cooperative and hardworking. from various people around the spectators and will provide The rehearsals have been un- campus. He extends thanks to normal facilities besides a derway for about a month now Dr. Ed Camealy, who is doing· wrestling room, a gymnastics and they have had their lines a.rrange.ments'.and room, handball courts, a memorized for some time David Edris who is working with swimming pool, men and leaving plenty of time for the Thanks also. to women's weight rooms, dance ever-so-important duty of the Remmgton for helpmg studios, classrooms, and an development of character. with the choreography. indoor track.

Persons makes his home in Butte, Montana, and will graduate from Peru with his teaching degree. He said he was also a free agent of the Dallas Cowboys when he gradtiated from Tech but didn.'t like the way he'd be treated in the National Football League so he never tried out. He feels players

in the N.F .L. "are treated like pieces of Canada they are cerned about their J>lal'l!fS."

Providing he makes the team, Persons two-year contract calls for $19,000 his first year and' $21,000 for the second year. If.he makes the team he plans to hve in Canada during the 20-game (4 exhibition games) 6-month season, living in the U.S. the remainder of-,the year.

. ym
Plann.. 1 •. ng N.ages.

Sex Revolution Created By "Open Attitudes"

To our surprise, after an interview with Terry Pardeck, we found that the supposed Sexual Revolution is nothing but a myth created by the new "open" attitude towards , sex. This · statement has been proven true1 by sociologists who carried out surveys such as: Terman, Kinsey, and Burgess-Wallin , studies held in the United States. According to them the behavior concerning pre-maritalrelationships has definitely not changed; it has been the same since the 1920's. Instead, it's the attitude towards P-M-R that has varied greatly from the standpoint of the "new" broadmindedness in this aspect.

Before, sex was considered taboo in our society, consequently nobody ever dared talked about it, and we were unaware of all the P-M-R ac-

tually going on. However, now that we have sexual education in schools, and that priests talk openly about these matters, people feel free to discuss sex at ease.

Nevertheless we still have what sociologists call a "double standard." This is when people preach one· idea or principle but act or do the opposit, in this case by saying P-1\F R is immoral, but yet doing it.

The statistical figures that the surveys mentioned before came up with were: 70 per cent males and 50 per cent females have been having P-M-R since the 1920's. Some of the reasons for this 70-50 break-up are: normally females having P-M-R will marry the person they were having relations with. This ·also holds true for a large nillnber of' the males.

30th Annual 'ft Band Season Begins

The lights glisten on Peru's first snowfall of the season.

1st Snow Catches Students Off Guard

Snow greeted PSC students at approximately 11 a.m., November 13. The students received it with mixed emotions. Some wanted to transfer to the University of· Florida, while

others anxiously waited for the · snow to build up into a "Winter Wonderland."

Eye witness reports state that Roger Gieseking of Nebraska 1City, Nebr., was the first student

to heave a snowball this winter. R</ger scooped up a handful of snow at the Health Center and threw it at an unidentifiable pedestrian around· 12:30 p.m., November 13

Mansfield Presents Faculty Recital

Associate Professor of Music at PSC, William E. Mansfield, presented a faculty piano recital last Thursday, November 14 at

8: 15 in the Flne Arts Auditorium. Admission was free of charge.

A member of the Tarkio College faculty since 1969,

Bicentennial Committee Active

The Peru Bicentennial Committee held a Veteran's Memorial program on November 11 honoring · Peruvians who were killed in World War II, the Korea and Vietnam wars. The ceremony was held at the north gate of the town's Mount Vernon cemetary where a wall eight feet long and five feet high was constructed to honor the dead veterans.

The ceremony began vz!th the posting' of the colors by the Peru V.F.W.club which was followed ·by the invocation by Rev. Robert Cotq,es and the audience taking part in the pledge of allegiance.

Ernest Longfellow, Chairman of :the Bicentennial Committee, then presented the memorial to the Gold Star mothers and the veterans. Mis Ruth Kennedy was the only Gold Star mother · attend.

'll, Chairman of the opic Committee at , made an acch of the memorial and Mrs arilyn Applegate Coatney of · placed a wreath on the m rial for the American Legi(jn ·Auxiliary of Peru. A21 Gun Salute was made by Peru V.F.W. members followed by taps played by

Dennis Emhke and Roland Barrett. Rev. Cordes ended the. program. with the Benediction. The program was about a half hour long and around fifty people were in attendance.

The Peru Bicentennial Committee is sponsoring a Community Theatre to give twlf presentations a year during our Celebration of the Nations 200th birthday. The first will 'be a musical "The Music Man" by Meredith Wilson and it will be directed by Mrs Douglas Pearson. The dates for this show are February 14th and 16th plus a matinee. Tryouts for the show will be December 17th and 19th at 7:30 p.m. in the Choir room of the Fine Arts building at the College. Rehearsals will start January 2, 1974. Please take note that although tryouts are before Christmas, rehearsals do not start until after New Years. Area bands will participate in the presentation. Please being a friend and take part in this fun community project. Children will be needed too. Make this a family endeavor!

Mansfield has instructed piano at Peru on a part-time basis since September. Mansfield chose to play "Lebe Wohl", Franz Shubert (transcribed for piano by Franz Liszt, 1846); Variations Serieuses-Op. 54.(1841, Felix Mendelssohn) and Mozart to name a few for his recital.

An organist, pianist and composer, Mansfield earned a Bachelor of Music degree 'from Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, and a Master of Music from Bowling Green (Ohio) University. Mansfield said he has enjoyed teachingperforming-church career throughout the United States for the past twenty years.

He has studied piano with Frances Burnett, Donald Edman, Henry Gibson and Madame Lili Kraus; organ with Vernon Wollcott and Dorothy Ohl; and special study in interpretation and performance of Bach with Walter Rye and William Teague.

He has had additional study in church music with Ferris Ohl, Ivan Trussler, Matthews and Teague and composition study with Donald Wilson and Henry Behrens.

Mary Ermey, Tarkio, assisted Mansfield' in the recital presentation.

·state College's thirtieth annual concert band season for area high school musicians began November 16. Composer and conductor, Claude Smith, former Cozad High School band· director, conducted the evening ·festival band concert which began at 7:30 p.m. The free program was presented by nearly 100 clinic students in the college auditorium.

Clinic coordinator, Dr. Gilbert Wilson, relates, ''Many high ichool musicians have nlaved "Emperata", Sonus Ventorum" and other of Mr Smith's fine compositions. He has also developed a worthy reputation as a conductor."

Smith is currently the director of the Chillicothe (Missouri) High school band, a consistant winner in music contests and. reputed to be one of the best high' school concert bands in' Missouri.

Students registered at 9 a.m Saturday morning with rehearsals filling the remainder of the morning. After luncl}.

participants entered into about plans for future clinics. A final three hour afternoon rehearsal took place and ·campus guests had PSC's recreation facilities at disposal for their use.

Musicians were encouraged to audition-for Peru State College special abilities scholarships while on campus.

MacNamara Is An Original

John Macnamara is often compared to Jackson Browne but he is nor mere imitation; John is an orginal. His voice and guitar relate one man's experience with life. A serious minded artist, John reflects what he wants from life thru his music. He made a recent guest appearance with Kickland, Johnson, and Clemetson at the University of Nebraska at Omaha much to the delight of the students.

John will be appearing at the Bob Inn Nov. 25-26 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 o.m. each night.

The Peru Pedaiodan will attemot to print all · : lettel'S and editorial material received. All letters must be typed, limited to 3oo words, ana bear the name and address of the writer. Letters must be ·· signed but names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor upon request. ·

· The Pedagogiait will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise- libelous. The reserves the right to edit all material for contents, length, and good taste but shall endeavor to maintain the originJl. meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 5 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian d<t not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Managing Editor Terrie Funkhouser

Contributing Editor Frank D' Addesa ·

News Editor Ray Kappel

Artists/Cartoonists Larry Franzene

Business Manager , Tally Kerns

Sports Editor Larry Kosch

' Photography Editor , Larry Franzene REPORTERS

Frank D' Addesa, Larry Franzene, Virginia Milla, Kevin Perkins, Ray Kappel, Mike Nichols and Larry Kosch

Project To Review Education Programs

The Student Education Association of Nebraska, which is part of the National Student Education Association, has a project to review the education programs in Nebraska. To accomplish this they named committees that were in charge of filling out a certain question naire; these were the ECC's, Education Criteria Committees. As part of the program, Peru had a committee made up of a faculty advisor and four student representatives: Mike Currier, as the faculty advisor; and Amy Walsh, Sue Zimford, Sue Scott, and Julie Garrett as the student representatives.

When Peru's ECC got together to fill out the questionnaire the· student representatives brought

Cast Members -Appear On T.V.

Cast members from the musical "Company" will be on television to promote their upcoming presentation. They will appear on the "Morning Show" November 22, on KETV7. Another appearance is set for December 4on KMTV-3, at 12: 30 p.m. That presentation will feature a trio by cast members Liz Deason, Geanne Remington, and Karen Doden.

The musical "Company" is. scheduled to be presenred December 11-13 in the college auditorium.

Club News

up complaints they had heard, their own, and suggestions for improvements in the teacher preparation program. At this point Mi,ke Currier suggested the Input session with Dr. Scherer to straighten out things.

The session was held November 4at Morgan Hall with an attendance of approximately 40 male and female students.

One of the main ideas that resulted from the imput session was to find out what would be the general student reaction to the idea of taking the nine weeks method classes during the summer. This would enable the senior education students to do their student teaching for the whole 18 weeks of the semester; thus, attaining more experience.

Jaws Means Jazz

Jaws, a progressive jazz rock group, will be appearing November 19 at 8 p.m. in the Neal Dining Hall.

The. group is made up of John Rowland-Bass, Mike SteinelPiano and Fluegal horn, Mike Theis- Trumpet and Fluegal· horn, and Craig Wright on Drums.

All four are from Emporia, Kansas, and have backed up Johnny Almond (of the Mark Almond Band), Jerry Hahn, and· Ray Brown. They have also played on the same bill with artists such as Herbie Hancock, Maynard Ferguson, and Clark Terry.

Delzell is sponsoring the group and will charge a dollar admission,

The annual Thanksgiving Day turkey raffle held by Phi Beta Lambda during November, which is organized by the members under the supervision of Russell Beldin, is an activity to raise funds for the club's yearly educational tour on business and industry. The towns listed as possible places to visit are: St. Louis,h St. Joseph, Denver, Kansas, and Chicago.

The drawing for this year's raffle will be Monday, November 25, at Russell Beldin 's office, and the prizes are: first a 20-lb. turkey; second: an 81-lb. ham; third: a 10-lb. turkey.

Tickets are sold by Phi Beta Lambda members at 50c each or three for $1.25.

Lambda Delta Lambda is open to only those students with 14 hrs. in chemistry and physics or both and to those who have 12 hrs. of those subjects and are enrolled for 3hrs. more and have an honor grade of 6.0. They meet every first Monday of the month in the Science Building, usually in room 104. The dues to join and keep up membership are $8.50 to the national organization which you only pay once and $2.00 to the local which is paid every semester.

This year's members attended a national convention which was held in Chadron. The forum national business. Various members gave reports on research projects. After each report there was time allotted for question and answer sessions. At the end of the reports the one with the best report won a prize of $50. During the convention the chapter of the year is elected and that member wins a plaque and $50. The Lambda Delta Lambda chapter of Peru won this semester.

During the year, Peru's chapter has contests which take place on campus. An example is the Miss and Mr hairy legs contest.

The Woman's Athletic Association is open to any woman on campus that wishes to join. Members meet every Wednesday in the Gym at 7 o'clock.

At this time the club has a volleyball. tournament going on and in two weeks they plan to play the women faculty mem, oers and secretaries. The girls involved in this club must display an interest in sports and recreational activities. Belonging to this club is a requirement for all female physical education majors. Linda Uher, president of the club, said the club supports the girls' volleyball team. Dues are 50c.

The Kappa Chapter of Lambda Delta Lambda, a national honorary fraternity of chemistry and physics attended the national convention held at _ Chadron State College, November 1 and 2. The purpose of the yearly convention is to cover business of the national organization, give the members opportunity to present research papers, and allow the members of each chapter to become acquainted with members of other chapters. As a result of its national and local activities the Peru Chapter was given the honor of "Chapter of the Year" and received a plaque and a gift of $50.

C.M. Miner Starts Health Store

From humble beginnings C. M. Miner started his Brownville Heal th store 21 years ago. Starting with a few sacks of flour, he has built the store into a very profitable management which does business all over the United States. The store is a source of the "Folklore Medicine" which is making headlines as more and more people discover the remarkable healing properties in organic food.

These healing properties have caused a surge of new interest in organic foods. Discoveries of these properties have led previously cynical scientists to re-examine their predjudices.

Medical World News reports Yie Calabash plant is being used in surgery as a powerful muscle relaxant. It also reports the leaves of the Kalir Kanda plant can supress the appetite for eight hours just by chewing.

This nutrition costs inore than the impure foods, but people who have taken organic food feel the money is worth it.

For those interested the store contains a variety of organic (oods. The holiday-minded can find turkeys grown on just organic food. Fish from the clean waters of Iceland include haddock,, cod, flounder, and perch.. A large variety oT natural, cereals stock the shelves. Teas, sea powdered goat milk, yea3ts, l· .], sea salts, cookies, yogart, sunflower seeds and- even cosmetics are a part of the store's inventory. Just about anything you could want is available.

The Brownville health store is open 7 seven days a week, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and from 2 to 4:30 p.m. on Sundays. The store is located at the end of mainstreet near the bridge into Iowa.

"Gather 'round my dear seniors; and. I'll show you a layup that's unbeatable!!", tells Paul Kruse.
I L.

Ronald Winstmr Vorleyball Team

Finishes Season

First-and second round defeats ousted Peru State's wome&'s volleyball team from state tournament competition at Wayne State Friday (November 8).-

JFK won over the Bobkittens, 15-11, 15-5 in a Friday afternoon match and in the lower bracket

Friday night Creighton eliminated Peru, 15-2, 15-:9. Peru, after state competition, finished 3-10 for the season.

Returning Cagers

This week, we have two Bobcat cagers whose ·hometowns are in the Great Lakes area. Richard Severson is from Marine City, Michigan, and Ronald Winston is from Hammond, Indiana.

Richard Severson, a 6'7" reserve center, is it freshman on the squad this year. Coach Schnaser notes that year, Bob Craig will graduate,-and the post will nee¢ to be filled. "We hope Rich will develop into a solid college postman. Although Rich needs more - weight, he handles himself fairly well against heavier players," said Coach Schnaser.

Ronald Winston, a 5'11" guard, is a sophomore from Hammond, Indiana, and a ·returnmg "letterman from last season. Ron will be carrying a major load for the Bobcats as a scoring punch early this season.

Final Game Means Win

Peru 5tate's season finale game with Doane, Nov. 9, was played on the wateNoaked, muddy Oak Bowl turf under rainy skies. Holding Doane to only· 24 rushing yards,, Peru $tate out-slid and. out-slopped the Tigers, 24-12, before an •estimated 200 wet, faithful fans.

· The victory was gained by a , stingy Bobcat defense and a

:. strong_ performance by Dale ! Patton. Patton, a freshman •fullback; rushed for 114 yards, •booted a 30 yard FG, kicked two PATs; rail a two point con-

'"We are hoping for Ron to be 1 more of a floor general this year and in,lprove his defense," states Coach Schnaser. Ron is expected to start in the opening game against Bethany College at Salina, Kansas, on November , 21st. · Next week, we'll have a look at two players whose hometowns are right here in the state of Nebraska.

version, and stomped 56 yards for a TD;

Following a Doane punt in the first quarter, Peru State drove 54 yards in 10 plays to score their first TD of the.game. This TD, a one yard sneak by Carter, ended a 18 quarter streak of Peru's offensive inability to score a sixpointer. With 8:54 left in the first quarter, Peru State led 6-0.

Minutes later, Jeff Pease covered Doane's fumble of a Peru punt on the Tiger 36. The Bobcats moved the ball to the Tiger 13, where Patton booted a · 1 30 yard field goal to make it 9-0.

Doane received the ensuing kickoff and moved the ball down the muddy field. Only to cough the ball up on the PS 44 when ,Doane QB Knapp was scrambling downfield after failing to find an open receiver. Peru safety; Stan Taylor,· recovered the loose pigskin.

On the first play after the fumble, Patton slipped through left tackle and splashed his way ·over 56 yards of muddy real ·estate for a Bobcat TD. With 36 seconds left in the first quarter, Peru State led 16-0.

During the second quarter, it was discovered that the Peru players were wearing illegal shoes and the whole first string team went into the locker room to change shoes. Peru State was ;penalized 15 yards for illegal ' equipment plus five yards for delay of game during the mass substitution.

The 16-0 score remained th way until the third quarter breaks occurred in Doa favor. Peru State tried to , from their own 13 yard line. , was blocked by a Doane rush and Jerry Kerl scooped the , from the mud at the six yard I' and trotted in for Doane's fi score. Perustate's lead was c down to ten, 16-6.

On the first play after th kickoff return, Peru Stat coughed up the ball for a Doan recovery. The Tigers used onl six plays for their second 'scor of the third quarter. And Peru's lead was cut down to four, 16-12.

In the fourth quarter, Dave Young intercepted a Doane pass and returned it to the Tiger 29 to set up an insurance TD for the Bobcats. The eight play drive climaxed on a one yard sneak by QB Carter with 16 seconds left on the clock.

The game statistics showed Peru's domination of the game in total yardage (245-135), plus a surprise or two. Beside the 24 rushing yards given up by the Bobcat defense, Carter attempted only one pass during the whole game. This is a sharp contrast to Doane's 27 pass · attempts

Peru State finished the season with a 4-6 mark. Six seniors started in their last football ·game for Peru. They were Bill Hosack, Henry McCullough, Dave McDaniel, Dennis Stones, Terry Elliott and !illl Rezac.

Storant Represents P.S.C. In N.A.tA.

Ron Storani, DuBois sophomore cross country run:ner,.. represented Peru State Collea:e at the NAIA national meet in Slaina, , Kansas, ·Saturday (November 16>.

Peru's entry in 1973 nationals, Storant ran the fastest time of his career to that time, 25: 52, to .finish 84th on the, Salina Country Club five mile'. course.

Storant was the only aualifier for national competition from PSC this year, qualifying with his third place time of 26:06 in NAIA Distriet 11 ·competition November 8 cllt Kearney. • Chadron's · Lue Graesser placed fifst in the five mile District meet with 25:30; Concordia's Dave Cloeter earned

Ron Storant 'l'he top 15 men from each NAIA district are eligible for national competition in Salina. 'The top 25 finishers November 16 ·earned Little All American 'status.

David-Palmer and Morgan Halls will jointly sponsor a semiformal Christmas dance,. featuring the PatGienn Trio on Deeember 5th at Neal Ballroom, from 9-12 p.m.

· .The dorm populatiops ·at present are as follow&: ' CENSUS 73·74


Cri)ss Country Coach Ron Jones, Auburn banker and former PSC harrier; commented, "The four PSC runners

· in Nebraska City, Nebr.

completing the 1974 season are to be commended for their effort - running 10 to 12 miles a day and sometimes twice a day to condition plus· competing in meets when not eligible for team

The Bobcat squad, reduced to Storant, Superior junior Bob Lowery, Falls City senior Ralph Arnold and Peru senior Dennis Brady after the initial season meet lost to Northwest Missouri State, continued competition on an individual basis.

Storant posted his best. time in· 1974, 25:42, at the Kearney Invitational - NCC meet October 24 ' and led teammates in times throughout the season. He

brought home a trophy for running fourth in the Applejack Invitational in Nebraska City· September 14.

Coach Jones and Storant's PSC teammates will attend the national competition in Salina.

"Interest in cross country competition at Peru was at a low ebb this year," Jones stated, "but if interest picks up and a

solid team is established, Peru State could regain prestige in the sport."

When Jones was a Bobcat freshman in 1965 runnipg under · former staffer Jim Pilkington, Peru State placed third in NAIA national competition, the highest national finish of any sport in Peru State College history>. The previous information was received from the PSC News Bureau, Sue Fitzgerald, Director. Due to press deadlines ·th,ereswtsof the NAIA meet will be published in the next edition of the Pedagogian.

CO-ED GAME-S Nov. 19 (Tuesday)

7:00 Bombers vs. Dinks

7:45'Knights vs. Carley's plex Kids

8:30 Fire vs. Bricks

MEN'S GAMES Nov. 21 (Thursday)

7: 00 Spikes vs. Lagnaf

7:45 Q Boys vs. Fagbags

8:30 Bruins vs. Bengals

9:15 Out-of-Towners vs. Davis Devils

checkirrg accounts savings accounts

Htw student loans

Richard Severson
Morgan 84 81 Delzell · 106 95 58 64 Clayburn-Mathews 81 92
_Total 329 332


Rap Session Brings Many Topics

At the Rap Session held with President Pearson last Dec. 3 discussions varied on different subjects and many questions were answered over the various items considered. The main ones were: the conflict that now exists about the use of the College Auditorium by the college and by the community; the food at the college cafeteria and its quality; the Home Economic's department budget; the campus-provided lor: !flitories ana tne requirements to

live in them, and finally, the new law concerning open and closed studen,t

"Company" Reps On Channel 3

Cast representatives from Peru State college's December 11-13 musical production, "Company" appeared on the conversations with Join Bailion 12:30 p.m. television show Wednesday, Dec. 4. The guest appearance was shown on Channel 3, Omaha.

P.S.C. Theatre Director, Ed Clark, appeared with the students.

"Company" performed at Peru

"Company", a dazzling musical by Stephen Soudheim with book by George Furth, appeared , on the Peru State College Auditorium stage Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights last week.

The fast movmg, hilarious musical has proven to be one of the finest productions ever at PSC. An outstanding cast, director and -0rchestra have jelled to create a dynamic, touching commentary on marriage.

The action, set in present day

New York, revolves around Robert, a single young man with more than his share of wellwishing married friends. ThE one thought on their minds is to help Robert by convincing him he should find a girl and get married.

Invitations to dinner and nights on the town with his married acquanintances give Robert a chance to see first hand the games his friends play to make their marriages work. The couples present the classic sarcastic view of marriage telling him how mucn they wish they were still single while being "involved" in situations which only prove to him. how dependent they are on their marriages.

John Chatelain, Auburn, is outstanding as Robert with the rest of the cast fantastically supplementing his performance.

Robert's girlfriends - Marla (Liz Deason, Auburn), Kathy (Karen Doeden, Cook), and April (Jeanne Remington, Ord) are superb in their roles. A strong cast throughout highlights the show.

The orchestra, accompanying such well-known songs as "Another Hundred People", "The Ladies Who Lunch" and "Side by Side" is handled excellently by conductor Dr. David Edris with vocal direction bv Dr. Edward Camealy. ·

brings the show together for top entertainment at 8 p.m. December 11-13 at Peru State.

Messiah Draws Area Vocalists

Southeast area vocalists joined the Peru State College choir in presenting the seventh annual rendition of the Christmas portion of Handel's Messiah Sunday, December 8 at 3 p.m.

The pre-Christmas performance, conducted by Dr. Edward Camealy of the PSC vocal music staff, was staged in the College Auditorium with no admission charge. Lennie Lahman, Nebraska City junior, was student conductor.

Bass - John Chatelain, Auburn: Mike Zimmerman, Auburn. '·

Principal piano accom_pamSLt were Emilv Rosewell, Ames, Iowa. with by Dianne Rees, Liberty, Lindia Kull, Auburn and Linda Doty.

Trumpet accompaniment was played by Dr. David Edris of the; PSA music staff and Dr. Camealy accompanied portions:on the violin.

Soloists in the 65 choir were: sopralill> Doty, Oakland, ltrwa-; Beth Butts, Broken l:lbW; Mrs Douglas Pearstlm_ Peru.

Johns, elementary education and early childhood senior from Tecumseh. Bill Snyder (seated), Peru Achievement Foundation executive director, presented · the $250 awards for 1974-75.

An interesting set is augmented with unique visual effects prepared by technical director Dan Bolin, Coin, Iowa. Ed Clark, PSC theatre director,

Contralto _ 'j"rena O'Banion, Falls City; Nancy Greensburg, Pennsylvania; Liz Deason, Aubal'n.

Tenor _ Ron Bath, Auburn; Maynard Geschke, Weeping Wal Pr

Becky Niday • Student Center Board Secretary Tresurer is flanked by Mike DeRuntz, left .New S.C.B. Vice-president and Jeff Turner, newly elected S.C.B. President. AK-SAR-BEN SCHOLARSAttending Peru State College with Ak-Sar-Ben scholarships this fall are (left ro right) Rhonda Gobber, elementary
education sophomore from Elk Creek;, Allan Oestmann geography senior from Auburn : Mrs Harrietta Reynolds, sociai work and pre-law senior from Tecumseh; and Karen Dierking Crowned King and Queen at the Holiday Festival Ball, Dec. 5, were Bud Kimball and Sue Roberts. Posing with them is fat jolly Santa Claus.

Drama Group To Perform Next.Year

The drama group will again delight numerous schools next semester with adaptations of John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" and a commedia dell'arte of an Italian Renaissance play "The Three Cuckled." These adaptations are made by Dr. Jamlls R. Rocky of FargoMorehead community theatre of Fargo, North Dakota. Dr. Rocky is a close friend of Edward J. Clark - director and a participant of the plays.

Mr Clark is holding tryouts for the drama tour from 4 to .6 p.m.,

Dec. 16 in the college auditorium. Prof. Clark will be casting 2 men and a woman and plans to open the tour January 28 at the South Western Community college in Creston, Iowa. The tour will run all semester at 35 to 40 different high schools and some colleges.

Mr Clark w111 also be holding auditions for the Shakespearean play "Hamlet" on Jan. 8 and 9 with rehearsals starting immediately. The play is slated for Feb. 28, and March 1,2, and 3.

Semester's End

Brings Exa'!!.t


CAPITAL R-Currently touring southeast Nebraska high schools, Peru Slaters (left ro right) Rita Miller, Nebraska City, Director of Theatre Ed

.. w,, "" "' w.u.

The semester's end 1s near.mg. somethings just are not. meant and it's time for .the hohday for man to know. break. Since that is If you are one of those skepthat means that are now m a tical of what I write, then try most tim • the this: if you are worried about an contammg the fmal exams. upcoming exam or are worried

Study lights are burning about the that you have brightly right up until the gotten on an exam that you have hour_s of the morn. Coffee IS recently taken, or even if you are flowmg freely to help those presently suffering from mental "crammers." fight the strain and tension beca\Jse of grogginess of late afternoon final exams, raise your hand. classe.s. Now look around you. Count the

Clark anu Kevin Knoll, Nebraska City portray Anton Chevkov's class'is study in misunderstanding, "A Marriage Proposal". The troupe is joined by Peggy Jones, from Platt-

smouth in a lover's quarrel from the commedia dell'arte. A third segment of the romance theme production deals with selfishness in a lover's quarrel using selected Shakespeare sonnets. ·

_Students Learn Of Hard Times

depressirir1 era, corn shocks, wind-up victrola and hurricane lamps. Lights were turned off to indicate lack of money to pay the electric bill.

How does. one people with hands aloft and you tremendous piles of mformahon will find plenty of people that that has accumulated over the wish that the final exam had past several _months? How can never been conceived. If you one person, m one twenty-four don't see plenty of hands in the hour to learn all of air, you are running around with those little details that teachers a pack of liars are so intent on checking to You are a breed make sure that you jammed into whoever of you that can pass your m.ind, less than eight hours test on a few hours of cramming, ago?

Hard times may be but Peru State College students in recreation leadership class will know how to have fun in spite of adverse circumstances. As a class project, instructor Roger Schnaser assigned the first _of six committees to develop a party around the hard tiJIIeS theme.

"My purpose in the assignment," explained Schnaser, "was to give recreation leadership students - several of whom are not recreation majors - experience in committee work, organization and execution as training for community functions in the future."

I would like to dedicate this last

When d?es one realize that he paragraph to you. Alas poor 1s up agamst a wall and that he Yorick I knew him well has the _tha; cracked up over a 2 on reqUires smiting or sw1mmmg psychology "quiz". And you too Could it be as close to Brutus? Oh calculus, moment that the test is flunked us all! Thanks alot for scheduled to begin, or even while nothing. skipping a class that is Good luck crammers. By the reviewing for an exam the next way you can lower your hand 1day Oh what a vicious circle!! now'.

Will they pass? Of course they

It's All Over Now

It's all over now and the only words I can find to express the overall experience of being Ped Ed are the words from a poem I wrote along time ago, "Because of all of you I have learned to walk taller, see clearer and love deeper."

The life of a person when being in a position such as of the college newspaper is one of conflict and hysteria and done. It something you walk mto saymg this 1s gomg to be a. because it involves dedication, acceptance of respons1bil1ty, a communication with people and self-sacrifice. Being editor can cause many sleepless nights, many people will from you because of your attitudes and your way of domg thmgs but more than all that, it can make you grow and expand and become more aware of mankind and the people around you. Being .Ped Ed makes you ask questions like, "Why is there air?" · At this time I would like to take the opportunity of introducing the next Ped Ed, Ray Kappel. Good Luck.

Traveling Drama Officials Named

Miss Terrie Funkhouser, sophomore journitlism major with a drama minor, from Papillio .and Kevin Knoll, j s major with a drama from Nebraska Cityhave - nameddirector and for the Peru State College f1Ayeling Drama 1Tour second semesta '>y director. Accot'ditii to Miss Funkhouse1: and Kevin their primary

responsibility is to set up tour dates with over 40 surrounding S\:hoo1s m the nearby area.

The touring squad will be performing two one act adaptations. The selections will be a one act adaptation of "Mice ;mrl

Men," by John Steinbeck anu a Renaissance comedy by Commedia Dell' Arte titled, "The Three Cuckled."

Two of the five committee members did less than the others toward planning.

"This, too, is a problem in committee functions," said Schnaser philosophicallY,_

The class of nearly 25 responded to invitations sent by the planners and were issued name tags with a_ scorched decal edge as they registered attendance on a sheet of notebook paper.

Visitors found the classroom transformed with signs of the

Clark To Expand Mass Comm Program

Mr Edward J. Clark is expanding the mass communications awareness of PSC thru the use of new and different ideas which he has interjected into his Fundamentals of Speech classes.

Mr Clark emphasized the fact that he leads his classes through the basics of communication, and requires students to give 6 speeches at the beginning of the semester. Mr Clark then moves the class into group workings, such as writing TV shows. This group action, Professor Clark feels, gives the students different ways to communicate persuasively. According to Clark persuasive communication in groups is essential because the individual usually cannot envoke change by himself. The drama professor went on to point out special group action such as lobbyists as reflecting the persuasive power of a group, and this communication tool will be very valuable to the student.

Each guest was invited to guess the number of corn kernels in a jar for a later prize. Next came a series of gamesmatching girl and boy twin names as was the habit in the late '20's; seeking the most number of autoe:raohs from other guests within a given time ...:_ aft;r· instruction to Write with the hand opposite their habit; tearing the shape of a pumpkin from a sheet of newspaper held behind their back; and a threeteam relay to see which group could don oversized men's undershorts, sloppy shirt and baggy overalls over their regular clothing, then remove same, 'the quickest.

Game prizes were food stamps, with the guest accumulating the most during the hour awarded a loaf of bread. The winning corn kernel guesser took home a pair of "nearly new" boxer shorts.

The fun climaxed with group singing.of "Old MacDonald Had

A Farm" with guests volunteering an assortment of ·barnyard animals at each verse: AS a finale, , root beer and homemade cookies were served from a harvest table, complete with paper towel napkins. While the party progressed, Schnaser took notes, claiming the party a success, the decorations "fantastic" and offering suggestions to the committee in hosting guests.

If you are Jookmg tor party plans, drop in on the 1-1:50 class any Monday, Wednesday or Friday through December 9. Rec leadership students should develop some dandies and might even share party packages developed from:

Apple Days (or Hawaiian) for teenagers, 15-17 years; Thanksgiving (or U.S.A.) for pre-school, 4-6years; Hobo Days (or sailor theme) for 1-6 or 6-11 years; Oriental (or 4th of July) for middle age - 30 to 50; Valentine's Day (or Country Days) for ages 12:15.

"' The Peru Peda,;odan will attemot to Qrlnt all letters and editorial material received. All letters must be typed, limited to 300 words, and bear name and address of the writer. Letters must be Signed but names withheld at the discretion of the editor upon request.

· The Pedagogian will not print material contalnhlg personal attacks, insults, or statements otherWise- libelous. The. Pedagogian reserves the right to all material for contents, length, and good .but . shall endeavor .to maintain the or1gi.1 ineanmg. . . - .· .

The deadline'fcit of letters is s p.m. on the Monday before .

The opinions expressed tn the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the ¢ollective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or .i>edagogian staff. ·

Managing Editor ........................•.. Terrie Funkhouser

Contributing Editor : ;, , Frank D' A!ldesa

News Editor · : : Ray.Kappel

ArtistS/Cartoonists : Larry Franzene

iJusiness Manager , , , Tally Kerns

;;,,. :.· ; ·: ; ,; Larry Kosch.

PhotographyEdifurl.: ; ; ·!I, •• ,I,.arryFranzene



Larry Fr11nzene, ·vlig_tiiia 1'4llbl. Kevin Ray Kappel, · MlkeJiJichols and Larry Kosch

' »:\-,,

Increase Of Veterans Benefits Due

Due to a Congressional override of President Ford's veto of an increase of veterans educational benefits the bill was passed. This means that veterans of military service here at Peru State and other schools throughout the country will receive a raise of 22.7 per cent and they should receive at least some of this money in about 15 days.

According to Lucy Goldsberry, secreatry at the Vetrerans Service Office in Nebraska City, they don't have any mformation about this other then what has been on national television and in the newspaper so far.

According to Jerry T. Baulch, Associated Press writer, "The higher payments are retroactive

No Annual

This Year

A long tradition at Peru State College has died. Since 1902 the annual Peruvian has helped students remember their school years. This year there will be no Peruvian.

An unsuccessful attempt was made by the Circle K club to keep the Peruvian alive. The annual expired, according to Business Manager Jim Smith because of a lack of help and a lack of financial support.

The staff, which at one time numbered 19 this year, had dropped to nine, and only five organizations responded to .an appeal to buy pages, Smith said.

President Douglas Pearson said there apparently wasn't support and interest OJ! the part of the campus population to carry the Peruvian another year.

The demise of the Peruvian is not unusual among college annuals, according to Everett. Browning, former Peruvian advisor. The trend away from college supported .annuals started at least 10 years ago with the trend toward more com· muting students, he said.

Pie Contest Held At Concert

The pie eating contest .sponsored by, the Student Center Baord took place on Nov. 26, during the intermission of John McNamara's concert at the Bob Inn. One first place trophy was granted to the one contestant who ate the mosi pie in the smallest amount of time without using his or her hands. Anyone who wished to participate ·was asked to sign up on the sheet posted at the Bob Inn.


No doubt you've seen it before but now that you're looking at it again, cut this out and save it for windy wintery days. The thermometer might read in the 30s but a strong wind can give you severe frostbite.

to September." The increase in pay is as follows: for a single person the amount is increased from $220 to $270, for married persons with no children the increase is $261 to $321, and with another dependent the increase is from $18 $22.

J!'rom tlie same article that appeared in the Nebraska City News-Press came this point of interest, the bill allows reservists and members of the National Guard to get for their six months on active duty training benefits as long as they later serve 12 months on active duty. There is however one point that the article did not cover and that is whether or not there will be also an increase in the time one may receive these benefits.

Dorms Coed This Summer

Hold onto your ·hats PSC students and find a chair. The following information may take you by surprise. There will be a coed dormitory on campus next summer! This developrrient comes from Student Housing director John Letts, who says that one of the dorms, Morgan Hall, most likely will be used during the summer sessions as an experiment in coeducational living. According to Letts, men and women students will probably be divided by floors. The success or failure of the experiment will have a bearing on whether the arrangement will continue or not.

In other news from the housing office, Letts said he hopes there will be no increase in room and board fees for the 1975-76 school year. The extra money you are paying now over last year represents. the first increase in three years for room and board. The main reason for the increase is rising food costs.

The fees for room and board are made each year on projections of occupancy in faculty apartments, dormitories and married student's apartments for the following year. After these projections are made, it is decided if there will be enough money coming in to cover the costs of running the various housing cornplexes.

MENC Plans For Semester

The Music Educators National Conference CMENC) club has planned several events for this semester as well as for next semester. Dr. Gilbert Wilson, sponsor, is a member of the Omaha Music Society and is also the head of the Music Department. According to Dr. Wilson the club meets the first convocation period of each month in Fine Arts 111. The dues are $6.00 a year which includes the national as well as the local fee. This semester the club sponsored a band clinic and · in November held its State Convention. The club also helps with the Summer Band Clinic. Next semester the club will be involved in a choral clinic and a band contest. The Sectional Convention of the National MENC will be held in Omaha on April 3rd through the 6th.

Jericho Harp

·Here Dec. 9

Peru State College students were entertained by the fourth concert of this semester December 9th at 8 p.m. ·The group appearing was Jericho ·Harp.

- Jericho Harp is a two man group from Minneapolis and is making one of several appearances in the area. The group plays an easy style of music that makes good listening.

The at Hastings, Chadron, and Kearney have all listened to and enjoyed their music. Jim Lennerton, the person who lined up the concert said that's why· he got them.

Lennerton explained, "I figured if they were that good at the other colleges we just as well give them a try."

Musical Talents Displayed At Recital,

The Music Department of Peru State College presented a music recital last Monday night. According to Dr. Wilson it was presented by the music majors themselves as part of their requirements.

The program which started at 8 o'clock was the culmination of many hard hours of work on the students' part. The program was as follows: Verdant Meadows by Handel done by Greg Sprague, Sonata No. 2 Allegro amabile by Brahms done by Cindy Dunlap; Ki tty of Coleraine an Irish folk song also Amarilli, mia bella by Caccini done by Jean Gan,;el; Son::it.in::i Do<· hv

Clementi done by Karen Doeden; He Was Despised from the Messiah by Handel done by Nancy Chomos; Album for the Young by Schumann done by Lois Vavra; Longing for Spring by Mozart done by Karen Doeden; Sonatina for Tympani and Piano by Tcherepnin done by Lennie Lahman; "He Shall Feed His Flock" from the Messiah by Handel done by Trena O'Banion; Lyric Interlude by Johnson done by Karen Doeden; Concerto for Clarinet Allegro moderato by Mozart done by Sharon Holthus, Sonata, F Mator K.332 by Mozart done bs Li'ndy Kull; "Cara Sposa"

from the Opera Rinaldo by Handel done by Liz Deason; Sonata No. 1, Adagio, Allegro by Handel done by Kerry Coufal; Sonatina by Szalowski done by Lindy Kull; Halt by Schubert done by Linda Doty; Sonata No. 1, Allegro appassionato by Brahms done by Jan Wilson; Morceau Symphonique by Gaubert done by Richard Moore; Sonata Allegro animato by Saint Saens done by Vicki Cross; Serenade by Hansort done by Laurie Coufal; Prelude in B flat Major • by Chopin done by John Chatelain; and Deux Etudes pour trompette by Marcel Bitsch was done by Dennis Ehmke.

Final Recital Tupperware Party Held At Morgan Held Dec. 2

Peru State vocal and instrumental music students presented their fillal recital of the fall semester Monday, December 2, at 8 p.m. No admission was charged for the program which was presented in the Fine Arts Auditorium.

Students of Dr. Edward Camealy, Dr. David Edris, William Mansfield and Dr. · Gilbert Wilson performing were:

Greg Sprague (215 S. 37) Lincoln; Cindy Dunlap, Ashland; Karen Doeden, Cook; Lois Vavra, Milligan; Lennie ,Lahman, Nebraska City; Trena

O'Banion, Falls City; Sharon Holthus, Elk Creek; Kerry Coufal, Laurie Koufal, Plattsmouth; Richard Moore, Kimball; Dennis Ehmke, Syracuse; Mark Thompson, Pawnee City; Dianne Rees, Liberty; Vicki Cross, LaVista; Roland Barrett, Peru; Jean Ganze!, Lindia Kull, Liz Deason, John Chatelain, Karlene Badgett, Auburn; Nancy Chomos, Greensburg, Pennsylvania; Linda Doty, Oakland, Iowa; Jan Wilson, Red Oak, Iowa; Emily Rosewell, Ames, Iowa.

Final NETCHE Workshops Held

The last of three fall training workshops for developmental skills faculty at Nebraska colleges will be held ,Thursday and Friday, December 5-6, at the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Building. The Nebraska Educational Television Council on Higher Education's (NETCHE) Reading-study skills specialist Mindy Brooks lead the workshop sponsored by nine consortium colleges which are members of NETCHE.

The wOflfSfiop focused .1plans for specific developmental to be offered at the ,consortium colleges (Chadron :Stale, Peru Slate, Wayne State •and York the spring

semester. lt also included a sharing of instructional materials and ideas.

The series of workshops is part of a program funded by a Title III grant of the federal Higher Education Act to the consortium colleges for faculty and student development and improvement of instruction.

NETCHE is a nonprofit corporation of 15 Nebraska colleges and univeri;;ities with associate members in other states which provides instructional television materials via the facilities of the Nebraska Educational Television Network and the NETCHE Videotape Library.

A Tupperware Party sponsored by the Home Economics Club was held at Morgan Hall's recreation room Monday, Nov. 18. Invitation was open to all. Karen Gress, member in charge, says the party was rather successful.

The purpose of the party was to raise funds so all club members are able to attend the annual National Home Economics Convention.

Bobcat Moves Out Of Peru

The bobcat purchased a few years ago to serve as Peru's mascot was given to Lincoln's Children Zoo last summer because he was being mistreated, not properly taken care of, and hardly used in any occasion since he was untamed. This was Peru's second bobcat; the first died of old age, was stuffed and placed with the trophies in the Student

The possibility of last bo beat as a for the purpose of o specific activities mecoming was inves ruled out. The idea was<ruled out after inquiring abollt the expense of its taming. It came out that the taming would be much more expensive: than the animal itself, so it was agreed that it was not worth it. Dennis Emke and Charlie Jackson were responsible for transporting the bobcat.

Wind Speed Temperature 55 30 20 10 0 -10 10 20 30 40 40 32 28 26 18 4 -2 -6 4 -10 -18 -21 -9 -25 -33 -37 -21 -30 -48 -53 -33 -53 -63 -69
6-7 Monday, Tue5day 7 Tuesday 8 Wednesday 17 Friday 7 Friday_ 7 Friday 17 Monday 11 Friday 13 Sunday 21-25 Sunday-Thursday 30 Wednesday 7 Tuesday 9 Friday 11 Sunday 13-23 Tuesday-Friday JANUARY PAGE Registration Late Registration Fee After this day Classes Begin Night Class Registration Final Date for Fhange of Registration FEBRUARY Application Due for Graduation MARCH End of Hirst Half of Semester Spring Recess Begins, 5p.m. APRIL MAY Classes Resume, 7:30a.m. Good Friday (no classes) Easter Preregistration Night Classes End Final Day of Examinations and Classes Semester ends Commencement Interim Classes
"If your cool, calm, not running around uptight your ass ls like
this." 1 'Look, you can see the East River." Karate scene - Jan Wilson giving it the ol' 1, 2, try. Birthday Party· Joanne, left says mockingly "Don't cry or I'll push you over" to Susan, right. Doe-»oo:To-Do - The three girl friends from left to right are April, Kathy and Marta. "Here'_s to the Ladies Who Lunch." Karate scene · "I've got you now."


For story see page

BLEACHERS BRIGHTENED - Bobcat basketball players and student managers in spare time have been coating gymnasium bleachers with blue and white paint which Peru State cage Coach Roger Schnaser notes will brighten the arena for basketball and wrestling seasons opening this month. Blue and white seats will be alternated.

"I'm sorry, Paul, I just don't love you enough," says Amy.

Robert Krajicek, a Peru State offensive guard, was reeen11y named to the Nebraska College Conference All-Star team. He also received an honorable mention from the NAIA District 11 team. 7. Pot.smoking scene. "I'm potted." Side by side - from left to right, John Chatlaln, Miss Funkhouser, Greg Sprague, harlene Badgett, Sue Scott, Rick Mathis, Jan Wilson, Phil Rogge, Trina O'Banion, Kevin Knoll, Maynard Giesecke.
· ed Clti Elected officials
Bedroom scene - "I love you, Bobby, I love you April."
Elected orricials from the Peru State Youth Association for Retard zens. are from left to right- Jean Brownell, Roger Barters, Pegg Witty and Teme McCa g.


Women's Program Includes One Man

Would you like to play tennis with a president's wife?

Would you like to don a sweat shirt and slacks to dabble in paint with the wife of a director of personnel services?

Would you like to strum a guitar with a successfully aspiring young artist?

Or are you more studiously inclined and feel that banking and finance or Plato and Artistotle are more your dish?

All these are not only possible but actually happening in a TWO-DAY Women's program star.ted this fall by Peru State College ·and financed by a ·special grant from the Nebraska Legislature.

Currently this pro!n'am has ' aftracted fifty-five enrolleesall but one of whom are women. They come from an area whose radius is fifty miles with Peru at the Center. Peru leads the list with twenty-five, with eleven from Nebraska City and five from Other towns

represented are cook, Johnson' Rising Citv. Brock. Falls Citv. Brownville - all in Nebraskaand Rock Port, Missouri.

These enrollees range in age from a young high school student (Rene Kruse) to a professoremeritus of ·English literature who is dabbling away in Woodworking Technology. most are in their late twenties to forties.

They are sainpling the whole spectrum of courses offered at Peru State College. The fifty-five are enrolled in forty"three different courses. The most popular.Is General Psychology, With eight; followed by Classical Guitar with seven, Business· Machine.S and Swimming with six each, Handcrafts and Mass Communications with five each, and Social Science, Food Preparation, Drawing, and Introduction to Philosophy with four each.

Why are they doing it? Of · course, many of the reasons are

individual, but an analysis of the courses suggests three basic motivations.

The first is a desire to keep in shape physically. Perhaps these exercise courses are a better way of warding off .excess fat than ·diets, or they supplement the dlets. Anyway, Tennis, Swimming, and Body Mechanics make up one large segment of the courses taken by these women.

The second is selfimprovement - of talents, of skills, of mind. According to Dr. Edward Camealy, Devon Adams, who is an artist by profession, wanted to improve her ability to read music and to have something that would stir her into more regular practice than she was doing "on her own." Mrs Gary Schlange, Cl young farm-wife, felt the need for something that would "get her out of the house" and stimulate her. In addition to the course in guitar, these people.

SGA President Walsh Wants To Close Communication Gap

"My name 1s Amy Walsh. I am a candidate for freshman needed and that she wishes they representation, the elections for representative, and I am run- to. the freshman officers were held at

ning because I care enough to Students will gnpe but won t go the beginning of the year to getim;-0lved." Those words were to someone could help. make the freshmen feel like a spoken in the fall of 1973 by the there 1s a. of part of the college community. -llOw president of the Student the ball Could When she was asked as to how Governing Association. When· this be a. sign of poor the SGA could better function , interviewed for this article, it representation? Miss Walsh she answered very quickly, "I was easy for this reporter to see thmks that there must be would like to know how students !!er care for other students for it another reason for she-feels that think we could better function." was so easy to drift off ont; other the students are well "The Peru students do not give things and to level with each represented here. me the feeling of apathy, they other on the school, out pasts and When she added the fact that give me the feeling of our opinions there were.several seats open on disorganization," she stated.

When what the SGA is the SGA I asked if the freshman The SGA could better perfonil Amy answered that she felt it is vacancies could be blamed on it's duty if there was a greater literally the student's govern- the fact that no one knew any of. increase in the communication, · ment. It's duty? To serve the the This could very and if the representatives would students. possibly be the reason, she said, place the serving of the students

Is the SGA doing it's duty? "In for there was also nothing in the high on their list of priorities. some ways yes but the of way of speeches to familiarize Her. goals ("as idealistic as it progress are 'slow." She does the candidates with the other may be") is to form a comthat more student contact is students. But whatever the munication between them and · t,eason for the lack of the students.

S.C.B .. ·Invited Secretaries Association

To Xmas Party Promotes Yule Spirit

Student Center Board members were invited to a Christmas Party at the Elks club in·Nebraska City December 6, at 7:30. This was a special meeting for SCB and a fitting ending to a good semester.

Some of the high points of the semester were: four concerts, one including the world famous Ass!f.iation; a Coffeehouse in the Bob-Inn featuring a pie eating contest on the second night; nine movies plus the Schlitz movie orgy; and just last week a game tournaµient to decide the college champions in pinball, foosball, bowling, tabletennis, and pool. Now according to one of its members they are planning ' a beard growing contest. was not good· for SCB this though. Many of the · ts held were not well , and they lost their through resignation.

Jim rton, who resigned from the iqst was replaced by Jef.f AltbQugh Ji!ll resigned as president he still remained as a member and has supplied his services wh11D they were needed.

There have been a lot of bad things said about the conditions of Peru State College and the area it is situated in; now it's about time someone said something about what's down here.

Again this year the Secretaries Association of PSC got together for a Christmas party. For who knows how many years in a row now these people took the time to make punch and cookies for anyone who wanted them. '

Anyone who has ever been a secretary should realize how demanding the job can be. Most of their time is spent running around getting forms, typing letters, mailing invitations, and trying to be helpful to questioning students.

Why would these busy people

are tiiking art courses, literature courses, home-economics courses, handcraft courses -

even wood-working.

The third group desires to improve its professional skills. Some are already employed; others are looking to the time when they "may have to" get a job. Some of these - from the courses they are taking - seem to be thinking of teaching: General Psychology, Social Science, American Government, ·Mass Communications.

But a larger group is increasing its business skills or its knqwledge of the business world through such courses as Typing, Shorthand, Accounting, Business Law, and Money, Credit and Banking. How are these people doing·r "I never worked harder; certainly not during my undergraduate days," said. Mrs George Schottenhamel. "I am not making anything fancy, but I am certainly learning how to use

tools," reports Mrs R Wensein of Brownville. " whole class seems to be havin ball," remarked Dr. Edw Camealy. "They ai:e serio they are working hard, and th are learning," said Mr Ja Hamilton, instructor in busin education.

Gary Hoemann, director admissions and father of TWO-DAY Women progra confirmed that it definitely w be continued through the spri semester, and Dr. Cl yd Barrett, Vice-President o Academic Affairs, has alread sent out letters requesti suggestions for courses to b offered. At least three who ar not now in the program ha indicated their intention to sign up. So get on the ball. · And speaking of balls, there seems to be one odd-ball in any group. This time it is a manamong fifty-four women. But he is having a ball. I know. I am he.

Ping-Pong Gam

Good For Laugh

· As the paddle strikes the plastic ball it flies over the net and hits the other side. A man makes a dive at it with his paddle but falls to the ground. The ball is retrieved among remarks of congradulations and laughs. Then once again the game intensivies.

This is a hard fought battle of table'.tennis, known to most as ping-pong. Most games aren't played with such desire and ]intensity as described above. The casual game involves a lot of laughs and good clean competition.

Table tennis can be found in the country and it is hard to find anyone who hasn't seen or at least heard of the game. Most people never 'take the time to really practice the game and get down their they'd rather ,slap the ball around have, laughs.

any sport, are usually willing to help the beginners develop a good game. At almost any time of day a singles or doubles match can be found going on in the Student Center and usually a group has formed sides to cheer on the nlaver of his choice. Besides the Student• Center, tables are available for students use at each of the residential halls. The paddles and balls are furnished without charge; but an 'I.D. card is needed to check out the equipment. ·

One fan of the game whose name is withheld upon request said he played to relieve his frustrations, especially if he had had a bad day:

were asked to donate an :.vur of their time during the day to serve the food.

When I asked one of the ladies serving food who was the ·ore:anizer of the coffee she said that she didn't feel that any one person should be g!ven the credit. The secretaries think it was just a joint effort.

This year's coffee was' especially pleasing. Around 400 people were served something to eat and drink. A much better turn out than last year. But what made the secretaries especially pleased with the turn out was that many people came back a second time during the day. They said that most people will drop in once but this was the first time a lot of them were coming back again.

But for those who take the game seriously its a science. A combination of shots: drives, Pu&hes, lobs, chops, 'drap shots, slices, and many more. It takes practice to learn these shots and become good as them. Just like any other sport hard work .and practice made the professionals.

The professionals, like In· most

Asophomore guy said that the game took his mind off his girlfriend who he knew was going out with someone else. "After playing a few fevepsh rounds it seems as though I've' gotten out all my hostilities so when I talk to my girl I'ln not quite as angry."·

A freshmen girl said she was willing to challenge any guy on campus who .thought. he could beat her in a singles match but said she wQuld ·be too embarassed to have her name in the · paper.

Two Freshmen Students Are Members of Job's


want to take the time to make cookies and coffee (the punch was made by Broughton Foods) for the people on campus? It's easy; they enjoy it. It makes them happy to be of service in any way.

The job wasn't easy, either. Each person was asked to bring 2-3 dozen cookies {most of which were home.baked). Then they

I think this hospitality shows what the spirit of PSC is meant to be. It shows that people at the college are friendlv: a point pushed very hard in recruiting at PSC. But out of ttie almost 400 people the secreteries servt!d, I wonder how many people remembered the most important part of all. The part that really brings a smile to peoples faces. The "Thank You."

Two PSC freshmen, Ruth Minshall and Tallie Kerns, are. part of a religious ,organization known as Job's Daughters. The organization is affiliated with the Masonic Federation. The meetings are held in the Masonic temples of various towns. Both girls are from the Plattsmouth Bethel (troop), and are interested in finding out if there are anymore "Daughters" on campus.

The organization was founded in Omaha, Nebr. in the early 1900's, and there are now about 5,000 people in Nebr. belonging to Job's Daughters.

This organization is not as

religious as ·one might think. Although it is based on the book of Job, no one lectures you on ·religion or forces you to believe in any particular religious philosophy. It is mostly a business meeting when they meet, which is twice monthly.

Ruth will be elected Honor Queen of her Bethel in Dec., she will hold this office for six months. Each Bethel has five elected officials, plus other officials that are appointed. The membership is made up of choir members and regular members. To be a member of the Club you must be a girl and related to a 'Mason.


ohcat Cagers Drop Two

Doane College used a Peru rode the hot hand of Ron t d h" d P · d · th · f' erm1ss1on, an w 1ppe eru balanced, fast-breaking attack urmg e opemng ive State, 90-73. to defeat Peru State 116-85 in a mmutes of the second half to cut Th 1 h f th , d t Th f' 11g scorer or e game non-conference cage battle at Doane s lea to 14 porn s. e B b C ·g h t ff d uff d p , was o ra1 , w o s u e Crete 7. Tigers, sn e e:u s points. Jeff Meyer with 20 points

Doane s Mano Peart led five rally ':"1th a couple of qwck- and Tim Malhoit with 18 led five Tigers in doubl_e figure scoring breakmg and were Midland scorers in double with 20 points. The senior Tiger never seriously threatened r·gur · Th · d t d 1 es. forward also grabbed 15 agam. e season recor s an s Midland is now 1-1 while Peru ··rebounds to lead both teams in at 0-3. Slate is 0-4 that category. Other Doane Winston led all scorers with 24 Peru is the road for the next players in double figures were points. Senior Bobcat center Bob Frank Hogan, 11; Roger Craig added 18 counters while two games, traveling to Midland k d J in Fremont, December IO, and ·Theiman, 14; Mark Kenney, 17 freshmen Mar Hansen an ·· oe :and Randy Wenz, 10. Fleskoski contributed 12 apiece. Tarkio, Missouri, December 12.

Experience Describes

P.Sc9C. Wrestlers

Experience is the. key word that describes the 1974-75 Peru State wrestling squad under second year coach, Marty Dwine.

from Edison, Nebraska, have all impressed Dwine at the spot.

Doane raced to a 60-40 half -

In their first home game of the The Peru State. cagers went to PSC ·11 h t B ll ti.me advantage beh1"nd the season, w1 os e evue Midland, Dec. lO, for a non- t M d (D be 16) t Outsl.de shoot1·ng of Peart and the M nex on ay ecem r a confere.nce game. idland took l·ns1'de work of Kenney. th 1 d th t t f h" d 7 :3o p.m. e ea at e s ar as 10ne a

Wresding Team Now At 5-1

Peru State's wrestling team traveled to the Unviersity of Nebraska at Omaha for a tridual Wednesday, December 4, and earned a pair of wins against one loss.

The Bobcats defeated Nebraska Wesleyan 42-10 and Dana 39-12 before bowing to the hosting Mavericks, 24-15.

Mark Yori, freshman 118 pounder from Northeast, Pennsylvania, won all three of his matches as did sophomore Kent Coleman, wrestling at the 190 slot from Oakland, Iowa.

The 'Cats picked up six pins against Nebraska Wesleyan and three against Dana, but only Coleman earned a pin against the always tough UN-0 squad.

Coach Marty Dwine was "pleased by the total performance of the team in all three duals." Commenting on the UNi 0 match Dwine said, "If a couple of close decisions had been in our favor, the momentum of the match would have stayed with us, and the outcome of the match might have been different."

The second year mentor was extremely· pleased with the number of people from Peru that made the trip to follow the team. He called the experience of having 50 to 60 people following the squad a, "moral boosting experience for the team. We let everyone know that Peru State College backs their wrestling team home and away."

Peru State 42 vs Nl)braska Wesleyan 10

118 - Mark Yori, (P) pinned Brad Rolfson (NW) 1:18; 126Rick Norval (P) dee. Brian Bennett (NW) 4-0; 134 - Ken Stanley (P) pinned Gary Harden (NW) 5:56; 142 - Wayne Rizzo (P) pinned Dan Mulligan (NW) 4:34; 150- Dennis Johi1k (P) was pinned by Dan Thomas (NW) 4:33; 158 - John Whisler (P) dee. Duane Withstandley (NW) .11-3; 167 - Ray Czaszwicz (Pl pinned Jon Rystorm INWl

3:22; 177 - Bob Brown (P) pinned Larry Coufal (NW) 5:18; 190- Kent Coleman (P) pinned Tom Edwards (NW) 2:44; HWT - Fred Fritz (P) was dee. by Sam Martin (NW) 16-0.

Peru State 39 vs Danal2

118 - Mark Yori (P) won forfeit; 126 - Rick Norval (P) dee. Dave Jones (D) 15-1; 134Lonnie Quinn (P) drew with Keith Peterson (D) 3-3; 142Wayne Rizzo (P) pinned Mike Winslow (D) 3:38; 150 Bud Frohling (P) pinned Joe Gerace (D) 1:28; 158-Kent Hoffni.eyer (P) was dee. by Keith Heim (D) 20-1; 167-JimMcKean (P) dee. Charles Foell (D) 5-3; 177 - Bob Brown (P) pinned Stan Johnson (D) 1:05; 190 - Kent Coleman (P) won by forfeit; HWTFrank Barone (P) was pinned by Bill Byland (D) 5:15.

Peru State 15 vs UN-024

118-Mark Yori (P) dee. Rick Partridge (UN-0) 11-6; 126Gary Lesoing (P) was dee. bv

Big Blue Defense

Dwine has 13 lettermen returning from last season's team that accumulated a 16-5 dual mark, plus the championship in the Nebraska College Conference, and the runnerup spot in NAIA, District 11 competition.

Tyrone JOhnson (UN-0) 8-3; 134

- Kurt Scott (P) was dee. by · Jerry Kersten (UN-0) 7-5; 142Wayne Rizzo (P) was pinned by Mike Block (UN-0) 3:55; 150Bud Frohling (P) dee. Ken Boettcher (UN-0) 6-0; 158John Whisler (P) was dee. by Nate Phillips (UN-0) 14-3; 167

- Jim McKean (P) was pinned by Greg Artist (UN-0) 3:00; 177

- Bob Brown (P) was dee. by Billy Joe Louis (UN-0) 6-4; 100

- Kent Coleman (P) pinned Glenn Penner (UN-0) 1:29; and HWT - Fred Marisett (P) dee. Jim Gregory (UN-0) 3-2.

Peru State's wrestling squad pushed their season record to 5-1 with three- victories last week.

The Bobcats defeated Iowa Central 28-15, and Graceland 2715 in action at Lamoni, Iowa, J)ec. 7. Coach Marty Dwine, expecting strong competition against Graceland, said, "That's what we got."

The Bobcats buried Dana 50-2 in a dual at Blair, Dec. 9. Four Peru wrestlers earned pins and three more won by forfeit to provide the wide winning margin.

Mark Yori from Northeastern, Penn., at 118 pounds and Bud Frohling from Guthrie Center, Iowa, at 150 pounds are still undefeated for the season with 80 marks.

The ·Bobcat grapplers will open their home season with a dual meet with Adams State, Jan. 9.

Ranks 13th Nationally

Even though the Peru State Bobcat football team finished with a 4-6 season mark, they have something to be proud of. The Big Blue defense was tanked 13th, nationally, in total · defense after their season finale with Doane. This. ranking is an accomplishment to be credited to Mr Chris Showers, defense coordinator, and his defensive charges.

When the Bobcat football players showed up for practice last August, Mr Showers and Jim Persons, l! defensive line coach, gave them the tough assignment of learning the "split-four" defense. They worked at it together and formed a cohesive defensive unit.

According to Coach Showers, they developed a lot of pride in their defensive work and really helped each other out on the playing field and during practice sessions. Showers said that .the defensive unit should get the credit for Peru's national ranking in total defense.

Coach Showers listed the following players that made the Big Blue defense, "a defense, to be reckoned with." Playing defensive tackles were Jerry Weber, Ralph Kuykendall, and Ray Woerlen. Defensive ends were Ted· Rippen and Lloyd Derrico.a tte. Filling up the defensive line were Mike Hall, "Hero" linebacker; and Ken Handy, "Willie"_ linebacker.

Backing up the aefensive lirie were Dave Young, "Bobcat" linebacker, Mark Hambleton and Steve Wolpert, "Mike" linebackers. In the secondary, Bill Hosack, Dave Werner and

Tom Zabawa played the two comer back positions. Filling out the secondary is Stan Talyor as a safety.

Robert Kfajicek, a Peru State offensive guard, was recently named to the Nebraska College Conference All-Star team. A senior from Papillion, Nebr., 'he also received a honorable mention for the NAIA District 11 "All-Star" team.

Other Bobcat players receiving NAIA honorable mentions were Dennis Stones, Rippen, and Steve Wolpert

The returning lettermen and their wrestling weights this year are: Gary Lesoing - 126, Jim Fuentes - 126, Ken Stanley - 134, Craig Bennington - 134 - both are from Center, Iowa. Bud Frohling - 150, John Whisler - 158, Dennis Johnk - 158, Dean Brooks - 167, Terry Kelly - 167, Bob Brown177, Kent Coleman - 190, Fred Marisett -·100, and Jim RezacHeavyweight.

Dwine believes the main strengths of the team are the number of lettermen, plus the return of Lesoing at 126. Lesoing missed almost all of last year with a back injury. He wrestled in very few matches, and would have been the defending NCC champion at 126 had he not been injured.

·Three freshmen are working hard for the top position at 118 lbs. Mark Yori from Northeast Pennsylvania, Joe Winkler from North Platte and Lonnie Quinn

Other top freshmen, their weight class and hometown include: Rick Norval - 126Seward, Kurt Scott - 134 or 142 Corning, Iciwa, Wayne Rizzo -142 - Glen Cave, New York, Ivan Stable - 167 - St. Charles, Iowa. and Fred Fritz - heavyweight from Omaha. Jim McKean from Omaha and Ray Czaswicz from Burnham, Illinois, are expected to help the team as returning squadmen. A big question mark for the 'Cats is how well Frohling and Whilsler perform at higher weight classes than last season. Frohling moved from 142 to 150

Coach Dwine labels the practice sessions so far as "good and hard." He goes on to say, "We have had good team hustle so far, no one is holding back. We have set a goal to become one of the best small college wrestling teams in the nation."

Lack of aeptn at the higher weights is concerning Dwine at the momment. He has only one 177 pounder in Brown, and'two 190 pounders in Marisett and Coleman.

The opener for the Bobcats will be November 30 at the Graceland Invitational at Lamoni, Iowa.

McElroy, Stones To Wach Womens Team

Coaching the gals is Doug McElroy, Shenandoah, Iowa, senior physical education major assisted by Dennis Stones, PE ·senior from Sabetha, Kansas.

Although neither young man has coached women's sports previously, McElroy and Stones agree that experience they are gaining will be· valuable when seeking teaching jobs after graduation from Peru State.

"We've had no problems, and we both enjoy coaching," McElroy commented. McElroy has coached little league softball and Stones is a novice.

Mary Jo Mier, women;s physical education instructor at PSC, commended the• two for their dedication anci ability shown in pre-season 1practice. Daily conditioning and practice takes place in the PSC gym for an hour and forty-five minutes after the men's cage squad leaves the floor.

"The trial rule in use this season, 20 minute halves instead of quarter breaks, will have a big effect on women's basketball this season,'' McElroy predicted. "Team conditioning will be important."

Praising-his squad as ''having some pretty good players," while admitting college basketball experience among members is sparse, McElroy designated probable starters as:

Forwards - Patti ColHns (Fremont junior), Allie Stoltenberg (Omaha, junior) guards - Tami Coleman (Avoca, Iowa freshman), Gail Harmon (Dawson junior); center Nancy Sepp, (Arlington Heights, Illinois freshman.)

Harmon· and Stoltenberg are the only starters with college experience on the maples.

Additional squad members are:

Forwards - Twila Beck (Louisville freshman), -Penny Baker (Cedar Creek freshman), Ardella Klein (Adams freshman), Diana Jones and Bobbie Wilsori, (Omaha freshmen). - Debbie Scholl (Falls City sophomore), Teresa Gebers (Johnson freshman), Kim Hogan and Pam Hogan (Omaha freshmen).

Centers - Lorinda Frank (Johnson freshman) and Jacqueline Kirksey (Omaha junior).

.Storant Runs Best Time In NAIA Salina Meet

Ron Storant, Peru State sophomore from DuBois, ran the fastest time of his career in NAIA National cross country competition Saturday (November 16) at Salina, Kansas. His 25: 14 finish rated 55th in a field of 411 runners representing

29 of 32 NAIA districts..

The five mile coone was charted on the Salina l(llilicipal Golf Course. Coach Brin Jones, Auburn, reports running conditions were good - 55--5 6 degrees, 10-15 mile per hour wind and sunny.

. PAGE 7

New Bobcat Cagers At

Peru State

Baseball Meeting

Held December 11

Coach Tom Fitzgerald held the first meeting for prospective PSC baseball players DecembJlr 11. The meeting was short and he · outlined the basic way the team would be run.

The players will be starting their practice shortly after they return .from vacetion by the use of a batting cage. A pitching machine will be set up in the cage so that players can get to work on their hitting. On February 3 the pitchers and, catchers will start working together in the gym. PractiCe starts earlier for people in these positions so that they have time to get their throwing arm and legs in shape before the first game.

DUANE IDEUS (6'2" - 175 lbs.) is another freshman on the Bobcat cager squad from Adams, Nebraska. Duane, playing much of his high school· basketball at forward and center, is now playing at guard for young Bobcats. Duane has all the capabilities and desire to become a good college basketball player states Coach Schnaser.

Tim Macke (6'0 - 170 lbs.) is a returning squadman from last season. Tim is also battling for the guard position for the Bobcats. All conference high school star from Alma High School at Alma, Neb., he is also a catcher on the Bobcat baseball team. Tim is as valuable to the team as anyone can be, states Coach Schnaser.

BobKittens Drop Opening Game

The Peru State Bobkittens held their season opener game with Chadron on the home maples, December 7. After trailing Peru State most of the first half, the Chadron Eagles took advantage of charity stripe shots and flew away with a 56-47 victory over Peru State.

Gym. Shorts

Arrival of two pair of snow shoes, six backpacks, and two backpack tents has put a new look in the Recreation Office last week. This equipment is for student-use and is available on a loan-free basis. Students will be required to sign a release of liability on some of the equipment (like the canoes). But most of the equipment is for free-use as long as you don't abuse it.

MARK HANSEN (6'0" - 160 lbs.) is a freshman from Fairbury, Nebraska. Mark started at guard for the Bobcets in their opening tournament l!ames at Salina, Kansas. Leading the Bobcats in scoring in both games, Mark has shown great strides in adjusting to college · basketball.

Lost - one pair of glasses copper color. Right lens'missing tape on right side. Please return if found. Lost between student center and Delzell Hall. Return to Morgan hall Rm. 14A or Stephanie Golden. Lost on· Dec. 6,

Scott Hoegh (5'7 - 160 lbs.) is a transfer student from Ames, Iowa, and is battling the top guards for one of the starting jobs. Although Scott did not play much high school basketball, he has outstanding jumping·ability for his size. Scott will become eligible on January 1st to play with the Bobcats.

The rest of the team will start about a month later Coach Fitzgerald encourages anyone who wants to go out, but didn't make the meeting, to go and see him before the semester ends. These people must pick up an insurance form and have it filled out before they can practice. Fitzgerald's office can be found · in the administration building.

Tourney Winners

The Game Tournaments concluded Thursday, December 5, with the championship games, all starting between 6:00 and 6:30. The winners were: John K. and Coleman in Foosball; Beb Brown in Table Tennis Singles, and Macke and Platt in Doubles; Brad Wittlief in. 8-Ball; and Steve Thompson in Bowlin,g. For entering the finals the ,participants had to win at least two games for Foosball, Table Tennis, and Bowling, and three for 8-Ball.

Volleyball Standings

The Bobkittens were in the driver's seat for most of the first half. After trailing 4-2, they moved ahead· 12-7 on the strength of Peru's 2-1-2 zone defense. Chadron came back to tie the tally up at 15-all, but the Bobkittens stayed on top with a couple of two-pointers, 19-15. It was hot until the last minute of the first half that the Chadron Eagles gained a 23-21 halftime lead.

The second half was a different story as the Chadron Eagles took over and rolled up a six point lead, 37-31. The Bobkittens, rallied back for a one pointlead, 38-37, with 8:22 left in the second half. From there on, Chadron regained tile lead and never relinguished it. With four minutes left, the Eagles' defense stiffened up and blew their slim three point lead into a nine point victory.

The most noticeable statistic of the game was the free throw conversions. Chadron converted ·out of ·charity shots, while Peru State managed to get out of Patty Collins was the Bobkittens' leading scorer with 22 points, followed by Tami Coleman, with ten points. ·In double figures for Chadron were Gwen Reed with 20 points and Carol Bachmann with 11 points.

In a short time, cross-country skiing will hit the PSC campus with the purchase of eight complete sets of ski equipment.' There will be a ski expert coming from Omaha to give free lessons in cross country skiing in December.

Students are asked to sign up for Men's Basketball now at the Recreation Office. Those students who want to form a team for next semester must pick up the entry form and have it filled out by December 13th. Ten players on a team is the maximum. We also need officials for these games and payment of $2.00 per hour is given by the Intramural Department. Sign up for officiating in the intramural office.


The Recreation Department announces their new innovative game called "JoKari." It is similar to handball or paddleball and requires two people to play it. (Of course you can practice by yourself)

It's available now and free demonstrations can be given upon .request at the Recreation office.

Remaining Basketball Schedule

Dec. 16, ·Bellevue , College, Bellevue, NE., at Peru, NE.

Dec. 20-21, Buena Vista College Tournament, Storm Lake, IA. 1at Storm Lake, IA.

Dec. 27-28, Hastings Holiday Tournament, at Hastings, NE.

Jan. 7, Doane College, Crete, NE.at Peru, NE.

Jan. 9, Tarkio Coliege, Tarkio, MO.,at Peru, NE.

+Kearney State College, Kearney, NE.at Kearney; NE.

Jan. 13, +Chadron State College, Chadron, NE., at Chadron, NE.

Jan. 18, +Wayne State College, Wayne, NE., at Peru, NE.

Jan. 21, J. F. Kennedy College, Wahoo, NE at Wahop, NE.

Jan. 24, +Chadron State College, Chadron, .NE ,at ·Peru, NE.

Jan. 31, +Kearney State College, Kearney, NE.at Peru, NE

Feb. 4, Bellevue College, Bellevue, NE:;at Bellevue, NE.

Feb. 7, J.F. Kennedy College, Wahoo, NE.1 at Peru, NE.

Feb. 13, Metro State College, Denver, C0:1at Peru, NE

Feb. 15, Dordt College, Sioux Center, IA.,at Peru, NE.

Feb. 18, Dana College, Blair, NE., at Blair, NE.

Feb. 22, Concordia College, Seward, NE.,at Peru, NE.

Feb. 26, +Wayne State College, Wayne, NE.,at Wayne, F. checking accounts savings accounts

HEW student loans

PAGE 8 -
Final standings Men's League Bruins Out-of-Towners Lagnaf Fagbag Bengals QBoys Spikes Davis Devils · Coed League Din ks Fire Bombers Complex Kids Bricks Knights 6-1 100-62 5-3 102-56 4-2 81-63 4-3 97-63 3-4 84-87 4-5 112-120 1-6 71-96 0-6 20-90 6-1 102-53 6-1 105-55 5-2 70-65 2-5 68-85 1-6 71-105 1-6 37-105

t4 o ittn

'75 Blizzard Leaves Big

Cleanup at Peru State

The January 10th snowstorm will go down in history as the great blizzard of '75. The blinding wind continued to build a snowy prison which trapped many students, but a few had enough foresight to provide themselves with a month's provisions.

The aftermath left ·-us in a winter Wonderland of misery. The situation was accented by the hunger pains Saturday morning when people began to plan their search of food., There were only two ways of getting

Project 'Hand Shake'

Organizes Committees

Peru State College is offering help to southeast Nebraska community gro1.1ps. and organizations · in program planning for 1975.

"Project. Handshake" will connect 17 PSC faculty and staff members with the area ·chambers of commerce and organizations.

The Peru State faculty and staff are offering a diverse educational program of talks and presentations on such topics as 'Parents Are Teachers', 'How. Much Should You Know' and 'Geography of Southeastern Nebraska' according· to John Letts, PSC coordinator of the project.

The only cost will be tranand meal for the

Viet Where

supplies. Strike out on foot, or use a tank to forge the drifts. The windchill index made· the first alternative hideous and the cost of registration had drained my funds, making it impossible to putchase a tank.

It wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds so I deeided to initiate the practical side of my religion, fasting. Fasters always have a good cause to starve, so I spent two liours meditating, and several things crossed my mind; higher wager for teachers, more grants for students, bettern dorm facilities, drinkable water, then I hit upon something that would benefit the Ped.

The Pedagogian has always needed publicity and my idea would provide it with the perfect chance for national prominence.

I could see Walter Cronkite broadcasting the mournful news, "The Pedagogian editor starves:" This suffrage would bring hordes of ·reporters ·· charging across PSC and was bound to make the Pedagogian a · household word.

It took me awhile to come to my senses, but I realized that I needed foO<}/ no matter what! In a last ditch effort to save myself, I threw on 3 tons of clothing ana ·stormed out of my room as my roommate, Ray Boeche, muttered something about insanity.

Upon reaching civilization I stocked up with groceries and sup-plies. After purchasing enough food to feed Delzell- for a decade, I turned to the book rack for something to read in my wintry castle. My eye was attracted b a white book

Matter of Life or Death

During the week of J;muary 10th to 17th, the U.S. sold 60 jet fighters to Saudi Arabia for $750million, an unidentified Brooklyn boy, suspected of drawing graffiti. on subway walls, slipped under the wheels of a train and was killed while being chased by police, the LR.A. reported that the Holiday truce is officially ended, Como, Texas, farmers slaughtered 100 calves ·in protest ·of dwindling milk profits, refugees streamed out of the war-torn city of Tay Ninh toward Saigon as fighting heightened in the Vietnamese city of 160,000, the U.S. Army made plans to purchase the French West German Roland-2 missile system at a cost of $1-

billion, Palestinian refi.Igee camps were raided by Israeli gunboats, and the U.S. has contracted to supply Lebanon with AA guns and Anti-tank missiles.

titled Fasting for Fun and Profit, (well, it was only 50c, and besides it might come in handy the another blizzard strikes.) After tossing it in the sack the check out girl smiled ' d I" and said, "Have a nice ay.

4 State Tour

Students stayed on campus last weekend .to attend the award winning presentation, "The Blizzard of Seventy-Five"

Drama for High Schools


This semester the Peru State College Players will again be touring an incredible number of high schools in Nebraska, Iowa; Kansas, and Missouri. The purpose is to recruit high school students with an interest and ability in dramatics. Mr Ed Clark, Peru State College's dramatics professor, confided that there is a second purpose more beneficial to the actors than to the high school students.

"When I was in the service in Germany," he reminisced, "I travelled with a touring group. We performed every day in ·a different situation." He said that his Peru State College actors have had a similar experience this year, and that he has noticed a significant improvement in the quality of their performance.


Tryouts for the second semester tours were held on December 16. Members of the newly reformed group include Mike Streit, Joe Munn, Rita Miller, and Mr Clark himself. One of the plays chosen for this semester's touring is an adaptation of Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men made by Dr. James Rockey of the Fargo:

Morehead· Community Theater, Fargo, North Dakota, who wlI:l also conduct .the spring. dramatics workshop on this campus this year. The group's first appearance date is January 28; on that day

they will perform at ·Iowa Southwest Community College. Mr Clark hopes that the company will be able to play to fifteen or more schools in Omaha as well; the other performances are in · the process of being booked.

Students Leave in Wake Of College Board Decision

The College Affairs Board convened Thursday the 15th for the first time in 5 years to consider the appeal of a dual suspension resulting from an on-campus marijuana arrest. Becky Larriberies and Terry Funkhouser, after losing their appeals to the Student Affairs Board on the 14th by a close vote, appealed their case to no avail two days hence. Ms Funkhouser said that an appeal to the board of Regents of the state colleges is doubtful.

The Co-eds expressed sorrow at their pending departure from Peru and the college.

Becky Lamberies, a business major, entered PSC in the fall of '74 on a special abilities music scholarship. Her grade point average last semester was 6.9. She plans to do (secretarial work, she says?) upon completion of her education. ·

Tery Funkhouser came to Peru in the fall of '73 on a special abilities scholarship for drama. She was a member of the Student Center Board and secretary of the Student Governing Association as a freshman. Funkhouser served as president of the sophomore class in the fall of 1974, and was awarded the schools top journalism honor. In September of 1974, Terry became the editor of the Ped.

Both students report that they are uncertain of plans for the future at this time.

They Stop 'M.S.' Don't They?, /:


Starting l!'nday, Maren Zl ai 6 p.m. until Saturday the 22nd at 12 midnight, a 30-hour Marathon Dance will be held at Neal Hall sponsored by 59,WOW and SGA in benefit of the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

Iri order to participate, the couples

pay a fee of $5 that will entitle them to a T-shirt and all their meals during the marathon. Contestants will also be required to find organizations that will sponsor them by paying a certain amount of money per dance. There are three trophies, and they will be awarded to the three coiiples that raise the most money, either by the ad-

mission income, or both. There will be a 15 miflijtelii'eak every 3 hours for the couples arid the band, At 4:00 a.m. there will be a 4 hour tteaK enabling the couples to sleep •ether with the band.

The student request by 59collaborate i

to a '\l m to

MONDAY, JANUARY 20th. t BULK RATE Permit 4 1 Peru, Nebr. 68421

From The Editor's Desk

Since my appointment as editor of this semester's Pedagogian I've been working oh what l consider the major goals and objectives of this paper. · · · ·

The Ped staff will be working towards increasing the quality and coverage of ·the paper while reflecting the reader's interest.

I intend to increase the quality through the staff I've appointed. Along with "veterans" of last semester's Ped, I've added some more nahres to the list. These names include some well known PSC scribblers and some unknown but writers.

Strong visual· aid comes from Larry Kosch an excellent photographer who will be providing a double service for the paper. Larry has been appointed sports ahd photography editors.

The voice of experience comes ·from Frank D' Addesa, a senior journalism major who has served numerous years for the Pedagogian. Frank has 1been asked to make a return engagement as Contributing Editor.

The guiding ligbt will be provided by the sponsers, Mr Everett Browning and Mr Terry Pardeck.

The coverage should increase despite the fact the Ped is understaffed. There are over 30 clubs and organizations on campus. This makes it impossible to cover all oftheir activities. The Ped will ·report the major events of the clubs, but the coverage of all clubs is an unachievable task. I am asking the smaller clubs to report their own news. This will be a tremendous help ih coverage. If the clubs comply I will be able to spread the staff over different areas providing more news for the paper. This excludes the major' activities ·clubs and political organizations on campus who will have the. Ped's complete coverage.

The Pedagogian's readership covers not only students but the faculty and over ·400 reader8 by mail. Their interests should ·be reflected in the Pedagogian. I will encourage the students, faculty, and the readers by mail to voice their interests and opinions in the Ped. The campus population can contact me in person, or leave a note 1n room 218 of the Education Building. The mailing list readers can send a letter to this address Ray· Kappel, Delzell Hall, PSC.

These three hardy souls found Peru's blanket of snow an excuse to go out and play. Weekends aren't so bad here!

Skiiers Attack Run On Mt. Nebraska

The annual PSC amateur skiers convention was in full swing January 8 on the hills of Peru. The skiers clad in dangling poles and skies jumped the terraces with almost effortless ease and made this the largest PSC skiing convention ever.

A cold and heartless January didn't dampen the spirits of these vigorous outdoor people. After a short planning session the group broke for the treacherous hills of Peru. It was

a while before a successful run was made and the hearty skier was greeted .with applause. Many dashes down the slopes were interrupted by the cold I hard ground which seemed to • I have a growing affection for the I skiers. I

Despite their short-<:omings, I the skiers continued to I monopolize the hills of Peru I much to the delight. of an ap- I plauding audience. I

Mrs Pearson Leads New Community Theater Group

The Peru Community Theater is Peru's newest artistic organization. It is unique for the town of Peru, which has not had such a theater in a century. Mrs Doug Pearson, director of the Music Man, the group's first production, explained that the. theater is an outgrowth of the ·Bicentennial Committee. The

committee expressed a wish for a production that would reflect Americana, and The Music Man was selected. During the summer one play will be presented by the group; Mr Jacobson will be the director, but he has not yet made public the name of the production.

The Pedagogian

The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorial material received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. A\l Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the nam.e of the writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing persQnal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste bpt shall endeavor to maintain the · original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Managing Editor Assistant Editor

Contributing Editor

Sports Editor ·

Feature Editor ·

Photography Editor

Business Managers Reporters

Ray Kappel

Randy Dunlap

Frank D' Addesa

Larry Kosch

Emily Rosewell

Tallie Kerns Phi!Dean

Frank D' Addesa, Randy Dunlap, Phyllis Butrick, Larry Kosch, Janie Montang, Virginia Milla, Rick Deklotz, Emily Rosewell, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns, Deb Condit.

• Package liquor

• Game room

• "Happy Hour" - Fri. 5:00-6:00

.j +++++
·------------------------... DUFFY'S
11:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m; Sat. 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Sun. 1:00-6:00 p.m. downtown PERU, NEBR. Phone 872-6025

Silverodo Rocks At P·SC Dance .

Ther Peru State College Studen't Center Board has had a nack for bringing bands here that are about to "make it". There is a good chance that they've hit on another stardom bound group in "Silverodo". The nine month old band's January 8 performance in Neal Hall

displayed the kind of cool determination of a group that has paid its dues and is about lo lake-off.

College Artist

Creates Mural

Ray Boeche,, an ac-

· Having recently divorced themselves from "Kool and The Gang," (Silverodo was the gang, and most of the music) they have concentrated their performances in the midwest. complished artist at PSC, will add his talents to some new projects this year. The first is a Minimal Art abstraction at Morgan Hall. The artist will be working with acrylic paints, and plans to complete the 4 by 8 ft. mural by the end of the. semester.

The title of the creation, "The Arcs of Eliza'' will contain repetitions of some of the architectural elements found at Morgan. The painting will also be a commentary on the age and tradition of the dormitory.

Mr Boeche is also creating the illustrations for Emily Rosewell's Poetry Anthology.

Ray will conclude his efforts on the cover of "Sifting Sands" a literary work of PSC.

Their music is much too versatile to tie lo one style. Silverodo brings a Blues to a rock beat that is mellow but moves. To Rock they appear lo have done in a different sort of way only what Carlos Santana has done before; add a real dimension with flutes and Congas. Todd Young and Dennis McNeil's congas rhythm differs from Santana's Latin music in its African origin and rounded out a very full sound in conjunction with Gene Washington's and Craig Stewart's wellexecuted duel leads.

Silverodo's 4 hour performance before more than 100 lively students was a complete success.


Enrollment figures for the spring term will be· announced as soon as regis tra ti on is complete, according to Peru State College Registrar Dr. Kelly Liewer. -

Hamlet Play In February

Shakespeare's most successful play will be presented by Peru State College students on February 28 at 12:30 p.m., on March 1 and 2 at 8:00 p.m., and

lnv.iteYou to 30 Spectacular Hours of Marathon Dancing Fun

on March 21 thru midnight March 22 College Gymnasium

All Net Proceeds to Muscular Dystrophy Association

Trophies Awarded! If you and your favorite dance partner wish to participate, clip and mail the coupon below or telephone for details.

on March 3 at 12:30 p.m.

The play, which is full of emotional excitement and moral interest, will be done in a straightforward manner.

Director Ed Clark announced the major cast players. Claudius, King of Denmark, is John Jacobson, who is Director of Institutional Research here at the college and who has had considerable acting and directing experience. Hamlet, a nephew to the King, is Greg Sprague, who played Peter in "Company" and had the lead role in "South.J>acific" at Lincoln High last year. Polonius, counselor to the King, is David Alvis, who in 1966 at Peru State College played Colonel Pickering_ in "My Fair Lady"

and last fall was Harry Brock in "Born Yesterday". Horatio, friend lo Hamlet, is Tom Banks.Laertes, son to Polonius, is Joe Munn. Rosencrantz, a courtier, is Danny Ehmke, who played the lead at Syracuse High in "Good News" and also played there in "South Pacific". Guildenstern, a courtier, is Kevin Knoll, who played Eddie Brock in "Born Yesterday" and David in "Company". Ophelia, <laugher to Polonius, is Peg Jones, who had leading roles in "Billie Dawn" at Plattsmouth High and here in ·"Born Yesterday". Gertrude, Queen of Denmark and mother to Hamlet, .is Rita Miller, who played Mrs Kristine Linde here in "A Doll's House"

Summers l:ontest Ends

Sifting Sand To Publish

The annual Silas Summers Writi :ig Contest held by the Peru State College English Club has drawn to a close. The deadline for entries was Friday, January 17. There were three categories. The poetry category has no specific rules; however, the poems submitted should not be longer than a· page or two in length. The short stories entered are to be of a reasonable length, but there is no specific limit; English Club reserves the right to confer with the author of ·a story if changes need to be made. The article category covers a variety of things, in-

eluding short descriptive pieces, plays, cartoons, p:ofound sayings, works of satire, and creative letters home that deserve to be printed.

The Sifting Sands, official literary publication of the English Club, welcomes submissions also. The deadline for entries is February 24; the same rules that apply for the writing contest· apply for the magazine.

All entries are to be given to Mrs Gail Reeves, Fine Arts room 106, and English Club will welcome them all. Hesitant writers should remember that it is impossible to be discovered without ever wdting.

For Your Sporting GoodJ Needs, Stop at the Sport Shop

Guns and Ammo.and Accessories. High PoweredRHle, Scopes Installed and Gun Smithing on All Types pf

Silverodo, the hot new group from Omaha, plays before a dancing room only crowd at Neal dining hall Peru State College campus. Photograph by Larry Kosch, Pedagogian staff photographer. Claudius To Die
PSC Student Governing Association Phone -----------------------------------------Yes, I wish to participate in the 59/WOW Dance Marathon to fight Muscular Dystrophy. Enclosed is $5 per couple entry fee which entitles me to two Dance Marathon T-Shirts. My name and address are------------I I I I. ,, I .I I 11
707 Central AYe.

Kush Korner

At this stage of the 1974-75 basketball season, Peru State is th€ only college cage team in the Cornhusker state with a perfect record of 13 losses and no wins. Some people are saying that we have poor players and-or a poor coach. Others say it is the tough schedule that's beating us. In my opinion, part of the reason why· we don't win is due to the lack of spirit and support by the fans at the ball games'. Let me cite a few examples to demonstrate my point.

In the home game with Bellevue, Dec. 16, poor team support and sportmanship was shown by the fans'toward the players and the officials. At times, the fans were on the verge of disrupting the game with their booing and cat-ealls. This created bad feelings by the Bobcat players toward their opponent and the officials. Anytime you lose your concentration in a game .like basketball, you're likely to Jose your shirt. ·

Here's another point in case. When the Bobcat team came out of the.locker room to start the second half of the Doane game, Jan. 9, I actuallr counted four yes .four people clapping hands. Wilen your are behind, 44-28 at halftime, and return to the gym floor to see those four people clap hands, it makes you think that you already lost the game.

In all of these games, I've noticed how our cheerleaders were standing at the end ?f the court, doing some cheers. They seem to be cheering by themselves and not leading the crowd. The problem may lie in the separation of the girls and the crowd. Why cheer when there's no one in front of you to lead the cheers???

Since that we now have recognized the problem, what can we do about it?? I propose a four-step solution to solve it and help our Bobcat team to win a few games:

1.) Pep Band. The apprearance of the pep band at the Tarkio game, Jan. 9, was a w.elcome sight. According on one of the Bobcat players, Mark Hansen, it was a real spirit-lifter. The band should stay for the second half to help with the cheers and play during time-outs.

2.l Cheei:leaders. Have a few seats reserved for the cheerleaders in front of the main crowd They can, more ef-, fectively, lead the crowd in cheering. Why don't the girls and the crowd form a spirit line before the game.and after halftime to cheer our team's appearance??

3.) Active crowd support and sportsmanship. The cheerleaders are there to help you cheer. Help them cheer and.. the Bobcat teani can benefit from your concerted efforts. Respect the decision of the officials, how unpopular their decisions may be. The booing may raise the ire of the Bobcats' opponents! ·

4.) You. You, as a Bobcat fan, can help the Bobcats on to victory by showing up at the games and yell your darn best. The sight of a packed home crowd in the gym may'inspire the Bobcats to play to win.

I urge every able-bodied Bobcat fan to go to the Jan. 24 home contest against Chadron State and support our great Bobcat


BohcatsLose Again

Larry Kosch

Frustration is the word to use when one tries to describe the effort of the Bobcat roundbail cagers to win a game this season. ,They have gone 13 straight games without a victory. This includes four tournament losses suffered during the semester break, and three defeats in second semester cage action.

In the December 20-21 Buena Vista tournament action at Storm Lake, Iowa, the Bobcats dropped an opening round game, 98-67,, to Buena Vista and a 101-63 decision to Midland. Poor shooting plagued Peru in both contests.

The Bobcats fared no better at tlie Hastings Holiday Tournament, December 27-28. They were humiliated by Hastings, 132-55, and dropped a 86-70 decision to Bethany College. After the Hastings contest, Coach Schnaser called a team meeting to stress the importance of running an established offense with team play. Their performance against Bethany was a far cry from the opening season 151-52 defeat by the same team. The home court advantage was of no use to the Bobcats as they fell to Doane, 84-67, January 7. The Bobcats enjoyed a brief 6-0 lead before Doane warmed up and took the lead away for good. Doane expanded their 44-28 halftime lead to 50-29 for their biggest lead of the game. Peru cut the 20 point lead down to twelve, 75-63, but they never got any closer during the rest of the game.

Peru State got a case of cold shooting hands in the home contest with Tarkio. January 9. But, it was too late for Peru to recover and the Bobcats suffered a 68-37 defeat.

Matmen Grapple to 2nd

In Central MisSouriMeet

After three dual meets this second semester, Peru State matmen's dual record stands at .8-2. They lost to powerful Adams State 26-17, Jan. 9, and beat Doane and Southwest Missouri State 33-21 and 26-12 respectively in a double dual, Jan. 13.

Adams State, fifth ranked in NAIAratings, gained a 21-0 lead by a forfeit, three decisions and a pin.

John Whisler and Bud Frohling gained points for Peru State by a 5-3 decision and a pin respectively. Bob Brown drew his match in the 177 class.

Adams State wrapped up the match with a 5-1 decision over Kent Coleman in the 190 tussle. With the match in hand, Adams State forfeited the HW en.,.-

In the first match of a double dual, Jan. 13, Peru State picked nn five forfeits to out last Doane, Dennis Johnk,. Bob Brown, and Kent Coleman were the Peru matmen picking up the forfeits. The. only other Peru matman to pick up points was Ray Czaszwicz, who won by a 10-5 decision.

The ·nightcap of the double dual, Jan. 13, saw Peru State and Southwest Missiouri State run neck-to-neck until the last three

matches. Peru State won them by two decisions and a forfeit to win the dual, 26-12.

Peru State wrestlers surprised their competitors and them: selves when they claimed second place in the Central Missouri University Tournament, Dec.1314. Their 101 point tally was second fo Southern Illinois University's 1331/2 point total. Placing third was Kansas State University with 941;2 points. Wayne State, the only other Nebraska college entry, finished seventh with 31/2 points.

There were eight scoring finishes for Peru State. Two championships, three consolation championships, one second place and two fourth place honors were earned by the Peru wrestlers.

The two champions for Peru State were Bud ·Frohling and Kent Coleman. Frohling decisioned Merril Norris of Central Missouri State 3-0.

Coleman won his championship by default over Jim Marsh of Eastern Illinois U.

The three consolation champs for Peru were Mark Yori, Ivan Strahle, and Bob Brown. Yori decisioned Jim Reizer of Southern Illinois U. 10-4.

Harmons' Scoring Not Enough - 0-4

PERU, NE: - Three consecutive losses sent Peru State women cagers to an 0-4 season 1.:ecord before semester break, but Coaches Doug McElroy and Dennis Stones remain optimistic as their ,young squad gains experience.

College of St. Mary-Omaha dominated play on their home court December 10 for their 58-27 victory. No PSC player reached double figure scoring and managed only 11 of 63 field goal attempts. St. Mary's Ann Heller totaled 20 points to lead her welldisciplined squad.

Peru, while still on the short end of a 56-41 final score, played better basketball December 13, according to coaches, against the University of NebraskaLincoln junior varsity in Lincoln. Leading at halftime, 26-22, McElroy commended team effort and was pleased with balanced scoring. Twila Beck had a good board game,

"We tired too much in the second half keep up the pace, and when UN-L pulled ahead, we just couldn't come back," McElroy summarized.

eru a e , oane

won his match with ·rony Ruggari of Eastern Illinois U. with a 10-5 decision. Brown handed Dave Gannaway of Illinois State U. a 6-1 decision to claim the consolation championship in his weight class

Tarkio employed a devastating man to man defense and two hot shooters to outscore Peru 93-23 December 11 in Tarkio. Owl high scorers Connie Cook with 36 points and Dianne Morley with 31 also pulled down

22 and 14 rebounds respectively.

Gail Harmon was top scorer for Peru with 10.

118 - Mark Yori (Pl won by forfeit; 126 -'- Gary Lesoing (P) won by forfeit; 134 - Joe Winkler (P) was decisioned by Mike Pflaster (D) 6-5; 142Alonzo Collins (P) won by forfeit; 158 - Ray Czaszwicz (Pl decisioned John Pflaster (D) 105; 167 - Jim McKean (P) defaulted to Dave Hersley (D); 177 - Bob Brown (P) won by forfeit; 190- Kent Coleman (P) won by forfeit; HW - Ron Hoemann (P) was pinned by George Ruffen (D) 6:54.

Peru State 26, Southwest Missouri State 12 118 - Mark Yori (P) decisioned Cliff Ramos (SMSJ 4 1; 126 - Gary Lesoing (P) decisioned Wayne Kaiser (SMS) 5-2; 134 - Rick Norval (P) was decisioned by Rick Gonzales (SMSJ 6-3; 142 - Lonnie Quinn (P) was decisioned by John Williamson CSMS) 23-0; 150Bud Frohling (P) pinned Ron Coffman (SMS) 2:20; 158-John Whisler (PJ drew with Chris Eveler CSMS) 7-7; 167 - Craig Ayers (P) was decisioned by Dave Stanley (SMSJ 9-3; 177Bob Brown {PJ decisioned Bob Montgomery (SMSl 6-2; 190Kent Coleman (P) won by forfeit; HW - Fred Marisett (P) decisioned Btll Bennett (SMS)

Six-six forward Dan Parker scores in Peru's loss to Doane January 8 in the Peru gymnasium. Photo By Staff photographer L. Kosek. Strahle Bud Frohling pins Adams State opponent Bill Fell. Pushes personal victory string to 13. Photo by Pedagogian staff photographer L. Kosch.

T4e Front Page Hits the Street

"The Front Page" is coming to Peru! No, it isn't a competitor for the "Peru Challenge" - but simply the new name and planned motif for Rex's Cafe.

Rex's, formerly owned by Rex Rains, has been -sold to J. L. Schmidt, editor of the "Peru Challenge", the community's weekly newspaper.

- The combination cafe and bar closed in mid-December and reopened this weekend under the new ownership.

Mr Schmidt will relinquish his editorship of the "Challenge" in order to manage his new business. He said, "a new editor will be hired" and the publication will continue. "People are relying too much on it (the Peru Challenge) to let it die now." The "Challenge" originated in February of 1973.

Asked why he chose to purchase the business, Mr Schmidt said he felt the "restaurant is needed as much as the newspaper and it will be as big a challenge as the 'Challenge'.

The Front Page will operate seven days and offer Sunday noon meals, a practice dropped in .recent months.

Mr Schmidt anticipates serving fresh donuts mornings and hopes to add a salad bar and possibly a sandwich bar later. Plans also include serving popcorn and possibly pizza in the bar.

Pinball machines, foosball, and a pool ·table remain for entertainment. Mr Schmidt hopes to reinstate some of the popular specials such as "2 for's'', plus initiate new programs for added enjoyment. ·

Service will begin at 7 a.m. weekdays and 8 a.m. Sundays.

SOON! -n£W

Fifth Street posts a promising sign as the Front Page brings drinks, food, recreation and atmosphere to downtown Peru. While the front looks familiar the interior has remodelled to better serve patrons. '

State Colleges Consider New Merger Proposals

President from the four state colleges have been directed to que,stion their respective faculties and students to obtain their reactions to the following possibilities:

Al merger with the University of Nebraska

PAF Helping p;y, Students Benefit

One hundred and sixteen thousand dollars has been jointly provided to Peru State College 'Students through the efforts of the Peru Achievement foundation and the utilization of money made available through a federal funding program. For approximately 180 students, this money represents the difference between getting an education and going out into the world unprepared. This is one means of building student enrollment and increasing the educational value of the institution to the area.

Mr Bill Snyder, director of the foundation, explained its function, outlined the services provided to students, and detailed how PSC alumni, interested businesses and organizations, as well as students themselves provide the basic funding for the program.

Approximately $5,000 in scholarship grants come from the interest in a permanent trust fund established by the foundation and Bobcat Boosters. Eleven thousand was raised by the foundation and matched by appropriated tax money (9 to 1 ratio) to establish a capital of $11l,066.70. This money is utilized by students in the form of low-interest loans (3 per cenlJ with repayment schedules coinciding with the student's earning power. This generally

increases with the amount of education the student acquires.Mr Snyder explained that the $11,000 invested in the National Direct Student Program Loan (NDSL) was contributed by alumni, area 41Jusinesses, faculty, friends, and Student Probated

students of the college.

"Living Memorial"

Mr Snyder said that many supporters of the college stipulate in their wills a sum of money which remains permanently endowed in that person's name.

Bl merger with the Technical Community Colleges

Cl status quo

This request came in the form of a resolution passed by the. State Board of Trustees and the. information gathered will be channeled back to this group by February 10.

PSC President Dr. Douglas Pearson said, "Peru State College should and probably will have a voice in the outcome."

The resolution states, "the state college system has certain features in common with the University of Nebraska and certain features in common with

Academic Board Rules

Connie Gregg, a senior at Peru State College, was placed on academic orobation on Januarv 16 for Spring semester 1975 by the College Affairs Board. The bOard upheld a previous ruling by the Student ·Affairs bOard. <'II'

Ms Gregg allegedly violated school policy on December 12, 1974J while in. the on-campus dormitory, Clayburn-Matthews.

Ms Gregg also appealed her case before the Teacher Education Committee (TEC) which has the power to allow her to student teach while on social probation status. In a short meeting on Jan. 9 the committee voted to uphold the decision of the Student Affairs Board. Ms Gregg was not interviewed at this appeal before the TEC.

As a result of a decision by the TEC as part of Peru College's disciplinary restrictions; Ms

Gregg will not student teach this spring as previously planned. refusing to interview me and referring me to college policy."

the technical community colleges and is therefore considered as a possible affiliate

:>with either, (and) has been traditiona:Jy characterized by strong faculties, enthusiastic student bodies, and aggressive programs that have responded to the needs of the people in their respective communities."

Comments on alternatives stated in the Board resolution, according to Dr. Pearson, could include recommendations, positives, negatives, concerns, reservations or any other matters.

According to the "Wayne Stater" students and faculty on that campus met Jan. 23 to discuss this issue. The results of those meetings were not avail<1bkin time for publication.

World Datelines

In TIMES SQUARE, 75 followers of Reverend Sun Myung Moon demonstrated disapproval of pornography in the big apple. Denouncing Times Square as the center of porno in the U.S., Mr Moon said, "God is leaving America."

Ms Gregg joined the Peru !Vis" Greg{indicated she will complete her under graduate studies at PSC in spite of the fact State Education Association in that she is "disappointed in the 1971 as a freshman. In her junior 'year Ms Gregg began her work education department;" We with SGA as a senator. She also In Manila, PHILIPPINE are taught," she continued, "to President Marcos has permitted 1 served 011 the SCB in the spring teach everyone as an individua a two-week period of free of 1973. and approach each child's A dean's list honor student in assembly and free debate. This problems as a separate set of is the first slackening of Marcos' Cl·r·c"m.stances. the fall of '74, as a senior, Ms d h w" h SG d SCB rule by ecree smce e

"Yet the TEC refused to treat Gregg served wit Aan strengthened marshall law while working at the library. my case as an individual one by policies in. September of 1972.

IFollowing the two-week period, I-Year

Business Program Added

electives for a total of 14 or 15 ope election. hours firstsemester. The second semester./will require three mandatory courses for eight hours and two of five 3-hour electives for a 14 hour total.

1· Philippine voters will return after a long absence at the polls to determine their future in an A new addition to the PSC curriculum is a one- year program in Business Administration. The Academic Affairs Committee voted the program into existence at their regular meeting Dec. 10.

Included in the two -semester program are four 3-hour mandatory courses and one of five

"The course is designed so it could be applied to a degree program," Dr. Russell added.

IIn WASHINGTON, Director of Selective Service Byron Pepitone said that persons who fail to register for the draft wilL not be hassled because the SS has no way of knowing who they are.


From The Editors Desk,! The Frank n'Addesa Column

I don't we should e:ver repair highway 67 west. The road, unchanged Stone Age, serves a vital function to.our 'community as a prehistor1c,landmark. If we destroy this, "Dinosaur Pass" as it was by our ancestors, by repairing it to modern day standards, we will have taken away our last hold on the Neanderthal man. We must awaken because this landmark is in danger of extinction for are a few wh.o are planning to repair the caveman's art. ·They t stop ·to that our fore fathers hand-constructed this Dinosaur Pass from the eggshellS of the now extinct Dodo bird. They have never meditated on the legends of this road which· continue to amaze and mystify the mind.

The landmark, rich in history, has been the scene of many endurance records and stories. · · ·

-The daring Amelia Earhart chose between· the Atlantic ocean and highway 67, choosing the former beeause it was safer.

- In 1937 a of brothers, Marty, Bob, and Roger Schwartz completed the first successful run of the road by car. They started in 1935.

- In winter months of 1942, Alvin (crazy) Fleezy started his sled down the hideous slopes of 67. Alvin never made it, but some of his dogs still roam the streets of Peru.

How can we ignore the historical richness of this road? How can we deface the path by it smooth and. enjoyable? I personally lov.e the endless faS(!!nation the road has for my blood pressure. As long as its passable by ox-cart, why change?.

Let us not forsake those hearty few who must travel this beaten path

For those unfortunate pilgrims I offer my 4-step plan to

Step - If you made more than one pilgrimage over this monument to mankind, you have come to realize that when your car goes down into the holes your head flies thru the roof. For this is. the law that states for every action there is a

It will take time and practice, but it if you cart synchronize tb!s action (your head goes down into the hole with the car) your ride will be smoother and will save on the cost of Excedrin.

Step 2 - Don't Panic. - Always ·think positively. A.,ssure yourself constantly, "I probably make it, I probably make it". If you make five successful runs you're called an ACE.

3. - Moral -:-- You can increase your chances of making it by lifting your spmts. Hire a band and a blood thirsty crowd to cheer · you on. You shot,tld make it a habit to stop every mile and chat with your ever loving fans. Start off by describing the last mile (don't be surprised if the and aahs) and move right into a speech about your heroics. Now is a good time to· derucate your life to s?mething. this up with the band playing the National Anthem, kiss a few babies and start off on another treacherous mile.

Step 4 - Preparation. - Check your gas, oil, food supplies, and your before you off. Go to the trouble to check every bolt in the vehicle. Even this is not enough. You must prepare yourself mentally. It was one of the Schwartz brothers who said, "A car is made of a thousand bolts, but it only takes one nut to scatter them all over the road." ·

· stE_ips are only .a temporary mmeans of coping with the issue. What it bods down to is, shall we destroy this prehistoric landmark forever or make it into a dilll and smooth ride into the campus of a .thousands oaks. · · ·

Top Drawer

It i.s the opinion of the editorial staff that the TEC's handling of Conme Gregg's recent appeal· was less than prudent. ·

Thi.s authority to repeal portions of social disciplinary restrictions imposed by SAC is an obligation to the institution to examine the commutable parts of each case appealed. · Judges the many states to reduce sentencing in cases. mentting. This .constitutional responsibility of judicial review is a basic. part of personalized legal system. As an officially recogmzed committee in one of Nebraska's constitutionally ordained

James (adrenaline, giggles, see more of them and

chief) Atkinson sat in the Bob-Inn Diamond in the Bob-Inn jutebox. behind two chocolate filled tarts, To Jimmy nothing is better than a large Dr. Pepper and his large music, but he believes that it and AM-FM radio and assured me he love run close together and are wasn't crazy. He laughed when he equal. Since music makes him so said he's not on any drugs and happy I wondered what brings that it wasn't alcohol that made him down. "I don't like to see my him the way he is. He guaranteed good friends get drunk all the me that his high is .a very natural tirne" he answered. To get more , one when he listens to music. out of him I argued that maybe

Anyone who has every been at booze to them is what music is to the Bob-Inn since the beginning of him. Jimmy came back with last semester has surely noticed "music can't ruin your health, Jimmy getting into music (until-right?"

this year supplied by the jutebox) By the time I had to leave by singing along with the song, Jimmy was half way through his playing imaginary drums and second tart and had barely put a guitar or just joking around about dent in his cup of pop. I had to go them. If, while observing Jimmy to watch Amy Walsh preside so you think he's crazy your thoughts .Jimmy gave me his usual don't bother him. He says he likes farewell of "good-bye chief" and to do his own thing and doesn't started singing along with Mac care what anyone thinks. Davis' "I Believe In Music"

Mr. Atkinson is from Denver, which fittingly began on the Colorado and was majoring in wireless. I wondered as I was accounting last semester. This leaving if Davis realiy believed the weren't the:e for that was his song? Let me think. him to continue school so Jimmy l · has been out looking for em-.

ployment. Before writing ·this news broke frorn a reliable source that he might be attending a technical school in Lincoln this semester on a work-study basis. Being such a music fanatic I had to ask him why he wasn't majoring in music. "Too much theory, he answered, I'd rather ·sing or play it". By the way Jimmy does play: the guitar and said in his· own way that he should practice more on it.· At about· this time "96 Tears" came ·on his radio, told me it was a good song and quickly adjusted .his· radio for the best reception he could get and started singing along. Jimmy enjoys most listening to the Beatles (playing together) and said most likely it was one of their records which first turned him on to music. He would like to

etter to the Editor

From the first day I began the fight ·to enter my Professional Semester, I swore to myself, that if I lost, hqving only one offense in three and one-half years of college, I would leave this place and never come back. I felt that if this school thought more of its rules and policies, than of its students, it had no right to be called an educational institution.

Well, after a long fight, I lost my case on January 16, but somewhere along the line I changed my mind. I found people who realize people can make a mistake. These people aided me with reassuring smiles, but what is most important, they cared. To these people I express my deepest appreciation.

I would also like to express a very special type of gratitude lo.: Mr Currier, Coach Dwine; Dr. Stewart, Mr Camealy, Amy Walsh, Dennis Ehmke, Mike Hall and Barry Landis, for having enough faith in me, to help in the fight of a losing battle.

Sincerely, ConnieGregg·

The Pedagogian

The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the name of the writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication;

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff. ·

Managing Editor Ray Kappel

Assistant Editor Randy Dunlap

Contributing Editor ..•........................... Frank D'Addesa

Sports Editor Lar;y Kosch colleges, '!'EC has the to examine the matter fully.

We TEC's dec1s1on to, uphold all parts of PSC's social program without· interviewing Gregg or considering her outstanding college work, both in the field of academies and student affairs, was a to complete their obligation to the college as a whole and to Miss Gregg. We respectfully request that you re-examine and !he of the offense and discipline applied against the positive things this woman has done for Peru State College.

Feature Editor Emily Rosewell

Photography Editor Larry Kosch

Business Managers Tallie Kerns, Phil Dean


Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Virginia Milla

Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns

Deb Condit, Joe Munn

ady Nurses Peru Friend and Doctor


The room dozed in hospitable quiet; a white cat in a red chair was dozing, too, and ·even the fish in the aquarium seemed to doze as they floated. The eheerful, capable-looking lady on the couch began, "In .a hospital, you just treat someone's pneumonia or his broken leg. Here at Peru, you are treating the whole person." That, explained Mrs Virginia Miller, Peru State College nurse, is what makes her position unique; because Peru has neither a permanent doctor nor a pharmacy, she must treat every type of ailment imaginable. For the past six years, the ·doctors in Auburn have taken turns coming to Peru twice a week; Mrs Miller says they have. been very cooperative.

· · The students find a friend as weir as a medical attendant in ·M:rs Miller. She is always willing to help solve a problem or t.o

diagnose an iilness. Nurse Miller leads an incredibly active life; her workcrelated activities include her generai need for help. She also belongs to' the Southeast Nebraska Health Planning Council, the Region. Five Mental Health Advisory Board, and.the Nemaha County Mental_ Health Association. In addition, Mrs Miller is on ·the· Peru Rescue Squad, now two years old That, s.he feels, is most worthwhile. For several years she was Peru's only nurse, so she was extremely busy. In addition to her .medicine-related work, Mrs Miller sews, knits, crochets, and is active in many aspects of church work.

Peru State College nurse Virginia·Miller also treats the small children of Peru.

Peru Sports Free Equipment

"Hey, Buddy!! Do you knov where I can get a set of skiis and use them just for a day or two??"

"Gosh, no! I think you'll have

NETCHE to new education course


and School

Discipline, an education 460 class, begins through an arrangement with NETCHE (Nebraska Educational

to go to Omaha for that stuff. You won't find anything like that here in Peru!!"

The above dialogue is what on between two .typical PSC students on the campus. They know that there is a Recreation Dept., and they have equipment like skiis, backpacks, etc. But, they are ignorant of the fact that they can be checked out FREE OF CHARGE!!

Congratulations to Dennis Ehmke on an excellent senior recital before an enchanted crowd January 21. The pleasing tones of Ehmke's trumpet were accompanied by the talented John Chatelain, on piano. The trumpet of Roland Barrett was added to the last number concluding an evening of musical ·enjoyment.

Television) on February 6 and continues through April 26.

The two hour credit course will ·be aired Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. and repeated Saturdays at 4:00 p.m.

Class requirements include a precourse paper, defining discipline as presently understood; a notebook, referring to the thirty., minute weekly program;· and a final paper, outlinging a plan for future implemenfation of the inc formation gained.

The notebook and final paper must be submitted within two weeks of the final film lesson.

"Dr. Tom Sherer, chairman of the Teacher Education Committee, will be responsible for handling the assignments," according to Dr. Clyde J: Barrett, Chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee.

There are eight complete sets of skiis, poles and 10 pairs of ski shoes. For cross-country skiing, there are ·six backpacks, two pairs of snowshoes, and two three-m9n backpack tents to accomodate your comfort needs. There are six· compasses

available for orienteering the countryside.

Other alternatives·such as a 40. lb. archery bow and a dozen arrows to hunt with can be checked out. If you have a shotgun there's four cases of Blue rock (Trap-shooting) and 11 Jtf. Jtf.Jtf. Jtf. .it Jtf. Jtf. Jtf.Jtf. Jtf. Jtf.

: Senior Performs :

Maynard Geschke, Jr., Peru State College music major, presented his senior voice recital at 3 p.m. Sunday, January 26 in the auditorium of the Fine Arts building.


Trash belongs in trash cans, not in our streams and rivers. Do your part to keep America a great place to live.

Woodsy Owl has a list of ways you can help fight pollution. It's easy for kids to read, and it's free when you writ$ Woodsy Owl, Forest Service, U.S. D.A., Washington, D. C. 20250.

And remember, give a hoot, don't pollute. Don't be a dirty bird, no matter where you go.

rock thrower to practice with. If you feel like staying indoors you can come down to the PSC gym and play basketball, volleyball, badminton, archery, swimming, jogging, and whathave-you. There are intramural leagues like Mens' Basketball, Mens' and Co-ed Softball and Badminton, to get involved in. Tournaments in bowling, ,golfing, wrestling, one-on-ont basketball, archery, and tennis are available for your secret super-star (you! ) to excell in.

All of these· activities and

equipment are only a small part of the Recreation .ljlepartment. There is more in store for terested athletes you. If you are interested, drop by the Recreation Department office, located in front of the PSC gym, and learn more about the best recreation program in the entire state of Nebraska! ! !

...., = ' ' l FOUND: 1 pair of black1 icampus post office. Cg.lasses in lea F'fay be picked up at

· For Your Sporting Gctod s Needs, Stop at the Sport Shop,

Guns and Ammo, and Accessories. High Powered Rifle Scopes Installed and Gun Smithing on All Types of Guns.


707 Central Ave.


• wouldn't you rather come with us?

Last year over 200,000 students summered in Europe. An<l the travelwise flew on charters because it costs about HALF! This ye.r a 3 - 6 week ticket to London is $512,; 2 - J weeker $597. And its $767. for over six weeks from New York. {That's what the airlines say now. Last year there were two unforcast increases!)

Not only do you fly with us at but you can just about have your choice of datesfor4, 5, b, ?, 8, 9, 10 week duration during the sl.l.mmer. And all you have to do to qualify is reserve your seat now by sending $1&0. cJeposit, plu:; $10. registration fee. Under recently new U. S. Government regulations we must submit all flight participants names and full payment sixty days before each flight. If you take the June 21- August 19 flight to London for example, deposit reserves your seat and April 15 you send the $199. balance, Just on.e price a 11, flights whether you pick a week.end departure ($15.,<>xtrl on the regular f- airlines) or peak sea son surcharge' da

So send for our complete .oAM\ll•, or to be .s.ure of your reservation now, mail your deposit for one of our 3 to 5 weekly departures from June through September, Just .specify the week you want to travel and for how long. You will receive your exact date confirmation and receipt by return mail. All our flights are via fully certificated, u. S. Government standard jet and. all first class service. From London there are ma.ny student flights to all parts of the Continent, frequent departures and manr at 2/3 off the regular fare.

Charter flying is the biggest bargain in air travel today

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Kosch Korner


I can't help but to admire the efforts of our cheerleaders to bolster the sagging spirits of the Bobcat basketball cagers. Aday or two before the home contest with Wayne, Jan.18, game posters and spirit signs appeared all over the campus. The afternoon before the 8aturday night.game with Wayne, the girls put up decorations and sjgns in tbe Bobcat locker room. Blue and white crepe paper twists and a were on each locker. The girls signed their names on the blackboard, urging the Bobcats to play hard and win. The walls of the gym were covered with spirit signs at gametime and the girls yelled loud and hard during the game.

This may account for the Bobcats' ability t.o stay iri the game as they were behind by eight, 40-32, at halftime. However, in the second half, the spirit of the Bobcats shrunk like a deflating balloon as they fought a tough Wayne defense. And the Bobcats were routed, 90-58.

If this short measure of spirit, shown by the cheerleaders, can do a lot for the Bobcats, think what would happen if the whole campus is fired up with spirit?? The Bobcats may get too h_ot for any team to handle 'em!!!


The yells of our cheerleaders at the Wayne game, Jan. 18, may sound pretty loud to us. But, the Wayne cheering company of four guys and four gals almost shouted them out of the gym. The combination of mixed vocal cords and megaphones were too much for our girls to cope with.

This situation gave me an idea. Why don't we augment our cheering group with strong, vocal guys? We can have more vocal support for our teams and more cheerleadine: variety for our fans to watch. Then; one of these days, we can outshout those Wayne cheerleaders out of the gym and all the way back to Wayne, Nebraska! !!

Bobcats take three more, Frohling· still undefeated

Peru State grapplers con-· tinued to bolster their national ·ranking by adding three victories to their dual record. One victory was a forfeited dual meet by JFK College - Wahoo and the others were gained at the expense of Graceland and Midland in a tri-dual, Jan. 21.

After easily disposing of Midland 27-9, Graceland faced Peru State in the second dual· and got clawed, 33-3. Seven decisions were earned by the Bobcat matill.en to j:lominate the meet. A pin by Mark Yori, and a forfeited win by Bud Frohling were the other Peru scores-,

In the nightcap of the 'tri-dual 'meet, Peru State gave Midland '1i similar clawing with a 36-7 victory. Mark Yori, Bob Brown, and Fred Marisett got pins while four other teammates earned decisions. One Bobcat wrestler, Kent Coleman, got a forfeit to round out the Peru scoring.

The next home-mat action is slated for Feb. 1, when Peru State will host JFK - Wahoo and Kearney at 2 p.m.

Peru State 36, Midland 7 118 - Mark Yori (PJ pinned Bill Coffin (M) 2:53; 126 - Gary Lesoing (Pl decisioned Ed

Losing streak intact

Bobcats drop three

The Bobcats -extended their losing streak to fifteen straight games with three losses. Two setbacks were suffered on a road trip to Kearney State and Chadron State. The third defeat came in a home contest .with

Women Lose Home Contest After Holding Half-time Lead

Peru State women cagers suffered their fifth straight defeat when they let a 15-11 halftime lead slip- to a 43-32 loss, in a home contest, Jan. 19, with St. Mary-Omaha.

A 2-1-2 zone defense enabled Peru· State to gain a 12-5 lead midway through the first half. Then, St. Mary warmed up and rallied to within one point, 12-11.

Peru State chipped in three points to make their halftime lead, 15-11.

The second half saw a St Mary surge and the Bobkittens could not handle their offensive attack, thus they fell behind.

"We. played a more impressive game than in the first four contests," Coach Doug commented, "but lacked staying power in the second half." ·

Rebound ace Patty Collins· (20) comes down in a hungry crowd as foreward Gail Harmon starts her break. Peru 32, St. Mary 43.

Baseball team soon to prepare for ·season

· Although the ground is still covered with snow, PSC baseball coach Tom Fitzgerald is ·preparing his team for preseason drills.

Pitchers and catchers are slated to begin working with each other February 3, with the balance of the squad reporting on March 3.

.A pitching machine plus a hlttmgryet will be set up in the south end of tlie gym, enabling players to get in batting practice before heading outdoors in March. Fitzgerald hopes this practice time will result in a

better team batting average than last year's .228 mark.

Senior Dave Rombach and Dave McDaniel were named cocaptains at a team meeting January 15. In his captains, Fitzgerald is looking for leadership, and help in handling any problems that may arise.

Former players Steve Shupe and Dan Cotton will be student assistants the spring. Their responsibilities will begin early in getting the players into shape, and overseeing the hitting practices. The opening will be at Tarkio, March 26.

Allie Stoltenberg was Peru's leading scorer with 15 points. Nancy Sepp pulled down 16 rebounds while Patty Collins and Allie Stoltenberg had 15 grabs each.

Next game on the ·home maples will be Feb. 5 with Nebraska Wesleyan at 7 p.m.

Jan. 29 - Northwest Missouri State U. (J.V.), 5:30 p.m.

Fehr. 5-Nebraska Wesleyan at Peru, 7 p.m.

Febr. 7 ::__ Iowa Western in Auburn H.S. gym, 6 p.m.

Febr. 12 - Highland Jr. College at Peru, 7 p.m.

Febr. 17 - Highland J.C. at Highland, Ks., 6:30 p.m.

Febr. 21-22 - State Tournament at Midland, Fremont, NE

Kinzer (Ml 5-1; 134 - Rick Norval (P) decisioned Mark Telecky (MJ 1-0; 142 - Lonnie Quinn (P) was decisioned by Gary Mims (MJ 14-2; 150 - Bud Frohling (Pl decisioned Richard Bias (Ml 16-8; 158 - John Whisler (P) decisioned Kelly Longenecker (MJ 5-0; 167Craig Ayers (P) was decisioned by Mark Hopkins (M) 4c2; 177Bob Brown (P) pinned Steve Feye (Ml 4:19; 190 - Kent Coleman (P) won-by forfeit; HW -:- Fred Marisett (P) pinned Tom Spale (Ml 2:59.

Wayne State.

Due to a snow 'storm, the Bobcats had to go on a two-game road trip, Jan. 13-14. Their first stop was at Kearney State. Peru turnovers plagued the Bobcats all night and they were routed, 115-57. The Bobcats played without their two leading scorers, Freeman Beville and Ron Winston, who quit the squad earlier this month. Dan Parker was the scorer for Peru State with 15 points and six rebounds.

The second leg of their journey took them to Chadron State. There, the Bobcats felt the effects of a long trip and could rtot keep up with the Chadron Eagles. Leading 41-31 at halftime, Chadron State breezed to a 82-60 victory over the 'Cats. Again, Dan Parker led Peru State scorers with 15 points.

The Bobcats hosted the Wayne State Wildcats in a home contest, Jan 18, and got clawed, 9058. Behind by 15 points in the early going, Peru State staged a rally that brought them within six, 38-32. After taking ·a 40-32 halftime lead, Wayne State got tough on defense and hot on outside shooting. Peru State lost rebounding strength when 6'9" center Bob Craig fouled out early in the second half. The Bobcats could not keep up with the Wildcats and fell to their fifteenth straight defeat.

Peru State wiil host Kearney State,, Jan. 31.

Number IO Mark Hanson scores from as Peru loses to Chadron 8260.




!lll Jan. 31 - Kearney Statci:l;

-:·:·College :·:·:

Febr. 4 - at Bellevue Collegel:l: ::::: Febr. 7 - J. F. KennedY:::j :::::

Febr. 13- Metro State

Febr. 15 - Dordt College

Febr. 18 - at Dana · i:::

Febr. 22 - Concordia Collegci:l:l

Febr. 26 at Wayne State111\ :::::College • :::::

Grapplers 7th in NAIA

Peru State's wrestling team moved to seventh place in the latest rankings of N.A.I.A. teams, according to the January 20th publication of Amateur Wrestling News.

The edition lists Central Oklahoma as number one, followed by Whitewater (Wisconsin), Parkside (Wisconsin), Grand Grand Valley (New York), Central Washington, Adams State· (Colorado) and Peru. Eastern Washington, Southern Oregon and Indiana of Pennsylvania complete the top 10.

In the magazine's previous edition, Peru was rated ninth.

Coach Marty Dwine was

elated when he heard the news. "You can't imagine what this will do for our program," he said. "This is especially good when you consider where the program was a couple of years ago."

The Bobcats received national recognition last_y:ear when they were rated 17th in one issue.


Jan. 24-25 - Coe College

Tourney at Cedar Rapids, Ia.

Feb. 1-JFK, KEARNEY, 2:00.

Feb. 4 - at NW Missouri State; Fort Hays (Ks.) State, 2:00.

Peru student Dale Eichenberger and Mr Paul Kruse, Director of Instructional Media Center, film PSC activities for the college;s tape library.

TV Studio is -erected/or Program. in communications

This past summer and part of last semester a television studio was constructed on the campus of a thousand oakS. Its purpose is to record programs unique to this campus.

The studio' is located in the lower floor of the Education Building. It was constructed by maintenance:, Mr Paul Kruse, and with technical assistance from Nebraska Educational Television Council for Higher Education (NETCHE).

Programs may be written andproduced with instructors and.

student interests. The programs are produced under supervision for class projects.

Presently··the studio is being used by the Education Department. Later in the semester Mass will be using it extensively. Any class may use the studio facilities.

The television studio has lighting for color, black and white, still, and movie photography.

The studio facilities are also used to record guest lecturers with the tapes being placed in

LB128 - Under fire

From Tech Colleges

Discussion is proceeding on three fronts to determine the value of LB128. The State Technical Community College board solicited views from its six colleges and reported that they prefer maintaining as much local control as possible and consider the merger proposal ID opposition to this stance.

In the State Legislature, author of the bill Senator Robert Clark (Sidney) supported his belief that passage of the bill would make maximum use of resources and dollars and provide quality education for the state.

The State College Board of Trustees has given its endorsement of the bill in a meeting held in Lincoln Saturday January 18.

Primary debate of the measure centers around the two

basic points of view concerning efficient funding and local autonomy. Those board members and legislators favoring passage argue that it is in the best interests of the state for money management and avoidance of unnecessary duplication of educational assets. Those opposed, mainly the technical colleges at this writing, argue that the bill will set up another bureaucracy and put local leadership in a diminished position.

State college response to the measure has been sparse. At Wayne State, a student-faculty convocation met to weigh the matter but their findings have · not been published. Here in Peru, President Pearson has asked faculty, alumni and area citizens for their opinions on a merger.

the tape library. According to Mr Paul Kruse, Director of Instructional Media Center, this is one of the few television studios in Nebraska that lets the students become involved.

February 3, 1975 ·

Fluoride water comes to Peru

Fluoride will be added to the City of Peru's water supply following receipt of price and specification estimates from fluoridation companies.

· The City Council voted unanimously at their Jan, 8

meeting to add the fluoride. A petition last summer to vote against the issue received little response, according to Council President Lyle McKercher, indicates the people of Peru want fluoridation.

City Clerk Arlyn Moran wrote to 10 State Health Department recommended companies for d. · their specifications and ISCUSS merger issue recommendations. Fluoride is

S.G.A. members

A motion was passed at last Tuesday nights' meeting that the Peru State Student Governing Association favors status quo on the merger issue. The motion, made by Senator Scott McKercher, also favors Legislative Bill 128 over Peru mergIDg with the University of Nebraska at Lincoln if a choice ·must be made between the latter two proposals.

LB128 would merge Peru State -with Nebraska's technical colleges. The SGA's findings were sent to Peru President Douglas Pearson who asked the governing body for their opinion on the matter.

The SGA also voted the Peru Pedagogian newspaper staff the ''What's Right With. Peru" award for the month of January. The Bobcat wrestling team was the only other group nominated. Both will receive certificates of recognition.

available ID pellet, power, or liquid form

"The installation and initial fluoride supply will cost an estimated $900 to $1,000 for each of Peru's two pumphouses, commented J .L. Schmidt, council member. Additional expenses of the treatment include training maintenance personnel. Mr Schmidt said, "the project will be paid through the water fund," but he admitted, "local residents may anticipate an increase in their water bills."

A council member explained that "many Peru homes do not have water meters and the residents pay only the minimum monthly charge for water usage. The age of the water equipment has caused frequent problems and added to operational expenses. The water department needs mone:1 and one logical solution is an increase in residents monthly payments."

NETCHE serves classes

Peru States' videotape· ·program ranks high compared to other Nebraska Colleges, according to Mr Paul Kruse, Director of Instructional Media Center. Nebraska Educational Television Council on Higher Education (NETCHE) provides Peru students with instructional television materials through the facilities of Nebraska Educational Television Network and the NETCHE Videotape Library. It is designed as an enrichment program to supplement class instruction.

NETCHE is a consortium of Nebraska colleges and universities. NETCHE has a total of 15 colleges.

Mr Kruse said that at present Peru offers ·videotapes on approximately 1000 different subjects. Special programs come in every week and are copied and put ID their file. Copying saved the College much money. If they had to buy every film, it would cost from $1200 to $1500 apiece. Copying averages about $15 a copy.

The program is provided for students and classrooms Any student may go to the College Library and make requests for programs. Every classroom is wired and gets top viewing priority.

Between June 1and December

1974, more than 9000 students viewed various programs. There were 800 programs aired. Another service of NETCHE, through a grant, is the partial paying of two instructor's salaries. The instructors are Mr

Paul Kruse and Thomas Scherer, who is in charge of reading study skills.

NETCHE provides conferences and workshops every year for teaching of new techniaues and methods.

.Art appreciation course revamped

An independent study course in art appreciation has been for this semester at Peru State College. The course is designed to allow students to work at their own pace.

Dr. Leland H. Sherwood, professor of art at PSC, remarked that he had ·fun organizing the new art appreciation class, and added the ideal was suggested to him last fall by Mr Paul Kruse, who is in charge of the instructional developmental program for Nebraska Educational Television Council on Higher Education (NETCHE) here.

Art appreciation does not use textbooks. Dr. Sherwood has prepared many types which contain information about kinds of arts and producing. Slides, filmstrips, and films are also provided. The materials for art appreciation are in the College Library Visual Center.

The course has been organized into five units. The units include characteristics and purpose, tools and techniques of the artist, external influences on art, comparisons, and a collection of 19th and 20th Centurv Art.


From the Editor's desk

The lonely wind whistles through the decaying limbs of an old oak tree and the adjacent building continues to deteriorate, a I?rocess that was started in 1975. The site is closed to those who wish to1earn.

To those who Wish to reflect on what has happened you must seek out the old people who remember. The bitter ones are the only ones who reply.

The summary of these talks brings to light earth shaking facts. The first subject the old timers discuss is the old form of politics, democracy. ·Democracy meant rule of the majority. In the state democracy had a governing body called legislature. This now extinct word meant a body which makes or enacts laws. In this legislature they had representatives of the people called senators and one had a proposal that started this educational destruction.

The then senator Terry Carpenter started several ideas about the institutions merger with UNL in 1974. The idea was bantered around and a few people made a last ditch effort to squeeze the life out of the small colleges in the winter months of '75.

Sixty years have passed since the-college's last president, Dr. Pearson asked the students to voice their opinions on the merger question. A small group of students favoring the UNL merger were blinded by the economic advantages of the merger and made their voices heard. The majority chose to remain silent and the college was placed under the UNL system.

Once under the "protective arm" of UNL the small state college felt safe and secure. rt was rudely awakened when UNL decided it was in it's best interest to end the collegiate existence of Peru State College and the doors were slammed shut forever t0 an environment where teachers and students knew each other.

Editor's note - On behalf of the Pedagogian staff I would like to thank the Student Governing Association for the "What's right with Peru award" for January. The Pedagogian received the _award after the first two issues of this semester.

Students Surveyed

A random survey of Peru State students and faculty members' attitudes seems fo indicate oppositiontoward President Gerald Ford's proposal to raise gasoline. prices. President Ford· recently proposed a recommendatJon which would raise the price of gasoline at the pump by 7 cents to 10 cents per gallon.

Comments on a gasoline price hike. follow:

Mike Davis sophomore commuter, Julian: "I'm not looking forward to it and have started looking into the possibilities of buying an economy car."

Tom Ramage, senior commuter Nebraska City: "I hope it warms up soon, so I can ride my cycle."

Joyce Jones, Auburn commuter, 2day student, "I'd rather see a price hike than rationing. Rationing creates hardships on everybody."

Jan Echert, freshman dorm resident, "It's not a very good decision. I don't think they should raise the prices, it would be better to ration."

Ann Tackett, junior dorm resident, "I don't like it. It's not fair to the middle man who still has to use it. It hurts the little guy."

Mr Terry Pardeck, instructor social work: "It will have a definite effect on students continuing their education. The President should try to make some type of compensation. I agree with George Meany who said, "this is the weirdest economic proposal I've ever heard of. "

Joe Munn, Peru student resident, "I think it'll be a race to see if we run out of gas or money first."

David Alvis, junior Peru resident, "It's not an equitable plan- it's merely a hindrance to the middle and lower income groups. We've been sold down the river."


LB128 proposes to place the community vocational technical colleges under the State College system. This is a good plan. Astatewide system of state community oriented institutions serving a well-defined area need coordination with the 4 existing regionally oriented State Colleges offering broader programs will eliminate duplication of programs which will save money. Nebraskans are paying hard earned tax dollars to finance higher education in this state. The responsibility to get the most mileage out of these funds falls on the Governor, State legislature and all of the State Schools' Administrations. Duplication of programs in regional areas as seen in the Peru, Fairbury, and Milford region in reference to liberal arts courses can hardly be considered good management. By developing a regional plan organized around the 4

existing State Colleges and incorporating the ,tech schools as extension

campuses of these schools we can save a lot of those already thinly

stretched out tax dollars for education.

The Column

2-fers didn't bring me down to the grand opening of the Front Page on January 23. All I had was a can of Royal Crown cola to drink and there are witnesses While the people at our table discussed diets, how good the beer was, students pursuing perfection in the academic world and a conflict going on at the campus of a thousand oaks I sat and wondered why old J. L. Schmidt was now punching a cash register instead of _a typewriter. · ·

As I watched him running around taking orders as if every one was a deadline I couldn't help thinking he knew something I didn't. All this wondering made me hungry so I asked John if he had any pizza. When he ·led me to a freezer full of pizzas I thought he was going to ask me to pick one out and make it myself. I wouldn't have minded doing it either after the reassuring advice he gave me to "stay in the newspaper business."

I enjoyed the pizza even more after that and Schmidt told me even more good-news when he said that he's thinking of making his own pizza in the future (no more frozen pizzas, now watch the college enrollment go up). We had to leave to go watch Grandma and Grandpa leave home on the Waltons but thought to myself that the place had a lot of potential to be become The Real Home ofthePeru State Ped Heads.

Ron Hansen, sophomore commuter, Nebraska City, "I feel gas should be rationed instead of raising the price. The wealthy can keep going while it hurts the middle and lower income people. It's difficult already to go back and forth - it adds great expense to school."


Jim Meredith, sophomore commuter, Nebraska City: "I'm in a car pool, so only drive about three times a month, So the hike wouldn't affect me much."

Psychology, "I'm against it, Personally I feel it's not necessary, judging from the oil corporations' profit statements. We apparently already have an oversupply due to stockpiling."

Letter to the Editor

I think a lack of research on the part of the Ped staff concerning Connie Gregg's ineligibility to student teach this semester has biased many students into believing a story that isn't totally factual. In the January 27th issue it was stated "As a result of a decision by the TEC as part of Peru· College's disciplinary restrictions, Ms. Gregg will not student teach this spring as previously planned." First, the Student Affairs Committee was the one to give "sentencing" and the only committee that could reduce that sentence is Coliege Affairs (which voted to uphold the Student Affairs decision), not Teacher Education. Also did anyone bother to ask the head of the teacher ed committee why Connie wasn't interviewed? Well, il certainly wasn't because they refused as was stated, it was that they wanted to spare her the embarrassment of telling a story that would have no other outcome but her embarrassment. They voted to uphold the policy of not allowing a student to student teach while on probation, one which is needed if we are to maintain the high academic record that Peru State has achieved. The issue was not Connie's individual case but that of whether to keep the policy or drop it completely. Why have a policy if it is not enforced? It is true that judicial review is part of "America's personalized legal system." That is why her case was brought up and she was personally interviewed by Student Affairs. I feel someone owes the Teacher Education Committee an apology for subjecting them to attack for something over which they really didn't have as much say about as the Ped made it sound.

Letter to the Editor,

The editor's article about Highway 67 in the last issue of the Ped was excellent. Congratulations, Ray for telling it like it is.

The p edagogian

The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the name of the writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deac:lline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Managing Editor Ray Kappel

Assistant Editor Randy Dunlap

Contributing Editor Frank D'Addesa

Sports Editor : Larry Kosch

Feature Editor Emily Rosewell

Photography Editor Larry Kosch

Business Managers Tallie Kerns, Phil Dean Reporters

Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Virginia Milla

Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns

Deb Condit, Joe Munn


Music man awaits curtain·

The winter production of the Peru Community Theater - The Music Man - is moving rapidly toward its Februarl'. performance dates. The cast works with energy, the director, Mrs Douglas Pearson, is tireless, the choreographers are channeling the cast spirit into lively dances - in short, all aspects of the show are taking definite form. Mrs Pearson says that the cast members are enjoying this production tremendously. That, she added, is one of the most important things about a community theater.

Cast members include Dr. Ed Camealy as the roguish Harold Hill, Mrs Loretta Kruse as the pianist-librarian who wins him, and Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson as

Janet Wilson, Lillian Schottenhamel, La Mrs Paroo. Rhea Sue Fit g Id c1 K d Peruvians are to display their •. z era , iay enne y, Janet talents in the show, and not only

Per/orms rpheum Theatre

Beverly Sills, opera superstar production in the newly singer ever to have been and well-known television and remodeled Orpheum Theater. featured in cover stories in both radio personality, will arrive in The opera will be presented in Time and Newsweek. She is a Omaha Saturday (Feb. 1) to Italian Thursday and Saturday frequent guest on television, and begin rehearsals for the title role night.;;, Feb. 6 and 8 at 8 p.m. as Honorary National Chairman in "Lucia di Lammermoor," the The born and of the March of Dimes Mothers' Omaha Opera Company's first trained soprano is the only March on Birth Defects, makes

Groundhog gets stoned

Groundhog Day·, one of the most impressive holidays on our calendar, is upon us again. Everyone knows how the great day is celebrated, but few take the time to think seriously about the illustrious workers who make the occasion so momentous. To Barney K. Groundhog, one of the famed Groundhog Day groundhogs in this area; February 2 is a living. "Not everybody," said Barney, "kin be uh Grawndhawg Day grawndhawg." Barney said that he has a hard time understanding the humans' reactions to his yearly emergence from his hole. Sometimes he is the target of. sticks and rocks. Of the rudeness of his human audience, Barney exclaimed, "Half of em want me

questions on such vital matkrs as sun angle,· time of hole emergence, and so forth. If these questions are answered with verve and wit, the Second Class Groundhog license is awarded. The First Class license is given rarely and comes after twenty years of service in the field.

Barney K. Groundhog is one of the few to hold this exalted post, since he has been a groundhog since 1922. When asked how he likes his job, Barney says modestly, "It's a living." But one can see that, to Barney, being a Groundhog Day Groundhog is much more.

numerous appearances in its behalf.

Sharing the spotlight with the renowned soprano will be Maxican tenor Salvador Novoa, as Edgardo. Both singers lire stars of the prestigious New York City Opera. Miss Sills will make her long awaited Metropolitan Opera debut in April.

Enrico will be played by bariton George Osborne, artistic director of the Memphis Opera Theater and director of opera at Memphis State University.

Samuel Ramey, a bass from Colby, Kan., will sing the role of Raimondo, Lucia's tutor.

Dr. and Mrs Gilbert Wilson 872-6875, are local ticke't representatives.

Grow your own

in the area of acting; several choreographers are being employed to help the cast to dance, among them Mrs Melinda Edris and Mrs Jean .Blair. Paul Kruse is in charge of the sets and has several people working under him.

· Asked for the. high points of putting on the production and also any problems, Mrs Pearson

said that the people have been wonderfully cooperative and easy to work with. She added, however, that it is difficult to rehearse on the tight schedule she must maintain.

Performance dates are Februar:y; 14 and 16 at 8:00. Tickets are two dollars and may be purchased from any cast member.

· l'urner no. later than 'l'uesday ·tuh have a big shadow, and thuh other half want me tuh have no shadow, so no matter whut, I must suffer abuse from those who are disappointed."

'fhe amount of training un:lergone by an official Groundhog Day Groundhog· is astonishing. As Barney explains, "Yuh can't be a good grawndhawg if y'arn't literate." First the aspiring groundhog must take a written test for his Third Class Groundhog license. If he passes the first test the Great Council of Groundhogs convenes and asks hundreds of difficult

Do you want a reason for Feb. 4. growing a beard? Well, here's Final judging will be during one. Peru State Student Center spring week. The exact time and Board is sponsoring a beard · date to be announced later.

growing contest.

Beards will be judged.in three categories: 1)Best Overall Beard, 2) Longest Beard, and 3) Best Groomed Beard. Trophies will be given in each category.

All who want to participate must be at the Student Genter ·Board office at 4:3o p.m. Monday, Feb. 3, 1975. Participants must be clean shaven at this time. If you can not be to sign up, contact Jeff K.

The S.G.A. needs 2 senators at large.

The S.G.A. also needs one representative from Delzell and one from the Freshman class.

Interested persons may contact Amy Walsh at Morgan.

1 Peru, Nebraska I t Supports t t the Bobcats t I with federally f t insured loans and I t 5 per cent t t interest paid on ·t Ipassbook savings. I I Suit bags f t now available l t $2.99.

The Front Page will begin on-campus delivery from 7-11 tonight!

Just call 872-9865 and place your order. We'll deliver a $1 minimum order for a 25 cent fee, right to Offer good on short orders! Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, French Fries, etc. and soon FRIED CHICKE.N!

your living unit!


L to R.
Harold Hill, The Music Man played by Ed Camealy gives a lesson to Marion the Librarian (Loretta Kruse) in the production scheduled for Fehr. 14 & rn,
The home of Twofers in Peru. Blatz Beer on tap. Come have a Blatz Blitz with us. j.l. schmidt, proprietor


Bobkittens snap streak


with win .over Wesleyan .,,

I want to extend my personal congratulations• to the Bobkittens for their 57-46 victory over Nebraska Wesleyan, January 25. It was their first.win of the season and. the first for the Peru State basketball teams. The losing streak by the· Peru State teams stood at 23 games, when the Bobkittens'got a game ·under their belts, January 25. Now they can, when the season's over, look back and realize that their playing efforts were not in vain.

I was in the game room at Duffy's Inn around 4:45 p.m. January 25, when I heard the news. Kelly Evers and I were having a chat, when Penny Baker, burst into the room, like a child with happy news.

won!!" Penny exclaimed.

"You won??" we said, being surprised at her startling announcement.

"Yes, the score was 57 to 46!" stated Penny.

Then I realized she was referring to tne Bobkittens' game with Nebraska Wesleyan that was played that afternoon. After learning the game details from her teammates, I sat back with a happy feeling inside me. The Bobkittens could not have picked a better day (January 25) to win their first game. January 25th was, coincidentally, my 22nd birthday! Bobkittens, thank you for a nice birthday presen!! !

The Peru State Bobkittens finally broke the losing streak of the PSC basketball teams with a 57-46 victory over Nebraska Wesleyan, January 25. This was sandwiched· between defeats by IWCC of· Clarinda, Iowa 82-72 ·and Tarkio 86-43.

The road game with IWCC, January 21, was, according to Coach Doug McElr-oy, ·"The best game, scoring-wise, this team has played. The scoring was well-balanced." McElroy, in reference to the 82-72 defeat, stated, "We were physically beaten." IWCC's Becky Graham dominated the boards and stuffed in 37 points. Five Bobkittens shot double-figures in the game. Patty Collins and Nancy Sepp scored 16 points each. Allie. Stoltenberg followed up with 13 points while Gail Harmon and Beck Twila chipped in 10 counters each.

· The home contest with Tarkio, January 26, was all-Tarkio. The streak-snapping game

Bobcats are down bllt not out in 17th straight loss

Ayoung Peru State basketball squad couldn't shake its season long plague-freshmanitis-down the stretch, and the illness, plus a sharp shooting guard from Chadron kept the Bobcats from registering their first win Friday, January 24.

The PSC roster lists eight freshmen and two seniors. Player inexperience was obvious during the final 12 minutes in the form of turnovers.

Chadron won_ the Nebraska College Conference test, 71-62.

Peru turned a 36-34 halftime advantage into a six point edge, 40-34 early in the second half on buckets by Dan Parker and Russ Mort.

Brian Wendler, Chadron's sharp shooting guard, exploded during the next. eight minutes, hitting five field goals without a miss from long range. During his spree, he knottedthe score at 44 with a jumper from the right corner, tied the tally again at 46 with a 20 footer, and countered a Mark Hansen bucket with a swisher from the top of the key.

Wendler sent the Eagles to a 50-48 lead they never lost with another howitzer from. the right corner at the 10:43 mark.·

Peru had trouble from that point on, scoring only 14 additional points. 'Shots that dropped earlier, suddenly dipped in and out. Turnovers squelched other scoring opportunities.

Chadron meanwhile, added points with regularity. A fastbreaking basket by Wendler gave the Eagles their largest command of the game - 14 poirlts (66-52) with 3:00 left.

Wendler earned game scoring honors with 23 points. Mort, a freshman from Pawnee City, was a bright spot in defeat, · hitting a personal season high of 20.

with Nebraska Wesleyan, January 25, was one of the best all-around games the Bobkittens has played, according to Coach McElroy. "We played together through the whole game for the first time this season," commented McElroy, "and we pfayed a good clean game."

Patty Collins waS' the leading Bobkitten scorer with 19 points. Allie Stoltenberg followed with 16 counters. Under full court pressure in the

first half, Peru State was farcea to commit turnovers. With the hot shooting of Diane Morley and Connie Cook, Tarkio raced to a ·u-10 advantage in the first half. Behind 41-21 at halftime, the Bobkittens could not offset the Tarkio shooting attack to come back. And Tarkio breezed to their fifth victory, 86-43. Allie Stoltenberg pumped in 17 points to lead the Bobkittens' scoring. Patty Collins followed with 10 counters.

Peru grapplers take third in tournament

Mark Yori at 118 pounds and Bud Frohling at 150 won individual championships to lead Peru State wrestlers to third place in the Coe College Invitational Tournament·at Cedar Rapids, Iowa Saturday January 25.

Hofstra University of Long Island, New York won the 15 team event with 131 points, followed by Coe with 95% and Peru with 78. Augustana (Illinois) earned fourth place with 69 counters and was

.followed by Cornell - 49; University of Upper Iowa40%; Northwest Missouri State ·- 28; Simpson - 19lh; Central Iowa - 19%; Ripon (Wisconsin) - 17; University of Dubuque (Iowa) -111/2; William Penn10%; and Monmouth (Illinois)2. Knox (Illinois) and Grinell (Iowa) failed to score.

·In the opening round, Yori pinned Don Doro of Ripon in 6: 13 and in the quarter-finals he decisioned Kevin Braner of

Tarkio defeats

Freshmen Five

Tom Stirmlinger poured in 20 points to lead Tarkio's junior varsity to a 74-53 win over a P,eru State freshman squad, Monday night (January 27) at Tarkio.

The Missourians held a 35-28 advantage at uitermission and commanded by as many as 26 points .during second half action.

Mark Hansen led the Bobcats with 12

I.M. Roundhall Round-up

Central 10-6. He out-pointed Gary Sambursky of Northwest Missouri 13-5 in the semi-finals and pinned Augustana's Jeff Johnson in 7:50 in the finals match.

Frohling, en-route to his crown, pinned Steve Kray of Cornell in 3:54 during the opening round and decisioned Randy Schroder of Upper Iowa 7-5 in the quarter-finals. He defeated Mike Weber of. Augustana 6-2 in the semi-finals and out-pointed Coe's Jim Bruck.-

WAA to host

Cage tourney

Four high school girls' basketball teams will compete in Peru State College's first prep cage tourney February 3-4. Auburn, Falls City, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water squads will meet in 6:30 and 8:15 games tonight and tomorrow night in the PSC gymnasium. Admission will be $1.00 for adults, 50 cents for students and children under six, free.

Tournament director Mary Jo Mier, women's physical education instructor at PSC, said pairings will beannounced when team season records are received.

Peru's Women's Athletic Association (WAA) is tourney sponsor.

APSC drill team performance will be presented during halftime of the late game on Monday.

' The college pep band will be on hand for Tuesday night's games. A halftime performance on a trampoline is also scheduled ·that night. Robin Simmons, PSC junior, and his students, Jeff Scherer, son of Dr. and Mrs Tom Scherer and Lisa Mcintosh, son of Mr and Mrs Randy Mcintosh, all of Peru, will perform on the

Tournament officials will select an all star team and trophies will be awarded the top three teams. PSC President Douglas Pearson and WAA officers will make the presentations following the Tuesday night championship. game.

As Bbb Craig .(52) a long jump shot, Mark Hansen (left) andJohnHerbstadvance toward the boards for a rebound. Ped Photo.
Team Standings W L POINTS Braves Cavaliers Celtics Conquestadors Kin Supersonics Lakers Jazz Pistons 1-0 48-33 1-0 43-32 1-0 42-29, 1-0 35-22 1-0 35-20 0-1 33-48 o-1 32-43 0-1 29-42 0-1 22-35 o-r Results (Jan. 23) Braves 48 Bucks 33 Cavalier-s -43, Supersonics 32 Celtics 42 Lakers 29 ConquestdOrs 35, Jazz 22 Kings 35, Pistons 20 ·Scheduled games (Feb.6) 6:30 Cavaliers - Pistons 7:15 Jazz - Braves 8: 00 Supersonics - Celtics 8:45 Lakers - Conquestadors 9: 15 Kings - Bucks

Peru graduate is now editing the local weekly, the Challenge

Former PSC student Bob Wernsman Jr., 22, has been named editor of this ·area's weekly newspaper, the Peru Challenge, by its owner,

Maverick Media Inc., of Syracuse. He succeeds John Schmidt who is devoting time to his new restaurant and bar, "The Front Page" in Peru.

The son of Mr and Mrs R.E. Wernsman Sr. of Omaha, Bob graduated from Prague (Nebr.) High School in 1970 and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from Peru last summer.

While at Peru, Bob was editor of The Pedagogian and worked on the yearbook Peruvian. He worked as an intern of The Syracuse Journal-Democrat during the Spring semester of 1973. and continued interning during the Fall of that year with the Challenge. Bob was also involved in many drama productions on campus, -...

Wernsman takes over Challenge in Peru as the state's youngest editor,

Although the young editor does not forsee any drastic changes in format for the Challenge at this time, he does plan more extensive coverage of surrounding towns such as Johnson, Stella, Shubert and Nemaha on a more· regular basis.

London Here Feb. 21

Jack London, a noted expert on psychic phenomena, will appear on stage at the Fine Arts Auditorium, Friday, February 21at8:00 p.m. to present a program dealing with many aspects of the supernatural.

In his program, Mr London answers such questions as: Why is Astrology so popular today? How do you separate fact from fantasy in ESP phenomena? Why is such a vast multitude from the intellige11tia involved in the Psychic Scene?

A couple of days before arriving in Peru, London will send to PSC director of Student Activities, John Letts, a locked metal box containing the prediction of an event of local, national or international importance. During the program, the box will be opened and the audience will be able to judge the accuracy of the prediction.

If you are interested in psychic phenomena, or are just a curious, closed-minded skeptic of the field, London's show should provide a fine evening of entertainment.

Fire breaks out at Davidson-Palmer

Fire destroyed a room in the girls' dormitory of DavidsonPalmer, January 31, causing estimated damages of $2500 according to George Wendell, Superintendent of Buildings.

After graduating from PSC, Bob began working as sports editor for The Wahoo Newspaper. At Wahoo he also did feature writing and was involved with photography.

Financial Aid Forms Now available for next year.

All students wishing to apply for financial assistance for the · 1975-76 academic year must get application forms which are now available in the Financial Aid Office located in the Administration Building.

According to Donald Miller, Director of Financial Aids, students wishing to apply for National Direct Student Loans, Supplemental Educational Opportwiity Grants and College

Work-Study must submit a family financial statement as well as' an application form. The financial statement requires information from the 1974 Federal Income Tax forms, so as the family is preparing the tax forms it is very easy to ob-

Sa IarieS proposed under new budget

This year, for the first time, legislators are considering state college teachers' salaries as a separate appropriation from the budget.

The Appropriations Committee accepted the Governor's recommendation of 5 per cent plus $468. Last year the increase was 5 per cent plus $300.

lain the necessary information.

All students that begin their post-secondary schooling after · April, 1973 are encouraged to make application for the Basic Educational Opportunity Grant Program. These applications are now available in the Financial Ald Office. There have been some changes on the formula used to determine the eligibility of students for the BEOG, which means that some students that were not eligible in 1974-75may be eligible in 1975-76. Mr Miller went on to add, "I wish to encourage all information be completed and submitted as early as possible. With a target date. of April 15, 1975."

Moderate damage was done to this dorm room at the complex in an unexplained late night fire·.

The occupants of the room escaped without injury according to Dorm Director, Stan Hallock. The room was occunied. by four PSC freshman, Rhonda Skeen, Nebraska City, Pennv Baker, Cedar Creek, Cathy Faddis, Lincoln, and Twila Beck, Louisville.

The fire was reported at 4 a.m. Stan Hallock and his wife were assisted by Gail Harmon, Student Director of the dorm in containing the fire with extinguishers until the Peru firemen arrived and hosed down the room from a window.

Miss Harmon, a junior from Dawson, was hospitilized at the · Nemaha County Hospital for smoke inhalation she received during the fire fighting.

Enrollment up over last semester

Day student enrollment at PSC stands at 685 according to latest figures released by Director of Admissions, Dr Kelly Llewer. This is an increase over last semester of 1.5 per cent, and represents the highest enrollment has been for the past four semesters. Dr Llewer reported that the increase is significant since traditionally at Peru and in. colleges in general, enrollment drops appreciably from fall to spring owing to attrition and the lack of graduating high school seniors entering college.

Breakdown of the statistics also reveals that there are 57 per cent males and 43 ·per cent females registered as day students.

Pre8ident Pearson, commented, "We don't know at this time how mucq such factors as the economy and high school seniors delaying entry for a few months has affected registration, but we are happy with the increase and glad to hav_e tl!e · new students."


The Nebraska Real Estate Commission, under a grant from the State Legislature, presented to Peru State Collegs a gift of 13 volumes valued at $350. The addition is to be added to the present library system of Peru State College. Real Estate and Land Use Economics division, presented the gift to President Douglas Pearson and Russell Beldin, Director of Business Programs. Feb. 10 all Education Bills are tentatively scheduled for hearing. This includes LB 128, the merger proposal authored by Senator Robert L. Clark, Sidney. President, Dr. Pearson, and members of the Peru Jaculty accept new volumes to college library. Dr. Donald Nielsen, Nebraska ·Real Estate Commission, ar.d Dr. David Sirota of the University of Nebraska-Omaha Peru State offers a course in real estate principles and anticipates adding financing and apprisal courses. The independent study cotn'se in real estate principles will be greatly aided by the library gift, according to Beldin.
gives college new hooks

·From the Editor

The "Halls of Montezuma" will have a new twist when the lips of some of the world's greatest Kazoo players form their band. The band, representing Delzell, is a new sound for the ears of the musically inclined personnel of Delzell. In Delzell terms, musically inclined means playing your stereo loud enough to break 5 eardrums other than your own.

According to originator' and ·first floor resident assistant, Steve Frerichs, the official title and spelling will be: The All · Delzell Kazoo marching band. It's motto is: .<not surprising) "I can play a Kazoo, so can you."

Though they are still in the planning stages they have reached that point where they get offended when someone pokes fun at their profession. Dear reader, I will save you from the Kazoo man's fury; Never laugh· hysterically

you request a number because these men of chapstick ·rejection can and will whip out their kazoos and soothe the

savage beast (you) with Melancholy Baby.

Never accuse them of missing a note because they will keep playing until they get it. Unless you're growing a beard (this leaves out most la.dies; you just don't have the time. Be patient. These guys have some real spirit and the .last thing they need is someone telling them where their Kazoo really belongs.

Flattery is the keyword. Use it and you will have the services of a Kazoo handy and ready to perform. Surprisingly, there are a number of places where they can perform. Ask them to play at your only daughter's wedding, unless you want the first son named after you. Take them with you when you get that date with someone you've been dying to go out with. When you whisper sweetnothings in your companion's ear (now is a good time to. clink champagne glasses), don't be surprised when your .date succumbs to the tender, loving, almost heavenly sounds of Kazoo's blending.

Hurry with the engagements. The barid is booked for the following tremendous performances.

- The only football team in ·East Pakistan has asked them to play at halftime of the opening game of their gameless season.

- The Queen of England has asked them to play at the changing of the Palace guard (not at the gate).

- The annual Schwartz brothers convention will have the KazQoers playing a musical tribute to Highway 67.

- The only basketball team in East Pakistan has asked

them to play at halftime of the opening game of their gameless season.

-The United States Airforce has asked the Delzell Band to play at the christening of a new fighter plane, Inflation. Inflation. Inflation can rise to speeds unknown to man.

- The Schwartz. sisters (during their annual reunion) will have them playing a musical tribute to the Schwartz brothers.

-The prime minister of East Pakistan has asked them to .·play. a musical tribute to the basketball and football teams. The teams were undefeated last year.

There is at the present time, nothing in the Guinness Book of World Records for Kazoo play,. ing. I would. like to. encourage.·· the Delzell Kazoo Marching Band to set an endurance record for Kazoo (or KaZOO) playing and put them in the Guiness Book of World Records and their names in the Kazoo · (or KaZOO) Hall of Fame!

The Column

They say if we don't buy sugar the cost of it will go down. So· guys do your part against inflation arid don't buy your woman candy for Valentine's Day.

. Besides, sweets will mak.e her fat, might make her face break out and put money in her dentists' pocket. Worse yet, candy is such a traditional gift and anyone can .walk into a store and buy a box of it.

This year use your)magination and some time to buy your lady something different this year that will· help our economy. Buy her something .,she needs. WIN ·8.Iso stands for What

I Need!!!!!

For example, buy her lhat book for her class· she still doesn't have the money to get or fill her car with gas. You mightwant to buy herthe snow tires she still needs. She eats doesn't she? Buy her a bag of groceries (include food for her pet) or you could take her out to eat a c-Ouple of, times You might also pay for any of the vitamins or pills she takes. If she lives off campus you could pay her telephone, heating or water bills. To help her keep her thermostat at 68 get her a sweater .. The idea is to get her something practical.

The nice thing is you won't feel guilty if you spend a lot of money. on her because you're buying things she needs. I don't' think you're going to get any. .rebates on any of the suggestions made above but they'll be more useful to her than any WIN button. ·

Students view - LB 128

Student views on LB128 seem to be as different as the individuals expressing them. Here are a few opinions on that important piece of legislati<m.

Bill Fitzgerald, freshman from Peru - ."I believe the state colleges should be on their own. I really .don't believe they should be affiliated with the technical community colleges because they weren't set up that way."

Barry Landes, senior fro Lincoln and a member of SGA commented on the possible merger with the University of Nebraska - "Since Peru is the smallest of the state colleges, it could possibly be phased out first if we · merged. We need some type of protection device so that if the merger was accomplished, Peru wouldn't be

phased out."

Amy Walsh, sophom<Jre from Chicago and President of SGA - "The SGA as a whole feels that we should maintain the status quo. If there came a question, ·we should go with LB128 rather than any other plan."

Bobbi Thiesfeld, senior from Nebraska City - "I feel that if the financial and ac'.ldemic arrangements can be properly coordinated, LB128 might be advantageous for the posthigh school educational system in the State of Nebraska."

Steve Frerichs, junior from Groton, Massachusetts - "Merger with the University might not be too bad because then we'd get the benefits they have now such as additional funds."

Top Drawer

Sometime this month your student center board (SCB) will be polling the interested on campus as to their preference in movies for next fall. John Letts in a recent discussion that "only thirty or forty people responded last year. That's what we base thise (movie schedule) on." Dr. Rosenberg condinued, "That's about average."

That's about ten per cent of the campus making decisions for the rest of us. The wealthy elite isn't doing much better. It's taking them seven per cent of the population to control America. Even if SCB were headed by an enlightened despot, he'd have to get more · · input than SCB is getting to make an intelligent decision. You wonder why we don't have more say in college affairs? Partially., no doubt, because we don't seem interested. The poll will take no more than five minutes of your time, for

which, along with the ten dollar service fee you will pay anyway, you will see eighteen mqvies, two a month, practically free.

When they ask you what you want to see, tell 'em.

Letters to the Editor

I have heard it said, why try for the Dean's list and not have any fun in college?. Well, 20 of my students at Clayburn Matthews Hall were granted such a honor and still had their share of fun.

I was proud of these students and let each one know, and the gleam in their eyes almost filled mine with tears.

Jack London depresses me. If learning to read minds and predict the future leads him to sell books for a living and engage in such doubtfully productive pasttimes as shotting the bull with Merv Griffith, et. al., then what does he want to be a psychic for?

The Pedagogian

I• The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the name of the writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed iii the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff. ·

Managing Editor Ray Kappel

Assistant Editor Randy Dunlap

Contributing Editor Frank D' Addesa

Sports Editor Larry Kosch

Feature Editor Emily Rosewell

Photography. Editor '. Larry Kosch

Business Managers Tallie Kerns, Phil Dean Reporters

Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Virginia Milla Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns Deb Condit, Joe Munn


Hogerty seems to be enjoying Duffy's first hve music of the semester as the trumpet blows out a good jazz tune. ·

KPSC, the Peru campus radio station began broadcasting today at a.m. station disc jockeys are class members of Mr Ed Clark's In-troductlon to Radio and Television course

Airtime i.s composed of music, comment, and public affairs.

· KPSC Wiii operate on the following schedule during the month of

February: ·

Monday A.M.

7:00 - 8:30, Joe Connell.

Monday P.M.: 5:30 - 7:.30, Kenny Brown.

Tuesday A.M.: 7:00 - 9:00, Floyd Anderson.

Tuesday P.M.: Roland Barrett, 7:00-9:00 , Maurice Burgin, 9:00-10:00, Dave

VIS. ·

Wednesda;• A.M.:

7:00-8:00, Joe Connell.

Wednesday P.M.: 5:30-7:30; Kenny Brown, 7:30-9:00, Dan Shea; 9:00-10:30, Benny Copperwood. ·

Thursday P.M.:

6:30-8:30, Ray Kappel, 8:30-10:00, Floyd Anderson 10:00-11 :00, Maurice Burgin, 11:00-12:00 Dave Alvis. '

Friday t>.M.: ·

·7:30-8:30, Tom Banks, 8:30-10:00, Ray Boeche.

Crosswinds brings new life to Duffs

Crosswinds played _Jazz-rock to a packed house at Duffy's on January 28. The instrumentalists, who have been playing-as a group since leaving Odyssey in August were well received by a mixed audience of music lovers. They are a local (one from Nebraska City, two PSC students) group now, but' Tuesday night's performance indicates they are destined to climb the musical ladder of success.

Roland Barrett's trumpet brouth out the fast and clear high. notes even in the acoustically uncooperative atmosphere at Duffs. With Jeff Jenkins at the piano and Lenny Lammen on drums, the crowd heard the sounds that made Odyssey hot last sui:nmer. Sentiment was high for getting Crosswinds out in .the open for a concert .this Spring.

iThe Maids play

The American Film Theatre's - : presentation of THE MAIDS wJ19 feel that cellulo1d can shown at the Dundee Theatre still be an art despite the Omaha on January 28, was tacti_cs required viewing for Acting 102 generally, associated with It was not your usual motion Hollywood s produce: picture, nor was the audience To the people who the usual popcorn-munching, made_ the trip, the film provided down - in - front, soda - spilling sta:tlmg. examples of. method consortium of nothing - to - do the art of drawmg from let's - take in a flick one's seff. the feelings, Americana. tensions, and emonons needed to

The movie, directed by Flaude "methodically" construct the Genet, is a statement on class character. struggle. The stars (Susannah instructor Ed Clark is York and Glenda Jackson) make utihzmg as text material for the their own statements by using course the five productions method acting to deliver the playing at the Dundee and series of psycho-dramas which Stanislavski's An Actor were their of coping with Prepares, which is considered the rigid structure enveloping by acting schools in this country them. The audience was as the-most understandable and gathered mainly from the die- useful work on the subject.

Art a'nd Craft Supplies

t Bank of Peru t t Peru, Nebraska : t Supports f : the Bobcats t t with federally f t insured loans and l t 5 per cent t f interest paid on t _I passbook savings.1

JSuit bags I t now available 1 I $2.99.

t For Your Sporting Goods t t Needs, Stop at the Sport Shop _t ' f Guns and Ammo, and Accessori.es. High Powered Rifle : Scopes Installed and Gun Smithing on All Types of Guns. i t THE SPORT SHOP .. t t l
-OpeningFor One Woman on Breckenridge Ski Trip On March 10-14, Cost $86 Contact: REV. BOB CORDES Immediately Meeting for Skiers. Feb.17at7:00P.M. in Christian Church on Fifth Street. f 707 Central Ave. I ...... .._.. ...................... ............ ..-.. ..-.. ...... .._....-. .... EUROPE IR'D? · ·wouldn't YoU rather come with us? Last over 200,000 students summered in Europe And the travelwise flew on charters because it costs about HALFl This ye•r a 3 - 6 week ticket to London is $512,J 2 - 3 weeker $597. And its $767. for over six weeks· from New York. (That's what. the airlines say now. Last year there were two increases:) Not. only. do you fly with us' at half, but you can just abouc your choice of dates for4, 5, o, ?, 8, 91 10 week during the summer. And all you have to do to qualif is your seat now by sending $100. <ieposit, 'plu:J $10: fee. Under recently new u. s. regulat tons we must submit all flight participants names and full P•Y.ment before each flight. If you take the June 21- Augu"t 19.fllght to London for example deposit reserves your. seat April· 15 you send the Si99. balance •. Just one price for all flights whether you pick a W$ki!nd departure ($15. •xtrl ou the regular fqe airlines) or p.;ak season So stnd for our complete ..wui., or to be of yovr reservation now, mail your depoait for one of our 3 to 5 weekly departures from June through September, Just. specify the week you want to travel and for hov long. You will receive your c?nfirmation and receipt by return mail.- our fl1ghto are via fully certificated, U, S, Government standard Jet and .first class service. From London there are maajt student fliglits to all parts of the Continent, frequent d,_. partures and many at 2/3 off the regular fare. REPUBLIC Alllt SVST&'M• ••S"'l'THAYIHUC (TOLL P'RUJ "r Charter flying is the biggest bargain in air tra\fel today Until-Further Notice Applicants for· DANCE MARATHON Register with John Robertson, Rm. 202a Education Building Office Hours: M & F-10 a.m. to 11 a.m. T&W-Ip.m. to3p.m. · Benefits Include: Free T-Shirt, Food and Drinks for those competing. T-Shirts are on sale for $3 · for those not participating. r llaM• 111 WI ll'l 1111•18& mll 111D•aiIii•1111ti11lllll1121118111 ma II• Ill 0 II
OTOE PAINT STORE Downtown Nebraska City ,. .......... ...... ..............
a Twofer T-Shirt and get a double whammy of BLATZ every time you come in the door.
'til 10 p.m.
Ask the bartender for details.
Campus delivery, too. THE
PAGE, Downtown Peru


Here I am, sitting here at my desk, at 1:30 in the morning, trying to put the diso,rganized thoughts in my head together for this edition. It may sound crazv but Old Man Winter made me stay up this late!!

Last week, I had my sports page layout all ready for the stories to come in and take their places. Every story was planned right down to the last inch of the page. Then Old Man Winter came along and gave me the double whammy.

The finals of the First Annual Prep Girls' rnvitational Tournament was postponed. Which means I can't get the picture and the story I wanted. So, I filled it in with the write-up of the two first-round games. Then I found out the Bobcats' basketball game and the Bobkittens' basketball game were postponed. Which means I have four inches of copy for 12 inches of paper space. I almost cracked up doing it, but I stretched it out and filled the gaps the best I could. Fortunately, I found enough fillers. to fill the page up.

Around of applaus goes to WAA (Women's Athlete Association) for setting the Prep Cage Tourney up. This tournament will -grow in size and become a prestigeous event. It will act as an incentive for the area high schools to field teams so they can participate. It will, I hope, upgrade the quality of our Bobkitten basketball team!!.

Auburn high school girls take invitational tourney·

.The 1st Annual Girls High School Invitational Basketball Tournament was held in the Peru State gymnasium, Feb. 3-4. The championship games scheduled for Feb. 4th were postponed a couple of days, due to Old Man Winter's presence in the Southeast Nebraska area.

The Auburn gals proved themselves worthy of their first-. seeded ranking as they put down the Tigers of Falls City, 45-37, to advance to the finals.

The Bolldogettes found the shooting range at the outset of the first round conteSt. They spurted to an 8-0 lead before Falls City started their score tally. A 1-2-2 zone defense by the Tigers held Auburn in check for the rest of the first quarter. Score at quarter break: Auburn 11, Falls City 7.

/ In the second stanza, a full court pressure by Auburn forced Falls City to commit turnovers. And the Bulldogettes. stretched their lead· to eleven, 22·11, halfway through the period. Both teams played evenly during the rest n' 'he first half.

Halftime Score: Auburn 30, Falls City 20.

Third quarter action was pretty even for both teams as far · as the score was concerned. At the end of three quarters of action, Auburn was out in front by eight, 36-28.

The Falls City gals almost turned the tables on Auburn in the final stanza. On good outside shooting, the Tigers pulled back to within two, 39-37, with 2:25 left. But, not before Falls City's

leading scorers, Rhonda Cudney arrd Marta Prichard, fouled out with 4:03 left. Running out of steam, the Falls City rally collapsed and Auburn chipped in six more points to iCe the victory.

In lower bracket, Plattsmouth and Weeping Water played a ragged basketball game. But, the Plattsmouth Blue Devils had the upper hand and sent the Indians of Weeping Water to the consolation finals, 37-31.

· The first quarter action was marked by turnovers, missed shots and fouls by both teams. Plattsmouth had the harper shooting eye and led 10-2 at the quarter break. ·

Led by Ellen Anderson, Plattsmouth kept their eight point lead intact for most of the second quarter. The Indians narrowed the margin down to four, 16-12, but had to settle for a 18-12 halftime deficit.

In the third quarter, full court pressure and fast court breaks enabled Weeping Water to pull back within three, 22-19.

However, fast passing and the one-two scoring punch by Platts' Ellen Anderson and Carol Downey kept the Blue Devils out in front. After three quarters of play, Plattsmouth was holding an eight point lead, 33-25. The final stanza was, more or less, a stalemate for both teams. The deciding factor of the game was Plattsmouth's aggressive defense in the fourth quarter. They harassed the Indians and kept reaching for the ball. This held them at bay and Plattsmouth advanced to the finals, 37-31.

EDITOR'S NOTE - The Ped was planning to give the prep girls' championship game top coverage and write it up for this issue. However, doe to Old Man Winter's presence in Southeast Nebraska, the championship and consolation game was postponed to Thursday evening, Feb. 6. It would be impossible to write up the two final games as the page make-up is that afternoon in Nebraska City. Complete tournament summary will be given next week.

0-19 Bobcats drop another

soon add more points to the win over Kearney


The Bobcats were victims of their own inexperience and Kearney sharpshooting as they were trounced by Kearney 95-57, Jan. 31, on the home court. Using a full court press from the outset of the game, Kearney forced Peru State to commit turnovers. Along with good sharp shooting, the Antelopes mounted a 20 point lead midway ·through the first half. From · there on, the Bobcats could not Yes, that's right!! Clayburn- keep up and fell further back.

.Mathews has gone Ping-Pong!! ,Bob Craig paced Peru with 14 No, it.'s not a new dorm points while Dan Parker chipped arrangement, but it is a Ping- in 12 counters. Mark Hansen and Pong Singles Tournament Scott Hoegh added 10 points starting this week at Clayburn- each.

Mathews Hall. Twenty-five men A snow storm postponed the are signed up in competition for 'Cats road game with Bellevue, prize money. The champ will get Feb. 4, for one day. That didn't $10 while the second and third keep Bellevue from running all place finishers get five and two over Peru State when the game dollars respectively. was played. Using a wel_l disciplined offense with open shots from the free throw-key

Matmen drop 2 to flu

It was a night of many decisions as the Peru State wrestlers won a tough dual with Kearney State, Jan. 31. All matches were decisions, with Peru State claiming seven of the ten matches. Lonnie Quinn, John Whisler and ' James McKean were the Bobcat grapplers defeated in their weight classes.

The meet was still in the balance (Peru 19, Kearney 10) when Kent Coleman decisioned Al Halstadt, 5·2. This decision wrapped up the meet win for the Bobcats.

Things were different when the Bobcats went to a tri-dual with Northwest Missouri State and Fort Hayes State, Feb. 4.

Five Bobcat grapplers got the flu bug, and two of them felt well enough to go on the trip. John Whisler, Lo_nnie Quinn, and Mark Yori were the sick 'Cats left at home. FFred Marisett and James McKean were able to wrestle one match each befQre the flu effects took over.

The decimated Bl>bcats lost to Northwest Missouri 24-21 and Fort Hays State 33-20. Coach Dwine commented that if we had a full-strength squad, the Bobcats could easily win both duals.

Peru State 22 Kearney 10

118 - Mark. Yori (P) decisioned Kevin Anderson (K)

19-7; 126 - Gary Lesoing (P) decisioned Mike Flesch (K) 11· 14; 143- Rick Norval decisioned Don Schauer (K) 8-0; 142Lonnie Quinn (P) was decisioned by Darrell Barnes (K) 8-4; 150- Bud Frohling (P) decisioned Matt Trobaugh (K) 6-. 3; 158 - John Whisler (P) was decisioned by Randy Nicholson (K) 8-7; 167 - James McKean (P) was decisioned by Lyle Erickson (K) 16-1; 177 - Bob Brwon (P) decisioned Mark Eliker (K) 190 - Dent Coleman <Pl decisioned- Al Halstadt (K) 5-2; HW - Fred Marisett (P) decisioned Tom Kruger (K) &-1.

area, Bellevue ran up a 42-24 halftime lead and walked off with a 94-62 thumping of the '.ll<>bcats.

Five Bellevue players were in double figures as compared to three Bobcat players scoring in double figm es. Bob Craig shot 16 points to lead the Bobcat scoring. Dan Parker followed with 14 points, including. eight out of ten charity shots. Even

I.M. ROUNDBALL RESULTS (fourth round)

Cavaliers 45, Pistons 40

Braves 51, Lakers 41

Kings 45, Jazz 26

Kings 45, Jazz 26

Celtics 38, Bucks 28

Conquestadors 37, Supersonics 28

Top Offense - Braves 49.2 point average.

Top Defense - Kings 26.8 point average.

though John Herbst chipped in 11 points, he led the Bobcats in rebounding with 14 grabs.

It was the 19th straight loss for the Bobcats while Bellevue upped their record to 10-3. Next home contest for the Bobcats is Feb. 13 with Metro State.

Stoltenberg leads sagging kittens

The Bobkittens could not get back on the winning track when they played Northwest Missouri State, Jan. 29, in a road contest. According to Coach McElroy, the Bobkittens weren't mentally ready to play. In spite of a 24· point performance by Allie Stoltenberg, the Bobkittens were run over by a strong NW Missouri offensive attack, 91-45.

Old Man Winter made himself felt in women roundball as the home. contest with Nebraska Wesleyan, Feb. 5, was postponed to the 19th of February.

The next scheduled maple action for the Bobkittens is a Feb. 12 home clash with Iowa Western.


Feb. -Women B.B., Highland Jr. College HERE.

Feb. 13 - Varsity B.B. Metro State HERE.

Geb. 14 - Wrestling, Concordia HERE.

Feb. 15- Varsity B.B., Dordt College HERE

Feb. 17 - Women B.B., Highland J.C. THERE. - Wrestling, Wayne State HERE.

Getting ready to pull a takedown, one of Peru's nationally ranked grapplers, will

3 million Dollar gym in Phase 11

Plans for PSC's new Physcial Education-Health Center building are now in phase II according to Dr. Michael Stewart, Vice President of Administration.

Phase I was completed last June, a program giving estimates of footage needed and approximate cost of the structw·e.

Phase II is a request to the Nebraska Legislature for $230, 000 to be used for the selection of a suitable site and specified architectural drawings which contractors could bid and build from.

Should the legislature appropriate the funds for phase II, the actual letting of bids for construction would begin phase III. The bids would then be turned over to the legislature to appropriate additional money_,.

for the actual construction. The total project last June was estimated at $3,830,820.

Dr. Stewart believes if the funds are appropriated for phase II, the money for phase III would also be given. HowevP.r. he Is not )Verly optimistic the funds will be appropriated because of the existing econo1nic situation. "The building of any new construction in the state will be pretty tough sledding," he pointed out. "On the other hand if you don't ask for anything you won't get anything."

The proposed building is first on the Board of Trustees' list for the four state colleges in the area of new construction. The new construction list however, trails plans for deferred maintenance and minor remodeling or r-enovation of existing buildings in priority.

Monday, February 17, 1975


College bill in Lincoln

Three legislative bills affecting Peru and the other State r.ollegP.s will hP in Lincoln. LB 128, the much discussed merger plan, 1s scheduled for hearing February 17 (today).

Minister brings reoolutinn to

"The Humanistic Revolution," a film series presented by The As<ociatio!l for I Health, Inc., and its regions and ch;1pt ers. ended last week. Lampu.> the films.

About 25 people, met on Thursdays from January 9 through February 6 in room 212 of the Fine Arts building. There was no cost to students but $2.00 a session was charged to off campus people.

Rev. Robert Cordes said that the series of films was designed to sharpen listening skill and dPvelop listPning <:ty !Ps in ordPr 10 detect peooles' problems.

Techniques were presented by such people as Dr. Carl Rogers, of La Jolla, California, who has a large following of students. He dealt with listening and reflecting what a person has said. Dr. Albert Ellis, a private psychologist and writer, dealt with reality therapy, a therapy that dea Is with a person's f(l('us on his own reality which becomes distorted and the straightening of this crooked thinking.

Rev. Cordes said that there was good response to the films and that people have gotten into good discussions.

Joe Munn, a student at PSC,

Free Counseling for PSC students

Peru State has a _nental health program this year to help siudents cope with emotional problems. :rwo psychiatric social workers, Margaret Eagers, Auburn, and John Olson, Nebraska City, ·are or. campus from 9:3(), to 11:30 Thursday mornings to counsel FSC students. The service is free to all st"1dents.

The counseling sesni.ons are cJnfidential with none of the records kept here. Appointments m:iy be made through the college nurse, Mrs Virginia Miller aud may be arrange<! '.or a location other than tlie nur::;e 's office.

Mrs Miller has evidenced "good student response (to the program) by a number of selfreferrals." She stressed the importance of educating the public to seek help during the early sta£es of a problem.


said that he thought the films were a "brainwash". He disagreed with Abraham Maslow on his teachings on self-actualization. Joe said that the film was .saying to be self actualized, together, that a person must be a part of society and the system. He believes to be self-actualized a person wouldn't be a part of the system. Joe said, "Maslow's theory was that there is a series of levels of consciousnesdrom mentally ill to self-actualized. The majority of the people are in the middle. People who are productive members of society are probably approaching selfactualization, the top of the scale. People who cannot or do not align themselves with society, because of its injustices, but who try and find themselves are placed on the lower rungs of Maslow's ladder.

"The film's pur_pose was to show complete mental health and becoming a productive part of society go hand in hand and that to be self actualized, one becomes a productive part of society and the establishment and at the same time has inner

peace. I believe this line of reasoning represents a brainwash because it forces people to align themselves with a system that is based on what is good for big business is good for the world; The ultimate objective being to keep the people firmly under the thumb of corrupt government. I believe it is a part of a conspiracy to continue the trend of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, the product of a mentality which is unmindful of the destruction of America."

Jane Jones, a Peru commuter, said that she thought the films were very worthwhile. She said that she didn't agree with everything but they made you start thinking. She said that the films presented different ideas on how people react and how to get along and understand. Jane said that after the films there was a panel discussion with various instructors and Rev. Cordes.

Rev. Cordes said there was such a good response to the films that he thought it would be done next year.

LB 344 proposes to create six locally-governed technical com' unity college areas in Nebraska. The bill states: "The institutions within these areas would be separate from both elementary and secondary systems and the other institutions of higher learning. They are not to be converted to four year colleges or to baccalaureate degree giving institutions."

A seven member State Technical Community College Council, headed by a full time director, would rule the schools. Nemaha and Otoe counties would be included in the Southeast Technical Community College Area.

LB 388 suggests the creation of a revolving bond fund. This issue would appear on the primary ballot in the May 1976 election in this· form:

"Constitutional amendment to provide for the issuance of bonds to establish a revolving fund to purchase existing revenue bonds and to pledge certain revenues from cigarette and other taxes for the payment of the same. FOR AGAINST"

Under this amendment the three state boards "may issue revenue bonds to construct, purchase or otherwise acquire, extend, add to, remodel, repair, furnish and equip dormitories, residence halls, single and multiple dwelling units or other facilities for the housing and

boarding of students, single or married, and faculty or other employees

" Financial Troubles

The Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges have outstanding approximately $22,000,000 of Student Fees and Facilities Revenue Bonds and the Board of Regents has outstanding approximately $21,000,000.

Some institutions are having difficulty meeting financial obligations to the boards, involving these bonds. The purpose of LB 388 is to authorize the Legislature to purchase existing bonds at a discount through a state agency. Then <iny particular institution was having difficulty in making its annual payments, the state agency could defer the payments.

Peru's Share

Peru State College is ailotted $468,233 for capital construction projects in the final list of priorities approved by the State Board of Trustees.

The money feeds into four categories. Miscellaneous renovation and repairs, $50,000; Deferred maintenance projects, $181,233; Health and PE Center Phase II (all steps up to actual construction) $230,000; and Phase I Planning for the System including remodeling education building, $4,000; and centralized cooling system, $3,000.

The financial priorities list is now subject to action by the legislature.

Johnson lectures on Special Ed

Dr. Ed Johnson, Director of Special Education for Educational Service Unit <ESUl No. 4, spoke Monday, February 3 at the Kappa Delta Pi meeting. ESU No. 4 covers Richardson, Pawnee, Nemaha, Johnson, and Otoe counties of Nebraska.

Dr. Johnson commented, too often people think special education refers only to the mentally retarded child. However, it involves not only the retarded but the gifted child and the child who may have a hearing, speech, physical, or emotional disabiltiy. This involves about one-third of the children in school.

Dr. Johnson stated that Special · Education has three main areas. The first being speech pathology, which involves ""'-' -- ..,_\\'_ith sper

diagnostic services. This involves everyone who has a learning problem:- A diagnostician and a psychiatrist will be brought in to help analyze youngsters' problems. The third is to provide educational opportunities for the· mentally retarded.

There is a new concept in special education. It has evolved from LB 403 which states that every child between 5 and 16 has to be given an education. According to Dr. William Landis, Dr. Johnson talked mainly on "mainstreaming". "Mainstreaming" is the present philosophy of putting the mentally retarded back into regular classrooms. Continuance is used to get the child into problem areas a step at a time and not be separated. This usually starts with going to wit!- his class and

NON l'WWIT OJ{(; U.S. POSTAGE 1.8PAID l'EfW NE fi8421 PERMIT NO. 4 Peru State College
Robert Cordes explains The Moslow theory of self-actualization which is the guiding philosophy behind 'The Humoristic Revolution.' /

From the editor

If you've ever had the culturally stimulating experience of living in a residence hall you have becom'e acquainted with the elite of the dorm. "The elite" refers to the people who live over your room. These_ people are called elite because they hold dominion over all.

This dominion usually takes the shape of self-expression. Self-expression means producing a sound that is pleasing to your ears and at the same time not giving any consideration to those who live below you. Why should you? Your elite.

U you decide that bouncing a basketball at 2 a.m. is the thing to do; do it because you are · elite and you have the right. Perhaps your fancy is throwing horseshoes. I'm sure your dormmates below would enjoy something they could snap their fingers to.

Some experiences I've encountered in the dorm are not unusual but stand out in my mind because of their musical quality. The first year I was here the people above me let their trained seal get the feel of the floor after spending three years in a tub.

In another instance I was awakened by a trained baboon

dragging his cup across the bars of his cage. The topper was the 3-day southeast Nebraska shouting contest held above me. ·

By now some of you may feel that you have not been making enough noise. There are some things you can do to assert your elite standing.

- Go to the Henry Dooley Zoo in Omaha and borrow a prune-ea ting Yak for three weeks.

-Following the example of a dogfood commercial, starve your pet dog for three years and have him come in and eat your roommate.

- Try cooking the Resident Assistant's goose. It's surprising h<>w loud a doomed goose can scream. There are those who wish to cut down on the noise. Believe it or not I've come up with six rules for cutting down on the noise.

1. Own a club.

2. Move off campus.

3. Own a club.

4. Own a club.

5. Raise a Doberman Pincher

6. Own a club.

Note: If the club is big enough, you-..may disregard rules 2 and 5.

Top Drawer

Someday our lawmakers are emand schedule high they got a going to have to realize that high price for their services. times are changing. For those That's why we have fewer of us at Peru, like students at doctors per capita in America other colleges, this is evident today than we had ten years but apparently that fact hasn't ago. LB 388_ will rob the sunk in in Lincoln. The times students at Peru of the opporare changing to the tune of tunity to have access to individual concerns as opposed facilities at the community 1 to the needs of special interest colleges in the Southeast Nebgroups. LB 388 proposes to raska area and keep the organize the community techni- students at Fairbury and Milcal colleges headed by a ford from getting a broad full-time director into institu- liberal education in conjunction tions that could not be con- with thieir technical training if verted to four-year colleges or they so desire. What gives the to baccalaureate degree-giving legislature the moral right to institutions. If an individual decide this for someone? aspires to be a trade master C{)mmunity Colleges can be then this program should be placed under the direction of offered to him at all levels of four State Colleges and ofer our state educational system - - either a two or a four-year - not just at the bottom. LB 388 degree to its students allowing is an attempt to socialize a them to make their education segment of society into a into a useful format to the kind subservient role by allowing a of life each person sees for · man to become trained in a himself. That is supposed to be mechanical skill but not in what the state colleges are here other areas such as business or to do. Another tree lost in the accounting methods. This forest of special interests, big creates a dependency on the H money, and state politics. LB & R Blocks of America. The 388 is counter-productive. Senasame sort of control is excer- tor Wiltse will have a hard time cised over medical and legal explaining a vote in favor of fields. If too many lawyers this expensive inefficient prowere graduated last year gram and an even harder time lawschools cut down on admitt- finding votes in Peru should he ance the following year. By unwisely choose to support LB keeping the sunnlv "


SCB president comments

Letter to the Editor:

I am writing this letter in response to a paragraph that appeared on page two, fourth column of the February 10 issue of the Pedagogian. This article stated, "Jack London depresses me. If learning to read minds and predict the future leads him to sell books for a living and engage in such doubtfully productive pastimes as shooting the bull with Merv Griffith, et. al., then what does he want to be a psychic for?" From this article, and its "clear as mud" context, I can understand why it appeared unsigned. Ap· parently this person thinks that the Jack London who Will be on our campus Friday, Feb. 21 is the noted author of Call of the Wild and other noted classic books. If my memory me correctly, this author lived during the 1800'sj and it would appear highly l!Illikely that they are one in the ' same.

It is not this anonymous author's ignorance that disturbs me. What does disturb me is apparent dissatisfaction of the appearance of an expert on psychic phenonmena as· part of our

entertainment program here at PSC. Before the contracts for this show were si!med. I conducted an in- dependent poll, to see if our student body would be interested m tn1s rype ot performance. Since I remember talking to no one who expressed disinterest in this type of show, I went ahead with the booking. I would hope that Jack London will bring a different type of entertainment to our college community, and in so doing, it will help to round out our entertainment program for the 1974·75 school year.

Can you remember the last time we had anationally famous entertainer on campus here at PSC; expecially one who has appeared with Johnny Carson and Merv Griffin? Incidently, who is "Merv Griffith"? If you do or do not believe in the psychic or if you would like to learn more on this subject, I would like to see every one there. I am sure it will be an entertaining and very rewarding night.

Respectifully yours,

New Vet loans

"The Veterans Administration in Nebraska is now processing applications for new education loans for veterans attending school under the GI Bill. The 'loans, up to a maximum of $600 m one academic year, were established by the Vietnam.era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974.

Don V. Campbell, Director, VA Regional Office, Lincoln, said that all eligible veterans, wives, widows and children will be considered for initial loans based upon the full amount of their tuition and all other costs of attendance anticipated for the entire 1974-75 academic year.

He said that under the new law, those granted loans will be required to execute promissory notes agreeing to repayment of principal plus 8per cent interest.

Repayment of principal and interest will be deferred while the student is attending classes on at least a half-time basis.

Installment payments must start nine months after the student ceases at least half-time enrollment, with full payment within 10 years and nine months after that date. Part or all of the loan may be prepaid without penalty. Interest will not accrue on the loan balance until the required beginning date of repayment.

The VA official said that a 3 , per cent loan fee will be deducted from the approved loan amount to provide a fund to insure against defaults under the loan nrogram. Defaults will be considered overpayments and recoverea m me same manner as other debts due the government.

The Pedagogian

The, Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the name of the writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Mana-ging Editor Ray Kappel

Assistant Editor : Randy Dunlap

Contributing Editor _. Frank D' Addesa

Sports Editor : Larry Kosch

Feature Editor Emily Rosewell

Photography Editor · Larry Kosch

Business Managers Tallie Kerns, Phil Dean Reporters

Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Virginia Milla Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns Deb Condit, Joe Munn

0 '·' anty-.: . _ HB - Mark Yori (1-dlld run i:1c1yes State, Feb. 4. decisioned Kevin Anderson <K),

PSSS investigates museum

On Jantiary 30, members of the Peru State Social Science Society (PSSSSJ and the Nebrw ka History class took an afternoon field trip to Lincoln. Dr. Schottenhamel and Mr Pardeck accompanied them.

Upon arriving on the UNL campus we made our way to the Nebraska State Historical Museum and were greeted by Mr Wendell Frantz, Curator of

Lincoln Museums. We were taken to the cataloging and display a·reas of the museum where Mr Frantz informed us how the items are collected and then marked for identification. Each item is marked with a number to classify the item as to what it is, when and from whom it was obtained, and if it is part of a collection. Artistic ability is exhibited in creating the dis-

plays for the showcases. The colors and positions of the articles are varied so that variety instead of monotony exists in the display areas.

Mr Frantz then took us on a tour of the museum, explaining the--general thematic approach and the techniques used throughout the displays in the museum. The tour concluded the afterno_on's excursion.

Speech contest coming to PSC

The game room seems to have filled up a little since the bad weather settled in :mid January.

Game rooms activates

PSC's game room located in the Student Center building provides students with many recreational games. Included in the games are pinball, air hockey, foosball, bowling, motorcycle drive, ringer, pool, and ping pong. Games are provided by Vendamation Inc. of Nebraska City. The game room was

remodeled some this fall to make 'it more attractive and give it variety. The new improvements have increased the popularity of the room.

John Letts, Director of Housing, is in charge of the game room. He is assisted by ,, Roger Harders, a Senior Business Major. The game room is staffed by work study and work grant students.

The old saying "There's nothing to do in Peru " was proved wrong Thursday, January 30 as Class Aand B high schools presented 14 one-act plays for District II speech competition. For an admission price of applause and a few laughs any PSC student could have been entertained from 9 o'clock Thursday morning to

9:30 Thursday night.

The points earned by the school will be added to the individual competition which will be hel.d at PSC March 2:1. Mrs D; Henney from Southeastern Nebraska Community College judged the Class B entries. Ed Clark judged Class A entries.


Food service friend SALE

For twenty-five years, Edna Warnke has been a friend to the students, faculty, and staff of Peru State College in her work at the Broughton Food Service. For eighteen of those twenty-five years Edna managed the food service; she has been cashier in recent years. She makes a point of learning students' names and chatting with them when they come into the cafeteria. That, she believes, is a key to discipline: she likes the students. The students like Edna, too; even though they are admitted into the cafeteria by their numbers, they find it impossible to be anonymous members of the crowd when Edna takes a personal interest in them. When Edna is cashiering, walking into the cafeteria is almost as personal an ex-

perience as walking into the dining room at home.

Last September, Edna broke her ankle. The break was fairly serious and incapacitated her for a time. After spending some time in the hospital, Edna was confined to a wheelchair for weeks, then to a walker. Now she · is able to walk without a cane, and she hopes to be back to work soon. H is easy to tell tnat sne likes her work. She says that she has noticed many changes during her twenty-five years at BroughtOn. At one time, every Thursday night was a dress-up night; in order to eat dinner, the students were required to dress formally.

Edna misses the students very much. She is sincere when she says, "I think that with people and working with young people is very rewarding."

Interested male students that would like to participate in an intramural wrestling tournament. If so, leave your name and weight at Coach Schnaser's office. Each weight win• ner will receive a T-shirt.

Humboldt "Sparkin"-2, Weeping Water - "The Storm"1, with Janet Harmon as best actress. Nebraska City Lourdes performed "Silent Snow, Secret Snow" - 1 - with Don Wirth receiving best actor award. Johnson Brock was rated 3 for "Going Away." Palmyra's "Memorial" received a 2, with Brainard East Butler· actress Gail Belson being awarded for her performance in "The Image." Louisville's game show play "Adaptation" was rated 1. Syracuse student Cindy Steinhoff was awarded best actress in "Please No Flowers" rated 2.

Class A ratings were Falls City - "Shock of His Life" rated 2, Plattsmouth "I never Saw ;Another Butterfly" - 2. asfuaifu Greenwood performed the funny "The Bald Soprano" with Monica Thomas and Jeff Kilhl best actress and actor. Papillion was rated 1 for their "Last of Sherlock Holmes.,; Heather McCartney and Kevin Meier were best actress and actor. A student written Production by Nebraska City "Prepare Ye" rated 2. Wendy Sones from Bellevue's "Interview" cutting from "America Hurrah" received best actress with the p!ay rated 1.

Next Time Try

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I ", · For Your Sporting Goods 't t Needs, Stop at the Sport Shop I t . . t Guns and Ammo, and Accessvfies. High Powered Rifle : Scopes Installed and Gun Smithing on All Types of Guns. ': t THE SPORT SHOP t t 707 Centr<1l Ave. '11;7 t Nebraska City, Nebraska ' f· ·
IEUROPE 111'71? .. . . wouldn't you rather come with us? La.st year over 200,000 students summered in Europe. Anct the t:ravelw1se flew on charters because it costs about HALFJ This yehr a 3 - 6 ticket to London is $512.; 2 • J weeker $597-, And its $767. for over six weeks· from New York. (That s what. the airlines .say now. Last year there were two unforcast lnc,reases:) Not. only do fly wlih us, at half but you can just about. ha':"e your choice of datesfor.l+t 5, 6, ?, e, 9, 10-week durduring summer. And all you have to do to qualify is your seat now by sending $100. cieposit t $10 reg1?trat1on fee. Und.er recently new U. s. Government regulat loris we submit all flight participants ·names and full pay.ment sixty before each flight. If you take the June 21- August 19.fh.ght to London for example, deposit reserve:-s your. seat and 15 you send the $199. balance. Just one price for a l1 flights whether you pick a Wli6kend leparture ($15 xtrl OH the regulac airlines) or p•8'. season surcharge date. So send for our complete aOeCW.•, or to· bt sun of your reservation now, mail your deposit for one of our J to 5 weekly departures·from through September. Just specify the week you want to travel and for how long. You will reCeive your !!.X.:Ct date c?nfirmation and receipt by return mail. All our flights are fully certificated, u. s. Government standard jet and first service. From London there ·are. many student fllgl'its to all parts of the Continent frequent de-· partureo and manr at 2/) off the regular fare: · RoauBLIC A1sq. SYSTEMS !NttRNATIONAL Nl!:'W YORK. NEW YORI< 100at 800 - 22) - 5389 (TOLL FREE) Charter flying is the biggest bargain in air travel today

78- 70 victory-

''How sweet it is!''

At one point during the 19 game losing streak by the Bobcats, Coach Schnaser told his plavers. "Don't give up now .someday we wi.ll put it all together." They did put it all together, a& they survived a late J .F.K. rally to chalk up their first victory of the season, 78-70, Feb. 7.

was when Dan Parker was whistled for his fifth foul. This left Peru State with no height advantage, an all-freshman team and a 70-56 lead to protect.



Auburn gals win delayed tourney

The Auburn high school gals didn't let the snow-induced tournament postponement bother them as they · played Plattsmouth in the finals of the 1st Annual Girls High Sch90l Invitational Basketball Tournament, Feb. 6. Their domination of the offensive boards and pressing defense. earned them a 38-26 victory and the championship.

The consolation game saw a 30 point performance by Falls City's Marta Prichard that boosted the Tigers past the Weeping Water Indians, 44-31.

Falling behind 6-2 at the game outset, Falls City overtook the· Indians with the aid of free throws. Weeping Water committed nine fouls in the first· quarter, enabling the Tigers to a 9-8 lead at the quarter break.

The second quarter action saw both teams trade basket-forbasket until the final.couple of minutes. Weeping Water fouls gave the Tigers charity shot opportunities and Falls City led at halftime 1H5.

In third quarter, Weeping Water's offense, being plugged up by the Tiger defense, scored only five points. Meanwhile, Falls City's offense went rolling along with the aid of Marta Prichard's hot shooting. When

the third quarter ended, Falls City was sitting on a 30-20.Jead.

The fourth stanza saw even play by both teams until the final couple of minutes. A scoring spree by Falls City stretched a ten point lead to a 16 point bulge, 42-26. Weeping Water staged a last minute rally that was not enough and Falls City won the consolation game, 44-31.

In the first quarter of the championship finals, Auburn came from a 6-4 deficit to a 11-6 lead at the quarter break on the strength of free throws and Plattsmouth turnovers.

The Auburn defense stiffened up early in the second quarter, enabling the Bulldogettes to fashion a 15-8 lead However, the Blue Devils took advantage of Auburn turnovers and reduced the deficit down to three, 18-15, at intermission.

In the third quarter, Auburn continued their pressing defense, while opening up their. offense. And they stretched their slim three point margin to a seven point lead, 28-21, at the end of the third quarter.

The final stanza saw Auburn begin to pull away in spite of a 21-2 zone defense by Plattsmouth. Both teams played evenly during the last half of the stanza and Auburn clinched the championship, 38-26.

Kosch Korn or

You had to look for my :olwnn. didn't vou?? I did this to Jring your attention to something of utmost unportancethe upcoming NCC tournament of our wrestling squad will be be attending this Thursday in Wayne, Neb.

Do you realize that our matmen may not re t as NCC

After breaking a 2-2 deadlock to go ahead, Peru State hit a scoring splurge and ran up a ten pointlead, 14-4, in five minutes. This was done with good rebounding on both boards and hot outside shooting by Bob Craig and Dan Parker. This lead stretched to a 17 point advantage, 29-12, before J.F.K. initiated a rally. They came back to within nine, 39-30, just before intermission. It was the third game this season that the Bobcats were leading at halftime.

The second half action was a carbon copy of the first half. At the outset, the Bobcats took off on an eight-point scoring spree before the Pa trio ts could stuff in their first two-pointer. When RiCk Bellemy, J.F.K. forward, fouled out with 17: 46 left, his teammates were looking at a 15 point Bobcat lead, 47-32. It was 56-42 when John Herbst drew his fifth foul with 14: 41 left. He was followed, one minute later, by Bob Craig. As Herbst and Craig left the maple court, so did much of the Bobcats' rebounding strength. The 'Cats maintained their fat lead until 6:23 left to play. That

The J.F.K. Patriots started chipping away at the lead with ]av11n< anrl <Pt11n ohnf< Wh<>n Scott Hoegh fouled out with 3:36 left, the 14 point lead had shrunk to eleven, 72-61. From that point on, things got hectic as J.F.K. used fast court breaks and full court pressure on the Bobcats. With 2: 00 left, the 'Cats were hanging onto a eight point margin, 76-68.

An important jump by Jeff Scanlan and free throws by Paul Musquiz and Joe Fleskoski kept the Patriots from getting within the final eight point margin. ·

After quieting down his jubilant players in the Bobcat locker room, Coach Schnaser quietly told them, "I'm sure we shot over 40% tonight to win this game. You did a great job on the rebounding and it was a good all-out team effort. I told you a long time ago that someday we would put it all together!" Dan Parker later commented, "It was the hes! a!1-:iro1mrl team effort of the season ., Dan Parker and Bob Craig shared the Bobcat scoring lead with 16 points each. Joe Fleskoski followed up with 14 points. Dan Parker also led the Bobcats with 14 rebounds. John Herbst followed with 10 grabs. The Bobcats shot 30 out of 68 (44.1%J and potted 14 out of 31 charity shots.

Bobkittens use defense in win

Not to be outdone by male Peru State wrestling and basketball squads, PSC coed cagers raised the win tally to three against February 7 opponents with a 53-45 win over Iowa Western Community College on the Peru maples.

Despite shooting a poor 24.5 ·per cent from the floor, the Bobkittens took a 22-17 lead by halftime and continued to outscore the visitors in the second half.

During the early stage ot the second half action, Gail Harmon was trying to intercept a pass when she collided with a IWCC player. Falling to the floor, she banged her knee on the hard maples. According to Coach Doug McElroy, the knee injury was not too serious. He said that her knee was stiff on Monday (10th) but it should be ok.

Loose ball! An Auburn defender slaps the ball out of the hands of a Plattsmouth gal, causing a turnover in Auburn's favor. Ped Photo by Kosch. champs, if there is a lack of Peru supporters at the tournament??? According to Coach Dwine,. the morale and performance of the wrestlers could very well depend on their fans' support. They have worked hard all season to earn an excellent dual record and national recognition. They would feel let down by the lack of Peru supporters _and perform poorly. that Wayne, Neb., is a four hour or so drive from here. And it would be pretty hard on anybody's sanity to drive 180 miles ·usl to watch :i wrestling

tournament. B,ut, just think of this. Would it be real grand to know that our Bobcat grapplers finished real strong in the NAIA National Tournament, March 68?? And our smal1 Peru State college would get a big name, nationally? It must start right here, at this tournament. Such a national recognition will not only benefit the wrestling program at PSC, it will upgrade other programs like football, basketball, etc. It w.ill also help - our college enrolhnenl and the college in general.

Patty Collins led teammates with eight baskets and four tosses from the line for 20 points with Tami Coleman following with 12 counters. Collins also led in rebounding with 15 while Nancy Sepp helped out with eight grabs.

yer mindful of our energy crisis, please find and-0r form car pools to save gas if you decide to go. If you make posters to take along to give our wrestlers a moral boost. They every bit of help we can give.

You can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to this tournament. I've seen this wrestling squad come a long way during the season and they look good enough to repeat as NCC champions. Come one! Come all! Come join the migration to Wayne Nebraska ! ! ' ! '

is Bobcat victory as ltich Severs.on (left), Bob Craig, and others congratulate Coach Schnaser for their 78- 70 victory. Bob Craig dwarfs his opponent as he releases a deadly accurate 8hot.

August commencement cancelled

Peru State College will ·not have a graduation ceremony for August graduates, according to Dr. Clyde Barrett, vice president of Academic affairs.

Dr. Barrett gave the declining number of August graduates as a reason for the ceremonies dismal. Dr. Barrett added the program could be reinstated at any time if the number goes up.

Dr. Barrett recommended the following guideline$ for those students.

Potential August graduates may file for graduation at the same time as those students who file for spring graduation if they wish to participate in the May graduation Ceremony preceding completion of their degree requirements.

If a potential August graduate does not elect to participate in the May Graduation Ceremony preceding his August completion date he should file for August graduation _!ls directed in the

summer schedule. The graduation fees will be the same as charged the other graduates. The fee will include cap and gown rental for one appearance on-stage. Potential graduates have the choice of attending graduation ceremonies at the May commencement preceding their completion date, or attending the May graduation ceremony following their August completion date.

If the potential August graduates attend the preceding May graduation ceremony they will be identified on the Commencement frogram as being candidates for August completion of their degree requirements. They will wear the traditional cap and gown and walk across the stage along with the other graduates. They will receive only the diploma jacket. The signed insert will be mailed upon completion of their work in

'August. If the August graduate chooses to attend the May graduation ceremony following completion of his work in August he will receive only a diploma cover because he will have received his signed diploma the preceding August. The ceremony will be the same except that he will be identified on the Commencement Program as having completed graduation requirements the previous year.

MS dance nears

Nine couples have registered for the Muscular Dystrophy .\ssociation's 30-hour Dance Marathon sponsored by 59-WOW and SGA and the number is growing.

February 24, 1975

Peru State College Reed wins

Peruvian award

Barry Reed, a graduate of Peru College in 1974, was last week's Peruvian of the week. Barry, who graduated with a B.S. in Physical Education, has been selected as fullback for 1975 by the Chicago Bears.

If you haven't registered yet you can contact John Robertson in Ed 202A or Craig Dalegge at ClayburnMathews Hall,room 24. There is no deadline for registration. The Dance Marathon will begin Friday, March 2 at 6:00 P.M. and end Saturday, March 22 at 12:00 midnight. There will be 15 minute breaks every three hours and participants will be able to sleep from 4:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. on Saturday. Members of the faculty are being asked to join in the · marathon. Atentative schedule from 8:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. · on Friday is being planned with six faculty couples already participating.

eommittees from SGA are getting things in order for the marathon. The contestant registration and fund raising is composed of John Robertson and Craig Dalegge. Ruth Gottula and Connie Gregg are planning the food for the meals. Penny Baker and Patrice Kinnison are in charge of entertainment. Publicity is handled by Barb Lohmeier and Rick Mathis. They are contacting area high schools to see if they would like to participate or perhaps sponsor a couple from their high school. Charlie Jackson is in charge of facilities. The accounting committee is Mike Hall 1111d Barry Landes. They will be in charge of the tote board, which will have the amount of the total goal, and will keep posted the amount reached as the dance progresses.


Skiers make plans

A group of 29 eager and perhaps anxious skiers will head for Breckenridge, Colorado,over Spring break for a week of fun in the Rockies.

The skiers plan to leave Peru Sunday, March 9 at 8:00 A.M. and arrive in Denver around 8:00 that night. In Denver they will sleep at the Foothills Christian Church. The aggregation will depart for the Dillon High Lodge at 9:00 A.M. Monday, March !OJ.with arrival scheduled two hours later.

Outdoor activities in Breckenridge besides skiing include tubing, hiking, ice skating and sight seeing, while inside the lodge ping pong, shuffleboard and other table games are available.

The group plans to leave for Peru at 11:00 A.M. Friday, March 14Jwith arrival scheduled sometime around midnight.

Those signed up for the tripinclude: Jack and Karen

Tuxhorn; Roger and Linda Schnaser; Anne. Oestmann; Ruth Bolin; Lori Engel; Bill Fitzgerald; Robbie Giesecke; Brenda Hoffman; Patty Collins; Randy Dunlap; Ken Smith; Dick Kohel and Barb Selah.'

Also heading for fun in the Colorado snow are: Warren Goos; Kirk Nissen; Lance Wilson; Betty Adams; Bill and Vickie Pruett; Stan and Sharon Mccaslin; Mike and Linda Tynon; Bob and Stella Cordes .and Bob and Beverly p-am.

The trip was organized by Reverend Cordes and Coach weekend activities

Many weekend activities have been scheduled this year in an attempt to hold students on campus. John Letts, Director of Housing, stated that this year's concerts, films, dances, and various activities have been varied between weekday and weekends.

Barry, a native of Henry, Illinois, started at Peru State in 1970. He was on the football team all four years. While at Peru, he was voted outstanding player by the Nebraska College Coµference in both 1972 and 1973. In 1974, Barry was chosen in the tenth round of the Professignal Football Draft by the Minnesota Vikings. He was cut, however, but will be on his way to Chicago on July 8, 1975, which he added, "It's also my birthday. It's the nicest birthday present I've ever received."

Barry attributed much of his skill "to Peru, as playing on a small college team gave me lots of experience."

First, second, and third place trophies will be given to the three couples who raise the most money.

A booth will be put in the Student Center Building for registration. A$5.00 per couple entry fee which entitles you to two Dance Marathon T-shirts is being charged.

New hours for dorms

New and additional visitation hours now exist at ClayburnMathews and Davidson-Palmer residence halls.

Clayburn-Mathews' house mother Mrs Florence Johnson reports that as of February 1, 34 hours of visitation per week have been in effect. This represents a 10 hour a week increase.

The new hours at C-M are: Tuesday through Friday 6-11; Saturday 3-12 and Sunday 5-10.

Mr and Mrs Stan Hallock, house parents of DavidsonPalmer,say their dorm now has 40 hours a week of visitation possible, representing a 16 hour increase.

The new hours at D-P that became effective January 27 are: Monday through Thursday 7-11; Friday 7-12; Saturday 2-12 and Sunday 1-10.

Pot bust enas

m suspensmn

Toledo, Ohio, freshmen Dennis and Floyd Anderson were suspended from Peru State January 29 for violation of Section II of the PSC Code of Student Conduct according ·to Director of Student Life, Dr. Guy Rosenberg.

Section II in part deals with the use and or possession of marijuana.

Dr. Rosenberg said the offense was by the Narcotics Division of the Nebraska State Patrol. The evidence was presented to the PSC Student Affairs Commission on January 29, which voted for suspension.

Miller receives Kiwanis Citizen of the · Year Award from President E. Browning.
Rev. Bob Cordes and Coach Schnaser pose with skis, pol.es, and smiles as they anticipate the ski trip.

In this season of disease people are afraid of catching something. This is only because they don't realize the benifts a disease can have. fhave strep throat and I'm enjoying it!

Although strep throat has obvious physical detriments, it has mental benefits. Your brain power is, increased because · strep throat limits all other. actions except thinking. You can sit for hours comtemplating things. Like gourmet food, choclate spider eggs, epitaph's (mine is - Here · lies Joe Journalist). Even an ·old worn out wombat mating nest crosses your mind. You never know how weird you are until you have strep throat.

Of course there is a pitfall the infected person must avoid. This is the vicious trap of Pity. You may enjoy the pity you

receive but there is a danger from the people who bestow it upon you. These people are generally well meaning but CaQ get under your skin jf you don't watch it. The strep · throat mourners are divided into two groups.

Group one is called "Hi! how are you today?" These people have a special mission in life. They have been appointed to pick out the sick people in a crowd and say "Hi! how are you today." The best way to answer "Hi! how are you today?" is to cough· twice and scream "Unclean." The lepers used this effectively in the movie Ben Hur.

Group two is called "I'm superwit and I'm going to cheer you up!'' Before you can moan and objection they start plasteriqg your mind with wittic-


An.article in the February 20 issue of Omaha World Herald related some of the rhetoric being fired back and forth over UNO's newspaper. Senator John Savage, a retired police reporter, has expressed "concern about the effect" of some of the paper's material. The senator indicated last Wednesday he might introduce legislation to cut all funds to Gateway. Senator Savage sees university newspapers as a tool used to "teach people who want to study journalism to be responsible journalist:S." Responsible to whom? Like a coin, this tool can teach responsibility as another equally important side The university community as a part of its overall education has an obligation to learn how to censor itself. This is where Gateway's responsibility lies arid, were Senator Savages' goals that of improved educajon, his would lie also. Tim · Rife and the rest of Gateway's staff should have been "appalled and shocked," so should the rest of Nebraska's students. The question, however, hardly deals with stories on homosexuality or the use of a few dirty words as the honorable senator would have us believe.

The University of Texas is facing a far more serious problem along the same lines which we might soon be facing in this state should a bill of this nature pass through the unicameral and establish prece-' dent for legislative control of our college media. In the last few years, the Daily Texan has come out strongly in favor of the liberal wing of the Democra tic Party in that state, the party not in power. The conservative democrats are attempting to block unfavorable publicity in the university

isms. Take for instance the conversation I had with Henny Youngman's nephew. "Say Ray, did you know that Thomas Edison was· the in:ventor of the phonograph and the indecent lamp?" This is followed by a slap on the back. "Say Ray, did you know that a millennium is an insect with more legs than a centennial?" Another slap on the back. knocks me to the ground; but he doesn't notice. "Say Ray. ." The only defense is to run for life.

By now there are some of you who are jealous of my strep throat which has given me a deeper insight to the facts of life. I can take care of that. Out of the goodness of my heart I have set up strep throat thereapy sessions. You may contact me in Delzell Hall during the morning house of the school week.

income transfer

A government policy of taxing one group of workers to help provide benefits for another group of individuals, in the language of the economists, is known as an incomeredistribution or income transfer policy.

In a society of more than 200 million people such policies reflect our concern for the well-being of all our citizens. The Social Security system, of course, is a prime example. Today, we have 95 million workers providing benefits for 30 million retirees.

Currently, the skyrocketing costs of the income-transfer programs are driving U.S. budget makers up a wall, trying to hold the fiscal 1975 dificit to under $10 billion.

Until recently the rising costs- of government payments to individuals, which is really what we are talking about, were offset partially by reduced government spending in other categories. Defense spending, for example, has declined in real .dollar outlays in recent years.

Iii these inflationary times, the tradeoff is no longer true. 'l'ransfer programs keep gro\ving. ·-

paper by forbidding any politi-

· on the part of T}ie Texan on the grounds that public funds. cannot be used for campaign purposes. This obvious contradiction to. their...,right to an academically free education "appalled and shocked" the students at UT, too. Only because this restriction would seriously affect the quality of Texas' superb newspaper-and ultimately the national standing of their school of_ communication has this move been thwarted thus far. Students in Nebraska have no such tionalized protection for their rights. As it is a short step from censoring dirty words to controlling our avenues of political expression as guaranteed to us in both state and federal constitutions we may have to face the same kind of political harrassment with· which our southern contemporaries are presently dealing.

Senator Savage should be concerned with the perplexing comparisons of Nebraska's schools of communication with those of other major -state universities instead of comparing Gateway to Playboy. A university with ·one of the top football teams in the nation should have a communications department that ranks in the top ten as. well. This isn't so because newspaper staffs in Nebraska's Universities ·and colleges don't have the academic freedom to think creatively or factually represent the feelings of students lulled into complacency by a unicameral which edits our newspapers. Americans have been living by the principle of self-determination for longer than our official 199-years. If students in Nebraska's colleges are to

learn this basic property of democracy and complete a vastly important part of our education we must, as I am sure Senator Savage would agree, learn the meaning of ·community responsibility. How on earth can this be done when we are not even allowed to determine what kind of material .goes into our community's newspaper? If the good senator has objections to the quality of UNO's student newspaper then I suggest he introduce a bill to provide for more nationally recognized professors, scholarships, and -more equipment so as to raise the quality of UNO's publication rather than .introduce a bill advocating ·the destruction· of this valuable tool.

By the year 2000, according to budget experts, which such programs growing at an annual rate of 9 per cent compounded, Federal, state and local governments will be collecting and redistributing two-thirds of our Gross National Product.

"The real big issue we face is what ·kind of society will we have if two, thirds of the economy comes through the government?" says Roy M. Ash, retiring director of the Office of the Management ;:cd Budget.

The Chamber of Commerce of the United States, in a message to its members, has encouraged Congress to note the storm signals ahead.

Its legislative bulletin, Congressional Action, commented:

"The American people have demonstrated they support welfare and some income redistributed by government to help the needy. If we reject proposals to curb .excessive acceleration of programs, we are in deep trouble, indeed."

It is your tax money. Why not remind your Congressman of that fact?

The Pedagogian

The Peru Pedagogiari will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the name of the Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Managing Editor ._ Ray Kappel

Assistant Editor : Randy Dunlap

Co!ltributing Editor _. Frank D' Addesa

Sports Editor : Larry Kosch

Feature Editor Emily Rosewell

Photography Editor - ; ...•.......... Larry Kosch

Business. Managers Tallie Kerns, Phil Dean


Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Virginia Milla

Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns Deb Condit, Joe Munn

From the Editor USCC attacks

Five achieve pertect average

Five Peru State students achieved a grade paint average of 9.00 for the fall 1974 semester. · The five were among Dean's honor roll students ,eited for academic achievement during con vocation ceremonies February 5.

The students were Nancy Chomos, music education sophomore, daughter of Mr and Mrs Sandor E. Chomos, Greensburg, Pennsylvania; Micheal J. DeRuntz, geography senior, son of Mr and Mrs Gene DeRuntz Granite City, Illinois; Richard L. Mathis, mathematics and physical science freshman, son of Mr and Mrs Dean Mathis, Peru; Scott McKercher, math· matics, pre-med senior, son of

Mr and Mrs Lyle McKercher p· t ed 1 Peru; Allan R. Oestmann, IC ur to right are Dr. Barrett, Nancy geography senior, son of Mr and Chomos, Mike Rick Mathis, Scott

Mrs Haro14 Oestmann, Auburn. McKercher, Allan Oesiman and Dr. Liewer.

: MusiC Man f

By Emily Rosewell

Several of the leads deserve special recognition for fine

acting. Dr. Lester Russell as Marcellus Washburn was a show-stealer. Janet Hamann as Zaneeta Shinn was enchanting; Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson also gave a fine performance as Mrs Paroo. Mrs Loretta Kruse as Marian the librarian was ·appropriately stern in the beginning of the and propriately mellow in the end when she succumbed to her Jove for the music man, played b)! E. G. Camealy. Costumes were bright and attractive, sets were highly effective, and on the whole the production was quite good. Mrs Douglas Pearson directed the show and conducted the orchestra, which consisted of musicians from the college, the community, and nearby towns.

Millions are helped through CARE program

NEW YORK - Almost 29 million needy people were helped by CARE food, self-helpdevelopment, medical and emergency programs in 36 countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East according to the 1974 annuai · repart just issued by the aid agency.

Declaring that the world food and energy crisis brought an · "unprecedented challenge to CARE during fiscal year," Frank Goffio, Executive Director, reparted that "contributions from concerned Americans and Canadians

totalling $18,633,402 enabled us to help meet that challenge."

Contributions were up $4,467,722 over the same 12-month period in the previous year.

With individual contributions - as the base, CARE obtained cost and services inputs by the governments of peoples being helped, U.S. government donations of farm commodities and special project funds both U.S. and Canadian governments. "All this, combined with frugal management by CARE, stretched every dollar provided by the public to nearly $6 worth of aid supplied to the less fortunate - a total of $109,064,414 in goods and services," Executive Director Goffio explained.

Winners of the Silas Summers Winning selections will appear last year." writing contest are: Poetry - in the Sifting Sands which will be Among l>ighlights of CARE's first - Karen Runkles, second - out May 1. work during the year:

for the

•..,.. •- - • - -. :.....

cording to Miss Hicks this is and the Philippines. To Indian

j quite an honor because articles villages suffering from drought,

for this publication come from CARE delivered 34,850,000




"Central to helping people help themselves is that participiJHng countries and individual beneficiaries invest whatever funds, materials, services they can in CARE programs. Over 130 such peopleto-people partnerships were in force in nations around the world « '
of which opens Friday. Next Time Try SNODDERLY'S Office Supply You'll like the friendly service. Typewriter Sales &Rental - Nebraska City ·Snodderly Office Supply
Prince Hamlet and young Laertes rehearse
Writing winners announced
'l Bank of Peru
.I Peru, Nebraska l r;:J!;:.!r::: ..
Supports I t ;: , · For Your Sporting Goods ·t l the Bobcats l t Needs, Stop ai the Sport Shop I
insured loans and
t: I
on t t· THE SPORT SHOP . f b , f t
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Suit bags f t now available : t $2.99. j ·-------· I ·Art and Craft Supplies CRAFT SALE SAVE 25 o/o to - 50% OTOE PAINT STORE Nebraska City ' .EUROPE·· '71? • woUJdn't )'OU students summered in Europe And the Thi;e w s,e lJw eharters •oats about HALF! ek ye&r a - week ticket to London is $512 • 2 3 er ($ft?..7t', tit sh $76? •. for over_ six weeks· f;.;,m New • s w a t e airlines say: now Last e th were two unforcast. inc;reasesl) • Y ar ere halfb but you can just ation during thi:> summer And4: 1i• S, 9, 10 week dul"is reserve your. seat no; b you ave to do to qualify· registration. fe U d Y sending $100, cleposit, plu:; $10., ula_tions we suhmi": !ii"mgy .u;tis;i Govternment reg:O fUH payment sixt ct b P c pan s names and June 21 August 1?n each flight. ·If you take the •. ""6. • o ondon for example, deposit re_ serves your seat a.ntt 15 you send the $199 bal · Nr · a1 flights whether you pick' a· •••.soi\ on the r•"1la• ff.le airlines) or peak So .,.nd tor our co111plete NWule, or to bt aiiro of 0 "" nfw, 1111.11 your deposit for one of our J to ""'kly you 1 the week date' confirmation and receipt by return ,..ric• jet g certificated, u. s. Government standard student fliglits t service• From London there are many parturea and mani·o frequent deRO"lJBLIC AUii 5YSTl:M8 INTERN TJONAL '11'TH AV&NUlt NCW VOll'tK. NllW t00•a llOo - 22) - 5389 · (TOLL FREE) Charter ftuind • ' IS !he bargain ID 311 travel today
Emily Rosewell, third - John English Club and Sigma Tau More than 20 million people, Beck; Short Stories - first - Delta spansored the contest. nearly all children, recived daily John Beck, second - Ray This was the third Silas anti-malnutution feedings, Kappel, third - Jan Hohnson· Summers writing contest. which not only save lives but Miscellaneous - first - Eleven students submitted enable youngsters to grow into Tackett, and second - Von entriesforpoetry,eightforshort healthy, productive adults. Bachle. stories, and five entries for Emergency food, along with Judges for the contest were Ed miscellaneous. medical and other relief aid, Clar.k, Miss Hicks, Everett Last year two entries from the went to seven million victims of Browning, and Mrs Reeves. Sifting Sands were printed in droughts, floods and other John Bartett broke the ties. The Rectangle, a publication of disasters, including such parFirsf place winners received Sigma Tau Delta. They were a ched African countries as Niger $10.00 checks and second place poem by Mary Hill and a short and Chad and, paradoxically, $5.00 checks. story by Carol Wheeler. Ac- flood-stricken areas in Pakistan
f With
f t Guns and Amrn(),and Accessories. 'High Ppwered Rifle t
.Scopes Installed and Gun Smithing on All Types of 1
f t interest paid

Kosch Korner : ·Wres tiers defeat three


J After several weeks of serious edit-0rial writing, I

hefore trip to Wayne

: my imagination a fair chance to show itself. So, sit 1

I I've decided to rest my analytical mind and give I

The PSC wrestlers continue 1 back enjoy yourself. and wonder whether I their drive toward a repeat NCC

I' · ts I t ·d f Ra K pel I crown with lopsided dual wins

J m gomg nu or ge my 1 eas rom Y ap · over their opponents. Their ) If you ever get tired of sports like football, ' recent conquest of Wayne State

mann in 4:35. This pin wrapped up the dual win for the Bobcats as they were ahead 27-6 with two ml!-tches left.

.of Doane College, Feb. 7, as several jllllior-varsity matmen

were in the meet.


• basketball, baseball, etc. and want something else l 33-6, Feb. 17, is the last dual

S to do, why don't you change the rules? You can I meetfor.the Bobcats before they .

, .up with strange variatidns and have fun with i head for Wayne, Nebraska

,. .vhere the NCC tourney is being

E'ur instance, instead of running around on the will carry a l7-4 dual basketball court, why don't you have the players I record to the tournament. wear roller skates? This would put a new twist into • In the Feb. 17 home meet with I the play. I can see Scott Hoegh and Russ Mort, I Wayne State, the Wildcats

I skating upcourt passing the ball around I gained a 6-0 lead on two I • decisions in the 118 and 126 lb.

1 .trying to outmaneuver their defenders for an open classes. Ed Kraus took a 10-4 I shot. Bob Craig skates around in the free throw setback while Mark Yori sufI area, trying to his balance and get noisy fered a 8-4 defeat. I rebounds. Understandably, no rough pushing or However, from the 134 lb. g tripping is allowed. class on, it was all Bobcat. Rick Norval gairied a 9-3 decision in

I Instead of running with and passing a football the 134 lb. class. After Lonnie D around, why don't you ride on donkeys and play Quinn received a forfeited win, I football from there?? It can be both interesting and Bud Frohling came on strong to : funny for the fans to watch. They can watch pin his 150 lb. opponent, Jim

1·· quarterback Carter fade back to pass, urging his class, John

1 donkey along. The offensive line, meanwhile, tries Whisler won a close 7 5 decision.

1 to block by pushing the rushing linemen off of their It was 5-5 after regulation time. I steeds. Carter, still on his bucking steed, looks for I Whisler was awarded two points · I Mike Seiler, who should be in the end zone, waiting : for his time advantage on the I for his pass. He's not there where is he?? Oh, 1 clock. The 167 lb. class saw I th · Dennis Johnk shut out his op- I there he is still at e scrimmage 1me, urgmg I ponent 4-o for a decision. The 177 1 his stubborn donkey to git goin.' Oh well!! I lb. match was adecisive one as 1 ·

I Bob BroWn p-ilined Mike Reid-

Two game winning streak ends with loss to Dordt

The Peru State Bobcats, since their first season victory over J.F.K., have been playing up and down as they won one and lost two games.

Balanced scoring and defensive play were the main factors citied for the Bobcats' 7063 victory over Metro State, Feb. 13. Falling behind 34-31 at halftime, Peru State caught up with Metro State and went ahead on a nine-point scoring spree in the second half. Russ Mort led three teammates in doublefigure scoring with 18 points.

Kent Coleman easily took a 6-o decision in the 190 lb. class. And Fred Marisett did the same with a 8-1 decision in the HW class

Their drive for· a repeat NCC crown picked up speed at the beginning of February while several 'Bobcats were recovering from flu bouts. This was evident in the 40-6 thrashing

With the help of two speedy pins, Peru State took a 29-14 decision from Concordia, Feb. 13, in Nebraska City. Eddie Kraus and Bob Brown needed only 22 and 18 seconds respectively for their pins. Kent Coleman also pinned hi3 opponent in 1:40. Rick Norval gained a 4-2 decision and Gary Lesoing received a forfeited win.

Unsteady shooting· and unconsistant playing lost Peru 2 more games and picked up one in recent play. · ·

Dorm tourney winners announced

Game-room tournaments at· Delzell Hall were completed the second week of February and winners were annollllced.

Charlie Schuchardt and Gary Edwards claimed the Pool Doubles title while Mark Clark shot bis way to the Singles title.

In the Ping-Pong tournament, Art Nase and Brad.Hardig won the Doubles championship. Iggy Martinez ping-ponged his way to the smgles championship. Each champ received a two-

piece pool cue stick, while. the second and third place finishers l'eceived five and two dollars respectively.

In the Clayburn-Mathews

Ping-Pong Tourney, the 25-man ;field has been trimmed .down to eight players. Joe Cluley, Brian Hall, Scott Hoegh, Dennis Diclt, man, Stan Brallll and Stewart Mollllt are the semi-finalistS. Two second rolllld matches are Ye! to be played.

The Feb. 15 home contest with Dordt College saw rllllaway second half scoring by Dordt and Peru State was defeated, 96-62. After a 16-16 deadlock, Dordt · went ahead on the strength of their 2-3 zone defense. .Peru 'turnovers enabled Dordt to fashion a 40-33 halftime lead. In ·the second half, Dordt's zone defense and full court pressure •were too much for the Bobcats. Russ Mort led the Bobcat ·scoring with 14 points.

I It was a hot ·scoring affaif when Peru State traveled to Blair for a road contest with Dana, Feb.18. But, Dana had the hotter shooting hand and defeated the Bobcats 114-90. Leading at halftime, 51-41, Dana sank 15 of their first 16 shots in the second half to put the game out of reach. Bob Craig and John ' Herbst led Bobcat scoring with 19 points each. Russ Mort contributed 16 points and Scott Hoegh chipped in 10 collllters.

The Bobcats will bring down the rolllldball curtain with a Feb. 26 road game at Wa)'lle State.

One of Peru's outstanding grapplers pins an opponate in the stunning 33-6 'victory over a Wayne State team.

3 wins for Kittens

The Bobkittens claimed their third victory of the season when they played Highland J\lllior College on the Peru maples, Feb.12. An 18 point performance by Patty Collins and a tough defense paved the way for a 49-39 victory. The 'Kittens took advantage of Highland fouls as they potted 16 of 31 charity tosses. Collins gained the game scoring honor by scoring 14 of her 18 points in the first half. Allie Stoltenberg followed with nine CO\lllters.

Balanced scoring and stroqg rebollllding aided Peru State girls in recent basketball action, with the Bobkittens earning wins over Highland J\lllior College and Nebraska Wesleyan.

Patty Collins scored 14 points to lead ·the 'Kittens over Highland Jllllior College 62-49 at Highland February 17.

Allie Stoltenberg and Twila Beck also hit double figures with 12 and 10 collllters respectively, while Nancy Sepp and Gail Harmon added 8 apiece.

Collins and Sepp grabbed 16 and 12 rebollllds respectively to help Peru to a 56-33 rebollllding advantage

Four Bobkittens hit twin

figures in a 75-39 shellacking of Nebraska Wesleyan last Wednesday night in Peru.

Collins sparked the Peru at· tack with 15 points while Twila Beck added 14'and Penny Baker and Sepp 10 apiece.

Sepp and Baker each swiped lO missed shots .to help the Kittens to an overwhelming 6123 rebollllding edge.

The victory over Wesleyan was the girls' fourth in a row and ·fifth in the last seven contests.

Coach Doug McElroy attributes defense and hustle as · major factors in th_e improvement of his team's play.

All State basketball

The Intramura! basketball game will be playe0 in the PSC gym, February 25, at 8p.m.

Nominations of players for the All-Star teams were turned in last · Wednesday by the managers of each team of the · league.

Players and managers cast their votes last Friday for the best players in their division. The ballots will be collllted and team selections will be known today.

I I I I :

Athletic funds spent sports cancelled

The spring sports program at Peru State College has been cancelled for this year Baseball coach Tom Fitzgerald made that announcement to his team late Wednesday, Feb. 26: Early Thursday, Fitzgerald stated that the door was not completely closed on the matter. "The letterman want to raise the money", Fitzgerald added ''we are thinking of student contribution as a way to raise the money.''

Coach Fitzgerald cited last' year's money projection as the chief fault. "The amount of money we projected for this project didn't happen, we were short." The coach also said there was some over-

spending by the athletic department, but he said this was due "to the Monday, March 3, 1975

Peru State College time lag between something that is expended and the time we are

notified by the business office."

PSC President Douglas Pearson gave reason's for the spring sports cancelation, "At the beginning of the year we guess at the amount of money we will get from gate receipets, etc. We then allocate money to various divisions of the college. If we don't make that amount we're in trouble."

President Pearson stated there was overspending by the athletic department but added "the billing times between the sporting goods companies and this college overlaped the fiscal year which caused accounts to be charged with items that were purchased last year into this year's budget. ·

President Pearson added that if the athletic department can raise the money, the spring sports program would be reinstated. He felt that this would be the last year for the problem. A new accounting system is being used to correct the problem. The president added "we're going to bite the bolt this spring so we can start fresh July 1, with the new fiscal year and get everything straight."

SGA fills committee opening

Three of four committee vacancys were filled in last Monday's SGA meeting. Constitutional revision 1SGA funding and the upcoming dance marathon were also discussed. As a result of Student Teaching, Academic and financial obligation forcing four committee members of college

Front Page poses new test

John Schmidt, owner of "The Front Page" in Peru has found the change from newspaper editor to restaurant and bar owner a delightful experience.

Schmidt used the word "terrific" to describe how business is going, adding that his early success has been beyond all expectations. He said he has definite ideas as to what a tavern should consist of and has done extensive remodeling to produce those ideas. The sawing and straightening of the bar, plus rearr angem en t of the seating facilities gives the popular place a completely different look than when it was known ·as. "Rex's".

Although he admits that he is not yet an expert in the restaurant business, he says, "I have learned more in the last four weeks than I did in four years of college."

Some of the special events happening at Schmidt's establishment include live entertainment by a local ·i)Olka band - The Cooking Kolaches on Sunday afternoons; the popular return of two-fers about twice a week and dollar night.

Schmidt has noticed a great response to all the above activities, adding that dollar night is probably "the greatest promotional idea in the beer drinking business."

"The Front Page's" grand

opening is set for March 15-17. On Saturday the 15th, a Lincoln music group the Blue Grass Crusade is scheduled, to be followed on Sunday the 16th by a polka band. Monday the 17th is St. Patrick's Day, and greenbeer will be sold to note the occasion. There will also be special prices of dinners during the three day grand opening. Schmidt seems to be a cOiilei:lt man who has found peace of mind in his new work. He says that since he started punching the keys of a cash register instead of a typewriter, he wakes up in the middle of the night laughing with joy. "I wish I'd done it (the restaurant business) 10 years ago," he admitted.

regulatory boards appointed by SGA,.; were forced to resign. Openings created by these unfortunate resignations were filled by volunteers in the 24th Monday meeting.

Susie Wheeldon will take up the vacant slot on the Student Center Board. Barry Landis will sit on College affairs at their next meeting, as will Phil Rogge in Academic affairs committee. A decision on the vacancy on Peru's Traffic committee was tabled until this evening's meeting. Various minqr changes in SGA's constitution were voted on, most important of which concerned a new policy requiring senate approval of Presidental nominations to, committees. Commit tee! positions were previouslyr confirmed by Presidential ap,. pointment only

The complicated matter of accumulating funds for student projects under the restrictions composed by state law which requires all earned or left over funds to be returned to state controlled coffers, is under investigation.

Senate Bill S3754. This Federal bill purposes to create day care loan centers for the 'working poor' which would also provide educational, health, nutritional and social services to preschoolers from eligible families. The Senate expressed no interest in this bill and did not vote to send a letter to out-state representatives supporting 83754.

Food survey shows student approval

The. Food and Complaint Committee discussed results of the recent Food Survey at their February 11 meeting.

Committee chairman Peggy Jones, freshman, passed out 115 surveys at random to cafeteria eaters five weeks ago. The surveys were gathered and the results compiled.

Some of the suggestions for meal improvement included playing background music, serving warmer food (perhaps by preheating plates, refilling empty milk machines faster, and repairing the pop machines.

A letter from the Milwaukee area Technical College student Government was read requesting PSC support of US <Continued on Page 3)

London squelches skeptism

Extra Sensory Perception wizard, Jack London, dazzled a crowd of 70 people in a night time performance on February 21.

London started his passion for ESP when he was 5 years old. He relates "My religious father was constantly performing 'Miracles' to get me to study the Bible. When I found out how he was doing these tricks I became very interested in magic and then ESP." His father inspired London to begin his search. Up through the years London read and studied the Physic Phenomenon. This study spilled over into World War !I. London recails one experience he had as a young soldier. "The German Airforce at that time no longer existed. We felt very safe from the air threat. We felt so safe we showed open air movies. One day while our outfit was watching a movie I became very nervous. I had this strange feeling that we were going to get straffed. I began to tell everyone to seek shelter. They thought I was crazy but I managed to convince them to seek shelter. In a short time a single German plane roared over the camp and straffed it!"

After this departure from war his study continued and his talent increased. His ability, which he believes to be trained, has brought him national recognition. He has appeared all over the country and is aJrequent guest on talk shows such as Mike Douglas, Merv Griffen, and Johnny Carson.

The envelop of predictions from a locked box which preceded Jack London, a noted ESP expert, is opened with much surprise as his prediction of Arab decisions on oil prices and embargos has hefd true.

There were many skeptics in the audiance before ;howtime. Then Jack London walked out an said "Ladies and gentlemen the subject tonight is ESP, Extra Sensory Perception." He then moved through a brief history of ESP; touching on related fields such as clairvoyance, and Precognition. From then on it was Jack London against your mind as he began to turn many skeptics into believers.

London moved energetically through· various

card tricks, mental experiments, and the show stopper demonstration of Physic Vision.

The card tricks involved audience participation. London beckoned to somebody at random to walk on stage. The person would shuffle the cards and then London asked the subject to select a card mentally as he flashed the deck before their eyes. A hushed audience waited for London to write down his ESP "bolt" and then the participant would name his card. London was right every time.

The mental experiments were mind puzzlers from the start. In one instance the "wizard" selected three members of the audience to choose three numbers between O and 9, The numbers selected were 5, 3, and 7. A puzzled audience watched London point to Scott McKercher for a stage ·appearance. He instructed McKercher to read off numbers on a medalion London had in a ·box. A few disbelievers were eyebrowing one another before Scott read off 5, 3, and 7.

The Physic Vision demonstration were to somt the most amazing. Adazzled audience watched London_ once again point out two PSC girls to assist him. London had the girls inspect and then blindfold him with athletic tape. He then sent a small boy through the audience collecting various articles. One -girl placed the items one-by-one on the tray. The other gfrl held the tray close to the fingertips of London. A shocked crowd watched the "wizzard" correctly name each article.

The sealed box which was mailed to PSC three weeks ago contained London's prediction of the Senate's vote to uphold the Arab oil embargo. London held a question and answer session after the show about ESP and related fields. A sincere young man almost topped London's act with "Have you appeared anywhere else besides peru?"


From the Editor

President F.D.R. gave you the new deal,John Letts ' director of housing, gave you the 10 meal plan, President Nixon gave you a headache, and now for the first time in· newspaper print, sophomore Journalism major Ray Kappel (Joe Journalist) Editor of the Pedagogian (the paper you're reading) gives you (trumpet: tata ta tut tata) The Brain Strain ·Plan. - or - A four day journey into the world of better brain power through my daily guide of mental excercises.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in your life you may become the mind wizard you've always wanted to be.

No longer will you tire of everyone laughing at you when they say Hi! to you and you're stumped for an answer, or trying to figure out what shirt to wear when you've only got one. This plan will keep you from eating. bananas with the other monkeys, or flunking onequestion open book tests. Tired if feeling like the· washroom attendant on Noah's ark? If you are,my plan will set you free.

To give you a deeper understanding of my plan I will embark on the way I discovered it. I've always ·felt there was something missing from my brain power (more people will testify to this than you think). It started as disturbing thought but soon transformed itself into a monster that wouldn't let me sleep at nights.

I was aimlessly searching for the answer one day when a loud booming voice without form spoke to me.

Top Drawer ..

Day 1 - Concentration is the key to every day. You must set· yourself in your dorm room and concentrate on an object. Unbelievable or crazy as it may sound; try to make the object go away. Concentration is the secret.

Day 2 - Concentrate on your roommate to make him (or her) go away. Please discontinue if your roommate starts to enjoy your stares.

Day 3 - You're feeling pretty cocky today and for a good reason. You've made objects in your room that are priceless dr.sappear and you have taken care of a roommate and now you are stuck with cleaning the room. For Day 3 try to make a space appear in my column.

Day 4 - Congratulations you are getting better. Now you are ready for the biggie. No more will you be eating bananas with the other monkeys. This is the last step,take it! Make Day four go away!

Editor's note -The move is on. Delzell residents are ·now being asked to choose between Delzell or Majors Hall. If there is enough Delzell residents ·in favor of moving they will · transfer to Majors Hall next semester. Tours are being set up. I encourage all Delzell residents to tour and see the difference. In your own interest vou should contact your floor's RA with your opinion.

The athletic department· has blamed the business department. The Business department has nothing to say and Dr. Pearson holds an accounting procedure in fault. So who pays the band for this slip-shod show of lousy mangement and planning? The athletes, the students of Peru, and the citizens of this community that do so much for our college pay.

The President's bullet biting stand is unfortunately the only road to recovery, but what bullet are we biting? If Peru's athletic program suffers this spring from lack of responsible leadership our reputation in Nebraska will be seriously diminished. This could very easily affect our enrollment which would weigh heavily on the future of Peru State College. That will make a great impression on future·· employers. In spite of the fact that , only a few people in the Athletic and Business departments can't count; we, meaning the future graduates of Peru, stand a good chance of having their bungling reflect on the quality of our education. For this and for depriving the students of Peru of spring sports, particularly baseball and possibly affecting next years's football program, all of which we were led to believe would be part of tuition, we are owed an apology and explanation, not from Dr. Pearson, but from the people who are responsible for this mistake.

Whether these people are man enough to come forward or

Tne first is to do something for the athletes who have come here to compete. The second is to provide entertainment for students to fill the void left by a now useless spring baseball schedule. (Can you imagine Peru in the ·spring without baseball - it's un-American).

·The third is to salvage our image.

"This is the TV show Star Deck, starring captain Jerk and the starship Splinterprise". Then a loud booming voice that sounded like Paul Kruse, director of visual aids saying "Sorry, wrong invisible being

Because of spring break, the Ped will not resume publication until March 24.

Letters to.

the Editor

It's sad the announcement was made we're not having spring sports. I don't think it's permanent, it's only temporary thing. It appears these are some on Campus who believe maintenance people have some responsibility for the decision. In one of the dormitories, four windows were broken and a sign was hung up saying, "Sports live or Peru dies". This looks like the work of a · romper room dropout. I would think college students would have a more intellectual approach to stating your grievances. Taxes pay for the destruction. Property destruction is obviously riot a solution and only adds to the problem.

not will not, however, in the long run solve our problems of whi.ch we face. with loud booming voice video tape". A sudden click like someone changing tapes and ·then, "Ray Kappel you ·have been summoned before the board of invisible beings with loud booming voices for crimes of thought". For a second [ thought it was ESP wizard Jack London speaking to me direct via mind. Then it continued, "We are tired of you searching for answers to your mind's power. Besides this· gives you something to write about in your column. Here is a four day plan to increase your brain power. Go Joe Journalist and tell the world."

Ladies and Gentlemen I humbly present - The Brain Strain plan - or A four 9ay journey into the world of better brain power· through my daily guide of mental excercises.

Letter to the editor

The shortcut to the Complex should be saved. I recommend that the area be fenced until dry weather or until a cobblestone walk can be laid. The hillside is eroding.

The amwer is not to be found in the two departments that are responsible for this mess. This is no longer an administrative problem - it is a student problem. This is our school and it was our money that was · squandered, therefore it is our responsibility to correct the problem. We have an organization to help with this already in existence. At last week's SGA meeting Amy Walsh, our president, asked for· suggestions on projects to spend the remainder of this · year's funds, sum $500. Alright,. offer a large portion of these student funds to the spring . sports programs, if the coaches present a detailed budget and if they present SGA each week at the meeting a detailed list of expenditures. SGA meets tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts bld. This is quite possibly the most important matter to be brought before this body and attendance should reflect this. Be there; SGA is supposed to .reflect this urgency. If you don't feel strongly enough about this to go tonight and find out what your student government is going to do about it then stop complaining about administrative failures and a college that "doesn't do anything .. "

1, The Pedagogian

The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 wordS and must bear the name of the write.r. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication. ·

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

)\lanaging Editor Ray Kappel

Assistant Editor : Randy Dunlap

Contributing Editor Frank D' Addesa

Sports Editor Larry Kosch

Feature Editor Rosewell

Photography Editor Larry Kosch

Business Managers Tallie Kerns, PhilDean


Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Joe Munn

Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns


PSC band plays on 6th

The Peru State College concert band wider the direction of Dr G.E. WUson will present a concert on Thursday, March 6, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. in the college auditorium. The program includes Clifton Williams' "Castle Gap" march; Rossini's ov.erture to "An Italian in Algiers" · Burke's "Danza Allegree"'..

Three local reviews

featuring Dr. David. Edris as soloist; "Symphonic Portrait of the Music of· Rachmaninoff", with John Chatelain as piano soloist; "Music for Winds and Percussion," by Del Borgo; "Pines of· the Appian Way." from Respighi's Pines of Rome, conducted by Dr. Edris· ·

Food Survey continued

Miss Jones noted that some improvements were already· visible, such as clean glasses and cups.

One common complaint con- · cerned mandatory rechecking of students' numbers for seconds of food. Mr Darrel Williams, campus food director, explained this as a necessity in order to operate in the black. Adding that "we ·(the food service) were in the red first semester."

Mr Williams anticipated some of the problems and said he into and tries to remedy any situation brought to his attention. He said, "I will not serve anything I can't eat myself.".

All committee meetings are open to the public and the times are posted in the. cafeteria two weeks prior.

"Some students responded to only one or two questions on the survey, which accounts for the difference in percentages,'' according to Miss Jones.

The results of the ·survey were as follows:

31 per cent.

Go with Meal: yes 50 per cent and no 29 per cent.


Peru's tour and swing choir campus concert Feb. 23 featrn:ed eight snappy numbers most of whieh were accompanied by. excellent dance routines although far from being a top quality production due to lack of any kind the setting what so ever and. the sticky shoe'dancing of most of the group's males. Jeanne Remington, who has been with the group since last

Temperature: hot 7 per cent, warm 54 per cent and cool 26 per God sp eII By Randy Dunlap cent.

Preparation: over 11 per cent, Tarkio College's Mule Barn under 47 per cent and just right hosted the production of the 20 per cent. musical GODSPELL to a packed

Go with Meal: yes 41 per cent house, Feb. 22. This superb show no 40 per cent. · was greatly inhanced by the ·DESSER'l'S theatre 'rustic modern decor

Freshne5s: fresh 30 per cent · and aceosticsi. Costumes were and stale 62 per cent. • colorful and creative as was the

Selection: adequate 46 per acting and singing. Although the ·cent and inadequate 48 per cent. show lacked talent in no areas,

Taste: good 17 per cent, fair 61 · three parts were exceptional. peP cent pc>or 21 per cent. Paul Simnnnds'leading role as BEVERAGES Jesus was forceful and sensitive.

Selection: · excellent 22 per His voice and facial expressions cent, good 42 per cent, fair 18 per lead his performance far ahead cent and pc>or 20 per cent. of the other male actors. Jackie

Taste: good 41 per cent, fair 32 Brow's rendition of the 'seed per cent, and poOr 21 per cent. plantiilg parable was the high

Ice: yes.54 per cent and no 35 point of her outstanding perper cent. formance only to be topped by SILVERWARE her vocal combination with

Condition: Plenty available 69 Diane Jelter in the production'; per cent, n1>t enough 26 per cent. best number "By My Side. Diane

Clean 34 per cent and dirty 70 performance in the Lazarus per cent. her strong voice and

Amount: Enough 52 per cent, Bent 50 per cent, broken f'per outstanding overall contribution not enough 53 per cent, too much cent and good condition 36 per comprise a goodly portion what 1 percent. cent. goes into an outstanding college

Seasoning: enough 40 per cent, PLATES AND SAUCERS production. not enough 53 per cent and too Clean 69 per cent and dirty 30

This tremendous show was much 2 per cent. per cent. performed .bY. courtesy of

Temperature: hot 5 per cent, Cracked 8 per cent, ·broken O Benson High School. It's too bad warm 50 per cent and cool 51 per per cent and good conditon 74 per PSU doesn't have this kind of cent. cent. talent.


Amount: enough 54 per cent, Plenty 49 per cent and not f f not enough 41 per cent, and too enough 47 per cent.

.................. '.

: PSC canoe trip :

A group of PSC students will spend three days canoeing anc:I camping on the Current River during the week of Spring break.

Jack Hamilton, of the business department, one of the trip organizers. reoorted that there are still openirigs if anyone wishes to be included in the expedition. The recreational services department is providing five canoes as well as .Jents life vests, and a few sleeping bags and air matresses. Individuals are providing their own food and sharing transportation arrangements which will be by private auto.

Voice of hope

By Ray Kappel

The Lincoln based group has been together a year and'a half, but their smooth and rich tone denies it.

Their gospel message is produced through Ken Belcher-Bass and vocals, Ron Douglas-led guitar and voca!S, Bruce Simons - piano and vocals, Rich Collierdrums, Sandy Moody - flute and vocals and tamborine.

McBee handled every sound and mood witl:! ease. The girl vocalists were coordinated beautifully with McBee's voice on every numfler. Simon$, Belcher, and Collier, masters of rhythm, varied between ·Jean, bouncy tempos and soft, quiet tones to hold an audience captive.

This professional group appeared without payment to deliver. their message. In between numbers such as "Satisfied" and "Reach ·out" the group spoke of personal religious experiences. The band also played some original compositions that gave a personal insight to the group.

Bank of

Peru much 3 per cent.

Cracked 4 per cent, broken 2 l . f

seasoning:enough45percent, per cent and good condition 42 1 Peru, Nebraska 1 . not enough 40 per cent .and. too per cent. f much 2 per cent. Clean 31 per cent and dirty 61 t SU pports f

The party will depart Peru at 9 o'clock Monday morning, March 11 and will return the 14th. Talk to Mr Hamilton in room 214 of the education building if you want to go.

TABLES AND CHAIRS t the Bobcats t cent.

Temperature: hot 7 per cent, per cent. · warm 45 per cent and cool 41 per

Clean 85 per cent and dirty 21 cent, sit: yes 95 per cent l with federally f· warm50percent,andcool28per and no 8 per cent. j insured loans and .f cent. NOISE t

Preparation: over 15 per cent,

Unplesant8 percent, bearable j 5 per cent j under 38 per cent; and just right 61 per cent and pleasant 34 per ' ' -------ce-nt_.-----. ·t intsnrest pQid on t:


t t .t passbook savings.



ADance Marathon Booth has been set up in the Bob Inn during Convo and upstairs in the For 2women on i Ir Breckenridge Ski Trip - Ii llll on March 10-14 Cost $86 il I\\ Contact: Rev. Bob Cordes 1\t llll or Coach Schnaser N :i:i. •• •••••••••••••••••••, •• _H,.,')f.J!,,. • "«..•.• • •.._-.-.-.-• - - · - · · · · · · · · • Student Center · from 11 A.M. to 1P.M.

A 2X Vivator teleconverter lens for 35mm camera. Was lost in gym, Jan. 24, during Chadron .State game. A reward is offered. Return lens to: Larry Kosch, Room 21, . I
Suit bags f1 t now available :· t $2.99. j
, fall and does most of the choir's choreography, indicated the group's obvious cohesion has lended greatly to an im-:: provement over last semester's show. The music vocals however, are hard to find in fault. Believe in Music" fits.this lively choir like a glove. The Swing Choir's rendition of "One Tin Soldier" also deserves mention as does freshman Sue Scott. She performs with quality and enthusiasm that given coaching .and maturity, which stage experience will bring, should -develop into a truly fine'talent. Keep your eye on this girl. I'm sure we'll hear froni her in the future. Ms Remington said the group is looking forward to performing ''the rowid" and improving their choreography and their execution. We can expect to see more of our swing choir whose Sunday per-, formance was most enjoyable.
The crowd reaction was one of exciternerit and response as they kept time with the band on most of the numbers. Most of the students stayed to talk with the "Voice of Hope" afterwards. In that discussion their was talk of · a new movement on the PSC campus.

PSC .winsrepeatNCC title

The Peru State wrestlers proved themselves worthy of a repeat NCC crown as the Bobcats headed off a Chadron challenge to clinch the championship. The final tally was: Peru State 124, Chadron 106%, Wayne 79 and Kearney 76.

There were three champions and two consolation champions for Peru State. Bud Frohling, John Whisler and Fred Marisett were the champs of their weight classes. Lonnie Quinn and Dennis Johnk, after being decisioned in the 1st round, came back to take the consolation honors.

Gary Leosing started things on the right foot for the Bobcats as he pinned his Kearney opponent, Bruce Hahn, in 6:49. In the 126 lb. final, Leosing was decisioned 3-0 by Jim Meyer of Wayne State. ·

Rick Norval followed suit with a 4:39 pin of Craig Hellwege (Wayne) in the 134 lb. class. Norval found himself on his back in the finals as Neil Lein (Chadron) made a 1:47 pin.

In the 142 lb. class, Lonnie Quinn was decisioned by Steve Brown (Chadron) 5-1. Quinn came back in the consolation bracket to decision Jim Kahnk (Wayne) 3-1.

After receiving a bye in the first round, Bud Frohling claimed the first championship for Peru State with a 5: 59 pin of Randy Nicholson (Kearney) in the 150 lb. class.

After decisioning Fred LaQuz (Kearney) 11-6 in the first round, John Whisler claimed the 158 lb. championship with a 3-1 over-

time decision of W!llis Stallman · (Chadron).

The 167 lb. Peru entry, Dennis Johnk, lost a 4-0 decision to Lyle Erickson (Kearney). Johnk came back in the consolation final to gain a 2-0 decision over Bob Buck (Wayne).

Bob Brown decisioned Louis Panas 6-0 in the 177 lb. class to reach the finals. Only to lose a close 5-4 decision to Mike Riedmann (Wayne).

Kent Coleman gained the 190 lb. class final by pinning Lonnie Smith (Kearney) in 2:20. The championship final was a real heartbreaker as Kent Coleman lost a close 6-5 decision to Fred Spale (Wayne). Coleman was riding his opponent with 30 seconds left in the match when ::i , reversal occurred. What seems like a 5-4 decision suddenly vanished into thin air as a 6-5 defeat appeared.

Fred Marisett decisioned Bob Feurer (Kearney) 5-1 to reach the HW class final. It took a 1-0 overtime decision to decide the match between Marisett and Kevin Kane (Wayne). Marisett gained the decision by escaping from Kane's grasp in the third period of overtime.

When asked about the goodsized following of Peru supporters, Coach Marty-- Dwine exclaimed, "It's super!! And it really helped our guys. I think we had more fans here than any of the other colleges.'' Noting the spirit-boosting support of the Bobcat wrestlers by the Peru fans, he declared, "You just can't beat that! ! ! "

The Bobcat wrestlers poses with their NCC championship trophy after completion of the HW finals. Bud Frohling, John Whisler and Fred Marisett were declared NCC champs. Ped Photo

Bobcats lose two games to wind up a 3-22 season

The Bobcats found themselves in another one of those nightmarish "J.F.K. rally" games when they played Concordia, Feb. 22, on the home maples. They were able to hang on with clutch free-throws and emerge as victor over the Bulldogs, 8880.

Good outside shooting enabled the Bobcats to run up a ten point lead· before halftime, 44-34. In the second half, Concordia used a 2-1-2 zone and a full court press defense to check the Bobcats. A 73-54 lead melted down to four, 78-74, before the Bobcats recovered.

Parker led Bobcat scoring with 23 points. Joe Fleskoski followed with 22 while John

Herbsi chipped m 15 points.

In a season-finale game with Wayne State, Feb. 26, Charlie Henderson proved to be too much for the Bobcats to handle.

Scoring on of eight field goal attempts in the first ten

minutes, Henderson led the Wildcats to a 35-6 lead. After taking a 60-23 halftime lead, Wayne State coasted to a 127-60 victory over the Bobcats. Russ Mort led Bobcat· scoring with 16 points.

Bobkittens lose two

in state tournament

The Peru State Bobkittens traveled to Fremont for the State Tournament Feb. 21-22 after completing their 5-9 season. They were defeated twice in the double-elimination tournament by Creighton 50-41,'

West All-Sta.rs beat East

All-Stars in roundball

The West i\Jl-Stars used fast and Butch Kimball contributed breaks and consistent scoring to 10 points each. take a 32-24 halftime lead .and Ted Rippen scored 12 points to went on to a 71-58 victory over lead the East All-Stars' scoring, the East All-Stars, Feb. 25, in the Maurice Burgin and Pat PapPSC gym. pion chipped in 10 points each.

Gary Leosing pinned his Kearney opponent in 6:49 to help Peru State on their way to a repeat NCC . crown. Ped Photo.

Larry Kosch

Our Peru State wrestlers did it again. They went up to Wayne, Nebr., Feb. 20, to defend their NCC crown.· They won the tournament by a good margin for repeat NCC championship. One of the factors responsible for their ·superior performance is the crowd support the Bobcats got during the tournament.

No one really knew how many Peru supporters came, but I took a rough body coWJt. during the tournament. The figure that I

Von Bachle and three other There were no winners in the teammates were in double- Half Court Throw contest held figures for the West All-Stars. during halftime. Although Rob Bachle shot 13 points while John Geschke did sink a hoop-swisher Randolph, Henry McCullough, ·-on a demonstratim1

came up with is, 75. Which means that roughly 10 per cent of the Peru college enrollment came to the tournament. The fact that Peru contingent was larger than any of the other college groups, makes that small figure quite significant.

The Bobcats' crowd support · was evident right from the start of the tournament. In every match that a Bobcat wrestled, the gym was filled with cheers, yells and shouted en-

couragements. Irregardless' of the match outcome, ea,ch Bobcat wrestler was applauded for his ' efforts. This sportmanship was carried one step further by the Peru supporters. They cheered on their favorite wrestlers from other colleges. Shouts of "C'mon Bob!", "Let's go Lyle!" and "Go Kearney!" were frequently heard. Even when a Chadron wrestler got up after receiving a stunning head blow during a match the Peru crowd gave him a nice roWJd of applause.

and UNO of Omaha 91-37.

According to Coach McElroy, the words "State Tournament" had a lot to do with the way they played - "nervous." He later commented, "We weren't mentally ready to play."

Patty Collins and Gail Harmon led a second hai£ rally in the Creighton game that fell short. Behind at halftime, 32-16, the Bobkittens came back but were not able to overcome the final nine point deficit. Collins finished with 14 while Harmon contributed 10 points.

Artie-cold shooting led to the ·• Bobkittens' downfall in the UNOOmaha game. Behind 51-15 at halftime the Bobkittens were not able to keep up with UNO's balanced scoring, Patty Collins•• led the Bobkittens with 15 points.

I'll never forget the sight of those seven Peru wrestlers lining up for the finalists' in· troduction. It almost made me think that this tournament is jusf another dual meet win for Peru State to hang on their victory belt!

All in all, it was a good tour-· nament for the Bobcats. After: wrestling their way to an cellent 17-4 dual record, they got. what they deserved - a Nebraska College Conference cham: pionship ! !!

J(osch 0 r
e r

Money is raised for spring sports

On February 26 the announcement was made that the PSC spring sports program was cancelled due to money problems, unless outside funds could be obtained. Since then a drive to reverse the action has been put in action by the athletic department. Peru State athletic director, Dr. Tom Fitzgerald, said the needed money was raised through bake sales, collection and contributions which netted over $1,500. Fitzgerald said the Letterman's Club has sold tickets for a boxing smoker that have netted $500 so far. This money, according to

Fitzgerald, has enabled the spring sports program to continue operations. Club has sold tickets for a bOxing smoker that have netted $500 so far. This money, according to Fitzgerald, has enabled the spring sports program to continue operations.

The Peru State College baseball team opens their 11game schedule March 26 at Tarkio, Missouri. The golf team will have seven meets beginning at Creighton, April 1. The track team is slated to play at the Kearney State relays, April 5 Plans for the tennis team are still being discussed.

Monday, March 24, 1975 State College

Students ski Colorado

If you don't believe we had a good time on the ski trip to Breckenridge, Colorado, over the Spring break, just ask Mr Mccaslin about his "oski - wowwow." The response of the group has been so good we have asked to reserve the lodge for Spring break next year, March 15-19. Of the twenty-nine who went we had only one broken thumb, several "ski-knees," a gasping VW van, and a hang-0ver or two.

Snow conditions were great with snow at night and clear skies during the day. This plus small crowds on the slopes made skiing excellent. "Sitzmark"

Schnaser and his wife and "Shussboomer" Cordes and his wife prepared the meals at the lodge, which really means the wives cooked the meals. If anyone went hungry it was their own fault. At $15.00 a person for food for the five days, the biggest complaint was having too much to eat.


Among area high" school guidance counselors and business representatives registered for the March 17 Career Guidance Institute at Peru College were [left to right] Gordon Jackson, cooperative work program coordinator, Glenwood [Iowa] Senior High; Gary Engelhart, cooperative work program coordinator, Missouri Valley [Iowa] Community school; Paulson E. Leighton, Metropolitan Director, National Alliance of Businessmen, Omaha; Micki Baldino, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Omaha; and Robert Nieto, Manpower Program Specialist, Department of Labor, Omaha. Mrs Fred Hamann [seated], secretary to institute coordinator John of the PSC staff, assisted with registration. ..

High schools to attend

Drama workshop here

Students from 30 high schools in the four-state area have been asked to participate in the First Annual High School Weekend Drama Workshop April 4, 5, and 6 on the Peru campus: The workshop ·is sponsored by the Peru State College Drama department with the support of the Nebraska Arts Council.

Classes in directing; acting, lighting, and stage composition will be included in the three-day session. The finale will be a public performance at 8 p.m. April 6.

Dr. James R. Rockey, Artistic Director of the Fargo-Morehead Community Theatre, Fargo,_ North Dakota, assisted by Mr Ed Clark, Director of Theatre at PSC, will conduct the directing and acting workshops. Mr David Phillips, Technical Director, Fargo-Morehead Community Theatre, will present.workshops in technical theatre. Dr. Rockey will direct the Sunday evening performance, assisted by Mr Phillips.

Mr Clark said, "The FargoMorehead Community Theatre is one of the best small community theatres in the country, and we are very excited about

Forty students out teaching_

Forty PSC education students began student teaching assignments March 10 in seventeen Nebraska and Iowa' school systems.

Those who went were Mr and Mrs Bob Cordes, Mr and Mrs Roger Schnaser, Mr and Mrs Bob Cram. Mr and Mrs Mike Tynon, Mr and Mrs Bill Pruett, Mr and Mrs Jack Tuxhorn, Mr and Mrs Stan McCaslin, Dick Kohel, Dunlap, Bill Fitzgerald, Robbie Giesecke, Lance Wilson, Warren Goos, Kirk Nissen (broken thumb), J{en Smith, Brenda Hoffman, Betty Adams, Patty Collins, B:irb Selah, Anne Oestmann, Vickie Milla, and Julia Gonzales, plus Bryan and Leah Cordes and Heather Mccaslin who served as mascots to the -wounded.

Questions you might ask of those who went: Ms Hoffman, who were those guys from Wisconsin really? P .C., what is snow blindness? Mr Smith, do you ski better with two left boots? What would Lance Wilson take for his VW. van? Borrow five dollars from Randy Dunlap. What about Barb Selah's affair with a tree? What about Tuxhorn's and Pruett's affair with a St. Bernard? How does Dick Kohel pick his chairlift partner? Ask Betty Adams who Dave Thornton is? Ask anybody what exhaustion is

All in all the trip was a great success. Much thanks goes to Coach Schnaser for setting up transportation on the brown bomb, which is timed for sporadic explosions, and details of printings and maps, and his time and energy in planning. There would be much thanks to Bob Cordes, Campus Minister, but he's writing this article and modesty prevails.

being able to present me opportunity for excellent learning experiences here at Peru."

The workship will be limited· to 100 students, so Mr Clark has asked each school to. send no moril than seven students and instructors. Students attending the workship will stay in Majors Hall on the Peru Campus for $5.00. The $5.00 fee does not include any meals, however, the ·snack bar and cafeteria will be open.

Seven attend nPros" session

Six PSC students and Mr Robert. Lewellen, advertising instructor, "Met the Pros" at the 13th annual session, sponsored by the Omaha Federation of Advertising February 28 at the Holiday Inn.

Highlighting the "Match" was the "ace success story" by Bill Fries, creative director for the C.W. and Mavis commercials.

Mr Fries cleverly presented the story to the original background music and showed films of each commercial. The Clio award winning campaign has increased Old Home Bread sales 200 per cent.

The 'l:l secondary and 13 elementary majors return to campus April 11 for a day of review, then- go back to the public schools until May 9. Students teaching junior or senior high - school include: Dennis Ehmke, jr. high music; James Person, history, biology; Galen Kronhofman, biology, driver's ed.; Richard Pflaum, Deborah Barton, art; Fred Morehouse, business ed.; Melvin Kingery, business ed.; Fred Reed, P.E., driver's ed.; Dennis Williams, business ed.; David Chatelain, social studies, geography; Dennis Stones, P.E., driver's ed.; David Lainez, math, P.E.; Larry Shoff, P.E.; Dennis Brady, biology; Raymond Czaszwicz, P.E.: Mike Engels, P.E.; William Hallock, iridustrial arts; Patty Johnson, P.E.; Bobbi Thiesfeld, English; .John Woolsey, industrial arts; Linda Tempelmeyer, art; Susan Zimfer, math; Maynard Geschke; music (vo(!al), Richard Hinkel, P.E.; Patricia Snyder, math; Bernadette Dorn, business ell.; and James Smith, English. Student teachers ili the elementary classrooms follow: Mary Bauman, Nancy Hahn, 4th grade; Debbie Anderson, 3rd; Barbara Brady, 1st; Margaret Jelinek, 2nd; Judy Dwine, 4th; Carol Orr,. 1st; Julie Bredensteiner, early childhood; Gleora Covault, 4th; Sharon Duerfeldt, 4th; Cheryl early childhood; Kathy Kelly, 3rd, and' Joyce Parde, 2nd.

Division heads discuss revisi·o.ns

The six PSC Division Heads, The teacher education chaired by Dr. Clyde Barrett, department's proposed handmet Feb. 20 and discussed book, giving requirements for numerous school revisions and student teaching and obtaining a implementations. · BS in Ed., was discussed. A

Class selections for the May March 5 meeting is planned to 12-23 Interim Session were discuss this booklet with proposed. Students may carry a educaton class members. one to three-hour class load during the two week schedule.

A Bachelor of Technology degree could be added to Peru's curriculum if the Board of Trustees grants permission. Dr. Thomas Scherer, committee member, explained that this would aid transf.er students with Associate of Arts degrees from Junior Colleges, because the hours could be applied toward the Bachelors degree.

Instructors will be encouraged to choose text books which can be retained for three years. This is an effort to help the Nebraska Book Store's profit margin, according to Dr. Scherer.

Procedures for promotion of staff members were suggested. Forms for stud.ent evaluation of faculty members will so6n be available from the student affairs office. These forms will aid : in the. promotion procedure.

Dr Scherer said expanded 1 programs in art, business, andaccounting were recommended, but the budget puts a squeeze on hiring additional staff members.

Foreign student peak at- Peru

"An institution of higher education certainly would want to have as a part of its student body a foreign student population," stated Kelly Kiewer, Registrar and Foreign Student Advisor.

In the past ten years; there have been from three to eleven foreign students enrolled at Peru State College a semester. The foreign student population is now at its peak.

Foreign students this year are: Phebee Chen from Taiwan; Sydney Okoye and Wilfred Okafor from Nigeria; Andraik Najarian and Sargez Khoshabeh from Iran; Rito Mendoza from Venezuela; Julia Gonzalez and Virginia Milla from Honduras; MaEugenia Espinosa from Mexico; and Yaser Eddmeiri and Nairn Beituni from Jerusalem.


From the Editor

In the ten short days of spring break I have become the richest man on earth. I have evolved from a penniless editor to a multi-millionaire world figure. Obviously, my lifestyle has been transformed. For thrills I used to pitch hot pennies to organ grinder's monkeys. Now, I can achieve this same ecstasy by driving my Rolls Royce down highway 67. How have I achieved my rightful place in history? I'm glad you asked. It's simple. I followed a plan laid out by a national figure. Like this national figure, who I will refer to as Wally Watergate, I committed an outlandish crime, went to jail for · 13 minutEIB, and then went on a lecture four to the open arms of the college population. They hungered for the real story of what happened behind the scenes.

I my readers should have the benefit of my experience in case they decide they could use an extra million lying around. First, I divided the plan into parts just as · had done. Step 1: 'Phe crime, Step 2, The jail sentence, and Step 3, The lecture tour. I will now touch on all three so you may prepare yourself with your plan.

The Crime. Think big. It's got to be outlandish. Wally Watergate used the old trick of betraying the trust of

Americans. It for


Fever hits Peru

.Jumpy? Edgy? Con't seem to get your mind on your textbooks?

Relax - you're probably ·"suffering" from good old spring - has - sprung fever. · Every year about this time <sounds like a familiar song title) faculty members notice a quiet <?) slipping away from campus. Students slipping away to the woods for a "kegger" or out to lookout point

it worked for me, and it can work for you. My crime wa,g called "The Great Daylight Savings Time Hoax." I called prominent news media personnel (Cronkite was glad to hear from me again) and told them wiQter was an hour longer than summer. Everybody set their clocks ahead an hour. The CIA soon found me out and had me sentenced to "Luxurious Prison.'; The prison only a mother could love. I, like dear old Wally, chose to serve 13 minutes for my high crime.

The Jail Term. "Luxurious Prison" is set in the horrid surroundings of the French Riveria. Inside your "cell" will be harsh torture. You are provided with only seven sbowers, one for every day of the week, and a Rolls Royce to drive highway 67 when you get out.

Indoor harems are optional. Outside is the French Riveria with all of its prison like features. For your personal use you are given a tennis court., swimming pool, and a Rolls Royce to drive down highway 67. Outdoor harems are tional. When you have served 13 minutes for your crime you are deemed fit for society.

The Lecture Tour. This is the easy part. Implication is the key. Implicate everybody from your Uncle Harry to your Aunt Harry. Wally Watergate did it, tdid it, now it's your turn.


USCC on the attack

The Consumer Deception Act Of 1975

The U.S. Chamber of Com·

essential than ever that con-

suiners obtain full satisfaction

for every dollar spent. Un-

. fortunately, many misguided

efforts to "protect" consumers

do more harm than good.

Such is the case with "The Consumer Protection Agency Act of 1975," which is similar to legislation defeated in Congress over the last five years. However, this year's bill (S. 200) stands a good chance of passage because the 94th Congress is expected to be receptive to activist-backed causes.

"Now, after hundreds of millions of dollars went down a rathole, the Congress has decided that seat-belt interlocks were not such a good thing after all. Presumbly, not worth it to customers. The decision on the so-ea.lied "airbags," which may cost about 10 times as much, will be coming up soon.

"What position should the CPA (Consumer Protection Agency) administrator, as the allpurpose consumer advocate, ili take? No one seems to know." .,,,,

Obviously, any such decision

should be left to customers in the marketplace, not another .\:'i:l:1:\: , Washington bureaucrat.

The title of the bill itself 1s {jj misleading. Many members of ;::i Congress, who habitually vote .•:: for a bill because it has an ap- :.J.l.l.:. ·· pealing title, may not even read :::: the actual provisions of the bill.

The public is even less knowledgeable about such "' matters.

IThis particular bill simply .;:: creates another expensive new i§; bureaucracy to represent the consumer interest before federal . regulatory agencies; yet it woulo be as far distant and aloof

othoc '<ericies in

The Pedagogian

IThe Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the name of the writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

with their honey, or off on a "streak," or perhaps the physical presence remains, but the mind wanders off to the lakes, the fields, the streamsany place for leisure and relaxation.

As the charisma of springtime lures you awayaway from textbooks, term papers, and other class assignments - remember only six short weeks until semester's end.

Moral: Live, lov.e, and soak up the sunshine, but don't let ·springtime catapult you into the doldrums of low GPA's.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserve8 the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the <;ollective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Managing Editor Ray Kappel

Contributing Editor Frank D ·

Sports Editor : Larry Kosch

Feature Editor .....................•............. Emily Rosewell

· Photography Editor Larry Kosch

Business Managers Tallie Kerns, Phil Dean Reporters

Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Joe Munn

Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns

I I. · · (01,75 111£ INHIJ!lli 111
!.1. 1 1 ll
111] ::::
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_Beaver Junction - pop. 4

If you see a sign with the words "Beaver Junction" printed on it, stop and read it. You may be surprised to find that it is not a road sign announcing a town, but a sign advertising a new group.

The group consists of four talented musicians who attend Peru State College. -Three of them are enrolled in music education: Dennis Ehmke, senior and Mark Thompson, sophomore; vocals and guitars. PSC senior Maynard Geschke is a vocalist for the group. Perry Biaggi, in business administration, plays the drums. Beaver Junction began its career New Year's Eve,

December 1974, by performing at the Vet's Club in Syracuse. Wheeler's Inn, The Front Page, and· Pawnee City High School are among other places where the group has performed.

The group does music of all types from the Beatles to Elton John to John Denver. Some members of the group are even composers in their own right; Mark Thompson, wrote the group's theme song.

The group will be performing at Wheeler's Inn in the near future. So the next time you see a sign that says "Beaver Junction," don't pass it by. Stop, look, and read it, thengo and hear this great new group.

Hamlet ambitious production

William 'Shakespeare's Hamlet was performed by the Peru State College Players on four successive dates: Friday, February 28 through Monday, March 3. The ambitious production was received well by most of those who saw it done; it succeeded in removing some oi the traditional time,polished distrusts of Shakespeare's value as a playwright of the _people.

Of the rather large cast, several performers deserve mention. Peggy Jones gave an effective and moving performance as Ophelia, the. in-

nocent lady loved by Prince Hamlet; Ed Clark was a most convincing Polonius. Rosencrantz and Guilderstern, played by Danny Ehmke and Kevin Knoll, provided several refreshing moments. Greg Sprague was a Danish-looking Hamlet. ·

Much admired by the audience were the authentic and brilliantly co!Ored costumes of the players. The set was stark and gave the effect of morbid bleakness.

who attendrd it; Shakespeare is still alive in Peru. Nebraska.

t the Bobcats t

: with federally t t insured loans and 1 i 5 per cent t t !r.terest on t _: passbook savings.



Trophies will be awarded the winners at the Spring Week Concert.


1. Contestant must be a Peru State Student and not a member of Lambda Delta Lambda.

2. $1.00 entry fee for each male or femci.le contestant must accompany entry forms.

Lambda Delta Lambda

Dr. Daryl Long PSC

4. Voting will be by the student body atl penny a vote. No limit on the number of votes. Voting will be conducted on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Spring Week.

5. Pictures to be taken by a photographer on April 15 at a designated place. Male contestants will be photographed in cutoffs or bermuda shorts. Female contestants will be photographed in Hot Pants (or short shorts) and nyfons. ·

6. Hopefully each contestant will be sponsored by an organization on campus but it is not necessary.


Sponsored by Address

Phone Number

Are you running for SGA Office? Elections coming soon. Field Trip to Beatrice State Home Sponsored by: Youth Association People interested will be excused from classes.
April 17
Peg Witty, Becky D. Palmer, Terry Pardeck, F .A. by March 27th.
Phil Roge and Linda Doty enjoying their brief stay in "Beaver Junction."'
Laertes [Joe Munn] and Hamlet [Greg Sprague] lay dead. Horatio [Tom Banks] holds the fallen prince.
;-.-... ..... ..........
·t Bank of ·Peru t t Peru, Nebraska : t Supports f
All in all, the. play was a rewarding experience for those :
Plan now for Spring Week
APRIL 20-27 : Suit bags
• now available 1 ·t ,- $2.99.
.3. Entry deadline: Arpil 9, 1974. Mail entry forms to:

Frohling's championship drive leads Peru State to 15th place in Nationa.l Tournament

Bud Frohling proved himself to be the best NAIA 150 lb. wrestler in the nation as he led Peru State to a 15th place finish in the 18th Annual National Wrestling Championship, March 5-8, at Sioux City, Iowa. Frohling was declared champion after he pinned Bill Schmidt of Augsburg in the 150 lb. class final.

Over 100 colleges participated in the tournament that opened Wednesday morning for registration of wrestlers. Coach Marty Dwine registered seven Bobcat hopefuls. They were Gary Leosing, Rick Norval, Bud Frohling, John Whisler, Bob Brown, Kent Coleman and Fred Marisett.

TAKEDOWN! It's two for Frohling as the referee signals to the scorer a takedown :credit. Bill Schmidt of Augsburg College is Frohling's opponent in the 150 lb. final.



.Even though Frohling appears to be tied up at the moment, he maintains control of Schmidt in this situation. Frohling had a competitive edge on his opponent during the first two periods of the match.




Most of Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning were spent in committee meetings and coaches' meetings. Tournament rules were set up and

wrestlers were seeded in their respective weight classes.

The National tournament started in earnest with preliminary and 1st round matches on Thursday afternoon. And the Bobcats started falling right and left as they ran into tough competition.

In the preliminary round matches, 134 lb. Rick Norval was pinned by Jerry Parkinson of Northern State in 3:15. Bob Brown, a 177 lb. entry, lost a 11-4 decision to Ron Cole of Southern Oregon.

The 1st round action spelled DE-F-E-A-T for three Bobcats.

John Whisler Jost a 14-7 decision to Jerry Sannas of Dickenson State. Whisler advanced to the 1st round after he pinned David Izzo of Grand Valley State in 7:06. Kent Coleman lost a close 2-0 decision to. Rocky Isley of Central Washington. Fred Marisett also lost a close 3-2 decision to Bob Whelan of Bemidji. Marisett took a 6-2 decision from Chuck Stewart of Indiana U. SPennsylvania) and defeated Kearney opponent Bob Fuerer 6-4 in the first two consolation rounds. Marisett was stopped in the third round when Jerry Reker of Southwest Minnesota made a 2:19 pin.

Gary Leosing was a second round victim as Glenn Guerin of Taylor handed him a 6-0 decision.

Only one Bobcat was left after second round matches were completed. That was Bud Frohling, still alive in the 150 lb. class competition. He pinned Craig Faldet of Winona with eight seconds left in the preliminary round. After decisioning Steve Rogland (U. of


When I first heard about the cancellation of 1975 spring sports due to lack of funds, I was left in a state of surprise and shock. The announcement was about as uneipected as a mother-in -law's visit. The· idea of going without baseball, golf, tennis and track this spring is rather un-American and untraditional to me. But, when I heard that we need two thousand green bills to keep the sports going, I felt like throwing in the towel. When you have 10 days to raise two grand, the odds of succeding seem near impossible.

After returning from Spring break, I was again surprised to hear that the lettermen achieved their $2,000 goal. Either someone did a few financial tricks or the lettermen really went all out to get the needed dough According to Coach Fitzgerald, they raised the needed money for the spring sports· to operate on a skeleton budget.

This act of saving 1975 spring sports from a certain death indicates several things which should be pointed out. If there is sport apathy here at Peru State, it certainly would be hard to find. With people shelling out the needed cash, strong support for the spring sports is ·indisputably evident.

The fact that the lettermen themselves raised the money is another good sign to consider. They show spirit and desire to play spring sports. Theydidn'tsitaroundandsay, "Man, that's a bummer!" They went out and raised the needed cash by accepting contributions and selling tickets to a boxing ,smoker.

· They also proved that you can't keep a good man down. Especially when he is a Peru State letterman.

THE WINNAH! Returning from a short off-mat celebration after the decisive pin, Bud Frohling is declared the official 1974 NAIA 150 lb. National .Champion by the referee. Frohling's performance enabled Peru State to finish in the top 20 teams of the tournament.

Pittsburgh) 6-0 in the 1st round, Frohling pinned Bob Bennett (Wartburg) in 4:57 during second round action.

Third round action saw Frohling hand Joe Schambow (Lacrosse) a 10-7 decision. Jerry Feekes (Westmar College) met a similar fate when Frohling handed him a 10-6 decision in the semi-final.

The Saturday night match for the 150 lb. National Championship was a tight affair from the start, with Frohling having the edge on his opponent. Bill Schmidt (Augsburg College) wrestled neck-to-neck with Frohling throughout the 1st and 2nd period, Leading 6-5, halfway through the third period, Frohling scored a sudden takedown on Schmidt. Fifteen seconds later, the match was settled as Frohling. quickly moved in for a 6:42 pin.

The pin enabled Peru State to finish 15th in the top 20 teams of the tournament. This strong finish is a sharp contrast to last year's performance, when Peru State finished 62th in the team list.

During the consolation finals, Coach Marty Dwine commented, "There's no doubt our :overall team performance could've been better. But there's no team effort in this tournament. The National tournament stresses individual performance." When asked about Frohling's performance in the tournament, he replied, "Bud's abilities and desire to win is what brought him to the finals."

PINNED! Following up a quick takedown, Frohling closes in for a surprise pin in the third period. And the "pin slap", shown in photo, is given by the referee, touching off a short celebration by Frohling' s teammates and Peru fans.

,,1975 Spring Sports
alive and well at Peru State."

Muscular Dystrophy Bows to Perit State

The SGA-WOW radio sponsored dance marathon held in the PSC gymnasium was a big success, with $4, 788 raised to help fight Muscular Dystrophy. Of the 22 couples that started belly rubbing at 6:00 p.m. Friday, March 21, 18 were still dancing at Midnight Saturday, representing a 30 hour stint.

Five local groups-Eldon Tucker, Blue Ridge. Skip Coles Big Band, The Cooking Kolaches and Essence along with high school stage bands from Omaha Central, Omaha Creighton Prep and Auburn plus recordsprovided the music.

Other events in the marathon included a carnival where pie throwing and coin toss booths · were set up. WOW t-shirts and buttons were sold, along with raffle tickets with merchandise donated from area merchants used as prizes.

The couples were allowed sleep from 3:30-8:00 Saturday morning and wei;e served breakfast from 8: 00-ll: 30 when the dancing started a_gain

Helping to wind up the event was a Bunny Hop performed by everyone minules before Midnight Saturday.

Five trophies were to the couples earning the most money. Winning first prize were .Tim Bartles of PSC and Dottie Ferris of Nebraska City High School. Second place was earned by Bill Martin and Vicki Milla, while Mike Lance and Dianne Rees garnered third. PSC student Ted Harshberger and Geri Watton from Stella Southeast High School won the fourth place trophy. Fifth place went to Kent Fike and Jolene Adams.

Kent Hoxie and ·nena O'Banion won the Congeniality Award while the Stan McCaslins and the Robert Lewellens tied for the top spot in the faculty couples contest.

Other area colleges holding · dance marathons during the same weekend and money earned were: University of

SGA meets to decide

Peru Achievement Foundation Director Bill Snyder spoke at the March 24 Student G-Overning Association meeting to explain the functions of the organization.

Snyder expressed hope that understanding the organization will result in support from the students upon graduating from Peru. The speaking appearance was one of a series conducted by Snyder to various groups on campus to acquaint students to the foundation.

SGA senators voted The Front Page the "What's Right With Peru" award for February and the eighteen couples who completed the 30 hour WOW Dance Marathon won the award for the month of March. Many names and organizations were nominated and all will receive a certificate of recognition.

First place to O'Jays

With music to sooth the soul and release the mind came the Concerned Black Students (CBS) Do It Talent Show. The talent show was Tuesday, March 25, in the college auditorium.

Alan Jones, master of ceremonies kept the show rolling.


A motion was maae amt passed that the SGA move their meetings to Thtirsday at 5 p.m. in the Student Center dining hall. The new time and place will go into effect for their next meeting on April 4.

In order to discover student interest for an annual formal, which would be sponsored by President and Mrs Douglas Pearson, senators were asked to poll 20 students fqr their opinion's. Pearson expressed a desire to sponsor such an event at the March 20 Rap Session. Also discussed at the meeting were the upcoming SGA elections which will have as its chairman Senator John Robertson and the possjqility of establishing an SGP. scholarship.

Nebraska at Omaha - $22,2Zl!; Hastings - $8,250; South Dakota University - $7,075; Wayne State - $4,751; Dana - $4,675 and Doane - $2,175.

Two days of dandng yielded these smiling winners. From left · to right are, Bill Martin and Virginia Milla Jim Bartels and Dottie Ferris (winners), Ted Harshberger and Geri Watton, Jolene Adams and Ken Fike, Trina O'Banion and Kent Hoxie, Diane Rees and Mike Lance. The Marathon story carries full details of winners and their trophies. The 22 couples participating helped net over $4,000 for the fight against Muscular Dystrophy.

Students entering their talents were: Gteg Sprague, Stephanie G-Olden, Maurice Burgin, Kenny Brown, Jimmy Ray, Jeffery Powell, Lila Jackson, Harry Phillips, Henry McCullough, Rodney Carter, Sue Higgins, Bobbie Wilson, and Kenneth Harnly.

Winners were: third placeSue Higgins and Kenneth Handy doing a _modern dance, second place - LSD Movement combining Maurice Burgin, Kenny Brown, Jimmy Ray, and Phil Dean in some instrumental music, and first place - O'Jays featuring Harry Phillips, Henry McCullough, and Rodney Carter for some singing.

Prizes of $5.00 for third place, $10.00 for second place, and $25.00 for first place were furnished by the Student Center Board.

Judges for the show were John Letts, Director of Housing, Mrs Arlene Fell, Home Economics instructor, Mike DeRuntz, Charlie Jackson, Curtis Tutson, and John Randolph.

Door prizes of two pizzas from Duffy's and two people receiving their admission fee back were given. Those winning pizzas were Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson,

instructor of English, and Phyllis Butrick. Dr. Gilbert Wilson, instrumental music instructor, and Ron Winston received their admission fee back.

Others who helped with the show were Gwen Brown, Fred Marisett, Kay Harron, Theresa Bass, and Karl Fields.

The talent show was well received and fun for everyone.

Dorm rates up

Increases in PSC Room and Board Rates for the 1975-76 academic year have been announced. These fees "reflect the continued rise in costs of food, utilities and maintenance,'" according to John Letts, Student Housing Administrator.

Semester Academic Year

Room & Board: 15 Meal Plan

Delzell & Morgan Halls $495 $990

Complex Halls $540 $1,080

Room and Board: 10 Mea!Plan

Delzell & Morgan ·· Halls $480 $960

Complex Halls $525 $1,050

Room Only (Option available only to juniors and seniors)

Delzell & Morgan Halls $240 $480 Complex Halls $285 $570 Private rooms are available for an additional $75 per semester or $150 for the academic year. Room and Board may be paid in installments, with arrangements made during registration.

NU.\i l'IWF!T rJJ{(; lJ S. J>OSTA<;E 1.8 f'AID PEIW NE fi8421 PEltMIT NO 4
Monday, March 31, 1975 Peru State College
Jean Sherwood and John Goodellstart the Marathon Dance with a fast number


I was observing my car gently swerving over highway 67 when· all of a sudden a little man dressed in green leotards and yellow shoes witti bells jumped out and ihrew a stick through my windshield. My car ran off the road tearing off three doors. l started to get back on the road when my quick journalistic mind clicked and I said to myself "This might be a story". I got out and walked over to the little man. He said "I know what you are thinking'', shaking his finger at me, "you think I'm a funny little man that dresses in green leotards and yellow shoes with bells and goes around throwing sticks thru car windshields. Don't you!''

"Well, Mr Green Leotards and Yellow Shoes With Be)Js On Them, it did strike me as unusual.''

"Well, you're wrong," he said as he shook his finger at me, "I'm a troll. I live under highway 67 and dress up in green leotards and yellow shoes with bells on them and throw sticks thru windshields. The State Department hired me to protect the road,"

SGA Senator

The goal of criticism is to leave the person with the feeling that he's been helped.

· John F. Kennedy said that victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. The great success of our Muscular Dystrophy Dance Marathon is without a doubt a victory for our Student Governing Association. However, in the midst of our jubilation, there also lies our orphan. The S.G.A.'s responsibility of sponsoring the Dance Marathon was more than just raising money for M.D., it was also. to promote total student involvement in a college ac-

Chamber of Commerce Attacks

An Old Law, Bad Law And Costly Law

"Protect it from what, Mr Troll?"

"Shut up, mister, or I will kick you with my yellow shoes. (They had· bells on them.) You had no business on ·this road. This road is only for tanks. It's also the practice bombing grounds of the 5th airborne." ·

"Mr Troll, don't you think you should tell the people all of this? Somebody is going to-get·hurt with this state department stick method."

He cries, "That would take all of the fun out of it. Besides, l save the taxpayers money by using stiCks. Think what the cost would be if I used steel javelins!"

· "How did you ever get a job with the state department, Mr Troll?'1

"Hey, that wasn't easy. First you have to prove you're shiftless, malignant, and be able to hold your own in a poker game inside an orange department truck."

"Mr Troll, about road repair "

"Sorry, I've got a thousand sticks to sharpen, some sleep to catch up on, and a poker game to sit in on. So long sucker!"

speaks to SGA

tivity. The later achievement, needless to say, is our -0rphan. coming Student elections be successful (fun). Will S.G.A. further their future responsibilities or will they be orphaned to a suit-case college?

For the enrichment of our student's campus life and for the character growth of our college, I move that we exploit our success and not our orphanage. We nee'd to keep this_ success alive for the remainder of this academic year ,to make it a part of our memories this summer, and to breathe life into it again next fall.

One rarely -succeds at anything unless he has fun doing it. The Dance Marathon was fun, but what will happen during Spring Week? Will the up

The S.G .A. advanced confidently in the direction of the Marathon's goals, and met with success unexpected in common hours. If S.G.A. builds castles in the air, its work need not be lost; that is where it should be. If one does not know where he is going, he is likely to end up there. The only requirement now is to put foundations under them.

Union wage scales in Las Vegas. Nev governed the pay of. workers on a federal power conslrucliou project in Page, Ariz., a town of 4,000 on the' Navajo .Indian Reservation.

Residents of the San Luis Valley in Colorado paid two - and - a half times as much to construct a community center ' because Denver's higher pay rates were applied to the project.

And wouldn't you wonder why pay scales for a $2.8-million dam project in Oklahoma were predicated on rates for a dam 225 miles away, rather than on a daln only 75 miles away?

For that matter, why should electricians - working in the sameeity, Atlanta in this casebe paid $1.65 more an hour Ol) a federal housing project than that paid for private construction work?

Explanation: An outdated law enacted during the depression of the 1930s to protect workers from cheap labor rates on federal construction projects.

It is called the Davis-Bacon Act. Few Americans ever heard of it. More should. Today, 40 years later, the law is used to subsidize the pay of construction workers - already among the highest paid - at an estimated cost of $1.5 billion a year to U.S. taxpayers.

It's a simple law, only three pages long. It says contractors on federal constructio11 projects must pay the wages prevailing in localities where the work is to take place. More often than not this means the rate of pay in metropolitan, unionized centers, when there is no similar work or projects for purposes of comparison in the local communities. -

The enormous job of trying to implement the law belongs to the Labor Department which must make thousands of rate determinations yearly covering some

60,000 contracts and $40 billion of work. And most of processing, incidentally, still is done by hand, not computers.

The law and the way it works has been widely condemned and criticized. Among critics is the Government Accounting Office, official watchdog of Congress.

But the most revealing expose of its inequities, exorbitant costs and shortcomings is a new 239page study recently completed and published .by the Wharton School; University of Pennsylvania. The study says:

"The workers who needed the Act's protection in 1931 to keep their wages from falling below 25 or 30 cents an hour now are among the best paid American blue-collar craftsmen, whether their wages are measured on an hourly or annual basis. Minimum rates now prescribed for them at times exceed $10 an hour, thirty times as much as the 1931 rate, and five times as much as the minimum wage protection enjoyed by other Americ·an industrial craftsmen of similar development. , ,

"By extending union wage rates, it (the Act) protects th.e unions against competition " Sen. John Tower (R-Tex.l and Paul J. Fannin CR-Ariz.) recently introduced legislation to repeal this anachronism.

The Chamber of Commerce of the United States, a sponsor of the Wharton study, has been' fighting for repeal of the DavisBacon for many years. Currently, it has redoubled its efforts, working with construction, trade and professional organizations.

Taxpayers should support this repeal drive. Studies indicated · that repeal of the ACt _would result in savings of 5to 6.per cent on federal construction projects, or an estimated $1.5 billion a· year.

Isn't it time to bury this relic of another era?

The Pedagogian

The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 word$ and must bear the name of the writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning,

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, Qr Pedagogian staff. ·

John B. Robertson
Iii,\ I!\ 1 l\",•1' 1,
:ManagingEdit?r _, , , _ , Ray Kappe Co1nr111utlng Editor _.,: ,,, Frank D'Addesa Sports Editor , ,,, · ,, ,,.,, ,, Larry Kosch Feature Editor , , , , , , , , , , Emily Rosewell Photography Editor , , , .Larry Kosch Business Managers , , , , Tallie Kerns,
Dean Reporters
Joe Munn Rick Deklotl, Ruth Minshall, Tallie

Stage Bands Appear

The Peru State College music department sponsored its annual high school stage band contest and clinic March 22. The clinician was Dr. Leisenring from UMKC; in the course of the day Dr. Leisenring judged bands in four categories: jwiior high, Class A, Class B, art9 Class C. He listened to each band's brief · performance, then made comments.

At 4:30 Saturday afternoon, the Peru State College stage band wider the direction of Dr. David Edris presented a concert for the high schooi musidans. Dr. Leisenring was soloist on the trombone. The seventeenmember Peru band gave a good performance; unfortunately, however, Dr. Leisenring's stage attitude toward the group was rather condescending and Wl·

Pipe Smokers Inc.

Columbus and his hearty voyagers discovered the art of pipe smoking from the American Indian. The amazed crew watched the silent relaxed redman puffing on pipes called tobaca. The men .were fascinated with "their" discovery.

The sailors took the "habit" back to Portugal where it spread rapidly throughout Europe. In 1586 Sir Ralph Lane, commander of a. group of Virginian colonists sent a pipe to Sir Walter Raleigh. Raleigh · im'. mortalized the pipe by dignifying it and started a pcll tradition of pipe smokers.

A little part of Raleigh is still alive today in the pipe smokers. of the area. They all have their preferences, philosophy and stories abOut their refined art. LoQk .closely the next time you eneounter one. Notice the relaxed 'facial expression of these contented thinkers. Talk to them. They have a way of life all their own. '

Ray Boeche, sophomore art major at Peru State College, says "pipe smoking is a state of mind. It shows a longing for a quieter, simpler pace of life." Ray smokes a pipe because the relaxing· qualities help his thinking processes. His favorite pipe is a corncob which he treasures above his three briars.

Dr. Daryl Long, assistant professor of science and mathematics at Peru State College, smokes a pipe to relieve the tension from teaching. Dr. Long doesn't consider himself an addict because he only smokes it during the school day. He a?ds "when vacation comes I put the pipe down and don't pick uP, until school starts again. Although the professor has no preference as far as pipes he does lean toward a tobacco called 303.

Jim Smith, senior English major at PSC, smokes for the relaxation. Most smokers like to indulge in reading or studying but Smith is different. "I can't study and smoke. at the same time. When I smoke a pipe I thinkofabsolutelynothing." The PSC senior is known to the world as the Corncob Pipe King of the world. He swears by it "after all

nerving, making a nearimpossible situation.

At 7:30 in the evening the winning band from eaclj of the four categories presented a concert. First was the Syracuse Junior High stage band, a yowig group that shows a great deal of promise. Their Director Dale Duensing achieved wonaerrw effects with his .musicians. Winner in Class C was the lively Soutpeast stage band, directed by.Skip KulJ. This band featured a talented pianist. Tecumseh won Class B and proved to be a · precise band capable of a nice mellow sound.

· The treat .of the evening was the final portion of the concert presented by the Class A winner, Omaha Central · High School. Their near -professional quality' astonished the The trumpet soloist was especially outstanding.

1t only cost 69c." His favonLe tobacco is London Dock. If you don't watch it he will convert you, Mr John Hahn, a history professor at Peru State College, smokes to achieve the same relaxing feeling · that pipe smokers have enjoyed down through the ages. When Mr first came to the United States m 1956 he smoked L&M cigarl!ttes and then converted to the pipe. He admits he has a friendship with the cigar: His favorite tobacco is Golden tobacco which is a mild Scandinavian tobacco.

Dr. Guy Rosenberg, Director of Student Life, uses pipe smoking as a tension release; He has no preference of time of day to smoke a pipe, but smokes when the mood comes to him. A Carey Briar pipe is his favorite and the tobacco he prefers js 3 Star. He thinks -anyone can smoke a pipe and adds "a person beginning with the pipe can adapt well. A person going from cigaretts runs into trouble and usually gives up because they will inhale it too frequently." Dr. Rosenberg admits a fancy for the cigar but that ended for him one winter morning after church. He lit up in the car and the heater blew the cigar smile all over. His wife objected. ......... ....

The Student Governing Association of Peru State College wished to extend its gratitude to those who made it possible for our successful Muscular .Dystrophy Dance Marathon.

Thanks to you, we have danced for those who can't, to the tune of $4, 788.

Darrell Williams, Broughton

Food - Peru·

Mike & Kathy Currier - Peru

Circle K - Peru Chapter

Duffy's - Peru

Front Page - Peru

Peru's Enthusiastic People

Ken's IGA - Peru

Hinky Dinky - Auburn &

Nebraska City

Mutt's IGA - Auburn

Charlie's IGA - Tecumseh

Jack & Jill - Tecumseh

Kreifels Meat Co. - Nebraska


King's Locker & Meat - Auburn

Metz Bakery - Auburn

Pepsi Cola - Humbolt

Gamble Robinson Produce


Blue Bonnet Corp.

Wheeler Inn - Auburn

Pizza Hut - Auburn

Roger's True Value Hardware -

Falls City


Cbiiney usic - F.C

Earl Ma - F.C.

Frank's Jewelry - F.C.

Stephenson Drug - F.C.

Hackett's - F.C.

Katy's - F.C.

Davies Jewelry - F .<:;.

Falter's Clothing - F.C.

Tobers - F.C.

Haages - F.C.

Sheet's Pharmacy - F.C.

Marge's - F .C.

Coast-to-Coast - F.C.

Appleoff Appliance - F.C.

Pandora's Box - F.C.

Rivoli Theater - F.C.

Pizza Hut - F.C.

J.C. Penney - F.C.

Center Lanes - F.C.

First National Bank - F.C.

Richardson County Bank - F .C.

Safeway Stores - F.C.

Falls City High School

Falls City Mercantile

.-. ...... ._... ... t l t t ' Bank
of Peru I
Peru, Nebraska t Supports ·t the Bobcats t
: with federally : t insured loans and-t
l l
,., _______
t 5 per cent t t tnterest paid on t : passbook savings. :
Suit bags
now available 1
Dr. Leisenring plays jazz numbers for High School Stage Band .Clinic.

Kosch Korner

All of us are players in the Peru State baseball

"Game of Life" Season draws near

To get an inspiration for a column story at 2:45 in the morning seems rather venturesome to al)ybody, but that's what happened to rne. And it's a revelation about the Game of Life.

When you play football, basketball or baseball, you follow certain rules and standards to succeed or you'll luck out and lose the game. The same principle is used when you play the Game,of Life. You plav by the rules and standards or you'll be beaten long before the game is over.

From the moment you are born to the moment you die, you are a participant in the Game of Life. You have a lifetime to achieve your potential to be a rich millionaire or a poor bum. At a certain time in your life, the game ball is handed to you. It is up to you to carry that ball through that line. Whether or not you make it through will be dependent. on your education, talents, skills and the desire to achieve.

Whether or not you decide to pass the ball around depends on your attitudes toward your friends and fellow-man. Do you want to selfishly carry the ball by yourself or share Life's troubles and joy with others?

When you first started walking and talking, you were scoring first downs and gaining yardage. Your graduation from high school, or your wedding day was your glorious run for a touchdown. You got a clipping penalty?? That's for not keeping within the Rules of the Game.

The Game is long and hard to play until that final day when your Grand Referee blows the whistle and says, "Okay, buddy, the game's over. Go to the locker room and take a shower. You're finished."

To me, that will be a day to look forward to, when I can rest in peace, knowing that I've done my best in the Game of Life.

"We hope to do as well as we did last year." That was the comment of head baseball Coach Tom Fitzgerald as 29 baseball hopefuls worked out in preparation for their season opener with Nebraska Wesleyan, April 3, in Lincoln.

Among the 29 Bobcat players were IO lettermen from last year's squad. Gerald Kimball, Dave McDaniel, David Rombach, Robin Simmons, and Pat Tynon are the seniors, playing their final diamond season for Peru State. Two junior lettermen, Arnold Allgood and Dennis Dickman, will join the squad as pitchers. Rounding out the list of returning lettermen are Richard Kimball, Tim Macke,· and Richard Tynon as sophomores.

Compromising almost half of the squad, the 14 freshmen players give Coach Fitzgerald plenty of team prospects and team depth. "I'm very impressed, so far, with the performance of Dale Patton, Mike Seiler and Jim Biere in practice sessions," he commented.

A unique feature of baseball practice sessions this year is the use of "Whizz." No it's not a new gatorade-type drink, but it's a

Cavaliers clinch a 37-32

victory to win tournament

the Celtics to a 40-27 conquest of Biere shot 15 points for the

With the aid of good outside the Conquistadors. DeRuntz and Kings The Celtics, meenwhile, shooting and a tight defense, the Zabawa contributed six points advanced in the opposite bracket Cavaliers broke away from a 17- each for the Conquistadors. by scalping the Braves, 57-33. 15 halftime lead to a 37-32 vie- The second round action saw Edwards shot 13 points for the tory, March 26. The win clinched the first tournament meeting Celtics while Trotter contributed the championship of a double- between the two finalist teams. 17 points to the Braves' losing elimination basketball tour- And the Cavaliers let the Celtics cause. nament that started on March have a taste of defeat in a 41-30 With the Cavaliers watching 18th. victory. Randolph paced the from the sidelines, the Celtics

The Cavaliers started their Cavaliers with 10 points, while gave the Conquistadors their championship march with a 55- Von Bachle contributed eight second defeat, 43-35, in the 38 first-round victory over the points for the Celtics. fourth round of tournament Jazz. Phillips was high scorer The Cavaliers reached the action. Two W's scored double with 22 points for the Cavaliers. finals in the third round action figures in the game. Wusk put up Skiles chipped in 10 points for the with a 43-37 dethroning of the 13 points for the Celtics while losing Jazz. Meanwhile, a 16 Kings. Phillips popped in 16 Wolpert slipped in 14 points. point effort by Von Bachle led points for the Cavaliers while Led by Bachle's 20 point effort,

the Celtics gave the Kings a 46-31 defeat to send them to the locker room for good. Jim Biere led the Kings with 10 points. This game left two teams still in tournament contention. The Celtics, with one tournament defeat. and the Cavaliers, still undefeated, met head-on at 9:30 a.m. in the PSC gym, March 26.

Led by Bachle's outside shooting, the Celtics took the lead early in the first half. Only to have the the Cavaliers to come back and take a slim 17-15 halftime lead. In the second half, · a four-point play was the starling point.for a Cavalier lead that lasted until the final buzzer. A tight aggressive defense kept the Celtics from coming closer than the final five point margin. Randolph led the victorous Cavaliers with 13 points while Wusk chipped in 12 points for the runner-up Celtics.

The members of the Cavaliers squad, after the championship game, received IM champion Tshirts for Tournament Director, Roger Schnaser.

pitching apparatus being used by the Bobcat batters. Every day, a batting net is set up at the south end of the PSC gym. The "Whizz," so nicknamed by the players, sends balls flying down the net corridor to Bobcat batters, eager to sharpen their batting eye. The machine·can be set up for fast balls up to 90 mph and hard-breaking curve balls. When weather permits, the machine caw also be used for infield and pop fly practice. Coach Fitzgerald initiated the use of the machine in the hope that the team batting average will improve.

The Co-Captains for this year's squad are Dave McDaniel and David Rombach. According to Coach Fitzgerald, these two seniors will provide leadership and be the "workhorse" for the team.

The March 26th double-header with Tarkio was postponed due to chilij weather left by Old

Man's last wintery visit. After the April 3 game with Nebraska Weslev!ln. thP Rohcats will travel to Seward for an April 5th date wnh Concordia. The first home contest for the Bobcats will be April 8, with Hastings at 1:00.

l!l75 Peru State Baseball Schedule

April 3 - Nebraska Wesleyan at Lincoln 3:00

April 5 Concordia at Seward 1:00

April 8 - Hastings I :00

April 11 - Wayne at Auburn I :00

April 15 - Kearney. 1:00

April 17 - Midland 2:00

April 21 - Tarkio at Auburn 4:00

April 24-Doane at Crete 1:00

April 26 - Chadron II: 00

April 28 - Bellevue II :00

May 3 - Benedictine I :00

Home games are in boldface. All dates will be two 7-inning games unless specified.

IM News & Notes

PSC Students are asked to pick up an entry form now at the Recreation Office for the First Annual Co-i!d Canadian Softball Tournament. Deadline for team entries.is tomorrow, April 1st. It It will be a double-i!limination tournament to be played on the city diamond, weather permitting.

Canadian Softball is where each team provides their own pitcher. He or she throws only one pitch at the batter and it must be hit inbounds or the batter is automatically out. Other rules like a caught fly ball, etc. will apply.

The tournament will be scheduled around baseball and softball practices so that varsity players·can join in the fun. If you want to join or captain a team, pick up your entry forms at the Recreation Office.

Entry forms will be given out Monday, March 31, for Mens' Softball teams at the Recreation Office. The forms are due April 4th and the league games will start April 7th.

An Archery Tournament is being scheduled for Spring. Week. There will be three divisions to compete in. Besides the Men and Women division, there will be a FacultyAdministration division to spice up the fun. Students are free to check out equipment from the Recreation Office for practice.

• •
A Cavalier jumps high into the air to block a Celtic )ump shot. Such a tight defense led to the Celtics' downfall. [Ped· photo by Kosch] Bud Kimball seems to grimace as he makes a solid connection with fast ball, served up by the "Whizz." [Ped photo by Larry Kosch]

Advisory council to Lincoln

PSC President Douglas Pearson and some 30 Southeast Nebraska residents attended the Legislative Appropriations Committee hearing March 17 in Lincoln.

President Pearson planned to tell the committee what has happened to Peru in the past twelve months, including the increased enrollment statistics, plus point out how Peru would be hurt by the governor's recommendation and the legislative fiscal analyst's recommendation if adopted; however he was not

allowed to give his speech: One of the major disturbing issues included in the two recommendations is a severe reduction in the tuitionremission program. This is the state's student financial aid program. In his ungiven speech Dr. Pearson pointed out that this "would have a drastic effect on the institution" <PSC), More than 380 Peru students earn these funds through work programs, similar to the federal work-study setup.

The governor's recommendation for general fund appropriations included a mere 9.8 per cent ·increase for Peru while the other three state schools would receive a minimum of 14.6 per cent. This would be a disadvantage for Peru in competing with Kearney, Chadron, and Wayne for new students Advisory Council spokesman Dick Hoch stateo that nition l e11uss1or. cuts from yea···s level would negatively affect programs initiated at Peru.

Last Drama Production

The play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead will be presented by the Drama Department of PSC, May 1, 2, and 3. The play is Hamlet revisited. The Comedy is filled with tragedies of the real Hamlet. The two basic characters Rosencrantz an4 Guilderistern are two confused intellects. They are asked by the King and Queen to find Hamlet and take him to England to have him beheaded.

Guildenstern invents problems to keep the play going and Rosencrantz goes along with everything but he keeps everything in his mind and realizes what's happening.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstem

playEid by Kevin Knoll and Tom Banks respectively are trying to find out why they are here. The play is a pun on acting and Hamlet. The meaning is how people deal with the realizations of death and dealing with ir'on an every day basis

"The ·Player," played by Actor-Director Ed Clark, feels other actors need the experience in working ·with professional actors. The quote "Actors are not people" comes from "The Player" in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.

The main cast is as follows: Rosencrantz - Kevin Knoll, Guildernstern - Tom Banks, Hamlet - Greg Sprague, KingMark Bondzinski, Queen, - Rita

High Schools vie for trophies

Competition in the District II Nebraska High School Activities Association (NHSAA) speech and drama contest ended Thursday, March 27, on the Peru State College campus. Winning in class Awere: first - Ashland, second - Nebraska City, and third - Auburn. The class B

KPSC adds shifts

KPSC, 620 on your dial,. rocJcs on from noon or 1 until 10 or 11 Monday through Thursday evenings and until 2 a.m. Fridays.

Mr. Ed Clark, Introduction to Radio instructor, ;ias high praise for sophomore Mike Seahorn from Houston, Texas. Mike, student director of the radio station, rigged the head phone set up and managed to get all the bugs out of the "old" system according to Mr Clark, adding that "the turntables must be at 'least 20 years old."

[Continued on 3rd page]

winners were: first - Weeping Water, second - Pawnee City, and third - Nebraska City Lourdes.

Two hundred and sixty-:eight students from 24 class A·and B high sch()()ls performed in oral interpretation of drama, original public address, informative public address, extemporaneous speaking, prose, poetry, duet acting, and after dinner speaking.

One-act plays, until this year performed on consectuive days with other categories, were judged January 30. Points earned. were added to the Thursday taliy to determine District winners in both A and B categories.

Trophies were awarded to the first place winners in both class A and B. Superior ratings in individual categories received certificates.

John Barrett, Chairman of Humanities at Peru State, was contest director. ·

Judges from Peru State were Miss Wreathea Hicks, Ed Clark, Mrs Mary Ruth Wilson, Everett Browning, and Dan Bolin.

"Capital construction on the Peru campus is. down and the percentage budget increase for Peru State in both the Governor's and fiscal analyst's budgets is less than for the other state colleges," Hoch said.

Hoch stressed the collegeis worth to Nebraska by saying, "Peru State has grown up with the state and needs to continue to be a yiable party of postsecondary education."

Hoch also pointed out that PSC, its students and surrounding communities have

been working liard for increased admissions for the past four Fall semesters.

The spokesman also pointed out that recruiting via telephones and student admissions committees have gained statewide media coverage and increased citizen support.

Hoch said in closing, "It's not the right attitude to say Peru State can operate for less. This committee and Legislature can put faith in Peru State because they have performed."

Monday, April 7, 1975

Nelson heads workshop sessions

Chauncey Nelson, Batik artist of Omaha, will head workshop sessions at Peru State April 8 and 9 to teach the technique of using wax to resist dye on various fabrics.

PSC Art instructor, Dr. Sherwood, said the interested students could register for either or both workshops by contacting him. There is no fee because of a grant by the Nebraska Arts Council to PSC. The Tuesday session will run from 7-10 p.m. and the Wednesday session from · 1-4 p.m.

Adisplay of Nelson's work will be shown in Diddel court of the Fine Arts Building April 6-12. Nelson earned his B.S. degree from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in L1960 and went on the study at tne Chouinard Art Institute, Los Angeles, California, and the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

April 20-27

.. SGA president Amy Walsh is to attend a conference in New York City.

Committee selects Walsh

Student Governing Association president Amy Walsh has been selected to the Muscular Dystrophy Association national youth committee announced Robert Ross, Executive Director of MDA. Miss Walsh will be a representative for 10 states for the National MDA and will attend a conference in New York City within the next few months along with 12 additional MDA


area representatives.

According to Miss Walsh one of the topics to be discussed at the conference is the Marathon Dances held around the country. The PSC sophomore was chairman of the recent MDA Marat.hon dance at Peru. ·The 30 contest collected $4,788.04 besting three of the seven area colleges involved in weekend marathons.

SCB prepares for Spring Week

The Student Center Board (SCB), through accurate 'financial management, has some good entertainment yet to present with six weeks. remaining in the Spring term. Most of the remaining events to be featured will occur during Spring week, April 20 to 27, including the String Bean String Band which will play on the 20th

and Alex Harvey of Delta Dawn fame who \\'.ill appear the 24th. Mr John Letts, faculty advisor for the board reported that of the 4900-dollars coliected · at registration sufficeint funding remains to afford String Bean at BOO-dollars and Harvey at a grand plus two more flicks,· a beard contest and car rally trophies.

The movies for the year have cost 1500-dollars. The two remaining to be shown are "The Way We Were" on April 25 and "J. C. Superstar" on the 27th. Other entertainment already performed and amounts paid for them are:. Silverado - $350, Crosswinds - $60 and Jack London - $900.

Miller, Horactio - Joe Munn. Qphelia - Peg Jones, Alfred - Al Collins, The Player - Ed Clark, and a host of Players.


ED IT 0R i.

In winter time it was just too cold to do it. But now that spring is here they're out again with jaws moving. I refer. to conversations and its abuse by certain individuals.· Conversation is an important part of communication, but springtime brings its downfall. The warm weather permits the jaws to move more smoothly enabling them to chatter all day long. Most of conversation is unnecessary and the rest of it is obscene.

These "talkers" dwell on the price of socks, the weather, and the price increase of washers at the hardware store. They constantly reflect their I.Q. by their conversation. Their conversation is directly proportional to their I.Q. If they talk about wet socks all day long they are in the wet' socks category. If they will admit it to themselves, ·they would rather be in the company of people.wha talk about wet socks all day long. I have no quarrel with peo,ple who want to talk about wet socks. If they want to, I say let them! It isn't easy to be eccentric. I know.

Let me give you the groups of so that you may prepare yourself for the spring onslaught.

The Prober. These people ask you all'sorts of personal questions so that they can go home and improve your personality to their neighbors. The only way to handle the prober is by acting deranged. It's easier than you think. I had this experience once, "Say, Ray, who's the most impressive man you've ever met?"

"Oh, I s'pose Martin Van Buren the 8th president of the United States. Marty we used to call

"Are you Crazy Kappel?"

"Marty and I used to go downtown to play pool and talk about the .economy, and the horrible details of the washer price increase at the hardware store.'' ·

"Are you deranged, Kappel?!" (Notice the effect.)

"Marty and I used to play golf out on the Whitehouse lawn. He had this hole he nicknamed economy. He always four-putted it, three was par you know."

"You are crazy Kappel". They run off and never me

The interrupter. After a hard day's work at the office I was weanly stumbling along when someone walked up to me and said, "Say, Frank, hows the Ped going?"

"My name isn't "

"Gee, Mr D' Addesa, what makes you want to edit the Ped every · year?"

"My name is Ray Ka "

"It must be dedication. I admire that."

"I'm not Frank D'Add "

"I've always wanted to be dedicated. How do you do it Frank?"

"Look, for the last time I'm not Frank D'Add ... "

"Well, it's been nice talking to you Frank. Keep up the goodwork."

Super Jaw. This close personal friend of the mouth makes ln:s livelihood. They're easy to spot The lower extremity of the head continues to slam violently against the stationary upper extremity all day long. Ears begin to fall off all around them. They can expound on any subject that is insignificant or obvious Consider the conversa ti on I heard the other day.

"Say, Ray, do you suppose I'm using the right toothpaste? I'm awfully worried about which kindto use, you know there are so many to pick from, I just can't· decide between peppermint flavored or just the ordinary stuff I've been using, I'd hate to make a w.rong decision and· be stuck with the wrong kind, then I'd be unhappy. And so would be my teeth, I just don't know which one to try. What gets me is the decision, you know, whether to use the ordinary stuff or take a chance with peppermint, I'd hate to make a mistake, you know, that sort of thing coJ.iJd leave a psychological scar!"

The Joker. This person sits at home every night and writes down all the old jokes he will force into his conversation the next day. They tag these humorous tidbits on to a sentence. An example is, "I need that about like I need a hole in the head;" or ··t need thal about like l need the plague." This is always followed by a horrendous laugh admitting self-wit. They're easy to stay away from, you can "smell their jokes a mile off."

Federation offers reward

The National Wildlife Federation announced today that it will pay a $500 reward to a· Tennessee duck hunting guide for supplyine information that led to the conviction of a Memphis physician last month for killing a southern bald eagle.

The reward will go to Frederic Alfred Hamilton; 25, of Route 4, Union City, who saw a hunter shoot down an eagle from a duck blind at Reelfoot Lake, Tenn., on January 4. Hamilton supplied a detailed description of the hunter, his campanions, and a pickup truck in which they left the scene to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of Nashville. His description, which was "near perfect," according to Special Agent William Parker of the Fish and Wildlife Service's Nashville office, was broadcast throughout the state. Three weeks later, on January 'l:l, Dr. John W. Tosh, 50, admitted to U.S. Attorney Thomas F. Turley, at Memphis, that he had shot the eagle. On February 6 he pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Bailey Brown to a charge of killing the eagle, an endangered and protected species, and was fined $1,000.

Judge Bailey, who could have imposed a $5,000 fine and a oneyear prison term, said he wanted to "make an example," of the doctor, who told the court that he mistook the eagle for a hawk. "We must protect our endangered species so that our children will have something to look at," the judge told him.

Under federal law it is illegal · to kill either a hawk or an eagle. The shot down at Reelfoot

Lake, a wmtering site for more than 60 of the endangered birds, had a wingspan of about six feet and was approximately three years old.

The $500 reward to Hamilton is the fifth to be paid by the National Wildlife Federation, the country's largest nongovernment conservation organization. The reward was posted in 1971 after discl95ure before a Congressional committee that airborne hunters, hired by ranchers, had killed more than 65 golden and bald eagles in Wyoming. The reward is paid, specifically, for "substantial assistance'' in obtaining a conviction for shooting a bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in violation of 16 USC 668.

"The main threat to our dwindling eagle p0pulation is not hunters, but the ·destruction of eagle habitat," said Thomas L. Kimball, executive vice president of the National Wildlife Federation, in announcing the reward to Hamilton. "That is why we are working to provide and protect habitat for our national bird. But the shooting of eagles must be stopped, and that is why, as a deterrent, we offer our $500 reward.".

The Interior Department's Office of Endangered Species estimates that there are now approximately 2,000 northern bald eagles and fewer than 1,000 southern bald eagles in the "lower 48" states. The bald eagle was adopted as the national symbol by the Continental Congress in 1782.

.The Pedagogian

The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the name of the · writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian reserves the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good taste, but shall endeavor to maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday before publication.. ·

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

Managing Editor Ray Kappel

Contributing Editor Frank D'Addesa

Sports · : Larry Kosch

Feature Editor Emily Rosewell

Photography Editor , Larry Kosch

JluMltess Managers Tallie Ker,ns,' Phil Dean l,{eporters

Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Joe Munn

Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns

r.......... ........ ,
r, Douglas w. Pearson, being duly appointed President of Peru State College do hereby declare April • 22, 1975, as Hillbilly Days on the Peru State Campus.

Prof. Ed Clark demonstrates how to use the 20.year old equipment in KPSC.

KPSC continued

Monday 1 to 2 p.m. - Janie Montang (soft rock)

2to3p.m.-DaveAlvis (Folk, rock, classical, etc.)

3 to 5:30 p.m. - Ben Copperwood (Mostly soul; some rock)

Summer Jobs m Europe

If you are a college student looking for a job you may end up working in Europe. Any student · between the ages of 17 and 27 can have a temporary job in Europe. Most openings are in hotels, resorts, offices and restaurants

· in Austria, Belgium, France, · Germany, Spain and Switzerland. Positions are available to all college students who submit their applications by mail in time to allow for 1 processing permits and working papers.

Working periods vary from 60 days to one year, but some students have stayed longer. As no previous experience or foreign language is required, the door is open to anyone within the age limits. Wages range from " $250 to more than $450 a month, plus free·· room and board, leaving wages free and clear.

In addition to living new experiences, and seeing Europe while you can, working in : Europe offers the chance to travel on a pay - as - you - go basis without really being. tied : down. At several reunions recently held by students who

· had worked in Europe, the most ' heard comment was, "The· : experience alone was worth it."

Jobs and working papers are provided on a non-profit basis, and brief orientations are given in Europe just prior to going to work. These packed sessions speed adjustment to Europe and make certain all goes well on the ·job.

Any student interested in a , temporary job in Europe may ; write directly to .Student Overseas Services, Box 5176, :Santa Barbara, Calif. 93108. ; Requests for job listings and an · application must include name, address and twenty-five cents or the equivalent in stamps.

5:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Ken Hrown

(Mostly soul, some rock)

7: 30 to 10 :.30 - Mike Seahorn

10:30 to 12 p.m. Brad Hardig

Tuesday ·

12 noon to 1 p.m. - Maurice Burgin


1 to 4 p.m. - Teri Hailar

4 to 5 p.m. Stephanie Golden

6 to 7 p.m. - Mike Seahorn

7 to 9 - Maurice Burgin

9 to 10 p.m. - Dave Alvis

(Jazz, Blues, Big Band music)

10 to 12 p.m. - Stan Taylor ·Wednesday

1 p.m. to 2 p.m. - Janie

Mon tang

2 to 3 p.m. - Dave Alvis ·

3 to 5: 30 - Ben Copperwoo(f'

7:30 to 9 p.m. - Dan Shea

9 to 10:30 - Benny Cop-


10:30to 12p.m. -Brad Hardig ·

· Thursday

12 noon to 1 p.m. - Maurice Burgin

1 to 4 p.m. - Teri Hailar

6:30 to 8:30 - Ray Kappel

(Hard Rock)

8:30to10p.m. -Mike Seahorn

10 to 11 p.m. - Maurice


11 to 12 p.m. - Dave Alvis


1 p.m. to 2 p.m. - Janie Mon tang

2 to 3 p.m. - Dave Alvis

3 to 5:30 - Ben Copperwood

7:30 to 8:30 - Tom Banks

8:30 to 10 o.m. - Ray Boeche (Classical and Folk) 10 p.rn. to 3 a.m. - Mike Seahorn · ,......

Giants of Jazz perform

Three giants of jazz will be in Lincoln for three days - April 10-12 for a mini Newport Jazz Festival. Trumpeter Clark· Terry, saxophonist Gerry Mulligan and vibraharpist Gary Burton - each with his' own jazz ensemble will offer workshops, jam sessions and mini-concerts at nine different sites in Lincoln.

A concert featuring all three groups will cap off the three days of residency activities. It is scheduled for 8 p.m., Saturday, April 12 at the University Coliseum.

The Newport Jazz Festival program in Lincoln is part of a 13-city Mid-western tour by the jazz artists. Arranged by the Mid.-America Arts Alliance in cooperation with the arts councils of the four states it serves, the Newport Jazz tour is also being subsidized by the · National Endowment for the Arts and Braniff International.

The Nebraska Union Concerts Committee, a student programming group at UNL is serving as the Lincoln sponsor for the festival. According to Suzanne Brown, Assistant Director of the Nebraska Union, their goal has been to make the jazz artists available to as many Lincoln audiences as p0ssible. Each of the three ensembles will participate in three separate programs in addition to the-joint concert on Saturday.

Clark Terry, trumpet & flugelhorn player, achieved international fame playing with the orchestras of Duke Ellington, Count Basie & Quincy Jones. Later he became a staff musician for NBC & was frequently seen on the "Tonight" show. Terry has been featured many times with the Newport Jazz Festival, including appearances on recent Asian & European tours. In Lincoln, Clark Terry's ensemble will offer a free mini-concert at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Gateway Shopping Center.

On Friday the same group will present· a concert at the Nebraska State Penal Complex. That evening, Terry will participate in a

Elms Nightclub, which 1s oemg planned as a benefit for the Opportunities Industrialization Center.


Gerry Mulligan's name is often associated ·with that of Dave Brubeck. In the late 60's Mulligan performed and recorded with the Brubeck Trio. Much earlier· the versatile baritone saxophonist made his name performing and writing first for Gene Ki:upa and then for Claude Thornhill. His career includes a stint with Stan Kenton & another with trumpeter Chet Baker, plus work with a number of large and small ensembles of ·his own. The Gerry Mulligan Quartet will offer two educational sessions while in Lincoln and present a miniconcert at First Plymouth Congregational Church,at 8 p.m. Friday, April 11.

Youngest of the three major artists with the Newport Jazz Festival residency, Gary Burton has won international acclaim as a vibraharpist. In addition to touring throughout the world, Burton has written several books and lectured on instrumental concepts and aiiv an c e d improvisational techniques at many colleges & universities. He is currently a faculty member at Berklee College of Music in Boston. Much of the music performed by Gary Burton's quintet in highly original, written for Burton by some of the best young comin order to highlight the vibraharpist's unique musicat talent.

Gary Burton & ensemble can be heard in concert at 7 p.m. Thursday in the ·HarperSchramm-Smith courtyard on the UNL campus and again at noon Friday in the Lincoln Foundation Gardens (People's· Park). The group will offer an informal session at 3 p.m. Friday at UNL's Westbrook Music Building.

Two important facets of the Newport Jazz Festival residency are the diversity of jazz styles & instrumentation represented in · the different groups and the emphasis on working with students & local musicians. Following the pattern of the

parent Newport Jazz Festival, the Lincoln program is designed to provide educational as well as entertainment value.

Tickets for the Saturday night concert featuring all three jazz groups are available at Miller & Paine, Pershing Auditorium, Hospe's at Gateway, Dirt Cheap, Westbrook Music Building &the Nebraska Union.

Conradt receives Air Medal

Former Peru Stater, Captain Robert Conradt has received his third award of the Air Medal at U-Tabao Airfield, Thailand.

Captain Conradt received the medal for outstanding aerial achievement during a mission at Nakhom Phanom itoyaJ Thai AFB, Thailand.

The Captain received a B. A. Degree in 1967 from Peru State College and was commissioned in 1968 through Officer Training Tackland AFB, Texas.

Hey! Guess.Whaf!!

A far out happening is gonna' take place during spring week! On April 23rd, the SGA elections are gonna' be on and we need some funky, fantasti.e people to run for*Sex B?G! All that's missing is U! And the petitions must be in by Friday, April 11

. All U have to do is get a petition from Amy Walsh, John Robertson, Ted Harshbarger, Jim Kirkendall, Rick Mathis or Trina O;Banion. They'll also be all over campus and in your local· Pedagogian. So make sure you do your part for a better government in 1975-76!

*(A new political party on the PSC campus.)

...... ,
t Bank of Peru t t Peru,
f f Supports t t the Bobcats
f t with federally : 1insured loans I f and 5 per cent t t interest paid t f on passbook t f savings. t
f t t Suit bags t :now available:
Captain Condrat

Boxing knocks out Peru State

As Don Snider and Gordon Thiesfeld anxiously listen, Referee Dale Shaffer explains the ground rules before the first round of tht> fight. Snider went ori to win a split decision over Thiesfeld.

l"*"""**"*"*lh"HSjii_H•nssgusn; ·Spring Sport Schedules

Peru State 1975

Golf Schedule

April 7 - Northwest Missouri State Auburn C.C. Creighton University

April 11- Nebraska Wesleyan

Invitational Holmes C.C., Lincoln

April 18 Tarkio College Tarkio


April 24 - Doane College

Auburn C.C.

April 29 - Concordia College

Seward C.C. Hastings College

May 2 - Northwest Missouri State Maryville, Mo., C.C.

May 3 - Doane Invitational

Crete C.C. Concordia, Nebraska

Wesleyan, Kearney, Midland

May 5-6 - Nebraska College

Conference Kearney C.C. NAIA

District 11

Coach: Dr. Ervin Pitts

Peru Women's 1975 Softball Schedule

April 9 - Nebraska Wesleyan

2:30 at Lincoln Concordia 7:00

April 15-Nebraska Wesleyan

2:00 at Peru

April 17 - College of St. Mary's 7:00, 8:30 at Omaha

Anril 21 - Midland 1:30, 3:30


April 28 - Creighton 5:00 at Omaha ·

May 2-3-State tournament at Omaha

Note: A game with Creighton last week was postponed to a wispecified date.

Peru Women's Track Schedule

April 7 - at Fairbury

April 18 - at Maryville

April 23 T- at Seward

April 29 - at Kearney

May 3 - at Lamoni, Iowa

Note: A second meet with Maryville has not been set yet.

While Marty Dwine towels him down, Scott Hoegh listens to Ted Rippen's boxing tips during a round break. The tips helped as Hoegh won a unanimous decision over Duane Skiles.

A little bit of Madison Square Garden excitement came to Peru State campus as the First Annual Spring Smoker' was held in the PSC gym, April 1st. The boxing affair was attended by 475 fans that saw twenty-four athletes knock each other out for · a common cause: to raise money for spring sports.

The boxing fans that came to watch the smoker were not disappointed as the 24 athleteturned-fighters put on a good show of fighting spirit.

The first bout matched up two PSC wrestlers: Mark Yori and Lonnie Quinn. Both fighters showed some good hitting and the crowd responded with approval. Quinn had the upper hand and won· a split decision, 1'74-169 (total scoring of three rounds by three scorers).

The Gary Lesoing-Bud Kimball matchup gave the boxing fans a little bit of Ali dancing to watch. With Lesoing being the aggressor, Kimball danced backward in defense. Kimball had the better defense ·and hitting as he gained a 173-166 split decision.

During the bout between Mike Baker and Stan Wissell, the intensity of the past three bouts became apparent. A support column beneath the ring slipped and part of the canvas mat in. After a five minute ·delay, the support was fixed and the fight resumed. It was a spirited fight with Wissell showing a backhand swing to spice up the action. However, Baker came on in the third rowid to break Wissell's spirit for a 176152 wianimous decision.

In the physical mismatch of the evening, Charlie Fox (6 foot 157 lbs.) weiit up against Jeff Pease (5 foot 8inch 185 lbs.). Fox out-foxed Pease and used his long· reach to land a few good

pwiches. Fox won the last two rowids to win a 168-160 split decision.

Before a 15 minute intermission, Dan Janak won a 171-166 split decision from Randy Wolf, while Scott Hoegh gained a 170-162 unanimous &cision over Duane Skiles.

Henry McCullough showed some conservative fighting and good dancing to squeak out a 167164 split decision over Roger Harders.

John Goodell ducked a few pwiches in his bout with Jeff Salburg. Salburg, however, landed quite a few hits and won a 175-160 wianimous decision.

In one of the closest bouts of the evening, Brad Johnson squeaked out a 165-163 split decision over Ken Fike.

The Arnie Allgood-Pat Tynon bout came up and the crowd was treated to a real fight. Both fighters ·exchanged good flurries of pwiches in the first two rowids. Allgood landed a good solid right pwich on Tynon in the third rowid to gain a TKO. A standing ovation was given to Allgood by the boxing crowd after the fight.

Another spirited fight was seen between Don Snider and Gordon Thiesfeld. However, Thiesfeld wore out in the third round as Snider had the better arms to win a 169-165 split decision.

The nightcap of the smoker was a bout between Dan Cotton and David Young. It started out as a friendly tussle, then they got down to business. Cotton pwi· ched away at Yowig's face until it got bloody after two rowids.

An examination by Mrs Miller and Coach Riley determined the face injury to be serious enough to stop the fight. And a TKO was given to Dan Cotton to end the evening's fights.

The hair. of both fighters really flew in.the second round of the Arnie Allgood-Pat Tynon fight. Such flurries of punches made the fight one of the best bouts of the smoker. A solid right punch by Allgood Tynon in the third round.

Peru State 1975

Track Schedule

April 8 - 'I'.arjrio; :Missouri

Western at Tarido:,:A{q.::·. 22 - Tarki<i, Mjdland at Tarkio, Mo. · · '

May 3 - Doane Night Relays at Crete, Nebr.

May 7 -o Nebraska College

Conference at Chadron

May 16 - District 11 NAIA at Kearney

May 22-24 - NAIA National

Meet at Arkadelphia; Arkansas

Coach: Bob Riley


Red Grovert Relays, April 1st at Fairbury Southeast Community College Highland 86, Fairbury JC 50, Peru State 39, Clarinda JC 6 Event winners for Peru State: Three-mile - Ron Storant


880 dash Carnell Durant


440 dash Carnell Durant

As Referee Shaffer watches, Dan Cotton throws a straight arm punch at David Young's face in .the smoker finale.

Young took such a facial beating that the ·bout was stopped after two rounds, thus giving Cotton a TKO credit.


First State dra.ma workshop results m new actmg concept

A bizarre play which nad , particular part of the playing actors using nonsense verbals Bv Ra)". Kappel area which is being usep for a instead of the standard lines was and tries to get the -One actor to unusual out entertaining pro- particular thing. Then when the performed at the end of the say Ega Dega Di. She refuses duction. actors move he'll bring up 1lights drama workshop Sunday. This and the number of actors on Dr. Rockey worked with the in another part of the unusual workshop was headed stage increases along with the students developing his concept Rockey, himself an by two men of the Fargo-More- tension of struggling with the while Philips worked with other plished artist holds a Phll in head Community Theatre in deviat who is saying Ega Dega students .in the area of lighting. speech and Dr11ma in dramatic Fargo, North Dakota, ·or. James Do. The Deviate finally bec.omes ·· Philips had his students take the art from the University of Rockey and Mr. David Philips, separated from the group and · lighting in,struments apart ·and He has had several photographJc technical director. These drama they converge on her, killing her. examine them to see what exhibitions across the country, professionals brought a new The Sunday performance was makes them work. The students served as an associate editor Of acting concept of Ega Dega viewed by about 20 people. The also worked with hanging and student Magazine circulation (pronounced with long El to the actors appeared on stage in focusing the instruments in 250,000 where he interviewed high school and PSC students three groups working out this preparation of the Sunday per- people like Bill Cosby, Woody involved. of lfockey's. As they formance. Phillips explained Allen, Dick Gregory, Chuck

Ega Dega is a concept worked energetically moved thru their "One thing that. Jim and I. are "Roadrunner" Jones, and Andy out by Dr. Rockey as he variousroles,theirrolesbecame working to get across to the Warhol. He has assisted with explains, "Ega Dega is just a instantly apparent. Their char- students is that a designer and political campaigns, associated sound. For a couple of years I've acters stood out because of the director work together to pro- with numerous plays, and even been developing the concept of professional body movements of duce an expression that the served as fire boss on numerous freeing the audience from hav- the High School and PSC drama audience will believe, and either large forest fires in Alaska. Here ing to listen to structured students. There wasn't any be entertained or moved by. Our he sat in Peru, Nebraska sipping language. It also frees the actor intelligible dialogue. A compli- goal is to heighten the actors wine from: a coke glass and from the necessity of giving ment in itself to the young actors · performance: For the purpose of talking about the American structured language, so that he and their directors. The lighting this workship we're using light theater. "I don't know of can pay attention to physical was dramatic. Philips had his as a tool to make the dramatic anytime in the history of movement, voice patterns, and student fading the lights, shifting expression more meaningful to · Western man that as an art he doesn't have to worry about the light patterns on stage, and - the audience." Philips has a drama has been as widespread memorizing lines." Rockey went the continuous light expression masters degree in Theatre Arts as it is today. Every town of any on to refer this to the workshop emphasized the social overtones from Case Western Reserve size whatsoever has theatre. I session explaining that a girl of the production. Rockey had University and has served as don't know of any other period appears on stage and another only 21h days to introduce the tech director and designer for that there has been so much appears facing her. They have a students to the new acting scores of productions through widespread activity in theatre. conversation in nonsense ver- concept, acquaint them with it, out the United States. Dr. There are more directors, acbals ending with the confronta- and then have them produce it Rockey commented on Philips, tors, more exposure, and more tion of Ega Dega. One says Ega on stage. Philips had the same "David works with a particular publicity. It's really an explosion Dega Di and the other says Ega amount of time. Only the kind of special lighting. He lights of numbers." He and Phillips left Dega Do. Another actor arrives energetic' work of both sides of very creatively and dramatical- on the 6:40 plane from Omaha. the workshop brought off this ly. Spacially he illuminates a

Peg [deviate] Witty do or di?

Chairmen plan


Too often students take things for granted without giving thought to what other people or organizations go through to provide us with a total college program.

An example of this on.campus is the work done by the Division Chairmen in their weekly two hour meetings every Thursday morning.

Dr. Clyde Barrett, vjcepresident for Academic Affairs ;,eads a seven-man group that influences the implementation of academic affairs. The Division · Chairmen on the board include Dr. Tom Fitzgerald; John Barrett; Dr. Leland Sherwood; Dr. Tom Scherer; Albert Brady and Dr. Lester Russell.

At their April 3 meeting, the gave· final authorization to next fall's schedule, enabling instructors to order books.in time for delivery before classP.s _bel!in August 27

Peru programs

The group also spent time discussing a phase oi in-service training for instructors during interim. In one part of in-service training the faculty will gather and receive an update on current developments in the teaching field.

The committee also balanced number of classes scheduled for each time period for fall to help ease the problem <1f scheduling conflicts for students. A total of eight classes were moved to help balance tht period loads.

With concern to classes, Dr. Barrett keeps a file on ail of. the courses being offered so that course outlines can be updated if necessary. Besides an outline, file defines what the instructor should be teaching and the book used with the number of and chapter titles.

All of this is done in an effort to upgrade the courses and your total education at PSC.

Monday 14, 1975

Peru State College

Delzell men vote down move

Housing Director John Letts reports that a proposed motion allowing the residents of Delzell to move into Majors next Fall 1as been voted down by a 43-35 c0unt of the residents.

Letts said if a majority of the men in Delzell had voted to switch dorms, his office would have approved it and Delzell instead of Majors would have been closed. He added that Delzell will now be painted during the. summer, and that possibly new furniture will be added.

Clark Quits

Mr Ed Clark, dramatics director, has resigned his position on the Peru campus. This summer he will be involved in the Summer Repertory Theatre at the University of Missouri at Columbia. Mr Clark said he is really excited about this opportunity.

Topping the list of maintenance work on the dorms is thE' repairing of holes in the roofs at the Complex. Letts noted that Davidson-Palmer's roof is in the worst condition.

Coin -operated washers and dryer5 are slated to be installed in all dorms as the need for new equipment arises. Currently the use washers and dryers is free.

Students in all. dorms next ·year will have the option of having a phone installed in their rooms at their own expense. The

telephone company is scheduled to do the necessary wiring this summer.

Letts said that except for some windows being broken at Delzell and a few benches being tipped over at the Complex that vandalism at the dorms has been rare. "Overall this year is going a lot better than last year," he summed up.

David Phillips
Final Ped issue, details from the editor
page 2


The administration has informed me that the funds for the paper have run out. So this is the lasrissue.

There.is a list of people to thank before I leave, my reporters Rick DeKlotz, Janie Montang, Phyllis Butrick, Joe Munn, Ruth Minshall, · my editors Emily Rosewell, Frank D' Addesa, Randy Dunlap and Larry Kosch for their special contributions to the Ped. My Business Manager,· Tallie Kerns, and Phil Dean constantly kept the ad section going.

Ken Gress of the Business office deserves special mention because he diligently carried our copy up and the Ped back from Nebraska City every week.

Thanks to Amy Walsh, and Jeff Turner and the activated students of

their organizations for their cooperation.

My advisors Mr Everett Browning and Mr Terry Pa.t'deck for their constant guidance.

The faithful .readers deserve the most thanks for without you this · thankless job would be unbearable. I appreciate greatly your constructive critictsm and compliments.

Quoting from my first editorial "The Ped staff will be working towards increasing the quality and coverage of the paper while reflecting the reader's interest," only you know if I've succeeded.

As for myself, my future at Peru State has become undecided but the present is decided, I resign as managing editor of the Peru State Pedagogian.

Pearson p·roclaims April 22 Hillbilly

Days at Peru; Alex Harvey here April 24

Good Time Country Livin' is comin' to this here college on April 20 and isn't goin' to leave Our honorable president, Douglas W. Pearson has proclaimed April 22, as · Hillybilly Days. I reckon the Student Center Board (SCB) will sho' ya'll a real good time considerin' all the wonderful things they've planned.

One of the main events featured this Spring Week is the Alex Harvey concert scheduled for Thursday, Arpil 24, at 8:00 p.m. The Peru State College Swing Choir will also be featured.

Alex Harvey is from Brownsville, Tennessee, and is in the area of conteinporary youth-oriented country. He operates out of Los Angeles, his present home, as well as Nashville, a sort of second home.

Chamber of Commerce. Attacks

Unless you are an historian, it is not · likely you are aware of the fact that wage and price controls have been .r:e l many times in the last 5000 years and have never worked. On the other hand, unless you are Rip Van Winkle and · have been asleep, you should be fully aware that wage and price controls failed miserably within the last couple of yeai:s.

Despite the' most recent faih.u:e; ·a new campaign· has been launched· by some politicians and a few ·E!conomists to impose controls again. ··

Arch Booth, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, recently pointed oat why politicians, who know better, keep talking up wage and price controls. He said:

"They do it because they hope to create an illusion of 'doing something,' and they hope to distract people's attention from the real cause of in· flation."

Higher prices, which hurt us all, are not the cause of inflation. They simply are the most visible symptom. Therefore, it does no good simply to clamp a lid on prices while allowing (!Ost pressures to build uo.

Cost pressures were relieved somewhat when. controls were lifted from some industries in 1973. Then, when controls for almost all other industries expired· April 30, 1974, prices exploded in other industries. Industrial prices continued to rise rapidly. The net result was that. in 1974 - a year ()f onand-Qff controls .:.;_,we had a substantial rise in prices;

Alex Harvey is a Loads of Spring Week acwho's considered to have written tivities are in store for ya'll. some. of the biggest hits of the They include on Sunday, April seventie.s He's a recording 20, a car rally in the afternoon. A artist, a touring performer, and dance featuring the "Stringbean he's not far from crossing over String Band" will be held in the into dramatic activity. evening at the gym and prizes Alex Harvey hopes be can will be awarded to the best contribute to his world through (duded up) Hillybilly costumes. his songs. Thus, most of his On Monday, the faculty track songs have an underlying moral meet will be held in the Oak worked into the entertainment Bowl with relays, an obstacle factor. Most of his songs are course, and other feats. This will based on real personal ex- be followed by a picnic. perience; "it's difficult for me to A carnival and trivia games write one that isn't. will be happenin' Tuesday from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the campus He's written such song hits as mall. "Rings", "Delta Dawn," Nothin' is scheduled for "Rueben James," "Tell It All, Wednesday due to night classes. Brother '' "Baby Baby " H if 't · Tu d

, , , owever, 1 rams es ay, "Married to a Memory,"· pre-tell, the carnival rain date "Molly," "Simple Days: and · will be Wednesday. Simple Ways,'' and many .others.

The movie, "The Way We Were" will be sho'in' in the Fine Arts Auditorium on Friday, ·at 7:30 p.m. Ifwill be followed by a ·dance sponsored by the Concerned Black Students (CBS) at Neal Hall.

There will be a Presidential Ball Saturday, for all ya honorable persons out there.

· To end our Spring. Week festivals, Sunday, a buffet dinner will be held in the Student ' Center from 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.

·The Faculty Woman's Tea will be goin' on from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Student Center. The Admissions Office invites alumni and prospective students · to the Campus of a Thousand · Oaks at this time.

Concludin' our Good Time Country Livin' spree, ya'll can go see the movie "Jesus Christ Super Star" at 7:30 in the Fine Arts·Auditorium.

Ya betcha Spring Week will be hoppin' this year. So put on your moods and mosey on out for a rewardin' time.

The long-range solution to doubledigit inflation is to strike at the basic cause of inflation, which most economists recognize to be a decade of deficit spending and excessive creation of new money by the Federal Government. World-wide food and ·shortages and other economic problems need attention as well. And we need to· soften the impact of antiinflation measures to assure that all share in the sacrifices without overburdening any single group.

Controls are nothing more than patent medicine. They don't hold down. prices, as our recent showed. Nor. do they solve our food or energy shortages. ·

Let's stop kidding ourselves. Five thousand years of failure should teach us something.

The ·Pedagogian

· The Peru Pedagogian will attempt to print all letters and editorials received. All letters must be typed and double spaced. All Editorials are limited to 300 words and must bear the name of the writer. Names will only be withheld in extreme cases.

The Pedagogian will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, or statements otherwise libelous. The Pedagogian resem>t$ the right to edit all materials for content, length, and good · taste, but shall endeavor fo maintain the original meaning.

The deadline for submission of letters is 3 p.m. on the Monday · before publication.

The opinions expressed in the Pedagogian do not necessarily reflect the collective opinion of the administration, faculty, student body, or Pedagogian staff.

· Ray Kapfel.

Contributing Editor _. , Frank D'Addesa

Sports Editor : _ Larry Kosch

Feature Editor , , , Emily Rosewell

'.Photography Editor Larry Kosch

·Business Managers , , Tallie Kerns Phil Dean

I Reporters

Phyllis Butrick, Janie Montang, Joe Munn

Rick Deklotz, Ruth Minshall, Tallie Kerns

Buffalo City offers family entertainment

Imagine a blacksmith shop, store, depot, old-time ice cream parlor, a hotel complete with can-can stage, plus 21 other original or replica buildings from the old west and the vision is reality in Buffalo City, USA.

Follow the signs from Neraska City, 5 miles south, 1 mile east, and 11/z miles south to Buffalo City, the old-time town created· by Nebraska City residents Bill and Erma Stites.

The Stites operated the .Ponderosa Ranch, where boys and girls come for camping and horseback riding, and reaiized the need for family entertainment in this area. The Buffalo City plan developed and ·the Frontier Hotel and Purple Sage Saloon commenced operations in 1970. Since that time 25 other buildings have been added to the jgµrist town.

Buffalo City opens in April and remains through tpe fall months, drawing visitors from·· throughout the globe. The sidewalks are unrolled Friday through Monday during the season.

Most of the buildings were originally located in the region and moved to the site or patterned after pictures of olden-day stores.

Although no regular services , are held in the church a replica 1 of the nearby Chapel; three wedding ceremonies have been performed inside. The all-brick bank, moved from 6th St. and 5th Corso in Nebr. City, contains teller cages from the old Mercantile Bank.

Past entertainment in the

·Purple Sage Saloon has been provided by dance bands, a banjo player from Las Vegas Peru Dramatics Denartment' -'

and the Nebraska City Little :Theatre Group.

Steaks, seafood and chicken, served family style, tempt Buffalo City visitors to chow down in the Frontier Hotel Restaurant.

The NeMoKa Guild members have operated gift shops the past three years in Buffalo City creating leather crafts and Another past attraction is a glass blower. ·

The Stites released Buffalo City to its new owners, Gary and Doris Beck, formerly from Red Oak, Iowa, this spring. Bill and Erma are retiring from "their town."

Buffalo City offers entertainment to the young and young at during regular hours or by for groups, organizations and bus tours. Bring the; "old West" alive with a trip toi "Nebraska's newest old town."

Spring week elections

For King and Queen

- Vote for someone who will always be there-

Wed. During Convo - Bob Inn Wednesday 11-1 upstairs Thursday 11-1 up stairs.

Summer class schedules

·The lOOlst Oak is running for SGA president - sponsored by th •Socialist Student. HARVEY during a recent appearance at Ceasar's Palace.·
- paid for by the SSP - Wed. 11 p.m. to 1a.m. upstairs Good Grief.•..The semester is almost over FINAL-LY!.
DEPT. NO. COURSE TITLE PREREQUISITE TERM I TERM II HRS PERIOD NO PERIOD NO ROOM MTWTF CR. INSTRUeTOR l 2 3 4 5 l 2 3 4 5 A R T Art 300 Ceramics 2 FA 206 xxxxx ·3 Sherwood Art 306 Art Appreciation I Indep. St. J ARRANGED Libr ARR. 2 Sherwood Art 400 Studio Ac ti vi ti es ARRANGED FA 206 ARR. l-3 Sherwood B I 0 L .0 G. Y Biol 102 General Biology-Animal SC 304 xx xx x· Brady EDUCATION Educ 200 Foundations· of Education ED 202 xx xx .x Scherer E:duc 450 Directed Study Permission ARRANGED ED 202 ARR. 1-3 Scherer ENGLISH Eng 202 Appreciation of Literature FA 105 xx xx x i 3 J. Barrett Eng 307 Seminar in Modern Novel FA 104 xx xx x 2 J. Barrett Eng 450 Dirncted Studies in English Permission ARRANGED FA 106 ARR. J. Barrett GENERAL SCIENCE: GSci 205 Principles of Biological Sci. SC 304 X X. X X X Brady INDUSTRIAL AR TS IA 226 Photography I IA 23 xx xx x Russell IA 322 Handcrafts 1&2 IA 24 x xx xx Russell PHYSICAL EDUCATION PE 310 P.E. in the Primary Grades Gym x xx x 2 Fitzgerald PHYSICS Phys 306 Astronomy SC 104 xxxxx NcCaslin :::oe

Peru State diamond tean

Larry Kosch around here??' open season

After capricious MoUter Nature had her final snowy fling, Spring · arrived in the form of April showers and Spring Sports. It may be a bit wet; but when you see a football practice or a baseball doubleheader, you can be sure it's Spring.

I was one of the few brave souls who turned out for the Bobcats' cold and blustery season opener against Concordia last Monday. The first game is the kind of ball game I love to see. The kind of action that has you on the edge of your seat until the last hit of the game. Bud Kimball was the "Hero of the Hour" as he made a diving catch of a line drive shot that would have given the game to the Bulldogs 9f Concordia. Kimball's winning run on Patton's sacrifice fly was not his own doing, though. It took three other men to do it: Seiler, Rombach and Patton. Fortunately, for myself, I didn't see the second game due to a class I· had to attend

After the Bobcats shellacked Hastings 8-2 in the first game, April 8th, the second game had me really tied up. There we were, in the bottom of tlie seventh inning with two men on and two outs. And we were behind What can we do? Again, like the Kimball heroics, someone came through. Peru shortstop, Dave McDaniels, stepped up to the plate and cracked ol'it a two-run single that dropped the game into the Bobcats' hands like a ripe apple.

You know, these Bobcats are really lucky. Not financially lucky, mind you, but they are statistically lucky. Had things gone the other way they would very easily be 1-3 instead of 3-1.

It could be the Bobcat's lucky paw. It could be the team's moral support. I think it is the fans' support of the team. Besides, who shelled out the two grand needed to keep spring sports going??

I believe these guys are showing their appreciation to their fans by winning those games. Let's show our appreciation of their performance by coming out and watching these guys play for the glory of the Bobcat!!!

the strikeout end

Peru State baseball team split a season-opening doubleheader with Concordia April 7at Auburn Legion Park in cold, blustery weather. In the 1 p.m. opener, PSC's diamond team defeated Concordia 7-6 in eight innings and dropped the second game 101.

Bud Kimball, Peru left outfielder, saved the first game for Peru State with a diving catch of a line drive shot in the top of the eighth inning. The third-out catch prevented a Concordia runner on third base from .reaching home plate for the tiebreaking score. With the score tied 6-6 in the bottom of the eighth, Bud Kimball led off with a walk. He moved lo third on a over - thefence double by Mike Seiler, Peru first baseman. After Dave Rombach, Peru third baseman, drew a walk on balls, Kimball scored on a sacrifice fly to right field by Dale Patton, Peru right outfielder. Arnie Allgood, Peru pitcher,· went the distance on the mound for the Bobcat win, scattering ei t hits.

Peru women track shows strength in Weight division

A small squad of Peru State female athletes went to the 1st Annual Fairbury Invitational Track meet, April 7th, in Fairbury, Nebraska. The meet was postponed from April 3rd, when snow covered the track site. No team score were kept as this was a first-time event and small-sized teams attended the meet.

ArDella Klein and Teresa Gebers placed first and second in the discus competition. No measurements were kept as conditions were windy rainy. Linda Uher's best toss earned her a sixth place finish. In the shot put division, Linda Uher placed second while Teresa Gebers finished third. ArDella Kfein wound up fifth on .the shot put list.

According to Ray Czaszwicz, Peru women track coach, the girls competing in the weight events picked up where they left off last year. Linda Uher, a sophomore from Western, Nebr., ___ and ArDella Klein, a sophomore from Adams, Nebr.,: the returning lettermen on the squad. They wer.e members of last year's weight squad that had a winning mark of .817(24-51). ArDella placed third in the discus event in the Nebraska Womens' Intercollegiate State meet last year. Uher, meanwhile, placed fourth in the shot put event.

Teresa Geber$, a freshman from Johnson-Brock, Nebr., has been commended by Coach Ray for a strong showing this season.

Nancy Jones, who didn't go to the invitational, will give support in the discus event this year. Three other Peru women were unable to attend the meet

with squeaker

In the second contest of the .doubleheader, Concordia jumped on Bobcat pitcher, Dale Simmons, for three runs in the first and one tally in the second inning. Back - to - back homers by Concordia's Tim Warneke and Kurt Fuqua drove in three runs in the fourth inning to put the game out of re11ch. Peru 3tate ·managed to get one run and three hits, compared to Concordia's ten runs and seven hits.

On the next day, April 8, the weather was still cold and blustery, but Peru State was· warm enough to chill Hastings and sweep the doubleheader, 8-2 and 9-8.

Bud Kimball, Peru's first batter in the first game, got the Bobcats off to a good start with a smash shot over the right field fence for a ground rule double. A wild throw on Kimball's steal attempt of third base allowed Bud to walk home for Peru's first score. Dennis Dickman, Peru pitcher, struck out 13 batters, walked four, and scattered six hits. He was

relieved by Tim Macke in 1 fourth inning with Peru leadi 6-0. As the lead increased, Coa Fitzgerald substituted eiE unseasoned players into t game to give the starters a go rest.

In the second game of I doubleheader, Hastings off to a 4-2 lead in the seco inning on two costly Peru erro However, a two-run homer Mike Seiler in the same inni tied the score at 4-all.

The top of the sixth inning Hastings take advantage of Pe: errors and take a 8-6 lead in the bottom of the seventh innin Bud Kimball led off the innil with a ground out to the pitche Mike Seifor drew a base on ball Then, Dave Rombach was hit l a stray pitch. With two men o: Dale Patton hit a sacrifice fly : center field, advancing Seiler I third base. While ,Dave M1 Daniel was at ·the plate, Dav Rombach stole second base. TlJ game was ended when McDaniE hit a dropping single to dee center field to score Seiler an Rombach for the victory. The road gam is at Kearney OH April 15th a 1:00 p.m.

due to ill health and injuries. Sue Higgins, a shot-putter, is ill and Teresa Bass is down with a back injury. And Kay Herron is out for the season due to a undisclosed medical problem.

According to Coach Ra Jo ·

Throckmorton, the team manager, should be given credit for helping him and the girls. Jo's leadership during practice sessions and other work is a real benefit to the success of the team.

Spring foothall workouts are high-spirited says Riley

If spring football practice can be taken as a sign of spring, then spring is here at Peru State in full bloom. Si!nce April 5th, 40 gridders have worked out daily under the direction· of Coach Riley. So far, according to Riley,

Golf season

warm.1ng up

Peru State golfers split a pair in a season-opening tri-dual at the Auburn Country Club April 7 in cold drizzling weather. In play, Peru State defeated Northwest Missouri State University 10-5 then fell to Creighton, 10-8. Creighton defeated NWMSU 8%6112 in the third match.

Peru golfers'. scores are as follows: Dave Lammie 40-40-SO, Jim McKim 41-39-80, Brad Holding 45-41-86, Rick DeKlotz 43-44-87, and Scott Hoegh 40-4989. I Peru State golfers, after attending the Nebraska Wesleyan Invitational on the nth, will meet Tarkio at the Tarkio Country Club on April 18th.

practice sessions have been very spirited and no serious injuries, besides the usual bumps and bruises, have occurred yet.

Most of the Zl returning lettermen are back in the defensive unit for the Bobeats. The Bobcat defense, 15th iii the nation last year, lost Hosack to graduation and Derricoate transferred to another school. The intact defensive unit should be a tough nut for our opponents to crack next fall according to Riley. The main emphasis of the spring workouts is on offense. Coach Riley explained, "we're really stressing the offense this spring. Last year, we lost three games by a total of 13 points."

Freshman prospects for next fall are "looking good" as. 25 freshmen will be playing football for Peru State. Coach Riley also mentioned that Corky Duffield, who transferred to Peru State from University of Texas-Austin this semester, is showing real potential at the quarterback slot this spring.

Coach Riley plans to hold daily practice sessions (weather permitting) until the 27th of April, when a spring game will be played in conjunction with Spring Week celebrations.

Kosch Korner "Do we have a by lucky Bobcat paw
Here comes the pitch! The batter gets set to crack one of Arnie AllgoOjf's fast balls, in the fll'St game of the Concordia doubleheader. Allgood scattered eight hits in the 7-6 squeaker. Ped photo by Kosch. A home run! Dave Rombach receives congratulatory handshakes from his teammates as he trots homeward. Rombach's solo homer was the first homerun for the Peru ball club. Ped photo by Kosch.

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