published by Peru 0tate College
The Campus of a Thousand Oak:s"
Student body continue to grow, nears 1,600
Another record enrollment was established. by Peru/ State College this fall with a final headcount of 1,592 students taking credit-producing courses at PSC.
The count almost exactly matches PSC President Jerry Gallentine's projection ·for the fall semester. Enrollmen'treflects an increase of 2.6 percent over the Fall 1986 record count of l,552 students.
'87 FTE figure of 1,088. students, down from last year record of 1,118.3.
"The drop in the FTE figure consistent with national trends Dr. Gallentine explained. "M people, particularly ad students, are taking classes not full loads due to family work committments." ·
The college experienced a 2. percent increase in stude taking off-campus coursewor A total of 561 PSC stude enrolled in classes at PS extension sites, up slightly fro .
At the same time, credit hour production shows a decline of 2. 7 percent, Dr. Gallentine ·noted. J>SC's full-time equivalenoy figure shows a Fall 549 last fall.
T.J. Majors building gets major fix-up
After 70 years of service to Nebtaska's first college, the T.J. Major8 Education Building at Peru State College is getting a rest-:-if you consider having your insides ripped apart a. rest.
And the "rest" for the facility is causing a tremendous amount of ······ of the of a Thousand Oaks.
"'Anytime you take your ·primary facility out of citculation for a year or more, you are bound to encounter a few obstacles,•• said PSC President Jerry Gallentine.
Peru's kindergarten-through12th grade "training school" until 1967, the T.J. Majors facility houses the college's two largest academic divisions (business and education).
It contains over half of the college's general, "nonlab<>ratory" classroom space, not to mentio.Jl the college's day care center, geology lab, Office of. Continuing Education, and Nebraska Business Development Center office.
Phone lines relocated, a computer lab has been relocated, new parking plans have· been implemented
'Still Recognizable'
The. renovation project, begµn January, will cost some $2,025,000. Funding was authorized by the 1987 Nebraska legislature through proceeds .from state's ciga,rette taxes.
Yirtually the entire ·project involves wor,k on the.interior of tlie structure, built '·in 1916 and on the Nebraska Register of Historic Places.
The exterior "remains in excellent shape," Dr. Gallentine said, and just received a new roof this past year.
In spite of signifi(:ant changes planned for the interior, Gallentine assu,res people that "it will still be recognizable to the thousands who have learned" in the building.
Trademarks such as the terrazo floors;"marble wainscoat, .and · heavy wooden banisters will be refurbished and "wfll remain intact," Dr. Gallentine said.
.Among the major improvements planned are an elevator for handicapped access, complete reworking ·.the electrical system and plumbing 'System, refurbished and handicapped-accessible rest-
(;ome for Homecoming!
Peru State College's 66th annual Homecoming celebration has ·been for Saturday, October 8, 1988 according to PSC President Jerry Gallentine.
Make plans now to attend. It is not too early to begin contacting friends and making arrangements to meet in Peru. for Homecoming '88!!
rooms, carpeting, lowered and air conditioning "Every effort is being made to try to provide more useable space," Dr. Gallentine said.
Offices Centralized .,,
Currently, faculty offices are spread throu,ghout the building, as are classrooms. of all sizes
When the project is completed sometime in 1989, faculty offices for the· business and edueation divisions will be located in "suites" at the north and south
ends of the second floor - "a allowing for one larg convenience ·for both students classroom, a large and mediu and faculty," Gallentine-said. sized classroom, or thr
The former gymnasium in the average-sized classrooms. basement of the building will be Other elements of the pr<>jec divided int'o an elevated include a new fire alarm an classroom, with a. collapsable security system and an "ener wall allowing it to be subdivided management pro gram,' into two classrooms. The a,rea, Gallentine,said. "will be wired for all forms of' ·· 'Will, instructional · technology," he allow for a considerable amo noted. of energy conservation>"
The former auditorium on the noted. third floor will have two When PSC collapsable walls installed, Break
Academics revamped , J. :E. Morgan estate
An efficiency movement" involving changes within the academic· divisional structure
at Peru State College has. been implemented.
Peru State has reduced from six to four the number o( cademic divisions on campus, combining the applied arts and natural science divisions into a division of science and technology and cdmbining education and .physical :education into the division of education.
Dr. Gallentine said the changes were necessary to meet annualized budget cuts and to · r.educe the college's dependence • on part:-time faculty members. PSC's base budget was reduced by approximately S60,000 by 'legislative action, and the college faced an additiona! 6.3 percent cut in state funding for ;1987-88.
The divisions of business and humanities will be unaffected by the restructuring, Dr. llentine said. ;.These actions will not result reduction in degree
programs offered by Peru State · College," Dr. Gallentine said. "We also hope that this will allow us to carry on with a full schedule of off-campus coursework in the Fall."
PSC's off-campus, or Continuing Education, program had been considered as a source for budget reductions. Instead, "the current plan is to offer our regular schedule of classes in attendance centers such as Falls City, and other locations," Dr. Gallentine said.
Dr. David Pippert, chairman of the natural science division, will head the new· division of science and technology, while Dr. Brian Lotven will continue to chair the division of education.
Applied arts division chairman Dr. Lester Russell and health and physical education chairman Dr. Wayne Davidson returned to teaching on a full..:time basis, Dr. Gallentine said. The restructuring became effective July I.
harles Masopust dds more scholarships
More scholarships for Peru tate College students have been created by a $10,000 gift by (:harles Masopust of Bronx, KY.
Part of the gift will establish a ·holarship in memory .of his · ents, the late John and ncis (Schima) Masopust. e,remainder will build up the dowment of a scholarship mmemorating his late fother, Joseph Masopust; This latest gift brings to $30,000 e amount Charles Masopust .. s given to the Peru hievement Foundation, ording to Art Majors, elopment officer for the AF. has always valued ducation," Majors said. ..The ion of immigrant parents, he had toquit school in theeighthgrade t6 go to work, and. eventually his diploma in the Bronx by attending classes at night."
>A retired public works department official in New York .City, Masopust's connection vith Peru State College is through his younger brother Joe.
Joe Masopust was married to
. provides:: student aid
coming to Peru in I 906, and recdved his Normal Sch,ool diploma from Perujn 191 l. Morgan became superinten'. dent of schools in the Nebraska communities of Bloomington (l 911-13) and then Guide Rock (1913-17) before making a contribution to the war effort as librarian at Camp McArthur ill Texas from 1917 to 1918 His next stop was Washfngton, D.C. where he was assistant to the director of the Library War Service in 1919. He.was to live the, remainder of his life in and the nation's capitol.
A' fellow Peru graduate and former Peru State president Dr. W. Crabtree, had in the meantime been named executive secretary of the Nationar Education Association. Dr. Crabtree, who had been of Peru (1904-10) wh1le Morgan was a student, wanted to hire him.
Peru native Hollis Hutchinson, '54 and though he worked and had business interests in New York City, Joe and Hollis lived in Pel"u.
Joe was a former president of the Peru Achievement Foundation and active in college affairs and regional economic development activities, no.ted longtime friend Dr. Daryl Long, professor or science.
Joe and Hollis Masopust passed away within :a few. months o(each other iil.•1984.
Charles Masopust has now · established and eridowed foul" · scholarships. In additio.n to the ones memorializing his parents, his brother Joe, and his'sister-inlaw Hollis, he previously · established a memorfal for ·Hollis' parents, Peruvians Harry and Mary Hutchinson:
J.E. Morgan
The late Joy Elmer Morgan, a 191 l graduate of Peru State College who enjoyed .a nbteworthy c;ueer with the Nadonal Education Associahas providc;!d the college its single largest gift ever-$250;000.
Morgan, who passed aw(\y in 1986, left his estate to Nebraska's first college, where he ,attended from I 906- I I. The last i payment from his estate arrived last summer in the Peru Achievement Foundation office.
Mqrgan's donation will be used to er}dow scholarships, with
of the in.terest earned funding those scholarships. The stipends are preferably for ()dUcation majors ,at PSC, which was known as the Nebraska State Normal School when Morgan attended. The. first scholarships were awarded last fall.
Born in ·a sod house near Calloway and orphaned in infancy, Morgan was raised by his grandparents near Upland. He left the family farming operation there to attend school in Ragan while working on a farm. He completed his "primary" education after
.Weddings, engagements
Lal'lrel Smith ('87). Cind Nick ('87) were married in Henderson, NE.
PSC students Brian Meyer and Tinkham qiarried in J!tine in Sargent, NE FQrtner PSC student.·Angela (attd. '85-'86) and Craig BenHett were married· last June in Srhithfield, NE.
Foriner PSC student Beth Ely (attdJ '82•184) and Randy Sickel were' married last March in Auburn.
Doug Goltz ('86) and Janice Hoebelheinrich were married in · Menominee, NE in August.
Doris Rasmussen Lillich {'77) and Clyde Hager were married in the spring of '86 and live in y '._,
NE, where Doris is assistant director of nursi11g at a Gering nursing
Starf Gottula ('73) and Shirley
Weils were. married in .October
·;86 in Merna,. }'fE.
Devon Ada111s ('67) ap:d Bill Uhri ('68) were married ·· in March of'87, and reside in Table Rock, NE.
· Charles Ferguson and Jennifer Heins were married in December 1986 in Rising City, NE. Charles is a stockbroker for Prudential-Bache Securities iri Phoenix, AZ.
Susan Richardson ('83) and Jimmie Bassinger Jr. were married last June in Brownville, NE:
Thusin 1920, Morgan becaII1e the: 'first director of the NEA 's of and 1 edit&! the NEA Journal, until1 hisi fetirement in .1954. Morg!ln also •served as president of ·the. Educational Press Association of America <luting the 1933•34 Another accomplishment. he wak· proud of was founding the Future Teachers of America organization.
One of his. final and most Iasltng contributions to society carh'e after his retirement from the; ; NEA when he founded, served as first president, and first of the national magazine for' Senior Citizens of America.
Shari Rummel ('87)and GUbert IlaU '. ('87) were married in October in Bellevue, NE. Gib is a teacher and coach at Randolph. NE.;
Beth Grotheer ('87) ·and Rod wmi.imson were married in in Nebraska City.
Debi>rah ·Dresher ('86) and David Novak were married in Decet1iber 1986 in Nebraska City,. Sherri Bogatz (attd, '77-'79.) and Randy were married in May '87 at Brainard, NE.
Elaine Ramer ('73) and Bill Fisher were married in Febrµary 1987 at Robinson, KS. Wiede! ('86) and Scott Walz are to be married in May in Hebron, NE.
(see page 10)
baaack ...
The Stater is back!! ·.· · .· .,. ActuaJly, it. was never really gone-and your and letters, it was not forgotten, I've been trying to come up with a good explanatiOn for the year-long absence, but instead, I'll just tell you that it simJ>lY hasn't gotten done by yours truly. ·
I hope to be back to a regular routine with the production of this' newsletter. Pardon the errors you might find in this voluminous publication, but we arcr coverinis a Jot of ground here.
And thanks, especially, to those of you who have inquired about the Stater. It's nice to know that it is missed.
Now, on with the news. Keep those cards and letters coming, keep ttiose news items coming; in short', Keep in touch!!
News about people you know
1910s recalled Dean W .N. Delzell, Coach Lon ·Graf, Sanford Fernley ('.11) "Sam" Clements, Miss Oiace
)Vriter says Peru friends are best
"Old friends are best," th)! She enlisted the help of Kent hers. saying , goes, , but ·old , Peru J>ropst ('81), the Guiding Light The plaque arrived in Omaha, friends, are the best of the best. of The Peru Stitter. He was carefully, yea meticulously ,.Jn a move from my house to most cooperative (not such an wrapped, in ,mint condition, at an apartment, a prized plaque , "old friend, but still one Of the Ruth apartment on of ML Vernon, the. old Peru )lests) and ran an item in Fepruary 6, 1987. At the home girls' dormitory dn the Peru the alumni paper about the , of a mutualfriend; Ruth made •, camp'l1s it1 , said plaque. theJ>resentatfon to Marion/on a college Jteshm'an, was Thereweretworesponsesthat Feoruary 8. It now l:iangs over broken. did not work out. her desk
, I prized .the, plaqU'e not v t be d .&: t' 'd Thank you, Ruth' ""'rone. only because, of having a Aen ' not to e,ea e , ran , , '-' another item. Thank you, Kent'Propst. room in Mt. Vernon, but even m'ort. because my mother, This time, a charm? THE Thank you, Eldon Hayward. Jenevie Marsh, when she was .JACKPOT! Peru friends ,are indeed the Propst received a letter from Be f later housemother there, had st o the Best. an apartmeJ1t in that dorm; so Eldon Hayward 029) .in · , , Kearney, one,.,time Registrar at Marion M,arsh Brown , when 1 returned ''home"9;uti:ng , ·Peru State, saying .he had such vacations }roin my early
(Editor's Note: Mrs. Browrt, a.· teaching J"obs this apartme t '· a plaque and glad to 1927 alumna, served. as ·, · ,· · , ' ',, ··, · · n, send it u,it were "to.someone was at that assistant professor ,()f Engltsll "Old"PerufriendRuthCrone that .I might know vecywell." at her alma mater from 1935.:· ('42) (and.coUaboratOr ofmine Yes, Marion Marsh Brown 37. She was, in 1979,.awarde onthtee books) wanted to do was someone he had know wet.I. p s c. s t 0 p h 0n 0 r' the something about my loss .. She Wh.en he was Registrar at Peru,, Distinguished Sen'ice::: :AwaHt. put in telephone •calls, wrote she was an Assistant Professor She continuesJ() .letters, including one to 'the of Englisl:i)here.There was a In 1980, she her."' Action Editor of the Omaha time during those years when · original manuscripts f.o PertV 1 World Her.aid. Eldon a'nd his bride were State College Lit>rary. She No luck. house 11eig1lho:rs of ··· · continues to author boaks): j?' /}
waj +.feat'ijred . in ,, a Robert Tear'--''(who were) wnatlwoula M < • f D .r
can good friendsi first and '
· last November , instructors<second." ·
teru1nc 0' e,m·us1c1ntown
McMorris notes he:r .title :as · I 0 e· t dd. e Dear Peru Stater energetic,· ··,•
Ametjea's Oldest Prof:essional1 · n ·es;r.etsppns : Stoa·1 ·: ane ae· ss · In. cleaning out· files, I came When l was. in California last.
Pl·an·1·st.• •.·. as .she plays···piano. sPc , requ ' · eru. ·· ·e r c a\· · h ·· · nice note from.Mildred Fisher •. acrosslastyeat'sPeruStaterand fall (1986), I.talked with er pn; nightsaweekattheLµckY,Cµss. N ('2 ) fS D' Cal"f inre-readingit.noticed·youhad thephonebutdid.nothavetime. Restau ant in Tombstone, Anz.· oyes 1 0 an iego, ; i · · · · l h I She retired 'from teaching in listed Gera. Graham as. a lost ..•to see her as I usual Yd,o w et}, ...
downtown oh Saiurdafrtight'fitf the summer during the late'1 or (:arly 3-0's. My father plumbing ..• shor> there and he. played ihthe and Orchestra for Mr :Jindta's concerts a number 'of times. a, .picture ta,ken of <me
Knsel ('52) and Ba;bara Bragg ('51) Clayburn., who have retilmed to Peru after a careeriri · education spent. mostly in California, received a letter from Charles Fowler hf Cfintort, Iowa. Fowler, who began in '26 and eanred a degree in '36; reminisced about staying :With · and Mrs. A.B. Clayburn wile'ri Ansel was a small boy. , Fowle{ working·at , salu,ting pr. Robertson./
completed his career in service to education at the University of South' Dakota.).·to
Minn..: ··
"Trails" is ofthe latest book of poetry published by Musettll Campbell Gilman ('34) of Lincoln, a copy of which she donated to the PSC library last January. Tille b9ok ''is lovingly
Of the 92;.year;-old Fernley, 1962after39years,35oftheniifi alum (1936). am out there. Sh.e at McMorris wrote: "For an She was a shining light in.the Angeles. · 69 years· she was· a San Diego. · M ·· , d I music wotld on campus and is y sister, an ·were.on J;ampus sch:oolteacher and principal· in May still active with her music. She is in the Fall of spent time her native Nebraska ;:ts well as in day for .Dr. Joseph. Robertson . now living, in where going through micro-film files of f the' •states of Iowa, Kansas, ('28)-and for the State of she has been for a number of the PerttPoint.eriorlostarticles. South Dakota, Wyoming and Nevada.. Richard Bryan; the years and writes me that.she tias of interest to us. and oudamily. Texa!i ... She was 83 when she Governor of Nevada, designated · been writing poetry. She ,has We were remarking about the • ended her teachi11g He May 31 · as "Joseph Robertson remained .. ql!ite youthful apd times we gave music concerts adds the repertoire of the Day." Dr. Robertson, professor Tecumseh, Neb. native "ranges emeritus at the University of ·from contemporary tunes to Nevada•Reno where he worked 1 music that was popular in 19 lP." for 24 years, was saluted by Gov. Nebraska, but is farfrom retired. 1920s' Bryan as "an exceptional For six decades, she has bee[l a Nevadan, one of those rare and newspaper correspon<;Jent, special people whose efforts sometimes for as i:nany as seven have left an indelible mark on · newspapers, to a July those. lives he's ·touched." In a 1987 featµre in the North Platte letter to Peru State, Dr. ·· (Neb:) began lier Robertson recalled working ",in. reporting career, covering the Inice Dunning's V.:omen 's dorm" ·. community of Stockville;. in and studying urid,er "Profs. June 1927 and has been at it'ever Hoyt, Beck, <;arter, since--whh no thought of Crago,payburn, f,IiJl, Palmer,, Taylor> and PSC join§ retiring. ,• Nevada m congratulating .and
of the Band •• where my young brotherpll!Y Stars and Stripes on·t,he.ttump when he was very s.n;ta:lJ. · , 1 My is wtj( some articles for. the· Women .newspaper Olil[ handwriting analysis. Am always interested .to receive. news of Peru, and truly ei;ijoj reading the Peru Stater. Tb.anl\' you for keeping it coming.
Eunice (Burbridge) Naviaux , Class of 1935 • · ··
. The Peru Stater
· Achievement. Foundatioi:i. ;l!t the ('25) enjoyed' her· 39:.year · history,·· has moved from city(Neh,)News-Press. ··. · teaching career in western Vermillion, S.D. (where he (see page S)
1 Dr. Mark Delzell ('25), a··· dedicated to Berniece·· Miller · distingtiished alumnus ·in· his W'arner, a college rommate, who own light and whOse family shared my love of words overthe1 THE PERU STATER is by Mildr.ed Reynolds Osterhoudt < name is etched iri Peru .State< years.'·' Mrs. Warner, also ofthe < Staie! COiiege with support ·of tile '('e · Lafidolt's :"Hilltop" store, ro.p111ing:with Dr. Floyd Miller (':Jif•'at the'. Clayburn home, Page4
Golden grads
Handicapped in Nebraska Qty, , then South High in Omaha, ! where he earned an. ·academic scholarship to attend Peru. }le worked as a radio repairman Jn the Nebraska··.communities of: Walthill and Rushville, theri received a .masters degree in 1 special education at the 1 University of Northern Colorado-Greeley. He special education at Hayes Center, Neb. before taking the job with ESU 16, initially teaching half days at Thedford and Stapleton, and later splitting time between North Platte and Ogallala.
A 40 year teaching career at. Albion (Neb.) High School has "gone awfully fast," said Herb Knutson ('42), who retired last. spring as a high school math instructor. Travel and. "not sitting in a rocking chair" are future plans for Knutson, who also taught in Leigh and Stanton (Neb.) before joining Albion.
lass of '34, lives in El Paso,
Senator R. Wiley Remmers '38), who serves the first egislative district in the ebtaska Unicameral, has been pointed to the Commerce, abor and Regulation mmittee of the National 6nference of State Legisla-
Dr. Maxine Trauernicht ('35) as presented with the second nnual "Doc Elliott Award" by he University of Nebraskaincoln Alumni AssoCiation this spring. A retired professor speech communication at -L (1948-79), she was ognized for having gone yond tradional expectations ... and making) a difference in the es of students and Richard Turner ('38), who · yed a 43-year career bing and administering in nsas schools, has been selling s since 1981, but says that in "spare time" also serves as ncipal of the Sacred Heart
entary school in Pratt, ll.n., where he lives. ·
.Margaret Engelkemeier erryberry ('32) of Louisville, · lY., has been honored for her years of service to Cass punty clubs.
No slowing down for Robert Weber ('39), who ended his career wijh the Boy Scouts of America a few years back and · moved to Shubert, Neb. He has been appointed librarian with the Shubert Library and Museum. He and his wife, the former Mildred Knoflicek ('39), visit the Peru campus on occasion, too. ·
Whitney Vonderhaar (attd. ·'36-'37) is another former student now on the Stater mailing list thanks to the untiring efforts · of Gerald Fichter ('39) of Naples, Fla. After leaving Peru, Arlene taught the Nebraska communities. of Hebron and Shelton, then moved with her husband .to the Mississippi gulf coast during the second World War. '
Fred Shestak ('31) of Rockaway Beach, Ore., stopped by campus last summer on a trip through Nebraska. He and his wife, the former Maxine Sears ('31), have retired after many· years in the teaching profession. Fred, an athlete at Peru, remained in coaching for about • 25 years after graduating, then gave it up to become a school administrator.
The awards continue to pile up for Art Harris ('35) of Omaha. Regarded by many as the man who started the sport of gymnastics in Nebraska, he received the Servfoe to Sports" award this past year, sponsored by Ak-:-Sar-Ben and the Greater Omaha Convention and Visitors
Bureau. Harris, it was "organized the first gymnastics program in area high schools" while at Omaha's Benson High School.
Eldred Douglas ('38) was removed from PSC's "lost alumni" list this past summer, and updated bis alma mater on his career. He taught in· Nebraska until '55, when be moved to Fullerton, Calif. foi 24 more years of educating students. He briefly "retired," 'then taught for another three and a half years before hanging up the chalk for good two years ago. He received a listing of alums living near bis resideriee in Perris, Calif., and some may be hea!ing from him.
Reba Yeakle ('38) received ,the Hastings (Neb.) Area Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Community Service Award during January ceremonies. She enjoyed a 46-year teaching career, but was also active in countless community service projects, including hospital auxiliary, Red Cross, American Heart Association, YMCA, Meals on Wheels, Head Start,. PTA, and more.
Bessie Gillan Nebelsick ('32) of Lincoln was one of five educators from that community chosen to represent the profession during Teacher Recognition Day in February. More that 1,500 Lincoln teachers were eligible for the honor, part of a statewide event. Mrs: Nebelsick is retired.
Hal Brown ('49) was the featured speaker during 90tb birthday ceremonies for the National Parent·Teachers Association in South Sioux City (Neb.) last February. Brown is school psychologist for the LeMars (Iowa) Community Schools. He is also employed by the Western Hills Area Educational Agency, and has taught for Iowa Technical College.
Jack Kent ('49) .has retired as elementary school principal in Auburn, Neb. He spent 32 of his 38 years in education serving students in Auburn.
Martin Svoboda ('49) is another school official who plans to live a life of leisure after retiring from school administration. Svoboda, who has been superintendent of schools /at Eustis, Neb. for the past 11 years, retired last June. He has served as an administrator; teacher, and coach at schools in Benedict, Burwell and DeWitt in Nebraska, New Iowa, and in Phoenix, Ariz.
Surely one of the most inspirational careers in education came to an end last spring with the retirement of Mel Rothmiller ('44), who stepped down from the Educational Service Unit at North Platte, Neb. after 12 years. Blind since infancy, Rothmiller attended the School for the Visuallv
Orthello "Buzz" Byers ('47) and his wife, the· former Marjom Weiler ('43), of Bellaire, Tex. stopped by campus this past summer. Buzz, a former Bobcat basketball player, taught and coached in Nebraska City foi four years after graduation, then joined the Air Force, retiring with· the rank of Colonel. Buzz taught math. was l.ater registrar for thei Houston, Tex. school system, where Marjorie taught. MarjoriE recalls helping to compile and addr.esses for the firs.t issul.•.·.·· of ·the ·Peru Stater. Their so! Steve ('70), a. resident ol Columbus, Miss., is also lieutenant colonel.
So much for Dr. Cecil ('41) retirement. Walker, whc retired in 1982 after 22 years a: chairman of the educatio1 department at Midlan• Lutheran College in Fremon1 Neb., was hired as Dodg County (Neb.) Superintenden of Schools last January. He wa recently inducted into Midland' athletic "Hall of Fame"for his3 years of athletic officiating.
Nor does Dr. C. Thomas Dea ('42) let grass grow beneath h feet in Long Beach, Calif. 1986 Long Beach Excbani Club Citizen of the Year" elected chairman of tb ·california Postsec.ondar Education Commission. n commission, to which Dr. Dea was appointed three years ago t Gov. George Deukmejian, is recommending body to the stai Legislature and the governor <1 such matters as budget ali curriculum. Retired dell
retires-·sor.t of.
by Dean Terrill The Lincoln StarAlthough .Freddie Drexler,('46) has taught all of 40 years in same college, that is not to say he has been standing still. ' Standing still, in fact, is one thing the retired Southeast Community College. instructor never tried. He has been too busy
·teaching, farming, playing dances, directing a church choir and being dad to four daughters.
He also has led an .assortment of ci vie and fraternal pr,gainzations-and college itself. Between 1963 and 1967 he was dean of the old Fairbury Junior College for three years and president for one.
By the time the locally owned college became a part of sec in 1973, brexler was too much a fixture to think of moving.
"Four years was enough of administration. I wanted to get back in the classroom," said the amiable Drexler, 65. ·
1947--Blenda M. Anderson, Frieda I. Andreeseh, Mrs. John Beetem, Margaret Pedersen
Begensen, Donald J. Bruns, Bonnie Louise lJugbee, Hilda Grace Sparks Burmood, Clifford J. Coburn, Marion Ellen Fi;Jedly, Lorene Mae
Gopdman, Sharon V. Brown
Hall, Don Harouff, Janice A. Kimsey Hosier, Max Hosier, Lila Foster Hughes, Betty Jensen, Shirley M. Joerger, Bobbe DeJarnette Kenner,
1957--William 0. Almond, Betty
Baloun, Robert Bell, Charles Berry, Helen F. Buckles, Janice
Gottula Covault, John C. Dennis, Shirley Ann Dorste, Edith I. Durst, Arthur M. Easterday, Mary Winifred·
Easterday,, John C Gutsch, 'Grace J. Harms, Evelyn
Harring, Julia A. Kingsover
Hintz, Merna A. Jensen, Eleanor A. Johnson, Keith Johnson, Shareen G. Johnson, Fred L. Koerwitz, Bill Larson, Lynn H. Lee, Janet Epley
Lubben, Devald R. Lyman, Lillian Crook· tyon, ·Bonnie R.
Marjorie Kienker, Francis· Guy Klassen, Mildred Eschen Lief, Sarah Jane Lincoln, Leona
Loomis, Rosella Meritt
McBratney, · Marilyn McCandless, Phyllis Mccomas, Marlin D. Mercer, H.F. Morrissey, Joann L. Copley
Neift, Elise 'Williams Orbach, Clifford W. Parsons, Wilda Fulton Parsons, Joan Place, Dolores Hobbie Ross, Nordean
D. Stewart, Mahlon Van Marter
Marron, Mrs. Nicholas G. Mas, Barbara Masek, DavidJ. Miller, Ardis F. McNutt Moreau, Ross 1
Munn, Melvin E. Sr., Grace Anne Noerrlinger, Eula
Murphy Phelps, Ronald E. Phillips, Margaret Robinson, Orval F. Rohrs, Betty McGrew
Schroeder, Geraldine Masur
Sherman, George D. Slaughter, Jack R. Sprague, Dorothy
Steele, Sara Witty Stever, Albert
H. Thurston, Monica Zack
Tillman, Lorraine Johnson
Vollstedt, Ralph E. Whitmore, Zella P. Whitney, Peggy
Borrenpohl Zimmerman, Alice
M. Volkmar Zuroske
Although math and physics have been his fields, he got the 1948 Fairbury job. "because Dean Donald Overturf wanted somebody who could lead a pep bend." At the time, Drexler was the part-time band director for Plymputh High School.
(from page S)
emeritus of the School of Applied Arts and Sciences at California State University at Long Beach since 1980, he is a member of the Long Beach City College Board of Trustees. He was the California State University's "distinguished professor of the year" in '65 and was named one of the nation's top educators in 1970. He has resided in Long Beach for over 30 years.
"Lost alum" Phyllis DeLong Halferty ('43) was "found" by her alma mater, thanks to an article she had written that was reprinted in the Syracuse (Neb.) Journa1.:.oemocrat. She and her husband live in Cotona Del Mar, Calif.
Verona Oetken Scheer ('44) has retired from teacping math at the Nemaha Valley schools in Cook, Neb., ending a 35-year career in education.·
"Plymouth is the only other school I've ever worked for, but the job never got boring," he said. "One year the band got up to 44 members. I was even the sponsor of the cheerleaders and pep club."
Taking over his late father's farm, Drexler spent years working it while also teaching. For IS of the years he also was busy on weekends with his own dance band.
"For -10 years straight we played every Sunday night at Jansen," he said. "Besides being a lot of fan, thatband helped put a lot of kids through college."
.Since moving to town several years ago, he now spends much of his spare time in his garden and w9rkshop. In the past few years he served as American Legion commander and exalted ruler of Fairbury's Elks Lodge. He also spent many years · directing the United Church of Christ choir and now is vice commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He also is on the city Library Board and is director of the Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging.
A 1946 graduate of Peru College, Drexler also has. a master's degree from the
Doris S1arkeoaum Taylor ('40), writes that she is in her sixth career-working for a wholesale cookie factory in Anacortes, Wash., where she lives.
Betty Cole Cooper ('42) enjoyed the Winter '87 Stater, particularly since it carried an article about ht;r brother, Dr. R.O. Cole ('34), and ·their grandfather and one of Peru State's founding father, D.C. Cole. Betty is living the good life in West Burlington, Iowa., where she had taught at the Southeast Community College.
Glenis Holtgrewe Hopp ('46), active in community and farm afffairs, has been named ·· chairman of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation's statewide membership committee. The Hopp family farms near Talmage, Neb.
Margaret Applegate Fitch ('43) recently received a "Women of Achievement Award" sponsored by the Girl Scouts. Dr. fitch ·resides in Plattsmouth, Neb.
The Nebraska Agribusiness Club presented a Public Service
Another satisfied Stater reader, to Agriculture Award to Vincent
University of Nebraska. His years in the Army incl counterintelligence work the 7th Armored - Division Europe.
Because he could sp German and Czech, he was in prisoner interrogation. also helped clear mines Norrpandy's D-day beach fought in the Battle of the Drexler had been commu to his· Beatrice classes since Fairbury campus closed over years ago. That is one ti does not ride the motor sc that is as much of a tradema his easy smile.
Officially retiring in Decem he hopes to teach some classes for Peru State. A may start playing dances but this time as a recording jockey.
"I just hope music pays a better than it used to," he "When I was playing trumpet, I got 10 bucks a · (Editor's Note: Drexler' addition to degrees from State and the University Nebraska, holds degrees f Ohio State and Stanf universities).
(This article reprinted permission of the author). ·
Dreeszen ('42) of Lincoln ceremonies in Lincoln · November. The retired _dean director of the Univetsit Nebraska-Lincoln and Survey Division was cl a "living pioneer" in the fi water studies. He retired UN-L last year.
Still another award for for PSC athletic and coaching Jack Mcintire ('41): he inducted into the Ne Football Hall of Fame ceremonies held .last fall. Al Wheeler is the only individual with Peru ties in prestigious Hall of Fame.
rownell eturns · rvisit
of Peru's .most famous and sful native sons, Herbert wnell, was back. in his etown last fall for a visit.
84-year old Brownell, who ed as United States Attorney eralfrom 1953-57 under the t Eisenhower administrawas escorted by Art and Majors on his daylong
was born in February
J.904 in Peru, the son of Peru te Professor Herbert wneH Sr. and May Brownell. elder Brownell w.a.s on the staff from 1893-1910, when joined the University of braska faculty.
erbert's brother Samuel, ther native Peruvian, served ·· :S. Secretary of Education.
lfr 1953-56 under the nhower administration.
.el had been principal of the community school in the l920's.
rbert was in Nebraska for ra:l activities. He was a guest Nebraska Goy. Kay Orr at a iversity of Nebraska football e in Lincoln, and addressed dents at the UN-L Law
ring his visit to Peru, wnell was recognized at a luck dinner at the Peru romunity Church. He toured community in retired faculty mber Everett Browning's ode! T Ford.
e was a guest of Ansel and • rbara Clayburn iri the ernoon, where he recalled his Hdhood in the Peru' mhnity. Brownell also red Brownville, and later ted the Clay Kennedy farm r Brownville.
rownell is still active in the w York. }aw firm Lord, Day Lord. ·
ownell received the 25th ual Distinguished Nebraska rd at ceremonies sponsored the Nebraska Society of shington, D.C. on Sept. 28.
Back for more
(from page 6)
The brainchild of Milton Schulz ('43}--a series of public service announcements urging students and parents to utilize school guidance counselors for academic, social, and vocational advisement--has earned the Iowa Association for Counseling ahd Development · national recognition. The series of announcements garnered the IACD the 1987 Branch Leadership Award for Professional Services to Members. from the American Association for Counseling and Development, the only such award given nationwide. Schulz is guidence counselor at Marshalltown (Iowa) High Sc'hool and chairman of public relations for the IACD.
work with l.ea4ers in government and business to formulate specific economic objectives.
Don Holscher ('57),junior high guidance counselor at Madison Junior High in North Platte, has effective student support groups at his school that have earned him recognition. The purpos°'. Q.f the small (9-14 students) group'is to "talk about their concerns and their problems," Holscher told the North Platte Telegraph. One · benefit of the groups is that the students get to know Holscher better and feel comfortable coming to visit with him when they have personal problems. An eight-year member of the Madison Junior Higli staff, Holscher previously served at Odell, Wakefield and Columbus in Nebraska.
When the Nebraska Coaches Association passed out awards for 25 years of service this past summer, Peru State College was
Harold Christy ('56), a 23-yea:r teaching veteran m the l'remont (Calif.) elementary schools, received the 1987 California "We Honor Ours" award which. recognizes leadership with local, county and state teachers associations. The sixth grade teacher is completing a threeyear term as chairman of a twocounty teachers association involving 32,000 teachers ·extemely well represented-in fact, nearly a third of those recognized were PSC graduates,. They included, from the 1950s era, Ned Eckman ('55) for Murdock High School, Steve
Kunasek ('59) from Omaha yross High, Pat Novacek ('57) at Gothenburg High, Jerry Rupprecht ('57) for Odell High, and Bob Simpson ('55) for Ashland-Greenwood High.May reun.ion
Marion Marsh BrownNavy V.:12 program subject of book
Peruvians who remember the Navy V-12 program at Peru" State from 1943-45 may want to take note of a new book, The Navy V-12 Program: Leadership "for a Lifetime.
Author James G. Schneider has done.,a comprehensive review of the program, which involved 60,000 Navy and Marine Corps officers at 131 American colleges and universities, including Peru State.
The nearly 600-page book, published by Houghton Mifflin Co., .sells for $29.95. Copies can be ordered through Houghton Mifflin at Two Park Street, Boston, MA 02108.
Several references are made to the Peru V-12 program. One chapter on physical training notes that Peru V-12ers had the top physical fitness score in the Ninth Naval District.
A chapter onY-12 officers after
Nebraska's most prolific author
by Robert McMorris Omaha World-HeraldOmaha's most prolific author, Marion Marsh ('27), says she is "lazier" than she used to be.
But she has; no plans to stop writing. "I just ·keep ·plugging al<)11gl' she S3;id, $:er : J 7th published book, "Sicagawea,"Js tl'Ue spring. It's the story of the young Indian wornan who serted as a guide ttnd interpreter fqr the Lewis and Clark ExpeditfoJ! of 1804-06.
In February Mrs. · Brown combined work. with>pleasure, .ttaveling to.Singapore to· gather research for a book commissioned by Children's Press of Chicago;
Mrs: Brown's first book,. ''Young was published in 1949 while she was teaching English at the University of Omaha. Her son, Paul, was 8 then.' But she refuses to reveal her own age.
"It's not vanity," she said 'I just never like to talk about age. I like to stay young."
Indeed, when a manuscript is in progress, she works at about the same pace she always has. A widow, she puts in four or five hours a day at her IBM electric. Her workspace is a corner of the Pagel
large bedroom in her west side apartment in Omaha.
If her claim to laziness is justified at all, it refers to longer fayoffs between books. But even then she frequently keeps busy writing articles "and other short things," she said.
Frequently she indulges her passioh for travel when she is "between books." She has toured most of Europe and the Orient as well.
While Mrs. Brown has written several books for older readers, most of her work is intended for young adults.
'Sacagawea" is "an amazing story,'; Mrs. Brown said. "I've been interested in Indians for a long time"and I was particularly ·· interested in Sacagawea. I always wanted to tell her story.·
"Here was this young mother, making this terrible trek through wilderness and across ·mountains, and taking her baby with her! The baby was just a few months old."
Mrs. Brown said her· principal source of materials were the journals of the expedition leaders, Meriwether Lewis and William ·Clark. Transcriptions of the journals filled seven thick volumes the writer in the Omaha Public Library.
Mrs. Brown said her book will
put to rest at least one coach and teacher in a smallcontroversy about Sacagawea: town Kansas high school. "Some said she died as a young "It was agreat disappointment woman. Others said she lived on when "Jake's Miracles" was and on with other .tribes. I rejected," she said. "The man has learned she did die young." since died. I intended to give his Many of Mrs. Brown's works, widow half of the money from including her first, ""Young the book." Nathan," were re-issued year Mrs. Brown allowed that she after year by publishers. "Every "might be out of the new generation meant new mainstream .! could sell more readers,'' she said. books if I put more sex and "Young Nathan," the story of violence into them But I've Revolutionary War hero Nathan never changed." Hale, probably in print She is not pleased with latterstiU, along wit}l several: other day chronicles on Willa Cather titles, were it not for a change in that focus on the great Nebraska tax policy, she·said, · · lesbianism. Several. years ago, s\le said,· a Mrs: Brown collaborated with new Internal Re;venue Service Dr. Ruth Cron" e42.) to write ruling cut into the profits that two bOoKs ori Ms. Cather. publishers 'traditionally made Mrs. Brown does not consider ftom ' ' sex and violence necessary for "A lot of to her in capturing the imaginaforget it,'' she said. "They don't tions of today's younger readers. reprint like they used to: 1 resent She keeps up with their interests that very much because 1 don't and attitudes in part by get as many royalty checks as 1 "watching my three granddid." However, she bought the rights children;'' she said.
World War II notes that LI
Richard Barrett Lowe, the fin commanding officer of the Per V-12 unit, returned to dean of students from 1945-46
A page of the book w2 dedicated to the Peru V-1 program. It noted that a laq portionof Peru athletic tean were made up of V-12ers, wli were "quartered" in Delzell Hal -also known as "The Ship."
It mentions several promine1 V-12 products including D Richard Ward of the Colorac State University faculty ar Rodolfo Jacuzzi of the Jacµz Brothers firm.
A number of the ·over 1,0! V- l 2ers who spent time in Pe remain on the college alum mailing lists. Many gath annually in California ea1 spring during the schoo Northern California alum association meetings. us. There was no TV.
"I· think ·reading is me stimulating to the mind than 1 I became a romantic. I'm stil romantic."
Marion Marsh began writi short stories while still in gn school. She was 10 when her fi story was published. It appeal in the Omaha Bee-News. A fast learner, she ente1 Auburn High School at 11, At .she graduated from Peru St Teachers College.
"I. sold enough stories whil was in college t9 bu,ya silverw service," $he recalled. .('!ti with per,mission the aut:hor).
to two of her books and plans t6
Mrs. Brown grew up on a farm publish them herself.1 near the historic and picturesque
Mrs. Brown said only one of Missouri River town of her manuscripts, "Jake's Brownville. Miracles," failed to find its way · "I wouldn't trade anything for into print. She called it "an farm life," she said. "I loved it. It inspirational book foradults."It was wonderful. I read all the was based upon the life of a time. My father read Dickens to
(frotn page 7)
home and mentioned that he is a Captain with Delta Airlines, with whom he enjoys. flying a Boeing 737.
Phyllis Davenport Rosenquist .('SS) received one ofNebraska's top teaching honors this past year when she was named to 'receive ta 1986-87 Cooper Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching. Her program for gifted students in Nebraska City's public schools 'was cited by the Cooper Foundation. Phyllis and husband Darrell live in Peru.
Phillip Fahrlander ('59) of Minden ijigh · School was >another Peru alum earning a Cooper Foundation Award for : ·Excellence in Teaching this past ·year. He developed a uniql,le humanities course called "The ·Arts and Civilization."
Dr. Darrell Wininger of Peru, who taught at the college from 1952-73, has been doing volunteer work for over 50 years. The work in itself has been its own reward, .but it has gained him recognition as the 1987 Nebraska "Volunteer of the Year" by the Nebraska Organ'ization of Volunteer Leaders. A Dean Terrill feature i,ll the Lincoln Sfar ·this past noted, as an example, that he put over 8,000 miles on h,is car driving unemployed and people to job interviews, .medical appointments and shopping trips. He Serves meals 'to senior citizens inAuburn, and picks up people for 'church, ,among countless othes deeds 1.which helped to earn him the state award. He and his wife A,rdith celebrated their 40th wedding 'anniversary this past summer, too.
.wtDr•.John McQuinn ('50) l:tas retired after 23 years as prindpal · at Omaha Bryan High School and Junior-Senior High. Dr. McQuinn only principal the school has ever had. His wife is the · Frances Finkle ('47). "'
Dr. Al Winseman ('57), pastor· of Havelock Unitd Methodist Church ,of Lincoln, was the commencement speaker at the Southei;tst Community College-Milford campus graduation lhis past all. He served as a co.unselor on that <;amp us from 1964-67, and was director of student services for' the entire sec system from 1972-77.
Alumni chapter hears college news'
Tb,.e 1987 gatheriJ.1g .·of Peru Stat(: College's Rocky Mountain Alumni Association on Sept. 26 was well attended as usual.
The gathering was called to order by '86-'87 President Dick Fankhauser ('57). He read a letter from PSC President Jerry Gallentine,. who was unable to attend the activity due to athletic
Tom Percell ('57) has been named manager of the Wymore (Neb.) American Legion Post. He taught and coached in Nebraska school systems for 20 years, and has been in cluo management for IO years in Lakeville, Minn. and Beatrice, Neb.
Harley Rector (bachelors '53 masters '61) has been named one of 52 outstanding secondary · school principals in the nation in the fourth annual "In Honor of Excellence" project. That program is sponsored by the National program which salutes both outstanding teachers and principals. Harley, a former Bobcat football .great, has;s'petit 28 of his 35 years as an educator in Norfolk, Neb., including principal of the Norfolk Junior High.
Ken Majors ('59) is a new math teacher for the Waverly (Neb.) public schools. An Auburn · native and Lincoln resident, he previously taught in the Norris Public School system near Firth.
Myrna Bohling Meister (i\ttd. 'SS.-'59) is 'an art. teacherc at the elementary and junior high school level for the Fremont (Neb.) PUblic
Kenneth Gardner ('50) will ,retire as administrator of Educational Service Unit 4 in Nebraska as of July ·l. He has with the ESU for 21 years.
Charlotte Hershberger Nedrow ('68) has completed her masters degree in education from the University ofNebraska-Lincoin. She teaches at Waverly (Neb.) High School and coordinates the. area Adult Education Program through Southeast Community College. Husband Larry ('68) is program coordinator for the State Civil Defense Department, and they have two daughters.
Hall · of activities on campus that· same day.
Art Majors ('51) and his wife Joanne represented the college at the meeting. Majors, a former member and president of the RMAA, is. no,w executive development officer Of the college's Peru Achievement Foundation.
Majors presented special
Pat Cooper ('62), his wife and daughter have moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil. A.n employee of Goodyear, Pat is involved in the installation of a new data processing system for the Goodyear plant there. The Coopers, Lincoln residents for the past 18 years, .will return in another. year 'or so, after the project is completed.
Marlene Koehler Mehlin ('67) has joined the Table Rock (Neb.) school staff as fifth and sixth teacher.
Eldon Baker ('63) has rejoined PSC's.. al'l!mni mailing list. He was tracked down through an artic;le •dn his son. Steve, who caddies for women's pro golfer Kathy Nichols. Eldon is involved in the real estate and insurance business il'l San Antonio, Texas
Another new-found alum is David Tickner ('68), who has been named principal at Palmer (Neb.) High School. He had been on the Palmer teaching staff from 1968-75.
Jfon Oestmann ('63) was. the subject of a Shenandoah (Iowa) Sentinel feature story this past spring based on 20 years of service to that ·school system. Ron is industrial arts and driver education teacher, assistant track ·coach, and a teacher of the highest order," the article noted. He was named Shenandoah "Teacher of the Year" by· both the Chamber of Commerce and the Shenandoah Education Association. Ron told the Sentinel that it was the encouragement of his Johnson (Neb.) High School Industrial arts teacher, Al Stiers ('56), that led him into the field of education. Prior to joining the Shenandoah staff in 1967, he taught in the Nebraska communities of Neligh and Eagle.
Elsie Wenzbauer ('63) and Adelaide Anderson ('64) have
awards to Mrs •. Leone Hill ('23), wife of the late mathematics professor ·Arthur Hill, .who served PSC from 1922·41; former employee Mrs. Bess Moore, wife of longtime faculty member R.D. Moore; Bo Cowel ('34); and Fern Ferre.e Pfokerinil ('20), the earliest grad in attendance. ·
Majors also brought those. in
both ended teaching careers with the Tble .Rock (Neb.) public schools. Mrs. was with TRPS for 28 years and Mrs. Anderson for 19 years. Both began their careers in education after finishing high school and COJllpleted Peru degrees primarily in. the evenings and during summers.
A 20-year veteran of the Hebron (Neb.) school system is Bob Fisher ('61), featured in their local paper last spring. He instructs students in the areas of American government, history and sociology, and serves as a coach. Prior teaching positions we_re at ()ng and, McCool (Neb.)
Beverly Kitelinger Haiter'('67), the director of vocational education at Plattsmouth (Neb.) Public Schools, has been
,.J, ;: attendance up-to-date ()ll recent ';.. developments at the college an4 within the Peru .f Foundation.
R R ·.• = 1ta ussell Hanna c40) was N elected president .of the tO organization for 1987-88, whi!e gg Dr. Dale Moore was chosen to serve as secretary.
The date of _the 1988 meeting .was set for Saturday, Sept.24.
appointed to a task force to develop new guidelines for s.tate vocational programs
Bob· Lierz ('67) is chairman of the. board of Lierz Distributing, Inc. of Kan. The firm distributes chemicals for the home, 'industry and automobile. He and his wife, theformer Gerri Wietharn (attd. '67), live in Topeka.
La Vera OHver Bennett C67) received a master of education degree in educational psychology from Wichita State University during commencement exercises last May. She lives in Wichita ', ,,,,<;;, Russell Workman ('6l:J'wiU be teaching music at Humboldt
(see page 11)
Ion't forget totake the PERU STATER along!
If you have moved or are planning to - or have you name or have an incorrect address - or if you ifere recently ritaniedor if your household receives mpre than one of PERU ST ATER - or if we arestill sending your STATER to your's address_ - · ·
Fill out the hapdy coupon below and send it in!
Obituaries ...
Evra Alta Garrison ('15) passed away in Lincoln in July. She was retired from Oregon State Univer$ity, where she was a home economics.instructor.
Dr. Peter Snyder ('19), who enjoyed great success .in his career as an educator, passed away in July in San Marcos, Calif.
Velma Harger Moore (attd. '19-14) passed away iri July in Gainesville, Fla. She was a retired schoolteacher.
Josephine Rarick Ankrom ('33) passed away in July in T1>mbstone, Ariz.
Jennie P. Arvidson ('21) passed away in March '87 in Shenandoah, Iowa.
· Fanny Bacon Albin ('13) passed away in June.
Norma Helmick Arnold ('68) passed away in December '87 at Falls City.
Bessie Carter Amman ('03) passed away in. October '87 in Falls City at the age 'of 103.
Eunice Pruden Armburst ('13) passed away in February at Stockton, Nep.
Margaret Fergus Burgett ('34) passed away in· April '87 in Humboldt, Neb.
Robert Majors (attd. '46-'48) passed away in August '87 at Big Lake, Mo.
Florence Schell McAdams ('13) passed away in December '87 at Neligh, Neb.
The. Rev. Ward Merritt, well known throughout southeast Nebraska, passed away in November in Lincoln, Neb.
Frances Monahan ('20) passed away in .March '87 in Palmyra, Neb.
Pascaline Anville McGuire ('63) passed away in October '87 at Papillion, Neb.
A.B. Ritchie d·ies
·Arlene"A.B." Ritchie Jr. ('27), one of Peru's great supporters, passed away in December 1986.
··A teacher, coach and school administrator for several years graduation, he returned to Southeast Nebraska to farm in the late 1930's.
He remained interested in education and in Peru State College, and along with ·with Ruth; performed many services for their alma mater.
The Ritchie's were, in 1980, recipients of one of the highest honors PSC can bestow-the Distinguished Service Award.
A.B was posthumously inducted into the. Peh1 State College Athletic Hall of Fame, for meritorious service, last·fall.
(A more extensive biography of Mr. Ritchie can be found with the story qn the '87 Hall of Fame inductees).
Weddings, engagements
(from page 3)
Kevin Smith ('87) and former PSC student Lisa Anderson were married in December in Springdale, AR. Kevin is stationed at Ft. Riley, KS and Lisa is attending Kansas State University. ·
Roger Kennell ('85) and Sandra Wilson were married in April 1987 in Lincoln.
Mic Koso ('80) and Colleen Sesna were married in December. 1986 in Falls City, where Mic is a deputy sheriff.
Michelle Taylor ('86) and Todd Sievers ('86) were marrieq in August in Lincoln.
PSC student Beth Snow and Mick Ketchum were married in June in Iowa.
Todd Ross ('86) and Dawn Bloomberg ('84) were married in January J987 and are living in Independence, MO.
Dave Kimball ('87).and former student Tracy Searcey were married. last July in Auburn.
Dave is employed at the Cooper Nuclear ·station close to Brownville.
Joy Lentfer ('80) and Bernard Lesher were .married in May .1987 in ·Kearney; where Joy attends graduate school at Kearney State.
Gladys Miller Heywood, who attended Peru State in the early '30's and was secretary to her .husband, special services 4irector Kenneth Heywood from 1952-56, passed away in February at Manhattan, Kan. Granville "Judy" Longfellow passed away in December 1986 in Nebraska City. A Peru resident for qver 50 years and wife of longtime PSC employee and author Ernest Longfellow, she worked on campus from 1957-59, and was housemother for Delzell Hall from 1965-70.
PSC has received word onithe death of Dr. Herbert D. 'Welfe ('17) in September 1986. Dr. Welte served as president of Central Connectkut State University for 39 years before retiring in 1968.
Marguerite W. (Mohrman) Davis ('09) passed away in· Beatrice. She was a Beatrice resident for 10 years and former Lincoln area resident, 38 years.
PSC has also learned of the deaths of Alma G. Swanson ('17) of Denver, Colo.; and Qayborn Mort ('36).
Randal J. Stites ('87) and PSC student Jennifer Kleine were married last June in Auburn. R.J. is working for the Internal Revenue Service in Las ·Vegas, NV.
: PSC students Joseph Coffman and Lisa Marie Osborne were married last May in Auburn.
Curt Cogswell ('84) and Lisa Bartels were married last May in 1 Tobias, NE. Curt teaches and : coaches at Chester-HubbellByron Ptlblic Schools in Nebraska.
• Steve Krajicek ('74) and Diany. Eastman were married in February in Papillion, NE. Steve is a sales representative for Consumer Supply Distributing Co.
(see page 24)
John Biere ('62) passed away in May '87 in Huntington Beach, Calif.
Mildred •Wilkins Boesen ('23) passed away in April '87 at Seward, Neb.
Neva Hinton Bauman ('45) passed away in February '87 at Omaha.
Grace Tolhurst Blessing ('07) passed away in Louisville in December '87 at the age of 102.
Lorraine Higginson Behrens ('12) passed away in November '87 at Syracuse, Neb.
Mary Libal Barker ('33) passed away in Falls City last October.
Florence Andrus· Bigley ('69) passed away in October '87 at Beatrice.
Dr. William Edwin Booth ('36), emeritus professor of botany from Montana State University, passed away in August '87 at Yuma, Ariz.
Alma Brehm ('16) passed away · in January .in Syracuse, Neb.
Meyrl Hanks Baker ('19) passed away in March at San )uan, Calif. ,
Mary · Beth Gerber Burgess ('71) passed away in July '87 in Lake Orion, Mich
Orra Pryor Bonhotel ('06) pased away in April '87 in Auburn.
Bertha Bloss ('15) passed away last year in Lincoln, Neb.
Leola Badberg ('44) passed away in December '86 in Lincoln.
Robert Briggs ('47) of Rupert, Idaho passed away in December '86, four months after the death of his wife, the former Hazel Woodie ('47).
PSC has received notice of the deaths of Alberta Schindler EUiott ('30), Gertrude Kerr Spitsnogle ('25), Ruth Hutcheson ('42), Flo Clark ('14), Miriam Clark Riemer, Josie Kiser. Willmott ('17), Myrtle Harris Meissner ('17), Arthur Burley ('22), Cecilia Peterson ('17), and Nelle Hagarily Goodin ('60).
Lillie Kuenning Mannschreck ('16) passed away in January at Lewiston, Idaho.
Jayne Monroe ('58) of Falls City, Neb. passed away in September '87.
Mabel Aikman Nixon ('22) passed away in April '87 iri Chico, Calif.
Ross Organ ('41) passed away in January in Denver, Colo.
Genevieve Hall Priefert ('31) passed away in April '87 at Kansas City, Mo.
Josephine Dus Potter ('59) of Wilber, Neb. passed away iri January '87.
PSC has lear:ned 'of the death ot Peru,. native· Leland Staff(\rd "Steve" Prante in De.cember '87.
Gabriella Divis Pavlish f48) passed away in November '87 in Lincoln, Neb.
Lester Parriott ('29) away in September '87 iri Donna, tex.
Lawrence Quante, a wellknown area farmer and teacher who had taken coursework from the 1930's through the l960's, passed away ·in· February at Auburn.
Dora Zook Rowan ('09) passed away in February '87
Jay Rainey (attd. '52) passed away in February '87. at Plattsmouth, Neb.
John Royal('50) passed away in September '87 at Omaha.
Opal Yost Carter Rasumusson ('27) passed away in August '87 in Bastrop, La.
Emma Schacht Reuter ('60) passed away in November '87 ih Kansas City, Mo.
Florence Johnson Randleman ('14) passed away in September '86, PSC has learned from relatives.
Olive Riepe ('64) of Griswold, Iowa passed away in December '87.
Edward Short '<'41) passed away in Boise, Idaho in December '86. ·
(see page 18)
(from page 9) (Neb.) High School after teaching at Table Rock, Neb. The. family influence will begin even earlier, however, since his sister--Karen Workman Milstead ('73},..-teaches elementary music there.
Mary Joan Sprieck Breining ('68) is a third grade teacher in the Lincoln elementary school in Atlantic, Iowa. She has been with the ;Atlantic school district \
lQr each of.the }8 years she has been in education.
Another Peru grad who has spent his entire year with the Atlantic, Iowa schools is Richard Casady ('67) •. The 20year educator "has taught everv mathematics course offered in the high school," according to the Atlantic News-Telegraph.
The Peru prescence is strong on the P-acific island of Guam; Shirley Rodgers ('66), a 1943 Peru Prep grad, teaches English at George Washington High School in Guam Shirley notes that spring break trips in Guam
are a bit different than they are .on the mainland; she asenior class trip to Tokyo, Japan· and to Seoul, South Kprea last spring. Shirley .reminds us that Richard Duponcheel. ('67) teaches business at Washington High, whire J:on Bottcher ('60) teaches at Guam Community College.
Larry Johnson ('65) was featured in' the Fremont (Neb.) Tribune lasf spring, where he teaches for the public junior high school.
Barry Kennedy (attd. '64-66) of Pawnee City has been named
vice president of services · (or the Nebraska Associati9n of Commerce a;nd Industry. He ·had served as media director for Nebraska Gov. Kay Orr's election campaign, and also helped direct Bill Nichol's campaign for lieutenant governor, both of which were successful. He was international president for the Jaycees in 1982 and president of the U.S. Jaycees for 1978-79.
Donna Puls ('65) retired last spring from the Pawnee City (Neb.) public schools after' a fine career there. She actually taught five years (1940-45) at rural school with a high school education, then eprolled at PSC in 1955, taking primarily summer. and evening classes while continuing to teach. She was\hired by the Pawnee City schools when she earned .a degree in '65, and has taught social studies, science and English there.
1 Evelyn Miller Zabel ('64) ended a 31-year career in education, mostly in the· Nemaha Valley and Cook {Neb.) schools, last spring. She had beeq elementary ...,, and secondary. school for the Nemaha Valley
Marjorie Moore who earned a two-year degree in 1943 and a bachelors degref!\ in '64, ended a 27-year career in the Falls City (Neb.) school system her retirement last: spring. She actitally began her career in Craig, Neb. in J943. She will be housemother of the Ag-Men fraternity at the , University ofNebraska-Lincoln.
Tile "Secret'' of Peru .. State Collage Is out--gat a quaDty, affordable education and personal attention In a' baautUul · setting.
You know that-·bacausa you Uvad It•. But sn81ly·don't know of Iha opportunities avaUabla at NalJraska's Brat You can help Peru out by sanding us names of students. Wa'U do the rest!
Ken Gress ('63) been appointed personal financial planner for IDS Financial Services, Inc. and IDS Life Insurance Co. The former business office manager at Peru State is residing in ·Nebraska City.,.
Bill Fitzgerald ('61) of Exeter High School, LaMarr Gibson ('61) of Norfolk Junior High, and Keith Richey ('60) of Falls City High School were recognized for 25 years pf coaching in Nebraska by the Nebraska Coaches Association this past summer. Nearly a third_ of the.coaches thus honoredlast year--eight oJ the 25 who were recognized--are .Peru State graduates.
edged by the NQrth tearn in t.ile r annual gam(;!, matching th(;! r of, high, sC'Jl:Qol "'=·· seniors from the previous falt: '· a '
Jerry Eickhoff. ('69), the principal, activities director,,;. student council advisor, business ,:t. teacher, and some•time r.11 elementary and junior high'§. physical edcuation instructor ,.!; · } Hampton (Neb.) High .Schop!, 1-4· ;' does find a little tim·e to _do /' something else very, very cc coach boys basketball. His Hampton ·Hawks gave him his 300th coaching victory last winter, something onlyU other active boys basketball coaches in the state have accomplished and finished second in the state. The state record for victories is 648-and who knows? It could be within his grasp (Congratulations on winning the 1988 Nebraska State Championship in Class D-2, too!)
Janice Kelly Ga,rdner ('69) was featured in t.he Shenandoah (Iowa) newspa'per last spring for her teaching career there. A third grade teacher, she student taught in Shenanhoah and so impressed the school officials that she has been with Shenandoalt ever since.
Another "featured teacher" last spring was Nancy Kunkel ('6?), first grade .teac;her in Hebron,, Neb. ,She .has held that position for nine years, and taught before that at Millard (Neb;) and.Sabetha (Kan.).
Terry Johnson ('68), who had · been president of a N'orwest Bank branch office in South Dakota, was appointed president of Uptown National Bank'. in Moline, lH. He had also served as a bank examiner f9r t.he ,Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and. worked for Ravenna (Neb.) Bank.
Don Stuart ('67) of Clover Hill; MD., has been promoted. to property claim trainer with the Garrett Park (Md.) State Farm Insurance service center Don and his wife, the former Donita Specynann '68), have lived in Maryland since 1985.
Graduation Data:
Chuck Mizerski ('69), head football coach at Southeast High School in Lincoln, was the head coach of the South squad in the 1987 Nebraska Shrine Bowl All-Star football game. 1\.mong his assistant coaches was Ron Kubik ('71) of Bertrand (Neb.) High. Mizerski's squad was
Don Johnson ('63), music teacher at Fremont (Neb.) High School, has been inducted into the Nebraska Music Educators Hall of Fame during ceremonies held last November. He joins his ·father, B.A. "Bud" Johnson ('68) of Syracuse, in the Hall--Bud was one of the original inductees in 1979.
Vivian Parker ('68) received a masters degree 'in education from the University of
Some of Peru State Collegei's earliest sports heroes, along with the 1952 ·Bobcat football team and a longtime· PSC fan and supporter, gained induction into the school's athletic Hall of Fame on Sept. 26, 1987.
Bobcat coaching great Lon Graf, standout athletes Walter Buettgenbach, Wilburt "Dutch" Zorn, Paul Hertz, and Joe Krejci, and PSC sports booster Ritchie joined the unbeaten '52 gridders in the HaU of Fame. Previous inductees include the late Coach Al Wheeler, Coach Newt Kyle of Tarkio, Mo., former athlete and. Coach Jack Mcintire of Nebraska City, and former basketball great Omer Meeker of Santa Maria, calif.
Walter Buettgenbach
Walter "Bitze" Buettgenbach was born near Peru in 1903, and received his early education in the Peru schools. By the time he graduated from PSC in 1926, he earned four football and six Bobcat basketball letter, since "prep" school students could play on college teams in those days.
Many long-time followers of Bobcat athletics continue to insist Buettgenbach was the greatest player ever to grace the campus of a Thousand Oaks.
During his days on campus, PSC dominated the Nebraska small-college sports scene. The .Bobcats were 26-5-2- in football (1922-23-24-25). and set national college record for consecutive conference basketball victories (54) that stood until the University of San .Francisco bettered the mark in the 1950's. Buettgenbach retired in. 1965 and passed away in 1977
Lon Graf
Few college coaches can match the. winning percentage enjoyed by Lon Graf-coached Bobcat football and basketball squads during. his tenure at Peru State from 1922-29.
A native of the village of Graf in Johnson County, ·Neb., he briefly attended the University of Nebraska before earning a degree from Westminster College in Missouri;'
He joined the PSC staff in the fall of 1922. His first season: had him assisting Coach W.G. Speer ·in football, basketball and track, but he took over the reigns in '23. He guided the football Bobcats to 47 wins against seven losses and six ties from '23 through '29, and he had the honor of coaching four of the 1987 inductees (Buettgenbach, Krejci, Hertz and Zorn) and teaching yet another (Ritchie).
Graf only coached the Bobcat
Paul Hertz·
The "Big Swede," Paul Hertz, was an awesome physical specimen who helped Peru State gain the reputation as "the team to beat" in state small college circles before in· 1929.
The 235-pounder played fullback in football, was a guard on some fine PSC basketball squads, ,and set state records in basketball squads during the '23'24, '24-'25 and '25-'26 seasons, but he rang up a remarkable40-3 record during those years, never losing a conference' game.. His reign with the Bobcat , cagers anchored the school ·and thennational college record of 54 consecutive conference victories.
Lon Graf taught and coached for a short time· at Omaha's Creighton University, then finished his career in Glendale. Calif. He passed away in November 1986 in Glendale.
the shot put and discus, ·Upon graduation from Peru State, Hertz returned "home" to Malvern, Iowa as a history teacher and athletic coach. Later he .serve.d in that same capacity at Bedford, Iowa.
Opportunity in California came knocking in 1937, so he left the midwest for a position teaching ahd coaching at the University of LaVerne. He left La Verne to become a successful · citrus grower in the Claremont, Calif. area.
Paul Hertz passed away in 1984.
Joe KrejciJoe Krejci was a major reason Peru State College enjoyed the success it did during the Roaring '20's.
Many "old-timers" in the Plattsmouth area, including his former high school coach and PSC alumnus Fred Rotbert
(now i1'l Auburn), call Krejci the "greatest all-around athlete" ever produced by Plattsmouth High.
At 64 and 200 pounds, he stood out as a Bobcat quarterback in football, center in basketball, and a weightman in track. He was equally good playing Legion: baseball during the summer.
In five years after graduating from Peru State-he signed on with the old Chicago Cardinals ,of the· National Football League. After playing part of the season for Chicago; he signed a contract and played with the St. Louis (and later Kansas City) Blues of the old American Foqtball League, where he finished out the '34 season.
He left a teaching and coaching job at Sheldon, Iowa in the midl 940's to take a teaching and coaching job at a junior high
serving as principal. , ejcimoved of the still living, Myers, Fla. , was ·not ete at·· the n·County mes the illductee on Countv the eighth the Peru . Ritchie 1 and then pus of a
leaving PSC was at DeWitt, Neb. for one year. He was then hired at Orchard as principal (later superintendent) and athletic coach, where he for the next 11 years.
Ritchie left Orchard and returned to Richardson County, near Stella, to farm. He farmed the remainder of his life except for one year (194748) when he served as superintendent at . Shubert, Neb.
In the mid-197Q's Peru officials ·mounted an effort to build a new health and physical education center to replace the old college ·chapel, built in 1905 and later converted into the college gymnasium.
When it appeared interest inthe project was waning, Mr'. and Mrs. Ritchie became deeply involved in the effort to seek state approval for construction of the new facility.
Ritchie passed away in 1986.
Wilburt Zorn
Wilburt "Dutch" Zorn gained much notoriety fa.ter in his life for his remlrkable coaching/ achievements, particularly at Gothenburg (Neb.) High
Many. are less familiar with his accomplishments as a Peru State ·athlete· pri,or to graduation. in 1928. Indeed, he often playedin the shadows of Buettgenbach, Krejci and Hertz..
But 'the Falls City native certainly played well, .lettering four years each in football and track and three years in basketball He wasatoprunning back and high .scorer on some outstanding Peru football squads for Coach Lon Graf.
He joined the Gothenburg, Neb. staff in 1944' and remained at that school until retiring in 1971.
Six of his 12 football teams placed in the state Top 10. His basketball squads won 114 ·games_;;,the top mark in school history-and his '49 crew made it to the State Tournament semifinals.
Yet it was Zorn's achievements as a Gothenburg track coach that earned Mm perhaps his greatest a<;claim. In his 28 years at the schooJ, his squads won l 04 meets, including.a perfect 10-:0 ·· mark in his• finale. ill 1971.
Gothenburg under Dutch Zorn claimed five state track titles.
Zorn died in 1978.
1952 Football Team
No one can know for sure if the. '52 Peru State football squad is the school's greatest ever, but no other Bobcat team went 10-0 and won a post-season contest.
For those reasons, Al Wheeler's '52 dynasty became the first PSC Hall of Fame entry under the team" category.
That squad anchored a schoolrecord 26-game unbeaten and untied streak that also included a perfect 8-0 campaign in 1953.
Coach Wheeler's '52 team opened with a 43:..20 win over Washburn University of Kansas, and never/ allowed another opponent more than seven points until the season finale
In that post-season game-;played on just ,days• rest after the regular season ended with a win over Kearney StatePeru trailed Augustana'College of South Dakota 21-14 at tpe half before raiiying for a 27-21 victory at North Platte.
Nominees welcomed
Peru State is again accepting nolllinations from alumni for future Hall of Fame ceremonies. TJ:ie college , welcomes anyone wishing to 1 submit a person (Qr team)who you feel contributed greatlyto athletics at PSC in of four coach, athlete, team, or meritorious service.
The is ·simple, too. Just fill .out the fomi (below) including· all the information you can remember or find: It will help in determing those persons actually cho.,sen t:w the selection committee.
Use a blank sheet of paper if
more space is needed!
In an attempt to honor more teams and individuals from the earlier years, the executive committee amended the rule restricting the minimum number of inductees from three to seven for the years of 1987, '88, and '89.
Remember, a persondoes not have to be living to be considered.
Return all forms and support material to : Kent Propst, Peru State College, Peru, Neb. 68421.
Send in your nomination today!.
Wheeler was named "Little AllAmerican Coach of the Year" by the Rockne Foundation, while tackle B.ob Lade earned Associated Press "Little AllAmerican" first team honors.
I athlete - coach - team - meritorious service 1
SUPPORT DATE: (send clippings, statistics, etc. -
not restricted to athletic accomplishments. We seek
I MERITORIOUS SERVICE:(if not an athlete or I ' coach, how did this person better PSC and its
athletic program?)
Youngsters pep up reunion
(from page 11)
Nebraska-Lincoln this past summer. She is a Syracuse, Neb. resident.
Linda Dieckhoff Vogel ('69) earned a master of education degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln this past summer. She lives in Auburn.
Dr. Arlan Richardson ('63) has receivt;d the honor of Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biologicar Sciences at Illinois State University. He has oeen with IS U 1971. He is especially noted for his research into the biochemical changes associated with aging, and has authored over 70 scholarly articles and presented over 50 lectures on the national and international level.
Cathy Repp. Johnson. ('61) is serving her fourth consecutive:
Peru.grad program pleases participants
The new graduate program for teachers being offere<l by Peru State· College has been .a pleasant surprise both for students takint the courses and for. college off1cials.
From the c9llege's perspective, the wide range ·of ages, disciplines; and communities and the students represent has been somewhat of. a surprise, Teachers from Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas have enrolled in graduate classes.
But the best· news, both from the point of view and from that of the college, has been the positive response PSC officials have received from the graduate students, including Marcia (Allgood) Reeves ('67) of Auburn High School.
I believe the program is off to a great start/' said· Dr. Channing Cox, PSC> vice president, who was instrumental in devefoping the program along with Dr. Brian Lotven, dean of graduate \ studies. ·
"We feel very positive about the program," Dr. Lotven said, "and the response from the students has been most gratifying. They. have reinforced our: belief that what we have done with.the program is of high quality."
"Some have commentea on how rigorous our program is, especially when to other" master of science in Paget4
,,. MARCIA ALLGOOD REEVESeducation programs··· students -have enrolled in, Dr. Lotven said.
Still, it is one thing to hear such positive words from college officials overseeing the program, which has been accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools' Commitiee on Institutions of Higher Edt!cation.
It is another to hear it from those. actually using the product.
"I was excited about the opportunity when I first heard Peru State. was starting the program," said Mrs. Reeves of rural Brownville, a busines teacher at AHS and a member of their fact;lty for the past 20 years.
A Peru native, she :was obviously familiar with the college. She also· had. takeh some masters-level work from: the .University. of NebraskaLincoln, part of which transferred into the PSC program.
"I honestly don't feel that I could get any better instruction if I drove to. Lincoln," she said.
"I am impressed. The expertise is right here, a.nd the enthusiasm is high.
"I have learned a lot; there isn't a day that goes by that I haven't learned something new that I can use in my classroom," she said.
· Gaining a masters degree in education "is going to help me fulfill a> goal that is long overdue" but · that has had to be postponed because of her ' committment to raising a family.
She enrolled in a full slate of classes. during each of PSC's two 1987 summer sessions. '"Graduate studies are the top priority - you forget about washing and cooking and things like this, It (the graduate program) is very demanding. The substance is definitely in that program."
· The program, leads to a· master of science degree in education, js specially designed for teachers iq "non.;.urban" schools.
"I have learned ·a lot,;' she said. One of the best things
term on the Columbus (Ne City Schools ·board education. A three-time b president and herself a for teacher, she is currently insurance agent .with Marshall-Nelson Agency Columbus, where she. lives al. with husband Jack ('61).
Mary Hunzeker Steve ('68) has been nam "Outstanding Woman. Nebraska" at the Neb Women of Today conve held recently in Grand Isl She taught in Papillion Shelton in Nebraska bef moving to Nebraska City 1971, and she has been a. school teacher there ever si Hus band Paul ('66) industrial arts teacher Nebraska City schools.
about the classes thus far is the interac.tion with the other educators enrolled in the classes.
One project Mrs. Reeves found particularly helpful was· writing a mock proposal for a governmental grant. The grant forms are often lengthy and highly technical, and can be intimidating for a novice.
"The project may help me prepare a grant proposal to get more microcomputers in our classroom, which would certainly upgrade the busines.g curriculum," she said.
Mrs. Reeves has utilized many materials from the PSC library doing research for her classes.
"I'm very impressed with the library holdings," she said.
"And I'm impressed witli the availability of the new ERIC (Educational Research Information Center) Search system and am looking forward to using it."
The ERIC $earch system was recently purchased for the college library by the Peru Achievement Foundation, PSC's non-profit corporation for educational and charitable purposes.
'''l have found the staff and professors \Very accomodating," she said. "I just can't say enough about program; I would like to encourage others to tai<.e a look !lt it. It is another example of Peru Stale College serving our region."
Paul FelJ e67) has struck aga The former PSC student, at and faculty member, editorial cartoonist fo.l? Lincoln has yet another bo.ok. In his collaborations : wi Nebraska humorist Rog Wels.c.h '.Kn You're a Nebraskan" aiillj Know You 're a I:I usker," illustrated a hook John Barette entitled. 4,'f! Politics: Kay Orr vs. i Boosalis, the Gubernatorial Race." Revi Robert Sittig noted that' F works "are in keeping with often hilarious and always bit" style." Fellaiso gained a honor as one of just J6 winn of the 1987 Global Awards, sponsored by Population Institute Washington, D.C. '
A pair of Peru Stater's w mentioned in a Lincoln Jour · Star article this past Septem The accomplishments of Oliver ('68) and Paul Mulca ('72}. Their former ability "crash' the gate" arid get in University of Nebras Cornhusker football a basketball games. 1 "It was (lack of) bucks.. but it was bragging rights, too," Mulcahy,·a teacher and coach Syracuse to writer P Hammel. Oliver, a teacher coach ·at Tobias (Ne remembered a buddy whoo "forgot his coat at the bar; went back and snuck in ag He was two for two."
Louis Fritz ('66) of Ver Neb., former Bobcat track
rio returns for Elderho·stel
ee women with lively ories of Peru State College ed old friendships during rhostel Week, April 19-24, on Peru campus.
tie Boom Kotas and her mmate at Morgan Hall, Jean gner Drees both graduated 1939, while Lenore Stone ers attended in 1934. ore now lives in Manassas, ginia; Bertie in Omaha, and n formerly in Falls City, now incoln.
e of the first questions ed by Art Majors, P AF ctor, and the interviewer, "ls the college paper still. the Pedagogian?" Answer: although the format has changed.
three were highly pleased to that classmates' names ld be found in the puterized listing furnished ajors. A great improvement the old filing system, they
L three had roomed in gan Hall, still maintained as
Peru's only girls' dorm. "It was really nice," one of them said. "There was running water in each room, and laundry and kitchenette were in the basement."
Of course dorm hours were remembered. The Library closed at 9 p.m., and frosh had to be in the dorm. by 9:15. When quiet hours were on, student proctors sat at tables in the halls. Those were. Depression. years, with money noticeably scarce. Bertie "worked 50 hours for $15 under the NY A program." As to spending money, a dollar would last all week.
Because many of the students had part-time jobs, few had time for extracurricular activities.
One woman remembered "playing bridge by candle light."
For some, weekends were for working at home, with Father waiting to pick up daughter after her last class on Friday afternoon, returning her to · campus early Monday morning.
Tuition bills were an everpresent problem. Bertie had wanted to be a librarian, but
couldn't afford the fifth year required. She taught elementary schoolfor three years, eventually becoming a para-professional librarian at Kansas University.
After her first year at Peru., Lenore turned to working in a J,ean, after teaching in junior hig!t Jor four years, went into social work.
The library worker spoke of the extensive changes in Peru's Library. She felt tliat. the detection plan to prevent book thefts was necessary and · appreciated the microfilm service
Things remembered: The May queen was often from the · sophomore class, as many· attended only two years. Convocation three times a week recalled pleasant events; Peru's Bobcat mascof was cranky, probably because he was caged. The basketball team went to the Kansas City Tournament, and that was exciting. "Normal trainees" were those with two years of high school. All three agreed that they had enjoyed their years at Peru.
Hail the Queen.
'Lost' Alumni
2--Gladys M. Edmonds
l)!y, Arthur A. Anderson, Mike Bacon, ew Bennett, Sue Dickerson dy, Robert F. ttgenbach, Maryann per, Sharon Luedeke wford, Vincent H. Dahmus, cy. Carr Dickerson, Charles ' Donna Hoemann Elliott, Marie Kelly Flechta, ne Fritch, Zelma L. own Girl, Bonnie Collins ce, Alvin Guenther Jr.,
7.:.-Mary Ellen Jacobsen
, Roy L. Allen, Thelma M. , Sheryl Kay Gawart ett, Bernard L. Brown, don D. Bunch, Larry L. istensen, Mildred Colbert, rt L. Conradt, Elizabeth
, Helen Deaver, Dr. G.W. ge, Kenneth Dodge, Marie
, Mrs. H.E. Ewing, Harlan ke, Larry L. Franke,
t L. Gates, Kenneth L.
, Richard Hamer, Roger ein, Ted F. Henderson, Hennings, Lavern
Drexel Harvey, Judy Hohl, Verna Hosfiel, Judith. E. Hughes, John W. Hultquist, Kenneth E. Humphrey,James S. Hurst, James C. Johnson, Janet Hays Kester, Elfreida Krakow, Lavina .L McCreight Long, Jane Dietl Mayer, Ruth A. Elliotte Perkins, Dale E. Pflaum, Mary Lou Reid, Jeanne Shuttlesworth, Edna M. Stephens, Kay A. Phillips Stock, Richard Stock, Franklift. Weber, Sherrie Weiland, Lois Whitson, Charlotte E. Iliff Wick
Joseph T. Keys, Vernon R. Kiely
Nancy E. Larson Lyons, Jerry L. Marks, Virginia Miles, Arlene
M. Moss, Steven C. Pattison, Di<irne Regier, Katherine M. Black Reid, Leland Schneider, Stephen B. Shafer, Eugene W. Smith, Ruth S. Stunz, Allan F. Sullivan, Jr., Leonard T. Tomlyn, Robert J. Urwin, Pamela J. Lett Valdez, Angie M. Woods Vice, Bradford A. Waggoner, Dona M. Knickman Watermeir, Harold Witeman, Donald R. Wilson, Alan D. Zipper.
Among their favorite teacher.s were Dr •. George Smith, English professor; Dr. Selma Koenig, a native of Germany, who spoke flawless English and had a good sense of humor; Math professor C.A. Huck; and Inez Dunning, who played volleyball in slacks. A welcome comment con.cerned. college and community relations--considerably better. They thought the tulip garden downtown was very nice.
yes, reru had changed in many ways, as had the College. Some poet has said: "Home is where the heart is."
The College has had several name changes, but still it remains a place where.the heart ·is, at least for a few, unforgettable, formative years.
(from page 14)
cross country great, competed in his 23rd consecutive "Heart of America" Marathon in. Columbia, Mo. He finished fifth overall and second in the "Over 40" age group.
Lorin Jay ('69) and Patsy Katz ('69) Bohling of Auburn are parents of a son, Benjamin, born in December in Tecumseh. He ha." three. brothers at home.
David P. Kramer ('69) and Joann Nau were married in July and live at Winside, Neb. He is a salesman for Western Typewriter and Office Supply in Norfolk, Neb
Marjorie Edwards ('66) was one of several outstanding educators with Peru training who received a Cooper Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching last year. She and a fellow teacher at Willard Elementary School in York, Neb. designed a program whereby students collected and identified prairie plants and animals, considering how they fit into the food chain. The
Cooper Foundation awards are one of the top honors for .Nebraska educators.
Wendell Stewart ('64) has been promoted to the ra.nk. of colonel in the U.S. Air Force. He is currently stationed at Scott AFB in Illinois. as director. of plans and emergency actions. His wife is the former Miriam ('65).
·Don. ('60). and Nancy Rinne ('58) Kasbohm of Dunbar;· Neb. are winners of a "Pork Chop Award" from tpe Nebraska Pork Prod.ucers Association, presented in a February ceremony. After a two-year teaching stint, he went into pork production full time. They were given the award not only because of their successful operntfon but because of community involvement activities.
Carolyn Wing Law ('60) is principal of the Paddock Road Elementary and Westside Early Childhood centers of the Westside Community Schools in Omaha.
· Vivian Claudeen Parker ('68) and Linda DieckhoffVogel ('69) recently earned master of science in education degrees from the (see page 16)
''ic0llie· MaY£letd·--· Wkat a sh:d1Jd bez:: ······
•. '· Simpson TucSijn CitizenThe career record is something :s like 144;:52.2.
That includes a perfect season u with what is widely considered the greatest schoolboy team in Arizona history-the ·12-0 Tucson High Badgers of l9W.
And this is the least important stuff he accomplished.
I hate to break it to Ollie Mayfield ('50), but he didn't have to go to an that trouble. He didnlneed all thoi;e wins to be rememl>ered as a great coach. The other things Ollie did were a lot more important. Common things uncommonly well done. ,
Like setting a good example that helps turn some 125-pound cornerback with not the faintest hope of playing beyond high school, into a pretty good college student and eventually a solid citizen, honest and hard working.
Or inspiring some .all• everything running back .to sit through enough college' classes and survive enough exams that he finds a degree waiting at the end of his college eligibility so that when his professional football fantasy reaches its oblivion, he ends up with a real job. ·
1f it were possible to play God,
(from page 15)
University of Nebraska·Lincoln.
·· :Vivbin teaches elementary school in Syracuse, Neb. and Linda in Brock, Neb.
Diane Kennedy ('66) of Pawnee City earned a masters degree in education from UN-L this past 1 summer.
Richard .Kunde ('60), principal of Beatrice {Neb.) Senior High School, was named the Beatrice "Sertoman of the Year" this Pi:tSt
John Eickhoff ('66) received a master of science in education degree from Northwest Missouri State University at Maryville this past summer. He is on the facuity at Dawson-Verdon (Neb.) schools.
Lee Rottman ('60) is the
and together all the best qualities-honesty, integrity, .courage, perspective-ltnto 011ehurnan being, the intent·.
Ollie set examples and inspired future solid Citizens, square dealers, •men. There never were enough scalawags, cheats, whiners, malcontents. and mercenaries in the coaching pr9fession to tip in favor-as long as there was Jne Ollie Mayfield. Aw; there was jealousy Sure. ' Ollie was 89-23: 1 at Tucson High with kids from the wrong side of the tracks. So a few detractors said, deal, he does it. with all those overgrown black athletes--:who couldn't win?"
They shut up, though, when Ollie resigned after. 10 years at Tucson High, went up to the foothills and coached at predominantly white/ yuppy Sabino, where he put a stop to a 21-game losing streak and turned those kids. irito winners, too.
of announcing to the world, "Here, this is what a coach should be "
You'd find the real God had already beaten you to it, awarding those things to Oliver Todd Mayfield of the Cedar Creek, Neb., Mayfields.
For more than three decades,
He did it with a no-nonsense, full-house-T backfield. And he did it with infusions of pride, confidence, inspiration and by simply setting a good example.
Small wonder Todd Mayfield, Ollie's · son, has been able t() returnTucson High to a. position of respect in football that had been lost since Pop had left. Todd is. th,e current head coach of the Badgers.
Ollie coached at Sabino three years, then stepped aside and, in
superior talent; they won with· sn-perior character. And as most obset"Vers ,pf school sports ····willppifi(out; with'the coaching staff."
superintendent of schools at Marquette (Neb.). He.had been superintendent at Southeast C.onsolidated schools in nearby.
Stella, Neb.
It's unfol}unate the space will not permit a reprint of the St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch article of a year ago in which Ron Yates ('68) was named their 1986 High School I;"ootball Coach of the Year. The grid coach at Granite City, Ill. High School let "an ordinary team and coaxed from it some of the most extraordinary moments of this high school football season," according to sportswriter Dan ()'Neill. Yates' squad won its first outright conference title since '46and was unbeaten and untied in the conference for the first time since 1928. O'Neill noted: "Granite City didn't win games with
1983, joined Todd's staff as an assistant at Tucson H,4:gh. · When the 1986 se.ason·ended, Ollie called itqults .after a 37. year career.•
·on Jan. 23, 1987 he ended his career as a classroom teacher, and .has · on to greener pasttires....c.. Iitetally.
Ollie became a ogupervisot with the U.S. Forest Service. For six months of the year Ollie and his wife, Opalll,eehle ('50), will live in the. pristine beauty of Grand Lake, CO.
For 25 years, Mayfield has been a summertime Forest. Ranger.
"Tough schedule, dont'cha think?" Ollie asked the day. "Colorado mountains. from May through October, and Tucson from Novemberthrough April?" ·
Grand Lake is on the southern edge of Rocky Mountain National Park.
"The 37 years I've been teaching and coaching have flown by," Mayfield "And I've enjoyed every day-and every game."
There were back-to-back state championships at Tucson High in 1970 and 1971. A record (103-35-1) as the winningest Arizona coach ever
The incredible comebacks, the upset wins and upset losses, the landslides.
was paralyzed, and who thatvisited him constantly hospital? The opposing Ollie Mayfield.
And another kid who n an electric wheelchair aft was paralyzed in a swim ·accident-who spearheade drive to buy him •one.? guessed it.
If you've been wa,iting f day you could pick up the and read just one story a coach who wasn't c cheating, or who w bellowing about unfair ru an unfavorable schedule, · wasn't complaining abou job security our selling him the highest bidder
Then Merry Christmas, fr' allow me to introduce you• fine a sportsman as there 'Yas: Coach Ollie Mayfield, (Editor's Note: Ollie Ma was named Arizona "Coa tne Year" in 1970, 1971 1978.
He was given the · Howell National Ma Coaching Award in 1973.
The Arizona J)aily Star na hirri their state "Coach of Decade" for 1970'.s. ·'
Pefu native Dr. Al Wheeler Jr. has been presented with the Entomological Society of America's Distingtiished Service Award for Regulatory Entomology'. Dr. Wheeler, son of former PSC educators Al and Fran Wheelet, ,received the award at the ESA annual meeting in December 1986 in Reno, Nevada. He was lauded by the ESA as a person who "has compiled an impressive record of contributions to American horticulture Few people have surpassed him in terms of productivity in regulatory entology in such a short time." Dr. Wheeler serves as an adjunct associate professor with the Pennsylvania State University in addition to his research work.
James L. Snyder ('66) has been ,appointed director oflegal plan
There was the kid from Palo Verde who was almost killed in an injury against Tucson High, sales for Hyatt Legal Services. HLS currently administers legal plans · covering over 100,000 employees and their families. He was previously employed by Enron Corp. and with Insurance Consultants, Inc. He ahd his wife Sally have moved from Omaha to the Cleveland, Ohio area.
Ray Unterbrirtk' ('61) and his teenaged son Kyle were last year's winners of the Greater Midland (Tex.) Open ·class A men's tennis doubles tournament. Ray, his wife, former Penny Thorkildsoµ (attd. '60161) and family have lived in Texas for four years.
It's nice to win awards, but especially nice when co-workers do the choosing. So it is for Tom Bresnahan ('08) of Plattsmouth, whose fellow employees named ) him "Worker of the Year" at Unitog Rental Services of Glenwood, lowaiA salesman for the past 13 years for Unitog, TCim's sales have grown by J6 percent in the past two years.
In 1984, he was inducted ' the Arizona Coaches Ha. Fame, and the 1987 A. high school AU-Star gam Flagstaff were dedicated tn outstanding individl.\al. (Reprinted with permissi the author).
Beverly Parde Drummond.(' reports that she is in her year teaching kindergarte Elba, Neb. ·She and hus Dean live at Cairo with theirt children.
Jim Selk ('68) was featured·· December 1987 issue df Fairbury (Neb.) Journal"'N He teaches sociology · modern problems at Fairbury Junior-Senior· h where he has been since ear his degree from Peru $tate. and his wife Pat have two _Agotber ·fairbury .t•e 'featured in the locaill.ew last fall was John Bur who has served that distritt as junior high teacher .since leaving P fact, he student taught before finishing off his d. John and wi:(Q, .Donna h daughter and two sons.
Laurel ElscherBrewer ('6 the subject of a ·Novem
rticle in the Gretna (Neb.) Breeze, where she.has taught for 16 years. At the present time she is a· fourth grade teacher there. he ahd husband Charles have a n and a daughter.
Chyrel Kay Roebke Remmers 75) and husband Rod are arents of a son, Lance Glen, orn in July; They live at hambers, Neb.
Carla Walkinshaw Gilliland ('74} is now serving in the administration for the Omaha Public Schools. She was reviously teaching first grade at Humboldt, Neb.
Esther Tegtmeier ('73) of. .Burchard, Neb. is sixth grade t.eacher at the Lewiston Public School for She taught previously in Burchard.
Ted Harshbarger ('77) has .'received a· masters degree in education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Ted has moved to Denver, Colo. where he works for the state 's'recializing in student organizations.
Julie Sharpe ('77) is a house manager for a shelter for abused women and children in Lincoln.
Kite ('77) received a
masters degree in education fr'om the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She is an elementary schoolteacher in Auburn.
Carolyn Neil Flessner ('73) earned a masters degree in education from UN-L this past summer. She is on the Douglas (Neb.) school faculty.
Dennis Obermeyer['70). who returned to his alma mater as a teacher and coach for several years, has received his doctorate in education from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Dr. Obermeyer is coordinator of academic progress for the Tiger athletic department. Meanwhile, his wife Carole (Rarick) ('73) serves the university as assistant director of undergraduate students for the MU College of Education, and is herself pursuing a doctorate. They have two sons.
Desi Kline Hajny ('79) continues to pile up art awards faster than the Stater can list them. This past fall she won "best of show:' and three blue dbbo.ns at the 1\ll Wo9d Carving and Sculpture Show, sponsored by the National Woodcarvers Association in Kansas City, Mo. She also won first place in the wildlife division. in the 1987 Alaskan Fur Rendezvous, held in Anchorage.
imes a-changing for Ken Larson
For Ken Larson ('72), the past several months have been filled •With changes. ·
A member of the PSC faculty · ce 1979, he is now Dr K.en •,Larson, having received his · Docror •of Industrial· Tech.: · 'i:lology from the University o( orthernlowa this pastspring. He •has since been promoted
'49s at May gathering
Tammy Chaney ('79) has moved to Hesperia, Calif. where she. gives .private music lessons.
.Karen Doeden Spracklin ('78) and her husband, Craig, are parents of son Andrew Carl, born in '87. Andrew has a sister, and they live in Valley, Neb.
Tom Osborne ('70) has retired from teaching instrumental music at Auburn ,High School after 10 years of service to the district. He became an ordained minister and serves the Peru Community Church.
('79) Tynon are parents of a daughter Michelle Marie, born in December 1986. They lixe in Vermillion, Kan.
\ : Dr. Ralph Arnold ('75) ·is· a
trom the rank of assistant professor to associate professor of industrial arts at his alma mater · And he is no longer a member of the Applied Arts division. An aeademic restructuring at PSC this spring colJlbihed the ·· Applied Arts division with the Natural Seienee division into a new and Technology div.tsfon.
A native of Clarinda, Iowa, Ken's doctoral dissertation was on the topic of present and fQture goals for industrial arts in the state of Nebraska. Part of his degree work involved a four-month internship with a construction company in Waterloo, Iowa.
Another member of the PSC faculty, Stanley Mccaslin, was promoted from instructor to assistant professor of computer science. McCaslin has been with Peru State since 1971.
Glofia ·Bean Adams. ('70) was recently promoted from circulation manager to associate director of circulation of the Penton Publishing Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. She has been with the company since 1973. Her husband is Garth Adams,. ('67).
His replacement at AHS is Dennis Ehmke ('75), who left a position at Stanton, Neb. after nine years there.
Karen Dierking .Johnson ('75) serves as the art and library teacher at Johnson-Brock schools in Nebraska for the current school year. She lives in Tecumseh.
research affiliate at the Roman Hruska Research Center near Clay Center, Neb. Dr. Arnold earned both his and.his doctorate from Iowa State University.
John Thomas ('73) has traded the mountains ofColorad6 for the Nebraska plains. The Falls City, Neb. native, who in August earned a degree from the Graduate School of B'anking through the ··University of Wisconsin, is now vice president ofa banldn Oakland, Neb.
Ricbard Warner f73) and his wife"Bonnie are parents of a son, Jeremy Tyler, born in .l:une. · They live in Nebraska City.
·Steven Pummel ('74)· and his Marjorie Kreifels Smallfoot · wife Annette are parents of• a ('70,) has ···ended a. 36-yea,r $On, SpencerEdward, born last teaching career, ,.the last 1.8 at April. They reside in·Syracuse, Sheto()k•her first.·. Karr: · · · cl!,lSS at Peru in Pamela Gerweck '78-82 and '85) and husband Neal are parents of a son, Joel Bernard, born last April. Pam is a secretary for the Richardson County Extension Office in Falls City, Neb. and they iivein Rulo.
Katherine Hamm ('74) has ' retired from her 20-year teaching career. The Beatrice, Neb. resident taught math at Beatrice Junior High.
Jodie Henning Ferguson ('78) and husband David are parents of a daughter, Desta Jo, born last April. They live in Denver, Colo.
Leroy ('72) and Jaµe Broady ('84) Meyer of Johnson are parents of a son, Daniel Roy, born in December 1986
Sharon M9ser,Bollinger ('73) is the owner of "Sharon's Restaurant and Lounge" in Pawnee City, Neb. However, her parents operate the business; Sharon continues to teach at Omaha North High School.
Richard ('78) and Lisa Boyer
·Tallie. Kerns·. Vim Westen ('77) and her. hµsband, Glenn, are parents of a son, Martii;i Charles, . born in July in.Omaha They are residents.of.Alexandria, Neb. ('79) and his wife Lea •are of a daughter, Kaelin Nichole, born in July. They live in Lincoln along with Kaelin's older brother and sister.
Scott Hoegh ('77) an.d his wife are parents of their third child, a son born this past summer. The Hoegh 's reside in Afton, Iowa.
Mike Dorn ('79) and his wife Sandra are proud parents of son (see page 19)
oa PSC history prof.
i Dt'. George SCho.tte.nhamel; · apparent heart attack,. buLthe
Peru: State< emeritus>>· 69-'¥eat'-o1d.S¢:hottenhamel had·.
rJ'J.. ·professor. of history and social > fn.failing.healthfor several • f science, passes away in Omaha on Dec. 10, 1987.
The cause of his death was an
years: He joined the Peru State College faculty in 19.57 and served continuously until ill health forced his retirement in December 1981.
>• Dr> Schottenhamel had .• previously taught at the ·;: tJniVersity of Tenne!lsee.and .at
• · State tJn.iversity, as weU as llUnois high scl}ools. He <was .also anArrtJ;y veteran of
·Worfd War IL
Dr, Schottenhamel was named to head the PSC division of history and social sciences from 1958 until 1970, and served as chairman of 'the social sciences · department from I97I.c73. He continued as a professor of humanities until his retirement.
(from page l 0)
Raymond Bauman ('41) passed away in September '87.
Josephine Cowden ('64) of Tabor, Iowa passed away in November '87.
Robert E. Carmichael ('35) passed away in October '87 at Memphis, Tenn.
Mayre Elizabeth Tangeman Case ('39) passed away in January '87 in Lander, Wyo.
Lenora Snyder Cook ('19) passed away in Plattsmouth, Neb. in January '87.
Geraldine Walker Conkle (attd. '32·'33) passeci away in October 1987 at Casper, Wyo. Haze) Marshall Cook ('16) of San Jose, Calif. pas.sed away in April '87.
June Trotter Carman ('23) passed away in January in Lincoln. · Coons ('14)passed in January at Humboldt, Neb.
Birdie Baldwin ·Cockerill ('25) p.assed away in December '87 at Story City, Iowa.
Ruth Foley Clarke ('60) passed away in February at Tulsa, Okla.
Harold Chatelain ('17) passed away in December '87 in Lincoln. He was a longtime music teacher in Nebraska, Color1;tdo, South Dakota and Kansas.
Thelma Crook Duncan ('37) passed away in Tecumseh in December '86.
Evelyn Boatman Duey ('31) Pace ts
Luella Dowell Stalder ('22) passed away in December '86 in Falls City, Neb.
Allen "Bill" Stroh passed away iti. March· ' Carroll, Iowa; DuaneSams ('31) passed away fast Jan'Uary in Artesia, N.M; ·James Shelly (attd• 'SS}pa,ssed · away· last November in Los Angeles, Calif.
William Tobias Stillhahn ('30) passed away in September· '87 near Lorton, Neb.
Thelma Nachbor St.ewart. ('19) passed away in November '87 in Lincoln. G. , > i4 ·.•
the deaths of Gillilan. ('35) at Green Ridge; Mo;last year, and of
'>' '··. ,.,·_·:.. ' .·.Blanche. ('16) in Fremont·ljel);•. · < ..· away in Februarycin ('.)maha
Ruth Moore 'l{.arlow ('28) passed away in .J>awnee City, Neb. in
Imo: May Fleming Htebn (''15) passed·away in March '87 ··
Nebraska City.
Helen Cornell Holman ('13 passed away in April '87
Marvin Holscher ('48) pass away· in North Platte, Neb. August '87 After a sho career, he practiced la in western Nebraska.
It··S· ·.
Wanda taham ;r g > • •
in Omaa.··•·.a.·.·
away in.{south
Seefeld ('25) f)assed away in July '87 at Superior, Neb.
Emma Kinnan Stringfellow ('ll) passed away in Neligh, Neb. in January.
Alma Sherman ('20) passed away in September. '87 in Pawnee City, Neb.
Hugh B. Terry (attd. '25-'26),
• hailed by the Denver {Colo.) Post as a "pioneer in Denver
passed away in July '87 at Auburn.
Florence Spaulding Daggett f15) passed away in April '87 at Grand Island,
Louise Ekberg Dunlay ('26) passed away in January in Oxford, Neb.
Herbert Dressler ('14) passed away in August '87 in Dayton, Ohio.
Hazel Emmet Dietzman ('20) passed away in September '87 at Milwaukee, Wis.
Garth Emigh ('51) passed away in March '87 at Jackson Heights, N.Y.
Guy Eversole ('09) passed away in January '87 in Pawnee <:;ity, Neb.
Anna Seegel Emshoff ('41) passed away in January at Omaha.
Beulah Johnson Fox ('34) passed away in February '87 at Sidney, Iowa.
Dorothea Fuchs ('13) passed away in July '87 in Lincoln
Lois Estelle May Forney ('34) passed away in Wil,l:jer, Neb. in May '87.
Charles Foster of Peru, a college employee from 1952-62, passed away last spring.
· Lois R,hinehart Fisher ('75) passed away 'in 'February at Dawson, Neb.
Frances Marie Gingerich ('29) passed away in .{anuary '87 at Atchison, Kan.
Felix Summers ('29) passed away in June '87 in Lincoln, Neb.
Pate dies··
.President Walter R. p. enjoyed a noteworthy career education,. particularly higher education.
After working for Boeing Aircraft in Wichita, Kan. ant at the Laboratory of Applied Physics in Silver Springs, Md. 1 he joined the University of Kansas faculty as a math• ematics professor.
television broadcasting," passed away in November '87 at Denver. He was general manager of Denver's first TV station, KLZ-TV Channel 7, from its first day of operation in 1953 until retirement in '73. In an editorial after his death, the Post called him "one of foe giants of American broadcast journalism-the examples he set in civic leadership and journalistic
performance are timeless and compelling."
Dorothy Tiller ('51) passed away in Lincoln in August '87.
Adelene Ruzicka Williams('42). passed away in November '86 at Grant, .Neb.
Zoa Ann Worden ('30)passed away in April '87 at Lincoln.
Valeda Wood('16)passedaway in Lincoln in March '87.
John Robert West ( attd. '36) passed away in Fairbury, Neb. in December '87.
Hazel Willeford Wagner ('18) pas-sed away in August '87 at Burwell, Neb.
Genevine Wilhite ('61) passed away in February in Aubyrn.
Jattie Hendricks Weekly ('ll) passed away in February at Nelson, Neb.
Dr. Rex Wilson ('36) of O'Neill, Neb. passed in March in Omaha.
Dorothy Hope Mutz Young ('15) passed away in November '86 in Fresno, Calif.
Ola Largent Yung ('l6) passed away in October '87 at Lexington, Neb.
ROBERT PATE away last December in Sun City, Florida.
The distinguished alumnus and ·son of the late PSC
The University of Carolina was his next stop before joining the staff at Eastern Michigan University: He became head of the' mathematics department at EMU, a position he held for 2<J years before retiring at the rank of Emeritus Fac;tflty, , Among his survivors are his wife, Louise, a brother, Leonard, sisters Mildred Iverson ('26) and Beatrice (Mrs. Armon) Yanders, and. two daughters.
Professor Summers dies
Emeritus Professor of English Silas· Sumn;iers passed away February 11, 1988 at a Denver
in 1972, and continued to tea on a part-time basis as late 1982. The PSC Englis department ,continues to run writing contest in his name ea year.
A Denver native, Summ earned a bachelors degree fr Western (Colo.) State Coll and his masters degree from .th University of Missouri, whereh taught for two years. He did additional graduat work. at the University of lo the University of Oregonand University of Colorado w , teaching high school in each those states. ·
hospital after a long illness. He was 80.
Summers served Peru State College from 1960 until retiring
.Summers served Jamest6 (N.D.) Collegefrom 1942-45a Tarkio (Mo.) College from 194 until joining the PSC faculty in 1960. He .lived in Peru until the last couple of years, when he moved to Colorado to be With family.
He was preceeded in death by his wife, Florence.
Mattew Michael, born in April. He has a sister at home, and they live near Brownville, Neb.
Linda Moody Walther ('70) and her husband Russ are parents of a daughter, Lauren Jo, born in March. They are Denver, Colo. residents, and Linda teaches home economics
Dawn Rees Connelly ('79) and her husband Dan'l are parents of a son, Joshua Miles, born in April.
Ruth Laverne Morris Ross of Nehawka, Neb., who earned a bachelors degree from PSC in 1975, has retired after a 30-year teaching career. She first ,attended Peru State in the fall of '38, attending for one year and a summer. She has taught at schools near Union, Plattsmouth, Nehawka and Murray Conestoga, all in Nebraska.
, Mildred Gilliland Rieschick, who concluded her studies in '71, has retired after a 27-year career in Richardson tounty (Neb.) schools.
lJoug ('79) and Linda Uher ('77) Kirkendall of Falls City, Neb. are parents ofa son, Kyle James, born in June'. Linda teaches and coaches at Sacred Heart schools in Falls City.
:;Dean Teten ('71) and his wife Debbie are parents of a daughter, Jane Elizabeth, born inJune·. They live in Omaha.
Rick Black ('73) is the new superintendent of Conestoga schools near Murray, Neb. He was previously associated with 'the Brainard East Butler and Millard Public school districts.
1 His wife is former Peru Stater 2 Kyle Boyd
Peggy Williams ('77) is teaching and Journalism at Consolidated schools t Stella, Neb.
Kerry Coufal ('77) Barkman her husband Bill are parents of a son, David William, born '1fast February. They lived in ,i<Jermany and were stationed at 1an Air Force base in Ohio, but 'ii.ow reside in Milwaukee, Wis.
Jim ('79) and Tammy Gentry {'18) Murphy are living in .Hartford, Conn., where Jim is a ower engineer fot combustion ngineering. Tammy keeps busy raising three children.
Larry Humphrey ('72) is the ;11ew superintendent of schools at
Wymore (Neb.) Southern Schools. Last fall was the first time since he left Peru that he wasn't on the sidelines as an athletic coach, but "Humphrey's philosophy for administering will be much like that ofleading a ball club,'' according to Beatrice (Neb.) Daily Sun writer. Kelly Harre Gold. Humphrey previously served at Southeast Consolidated at Stella, Exeter, and Clarkson, all in Nebraska.
Corinne Libal Wilkinson ('70) df Burchard received a masters degree in education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln this past summer.
Tom ('70) and Laura Griess ('71) Judkins have moved to 1Lawton, Iowa where Tom is junior high and high school principal for the LawtonBronson school system. Laura will be substitute teaching. Previously, Tom was superintendent and Laura was a kindergarten teacher in Newcastle, Neb.
Alum served PSC 1956-73
Kregel named outstanding teacher! ;-
Louise Sheldon Kregel, a 1931 She was nominated for the courses in the morning, then ;" Peru State graduate and former award by a former student, Peru taught Peru Prep home ec !f. college faculty member, was native Doris McConnaughey ' classes in the afternoon until the .f recognized. as a "Ne.braska Rempe ('69) of Lawrence, Prep school dissolved in 1967.
\ Nebraska. Mrs. Kregel was one Her 42-year career in education " of two ::Nebraska .Outstanding came to an end with her tO Teacher retirement in 1973, but not her : activities. Hobbies keep 'her distnct, covermg virtually all o busy as does her job as secretary eastern Nebraska. and 'treasurer for the Kregel
A ·native of Percival, Iowa, Mrs. Kregel attended Peru year:· round in order to get her degree in three years. Her first teaching job was at Dawson, NE.
Windmill Co. in Nebraska City, :which she and her husband Arthut operate.
"l have had lots of teachers, and 1 now am one," wrote Doris Rempe, "but she is the one I wBJ. remember in life.
Outstanding Teacher" in March 1987.
Mrs. Kregel, who retired from the home economics faculty at Peru State College with emeritus status in 1973, lives in Ne.braska City.
She returned to her native Iowa to teach home ec for the next 24 years in the communities of Imogene, Hastings, Randolph and Sidney. Then, in 1956, she was called upon to replace her mentor the retiring Edna Weare, who had served Peru State from 1929-56.
Mrs. Kregel taught college
"The love and caring of this person has shown me that teachers can be 'special';" Mrs. Rempe noted.
The "Nebraska Outstanding Teacher Contest" began in 1983. It is co-sponsored by the Teacher Recognition Day Committee and the Omaha World-Herald.
Dan GraCloville ('78), industrial .Faga:'itau High School in arts feacher and coach of the , American Samoa. Today he is an assistant to the secondary program director t:.or the Department of Education in American Samoa. He is also a member of the U.S. Army Reserves. He gives "a lot of Peru State College, for it greatly influenced my road to success."
J. Kent Knoll ('79) and his wife, Kimberly, are parents of daughter Michaela Elise, born in August. They live in Omaha.
Don "Chuck" ('72) and Muriel Jensen ('71) Sic of Corvallis, Oregon, are parents of son Don Walter, born last September. .
Janet Warrick McMullen ('71) of Stella, Neb., was elected to the executive board of the Nebraska State Historical Society. She will serve. a one-year term as a representative of the first district. Jan is an English teacher for the Southeast Consolidated schools in Stella.
Trevor Tuiolosega ('72) updated Stater readers on his career since leaving the bills of Peru. Trevor taught several years at Samoana High School in American Samoa, first" as social studies teacher, then as head of the social studies department there, followed by four years as vice principal, and finally in 1980, as principal of the elementary school. In the meantime, he received a masters degree in education from the University of Hawaii (1975). In 1983, Trevor was appointed to an administrative position with
Rick ('79) and Rhea Harshbarger ('82) Spears of Chandler, Ariz. are parents of a son, Taylor Ryan, born in February. Both Rick and Rhea are in the educational field, and both are pursuing graduate degrees.
Jim and • Cheryl Clayburn Patera ('71) updated Stater readers in a February letter. Jim is· high school principal ·and ·athletic director at Guthrie Center, Iowa schools. He earned a masters degree last summer at Iowa State University. Cheryl is teaching second grade at Menlo, Iowa. They have two sons who could, if they so choose, become fifth generatiOn Peruvians. The Patera's "would love to hear from Peru friends" at their Guthrie Center home.
Martha Brief Moyer ('76) and husband Butch are parents of son derek Andrew, born last November in Nebraska City, where they reside, Susan Hannan Pease ('77) received a master of arts degree in special education from Kearney State College last
December. She lives in Peru.
PSC busine8s teacher Bob Lewellen, a faculty member since 1972, and·his wife Barbara were named "Peru Citizens of the Year" by .the local Kiwanis
('78) are parents of a son, Jason Paq;l, .born in January. They are Gretna, re5idents. Iowa School for the Deaf, has been appointed athletic director for ISD, located in Council Bluffs. He has served that school sihce leaving· PSC.
·'Club in January for their efforts toward community betterment.
Sheila Wiles Walters ('76) and hush.and Donnie are parents. of son Aaron Kenneth, born in January. The Nebraska Citians now have three sons.
Micheal Hall ('77) and his wifeLana are parents of a daughter, Kathleen Ann, born in January. They live. at Loomis, Neb. , Ron ('71)and Susan Ritter ('72) Meyer of Johnson, NeK are parents of ason, Lance Mitchell, born in January. They have three'sons and a daughter.
Tom Mikkelson ('70) has been named director of engineering for television station WTMJ-TV in Milwaukee, Wis. He had been manager of technical operations for WGN-TV in Chicago since '84. He and his wife, Mary Lee, have two children.
Paul and,Suzy Dunn
McCunePearl Allgood Rainforth ('70:), a math teacher. at Syracus1:, Neb., was featured on KOLNTV in January for her work with a group of 7th and 8th grarie students involved in a program called "Mathcounts;" She has headed up the program for the past four years.
Doug Wymore (attd. J7S-'79) has been named assistant director of the Syracuse office of the Tonsing-Fusselman-Perry Funeral Home. He and his wife, the former Jean Colbert ('78) were planning a move to Syracuse.
Peggy Kreifels Groff C76) and her husband, Rodney, are parents of thier fourth child, son Garrett Robert, born in January. Peggy works part time for the PSC financial aids office. Ed ('78) and Debra Riha ('80) Harris of Falls City are parents
(see page 20)
'Lost' Alum8
1977--Henry Abner, Joseph P. (:tuley, Dixie Cook, Ray L. Dierking, Mary L. Eastwood, Mfohael S. Gibson, Barbara J.
Selah Goos, William E. Martin, Sydney C. Okoye, Cindra S. Reed, Dean M. Stordahl, Peggy E. Witty, Lora K. Zuehlsdorf Page19
weeks participati'ng in a NATO exercise familiarizing himself with overseas operating .bases and procedures.
Linda Morris ('70) is the new guidance counselor and librarian at Lewellen (Neb.) Rural High School. She has been teaching for 15 years, most recently at Madrid, Neb. She owns a masters degree from Kearney State.
,Mary Miller ('77) has been · appointed field representative for the North Platte (Neb.) Social Security office. She had been a claims representative in North Platte since '81:
Robert Tipton ('72) is new instrumental music teacher at Red. Cloud (Neb.). He comes to Willa Cather country after stints ·at Anita, Iowa; Hampton, Neb.; and Guide Rock, Neb.
A glimpse of Peru's past . ..
(from page 19)
of a daughter, Jessica Camille, born in January.
Kevin Sauberzweig ('78) has been named administrator at the Heritage Living Center in St.· Paul, Neb. Kevin, who taught in Gretna, Neb; before earning a nursing home administrator license through Southeast Community College-Milford (N'eb.), worked at a nursing home in Milford before taking .the St. Paul post.
Tom Budnick ('77) has joined the faculty of Keya Paha (Neb.) High School. Previously he taught and coached at his hometown of Hampton, Neb., and at Guide Rock, Neb.
William Peterson ('72) ·last spring accepted an appointment as deputy countv attornev in Adams (Neb.) Courity. He maintains a private practice in Hastings.
Jacquelyn Johnson Kelsay ('74) earned a master of science in education degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln last May.
Harriet Shields Clark ('77) of Auburn received her masters degree in education from UN-L in December, 1986.
Shirley Snyder ('78), anothe· Pa1e20
Auburnite and like Mrs. Clark a teacher in t.he Auburn public school system, als<>. received a masters degree in education from UN-L last December. Her husband Bill is on the PSC is on the PSC business faculty.
Dedicated Stater readers may recall the Summer '86 issue in which Steve Adelson, Jim Desbien, Fred Robertson and Fritz Stehlik were pictured holding shotguns and under the headline "Armed and dangerous?" The caption noted that both Desbien and Robertson were "lost" alums at that time. We are happy to reportthat both are no longer "lost"-Jim resides in Hays, Kan. while Fred lives in , Westlake Village, Calif. Fred ' wrote the he went to work for Mutual of Omaha, first in Omaha, then to Atlanta. In '79he was promoted to officer manaBer and to Cincinnati, and .· then transfered to Los Angeles in '85 to manage a , Mutual of Omaha office there. Meanwhile, Jim manages a branch office for a Savings and Loan, while Fritz is a successful attorney in Omaha. Interestingly, Jim, Fred and Fritz still arm themselves every November for a pheasant hunt in western Kansas.
Dan Collin ('71) has been
named advertising manager for the Grand Island (Neb.) Daily Independent. He had been an ad representative for that newspaper for two years. Dan's wife, the former Connie Fritsch ('73), is director of the Spencer.
School of Business in Grand
and they have two
Virginia Usher Fosket ('78) dropped PSC a note this fall. She reports that her .third son, Jacob John, was born last January, and that she is employed as clerk of the Phelps County (Neb.) Court in Holdrege, where she lives. She notes that she is looking forward to her JO-year reunion next fall.
Robin Larson Bybee ('79) and her husband Scott are parents of their - second· son, Shawn Everett, born in October in North Little Rock, Ark.
Craig Martinosky ('83) and his wife Lori are parents of a son, Jesse Edwards, born in January. They reside in Falls City.
Leon Bose ('71), teacher and · coach at Syracuse, Neb., was awarded a Franklin Life Select Circle Silver Medal Award for career victories in basketball.
Terry Criger ('74) of Murray Conestoga received a Franklin Life Bronze Medal.
Dennis Johnk ('77) spent two weeks in Turkey last fall, but not as a tourist. A lieutenant with teh as a tourist. A lieutenant with the Nebraska Air Natio.nal Guard, based in Lincoln, he spent two
John Whisler ('77) and his wW Barbara. are parents of daughter born in July i Nebraska City:They are Aubur. residents.
Gene Neddenriep ('71) has bee appointed principal· for t Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca (Neb high school system. Th Syracuse Journal-Democr noted that Neddenriep had do his student teaching at S-D-A '71 under Charles Pickerin ('56). Gene previously worked i Wood River and Pawnee City · Nebraska. Mrs. Neddenriep the former Rita Green ('70).
Gene Finke ('70), who earned a masters degree in education from the University of this past summer, is the new principal for the Clarkson (Neb.) Public Schools. 1n addition to his duties as principal, Finke is l:lead football coach, athletic director, and student council sponsor. He previously served at Hampton, Neb.; Rock Port, Mo.; and Elk Creek, Neb.
Jay Van Housen ('73) has be named senior executive with t Frontier Scout District of t Boy Scouts of America, with office located in Omah Previously he was with t Norfolk are Boy Scout operation for five years, a before that was the Norfolk Ci Parks and Recreation direct for nine years.
Henry Ballue ('76), a medi specialist and sergeant in U.S. Anny, has been assigned duty with the Madigan Ar Medical Center in Fort Le Wash.
on track at UN-O
Former Bobcat cross country and track standout Tim Hendricks ("72) has been named head cross country coach at the University of Nebraska-Omaha,
country squad. The UN-0 er. country programs we eliminated by state budget c few years back and are just making a comeback.
Hendricks recently complet a graduate teaching assista ship at UN-0 and earned masters degree in exer science. He· had also served an. assistant track coach t on a volunteer basis until UN-0 track program eliminated by the budget ax Hendricks was a fourletterman in both track cross country at PSC coaches Jack Mcintire and J Pilkington. He won conference cross. country tit and an NAIA Distrii::t 1ltra championship in the three race.
Hendricks continued to TIM HENDRICKS competitively in road rac Hendricks, an Omaha native, until two years ago. · will be teaching· in UNO's After leaving PSC, he work health, physical education and as a y01,ith counselor for fi recreation division in addition years at Boys Town. He t to his coaching responsibilities. worked for over seven years He guided the Lady Maverick recreation sqpervisot for cross country during the Omaha Housing Autho' ·1987 season and has worked to • ·before:enroUing full time in re-establish a men's cross +r:UN.;.Ograduate program,
Tim. .H.·e.nd·.r1·cks b.a··ck'
) has earned the rating of ified Public Secretary. The cuse, Neb resident'.had to a six-part examination to the CPS.
san Wenzel Snodgrass ('75) mployed by the Cass County p Association in Weeping r, Neb. An accounting r at PSC, .. she lives at a, Neb.
ne Rogge Seeba ('74), nd ·· grade teacher for the on-Brock (Neb.) schools, eted a masters degree · am in education from the rsity of Nebraska-Lincoln. nd her husband are parents 'r third son, Thomas , born in October.
November. The Nebraska City resideats now have two sons and a daughter.
Lee Miller ('74) has joined the Shelton (Neb.) public, school system teaching in their leaming center and serving as assistant · wrestling coach. He taught previously at Table Rock and North Platte in"Nebraska and, worked for a railroad in the North Platte,, 'area 1 before returning to education.
Kathryn Rockemann Hill ('70) and her, husband Howard are parents. of a son, Chirstopher Paul, born in February. They live in Wymore, Neb.
Sam Deaver ('72) has been named president and chief .executive officer of ' .Harvest Savings Bank in Dubuque, Iowa. He has been with Harvest Savings for 10 years.
y Beth Paap ('75) has been Stephanie Lang ('74) is now ion home economists for · · · and Butler Counties in Mrs. George aftet their March·'86 marriage. She taught fo£ the past three years. elementary vocal. m.·usic in the maha native has a master Wichita Pub,lic Scho'Ols nee degree from the for n years,' during which time Nebraska. she 'Completed a master of niusic Loyd Guerra ('79) was the t of a lengthy feature in the education (MME) degree at·· Wichita State University. gfield, & l':re!!s, , ('18l' and. wife ecembef:yJ'bfeI.St<lry.told
J)areitts·'.•of• a 'Son ··"· receiving a at1d .,Nathaµ Daniel, born in Januar; eas trans?lant to ,87 They live'in Neb., tes. first and ban •teaches . music at rct diabetes at Murray,,Conestoga. High ·, Christmas t986 was the · ·· · ·· ··· · Guerra got tO eat· 'Christmas candy as she' the article not'ed. ·.·
Fair.,.anks ('7.2} is
''a big •splash in. the· e business'' in• York,. cording to York News ·· itor Hub Foster. Willie,. rnier , all'-conJer.e.nce lL tackle for PSC, had with the Nebraska. ment .of Correctional until just over ,a .yeair en .he entered insurance· e. His wife, the former \Van Syoc ('74), is a Sp(!cial tion teacher in York, and
.Sharpe ('77} is a house r for a shelter for abused. and children in Lincoln.
arold Desebns, vice t of Peru State College
79 83, is now president gan Community College Morgan, Colo. He had of McCook Community CoUegesihce Ber 1983. ··
Schnitzer1 Golden ('78) andJohn are parents Of Stephen John, born in
'the ''Outstan<lillg \Yo.ung Womert' of the u, .... > Sun. She teaches OsP¢ofa · (Neb.) School systt(ni. ·
Elaine Patras C7lJ one.of only eight.pedpleselectediotake part in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's "AgricuJ., tu re in th.e workshop 'at UN-L. An elementary s9hool teacher inthe Johnson-Brock (Neb.) school system, she received. a masters degree in education from UN-L this past summer.
Lonnie Bane ('80) and his wife. Darla, are p1:1rents of a daughter, Lexie Ann, 'born last A11gustat Doylestown, Penn., where they reside. Lexie is their third daughter.
Don Urbanovsky ('86) has joined the staff of Miller & Moore, CPA's, PC. ·Fellow '86 grad and Lincoln ·native Pat Mertens has joined Su·cce'·
the same company. Pat received his CPA in May '87.
Leon,: Bpse C70);, head' basketbau ·• coa,cJi at Sxfacuse-· Dunbat-Avoca (Neb.) :fntli School, was an assista,lt on the 1987 Nebra$ka Basketball Development Association team. The team is composed of some of the state's top high school players who compete in a tournament in Las Vegas each year. Bose has coached the Syracure Rockets for 12 years, winning four conference titles and twice finishing the .season with a state ranking.
Charlotte {4sh Grone ('70) and husband Dan, are parents' of son Benjamih February. They .are Lincoln, Neb. residents.
'Da•ton. coudeyras ('78) and. l;lusband [)ouglas are pare.nts of a daughter,. Renee Lynn, born in February 1987. They}iv,e in Burchar.d,
Rick .· DeKfotz ('75') arid wife Nancy are parents Of ason; Dru Robert, born last March. They-' reside i.ri Falls City, Neb. ',Z
Deborah/ L. Ehmen· Artders.on ('75) has been selected as one of
IT! ISALJVAYS AS TIME OF'. day of scl:lool. last fall a new. MIXED EMOTIONS, BUT MOSTLY A TIME OF CELEBRAexperience; .· It was first TION, FOR GRADUATES SUCH AS, (FROM "'E,FT) teacJ:iing job; it was in abrand LEISING, LINDA AND LAUREL SMITHHARLING, new school; and it w1:1s in OF THE CI.,.{\SS OF '87. Morenox Valley, Calif. Tiie em ployed by First Fe.deral second grade teacher .wondered Al ('86) has been teaching social · · · studies and coaching there; Lincoln. as the. Omaha-area. outJpµd· ti?. a whet,J:ier JonfYost'('SO)Davjjhas been'., financial counselor. An.:n c: are .l:ln appropriate · ·.· ·. ···.' · · r "eived the.President'.s Award art ·proJ'ect for Souther. n appointed ·Employment """ 0 ··'rt.' n··1·ty Sp'ec1·a·11·st ·"'or t·'h·e for California children, and said ppo ··u •1 ' · Omaha District. '86. getting used:to earthquake,drills . She had wdrking in Kim ,Kuhlman ·(}liver ('83)'Hsi1' instead of tornado drills was.a OPPD's finahcfal' auditing: tea'ching1.second '.grade •a( tlie, new experience,• ' "PA d Falls: :Gity· p·ublie schools<tliis James Meredith ('85)dind.his. divis!on, a,,,,._ •.• ... wife Kim areparents of a.son;: Alexander James, born lastJuly. Joni. is worl,<ing. on her masters. The Nebraska Citians already degree in :professional had a daughter. at home.,:ount<\ncy from the Uniyetsity Pat Ottemann ('84) has been of .Nebra,s.ka-Omaha · appointed resource teacher for Cordell '\Yisemari the Nelson (Neb.) Public is a chilq care worJcer at the St. Schools. she previously taught Joseph's .. for in for t.hree years at )Jutte; Neb. the Jvlinneapolis, area.
Dean· Filipi ('82), a Bobea:t football. player in his'··younger · days, .has been .··enjoying considerable success on the··< hard.woods. He led •his<. hometown school of Milligan to the· 1987 Nebraska ·boys , ba'sl<etball tournament, 'their. : second straightappeara'nce. His .'87 football team posted an 8.:J record, too. · ·
Judy Poutre ('85) Kassik and her husband Perry are parents of a daughter, Hilary Jayne, born . in March '87 in Geneva, Neb. It's been from Illinois to• FJoridato Idaho to California in fairly short order for Laurence ('85) and Saur Martineau '('86) DuBois. Laurence has completed the U.S. Navy's Nuclear Power School and. has been assigned to ·a submarine based in San Diego. ·
AJ1n Lutz (''4), ha$ been appointed to the Communications of the Ori\aha Area Chapter. of the Iqstitute pf Financial Edueation. She is
· · · Robert ('86) has been J)ayle Trout ('JJ) is a new math promoted to the rank of master . teacher and assistant girls by the U.S. Air F()rce. basketball coach at ·Dodge He is an information systems (Ne"!>.) High Schopl. programming supervisor .at she served in :Agra, Kan; Offutt Air Force Base near Mark Czapla·· has been Omaha. hired as •bµsiness teacher and Jeff Frields ('82) has joined the assistant football and boy's Nebraska City insurance :firm basketball. coach for the Wellensiek Insurance, Tecumseh(Neb.)pubiicschools. izing in personal and Matt Roberts ('8'1)isanapparel commercial insuranee lines. He manager-trainee for. K-Mart's was also recently elected to the Des Moines, iowa facility. board of directors of the ' Wendy Shuey Saathoff (!85) Homestead Girl Scout. Council successfully completed the state and. will serve a two-year certified public a.ccountancy appointment. examination last .spring. She lives in La Vista; Christina• Hosfelt· e86)· tarothers is the new business·. .instructo.i for .the Ainswoi:t,h (Neb.) public'schools. Husband
Former PSC stµ9ent. DuBois. is now a j:unior at. Auburn Univ .in MQntgomery,, Alabama. · ·
Former PSC students Roger and Lauri.DuBoislt'Oumpfl1ve (see PC\ge. :
(frompage 21)
in Gaffney, S.C., where Laurie works for a financial company
and Roger for Pepsi Cola.
And last, but certainly not least, Barbara DuBois ('83), mother of Laurance, Lee and Laurie, and the source of all the· above ,information,. husband .Dennis have moved from Nebraska City to Chattanooga, Tenn. Barbara plans on finding employment as a teacher in that area.
Beth Propst ('S2) has. left the PSC admissions staff and enrolled in graduate school at Mankato, Minn. State University.
Brad Prall ('87). is assistant manager for Applause Video. in Omaha.
Cheryl Seachord ('86), third grade teacher in the Fairbury (Neb.) Public School system, was ' recognized by Fairbury's Business and· Professional Women's Club as its Woman oL the Year Achieve,ment Award winner.
Pat Dennis ('87) has been }Yromoted to btanch office manager for the Omaha World· Herald's circulation department, while wife.Amy ('87) is training .spe.ciaHst and.: operations , assistant for the American National Bank in Omaha, where they reside. ·
Michael Meyers ('87) has been hired as a mathematics instructor for th,c;: Ewing (Neb.) Public Schools.
Joe Horky ('87) ·is teaching elementary school and servingas assistant and girl's basketball coach at D.avid City, Neb.
Deanna StukenhOltz Haverty ('81) has been named Head Start director at Mid-Nebraska Community in Kearney, where she has been asked to pian, organize and monitor head start program and its 14member staff. Her husband, former PSC student Pat, is deputy sheriff witli ,the Buffalo County Sheriff's Department. ·
Robin Mayer ('86) and hi.s wife Diane are patents of:a daughter, Christina Marie; born last July. They are residents of Clatonia, Neb.
Kip ('83) and Julie Brinkman · ('81) Allison are parents of a daughter, Jenna Leigh, born last/ October. She is the second daughter for the Gresham, Neb. residents.
Randy Simpson ('85) ·is teaching junior high physical ed.ucation and superv,isingjunior
high sports for the Fairbury (Neb.) school system. (Neb.) school system. · He previously taught at Callaway, Neb.
Michael Northrup C84) has been ·promoted.·.to •manager·. of the Harold's Camera Center in the Southern Hills Mall at Sioux City, Iowa. Northrup also served as photographer for .PSC's 198788 "Vie1}.!bqok" which won an a ward this past fall.
Kenneth Myers ('8S) is teaching math and coaching football and boys basketball at Lourdes Central Hig.h School in Nebraska City. Previously he taughtatNodaway-Hoitschools in Missouri.
Mark ('84) and Lynette Boring ('80) Fankhauser are parents of a daughter, Heather Lee, born last July in Omaha, wherethey live.
Paula Larson ('86), manager of the Auburn Pizza Hut, received the top area marketing award at a recent held in Topeka, Kan. She was recognized as the "marketing manager of the year" for the area's Pizza Hut restaurants.
Artis Plager ('87) has been hired as teller at the State Bank bf Table Rock, Neb.
Karen "Putt" Lechner ('81) is alive and well in Glenwood, Iowa, where she works for the State Hospital School's recreation department. She coaches in the Iowa Special Olympics, too, and plays \ softball.
John Teten ('82) and his wife, Vicki, are parents of a son, Patrick Alan, born last May. They live at Peru.
Larry Lieneman ('83) and his wife, Natasha are parents of a daughter, Kayleen Kellie, born in May '87. They are Beatrice residents
Mark WardUm' ('82) and his wife Jana are parents of their second son, Bryan Thoi:nas, born in May '87 at Bellevue, Neb.
Cheryl Dixon ('84) has become .associated with Miller-Farrell Realty in Nebraska City.
Tom Stevicks ('84) joined the f acuity at Southeast Consolidated in Stella, Neb. as instrumental music teacher. His wife is the former Lauri Graham ('83).
LaVon Niedermeyer ('85) is the librarian and media specialist at the Nemaha Valley public schools in Cook.
Dave Uldrich ('82) and his wife Janet are parents of a daughter, Allysa Beth, born in April '87. Dave teaches and coaches at Allen, 'Neb.
Sheldpn l'l,nd Eugene Applegate ('83) has her husband , Patrick, ar:e accepted the position of cashier parents >of son Luke at the Home State Bank of bor.n last August: They live' af Louisville as of last spring. He Percival, Iowa. joined Home< State in '84 as ·.a Kim Schreiner ('85) loan clerk and insurance tgent. to move up the corporate lad.der Wife Natalie (giekhoff) '8;l for McDonald's restaurants. teaches at St. Jol:m's elementary Her most recent promotion was. school in .Plattsmouth. Theit to regional accounting first son, Robert Michael, supervisor for the chain's Dallas- .born in March '87. Ft. City-: Todd McFarland ('83) has Tulsa region. · graduated from Officers Jon Orton ('81) an,d his wife, Candidate School and was Barb, are parents of a son, commissioned as an ensign in the Zachery Jon, born last July in U.S. Navy. Florida. They live at Lake Mary, Robin Nelson C83) Smith is Fla. director of development for the Cammy Spilker Wiechel ('86)is. Association for Retarded teaching first grade .for the Citizens (ARC) of Nebraska, DeWitt (Neb.) Tri-County ·based in Lincoln. The non-profit public organization puts her to work Kathy Beach ('82) Lechner and marketing and fundraising. The her husband Richard are parents : former PSC volleyball standout of a son, Patrick Richard, born and college director of career in February at Syracuse. planning and placement Mike Liewer ('81) and his wife organized a skate-a-thon are parents of a daughter, Jaclyn : fundtaiser at PSC this past Marie, born in January at : winter that raised over $3,000 for Kansas City, Mo. ARC.
Sue Ramsey ('86) Comstock Husband Jeff Smith ('83), and her husband, former PSC former Bobcat basketball and student Chuck, are parents of a ·.baseball star, admissions daughter, Megan Nicole, born in :couns.elo£ and assistant February. They live at Brock. : ·.basketball coach, is working on Jeffrey ·Chitty ('86),. a second ;his masters degree ·at the lieutenant with the U.S. Air :University of Nebraska-Lincoln lforce, has graduated from the · :and helping to c<;>ach basketball air weapons controiler course at ;at both UN-L and his old high Tyndall AFB in Florida,. He · :school, Lincoln The studied air defense tactics and Smith's have a daughter, Taylor. the organization an4 operation ·' Biil Bruhn ('81) enjoyed a of air defense systems. ]successful career as a Bobcat Frank Washburn ( 85) has been : :footbaUand baseball player and appointed viee president of . tas' a high school coach, but his human resources for Pamida, ' ;success with the Beatrice Eagle Inc. He has been with Paniida · 'Midget baseball program is since 1971. · : 'almost beyond belief. He Scott ('80) and Brenda ; 'collected hi.s lOOth win lastJuiyWilkinson ('82) Schaefer are 'against only eight losses, a parents of a daughter, Kendra , \percentage of 93. Danielle, born last July. They ! Rhonda Liewer ('83) Reid and are residents ofDeetTrail Colo. ,her husband, ,Scott, are parents kathryn Hewitt Bohling ('85) is : of Patricia. borµ teaching secondary science at Jai;t June m Auburn. Patricia has Southeast Consolidated public two brothers at home. schools in Stella, NC"b. · · Susan Honea ('85) Coonce and Allysyn Molzahn ('87) is , her husband Ron are parents of teaching Icindergarten at · son, Noah Louis, born last Lewiston put?lic schools \ at Offutt Air Force Base JoAnn Hatfield ('84) has been ; near Omaha. promoted to senior programmer ':;.Phil :Yoesel ('83) is teaching analyst· for ArrQw Space education and Products and Defense of Dallas \l:!oys basketball and assistant Tex •. She ·been with Arro..;. :football coach at Sweet; Springs, for three years.
Sc°'tt Blanchar.d ('85) 1Lee Kohrs ('8?), who returned graduated from cargo spcialist PSC. to teach computer training. a.t Jhe U:S. Army has joined Costello & Transportation Sc.hool in Associates management Virginia last spring. c;onsulting firm as a specialist in Greg Shepard ('85)is theboy's networking, office ·automation basketball coach for Lincoln an.d telecommunications. Christian High School. He came (Editor's Note: He was one of to the school after two years at ·PSC's most popular faculty Dawson-Verdon in Nebraska. members in spite of serious Interestingly, Greg was character flaws just ·kidding, succeeded at Dawson-Verdon by Lee!). his brother Mark ('86). .;Meanwhile, Becky Kohrs ('85),
who the PSCbus· finishing her deg hasr' ·joined husband Lee where Becky is a assista..nt for the central offi the Boara of Trustees of Nebraska State Colleges, governing board for PSC.
Bob .and Jody Johns Bowman ('85) of Plattsm are parents of a son, Zac Allen, born i January 1987.
Jackie Baker ('81) Williams her husband, former P student Keith, are parents their third child, son Na born in March '87. Jackie\\!.. at PSC and Keith at the Co Nuclear Sta1ion near ville.
Jenny Stutheit ('85) and husband Lee are parents daughter, Morgan Lea, bo March '87. They live at Joh Cheryl Hitd Hobie (attd. ( '82) and husband Gene parents of a daughter, S JoaAnn, born in March '8 Nebraska City. They liv Dunbar along with two daughters.
Dana ('81) and Sh. LaMountain ('80) Dea Ii Lynch, Neb., where teaches industrial· arts coaches football and Sheilla WQrks for Regio services and keeps busy their three sons.
Jack Moles ('80) and Shelley are parents of dau Megan Carline,· born in '87. They live at Bartley, Karen Britt Koehler ('81 husband Don are paren born in March '87. Th at Steinauer, Neb.
Linda Gerdes ('85) Volk husband Duane are parent son, Brandon. Duane, bo January in Auburn.
Diana Shores ('83) Watto been accepted for members the Nebraska Societ Certified Public Accoun a 2,000 member. organization of CPA's state. She is senior ace with the firm John E. CPA in Omaha. She, h Mark ('82), and. their da Amber live in Wahoo.
Dr. William Crow ( employed at the Sou Arizona Medical Ce Douglas, Ariz. He and h' are parents of a son, K born in June '86.
Larry Clark ('87) has been as a fourth grade teac Mormq>n Trail (Iowa) schools.
Mike Apple ('86) took h high school girl's bas team, at Hayes Center, 1987 Nebraska State C tournament.
stin O'Hern ('87) has .· ted for three years in the U.S ted for three years in the Army and has entered ers Candidate School.
Jensen ('87) and his wife are ts of a son, Eren Axel, born ecember. They are Peru nts.
.at basketball coach John and his wife, former t programs coordinator, , are parents. of daughter Christine, born in January. has three high-spirited ers at home.•
Broady Meyer ('814l.of son serves as t.hat unity's· news corresponfor the Tecumseh and rn newspapers. In the "me, she keeps busy her and husband LeRoy's ildren.
Gail Bec,card ('82) Farris her husband, Nile, are ts of a son, Robert , born in January. He sisters at home Felke.r ('87) Pasco and sband, Russ, are.parents daughter, .. Claire Joann, ·January at Auburn.
Kean ('84) Martinosky r husban.4. ,,. are · of a .daughter, Morgan , born in January at She is theit second r.
Fischer ('85) has been assistant utilities and ting supervisor and ity developer for the Falls City.
er Joy , ('86) Krug and Rick are pal'ents of a ylan Mitchell, born in
Januaiy' iI;t Auburn. They reside in Shubert.
Mary Wu:nick ('87) is teaching elementary school in · the Malvern (Iowa) system.
Carl Scott Vanderveen ('88) is one of the first May '88 grads to land a position. Up.o-n graduation,.· he •will join the certified public accounting firm of Goracke & Wilcox, P.C. in Nebraska City. He currently works part time for the firm.
Tony and Marsha Kentopp Niday ('85) in November moved from Ottumwa, Iowa to Fremont, Neb., where Tony is employed by Hormel industries
Ben Egger ('83) and .his··wife
Leslie are parents of a son, Benjamin Zachary, born last June. Ben · is teaching and roaching at Wood River, Neb.
Sally Fink ('86) js teaching at St. Michael's school in Fairbury, Neb.
Gloria Eltiste ('85) Durman has been named executive director for the Coordinated Intervention System
Abuse, Inc. in Crete.
Lori Cook ('86) has been promoted· to client service manager for the Lincoln branch of Tele.communications Inc. The first PSC grad lifred by TMI when they opened an operation in Peru in October '86, she 'joins >their new branch in Lincoln, TMl's third Nebraska operation.
'79-'82) of a daugbter U.S. Army at Fort Dix, N .J. Cecilia Lym1, bornm Mary Beth. Unvert ('87) is the 1987. TheHaneysbayemovedto junior higb English' teacher and Overland Park,. after Mick assistant volleyball and girls completed .a master of science basketball coach at Pawnee City degree in computer science at. (Neb.) High School: Kansas State University; Mick is Todd Halvorsen ('85)and his a progr\mmer analyst' for · wife Julie are parents of a son, Hallmark Cards, and ICathy is Jordon Todd, born in August. employed as a dental hygenist. They. are parents of Pierce, Neb. · Sandri! Roae Behrends ('82) · Christy Piper Riggins ('87) and has received a masters degree in her husband, Alan, are parents education from the University of · of a son, Shannon Michael, born Nebraska-Lincqln this past in August. They live at Brock, summer. She has been hired a'.s Neb the Chapter I instructor at ' Nancy Tennant. ('87) is the Johnson-Brock (Neb.) schools kindergarten teacher fot the ·In January,,· she and husband· Lewiston Consolidated Schools.
· Gary became parents of son Karrie Fisbeck ('87) has been Jacob David. - hired as a resource teacher for Karen Winslow ('86) is a flight the Walnut Junior High School attendant for Delta:Airlines and in Grand Island, Neb. is living in New ' Orleans, Teri Rhinehart Miller ('82)and Louisiana. her husband are parents\of Jill Coonce ('87) is the vocal a sond, Brock Wallace, born ing music teacher a son, Brock Wallace, born in for the Dawson-Verdon (Neb.) October. They live at Callaway, schools. Neb.
Mark Smith C87) is the head Virginia Schlender ('Sl) is · football and wrestling coach and teaching elementary school in athletic director for the St. Pawnee City, Neb. She has 15 · Edward (Neb.) high school. years' experience teaching at the Mary Vandeloo Brooks ('75) is Burchard (Neb.) school. the.librarian for the Plattsmouth K4'n Calkins ('84) and his wife, (Neb.) elementary school. She former PSC student Lori taught in the Louisville (Neb.) Rubenking (attd. 182·'84) are system from 1979-85, went to parents of a son, Chet Michael, graduate school in Emporia born in November 1986 in (Kan.) in '85-'86, and taught in Lincoh1. .Weeping Water (Neb.) last year. Alan ('85) and Carol Brady MarkShepard('86),is a teacher ('82) Luzman are p;µe11ts. of a and. coach in the Dawson- son, Matthew Owen. born in Verdon (Neb.) school system. Januaiy 1987.
B)'ron is manager of the
club there.
(from page 18)
R.E. "Bob" Good ('49) passed .f away inApril '87 at Laird, Josephine Weaver Gotz· ('56) " passed away in March '87 at ; Colby, .Kan. g:
Ada· Marie Furro'W Gerdes (two-year '55, bachelor's '58, master's. '61) passed away in Auburn in March '87.
Dr. Arthur Bradford, professor of English and department chairman from 1939-47, passed away in January '87. He had survived· his wife of over 60 years, Phariss, by only a few weeks, according to their son Hilary, a Peru Prep graduate. Dr. and Mrs. Bradford had been living in retirement in Buffalo, N.Y. and he had re.tiredfromthe State University there in 1973.
Lillian Schneider Hilgenfeld (attd. mid·'30's) passed away in July '87 at Falls
Vernon Hoffman ('28) passed away in August '87 at Pawnee City, Neb
the project, they d·oing one half of the g at a time and use the other half. n'.t know if we could close down the whole because of its heavy Dr. Gallentine said.
4ecision has been made the whole thing down, I reasons.
ostcertainly shorten b of time need(;!d to the project, and we bids from contractors ter," he said.
t and debris and the ould have been a or the half still in use, s, any wily we look at s going to be an
Colleen Carroll Barrett ('82) and her husband Mervin . are parents of a duaghter, Amy Sue, born last · April. They are Nebraska City residents.
Mick Haney ('8l) and his wife, the former Kathy Toews (attd.
Curtis Pruitt ('83) is a trainer Paul ('80) and Vicki Vollertsen and counselor for .Youth ('79) Windham· of Auburn are Alternatives in New Orleans, La. parents of their second son, Laura Wolken ('87) is the Isaac Neil. born in March. Auburn office. manager of the Darrell,('82) and Tami Snyder JNP extension ·unit. ('81) Wellman. are parents of a Tamera Tyson ('87)is the vocal daughter, Jacquelyn June, born and instrumental music teacher in June. Darrell, who recently at Orleans, Neb. won a national award from the JoniBennet('87)hasbeenhired U.S. Jaycees for hi.s work as a to teach business classes and run regional director, works for the the Gifted Student Program at Auburn Newspaper. Tami is Oxford (Nep.) !1igh School in · employed as an assistant inconvenience for our students her hometown. instructor at the Cooper Nuclear and faculty; we plan to make the Marcia. Younker ('86). is the art Station near Brownville. She is inconvenience as short as teacherandyearbooksupervisor the plants' first woman humanly possible," Gallentine ·for the Dawson-Verdon (Neb.) instructor. said. schools. Tim ('84) and Cindy Plantenga
Contractors like the project Moody Groff ('87) is ('82) H,?ffman of Lincoln are because almost all the work is on teachmg math, algebra and parents' of a daughter, Ashtyn the interior. Thus they will be computer science at Johnson- Marie, born in January 1987 in able to w.ork during winter, Brock (Neb.) schools. ·Lincoln. Tim is manager of when the construction ind4stry Lanny Burr ('87) has taken a Rixtine .Trophy Co. While is traditionally at a low ebb. postion with Kenny and Coe Cindy is director of fitness
The $2,025,000 fQnding CPA'siriGoodland,Kan.Heisa analysis and aerobics at the includes "all costs - professional staff accountant there. He and Prarie Life Fitness Center, both fees, labor, equipment," Dr. wife Sandra are parents of their in Lincoln. Gallentine emphasized. · second son, Nathan Lanny, born Gail Ramsey Hippen ('81) is The building is named after in November. teaching sixth grade for the T.J. Majors, one of the founders Phil Yoesel ('83) has hen hired Sterling (Neb.) school system. , of the state college in Peru. A to teach special education and is Byron Whitney ('83) and his businessman, colonel in the Civil head boys basketball an.d wife, the former Lori Last (attd. War, and politician, Majors assistant football coach in Sweet '78·'80) are parents of a PC!SSed away in 1932, 16 years Springs, Mo. daughter, Megan Pearl, born in after the building bearing his Donald McCamish ('87) has December 1986 at Ft. Lenard name was first used. completed basic training for the Wood Hospital in Missouri.
Tresa Hill ('15) passed away in November '86 at Fargo, N.D. One of Peru's more accomplished alums, M. Harris ('08), passed away last October in Manabatten, Kan. at age 103. She was emeritus. professor; of' chemistry at , Kansas State University, from which she retired in 1953.
Susan Thomas Hardwick ,('22) passed away in October·'87 at Auburn..
Harriette Moore Hibben ('12) passed away in December at Del Rapids, S.D.
Doris Hancock ('18) passed away in San Diego, Calif. last year.
Martha EUa Kuebler ('21) passed away in May '87 in Seward, Neb.
Helen Kucera('30) passed away in July'87 at Hastings, Neb
Walter Kaltenborn ('28) passed away in July '87 iri Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Don Keister .('30) passed away in 1986, PSC has learned.
Opal Reagan Leech ('19) passed away in February '87 at Humboldt, Neb.
Donna Baker Lindahl ('48) away in February '87 at Hem(;!t, Calif. ,
Tami Fritz LaVigne ('84) passed away in May '87 in an auto accident near Table Rock; Neb.
Sally Miller ('48) passed away in Oklahoma in December '86.
Nellie Schaeffer Miller Morehouse ('35) passed away in March '87 at Ames, Iowa.
Cl'l ·(from page 10)
t ' Former PSC student Lance -
Eggen and Dawn Bargman were 00 married last May in Bloomfield,
NE. Lance is now .in tl,.e U.S. Navy.
41 Kim Sharp ('80) and Joseph Musimeci were married in
Patrick Krzycki and. Lisa Hall, · PSC seniors,· were ma.rried in January.
Patricia Haudet ('87) · and Kevin Withee were m.arried in December in Nebraska City. They are living at Ft. Benning, GA.
Corey• Orton ('87) and Norma Jean Burns ('87) were married in Octobet in Nebraska City. They. reside .in Orange City, IA. Jennifer Reinbold ('87) and David Shetler were married in September in Bettendorf, IA. They live in West Des Moines, IA.
Rhonda Behrens ('87) and Steven Whitten were martied in Fremont, NE in November. They live in Nebraska City.
in· Steele City, Neb. Beth is a sales representative for Warner Lambert Co. in Omaha, where they reside.
Jeffrey Wignall ('83) and Rose Mary Gross were married last July in Iowa. They are both tea9hing in Creston, fowa and attending graduate school at Northwest Missouri State University,
bookkeeper at the First Nation Bank ad Trust of Falls City.
Jody Guyett ('86) and PS student Sylvester Mcintosh J were married April · Bellevue, NE.
PSC student Patty Bums a former student Tim Haught were married last May.· Tecumseh, NE.
Kurk Wiedel ('87) and form
PSC student Kris Behring w married las{July.
Lori Walton ('87) .and Daniel Warner are to be married in June August in Nebraska City and are livingin Manhatten, KS.
Connie Kelsey Goings ('86) and James Merrill were married. in March '86.
Elaine Jasa Ramer ('73) ,and Bill Fisher were married in February '87.
Tim Collin ('78) and Dawn Steinhoff were married in June.
PSC student Traci Schreiner and Lyle Babcock II were married last summer and are living in West Germany, where he is stationed with the U.S. Army.
Former PSC student Jeffrey Carney (attd. '84-'86) an4 Jennifer Hixson were married last September. Jeff is editor of the Ashland, NE Gazette.
PSC student Elaine Banks and Tom Ferin were married in July in Omaha.
Dan Haugland, director of residence life at PSC since 1984, and Tina Tibbles were married last in Auburn.
Beverly Wakelin ('81) and Brian Clark were married in September in Lincoln. Beverly is a teacher at Tri-County High School near DeWitt, NE.
Von Bachle ('76) and Laurel Eddy were married in June '87 in Omaha. Both · teach in the Millard, NE school system.
James Heineman ('84) and Renee Wirth were married in August in Falls City, NE. They are residents of Cordova;TN.
Chert} Banahan ('84) and Bernie Hart were married in August in Hanover, KS.
David Fulton (attd. '86-'87) and Cynthia were married in January '87 in Kansas.
Former PSC student Kathryn Nolte and Jonathon Keithley were married in December 1986 in Falls City, NE.
JiH Coonce ('87) and Russ Sumpter III were married in September in Falls City, NE.
PSC students Mkhael Gerdes and .Natalie Kearns were m,arriecl last'May in Auburn.
PSCi senior Lisa Kirchhoff and Eric Jay Nutsch were married in near Byron, NE.
Jean Hartman ('79) and Noel Erskine were married in December in Douglas, NE. Jean is a business teacher in St. Paul, NE, where. they live.
Kathryn Hoffman, a PSC instructor, and James Hilgenkamp were married in ·July in Lincoln. They are
residents of Auburn.
Sharon Lechner ('SS) and Bartt Schroder were married in December in Nebraska City. They live in the Eagle, NE area.
Karlene Badgett ('7(;) and John Davis Jr. were married last June in Billings, MT.
Randy ('77) and Glenna Kuhlmann of Omaha were married in March of '87.
Jeff Wig all ('83) and Rose Gross were. married last July in Westphalia, IA. Jeff is a special education teacher in Creston, IA and 'is working on his masters ·· degree at Northwest Missouri State.
Rita Russell Dolinski ('40) was married to' Dr. J Ray Hanna in May, 1986. The Hanna's are living in Aurora, CO. PSC students Jennifer Cullen and Todd Ashenfelter were married in August in IA.
Former PSC student Stacey Koza and Daniel Scherer were married last July in Krak<;>w, NE. They live at Silver Creek.
- Leigh Moss ('87). and Joe LaRosa ('SS) were married July in Burr, NE. Leigh is teaching preschool in Kearney, NE, Joe / is working toward a masters degree at Kearney State College.
Former PSC student Kim Godemann and Don Kneifl were married in August in Falls City.
· in Madison, NE. Lori is a resource supervisor at Insifail Home in Faribault, MN.
Dan Leuenberger ('6S) and Marilyn Davis were married ine Aug\ist in Lincoln. Dan is a · math ·· teacner at the Lincoln Center.
Janell Oestmann ('87) and Lyle McMann were married in December in Johnson, NE. Janell is an assistant at the Auburn Chiropractic Center.
Beth DeJong ·('86) and Steve Block were married in October
William John Rivett ('86) and former student' Carol Lechner were.married in June 1986 in Nebraska City.
Tim Earhart ('86) and Rojean Sleigh were married in February . in Lincoln. Tim is a trooper for the Nebraska State Patrol.
PSC sophomore Marla Neels and Tim Rowe are to be married in June.
Eranklin Borchardt ('87) and Amy Dillon were married in February. He is a management assistant.· .at Nash Finch in Omaha, where they reside.
Kelly· Rhodd ('87) and John Roy Wiers were married in April at Du}3ois, Neb. Kellie is a
PSC student Christy Coult and Kevin Tanner were mar · in July and live at Nemaha, PSC student Parde and Gary Kechley w married last May.
Wendelin Bassinger ('87) a Sgt. Johnnie R. Miller w married in '87. PSC. student Vicki Sud and Michael Adams· .we married in Noyember '86 Nebraska City. • PSC student Genee Han and Christopher Adams planning to be matried coming autumn.
. J/yuil have moved or are planning to--or if we have misspelled II""' name or ltal't an incorrect address--or if11011 were recently uour ltouseltold receicres more tltaH one .COP/I of the P8XU S'CA t:elt--or if WC are still SCHdinp 11our sr.A llR to 110111 pareHfs address._-
Former PSC student Vickie Graham and Jerry L'Heure:ux were married in June in Wauneta, NE.
PSC student Shane Alexander and Joanna Brack were married in June in Wauneta, NE.
PSC student Diane Beckman and former sttident' Brent Denniston were married last July in Nebraska City.
Brad Prall ('87) an<,i Rachelle Pifcher were married in August in LaVista.
Luanne Kreifels ('79) and Timothy Arkfeld were married in December at Paul, NE.
Luanne is a teacher and coach in Nebraska City, where they live.
Marcia .Crum ('68) and Robert Rose were married in June.
Marcia teaches in Nebraska City and they live at IA.
Don't forget to take the PERU STATER
Aprd due tq his 2.l years vvould< e,ajoy <he<tring from service, la,st spring ·. casiondfher. a,lumsfrom her era, and shot a 36ina golf tqurney
to•take firs,t place. .bod.k
of Fort Myer:s, fla, was .u.nable to attend the
falk ·.her.; entitled (see 4) ·
l\lulll11L .involvement in ,the annual· PSC Career Fair this •spring is being by Linda Warren, director of career·planQing
The event, set for Thursday, April 13 in the .Al Wheeler ·Actiyity' Cente•rt brings 'business representatives: ahd other ;pdtentlal employers together with. PSC seniors:
Peruv:iana ·
(from. years.
Mildred Reynolds. Osterhas.: retired· f;rom after; several .,<Jecades . it\l.he She lives at
,·,;·''.>r<?;::>: _, ··., ·. :.·· '/» : p:C)dnne Cotter ('29) •.. of In<J}a1lapolis,. Ind;, is enjoying retirement.but manages to keep qccupied with. artistic endeavors.
Dr. Warren and Lulu_ .LiChtenberger f31) Nedrow enjoy their··.retirement years with a busy travel schedule. They were associated with ;P•g'4
State University, arid reside ill)9nesboro .••...•...•. · ('17> ... and .LaVet:ne Birdsafl. ('23) of Lquisv;il}e; Ky. will ·celebrate their 65th. wedding annivc:rsity in:' and deserve a congratulations from all Statel:' ' r<· · · ' ·. .. upon .t.hat remarkable ac¢omplisbmentl Fern Ferree Pickering{'20)of Colo. continuestogive privateFmusic lessons, and, a the Ah1mni Association meeting in Aurora:·.
R_jitb Reatd ?neof · the \•earl!iest alums re.acned by this:,paS,f spring's PSGAh1mni · note to.the caller,>she remarked on her \\Tork to help th¢ elderly thr9ugh the Soro.pthnist 'in Norwalk, Calif., a senior citizens village. But• in " most generous pledge to ti'er alma mater, she noted. tha( need help also."
Special Stater ·thanks to· Mrs. Read!
Sara Jane ;WJ.iitten,. a Nebraska Citian attended·· in the mid-to-fate 1920s ·and occasi911ally aftertbat.dming a.
c.a:eer, was·.namedthe I.988Arbor.Day Honoree .and was saluted dul"ing that the comll1tinity that gave birth to · Emma.· Kubovy Cunningham l)as >to. Syc0;more Terrace in lJ,pland, Calif. She has been involved in edµcatfoh ·. in Nebraska. {Brownville .and Seneca), at a. dude ranch. in an< several places i11 California'. "I'd Hke to hear from anyone who remem.bers the K,ub0 vy sisters,,,she ad<ls.
{Contact the · Stater forher address!)
On¢ .of the many donors to the spring Phone•A-Thon was
·. jY"e our. ·to·.·me a1ld· ··aiv·.e.· •:information o• 'about their organizations and abo\lt ·the tY,pe .of people "Mrs'.: Warren\said.
·willing to share their expertise witti the current group of reru Stater's should
(40h) B??-3815 cirtoHfree at l742-4412 by April l, .1989.
H.e said his. home;jl1. North h!m the best of both worlds because helives in
EDl1'0.R Propst ('$1) ASSISTANTS·
carolyn. Bredemeier
Jackie Williams ('81)
Vince Henzel ('86) GRAPHICS
cPaula Wi11kelman.·('82)
THE PERU S'{ATER is published by Peru Sta:te ·collt:ge with support ofthe Peru Achie".'ement Foundation. at the Nebraska City (Neb.) News-Press.
are winners,
•• .•
<th4 tl1e1 vvillhe
acc9rding to. Bob of PSC. • . . . .· ·
·• · 'I'll,e ;J?Jd,etbqste1 \ViU ·be held,
· wi1ibe ·•
. $f30;. ·.room .. ;tnd
·· boar,d; Juitioti, an<il field .Enrpllment:: 'Will be .·. lilllited, t Baker so 7arly registtatioh is adyised.
tlirpugll the ·m1tional . Elder".' hosteto(fice at 80 Boylstoli: ·Street,' Suite 400, ·Bostoli:, Mass 02I 16.
PSC 'faculty rneniber ·.Ket\
And.ei.-s.on wilt lead a or!' printma}(ing. It features a t()Uf of several public and private, in the Old area p:f 91llaha.
Meriwether J.,,ewis in historic B.rownville, •N'eh: .Will·be to the section·of: ·the Local "river rats" will oftarning the mighty rivet.
A ·study of .energy·. spurces comprises the third. program, d.irectfd,ilyQr:. Qaryl Long (If·. 'the' PSC sciepce depattment Highlights Will include awur of die nearby Cooi:er N1;1clear Station and a coal ffred power ·plant· · · 60 and above are eQ< take part in the p}enfy of spate time will he to' tout' the campus and community, and be sure to stop by the PSC Alumni Center. ·
More information can be. gotten by kontacting Baker at the college, but .that registtation can only t)e made thtough the natiOnal Eldetoffice,
career.only to goto Jupiar".Seniotl-figh School. continues f 45) .of 'Ventura, Jeffers()p (Neb;) Cotintyschpol ,Mona ('42) privat'e ki 1ilde·r;garte11; to give of herself through .palif:; ha.s "many, fond superintendent's office as 1 a .of Hamburg, Iowa was,, summer Herclassesar7 vplunteer wprk 1;wit,h several memories of my daysa,tPeru," secretary, retiredc frorn that think, a ldgical .choice as.1988 usually filled up two in·.. local organizatio?s. Amember oftheformer Navy positiontl;lis past spring. .·. Woi:nanof the Year as chose,n advance, and · says su<;h 1
Claudia Schindler V-5 unit, , Pat .writes: ''The · Shifley ·Garrison }lafeJZ by the 1 River Country Chapter professors as ,Miss ¥cCaUuxyr ('30)•plays first :violin for the ·· education was outstanding and of Ohiowa,, Neb., an avi9Stater of American Business and •Blanche Good "put.:'.. Lake Hurst, .N.J. Senior the athletic ptograrn, under tea<ler, has beenwitb the l).S. She has been a farmwife. active somethingin u,s that m.ade1,us · Citizen's Orehestra. Coach Al, was superb!" He Posuu Servictfor 17ye.l:ltsand memi)er ofthe Farm Bureau, stayirl.there." <·;
Elaine Shafer Holdorf of :. Qrte of the many enjoying her 5<Y-year reunion at PSC last May, received the prestigious · Jefferson Award · for Community Setvioe in Omaha for her vqlunteer work .atlocal jails.
Mayi)elle •Gorder has traded the sun and. fun .:qf Hawaii:, where §he\ spent . 40 11f.:, vvhere
spent 38 yeats in. education is the postmaster at Ohipwa. mother of four, a teacher, Ruth Kean Kuster (att. 40s) ·· befor.e in '86, but now Dr. C. Thomas and assistant assistant has retired from a holds .a position with the Marjorie Dean, manager Of a flower shop, and career ip educat1'0·n., Un.iversity of Southern of Long Beach, Calif. contint,ie worked in sales before continues to teach dassesin; California, "and plans to stay to be "retiring.''(Andwestispechhat speech, shorthand a:nd Englisq there for a few more years." PSC; Writes Marjorie: if she1 is still on the farm, she at l<:>wa Western Community: .Marion Friedly WitVock retiring }n 1980 as of ISN'T yet "retired"!) College. She resides in (one-year '41, two-year '44, applied itrts and sciences .at Lloyd ('47) of Iowa. · .· 1 , bachelots '65) .hasretired from. California State Univei:sity.. Cineinnatk Ohio, is in. the Una May Leech Biaggi f46) bet •position as third gr:ade. Lqng Tom was marketing;saJesand advertis- · has retired from the Auburn,• teacher in Humboldt, Neb., by the.Goyernpr to ·h1g as vice president Neb.-based vvhere she taught for thelast27 the Califotnia Post".'Secondary of sales for a Kentucky-'based Ser,viee Unit #4;where she , years. ··. 13ducation.Commission: that • food company. a special education tea:<:her.
Milt 'Schu.lz {'43} of·· oversees. all .pqst-secondary Chades ·Elwell ('48) is the · • Iowa; received education in J.he state and music coordinator for the ''..'<·:';"'-'"• ,_, ',' .' ,,,
Adela Jun Willh,mis ('56)
wrote: "·Your last. Peru Stater. was one of the best! Enjoyed it very much!" The Nebraska
·Po.Uy Porr • Du.-yea ('SS) recently> received her masters in English from. the Universrty. of Nebraska.; Lincoln. She is a resident of Humbotqt, Neb, · Natalie Hart Sisco f84} and her husband, ·Mike, are .proud parents of daughter Maggie. ' Natalfo recently opened aq arts and crafts store in Burchard, Ne.b.
tonliie Bane ('80) has been pro:moted, t<:>· senior/ vicepresi<lent Qf >Support seniices for.• Horizon -Financial,. a fina!lcial services company serving· Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Lonnie llorizon in ·•. Mr. ano Mrs. Mark Ortmeier ('85)· are proud. parents of a daughter,· Michelle, born l< May.
Richard ('SS) and l\'.(aryAnn. (56) live. in Hamburg, Iowa where Richart. is and Mary Ann teaches. in junior high school.
Geitddine •cQrn feaphing se1:;ond gqiders ·in, the Pl,1.blic school in Marine .City, ?vfich. She was an. elt;n:i,entary school administrator 'prior· to that,
Th()mas Bosworth ('54) enj·oys his leisure time <:foing volunteer.··. work since his the.Navy as a captai1L He and his wife, the former Letarae ·C57) live in Gulf Breeze, Fla.
Arnold Ehlers C59)has retired from, teaching after 29 years, and he a.nd his wife Sharon ('58) live in Villa Park, Calif.
Jack was back
National honor to Hallstrom
Ja'ck· ('so), of Northwest School in/ Omaha, is Ne1;fr1tska's 1988 to the National Association of Secondary "In Honor of program. . ·•· ···
The 'program inc:ludes,a. fri'llr..: day seminar it Key Biscayne, Fla. in October.
The N orthwesUiigh prinCipal since 1971 and a former Bobcat basketball star, Hallstrom is the .president-elect of t.he Nebraska Association of School Adn;tinistratol's, and wirn serve as its president next year.
With the excepti,pn of a bripf stint serving Lewiston High School aftpr
Chris Berger ·Allgood ("76) · and her husband, Phi.I, of Peru, are proud parents of daughter Charlotte,. born last May.
Brenda Rausch Douglas ('83) and her husband Bill are proud parents of a son, Blake, horn in June. They live at Humboldt.
Ken Calkins('84) and his wife, former PSC student Lori Rubenking, are proud parents ofdaughter Aman.da,. born last They live in Lincoln, Neb. . . .
A • "grerilliri" got
'i,y .two years of military service in the Korean Conflict, Hallstrom has spent his .entire career serving the educatio.nal scen,e Jn for six 58) at Monroe Jµn,Joi; then served as ptincipal for three years at Mount View Elementary School. He spent the nexttwo years as assistant principal and athletip pirector at Benson High School.
Hallstrom returned to Monroe from 1963-71 as principal, then gained appointment as principal at Northwest.
He and .. his wife, the former Nancy H,ardy ('Sl),<are parents of five children and grandparents of eight.
tangled up in the printing press in the last issue, and we wantto correct this error. Susan Ramsey· Goracke ('86) and her husband Doug,7 of Tecumseh, Neb., are .• proud parents of .a son, 'Kyle, born last January. Sue is teaching and coachingin Tecumseh this year. And. Kim Lavigne Comstock ('SS) and her husband, former . PSC student Chuck Coµistock, are proud parents of ·daughter Megafi, born last February, · and they live atBrock, •
Kenneth Gardner ('SO) retired last spring after 21 years as administrator of the .Bdu<:a:tional Unit #4 inAuburn, Neb. He was superintenderttat Falls City; .Neb:' from· 1960-()7. He arid ·his wife have moved Jo Lincoln, Neb.
Gordon Carmichael ('SS) is owner of an automotive parts store ill Miles, Tex. Bever1r'Houser Coatney ('52) · of Peru' stopped bythe·alumni office this summer with a "lost'i alum in town Ardith Patton Rockeman ('Sl) of Pablo, CaHf .Ardith teaches physical edueation in an El Cerrito junfo:r high .and I:ias taught i,n Cafifotriia for 20 years; ·
JoAnn Utermohlen Plihal ('S3) of Edmonds, Wash. was installed. as the state.' president of the Dental. Wives Auxiliary in Washington.
Oscar Groves ('S6) of Ukiah, Calif., has .retired fro.m his teaching career.
Dt. Alonzo McCain ('58) of Morgan, .Utah is of education at Weber State College. He has been ass·o9iated Withthe college for the past 19 years;
Dr Lester J).Qwning,. academic at Peru. State from ret.ired from his position as professor <:>( edu.cational psychology at Brigham .Young University in Provo, Utah. He has p.ublisned several books.
Gilbert Swanson ('59) has completed 25 years with a textbook.publishing company. He resides in Tempe, Ariz, Ted McCar.tney · ('51) is looking forward to retirement next June afterserving in the Lincoln Pu{)l.ic S9hqol ·systen:i, in Nebraska· foi the past 26
Buhrmanll.Bogle ('59)
· has. been teaching• in Crete, Neb. for.3.1.years v·. • Mary:Ril¢y Bohlk¢n.('66)has been, for the past r2 years, .learning d,isabiljti(;fs. a!. the Field Elementary School in. Maryville,· ?vfany will remember h7r days Psc' ptJj9e, .:• ·.•· ; Dr. ]Job ]J6hlken ('SS); who left the PS£:faculfy in 1970 as a speecfi professor,·..• is professor of> commun:icati.ons at Northw(;fst. Missouri State Uniyersity in: Maryville. Ile is ··involvpd • in critical an& comprehensive listening research and writing; .last April saw him honered by .Phi Del.ta Kappa for. his "continued, outstanding coritrilfritions to th.e field of and they would enjoy>. hearing •· from former students, classm.ates and friends.
'Edith Mc<:;aw · '54) is teaching first grade in· the ·Omaha J>ublic .·School· systerrt...
from teaching: English ·· and humanities in Arlington: Heights, Ill. in: 1986; He now devotes Uis time th teapffing two you:n:gc children ·•and "monitoring a · ·- if not smoothly running, at least functioning _.; home and doing those· other activities which give some sort of stability to the variations of life)' ·
Jerry ("58) begins his 39th year in education thfs fall, and lives in Algona, Iowa.
Laura King Turnbull ('53) keeps busy as a pm:chasing agent for the. Pawnee County (Neb.) Memorial Hospital. She a.1so writes a column for the Beatrice (Neb;) Daily Sun newspaper.
Phyllis• Jane ·Constant Didlo ('55fhas earneci her fourth pink car for her work.foi: the Mary.
Kay Cosmetics She lives in C?lorado Springs,·Co.lo.
· Evelyne· Epley GaggiaJ!o('57) o.f Omaha, in addition to enjoying a 25-year teaching c:areer, sent her' fourth book to the is starting to work on a fifth.
Linda Kelsay Wiltse (attd. 'SS· '56, to '65) is a nurse ai: the Falls City .(Neb.) Community HospitaL
Gary Hull·('S9) of Waco,. Texas, teaches history at Baylor University· there.
Patricia Haith Mann ('59) is another resident of the .Lone Star State;· serving as of the Big Springs State
Hospital in Big Springs. , Dale Vanderford ('50) has · retired from the Murdock (Neb.) schools. after a 38-year teaching career in the field of industrial arts
Richard Cotton f56) of St. Stephens; Wyo., .is a school administrator and teacher at art Indian reservation school that was reopened four yeifirs ago: Betty Sedlacek Wright('59) is in the real estate. business in Norfolk, Virginia. •
Phyllis Gess Lamb ('55) is employed by First American Title as a title examiner. She lives in Morris, UL
Dean Scoggin ('58) retired last January after 30 years with the Social Security Administration, He and his wife, the former Jean Nedved ('76), live in Scottsbh:tff, Neb.
Curtis Risk ('SS) is employed as a business manager for the Omaha Pubfic Schools.
Hans R; Nelson ('S6)is pastor of a Lutheran in Bloomfield; Neb.
Marilyn Baucke Lippstrea11, ('54) has received,, a masters itp from iilew University of. Wisconsin- J Lacrosse. •.... .;
Cecil ('52) of N<:!t:L 1 vta's: presehled an award althe 1988 Nebraska high school track and field meet for his 34 years as head track coach for Platfsmouth High.
Bruce Haughton ('69), who taught business education at Pawnee City (Neb.) High School upon graduation until 1984, is now district manager with. the Franklin Life He •lives in
Dr. Robert Hilt ('66), associate · professor of social science at (Kan.) State ·University, received PSU 's "Cbntinuing (see page IO)
Mt{trQ meetjng
Weddings, e.ngagements
Dave ('87) an.d former •tii..<1.t;pt \ > wefo
h.,: (vtay in Omaha:
Dave is a State univt;rsii¥· • · ·. ·
•. ·('s7)and former • s.lud¢1n; married in June. Jn. f\l!tlutn.
Mickey teachis;t· Ft. High Scho.oL · PSc; si!.ldent MargaI"et and 8.icky Cliftonwere ma.rried in ·. • · ··
Susan ('8t)"'apd
Preston Hutchison were married .in July. Susan teaches in Hershey, Neb.
Kevin SchJange C$S) and. Teresa Murdoch were married in April in Auburn.
PSC s.tudents Terry }1Vay
Jacqueline were· June, Pa.ul .. Milter {'87}and;;,la · were married Buffalo, .l()wa. Paul
a.t New M.arket, Iowa. Virginia Ann Por:r;'.('38) and .Jack Sc;hock' were ,married in June near Humboldt, Neb.
Lee Fellers ('85) and Patricia Sue. Larson were marr.icd in Augusta.t Oakland, Neb. Lee is a cost accountant with Lozier Corp. in Omaha.·
Osborn ('76) and; Jim Sammons were married in June.
Mildred Bowers ('58) and Rodney LoughmilJer were
and LeAnn Lesuer were f\larried in July.
;fohn Stei1Jm7n. ('73) a.nd Patricia Stuckenboltz Cook ('7;?) were married .in May and reside in Falls City, where. Pat is an art instructor and John owns a com;truction business.
Debra Dea ('84) and Donald Schechinger were married in
April and ate resid.ents pf Harry Garagiola we»e married Harlan, Iowa. i11 October '87andare resiclents Diana ('87) and LeRoy of Springfield, Neb. Marge has Behrends('SS)wetemarried in taught fort.he Millard Jµne.andJive in Omaha. Sch()ols'since graduating from 1 ('86) aµ4 PSC · ...• l\lfcDonald ('86f ('8f) 1 in fo Lincoln, Neb ; former · ·· 'Jom· ·· '86-'87) .gr<!4l!ate. stµdent M ; ',July .in• Hastings, · ldah1:> , and Sheri MUler ('87) and Mark · .·.for the. .Fi51J; and · (87}:were, marrieq· ·in Games • ..•. Apri.I in Council BluffS; lbwa, Jfas.1u•r J'86) .and and are currently· residents pf J;)aylan, ('87) were, SL Edward, Neb. married iil Augu$t in Omaha. Jacqueline Schultz ('84) and They live at Cape Girardeau;. Douglas Sparks were married Mq., where Qa)11an is a in May at Maple Grove, Neb. graduate Southeast They are living in Quincy, Missou.ri .S.ta,te Mass. Paufa a computer consultant with Kerber, EckandBraeckel CPA's.
DaveMiUer('84) andRhopda
Kay Hughes were married i11 August and live. at Broken Arrow, Okla.
Diane Coover ('84.).and Emanuel were married in June in Omaha. Diane is a teacher for .the Papillion Pub.He Schools.
Sally. · ('86) and. Roy aerkewere married in June in Redlands. Calif.
Julie Hungerford· (attd. '85'87) and Doriald Earlywine were married in June in .Omaha.
Margaret J.elinek ('75) and
CoDJiie and Elton Edmond ('88) .were. married in July in Omaha. ·1hey live in Lincofn, where. Connie is. an auditor with the Nc:bra.ska Department of Revenue and Etton work.s a{ the Beatrice (Neb.) State Developrriental Center.· · · · ·
Tom Wesely (attd. '82-'85) and Jean McBride were married in JunelnNeligh, Neb. They reside iri Mclean, Virginia, Peruvians of the last couple of jecades will be pleased, yet saddened, to learn of the ·wedding of longtime Bob I.nn employee "J3obca.t" to, Charles· Clark of
Gilmore back ·on cainpus
· The appointment of .Dr.· Norma Gilmore as assodiate. professor of i:fP.ucatiQrt a{ Peru. State College marks the return of Jt:fi.e • former PSC faculty member, accordiµg to Dr. Cha110irig Cox, vice president: Dr. Gilmore previously serve(.f Nebraska's first college as an assistant professor of education at PSC from 198082.
She returns to PSC after having served the past four years as an· assistant professor of education at Western (polorado) State College in Gunnison, Dr. Cox said; •
(from page 8)
Service Award." Selected· !.throi;tgh from faculty and the a\y3:rd t :honors outstancUng C()ntriQu:. to the off-ca1npus J academic program at P$U. Dr: · Hilt has been with PSU since and Jives in Pittsburg with .his wife· the former Mary Jones ('66), Edna Harding ('63) retired in May '$7, ending. a 40-year teaching career that. iridµded the last 2.5 years ·in Pawnee City, Neb. ··
John boystrack and cross ¢e>untry co.ach at Nebraska City 1High School, hon.otecllast spi;ing with a Franklin Life·. Select Cirde Awa,rd. :J,le ' has. accumulated over .15() victories in track and over 210 in cross country.
Robert Urwin ('67) is off our "lost" alumni list.He is director of athletics, head golf coach and assistant football. coadfat Pope Jofi11 xxm High in Ne'\\'.ton,. N !J. where he resides. He is .also owner ofTriState Cleaning Service.
Gary Jenkins (attd, '61-62) has been appointed senior vice president of the Martin. 'E. Segal Co. for .its northwestern U.S; regi6n; He has been with the·. benefit, compensation and actuarial consulting firrn since 1981, aqd their San f'rant:isco, Calif. office.
Dave Fulton ('60) .was riame<l the "Platte Person offhe Year>.: by the Central Community · College's Plafte Campus in Columbus, Neb The is given each year to. the Platte campus employee who demons,trates "dedication, enthusiasm and inn.ovation. '. and a willingness. fa go the extra mile." Dave has been with ., Platte as a history teac;:her since 1970. . San Diego, CaliL was invaded by Peruvians this pastsµmrner. It all began when Tom Stevenson ('63), the Area 5 recruiting chief for the U.S. Navy, lined up an "Educational Observation Visit." Assisting him was Dr. Bill Beck ('5:'7), a Navy recruiter in Omaha. Educators going along included Jerry ('64) and Chris ('88) Joy of Peru State; Janet Warrick lVfcMullen ('71), a teacher at Southeast Nebraska High School in Stella; and Kent Propst ('81} of Elaine Hays ('62), curator of the Fairbury (Neb.) City· Museum, was .featured in an article iti the Fairbury Journal· :Page io ·
The c noted thatElaintS started work.:•
• on her Peru at : iQ jµst· three years; · in Nebraskaandtbenin· Alberta, 'c;mada; fi:nis)led a degree in >librat)C science at 1 Ch.adron (Neb.)State (while .teaching and driving
bus); fl'lanageq a furniture sthre and.. son-il)'...Iaw; workeQ. in the former Southeast Qorrrrnunity College-Fairbury library; ;irtp then tool5. the job in the Fairbury ·museum.
·· Bette;· Coulter Knauss ·· .·is .the·•owner/ operator•. of theHeadH'!fntersSalon·in Bellevue, Nebraslia.
Thomas. BtJFcholz ('64) c;ime off PSC's an August. visit te> PSC; where hewasspotted by PSC Dean. of Students Jerry Joy('64): N9wa r.esidentofArlington; Va., he works for the W Metropolitan Subway System.
D.r. Roberf Penkava ('63) of Evansville, Jnd •. has recently been selec:ted for inc.lusion. in "Who'sWho inAmerrca!' Or. Penka,va has a private practice in radiology in Evansville.
Wayne ·Shafer .and Charles Caverzagie ('64) are being honored bytheNebraska .Coaches Association as teachers and coaches:}Vho have been in the pt:ofession Jor 25 years,.or more. Wayne serves the Southeast •Neb.raska Schools at Stella, and Charles is with Pfatts-, mouth High. ···
Bruce Vickrey (168) .of· Rochelle,Jll. is.athleticdirector with the local public school system.
(;harles Williams ('6,8)is of studertts for the Geneva (Ill.) High School. · ·
I,arry Hut.chens ('69) recently moved to Arcadia, Calif. He is assistant chief of the' police department of the Los Angeles Unified School Oistric{.
Pat Hamm ('63) has completed .21 years the Roxana High School in East Alton, Ill., where he is athletic director and varsity'golf coach.
Karel)· (Mcintire '63) ·teaches home economics· at the Wood River High School in East Alton.
Warren Etter .('64) of South. Elgin, Ill. ·recently rec.eived. a masters degree in education frorn Northern Illinois University. • · ·
Richard ('67) and Cheryl Seibert ('69) Rains live ih Wilber, Neb: where Cheryl has taught· for 19 ·years. Richard .,
manages the Colo(Tilest9rein Lincoln. F}'allkBostic('63)ofChicago, .. Ht is dean. of. students in the. public .school system in Chicago'. 1
· Terl'Y {'67}and ·Judy Strange ('61) · Ku:enning live in waterloo, .fowa · Terry works at the Blackhawk Grundy Mental'Hea lth Ce11.ter and Judy teaches fifth grade; Rex ('62) a.nd 'Ethel Nincehelser ('55) Filmer are residents of Gretna. Neb.'where Rex is e@ployed · by the Nebraska Department Of Education as an English coordinator.
David Shuey ('67) lives in Golden, Colo where he is vice president for operations for A{\A (Triple-A). in· Colorado. He has worked for them for l:fi years,
Ted 'Alljs(m ('69) lives in Dodge City, K<1.n. where he has beeri. teaching and coaching for the last 14 years. ·
Daniel Kelsay ('69) is , employed. by Kelly of Fremont, Neb;, at1d. was recently promoted to J1ational president of field His wife is the former Peru Stater Sue Friedly.
Darid Swantek ('()9) and' his wife Jerri live. in Guernsey, Wyd. where David was recently chosen. President-eled of the Wy?p1ing. Hjgh. Sc.hoo.l · Activities Associat.ion. · He is superinteriaent at Guer:nsey. ·
Raymond· ('61) and Betty Bebb ('61) ·• Planl<inton are Columbus; Neb:. residents where. Ray heads the math depa·r.tment at Central Techn.ical com,munjty Col-: lege's Platte ca:rnpus and Betty is a nurse at the Columbus. ornmunity Hospital.
Jim Fisher. ('6lf is ;inothcr employee qf the .f>latte,campus .of Central Techntca!Community College in ColuQlbus, Neb.
Robert ('62) artd Karolyne Powers (163) · ·.Gibson live in Omaha, Neb, . where Bob is with the career placement and planning department ofthe University Qf Karolyne works as a·travel agent.
Ronald ('61) and Gayle Gerber (?6t) Callan reside in Columbus, Neb.· where· Rori teaches biology · and coaches cross··cmmtry for ·Columbus HighSchooL
Rodney Kettdhut ('66) reports in. that he now lives in El Paso, Texas; Richard Zapan(nick('68) lives in Madison .•.Conn. His latest · ac;:h1evernen1 is completion of his/ eipetgency .111 ed i cal (EMT} tr'airiing, and .he "is a ··volunteer for the Madison Ambulance Association
Patricia Thompson Diskin ('69) pfSan Mateo, Calif. was selected to coa,C:hein the .state Specjal Olympics in 1987. .Charles ('67) and Teri Kisby ('67) Steen live. at Fort Ord, Calif. where Charles serves in fhe military and feriw9rks on a masters degree. Their family includes five children, and they enjoy "lots o.f traveling,'' Gordon ('66) ·teaches history and social science at Glenwood, Iowa.
L<da .Yates Baker ('67) has .retired from full-time teaching, but enjoys substitute work and the · 24 pi< students she tutors. Husband (attd. retired, and they live in Casa Grande, Ariz. Bernard Lorimore ('62) commutes from his home in (see page 11) ·
our staff the nel\t Smith has the fast five years coaching on the high school levels in the state of .. Nebn1ska. Smith. spertt theJ987-88 as a volunteer Lineotn Southeast .H.rgh School.
Prrof. to his one-year stint <tt Southeast, Smith served as. an, assistant Peru State, during t986 87 .season. He was the head coach at Pawnee (Neb.) City for three. year's, prior to.moving to Peru State.
While an undergraduate at
JEFFSMlTH ·re9e1vmg honorah,fo mention all"-Oistriq honors in basketball as· a s.enior.
He is ·married. to· the former RobinNelson('83)cin9 iheyare the pa.-ents of a. two-year-old Taylor,
Terri .( '74) has been ylected Bou.ndchaptkr of the Am:er.ican Business. Wumen's.As.soci:ation: (ABWA) in Uncoln, Previously she was a rnember . ofLi11coln's. Horizons chapter, president, vice president and secreta·ry. ··Terri · ·'as admi.hislrative secretary to the .(see/paged4)
··.1J.s: ; D.F,()rd, •· State in Navy 'the. (:::("fmmencelllent ··ad<iress an<i was f'ero
_ r
·. 8ezyi9eA,War<Js ·
··witl1·the hon().rary d9c.torate ,... Were tQ. DrZ Robertsun ('29),. •Madan
· Downey :('52), and the late Willialll Daily.
Over: 200 gradtiates; o11e of f'SC's largest.classes were <luring COmmence· ment '88. Special. gu.e$tS were SO·year alums attending the annual· May·:Reunion activity.
Congressnian Ford has served Mk_hig11n's. )5til (iistrfot continuously sinc:e .1964 Heds !lanlcing Majority Member of the. House Committee on F.ducation and .and. ·chairs·its Post Office and •civil service Committee.
· He was principal author of the middle . Income Student Act · l 9SO, .the mosL comprehensive higher education legislatfon enacted by C< Ford presided overthe reauthorization of the
·· Higher Education Act in 1986, which ineluded billion ig.. federal studen:c.( programs.
Marian Downey, a. southeast Nebrasl<a is president of the OUCo. ()f Katy, Texas. He served the Shell Oil Co from. until he retired last year .to s.tatt up Oil. While. with. Shell, .. Dowrtey toured the world and. visiti;:d With rilany world'.. leaders as president .of SlleU'!f.overseas exploration and production sybsidiaty, Pecten lrtterna7 tional. He also serves as a gtiest lecturer on• college; •and ul:iiversity eatnpusesi ·and will · ·· retUt'Jl this aca(lemiC year to PSC t() kick off the/ g.ew "Visiting ·· Dr•... · Joseph. Robertson,- a Reno, . is a r:enowne(i ecologist· a,nd work coUeses the. and with- the Fore1Jt Service ;has ·been Cc)niptemetited. by consulting South America, Africa ( 14)
WAYNE'Rt.GGS,;'WllotF.rr:Eatn·No LE$sl'1t:A'N.t2
· a picture shop' maki)'lg. custom· frames and. mats hf Hesperia, ;Calif., doing for · local
game. ·George Gardner ('7,1) is alive and>well. in T:oms River,N,J. where he and his wife, ·.the· former Nancy Rhoden ( attd. '70-'71) and their three sons
'88 Ball of ;Baille' .c.ites·f()uf
Two of l;leru State. College's early prominent 'athletes; a cong-time faculty .m:ernber, and one ofthe state's most heralded small college, football· players gained induction into tl:le school's athletic. Hall of Fame ori Sept. HL
. . re.cqrcts, the/loo
Yard.·· qash, ;of and.. hurdles,(stiU aPSC into th,e. astheB()bqats, $he was ¢!aimed. three , als? a. al1t?ority ·. l:lI1. (1932,.:34); .· ··. ; / · mstructmg many His athletic h<rve •. few•·.boun<laries. }If
Standout atllfete$ Butdette "Bo" .('34) an<l Wayne Riggs ('3'7)? along with the legendary Robert ''Bob" l,ade ('54 ); joined. PS C's. first female inductee, Phyllis Davidson, in, the Hall of Fame.
,,Cerempnies place at halftime of'the ·Peru State vs. Nebrask;,a Wesleyan' football contest)n the Oak Boitl.
Previous.. inductees jnclu<le Coach ,,\T Wheeler in April 1986;. Newt /l{yle, Jack, Mcirtth:e .C.41) and Omer Meeker ('51) in Octoberl98,6; an.d Lon Gt"a.f, Walte.r Buettgel}lnl''i!h. J'26), A,B• Ritchie C27), Wilburt Zorn ('28); Paul "Swede·"Hertz ('29), and. Joe •Krejci ('29) in October 1987. ·
Bo Cowel was almost a one man show at times, and one of dominated state college track and field mee.ts during the early 30's, Healsoearned.fameas a B0cbcat footballstar.
The Aubtirl},Neb. native: won :no less tban,five'events, himself at the conference meet his seriior year - tnree of.which set
(from page 13)
Fo.rce captain. curte.n.t!y stationed in Augusta, Georgia: Gary Lesoing ('75) · of Hickman, Neb. works for. the lJ nivers ity of.. NebraskaLincoln agriculture depart., ment as an administrative assistant. He is pursuing his doctorate in agronomy.
Kari Fredericks.on ('79) reports that he is employed by theJ:C. Penney Co. in Omaha.
. Ron Parks ('70) received his masters .degree. from Wayne (Neb.) StateCoHegeandisnow pursuing is speqialist degree. l{e is a school administratorin Creighton, Neb
l{aren Schwartz. Tuxhorn
Mladucky e1s) is a. selferiJ, ployed business forms salesperson in the·Geneva,,Ul. area.
Sharon · .. Kramer· Lott ('72) teaches first and second graders
·he qqaHfled for the water·safetyin,structors. finals/in the lol}g jutnp; 1,A native of C()lumbus, Kan,, but Irn:d to caricel out due to. ltft. she· ,was an early pioneer., of injµty ,.·· ·.·. ,· · · ·•· · womens athletics at a time.
C()weLjoined the footballS;taff , when. i11terc0Hegiate sports atC()loradgState ;UniverS;ityin "":eren't offeredforwdmen. She · originated .the state:s.first girls linef, :H.e we11t pn. to sef"e.25 high sch'ool voJley·baU .· as a physical in 1946; n()w ins,truqtor· and. int'rarnurji;l :longest running, dfrectorbefore·retir!pg ' .( '····· 3 toµtney an9:' I11'.l983, the, ·· the fore,runI1erqfthestatehigh · C(.)1%,,•· .<scho?l;ihonored ·his :vP.lleybaU., se,t"v19e by naming ···a.·facility ship. F' · ' ..•.. '.:· "C,0wel Field'', after Also PSC'sPean, of: Women He lives in Fort Collins. .·.·.· 1948-50,>she left t.J:ie campus of AThous,ancf (')akS; in: l 957 .and workedfi,ve. years as. a estate salesperson in.
Phyllis '.is ly;theJirst female f!aRof Fame ···inductee; ,having. inspired. and influenced over a generation of ·students as a fa9ulty'h}ember at · Nebraska's,. Dvring her seryice fr9m 1929-.,.
Chico, J2'al}L
She passed a,way in'I983.
Bob Lade was one of the ·fiercest competitors• and most feared players.• on the gridiron during .his·. fdbtball career··at PSC.
The 210-p'ounder' f:rom was .referred to as an "iron bythe late coach Al Whee,ler; and .anc}iored the undefeate,d football ·teams of 1952 and '53 as<a two•way starting iineman; In addition to .his numel"ous conference and state awards, ' Lade becamethe,first.Nebraska
.MOST titJ(::CJ!lSSF(iL .·•·PERIODS .IN .· RECALLS THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF. THE.LATE BOB LADEilUlUN9···LADE'SlNpUCTI.P'.N.JNTQ'fHE PSC HALL OF FAME. LO()KING ON IS .VIRGINIAB{JRKE, LA:Q·E'S 'YlDOW'. (PHPTO BY collegian. fo earn first team ·Little AU:.. American honor.s bY the Press. · ·
He .passed ·•awasr ih August 197$ of cancer
Wayrie Riggs was one. of Jhe iii'. the State College · · circles -while attending. Peru State from 1933-37, evittenced' by his performance as a ti:acksier. · ·
at the Milligan {Neb.) public school and lives at 11earby' Geneva.
Darlene HahnO'Brien ('7l)is another Geneva 're:si(jent, where she tea9hes elei:nentary school.
Karen Ackley Booe (attd. '10'71) has named din;ctor·of development and alumni ·for• the Bellevue <Nrb·Y .. ·. Foµ.11dati9n'.
She finished .· J:ier ' degretL at past June. 'She, ·, ')lop ('72), .and three chjldten live in B.eHe:vue.
(']7> reports·
tnat he been teaching 'industrial, ,art at M,alvern ( lo"fa) for the: ·past; twg Years: Before that he. \Vas/with the <lOwj!Schoolf()rthe .i :wayne.
·wife Pat areprgud parents·of identical twin sons, born last December. They live. at
Glenwood; Iowa. ))opp (.'77) has been promoted t() property records specialist for the Nebraska Public Power District, based in C9lvll)bus,: Ne\) ·.···. / James Desbiell ('73) is executive \lice president ·6f B.elt Savings of Flays, Kan, Susan Patton ('71) is ··living. teaching in Frentont, Neb.and sends her best to the Class of '71.
-Barbiira Te.mplemeyer Gard.ner ('78) is an .acco1.mtfog supervisor.withthe (J ,S. Polital .Service in Lincoln, Nel:> · Phil ('77) andTregaO')lanion ('77) )logge live in ,Fafrbµry, Net>.•,mily. has })een ;to the •John.Deereistorein Beatrice. Warren ('75) and )lt1tbara , Selah ('J7) Goos of:Macedonia, (see page 17)
Af'te'r graduating from Peru State, Lade was drafted in 1954 by the Colts of the· National .Football League, and was one of the team's tpp rookies in camp.: But .a recurring eye injury forced him· ·· to leave the team .and return hom.e after six weeks. He was offered· a contract the following year, but chose to begin a coaching and teaching career at Tarkio (Mo;) High Scho(>L After two years, he joined. ,the staff at Tarkio College where:'he dire9ted four sp()rts'.
.··His basketball teams posted a 68..;79 in five yea,rs and advaneed tQ the N AIA District I i5 playoffsin .1966. In football, he accumulated a 39-35-2 overall mark
Riggs breezed to victories in the 100 and 200 yard dashes at the conference meet; and arichored a winning relay team as a freshman. He placed first or second as a tunner 57 times his career' and established a state record of9, 8 in the.JOO,which statewide for many years.
In all, the Shubert, Neb. native earned 12 varsity letters at,PSCancl was .named a team captain in football, basketball, and track.
Following .a four-year stay with the U.S.Navy,hereturned to his alma mater as the head basketball co.ach in 1946-47 a?d an, in both football and. track.
The ()f .his career was. spent as a.n administratorincluding four Nebraska schools one in Illinois, . before his retirement in He cµrren:tly resides .in Wilsonville, Or.e.
r.i'! .• Mildred·Ida WiUHtms Wilson t ('22) passed away in April at Northridge, Calif.
Marcelle Kelly 2 ('31) passed away in ii1 h · ·ma a. ·•··.. ••.
Q.i Della Hodges LaVigne ('34) ES passed away in. August in Au.burn.
Blanche• Seibold Eurich. ('24) passed away in July in Papillion, Neb
Lela: Pimper Nispel ('13) passed away in Lincoln, Neb. in July.
Melinda SchutY Avery ('14) passed• away in, August in Longmont, Colo.
Lois Boyd Crosl,ey.. ('48) passed away· .Ja:iy in Orlando{Pla:
Marie Olderog Toft> ('30) passed aw.ay in August in Lincoln; Neb
Louis Atkins. (.:41) passed away .in Scottsbluff, Neb. ·in ·
· Cars.on (17) pas.sed a:way in July in Oaklancl,• Neb.
Peru State has learned of the deaths ofUr. bwis Kilzer('15). of 1..ararnie, W;yo., and Helen Lawre,nce Morgan ('19) ·· of Butte, COlo. · ·
Vida Van Camp Grim.(13) passed· away in August in· Denver, Colo.
Indiana McConnell Andrew {'15) Qf Falls. City; .Neb. passed aW,ay,in'AlJgust. · ·
Jr. ('60) pass¢lj .:: irt in Port1atid,· '·······.• :
Th.rough duririg the of the death of C. Beckford. ('30) who •. · away in: September .of 1983; ·
We have been informed that Lola. Barrett passed away recently. ··
OliverHemhte1:Langdon ('16) passed away in March 1988 He bad lived in Omaha. · ·
Marilyµ Byr9(l ('54) passed away i.n March. 1988.She.liad lived in. Nebraska (;'.ity.
Helen Iverson Thimgan'('30) passed awayrece.ntly.;She had lived' in Plattf\mouth Alma· .Jorn passed away recently; She bad lived in Lincoln.
Lavera Rita ·oliver Bennett ·· ('67) passed away in March 1988. She had lived in Wichita, Kan.
Word has beenre.ceiyed of iM death. 6f ·.Gilberta Durland ('H). She had lived in Omaha.
Mildred Colglazier Riggs, (attd. '26 to '64, degree'62) passed away in June )988. She had been a school teacher in the Shubert.area for 35 years.
Former studetH Elsye. H'oralek.' passed away. in Jrt\;¥ ., .1988. She had lived In the Humboldt,, Neb. area>
W. {)r\iille BaldwiJ1 ·. ( '21) in, March.· iri
Om(i}\a. Hehad of HebfoJ?-,Neb.
,·.··Hazel '60} inJ ime. in Nebr,aska l':ity.. • ·.•..• · (',59) passed away in July in · CitY, Neb. He had taught i11 Kansas and Iowa well as.
' Nebraska. . . . ··. · . .•. .·... · ·
Benjamin Burke t'32)passed ·. away in j'uly ir1 BeatJil;t1. enjoyed .a 40:year i.n
Alvina· Busch (attd; :1910s) passed away inMarch in Beatrice. · ··
Vella /'l)ft:y (attd/late
Passed .away in Ma.y//rn Fremont, Neb.
PSC,has of the death·, of •.Virgil· pai;$ed away f1fJariuary 1 '.'88.i11•• [)enver,.Colo, · ·.. · ·
Campus 'fJ1;IJtit/rfls >loss of M/.iott/
Robert f>e,;(}ifr .Moore, SUHe e' profess<'.Jr. .of English · i:i.nd speech •. passed· ai ;his. home in Colo;. on ·j{me 5. 1988. Hews 83 · Professor served f>eru State College for 33years, from 1.937 until 'his.. in 1970. In add; teaching\ and speech das8e$, he headed · the langmtge ' art.s division frnm 1951-:70 and directed numerous 'thea.trical · producations. .·· , •··· Moore. taught in Oklahqma · and schoO;is collegesu11til.joi9ingtbe .Peru State faculty in September 1937. ' ' ' '
Active in the Red Cross arid i.n politics, M oort; was on the Peru.Cjt:y Counciland was 'a t\vo,..term•.·Mayor. Jle,enjoyed hunting and fishing;. phot():'
gtaph,y, ·stamp ahd collectjng, and. theater:: coin
Jr •. Hved. AtJhis point, Moore .took. an interest iri senior citizen efforts, an av0 .cationthat was to staywith hirn the rest of his life.
l"le was' appomted by the Nebraska governor to a state Senior Citizen's Council, and heJped fo esta1blish the gerontology depa(tment at the University of Nebraska at Omaha,·
The Moore's mo,ved to Littleton, CQio. in l<J74, where they•rem.ained .·active in citizen efforts· and in the Peru State· ·alumni in Denver:
Upon retirement · in 19.70, M.oore andhis wife Bessinoved · to On;ia:ha, w9ere their son Bob
Prof. Moore is survived by his wife, Bess, son Robert ('57.) of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and '.daughter Sue Johnson ('6Q) of Grand.Junction, Colo. 'Hoot' Bauer
Eana Engelke · Goltermann Merle ''Hoot,;, BaU,er ('50), ('24)< Jiassed ;aWaY,¢11. at former Bobcat star Grand Island, Neb. · · and one of bestGr()SS ('28) known high passed away in June in passed away. at his Fremont, Neb. North Platte (Neb.) home on Rose Hallgrimson ('30) June 9. passed a way in May at Athletic director at North Neb. Platte High School since 1969
Stephen Henning (attd. .h.e '77) passed .a.;aY in J'µ?e in retireni.ent ·only ·days earlii;r. Beatrice · ·: .· /• .··. •. :.· Herrick '(.,68): .. attack ·...•· •..• iri ·· · f.. fu;i9:' last May.' .··.· ·.··... ·· ..··. .•. · ,in name
Hilda Linscott.Jtetd1,ess('62) · · wittt Acpievement passed away 29, 1988 at Fotjndation.
Filley, ·Neb. an :A, of Shubert; Neb., elementary school teacher for Bauer, sta:rt¢ , an illuStrious · 22 years, .·· ·. · · · \Vhile stilt a Virginia Omer ('51) passed student at Petti; heading the away March 18, 1988 at a Hu111boldt. American Legion hospital in Omaha; baseball team. · . · Cojl,ney Sines ('37) tie served Holdrege. High
Pearle Bulichett .(:',20)
School.from 1<)57-69, five of his boy's basketball squads earned,. a spof iri the state .champio.nships. They were Cfass A in 1959.'. and Class B champions in '67. During that.era.this team won a then-stat5 re'con:J consecutive games,.
He)oined North Platte ijigh in·l969•. and with ·1?ith:tting .• · girls spdrts seven the state gitls · ships. ·· .··.·./· ;
He was .honored in 1969\vben ··.· sele.cted to ·coach in th,e very first Ne.bra.ska Coaches, Associatipn high school All-: Star B.asketba:ll and directed those games for five Years.
Bauer was the' •Nebraska
Athletic Director of the Year in 1976-77. This past spring, he was nominated · for national · high school•athleticdirect<>r of year .ho11prs. his the former Margaret Lewis ('48); and two children. passed away Ml':lrch 15, 1988 at
.;.passed. away Loyd Prante ('20) passed honor.
1900; an<f.•·his early childhaod Falls. City, NE. She 11 ttended away Februacy in Rancho .Prante was born near Per.u iq. was spent helping· t() raise .his. Normal for one yeaL .·. Palos Calif ·• •· ·. including his cousin, Melvin .<>,. Pugh ('32). of · tlie )ate B...ettgenbach Auburn; Neb. passed, awayjn ('26)., · March, 1988 •. His ..wife. is·. the. letters .are After finishing college·. l':lt former Esther (32) .• ; tpeir he · Peru, hetaught fqr oneyeat in · Melvin worked fo; !'vfoDonnell · was·a: of tfi.e P.e(u· F,airfield, :Neb. before heading A;ircraftJor 27 State. College Distinguished - west to .California; He served Lola l)eweese Noa (attd. '08- Service Award, PSC's top the. scho()l system in Los '09)passedaway April 23, 1988
Angeles until retiring in 1965. in Humboldt; Neb.Sile taught
He also earned degreesfrom in·r··.u.ra.l..s..choo·l·s··
after attending PSC.
California. C40) passed away Feb. 15,
Umvers1ty of Southern Sa.die L. Bennett ·Anderson
later hfo at his second home in
La:Pine, Oregon, is survived by ····two sons, a daughter, and 10 grandchildren.
(from page 15)
Iowa, keep busy with two loca.} b'usinesses. Warren runs the local. elevator and Barbara owns "The Wild.Goose Chase," making designer sweatshirts.
Charles Trailetf72) and his wife, former PSCstudentMeta Reimer, live in. Harlan, ·Iowa where hs is assistant county engineer,
Max Cupp ('78) of Mal\Terl1, Iowa. is executive director Qf domestic services at the Glenwood (Iowa) Sta·te Hospital.
Sheila'Steinkuhler 'fhomps<m (:71) of Tempe, Ariz.spent part of. the past sum111er in. Costa Rica, teaching summer .sch6ol
Gary ('72) checks, i:n with the report tha.t he. works for. t_he. Burlington .Northern railroad and Jives in Woodridge, III.
Rod Wartman ('74) is varsity wrestling coac:h, football coach and an economics and political science teacher in the Cahimet · City, HI. .school system.
Berton Faulkner ('70) of Gilbbstown, N:J. ·is a computer engineer for tli.e American Dredging Co., which restores b'eaches along the east coast.
Terry Burkhalter ('78) sends his regards to Peru friends. He a para:medic with the Nati:onal Guard and an LPN working at the Epley <:;enter7s · drug and alclfohol unit, and he lives in Iowa.
(from page 16)
Word ha:sbeeri receivedofthe· death ofRoy·R. Guern('44) of Long Beach, .Calif.
Ruth Kurtz Johnson f33) passe.d away in Denver; Colorac:to in ·April She taught school for 1$ yearsjn <;olora.,do. .·. .·
Isabelle Majors . HayS, r39) passed away in California in !vlay1988 .•..··'• ···
Blanche ('28) .• passed away .· il1 Weepfog · Water, Neb. in April, 1988;
Mae Hicks Hinds (attd. '21 to '60) passed away·in May 1988. She taught. s9h99,I . in the Nemaha County areafor many. years and most receritlflived in Auburn, Neb.
Ella Parsolls Clark' ('f3) passed away in May 1988 at Neb.
Helen. Houst<m Ro.use ('16) passed .away in T 9rririgfon, Wyo. in May, 1988
Hugh P. Sto<;Hfard passed away in Auburn, Neb'.
Dean .Fornoff CU) has cl).anged careersand (low in· the insurance business in the Omare area. /
Judy Werner Souder ('73) lives in. Omana and is worldng 'toward a masters degi:ee .in e,le111entary educa:tictn Her husband and three ted.,headed , sol1s./will ;soon move· to./•
· Geiro:an)', where h(}r husbandi wil.l be. stationed in the Air
f'ti;i¢ia·Ne\\'meister Trottier, ('71) ·stopped by the PSC a!Ulllni office this summer to lpok addresses of friends. She arid her husband; Brian· ('71). were in: visiting tpf)#• Leste,r Russell's ('51). their last copy of the Staterwa,s/ missent, itput themih.cC>ntact wit.h
Vetmµnt, .and Theresa Kr<>:ntz Syrnancyk('74).
Clyde · WiHCins ('71) was chosen as· Louisiana's 1987 high school· "Coach of. the Year:•• The Lake Charles resident has coached his team to l2dis.trict t.itles and two state championships:
Stephen Rabourn ('73}is on the Stater mailing list tha.nks to the spring Phone-ATho11 An Aztec, N.M. resident, he operates his own ·contra.ctiiig.bµ:siness.. .·
Kelly Evers Gruber ('77) is teaching at the Jacksorl Junior · High Scnool irl Jacksor(Miss!
Susan Brown Morfeld ('70) of Osmond, · Neb. received a master of science in education degree from Wayne (Neb.) S.tate College in August'.·
Peggy :Hartnett. ('87) 'of Belleyue,• completed the Certified.Public Accountant examination this to the. State of Public Accountancy.· She is. assistap.t ,Jl'roject control· analy8:t fo.r the Planning Research Gorp. of Bellevue. ·· · ·
Nfark Craig('83) and his wife are proud p(lfents. of a daughter, borri in July in Fairbury, .Ne.b. Mark isthe new ·manager for Fa.ii-Bury Pipe & Supply Co;
Mark F.· and his wife, Lynn,. are proud parents. 9f a son,.Brit;,. bQrn i.n July in Omaha. ··
t()is Fisher Gregory ('82) is a securities lawyer inWshington, D.C.
L;;ury .Benton ('83)· teaches and. coaches football and baseball in B'ra,ndc;>n, Fla. Rene Bourn ('82) ··.teaches nandicapped children in Eagle Butte, s.,o. Mark l{rabik ('82) and his wife Deborah are proud pa,tents of a SOU; $9oitr.,t{ichael, born in June. TheY llve in l,.aurel, Neb. ·
Sara Beth Pebley Sierks ('85) and her husband David are proud pa.rents of a daughter, Jill, born in June. They reside at:Hickman, Neb; · ·
Steven Barker ('81) and his wife Roxanne are proud parents of a son, Darin; born in July. They live in Nebraska Gity;
Diane Shaw ('88) is teaching kindergarten ·in the Auburn, Neb. public schools this fall.
Dtana Larsen ('84) 9f Nebraska City .earned her masters degree in counseling fro.m ,, the. lJ niversity of Nebraska-Lin.colri.
Jay Huwaldt('88) is employed bythe ,Eastern Home in Neb'. .• ·
Chris · .('83) if teaching special and the.head boys hasketballal:ldjunior high football coafh for his hometown Tecumseh (Neb.) High School.
Teresa MiUfon ('88). is a customer servicesassista,nt for ., Dorsey Labo'ratories i.n Unc()ln, Neb.. · · Ward (:88) managing the. campus bookstore for Southeast Community College at Beatrice.
Melissa ('88) is ·by Coc;kle Printing ofOmaha. · ·
Terri Johannes ('88) has. been hired to teach af the St. Phillips Catholic School in San Francisco, Calif.
Joan Wachter ('88) is with USDA/Farmers Hctme Ad'ministration 's Beatrice, Neb: office: ·
Richard Haneline ·('87) is ' teaching art and. servjng as assistant boys basketball coach a.t Chase; County (Neb'.).High School.
Christin.a Joy ('.88) : is' managing the Bobcat Bookstpre at Peru Col,lege.
• Dave Kimball ('88) is a heaJth physics tecHnicJan at the Cooper Nuclear ··Sta:tion Brow.riville, Neb.
company of Syracuse, Neb. , Tom Pospischel ('88) is a .('1>. manager trainee for .• the Shenandoah,
Brown Shoe Fit Co.
Mark Paneitz ('88) is an !!t accountant for Larson, Schroeder& Assoc: of Grand · lsland,. Neb. ,. .Scott. f88) is an. productionsupervisor for Dal.e Electronics €>f Columbus, Neb. • Laura Pierce. ('88) .is. living. in Hunt.ington Beach,, Calif. where she is an assistant manager trainee ·fo'r Wool:.: · worth's.
Clark Benne ('87) will teach sociat'studies and be bead boys basketball coach a.nd ass·istant football· and track co.ach a:t Bradshaw, Neb.
Connie Sims Edmond ('87) has been promoted, by the Nebraska Department of Revenue,. where. she is an auditor; Ro.bbin Broz ('88) is teaching i.n the Exeter (Neb.) school district. ·
· PSC student Barb has enlisted in the U,S. Air Force.
Rita s;mpson ('81) and her husband; Jay, are proud pa.rer}ts 9f daµgt.lwr. Megan, born in febrµal'Y· They liveat Neb.
on June 4, 1988: He was a historian and had researched · Lillian Esther. and written considerable MadS,on, C30tpassfd away.Jn material for N.e111aha County. June in.Superior, N.el:>. '
Zella .Wittwer Hunzeker (att. · L1t.ttrencei\iJorr.issey (attd. '40'33., '34) passed away in r.,t{ay · .'41) passed awl:!Y in January in 1988;Sheresided in Humboldt, Calif. Neb
Word has beenreceiyed of way Jas.i death 'of
· in Fla: · •....., · ('52) of Walnut, .,·
·• Miner 'f19)
pa,ssed,a'\yay· .in.Red P<lssed Jtuxe/l?;; : .Neb. fast •.••.•. .livedin Winifred ;;Elkins. C3.lif,>
·· Mamie
LesUe Thomas ('88) is.. cost acc9un.ting supedysor at .the American Meter · plant at City.
De.nise ··Kirkendall ('88) is teaching l}.hd coaching .in .the Falls <;ity (N'eh.J p.ublic scfl,ools. .· •, •' · •' ·. ('88)·i1as·hee11 hir;e9 by. NeApc€> of.,
•t.>arteite acre"'i " at the Auburn (Neb.)
Hardees Restaurant · Patjl Sta11osbeck ('88). qas i?Y.the Bank•ofOdeU (Neb.). ·
Ben Egger ('83) anq. his wife are proud parel1ts .9f a Alexander,· bo.rn .in Grand Island, Neb. They,ar.ei Wood River, Net>'. residents,· ,(attd. • Geotjean. Schimke ·('85) live in rnysses, where she. teachesjl,lijior l).ighalgebrl:i and coa,ches jlirijo.r high. girls basketlball and track. Juan teaches psychology and coaches junior . high football, wrestling and. track Mark Johnson ('80) is a graduate.student and' football coach at Nortl).west Missouri State University.Jhis 'year.
Julie Arp ('88) .is eU1ployed with C9n:temporary lndl,lstries · CorporatioJ;l of().111aha.
Milton Bramble ('88) is furthering his ed:ucation. at S€>.utbwest .Missouri State,. Springfield;. Nf yles Elllers ('88)is a teacher withJhe Hildreth, Neb; public schools; / , , ,
Freda'Schmeling('l4):passed· She Jiyec:I ··in Shen.a.ndoah, away last June. in Superior, Iowa
passedawayo:l'lJµntl7; 1988.>
Neb. She taught in sch<:)QJs ·•· tn: •' al),d W•¥,ay in ,J,\prH in and at colleges ·in Ep;glewood: She fowa and Kansas: .... ./a Willis Srnith, Iowa and Colorado; · · /' PSC mail),tenance sta!'ffro111 passed awa,yin h1ly at. SheMndoah, Iµwa;. / Neb;Jast /. , •.·..••..• · ,; Mern11 Harris .Er;nal (attd; passed away in. 1910s-'2(is) · passed away in in May.
Jim. Larson. ('88)has relocated to Sioux City, I owawhere he is a loan officer "'for··· JTT's d¢pa'rtment
Lisa Kirchoff Nutsch ('88fis an office 11'.ari.ager f9r Big Byron Agri ServiCes in Byron, Neb.
Shaw ('88) is. teaching elementary school in Auburn, Neb.. . .
Ray Rit;e('88) is employed by the Maverick Mediapuhlishing
Fegan «'88) is al) instruc,for at· ..tne fine. Arts Apademy inAJ;lbUrn,Neb.
'Patricia Moon ('88) is a bo;okkeeper .at the Martin [utherHome in Beatrice, Neb. Shari Nelson ('88) is teaching at the Santee .Public School in: Nfobrara, Neb
Susan Rice ('87) has been hired to.teach. in tne Gonest9ga '. • (see page 18.)
Lynn Johnson AndersonAuburn, NE
Andy Andreas .: Omaha, NE
Murvel Annan - Bridgewater, VA .···
·'& <;::aro:lWjlton
ChapJ>ell - Granite City, U:P<,ttil Chatelain - Rising City, NE
Ralph & Maxitje
Ghatelairi - Aubiirn; NE - Biloxi, MS
DarreUCqristensenNE _ <·.··.•. ·. ..•.•. '. Arny NE
John & Delores Clark, '-·Co}fax, WI_
Madlyn Collins Clarke.Aub\lrn,NE
Clarke - Lincoln, NE
Fred & Marilyn Hawxby Clements•,. Dennison, IA
Richard Clements - Pittsford: NY
Mrs. Averyl Oaines CluteRocheste,r, Ml
Rex. C6atriey - Glenwood, IA
Lydia llaqns Cockerham .: Peru, NE
Regina StanderW.eeping Water, NE
Fred Cole :. Chandler, AZ
Robert. {:ole - Beatrice, NE
Valetta Lock Cole - Nebraska City, NE
Danny & Connie "'Orand.lsland,.NE · .. · • . ·
wm. Cooley is ; Kathleen .<;::opas - Lincoln, .N,E NE.· ·
·Coripne Frye Cott'erc- .... · Jndianapdlis,. JN
·Ellen Meritt(::otton ,. Anton, co .•
Ron Cott&n ,. Sot:!t'hhridge, MA .
r\liee Cli;trkeCovalt -F.ail'hope, AL ··. ·
LaVon & Gleora CovaU.ltTable Rock;-NE
Dorothy. Edmoru:is CowenDelta, CO
Fike Co_x.- Lubbock, TX:
Diana Schneider Calabro()maha;NE"'*
·Stanley Cameron - Lincoln, NE ·····
Murton Campbell ,. Norwalk, OH .
Keith Cox - Osceola, NE
Mark& Deborah Craig·fairbury, NE •.... ·
Dorothy Teachtl}an Bachenberg .,, NE
Tercy ·Bahr .: Lincoln, NE
Anpa Baker .: Hiawatha., KS
Kdrah & Loi.a Yates Baker .: Casa Qrande,,AZ
Donald'BaldersonSacramento, CA
· EarlD. Banks - Denver, CO
Macy Weber Barker:. Shubert, ·NE
Corrine ¢arey - N'ebr:i;tska City, N.E
Janet CaHsoi1-.. Grand Island, NE
Mar:ie Caniglia CarnazzoOmaha,NE' · ·
Kenneth. Carnes ".; Bettendorf, IA
·'- ' Esther Carpenter - Sabetha, KS
Maureen Hauptman Carpenter Lincoln, NE·
Robert Craig ;-Eudqrad{S,. Bettyi Pruitt .Crain "" Tarkio., MO
Dennis Crawford - Friend, N,13
Dr. James Crawford ::-At.lanta; GA
Donald & shKron Deaver Crunk; '"' riebraskaCity,. NE
·Jeannie >Cullllllins - Omaha, NE·
Glen Cunningbam Omaha, NE
(sc:e page 20)
page 19)
: & Mary Goergen Dau.
"; Ames, IA
"':: Mitch & Carol Davis Dahmke:..
t Dunbar, NE
William -Holden, MA
{fl R9gerDailey.:.Loveland; (:Q
f Craig & Susan Henricksen
if 1 Dallegge - Hampton, NE
J Richard & Dawn Nebula Daly
Lloyd Darrow - Gretna; NE
Ina. Good Davey - .Heber Springs, A;R ·
Bruce& PhyllisAntholi
Davis -Johnson, NE
Joni. Yost Davis - Nebraska City,. NE .·
Michael Davis Osceola, NE
Robert K.Davis-Omaha,NE
C. T,homas & Marj.orie
Kennedy Dean - Long Beach, CA '
Steven Dean -Dougfas, NE
Lowen Decker - Silver Spring, MD.'
Lucile Newcomer DelzellEnglewood, co
Ruth Boe'Ckner Demaree - Hot Springs Village, AR & Renee.· Mammen
Denning' - Loveland.• CO
Terry Dennis- Bloomfield, NE
James Desbien - Hayes,. KS
Elvera Schacht ,DesmondMiami, FL
Stephen Deurmyer - ISfncoln, NE
Dennis & Julie Garrett
Dickman ".'· Lincoln, NE
,Phyllis Constant DidloColo. Springs,"CO
Ja,rnes Dianne Dunn
·. -preteiNE ··
Julia NE
Selma.Diehm: f{;ist.irigs, NE·
Den.nis Dietrich..:William.s""··· ) '' ville, NY
Marfone. Fuhrman Dodd011eida;,KS
.Jack Dodge - McCook; NE
Marvel Lucas Dodfon -
l)owney, CA•
Clev.¢11ger Dorllingo -Crawford, N:E ·
l:)pnelson -
Robert & Bonita Brm;isdon , Duey ".' .Winstpn, ()r · ·
WilmaLichty Duey-
Pfattsmouth, •NE
CoL Dean Duncan.::: Cha.rlotte.,
E.rna Woitzel Pun<:;an -
Albuqqerquei .N!-4
Ros<e ·Maloy Duncan -
Unadilla, NE ·
Lee Dunekacke - Risiitg City, NE
L. Hartley Dunlap.Fremont, NE
Stanley·Dunn •. JA
Steven A; Dunn - Hayden, CO
Wm: tg,· Clara Oiqetog.D'll!}n -
Loy.isville, NE
Polly J>orr Duryea :.:
Humboldt, NE
Daisy...,Mae E<:kman - Lincoln, NE
Ned Eckman .,.. .Lincoln; NE
Larry Eden '- St, <S:harles; IL
Mary Edgington - Hastings, NE
·Ardis Edie - Roseburg; OR·
William Edmondson -
Arllngtoh, YA
Rockwo9g & Penelope Hays
Edwards - Natick, MA
J()hn Effken - NE
Arnold. & Sharon Ehlers -
Vina Park, CA ·
Olive Lewis Ehlers -
Nebraska City, NE
Nora'. Efonenberger - ·
Steinauer, NE
Robert Eichenberger -
Talmage, N:B ··
Rudolph Eichenberger -
Magnolia, A.R
John Eickhoff "Verdon, NE
Leon &lleth\Vheeler
f.TE •·.·····
P;erry·Ell;v,gton :: ·
Garcde11 (?ity, .I<.S .,
Dqrothy Armstrong · Elliott .,Aurorai CO
Mary Groven bµrg E1fi6tt.'."
Michael. Ellis- Fremont, NE Ellison - Lewiston, Eloe - ·
Lincoln,NE · ••··
Ch;irles WA
{froni pagel8) Rachel, They livei11 · SterneJ" ('80). h,;is be711 ·'promoted to·.s.ale.s managerfor Tri-Sales He and his wife, .the >.former ··. schlager ('80),. live in. Phoenix, Ariz: · > / Mickey·. ('82) and · proud parents of their second child, Glenn, born,in ApriL. Dwayne ('86) and Lawson ('86) Hixson live in ·· Shenandoah; .Perin,,, where .•Linda teaches anp Dwayne is a financial representative for : , ····.· · • Wayne('79) and Dee Dettmer ('80) Yoµng 'i11 Lenexa,/ Kan., where Way11e is a•senior network/ ,planner for .u.s, SptiDt and Dee teaches elemei;itary schoo1music ·.·•· Sundat Knott f82) a resource teacher. at Clearfield, Iowa. She is also co:.ditector'of , the Youth Choir: atheafer groµp.fof,kids, in t,he sixth tbroughJ2th grade, Troy Golemoh/ ('81) of Cushing,. Okla•. sends greetings·
to his>PSCfriends. ··· Janis (lSS) has been appointed tl1e assistant u.tilities supervisor for <;ity,. Neb.
·Mary Furnas f86) in9ved
· tp.·Lincoln,,:Neb, where she is employeg as aR independent
·li'Yiu,g trai11ing specialist forth,e state •.· Department ·of· Social Services:·
·FugJeberg ('85) is at Jhe Koima
Ma11ufacturing of Rock Valley, Iowa. f1e lives in Sioux . ·
Mary Eleanor Preston ('82) is a nursing.home adm,inistrator fof Holiday Resort at Emporia, Kan. ·· .•.. , Dianna J>rosser works: of Nebraska-Lincoln ·and· is a patt ti:tne for the Lincoln S.chool of Commerce.
Patricia ('83) of · 0tnaha was .recently promoted to ·,financial counselor at Commercial·.···Federal ' Savings and Loan.
'fim. Slagle {'87) is teaching at Shat()h Springs · High · School. · · · ·
Bradley Lockbart ('83) sends
Ely & Grace Moody Feistner - Jack .Ga bus - Lompoc;, CA Lincoln NE Jack Gaines - Bentohville, AR
Na.dine Andrews Ferguson - Robert & Judith W.ilsori North Platte, NE Gallerani - Poquoso11, VA
Nettie Stanton Fernley - Carolyn Hardy GarciaTombstone, AZ 011tari6, CA
Thelma Ferrel - Rart,d()lph, lA l"ernpelmeyer : NE Nemalia, NE · t'ields ,. Oe:orgi& Nah9y Rhodep, Fir!deis .:. '.Gardner '" NY
· word that he graduated from pharmacy school in June. He lives at. Grand.Island, Neb.
Bob Streit ('86) teaches. at Breckenridge {Mo.) High School. and his ·wife are proud parents of son John, born i.n A.ugust of '87.
Saundra Holland ('83)is aD accounts receivable clerk for the Data Source Media Co of Lincoln, Neb.
David . Ankrom . ('SS) is .a ·bookkeeper forPamida,lnc. of Falls City, Neb.
Diane Mertes Aufenkamp ('82)and her Arlan are proud parents of twin daughters, April. and Amber born in ApriL
J()hn Ditto ('87) and his wife Patricia('88)are proud parents of ·a .son, Andrew, born. in February in Auburn, Neb. She is ' a tax accountant and' paralegal with .the law firm of Fuller,. Chatelain & .Nelson of •.Auburn.
Joni Yost Davis ('80) and her husband, • ·Craig, ·. are proud parents· of daughter Courtney, born fo March at Nebraska City,
(see page 24)
Marion Eymon GomonAuburn, NE
I{ichard Good :. Grand Island, Frapk Goodman - Norwalk, CT
Cnarles & Nancy. Ch.eek· .· Qqx:gon- Grandlsiand,NE
Charles, IA.
SaraBeth Donovan.. ,- San Diego; CA
Carol Grilndman -·
Eµgel).e,Qr , .·. ·
Lester,D9wning - Pr()vo, 'Ul
Jeanne BurgI:ter. Drees .:.. ·
Liv,coln, .NE
Freddie Drexl,er ..: Fairbury, NE
:aar])ara t Harrison, TN
l\4:'itdred Wilson Duckw6rct!iLaguna Hills, CA
John F. DuderMinneapolis, MN
Mary Duder - Falls City, NE
Ben &. Carol McKee. Duerfeldt
'." Manhattan, KS
David & Charlotte Jones Due)' - Silverdale, WA
Raym9nd Elwell - Sa.n Jose, CA .
Marian Rut1edgeElwongerc .,. tyririwood, :WA ·
Mi.phael Ef1g1¢ - NE
Mary - "Omaha, NE
Evelyn· Selk - Rawlins, WY'.....
Humphrey Erisml'l:ri "
Auburn, NE ··
Blanche Sejbold;Eufich-':.·
J;>apillion, N.:E
Arthur B.. Evans -'figarg:, QR
Bernice Neddenriep 'fremont, NE ·
Helen. Weirner Evans/Medicine Bow, WY
William Fankhauser·- Sidney, NE
Kay parli Farwell".'
DuBois,. NE
Berton Faulkner, Jr.Gibbstown, NJ
··.·. > WanJ!a RiCkrnan Gardriei:Jilll - Nemaha, NB, ):.:osGatos, CA
' ' '' Margaret· Applegate Fitch-:. RuthStul(enholtz Plattsmot1.thc
· Edward' Garner - Li.he.otn,. NE ; r. ' '•.· · '' .··.···• ''
Ga,rrabrant:.. Hugo, CO Minnie.I)oman
John. Brush, CO
Belva'. .Carter Ga.rst•-: Rock
Port•• Mo
•··. Fithian -A.nnadale,VA ·• ..•. · Daniel Geilerma11 - · · Richard Fla.nilery Atki11so11., NE · NE.. . . · • .·.. ... · ·•· ThornasGepsofi-Omana, NE
Joseph fle.sko$ki - San..... .·· > Antonio; ·TX .· .··. .·. ' · Rob Gerweck - Falis CityiNE <;lara Lama,rr Norfolk, NE ··.
Jane Moore -
Ha!l1pt-On;'·yA ' •/, ' < ; City, NE ·.. •.·.' .··. Katherine. F'raneis ; Der:rver; - Mentone, CA··
Russell (Jorthey- Lincoln, NE R9bin Howard.GossmanStella, NE
Omar Gottula.".' Fremont, NE Stanley Gottufa'-Merna, NE [)a11iel.Gradoville - Council Bluffs, LA.
Gary City, NE Leonore Easton, CT OpalLyo11GraftonBrock, NE
<::;astle GrahamHastings, NE
Theodore & Dorothy Perkins Gr.aves - Bedford,' VA
Leonard Ore.athouseMouritain.Home,AR & Connie Lindbloom (;i'rtmdy Center, IA
.·... · Lois .Wilto11 - Wichita., M-01:ia. -:.siiver KS < •. • · MD.··
··IrmaDopp GillispieCortstance Francois - LiDCOllJ, NE. ·
· Musetta Campbell Gilman.:.
Ha:rVey: 8l ·MadeiY;n Bleach ,..Lincoln: NE
Alyce.Roberts G.reen'· Plattsmouth, NE
John· Greene Westminister, co
Ellen Evans GreenwaldLiricolrr; NE
F.raser Ifomboldt,NE
Edith Wright GinozaCarla Frauen Lincoln,NE Mountain View, .CA
Jeffrey Greenwald - W ahoci, NE
!essie Frazier".' Malver9;.IA
Terry & Carolyn GlatharAlicia Andrews Fricke - Gteat Dawson, NE Bend,'KS.
Frankforter Gloye"
Lillian Fridell - Hiawatha, KS Whittier,·cA
Eldor Fruehling Prairie Du Josephine Citta Godown ..: Sac, WI . Bellevue, NE
Da\lid & Rae Henry Fulton - Helen Davey GoitColumbus, NE Toppenish, WA
Mary Richardson GriestLyons, CO
.Father George GriffinM1shawaka. IN
Rich &Virginia Moody GroffSilverhill, AL ·
(see page 21)
Doyle Gump'- NE
Ethel Ounderson'-Qmaha,NE
}.1ary. l;:IJ1nzeker G,yhra :-. Tl:!-\:) le · · ·.·
Lorraine Haack IA
ViOla Ganzel Hackman. Unc;otil, NE .·•.· .·· ...·.. ·..·....·
Alice Schulenberg Haeffele - ·
•. Falls City, NE,
Shirley Garrison Hafer -
Ohiowa, NE
Mark& Kim Hahn -
Lincol.n, NE
Robert Haile - San FranCisco, 'CA
Pauline Rathjen Haith -
Nebraska City, NE
William Haith - Beatrice, NE
)?:rands l!ajek - LJiwt()n, OK
Nprris & MarthaQiindlelJale
·-Pella IA
Btanche,Workman ,,. (Humboldt, NE
Harriett Nelson HaH
Murton & Dee. Leonard· Hall -.
Phil &, Kathleen. Pietzyk
Hall - Elk Creek, NE
'Richarq JiaJiicfay ll .:-:Taikio, '.Mo····· ·
i;1rry{Hart ·-·Surchard; NE
.Betty' Hartley · .;, Hermosa
.Beacp, CA
Friel & .Racpel Adamson ,Kerns - Humboldt, NE
Ro'dney J(<fttleh1..1t ¢El TX
Joining .i11. thefun
& Jpar.Riggle Beatriee; NE
Matlin Krug - Shu!)ert, NE
Charles & EtaineSpfor
Krumrri.e.- Omaha, NE
Terry & Judy Strange
Kuenning - Waterlot>, IA ·
George;& .Hawkins
K u.hl ;: Lincoln, NE
Margaret Dressler McKie·Springfield, ()H
Virginia Cockerham McKimHatnbrug;IA
Cecil McKriigh:t 7 Plattsmouth, NE.
Leonard McLain'- Lincoln, NE
Thelma Barnes. McLain .Auburn" l'jE
EugeneMcMuJlen- Rowlett, TX
Jessamine Hinds McMullenStella, NE
Velma Fulton. 1xfcMullenLincoln,.NE
Veda Rhodus Mc:N ellyWahoo, NE
Dr. John & F'rances Finkle .McQuinn - Bellevue, NE
Joe McR:eynolds Jr. -: Edgar, NE
James Meacham - Jackson, WY , Omer Meeker - Santa Maria, CA
R, tit h. Nicholas.I M.eeksLinc<>ln, NE
Sandra ·.,..Falls· City, NE
Maynard & Dianne MartinNevada, IA
Craig ,; FaJls City, NE
·Page, 23
(fn?m: page 22)
Charles.·& Alice Massoth
Mizerski/- NE
Karen Schwartz MladlickyGeneva, IL ·
Marjorie Lines. MockSabetha, KS i>
Lucein Monroe - Sidney, IA
Pearl Guilliatt Moooy _. Auburn, NE •
Charles Moore - Linc6If1, NE
Elaine Grundman Mo.oreLincoln, NE
Errnond .Mqore - North East, · MD
Georgetta. fv1oore Hampton, "VA
George & Sarah Starns Morrispn Linc()ln; NE
Dick & Jpne Morrissey -. Omaha,.NE
Lart'yr\(lorrissey .:omaha,·.NE
Lynda Shanahan MQserFremont, NE · ,. ··
Avona Heinz Moss - Kimball, NE
Rowena Beck M.oure.r .., Downey, CA
Paul & Cynthia Anderson
Mulcahy - .NE
l\.fat'k & Gwendolyn Dec;ker
Mullins - Omaha, NE
Edward & Christie Ubben Myers - Omaha, NE
Roger & Ja(nis Walford
Neujahr - Gothenburg, NE
Gary & Verona Ba.rcher
Neumann - Blue Springs, NE
Harvey & Alta Lucas
Neumeister'" Nehraska'.Ci.ty, NE '
Etta Neunaber - Lincoln, NE
Muriel Sugden NewhauserLomita, CA ··
Evalyn Booth Newton Lincoln, NE
Anthony & Mars.ha Kentopp
· Niday - Fremont, NE
Patty Colby Niebrugge -: Indianpolis, IN
Janice Krueger Niedfeldt ·Columbus, NE
·Loren Penkava • - Haworth; N:J
Dr. .James Perdue :- Fort
Morgan, CO
Joseph ff ..· sitsan .Hulbert
Perina - Omaha, NE
John & Barbara Policky
Perkins.,;;Red Cla,ud, Eva Kimsey Perry - ·Kimball, NE
Pat Rooney -Ventura, CA
Don Rose -" Motirttain View, "" CA
Guy·Rosenberg,;; Iowa City, IA
George Rothell - Salt I:.ake City, UT
Fred Rothert Jr. - Ri.chardson, TX
Fred Rothert Sr. - Auburn, NE
Dick & Jean Ruyle RottmanReno, NV
Hel.en Larson &iger - sea
ra · Cliff; NY
Alan Seybert Omaha, NE.
l:va Armstrong Shaw - Jones"'.'
; boro,AR
Enoch Shepherd -Beatrice, NE
re Alan & Lucy Spor,er
Sherwood, Jr; - Coldw1ttet:,
1$ .Ml
le: Mark Shively .: 0Jl1alla, NE
· :UJmer Shorney : Plattsmouth, NB
Robert Shrader .-.·Butler. PJ\
Willard.& DorothyCawthorne · Shumard - San· tvfateo, CA
Joan Bache9berg Shurtliff·Big J:im ber, MT
Dorothy Shiveley Sierks,_ Brownville,. NE
Lenore Stone SieversManassas, VA
Wilsori Jr;·City, NE
Rene Sim Papilliqn, NE
· Evelyn Jones Simon ,;..Miami, FL
·.Bob Simpson .., AshJantJ, NE & Garoly:tiJvlc;Fa.ddeh Sipes :-:OsceoJa., ·N,E; ··. "·.···.
Dorothy flarkson Sk:.aatDavey, NE
· Marilyn· Slagle ·· ·Bluffs,IA .. ···
All)etta June Smi,th- Fairbury, NE
·Bdss:iet City, LA ·.
John &V)rginiaMuncy
Wheatley - Fail-field, IA
ftilan WY
Naomi'Wheeler·-··Milwaukee, wi· ·
Frederick Will - Minden, NE
AdelaJun Nebraska
City, NE
Charles A. \Williams , ·Geneva, IL
MaxineWilliams - Lincoln, NE
Joann Williamson - LakeW?<>d,CO
Dor9thy Bock Willis :Omah.a,NE
Dori.s Wyatt WindelsSyl"ac:use, NE
Lonnie Wing - Stella, NE
Rey. Al & Nancy Taggart
Winseman - Lhi:coln, NE
William·& Janice Miesbauch
Witty :. Syracuse, NE
Katen Winsfow New Orleans1 LA & Lois Waggoner WirthBattl.e Creek, Ml ·
Ron & Fran WittOmaha, NE ' -·
Raymond & <::aroI . Shiells - J9hrtson, NE & Pian'ne
Wo}llers • - Weep!ng -Water, NE · Ft:ieda·W()itzel ., J.,inc()ln, NE
·Maiy Hervey.Wolf- Oxnard, CA J -01'}ein, NE.
Do.nald Wright ., Wahoo, NE
Mary Neubauer WurteleNebras.k:a City, NE
Daryl & Joyce· Finke Wusk ·Wjlber; NE
Louis.e ·Roettger Wymqr,e "'.·. , NE · ·
Armon &.Evelyn.Gatz
yaridet:s .;. Columbia, MO
Reba. Yeakle -):lastings,·. NE ;
B:iehard Yelkin - Loup City, ·NE
Redding StegemanEscondido, CA
Stephen Stehlik - Nebraska City, N.E