Information about student retention and completion as required by the Higher Education Amendments of 1976 is available through the Dean of Student Affairs.
No person attending Peru State College shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, handicap, or sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance . Inquires regarding these matters should be directed to the Dean of Administrative Affairs.
This catalog contains official information for the 1986-87 academic year. The College reserves the right to repeal, change or amend rules, regulations , tuition and fees, and may withdraw, add to, or modify courses and programs.
The catalog is published by Peru ·State College at Peru, Nebraska and entered under Bulk Permit ·•Number 4 at Peru, Nebraska 68421.
The College phone numbers are :
402-872-3815 800-742-4412 (Nebraska) 800-228-8811 (Out-of-State)
Fall Semester 1986
Faculty / Professional Staff Meeting
Freshman Welcom e and Orientation
Registration (late registration after this date)
Classes Begin
Tuition and Fee Payment
La bor Day Holiday (No Classes)
Oasses Resume
Last Day to Add / Drop Regular Semester Co urses Without P e nalt y
Applications for Mid-Year Certification of Completion Due
Homeco ming
(Last day t o drop regular semester co urses with a W)
Fall Break
(Classes dismissedfollowing th e final class meeting o n October 22)
Classes Resume
Pre-registration for the Spring Semester
Thanksgiving Recess
(Classes dismissed following the final class meeting on Nove mber 26)
C lasses Resume
Last Day of Regular Semester Classes
Final Exam Week
Se mester Ends and Grades Due at 4:00 p.m.
Spring Semester 1987
Registration (late registration after this date)
Classes Begin
Tuition and Fee Payment
Last D ay to Add / Drop Regular Semester Courses Without Penalty
Applications for May Graduation Due
(last day t o drop regular semester co urses with a W)
Pre- regi strati o n for the Fa ll Semester
Sp ring Break
(Classes dismissed following th e final class meeting on March 20)
Classes Resume
Easter Recess (No Classes)
Cla sses Resum e
Las t Day of Regular Semester C la sses
Final Exam Week
Semester Ends and Grades Due at 4 :00 p.m
Sisn mer Session 1987
Classes Begin
Last J?.!1.1 ~ Regi stration or Change of Registration
Five-Week Term C lasses End Independence Day Holiday
Work shop Term Begins
Eig ht-Week Term and Wo rkshop T e rm Ends
Friday, Sunday, M onday, Tuesday, Tuesday-Friday, Monday , Tu esday, Friday, Friday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday - Friday , Monday, Monday-Friday, Thursday-Friday
Monday, Friday, Monday-Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday -Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Monday-Friday, Monday-Friday, Monday Friday & Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Thursday,
August 22
August 24
August 25
August 26
August 26-29
September I
September 2
September 5
September 26
October 11
October 17
October 23-24
October 27
November 10-14
November 27-28
December I
December 12
December I 5-18
December 19
January 12
January 13
January 13-16
J an uary 23
February 13
March 6
March 9-13
March 23-27
March 30
April 17 & 20
April 21
Ma y 8
May 11-14
May 15
May 16
June I
June 2
June 3
July 2
July 3
July 6
July 23
Peru State College was founded in 1867 as Nebraska's first college and wa s the third teacher education institution established west of the Missouri River. For more than a century, thousands of young people have crossed the Campus of a Thousand Oaks to become teachers and leaders in Nebra s ka and throughout the nation.
The people of Nebraska have made the facilities of the College available to students at a minimum of personal cost. The taxpayers of the state bear the major portion of the cost of educating the College's students.
Peru State admits all graduate s of accredited Nebraska high schools and qualified out-of-state students The philosophy of the College is that each person is entitled to the opportunity to succeed at the collegiate level. All who have the ability and the willingness to work will have an excellent chance to succeed at Peru State.
The College believes in academic excellence, in opportunities for personal growth, and in student self-determination consistent with the principles of a democratic society. Administrative intent is to involve students in the decisions which affect them. The College's educational experience is designed to enable students to learn, to equip themselves for meaningful careers, and to be productive members of society.
Peru State students have the opportunity to know their instructors well and to be working partners with the staff and other students. Living and working with other people offers many opportunities for friendship, growth, and personal development.
The College's faculty and staff are here to serve you. We welcome the opportunity to assist you in realizing your personal , educational, and career objectives
In 1867, the same year that Nebraska became a state, the new state's legislature established a training school for teachers at Peru. The school actually began on December 2, 1865 when its predecessor, Mount Vernon College, was organized by a group of early settlers who resolved to place the school under the "care and management of the Methodist Episcopal Church."
Colonel T .J . Majors, a leader during the Civil War and a state legislator, proposed that the school be made the state university . Although the offer was rejected, the state legislature on June 20, 1867, did accept the school as a "normal school" several months before the state university was established. For the next 38 years, the Peru school was the only teacher education institution in the state.
As Nebraska's population increased, the legislature extended the normal schools from two-year to four-year and authorized them to grant the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Education, Bachelor of Science in Education, and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education. At the same time, the names of the schools were changed from State Normal Schools to State Teachers Colleges. In 1963, Peru's name was changed to Peru State College .
When the United States entered World War II, the College trained officers for the armed forces. The first unit of men in the Navy's V- 12 program arrived on campus July I, 1943 . During the time the nearly 500 trainees received their training, the College operated an accelerated program for both civilian students and naval trainees. Since then, many of the trainees have used the hours of college credit they earned to complete their degrees at Peru State or other institutions of higher learning throughout the nation .
In 1949 , the legislature authorized the Nebraska State Colleges to confer the Bachelor of Arts degree . The Bachelor of Science degree was authorized in 1965. Emerging from its role as a single-purpose teachers college, the College is now a regional state college offering a wide variety of programs to meet the changing needs of southeast Nebraska and beyond.
Peru State College is committed to the belief that all persons are endowed with potential which, if developed, will benefit both the individual and society. Each person, who is exposed to the influences of the College, is encouraged to develop his or her potential as well as understand and appreciate the contributions of others.
Individual development can be accomplished through formal study and exposure to a variety of experiences both on and off campus. It is the result of the reasonable mastery of knowledge, acquisition of certain skills and techniques, appreciation and understanding of areas beyond narrow personal interests, and meaningful religious and social experiences.
The mission of Peru State College is to offer instruction in selected programs and courses of study, to provide services, and to conduct research.
Instructional programs include teacher education, the liberal arts and sciences, pre-professional curricula, and occupational and continuing education.
Pub li c service activities promote effective living of the people served by the College through assistance in the solution of problems and in the development of skills .
Research programs create new knowledge and provide the broader intellectual and factual basis for extending knowledge.
In order to fulfill its mission, Peru State has established the following goals:
*To increase the quality and diversity of programs to persons of differing aptitudes , interests, and needs.
*To intensify it's milieu of academic excellence .
*To enhance the intellectual cooperation between the liberal and applied arts.
*To promote the involvement of both students and faculty in experimental and creative research.
*To strive to be a more effective public service institution.
*To offer continuing and oc c upational education for personal and career enrichment.
*To explore new and creative educational opportunities for students .
*To serve as a transitional educational institution for student s pursuing various occupational professional objectives.
*To prepare students to be contributing members of a democratic society.
*To enhance student development outside of the classroom.
Memberships and Accreditations
Peru State College is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education as a bachelor's degree granting institution. Full membership is maintained in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education and the American Council o·n Education. The College also is a charter member of the Nebraska Council on Teacher Education
Peru State College is supported by the State of Nebraska for the purpose of meeting the post-secondary educational needs of its citizens. The College is a multi-purpose, regional institution offering a variety of programs in teacher education, the liberal arts and sciences, and selected occupations that culminate in several degree options. The College also provides instructional programs at extension sites throughout southeast Nebraska.
Degree and Program Selection
The programs offered by the College include four-year professional curricula in elementary and secondary education, a four-year liberal arts program, a flexible bachelor of science program, and a number of pre-professional curricula.
Each program at the College consists of general studies courses and specialized courses . The general studies courses are important to effective living for all persons regardless of their vocations . The specialized courses prepare an individual for a specific occupation, or satisfy a particular avocational or cultural interest.
Upon enrolling, students select a program and degree objective which determines their curriculum and academic advisor.
This choice may be tentative and changed later. Students who desire special assistance in selecting a program may request counseling from their academic advisor or the Director of Career Planning and Placement.
Peru State College is authorized by law and the rules of the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges to issue the following degrees:
Bachelor of Arts in Education (B.A. in Educ.)
This degree is awarded to candidates whose field of concentration is Art, Social Science, or Language Arts.
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education (B. F.A. in Educ.)
This degree is awarded to candidates whose field of concentration is Music.
Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Educ.)
This degree is awarded to candidates whose field of concentration is Physical Education, Industrial Arts, Mathematics and Science, Elementary Education , or Business Education.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
This degree is awarded to candidates without regard to the field of concentration or the professional teacher education requirements.
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
This degree is awarded to candidates without regard to the field of concentration or the professional teacher education requirements.
Bachelor of Technology (B. T.)
This degree is awarded to candidates who transfer from other institutions after completing a prescribed one or two-year technical program.
Associate of Arts (A.A.)
This degree is awarded to candidates who complete a two year program in Ear ly Childhood Education.
Degree Requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Education, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education, Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science.
The following are the minimum requirements for the above degrees:
Total Hours
Degree candidates must earn a minimum of 125 semester credit hours.
Upper Division Credit
Degree candidates must earn at least 40 semester hours of upper division credit (300 and 400 level courses).
Grade Point Average
A minimum, cumulative grade point average of 2. 5 is required for all degrees in teacher education; the minimum, cumulative average for other degrees is 2 .0 .
General Studies and Major
Degree candidates must complete the general studies program, a major (teacher education candidates must complete one field endorsement or two subject endorsements), and courses in support of their educational objective.
Major Grade Point Average
A minimum, cumulative grade point average of 2 0 is required for all courses listed or selected to fulfill the major hour requirements. No grade lower than a D t (or C for transfer work) may be used to fulfill course requirements in an academic major.
Peru State Credits
A minimum of 30 semester hours must be earned from Peru State College.
Resident Credits
A minimum of 24 of the last 30 semester hours must be earned in residence. This requirement may be waived by the Academic Affairs Commission in cases where any of the required resident credit is earned at another Nebraska state college or where official cooperative agreements with other institutions exist.
Normal Progress
Students are required to maintain normal progress which is defined as completing all degree requirements within seven years of the time they are admitted to the College to pursue an academic program. When normal progress is not maintained, students will follow the program requirements of the current catalog.
Additional Degree Requirements for Bachelor of Arts
The Bachelor of Arts degree requires the following additional coursework:
I IO semester hours of a modern foreign language or IO semester hours of upper division credit outside of the student's major in an area of study approved by the appropriate Division Chairperson.
2. 6 semester hours of Mathematics or 6 hours of Psychology.
3. Political Science 201 and 9 semester hours from History 113 , 114, 20 I, 202, or Sociology 20 I.
Degree Requirements for Bachelor of Technology
The following are the minimum requirements for the Bachelor of Technology degree:
Degree candidates must have completed either a one or two year technical program at an institution accredited by a regional accrediting agency to be eligible for this degree.
Total Hours
Degree candidates must earn a minimum of 125 semester credit hours.
Upper Division Credit
Degree candidates must earn at least 20 semester hours credit of 300 level (or higher) coursework.
Grade Point Average
A minimum, cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required for all coursework completed at Peru State.
The transfer major and the resident area of emphasis are considered the majors for the Bachelor of Technology.
The Bachelor of Technology degree is specifically designed for transfer students who have an A.A . or A.S. degree or who have completed a designated one year program The degree is flexible enough to accommodate either type of transfer student who meets the following additional requirements:
Transfer Students with an A.A. or A.S. Degree
General Studies
Thirty semester credit hours are required exclusive of the hours used to fulfill the resident area of emphasis requirement. At least 3 hours must be selected from each area listed below and no more than 9 hours of the 30 hour total can be in any one area :
English Composition
Social and Behavioral Science
Applied Arts
Resident Area of Emphasis
Mathematics / Science
Literature / Fine Arts
Health & Hygiene / PE
A minimum of 25 semester credit hours in one discipline is required with a minimum, cumulative grade point average of 2 0. No grade lower than a D t (Cfor transfer work) may be used to fulfill requirements within the area.
Transfer Technical Major
Sixty semester hour credits from the A.A. or A.S. degree is the maximum applicable toward the 125 hours required for the Bachelor of Technology degree.
Directed Electives
Additional hours are selected from general studies courses beyond the required 30 semester hours, courses supportive of the resident area of emphasis or the transfer technical major, or others in consultation with an advisor.
Transfer Students with a One Year Designated Program
General Studies
Thirty semester credit hours are required exclusive of the hours used to fulfill the resident area of emphasis requirement. At least 3 hours must be selected from each area listed below and no more than 9 hours of the 30 hour total can be in any one area:
English Composition
Social and Behavioral Science
Applied Arts
Resident Area of Emphasis
Mathematics / Science
Literature / Fine Arts
Health & Hygiene / PE
A minimum of 35 se mester credit hours in one discipline is required with a minimum, cumulative grade point average of2.0. No grade lower than a Dt (Cfortransferwork)maybeusedto fulfill requirement s within the area.
Transfer Technical Major
Thirty semester hour credits is the maximum applicable toward the 125 hours required for the Bachelor of Technology degree.
Directed Electives
Additional hours are selected from general studies courses beyond the required 30 semester hour s, courses supportiv e of the resident area of emphasis or the tran sfer technical major, or others in consultation with an advisor.
Degree Regulations
In addition to the above degree requirements, the following regulations apply to Peru State bachelor degrees:
Extra-institutional Credits
The semester credit hours awarded through the College's approved procedures for determining extra-institutional learning are considered transfer credits. Unless otherwise specified, a maximum of 66 transfer credits, awarded either individually or collectively, may be applied toward the 125 credit hour minimum required for a bachelor's degree.
Correspondence and Extension Credits
No more than one-eighth of the total credits required for a degree may be satisfied through correspondence courses, and no more than one-fourth of the total may be correspondence and extension credits. Extension or off-campus courses conducted by Peru State are considered resident credits
Professional School Residence Credits
Pre-professional students, who have successfully completed three years in a specifically approved program, may transfer to an accredited professional school during their fourth year and qualify for a bachelor's degree provided they meet all other graduation requirements.
Varsity Sports Credits
A maximum of 4 credit hours of P. E. 190 - Varsity Sports is allowed toward a degree.
Study Skills Credits
A maximum of 2 credit hours of Study Skills courses (English 90, 91, 92, 93) is allowed toward a degree.
Independent Study
A maximum of 6 hours of Independent Study is allowed toward a degree.
Application for Degree
Degree candidates, upon enrolling for their final coursework, complete a degree application through the Registrar's Office. The application must be completed within the first five weeks of the semester or within the first two weeks of the first summer term.
General Studies Program
The purpose of the general studies program at Peru State is to provide students with the concepts , understanding, skills, and values necessary for living purposefully in modern society. The coursework emphasizes the relationships and unity of ideas from several disciplines and is selected for its usefulness in helping to solve common problems in both an individual and social context. To establish the unity of knowledge and experience, general studies courses share the common goals of promoting a spirit of inquiry, relating knowledge from various fields, and encouraging continued liberal learning. Prescribed courses are held to a minimum to encourage students to select those courses most appropriate to their educational needs .
Objectives for the General Studies Program
*To promote the student's understanding of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of participation and leadership in a democratic society.
*To encourage intellectual curiosity .
*To increase the student's ability to apply abstract knowledge to practical and concrete situations.
*To provide students the opportunity to understand their interaction with the environment.
*To provide students an opportunity to develop physical, social, and emotional maturity.
*To increase the student's ability to read and listen with critical maturity.
*To increase the student's ability to read and listen with critical comprehension .
*To increase the student's ability to convey ideas, feelings, and/ or experiences to others with clarity.
*To provide student's the opportunity to establish educational and vocational goals.
*To encourage the growth of desirable leisure time activities.
General Studies Courses
Co ur ses may be used in on ly one category to sa ti sfy ge nera l stu dies requi rements
mu st comp lete two different ac tivity courses to meet the Physical Education Activities requirement. The one exception is P.E. 119: Restricted Activities which may be repea ted once for a ddition a l credit to meet the requirement.
Students who have M il it ar~ ~erv ic e Basic or Recruit Training are granted four hours credit to sa tisfy the genera l studies requirem e nt s for Hea lth and Hygiene a nd for P.E. Activ iti es. •
(Students who rank at the 85th percentile or higher on the mathematics section of the ACT test may waive the mathematics requirement.)
in business, technology , applied arts, or studio art#
#S tudio Art is defined as those courses in Art that are oriented towards giving the student experiences in a particular media, process or technique Courses in Art that are des ignated as having a primary purpose of presenting Art Teaching Methods, Art History or Art Appreciation do not fulfill the Technical Learning requirement.
Total , , , 40-45 hours
Pre-Professional Programs
The entrance requirements of most professional schools require programs of general studies which vary only slightly from one profession to another. These programs usually require two years or more of study. Since such work is also required in the professional curriculum of teachers, Peru State's general studies program meets the pre-professional needs of prospective doctors, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists, nurses, veterinarians, lawyers , engineers, agriculturists, foresters, morticians, business executives, journalists, and others. Students following a pre-professional program are urged to check the catalogs of professional schools so that specific entrance requirements can be met at Peru State.
Semi-Professional Programs
Students who wish to prepare for occupations that require less than four years of preparation will find a variety of educational opportunities at Peru State. There are increasing opportunities in the occupational area classified as semi-
professional. Students interested in this area should know the transfer requirements of particular professional or technical schools so that a parallel program of coursework can be developed at Peru State.
Honors Program
The purpose of the Honors Program is to challenge students, not with difficult examinations and heavy reading assignments , but with challenging ideas and new perspectives. An honors course should be the beginning of a student's lifetime interest in the serious and difficult issues of our day.
I . The Honors Program is 15 semester credit hours consisting of one interdisciplinary course 20th Century Issues and 12 hours of honor courses in a variety of disciplines.
2. Students who successfully complete the Honors Program are designated as Honors Program Graduates. They are recognized at commencement and on their permanent college record .
3. Students apply to the Honors Program by making application through the Coordinator. Admission is based on the following criteria: (a) 25 ACT composite, or (b) a grade point average of3 . 3 for at least 12 semester hours of college credit and a ranking in the top one-fourth of their high school graduat ing class, or (c) a grade point average of 3.3 for at least 12 semester hours at Peru State as a nontraditional student, or (d) permission of the Honors Committee on written application for students with special abilities or achievements
4 Continued eligibility depends upon a high college grade point average .
General Agricultural Transfer Program
Peru State and the College of Agriculture at the University of NebraskaLincoln cooperate to offer a transfer program for agriculture students. Under the terms of this agreement, students may complete a specified group of courses at Peru State and then transfer to the University 's College of Agriculture.
Extension Programs and Services
The Office of Continuing Education offers a variety of programs and services to meet the educational needs of the College's service area .
Pe ru State/ Southeast Community College Program
Peru State and Southeast Community College offer a cooperative degree program on the Beatrice and Milford campuses of Southeast Commuity College. Students may take up to 66 semester credit hours with Southeast Community College before
transferring into the Peru State program . Peru State offers the remaining degree courses at Beatrice and Milford so that students may complete a bachelor's degree without actually coming to the Peru campus.
The Transfer Guide assists both students and advisors It lists the course equivalencies at both institutions , the specific course requirements for each degree, and the procedures for admission, registration, and payment of tuition and fees. Students who enter the program with a significant amount of credit toward their major will have their transcripts reviewed by the appropriate Division Chairperson, in consultation with the Vice President, to determine if a possi hie 6-15 credit hours of designated coursework in the major is required.
Peru State/ Offutt Air Force Base
In cooperation with the Offutt Air Force Case Education Office, Peru State offers courses leading to the Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education, bachelor degrees in elementary and secondary education for teacher certification, and the Bachelor of Technology degree.
Extension Sites
Individual extension sites are located throughout the College's service area Courses are offered at these sites in response to community or group needs. While most are academic credit courses, continuing professional education courses for relicensure or upgrading as well as some non-credit courses are offered. The specific listing of courses and their locations is printed each Fall, Spring, and Summer in a schedule of clas s es distributed throughout the region. Inquiries about classes throughout the region should be directed to the Office of Continuing Education.
Summer Session
The College offers a Summer Session beginning around the first of June and running through the end of July Courses are offered for five and eight weeks as well as in workshop forml!:ts of one to three weeks .
Cooperative Graduate Programs
Peru State and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln cooperatively offer a Master's degree in Elementary Education on the Peru campus. The degree is granted from the University .
The College also works cooperatively with Kearney State College and Wayne State College to offer courses that are applicable toward Master's degrees from those institutions .
Dr. Lester F. Russell, ChairpersonProfessors: Russell
Assistant Professors: Evans, Larson
The Division of Applied Arts offers programs emphasizing practical applications and understanding of modern technology in areas of Consumer Economics, Industrial Technology, and Industrial and Technical Education. The major objective is to enable individuals to prepare for professional, occupational, or personal living needs through study and laboratory activities. The curriculum is designed to help students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain entry level employment in their area of preparation or to provide a basis for further advanced study.
The Industrial Technology and Education Bachelors Degree Program consists of a core of technical courses to provide the student with a broad general background of technology. The several options available within the curriculum enable the student to specialize in one of a number of different occupational or professional areas.
Industrial Arts Education Option
The Industrial Arts Education option is for those who plan to teach Industrial Arts in public or private secondary schools. The professional education requirements must be met in addition to the courses listed for a teaching endorsement.
Students who have or are pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Education degree with an option in Industrial Arts Education may take additional training in Manual Arts Therapy. This program is in cooperation with the Veterans Administration Center Hospital at Wadsworth, Kansas.
The student spends six weeks at the hospital as an intern . Upon graduation and successful completion of the internship, the student is eligible for a G .S. 7 Civil Service rating . Details of the program may be obtained from the Division Chairperson.
Suggested Program for Industrial Arts Education Option
Freshman Year
Fall Semester
ITE 121 Technical Drawing I
ITE 123 Fundamentals of Wood Technology
IT E 125 Graphic Communications
IT E 127 P ower & Energy
Psych 121 Introducti on to Psychology
General Studies
Fall Semester
ITE 237 Graphic Arts
ITE 334 Automotive Sys te ms & Maintenance
PE 2 15 First Aid
Eng 202 Appreciation of Literature
Geog IOI Principles of Physical Geography
General Studies
Sprln& Semester
ITE 132 Metals Technology I
ITE 233 Electrical Techn o logy I
ITE 222 Technical Drawing 11
Hist 114 History
General Studies
Sophomore Year
ITE 234 Manufacturing & Co nstruc ti on ITE 329 PlasticsTechnology
ITE 332 Power Mechanics I
Po!Sci 20 1 American National Government Ed 200 Foundations of Education
Fall Semester
ITE 321 Industrial Equipment Mainten a nce
!TE 323 Metals Technology II or
!TE 331 Industrial Welding Processes
ITE 350 Administration & Management of Industrial Materials & Equipm ent
Ed 205 Educational Psychology
Ed 207 Practict1m
IT E Elective
Industrial Management Technology Option
The curriculum for the Industrial Management Technology option is designed for students whose main objective is preparation for technician and managerial positions in industry. The curriculum has been developed to include a combination of technical and business courses in order to prepare the graduate for employment in an industrial enterprise.
Students who elect fewer than 12 hours oflndustrial Management Internship must take courses from Business / Economics and Industrial Technology and Education areas.
Suggested Program for Industrial Management Technology Option
Freshman Year
Fall Se meste r
ITE 121 Technical Drawing I
ITE 123 Fundamentals of Wood T ec hn o lo gy
IT E 125 Graphic Comm uni cations
ITE 127 Power & Energy
General S tudi es
Fall Se mes ter
Bus 228 Principles of Marketing
Bus 23 1 Principles of Accoun tin g I
ITE 323 Metals Technology II
ITE 328 Electrical Technology II
General S tudi es
Fa ll Semester
ITE 321 I ndustrial Equipment Maintenance
Bus 350 Business Law I
ITE 370 Robotic Applications
JT E 350 Administratio n & Management of Indu s tri a l Mat eria ls & Eq uipm e nt Genera l St ud
lTE 233 Electrical Tech n o logy 1
CSci 102 Introd ucti on t o Data Processing
Sophomore Year
Fa ll Semester Bus o r Eco n Elec ti ve Bus or Econ E lecti ve
Ge n eral S tud ies or
ITE 338
Industrial Agriculture Option
The Industrial Agriculture option is for those persons who are interested in production agriculture and need the technical skills this program provides, or for those who may be employed in agriculture related industries needing this preparation.
Suggested Program for Industrial Agriculture Option
The Electronics/ Robotics Technology option provides the graduate with a background in math and science as well as an emphasis in theory and laboratory work in electronics and robotics technology. Graduates may qualify for positions in technical sales, supervision of technicians, supervision of maintenance or similar positions dealing with electronics or robotics.
Suggested Program for Electronics/Robotics Technology Option
The Power and Transportation Technology option provides the education necessary to qualify for positions of technical supervision, and technical sa les or service. The curriculum includes technical studies in power and transportation,
and business.
Suggested Program for Power and Transportation Technology Option
Sophomore Year
Suggested Program for Construction Technology Option
Sophomore Year
Industrial Education
Industrial Education students who plan to interrupt their academic programs before completing the baccalaureate degree are advised to select courses from the following list during their first two years . These courses may better prepare the individual for industrial employment. The core courses provide a broad area of preparation . The courses which provide an emphasis in constructing, drafting, electricity, metals, or automotive further enhance employment possibilities.
Vocational Education
For those seeking an endorsement in Vocational Trades and Industrial Education , the following is required in addition to the general degree program .
1. An emphasis in Industrial Arts Education.
2. A minimum of 12 semester hours in an area of specialization, e.g . , carpentry, auto mechanics, etc.
3. Six hours from the following vocational courses :
a. Vocational Education 441 / 541
b. Vocational Education 442 / 542
c. Vocational Education 443 / 543
4. Student teaching in a vocationally approvable program. If student teaching is not done in a vocationally approvable program, an extra 3 semester hours of professional vocational courses are required.
5. The candidate shall have a minimum of 2000 hours of paid occupational experience in an area closely related to the field in which he / she is preparing to teach
If more than 5 years has elapsed since the experience , a maximum of 1000 hours of the occupational experience can be accepted and the program shall require, in addition, V Ed . 444; Industrial Internship with a minimum of 360 clock hours of supervised employment in an area closely related to the field in which the candidate is preparing to teach.
The candidate shall have a minimum of 1000 clock hours of full-time employment or the equivalent in accumulated parttime employment plus completion of V Ed. 444: Industrial Internship, with a minimum of 360 clock hours of supervised work experience in an area closely related to the field in which the candidate is preparing to teach.
Pre-Professional Home Economics
The following program is suggested for pre-professional home economics students. The catalog of the intended transfer college or university should be consulted to insure that basic academic requirements are being met.
Course Descriptions
Consumer Economics
130 Your Professional Image (2 hours)
Improvement of the personal image for business and social success . Professional, visual (personal appearance), and social aspects of self improvement are emphasized.
(Spring semester, odd years)
133 Food Preparation (3 hours)
Fundamental principles of food selection, purchasing, and preparation. Two hours lecture and discussion; three hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, even years)
141 Clothing Construction (3 hours)
Selection of wearing apparel based on the significance of clothing in American society, and the principles of design as applied to personal appearance. Constructing apparel through the use of a basic pattern and fundamental pattern methods; application of principles of design, basic construction techniques, and good management.
(Spring semester, even years)
152 Short-Cut Cooking (] hour)
A course designed to help the student reduce time spent in meal preparation by improved planning and more efficient use of appliances such as the microwave oven, crock pot, pressure cooker, and freezer.
(Spring semester, even years)
181 International Cookery (] hour)
A study of the culture, food habits, and cooking techniques associated with the people of various countries
(Fall semester, odd years)
232 Housing (3 hours)
Social, physical, aesthetic and economic aspects of housing as it concerns the family during stages of the family life cycle. Principles of buying, building or remodeling to meet family needs.
(Spring semester, even years)
298 Special Topics in Consumer Economics (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
302 Parent Education (3 hours)
A study of the psychological, social and physiological aspects of parent-child relationships, and how these change throughout the family life cycle from prenatal years to adolescence.
(Spring semester, odd years)
321 Human Relationships (1-3 hours)
This course considers interpersonal relationships emphasizing an understanding of self and others in relationships including dating, marriage, and daily living. Also includes a study of parents and children, other relatives; the middle-aged and the elderly . Includes readings in current literature on human relationships.
(Fall semester, even years)
322 Home Furnishings (3 hours)
The selection, arrangement, and care of furnishings from the standpoint of comfort, beauty, economy and family needs .
(Fall semester, odd years)
332 Nutrition (3 hours)
Fundamental principles of human nutrition, its development through research as related to the needs of individuals according to their age, sex, and occupation.
(Each Spring semester)
333 Creative Textiles (1-2 hours)
Development of an appreciation and experience in textile designing techniques . Experience in constructing, printing and decorating fabrics.
(Spring semester, odd years)
360 Nutrition, Weight Control, and Exercise (2 hours)
A course designed to provide basic concepts and a background of general information of the interrelationships of sound nutrition, exercise, and weight control for healthful living. Students will develop individualized programs to meet a variety of personal needs.
(Each Fall semester)
410 Consumer Economics (3 hours)
A course dealing with the economics problems and responsibilities of the consumer. The topics of household buying, credit, insurance, savings and investing are covered with emphasis on the best management of personal and family resources.
(Fall semester, odd years)
498 Special Topics in Consumer Economics (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing .
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Consumer Economics (1-3 hours)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
(Each semester)
Industrial Technology and Education
121 Technical Drawing (3 hours)
A course concerned with the fundamentals of graphic language. The course includes proper use and care of instruments, geometric construction, lettering, sketching and shape description, multi-view projection, sectional views and auxilary views.
(Each Fall semester)
123 Fundamentals of Wood Technology (3 hours)
The development of basic skills in processing one of the earth's few renewable construction materials. Emphasis will be on characteristics of wood and fundamental use of tools and machines.
(Each Fall semester)
125 Graphic Communications (2 hours)
A course designed to study the theory and practice of graphic communication and related careers . The course will include basic study and practice in drafting, design, graphic arts, and photography. A series of interrelated activities will be completed to demonstrate the industrial practices utilized in each area.
(Each Fall semester)
127 Power and Energy (2 hours)
A course which explores the generation, transm1ss10n, and application of power and energy. The course will include as major areas of study, electricity, hydraulics, pneumatics, and mechanical systems.
(Each Fall semester)
132 Metals Technology I (3 hours)
Fundamental instruction in the areas of sheet metal, bench metal, forging and heat treatment, foundry, welding and elementary machining.
(Each Spring semester)
222 Technical Drawing II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 121
The course includes shop processes, dimensioning, threads and fasteners, design and working drawings, axonometric projection, oblique projection, perspective projection, intersections and developments, gearing and cams, welding representation, graphs and the use of drafting machines.
(Each Spring semester)
226 Photography I (2-3 hours)
Theory and practice in the basic fundamentals of photography including composition, exposure, lighting, developing, contact printing and enlarging The third hour credit gained by additional assignments. Each student must have a camera.
(Each Fall semester)
233 Electrical Technology I (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 127 or special permission. Basic theory, principles, and applications of electricity in industry and the home. Areas of instruction include electrical theory, residential wiring, motors and generators, automotive electricity, and appliance repair.
(Each Spring semester)
234 Manufacturing and Construction (2 hours)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the broad field of on-site construction and in-factory manufacturing techniques. The study of management, personnel, and production systems will be emphasized.
(Each Spring semester)
237 Graphic Arts (3 hours)
Study and practice in basic processes of printing and allied industries, including work in letterpress, silkscreen printing, bookbinding, and photo offset. Beneficial for those interested in journalism.
(Each Fall semester)
239 Silk Screening Techniques (1-2 hours)
A study of the basic theory , materials, and processes used in silk screen printing .
(Offered as needed)
240 Car Care (2 hours)
A course designed to provide the student with a basic knowledge of purchasing, maintaining, insuring, and operating the modern automobile. Consumer information is stressed together with basic knowledge of automotive Ju brication, tuneup, and diagnosis . This course does not apply on the Industrial Technology and Education major.
(Each semester)
298 Special Topics in Industrial Technology and Education (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
310 Wood Lathe (1-2 hours)
A study of the various techniques of spindle and faceplate woodturning . Emphasis will be placed on wood preparation, turning techniques, finishing procedures, and duplication techniques.
(Offered as needed)
321 Industrial Equipment Maintenance (2 hours)
Managing, maintaining , conditioning, and repairing tools and equipment in industrial shops and laboratories are emphasized.
(Each Fall semester)
322 Handcrafts (3 hours)
A course designed to develop skills and knowledge in working with ceramics, metals, plastics, wood and other craft materials. Instruction will include specifying and purchasing craft supplies and methods of incorporating these activities into school and community programs. Recommended for elementary school teachers, recreation majors, and for people interested in leisure time craft activities.
(Each semester)
323 Metals Technology II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 132.
A second course in metalwork with emphasis on foundry and machine technology, and a study of metallurgy as it relates to the foundry, machine shop, and heat treating processes.
(Each Fall semester)
324 Building Construction (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 123. Addresses the fundamentals of wood frame construction pertaining to housing and light commercial construction. Emphasis is placed on construction materials and techniques.
(Each Fall semester)
325 Photography II (2-3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 226. Infra-red photography, high speed photography, portraiture, use of negative and positive color films, color printing, and dark room techniques.
(Each Fall semester)
328 Electrical Technology II (3 hours)
A study of the principles and applications of electronics in control and communication equipment. Instruction in the theory and application of solid state and vacuum tube devices in power supplies, amplifiers, oscillators, and various other circuits.
(Each Fall semester)
329 Plastics Technology (3 hours)
A study of the industrial utilization , manufacture and processing of plastics. Instruction and practice in tooling, thermo forming , casting, coating, and molding with plastics .
(Each Spring semester)
331 Industrial Welding Processes (3 hours)
Instruction and practice in the use of electric welding processes and the oxy -acetylene torch in welding and cutting.
(Each Fall semester)
332 Power Mechanics I (3 hours)
The study of the sources of power and of the machines used in its development with emphasis upon the internal combustion engine .
(Each Spring semester)
334 Automotive Systems and Maintenance (3 hours)
A course in which students will acquire technical information in the fundamentals and economic operation of the modern automobile.
(Each Fall semester)
337 Driver Education and Traffic Safety I (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Twenty thousand miles or two years of driving experience free of repeated chargeable accidents and moving violations .
This course will include presentation of materials and methods of traffic safety and driver training with emphasis upon attitude development, organization and administration, driving regulations and safe motor care operation (Summer Session-Offered as needed)
338 General Safety (3 hours)
This course is designed to familiarize the student with problems of accident prevention and conservation of human life and limb . Emphasis will be placed in the following areas : Occupational, farm and home , transportation , and school. Instructional materials will be developed and studied .
(Each Spring semester)
339 Computer Aided Design (2 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 121.
Comp,uter Aided Design is a course designed to introduce the student to the use of computers, digitizing pads and plotters in designing and drawing products in the industrial world . Projects will be encountered that will deal with : graphs and charts, architectural design and technical drawings.
(Each Spring semester)
340 Driver Education and Traffic Safety II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 337
This course will provide an opportunity to construct materials relating to and experiment with methods of presenting lessons in traffic safety and behind-the-wheel driving Each student will be expected to teach a beginning driver .
(Summer Session-Offered as needed)
343 Hydraulics and Pneumatics (2 hours)
Fluid power principles with practical application of hydraulics, pneumatics, and fluidics .
(Fall semester, even years)
350 Administration and Management of Industrial Materials and Equipment (2 hours)
A course designed to acquaint the student with the procurement , disbursement , and use of industrial tools, machines, and materials. Planning and organizing shops for efficient material handling and machine use
(Each Fall semester)
354 Industrial Wood Processing (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 123 .
Advanced procedures in wood processing. Alternatives to solid wood manufacturing, use of jigs and fixtures, mass production and automation will be addressed
(Each Spring semester)
355 Private Pilot Ground School (3 hours)
This course includes all items needed to pass the written examination required to receive a pilot ' s license . Course content includes basic aerodynamics, weather patterns , types of aircraft, history of flying , go vernment regulation safety, navigation, and the duties and responsibilities of a private pilot.
(Offered as needed)
370 Robotic Applications (3 hours)
Instruction in the fundamentals and management of robots in industry . The course will introduce the student to the evolution , classification , safety , economics, sociological impact, and future capabilities of industrial robots, as well as developing a familiarization of present uses in a variety of industrial applications .
(Each Fall semester)
380 Time and Motion Study (2 hours)
Study and application of work measurement systems . Analysi s of work for methods improvement by use of motion economy, process charting, flow diagramming , operator training and suggestion systems.
(Offered as needed)
381 Quality Assurance (2 hours)
Techniques and procedures of determining and maintaining the quality of industrial products. Random sampling and other statistical procedures used in mass production to determine if products meet industrial specifications. Product quality improvement by design and structural features
(Offered as needed)
405 Study oflndustries Workshop (3 hours)
This course is designed to develop an awareness of technological advancements in a variety of contemporary industries. A broadbased overview of the organization and taxonomy of American Industry will be observed The cluster approach of the study of industry will be engaged ; i.e . The Communications Industry, The Power, Energy, and Transportation Industry, and the Manufacturing and Construction Industry.
(Offered as needed)
410 Digital Electronics (3 hours)
Prerequisite ITE 328 or permission. The study of digital integrated circuits which will include numbering systems, logic gates, flip flops, registers, clocks, and memories .
(Spring semester, even years)
412 Microprocessors (3 hours)
Prerequisite ITE 410.
The fundamental concepts of microprocessors including software, hardware, and interface techniques. Industrial applications will be examined .
(Spring semester, even years)
425 Industrial Arts Methods and Observation (2 hours)
The course will emphasize teaching methods and aids, course construction, testing, shop discipline, grading, safety and other problems pertinent to the teaching of the industrial arts.
(Each Spring semester)
427 Architectural Drawing (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 222.
The principles of planning a dwelling to fit modern needs. Drawings will include a plot plan, floor plan, four elevations, sections and details. Specifications will be determined by the student for the dwelling.
(Spring semester, even years)
430 Construction Management (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 324.
Addresses the systems used in commercial and industrial structures including masonry, structural steel, precast concrete, and the management functions of quantity take-off, estimating, contract documents and specifications.
(Spring semester, odd years)
440 Engine Tune-up and Electrical Systems (1 hour)
Prerequisite: ITE 334.
Utilization of diagnostic equipment and methods in testing and servicing electrical/ electronic engine systems and fuel system components.
(Spring semester, even years)
441 Suspension and Brake Systems (1 hour)
Prerequisite: ITE 334.
Classroom and laboratory activity in the diagnosis, service, and repair of steering and brake systems.
(Spring semester, even years)
442 Power Transmission Mechanisms (1 hour)
Prerequisite : ITE 334 .
Classroom and laboratory activity in the diagnosis, service, and repair of transmissions and drives .
(Spring semester, even years)
480 Industrial Management Internship (6-12 hours)
Prerequisite : Junior or senior Industrial Management Technology major with approval of the Chairperson of the Applied Arts Division.
A student may enroll in from six to twelve hours of credit for an approved work experience program . A minimum of 40 hours of work experience will be required for every hour of credit awarded. The learning experience is organized and supervised by staff from the Applied Art s Division.
(Offered as needed)
498 Special Topics in Industrial Technology and Education (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Industrial Technology and Education (1-3 hours)
Prerequisite: Junior standing .
Approval by department . For majors only.
(Each semester)
Dr. James E. Thomas, ChairpersonProfessors: Thomas
Associate Professors: Jacobs
-Assistant Professors: Beldin, Hamilton, Lewellen, Snyder
The Division of Business offers programs to prepare students for a wide range of occupations in industry, business, and teacher education. The programs are designed to provide marketable skills and knowledge, preparation for advancement on the job, and background for graduate study. B.A. and B.S. degrees are offered in Business Administration and Business Education.
The Business Administration program offers a choice of options-Accounting, Management, and Sales Management. The Business Education degree is offered with subject endorsements in Basic Business and General Office or as a field endorsement.
Business Administration-Accounting Option
The Accounting option prepares graduates for several high demand careers in financial occupations. Coursework is designed to prepare students to take the CPA examination
** A higher level of math is preferred if student has the background.
Suggested Program for Accounting Option
Business Administration-Management Option
*The following courses are excluded: Bus 100 , 220, 222 , 235, 334 , and 425
**A higher level of math is preferred if student has the background.
Suggested Program for Management Option
Business Administration-Sales Management Option
The Sales Management option prepares graduates for high demand careers in marketing and sales. There is a strong emphasis on written and oral communication skills.
Those electing this option will be required to pass an English proficiency test.
Suggested Programs for Sales Management Option
Sophomore Year
The student may choose either Business 22 V and VI or Business 22 VI and VII to fill the shorthand requirement.
•• A higher level math is preferred if student has the background .
Basic Business-Subject Endorsement
This endorsement, when taken with another subject endorsement, qualifies you to teach the basic business courses taught in a Nebraska high school business curriculum. It does not qualify you to teach typewriting or other skills courses.
•• A higher level math is preferred if student has the background.
This endorsement, when taken with another subject endorsement, qual ifies you to teach the skills courses taught in a Nebraska high school business curriculum. It does not necessarily include shorthand .
** A higher level math is preferred if student has the background.
Vocational Business Education
For those seeking an endorsement in Vocational Business Education the following is required in addition to general degree requirements:
l. Complete a Basic Business subject endorsement and a General Office subject endorsement, or complete a Business Education field endorsement.
2. Six hours of professional vocational courses
a. Vocational Education 441 / 541
b. Vocational Education 442/ 542 or 443 / 543
3. Student teaching in a vocationally approvable secondary business education program . If student teaching is not done in a vocationally approvable program, an additional 3 hours of professional vocational courses is required.
4. Work experience to include at least one year of paid full-time employment or the equivalent in part-time employment in an acceptable field of business. or
Completion of VEd 444 : Industrial Internship, for a minimum of 360 clock hours of supervised employment in an acceptable field of business.
Course Descriptions
123 Introduction to Business (3 hours)
A study of business and the environment in which it is conducted; types of business firms, functions they perform, problems confronting them and possible solutions for these problems are considered.
(Each semester; Summer session)
130 Principles of Banking (3 hours)
This course provides the foundation for most AIB courses. Also, this course examines nearly every aspect of banking . New banking personnel are encouraged to complete this course since it does provide a comprehensive introduction to the diversified services offered by the banking industry today.
(Offered as needed)
215 Personal Business Finance (3 hours)
Fundamentals of personal finance--budgeting, home buying, banking, life insurance, auto insurance, homeowners's-renter's insurance, health insurance, basic investments, income taxes, and other consumer economics topics.
(Spring semester, odd years)
220 Intermediate Typewriting (3 hours)
Prerequisite: A beginning typing course. Stresses speed and accuracy in typewriting letters, manuscripts, tabulations and other forms.
(Fall semester, even years)
222 Transcriptions V (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Elementary shorthand skills. A continuation of elementary shorthand, emphasizing the development of skill in dictation and transcriptions. Five hours attendance per week.
(Fall semester, odd years; Spring semester, even years)
222 Transcriptions VI (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 222 Transcriptions V or one year of high school shorthand.
Emphasis is placed on increasing skills in taking dictation and transcribing it into mailable form. Five hours attendance per week.
(Fall semester, odd years; Spring semester, even years)
222 . Transcriptions VII (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 222 Transcriptions VI. Greater increase of speed and accuracty in taking timed dictation. Five hours attendance per week .
(Fall semester, odd years; Spring semester, even years)
228 Principles of Marketing (3 hours)
A study of the buying, selling, transporting and storing functions involved in marketing; where the student is introduced to retailing, wholesaling and marketing management.
(Each Fall semester; Summer Session)
229 Computer Software Applications (3 hours)
An introduction to MS-DOS and IBM based software currently used in industry Development of proficiency using selected commercial software packages .
(Each semester; Summer Session)
231 Principles of Accounting I (3 hours)
An introduction to the process of recording financial data and preparing periodic financial statements. The complete acounting cycle will be studied. Four hours of attendance per week.
(Each Fall semester)
232 Principles of Accounting II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 231.
A continuation of Bus. 231, considering the accounting process for a corporation; where the student is introduced to accounting theory, financial statement analysis and cost accounting. Four hours attendance per week.
(Each Spring semester)
235 Business-Office Machines (3 hours)
The use of the 10-key calculator to solve business mathematics problems, the use of word processors and their applications, the duplicating machines, and the transcribing machines will be taught in this course.
(Fall semester, even years)
237 Principles of Management (3 hours)
A study of the functions of management with an introduction to such areas as organization theory, decision making, leadership, and motivation as they apply to all organized groups, but geared primarily toward the existing business organization.
(Each Spring semester; Summer Session)
250 Salesmanship (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 228.
A study of the skills and techniques used in selling and persuasion. The course is designed to help the student learn to sell products and ideas through a study of proven techniques used by successful salespeople. ·
(Each Fall semester)
298 Special Topics in Business (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
301 Business Communications (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Ability to type.
A study of business English and communication as well as a study of how to compose and produce the various kinds of letters used in the business world.
(Each Spring semester)
325 Secretarial Procedures and Communications (3 hours)
This course is designed to develop competencies in both the operational and managerial functions performed by the executive secretary. Operational functions involve an in-depth study of office and secretarial procedures. This will include records management and use of the word processing machines to solve office problems. Managerial functions involve the development of a high degree of competency in administrative
secretarial skills. A considerabe amount of time will be devoted to develope the ability to compose various forms of business communications.
(Spring semester, even years)
331 Insurance (3 hours)
A study of the major types of business risks and the insurance available for the covering of these risks. Personal insurance will also be studied including: Life, Health and Accident Property, Public Liability, and Social Insurance
(Each Fall semester)
332 Investment (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 232 .
A study of the major uses of investment funds , including saving accounts in banks and other financial institutions, government bonds, corporate stocks and bonds, annuities and real estate.
(Each Spring semester)
334 Advanced Typewriting (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus . 220. Stresses the development of a high degree of proficiency in composition, machine dictation and production typewriting. Three hours attendance per week.
(Spring semester, odd years)
335 Industrial Management (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 231 required and Econ 221 recommended.
A study of the evolution of operational management and its relationship to the total enterprise. Decision making, production and plant planning, systems design, manpower planning, and control systems are considered .
(Each Fall semester)
337 Intermediate Accounting I (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 232 .
A study of the problems involved in establishing sound valuations for asset , liability and net worth items; proper reporting of financial position and net income is stressed.
(Each Fall semester)
338 Intermediate Accounting II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 337.
An in-depth continuation of Bus. 337 with special emphasis on long-term liabilitites, intangible assets, statement analysis, stockholders' equity, application of funds, and present value.
(Each Spring semester)
340 Statistics (3 hours)
A study of the methods of summarizing and interpreting data, elementary probability and its relation to distributions. The meanings, importance, and applications of the normal and binomial distributions . The methods of random sampling, testing of hypotheses, analysis of varied data, and interpretation of standardized test scores are studied.
(Each Spring semester)
341 Income Tax Accounting (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 232.
The Federal Income Tax laws and regulations concerning taxable income, inclusions and exclusions, allowable deductions, and the basis of determining gain or loss of reporting purposes for individuals, businesses, and corporations are studied.
(Each Fall semester)
345 Real Estate Principles and Practices (3 hours)
A study of real estate law as it affects marketing, ownership , interests, sales, leases and agencies. The financial, marketing, and managerial aspects of real property will be introduced .
(Each Fall semester)
350 Business Law I (3 hours)
A study of the source and origin of law and the legal rights and obligations of parties to a contract and to a -sales contract as outlined in the Uniform Commercial Code.
(Each Fall semester)
351 Business Law II (3 hours)
A study of legal principles covering agencies, negotiable instruments, bailments, corportate and partnership laws.
(Each Spring semester)
354 Law and Banking (3 hours)
This course introduces the banking community to the myriad of laws and regulations governing bank institutions. Students are presented an entry level introduction to banking law.
(Offered as needed)
360 Real Estate Finance (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus . 345.
A detailed analysis of the methods and techniques of financing the purchase of real estate. Areas of study include fund sources , analysis of mortgage risk, FHA underwriting, other Government influences and agencies, legal aspects, and the policies and procedures of lending institutions.
(Each Fall semester)
361 Real Estate Law (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 345.
A study of the legal implications of estates - land, deeds, leases, mortgages, easements, zoning ordinances, covenants, trespass, nuisance, licenses, invitees , and descendants' estates.
(Spring semester, odd years)
371 Cost/Managerial Accounting I (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Bus. 232.
Managerial planning and control are emphasized through internal accounting. Problem materials are used to aid in the understanding of operations and capital budgeting, standard cost, incremental concepts , relevant costs, transfer pricing, and the responsibility and profit center reports as a means of analysis.
(Each Fall semester)
372 Cost/Managerial Accounting II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus . 371.
An advanced study of cost systems and their application to special problem areas. Problems are used to develop an understanding of variance analysis, budgeting, and other quantitative techniques relevant to internal accounting.
(Each Spring semester)
410 Marketing Management, (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Bus 228. An analysis of marketing principles from the manager's point of view and their application toward
meeting various marketing objectives including the study of markets, consumers , advertising, personal selling, retailing, pricing, and distribution
(Each Fall semester)
412 Sales Management (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Bus. 250 and Bus. 237 or permission
This study of a management position in a sales career includes an analysis of such tasks as recruiting , interviewing , and hiring salespeople . Other areas of study are training and motivating, compensation methods, assigning territories, and coordinating with other managers
(Each Fall semester)
413 Purchasing (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Bus. 228.
The study of the procuring of industrial materials includes such topics as SIC codes, negotiated contracts, reciprocity, buying committees , and bidding procedures. Buying motives are studied as are procedures such as straight rebuying , value analysis, inventory analysis and other topics from the buyer ' s viewpoint .
(Each Spring semester)
415 Credit Management (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus 237.
An in-depth study of the sources of credit information and the legal aspects of credit and collections for businesses.
(Fall semester, even years)
425 Methods of Teaching Business Subjects (2 hours)
Current methods of teaching typewriting , shorthand , bookkeeping, office practice and basic business are considered with the sources and uses of instructional aids emphasized.
(Each Spring semester)
432 Business Finance (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 232 and Econ 220, Math IOI and Math 340 recommended .
A study of the uses of funds to finance assets , internal and external sources of funds and the cost of funds obtained from alternative sources under various conditions.
(Each Fall semester; Summer Session)
433 Administrative Management (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 237.
A study of the management of an office . Areas of study include location, layout, equipment, supplies, automation, controlling expenses, measuring efficiency of operation, establishing quantity and quality production standards, and the administration of personnel.
(Each Spring semester)
434 Personnel Management (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 237.
A study of the management of employees and the efficient use of human resources for both the personnel manager and the operating manager. Recruiting, motivating, compensating are considered along with the current laws, career development, unions, and other topics. Case studies are used extensively. (Each Spring semester; Summer sessions)
438 Analysis of Financial Statements (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 338
A course based on the study of corporate financial statements and their interpretation . Statements of corporations will be used and the emphasis will be on analyzing the financial position and earnings of various companies.
(Offered as needed)
441 Internship in Business (1-12 hours)
Prerequisite: Business major and/ or permission of instructor. This course is to be taken near the ending of formal college courses by students in the areas of management, marketing, accounting, finance, retail merchandising, and secretarial programs. Students may enroll for from 1-12 hours of credit upon the approval of the Division of Business. The learning situation is organized and supervised by the Business Division. A minimum of forty hours of work experience will be required for every hour of credit. Internship credit may also be obtained by the student taking a case in the Small Business Institute program. The student is to work in coordination with the Small Business Administration, a college business faculty member, and a job training station provided by the college or Small Business Administration. The student will do extensive research in a team effort and will prepare a research paper. College credit for this internship will be from I to 3 hours. A
maximum of 15 hours of credit in Bus. 441 is allowed to apply toward a Bachelors degree.
(Each semester, Summer session)
443 Quantitative Management (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. The study of systems and management science. The course includes the development of analytical reasoning and set concepts, as well as such topics as decision processes, linear programming, waiting lines, stochastic processes, forecasting methods, inventory control, input/ output analysis, and general modeling.
(Spring semester, odd years)
450 Advanced Accounting (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 338.
A detailed study of problems arising out of partnerships, combinations, installment sales, and the preparation of consolidated financial statements. Also includes home office and branch accounting, governmental and not-for-profit accounting .
(Each Fall semester)
470 Auditing Principles (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Bus. 338 and 371 or by permission. Generally accepted auditing standards and procedures with the philosophy supporting them. Auditing techniques available to the independent public accountant are also studied.
(Each Spring semester)
490 CPA Review (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Bus . 450 .
An intensive presentation of overall accounting and related materials summarizing CPA examinations and solutions, with an in-depth study of APB opinions and financial research bulletins stressed
(Each Spring sem,e~ter)
495 Business Policy (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Senior business major. A case-~tud~ approach requiring in-depth analytical and con_imumcahon_ skills. Requirements include a thorough review of all given and acquired data, formulation of welldefined problems, and structured plans of action to be presented in written and oral form.
(Each semester)
498 Special Topics in Business (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Business (1-3 hours)
Prerequisite: Junior standing; Permission of the instructor and prior approval of chairperson.
(Each semester)
220 Principles of Economics I (3 hours)
Elementary concepts of macroeconomics with an emphasis on equilibrium analysis, monetary and fiscal policy, banking and developmental economics.
(Each Fall semester; Summer sessions)
221 Principles of Economics II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Econ. 220. Consideration of the microeconomics concepts of wages, interest, rent and profits, personal distribution of income, consumption, monopolies, agriculture, government taxation and expenditures, international trade, and comparative economic systems.
(Each Spring semester)
298 Special Topics in Economics (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing .
(Offered as needed)
333 Economic History of United States (3 hours)
U.S. economic history from colonial times to the present.
(Fall semester, even years)
346 Money and Banking (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Econ. 220.
A study of the origins and present roles of our monetary system, credit, commercial banking and the Federal Reserve System. The course is organized for students whose principal interest lies outside of going into bank management.
(Each Spring semester)
350 Public Finance (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Econ. 220 and 221. The role of government in the economy as it pertains to raising revenue, expenditures, regulations, and income redistribution is studied.
(Spring semester, odd years)
375 Labor and Industrial Relations (3 hours) Labor, management and government as they involve collective bargaining, labor laws, and wage theories. (Each Fall semester)
498 Special Topics in Economics (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing. (Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Economics (1-3 hours)
Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Each semester)
Dr. Brian A. Lotven, ChairpersonProfessors: Divney, Ferre
Associate Professors: Citrin, Egan, Hytrek, Lotven
The Division of Education and Psychology provides teacher preparation programs in accordance with the Nebraska Department of Education. The Nebraska Department of Education requires that individuals seeking teacher certification be qualified for certification in either one field or two subjects. Subject and field are defined as follows:
Field: Field refers to two or more closely related subjects. For example, Social Studies is a field while History is a subject; or Physical Science is a field while Biology and Chemistry are considered subjects; or elementary education is a field including all the subjects taught in grades kindergarten through six.
Subject: Subject refers to a specific course(s) such as English, Psychology, or Special Education
The Division of Education and Psychology offers teacher preparation programs in the following fields and subjects:
Teaching Fields
(One is required)
Elementary Education
Art (K-12J
Vocational Business Education (7-12J
Health and Physical Education (K-12J
Industrial Arts o-12J
Language Arts (7-12J
Mathematics (7-12J
Music (K-12J
Natural Science (7-12J
Physical Science (7-12J
Social Science (7-12J
Teaching Subjects
(Two are required)
Basic Business
Early Childhood Education (tak e n with elementary education)
General Office Education
Physical Education (K-<i. 7-12J
Special Education
(Elem entary or Seco ndary Mild / Moderately Handi capped)
Speech / Drama
Additional teaching endorsements in Coaching and Driver's Education are available with any of the above areas
The Division also offers a two year program in Early Childhood Education leading to the Associate of Arts degree; however, this is not a teacher certification program .
For complete information regarding teacher education requirements and teacher certification, contact the Director of Teacher Education at Peru State College or the Director of Teacher Certification, State Department of Education, Lincoln, Nebraska 68505.
Admission to Teacher Education
Admission to Peru State College does not automatically permit admission to teacher education. Students planning to enter teacher education are required to file a formal application with the Teacher Education Committee.
Application for admission to teacher education will be made during the sophomore year in conjunction with enrollment in Psych 205: Educational Psychology . Students who transfer credit which includes this course will be required to make application during their first semester on campus.
The following criteria and conditions must be met by applicants for admission to teacher education:
I. Free from social probation.
2. Overall grade point average of at least 2.5.
3. Minimum score of 172 on each of the three parts (math, reading comprehension , composition) of the Pre Professional Skills Test.
4. Recommendations from a specified number of instructors who are in a position to assess the student as a prospective teacher.
5. Interview conducted by a representative of the Division of major emphasis .
No student will be admitted to teacher education until all of the above criteria have been met.
After consideration by the Teacher Education Committee, the applicant will be approved or disapproved for admission to teacher education . Applicants approved for admission will be notified by letter from the Teacher Education Committee. Applicants not approved for admission to teacher education and their advisors will be notified of the reasons for disapproval by the Teacher Education Committee. Applicants may request a review of the application and / or a hearing before the Teacher Education Committee.
Admission to Student Teaching
Candidates who wish to student teach must submit an application for student teaching before the end of their junior year. To be eligible to enter student teaching, students must meet the following requirements:
I. They must have received official notification of their acceptance into teacher education.
2. They must have an overall GP A of at least 2. 5.
3. They must have earned enough credits to graduate within one semester following student teaching.
4. They must have the signatures of the advisors for each teaching area in which they will seek endorsement.
Elementary Education Major
Persons successfully completing this program will be endorsed to teach children in all elementary subjects in kindergarten through grade 6, and in kindergarten through grade 8 in Class I schools.
In addition to the above requirements, students must complete the Peru State College general studies requirements and distribute courses among American Studies (literature, culture, history or government).
Elementary Education candidates must earn 24 semester hours in one of the following concentrations and 15 hours in each of two additional areas commonly taught in elementary schools. Courses taken in the general studies program may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. An endorsement in Special Education may also be substituted for the 24 hour block.
Suggested Program for Elementary Education Majors
This program is for individuals seeking endorsement to teach in grades 7
In addition to the above requirements, students must complete the Peru State College general studies requirements and distribute courses among American Studies (literature, culture, his"tory or government).
K-12 Teacher Education Programs
Peru State College offers programs to prepare individuals to teach from kindergarten through the twelfth grade in the areas of Art , Music and Physical Education.
Students working toward K- 12 certification must meet the same requirements and follow the same professional teacher education program as secondary education candidates with the exception of student teaching which must include experiences with both elementary and secondary students.
Special Education-Mild/ Moderately Handicapped (Elementary or Secondary)
This program prepares individuals to teach mild/ moderately handicapped students It may be used in lieu of the 24 hour block requirement in elementary education or as one of the subject areas in secondary education. The curriculum follows the program for elementary or secondary teachers and requires the following courses.
Requirements for Special Education Major
Course Descriptions
200 Foundations of Education (3 hours)
Foundations of Education refers to a broadly-conceived field of study that derives its characters and fundamental theories from a number of academic disciplines, combinations of disciplines, and area studies such as History, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Religion, Political Science, Economics, Psychology, comparative and international education, educational studies, and educational policy studies.
(Each semester)
207 Practicum (1-4 hours)
Prerequisite: Taken in conjunction with Psych 205. This course is designed to provide a student considering Education with an opportunity to spend a minimum of 2 hours a week in an elementary or secondary classroom to observe the inner-workings of that classroom from the point of view of a teacher. Purposes of the course are to help make classes relevant and to help the student decide if teaching is a possible career option.
(Each semester)
298 Special Topics in Education (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
302 Multi-Cultural Education (3 hours)
Prerequisite:Psych 121.
An interdisciplinary study designed to discuss the influences of culture on children with regard to educational and economic participation.
(Offered as needed)
305 Principles of Early Childhood (3 hours)
This course is designed to give students the theory and practice necessary for teaching and caring for children from infancy through age six. It is an introduction to the professional preparation needed for pre-schools and child care.
(Offered as needed)
307 Practicum (1-4 hours)
Prerequisite : Taken in conjunction with methods course ; acceptance to Teacher Education. This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to observe the specific methods being used in methods cla sses and to begin to practice those methods .
(Each semester)
325 Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Admis sion to Teacher Education. This course investigates goal s, methods , materials, and evaluation techniques in the area of elementary language arts.
(Each Fall semester)
326 Teaching Math in the Elementary School (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course introduces and gives practice to students in the philosophical basis , techniques, instructional methods, organization, and learning activities of teaching elementary mathmatics .
(Each Spring semester)
327 Teaching Elementary Social Studies (2 hours)
Prerequisite : Admission t cr Teacher Education .
This course is designed to make the prospective elementary teacher aware of the methods , materials , resources, and techniques used to teach Social Studies in an elementary school. Students will also discuss the importance of Social Studies and the makeup of an elementary Social Studies curriculum.
(Each Spring semester)
328 Teaching Science Methods in the Elementary School (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. The purposes of the course are to: (1) give direction to prospective teachers on how to organize and · conduct meaningful scieQ~e . lea t; ning experiences in the elementary school, (2) to provi~e simple and easy to understand outlines of science concepts a'nd conceptual schemes for each area of science , and (3) to present appropriate learning experiences
(Each Fall semester)
334 Teaching Reading in the Elementary School (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education
The course is a study of current methods , approaches , types and availability of reading materials , and their uses in the elementary school. Emphasis will be placed on facilitating instruction in the classroom and the skills of reading.
(Each Fall semester)
338 Teaching Reading in the Secondary School (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education
The course focuses upon the organi zation and implementation of reading strategies into the content areas. Emphasis is upon practical and usable classroom procedures to help teachers set objectives, motivate , organize and teach in their content area
(Each semester)
403 Diagnostic and Remedial Reading (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Admission to Teacher Education and Ed 334
This course is designed for students and practicing teachers who want to broaden their knowledge and skill in diagnostic and remedial reading techniques The course will include the administration and interpretation of diagnostic instruments , the causes of reading problems, remedial techniques , and administrative procedures wi t h which reading teachers should become familiar. A continuation course of Ed 334 and 338.
(Each semester)
404 Audio-Visual Techniques (2 hours)
Through class lectures , demonstrations , and laboratory practice , the student will develop the ability to design, construct and evaluate media as well as learning packages.
(Offered as needed).
406 Community and School Relations (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching.
This course is designed to provide the professional semester student with informatipn related to (I) relations with parents , (2) relations with the co~munity , (3) rights and responsibilities of teachers, (4) mainstreaming, and other topics so that the student will be prepared to begin student teaching.
(Each semester)
407 Tests and Measurements (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching. The course emphasizes the procedures for constructing tests, analyzing teacher made tests, and applying the results of testing to grading and reporting of pupil progress. This course also presents the basic statistics which are used in the analysis , interpretation, and use of test results.
(Each semester)
408 Instructional Methods (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching. A synthesis of teaching competencies involving planning, preparation, and presentation . The development of a complete teaching unit containing unit plans , daily lesson plans, calendar of events, objectives, materials for instruction, audio-visuals, various models of teaching, and evaluation procedures is required . Students will be videotaped in a microteaching situation.
(Each semester)
410 Student Teaching (Elementary) (8-10 hours)
Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching
A practical application of the principles of learning in the classroom with a progressive induction into full teaching responsibility at the eleme n tary level. Students teach fulltime for eight or ten weeks.
(Each semester)
411 Student Teaching (Secondary) (5 - 10 hours)
This is a practical application of learning principles in the classroom with a progressive introdution into full teaching responsibility at the secondary level.
(Each semester)
412 Student Teaching (Early Childhood) (5 hours)
Prerequisite:Admission to Student Teaching . Observations, laboratory and teaching experience in directing the learning activities of children in K-3 classes is the focus of this class . During the stud ent teaching experience , the student applies the theories and principles of learning and instruction. (Offered as needed)
443 Individualization of Instruction (3 hours)
Several models for individualization are investigated. The student will design a topic of instruction following one of the models. The students experience this individualized design by the way the course is managed.
(Offered as needed)
498 Special Topics in Education (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Education (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
Special Education
200 Introduction to Special Education (4 hours)
History, characteristics, curriculum and intervention strategies of the eleven handicapping conditions under P.L. 94-142 plus education of the culturally different, the disadvantaged , and the gifted and talented children will be surveyed in this first course in Special Education. Public policy and current issues in the provision of services to the handicapped will also be discussed. Case studies, observ_a tions, and/ or field trips may be required.
(Each semester)
230 Special Education Program Management and Resources (2 hours)
Prerequisite: SpEd 200 or concurrent enrollment . National, state, and local laws, policies , and procedures affecting handicapped children , skills in developing a system for organizing and maintaining student records, and the identification , selection , and utilization of state and local resources for improving and strengthening the educational program for the handicapped will be discussed. Field trips may be required
(Each Fall semester) ' · ·
270 Education of Gifted Learners (3 hours)
Skills in teaching basic academic skills, intervention strategies and their modification to meet the individual needs of gifted learners will be discussed. Case studies, observations, field trips, a minimum of one videotaping session, and/ or individualized tutoring may be required.
(Each Spring semester)
280 Health Problems of Handicapped Learners (2 hours)
Prerequisite: SpEd 200 or concurrent enrollment. Skills in managing orthopedic conditions of students as they appear independently or in conjunction with other handicapping conditions.
(Each Fall semester)
298 Special Topics in Special Education (1-4 hours) Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
300 Assessment in Special Education (3 hours)
Prerequisite: SpEd 200 and knowledge of basic statistics .
Skills in selecting, administering and interpreting formal and informal psychoeducational test instruments in the areas of intelligence, adaptive bel\aviors, language, mathematics, sensory acuity, perceptual-motor abilities, and vocational skills will be studied.
(Each Fall semester)
370 Education of Emotionally Impaired Learners (3 hours)
Prerequisite: SpEd 200 or concurrent enrollment. Screening, placement, classroom management, educational planning, utilization of services, curriculum and intervention strategies and their modification to meet the individual needs of emotionally impaired learners will be discussed. Case studies, observations, field trips, a minimum of one videotaping session, and/ or individualized tutoring may be required.
(Each Spring sem'ester)
380 Education of Learning Disabled Learners (3 hours)
Prerequisite: SpEd 200 or concurrent enrollment. Strategies iri teaching basic academic subjects , intervention strategies and their modification to meet the individual needs of learning disabled student s will be discussed. Case studies, observations, field trips , a minimum of one videotaping session and/ or individualized tutoring may be required.
(Each Spring semester)
390 Education of Mentally Handicapped Learners (3 hours)
Prerequisite: SpEd 200 or concurrent enrollment. Skills in teaching basic academic subjects , survival skills and intervention strategies for mentally handicapped students will be discussed . Case studies, observations, field trips, and a minimum of one videotaping session, and/ or individualized tutoring may be required.
(Each Fall semester)
435 Student Teaching (5 hours)
Prerequisite : Admission to Student Teaching. This course provides for observation , laboratory , and teaching experience in the special education classroom. The student assumes full teaching responsibility.
(Each semester)
460 Career and Vocational Education for the Handicapped (3 hours)
Prerequisite: SpEd 200 or concurrent enrollment. This is the first course in career and vocational education for the mildly and moderately handicapped. Vocational services , vocational evaluation, vocational counseling, vocational training, job placement and follow-up procedures, skills in developing and managing instruction , and a variety of program models will be discussed . Case studies, observations , and/ or field trips may be required
(Each Spring semester)
490 Counseling and Behavior Management in Special Education (2 hours)
Prerequisite: SpEd 200 or concurrent enrollment. Emphasis will be placed on behavioral intervention, remedial and preventative counseling strategies, and interpersonal skills. Behavioral management techniques, counseling skills and the identification, management, and documentation of behavioral problems will be discussed.
(Each Fall semester)
498 Special Topics in Special Education (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Special Education (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
121 Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
The course is a general introduction to contemporary psychology focusing 09 basic concepts, principles, terminology, trends in psychological research, and the application of this knowledge.
(Each semester)
205 Educational Psychology (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Psych 12 I.
The course will focus on the psychological principles underlying learning and effective teaching, the effect of social and personality factors on the learning process, and the application of learning theory to teaching.
(Each semester)
245 Human Psychology (3 hqurs)
The course will focus on the process of personality growth and adjustment. Through an ·examination of selectc;d theoretical systems, different interpretations of this process will be presented.
(Fall semester, odd years)
250 Developmental Psychology (3 hours)
The course will focus on the physical, cognitive, social and emotional aspects of growth from birth through old age. In addition, factors thought to influence this growth will also be examined.
(Fall semester, even years)
298 Special Topics in Psychology (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
304 Experimental Psychology (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Psych 121 and Math 340. The course is designed to assist students in the comprehension and use of experimental methods, basic statistical analysis, and experimental literature. Research exercises are provided to illustrate course content.
(Spring semester, even years)
305 Social Psychology (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Psych 121 or Soc IOI. The course will focus on the effects of culture, society, social institutions, and social learning on the social attitudes and behavior of individuals within groups.
(Spring semester, odd years)
320 Psychology of Leaming (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Psych I 2 I. The course will provide students with a broad, eclectic coverage of the field of learning and memory by addressing the wide range of issues and problems within the field from stimulusresponse to cognitive psychology .
(Spring semester,odd years)
431 Psychological Tests and Measurements (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Psych 121 and Math 340 or permission of the instructor. ' .
The course will focus oh -the issues and problems surrounding psychological testing. Topics to be discussed include reliability, validity, construction, administration, norms, and interpretation as well as a survey of current psychological tests.
(Fall semester, odd years)
437 Techniques of Counseling (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Psych 121. The content, process, and practice of various counseling techniques will be examined for their applicability to education psychological and social work. Practical experience in the use of these techniques will also be provided. (Spring semester, even years)
440 Behavioral Modification (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Psych 121. The course will focus on basic principles of behavior modification as well as survey some of the practical applications of this general approach to behavior change . (Fall semester, even years)
498 Special Topics in Psychology (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing. (Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Psychology (1-3 hours) Junior standing. (Each semester)
Dr . David Edris, ChairpersonProfesson: Barrett , Eckert, Edris, Hahn, Sherwood
Associate Professors: Ediger , Harper
Assistant Professors: Anderson , Caldwell, Davis, Evans , Kruse
Instructors: Emerson
The Division of Humanities offers programs in the Language Arts, Social Sciences, and the Visual and Performing Arts. A common core of the courses has been developed for each of these three areas. The core is designed to meet specific degree requirements and provide a background for teaching or for a career in a variety of professions. The Language Arts area includes English and the broader area of the Language Arts discipline. The Social Sciences include, in addition to the general Social Sciences area, options in Geography, History, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work. The Visual and Performing Arts area provides opportunities to specialize in Art , Music, or Speech and Drama.
Language Arts
The Language Arts program provides for either a field endorsement or subject endorsement in English. Students planning to teach only English might well seek the field endorsement. Those wishing to include a related area in addition to English might choose the subject endorsement.
*Students preparing to teach middle or junior high schoo ls are required to take Eng 203.
Suggested Program for English Subject Endorsement
Social Sciences
The Social Science area offers a wide range of degree programs in both the teaching and nonteaching professions. Students who wish to teach may specialize in History, Social Science, Psychology , or Sociology, while those seeking nonteaching degrees may select majors in History, Geography , Psychology-Sociology, or Social Work.
Suggested Program for Geography Major
Sophomore Year
NOTE: Student must take one summer field trip class--Geo l 202 , "
Suggested Program for Social Science Major
•For teaching endorsement(s), check with advisors
The degree in Psychology-Sociology is suitable for those students who wish to prepare for a wide range of careers in human services. This major provide s students with an understanding of both individual and group behavior as well as the opportunity to apply this knowledge in contemporary situations .
•Students seeking teacher certification will need to use the Open slots to take general studies courses and the two 300 or 400 level Psychology or Sociology courses scheduled for the Spring semester of the 4th year so they will be able to take the professional education requirements during that semester.
Requirements for Social Work Option
Students completing the major requirements in Social Work at Peru State College will be qualified for many professional level positions in either public or private social work. This program is not accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
Requirements for Psychology Option
Students preparing to teach Psychology in high school are required to fulfill the general studies requirements and the secondary professional education requirements . Students may obtain a teaching endorsement in Psychology by completing 15 semester hours of coursework in Psychology in addition to completing all other requirements for a Social Science endorsement. Students may also take Psychology as a subject endorsement.
Students preparing to teach Sociology in high school are requi r ed to fulfill the general studies requirements and the secondary professional education requirements. Students may obtain a teaching endorsement in Sociology by completing 15 semester hours of coursework in Sociology in addition to completing all other requirements for a Social Science endorsement. A students may take Sociology as a subject endorsement.
Visual and Performing Arts
Options available through the Visual and Performing Arts provide opportunities for students to develop skills in Art, Speech and Drama, or Music. Degrees may vary depending upon the type of profession . The Bachelor of Arts in Education degree is offered in Art and in Speech and Drama while the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree is offered in Music. Each program is designed to provide the student a variety of experiences and means of self expression through the arts.
Art majors are required to have a Senior Show of works produced while a Peru State student. The Art Department may retain for the files one piece of art work from each student. Students not in Art Education may choose 5 hours of studio activity (Art 400) or elective to fulfill the Art 305 and Art 308 requirements.
Suggested Program for Art Major
NOTE: It is the policy of the Music Department that all Music majors participate in band and choir each semester. During the semester in which the student presents his or her senior recital, adjustments to this policy can be made.
Music students are required to attend recitals and concerts in partial fulfillment of their graduation requirements . Music majors working toward a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Education are required to give a full recital.
Applied Music: Private instruction is provided in voice, piano, organ , strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. There is no charge for private lessons to students within the department. Those outside the department may register for lessons at the established rate.
Music students are required to show a proficiency in piano to meet the demands of their classroom activities At least one semester of private voice instruction is required for majors .
Music with Selected Studies in Business
Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree who are majoring in Music with Selected Studies in Business are prepared for full-time work in the field of Music Business with a concentration in Marketing / Retailing. The candidate must complete IO hours of applied music, IO hours of ensembles, 34 hours of music theory / history / methods, 24 hours in business, 6 hours of business electives , and 6 hours of unspecified electives. In order to fulfill the additional requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree, it is recommended the candidate complete IO hours of upper division Business courses, 6 hours of Math, Political Science 201, and 9 hours of History.
It is recommended, but not required, that students complete Music 204, 206 and 440 for additional background in the music area, and Economics 220, 221 and Mathematics 125, and 340 for additional background in the business area.
It is the policy of the Department of Music that candidates for the B.A . or B S degree majoring in Music with Selected Studies in Business participate in ensembles each semester as this is considered an important aspect of their training.
NOTE: If seeking the B.A. degree, the above Business requirements will fulfill the IO hour upper division credit in an approved area.
Suggested Program for Music Education Option
Freshman Year
Fall Semester
Mus 119
Mus 311
Mus 120
Mus 118
Mus 121A
Vocal / In st. (Elective)Vocal / Inst (Elective)
Gen. Stud ies (Elective)
Spring Semester
Mus 118
Mus 121B
Mus 102
Mus 119
Mus 120
Vocal / In st. (Elective)
Gen. Studies (Elective)
Fall Semester
Mus 118
Mus 121A
Mus 201
Mus 208
Mus 119
Mus 220
Vocal / Inst (Elective)
Gen. Studies (Education)
Fall Semester
Mus 118
Mus 121A
Mus 204
Mus 305
Mus 320
Vocal/Inst. (Elective)
Gen. Studies (Education)
Fall Semester
Mus I 18
Mus 121A
Mus 307
Mus 420
Mus 440
Vocal/Inst. (Elective)
Gen. Studies (Education)
Spring Semester
Mus 118
Mus 121B
Mu s 103-403
Mus 119
Mus 202
Mus 209
Mus 220
Mus 408
Sophomore Year 18
Vocal / Inst (Elective)
Gen. Studies (Education)
Junior Year
Spring Semester Mus 118
Mus 121B
Mus 103-403
Mus 206
Mu s 320
Vocal / Inst. (Elective) Gen. Studies (Education)
•While it is the Music Department's policy that Music majors sho uld participate in band and choir each semester, on ly 8 hours of large ensemble credit may be ap plied toward graduation.
Suggested Program for Speech and Drama Major
Pre-Law Program
Prospective law students are urged to take a Bachelor's degree prior to beginning their legal studies. Application to the law schoo l of the student's choice should be made early in the fourth year of pre-legal study. Students interested in law choose much of their course work from fields in which they have the most interest. Work in English composition is important since the ability to use the English language effectively is highly recommended for prelaw students. Pre-law students are assigned an advisor who works closely with them in programming their four years of study.
Language Arts
Course Descriptions
90 Study Skills--Reading (1 hour)
This one hour lab course is designed to improve reading skills. Students (first -time freshman) scoring below the 12th grade level on the Nelson-Denny Reading Test will be required to successfully complete the course .
(Each semester)
91 Study Skills--Composition (1 hour)
This pass/fail course is presented as an extension of English 101. Students will write a diagnostic essay in English l Ol at the beginning of the semester to determine whether they need English 91, a grammar review. Essays will be judged by a committtee of three faculty members from the English Department. Students demonstrating a need for English 91 must pass English 91 in order to pass English 101.
(Each semester, second nine weeks)
92 Study Skills--General (1 hour)
A course presented to allow students an opportunity to expand their general study skills. This is a pass/ fail course that meets at an arranged time.
(Each semester)
93 Study Skills--Vocabulary (1 hour)
A course presented to allow students an opportunity to expand their vocabularies. This is a pass/ fail course that meets at an arranged time.
(Each semester)
101 English Composition (3 hours)
A study of the principles of clear and effective expression as applied to the sentence, paragraph, and the whole composition. A review of grammar, mechanics, and correct usage. Training in organization, and the writing of short and long papers. Required course for all freshman (Note: Students who rank at the 85thpercenti/e or higher on the English portion of the ACT may be excused from English 101)
(Each semester)
202 Appreciation of Literature (3 hours)
General studies requirement designed to increase the student's appreciation with an emphasis on modern forms .
(Each semester)
203 Children's Literature (3 hours)
A survey of children's literature with an emphasis on applying the principles of evaluation to selected books from both traditional and modern picture books, poems , and stories. (Each Spring semester)
208 Advanced Writing (3 hours)
Study of description , narration expos1t10n, and poetry as rhetorical forms with extensive practice in writing.
(Spring semester, even years)
222 The Hellenic-Hebraic Tradition (3 hours)
Prerequisite: English 202 .
An introduction to the roots of English literature in Greek, Roman , and Hebrew literature.
(Offered as needed)
225 Short Story (2 hours)
Major emphasis on the development of the short story in America.
(Fall semester, even years)
275 Film Criticism (3 hours)
Prerequisite: English 202 or permission of instructor. An examination of the several points of view from which film may be criticized with an emphasis on authorship and techniques of the film-maker.
(Offered as needed)
298 Special Topics in English (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
301 Traditional Grammar (3 hours)
Emphasis on an in-depth analysis of sentence structure. (Spring semester, even years)
302 English Composition (3 hours)
Prerequisite: English IO l and junior standing. Further training in theme writing, with emphasis on organization and research, practice in the use of logic, and evidence to support generalizations. Required course for all juniors .
(Each semester)
305 Practicum in Composition (1-3 hours)
An investigation of the relationship between such factors as the study of rhetorical theory, grammar, reading level, and listening skill in determining a student's ability to communicate effectively.
(Fall semester, even years)
306 Nebraska Literature (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Consent of the department. An introduction to the works of Nebraska writers and literature about Nebraska
(Offered as needed)
307 Seminar in the Modern Novel (2 hours)
The study of modern fiction as it mirrors the philosophical, sociological, psychological, and scientific thought of the twentieth century
(Fall semester, odd years)
316 Medieval Literature (3 hours)
The study of literature of the twelfth through the fourteenth centuries with a special emphasis upon Ciiaucer as central figure and the development of Romance.
(Spring semester, odd years)
321 Romantic Period (3 hours)
A study of the major Romantic poets. Some attention is given to the novel and pre-romantics such as Blake. (Spring semester, odd years)
323 Victorian Period (3 hours)
Nineteenth century England as seen by her major poets and novelists with some attention given to the prose writers. (Fall semester, even years)
324 American Literature I (3 hours)
An historical survey of significant American writing from the Colonial Period to 1865. Major writers receive chief emphasis .
(Fall semester, odd years)
325 American Literature II (3 hours)
A continuation of English 324 from 1865 to present. (Spring semester, even years)
328 Modern Poetry (2 hours)
A study of British and American poetry of this century and its relevance to contemporary literature and life . (Spring semester, even years)
405 Teaching English and Speech (2 hours)
A study of the basic objectives and the scope of English , speech, and debate in the secondary curriculum. Current techniques used in teaching the three areas are examined and evaluated . (Spring semester, even years)
418 Shakespeare (3 hours)
A study of representative plays and sonnets . (Credited as either English or Speech.)
(Each third semester)
440 History of the English Language (3 hours)
A study of the growth of modern English through examination of changes in the sounds, forms and syntax that have occurred in the language and the development of vocabulary. (Fall semester, odd years)
441 Pre-Shakespearean Drama (3 hours)
The development of drama and theatre through classical and native channels to their culmination in Elizabethean drama. (Credited as either English or Speech.)
(Each third semester)
442 Post-Shakespearean Drama (3 hours)
Focus is on the major dramatists since Shakespeare . (Credited as either English or Speech.)
(Each third semester)
498 Special Topics in English (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in English (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
100 Introduction to Mass Communications (2-3 hours)
The nature, function, and responsibilities of coI)lmunications agencies, including newspapers, radio and television, film, and advertising; the services that the mass media perform for society and the role of the media in censorship, persuasion, and propaganda.
(Fall semester, odd years)
234 Beginning Journalism (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Ability to type
The fundamental principles of gathering and writing news; practice in reporting campus news; work on The Pedagogian, college newspaper
(Fall semester, even years)
235 Newspaper Editing (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Jour 234 .
An intensive course in journalistic desk work that includes copy preparation, headline writing, page layout; extensive work on The Pedagogian desk. Credit not to exceed a total of four hours.
(Spring semester, odd years)
401 Journalism Practicum (1-6 hours)
Prerequisites : Student should have completed the required courses for Journalism major (Eng. 234,235,435) before taking Journalism Practicum
Practicum students will be involved in the production of the college newspaper , and will assist incoming journalism majors to adjust to their journalistic responsibilities Credit not to exceed one credit hour each semester.
(Spring semester, odd years)
Library Science
100 Introduction to Media and Library (J hour)
This course will furnish an introduction to the utilization of library equipment and services.
(Each semester)
101 Principles of Geography (3 hours)
An introductory study of the relationship of man and environment, with an emphasis on the origin of man, migration, settlement, and the economics of man.
(Each semester)
103 Cultural Geography (3 hours)
The study of the cultural elements of the landscape with emphasis on the origin of man, migration, settlement, and the economics of man.
(Each semester)
298 Special Topics in Geography (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
300 Geography of Asia (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Geog . 10 l.
A regional study of the major countries of Asia with emphasis on relief, climate, resources, government, and industrial development.
(Each third year)
305 Economic Geography (3 hours)
Prerequisites: Geog. IO I and 103.
An analysis of world land resources, agricultural products, forest and marine resources, basic mining industries, manufacturing, trade patterns, and transportation routes.
(Spring semester, odd years)
310 Geography of Africa (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Geog. 10 l.
A geographical analysis of the continent . Emphasis is placed upon the recent spirit of nationalism aQd the economic and physical base of selected nations.
(Offered as needed)
311 Urban Geography (3 hours)
Study of the origin, distribution, internal structure and functions of urban developments with an emphasis on location features of economics and cultural phenomena. (Fall semester, each third year)
312 Geography of Anglo-America (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Geog. 101 or senior standing. A study of the United States and Canada by natural regions. In each case an evaluation of the physical and economic base will be made in the light of the present economic condition.
(Offered as needed)
313 Geography of South America (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Geog. 10 I. The geographic regions of South America are analyzed in their natural, political, and economic settings as well as the economic relations between South America and the United States .
(Offered as needed)
326 Conservation of Natural Resources (3 hours)
An evaluation of soil, water, mineral, forestry, fish, air, and recreation resources in order to develop an appreciation of their importance and the seriousness of the problem.
(Offered as needed)
404 History and Philosophy of Geography (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Geog . 101 and 103 .
A study of the basic philosophies of geography including the study of the history of geographic thought from ancient to modern times. Independent study through readings and research paper.
(Spring semester, each third year)
497 Political Geography (3 hours)
Prerequisites: Geog. 101 and 102.
Geography as a factor in the differentiation of political phenomena in various parts of the world. The modem state in relation to its environment and the interrelationship of nations as a result of their geographical strengths and weaknesses is stressed.
(Offered as needed)
498 Special Topics in Geography (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Geography (1-3 hours)
Junior standing.
(Each semester)
113 American History to 1865 (3 hours)
Discovery and exploration, colonization , the Revolution , the U.S and its problems until the end of the Civil War.
(Each semester)
114 American History After 1865 (3 hours)
Reconstruction , the last frontiers, the rise of big business, imperialism, and the role of the U.S. in the two World Wars and their aftermath.
(Each semester)
201 World Civilization to 1500 (3 hours)
A survey of the beginnings of civilizations in the great river valleys and their diffusion to later civilizations in the Middle East and Europe. Particular attention will be given to the cultural and political institutions of the West which furnish our own cultural heritage.
(Each Fall semester)
202 World Civilization After 1500 (3 hours)
The rise and decline of European predominance will be analyzed with emphasis upon the major social, political, and economic ideologies and institutions that evolved.
(Each Spring semester)
Special Topics in History (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
301 Colonial America (3 hours)
Prerequisite: History 113 or instructor's permission. Colonial rivalry between the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch in North America, the Revolution, and U.S. history to 1823.
(Each third semester)
302 Civil War and Reconstruction (3 hours)
The many causes of the Civil War are explained with particular attention given to the economics and politics of slavery and the reconstruction period.
(Each third semester)
303 U.S. In the Twentieth Century (3 hours)
Prerequisite : History 114 or instructor's permission. The U.S in modern times with an emphasis upon the changing social and economic theories of the period and the internal forces that influenced its development.
(Each third semester)
329 History of Nebraska (2-3 hours)
A survey of the political, economic, social, and constitutional development of Nebraska from prehistoric times to the present.
(Each Spring semester)
343 English History from 1688 (3 hours)
Prerequisite: History 202 or instructor's permission.
A survey of the social , political, and economic development of England since the Glorious Revolution. The course covers the social and religious impact of the English Parliamentary system, the effects of the Industrial Revolution upon the British Empire, and the prospects of the modern welfare state of contemporary England.
(Offered as needed)
345 Modern Europe (3 hours)
Prerequisite: History 202 or instructor's permission. A comparative historical analysis of the ongoing process of modernization in Europe. The emphasis is on movements and institutions such as Liberalism, Conservatism, Romanticism, Socialism, Imperialism, and Totalitarianism from 1815 to the present.
(Each third semester)
400 Methods in History and Social Science (2 hours)
Instruction in the methods of teaching high school History and Social Science.
(Each Spring semester)
411 American Frontier (3 hours)
Prerequisite: History 113 or permission. The importance of the frontier in American History from colonial times to the 20th century.
(Fall semester, even years)
426 American Constitutional Law (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Pol.Sci 201 or 202 or instructor's permission. A study of the historical and political context of constitutional doctrine through major decisions. The emphasis is on constitutional growth as it relates to the fundamental structure of American government and the social order.
(Fall semester, even years)
455 History of Russia and the Soviet Union (3 hours)
An analysis of the social, cultural, political, and economic evolution of Russia under the Tsars and the formation of the Soviet Union.
(Each third semester)
467 The Far East (3 hours)
This course is concerned with the political traditions and historical evolution of the area, the impact of the West and its profound influences on the political order, and today's revolutionary situation.
(Fall semester, odd years)
498 Special Topics in History (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in History (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
201 Introduction to Philosophy (3 hours)
An introduction to philosophy through the selected writings of outstanding philosophers. Lectures and class discussions on such topics as ethics , philosophy of history , philosophy of religion , and metaphysics are stressed.
(Fall Semester, odd years)
Political Science
201 American National Government (3 hours)
A thorough introduction to the U .S. political system , its institutions and processes. Topics will include the constitutional founding, federalism, political culture, Congress, the Presidency, judiciary, bureaucracy, public opinion and the media, the electoral process , and civil libertie s.
(Each semester)
202 State and Local Government (3 hours)
Description and analysis of political institutions and behavior in American states with interstate comparisons and comparisons between state and national political systems . Lecture topics include the development and role of American local government, its forms and structures, and the relationship to the federal government.
(Fall semester, even years)
298 Special Topics in Political Science (1-4 hours) Freshman-Sophomore standing .
(Offered as needed)
301 Comparative Government (3 hours)
A comparative analysis of political systems and institutions of Great Britain, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Soviet Union. The course emphasis is on political culture, comparative political history, chief executives, legislatures, political parties, interest groups, courts, and policy making with ample comparisons to the U.S.
(Spring semester, odd years)
426 American Constitutional Law (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Pol.Sci 201 or 202 or instructor's permission. A study of the historical and political context of constitutional doctrine through major decisions. The emphasis is on constitutional growth as it relates to the fundamental structure of American government and the social order.
(Fall semester, even years)
467 The Far East (3 hours)
This course is concerned with the po litical traditions and historical evolution of the area, the impact of the West and its profound influences on the political order, and today's revolutionary situation.
(Fall semster, odd years)
498 Special Topics in Political Science (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Political Science (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
Social Work
280 Introduction to Social Work (3 hours)
An introduction to the profession of socia l work with an emphas is on the history, philosophy, methods, and processes of social work.
(Fall semester, odd years)
298 Special Topics in Social Work (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore stand ing.
(Offered as needed)
310 Social Services (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Soc . Wk. 280.
The study of public and private social services agencies with an emphasis of specialized social welfare agencies and services .
(Fall semester, odd years)
375 Casework (2 hours)
Prerequisite: Soc. Wk . 280 .
The art , theory, and practice of the dynamics of case work with an emphasis on current social work techniques used to meet group and individual needs.
(Fall semester, even years)
390 Group Work (2 hours)
Prerequisite : Soc . Wk . 280.
The theory and practice of the dynamics of group work with an emphasis on techniques used in meeting group and individual needs.
(Fall semester, even years)
430 Field Work Practicum (3 hours)
Prerequisite: 10 hours of Soc . Wk . and permission . Supervised experience in social work .
(Offered as needed)
498 Special Topics in Social Work (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Social Work (1 -3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
201 Principles of Sociology (3 hours) Culture and its relation ship to specific social problem s, social institutions, ethnic groups , and the major problems of social policy.
(Each Fall semester)
225 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 hours)
A comparative and historical approach to the religion, social organization, subsistence patterns, and other aspects of the great variety of cultures around the world
(Each Fall semester)
230 Sociology of Women (3 hours)
A brief history of women 's role and status as well as society's attitude toward women.
(Spring semester, odd years)
250 Community Organization (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Soc . 20 I.
The focus of this course is on the urban community , basic patterns of social and ecological organization, and factors contributing to community integration and disorganization.
(Each Fall semester)
260 Rural Sociology (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Soc 201.
An examination of rural societies with an analysi s of rural groups, institutions, and rural-urban relations.
(Each Spring semester)
298 Special Topics in Sociology (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
298 Special Topics in Political Soc iology (1-4 hours) Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
300 Contemporary Social Problems (3 hours)
An introduction to the causes , treatment , and prevention of selected social problems with particular emphasis on the problems of conflict and inequality.
(Each Fall semester)
320 Socjology of Education (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Soc. 201.
An application of sociological principles to the education process. The relationship between stratification and education is studied with the role of education as a dynamic institution in a changing society stressed.
(Spring semester, odd years)
340 The Family (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Soc. 20 l.
The role of the family in contemporary society with and emphasis on the factors influencing the family structure, functions and roles, and their implications for both the community arid individuals at varying stages of the family life cycle.
(Each Spring semester)
360 Criminology (3 hours)
The nature and causes of crime as a social phenomenon.
(Each Fall semester)
370 Ethnic-Group Relations (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Soc. 20 I.
The nature of minority groups and their distribution in American society with an examination of the melting pot thesis in a pluralistic society.
(Each Spring semester)
420 History and Introduction to Modern Sociological Theory (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Soc. 20 l and permission.
An overview of earlier sociological theorists and their contributions to current sociological theory.
(Spring semester, odd years)
498 Special Topics in Sociology (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Sociology (1-3 hours)
Junior standing.
(Each semester)
Visual and Performing Arts
101 Drawing I (3 hours)
A study of basic drawing techniques using a variety of drawing media.
(Each Fall semester)
102 Drawing II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Art IO 1. Continuation of Drawing I and with emphasis on figure drawing and improving of techniques.
(Each Spring semester)
111 Lettering (3 hours)
This course introduces the student to single stroke, Gothic Roman, manuscript alphabets, poster design, and commercial techniques.
(Each Fall semester)
203 2-D Design (3 hours)
A study of two-dimensional design with an emphasis on color theory
(Each Spring semester)
204 3-D Design (3 hours)
A study of three-dimensional design using a variety of media.
(Each Fall semester)
210 Water Color Painting (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Art IO 1, 102, 203 .
This course emphasizes compositions in color using opaque and transparent water color.
(Each Spring semester)
215 Cartooning and Humorous Illustration (3 hours)
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to explore the techniques of the professional cartoonist.
(Offered as needed)
221 Printing Processes (3 hours)
This course introduces the history and techniques of the graphic arts of block printing, etching, lithography, and silk screen printing.
(Each Spring semester)
298 Special Topics in Art (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
300 Pottery (3 hours)
This course offers experiences in hand-built and thrown projects including a basic study of glaze preparation and clay analysis. Students are limited to 3 hours credit per semester. The course may be repeated for a total of 6 hours.
(Each Fall semester)
305 Methods and Supervision (2 hours)
Prerequisites: Art 101, 103, and 203 or 204. The study of contemporary art education teaching techniques, lesson plans, teaching experiences, and the ordering of materials with an emphasis upon the use of materials in the school art program.
(Each Spring semester)
306 Art Appreciation (2 hours)
The study of art principles through crafts, painting, sculpture, and architecture.
(Each semester)
308 Art Exploration (3 hours)
A study of the purpose of art education in the elementary school program. The student is presented with a survey of the history and philosophy of art in the elementary school and becomes actively involved in art activities designed for the elementary school classroom.
(Each semester)
310 Sculpture (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Art 203.
This course introduces experiences in three dimensional form using a variety of materials. Students are limited to 3 hours credit per semester. The course may be repeated for a total of 6 hours.
(Each Spring semester)
311 Painting (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Art 101, 203.
This course introduces studio activities in acrylic pamtmg techniques. Students are limited to 3 hours credit per semester. The course may be repeated for a total of 6 hour~.
(Each Fall semester)
317 Art History I (3 hours)
A study of painting, sculpture, and archicture from ancient times to the Renaissance.
(Fall semester, even years)
318 Art History II (3 hours)
A study of contemporary art trends .
(Fall semester, odd years)
498 Special Topics in Art (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Art (1-3 hours)
Junior standing.
(Offered as needed)
100 Fundamentals and Elementary Music Materials (3 hours)
The rudiments of music, including letter and syllable names of notes, time values of notes and rests, time, key signatures, chromatics, intervals, chords, keyboard experience, and the writing of original melodies . The study of children's musical literature and its tonal and rhythmic problems are also included.
( Each semester)
101 Theory I (3 hours)
· This course is an integrated study of the theoretical practices of the 18th and 19th centuries. It includes a review of clefs, scales, key signatures, intervals, triads and basic rhythmic notation, studies in melodic, rhythmic and harmonic dictation, and sightsinging.
(Each Fall semester)
102 Theory II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Music l O1.
This course is an integrated study of the theoretical practices of the 18th and 19th centuries. It includes the study of secondary triads, six-four chords, dominant and supertonic sevenths, elementary modulation, studies in melodic, rhythmic and harmonic dictation, and sightsinging.
(Each Spring semester)
103 Methods--Wind Instrument Techniques (2 hours)
A study of woodwind and brass instruments with actual playing experience. (May be repeated)
(Spring semester, odd years)
109 Class Guitar (2 hours)
The basic chords, melodies, note reading, and styles with advanced material for experienced performers.
(Each semester)
118 Choir (] hour)
Open to all college students with the consent of the instructor. Performance and study of representative choral works of all periods.
(Each semester)
119 Class Piano (] hour)
Beginning instruction on the piano.
(Each semester)
120 Applied Piano, Voice, Woodwind, Brass, String, Percussion, and Organ (J hour)
Private studio instruction on the freshman level. (May be repeated)
(Each semester)
121A Band (1 hour)
Open to all college students with consent of the director, this organization is primarly a marching band. It functions at pep rallies, parades, and football games during the fall semester.
Three days attendance.
(Each Fall semester)
121B Band (1 hour)
Open to all college students with consent of the director, this organization is primarily a concert band. During the spring semester, concerts are presented both on and off campus. Three days attendance.
(Each Spring semester)
128 Choral Ensemble (1 hour)
A select membership for the study and performance of choral work for small groups .
(Each semester)
201 Theory III (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Music I 02.
This course is an integrated study of the theoretical practices of the 18th and I 9th centuries. It includes a detailed study of the chromatic harmonic practices of the 19th century, a survey of 20th century theoretical practices, studies in melodic, rhythmic and harmonic dictation, and sightsinging.
(Each Spring semester)
203 Methods--Wind Instrument Techniques (2 hours)
A study of woodwind and brass instruments with actual playing experience. (May be repeated)
(Spring semester, odd years)
204 Methods--Elementary Vocal Techniques (2 hours)
A study of modern teaching techniques for children's music literature.
(Fall semester, even years)
206 Methods--Secondary Vocal Techniques and Vocal Conducting (2 hours)
A study of vocal materials and vocal conducting as presented in secondary schools .
(Spring semester, odd years)
208 Methods--Class Strings (2 hours)
A basic study of the violin, viola, violincello, and string brass.
(Spring semester, odd years)
209 String Ensemble (] hour)
The performance of string literature for ensembles.
(Spring semester, even years)
220 Piano, Voice, Woodwind, Brass, String, Percussion and Organ (] hour)
Private studio instruction on the sophomore level. (May be repeated)
(Each semester)
298 Special Topics in Music (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
303 Methods--Wind Instrument Techniques (2 hours)
A study of woodwind and brass instruments with actual playing experience. (May be repeated)
(Spring semester, even years)
305 Methods--Percussion Techniques (2 hours)
A study of percussion instruments with actual playing experience.
(Fall semester, even years)
307 Form, Composition, and Counterpoint (4 hours)
Prerequisites: Music IO I, 102. This course is an analytical study of different forms and styles in music and their applicaiton including two and three part eighteenth century style, descant, and invention.
(Fall semester, odd years)
308 Keyboard, Vocal or Instrumental Pedagogy(] hour)
This course offers practical experience in teaching applied music to the individual for the piano, voice, or instruments. (May be repeated)
(Each semester)
311 Music Appreciation . (2 hours)
The various forms and styles of music ranging from folk songs to opera, oratorio, and symphony are analyzed and discussed through the use of records .
(Each semester)
320 Piano, Voice, Woodwind, Brass, String, Percussion and Organ (] hour)
Private studio instruction on the junior level. (May be repeated)
(Each semester)
403 Methods--Wind Instrument Techniques (2 hours)
A study of woodwind and brass instruments with actual playing experience. (May be repeated)
(Spring semester, even years)
404 Conducting (2 hours)
The knowledge of baton techniques, reading, interpretation of a musical score, and the presentation of techniques in rehearsing instrumental organizations are stressed.
(Spring semester, odd years)
406 History of Music (3 hours)
The development of music from antiquity to the present with stylistic analysis of music examples.
(Fall semester, even years)
408 Instrumentation (2 hours)
A course in practical scoring and arranging for band and orchestra.
(Spring semester, even years)
409 Senior Recital (2 hours)
A public recital is required for all students majoring in Music.
(Offered as needed)
440 Marching Band Techniques (2 hours)
The study of the techniques and problems of planning marching band shows and public performances.
(Fall semester, odd years)
498 Special Topics in Music (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Music (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
Speech and Drama
152 Fundamentals of Speech (3 hours)
The principles of speech with an emphasis on the development of excellent speech habits and the diagnosis and correction of elementary speech problems.
(Each semester)
232 Introduction to Theatre (2 hours)
An introduction to all forms of drama and styles of theatrical presentation and production as a means of developing the student's critical appreciation of the theatre arts.
(Each Fall semester)
234 Public Speaking (3 hours)
A study of the forms of address, speech organization, composition, delivery, and Parliamentary rules with practice required in various public speaking situations including public meetings and group discussions, radio and television broadcasting, interviewing, role-playing, and debate.
(Each semester)
235 Stagecrafts (3 hours)
An introducation to the study and practice of the basic aspects of technical theatre production including sets, lighting, costuming, sound, properties, and make-up.
(Each Spring semester)
256 Acting I (3 hours)
A concentration on stage movement and pantomime with an emphasis on the development of the creative imagination and the use of stage conventions and techniques.
(Fall semester, even years)
257 Acting II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Speh. 256.
This course provides intensive trammg in stage business , dialogue and characterization, character analysis , and the principles of dramatic interpretation.
(Fall semester, odd years)
298 Special Topics in Speech and Drama (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
300 Summer Theatre Workshop (3 hours)
This course offers practical training in all aspects of theatre production including acting, set design , lighting, costuming, make-up , improvisation, music, and dancing
(Summer Session)
327 Light and Sound Design for Stage and Television (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Speh. 235.
This course studies the theory and practice of stage and television lighting and sound systems with an emphasis on color, accoustical, and light problems.
(Spring semester, odd years)
353 Speech Correction and Development (3 hours)
This course identifies the unique educational problems of children with speech deficiencie s with an empha sis on identification and remediation
(Each semester)
355 Play Production in the Secondary School (3 hours)
This course for the director of dramatics in schools and communities answers the fundamental questions of play selection, casting, directing , steps in rehearsal, scenery, lighting, costume, make-up , and business organization.
(Fall semester, odd years)
357 Interpretative Reading (2 hours)
This course is designed to emphasize oral reading of worthwhile literature in group settings . It includes the close, critical analysis of practice selections as well as the study and practice of basic delivery techniques .
(Each Spring semester)
360 Scenery and Costume Design (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Speh . 235.
This course applies the principles of design to scenery and costumes and studies the interrelationship of the two design areas.
(Fall semester, even years)
363 Directing I (3 hours)
Prerequisite : Speh . 256 .
This course answers the fundamental questions of play selection , casting, directing, scenery , lighting, costume, and make-up for the one-act play.
(Fall semester, odd years)
364 Directing II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Speh 256 and 363
Further study in the historical interpretation s of action , and an intense practical application of the fundamentals learned in Directing I in staged scenes and staging a one-act play.
(Spring semester, even years)
369. Children's Theatre and Creative Dramatics (3 hours)
The study and active participation in the two different concepts of drama for young people: Creative Dramatics , in which children with the guidance of an imaginative leader create scenes or plays and perform them using improvised dialogue and action with personal development as the goal, and Children's Theatre which utilizes written scripts directed and performed as a complete production for child audiences.
(Fall semester, even years)
400 Theatre History (3 hours)
This cour se will examine the nature , function, and literature of the theatre from its beginnings to the present day. The approach will consist of a study of each of the major periods in f heatre history and representative plays of that period.
(Fall semester, odd years)
498 Special Topics in Speech and Drama (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Speech and Drama (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
of Natural Science-pa1e
Dr. David L. Pippert, ChairpersonProfessors: Long, Pippert
Instructors: Kohrs
The Division of Natural Science offers course work in the areas of Agriculture, Biological Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, General Science, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics . Specific programs within the Division are designed to satisfy a wide variety of career goals by providing prerequisites for graduate study , offering preliminary instruction prior to entry into professional programs , offering teaching endorsements at the secondary level, and providing course work for personal enrichment.
The Division offers B.A. and B.S. degrees in Biological Science, Business Agricultural Management, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physical Science, and Natural Science. Teacher education programs for endorsement in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physical and Natural Science are also available. The subject endorsements in Biology and Chemistry do not satisfy the requirements for a major unless a second subject endorsement is obtained. The Computer Science endorsement is designed to complement the requirements for one field or two subject endorsements in other areas
Because of the sequential nature of many courses and scheduling restrictions, it is important to consult with an academic advisor to ensure the successful completion of requirements .
After completing a core curriculum , three options are available to students interested in the Biological Sciences . The Biological Science option is designed for students planning to enroll in a graduate or professional school after completion of the baccalaureate degree. For students intereited in careers as conservation officers or park rangers, the wildlife ecology option is available. A
Suggested Program for Biological Science Option
Business Agricultural Management
Two choices are available to students interested in majoring in Agriculture. By taking selected course work in the areas of Agriculture, Business and General Science, the student will receive a four-year degree with a major in Business Agricultural Management . The student also has the option of transferring Agriculture (9 hours), General Science, and general studies courses to the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture.
Suggested Program for Business Agricultural Management Major
A Chemistry subject endorsement is offered as part of the teacher education program. A second subject endorsement is required in order to satisfy the requirements for a major.
Suggested Program for Chemistry Subject Endorsement
Computer Science
After completing a core curriculum, two options are available to students interested in a Computer Science major--the technical option and the business application option. Students majoring in other areas and are seeking background in computers may select the Computer Science minor.
*Students who have successfully completed mathematics courses equivalent to Math 125 and Math 126 may have these courses waived. Consent of Division Chairperson is required. If consent is given, only 54 hours are required for the major.
Requirements for Computer Science Subject Endorsement
To obtain the endorsement, teacher education students must also satisfy the requirement of a major in either one field or two subjects.
Suggested Program for Computer Science
The requirements listed represent both the education and non-education degree programs. If the teaching endorsement is chosen, attention must be given to additional courses required for entrance into the professional semester. In the teacher education program, mathematics is a field endorsement. Those who have taken Mathematics courses equivalent to Math 125 and 126 may begin the major with Math 309. In such cases, 31 hours are needed for the major. Consent ofthe Division Chairperson is required.
Requirements for Mathematics Major
Suggested Program for Mathematics Major Freshman Year
The requirements listed represent both the education and non-education degree programs. If the teaching endorsement is chosen, attention must be given to the additional courses required for entrance into the professional semester In the teacher education program, Natural Science is a field endorsement.
Additional work in either Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Earth Science is required so that the candidate has completed at least 20 semester hours in one of these subjects.
Suggested Program for Natural Science
Physical Science
The requirements listed represent both the education and non-education degree programs. If the teaching endorsement is chosen, attention must be given to the additional courses required for entrance into the professional semester. In the teacher education program, Physical Science is a field endorsement.
Suggested Program for Physical Science Major
Pre-Professional Programs
The transfer programs listed in this section may require from one to four years to complete. They do not represent academic majors. Students planning to complete a degree at Peru State must satisfy the requirements for a specific academic major in addition to completing the requirements for one of these programs.
General Agriculture Transfer Program
Under the provisions of a transfer agreement, students may take up to nine hours of the following agriculture courses at Peru State College prior to transferring to the University of Nebraska's College of Agriculture
In addition, the student will select courses in the areas of Biological Science, Physical Science, Mathematics, Humanities, and the Social Sciences prior to transferring. It is important to select these courses with the help of a faculty advisor in order to facilitate the transfer process .
Pre-Dental and Pre-Medical
Below is a suggested outline for both programs. The students are advised to secure a catalog from the professional school they expect to attend as individual schools may vary in requirements for pre-dental and pre-medical programs.
The requirements for forestry schools vary. Early in the pre-forestry program students should consult the catalog of the college they plan to attend later. Grades of below average will probably not transfer.
The following program is suggested as a prerequisite for entering a college of mortuary science:
Pre-Nuclear Medicine Technology
The following program is suggested for students interested m nuclear medicine technology:
Applicants for a physician assistant program must have satisfactorily completed a minimum of 60 semester hours including the following courses:
Pre-Radiologic Technology
The following program is suggested :
Applicants to a college of podiatric medicine must have completed the following prerequisite courses:
The following courses are suggested for admittance into a dental hygiene program :
Pre-Osteopathic Medicine
In addition to a total of at least 90 semester hours of credit, students accepted for admission must have completed coursework in the following specific areas:
The basic science and humanities requirements for nursing programs vary depending on the school selected and the level of training offered (i.e., diploma, associate degree or bacca/uareate degree program). The pre-nursing student is urged to obtain a copy of the catalog of the nursing school selected to insure proper planning for transfer. The following courses are suggested for a one year pre-nursing program:
Transfer to a college of pharmacy requires a minimum of 60 semester hours of coursework which must include the following:
Restricted electives should be from the following areas: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Behavioral Sciences. Additional electives should be se lected from the areas of Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Business Administration. Students should refer to pharmacy college catalogs for more information.
Pre-Physical Therapy
The following courses are suggested for students interested m Physical Therapy:
Pre-X-Ray Technology
The following program is recommended for students who may wish to be XRay Technicians and also earn a Bachelor of Science Degree. Upon completion of the program suggested below, the student may transfer to a college of radiology.
The courses listed below are suggested for Veterinary Science.
Cooperative Medical Technology Program
Cooperative arrangements have been made between Peru State College and some schools of medical technology whereby a student may complete requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Medical Technology. During the first three years the student must satisfy the General Studies requirements for graduation, complete a minimum of 90 semester hours applicable toward a baccalaureate degree , complete 24 semester hours of Chemistry, 15 hours of Biology , and at least one course each in Mathematics and Physics.
The fourth year, which consists of a full twelve-month program, is spent in residence at an approved school of Medical Technology. Upon satisfactory completion of this year of train\ng, the student may receive the baccalaureate degree from Peru State College :
Application to the school of Medical Technology should be made early in the third year at Peru State .
Suggested Program for Cooperative Medical Technology Program
Fa ll Semester
Eng 10 1 E ngli s h Composi tion
Math 125 Precalculus Mathematics
Biol 10 2 In troductor y Zoology
Chem 101 General Chemistry
Ph ys ical Education ac ti v iti es
LSci 100 Intro to Media & Library
Spe h 15 2
Math 126 P recalcu lus Mathematics
Hi st 1 14 U.S . H istory since 1865
Hi st 202 World C i viliza ti o n since 1500
C hem 102 General C hemi st ry
CSci 103 BAS I C Programming Physica l
Sophomore Year
Fal l S,m..ter
Psych 121 Introduction to Psycho logy
Eng 202 Appreciation of Literature
C hem 205 Prin ciples of Qualitative Ana lysis
Hist 11 3 U.S. Hi s t ory to 1865 or
Hi s t 201 World Civilization to 1500
Biol 407 Developmental Bio logy
Ph ys 20 I Ge n eral Physics
Biol 404
Twelve month program at an approved school of
Course Descriptions
100 Agriculture-Man's Frontier (2 hours)
A survey course looking at the development of today's agriculture, the challenges that lie ahead, and the relationship of land-grant institutions to education , research, and extension programs serving agriculture. Educational and career opportunities in agriculture will be studied, and students will develop educational objectives and proposed programs of study.
(Each Spring semester)
101 Introductory Animal Science and Livestock Evaluation (3 hours)
The role of the livestock industry in food production . The biological basis of variation in livestock, including poultry, and their products . The application of the sciences in improving livestock production A comparison and evaluation of various types , classes, grades, and breeds of livestock. Subjective and objective methods of evaluating live animals and their products with emphasis on carcass (meat), milk, wool, eggs, and performance are studied.
(Each Fall semester)
101 Introductory Crop Science (4 hours)
Growth of field crops from seeding to harvest. The basic agronomic principles involved in the growth, structure, soilplant relationships, classification, and identification of field crops and the common weed pests are explored . Special emphasis on the influence of man and the environment on crop growth and the importance of crop production on world food production .
(Spring semester, odd years)
153 Introduction to Soil Science (4 hours)
Prerequisite: High school chemistry or one semester of college chemistry.
Introduction to the study of soil science including the development, physics, chemistry, biology, and classification of soils. Emphasis is placed on the role of soils in the growth of plants.
(Spring semester, even years)
Biological Science
101 Introductory Botany (4 hours)
A course designed for science and nonscience majors which includes theoretical and practical aspects of plant functions. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Each Spring semester)
102 Introductory Zoology (4 hours)
A basic course for science and non-science majors which includes cell biology, genetics, embryology, physiology, ecology, animal behavior. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Each Fall semester)
203 Invertebrate Zoology (4 hours)
Prerequisite: Biol IO I and 102. This course introduces the structure, classification, behavior, medical, and evolutionary relationships of invertebrate animals. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, even years)
210 Human Anatomy (4 hours)
This course is a comprehensive examination of the cell biology, histology, embryology, genetics, skeletal system and muscular system of humans. The course is designed for students in allied health and pre-nursing. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Each Fall semester)
215 Plant Systematics (3 hours)
Prerequisites: Biol IO I and Biol 102.
A study of the principles and methods of plant taxonomy and nomenclature. Three hours classwork. -
(Fall semester, even years)
225 Freshwater Biology (3 hours)
Prerequisites: Biol 10 l and Biol 102.
A study of the biology of lakes and streams. Two hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, even years)
298 Special Topics in Biology (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
301 Microbiology (4 hours)
Prerequisites: Biol IO I and Biol I 02; or Biol 2 IO. An introduction to the field of microbiology with emphasis on medical laboratory skills and microbiology technique. Two hours classwork, four hours laboratory.
(Each Spring semester)
304 Comparative Anatomy (4 hours)
Prerequisites: Biol IO I and Biol 102 .
The evolutionary relationships of vertebrates are studied anatomically. Three hours classwork.
(Spring semester, odd years)
312 Human Physiology (4 hours)
Prerequisties: Biol 102 or Biol 210. This course examines the functions of the human body including the nervous , cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, urinogenital, digestive, and immune systems. Emphasis is placed on the body's homeostatic control mechanisms . Three hours classwork , two hours laboratory.
(Each Spring semester)
317 Ecology (4 hours)
Prerequisites: Biol IO I and Biol 102. A study of organisms including their interactions with each other and their environment. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, odd years)
395 Mammalogy (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Biol IO I and Biol 102 . _
A study of mammals with an emphasis on midwestern species. Two hours classwork , two hours laboratory.
(Spring semester, even years)
404 Genetics (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Biol IOI and Biol 102.
A study of Mendelian principles of heredity with special emphasis on current advances. Three hours classwork .
(Fall semester, odd years)
405 Histology (4 hours)
Prerequisite: Biol 102.
This course studies the microscopic anatomy of mammalian tissue and organ systems with an emphasis on medical applications. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory .
(Offered as needed)
407 Developmental Biology (4 hours)
Prerequisites: Biol 101 and Biol 102.
A study of the mechanisms of development in plants and animals. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Offered as needed)
411 Ornithology (3 hours)
Prerequisites: Biol 101 and Biol 102.
A course in avian biology including morphology, physiology , taxonomy, breeding, and ecology. Two hours classwork , two hours laboratory.
(Spring semester, odd years)
412 Experimental Biology (3 hours)
Prerequisites: Biol IO I and Biol 102, and 8 hours upper division Biology courses.
Students will examine current biological topics of interest that emphasize scientific method, interpretation , and analysis. Three hours classwork.
(Spring semester, even years)
486 Wildlife Management Techniques (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Biol IO I and Biol 102. A study of contemporary techniques of conservation and management of wildlife. Three hours classwork.
(Spring semester, even years)
497 Wildlife Biology Internship (3 houts)
Prerequisite: Junior status, prior approval of the Chairperson of the Natural Science Division, and acceptance as an intern by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Students will work with a Biology faculty member and commission employees on a wildlife biology related project.
(Spring semester, even years)
498 Special Topics in Biology (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing .
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Biology (1-3 hours)
Junior standing .
(Each semester)
Business Agricultural Management
242 Principles of Farm Management (4 hours)
This course is a general survey of management principles related to agricultural businesses. Its emphasis is on information which will help workers in agriculture make sound day-to-day decisions .
(Fall semester, even years)
262 Introduction to Agricultural Economics (3 hours)
Prerequisites: Math 101 and BAM 242 or permission of instructor.
This course introduces the basic principle s of agricultural economics . Topics to be studied include supply and demand, monetary policy, international trade , and the economics of land use and value
(Fall semester, odd years)
498 Special Topics in Agriculture (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Agriculture (1-3 hours)
Junior standing
(Each semester)
101 General Chemistry (4 hours)
An introduction to the fundamentals of chemistry including atomic theory , chemical bonding, stoichiometry, solutions, and pH. Three hours classwork , two hours laboratory
(Each Fall semester)
102 General Chemistry (4 hours)
Prerequisite: Chem 101.
This course is an application of the fundamentals of chemistry, including states of matter, oxidation-reduction , thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, nuclear chemistry , and descriptive inorganic chemistry . Three hours classwork, two hour s laboratory.
(Each Spring semester)
142 Introductory Organic and Biochemistry (4 hours)
A terminal course in organic and biochemistry. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory .
(Offered as needed)
205 Principles of Qualitative Analysis (4 hours)
Prerequisite: Chem 102 .
The principles of qualitative analy sis and their application in the laboratory are studied.
(Fall semester, odd years)
206 Principles of Quantitative Analysis (4 hours)
Prerequisite: Chem 205 .
The principles of quantitative analysis and their application in the laboratory are studied. Two hours classwork, four hours laboratory.
(Spring semester, even years)
298 Special Topics in Chemistry (1 -4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
303 Organic Chemistry (5 hours)
Prerequisite : Chem 102.
This course introduces the chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic compounds with the mechanisms and stereochemistry . Three hours classwork , four hours laboratory.
(Fall semeser, even years)
304 Organic Chemistry (5 hours)
Prerequisite: Chem 303. This course is a continuation of Chem 303 with emphasis on the chemistry and detection of functional groups. The laboratory emphasis is on methods of qualitative organic analysis. Three hours classwork, four hours laboratory.
(Spring semester, odd years)
431 Biochemistry (4 hours)
Prerequisite: Chem 304 .
The chemical foundations of molecular biology with an emphasis on the molecular aspects of intermediary metabolism are studied. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, odd years)
498 Special Topics in Chemistry (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing .
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Chemistry (1-3 hours)
Junior standing.
(Each semester)
Computer Science
90 Microcomputer Software (I hour)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the use of microcomputers in a variety of situations i.e., business, banking, education. Students will have hands-on experience in using a variety of software. (This course cannot be substituted for a required course but can count as one credit hour toward graduation.)
(Offered as needed)
100 Computer Awareness (I hour)
This course provides an overview of computer technology. The topics to be covered include the history and evolution of computers, terminology, hardware, word processing, and elementary programming concepts. Issues such as the future of computers, their social impact, and the ethics of computer use are also considered.
(Each semester)
102 Introduction to Data Processing (3 hours)
This course is an introduction to the concepts and basic features of electronic computers with an overview of the makeup of computer systems and the structure and usage of computer languages. FORTRAN IV is used to illustrate the course and give the student direct computer experience.
(Each semester)
103 Introduction to BASIC Programming (2 hours)
The BASIC language and its application to problem solving in mathematics, science, and business will be studied using the Apple II microcomputer One hour classwork , two hours laboratory.
(Each semester)
104 Intermediate BASIC Programming (1 hour)
Prerequisite: CSci 103
A more in-depth study of BASIC on the Apple microcomputer with subroutines, graphics, and disk file manipulation covered .,__ _.
(Each semester)
203 COBOL Programming (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CSci 102 or permission. An introduction to ANS COBOL and its application to _business computing. The course emphasizes structured analysis and design of programs illustrating business applications.
(Each semester)
204 Computer Programming I (3 hours)
This course provides an introduction to programming and algorithm development using Fortran with elements of program structure and subprogram usage. Problem solving techniques including stepwise refinement are applied to problems in mathematics and business with algorithms for searching, merging, and sorting introduced.
(Each semester)
206 Computer Programming II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CSci 204.
This course introduces programming and algorithm development using Pascal. The study of stepwise refinement and top-down programming, testing, and debugging is continued with an emphasis on string processing, internal searching and sorting, and recursion. Data structures including stacks, queues, deques, Jinked lists are also built and manipulated .
(Each semester)
208 Computer Systems (3 hours)
Prerequisite : CSci 206.
The principles of operation and assembly programming of the IBM 370 are introduced. Topics to be studied include computer structure and machine language , addressing techniques, macros , program segmentation and linkage conventions, file input-output, assemblers, and interpreters.
(Each semester)
298 Special Topics in Computer Science (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing .
(Offered as needed)
304 File Processing (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CSci 203.
A study of the methods used to process data files including sequential file techniques and random access file methods. Programming examples and exercises will stress applications of COBOL. //
(Offered as needed) ,
306 Operating Systems and Computer Architecture (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CSci 208.
Operating systems principles and relationships between operating systems and computer architecture are studied including procedure activation, system structure, system modeling and evaluation, memory management, process management, interrupts, scheduling, and recovery procedures. (Each Spring semester)
315 Computer Organization (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CSci 206.
The organization and structure of the hardware components of computers are covered with logic design, number representation and arithmetic, computer architecture, and interfacing emphasized. A detailed laboratory study of a representative micro-processor system is a major portion of the course.
(Each Fall semester)
404 Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms (3 hours)
Prerequisites: CSci 206, CSci 304. This course is a study of the internal representation and manipulation of data. The topics covered include stacks, queues, lists, tree, graphs and graph and tree algorithms, design and analysis of sorting, merging, and searching algorithms, memory allocation and deallocation, and database management systems.
(Offered as needed) ?
406 Organization of Programming Languages (3 hours)
Prerequisite: CSci 208.
A study of the structure and implementation of computer _ languages. The topics covered include language definition and structure, data types and structure, control structures, run time considerations, compilers and interpreters, lexical analysis, and parsing.
(Offered as needed)
408 Senior Project (4 hours)
Prerequisite: 15 hours of computer science (200 or above). The analysis, design, implementation, testing, and documentation of a complete system. This project is chosen in consultation with the instructor to apply skills and integrate knowledge acquired in undergraduate studies.
(Spring semester)
498 Special Topics in Computer Science (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Computer Science (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
General Science
100 Physics (4 hours)
This course is designed to acquaint the student with physics. The areas of energy, mechanics, heat , electricity, sound, and light are surveyed. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, even years)
130 Health Careers Internship (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Prior approval of the Chairperson of the Natural Science Division to insure that appropriate arrangem e nts have been made for the internship. The course is designed to provide students in the preprofessional programs with experience in medically-related professions. A minimum of 40 hours of work experience will be required for every hour of credit.
(Offered as needed)
201 Biological Science (3 hours)
An integrated course covering the various phases of biological science. Two hours classwork, two to three hours laboratory.
(Each Fall Semester)
202 Physical Science (3 hours)
An integrated course covering the var;ous phases of physical science. Two hours classwork , two or three hours laboratory .
(Each Spring semester)
205 Introductory Biology (3 hours)
An integrated course specifically designed for the non-science student covering the various phases of man's biotic world including a variety of learning experiences . Does not apply to the major or support in Biology.
(Each semester)
206 Principles of Physical Science (3 hours)
An integrated course specifically designed for the non -science student covering the various phases of man 's physical and chemical world. Experiences with a variety of learning situations , such as demonstrations, experiments, instructional television, and other visual aids are included. Does not apply to the major or support in Physical Science .
(Each Spring semester)
232 Energy (3 hours)
A study of energy resources with a focus on both nuclear and conventional power stations, design operation, cost, governmental regulations, safety, and environmental effects. Field trips to nuclear and conventional generation stations are required.
(&ch Fall semester)
298 Special Topics in General Science (1-4 hours) Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
476 Methods of Teaching Science and Mathematics (2 hours)
This course introduces the objectives, content and methods of classroom and laboratory teaching techniques. It is taught by a team of instructors in Science and Mathematics.
(Fall semester, even years)
497 Aerospace Science (3 hours)
A workshop designed to provide an understanding of aerospace developments which are vital to our social, economic, and political environment.
(Summer Session)
498 Special Topics in General Science (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in General Science (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(&ch semester)
201 Physical Geology (4 hours)
An introduction to the theories of the earth's origin and the study of the earth's structure and materials with a special emphasis on rock, minerals, and landforms. Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory.
(Spring semester, even years)
202 Rocks and Minerals (1-3 hours)
An introductory course to the study of the physical properties of rocks and minerals stressing field work at mineral and rock localities in S.E Nebraska.
(Summer Session)
203 Introduction to Fossils (1-3 hours)
An introductory course to the methods of interpreting the fossil record through actual field work at fossil localities in S.E. Nebraska.
(Summer Session)
298 Special Topics in Geology (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Offered as needed)
301 Historical Geology (4 hours)
This course introduces the geological history of the earth and the evolution of its animal and plant inhabitants. It includes work at fossil localities in S . E . Nebraska utilizing stratigraphic methods . Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory.
(Offered as needed)
304 Meteorology and Climatology (3 hours)
The physical factors influencing the climate with practical work in interpreting meteorological records and forecasting are studied. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, odd years)
315 Physiography of the United States (4 hours)
Prerequisites: Geog. 101 and 103
A regional study oflandform provinces with a special emphasis on the relationship between landforms, climate, soils, vegetation, and mineral resources . Three hours lectur e , two hours laboratory .
(Offered as needed)
498 Special Topics in Geology (1-4 hours) Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Geology (1-3 hours)
Junior standing .
(Each semester)
50 Practical Trigonometry (J hour)
Prerequisite: Non-Mathematics major or minor. Right triangle trigonometry, law of sines, law of cosines, and applied problems are studied.
(Offered as needed)
60 Surveying (J hour)
Prerequisite: Math 50 or equivalent. This course introduces fundamental theory and practice, use of the transit, U.S. Public Land Surveys, and field office work. It will be counted toward a math major or minor .
(Spring semester, odd years)
85 Metric System (J hour)
A study of the development, advantages, and use of the metric
(Offered as needed)
100 Business Mathematics (3 hours)
A review of the four fundamental operations of arithmetic as applied to whole numbers, fractions, decimals, applications of percentage , computing interest and discounting notes, consumer credit, cash and trade discounts , markups, retail and commission, and payroll.
(Each semester)
101 College Algebra (3 hours)
Prerequisite: One year of high school algebra . This course is for students who specifically need algebra in certain pre-professional programs It covers fundamental algebraic principles and processes and is not to be taken for credit by students who have completed Math 125.
(Each semester)
107 Algebra/Trigonometry (4 hours)
A study of basic algebraic and trigonometric concepts with an emphasis on linear and quadratic equations and systems. Trigonometric concepts will be studied from the right triangle and the oblique triangle approach.
(&ch Spring semester)
125 Precalculus Mathematics (5 hours)
This course is intended for students who plan to pursue a college program requiring a substantial amount of training in mathematics. The content of the course includes an introduction to symbolic logic and set theory of applications, a study of the number system, elementary theory of groups and fields, an introduction to the function concep-, and the study of algebraic functions
(&ch Fall semester)
126 Precalculus Mathematics (5 hours)
Prerequisite: Math 125. This course includes the study of trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and an introduction to analytic geometry, and problem solving Does not apply in the 6
( Math ~matics major.
(&ch Spring semester)
200 Basic Concepts of Mathematics (3 hours)
/ An introduction to the various number bases and the development of concepts fundamental to each. Other topics included in the course are elementary set theory, algebra, l--...,_ \ __geometry, and problem solving.
(&ch Spring semester)
298 Special Topics in Mathematics (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing.
(Qffered as needed)
304 Modern Geometry (3 hours)
Prerequisite: IO hours of Mathematics. A course designed primarily to prepare Mathematics teachers for dealing with a modern high school mathematics program including the point set approach to geomet r y.
(Fall semester, even years)
309 Calculus with Analytic Geometry (5 hours)
Prerequisite: Math 125 and 126 or equivalent. This course includes the study of analytic geometry, functions, limits, continuity , velocity, differentiation , inverse or differentiation, second derivatives, maxima and minima, as well as other related topics.
(Each Fall semester)
310 Calculus with Analytic Geometry (5 hours)
Prerequisite : Math 309 or equiva lent. The topics covered in this course include trigonometric functions, antiderivatives, the definite integral, threedimensional figures, integration , polar coordinates, and related topics .
Each Spring semester)
312 Calculus III (3 hours)
Pr e requisites : Math 309 and 310 or equivalent. This course is designed to give the student a review of calculus and to apply ' it to complex problems m mathematics.
(Fall semester, odd years)
340 Statistics (3 hours)
A study of the methods of summarizing and interpreting data , e lementary probability, and its relation to distributions. The meanings, importance, and applications of the normal and binomical distributions and tJ-ie methods of random sampling, testing of hypotheses , analysis of paired data, and interpretation of standardized test scores are covered.
(Each semester)
406 Modern Algebra (3 hours)
Prerequisite: 10 hours of Mathematics. This course is a study of various algebraic systems arising in modern mathematical computations. It includes a study of sets, mapping and operations, relations, development of real numbers systems, integral domains and fields, polynomial domains, and complex number field.
(Fall semester, even years)
418 Linear Algebra (3 hours)
The theory of linear transformation in vector spaces, the representation of linear spaces in matrices, linear functionals, and the application of these concepts are covered.
(Fall semester, odd years)
419 Topology (3 hours)
A modern treatment of topology with an emphasis on fundamental concepts and the principal results of homology theory, topological spaces, linear graphs, set theory, metric interpretation, and related topics.
(Spring semester, even years)
Discrete Structures (3 hours)
Prerequisite: Math 126.
A study of some of the mathematical concepts useful to the computer sciences including number systems, logic, truth tables, sets and relations, boolean algebra, logic circuits, vectors, matrices, determinants, graphs, directed graphs, finite state machines, and automata.
(Offered as needed)
Special Topics in Mathematics (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Mathematics (1-3 hours)
Junior standing.
(Each semester)
201 General Physics (4 hours)
Prerequisite: Mathematics 125.
Mechanics, sound and heat. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, odd years)
202 General Physics (4 hours)
Prerequisite: Physics 20 I or permission.
Light, electricity, and magnetism. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Spring semester, even years)
211 General Physics (Calculus) (4 hours)
Corequisite: Math 309.
A calculus based physics course with laboratory which includes the following topics: mechanics, kinematics, dynamics, statics , momentum and energy, wave motion, sound , thermal behavior and heat. Three hours classwork, two hours laboratory.
(Fall semester, odd years)
212 General Physics (Calculus) II (4 hours)
Prerequisite : Phys . 211 .
A continuation of Phys . 211 with emphasis on electrostatics , current electricity , magnetism and light. Three hours classwork , two hours laboratory .
(Spring semester, even years)
298 Special Topics in Physics (1-4 hours)
Freshman - Sophomore standing .
(Offered as needed)
306 Astronomy (3 hours)
A basic course dealing with a study of the heavenly bodies , the -solar system, and the universe . Telescopic observation is a part of this course.
(Spring semester, odd years)
328 Electrical Technology II (3 hours)
Prerequisite: ITE 233 and Phys 202 or by special permission. A study of the principles of application of electronics and their application in circuits, test equipment, vacuum tubes, transistors, radio, and television.
(Each Fall semester)
498 Special Topics in Physics (1-4 hours)
Junior-Senior standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Physics (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(&ch semester)
Dr E. Wayne Davidson, ChairpersonAssociate Professors: Davidson
Instructors: Blazek, Gibbs, Mebus, Newman, Shea, Wyczawski
The Division of Physical Education offers programs to prepare students for teaching positions at the elementary, junior, and senior high school levels as well as for athletic coaching. For these positions, a student should complete either a field endorsement or two subject endorsements in Physical Education.
Physical Education activity courses , a general studies requirement at Peru State College, are offered with the aim of contributing to the education of all students through physical activity . This contribution can best be achieved through participation in a broad program of individual and team sports, dance, swimming, and developmental activities. All students are encouraged to enroll during their freshman and sophomore years in Physical Education activity courses. Two credits are required for graduation from Peru State College.
The field endorsement in Health and Physical Education (K-12) will meet state requirements to teach both Health and Physical Education.
Suggested Program for Health and Physical Education (K-12) Major
Suggested Program for Physical Education (K-6) Major
Freshman Year
Fa ll Se mester
E ngl is h
S p eech
Hi s t o r y
Phy s ica l Educa t io n 20 1
Physica l Ed ucatiori 11 2
S prln1 Se meste r
Hi st o ry
P ol it ica l Science
Physical j:d u cation 2 15
Ph ys ica l Edu cat io n 10 2
Libr a ry Science
Other Subject Endor se ment
Sophomore Year
Fa ll Semest er
P syc h o logy 12 1
Ph y sical Ed u cation 101
Scie n ce
Physical Education 232
Ph ysica l Education 230
O the r Subjec t E ndors e m e nt
Hours 17
S prtn1 Semester
English 202
Computer Scie n ce
Sc ie n ce
Phy sica l Educa ti on 113
Physical Educa ti on 31 I
Oth e r Su bje ct Endorse m en t
Junior Year
Fa ll Se mester Business
Eng li s h 302
Ed u cation 200
Education 207
Ph ysica l E duc a tion 3 12
Physical E ducation 310
Fall Semes ter
Phy s ical E du ca ti o n 360
P h ys ica l Ed u ca ti on 41 1
Physical E du cation 416
Psycho logy 205
Othe r Subject E n dorse m e nt
S prin g Semes ttr
Physical Educa tion 4 15
Ph ys ical Educat io n 309
Educatio n 338
Physical Ed u ca tion 4 17
Ph ys ica l Ed uc a ti on320
Other S ubj ect E n do rs ement
Suggested Program for Physical Education (7-12) Major
Athletic Coaching Endorsement for Physical Education Majors
The following program is provided for those students interested in coaching interscholastic sports. It is designed to fit the needs of the high school coach and leads to an institutional recommendation for endorsement. Students completing this program are required to have a major in Physical Education
Education Majors
The following program is provided for those students interested in coaching interscholastic sports and who do not have a major in Physical Education. It is designed to fit the needs of the high school coach and leads to an institutional recommendation for endorsement. Students completing this program are required to have a major in an area other than Physical Education.
Course Descriptions
Physical Education activity course (PE 101-122) require two hours of attendance.
Physical Education
101 Folk Dance (] hour)
(Each Fall semester)
102 Square and Social Dance (] hour)
(Each Spring semester)
103 Modern Dance (1 hour)
Fundamental rhythmic techniques and their application in creative dance
(Each Spring semester)
104 Golf (] hour)
Fundamentals of grip, stance, swing and putting. Each student is to furnish their own equipment.
(Each Fall semester)
105 Body Mechanics (] hour)
Tumbling, apparatus, trampoline and posture. Emphasis is on the efficient use of the body in all movement.
(Each Spring semester)
106 Badminton (] hour)
Fundamental skills and techniques are emphasized . (Each Spring semester)
107 Basketball (] hour)
Fundamental skills and techniques are emphasized. (Each Spring semester)
108 Soccer (] hour)
Fundamental skills and techniques are emphasized . (Each Fall semester)
109 Casting and Angling (] hour)
Fundamental skills and techniques are emphasized . (Each Fall semester)
110 Tennis (1 hour)
Fundamentals of stroke, rules and strategy. Student must furnish a tennis racket and three new balls.
(Each semester)
111 Beginning Bowling (1 hour)
Fundamental ski lls and techniques are emphasized.
(Each Spring semester)
112 Beginning, Advanced Beginning Swimming and Basic Water Safety (1 hour)
Equips the student with basic swimming skills and basic water safety information to help insure reasonable safety in, on, and around the water.
(Each Fall semester)
113 Intermediate, Swimmer Level, and Basic Rescue (1 hour)
Prerequisite: Advanced Beginner and Basic Water Safety Certificate.
Teaches the elements of good swimming . Increases endurance by the coordination of whole strokes and skills versatility through the mastery of the basic strokes. Enables individual s to acquire correct responses to aquatic emergencies.
(Each Spring semester)
114 Advanced Swimming Lifesaving (1 hour)
Prerequisite:Swimmers Certificate. Provides the individual with additional strokes and skills that make for an all-round swimmer. Teaches the lifesaving skills needed to save one's own life or that of another person.
(Each Fall semester)
115 Water Safety Instructor (] hour)
Prerequisite: Current Advanced Lifesaving Certificate. General content to cover physical laws governing body movements in the water , stroke analysis, and practice teaching .
(Each Spring semester)
116 Volleyball (1 hour)
The purpose of this course is to assist the student or player in acquiring the knowledge and skills that are necessary for playing power volleyball.
(Each Fall semester)
117 Weight Training (] hour)
Activity designed for students to participate in a variety of strength building programs.
(Each semester)
118 Softball (] hour)
The purpose of this course is to assist the student or player in acquiring the knowledge and skills that are necessary for playing fast or slow-pitch softball.
(Each Fall semester)
119 Restricted Activities (] hour)
Modified activities designed for students who cannot participate in other Physical Education activity courses.
(Each semester)
120 Cycling (] hour)
Fundamentals of cycling techniques. Student must furnish their own bicycles.
(Each Spring semester)
121 Aerobic Dance (] hour)
Dance activity that involves exercise to music through choreographed routines. Emphasis is on body toning and cardiovascular endurance.
(Each semester)
122 Jogging (] hour)
Fundamental skills and techniques are emphasized.
(Each Spring semester)
190 Varsity Sports
Requires successful participation in a varsity sport.
(Each semester)
201 Principles of Physical Education (3 hours)
Scope of the field of Physical Education and its relationship to modern educational theory including history, principles of Physical Education as furnished by the basic sciences, and the philosophies of Physical Education.
(Each Fall semester)
203 Gymnastics (2 hours)
Instruction in tumbling, sidehorse, vaulting box, high bar, parallel bar , and balancing Uniform required Three hours attendance .
(Each Fall semester)
205 Health Education (3 hours)
A study of the function and care of the human body in health and disease with an emphasis on the harmful effects of stimulants and narcotics .
(Each Fall semester)
207 Theory of Coaching (3 hours)
A study of the common problems facing coaches of interscholastic athletic programs. Emphasis is placed on scheduling, budgeting , organization of practice periods, pre and post-game management, and rules interpretations.
(Each Spring semester)
208 Theory of Football and Volleyball (3 hours)
A study of offensive and defensive strategies in football and volleyball. Emphasis is placed on scheduling, budgeting, organization of practice periods, pre and post-game management, and rules interpretation Three hour lab required. Three hours attendance required
(Each Fall semester)
209 Theory of Basketball and Baseball (3 hours)
A study of offensive and defensive strategies in basketball and baseball. Emphasis is placed on scheduling, budgeting, organization of practice periods , pre and post-game management, and rules interpretation . Three hour lab required . Three hour attendance required .
(Each Spring semester)
210 Theory of Track and Softball (3 hours)
A study of techniques and ski ll s requ ired for events , organization of practice periods, management of meets, and ru les interpretation. Three hours lab required Three hours attendance required .
(Each Spring semester)
215 First Aid (2 hours)
American Red Cross First Aid course and Medical Self Help course.
(Each semester)
216 Minor Sports (3 hours)
A study of the strategy and techniques involved in teaching selected Physical Education activities.
(Each Spring semester)
230 Rhythms & Dance for the Elementary School (3 hours)
The exploration at an elementary level of the concepts and relationships of movement. Broadening the concept of selfeducation through the experience of basic rhythms and dance activities at the elementary level.
(Each Spring semester)
232 Aquatics for Elementary School (2 hours)
Prerequisite : PE 112.
A program of aquatic activity, games and sports suited to the interests and capabilities of the elementary student. Instruction provided in skills, knowledge , and safety aspects of water related activities. Three hours attendance required.
(Each Fall semester)
298 Special Topics in Physical Education (1-4 hours)
Freshman-Sophomore standing .
(Offered as needed)
300 Prevention and Treatment of Injuries (3 hours)
The nature and cause of injuries related to the physical activities of children and athletes.
(Each semester)
309 Organization & Administration of Programs in Health and Physical Education (2 hours)
Consideration of the general principles of administrative techniques and responsibilities for the fields of Health and Physical Education.
(Each Spring semester)
310 Physical Education in the Primary Grades (2 hours)
The selection and organization of materials and techniques of instruction for the primary grades
(Each Fall semester)
311 Physical Education in the Intermediate Grades (2 hours)
The selection and organization of materials and techniques of instruction in the intermediate grades.
(Each Spring semester)
312 Kinesiology and Anatomy (3 hours)
The study of bones , body movements , muscle action , and joint mechanics in relation to physical activities with an emphasis on common postural defects and joint injuries .
(Each Fall semester)
320 Special Methods in Health and Physical Education (2 hours)
Prerequisite:Junior standing
An analysis of the techniques used in the teaching of Health and Physical Education.
(Each Spring semester)
360 Physiology of Exercise (3 hours)
A working understanding of how exercise affects the different systems of the body. Three hours of class attendance .
(Each Spring semester)
411 Health Programs in the Elementary School (3 hours)
Prerequisite: PE 205
The purpose of this course is to provide for the development of the elementary school health program . Emphasis will be placed on a schedule for Health instruction which will allow for planned teaching and integration of Health into the elementary school program .
(Each Fall semester)
412 Foundations of Elementary and Secondary School Health (3 hours)
The purpose of the course is to provide a foundation for the implementing of an effective elementary and secondary Health instruction plan. Emphasis will be placed on materials essential to Health instruction.
(Each Spring semester)
414 Skill Progression in Athletic Performance (3 hours)
A study of the physical, psychological, and sociological factors governing the development of athletic skills from the time of birth to the utilization of these skills in interscholastic athletic competition.
(Each Fall semester)
415 The Development of Basic Learning Abilities (3 hours)
An introduction to screening, remedial techniques, and activities involving basic learning abilities in the areas of (I) gross-motor development, (2) sensory-motor integration, (3) perceptual-motor skills, and (4) social skills.
(Each Spring semester)
416 Test and Measurements in Physical Education (2 hours)
A study is made of the various tests and measurements in the field of Physical Education.
(Each Fall semester)
417 Corrective and Adapted Physical Education (2 hours)
An overview of corrective and preventive Physical Education with a consideration of the adaptions necessary to provide for satisfying and effective programs .
(Each Spring semester)
418 Administration of Interschool Athletics (2 hours)
This course includes a history of the development of athletic programs, a study of various national and state organizations, the role of athletics in education, and the responsibilities of the Athletic Director.
(Each Spring semester)
498 Special Topics in Physical Education (1-4 hours) Junior Standing.
(Offered as needed)
499 Independent Study in Physical Education (1-3 hours) Junior standing.
(Each semester)
Admission to the College
Admission to Peru State College is granted to students who have graduated from accredited Nebraska high schools and who have not previously attended college. Out-of-state students who meet the College's admissions standards are also admitted .
Admission of Transfer Students
Peru State College accepts transfer students and credits from other accredited colleges and universities. After the student has been admitted , an official evaluation (Progress Sheet) is completed which identifies the applicability of previous work to the student's expressed major and degree program.
A maximum of 66 semester credit hours from a community college may be applied toward a degree from Peru State.
Transfer students who already have a significant amount of credit toward their major will have their transcripts reviewed by the appropriate Division Chairperson, in consultation with the Vice President, to determine if a possible 6- 15 credit hours of designated coursework in the major is required.
Students who seek admission and are accepted while on probation from their last college are placed on probation for one semester and are subject to all the policies of probation at the College.
Students who have been suspended from another college will not be considered for admission until the period of suspension has expired and the facts of the dismissal are provided.
Admission of Non-High School Graduates
Persons who are not high school graduates but who are prepared and recommended for college level work may be admitted as special students. An aptitude for college work and the G.E.D. (General Education Development) test may be used to determine an applicant's ability and qualifications for admission.
Admission of International Students
Peru State is authorized to admit internationa l students.
Admission from Non-Accredited Colleges
Students who seek admission to Peru State from non-accredited colleges must meet all the requirements of a first time student. Each application must be accompanied by an official transcript of all previous college work. The credits earned at non-accredited institutions will be accepted provisionally and validated upon the satisfactory completion of 30 semester credit hours at Peru State. Satisfactory completion is defined as a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher.
Mid-year Admissions
Students who complete high school at mid-year may enter Peru State at the beginning of the Spring semester. Transfer students will find the transition to Peru State at mid-year minimally disruptive to their educational plans.
Admission to Advanced Standing
Advanced standing is a status beyond the minimum for admission to the College. It is attained by presenting work completed at another college or by demonstrating proficiency in a field that removes certain prerequisites. The removal of prerequisites may be with or without credit.
Readmission to the College
All undergraduate students who have previously attended Peru State and were admitted to an academic program, students who withdrew during a semester or discontinued their studies for a semester or more (summer session excluded), and all post-graduates seeking an additional academic program must apply to the Office of Admissions for readmission. Students suspended for academic or social reasons must also re-apply to the Office of Admissions. Students are generally readmitted for the semester or summer term they wish, provided they left the College in good standing.
S,tudents who interrupted their studies and who were on academic probation will generally be readmitted for the semester or summer term they wish, provided they are in good standing throughout the College. Students who are academically suspended will not be considered for readmission for two semesters (summer session excluded).
Previously suspended students who are readmitted will generally be subject to permanent suspension if they are suspended a second time.
Students readmitted following academic suspension must maintain an average of 2 .0 or higher for the re-entry term and for each successive term until the required cumulative grade pointe average of 2.0 has been achieved. Failure to meet the above conditions will result in academic suspension. A
student who has been suspended twice is generally not considered for readmission.
Transfer students who have been previously suspended are subject to the same policies as readmitted students.
Readmitted students may continue with their previous academic program as outlined in the cata lo g current when they were first admitted, and provided they meet the provisions of the normal progress policy. Some additiona l requirements may be expected because of changes within programs. In addition , readmitted students shou ld not expect to continue in a program that has been or is being phased out of the curricu lum .
Readmitted students are subject to all college regulations and to any additional provisions as a cond ition of readmission.
Determining College Credit
Peru State credit is expressed as semester credit hours. One credit hour is awarded to a student who satisfactori ly completes (I) a course that meets one hour per week for a semester, or (2) a laboratory that meets for two hours per week for a semester, or (3) a laboratory that meets for three hours per week for a semester, or any combination of these depending upon the type of instruction and material covered in the course. Credit for int ernships, stude nt teaching, and other insuuctional formats is determined using other appropriate standards .
Transfer Credits
Peru State Co ll ege accepts transfer credits from other accredited colleges and universities provided they are reported on an official transcript and in credit hours. This policy also applies to Peru State Co ll ege students who earn credits on an interim basis at another college and provided they have the prior approval of the appropriate Division Chairperson. The required forms for reporting transfer credits are availab le at the Registrar's Office.
Armed Services Credit
Veterans of the armed forces who are honorably discharged will generally be granted credit for their military experience in accordance with the recommendations of the American Council on Educat ion and the Registrar. A passing score of C is generally the required grade.
Credit by Examination
Students , due to experience or personal improvement , may earn college credit by examination. The College's general policy for awarding credit based on examinations is:
l Only persons who have not participated in scheduled coursework are eligible to receive credits by examination .
2. Credits earned by examination are considered transfer credits and are subject to the same policies as other transfer credits unless they are institutional exams given at Peru State.
3. A maximum of 66 semester credit hours earned by examination may be applied to the 125 semester hours minimum required for a bachelor's degree, unless otherwise specified.
4. Credit by examination may be earned only once in a single subject. A similar subject test in another testing program will not earn additional credits .
Institutional Examinations
Students may earn credit in lower division courses by successfully passing comprehensive, written institutional examinations . To do so, students must register for the course, pay the tuition charges , and satisfy a faculty committee that their formal or informal experiences may have met the courses's content. A copy of the examination must be on file in the Vice President's office prior to giving the exam.
The amount of credit allowed and the particular degree requirements satisfied are determined by the Division Chairperson . The letter grade received is recorded on the student's transcript.
Standardized Examinations
Students may earn credit through several standardized examination programs. Credit s earned from the CLEP (College Level Examination Program), DANTES (Defense Activity Nontraditional Education Support), PEP (Proficiency Examination Program), and Advanced Placement Program can satisfy certain Peru State degree requirements. Students should contact the Office of Career Planning and Placement for specific information about the College's regulations and procedures for standardized examinations.
Credit for High School Students
In high schools where Peru State has a formal early entry agreement, the principal will decide which students are qualified to take college courses .
High school students who have not completed their junior year and wish to · enroll in a Peru State credit course must have the recommendation of their principal and the approval of the College 's Vice President before enrolling. Any high school student approved to register for a college credit course will have the appropriate information compiled on a college transcript.
Independent Study
Independent study courses are available in nearly every subject area and are numbered 499. They require at least junior standing and are only for students who are capable of independent research, work , or study. An Independent Study is a carefully crafted learning activity with specific objectives and methods of evaluation developed in consultation with a faculty member. The following regulations apply to independent study courses:
I. No more than six hours of Independent Study may be counted toward a degree.
2. No more than three hours of Independent Study may be taken each semester.
3. Independent study courses should not be used to replace required courses In hardship cases , the final decision will be made by the Division Chairperson of the course affected.
4. Regardless of the type oflndependent Study, the student must meet with the instructor at least once a week.
5. The title and course outline for each Independent Study must be submitted to the Division Chairperson and Vice President by the end of the third week of the semester.
The following are the minimum standards for all internships. Individual divisions may impose additional standards:
l. A minimum of forty clock hours of on-the-job experience is required for each semester hour of credit.
2. The agency supervisor is expected to oversee the student at least 20 percent of the work time each week.
3. The college supervisor is to observe a student a minimum of one clock hour for each semester hour.
4. No direct classroom time is specified for internships.
Private Instruction
Private instruction is available in music. Music students receive private instruction without charge as part of their major. Other students pay the rate per session listed in the Expenses and Financial Aid section of the catalog
T elecourses
Peru State offers televised courses for credit on a state-wide basis. The courses count as resident credit and are offered in the Fall, Spring , and Summer terms. For current information on televised course offerings, contact the Office of Continuing Education.
Correspondence Courses
Peru State does not offer correspondence courses, but is a correspondence testing center. Inquiries about testing should be directed to the Office of Continuing Education.
Variable Credit Courses
The credit hours to be earned and the coursework to be completed are determined at the time of registration . Students do not have the option of reducing or increasing credit hours or coursework after the free drop / add period at the beginning of the term.
Repeat Courses
Students may and are urged to repeat courses they have failed. The initial course title and F grade are not removed from the student's permanent record, but the repeat grade is used to determine the new grade point average. There may also be occasions when students repeat a course for review on an audit basis without a change of grade .
If students repeat a course they have passed, the higher grade is used to compute the grade point average It is the student's responsibility to notify the Registrar of all repeat courses when registering for the courses.
Registration to audit a course implies no credit. The student pays the regular tuition and fee charges but is not required to write tests, examinations, and / or papers. No grade is given in audited courses nor can credit be given at a later date .
Incomplete Coursework
Incomplete coursework may be completed through the instructor to earn a passing grade. This must be done within the next semester whether the student is in attendance or not or the record will show an F.
Classification of Students
0 to 29 credits
30 to 59 credits
60 to 89 credits
Students are classified according to the number of semester credit hours earned: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
90 and over
Post-graduate students have earned a bachelor's degree or higher and are earning additional undergraduate credit.
Non-degree students are qualified persons who are enrolled primarily to satisfy an occupational need or personal interest.
Academic Progress Sheet
Academic progress sheets guide and record a student's progress to graduation and are maintained by the Registrar and student. The sheets are normally issued during the second semester of attendance for freshmen; transfer students' sheets are initiated as soon as possible following full admission to the College.
Academic Load
Peru Campus Students
Students who are enrolled for 12 credit hours or more during a semester are considered full-time students. However, the normal course load for a student who expects to complete a bachelor's degree within eight semesters (4 years) is 15-16 hours. The maximum load without special permission is 17 hours; more than 17 hours requires the approval of the Chairperson of the division in which the student is majoring. The Registrar may approve 18 credit hours provided the student obtained a minimum 3.5 grade point average the previous semester. The maximum credit hour load is 21 and may not be exceeded.
Veterans and other eligible persons attending Peru State under the benefits of Chapter 34 and 35, Title 38, U .S.C., as full-time students must be enrolled for at least 12 semester hours, or the equivalent.
Offutt Air Force Base and Southeast Community College Students
Courses at these sites are scheduled on an eight week cycle. The academic load for an eight week session is:
For each eight week session when students are not registered for student teaching, they may register for a maximum of 12 semester credit hours with Peru State. The 12 hours include any independent study courses.
For the eight week session when students are registered for student teaching, they may register for a maximum of 11 hours with Peru State. The 11 hours include any independent study courses.
Change in Registration
Students are responsible for the accuracy of each registration and are ultimately responsible for meeting all degree requirements.
A change in registration is processed at the Registrar's Office. No full semester courses may be added after the published final date to add courses. When applicable, tuition charges will be refunded only during the official add period.
Change in Major
Students who elect to change majors after their sophomore year should be aware that their graduation may be delayed. Also, if students change their major, they may have to follow the requirements in the current catalog rather than the one in effect at the time they were admitted to the College to pursue a degree program.
Attendance and Scholastic Attitude
Students are expected to attend classes regularly, to arrive punctually, and to complete all assigned work. Attendance is a privilege and a responsibility represented by not only the student's investment, but also by a significant investment by the State.
When it is necessary for students to miss class, they have the responsibi lity to notify their instructor in advance whenever possible. Faculty members have the prerogative of allowing students to make up and complete work missed during the absence.
Instructors have the right to base a portion of a student's grade on attendance . They must present their grading practices in writing to both students and their Division Chairperson during the first week of the semester.
CR and NCR do not affect the grade point average; CR is applicable to graduation hours.
X work must be completed within the next semester or the record will show an F Work is to be completed whether the student is in attendance or not.
Academic Progress
Each student's academic progress is reviewed after six weeks of the semsester and a report of low or failing grades is sent to the student prior to the midpoint of the term. Students who receive this report should immediately confer with their instructors, advisors, and / or the Dean of Student Affairs.
Withdrawal from Class
Students who wish to withdraw from a class must notify their advisor, instructor, and officially withdraw through the Registrar's Office. Students withdrawing after the last day to add classes and before the mid-point of the term (as stipulated in the catalog) will receive a W . After the mid-point date, students who initiate a withdrawal receive an F for the class.
Instructors may also initiate the withdrawal of a student from a class when absences or other classroom behaviors are detrimental to the student's standing in the class or to the success of the class as a whole.
Withdrawal from the College
Students who wish to withdraw from the College must initiate their withdrawal with the Dean of Student Affairs and complete all the appropriate paperwork. Proportional tuition refunds are made in accordance with the refund schedule (see the Expenses and Financial Aid section) to students who officially withdraw from the College.
After the mid-point of the term, the Dean of Student Affairs will determine if unusual or extenuating circumstances surround a withdrawal request and recommend either Withdrawal (W) or Failing (F) grades for all coursework. Poor academic performance alone is not sufficient reason to receive all W's.
Academic Standards
Students are subject to academic probation or academic suspension based on the number of semester credit hours they have attempted and their cumulative grade point average.
Academic Probation
Students who have attempted 20 semester hours or less and have a cumulative grade point average below 1. 00 at the end of a semester are placed on academic probation for the next semester. Academic pro bat ion for these students means that spec ific contractual obligations must be met to continue at the College. These obligations are outlined in a letter of probation from the Vice President.
Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 1.00-1 99 at the end of a semester, regardless of the number of attempted hours, are placed on academic probation for the next semester. These students are subject to academic suspension if their grade point average is still under 2.00 at the end of the probationary semester.
Academic Suspension
Students who have attempted 21 semester hours or more and have a cumulative grade point average below 1.00 at the end of a semester will be suspended. Academic suspen s ion is generally for two semesters .
Students who have been academically suspended may attend the subsequent summer session at Peru State. If the appropriate cumulative grade point average of 2. 00 or higher is achieved, they may enroll for the next semester.
Final Exams
Final exams are scheduled the last week of the semester Coaches are not to schedule regular games or events during this week. However, they may enter their teams in NAIA approved playoffs in which the College has declared an intention to participate if qualified. Students who participate in playoff events during finals week are still subject to the attendance policies of their instructors.
Statement on Plagiarism and Cheating
The academic community considers the utterances and original ideas of an individual to be the property of that individual. Plagiarism is the theft of such property . It is the usage of specific words and vocabulary , or a paraphrase thereof without acknow ledging their origin or source. This definition includes but is not restricted to theft from a published, printed, or oral source, or the use of purchased or borrowed papers. Copying during an examination and the use of illicit memoranda (e.g. "crib notes") during an examination constitutes cheating .
Academic Appeals
Students who wish to appeal an academic decision made by the College may petition the Academic Affa irs Commission. The appeal is submitted in writing to the Vice President and should clearly and specifically state the grounds for the appeal.
Honor Roll
At the end of each semester, the Vice President publishes the Honor Roll. Students on the Honor Roll must have a grade point average of 3 75 or higher for the semester , have completed at least 12 hours (credit/no credit not included), have no incomplete grades for the semester, and have no "holds" on their academic records
Graduation Regulations
In general, students follow the graduation requirements outlined in the catalog current at the time of their admission to the College to pursue a degree program. Students with a Progress Sheet who are making normal progress toward a degree will continue under their original catalog. Students whose progress toward a degree has been irregular to the point that normal progress has not been maintained will meet the graduation requirements in the most recent catalog.
Students who transfer from Peru State and then are readmitted will meet the requirements in the most recent catalog.
Graduation Honors
Graduation honors are conferred on bachelor degree candidates who have earned a minimum of 60 semester hour credits in graded courses (CR grades excluded) and associate degree candidates who have earned a minimum of 45 hours in graded courses. These hours must be resident credit hours. Grades and credits earned at other colleges and universities do not apply toward graduation honors from Peru State.
3.90 -4 . 00 3.75 -3 89
3.50-3 74
With Highest Distinction With High Distinction With Distinction
Students may request one free transcript of their academic records. A fee is charged for each additional transcript. Transcripts will not be issued to students who have financ ial obligations to the College or holds on their academic records . Transcript requests are made in writing to the Registrar.
Once students graduate or discontinue attendance at Peru State, subsequent college credits do not become a part of their Peru State transcript. This does not apply to an active student's credentials file in the College's Placement Office.
The College's goal is to adapt its educational opportunities and services to the interests, needs, and abilities of each student. The Office of Student Affairs provides a wide variety of activities to assist students in realizing their educational objectives and enjoying their college experience.
Prior to the beginning of classes, the College conducts several orientation sessions designed to address the special concerns of incoming students. Both freshmen and transfer students are invited to attend these sessions. Each program acquaints students (and their parents) with the College and offers a helpful introduction to campus life. At this time, students are assigned a faculty advisor to assist them in planning their educational goals and college careers. An opportunity to meet with members of the faculty and other students is also provided through a variety of social events .
In the late summer, the Office of Residence Life publishes the Student Life Handbook as a guide to campus living. Included in the handbook is a calendar of events, various policies and procedures, and a statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Counseling and Testing Services
During college, students sometimes feel the need to seek assistance in dealing with their problems whether they are personal, vocational, educational, or social. To help students cope with these concerns, personnel in the Office of Student Affairs may counsel students or refer them to other campus services. Advisors in both the Offices of Student Affairs and Career Planning and Placement help students to make informed educational and vocational choices. Students with social or psychological problems are seen by the Director of Residence Life. In certain cases, students with special problems are referred to clinical psychologists or psychiatric social workers available through the area Mental Health Association. Pastorial counseling is also available through the auspices of the United Ministries of Higher Education. The Office of Career Planning and Placement routinely administers the American College Testing Program (ACT), the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) , and the National Teachers Examination .
Career Planning and Placement Services
The Office of Career Planning and Placement offers a wide variety of services to all students and alumni. It assists students with campus interviews, job referrals, job-seeking techniques, and supports their job applications by helping to develop their credential files The Office also provides informal
assistance to students who seek summer employment or part-time work by helping to identify potential employers .
The career / occupational library in the Placement Center offers student s information about graduate study or job prospects in their field of study. Assistance is also provided through brochures and pamphlets on how to develop a resume and letters of application.
Peru State receives the Placement Vacancy Bulletin in cooperation with the Nebraska A ssociation of Schools, Colleges and University Staffing (NASCUS). The bulletin is issued through the Career Placement Service (CPS) in Lincoln and reports vacancies sent to Peru State as well as those reported to other colleges and universities in Nebraska. The CPS also host s employer recuiting visits at its Lincoln office. There is a nominal fee for processing credentials and mailing vacancy lists for the year September I to August 31.
Communication Skills Center
The Communication Skills Center offers a variety of services to students who want to improve their academic skills. The Center is located in the Education Building 307 and includes a writing lab, a reading lab , and tutoring services .
Both on-campus and commuter students of all abilities can take advantage of the Center's services. Skilled tutors assist in the Writing Lab while tutor s for other classes are available upon request . Tutoring appointments are held at convenient times for both parties. The Center is open daily from 9:00 a.m . to 5:00 p . m . Courses for college credit are also offered through the Center.
Residence Halls and Living Accommodations
All requests for information about living accommodations should be directed to the Office of Residence Life . The schedule of room and board rates is listed in the Expenses and Financial Aid section of the catalog.
Living in a residence hall is not like living at home; it is an experiment in group behavior where give-and-take are constant, but where the best possible environment for a variety of student experiences has been created
There are many advantages to living in the residence halls with the most obvious being their proximity to the College's educational and recreational facilities. The library, laboratories, music practice rooms, workrooms, and the campus' recreational centers are only a short walk from any residence hall.
Residence hall living affords students considerable freedom. Part-time paraprofessional staff members supervise and assist students while educational
and socia l programs a ugm ent the academic program. These programs provide the assistance that may be needed to adjust to co ll ege life.
Peru State offers a variety of a ltern ative living accommodations for students to choose. There are men and women dormitories as well as coeducational halls. Each residence hall has its own visitation policies and unique physical layout. Students are responsible for supplying their own linen and bedding including pillows and mattress pads . Residents are welcome to bring other personal items from home such as radios, stereos, etc. Hot plates and air condit ion ers are not permitted. The lower level of each hall is equipped with kitchen facilities, washers and dryers , and recreational equipment such as pool and ping pong tables .
All unmarried freshmen and sophomore students under the age of 22, except those living with their parents or guardians, must live in college residence halls. Exceptions to this policy are handled by the College on an individual basis. The specific term and conditions of the residence hall contract are contained in the Housing Handbook which may be obtained from the Office of Residence Life
Centennial Complex
In the fall of 1967, a new coeducational residence hall was opened to commemorate Peru State's first one hundred years of service. The Centennial Complex consists ofthree groups of two residence halls each, joined by glass walkways. Davidson/ Palmer Hall houses both men and women; Palmer houses women, and Davidson houses men. C layburn / Mathews Hall is coeducational.
Nicho la s / Pate Hall has both family and sing le student accommodations.
The rooms in the Complex are arranged as suites. Each suite is comp let e with a living room, two or three bedrooms, and bath facilities for four to six people. Wall-to-wall carpeting in the living room is complemented by a sofa, chairs, coffee table, end tables, lamps, draperies, and a large picture window. Each bedroom features built-in desks, study lights, bookcases, dressers, chairs, twin beds, drapes, and closets with shelves which provide ample storage space.
Delzell Hall
Gothic-styled Delzell Hall houses approximately 150 men. The spacious living room is furnished with sofas, chairs, a television, and a fireplace.
There are four floors of rooms arranged as combination sleeping and study rooms with each room housing two students . A built-in combination dresser and desk, bookcase, bulletin board, twin bed, draperies, and waste basket are furnished each student.
In addition to a large walk-in closet , lavatory, and medicine cabinet which are shared, each student is provided with an individual built-in wardrobe. There is a large shower room of ceramic tile and marble located on each floor.
Eliza Morgan Hall
Located in the northwest corner of the campus, Eliza Morgan Hall was opened in 1929 . This recently renovated building has four floors and houses approximately 170 women. The carpeted living room is furnished with sofas, chairs, and a piano.
Each room is arranged as a combination sleeping and study room for two students with each furnished a desk, twin bed, and draperies. In addition, each student shares with her roommate a large walk-in closet, lavatory, and medicine cabinet. There is a large shower room centrally located on each floor.
Oak Hill Married Student Housing
Furnished one and two bedroom units are available in Oak Hill Housing. Each unit is equipped with a stove and refrigerator. Laundry facilities are centrally located for use by all residents.
Married student housing is lea sed on an annual basis with the rent payable a month in advance. A deposit is required and is refundable at the end of the lease perriod provided the property is left in good condition. Inquires about married student housing should be directed to the Office of Residence Life.
Majors Hall Conference Center
This air-conditioned facility is connected to the Wheeler Activity Center. It has three floors of double rooms for a total capacity of 80. Each room is furnished with draperies, two desks, and twin beds. There is a large shower room centrally located on each floor
Dining Services
Air-conditioned dining areas are located in the Student Center. The main dining room is open seven days a week for regular meal service to students, faculty, staff, guests, and visitors. All meals are designed with variety, nutrition, and good taste in mind.
There are three meal plans available to Peru State students. The Mini Plan provides for 15 meals beginning with breakfast on Monday and ending with dinner on Friday. The Maxi Plan offers 20 meals with three meals a day Monday through Saturday, and a noon dinner and evening soup and sandwich bar on Sunday. The Commuter Plan offers breakfast, lunch or dinner tickets at a reduced cost per meal.
Recreational, Cultural, and Social Life
Throughout the school year, concerts, plays , lectures , and recitals are presented by students, faculty members, and professional artists. Studentplanned and student-directed productions are also an important part of the College's entertainment schedule.
Besides the extensive intramural program and excellent recreational facilities, Peru's location in the rolling hills of southeast Nebraska offers many opportunities for hikes and outings. Indian Cave State Park and Nebraska City's Arbor Lodge State Park are enjoyable diversions for students and staff alike.
The social season at the College centers around Homecoming, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Spring Week when all-college dances are held. Other social activities such as parties, receptions, and picnics are sponsored by various student organizations for their members and guests. Faculty organizations include the Faculty Association, the Faculty Women's Club, and a branch of the American Association of University Women.
Student Health Services
The College maintains its Health Center in Majors Hall. Students may visit the college nurse or doctor at the Health Center during regularly scheduled office hours or make outside appointments through the nurse. Some nonprescription drugs , first -a id, and dressings are administered at the Health Center free of charge. The College's responsibility for medical expenses is limited to these services.
Hospital and medical insurance may be purchased by students and it is recommended that each student have some type of protection. Students who wish to participate in intercollegiate athletics must be certified as physically fit by a physician before beginning their sport.
Transportation Services
Daily bus service to Omaha and Kansas City with connections to more distant destinations is available in Auburn, 12 miles from Peru. College transportation is provided to and from Auburn at the beginning and end of semesters, summer sessions, and spring recess. Transportation service can also be autorized by the Dean of Student Affairs at any time.
Student Organizations
Students at Peru State may part1c1pate in a wide variety of student organizations for their personal, social, academic, or professional benefit.
Student Government
The Student Senate of Peru State College consists of elected representatives from a variety of constituencies and is dedicated to focusing student interests and opinions in the operation of the College. The Senate has voting members on the College Affairs Council, Academic Affairs Commission, Library Committee, Teacher Education Committee, and Student Affairs Commission.
Residential Hall Councils are representative councils selected by the members of the men's and women's residence halls. These governing bodies handle problems and plan social activities for hall residents.
Educational and Social Organizations
The Circle K Club is a Kiwanis-affiliated service organization dedicated to the betterment and advancement of the campus and community.
The Peru Players is one of the state's oldest dramatic organizations and presents the best in drama to the College and community.
The Industrial Arts .Club is devoted to promoting interest in the industrial arts and vocational education.
The Peru Social Science Society strives to provide an informal setting for socialization and discussion.
The Student Education Association is an organization for potential teachers and is affiliated with the Nebraska State Education Association and the National Education Association . Its activities are devoted to the improvement of education.
The English Club promotes the mastery of written expression, encourages worthwhile reading, and fosters fellowship among students specializing in English or literature.
Phi Beta Lambda is a state and national business fraternity. Peru State's chapter, Epsilon Tau, is open to all students interested in business.
Delta Sigma Phi is a College's first national Greek social fraternity and is open to all male students.
Pi Sigma Chi is a loca l Greek social organization open to all female students.
The Art Club is a social club for art majors and students interested in art.
The Agriculture Club promotes the importance of agriculture throughout the College and community.
The Wildlife Club stresses the importance of maintaining wildlife in the region
Religious Organizations
The are three religious groups available to Peru State students the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the United Ministry to Higher Education, and the Campus Crusade for Christ.
Music Organizations
The Peru Chorus is open to all students and is devoted to the study and performance of choral literature.
The College's band program is divided into the Marching Band, the Concert Band, and the Instrumental Ensembles.
The Student M.E.N.C. is the student chapter of the Music Educators Nationa l Conference and is open to all students interested in music. The club annually sponsors instrumental and vocal clinics as well as other musical productions .
Athletic Organizations
The "P" Club is made up of students who have lettered in an intercollegiate sport. The club's purpose is to foster good sportsmanship.
The Women's Athletic Association is open to students interested in women's physical education and athletics.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is an organization open to all student-athletes interested in sharing their belief in God .
The Peru State College Cheerleaders are chosen after a tryout before a panel of faculty and staff members. The squad leads chants and boosts school spirit at athletic events .
Honorary Societies
Alpha Chi is the College's national honorary scholarship society . It recognizes academic scholarship, good reputation, and character. The society's members are selected from the top ten percent of the junior and senior classes .
Alpha Mu Omega is a honorary mathematics fraternity which aims to develop and promote interest in the study of mathematics. Students with above average grades in mathematics who have taken or are taking analytical geometry are eligible for membership.
Epsilon Pi Tau, an honorary professional fraternity in technology education, selects juniors and seniors based on their grade point averages in the industrial arts and other fields .
Kappa Delta Pi is a national honorary education fraternity open to juniors who rank in the upper quintile of their class and who show evidence of a continued interest in education .
Phi Alpha Theta, a national honorary history fraternity, is open to students with more than 12 hours of history and high scholastic standing.
Sigma Tau Delta, the national honorary English fraternity, granted Peru State its Phi Alpha Chapter in 1926. Students who demonstrate an interest i:i literature and creative writing and who are above average in scholarship are eligible for membership. The chapter assists the English Club in publishing Sifting Sands.
Beta Beta Beta is the College's professional honorary biology fraternity open to junior and senior biology students . Candidates for membership must have above average grades and plan to continually study biology.
Lambda Delta Lambda is an honorary fraternity for students interested in physical science.
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges annually determines the number of senior students at the College who may be selected The honorees are chosen by a committee of students and faculty members on the basis of scholarship, leadership in academic and extracurricular activities, service to the College, and future promise .
Student Publications
The Pedagogian is the official college newspaper. It is published during the schoo l year under the supervision of an academic advisor. Student contributions are welcomed.
Sifting Sands is a magazine of student writing that is published in the spring by the English Club and Sigma Tau Delta .
Student Conduct
Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the College's regulations and the city, state, and federal law s that apply to matters of personal conduct. The College reserves the right to exclude students, at any time, whose conduct is deemed to be undersirable or injurious to the best interests of the College or the student. Detailed information about student conduct is contained in the Student Life Handbook.
Vehicle Registration and Parking
Students must register their motor vehicles with the Physical Plant Office if they plan to operate them on campus. Vehicles are defined as all gasoline powered vehicles such as automobiles , motorcycles, or motor scooters. The registration fee is five dollars .
Only vehicles with the proper identification are allowed to park in dormitory and other restricted areas. Adequate parking is available in off-street areas and students are not to park in the residential areas adjacent to the campus.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
The primary purpose for maintaining student records at Peru State is to assist students with their educational endeavors and to record institutional actions . It is the policy of the Co llege to allow students to inspect, review and cha lleng e their educational records as provided by the Fami ly Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment).
The publication, "Access to and Dissemination of Information about Students at Peru State Co lleg e", contains detailed information about the Buckley Amendment and is available from the Office of Student Affairs. Complaints about the alleged failure of the College to comp ly with the requirements of the Buckley Amendment shou ld be addressed to: The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Office, Department of Health and Human Services, 330 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201.
The expenses for attending Peru State College are set by the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges and Peru State . Even though every effort is made to keep expenses down, the College reserves the right to change its tuition, fees, and other charges at any time. Additional expenses for books and supplies, travel, and personal items will vary for individual students.
Nebraska residency for tuition purposes is determined in accordance with Nebraska statutes and the policies of the Board of Trustees. Residency status is based upon evidence provided in a student's application for admission and related documents. The Office of Admissions classifies all new students.
A currently enrolled non-resident student who seeks Nebraska residency status must officially apply through the Office of the Registrar. The completed application and supporting documents must be submitted on or before the final date to drop and add courses without penalty. This date is published in the catalog and class schedule. A change in residency status is determined by the Registrar.
Students who gain resident status from non-resident status qualify for a specific term and subsequent terms. Students do not qualify as residents for any term of attendance prior to the initial resident term. In addition , a change in resident classification that occurs during a term , but prior to the application deadline, does not entitle a student to a tuition refund for that term.
Students are responsible for promptly notifying the Registrar if their resident status changes. A student's residency classification may be reviewed if there is evidence to indicate a change in legal residence.
Fees must be paid each semester at the time indicated in the academic calendar. Course credit will not be awarded unless fees have been paid, or arrangements for late payment have been approved by the Business Office
Student Center Fee
Regular Semest(?r
Full-time student (12 hours or more)
Part-time on campus student (less than 12 hours)
Summer Session
Full-time student (6 hours or more)
Short, special, or workshop course on campus
Short, special, or workshop course on campus
$37.00 / semester
$ 3.00 / hour
$ 3.00 / hour
$5.00 facility use fee
The Student Center Fees and facility use fees are refundable.
Student Programs Fee
Regular Semester
All students enrolled in 7 hours or more
The Student Programs Fee is not refundable.
Health Center Fee
Regular Semester
Summer Session
Full-time student (entire session)
Short, special, or workshop course on campus
The Health Center Fee is not refundable.
Special Fees
Identification Card
Regular semester students enrolled in 7 hours or more are required to purchase an l.D. card.
Replacement I.D. Card
Motor Vehicle Registration
Regular semester students who operate a motor vehicle on campus.
Admission Fee
Admission fee must accompany all applications for admission and does not apply toward tuition.
Late Registration Fee
Administration of CLEP test
Private Music Lessons
Charged to non-Music majors.
$15. 50 / semester
Graduation Fee
Includes cap and gown rental.
Dual Degree Transcript (after first copy)
Placement Bureau Subscription
Student Spouse Activity Ticket
Course Fees
$15.00 $ IO. 00 $ uo
$20.00 /y ear
$ 6.00 /s emester
Some courses require additional materials ,supplies , or laboratory fees. All special fees are not refundable.
Housing Rates
Delzell and Morgan Halls (per semester)
Centennial Complex (per semester)
Private room in Delzell, Morgan , or Complex (additional per semester)
Oak Hill Apartments (partially furnished) One-bedroom unit
00 / month
00 / month
Both types of units include water and gas , but not electricity. Utilities are taxed and subject to a monthly surcharge base on utility costs.
Nicholas Hall Apartments (furnished with utilities included)
One-bedroom unit
Two-bedroom unit
Housing Contracts
00 / month
/ month
Students who reside in college housing enter into a contract with the College. Advanced reservations are required and a $50/ year deposit must accompany each housing request. The deposit is refundable , less any deductions for damage to buildings and / or equipment, if the student resides in the housing for the full year of the contract or withdraws for College-approved reasons.
Food Service Rates
Mini Plan (15 meals)
Maxi Plan (20 meals)
Commuter Plan
25 Breakfasts
25 Lunches
25 Dinners
Housing and Food Service Installment Plan
$530.00 / semester
$550 00 / semester
$ 46 . 82
$ 68.03
$ 86.26
Students may contract with the College to pay for a semester's housing and food service in four installments. The first installment is due at the time offee payment with the balance due in three equal installments throughout the semester. A $10 .00 late fee is assessed for each overdue payment.
Tuition Refunds
Tuition is refunded in accordance with College policies and the schedules that foilow. In addition, refunds may not go directly to the student, but to the source of the original payment.
Withdrawal from Class
Tuition refunds are granted for a reduction in semester credit hours through the final date to add regular semester courses as indicated in the catalog . The final date to withdraw from class during the summer session is a proportional period of time
Withdrawal from College
Proportional refunds are granted to students who totally withdraw from the College within a given time period . Students must officially withdraw through the Dean of Student Affairs. The date of the approved withdrawal determines the refund.
Regular Semester
First week 80% of tuition
(the Friday after classes begin marks the end of the first week)
Second and third weeks
Fourth, fifth, and sixth weeks After the sixth week
Summer Session
of tuition
No refunds are granted for workshops of ten days or less after they begin. The refund schedule for workshops of more than ten days is prorated as a percentage of the class sessions remaining . No refunds -are granted for any workshop after 40 percent of the sessions have been held.
Fee Refunds
Fees are not refunded unless they were collected in error.
Housing and Food Service Refunds
Students who withdraw from the College before the end of the term are granted prorated housing and food service refunds. The first day of the week following the surrender of their meal ticket to the Business Office and their official check-out by the Director of Residence Life are used to determine the refund. Students who remain in school , but do not officially check out of college housing through the Office of Residence Life , are liable for any charges that accrue again st their accounts.
Financial Aid
Financial need should not discourage any student from attending Peru State . The College provides a variety of ways for students with limited resources to meet the costs of their education. An extensive program of grants, scholarships, loans , and jobs are available to students with financial need. Financial need is defined as the difference between the support students are expected to provide and the costs of their education. To be considered for aid , students must demonstrate financial need
"Financial packaging" allows the Director of Financial Aid to tailor a program of assistance to meet a student's financial need. The aid package is developed on the basis of the applicant's estimated resources and educational costs for one academic year. It usually consists of two or more types of aid which cannot exceed the student's need and which may include a Pell grant , National Direct Student Loan , College Work Study, or scholarships . Students who qualify for one program of financial aid may not necessarily qualify for another.
Applying for Financial Aid
Students who need financial aid or wish to apply for a scholarship should contact the Director of Financial Aid. It is recommended that students apply well before the deadline because establishing financial need is often a lengthy process . Applications for financial aid should be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid by April l for the upcoming academic year. Students are required to apply each academic year .
Federally-Funded Programs
Pell Grants
Formerly called Basic Educational Opportunity Grants, Pell Grants are determined after considering college costs and the Student Aid Index. This index is calculated from the financial statement on the student's financial aid application.
Supplementary Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
These grants are awarded to students who have exceptional financial need. The grants range from $200 to $1,000 a year, and can be no more than one-half of a student's total assistance. Each grant is "matched" with other financial aid to meet the student's need All grants are awarded yearly for a maximum of eight semesters.
College Work Study (CWS)
The College Work Study program is primarily for students from low-income families. Its purpose is to permit students to pay for a portion of their education by working. When attending college full time, students can work a maximum of 15 hours per week; during vacation periods, students are alowed to work 40 hours per week . Work study jobs are usually on campus and vital to the efficient operation of the College . ·
National Direct Student Loans
These low interest, long term loans are made to students who are in good standing and registered for, at least, a half-time load.
Guaranteed Student Loans
These loans are obtained through commercial lenders. To be eligible, a student must either be from a family with an income below $30,000, or be able to demonstrate financial need
Parents' Loan for Undergraduate Students
This program, also known as the Auxiliary Loan to Assist Students, allows parents to borrow through commercial lenders to meet the educational costs of their children. Monthly installments begin 60 days after obtaining the loan.
State-Funded Programs
Nebraska State Loan for Math and Science Teachers
This loan was established by the State of Nebraska to assist Nebraska students studying to be Math and Science teachers in Nebraska. Information and applications may be obtained from the Nebraska Department of Education.
Tuition Assistance for Members of the Nebraska National Guard
The Nebraska National Guard can pay three-quarters of the tuition for a limited number of members. Guard personel must apply through their units.
Military Reserves Tuition Waivers
Select members of military reserve units in Nebraska may have one-half of their tuition waived at Peru State. Reservists apply through their reserve unit.
The New GI Bill
This program provides monthly benefits to qualified members of the National Guard and reserve units.
Institutionally-Funded Programs College
Work Jobs
These jobs are similar to College Work Study jobs in pay, type of work, and hours worked.
Memorial Loan Funds
These loan funds were established by various donors and are generally made on a short term basis : the $200 Willie Ethe l Crone Loan Fund, established in 1943 by Miss Ruth Crone in memory of her mother; the $300 Harriet Louise Lindstrom Loan Fund, established in 1946 by the late C.R. Lindstrom and Mrs. Lindstrom in memory of their daughter; the Mrs . Eva Fischer Loan Fund provided in 1962 by a $500 bequest from late Mrs. Eva Fischer of Beatrice; the Towne Loan Fund provided by a $1,411 bequest by the late Norman L. Towne of Bozeman, Montana, husband of the late Lola Howe Towne, Class of 1906; the $250 Patricia Buethe Loan Fund, established in 1962 by friends of the late Mrs. L. Chris Buethe .
Sheridan Livermore Loan Fund
These loan funds are provided at current bank interest rates to students who have completed a minimum of 60 hours at Peru State, have demonstrated financial responsibilty, and need a short term loan to meet unexpected expenses or the expenses related to employment relocation.
Board of Trustees Scholarships
The Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges provides full tuition scholarships for current graduates of Nebraska high schools who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement based on class rank and entrance examinations. The scholarships are renewable to cover four regular academic years. The application deadline is January 15 .
Cooperating Schools Scholarships
Scholarships are available to designated graduates of school systems which assist Peru State with its teacher education program The scholarships are for one - half the basic tuition costs per semester for eight semesters. Potential applicants should inquire at their high school.
Special Activity Tuition Waivers
Financial assistance in the form of partial tmt10n waivers is granted to students with special abilities in athletics, art , debate, music, etc. Applicants should submit the Peru State financial aid application indicating their desire to be considered for a vaiver. The appropriate college official determines an applicant's qualifications . The waivers are approved for one academic year, but are renewable
Special State of Nebraska Tuition Waivers
Partial tuition waivers are awarded to worthy students who have demonstrated financial need.
International Student Scholarships
Full tuition scholarships are awarded to qualified undergraduate students who are citizens of other countries.
Peru Achievement Foundation Scholarships
Through the generosity of alumni and friends of Peru State, the Peru Achievement Foundation awards a variety of scholarships. The scholarships are listed at the end of the Expenses and Financial Aid portion of the catalog Students may apply for a specific Foundation scholarship (or any available scholarship) on the College's scholarship application form which is available from the Office of Financial Aid.
Other Sources of Financial Aid
Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers Scholarships
The Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers awards scholarships to full-time students of the Nebraska State Colleges who are Nebraska residents studying to be teachers To be eligible,
students must have a pleasing personality, high moral and socia l standards, and show an aptitute for teaching. Applications are available at the Office of Financial Aid shortly after beginning of the Fall semester.
State Vocational Rehabilitation Aid
Students with physical disabilities that constitute a vocational handicap are eligible for financial assistance to meet their costs of tuition and other financial needs through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Potential applicants shou ld contact the Office of Financial Aid for more information.
Veteran's Benefits
Peru State is an. approved institution under the provisions of Chapter 36, Title 38 of the U . S. Code where any eligible veteran or dependent may receive VA benefits while attending the Co lle ge.
Any student receiveing benefits through the Veteran's Administration is required to meet the Scho lastic Standards outlined in the catalog . In addition, these students are requied to make normal progress toward their educational objectives as defined in the catalog.
Academic Requirements for Financial Eligibility
Students who receive financial aid from any federally-funded and / or Collegeadministered financial aid program are required to maintain satisfactory academic standing and progress The standards for satisfactory academic standing are published under the Scholarship Standards portion of the catalog; the standards for satisfactory academic progress for financial aid are published in the Student Handbook and the Financial Aid Student Handbook.
Unless otherwise noted, an eligibility requirement for an award and / or scholarship is that the recipient be a Peru State College student.
Alpha Mu Omega Freshman Award
This award is presented by the College's honorary Mathematics fraternity to a freshman for exce llen ce in Mathematics
Bond Kennedy Gold Star
This award is given jointly by the Kennedy family and the Peru Kiwanis Club . The recipient is to be a graduate of a Nemaha County high school, have above average scho lastic abi lit y , and be an active participant in both school and community programs.
Business Club Award
This award is presented by the United Business Education Association to an outstanding student in Business Education
Chemistry A ward
The Chemical Rubber Co presents the latest edition of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and a scroll to the top student in freshman Chemistry courses.
Dramatic Club Award
These awards are presented each year to the senior man and woman who have contributed the most to dramatics during their four years of college.
John C. Christ Award
This award was established in honor of Dr. John C. Christ, Professor of Biological Science. The award of $50 is given to an outstanding high school senior planning to major in the natural sciences at Peru State .
Kappa Delta Pi Educational Award
Presented by the Beta Mu Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi , the College's national honorary educational fraternity, to the freshman whose scholarship and professional attitude are outstanding.
Louise Mears Geographical A ward
This award is presented to a student with a high scholastic performance in Geography
Sigma Tau Delta Award
Students with high scholastic standing who show an outstanding interest in literature and have submitted samples of their original writing may be presented memberships in Sigma Tau Delta.
Silas Summers Writing Award
Sigma Tau Delta, the national honorary English fraternity, and the English Club present cash awards for the best original writing. Winning scripts may be published in Sifting Sands.
Pearl A. Kenton Language Arts Award
This award is presented annually to an outstanding student majoring in Language Arts
Zelma R. Wonderly A ward
This annual award is presented to the outstanding second grade student teacher.
Lura Hendricks Eichler Memorial Kindergarten Education Award
This award is presented annually to a student who has demonstrated ability, aptitude, and interest in kindergarten education.
Mac Dunning Industrial Arts Award
This is an annual cash grant given to an outstanding student in Industrial Technology and Education.
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben provide scholarships to recognize outstanding Nebraska students. One $575 scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman. The scholarship is renewable depending upon the student's grade point average.
MENC Scholarship
The Peru alumni of the Music Education National Conference provide scholarship(s) to Music students. Potential recipients apply through the Chairperson of the Music Department.
A.B. Clayburn Memorial Award
This award is granted each year to a junior in teacher education majoring in the social sciences who has displayed the qualities of outstanding citizenship, progress, and potential.
A.V. and Wilhelmina Larson Memorial Industrial Arts Award
This award is presented to a sophomore student who demonstrates promise as a teacher in Industrial Technology and Education.
B.E. Swenson, Jr. Athletic Award
The award was established in 1925 by Bert E. and Stella Swenson in memory of their son, B.E. Jr., and their parents who made possible their early education at Peru. Juniors and seniors are eligible for the award based on general character and personality, scholarship, school loyalty, and athletics. A student may win the award only once.
Bill Tynon Memorial Athletic Award
This award is presented to a senior Nebraskan who has made an outstanding contribution to intercollegiate athletics.
Helen E. Cole Pollard Founders Award
An award presented at the Spring Honors Convocation to the senior who has demonstrated loyalty and service to the College
The Peru Achievement Foundation administers several scholarship funds. The scholarships recognize academic achievement and are available to worthy students because of the generous contributions of alumni and friends of the College.
Ada Crooker Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in the memory of Ada Crooker who taught business at Auburn High School. The recipient must be a female graduate of Auburn High School majoring in Business at the College .
Albert Brady Scholarship
Established by the Peru State College Letterman's Club and the friends of Albert Brady , the scholarship is awarded to a Biology major with athletic ability.
Arthur R. Majors Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in the memory of Arthur R . Majors, a 1926 graduate of Peru State , who was an active educator for 43 years. Mr. Majors was a strong supporter of the College and the Peru Achievement Foundation . The scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in Biology , Chemistry, or Physic s .
Bath Family Memorial Scholarships
These scholarships were established in 1967 by Mrs. Minnie Bath in the memory of her husband John Bath and her two s ons , Edward J and Robert L. Bath. They are awarded for academic achievement.
Benjamin Harrison Memorial Scholarship
The family of Benjamin Harrison, Class of 1907 , established this memorial to provide scholarships to worthy Peru State students .
C.C. and Erma Wilson Choyce Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Choyce to recognize academic achievement. Mr. Choyce attended the College in 1919 , and Mrs. Choyce graduated in 1920
Charles Andrews Memorial Scholarship
Thi s fund was established as a memorial to Charle s Andrews , a 1914 graduate of the College . The scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman who shows academic promise and may be renewed depending on the student's grade point averag e .
Charles Weigand Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship fund was established in 1956 by the Class of 1906 in the memory of Charles Weigand, a member of the class. The scholarship is awarded to a rising senior.
Clarence L. and Mildred Russell Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of the Russells . Mr. Russell was a 1917 graduate of Peru State , and the Russells were long time supporters of the College . The recipient of the scholarship is to be in the Industrial Tec;hnology and Education program and is selected by the faculty of the department.
Crabtree Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Eunice Crabtree, and her brother James Wilson Crabtree, established this scholarship in 1982 in the memory of their father, Dr. James William Crabtree. Dr. Crabtree was President of Peru State College from 1904-1910 who then went on to found the National Education Association. The scholarship is awarded for academic achievement.
Dee V. and Kathleen Jarvis Industrial Education Scholarship
Dee. V. and Kathleen Jarvis provide a scholarship for a student majoring in Industrial Arts Education. Mr. Jarvis, a 1948 graduate of the College, served on the staff as a professor of Industrial Education for 30 years before retiring in 1978 .
E. Albin Larson Memorial Scholarship
E . Albin Larson was a 1933 graduate of Peru State who served as Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State Colleges from 1943 to 1960. This scholarship was established by his family and friends to recognize academic achievement.
E . C. and Mae Miller Beck Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. and Mrs . Beck in 1967 for an English major with athletic ability.
Elsie I. Fisher Memorial Scholarships
These scholarships were established in memory of Elsie I. Fisher, a 1906 graduate , who taught for 39 years in the Omaha school system. They are awarded to students in Art Education.
Esther Cole Franklin Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Franklin was a 1920 graduate of the College who was recognized as a distinguished alumna in 1977 . This scholarship was established in her memory and is awarded to an outstanding student.
Ernest J. Rawson Memorial Industrial Education Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the family of Ernest J. Rawson , Class of 1938. Mr. Rawson taught Industrial E ducation in high school and college before retiring in the late I 970's.
Evan Van Zant Teacher Education Scholarship
The recipient of this scholarship is selected by the Education Division for academic excellence, dedication to the teaching profession, and an aptitude for teaching. It was established in the memory of Evan Van Zant, Professor of Education from 1961 to 1980.
First Federal Savings and Loan of Lincoln
This scholarship is provided to students of Peru State College by First Federal Savings and Loan of Lincoln
G. Holt "Pop" Steck Memorial Music Scholarship
G . Holt "Pop" Steck served as Professor of Music at Peru State from 1928 to 1943. The scholarship is awarded to a Music student with apreference ·for vocal music.
Glenn D . Jenkins Memorial Scholarship
The family and friends of Glen D . Jenkins , Class of 1909, established this scholarship for s tudents from Humboldt and Richardson county
Harrison Family Scholarship
This scholarship provides full tmtlon for a student pursuing a career in education and was established by Mrs. Benjamin Harrison of Omaha.
Jack McIntire Scholarship
Jack McIntire, a graduate of the College , served for many years as a professor of Physical Education, head coach in several sports, and Athletic Director. He provides a scholarship for a freshman football player from Auburn, Nebraska City, or Falls City.
Jess A. Harris Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is provided in the memory of Jesse A. Harris, Class of 1909.
John J. McIntire II Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a freshman basketball player from Auburn, Nebraska City, or Falls City in the memory of John J. McIntire II, a Peru State graduate and son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntire.
Johnson County Bank Scholarship
Each year the Johnson County Bank of Tecumseh provides scholarship funds for students from Johnson County.
John Wear Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Dr. John Wear, Class of 1914, this scholarship assists a pre-medical student at the College. A copy of Dr. Wear's book "My Life and My Work" is in the college library.
Laurine Anderson Tri Beta Scholarship
The recipient of this scholarship is selected by the Natural Science Division and must be a Biology major and member of Tri Beta. The scholarship was established by Laurine Anderson, a charter member of the Peru chapter of Tri Beta.
Lena Huff Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded for scholastic excellence in the memory of Lena Huff, a 1909 graduate of the College.
Lillian Jewell Barnes or Alice Jewell Warnock Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in the memory of Lillian Jewell Barnes, Class of 1903 and 1920, and her sister , Alice Jewell Warnock, Class of 1927, for students of high academic achievement.
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Pate Scholarship
The family of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Pate provide this scholarship to students of high academic achievement. Dr. Pate served as President of the College from I 923 to 1946.
Nona Palmer Business Education Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a Business Eduation student in the memory of Nona Palmer, a 1910 graduate, who served as a professor of Business from 1915 to 1960.
Oliver Stevenson Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Oliver Stevenson, a friend of the College, established this scholarship in the memory of her husband. The scholarship is a warded to students who have demonstrated academic excellence.
Pearl Morgan Butler Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship provides for all tuition and fees as the fund allows. It was established by Joy Elmer Morgan in the memory of his sister who attended the College in 1905 .
Phyllis Davidson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in the memory of Phyllis Davidson who served Peru State from 1929 to 1957 as professor of women's Physical Education.
L.B. and Ruth Mathews Memorial Sholarship
This scholastic award is made in the memory of Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Mathews. Mrs. Mathews was a professor of Health Education from 1943 to 1960.
Schottenhamel Memorial Scholarship
Dr. and Mrs. George Schottenhamel established this scholarship in the memory of Dr. Schottenhamel's parents who reside in Dupage County, Illinois. Dr. Schottenhamel served as Professor of Social Sciences from 1958 to 1981.
Stanford and Hattie Clements Scholarship
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Clements established this scholarship for students from southeastern Nebraska who are interested in teaching Math and Science.
Victor H. Jindra Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship for students in Music was established from the estate of Victor H. Jindra, a professor of Music at the College from 1923 to 1961.
Vincent Sabatinelli Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a freshman football player in the memory of Vincent Sabatinelli, a former member of the Peru State football team, who gave his life in the service of his country in Vietnam.
Wheeler Language Arts Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wheeler provide a scholarship that 1s awarded to a Language Arts major at the College.
William Henry Wortman Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to minority students with a preference being given to Native Americans . It was established by the family and friends of William Henry Wortman.
Hanson and Amber Aldrich Scholarship
This scholarship is provided to an incoming freshman from Nemaha County planning to enroll in Education at PSC. Amber Jodry Aldrich is a 1923 graduate of Peru State.
Dr. Edward Camealy Scholarship
Mrs. Edward (Ruth) Camealy provided funds for this scholarship, memorializing her late husband who served Peru State College from I 960 through 1984. The recipient must be a sophomore or beyond and a declared Music major, with preference given to vocal music students.
Roy Chamberlain Scholarship
The Roy Chamberlain Scholarship was provided by Mrs Roy Chamberlain, a 1927 alumna of Peru State College. Any full-time male student is eligible to apply.
Hobart Davidson Scholarships
The brother of long-time women's Physical Education instructor Phyllis Davidson funded several scholarships to be awarded to both traditional and non-traditional aged students, including some scholarships specified for out-of-state students. P hyllis Davidson served Peru State College from 1929 until 1956. Hobart Davidson was an attorney in Oklahoma.
Loure Firoved Scholarship
Mrs. Firoved, a 1916 graduate of the College, served many years as secretary to the college president. This scholarship , established by her children, is designed for a student majoring in Business.
Glen and Verda Frary Scholarship
Glen and Verda Hauptman Frary were both 1972 graduates of Peru State who devoted their careers to educating youth. This scholarship is to be awarded to a sophomore or junior Education major.
Joe and Hollis Masopust Scholarships
Charles Masopust, the brother of Joe Masopust, funded these scholarships for PSC students . Joe was head of the Peru Achievement Foundation in the 1970's, and Hollis Hutchinson Masopust was a 1954 graduate of Nebraska's first college.
The Al Wheeler Scholarship Funds for this scholarship have been provided by Mrs. Al (Fran) Wheeler, their son Dr. Al Wheeler Jr., and friends of the long-time coach and athletic administrator who served Peru State from 1938 - 65 . The recipient is to be a male majoring in Physical Education who participates in intercollegiate athlet ics, with preference given to a football player.
Dr. Gilbert Wilson Scholarship
Students majoring in or planning to major in Music at Peru State College are eligible to apply for this scholarship . Dr. Gil Wilson served Nebraska's first College in the music department from 1957 through his retirement in 1982, and holds emeriti rank at PSC. He remains active in college and community affairs.
Nebraska Amateur Golf Association Scholarship Funds for this scholarship are provided by the N.A.G.A. The student receiving this award must be participating m intercollegiate golf at Peru State College .
Thousand Oaks Alumni Association Scholarships
The Thousand Oaks Alumni Association, PSC's local alumni chapter , conducts an annual fund drive to provide scholarships for a student of traditional college age and for a non-traditional student. Recipients must reside in the region, and are chosen by the Office of Financial Aid .
The Omaha World Herald Schol arships
Among Peru State College's most prestigious scholarships are the Omaha World-Herald Scholarships , funded by the World Herald Foundation Requirements for recipients of these scholarships are the same as the Board of Trustees scholarships .
Peru Printout Scholarship
The Printout, the community newsletter of Peru and sponsored by the Peru Chamber of Commerce, funds a scholarship annually for a Peru resident. Application must be made to the Peru Chamber of Commerce Past recipients are eligible to reapply.
Elaine Gerdes Pratt Scholarship
A student of non-traditional age hailing from Nemaha County in Nebraska is to be the recipient of the Elaine Gerdes Pratt Scholarship. The scholarship was established by her husband, Charles Pratt , a 1967 PSC graduate, in memory of his wife, a 1964 alumnae who was extremely active in college affairs .
Wiley and Maxine Remmers Scholarship
Wiley Remmers, a 1938 graduate, and his wife, the former Maxine Aufenkamp ('39), have established this scholarship to be awarded to a freshman student in Nebraska's first legislative district. Applicants for this scholarship must take a competitive examination on government.
A.B. Ritchie Scholanhip
A.B . Ritchie of Auburn, a 1927 graduate has established a scholarship to be given to a men's basketball player who is a Southeast Nebraska resident.
Charles Fred Speck and Lillian Mae Smith
C F. Speck endowed this scholarship in memory of his aunt, Lillian Mae Smith, an 1894 graduate of Peru State and long-time educator. The recipient is to be a female majoring in Elementary Education.
Berneice McHiron Weigand Scholarship
The recipient of this scholarship is to be a female majoring in education at Peru State . Established by Berneice Weigand Woodworth, this scholarship is in memory of the 1906 Peru State graduate. Berneice M. Weigand was the wife of Charles Weigand, for whom another scholarship has been established
Conferences and Clinics
During the academic year, the College hosts conferences, workshops, and clinics for high school students, special interest groups, and a variety of educational and business concerns. The campus also serves as a convenient location for retreats of fraternal and civic groups throughout the summer.
Speaker and Entertainment Services
Schools, civic, and educational organizations are invited to use the speakers, programs, and entertainment that are available from the College. Faculty and staff members often speak, lecture, and provide in-service training to area schools and businesses. Music and drama programs, demonstrations, and judges may also be arranged through the College.
Public Health Services
The College provides space for a medical clinic at the Health Center for the community's benefit. The medical services open to the public are family planning, cancer and venereal disease examinations, and pregnancy testing. The Pap Smear Clinic is conducted by the College in cooperation with the State Health Department and is held monthly. In addition, a Well Child Clinic is available for any child, regardless of residence or income, in cooperation with the Nemaha County Health Department.
Adult Basic Education/ General Educational Development Services
Peru State offers courses for adults who wish to complete a program of study in Adult Basic Education (ABE) and/ or in General Educational Development (GED) at several sites throughout the region. Adults may take the GED test either on campus or at an extension site. No tuition is charged for enrolling in either the ABE or GED program; a fee is charged for the GED examination and certificate .
Peru Achievement Foundation
The Peru Achievement Foundation was organized in June, 1955 and incorporated ·as a non-profit corporation for educational and charitable purposes in May 1962.
The purpose of the Foundation is to "aid, assist, and promote" the College and to "grant scholarships and student Joans" to students. Alumni and friends of the College are encouraged to support the Foundation with gifts, grants,
and bequests. Hundreds of students through the years have benefited from financial aid provided by the Peru Achievement Foundation.
Peru Alumni Association
Membership in the Peru State College Alumni Association is open to all graduates of the College as well as former students who request it. Chapters of the association include Omaha (organized in 1955), Lincoln (1955), Rocky Mountain (1957), Northern California (1958), and Thousand Oaks in Peru (1973).
The Alumni Office is located in the Alumni House, ju st south and east of the Administration Building The office maintains a current mailing list of graduates, former students, and faculty members. A collection of yearbooks, commencement programs, photos, publications, and other memorabilia is on display.
The Peru Stater, the Co llege's official alumni newsmagazine, is distributed to alumni three times a year. The College encourages submission of items for the Peru Stater.
Peru State College Library and Media Center
The library at Peru State College contains more than 100,000 volumes and subscribes to nearly 800 periodicals. Special collections include the original manuscripts of authors Marion Marsh Brown, E.P. Conkle, Ruth Crone, and Louise Mears. The library assists patrons through its extensive interlibrary loan services and provides typewriters and a microcomputer for student use
The Media Center houses a large variety of audio-visual equipment and materials including an abundant supply of films, filmstrips, slides, videotapes, records, and computer programs A computer and wordprocessor are also available for student use . The Center's satellite dish and television studio provide a wide range of educational and recreational opportunities for students and the community.
Board or Trustees or The Nebraska State Colleges
J. Alan Cramer
Pete Kotsiopulos, Vice Chairperson
Jean Lovell
Tom Morrissey, Chairperson
Carroll Thompson
Celia A. LaGreca
Joe E. Lutjeharms, State Commissioner of Education
Richard Bringelson, Executive Officer
Mary Clarke (1951-1964)
Robert D. Moore (1937-1970)
Alma Ashley (1946-1970)
Frieda D. Rowoldt (1952-1970)
Hanford Miller (1947-1971)
Harold Johnson (1951-1972)
Silas Summers (1960-1972)
John C. Christ (1947-1973)
Lucy Hovey (1967-1972)
Louise Kregel (1957-1972)
Juanita Bradley (1956-1976)
Dee Jarvis (1948-1978)
Wayne Kearney Gering
Professor Emeritus of Education
Professor Emeritus of English and Speech
Professor Emeritus of Elementary Education
Professor Emeritus of Business Education
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Professor Emeritus of Education
Professor Emeritus of English
Professor Emeritus of Biology
Professor Emeritus of Home Economics
Professor Emeritus of Home Economics
Professor Emeritus of Education
Professor Emeritus of Industrial Arts
George Schottenhamel (1957-1981) Professor Emeritus of History & Social Sciences
Mary Ruth Wilson (1966-1982)
Gilbert Wilson (1957-1982)
Professor Emeritus of English
Professor Emeritus of Music
Ervin R. Pitts (1964-1982) Professor Emeritus of Health & Physical Education
Wreathea Hicks (1968-1985)
Professor Emeritus of English
(Date indicates year in which service at Peru State began)
Kenneth Anderson (1984) Assistant Professor of Art
B.G.S., B.F.A., University of Nebraska-Omaha; M.F.A., University of NebraskaLincoln
Clyde Barrett (1965) Professor of English
B.S., M.S., Peru State Teachers College; Ed.D., University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Russell Beldin (1970)
Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., Dakota State College; M.S., Mankato State College
John Blazek (1986) Instructor of Physical Education
B.A. Wichita State University; M.S., Fort Hays State University
Everett Browning (1969) Assistant Professor of English and Journalism
B.S., M.S., Kansas State University
Larry Caldwell (1983) Assistant Professor of English
B.S., Central Univer sity of Iowa ; M S. , Ph.D ., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Anthony Citrin (1986) Associate Professor of Education
B. A. M.A., University of Kentucky; Ed .S., Central Michigan University; Ed.D. Western Michigan University
Wayne Davidson (1982) Associate Professor of Physical Education Chairperson of Physical Education
B. A . , Anderson College; M . S . , Kansas State College-Emporia; Ed.D . , University of Missouri-Columbia
Spencer Davis (1983) Assistant Professor of History; Coordinator of Honors Program
B.A. , Brown University; M.A., Universit y of Nebraska-Lincoln ; Ph.D., Unive r sity of Toronto
Esther Divney (1975) Professor of Education
B. S . , M.A., Kent State University; Ed . D., University of Northern Colorado
Royal Eckert (1975) Professor of Speech/ Theatre
B.A., University of Minnesota; M.A., Ph . D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Thomas Ediger (1979) Associate Professor of Music
A.B., University of Nebraska-Lincoln ; M.A., D . A., University of Northern Colorado
David Edris (1974) Professor of Music; Chairperson of Humanities
B.M . E. , M . M . , University of Tul sa; D . M . A . , University of Missouri - Kansas City
Paul Egan (1980) Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., Ph . D., State University of New York - Buffalo
Nancy Emerson (1977) Instructor of Social Work/ Sociology
B S. , M S , Kansas State College-Pittsburg
David Evans (1982) Assistant Professor of Music
B. M . E. , Northeast Missouri State University; M.M. , Southern Illinois UniversityEdwardsville
Robley Evans (1978) Assistant Professor of Industrial Arts
B.S . , Western Kentucky University; M.S., Indiana University
Victor Ferre (1978) Professor of Education
B.A., Weber State College; M.S , Utah State University; Ed D., New Mexico State University
John Gibbs (1981) Instructor of Physical Education
B.S., William Jewell College ; M S , Central Missouri State University
John Hahn (1981) Professor of Political Science
L.L.B., Chuo University ; M . A . , University of Minnesota; Ph.D . , University of Cincinnati
Jack Hamilton (1972) Assistant Professor of Business
B.S , M.S., Kansas State Co ll ege-Pittsburg
Charles Harper (1978) Associate Professor of Speech/ Theatre
B.A., Tarkio College, M.A., Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Linco ln
Jack Hytrek (1979) Associate Professor of Education; Director of Teacher Education
B.S., M.S., Chadron State College; Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado
Don Jacobs (1980) Associate Professor of Business
B.S . , UniversityofChattanoga; M . A., Texas Christian University; Ph .D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lee Kohrs (1983) Instructor of Computer Science
B.S., Peru State Co llege ; M.S., Northwest Missouri State University
Paul Kruse (1969) Assistant Professor of Library Science; Director of Learning Resources
B.S., Fort Hays State College; M.S.L.S., Emporia State Co ll ege
Kennard Larson (1979) Assistant Professor of Industrial Arts
B.S., Peru State Co llege ; M S., Pittsburg State University
Robert Lewellen (1972) Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., M.S., Northwest Missouri State University
Daryl Long (1967) Professor of Science
B.S., Iowa State University; M .S . , Ph . D., University of Nebraska-Linco ln
William Longley (1983) Associate Professor of Computer Science
B.A., M.A , Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder
Brian Lotven (1984) Associate Professor of Education Chairperson of Education; Dean of Graduate Studies
B.S., M . S., M.A., Ed D , Oklahoma State University
Stanley McCaslin (1971) Assistant Professor of Computer Science
B.A., Macalester College; M.S., California Institute of Technology; M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lyle McKercher (1959) Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Morningside College; M.S., University of Iowa
Richard Newman (1986) Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., Universtiy of Northern Colorado; M.S., South Dakota State University
Maxine Mebus (1979) Instructor of Physical Education
B.S , Mayville State College; M.S., South Dakota State University
Carol Pappas (1985) Assistant Professor of Natura l Science
B A., Florida State University; M.S., University of Illinois-Urbana; Ph.D., Florida State University
Larry Pappas (1979) Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Hiram Scott College; M.S., University of Wyoming; Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana
David Pippert (1977)
B.A . , Augustana College; Wyoming
Professor of Natural Science; Chairperson of Natural Science
M . S., State University of Iowa; Ph.D., University of
Lester Russell (1956) Professor of Industrial Arts; Chairperson of Applied Arts
B.A . , Peru State Teachers College; M.A., University of Minnesota; Ed.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Thomas Shea (1985) Instructor of Physical Education
B.S., Dakota State College; M.S., South Dakota State University
Leland Sherwood (1963) Professor of Art
B.A., Peru State Teachers College; M.A., University of Wyoming, Ed.D., Indiana University
William Snyder (1979) Associate Professor of Business
B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D , University of Nebraska-Lincoln
James Thomas (1986) Professor of Business; Chairperson of Business Administration
B.S., Wayne State University; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State University
Leon Walker (1983) Assistant Professor of Agriculture
B.S., Northwest Missouri State University; M.S., University of Missouri-Columbia; Ph.D., Purdue University
Scott Williams (1966) Assistant Professor of Geography
B. S . , M . A ., Arizona State University
Paul Wyczawski (1985) Instructor of Physical Education
B.S., South Dakota State University; M.S., University of South Dakota
Administrative Officers
Jerry Gallentine (1982) President
B.S . , Fort Hays Kansas State College; M.Ed . , M.S., Ph.D., University of Toledo
Channing Cox (1985) Vice President
B.S., Wake Forest University; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Dina Musil (1985) Dean of Administrative Affairs
B.S., B.A., Kearney State College; M.B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jerry Joy (1975) Dean of Student Affairs
B.S., Peru State College; M,S., Northwest Missouri State University
Robert Baker (1982) Dean of Continuing Education and Regional Services
B.S . , Maryville College; M.Ed., University of Chattanooga
Brian Lotven (1984) Dean of Graduate Studies
B.S., M.S., M.A., Ed.D., Oklahoma State University
Penonnel--p11e 240
Professional Staff
Walter Bosley (1983)
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
Dean Erickson (1985) Business Office Manager
B.S., L.L.B., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
David Edris (1974) Director of Music Activities
B.M.E., M.M., University of Tulsa; D.M.A., University of Missouri-Kansas City
Dwight Garman (1980) Director of Finincial Aid
B.A., Creighton University; M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Peggy Gibbs (1982) Coordinator of Student Programs
B.A., Baylor University
Dan Haugland (1984) Director of Residence Life
B.S., Dakota State College; M.Ed., South Dakota State University
Vince Henzel (1983) Sports Information Director
B.S., Peru State College
Cindy Herrick (1985) College Nurse
R. N ., Methodist Hospital School of Nursing
Chris Joy (1985)
Jennifer Koehn (1985)
B.S., M.S , Kansas State University
Bookstore Manager Director of lntramurals and Summer Programs
Paul Kruse (1969) Director of Learning Resources
B.S., Fort Hays State College; M.S.L.S., Emporia State College
Kelly Llewer (1968) Registrar; Director of Institutional Research
B S., Peru State College; M.Ed., Ed.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Anne Maschman (1986) Assistant Coordinator of Admissions
B.S., Peru State College
Sharon Mccaslin (1971) Technical Service Librarian
B.A., Kansas State University; M.L., Kansas State Teachers College
Stanley McCaslln (1971) Director of Data Processing
B.A., Macalester College; M.S., California Institute of Technology , M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Loretta McCllntock (1984) Program Development Coordinator
B.S., B.S., Iowa State University
Maxine Mebus (1979) Director of Athletics
B.S., Mayville State College; M .S., South Dakota State University
George Morrison (1986) Manager of Food Service
B.S., Northeast Missouri State University
James Mulder (1984) Reference Librarian
B.A., Northwestern College; M.A., University of Iowa
Dina Musil (1985) Affirmative Action and F,qual Employment Opportunity Officer
B.S., B.A . , Kearney State College; M.B . A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Beth Propst(l986) Coordinator of Admissions
B.S., Peru State College
Kent Propst (1983) Director of College Advancement
B.S., Peru State College
Jeff Smith (1986) Admissions Counselor
B.S. Ed , Peru State College
Robin Smith (1984) Director of Career Planning and Placement
B.S . , Peru State College
Linda Warren (1977) Communication Skills Coordinator
B.A . , M.A . , Kearney State College
Paula Winkelman (1984) Printing Services Coordinator
B.S., Peru State College
Academic Appeals-204
Academic Cheating-204
Academic Load-201
Academic Probation-203
Academic Progress-202
Academic Progress Sheet-200
Academic Standards-203
Academic Suspension-204
Administrative Officers-239
Admission to the College-194
Transfer Students-194
Non-High School Graduates-194
International Students-194
Non-Accredited Colleges-195
Mid -Year-195
Advanced Standing-195
Adult Basic Education-234
Agricultural Transfer Program-13
Agriculture, Course Descriptions-161
Applied Arts, Division of-15
Art, Course Descriptions-122
Attendance, Class-202
Award s, Financial-223
Biological Science, Course Descriptions-162
Board of Trustees of Nebraska State Colleges-236
Business Agricultural Management , Course
Business, Course Descriptions-54
Business, Division of-43
Change in Major-201
Change in Registration-201
Chemistry, Course Descriptions-165
Classification of Students-200
Communication Skills Center-207
Computer Science, Course Descriptions-167
Conduct, Student-214
Conferences and Clinics-234
Consumer Economics, Course Descriptions-32
Correspondence Courses-199
Counseling Services-206
Transfer-I 96
Armed Services- I 96
Determining Credit-196
By Examination-I 97
For High School Students-198
Entertainment Services-234
Extension Programs-13
F Faculty-236
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act-214
Federally-Funded Programs-220
Student Center-216
Student Programs-2 I 6
Health Center-216
Identification Card-216
Motor Vehicle Registration-216
Late Registration-216
Administration of CLEP test-216
Private Music Lessons-216
Dual Degree-217
Placement Bureau Subscription-217
Student Spouse Activity Ticket-217
Final Exams-204
Financial Aid-2 I 9
Applying For-220
Financial Eligibility, Academic Regulations--223
Food Service Rates-218
General Science, Course Descriptions - I 71
General Studies
Courses-I I
Geography, Course Descriptions-112
Geology, Course Descriptions-172
Goals of the College-3
Grading System-202
Graduate Programs-14
Health Services, Student-210
History , Course Descriptions - 114
History of the College-I
Honor Roll-204
Honors Program-13
Housing Contracts-217
Housing Rates-217
Degree Regulations-9
Degree Requirement-5
Dining Services-209
Economiq, Course Description s-63
Education and Psychology, Division of-65
Education, Course Descriptions -74
Emeriti Faculty-236
English , Course Descriptions-107
Humanities, Division of-84
Incomplete Coursework-200
Independent Study-198
Industrial Technology and Education, Course
Installment Plan, Housing and Food Service-21 8
Institutionally-Funded Programs-221
Journalism, Course Descriptions-I I I
Library Science, Course Descriptions-I I2
Living Accommodations-207
Mathematics, Course Descriptions-174
Media Center-235
Memberships- 3
Mission of the College-2
Music, Course Descriptions-124
Natural Science, Division of-132
Offutt Air Force Base
Organizations, Student Student Government-21 I
Educational and Social-2 I I
Pre-Professional Programs-I 2
Peru Achievement Foundation-234
Peru Alumni Association-235
Peru Stater-235
Philosophy, Cuurse Description s-117
Philosophy of the College-2
Physical Education, Course Descriptions, I 87
Physical Education, Division of-179
Physics, Course Descriptions-177
Private Instruction-199
Professional Staff- 232
Psychology, Course Descriptions-81
Public Health Services-234
Housing and Food Service-2 I 9
Repeat Courses-199
Residence Halls-207
Residency Regulations, Tuition-215
Scholastic Attitude-202
Semi - Professional Programs-12
Social Life-210
Social Work, Course Descriptions-I IS
Sociology, Course Descriptions-119
Southeast Community College-13
Speaker Services-234
Special Education, Course Descriptions-78
Speech and Drama, Course Descriptions-I 29
State-Funded Programs-221
Summer Session-14
Testing Services-206
Transfer Guide-I 4
Transportation Services-2 IO
Variable Credit Courses-199
Vehicle Registrat ion - 214
Withdrawal from Class-203
Withdrawal from the College-203