wish you, our
The Student Voice of Peru State College Since 1921
Shively is Soviet coup
by Timothy A. Bailey
Many Midwesterners often feel they don't have ties to international politics. With the recent developments in the Soviet Union, the Times has learned of a PSC faculty member who has an interesting perspective on the Coup. ·
Bob Shively, director of economic development at Peru, has had a variety of experiences since entering his field in Octoberof 1954. One of these ex'periences has a very timely ring to it. While on the board of directors of the American Economic Development Council, Shively met Valentin S. Pavlov. While the name Pavlov might not ring a bell, he happened to be one of the instigators of the recent Soviet Coup attempt.
Pavlov was promoted from Finance Minister to the Soviet Union's new Prime Minister in January, ac-
F acuity Istudents 'do lunch'
First brown bag luncheon
by Susan Brown
On Sept. 11, a group of faculty, staff, and studerits engaged in a new activity, quaintly referred to as a "Brown Bag Luncheon." The group assembled, most with lunches in tow, and sat down to a journey back in time as Bob Shively, master of ceremonies, introduced tour guide for the next hour, Bob Lewellen. The journey took the members of the audience back into the past of southeast Nebraska, and more directly, the immediate vicinity of Peru. Lewellen explained such items of interest as why the hills of Peru were "bald" when the early settlers came here, and what part the area played in the Underground Railroad.
Lewellen also entertained the audience with stories about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Other stories
· centered on the rich history of the founding of Peru State College. Discussion also covered such famous personages from the locality as Martin Stowell, an abolitionist who,alongwithJohnBrown,openly defied the law by assisting many Black slaves in gaining their freedom well into the 1860's. Lewellen also told about one of the more infamous characters of the area, Barnie Baker. It is a story, of the ultimate in breakdown in communicatiol)., or how notto fire a teacher.
Lewellen stated that if anyone was interested in local legends that Dr. Royal Eekert was the man to see. "He's quite an expert on the subject," Lewellen said.
The group was also reminded that thePSC Library has many excellent books in its special collections room for those who have a desire to pursue a further interest in the rich past
cording to the Washington Post. Mikhail Gorbachev nominated him for that position. Gorbachev described him as an, "outstanding economist and financial expert." Ironically, this same man was a primary organizer of the attempt to overthrow Gorbachev.
Pavlov was a member of the Soviet Union Economic Society, a member of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and chairman of the State Committee on Pricing at the time of his meeting with Shively.
Pavlov, along with other members of the Russian delegation, met for two days with the 30-member board of directors of the American Economic Council at
the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and at a Washington, D.C. hotel. Themeetingwfil held in March of 1989 with the purpose of improving economic development relations between the twocowitries.AccordingtoShivley. by the end of the meetings, the groups signed an agreement to expand U.S.-Soviet cooperative economic programs.
The ironic twist to Shively' s meeting with Pavlov is Shively's im· pression of Pavlov's personality. As stated by Shively, "If the interpreter was correctly interpreting what Pavlov was saying, he was See "Coup Connection" on page 5
A 'Burn'-ing vision for PSC
by Laura Osborne
Pride in PSC. That's what Dr. See "Dr. Burns" on page 2
Robert Bums, PSC' s new president, hopes to instill in each individual involved with the college.
·Dr. Bums began the work toward his goals in June with a review of
the college budgeL The review and the construction of this year's budof the local area. get took Dr. Bums and the staff a There are many authors to choose full three months to accomplish, if southeast Nebraska history utilizing different methods new to your forte. Recommended rea?- PSC but preferred by Dr. Burris. mgs are: the Jzm _ Now, Dr. Bums is enjoying havLane by Ahce_Miruc; Normal ing all of the students and faculty the Hzll, by Longfellow; back on campus. ''The people reHzlls ?fPeru, by Lomse Mears; and ally make the college what is is," he Martzn Stowell, by Leo Hauptman. commented.
See "Luncheon" on page 6 Dr. Bums expects to do mostly budget planning the first 90 days.
THE September 20, 1991 ,Issue #1
Welcome Back! We, the Times staff would like to say hello and
readers, well for the '91-'92 year. We are, from front left, Katy
production editor; Kellie Johnson, assistant editor; Laura Osborne, editor-inchief; Lisa Gottula, typesetter; Marty Jacobsen, copy editor; Tom Hyde, lead
Ireporter; Gregg Mattox, ad manager; and Todd Gottula, sports editor. Not pictured are Amy Hollesen, assistant sports editor, and Scott Udey, photography coordinator.-- hoto b Times staff
Homecoming Schedule on4 · Football Highlights on8 ·PBL Nationals Highlights on 5
Cutbacks, low enrollment, -create cancelled fall classes Library to display banned books
by Dr. Sharon Mccaslin deny others access t6 them.
If you were one of the many students who registered for a . Little Red Riding Hood · was Other books 'challenged recently class this semester and then received a letter stating that your banned from two California school )nclu.deHuck Finn, a perennial tarclass had been dropped due to low enrollment, read on. If you districts because. an illustration get for censors for its "racial slurs" shows her basket with a bottle of and John Steinbeck's Of Mice and weren'toneoftheunfortunate,butfeelyoumaybeand/orare wine as well as'·bread and butter Men for "profanity." Madeleine nearing graduation, definitely read on. The wine could be seen aS-condon- · L'Engle's award-winning children's
This semester many students were victims of cutbacks on ing the use of alcohol. My Friend book, A Wrinkle in Time, was chalcampus. These cutbacks due to, what else, a tight budget, have Flicka was pulled because the book lenged because the "book sends a forced campus administrators to eliminate classes they feel uses the word "bitch" to refer to a mixedsignaltochildrenaboutgood aren't in high demand. Any class low in number, say less than female dog and contains the word and evil." A novel about censor"damn." Nobel Prize Winner ship, The Day They Came to Arrest 4 or 5, was seriously considered for being dropped. Gabriel Marquez's One Hundred the Book, waschallengedbecauseit
This year 12 classes (highest number in a long time) were Years of Solitude was removed be- "offers an inflammatory challenge dropped from the fall schedule ; seven of them were upper- cause of profane language. to authoritarian roles." level courses. These cuts in turn have affected those who are Books like these, challenged or The Peru State College Library is preparing for graduation, possibly holding them back a yearor banned on during participating in Banned Books iwo. · the past year, will be di_sPlayed at Week 1991-Celebrating the Free-
Stores. It is endorsed by The Center for the Book of The Library of Congress.
The sponsoring organizations believe that most would-be book banners act with what they consider to be the highest motives--protecting themselves, their families and communities from perceived injustices and evils and preserving the values and ideals they would have the entire society embrace. The result, however, is always and ever the denial of another's right to read.
The Peru State College Library believes that Americans support our basic right to read guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution ofthe United States.
The Peru State College Library encourages the public to view the display. For further information contact Dr. Sharon Mccaslin, technical services librarian.
Students about$25
by Laura Osborne
express concern .publications' fee
"U ,, Dr w·ir S d · ·d fi thePeruStateCollegeL1brarydur- domtoRead,whichissponsoredby . says · I iam ny er, ent or ing national Banned Books Week the American Library Association, academic affairs of Peru State College. Accordmg to Dr. 1991-Celebrating the Freedom to theAmericanBooksellersAssociaSnyder it's quite the reverse. Dr. Snyder, states that upper- Read,Sept28-0ct.5.Mostofthese · tion, the Association of American level classes will have precedence over lower-level courses, are well known 3;fe con- Publishers, the American Society due to the fact that once students are juniors or seniors, they or obJectionable of Journalists and Authors, and the have fewer courses to choose from. Dr. Snyder also stresses bymdividualsorgroupswhowould National Association of College that it's not only a process oflooking over all classes that are to be offered, but also considering and understanding the distribution of resources that a class has, such as a number of majors needing the class, and the number of teachers available to students.
As we know, Peru State is know for its smaller class sizes and the one-on-one contact that it can offer to its students, but sometimes due to budget cutbacks from the state of Nebraska, it's not always possible to be so generous. "Like it or not," Dr. Snyder· said with disappointment, "it all comes down to limited resources, unlimited wants; it's a matter of choices."
What can you do if you 're faced with a similar situation? Try talking to the division chairmen: they sometiines can substitute or waive a class or let you take a class by correspondence. In some instances, classes may even be taken at another school and transfered here-but prior approval must be given first.
Maybe some of this confusion could be cleared up, though, ifPeru State would just post a big sigh at Pre:. Registration with the passage that is noted in the last paragraph on the first page of the 1990-92 College Catalog. It reads: "The college reserves the right to repeal, change, or amend rules, regulations, tuition and fees, and may withdraw, add to or modify courses and piograms " ·
Are you wondering what the $25 publication fee assessed this fall is to be applied for? Many people on campus have been asking about it, and I have found the answer for you.
After speaking with Dr. Burns, I can tell you that the fee, at this time, has no definite destination. That is because the yearbook program has not yet officially been cancelled.
Dr. Burns placed the program on hold this summer after evaluating the buqgets of past years. A concern has been that money has been wasted on the program because large quantities of yearbooks remain in the Print Shop unclaimed from two years ago. Also, the delay in yearly publication cirCulatlon raises questions of the program's effectiveness.
"I want to have a chance to speak with the student senate and student affairs about the need or desire for a yearbook on the part of the students," Dr. Burns noted. He noted that a yearbook program may be kept but that the format may be changed.
If the program is cancelled, the funds have many destination possibilities, one of which is this publication. Others could include athletic programs.
But for now, the money "stays in the bank," so to speak. If you have a definite opinion concerning the issue, be sure to contact your student senate representative.
"Dr. Burns" from page 1
"Of course there are the problems of the last four years to deal with. I'll be trying to get better funding and figuring how to best utilize our present funding and fee monies.
"Also rn be dealing with other institutions trying to create better education cooperation. PSC can't afford to offer every program students desire. What we can do is offer the basic courses to give students a good start, then help them transfer to another institution where they can complete their specialized degree. Or, students may attend a two-year college, then transfer to PSC to attain a bachelor's degree."
Dr. Burns feels such a ''Two-PlusTwo" program will be in the best interests of students.
This plan also should keep PSC's enrollment at a reasonable amount. The attendance figures for the past several years have dramatically increased, but Dr. Burns thinks PSC couldn't handle such continued increases with present funding and facilities He says he would like to see enrollment remain the same, however.
By the end of this year, Dr. Burns hopes to have the personnel and students of PSC and the smroundingareatohaveonecommonshared vision. The details of this vision . involve everyone but that his plan is just in the planning stages. However, he says it will be based on the idea that PSC can't afford to offer everything simply because it's a good idea or program
Also by spring, Burns hopes to increase pride in the college and to keep that pride going strong through good, quality work and programs.
With Dr. Burns spinning the wheel of future motion, PSC could find its·!lf in the success column.
· Peru State Times Published Bi-monthly Bdilor-iD.-OiioC Lama Oobamo Spom l!dilor • Todd Gottula Productian l!dilor Katy o.r,..a Aloillmil l!dilor KdlicJalmom Head Copy l!dilor Marty •Fbolognpiy Co«dioata Scolt Udty Pbotoanpbcr ; Todd Gottula AdMamacr Gn:g Mano. Aat. Sporu l!dilor Amy Hollooon LcodRoi>oncr TcmHydc Tn-ucr. • • Lia Gottula Advia:r Dr.DanHollz
Amy Fossenbarger and Mike Harling have been awarded scholarships for their scholastic achievement and leadership ability. Debra Pugh is not by Amy Hollesen
Business f acuity donates...
fhree awarded business scholarships
by Amy Hollesen
Amy L. Fossenbarger, Mike Harling, and Debra Pugh have receivedscholarships for $250 apiece.
The scholarships were prepared by business faculty donations.
The recipients of the scholarships were chosen for scholastic achievement, leadership contribution to the school and proven leadership ability. The scholarships are given to seniors majoring in business.
Debra Pugh has a major in business management.
Amy L. Fossenbarger is majoring in accounting/business manage-
Foreign studies option available
ment She is the president of the Accounting Association, budget chairmanforStudentSenate, VITA chairman, which caters to students and elderly persons to help them fill out tax forms, and Becker- representative for CPA review.
"I was very surprised. There was a lot of competition in the business department, " said Fossenbarger.
Mike Harling is majoring in business management and business administration. He is a student board member on the board of trustees and formerpresidentof PBL, a business association.
A. Bailey for non-consortium students and $5500 for
out-of-state students).
Peru State College students have ThiS inCludes 12 credits _tuition, an opportunity to discover the new room and board, airport transfers, Europe with the Nebraska Semes-
State College. Classes will be offered four days a week to provide for three-day weekends for field trips and excursions. ter Abroad. - selected field trips, and round-trip airfare from Omaha.
The 10-week program will run from March 20 to May 31 , 1992, ClassesofferedareTheFutureof according to program representa- the Nation State in Europe, The EuropeanFoodProductionSystem, tives. Students will be able to study The Habsburg Lands, Contempo- three weeks at Charles University in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and rary Europe, and an Optional Inde-
Applications are due by Sept 27. Each campus will interview applicants and make the selections by Oct 15. Selected students will then have to make a non-refundable deposit of $500 by Nov. 1.
For more information, contact the Nebraska Consortium Advisor at Peru State College, Dr. DavidEdris, -at.872-2237 or Fine Arts Building seven weeks at the Irish Institute for pendentStudy.Allclassesareworth three credits each.
European Studies in Leuven, Bel- Accompan:nng the students will giwn. beDr.WesPetersonfrom UNLand 109.
The program is open to all students, preferably those from Peru, Dr. Allen Shepherd· from Chadron Wayne,andChadronStateColleges, andtheUniversityofNebraskasys- Forms in registrar's office..• teJ!l. Applicants must have at least a 2.0 GPA,, sophomore standing at Gradua_t_ion
the time of departure and need not possess foreign language Skills. Up to 30 students will be selected. by Dr. Kelly Liewer · ' Thecostofthetripis$5,100($5250
ATIENTION ALL STUDENTS dergradilate students thre,e gradua- Phi. Alpha Theta PLANNING TO 1 tiondatesduringtheacadeinicyear.
. ·
by Lisa Gottula
DECEMBER 1991: Applicauon These dates are December, May meets for first time for December 1991 graduation is and July. Degrees are granted in due in the Registrar's Office on or May and July, while December 1991. graduates receive a statement of The appropriate forms are picked completion in December and their up at the Registrar's and re- degrees the following May.
The PSC campus chapter of Phi Alpha Theta held its initial meeting Thursday, Sept. 5, electing the following officers forthe academic year: President, Lisa Gottula; Vice-President ,R ozann Schwarting; Secretary/Treasurer, Todd Clobes.
Phi Alpha Theta is an international honor society in history.
turned to office along with a There is one formal commence.twenty dollar ($20) apPcllcation fee which must accompany the forms. themonthofMay.DecembergraduIt is the student's responsibility to ates and May and July candidates file an application. for degrees are all invited to attend It is anticipated and expected that the commencement exercises. The ALL degree will be invitationisapartoftheapplication completed on or before $e gradua- for_graduation process. tion date. This includes correspon- \ The application fee, among other dence courses, extension courses, items, covers thecostforyourretital T. V. courses etc. Incomplete grades· cap and gown; Your.personal gradare also n<n appropriate. Students uation announcements. can be purapply for only one degree. chased, at your expense, from the Peru State C()Ilege provides campus Book
Health C:eriter Hours
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Doctor's Hours at the Health Center
8:30 a.m.-ll:OOa.m.
Tuesday-Thursday 8:30-9:45
Students receive one free visit with the doctor each semester. Family Planning Clinic will be at -the Health Center the first Tuesday evening of each month and the third and fourth Thursday mornings of the month. Appointments are required and can be made at 335-3988.
NEODATA, a leader in the telemarketing industry, is now hiring for the fall! (tr $5/hr GUARANTEED (,... Flexible scheduling
About Our $50 Signing Bonus (... Paid, professional training
Paid After 60 Days Offer ends' 9-30-91(,... Convenient Location ' (,... Part-time positions available immediately For more information or to_sched,ule an inter\riew, call: 40tf 35 NE DATA Peru, NE (BOB)
We Want Your
Yugoslavian student defies stereotypes Deadline nearing, Homecoming '91
Combines academics and: athletics
by Thomas M. Hyde only speaks her native Serbian,
When a person thinks C>f a student from another country, he orshemaythinkof someone who isshyandwhohasgreatdifficulty understanding English. Sanja Simidzija, a PSC sophomore computer science/business management major, from Belgrade, Yugoslavia, is quite different from this line of thinking.
Her marketing professor, Mr. Bob Lewellen, is greatly impressed with Simidzija, who
but knows English, Russian and some French.
Simidzija decided to attendPSC to play basketball after talking to Coach Wayne Davidson at community college national finals in Kankakee, IL. Now she is playing basketbalffor PSC.
Before coming to Peru, she played six years of basketball in hernative Yugoslavia, where she participated, along.,with players older than herself, on the Yugoslavian National Team. As amemberofthisteam, Simidzija helped her team to twice win the 1 national championship in the up-. to-16 age group.
Coach Davidson said he feels Simidzija has a great amount of potential and that she will play shooting forward (an outside position), something unusual for a person who has a height of 6 feet2inches (as Simidzijadoes).
Coach Davidson said the reason
Sanja Simidzija
·is also his advisee. Lewellen feels she has a "remarkable command ofEnglish," and he also said she is extremely easy to talk with and quite intelligent. H;e said she not
outside shooting to help balance a team mostly focused on an inside game.
Coach Davidson also had this to say about having Simidzija at PSC: "We are pleased to have her on our campus. We think she's an outstanding young lady, both athletically .and academically. She has the potential to be an outstanding player for us during the next three years."
Basketball, however, is only one of her many interests. She also likes to· be involved in other activities, and one of these is modeling. In Yugoslavia, Simidzija was enrolled in a modeling school. She considers this her hobby and ·has been involved in it for three years. Unlike other young women who may aspire to covers of magazines, Simidzija said modeling was never a dream of hers. However, when asked if she would want to be on the cover
Person of the Week
for this is she has an "excellent outside shot, and good passing and ball handling skills."He went ontosaysheisamajorpartoflast year'srecruitingclass, which was acquired especially for their
a fashion magazine, she said she would not refuse such an offer. She has been in about six fashion shows in the United States and has also cIOne some photo shoots. Simidzija learned two ofher
foreign languages English and Russian in grade school because they were required in Yugoslavia. She also learned some French while in school.
Simidzija said this about living in Peru: "It is different because
"We are pleased to have her on our campus.· We think she's an outstanding young lady, both athletically and academically.
it's smaller, and I'm not used to it, but I like it. I came here for an education and to play basketball. There are a lot of social activities you can do such as the Art Guild and designing costumes in the drama department There are many things to do, and I'll keep
So, it can be seen that not all foreign students are shy and know little English. With her· many activities and proficiency in English, Sanja Simidzija proves the stereotype false.
by Times Staff
Entries forthe 1991 Homecoming parade at Peru State College on Saturday, Sept. 28 are now being accepted.
There is no entry fee, and over $200 in cash prizes will be awarded, according to Homecoming coordinator Lori Gottula.
The theme of this year's Homecoming is "PSC Goes Hawaiian!" Entries are being accepted in the categories of floats, decorated vehicles, and children in costume, and · judging will be based on theme portrayal, appearance, and originality. The children in costume cannot be a part of a float or decorated vehicle entry to be eligible. Judging will begin at IO a.m. and the parade at 11 a.m.
To enter, notify Mrs. Lori Peru State College, Peru, Neb. 68421. Be sure to indicate the category being entered.
Quote of the week:
"If society lets any considerable number of its members grow up as mere children, incapable of being acted on by rational consideration of distant j motives, society has itself to blame."
John Stuart Mill
Homecoming Events Schedule '91
Wednesday, September 25
Talent Show Student Center 9 p.m.
Thursday, September 26
Non-Traditional Student coffee .Student Center .10:30 a.m. Roberta Smith, speaker
Water Olympics AWAC 7 p.m.
Pep Rally , AWAC 9 p.m.
Saturday, September 28
Fun Run Student Center 7:30 a.m.
Gaine vs. Missouri Valley Oak Bowl... .1 :30 p.m.
Crowning of the homecoming king and queen at the halftime
Homecomint: flce ••.••Student Center 9 p.m. featuring'High Heel & the Sneakers
High Heel & the Sneakers will be playing for the Homecoming Dance starting at 9 p.m., Satuiday, Sept 28 in the Snulent Center. Barb Lewellen, student programs coordinator, says the band is very well known in the area and are rccoiding artists as 1well as stage performers.
"--Coach Wayne Davidson
.....____ p
Teaching and doing, Dr. Eckert brings divetsified .to PSC theater
From the Other Side of the Desk ...
Theaterman George Bernard Shaw oncesaidthat"thosewhocando,do; those who cannot do,teach." Theater man Royal Eckert, with over twenty-five years teaching experience and nearly a dozen awards for acting, directing and set design,Jlas proven that there are those who can do both.
Earning his first degree in theater and radio drama from the University of Minnesota in 1953, PSC's professor of drama has, has, for the last 16 years, blessed Peru State with his vast experience. Dr. Eckert, · with an M.A. and PhD. in drama from UNL has played over 200 different roles and has worked on de-
sign for over 225 different productions. He has, indeed, "Cione" as well as study and teach. ·
It is this kind of "doing" that has earned Dr. Eckert the ultimate honor of having his biography placed in the forthcoming Marquis Who's Who in America publication Who's Who in Entertainmen1. To merely glance at a proof of this biography shows one that Dr. Eckert has been all over the country acting, learning, creating, teaching: in short, "doing."
Dr. Eckert's belief in "doing" mixes with his ideas about learning. Asked what advice he would give a student, Dr.Eckertresponded, "treat going to college as a job; do the best you can. You will make mistakes: make them [and] learn from them. Spend your time wisely, and that dqesn't mean sitting around and studying constantly, but by also making solid friendships, having fun attending activities."
"College is notjustgoing to school, not just talcing classes, but everything that's involved in the college scene, and getting involved in extracurricular activities. That's part of learning. You do.n't know what you like until you have tried
" :....--------------. on .education and an increase of Shakespeare: all of them add to your growth and change you as an individual. That·> what I think living is all about, is growing and changing, constantly. ·Otherwise you will remain static and that doesn't accomplish anything."
Dr. Royal Eckert these things.
"College is a time for learning and expanding. If you just go with what you've been doing, you don't learn andyoudon'texpand. Youhaveto be adaptable."
As evidenced by the achievements mentioned above, Dr. Eckert practices what he preaches One can see in these achievements that a lifetime of "doing," can produce a lifetime of rewards.
Dr. Eckert believes that this attitude is prestrnt in many students; however, he says that according to national trends, many students are notadequatelypreparedforthechallenge of college when they graduate. Dr. Eckert cites a lack of focus
Three PSC stude.nts take honors at PBL national business contest
by Kellie A. Johnson
For the ninth year in a row, .Peru State College's Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) appeared and placed in the PBL National Business Competition andConvention. Six awards were won by the state of Nebraska and three of those awards were · taken by PSC students. This year the competition was held inAnaheim,CA,attheHiltonTowers. TenPSCstudentshadadvanced from the state competition to the national level. Lisa Gottula, Jeff Janssen and Mike Harling were the three students that placed at the national convention.
Lisa Gottula, a junior from Table Rock, tied for first place in tlie Accounting i category, but on che basis of time of completion, was placed second. She felt the contest was a good way to judge her education nationally. Gottula stated that the contest gave her "added confidence in my. education."
Jeff janssen, a senior from Sterling, placed fourth in the Business Law division. Janssen stated that "at PSC you can get as good an education as anyone in the nation."
Janssen felt the experience was a challenge and a good experience.
Mike Harling, a junior from
Fairbury, was eighth i_n the Mr.FutureBusiness Executive.competition. Harling stated that he and other students studied for the exams With practice tests and texts in their division. Harling said "the diversity of competition is appealing because of me competition from colleges and universities across the Uriited States."
The trio also added that the!· 1 enefited from the cultural experience as well as the academic experience.
Included at the conference were lectures arid workshops Oil self-improvement, self-realization and how to dress. PSC students took trips to HollywoodandMexicoduringtheir stay in California.
At the competition, siudents "compete at the highest possible academic level and give credence to our being there," stated PSC busi-
focus on mass producing high school graduates as one opossible reason for for this lack of preparation.
The way to be prepared for college, according to Dr. Eckert, is by acquiring a background in the liberal arts. "I think," says Dr. Eckert, "it [a liberal arts background] is probably one of the most necessary parts of an education. You really can 'tread novels, even comic strips, without having scme basic background in mythology you need itforalmostanyreading it helps the aesthetic part of an education."
When asked what he considered the purpose of an· education, Dr. Eckert stated, "Growth and change. Everything we learn, whether it's how to handle a pick and shovel if you 're working construction or maintenance, up to learning
Again, Dr. Eckert reflects in wor:d the potential benefits of "doing."
He further states that it is a experience associated wit. that may help students relate to teachers. "I make mistakes," says Dr. Eckert. "I think if a student understands that a teacher is not infallible thatit helps.You can reach them on a human level."
In the little spare time he has, Dr. Eckert is still "doing." He likes to write, and to keep his creative skills sharp, he assembles models.
As one may expect, none of this wasted. In every outside interest mentioned, Dr. Eckert asserts that there is value in it that doesn't meet the eye. In his own words, "Almost _anything can be.put to use."
To see an example of what Dr. Eckert "does,'' attend the Peru Players' upcoming production of Leading Lady by James Reach, which will be directed by Dr. Eckert Drop in and see how he's "doing."
ness professoFRuss Beldin, ·local advisor, who also attended the conference. Others attending the conference were Ted Hru-shtarger, local adviwr and Gayle Hytrek, .>tate advisor. According to Beldin, placing at the national level for the past illne years is prooi chat PSC contains "high quality students and .:;trong :trademic training."
The dates for Thanksgiving vacation are incorrect in the currentcollegecatalog.Peru State ·College will celebrate Thanksgiving Day on November 28. ·1Jlanksgiving recess will be November 28 and 29.
Also, classes will be held on Martin Luther Kiiig Day, January 20, 1992.
"Coup Connection" from page 1
That was their purpose there: to se up a process to develop jomt ven· tures running away from communism as would join with the cooperative ir fast as he could." A similar article Russia to get westem-specificall) printed in the Norfolk Daily News American-capital in the Sovie1 in 1989 quoted Shively as saying Union, to build plants and emplo) Pavlov was "a Gorbachev type - people. What they wanted the very personable, the life of the American partners for was to come party." , in and build plants that would pro· When news of the coup reached duce consumer gOods." · Shively, he was suprised to hear In addition to his personal per· that Pavlov had been involved. In spective on Pavlov, Shively has hi5 his words, "I found it hard to be- own opinion about why the coui; lieve. He just did not impress me as failed. While in the Air Force, he the type that would be involved in was trained in psychological warsomething like that" fare. Based on his training, Shivley When thinking of his meetings stated, "One of the principles we with Pavlov, Shively went on to learned was that when people are say,"Itjustmakesyouwonderwhy given a measure of freedom, the helinedupwiththehard-linerswhen elements of government control in his presentation at Georgetown which they had tolerated suddenly he was so vocal about changing the become intolerable. When the economic system in the Soviet , poeple are given a measure of freeTnion and getting American-style dom, they can't ever go back." management in place.
"He specifically mentioned he was well aware the American businesses did not like to do business with the {Soviet} government and that consequently, they were setting up a cooperative to be the Russian partner with Americans and other Westerners in joint ventures.
"He was very blunt that they need western investtnent, western technology and western management.
Hair Affair Hair Design
f.u II Se r vi c e S
Tanning Bee
a I or Wotff
Paul MitchellBiola9e products
Lisa Gottula Jeff Janssen Mike Harling
''That's what I think living is all about, is growing and changing, constantly. Otherwise you will remain static and that doesn't accomplish anything." --Dr. Royal Eckert
607 5th St. Peru 872-3215
Se1iate RevieW
to attract thousands to discuss environmental issues
Boulder, CO--Thousands of students will be travelling across-state and international borders to gather at the University of Colorado-Boulder for COMMON GROUND, the third annual national student environmental conference sponsored by the Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC). On October 4-6, 1991 students will concentrate their efforts in the development of global environ.mental justice.
Last year's conference, CATALYST, drew 7,6flJ students from
50 states and 11 nations, making it the largest student gathering in history. Featured speakers included Ralph Nader, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Jesse Jackson, Robert Redford, WinonaLaDukeand Cesar Chavez. COMMON GROUND will focus on diversifying the environmental movement, placing a global perspective on our grassroots campaigns and developing studentleooership. The conference will feature professional and student leaders from both the environmental and
has new campus club
by Susan Brown
Have you:heard the news? There's a new kid in town in the form of a new club. It's called the Women's Information Network (WIN), but the title doesn't cover the full scope of issues to be discussed.
"Our go!\l is to inform and educate ourselves, the people on campus, and the people in the community of the issues. that affect women at school, at work, and in their daily lives," said Deanna Swales, chief organizer of the group. "To achieve this goal we plan to provide speakers, workshops, and a support network for the people on campus and in the community."
Membership will be. limited to the PSC campus community, but speakers and workshops will be open to
the public. Those individuals seeking assistance iil the area of support groups will be directed to the appropriate facilities. Though the organization will be addressing women's issues, this is not a "girls only" group. The issues that involve women in their societal roles also affect men. Male participation in the club is being strongly encouraged _and actively sought.
For more information about what WIN is and how you can join, contact Deanna Swales, Chris Barton, or Roberta Smith. Watch for posters concerning information about support groups and upcoming workshops and speakers. Better yet, why not come to the next meeting? Signs throughout campus will direct you as to when and where.
Peru Players to begin season
by Katy Duryea
The cast list has been set for the Peru Player's upcoming mance of Leading Lady. A few new fresh faces will be seen on the PSC stage this fall. Directed by Dr. Royal Eckert, professor of speech/ theatre and Leading Lady's director, the show promises to be an evening of entertainment for all ages.
Those making their first time appearance on the stage include Dawn Bowsman, Trace Buesig, Charles A. Hamilton, Bob Rohla, Becky Malloy, Tricia Boeck, and stage manager Heather Cohrs. dience members will also enJOY seeing some familiar faces as veterans of the theatre grace the stage once again. The list includes Penny E Gibbons as Leading Lady Norma Temple, glamorous star of the New York stage, who returns for a last look at the stage of the Regal Theatre, scene of her greatest triumphs,
social justice movements. Confirmed speakers i!lclude David Brower (chairperson, Earth Island Institute),JudiBari (organizer.Redwood Summer), Howard Zinn (author, PeQQle's History of the United and Pat Bryant (director, Gulf Coast Tenants Leadership Association). Also invited are Noel Brown (North American director, U.N.EnvironmentProgramme)and · Tony Mazzocchi (president, Oil, Chemical, & Atomic Workers). Consult the COMMON GROUND office for the latest program developments.·
The conference program will also serve to introduce the student voice to the United Nations Conference on.Environment and Development being held in 1992. Several speakers and workshops will address international environmental issues in an effort to motivate student participation in this global forum.
Forregistration information please call or write: COMMON GROUND, 862 i 7th Street, Boulder, CO 80302.
by Robin Anderson
The Student Senate met Sept. 4:
It was decided to continue the recycling project that was started last Year· The Senate Standing Committees will take turns collecting cans weekly and taking them down to the Comer Market monthly.
Next, the yearbook fee was discussed. We were told that due to · overspending on the budget, the yearbook fees from Iast year were used to pay for the books from two years ago. Now there is a shortage of funds to finish last year's book. A report was then given on the new increases of meals and tuition.
The next meeting was Sept. 11. The senator at large position was discussed, and Deb Morris was voted in as the new senator. Details about homecoming royalty gifts and flowers were finalized. Next, a report was given on the new athletic fees for admittance into games. ·
Last on lite agenda was the organizational board. The political committee was put in charge of getting it into use.
Jazz band introduced
by Times Staff
Larry VanOyen, director of band activities, has announced the members of the 1991 Peru State College Ice Blue Jazz Ensemble. They are as follows: Alto Saxophones-- Kent Stutheit, Renee Bilstein, Scott Holmes, Kelcey O'Connell; Tenor Saxophone--Tom Sudik, John Molzahn; Bari Saxophone--Stacy Hill; Koziol, Steve Eis, Peter MacNaughton, Jason Brewer;
Topscher, Christine Michel, Mat Scott, Bob Matthies, Melissa Friedrichsen; Rhythm Section--Jennifer Suggett (keyboard), €OOy Coffins (bass), Jay Wickham (set), Olen Briggs (set).
The Ice Blue Jazz Ensemble will be performing in a joint concert with the Misty Blues on Sunday, November 10, at3 p.m. The concert will be in the Auditorium; admission is free. · ·
PSC' s accomplished writer
Peru-This past summer, Donald egies for the Business Division, as Schwartz had a staged reading of well as selected courses for Conhi s new play in New York. tinuing Education. He 1s also the Schwartz's one-act play Books, was Humanities Coordinator of the Coread and perforined at Hofstra Uni- operative Education Internship Pro-
versity on Long Island. ·: gram.
the spring of 1992.
which is about to be tom down to make way for a parking garage. Other familiarites include Pat Vendetti, Lynn Hicks, Trish Moody, Thomas Hyde, and Andrew Donovan.
Donald Schwartz teaches Speech, Schwartz has published over 100 Speech Corrections, Media, The- essays,articles,reveiws,criticisms, ater, Composition, and other lan- short stories, entries in encyclopeguage arts courses in the Humani- dias, a novella, and has had plays tiesDivision,andConferenceStrat- produced in Ohio, Florida, and
Donald Schwartz has been on faculty atPSC since 1984. His play this summer was presented at CAJE (ConferenceonAltemativesinJewish Education) Drama Network National Conference. Schwartz has been appointed Editor of the CAJE ·National Drama Network Newsletter.
New Year begl.IlS
The performance date for Leading Lady is set for October 11, 12, 13, 18 and 19.
A list of future production dates is available from Dr. Eckert or Dr. Harper.
"Luncheon" from page 1
WHISKEY RUN Darts-Pool-Snooker
Maryland. He is currently under contract with Greenwood Press for "or Eng11·sh Club a biography of Lillian Russell. His 1 1 shoi:.t story The Doctor, which has by Martin Jacobsen been read at several English club meetings over !he past few years, is The Peru State College English scheduled to be published by The Club met on Sept. 12 in the library Sun magazine in November or Deconference room. Business dis- cember.Histext,ElementsofSpeech cussed included the Sifting Sands, Communications, is currently bethe Silas Summers Writing Con- ing used in the Fundamentals of test, visiting scholar, and fund rais- Speech sections. A lcxaj producing. tion of his new musical play, PaAccording to the 1988-90 college triot '76, is scheduled in Omaha in catalog, "the English Club promotes The Brown Bag Luncheon will be the mastery of written expression, held each Wednesday at noon in the encourage8 worthwhile reading and BurOak:Room.Anyquestionsabout ·fosters fellowship among students · the activity can be directed to Bob specializing in English or litera-
, ture."
Shively, economic development officer, TJM 237, Ext. 2427. Any- If you are interested injoiningthe one who is interested in gaining English Club, you may contact more from lunch .than just calories Merri· Johnson, president; Martin isencouragedtoattend.It'sfoodfor Jacobsen, vice-president; Lynn thought! Hicks, secretary/treasurer; or Dr. McCrann, faculty sponsor.
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Everybody's talking football ... Tough road lies ahead
by 1 odd Gottula
It's football season! But it's certainly not December yet. So why is everybody talking about the playoffs already?
I know, the whole campus is mad because the run-and-shoot offense is gone. Hey, the defensive look has even changed a little. But wait a minute. Football is football. PSC still starts 11 players on each side. They still wear helmets, jerseys, pads and enough tape to hold up all the spliced cable in Delzel Hall.
So you're wondering why everybody's all worked up about this season right? Hold on a second. I want all of you football players who are reading this to do mea little favor. Leave the room for a second. Now, are they gone? Okay. We all know the Cats lost their first game this year against Missouri Western, 35-20.
We also know the whole campus and community was in a stir after that loss. Not only did the Bobcats have their 15 game regular season win streak ended, but they already
had one more loss than last year's 12-0-1 team!
Oh, you say the players are.reading this now. Guys, forget about Missouri Western. One loss won't ruin your season. Everybody knows that you have the talent to go as far as you want. So hang in there.
As for you fans. Slow down. The play-offs long way off, so ease up on the talk about repeating as National Champions and give coach Saban a chance. There's no need to pass more, scrap this or add that.
Let coach Saban and the team do their jobs.
This season will be tough. Since none of our in-state rivals will play us anymore, the Cats have been forced into playing teams in higher divisions. As if playing NAIA Division I and NCAA Division II schools isn't bad enough, PSC fans will also get a chance to as there is only one home game left It seems even the larger schools are afraid of the atmosphere created by PSC fans at the Oak Bowl on Saturdays.
Speaking of fans, the people on this campus are as excited as ever. I'm sure there will be plenty of"Peru Blue" following the Cats as they travel throughout the Midwest in pursuit of another less than eager opponent.
Yes, it's football It may be hard for this year's team to top last year's 12-0-1 National Championship squad, but I'd be willing to bet that they'll make a run at it!
Bobcats lose season opener Against tough NCAA squad
by Chan Crooker
The Peru State football team had to endure a long, wet night in St. Joseph, Missouri as they opened the 1991 season against the Missouri Western State College (MWSC) Griffins.
The Bobcats took the field with aggressive play under new head coach Lou Saban. Defensive back Barry McGooden intercepted the frrst pass of the game which gave the offense good field position, and it didn't take long for I-back Mark Whittaker to find the end wne. The extra point attempt by kicker Ron Shaneyfelt was good, and Peru was ap, seven to zero.
The Griffin offense couldn't get much going in the first quarter, and Peru e!1joyed a 14-6 lead for a while. However, the next time MWSC scored they went for two and were successful to tie the score at 14. MWSC wa<i abletotakea21-14 lead at the half.
Saban takes over Cats show new look in 1991
by Kris Citrin
Under new head football coach Lou Saban, PSC football is going through a definite season of change.
Saban took the reigns of the Bobcat program after Tom Shea resigned last semester.
the new pro-set formation. The reason for the change, according to Saban, is "We' re not the same team it helps when you have a lot of receivers and a great offensive line, but we're still young." Saban also added "I just don't believe in the run-and-shoot"
ing, "Stepping up into the NCA\ D-2 is not possible at this time, bu: we are looking at some confereaces so we can have some guarantee.<;. games."
Scheduling problems
The-rainy second half pretty much took the passing game away from the Bobcats, but MWSC's short passes combined with theirrunning game was enough to get them into the end zone two more times before Peru could score. Several field goal attempts by Shaneyfelt were just shy to keep Peru from starting a comeback.
The Bobcats did not give up though, and that is what impressed Assistant Coach Monte Meadows most about the game. Peru drove the field and was able to score on a last second pass from senior quarterback Nate Bradley to receiver Corey Catterson. The extra point try by Shaneyfelt was no good, once again, but the terrible weather conditions had to play a role.
Meadows said that the team is very close to playing great football; he stated that if the technique was a little better and once the team begins to get the little things right Peru will be playing their best football.
Coach Saban has had many different coaching jobs from the professional to the high school ranks, where he has been very successful. Some of the teams in his past experience include the Buffalo Bills, Denver Broncos, University of Maryland and University of Miami.
New offense installed
When asked what he thought of Peru and its faculty he stated, "This is exactly where I want to be and what I want to be doing. This is a great school and great people."
Saban took over officially on May 1. During this time of transition, neither former coach Shea nor new coach Saban did much in the way of recruiting, for most of the players , that were being scouted had already been taken by other colleges. Fortunately Ted Harshbarger, interim athletic director, and Larry Brown, offensive coordinator, were able to get afew recruits and some walkon's that have contributed considerably to the Bobcat team.
One of the first and most noticeable changes has been with the Bobcat's high-powerrun-and-shoot offense. Coach Saban has made a 180-degree turn by making the offensefocusonrunningtheball from
New conference possible
Some of the other possible changes are not so drastic, but could have an effect on Peru athletics for years to come. The first is Peru's need for either a new division or a new conference to join. According to Saban the possibility of moving up to NCAA Division II is highly unlikely due to insufficient funds and a lack of scholarships. "I'm afraid we would be out-classed; we can't compete with all those scholarships."
Harshbarger echoed Saban say- ,,
Without a conference of its own, Peru has been prevented from playing schools in this area. "Peru is being hurt by 'K t having a conferbecause they are forced to play anyone, inclt!ding NCAA teams," said Saban. "We are basically scheduling next year with any team that will play us. Most other teams in Wis area don't want to play us because we're a wimjjng team."
Coach Saba!l would not make any predictions about tl1is season. As long as we are a solid, team, the winning will c0me, rnmmente1 Saban. "This football team is very good, and you all will see that."
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Mark Fritch (82), Matt Hug (45) and Tim Herman (94) pressure the quarterback in PSC's 57-20 win over Dana last Saturday. The Bobcat defense redcorded 13 QB sacks to set a new school record,-·photo by Todd Gottula
Cory Catterson sprints up-field after making one of his eight catches against Dana. The senior had 155 yards receiving and two touchdowns.-- photo by Todd Gottula
Dana no challenge •..
PSC to face Southwest State
by Todd Gottula-PSC Sports Information
The PSC football team breezed past Dana College in last week's home opener, but'will have its work cut out this Saturday on the road.
The Bobcats, 1-1 following a 5720 rout of the Vikings, visit NAIA Division I Southwest State University this Saturday at Mattke Field in Marshall, Minn. The Mustangs improved to 2-0 last weekend with a 61-20 pounding of Minot State.
We 're going up against an awfully good football team," PSC ·head coach Lou Saban said. "The results we've seen of them are vindicate of }hat,
And after last year's game here, it's going to be revenge on their part in their own territory. Those factors make it very difficult for us."
Peru State won a very heated battle over Southwest State at the Oak Bowl last season, 27-17, in a matchup of two nationally ranked teams. All-Americans Nate Bradley and Cory Catterson hooked up on a school-record 92-yard touchdown pass fpr the tie-breaking score late in the fourth quarter.
completed 20 passes for 445 yards "'against Minot State with 6 touch'd6wn tosses.
For the third straight week, our secondary will be heavily tested," Saban said. "Butagreatdeal ofour success will also depend on the rush our defensive line can apply. If last week was a true indication, they're coming around."
Peru's interior front of ends Tim Herman and Mark Fritch and tackles Kurt Hasley and Tim Bowen turned into the "sack exchange", dropping Dana's Mike Carruba for nine of 13 QB sacks. Herman, a 66, 280-pound senior, led the foursome with three for 21 yards.
In the Mustangs, PSC will be looking at a one-back offensive set. PSC will have to cover split end
Alvin Ashley and slotback Wayne Hawkings, who have 27 catches between them. Ashley caught four touchdown passes last week. "We '11 look at what they have and go ahead and apply what we're trying to do defensively," Saban said. "We may even have a surprise in store. But it all still resorts to talent versus talent "Playing on the road is never easy, especialiy against a team such as SouthwestState,"Sabansaid. "But there isn' tanything we can do about our schedule, so we might as well get used to it."
Peru State leads the series 1-0 with last year's victory. The Mustangs are ranked No. 4 in this week's NAIA Division I poll, while the Bobcats are No. 8 in Division II.
by Todd Gottula
The PSC Volleyball team's 1510, 15-8, 15-lOwinoverNebraska
Wesleyan on Sept. 9 was their first home win of the season Missouri Western's35-2e win over the Bobcat Football team snapped PSC's 15 game regular season winning
Passed up other offers...
streak. It was also their first loss since falling to Baker in the 1989 play-offs Ball carriers aren't the only things linebacker Bob Hansen gets physical with. Hansen, who works as a security guard at the Nebraska Sate Penitentiary in the summer, has had his share of runins at work. 30 years ago on Sept.
16 the Bobcat football team beat St. Mary's of the Plains College at Dodge City, KS, 20-12 in their second game of a 7-1-1 season The first annual Tug-of-War sponsored by student programs was won by the team of Mark Fritch,
Gabriel hired as PSC trainer
by Jon Kruse
With the beginning of the new school year comes many changes at Peru State College. One of the major changes is new athletic trainer John Gabriel. This is his first positon at Peru State College.
When Peru State contacted Gabriel about the position opening up, he passed up an offer by Midland Luthern College to stay in the Peru area. Plus, he said, a brand new program opening up at PSC interested him because he has never really dope anything like this before
When asked why he likes his new
job, Gabriel responded,"I really like the challenge of medicine, I love being involved with sports, and I like the psychology and the science involved also."
Mr. Gabriel spent seven years in school at Northern Iowa University.
Gabriel feels that there is much more to the position than just being the trainer. "My job consists of teaching healthrelalcdathletic training in the classroom. And that is probably my most importantjob. Jn class I teach wellness."
If the Bobcats are going to defeat SSU this year, they will have to dowse the Mustangs' red-hot passing attack.
Quarterback Jeff Loots
Brent Strittmatter, Todd Gottula, Sherri Ver Ruel, Jennifer Jacobs and Julie Eisenhauer .In last Saturday's win over Dana Ron Shaneyfelt kicked three field goals and six extra points to tie his own school record for points by a kicker with 15 The Bobcat Defense recorded a school record 13 quarterback sacks On the Cats First Two Possessions it only took two plays befor they scored TD's Change From The Past-PSC had 277 yards rushing compared to 234 passing.
Lady Cats defeat Wesleyan
The gymnasium was hot and humid, and the Peru State women's volleyball team made it even worse. when they stunned the Nebraska Wesleyan University team on Monday night, Sept. 9.
Even though short starter Kerry Mease, who is out with a broken finger, the team pulled together and won the first three games out of five (15-8, 15-8, 15-10).
The team roster consists of: Kristi Cummins, Linda Downing, Tammy Hammer, Dana Kruse, Margo LaBrie, Stacey Landwehr, Crystal McGinness,
Kerry Mease, CheriRamer, Tracy Shannon, Melissa Swinney, Cindy Walla and Bev Wedding. Head coach is Jim Callendar. Assistant coach is Bonnie Henzl.
The Peru Chamber of Commerce welcomes all students to Peru State for the 1991-92 year. We hope your time in Peru will be happy and productive!
John Gabriel
Linda Downing returns a serve against Nebraska Wesleyan in the Lady Bobcats first home win of the 1991 season. photo by Todd Gottula
The Student Voice of Peru State College Since 1921
CBS films footage at PSC for weekly program
by Todd Gottula
Lou Saban attracts them all! Not only has the Bobcat head football coach caught the attention of the local news media, but he is also becoming an item of national news interest.
Roger Welsh, the host of Sunday morning with CBS, brought a four man crew to film PSC' s homecoming activities and football game with Missouri Valley. The crew, which consisted of a producer, soundmanandcameraman, was borrowed. "I've known Charles Kuralt for many years, so I asked· him if I could use his film crew for my segments in Nebraska." Kuralt is a longtime CBS reporter.
CBS came to Nebraska to film four separate shows for Welsh' s Sunday morning program. The Missouri River, the apple orchards in Nebraska City, the Oregon Trail in western Nebraska and coach Saban are the stories the crew worked on during their two-week stay in the state. They spent three days in Peru.
Activities set for PSC Oct.14-18 for Chemical Awareness Week
by Kellie
The week of Oct. 14-18 may be one of the most important weeks of the school year. During this week the campus will have many activities concerning Chemical Awareness Week, which are designed to make the students aware of what chemicals, including alcohol, tobacco and drugs, are doing to our country. These chemicals are becoming detrimental to our society, and the main objective is to shed some light on what can be done to prevent chemical abuse.
Included in the activities are four guest speakers. On Monday, Oct. 14, our very own Dr. Joel Lundak, assistant professor of psychology, will be giving a speech entitled "The Process of Addiction-Prevention
and Healthy According to Dr. Lundak, "It will be fascinating and fun. Everyone should be there." On Tuesday, Oct. 15, aNebraskastatepatrolman will bespeaking at the Student Center. Wednesday, Oct. 16, Kelly Erlingson Mattinger will appear as a guest speaker in Peru. Finally, on Thursday, Oct. 18, Mack McKensey will speak to students at 11:30 a.m Added to the features of this week is a dance to be held in the Student Center. The theme of this dance is "Guess Who's Knocking." D.J. Mike Keckler of "Movin' Music" from Weeping Water will be providing the music.
Films will be shown during the week in the Student Center. The movies will be shown Monday through Friday at 8 p.m. The films
include Friday, Love Is Looking At Me Again, Chalk Talk and Reach Out.
Join others in the crossword puzzle contest and the word search which has a $25 prize. Come and enjoy the fun-there's something for everyone!
Welsh commented that PSC has "one of the most beautiful campuses" he has seen in Nebraska.
"Just by walking around campus I realized that there is a great sense of pride at PSC," he said.
While in Peru, CBS taped footage ofthehomecomingparadeandfootball game. The crew also walked through the campus on nwnerous occasions and filmed students goingabouttheir daily activities. Many of the campus bui\lings and classrooms were also in their taping.
When asked why, of all the places
in this country, he decided to come to Peru, Welsh said, "I used to play football in high school. The only problem was that I attended the University of Nebraska so I didn't have the opportunity to play college ball. But, I could have played at a smaller school like this."
So what's that have to do with CBS filming a feature on Lou Saban? "I've never been around a small college football team so I wanted to come see how guys at a small college, in the heart of the Midwest, react to a big name coach. Personally, I think it has to be an amazing feeling to play under a man with so much knowledge and coaching experience," added Welsh.
Welsh went on to say that he was very impressed with the Bobcat football team. "The players are nothing like those at a large uni versity. The guys at PSC understand that they're here to get an education. In big-time football programs, the players worry about football and then studies. That's not right," he said.
Welsh stated that education is another reason why he's interested in coach Saban. "Lou is constantly stressing to his team the importance of getting a degree. In the two days I was at practice he stressed academics many times. He really does care about more than football."
The CBS feature on coach Saban and the Bobcat football team will air in mid or late October. The college will be notified of the exact date so it can be announced. PSC's segmentwillbeanywherefromfour
Please see "CBS at PSC" on pages
THE October 4, 1991 lssue#2
ROGER WELSH, far left, views the Homecoming parade as his CBS film crew prepares to tape footage. Welsh, his producer, soundman and cameraman spent three days on PSC's campus.-photo by Todd Gottula
See page3
Homecoming Photo Spread on 3
Other Side of the Desk on 5
Time-Out with Todd-·"All jocks aren't dumb" on 7 Fitness trail on8
are being enforced at other campuses
Consumption of alcohol becomes more expensive
Would you refrain from consuming alcohol in a residence hall room if you knew that being caught v.:ould cost you $75 plus $5 per serving found? Would you do it a second time with the price being $125 plus $10_ per serving? Would you do it a third time when you faced the large fines plus social probation and suspension?
These questions are staring the Midland-Lutheran College of Fremont students in the face.
Students voice concern
The heavy fines are a part of the college's new policy this year. Two students voiced concern about the policy in the Sept. 20, 1991, issue of the college's student newspaper, The Midland .
The students, Chris Dukes and · Jason Dawson, gave interviews to Midland managing editor Sheri Irwin after having the new · policy imposed on them the first night of classes. ·
Dukes had six guests in his room that evening when he granted security pennission to enter his room. Two cases of beer,half consumed, were found by the official. The five occupants in the room were each fined $25 while Dukes' fine added up to $315, according to The Midland.
Security approached the room
becauseofnoiseoriginatingfrom · although that amount is subject it, although Dukes claims the to change. If 4.0 points or more group was quiet. Later, Dukes are accumulated by a student, found thata person had contacted suspension may be enforced. security about the group. A Any charges, whether alcohol second problem stemmed from related or not, brought against a that complaint, as one of the student may be appealed. All · occupants found the person who cases are handled by the Student had contacted security and Judicial Board which is compunched him, said The Midland. posed of five members appointed That student, Jason Dawson, bythepresidentofStudentSenwas initially expelled from ate and the Student' Appeals classes for his actions. He ap- Board, made up of two students pealed the sanction and was al- (thevicepresidentandpresident lowed back under strong restric- of Student Senate), two admintions. Accordingto TheMidland, istrators (approved by the colDawson stated he didn't think lege president) and two faculty the restrictions were fair. · (approved by faculty, Student Dukes likewise voiced com- Senate and college president). plaints about his punishments in Classes rather than fines the newspaper of his, "I can handle it [the fines], but what if Greater detail on PSC's sancsomeone else can't. There must tions for alcohol policy offenses be some other way to punish can be found fa the student them,"hestatedinTheMidland. handbook. It is important to Al h I · r note that according to Dan co 0 possession po icy Haugland, Dean of Student Before we comment further Services, no fines are imposaI upon this issue, let's pause a upon students at PSC for such momenttoinfonnyouofPSC's offenses.Ifthey inc\Jr damages alcohol policy. According to the uponpropertynottheirown, they Student Code of the Student are requiredto pay for repairs or Handbook, a person caught in replacement, and they are re-· , possession or use of alcoholic quired to attend classes on sub-· beverages on any college prop- stance abuse.
Students," Haugland said, "is that there is no guarantee that the money will come from the student's own pocket. That money could come from the government's pocket in the follil of a student loan or Pell grant. We try to concentrate on education instead."
Nation-wide problem
As we see it, there definitely is a problem on college campuses nation-wide today with alcohol abuse. There has been for many years. College administrations have begun to try to help students having problems, which we heartily applaud. However, the question must be asked what really helps and what really hurts students? ·
"I wish students could understand we're not (trying to) be mean, cruel or rotten. We're trying to help students grow up," said Midland campus counseler in The Midland.
Drinking will continue
continue to do so because they are brought up with that picture of dollil life. That's why we feel PSC's educating students on alcohol and substance abuse is a great idea.
However, we do not feel that when a student is caught with alcohol in their dollil rooms or any place else on campus that they should complain about having to abide by the rules of punishment. They knew beforehand what the consequences would be before they made the decision to bring alcohol to the campus with them, and they should be willing to admit they broketherulesandpaytheprice.
"I'm tom 50/50 about the system of fining," stated Haugland. "A $200 fine may be a deterent, but if they pay that and can't afford school, what's the gain?"
on campus nothing to be proud of
by Laura Osborne
Where were you after 2 a.m. the morning of Sept 25? If you were one of the people who made the utterly stupid, idiotic decision to vandalize the PSC campus, listen. If you weren't, let me pause a moment to tell you what was done.
According to Ron Fabry, superintendant of maintenance, toilet paper and yarn were strung in the trees throughout campus. Many signs on and around campus were spray painted with neon orange paint Also painted were some sidewalks near TJ Majors and the doors to the theater as well as a brass placque on the display case by the Administration Buildipg. Whoever is reSponsible for the vandalism, why? What's the joy you get out of making our campus unattractive? Personally, I like the fact that I can most generally be proud of the clean appearance of the campus.
Now, because of these immature actions, much time on the part of maintenance personnel has been and will have yet to be spent to urido the vandals' actions. That time ofcourse, as everything else usually does, adds up to money, not to mention that the time maintenance will spend on this work could be used on other valuable work.
Vandalism is a sign of a callow mentality. It is stupid. It isn't impressive. It isn't anything to brag about. It is senseless. Out of consideration for the students who do care about PSC, don't do it again.
Who actually pays?
erty, including residence halls, will accumulate disciplinary points. The figure for abuse of the alcohol policy is 2 points, "The problem I see with fining
Letter to the Editor pollcy
The Peru State Times wekomes all letters to the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, or articles should be signed by the individual person or persons writing them and will be published at the discretion of the editors. The Peru State Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor. Send . materialto:Editor,thePeruState Times; Campus Mail, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska, 68421.
But will charging students horrendous amounts ofmoney really get them to stop drinking? We personally don't believe it will. Students will continue to bring alcohol into residence halls simply because that's college life. Students in colleges have · been drinking for years and will
Quote of the Week
Bobcat band stepping with spirit
by Jennifer Mortensen
For the fourth straight year, Larry VanOyenisdirectingthePeruState Marching Band.
Throughout all of the long, hot practices of making and teaching routines, Van Oyen comments,''The band is doing great. Even though they have had only a short amount of time getting everything together, the music sounds good, and the band looks good." A fmal comment from Van Oyen was that his band was an "energetic and positive group."
The Marching Bobcats have 49 members. There are four seniors out of the group that will depart later this year: Amy Ammeter, Jason Brewer, Cody Collins, and Peter Macnaughton.
W J.N. Organization Happenings
Octl5, 1991, 3:30 p.m.
Date Rape Movie Panel Discussion following Live Oak Room in the Student Center
1 •••
"If a nation expects to . be both ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
Peru State Times Published Bi-monthly · Edilor-in-Oiiof •••.•••••••••.••• • •.•••••.••••••••••.•.••...••••••••••.••• Laura Olbomo Spor1S l!ditor ••••••••••••••.••.•••.••••..••••.••••••••••••..•••••••••••.• Todd Oouula Produ<:tianl!dil<Jr ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Koly Daryoa Aaimut l!ditor •••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••••..•••••.••••••••••••• Kellie J<imsm Head Copy l!ditor .••••••••.•.••••••••••...••••.••••••••.•...••••..••..•• Marty Jacoboon Photop-aphy Cocrdinau ..•.•...•....••...............•..•........•.••...... Scott Udcy Photognpbcr Todd Gottula •.•.••.••••••••...•••.••••..•••••.••••.•••••...•••.•••••.••• O,.,ggMattait Am. Spor11 l!ditor •..••••...••••..•••.•••••••••..••••.•...•••..••••.••••• An:.y Holl...., Lead Ropor1"r ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.••••••••••••••• Tcm Hyde Typcooam ..•••..•.••..••.••.•.••.•••••..••••. : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lil< Gocmla Advia:r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dr. Dan Hol!z
--Thomas Jefferson
Hawaiian PSC B·omecoming•91
ity to win the original perfonnance division of the talent show.·-photo by Brent Strittmatter
SHOWTIME,PaulHoward,lip-sync's to get
THE PEP BAND and fans help drive the Bobcats to a victory at the Oak Bowl.-photo by Todd Gottula
his audience fired up for
coming at the talent show.-photo by Brent Strittmatter
From Phi Beta Lambda to Student Programs ... Diversified student gives to PS<; as he receives
by Thomas M. Hyde
"There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces· that you meet
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;"
Jeff Janssen dQeS most of these things in a day. ·He knows not to procrastinate and how to make the Jeffhaspracticedtime management to perfection by having an overfilled schedule.
ing to meeting and time for "relationships." An accounting/management major and computer science minor,Jeffmust balance his studies with activities in Student Senate and Student Programs.
Jeff chose his course of study after one of his teachers at Nemaha Valley High School encouraged his interestin the fields and after he found out about their good job outlook.
While at Nemaha Valley High School, Jeff learned the value of academics and involvement in activities. This meant balancing time and applying what he had learned about time management to college.
"Jeff is the best, there is none better. He is the epitome of time management and takes the heaviest of class loads and activities," according to Russ Beldin, asS.istant professor of business and Jeffs advisor.
In PBL, Jeff has competed at national level three times. This past summer, he placed fourth in business law.
He plans to graduate in December and will then work at State FanIJ. Insurance in Bloomington, lliinois. However, Jeff has also been thinking of going to law school,
life:analomakethebestofwhathe did. Beldin was an influence because, "His overbearing spirit has driven me to teach my full potential in a number of areas."
Even though Jeffs time is valuable, he has reached a pinnacle of excellence in many areas. These include the following: serving on the State Board of Trustees as a student representative, being State Parliamentarian for PBL on the local and state levels and working in Student Senate and Student Programs.
Jeff has balanced his time by set-
Jeff said, "being able to make it through Mrs. Ruck's auditing clasS and studying for the National Business Law Test"
Beldin summed up Jeff and his achievements by saying, "Jeff is a highly competitive, hard-working individual. He has a high set of values and morals that dictate his lifestyle. Jeff exhibits ahigh potentialofleadership. He'sbeenaleader in everything he's been in."
Jeff has also enjoyed being a student at PSC and believes it can provide a good education for anyone with the drive to get it.
Person of the Week
His schedule usually consists of part-time jobs, running from meet-
Homecoming a successful week of fun
by Kris:Citrin
Once again Peru State went crazy celebrating homecoming 1991. The theme for this year's homecoming activities was "PSC goes ian," and once again PSC was full of fun and games.
On Tuesday, Sept. 22, students were treated to an all-out Hawaiian dinner. The cafeteria served everything from Hawaiian ham to Polynesian ribs. The food was as good as it has ever been; "it was a welcome change," commented several PSC students. On Wednesday, the talent show started at 9 p.m., with Andy Donovan taking first prize.
The water olympics took place on Thursday in pool at Al Wheeler Activity Center. Two teams competed with Troy Uhlir's team coming in first place. The pep rally and bonfire followed the waterolympics at 9:30 p.m. in the commuter parking lot.
The morning of Saturday the 28th was a busy one. First, the Fun Run was held with two courses to choose from. One was one and one-half miles long and the other was three miles long. Twenty-five tank tops were given away to the participants. Next, at 11 a.m., the parade com-
Jeff is a top student, is punctual and works beyond the required level in his classes. He has a 3.95 grade point average and belongs to Phi Beta Lamda (PBL), the business club on campus that helps members learn skills related to business and hones and develops leadership
ing on how he does on the LSAT.
Jeff said his parents and Beldin were the people who have made the. greatest impact on his life. He cited his' parents because they encouraged him to do what he wanted in
ting priorities, shooting for goals, keeping things in perspective and remembering his limits and that a person should exterid those limits as far as possible. With all those activities; it would seem that Jeff must only study, but he also takes time out to enjoy life by spending time with friendS, running and spending time with a special girl. When asked what he felt the most difficult thing he's ever attempted,
He is always in a hurry, but he is always thinking.
Going to class Jeff thinks the test the time only afew hours.then work in the lab where will i have time when can i get to study and i need to talk to mr beldin
All during his thoughts Jeff can hear a voice urging him, "HURRY UP PLEASE; ITS TIME HURRYUPPLEASE;ITS TIME"
--T.S. Eliot "The Wasteland"
Sifting Sands contest to begin soon at PSC
by Martin Jacobsen
The Sifting Sands Writing Contestfor the 1991-92 school year will soon begin taking submissions. There will be three categories for the contest poetry, short story and drama
There will be three prizes given in each category. First place will be $25, second place will be $15, and third place will be $10. The deadline for the contest is 5p.m.,Nov1, 1991. Entries must be in triplicate: one copy must include name, address, social security number and telephone number; the remaining copies should have only the social security number
All contest entries will be considered for publication in the Sifting
Sands, PSC's literary magazine. This year the Sifting Sands will also be accepting submissions from writers outside the student body. Book reviews, essays, interviews and commentaries will be considered for publication, but will not be eligible for prize money. The deadline for these submissions will be Jan. 17, 1991.
The Sifting Sands reserves the right to edit all submissions forpublicatjon purposes. No submissions will be returned without a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
More information will be posted at various campus locations.or you may contact any member of the English Club or Dr. Anthony McCrann in the Fine Arts Bldg.
Make your appointment with The Haircutters today. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Thursday Phone: 274-5546
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--T.S. Eliot "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
"Jeff is the best; there is none better. He is the epitome oftime management "
--Russ Beldin
FULLBACK JOE PARKS and comerback Bobby Stephens swing into actio at the "PSC Goes Hawaiian" Homecoming pep rally.--photo by Todd Gottul mencedfeaturingtheBobcatMarching Band and various high school bands from around the area. The football game started at2 p.m. intheOakBowL TheBobcatscame out on top with PSC, 36 and Missouri Valley, 3. During a half-time
ceremony the, ing King and Queen were crowned. TroyUhlirwasKingandStephanie Kroeger was the new Queen. After the game, students were treated to anoutdoorbarbecuewithbambmgers and hot dogs aplenty.
.- Sun Tanning .- Hait
Exercising Equipment
In a world of constant change ...
Encouragement in unstable world from Dr. Russel
\ From the Other Side of the Desk...
A lot of things change in this world of ours. Persons, places and things are constantly changing, for better or worse, day in and day out, right before our eyes. What this world needs, some say, is something constant, something reliable, something we can depend on.
Fortunately, Peru State College has such constancy, reliability and dependability. For the last 35 years, Dr. Lester Russell has been a mainstay in an ever-changing field: industrial technology education.
Dr. Russell's extensive educational background, which includes a double B.A. in industrial arts/music, from Peru State College, an M.S. in industrial education from the University of Minnesota and an educational doctorate from UNL,
has given him a good idea of what a good education entails.
Dr. Russell has always supported the general studies program here at Peru State and currently-serves on the general studies committee. He believes a good general studies program is important to a good education and feels the program at PSC has a "good framework."
He goes on to say that education is an encouraging field to work in because, "There are always changes taking place and new things to learn. It is not a static, boring area; it's exciting."
One of the things Dr. Russell does that helps stabilize our ever-changing world is to advise students to develop some kind of focus. "One of the things I think is Quite imoortant ... is to pick out something in your field of interest and go for it," he says. "Ifyoufmdoutafteryou've been there a semester or so that that isn't it, by that time you may have selected something else. What I don't think that a student should do is become a floater or somebody who doesn't have a defmite goal in mind If you make a mistake in setting your goal, that's fine; change your goal. But do have a goal in mind."
Dr. Russell believes that education has three main purposes for the ·
individual: to make us employable, to make us better citizens, and to "provide us an opportunity to explore a variety of things that make up this good life."
the student to use to grasp new classroom. "I always appreciate ,it information, and that this is doubly when students come in and visit difficult when equipmem needs to With me aboUt things .•. I know I be maintained, as is imperative in hadsomepeoplelthoughtofasrole the industrial technology realm models when I was in college, and
I still value the things that I learned from them. I've tried to that."
In the field of industrial ogy, course content sometimes changes daily. Deciding what to keep and what to change, especially when it is impossible to condense it all into a semester or two, is difficult. "You have to make those choices," says Dr. Russell, "and that is somethingthatteacherssometimes agonize over."
Moreover, Dr. Russell said that it is important to set up activities for
where hands-on training is a necessity. "If you 're going to be working in a laboratory, you've got to have materials to work with and equipment that's in working order , It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort gettingeverythingcoordinated."Dr. Russell states, however, that the lab portion of the lecture/lab type class a lot of one-on-one contact with students. One-on-one is important to him, even outside the
In his spare time Dr. Russell enjoys gardening, fishing, and music. But he ruis another activity in which he takes much pride: being on the Board of Directors of Epsilon Pi Tau. Having belonged to this inter· national fraternity of technology education since he was a student, Dr. Russell considers it an achieve· ment to now be in charge of the organization's largest geographical region in the United States. He also finds it exciting that of the six seats romprising this board, twc are held by PSC graduates. Moreover, these two graduates hold the top two positions on the board. is just further evidence that Dr. Russell provides a little stability wherever he goes.
So the next time you feel that world is an uncertain place, devoic of constancy, reliability and depend· ability, don't be discouraged. Witt people like Dr. Russell around, y0t may be able to fmd stability on th( other side of the desk.
Members of Madrigal Singers and Misty Blues show choir are selected
by Michelle Kimball
Dr. Thomas Ediger, director of choral activities at PSC, announced that members of the Madrigal Singers and the Misty Blues Show Choir have been selected for the fall semester.
Kristi Scott, Jeff Spencer, Pat Vendetti, a senior from Omaha; Belinda Vernon, a junior from Falls City.
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Members of the Madrigal Singers areasfollows: TimBailey,asophomore from Auburn; Heather Cohrs, a freshman from Bennington; Cindy Dills,afreshmanfromAuburn;John Hall, a sophomore from Alliance; Michelle Kimball, a senior from Auburn; Robert Matthies, a senior from Ohiowa; Kristine Meeske, a junior from Beatrice; Holly Morgan, a senior from Nebraska City; Rick Riesen, ajunior from Ashland; Sarah Schneider, a freshman from Nortonville, KS; Kristi Scott, a junior from Norfolk; Jeff Spencer, a sophomore from Falls City; June Strasil, a junior from Falls City. The members of the Misty Blues are: Amy Ammeter, a senior from Hebron; Tim Bailey,Jason Brewer, aseniorfromG: ma;AmberFabry, ajuniorfromPeru;JohnHall,Michelle Kimball, Stephanie Kroeger, a senior from Malcolm; Brenda Lampe, a junior from Falls City; Robert Matthies, Kristine Meeske, M.ark Orth, a junior from Diller; TooyRieschick,ajuniorfromFalls City; Rick:Riesen, Sarah Schneider,
The accompanist for both groups is Jennifer Suggett, a sophomore from Beatrice. The groups are directed by Dr. Thomas Ediger. Upcoming events for the show choir include the PSC choral festival for high school show choirs on October 22 and 23, The Misty Blues will be performingon both days; The Madrigal Singers will present a Christmas Madrigal Feast on December 13and14. For more information on upcoming events for the music department, contact Dr. Ediger at402872-2253.
I :r•:•J i Fu .. nj For your fraternity. sorority, team [ 1 or other campus organization. ABSOLunLr HO 1NvmM1HT uou1m1 I RAISING CALL 1-800-950-8472, ext. 50
"I always appreciate it when students come in and visit with me about things ••. I know I had some people I thought of as role models when I was in college, and I still value the things that I learned from them."
--Dr. Lester Russell
A BROADWAY STAR (Penny Gibbons, front- right) tells a young reporter (frace Buesig, front- left) about the men in her life: (I to R: Pat Vendetti, Thomas Hyde, Andrew Donovan, and Robert Rohla) in this scene from the Peru Players production of Leading Lady. The play will be presented on Oct 11, 12 and 18, 19 at 8 p.m. and on Sunday, Oct.
at 2
in the Peru State College Theatre. Admission is $2.00 or Season Ticket.
Application available for study approximate cost $3000. For abroad at Oxford University, more information or an appliEngland. Summer 1992. Open cation, contact Z'vee Buss, to llllY College Student; 6 hours CBA 242 UNL, Lincoln NE of 400 level economics credit; 68588-Q405, or phone 472-2310. ..... .....
RAISE $500 $1000 $1500l
UMHE searches for minister
by Tim Bailey
United Ministries to Higher Education (UMHE) at PSC is looking for a new minister, as the former, C::ampus Minister Tom Osborne has taken a position in Hastings, NE.
Faculty members of Peru, members of the Interdenominational Peru Community Church and members of other surrounding churches are workingjointlyonanadvisorycomto find another minister for both the school and the Peru Community Church.
Linda Warren, Peru placement director, is the chairman of the UMHE Advisory Committee. Warren said, "Traditionally, whoever is the minister at the Peru Community Church, also does Campus Ministry."
According to the official Peru
UMHE Job Description, the primary duties of the new campus ministerwill be toprovidepastoral counseling to students and faculty and to coordinate and facilitate special programs throughout the school year. Other duties include cooperating with other Christian and parachurch groups on campus, developing personal relationships so that ministry can be effective in times of crisis, and bringing campus and community together in shared ministry. The new campus minister will also have to spend two hours a day on campus, five days a week. Warren srud, "Mainly, the job is to help the students."
Despite being without a minister, the Campus Ministries organizatio remains busy according to Warren.
The committee recently gave $500
Senate Review
by Robin Anderson
The Student Senate met on Sept. 18. Three propsed amendments to the constitution were read. Float plans for the homecoming parade were made. The Senate and Student Programs will go together with their float ideas.
The Senate received a memo from Dr. Snyder concerning a PSC graduate who had not yet received her accreditation. This is believed to be an isolated problem, and the student finally received her accreditation. Aconcern was also brought to the Senate about the delay of intramurals. This matter is being looked into.
The next Senate meeting was Sept. 23. First on the agenda was the organizational board. It will be filled with a list of organizations on campus by homecoming.
The three proposed amendments read at the last meeting were discussed and voted on. Two passed and one did not The two that passed will be voted on again next week.
Until a minister is found for the community church, Dr. Joel Lundak will be the temporary minister on campus. Since state and religion do not mix, his office will be moved from TJM to AD Majors, off stateowned ground.
Information was brought back to Senate about intramurals. They will be delayed until the paperwork can be finished.
A problem with handicap parking was brought up. Parking in general will continue to be looked into with an emphasis on handicap parking problems.
It was suggested that World-Herald subscriptions could be sold as a money raiser. This option would be for any group on can1pus. This idea will be looked into further.
After the meeting, interviews to fill the senator-at-large position were held.
Oct. art exhibits include the works of two Kansans
Times Staff
Sculpture and photographs by two Kansas artists will comprise the next art exhibition at Peru State College.
Photographs by Luke Jordan and sculpture by Ruth Bowman, faculty members at the University of Kansas Design Department, will be displayed in the PSC Art Gallery now until Friday, Oct. 25, according to Ken Anderson, exhibit cocrdinator at Peru State. There is no admission fee.
to a peer group that proposes to ' continue the substance abuse program at PSC. The head of that program, Gene Engel, accepted a posi- 1 tion in Texas this fall.
Meanwhile, the Peru Community Church is searching for a minister, and when a prospective minister visits the city of Peru, the Campus Ministries Advisory Committee will conductaninterview. Thepossibility remains though, that the Peru Community Church may hire an interim minister for up to a year until a permanent replacement is found. Until then, Dr. Joel Lundack, , PSC assistant professor of psychology, has been appointed as the interim minister on campus. Warren remains hopeful that PSC and the Peru Community Church can find a new permanent campus minister as soon as the spring semester.
AWAC & Pool Hours
Monday-Friday 12 noon-1 p.m.(both)
Sunday, Tuesday, Friday 7-lOp.m. (AWAC) 7-9 p.m. (pool)
·Students and faculty will need I.D. cards. Community members must pay $1 per visit
BOB LEWELLEN, a Peru State College assistant professor of business, recently had an article he authored published in a textbook for marketing teachers. Lewellen has been a PSC faculty member since 1972.--photo by Kent Propst
PSC's budget slashed as result of state cuts; Trustees approve the $86,000 loss of funds
Correction: , IntheSept20issueoftheTimes
Cody Collins was incorrectly listed as the bass player for the Ice Blue Jazz ensemble. Deana McAlexander will be playing the instrument for the group this year. We apologize for the error.
910 Central Ave. Auburn, NE
by Times Staff a doctorate from the University of The Board of Trustees of the Ne- Nebraska-Lincoln. He has devoted braska State Colleges approved a 23 years to higher education, inbudget-cuttingplan to trim $86,000 eluding five years as commissioner from the Peru State College budget of higher education in Montana. last Friday. The budget cut is a result of a two Trustees, at a meeting on the percent funding cut to all state govWayne State College campus, also ernment agencies approved by the formally named Dr. Carroll Krause legislature and governor last spring. executive officer for the State Col- PSC's share is $86,379, noted Dr. lege system.
Robert Bums, PSC president. To
Dr. Krause replaces Dr. Richard achieve those savings, some of the Bringelson as executive officer of measures implemented by PSC inthe system, which includes state eluded elimination of an academic colleges in Peru, Wayne and programs c?OrdiChadron. A native Nebraskan Dr. nator pos1uon and the reduction of Krause earned bachelors and :nas- an admissions counselor position ters degrees from Wayne State and I from 12 months to nine months.
If you are interested in improvingyourreadingandstudy skills, the Communications Skills Center will offer unique eightweek speed reading and study skills courses which will begin Oct. 21. For more information, please contact Jennifer Nelson, director of the teaching learning center. Her phone extension is 2203. Mrs. Nelson will kindly provide class enrollment guidance.
Some of the other steps included eliminating some faculty and staff professional development travel money, ending PSC membership in several regional and state organizations, restricting use of the college toll-free phone line, and ending an alcohol and drug abuse education program for area public schools. The reduction in state funding for Peru State College is the fourth such budget cut in the last seven fiscal years.
Trustees did approve $9,000 for PSC from a miscellaneous renovation fund to accomplish several fire and safety projects on campus.
Program needs leader
by Times Staff
Nationwide, more children take part in library summer reading programs than participate in Little League ball. The town of Peru has been a part of this emphasis on education, with an active summer
I reading program held at the Peru State College Library. For. the past several summers, Cathy English, a
1 spring 1991 graduate, has volunteered to run the program, with a nu.mber of children signing up.
The library and the community appreciate her efforts, but we now are in need of another volunteer. The 1992 theme for the Nebraska Summer Reading Program will be "Dive into a Good Book." A number of posters, certificates, and other material are available from the Nebraska Library Commission to support the program. Volunteers should contact Jim Mulder at the college library.
Not all 'jocks' are dumb
... If you're not an athlete, read this
"Dumb football player."
"What a stupid basketball player!"
"Is that baseball/softball player an idiot or what?"
Not only can these phrases be heard at universities all over the country, they've also found their way into the mouths of many students and faculty at PSC. The "if you're an athlete, you're dumb" mentality of some students on this campus is getting a little bit ridiculous and bothersome.
If you are one of these people who talk about "dumb jocks," listen up!
Pretend you're an athlete. I know, you hate sports, and you think I'm crazy. But you must like sports a , little, or you wouldn't be reading my column, so just cooperate.
Okay. Now you're an athlete. Here's yourschedulefortoday: first, you need to get out of bed. Don't complain about your sore knees; that's normal. Now, go ahead and shower, eat and attend any classes or meetings you have scheduled for today. I agree, this athletic stuff isn't that hard So far!
It's about 2:30, so go get ready for practice. You say you usually study in the afternoons? Wow, you've forgotten already. Remember, you'reacollegeathletenow! Hurry, practice starts at 3.
Oh, so the drills weren't too bad, scrimmaging was almost fun.and you didn't do a lot of conditioning
in practice today? Hey, good for you!
Where are you going?
You have to meet a classmate at supper so you can study for tomorrow's test? Hold on; we still have to go lift weights. I know; my knees hurt too; let's go
It's 6:15 so you can go eat now.
You're mad because your study partner left, aren't you? Hey, look
Time-Out With Todd
by 7 odd Gottula
on the bright side of things. At least you'll be home by 7 so you can get a few hours of studying in. Oops! I forgot to tell you about our team meeting tonight It's at 8. Don't be late, or coach will really have your knees hurting--(sprints). You say you need to study since you had practiee during your lar study time. I understand; I have homework too. You 'llhaveto learn to manage your time. See ya at 8.
It's 9, but our meeting is over, so you can go study now. Have fun and make sure you get to bed at a decent time! That's important, since you have a test tomorrow
Hey, you "dumb jock" slammers can snap back to reality now, but I do hope you '?njoyed your life as an athlete. You're a little confused?
Let me explain. Athletes are not dumber than other college students. Sure, there are a few athletes who skip class, flunk tests and do poorly intheclassroom. Buttherearenonathletes who also have these problems, and I don't see everybody putting them down.
Sacrificing study time is part of being a college athlete, and each individual knows that when they go out for a sport There are many athletes on this campus who carry 4.0 GPA's and rank above many who make remarks about their IQ' s!
As you've come to realize, the daily schedule of an athlete can be tiresome and long. Most people wouldn't feel like studying at the end of an day, yet PSC's student-athletes take the time, tired or not, to study and succeed in the classroom. They deserve a little more respect than they're getting.
Quit talking about how dumb PSC athletesare. Whoknows,theymight just be smarter than you!
Wedding named to tourney team
Peru--Peru State College middle hitter Bev Wedding was named to ihe All-Tournament team of the Graceland Invitational last weekend in Lamoni, Iowa, after leading the Lady Bobcats to a fifth place finish.
A total of 12 players, including six each in blue and gold divisions, were chosen by a vote of the tourney's coaches. Joining Wedding on the blue division team were Amy Hamilton of Park College (MO), Julie Carlson and Marg Kohler of St. Xavier (IL); and Deb Haistings
and Teri Wessel of host Graceland.
Peru State posted a 3-2 mark in five tourney matches, including wins over Hendrix (AK), School of the Ozarks (MO), and St. Xavier.
The Lady Bobcats are now 8-13 overall.
Wedding, a 5 foot, 8 inch graduate of Norris High School, led PSC at the Invite with 51 kills and a .276 attack percentage. She also collected 48 digs for a 3.2 average per game, and was 63 of 67 in passing for a 94.1 percent Her match highs included nine killsagainstOzarks and
Everyday Store Hours: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) 8 a.m.-7 p.m. (Sat.) Noon - 4 p.m. (Sun.)
Donut Shop Hours: 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Monday through Saturday)
Harding University, and 11 digs versus St. Xavier.
Bev is the daughter of Roy and. Sandra Wedding of Hickman, NE.
DIANE POKORNY, senior business management major, receives a and gold watch from PSC athletic director Ted Harshbar.ger as reci?ient of the Bert E. Swenson Award. Only junior and senior two-sport letterwmners are eligible for the award based on character, personality, scholarship and loyalty to school trraditions. Pokorny participates in basketball and softball at photo by Vince Henzel
Lady 'Cats pound Bellevue
by Amy Hollesen
At Bellevue College's Sept 2728 tournament, the Lady Bobacats volleyball team defeated Bellevue in their opening match 15-6, 14-15, 10-15, 15-9, 15-8.
The Cats were then defeated by College of Saint Mary in the finals 13-15,20-18,11-15,14-16,making their record 9-15.
The starting line-up this season includes #1 Margo Labrie, senior; # 10 Bev Wedding,junior; #4 Cheri Ramer, sophomore; #24 Kristi Cummins, freshman; #20 Linda Downing, freshman; #5 Tracy Shannon, sophomore; and #2 Stacy Landwehr, junior.
Labrie currently leads the team in serving at 94%. She also has 42 acessofarthisseason. Inthecountry she would rank fifth, in the district <ihe ranks first.
Wedding leads the team in attacks (508) and kills (204 ). She averages 3.04 kills per game. In the country she would rank eighth in attacks, and tenth in the district for blocks and digs.
Also, leading in attacks are Ramer, with 2.58 average per game and Cummins with 1.74.
In passing Landwehr is tied for first in the district She has a 91 % passing accuracy.
The top three defenders for the team are Labrie, Wedding and Ramer.
The Lady Cats rank first in the district in aces per game.
The team's last two home games will be in a tournament on Saturday, Oct 19 and Wednesday, Oct. 23, against Northwest Missouri State.
Donut Shop and Off-Sale Liquor BEER SPECIALS Deli Sandwiches
JIM SCHOEPPNER dives for extra yardage after making a catch for a first down against Southwest State on Sept. 21. The sophomore tight end had three catches for 30 yards in the 46-10 loss.--photo by Todd Gottula
Bobcats defeat Missouri foe in 1991 homecoming game
by Jon Kruse
The sweet taste of victory was present at PSC's Oak Bowl Saturday, Sept. 28, before almost 2,000 Homecoming alumni and spectators as the Bobcats slapped a 33-6 defeat on the Missouri Valley Vikings.
PSC went up on the board early as senior kicker Ron Shaneyfelt booted a26-yard field goal with 12:01 remaining in the first quarter. On PSC' s next possesion, senior quarterback Nate Brad1ey hit senior Iback Mark Whitaker on a screen pass. Whitaker then made three gocxl moves to elude defenders for a 61yard touchdown (Shaneyfelt kick).
With PSC up 10-0, there was a new fire in the team as freshman tight end Tom Farrell explains, "This week was our last home game of the season; we wanted to make it great for the team and everyone who came out to us. The emotion we had in the game was like it was the beginning to a whole new season!"
PSC really took charge when Bradley passed to junior tightendJim Gilbert in the flats. Gilbert shrugged off a tackle and took it in for a 52yard touchdown (Shaneyfelt kick).
On Missouri Valley's next possession, however, Valley place kicker Jeff Hunt nailed a 50-yard
field goal fora halftime score ofl 73.
Several players thought thatPSC played a lot better this week, as sophomore tight end Jim Schoeppnerexplains, "Emotionally we were a lot better this week than last. The guys seemed to have their heads on straighter."
Valley then came back in the third quarter, and Hunt split the uprights with a 21-yard field goal to make the score 17-6 with 11 :09 left in the third quarter. That would be all the scoring the Bobcat defense would give up.
PSC then drove the ball from the Peru 37 to the Valley 25 yard line to set up Shaneyfelt's42-yard boot toputthescoreat20-6. Thelasttwo touchdowns came from a SI-yard pass from Bradley to senior wide reciever Cory Catterson, and senior defensive back Brett Jordan's 25yard interception return to make the score 33-6 (Shaneyfelt kick).
On the defensive side of the ball, senior linebacker Bob Hansen led the crew with a total of 14 tackles. Senior defensive tackle Kurt Hasley had 10 with two quarterback sacks, for a total loss of -11 yards.
Junior corner back Barry McGocxlen said, "Our overall performance was better. We had a few letdowns, but overall we had a pretty gocxl game."
trail fixed up by students.
by Thomas M. Hyde
In 1985, a new fitness trail was dedicated at PSC's homecoming. An alumni and faculty run celebrated the opening, (a result of former athletic director Maxine
Mehus receiving a grant).
by Todd Gottula
The PSC Volleyball Team claimed fifth place by posting a 3-2 mark in five tourney matches at the Graceland Invitational in Lamoni, Iowa Middle hitter Bev Wedding was named to the All-Tournament team. SheledPSCwith51 kills,48
digs and was 63 of 67 in passing The Football Team's 4610 loss at Southwest State was its worst since a 51-7 setback in 1983 to Northwestern, Iowa Pre-season All-American center Chuck Trom is out for the season after suffering a severe knee injury in the SouthwestState game Ron Shaneyfelt's 52 yard field goal in that same game was his career be<:t...With 408 wins the Bobcat football team ranks eighth on the list of All-Time winningest NAIA football teams Comerback Alex Malcom and center Brent Strittmatter made
their first college starts in last week's homecoming game against Missouri Valley. Malcom responded with eight tackles The 33-6 win over Missouri Valley was the Cats' fourth straight homecoming win The Bobcats haven't been beat at home in nine games. The last time PSC lost in the Oak Bowl was in the 1989 playoffs to Baker Brett Jordan's interception return for a touchdown was the first of his career Mark Whitaker's 71 yard ID reception was the team's longest of the season .PSC may join The NIAC Conference. Stay tuned
Announcer Wanted
Building the trail cost approximately $4800. Natural paths into the forests were chosen in order to eliminate cutting down many trees. Work was donated by campus organizations and the community. The community further helped the project by donating money and supplies.
At that time, the trail was pre-· dominantly used by the cross country and track teams. However, when track and cross country teams were no longer in existence, the trails came into disrepair.
1991. Summer. Steve and Erin (O'Grady) Sayer walk on the exercise path, now in disrepair. As they walk along the trail, they see overhanging branches, high weeds and fallen trees. Erin and Steve decide to refurbish the trail.
They immediately go to work on it. Together they move fallentrees, cut overhanging branches, cut branches around training stations and cut down small trees.
jumpstarting it, mow the now overgrown trail.
With cutting and moving trees and cutting grass, the total time the Sayers spent on refurbishing the trail was about eight or ten hours.
Presently, more people are starting to use the trail, and according to maintenancesupervisor Ron Fabry, his department plans on keeping it mowed because it has been neglected for too long.
Erin Sayer had this to say about the trail: "It can be a good easy or hard workout. The trail is a beautiful place to walk and run and it didn'ttakealongtimetocomplete."
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to nine minutes long.
At the conclusion of the Cats' 336 win over Missouri Valley, Welsh and his CBS film crew grabbed coach Saban for a post-game interview. After the interview they packed their bags and headed towards the gate.
A PSC fan, dressed from head to toe in Peru Blue, hollered over to Welsh as he was walking away,
"So what did you think of Peru?" Welsh, looking a little surprised, turnedaroundandresponded. "Sir. Ijustsaw about900fanssitonadirt bank because there weren't enough bleachers for everybody. I didn't hear one complaint the whole time I was here and you fans truly love your 'little' football team. If this isn't the ideal American football setting then I don'tknow what is!"
Quick Fact- PSC's football team moved up 3 l places in this week's NAIA poll to number 17.
The Peru State Sports Information office seeks to employ a public address announcer for the 1991-92 basketball season. This individual will be responsible for announcing at all women's games, and on occasion, men's games as needed.
Persons interested must possess a clear, persuasive voice, have an understanding of the general principles of public address announcing, and be highly dependable. Salary is based on a stipend per game.
For more information or to apply, contact Vince Henzel at the alumni/ foundation buildin
Their next problem is obtaining a mower to cut the high weeds. After two weeks, Steve Sayer is able to find a tractor mower and, after
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"CBS at PSC" from page 1
MARK WHIT AKER turns upfield on his 71-yard touchdown reception in PSC's Homecoming win. Whitaker had 62 yards rushing and four catches for 96 yards. PSC travels to Lemars, IA this Saturday they will take on Teikyo- Westmar.--photo by Todd Gottula
Steve and Erin Sayer see need .. _to __ Fitness
607 5th St. Peru 872-3215
Majority polled give support to Sen. Kerrey for presidency
by Tim Bailey and Marty
although he does have a speechJacobsen writer as a member of his New
thing at all, I apologize for turning my back on the working Americans as quoted in the Oct 10 Oniaha World-Herald. Maybe Senator Bob Kerrey should have opened his campaign tour at Peru State College.
Suprisingly, 73 percent of the one hundred faculty and students surveyed in a non-scientific poll by the PSC Times would vote for Kerrey. Of those surveyed, 14 percent thought he had an excellent chance of receiving the Democratic nomination, 45 percent felt he had a good chance, 24 percent thought his chances were fair, while seven percent thought his chances poor.
Four percent of those surveyed believed his chances non-existent. Six percent had no opinion.
Kerrey, 48, who announced his candidacy Monday, Sept. 30, said in his speech announcing his candidacy, "It is time for leadership committed to posterity rather than popularity and focused on the next generation instead of the next eleclion." These words come from the man that is not only the candidate, but also his own speechwriter. An article in the Oct. 8 Omaha World Herald, states that Kerrey "didn't hire a professional speech writer for the most important speech of his life. Instead, he relied on the advice of people in a close inner circle. Then he wrote the speech himself."
Kerrey has no plans to hire a full. time speech writerforthecampaign,
Hampshire staff. The skill of writing his own speeches is sure to bring Kerrey respect, as numerous politicians of the past have been criticized for speaking other's words and not their own.
Kerrey will now travel the long campaign road to the Democratic primaries. Should he succeed in re-
Senator Kerrey also appears to have influence arnongthe younger voters. Kerrey represents a "generational contrast with Bush" says the Omaha World Herald. Kerrey said, "IwanttoleadAmerica'sfearless, restless voyage of generational
Bob Kerrey.
ceiving the Democratic nomination, he will have the biggest challenge yet: defeating President Bush. Political analysts all over the country speculate that Kerrey' s or any other Democrat's chance against Bush is slim and none. The outlook at PSC differs greatly. Sixty percent of the people surveyed would vote for Kerrey if he were running against Pre.sident Bush. Thirty-seven percent would vote for Bush, and three percent were undecided.
Recently on the campaign trail in New HampshireandBoston,Kerrey appears to be winning the favor of the American public. In an ingenious speech delivered Wednesday in Boston, Kerrey spoke in front of a market and delivered the following opening line, "Before l'Say any-
PSC on CBS this Sunday
by Todd Gottula
The defending national football champion Peru State College Bobcats will get a bit of national television exposure this Sunday (Oct 20).
A feature on the Bobcats and head coach Lou Saban is scheduled to air on the program "CBS News Swiday Morning with Charles Kuralt"
from 8-9:30 a.m. Roger Welsch, the Nebraska morist and author who does a feature on the proiraffi entitled "A Postcard From Nebraska," filmed the piece during a visit to Peru State on Sept 27-28.
Regional CBS affiliates include KMTV-3 in Omaha and KOLNTV Channel 10 in Lincoln.
progress We have been led off (NCSW) representative, Kris Gordon, (center) speaks to the Women's course by a federal government Infomiati.on Network (WIN) on NCSW concerns and other women's whose engine has become inertia, issues, Oct. 8 in the Student Center. WIN is a new PSC student organwhose direction is adrift and whose izati.on. -photo by Dr. Dan Holtz compass is cynicism." Statements
such as this are to attract
NC SW representative
more young voters mto the Demo- · Cratic Leadership
speaks to WIN 0-ct 8
national organization of people un- • der40yearsoldthathopestoattract by Deanna Swales .The Comm1ss1on serves.women people between the ages of 18 and KrisGordonoftheNebraskaCom- directly.
40,according tothe Omaha World mission on the Stuatus·of Women Herald. came to on Oct to speak to the public concerning the issues As for Kerrey's background he theWomensinformationNetworlc:. nfro tt" th k ' Sh k abo • · co n ng women as ey see was born in Lincoln on Aug. 27, e spo e ut .s as growth and development through 1943. He attended Lincoln North- well as commissmn 18 pres- education, in the workplace, and in t High S h 1 th graduated ently working on, such as child care th ral · ty · eas c oo , en d & e gene soc1e th d harm issues an eqmty pay 1or women. Th C h th wt egree mp acy from TheNebras.kaCommissiononthe e ommiss10n ac .ese UNL m 1966. In Oct 1966, Kerrey Status of Women (NCSW) is dedi- research, enlisted in the Navy SEAL special cated to women having the oppor- 1?f ,and referral: forces unit He was wounded dur- tunity anq _freedom to fulfill the tions, trammg and assisrole(s) they choose to pursue in . tance: outreach semces and net-
See Sen. Kerrey on 6
today's society. working.
Play review on6
Dr. :McCrann interviewed on 4
Classifieds on 3
Senate Review on3
Pre-season Baseball on 7
THE October 18, 1991 Issue#3 The Student Voice of Peru State College
"I want to lead America's fearless, restless voyage of generational progress We have been led off course by a federal government whose engine has become inertia, whose direction is adrift and whose compass is cynicism."
Peru should eliminate the dog-gone problem
The dog. Is he "man's best friend" or has he turned against us? The dogs on campus used to be fun to have around, but they have started to become a major problem. The dogs on campus· have become a menace to society, students and daycare children.
Surprisingly enough, there is a leash law in Peru, but obviously it is not enforced. "It's been an ongoing process," obtaining a dog catcher for the city ofPeru, according to a City Hall official. The problem seems to be1 lack of funds and a place to keep the strays once they are caught. "To have a dog pound, you have to follow certain regulations; that gets expensive," said a City Hall official.
What about the danger imposed upon the students and children of daycare. These animals could do great harm, especially to a small child, if one were enticed into doing so by any person. There have been a few small incidents of students being bitten by dogs. So far, no one has been seriously injured, but who is to say how much longer it will be before someone is hurt.: If this problem continues for an extended period of time the consequences could be tremendous.
Not only are these dogs harmful to the public; they are annoying. Students have commented on the fact that they have had dogs on campus jump on them. (This irritates the students particularly when they are dressed up.) There have also been instances when dogs have gotten into PSC buildings. According to Brian Carlson, an education major, "last week, the dog followed someone into my history class and just sat down."
There has also been trouble with dogs entering the cafeteria. According to George Morrison, manager of food service, "it's unsanitary, just like This is an eating establishment."
"If people can forsee what can happen, they need to become aware of the potential danger," ·stated Deanna Swales, a business management major at PSC. Swales also commented that Peru could possibly have the Auburn dog catcher make surprise visits to Peru and take dogs to Auburn to the pound.
If Peru could make a little effort to have a dog catcher co:tne to Peru once in a while it could make a big difference in the attitudes of the students and the appearance of the college. It would dispose of the problem efficiently and less 'expensively.
Letter to the Editor
Student blames administration
Accountable: ••• obliged to account for one's acts; responsible, capable of being accounted for; explainable.
Obviously Webster did not have difficulty in understanding or defining being accountable; I wish that were equally true of our previous and present administration. There seems to be a belief that the end-no matter what the end-always justifies the means, no matter what the means or whom they hurt. Here at Peru State we have witnessed a pathetic example of this.
Our previous administration seemed to have no sense ofto whom they were responsible, showing indifference to the students and faculty they served and represented. They spent and mishandled money that wasn't theirs, jeopardizing futures entrusted to them. I wonder if their motives were those of personal greed or a need for power, or were they just inept? Perhaps we will never know the true reasons, but I believe they demonstrated and believed they were not accountable for their actions and that other's rights were secondary to their own.
Not only are we students victims of their lack of ethics and accountability, but the present administration is now asking us to pay even further. The leadership at Peru State has decided that in order to clean up the mess the previous administration left we as students. I believe they ask too much!
They propo8e to cut back important and vital staff, thus increasing class size, and to cut already low
salaries of adjunct faculty members, all without consulting the people they serve-the students and the schools and businesses that will ultimately hire us. I am sure the present administration believes it is doingtheright thingproposingthese cuts and changes, that the end-a balanced budget and a satisfied Board of Trustees-justifies any means they employ. But in doing so, they are infringing on our student rights as stated in section 9 of our student handbook:
1. I have the right to attend classes which are small enough to receive personal attention and to have access to faculty members.
2. I have the right to concentrate in a field in which I am exposed to teachers representing various backgrounds and philosophies. ·
3. I have the right to a challenging, rich and diverse curriculum provided by competent faculty.
8. I have the right to a quality edm,:ation at an affordable price.
10. I have the right to an education that will prepare me for my career or graduate school.
Without a diverse faculty bringing us their expertise from a wide variety of backgrounds, without a faculty that is accessible and without classes that are small enough to receive personal attention, we will not be receiving a quality education at any price. Just as we students have certain expectations and certain rights from this institution. those
who will be our future employers · and those who will be thecu8tomers and students we serve have certain rights and expectations. They expect that we will be qualified, that we are competent in our field of study, that we have been exposed to a wide range of philosophies, and they have aright to demand that our degrees stand for excellence. How will we be prepared to compete in thejob market or be accepted by a reputable graduate program if our undergraduate education was inferior?
We as students are held accountable by our instructors forourwork, and Peru State has very specific demands of us as students before they award us our degrees. It stands to reason that we, the students, the families we support and our future employers demand the same degree of accountability. It is time for the administration to remember for whom they work and to become accountable to them.
Lynn Hicks
Letter to the Editor policy
The Peru State Times welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, or articles should be signed by the individual person or persons writing them and will be published at the discretion of the editors. The Peru State Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor. Send materialto: Editor, the Peru State Times, Campus Mail, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska, 68421.
Peru State Published Bi-monthly Edi!Or-in-chicf •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...•••••••••• IAl:t&Oobclmo Spera Editor •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••••••••••• Todd ClolDlla Prochx:boDBditor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1;.:y Duryoa AJlilllmt Editor ••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••• Kcllio Jcimaan Hcod Copy Editor Marty1.Coardinator ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ScdtUdoy Phdogi:apbo< •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Todd Gollula AdM.nagor .•••.....••••..•.•••..••••••..••••.. · • ..•• · • • • • • • · · • • • • • • • • • <ln:gg Malla< AIOI. Spatti Editor .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• Amy Hol!coon LcadRcpoocr Tomffydo Typcaouer. •• •• •• • • •• •• •• • IJii>; Goltol& Advilcr Dr.DmHollz jl(_'(.. I :At'{.. GU!Ct::- ' :JtX,. ee- 1\t t:OfZt'\ .
PSC students attend career day Senate Review
Looking toward the future ... know about graduate schools.
by Susan Brown
There were a total of75 graduate
On Sept 26, 25 PSC student hope- schools, companies, and agencies fuls took a giant step toward the represented at the career fair. The
by Robin Anderson
large. The nomination was voted on and passed. The weight room's extended hours were given. They are 12-2 p.m. Monday through Friday
tend. This particular career fair will be fornon-profitagencies, minority candidates, and government em- ' The Senate met on Oct. 2. Reports of Senate Standing Committees ployment in a variety of federal · were heard. The Executive Committee gave its choice for senator at future with Linda Warren, PSC most popular majors being actively placement officer, as their guide. solicited were business, sociology/ agencies.
Warren said she felt the UNL ca- and 8:30-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
They were among the many stu- psychology,computersciences,and dents attending Career Information math. This does not mean, how- reer fair was a great sµcess, and Next, the Rules Committee re-read one addition and one amendment Day 1991, held on UNL's campus. ever, that other majors were not she would encourage all students to to the Senate's constitution, and they were both voted on and passed. take advantage of this and other AreportoftheStudentBoardofTrusteeswasalsoheard,andportions
There were an additional 10 PSC being sought after, Warren reasstudents that traveled to Lincoln on sures. "On the contrary, there was career fairs as they are offered. of the last meeting's minutes were read.
tion about what career opporturuties are available, contact Linda Warren at her office in the Administration Building, first floor.
Nominati ons sought ... NSCS to give award for teaching
Here's your chance to honor a teacher who has played a significant role in your college experience. Nominations are being sought for Nebraska State College System Teaching Excellence Award, an annual recognition of outstanding teaching at a Nebraska State College. The award is sponsored by Firs Tier Bank, in memory of former State College Board of Trustee member George Rebensdorf. Nominations may be submitted by faculty member, academic administrators, students or alumni. The deadline fornominations is November 15, 1991.
The paramount consideration for award nomination is the teacher's willingness to undertake activities that enhance and expand the learning experience for students. Consider these qualities:
*development of innovative teaching techniquesandregularapplication of those techniques in the class-
room; must be returned to that office by *presentationofcoursematerialsin November 15. Nominees will be an interesting, stimulating and notified by December 2. For more scholarly manner; information contact Susan Cloidt,
list of committees was given. Next, the multicultural committee waS discussed. Last on the agenda was a Senate review. It will be held Oct. 30 after the regular meeting.
PSC's career fair will be held on Unfinished business was next on the agenda. A committee was the evening of Sept 25, to take something for everyone, and all of advantage of workshops being con- thePSC students came away with at. Apt; 9, 1992. For further organized to start planning the survival kits. For new business, a final ducted on such subjects as various least one good lead," Warren said. avenuesusedtoconductinterviews, Warren also stated that UNL will different types of tests one might be be hosting another career fair in the expected to take in order to land spring, and it looks promising tii.at various jobs, and what one needs to PSC students will be invited to at-
The Senate's next meeting was Oct. 9. The Senate's current budget was reported on. Other committees and college bodies gave reports. The next Board of Trustees meeting is Nov. 7-8 in Chadron.
The Senate members were invited to attend a seminar addressing the issue of rape. It will be Oct 15 at 3:30 p.m. in the Live Oak Room. The agenda for Alcohol Awareness Week was the read. It begins Monday, Oct. 14.
Next, it was brought to Senate's attention that tree branches are blocking someof the sidewalk between campus and the complex. Since the sidewalk is not on state-owned ground, this problem will be taken by the Community Relations Committee to the next community meeting.
*presentation of pertinent, timely PIO, at (402) 471-2505. and reliable knowledge related to •
Honors program gains mem ers;
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*demonstrationofsensitivitytoand t 1rty- I
respect for student inquiry and discussion, both in and out of the Thirty-five students have joined classroom; the Honors Program this Semester. All full-time tenure track faculty They are: freshmen--ClintBeave1, withaminimumofthreeyearscon- Jennifer Berck, Amy Bremers, tinuous employment at a state col- Ryan Chamberlain, Thomas Deja, legeandteachingaminimumof15 LindaDowning, Troy Dunn, April credit hours during the academic FriedrichsOn,BrukGetachew,Amy year shall be considered eligible for Hartgrave, Meredith Kerins, Chrisnomination for the State College topher Kober, Michelle Larsen, Teaching Excellence Award. LanceLawson,LeannMcCoy,Ruth Nomination forms and procedures McGuire, Steve Reynolds, Gayle are available through the office of Steiger, and Jenn}' Zook; sophothe Chief Academic Officer of the mores--Trace Buesig, Cheryl College. All nominations forms Cheney, Sheila Mount, Lori Shaw, and Brenda Vonnahme; juniors--
Stephanie Erdman, Wenona Fischer,Erin Ingram, R. B. Morten, Teresa Oldham, and Tina Weichel; and seniors--Theresa Baumgartner, Charles Hamilton, Michael Starner, Teresa Stoner, and Sandra Zabel.
The Honors Program is not for everyone. Admission to the program depends on the following criteria: I) 24 ACT composite, or2) a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 for at least 12 semester hours of college credit and a ranking in the top one-fourth of their high school
e ran S
graduatingclass,or3)acumulative grade point average of 3.3 for at least 12semester hours at Peru State as a non-traditional student, or 4) permission of the Honors Program Committee on written application for students with special abilities or achievements. Continued eligibility ofhonors students depends upon maintaining a 3.0 grade point average. If you are interested in becoming an honors student, you may stop by Fine Arts 215 to sign up with Dr. McCrann, honors program coordinator.
Study Abroad Opportunities Application available for study abroad at Oxford University, England. Summer 1992. Open to any College Student; 6 hours of 400 level economics credit; a.1-proximate cost $3000. For more information or an application, contact Z'vee Buss, CBA 242 UNL, Lincoln NE 68588-0405, orphone472-2310.
ATLANTIC OCEAN LIVING Nanny/Childcare positions available. Full-time live in situations with families in the BOSTON area. Includes room and board, automobile, insurance. Salary range from $150 to $300 per week. Great way to experience Boston families, culture, history and beaches. Call or write THE HELPING HAND, INC., 1 WEST ST., BEVERLY FARMS, MA 01915 (508) 922-0526.
The deadline to turn in applications to student teach during the Spring 1992 semester is Oct 31, 1991.
Turn in applications to the Education Office, T.J. Majors 207.
Deadline Change
The deadline for the Silas Summers Writing Contest has been extended until 5 p.m. Nov. 15, 1991. Entries may be submitted at the mailbox-shaped collection box, located at the circulation desk in the library.
Quote of the Week: Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
PSC student gives speech Gets national placing
by Thomas A. Hyde
Joan Christen, a sophomore majoring in math and natural sciences, placed second at the national Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest
The contest was held on July 20 in Springfield, IL at the I 17th annual WCTU convention.
To get to the national competition, Christen frrst entered a speech contest conducted by Rebecca Hasty, adjunct instructor of speech. This contest was held on campus and sponsored by the Nebraska Women'sTemperance Union. In the contest, Christen placed first with a speech titled "Alcohol and Pregnancy Don't Mix," concerning fetal alcohol syndrome.
After this, Christen won the Ne-
braska college competition held in Lincoln in June and went on to nationals.
Joan Christen
h• fj dd d t 1•t k
e. o. ·. e
For your fraternity, sorority, team or other campus organization. ABSOLUTELY HO INVESTMENT
Disciplined in volleyball and studies at Peru State Wedding enjoys all challenges that come her way
by Thomas M. Hyde
"A remarkable student athlete and truly a great representative of PSC both athletically and academically." This is what Coach Jim Callender says about Bev Wedding. Bev, a mathematics education major, has made the dean's list three out of the four semesters she has attended PSC, while playing on the volleyball team.
Bev said she manages her study time by self-discipline. She studies after practice, but said it sometimes gets hectic. However, Bev said she always seems to find time to study.
Bev approaches volleyball by thinking of it as important and taking it seriously. She feels it is "hard work, but that it is fun doing it"
Bev plays at the position of middle blocker on- the volleyball team. A middle blocker is the primary serve receiver and controller, net controller, blocker of all areas of the net and opposition controller.
Bev plays a position where other players are three to six inches taller than she. However, Bev makes up for the size difference by being a more solid, all-around player than
her taller opponents, according to Coach Callender. She is one of the few players on the team that is a junior or senior. Bev inspires others by being a good role model, by being able t.o learn new things to be the best player she possibly can and is always striving to do her best. Her most memorable game was last fall versus Kearney State during regular season. Bev recalls, ''They [Kearney State] had just built
very loud. We lost the games to Kearney, butirememberweplayed them really close and we played together."
Bev says she handles a loss (such as the one to Kearney) by thinking how she played and how the team played right after the match is over. She thinks of her mistakes and figures out ways to get better, looks ahead to the next game and forgets theloss. She feels, "if you dwell on it [a loss], it will ruin your season."
This philosophy on handling a loss comes from her family, which has had the biggest impact on her life. Bev said the reason is because they pushed her to be better, never let her accept defeat and encouraged and supported her in sports and academics.
She also said this about volleyball, ''The rewards you get personally or as a team are worth the hard work
with the difficult schedule. She
applying for academic All-American. This is her first year eligible.
Bev will not complain if she doesn 'tobtain these honors though, as long as she knows she has played her best.
Bev's future plans are playing again next year and graduating in one to two years to teach secondary math, depending on when she will be able to student teach.
Bev Wedding said, "things are finally coming together."
Individually, Bev is ranked in the district in hitting and passing. Recently, she made all-tourney team at the Graceland College Invitational.
Coach Callender feels Bev is ','an intense, intelligent player who doesn'tletmistakesaffecther. The level of play on the team is higher when she is there. Bev is a team player, and she is a good role model for younger players."
Bev's advisor, Mark Fegan, had this to say about her. ''Even though she is out for volleyball, she is not afraid to take an eight o'clock math class."
a new auditorium and they were trying to break the attendance record. It was like a small Devaney Sports Center. I remembe1 slalluingon theendlineas theyannounced our names. When they announced our names, KSC's crowd became
Person of the Week
Her goals as a player are to make Bev feels her and the team's sea- all-conference and all-district. She son so far has been going well, even also is obtaining information on
you put into it."
Fegan said her attendance is good and has only missed class once or twice, when the volleyball team had road games. As a student, Fegan felt Bev was conscientious, a hard worker, is prompt and is already taking senior level math classes.
Bluejeans can be ambassadors McCrann comes home to 'exotic' Peru
Elxperiences range from New York to Japan
by Jennifer Mortensen
Dr. Anthony McCrann, assistant professorofEnglish, provides proof that you may have to travel to find true happiness, fortune, and wealth.
Dr. McCrann has traveled from the eastern part of the country to the west coast , and even overseas just to do what he does best--teaching.
Dr. McCrann was born in New York City. When he was 10 years old, his family moved to a suburb in NewJersey.Hegraduatedfromhigh school and then went to college at Villanova in Pennsylvania where he majored in English.
After serving time in the army, he worked at Merrill Lynch. Not satisfied with this line of work , he took ajobinadvertisingattheNew York Daily News. While he workect he took night classes at three different universities: New York University, Columbia University,· and the New School for Social Research.
Realizing he loved books and the adventure that he got from them, yet still unsure about quitting his job at the New York Daily News, Dr. McCrann, then 28 years of age, finally decided to travel west to Oregon to attend the University of Oregon. Dr. McCrann pursued his ·graduate work for seven
years,receiving three degrees: a professorswheneverhewasneeded. master's degree, doctorate of arts He then taught at several different degree, and a Ph.D. junior colleges.
After receiving his degrees, he Dr. McCrann and some friends decided to teach part-time at the · then decided to check into teaching University of Oregon. Dr. McCrann in Japan as it sounded very interestparticularly enjoyed this job because ing and intriguing. He was interhe got the chance to meet up with viewed and was recruited in 1979 to poets, authors, etc. teach in Japan. Dr.McCrann taught
In 1975, Dr. McCrann taught at at two Universities in Japan: Western Oregon StateCollege. For Nanzan University and Daido Ina year and a half he filled in for stitution of Technology.
Dr. McCrann was in Japan for five years. He described his stay as being fun and exciting. Instead of just bringing a couple of chop sticks back to America, he brought back a wife named Takako. Takako was a translator and an English teacher in Japan. ''That pllifof my trip," comments Dr. McCrann,"was the unexpected part!"
In 1983, he returned to the United States to teach composition and literature at Illinois State University.
Dr. McCrann and his wife had their son.Eugene, while in Illinois. The reasons behind Eugene's ironic nameare: l)Dr. McCrann lived in Eugene.Oregon for ten years and loved it; 2) Dr. McCrann's favorite playwright is Eugene O'Neill;3) Takako's sponsor-father's name when she was in America as a for-
eign exchange student was Eugene; and 4)Eugene is the only name in English thatis pronounced the same in Japanese.
Dr. McCrann and his family moved to Nebraska in 1988, where he took a position teaching English, conducting theEnglishClub, and coordinating the Honors Program hereatPeruState. He felt that this would be an excellent place for his family to reside and for his son to grow up because of its smaller size. Dr. McCrann has found Peru to be more exotic than some places in Japan. Dr. McCrann is teaching the subjects that he has always wanted to teach, for example, his favorite subject,lrish Literature.
by Marty Jacobsen
Operation Bluejeans, a goodwill gesture of student helping students, will collect one million pairofused bluejeans from American college students and ship them to colege students in the provinces that formerly constituted the Eastern Bloc. Operation Bluejeans is part of a semester project by a team of Kansas State Universtity students who are enrolled in the Small Business Institute program.
To participate in Operation Bluejeans, a PSC faculty contact and a group of PSC student volunteers will need to contact the Small l3usiness Institute at the following atldress: Small Business Institute Kansas State University 2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 100 Manhattan, KS 66502-2912
The Times is accepting personals for upcoming issues. .- Personals can be humorous but they must be in good taste. Submit ads to Peru State Times, Box 120 in the Ad. Building mailroom. Ads for the November 1st issue must be submitted by 4 p.m., October 25th, and by 4 p.m., November 8th for the November 15th issue.
The cost is $1 for two lines approximately 40 characters per line, and $2 for five lines.
Payment for the ad must accompany the submission.
"The level of play on the team is higher when she.is there. Bev is a team player, and she is a good role model for younger players."
•mCoachJim Callender
Dr. Anthony McCrann
Former PSC student p'asses away in July
by Kellie A. Johnson cide,
but there is no way to prove it.
"Only the good die young," are Friends and family are more apt to thelyrics .to a Billy Joel song which believe that it was an accident. "Just can easily be adapted to fit the gen- by knowing him, you know that he eration of today. Thestatementmay wouldn 'tdo this. He always made it not be ultimately true, but it sure seemsYtkeittothefriendsandfam- through the tough times by relying ilyofHankH. Behling. Hank passed on friends just as we relied on him," added Kris Citrin, who was Hank's away July 13, 1991, on a farm near roommate while he attended PSC. his parents' house in Otoe. Juan Steele, another of Hank's Hank was born March 25, 1970, roommates said, "He was really nice and was adopted by Fredrick and Barbara Behling. He lived outside and always did for others; he was of Otoe on his parents' farm while veryoutgoingandfriendly." A close attending Syracuse elementary and friend of Hank's, senior Heather junior high school. In l988, Hank Rinaldi, commented, "he taught me graduated from Syracuse High not to worry about our faults and School and proceeded to enter col- shortcomings and that handicaps lege after taking a semester off. and color should not matter to anyone."
In January 1989, Hank began to 11 d ed Hank was laid to rest on July 17, OFFICERS
Placement agenda for fall semester
Senior Class Meetings-Tuesdays at 11:00, Ad. 105
Oct. 22 What smt to buy for the interview
Oct. 29 Resumes
Computer Science/COBOL Students:
-Union Pacific information welcome
Oct. 22, 6- 7 p.m., Bur Oak Room, Student Center
Refreshments served
-Oct. 23--interviews
-Nov. 7- COBOL exam
PPST --OCT. 26
NTE--OCT. 26 (transportaion to Lincoln available)
Resume Deadlines in December:
Dec. 19 New York Life: underwriter--all majors
Dec. 19 Nash Finch: manager trainee--business major
Seniors To Do List:
--Register with Placement
--Pick up Resume Expert disk
--Turn in a resume
--Start a credential file
--Purchase a subscription to newsletter
--Start job search
--Research openings weekly
--Register to take graduate school exams (for federal government employment)
Quote of the week:
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
Notice AW AC & Pool Hours
attendPeruStateCo egean stay 1991,atFirstLutheranChurchCemuntil May 1990· While at PSC, eteryinAvoca. Hankissurvivedby Hank became one of the first male cheerleaders. His favorite pastime h_i_sp_ar_e_n_ts_an_d_on_e_gr_an_d_m_ot_h_er_. was working on electronics, which he spent a lot of his time r,n. After leaving PSC, Hank went to the UniversityofNebraska--Lincolnfor one summer.
Hank then decided to leave col12 noon-1 p.m.(both) lege and work on his father's farm, Sunday, Tuesday, Friday which he was to inherit when Mr. 7-10 p.m. (AwAC) Behlingretired.Forthelastyear,he 7 9 (pool) - p.m. had worked for his father and kept close ties with friends in Peru. Students and faculty will need The Nebraska state police are I.D.cards.Communitymembers looking into the possibility of sui- .._m_us_t_p_ay_$_1_pe_r_Vl_._si_t.
FOR Women's Information Network include: back row--Jackie Dalton, Director of Planning and Scheduling; Deanna Swales, President; Lora White, Financial Vice-President; Rhonda Jeanneret, Historian; front row--Angela Allgood, Communications Director; Christine Barton, Vice-President; Norma Micari, Director of Public Relations; and Pam Black, Secretary.--photo by Dr. Dan Holtz
---J NEODATA, a leader in the telemarketing industry, is now hiring for the fall! (t/lr $5-$5. 75/hr GUARANTEED Ask About Our (... Flexible scheduling $50 Signing Bonus* (.. Paid, professional training *Bonus Paid After 60 Days Offer ends 11-1-91 (... Convenient Location (rt/r Part-time and Full-time positions available immediately For more information or to schedule an interview, call: Peru, NE NE ...... ....,;::· tl_l_f-\_ (EOE)
t Sen. Kerrey" from 1
Thequestionwas,"Wouldyouvote for Kerrey ifBush were notrunning i ng a raid, and his right leg had to be cal career. As printed in the Tues- again ?" Seventy-four percent of amputated below the knee. He un- day, Oct 1 issue of the Daily Ne- those surveyed responded "yes",
Play' s theme is sound
willingly accepted the Medal of braskan,Kerrey'scareerbeganwith while 21 percent responded "no", by Martin M. Jacobsen Honor in May , 1970. Granted, he's his 1982-86 stintasNebraska's gov- with five percent undecided. a war hero, so he will undoubtedly emor (not seeking reelection with a According to the Daily Nebrascapture some of the patriotic and 70% approval rate) and his U.S. kan, not since William Jennings Vietnam vet vote. senatorial position which he won in Bryan ran in 1908 has a Nebraskan His personal life also will play a 1988. made a run at the White House. role in the Democratic race. The DavidHunter,theDemocraticparty question: "Will America vote for a "Significant vision 11 chairman in the lst Congressional bachelor candidate?" TheDaily District, said in the Omaha WorldNebraskan states that Kerrey was How did Kerrey do versus the Herald thatKerrey is thefirstcanmarried to Bev Defnall, now Bev other Democratic candidates? Of didatewith "significant vision" since Higby in 1974, divorcing in 1978. the poll participants that wouldn't _John F. Kennedy in 1960. He has two children from his mar- vote for Kerrey, 13 percent would As we have finished giving you a riage, Benjamin 16, and Lindsey, vote for Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, short outlook on Senator Bob 15. Kerrey has dated actress Debra 2 percent for Arkansas Governor Kerrey's run for president and the Winger on and off since they met Bill Clinton, and I percent for Vir- results of our campus poll, we close whilehewasgovernor,andthiswill ginia Governor Douglas Wilder. with excerpts from Kerrey's camsurely give the entertainment cen- FormerMassachusettsSenatorPaul paignannouncementspeech, "This tered media quite a bit of material. Tsongas received no votes in our announcement is to all America. Finally, one outstanding Kerrey PSC Times poll. ButthefirstmessageistoNebraska.
"" This article contains opinions of the author.
This past weekend, the Peru Players staged Leading Lady, a romantic comedy by James Reach. Romance and comedy were definitely present in the PSC rendition of this play, but the Players added a thematic layer to this portrait of the life of the theater and the lives that make the theater.
The play begins with a prologue in which a young acress trying to get her theater break poses as areporter in order to meet the leading lady, the ownerof the Regal Theater. The audience is taken back in time, not to return to the present until epiloguecreatingastory-within-a-story motif.
The leading lady's story centers on the staffof the Regal Theater. Staff persons include playwright Beverly Rodgers(LynnHicks), who has just written her first play; director Lanny Scott (Pat Vendetti), who is in the director's chair for the first time; and stage manager Herb Mcintire (Charles A. Hamilton), who is new to the Regal.
She supplants the former leading lady, which leads to one of the major themes in the play: That new enthusiasm must replace complacency if the theater is to remain alive.
But Reach does not stop here. He also points out that there is a certain amount of self-service in the theater, just as there is in every other business. People are forgotten, regardless of their talent and their "virtue." statistic is his business success. The final question of the poll re- You are the people who supported Although possessing a degree in quired a bit more analytical think- me each timel'veaskedforhelp. In pharmacy, Kerrey is co-founder of ing. It was intended to discover the my family, business and politics I a chain of restraunts and fitness hypothetical impact of· President have never done anything alone. I centers. His reported major assets Bush's popularity on Senator have always needed you, and you for Grandmother's Inc. are more Kerrey's chances in an election. have never disappointed me."than $1 million and between $250,000 and $500,000 with Life Centers Inc. (Statistics from the Daily Nebraskan. )
Two decisions
Whether you support Senator Kerrey or not, watch for the following issues to become big news items during the next few months. Kerrey voted against the Persian Gulf war, later stating, "I have had the experience of having government mislead me. It influenced my judgement on what we should do, perhaps too much," as quoted in the Oct. 7 issue of U.S. News and World Report. Kerrey also reversed his decision to back the constitutional amendment to the flag. These two decisions are sure to be major factors in the race as it progresses and as candidates resort to cheaper methods of winning votes over others.
Another factor sure to come up is Kmey's somewhat limited politi-
1. Would you vote for Sen. Bob Kerrey over the other Democratic candidates? (Sen. Tom Harkin, Gov. Bill Clinton, former Sen. Paul Tsongas and Gov. Douglas Wilder) YES 73% NO 27%
2. If you answered "NO," which Democratic candidate would you vote for?
Harkin 13% Clinton 2% Wilder 1 % Tsongas 0%
3. What do you think Sen. Kerrey's chances are of receiving Democratic nomination?
4. If Sen. Kerrey were chosen as the Democratic candidate to run against Pres. Bush, who would get your vote? Bush 37% Kerrey 60% Undecided 3%
5. Would you vote for Sen. Kerrey if Pres. Bush were not running again? YES 74% NO 21 % UNDECIDED 5%
Lady Cats place in tourney
by PSC Sports Information
The Peru State College volleyball team will attempt to strut its stuff for mom and dad on Saturday.
The Lady Bobcats will host Drury (MO) College at 10:00 a.m. and Bellevue at 2:00 p.m. at the Al Wheeler Activity Center as part of Parents' Weekend at PSC.
"It's always nice to play at home, and I know the girls want to do well, especially with their relatives present," First-year Coach Jim Callender said. Hopefully we'll haveagoodcrowdbehind us. There aren't any other athletic events going on, plus it's our next to last home match of the season."
The PSC players will recognize their parents prior to the match with Bellevue, Callender said. A dinner fortheteammembersandtheirfamilies will be held following the contest.
Peru State and Bellevue are cer-
Scholarships available from the DOE
Oak Ridge, TN--Twenty-five scholarships are available for undergraduate students majoring in engineering and science disciplines. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities. tbe scholarships are designated for those students interested in pursuing careers in environmental restoration or waste management (ER/ 'VM).
Applicants must be U.S. citizens and currently pursuing an associate
of scie:,ce or bachelor of science degree full time. The Environmental Restoration/WasteManagement Scholarship Program includes full payment of tuition and fees at a DOE-approved institution, a $600 monthly stipend, anda three-month practicum assignment at a DOE facility engagedin environmental restoration and waste management.
Selection is based on academic performance, recommendations, background, and a statement of career goals by the applicant. The
competition is nationwide although four-year institutions and two-year institutions will compete in separate categories.
1N 37831-0117, or call (615) 5769'2'7'8.
Scholarship applications are be- Hair Affair Hair Design ing taken through Jan. 31, 1992, and awards will be announced in f u II Se r vi c e S a f on May1992.Forapplicationsormore wotf f Tanriina. Bed information contact Peggy Gibson, ;.r Environmental Restoration/Waste p al.JI Mi t c he. l IManagement Schoarship Program. 'f3 · { d t OakRidgeAssociatedUniversities, I I 0 age pro UC s Science/Engineering Education l so? Sth St. Peru 872 3215 Division,P.O.Box117,0akRidge,
tainl y no stranger to each other this season. The Lady Bobcats have won all three previous meetings. Callender said his Lady Bobcat squad has been "coming along" following a tough 1-8 start Peru State is 10-5 over the past month.
Last weekend, the Lady Bobcats · took second place at the Dana Invitational in Blair in their highest tourney finish of the season. Peru State posted a 5-1 mark, including riys over the host Vikings, Sioux Falls, South Dakota Tech, Bellevue, and Concordia, to raise its record to 14-16 overall.
Junior middle hitter Bev Wedding led the Lady Bobcats with 14 kills against both Concordia and South Dakota Tech, and a tourney-high 19 in a 15-9, 5-15, 11-15 loss to tourney champion Tabor. Freshman Linda Downing sparked the win over Dana with 13 kills and seven over Bellevue.
Freshman Cheri Ramer tallied a team-high eight kills against Sioux Falls, and added 14 in the Tabor match. Senior setter Margo LaBrie dished out a six-match total of 186 assists, including a high of 55 versus Tabor. She also led the Lady Bobcats defensively with 81 digs.
Darts-Pool-Snooker HAPPY HOUR
M on:-Fri:i-6 pm. 910 Central Ave. Auburn, NE
Defense shines in_l4-7 win;
Bobcats raise record to 4-2
by Todd Gottula
It took another stellar perfonnance by the PSC defense to give head coach Lou Saban his 70th birthday present a day early.
The Bobcat defense had their third consecutive game without allowing a touchdown in their 14-7 victory over the Northwestern Red Raiders at De Valois field in Orange City, IA. The win improved PSC, ranked 12th in the NAIA Division n polls, to 4-2 on the year. A missed field goal of27 yards by RonShaneyfeltandan interception return of five yards for a 1D by Northwestern' s Mark Mass put the Cats behind 7-0 at the end of the first quarter, and the Red Raiders were smelling upset early.
After going three downs and out on six of their first ten possessionsthe Bobcats were intercepted on three other drives- the offense finally got on track late in the first half, generating a 00-yard scoring drive that featured pass completions of 25 yards to Jim Gilbert and 17 yards to Cory Catterson. Joe Parks capped the drive with a seven yard 1D run, Shaneyfelt kicked the PAT,and the Cats were now in a 77 tie with 1:19 left in the half. The defensive stalemate continued in the second half. Then, with 11:08 left to play in the game, PSC's Nate Bradley turned
Northwestern' s smell of upset into a sour taste when he capped off an 11-play 88-yard drive with a twoyard TD pass to tight end Tom Farrel. Mark Whitaker, whorushed for 96 yards on the day, provided the key play of the drive when he ran right side for 50 yards down to the Northwestern 16-yard line. With just over 6:00 to go, the Red Raiders drove from their own 30 to theBobcat25-yardline. Threeminutes later on fourth down and ten, comerback Bobby Stephens got his school record-tying third interception of the game to help seal the win.
Bradley, PSC's All-American quarterback, had 192 yards passing in the game which gave him a career total of9,010 yards. That total makes Bradley only the seventh player in NAIA Division I and II history to pass for over 9,000 yards in a career. He got the yardage he needed to break the barrier on a 13yard completion to Catterson in the last minute of the game.
The Bobcat defense, which only allowed 41 yards rushing, was led by linebackers Bob Hansen and Steve Gaines with 14 and 9 tackles respectively.
Peru State has a two- week layoff before their next game with Wayne State on Nov. 2.
DEFENSIVE LINEMEN Robert Arnold (48)
·After posting a shutout two weeks ago against
Team progressing
PSC baseball prepares for season
by Chan Crooker from last year. The PSC baseball It looks like the Peru State baseThis week I had the pleasure of team will defmitely have to play ball team is eager to begin regular season play under Coach Dan John- interviewing head baseball coach good ball to accomplish this goal, son. Dan Johnson, and I asked him some as they will play four NCAA Diviquestions on the baseball team's sion I teams this year, as well as 2t pre-season practices. NCAA Division II teams.
Coach Johnson said that practices Many good pitchers
Auburn, Neb.
have been going really well so far The pitchers are looking really im- $3.00 - Adults this fall; the weather has been coop- pressive to Coach Johnson. He said, $2.00 - Children & Sr.'s erating wonderfully. He said that "The new pitchers that have come the team tries to have intersquad in are really looking good; they've
scrimmages every day to help simu- come in and proved that they can MON. - Family Night late game-like situations. The main pitch at this level of baseball." With TUES. - Bargain Night objective during the pre-season is the four pitchers that PSC has back THUR. PE.RU NIGHTto evaluate the talent and get expe- from last year, and the new talent ALL STUDENTS & rience.
Play difficult schedule
that is in this year, hopefully the FACULTY ADMITTED PSC baseball team will reach its FOR $2.00 (WITH l.D)
The Bobcats do have a tough goal. W schedule coming up this spring, Pre-season ends soon Upcoming Movies: opening their 59 game schedule against the Creighton Blue Jays, a The team has gone pretty much
team that ended up their season last injury free so far this fall with the ROBIN HOOD Oct. 18th year with a trip to the College World exception of two players coming HOT SHOTS Oct.25th Series. The baseball team does have off of summer knee injuries. The five returning starters for the sec- Bobcats will end pre-season prac- THE DOCTOR Nov. ond year head coach, and he hopes tice on Oct. 19, with the team Coach ••••••••••• they will help the team win at least Johnson hopes to play the regular 274-4096 For Showtimes 1 35 gamesduringtheregularseason, which will double their win total season with.
LINEBACKER BOB HANSEN (:°9) and safety Juan Steele (12) lineup for the Bobcat defense. Hansen led all uck:lers with 14 in PSC's 14-7 win over Northwestern. -photo by Todd
and Tim Bowen (98) put pressure on the Northwestern (IA) quarterbackj
Westmar, the Bobcat defense rose to the occasion again by allowing ! Northwestern only 41 yards rushing. PSC is ranked #2 in the nation in rush defense.--photo by Todd Gottula
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1¥
W. II II•• II•••• a 11 lli !l!lit • • II II • • • • • • I I • 1900 HARLAN FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA 68355 PHON':: (402) 245-3440 RANDY
Colleges preferring thin yell squads It's O.K. to have fat cheerleaders
by Todd Gottula
I've got an idea. Since I'm tired of looking at fat people I want every person I see on campus to lose some weight.
Sinceldon'twant fat teachers, fat dorm directors, fat librarians, fat girls, fat football players or fat cheerleaders plowing around in front of me, I've thought of a plan.
PSC's cheerleaders are seen every Saturday bouncing around and supporting the Cats, so I'll start with them. I want to force the administration to require a weight limit for our cheerleaders.
You think I'm completely out of control, right?
Honestly, I think a 125-pound weight limit for a cheerleader is ridiculous. After all, this is the 90's. The decade of Bon Bon's, Twinkies, chocolate pie and potato chips. Ifcheerleaders want to waddle to the trough of junkfood, more power to them!
Too bad the University of Connecticut doesn't feel as I do. They had a weight limit of 125-pounds set for their female cheerleaders. But one of the "fatties" who tried out filed a complaint with the state commission, and the limit was clropped.
Sports Illustrated, in their Sept. 2 Scorecard section, gave a thumbs up to the University of Connecticut for dropping the weight limit. This
brought ·mixed reactions from college cheerleaders all over the country.
Eric Bussey, a male cheerleader from Cornell, had a letter appear in Sports Illustrated on Sept. 29. Cornell has a 115-pound recommended weight limit for its female cheerleaders.
"The problem is not that a woman
With Todd
by Todd Gottula
who weighs too much looks fat, but that she is a serious danger to her male partner. Some of the partner stunts place a lot of strain on the shoulders and back of the male. It takes a much stronger male to perform stunts with a 130-pound woman than with a 105-pound woman," said Bussey in his letter. Bussey shouldhittheweightroom harder! If Eric Bussey isn't man enough to pick up a 130-pound woman, then maybe Cornell should
get a new cheerleader strong -.. enough to perform his stunts. It's not right that Cornell has a 115pound cheerleader weight limit just because their male cheerleaders aren't strong enough to lift their female counterparts.
Now, for the surprising news. PSC has a cheerleader weight limit of 130-pounds. You can weigh more and still try out for a cheerleader here, but if you make it and are over the limit, plan on losing weight before the first game.
"We have a limit of 130-pounds. We were told that if we weighed over that during the season we couldn't cheer until we lost the weight," said second-year football cheerleader Penny Krems. She added, "it's not enforced that much since we don't have a lot of cheerleaders at PSC."
The main purpose of a cheerleader is to raise school spirit and help yell the team to victory. I don'tcnre if you 're a 200-pound Mac Truck or a85-pound Miss America. If you're willing to put in the practice time and you do a good job, then your weight shouldn't matter.
I want all of you cheerleaders to do me a favor and Sto!J dieting. Go buy a few boxes of twinkies and chow down for once. And while you're at it, pick up a chocolate pie for me!
Defense gets first shutout of year
by Todd Gottula
PSC's 20-0 win over TeikyoWestmar was The Bobcat Defense's first shutout since the 1988 season finale over Iowa Wesleyan (39-0)-a span of 27 games HalfbackMark Whitaker rushed for 145 yards and had a career-high 34 carries in that same game The Cats, ranked No. 4 nationally against the rush going in, limited the Eagles to only 55 yards via the ground, and 74 yards passing Tight end Jim Schoeppner went down with a strained left knee on a running play late in the first quarter against Westmar. His status for the rest of the season is questionable The wind, which gusted between 30 and 40 miles per hour, played a factor in the contest, evidenced by place kicker Ron Shaneyfelt. Shaneyfelt, who was 2 for 4 in field goal tries,missedaroutine25-yarder into the wind in the second quarter, but came back to convert from 26 yards out with 1:04 left before the half...Coach Saban's opinion of the wind. "I thought the first kick into the wind was going through,
but then the wind held it up and just blew it aside. But anytime you get two field goals in conditions like that, I'm satisfied." Wondering about volleyball? The team's matches in the Dana Invitational on Oct 11-12 were their first in two weeks .In the Bobcats 14-7 win over Northwestern freshmen Tom Farrel had his first career TD catch FullbackJoe Parks' first TD oftheyearcameonhis64thcarryof
the season A clipping penalty against Northwestern with 10:49 left to play in the game nullified a 79 yard TD run that would have· tied the game at 14 Mark · Whitaker rushed two times for 5 yards in an unfamiliar jersey. The senior tailback ripped his jersey (#1) and was forced to wear (#33). late in ,Jiead Coach Lou,
Saban links classic Oct. 26; ,_fecumseh golf course to host
Peru State College is offering golfers a chance to win prizes and at the same time, an opportunity to meet one of the prize coaches formerly of the National Football League.
Proceeds from the tourney will benefit the Bobcat athletic department, Harshbarger noted.
Saban turned 70 years old a day after the Northwestern win. After the game his players and several fans sang happy birthday to him on the field Saban thanked them and reminded everybody of the teams motto 'We can do' Sabari hollered, "offense?" And the team responded, "we can do." He then yelled, "defense?" And they screamed back, "we can do." Then showing he hasn't lost his sense of humor, Saban belted out "Kiss the coach?" Yes, a few fell for it! ...
The Tecumseh Country Club will be the site of the Lou Saban Golf Classic presented by the Bobcat Club, a group of PSC sports boosters, on Saturday, Oct. 26, according to event coordinator Ted Harshbarger.
There is a $30 entry fee per participant or $60 per team, which includes green fees, rolls, juice and coffee, and a noon lunch. Tee-off times are available from 8:00 a.m. to 11:48 a.m., and can be reserved through Harshbarger, PSC's interim athletic director. Golfers are advised to register as soon as possible to insure a tee-off time; the two-person best ball is limited to the first 60 teams.
Donut Shop and Off-Sale Liquor
Deli Sandwiches Everyday
Store Hours: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) 8 a.m.-7 p.m. (Sat.) Noon - 4 p.m. (Sun.)
Donut Shop Hours:
7 am.-5:30 p.m. (Monday through Saturday)
Saban, an avid golfer himself, is in his first season as Peru State's head football coach. He is a longtime veteran of the NFL, where he coached the Buffalo Bills, Denver Broncos, and Boston (now New England) Patriots.
Saban guided the Bills to back-toback AFL championships in 1964 and '65, and was OJ. Simpson's coach when Simpson became the league's first 2,000-yard rusher in 1972.
To reserve tee times, send payment in full (payable to ''The BobcatClub") to Ted Harshbarger,Peru StateCollege,Peru,NE68421. For more information, call Harshbarger at(402) 872-2207.
TONY UHLIR TACKLES a Northwestern (IA) ball carrier on this kickoff return. The Bobcats, who won the game 14-7, have a two-week layoff before they play Wayne State on Nov. 2.-- hoto b Todd Gottula
Is , , z , , , , , ,_ • .:
.. " r_
AND YO!JR NAME AND ADDRESS TO: FrAnnK Enterprises-Bobcat ,' 12 Donna Drive Uvalde, TX 7880,1,
A Halloween to remember...
Campus of thousand oaks bows to power of ice
by Laura Osborne
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas "; wait... it's only the frrstpartofNovember! But the Halloween ice stonn of '91 has left the PSC campus, as well as most of Nebraska, looking like the end of December.
Much damage has Oe.en incurred on and by the trees of PSC, the Campus of a Thousand Oaks. As rains turned to heavy layers of ice on Oct. 30 and 31, the trees began to bend and break under the weight.
According to PSC College Advancement, one limb fell through the roof of a faculty apar,tment, and phone service was lost from Friday afternoon until late Monday morning. Also, S0me of the campus' trademark lampposts were damaged, not to mention the trees themselves.
Power lines went down with the ice and limbs, knocking out electricity and heat Classes were cancelledand college officials began to address the problem of the hundreds of students housed on-campus.
Students successfully mix school work
This issue contains several articles aboutPSC students who work
by Katy Duryea
inaddition to attending their regu- Money and work experience- two lar classes. Many college students factors that weigh heavily upon a work part-time to help pay for the college student's life. Both money expenses of college life. and work can be found in this area, The jobs held by the college-age though, and really are not hard to portion of the work force are be- achieve.coming increasingly important as : ' IndeeQ- many PSC students have financial aid becomes more and taken advantage of op}>ortunities more scarce. We wish to extend the available to them at two of the larger hand of gratitude on behalf of all businesses in the area, NeoData working college students to those telemarketing and Hinley Dinky subusinesses who employ us. The permarket. jobs and money those employers NeoData, a telecommunications provide are a vital part of an edu- company located on the Peru camcation for many, which in turn pus is a familiar name among many means a brighter future for every- PSCstudents.In fact, Mike Hartung, one. branch manager at NeuData, says
We regret that we don't have the the company currently ·employs space to include all the employers about 35 PSC students. or all the employed. We do hope - And John Gettys, night manager that the subjects we have chosen at Hinky Dinky in Auburn, reports wil: provide an accurate repres en- that they are employing approxitation of the entire realm of the mately 12 studeilts at the present college-age workforce. time. Not surprisingly, both men
express that students do indeed make "good" employees.
When asked what makes an employee "good," Hartung and Gettys both had similar responses stating that at NeoData, one must have a clear speaking voice plus a desire to achieve. Courteousness, promptness and a willingness to get the job done make up factors for a "good" employee at Hinky Dinky.
Both Gettys and Hartung say that Binky Dinky andNeoDatahelpPSC
studentspreparefor"thereal world."
If you want to apply at either business, Gettys and Hartung both strongly suggest proper dress and a proper attitude. Hartung suggests that when applying at NeoData, "applicants should have some objectives as to what could be gained by working in a communications business," and Gettys suggests, "to remember you're looking to work,
See "Working Students" on 3
Dan Haugland, director of residence life, stated that blaflkets were distributed to ''residence halls and the cafeteria maruiged to continue to serve students meals. When road conditions improved by Saturday night, students were encouraged to either go home or visit relatives or friends in the area. The remaining students were fed and housed in the Nemaha Countv 4-HbuildinginAubum by that city'; civil defense organization. Other groups that offered assistance were the Christian and Methodist Churches in Auburn aiid the Episcopal Church In Nebraska City as well as the Peru Fire Department. "The staff and students did a great job," said PSC President, Dr. Robert Bums. "We had lots of inconveniences, but no injuries and no permanent damage, and spirits were good.
"Impact on the campus is significant, especially regarding the many trees that have been split or damaged," he noted.
Ron Fabry, physical plant director, stated that itwould be at least Wednesday (Nov. 6) before all of the debris could be cleared from campus.
The power outage created problems for all of us here at the Times as well. Some of us were stranded in Auburn when the stonn hit at its worst, which made it impossible to conduct interviews. The lack of electricity knocked out the ability to typeset our materials on computer, and the cold temperatures made it impossible to work with the chem icals to develop photographs.
See "Ice storm" on 5
Letter to the editor on page 2
Person of the week on page4
Swing choir clinic wrap-up on page 6
PSC's state art exhibition honorees on page 5
Flamenco guitarist Volleyball highlights on page 4 on page 8
See page6
HEAVY LAYERS of icy rain bent and broke the limbs of many trees throughout the Peru area. The PSC campus wasn't spared, as shown here, and tree limbs shrouded the Jindra Fine Arts building Nov. 2.--photo by Todd Gottula ·
College is hectic enough ... Events add difficulty
College is hxtic. Students run from place to place, class to class, cafeteria to library waiting for the bells to either urge them on or to announce their tardiness. It's a fact of life.
And there are times when this hectic pace is unecessarily Compounded by outside forces, and ihe extra few minutes between cafeteria and library are unceremoniously robbed from a busy student.
A little over two weeks ago an outside force of this nature interrupted life as many PSC students know it: some went hungry, some went to class, some probably said "to hell with it" and went home.
PSC hosted events good
The outside force was the high school swing choir contest. Now, don't misunderstand. It is important for PSC to host events in which area high schools visit our campus. Events of this nature are great publicity. But when such events disrupt the routines of PSC students to the point that they either skip a class or a meal, something needs to be said.
Getting lunch difficult
The lines in both the cafeteria and the Bob Inn during the contest were ridiculous. Moreover, the first day of the contest was a Tuesday, a day when many meetings are held during the convo period, 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m. This is a difficult time for many PSC studentsto squeeze in a meal under normal. circumstances, and on this particular Tuesday, it was impossible. PSC students assume that a portion of the fees charged at the beginning of the semester is intended to insure access to meals ALL TIIB TIME.
And what about food service? Its workload seems to increase exponentially during these events, especially in the Bob Inn, which is so extrordinarily understaffed it's a miracle the staff performs as well as it does. Is this fair? Are they compensated for their extra work?
Students deserve service
Naturally, there is always the argument that since it's only a couple of days it isn't really a big deal. Bull. The fee paid forthese services is not paid provisionally: it is paid to make these servcices availible EVERYDAY. The PSC students have kept up their part of the bargain, partially due to the college's "pay it or else" policy. What do you suppose would happen if PSC students adopted a "Provide full services to us everyday, or else" policy?
Why not cater?
There are options. One is catering. If food service is required to provide this extra food anyway, why not serve it to the visitors in the AWAC? Sure, classes are held there, but most of the classes held in the Fine Arts Building, many of them general studies classes (which means they affect a lot of students), are moved to T.J. Majors for the duration of the event. What would it hurt to move some of the classes held in the AWAC to another location.
, Another option is to have the visitors eat in Auburn. It isn't that far away, and if worse came to worst, the food could be brought to Peru by a sponsor. Of course, there's always Casey's pizza.
Yes, yes; the busy college students could probably go to Auburn, but they run the risk oflosing the ever-
Quote of the week:
elusive parking spot (an especially valid possibility when school buses are taking up a fourth of the commuter parking lot).
Yet another possibility is having the visitors bring a sack lunch. Many college students have said that a sack lunch was standard fare when they went on their high-school field trips orto competitions. All of these individuals have lived to tell about it
Decrease inconveniences
PSC provides a valuable service to high schools when it hosts an event, there is no disputing this fact. Both the college and the high schools benefit from it, and it gives PSC students in the area in which the activity is centered good practical experience.
But the fact is, a majority of the student body is inconvenienced by certain aspects of these activities. The fact is, fees are paid to provide services for PSC students EVERY DAY. The fact is, food service is probably carrying a full load as it is and doesn't dese<ve the extra burden. The fact is, solutions exist, but don't seem to have been considered.
The fact is, it's about time they were.
Letter to the editor.....
Students go to UNMC
by Susan Brown
Dr. Daryl Long, professor.of science, and Stan McCaslin, assistant professor of computer science, accompanied by 14 PSC students, braved the cold winds early Oct. 29, loaded into two PSC vans and doggedly headed north. The destination was Omaha; the goal was to gain infonnati'Jn and knowledge.
The goal began to be fulfilled by 9 a.m.
The first stop on the agenda was the University ofNebraskaMedical Center, where the visitors were greeted by Ann Carlson, head of public affairs. Two separate tours were enjoyed by the students, hosted by tour guides Virginia Grissbband Vera Guerra. Both tours visited the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Dept. (MRI), Medical Technology Lab and the Dept. of Human Genetics
Tour one also saw the Physical Therapy Dept. and the College of Pharmacy. Tour two visited the Habilitation Technology Dept. and the Eppley Cancer Research Center.
The Med Center is the fourth largest employer in the city of Omaha, and it was being renovated at the time of the tour to accommo-
Burns gives response
Dear Editor:
The letter to the editor from Lynn Hicks (the Times, Oct. 18) includes some views and opinions that I would not challenge, but it appears to be a response to some actions Lynn Hicks has been told "the currentadministration" proposes!!$ solutions to problems inherited from earlier years.
If I am reading the letter correctly, I believe I should take the opportunity to respond. Nobody has asked me about these "proposed actions," but I want to do what I can to be certain that false mm ors have a short life. I am son-y that Lynn Hicks has been disturbed by "proposed actions" that have no reality.
To be specific, the letter in the last issur;. of this paper says that the current :J.dministration proposes (1\ "to ci1t back impo11ant and vital staff, thus increasj11gc1ass size" and
(2) "to cut already low salaries of adjunct faculty members " There is no proposal from the current administration to do either of these things.
The letter from Lynn Hicks has a lot to say about accountability. I agree witb, muc,q of v.:ha.t I hope that the College community understands that "the current administration" values professional and personal accountability at Peru State College. It is true that there is a price to pay in solving the problems left from earlier years, and I too get angry that we now must pay that price. I will pay that price because it is the accountability and integrity of Peru State College that is most important here. That is what protects the rights of the students that Ms. Hicks' letter outlines.
Robert L. Burns
date the switch from a clinical practice based operation to one geared primarily for outpatient care and treatment.
Each department had its own respective guides, and the students were actively recruited by each department visited. Sheryl Kohlbelk of MRI explained the advances in both technology and pay in her field.
John Marinkovich in the Habilitation Technology Center showed students how carpentry and upholstering skills could be utilized in conjunction with habilitative goals to aid individuals in reaching their full potential as human beings.
· Next, Michelle Hess gave a slide presentation in chromosomal abnormalities, particularly in cancer cells and birth ·defects, such as Downs' Syndrome. Thecytogenetics lab was toured and lab technicians were viewed at their jobs.
Roxanne Alter, assistant professor of the division of medical technology at the Med Center, gave the recruiting pitch for her field ofstudy, citing the boom in research, increasing pay equity scale and the great demand for more technicians in the work force.
Note of Thanks
W.I.N. (Womens Information Network) would like to thank all who helped to Il)ake the Date Rape presentation a sm:cess. We had a good turnout and really appreciated the show of support by students, faculty and staff.
Norma Micari
Letter to the Editor policy
The Peru State Times welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, or articles should be signed by the individual person or persons writing them and will be published at the discretion of the editors. The Peru State Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor. Send materialto: Editor, the Peru State Times, Campus Mail, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska, 68421.
I. ....··...•·...;'.···:;' ;:y
MICHELLE HESS, UNMC Cytogenetics Dept., shows PSC students some of the computer enhancement possibilities used in lab work while tour guide Virginia Grissob looks on.--photo by Susan Brown
We can not expect to breed respect for law and order among people
who do not share the fruits of our freedom.
Peru State Times Published Bi-monthly Editor-in-Chief _. ...............•....•..•••......... Laura Osborne Sports Eilitor. Todd Gottula Production Editrir · · · · · · · · · · • • Katy Duryea Assist.mt Editor Kollie Johnson I lead Copy Editor :M.arty Jacobsen Ptotography Coordimtcr.. , Scott Udoy Todd Go'.tula Ad Leaa Reporter. Typesc.tt.c'r Advi3Cr ....• Gregg Mattox Torn Hyde Lisa C'-ottula Dr Do:iHoltz
H. Humphrey
As many know, it's hard to work and go to school at the same time. This combination requires a lot of time management. but both Hartung and Gettys say students will find their businesses are willing to work arouncj a student's class schedule. How do PSC students measure op against other employees? Hartung and Gettys responded strongly in favor of students. "Most PSC stude!lls have a sincere desire to do well and earn money for college and expenses. These are the ones that can create a win/win situation. They have talents and abilities and a desire to offer; whereas, we give them an opportunity to develop some of their communication skills and earn money at NeoData," said Hartung. Gettys adds that "PSC students are working because they need the money. They work harder than high school students because they
understand better what money is."
Gettys also adds that for greates1 success PSC students should remember to have an attitude that they owe their employer their best effort. Finally and propably most imponanl, Hartung's words of wisdom "If any improvement is needccl \n a student's succc5s at
by Laura Osborne
The right location and the need to pay bills prompted Scott Utley, nonuaditional senior, to start searching for a job this past summer.
Udey said he applied at five or six places at the beginning of the summer, receiving calls from only two. He was asked if he would like to apply for work at Shop E-Z of Peru. Already living in Peru, Scott chose to work at Shop E-Z rather than a business in Auburn.
Scott says he considers his true profession to be art. He began to collect materials needed for his own studio and needed money to do so. Working 23 average hou:rs each weekatminirnun wage allows Scott to follow his professional desires.
Utley already has a B.A. in art from Hastings College. He attended graduate school and then came to PSC to attain a K-12 teaching degree. 'Tm really interested in teaching," Scott says, "but positions are hard to find, so I'm trying to expand on what positions I'm qualified for."
Scott is taking ten class hours this semester and plans to increase the load to 13 hours next semester. He also serves as the Times photography coordinator. He says his employer is very flexible when he needs time off.
NeoData, it's to remember to place ' a higher respect for their jobs and · not to 'blow off' work because of a party or other miscellaneous excuse$. Dedication is something that starts early on and is indicative of what their future will be for them. An honest try deserves honest reward on both sides."
FRESHMAN business administration/ management major EricaEverson gains "real world" experience at Peru's NeoDataJelemarketing firm.··photoby Scott Udey
by Laura Osborne
One PSC student holds a different perspective on working while going to school.
John Sayer, junior, says he works not because of need, but rather because he likes to spoil himself. "I like the extra money. Also, I always have to be doing something."
Sayer, a Springfield native, works weekends at the Choice Smorgasbord in Omaha. During the summer, John also has a lawn service back home. AttheChoice,heworks approximately 16 hours each week after taking his 16 hours of classes.
S:iyer is an unmarried traditional studentand lives off-campus in Peru. John's work at the Choice is run-
Utley enjoys his work, noting that "the paperwork can be stressful!" He feels, however, that the work is beneficial, although not directly
related to his desired field of work. ''I've learned a lot about myself and about business," he commented.
ning the buffet line. He is paid above minimum wage and says he gets to set his own hours. That also means he has no trouble when he needs to take time off for his school-related activities.
"Working is helping me realize how people without a higher education don't take time out to listen to and respect others," Sayer commented.
John said he didn't hdve any difficulty finding the job as ahigh school friend directed him to it in February of 1989.
Although the work isn't related to his major of physical science, Sayer enjoys his jobs and the experiences of life and people they afford.
BEHIND THE counter at Peru's Shop E-Z, Scott Udey finds enjoymentwhiJ,. making neededmoney.--photo by Udey
The work with school makes for a busy schedule. "I always run behind--it's become a reality oflife for me."
Scott notes that he likes the faster pace. He feels he accomplishes more when under pressure. Sometimes, though, like most ofus Scott wishes he didn't have to work. But, also like most of us, he continues to press on in both the classroom and the workplace.
by Laura Osborne
The combination of marriage, work and school keeps Mrs. Stephanie Fisher of Auburn all the time.
Mrs. Fisher has worked at the Auburn Pizza Hut for four years, currently serving as a shift manager. During school, Stephanie works an average of 25 hours a week. This semester, she is carrying a 17-hour class load, and she was married in June to Russ Fisher.
PUTTING EXTRA 'UMPH' into his job Hinky
Dinky is Scott Bowman. An Auburn high is a freshman at PSC.--photo by Todd Gottula
Stephanie says her employer is very good about working around her school schedule and activities. She enjoys working and feels she is gaining from the experience. The first benefit she sees is that her job is related to her major of business administration. She enjoys her co-workers and she feels she is learning how to better deal with people in a public setting.
Stephanie sometimes wishes she didn't have to go to work as she finds herself struggling to accom-
plish all of hcriesponsibilitics. " like my job, but sometimes I wish could use my time for other things, she comments.
Mrs Fisher's above minimun wage paychecks help pay the bill as her husband also attends classe. atPSC.
Stephanie, a sophomore, said sh( didn't encounter much difficulty ir finding a job. "I think the jobs foJ college students arc out there, "she comments. "It's just a matter oJ how choosy you want to be."
"Working Students" from 1 not to tell the boss what conditions you want."
"I've learned about myself. .. "
the extra· rn·oney... " ·
I. '" 0
••• • ••
"The jobs are out there
Flamenco guitarist Radford performs in college theatre
by Jon Kruse
Known internationally as the American master. of the flamenco guitar, Ronald Radford performed at the College Theati:e on Tuesday, Oct 28. The audience witnessed an extraordinary tech!1ique of the flamenco guitarist and his six string folk guitar: '"'
Radford has toriied 15 different countries on four continents from Australia tQ He has also done the United States as well as touring in California, he started]utcareer as a protege of the_ iegencJ?iy flamenco guitarist Carlos:.Montoya.
Radford has also toured throughout Spain to study'Pie lifestyle and music of SpariiSh -Gypsies. While in Spain he studititfcfussical guitar with Andres Sego\lia, ruiother great guitarist. He was'also the only student to be awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in flamenco. Review-
ers have proclaimed Radford as "brilliant", "soul stirring" and "unforgettable."
When asked to describe his opinion of Flamenco, Radford said, "It is the unwritten, traditional folk art of Southern Spain."
At his performance in the college theater, people seemed to look on in amazement as many in the audience had never seen or heard a flamenco guitarist. Radford said, "I want the audience to relate the music I play to their own personal experiences and their own opinion of the flamenco guitar. I want to give them an opportunity to see a flamenco guitarist,asmanypeoplehavenever seen one or heard of one."
Radford also said, "The most important ingredient [in playing flamenco] is what you feel in your heart You have to love people and listen with love; listening is an art"
With Radford's performance, you could dictate a story in your Jieart.
Neb r aS k an Tom May to perform on Nov. 28
by PSC Student Programs
Tom May, internationally known singer-songwriter-guitarist, will appear at PSC's Benford Recital Hall in concert on Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m. The Nebraska-based folksinger is known for his original songs from
his three albums as well as his extensive concerts in the U.S. and overseas.
The concert is sponsored by PSC StudentPrograms with support from the Nebraska Arts Council. Tickets are $2.50 for adults and are available at the door.
By Thomas M. Hyde
Some students go to college to get an education or to have a way to make money. Roberta Smith is going for the former reason, but she feels she is also going because of a great desire to help others with their problems.
Junior psychology/sociology major Roberta Smith is not a typical PSC student. She never attended college prior to coming to PSC lil-ce many students, but that is where similarities stop. Unlike the majority of PSC students, Roberta is a non-traditional student, and unlike most students on campus, didn't graduate from high school. In fact, Roberta quit high school 28 years ago. She went back ten years later and got a GED.
Years later, after talking with some non-traditional students attending PSC, but espiecially with her husband's encouragement, Roberta went back to school.
She said her husband had been encouraging her to go back to school, forthepastfiveyears. When Roberta finally decided to attend, she decided on PSC because of its proximity to her home in Brownville.
Roberta had wanted to go back to school for a long time because she wanted to get an education to help other people. After attending for two years, Roberta is still pleased with her decision, and currently holds a 3.67 GPA. Roberta said college has, "made me more outgoing, and I can voice an opinion
without fear of being put down."
Roberta Smith cares about others Person of the Week
Roberta: is a non-traditional representative to the Student Senate. She likes being in Student Senate, because, "You can get more involved with individuals, because it is easier to talk with them."
Nancy Vogt, a non-traditional student and a member of Student Senate, had this to say about Roberta: "She gets things going and follows through with them, while at the same time she has several projects of her own."
Roberta is also a Parliamentarian for WIN (Women's Information Network). This organization works with today's problems of women and men. She said WIN has already had a session on date rape and plans to have one on sexual harassment.
organization's main office in Auburn about 30-45 hours per month, depending on how busy the lines are. She commented that Project Response has many references to he.Ip women but that there are none to help men, and that the rate of men calling has been steadily going up.
"College has made me more outgoing and I can voice an opinion without fear. rr
She said her job is to help refer these people to lawyers and doctors, to help get them counselling, to obtain protection orders if needed, and to possibly go to court ever, Roberta said she has yet to do this.)
Dr. Lundak, one of Roberta's professors, feels she is an excellent student, fully engaged and always prepared and that she asks questions and relates what she's working with to experiences.
Roberta Smith
Roberta worked on a summer internship for Project Response and still works there as needed. Project Response predominantly talks to and advises abused women and children through the use of a hotline. ShesaidProjectResponsealso helps transport the abused person to a safe house.
Roberta works at the
Six totally new classes offered in spring term
by Times Staff tension 2285 to sign up. To 1
The Honors Program will be of- in the courses you must obtain fering six courses for the spring a signed permission slip.
1992 semester according to Dr. The courses include Special TopAnthony McCrann, program coor- ics in Biology - Science and Socidinator. ety (Biol 498H), Macroeconomics
This group of honors courses is the (Econ 220H), Foundations of Edulargest selection that PSC has been cation (Educ 200H), Ethics and able to offer. If you are interested in Social Justice (HP 400), Music the growth and success of the Hon- Appreciation (Mus 21 IH) and ors Program, Dr. McCrann states it Wellness (PE lOOH). is important that you sign up fer the honors courses whenever possible WHISKEY RUN so that and adequate number of students will be enrolled.
If you believe you qualify as an Mon.-Fri. 4-6 p.m. Honorsstudent,andyouwouldlike Daris-Pool-Snooker to enroll in one or more of the mentioned courses, see Dr. McCrann at 91 0 Central Ave. his office, #215 in the Jindra Fine Auburn, NE Arts Building, or call him on ex-
Lundak also had this to say about Roberta: "She sees social issues as real, not as abstract ideas, and that these issues are forces that affect people's lives."
After graduation, Roberta wants a job that will help other people. Dr. Lundak felt she would do well in the work world. He said the reason for this was "Roberta is regular in attendance, always produces more than asked to and is pragmatic, but very innovative."
Roberta Smith likes to help other people, and that is what she intends to do with her degree.
Campus Ministry Notice Interim Minister Dr. Esther Divney
Hours: 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Mon. Wed. Fri.
TJ Majors 103
New location to be announced soon
Phone 872-2243
Community Thanksgiving Service - Students invited Tuesday , Nov. 26 7p.m.
sponsored by Campus Ministry and Kiwanis location to be announced
RONALD JRADFORD, internationally-known flamenco guitarist, Jemonstrates his playing style.-·photo by Scott Udey
I by Tim Bailey
PSC Students honored, included in state show
by Tim Bailey
Two Peru State College artists have recently received the honorof having their works displayed at a state exhibition.
Juniors Gail Purtle and John Asbury will have three works on display at the upcoming National Art Teachers Association show in the Hilmore Gallery at the College of St Mary in Omaha. The show will be open from Saturday Nov. 9 through Dec. 13.
Art students from all across Nebraska were allowed to send in slides of three works along with the entry form. The works had to have been made within the last two years. Then, the artists later were notified if their art had been accepted.
Purtle, a junior from Hamburg, IA, will have two oil paintings on display; "Masks" and "Persona" based on a George Siegal sculpture. Purtle has been involved in art since she did her first portrait at the age of three. She hopes to pursue a master's degree in art after graduating from Peru. When speaking of the show, Purtle said, 'Tm really glad that we both got accepted."
Asbury is originally from Arkansas and has an acrylic painting on display entitled "Live at the HollywoodBowl,"basedonaJuly 5,1968, performance ofThe Doors. Asbury said, "Havingyourworkon display is good exposure and gets your work known. It also builds confidence in
your work."
Asbury is pursuing a double major in art and psychology and intends to do graduate work in psychology.
Asbury said of his interest in art, "I've always sketched, I've always drawn, and I wanted to develop .It's something for my
The work of the artists will be
judged by a professorofartatlowa
the Other Side of the Desk...
byfVI or1yJacobsen
Which of the following flies fastest a tennis ball, an airplane or an idea? When Harry Tabata is behind it, it's hard to tell. Any of these' is likely to reach a new height. Tabata has sent all three sailing. Tabata, a second-generation attended an American school in Tokyo, where he was born.
eventhough he grew up speaking both English and Japanese, Tabata did not learn how to write in Japanese until he attended the University of Washington-Seattle, where he earned his B.A. An M.B .A. from Auburn University rounds out his educational background.
His teaching background is a bit different than that of the average college professor.
Tabata has been teaching since the 1970s, but not always in a college. Be began his career as an instructor in the United States Air Force, whe!"e he was responsible for refining navigational skills; he did this for 10 years.
Peru S{ate College. He began as an instructor in the Continuing Education Program at Offut Air Force Base, Bellevue, in 1985. He joined the on-campus faculty in 1989.
Tabat brings to the classroom an attitude of putting 110 percent into everything he does. It is not difficult to see that he speaks with an authoritative voice when he advises one to, "Study hard and play hard, because you'll never have a better time in your life than college." And play hard he does. In the three years he has been teaching at PSC, Tabata has never lost a tenr.is match to a student or a faculty member. Having once played tennis competitively in the Missouri Valley league, Tabata aims high in everything he attempts. Tabata also enjoys reading and doing consulting work in 111aJ1agerr1ent ar1d iTia.rketmg.
One of the things T>Bbata feels a student should do is, "to take full advantage" of the career advance-
fly. Tabata contends that even though it is his "mission to prepare college graduates to obtain jobs," that the general studies courses arc "what college is really all about.
Harry Tabata:
Instructor's viewpoint unique ... Tabata says 'Take full advantage' I
Thats what the pe0ple outside ex pee t [ofa college graduate], to be able to think and to have interests in areas beside your own."
He goes on to say that t11e purpose of a college education is "to broaden your mind and to teach you the ability to think," and continues, "The ability to communicate is one of the most important things that students should get out of college."
Without these skills; says Tabata, one has little opportunity to advance in modem society. "It [a college education] ," he says, "is a necessity in such a dynamic world."
ment programs available at PSC. He warns that, "You should start preparing early in the senior year, with a resume, so that you can have a job lined up when you graduate." But what does he think of education? This is where the ideas start to own benefit."
For the last six years, Tabata has been teaching in association with
PS c club 1 • nducts three
Western Community College with by Lisa Gottula prizes going to first and second places and honorable mention.
Purtle and Asbury will be attending the opening of the show as Asbury said, "because we want to see what kind of competition we're up against. It's going to be interest. , ,; 1 i J :. t : ; ;,i ·: :.o. :·. 1 ·> 1 or her work.
The campus chapter of Phi Alpha Theta has initiated three new members for the 1991-92 academic year. TI1e initiates are Steve Andersen, Joan Fink and William Panc.c.
Phi Alpha Theta is an international honor society in history. To become a member, m1 undergraduate student mast have completed at least 12 semester hours in history, with a minimum GPA in all history courses of at least 3.0 and must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in of the remainder of his
So whether it's a tehnis ball, an airplane or an idea; the main objective is to make it AI.id as long as there are people who wanno make things fly, it is safe-t<Yassume that Harry Tabata will be givfrig point-
There are 55 shopping days left un[ii'<;lt.ris1"'1is!
take for granted.
"Ice storm" from 1
With thereturnofpoweraftermore than 48 hours without it, everyone had a new appreciation for the warmth and comforts we tend to
take away that holiday season appearance from the campus. At any rate, the college along with Peru and its sur;ounding area will be spending many weeks, possibly months, trying to clean up from the Halloween ice storm of 91. 1900 HARLAN FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA 68355 PHONE: (402) 245-3440 RANDY GOTTULA OWNER-OPERATOR Ill •....................................................•
STATE THEATRE ....... THUR.. PEf?.U i\JTGHr...;;7J:J!.L STUDENTS & ADMiTTED 6.vl1H ID) i Closed \ • •••••• ••••• Upcoming Me.W.e.S: 1 Ern ·. \ .... . est ...ca ed Stupid \ Jim Varney - PG I Necessary Roughness PG-13 I I I I Call 274-4096 For
!JOHN ASBURY dispiays his painting, "Live at the Ho11ywoodBowl."--photo
"The ability to communicate is one of the most important things that students should get <!Ut of college."
Henry Tabata
Dr. Burns indicated the college may seek emergency appropriation to repair damages from the state legislature after a final assessment is made. As of press time, the temperatures hadn't warmed enough to • Ill II Ill Ill Iii II Ill Ill Ill Ill II
available ...
,du cation majors may apply
. Times Staff
·vo new scholarships to be awarded for spring 1992 as one-time awards 'C been made available to students preparing to teach, according to Dr. rold Hanson,, chairman of the Division of Education.
·11c two awa!'ds are as follows:
75.00 This scholar' memory of Irene Alberts, a 1965 graduate, • he awarded to an teacher who is currently in the junior or 1ior year of coilegc. recipient can be eimer in elementary or .:ondary education.
.00 in memory Johnson, a 1915 grauate. The recipient must · w upperclassman in elementary education.
f you are interested in applying, secure a fonn from the Education ; i vision office. You must have been admitted to teacher education to be ligible for either of these awards.
Applications are due in the Education Office no later than Nov. 27
.I.N. date rape presentation Oct. 15 ndudes and panel discussion
1:· Norma Micari
.LN. Public Relations Director Womens l!1f9rmalion Network (W.LN.) held a date rape presentation in the 1\e Oak Roon10n Oct. 15, 1991. A movie was shown (Against Her Will) and ' panel drscllssion was held. The panel consisted of Angelo John, Nemaha 'ounty sheriff; Dr. Carol Anderson, PSC professor of psychology; Phyllis mgc.nscn of Project Response of Auburn; and Dr. Steve Butler, l'SC vice:•rl'sident of student affairs.
Communications Director Angela Allgood opened the presentation with a :hon speech a!)yut rape and the introduction of the panel. The panel discussion xhich aired student and facuity concerns and answered questions came al terthe lllovie. A reception followed with coffee, tea and cookies.
Smokeout Day '91 is set
Thursday; Nov. 21 has been designateJ as the annual Great American Smokeout Day.
Over43ffii1Iion Americans have quit smoking. If you are a smoker, the American Society urges your to join those who have quit before time runs out.
The also reminds everyone that exposure to other people's smoke increases Jhe risk of developing lung cancer.
PSC hosts 20th annual f es ti val
by Jennifer Mortensen
On Oct. 22 and 23, PSC's music department and student chapter of MENC presented the 20th annual Show Choir Festival.
Dr. Thomas Ediger, musical and clinical director, put together the two-day festival which featured junior and senior high swing choirs from 38 different schools. These swing choirs were put into five different categories according to size--AA, A, B, C, and D. The
winners of these individual classes were as follows: AA-Millard South High, A-Seward High, B-Gretna High, C-Woodbine (IA) High, and D-Pawnee City High. Out of the 38 different schools, nine were from out of state. Schools from Iowa included Wood bi neH igh, Shenandoah Middle School, ThomasJefferson of Council Bluffs(two different groups), Abraham Lincoln of Council Bluffs, Sidney, Oakland and Nishna Valley (Hastings).
Nemaha Valley of Seneca, KS was
also represented.
Donna Peterson was chosen as 199l's guest clinician/adjudicator for the Show Choir Festival. Peterson is known as a choral director, choreographer, clinician and adjudicator. She is from Chicago, IL and has been the choreographer for PS C's "Misty Blues" swing choir for the past two years. PSC's "Misty Blues" swing choir also performed on both days of the event.
Sexual harassment will be panelists' discussion topic
Lincoln--A panel discussion entitled "Sexual Harassment" will be helt on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Wick Alumni Center on 1520 F St. in Lincoln. The event is free and open to the public.
The purpose of the event, according to Pamela Lionberger, president o'. Graduate Women in Business at UNL, is to provide individuals ai opportunity to understand what sexual harassment is, the psychologic? impact of sexual harassment, how to deal with it on the job, ways topreven or avoid it, steps to take in the legal process, and what political changC' might need to be effectuated to deal with this problem. The four panelist: include Professor Helen Moore, Professor Jane Conoley, Nebraska Lie:_ tenant Governor Maxine Moul and Anna Shavers, Esquire magazine.
THE PERU ST ATE College Misty Blues Show Choir was one of 39 entries in the 20th annual Peru State College Show Choir Festival held this past week. Dr. Thomas L. Ediger directs the group and served as director of the Festival too.--photo by Todd Gottula
Donut Shop and Off-Sale Liquor BEER SPECIALS Deli Sandwiches Everyday Store Hours:
8 a.m.-10 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) 8 a.m.-7 p.m. (Sat.) Noon - 4 p.m. (Sun.) Donut Shop Hours: 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Monday through Saturday)
OFFICERS FOR the Council for Exceptional Children for 1991-92 are as follows: Back row--Rebecca Staley, president; Anji Potter, vice-president; Becky Miller, secretary; Richard Marcoux, treasurer; Jona Beck, historian. Front row--Dr. Nonna Gilmore, advisor; Robin Mills, Robin Anderson, and Lori Land, executive committee members: and Barbara Wilmes, advisor.--photo by Scott Utley
Bobcat basketball preparing for season opener
by Todd Gottula
The Peru State College and women's basketball teams have started preparing for what they hope will be exciting seasons.
Four times in the past five years, thePSCwomen's team has finished first or second in team defense in the NAIA District 11, and third in rebounding percentage.
The Lady Bobcats started assembling that defensive prowess togetheron Monday, Oct. 7, when fall practices opened at PSC. Head coach Wayne Davidson begins the season with four starters off last year's 15-16 squad which paced the league in fewest points allowed at 67.5 per game.
"Our ability to play good defense has been the big factor in recent years," said Davidson. "We've tried to instill in our players to become sound defensive players and rebounders, which will help them win a lot of basketball games."
Peru State returns its top rebounders in senior forward
Carlotta Watson, who led the District with a 10.7 average per game,
and sophomores Tamir Anderson (7.2)andLon;lWhite(7.l). The5foot-l 0 Watson set a season record by pulling down 343 total.
Given the teams experience, Davidson said he liked PSC's chances of being a dominant defensive club again. "The four starters provide a good nucleus to help the team understand the defensive concept," he said. "We're certainly going to work very hard to have a sound program of rebounding and defense. It'll be a major effort on our part."
Improve offensively
The Lady Bobcats hope to show great improvement at the offensive end of the floor. PSC ranked seventh out of eight District teams in scoring output, 3-pointshootingand free throw accuracy last season. But the Lady Bobcats have their top four scorers back in Watson (17.8), White(l 1.4),Anderson(9.2) and senior guard Diane Pokorny (8.5).
"We need to make some im-
provements in our categories this year," the coach said.
"In our thinking, we've gone to work on our outside shooting and we think with our new people, we'll see signs of that."
Newcomers expected to help are transfers S,anja Simidzija and Amanda Nannen, and rookies Angela Wilson, Leah Fuscher, Amy Flynn and Amy Herman.
Keep scoreboard busy
Offense also appears to be the watchword for the PSC men's b!sketball squad, which opened drills on Sept. 15. Among the eight returning letterwinners for tenth-year Coach John Gibbs are four players with vast starting experience-senicrs Matt Motley, Michael Woolsey and Garrett Mann, and junior swingman Greg Snipes.
Although the Bobcats were no offensive slouch in scoring last year (78.8 ppg), the 1991-92 version could keep the sco£eboard much busier.
"We're trying to run a faster style
game," Gibbs said. "We tried to encourage our kids to do it last year more"; but this season we'll intentionally push the ball as much as possible."
break is pressure defense," he said. "A lot of those situations arc created by one sort of turnover or another. If a team wants to stop you from fast breaking, all they have >o do is send three people back one( theshotgoesup. So if we play gooc: defense, we can still create fast breal situations." ·
Davidson Gibbs
PSC has capable personnel to do the pushing. In addition to Snipes and junior Rob Wright, the Cats have added two swift juco transfers to their backcourt in Fredd Ward and Ryan Harshaw.
"Our strength lies in the guards and forwards," "That's no knock against our inside people, but we have more depth at those positions."
Gibbs, however, said he doesn't want the fastoreak to come at the expense of giving up good defense.
"One thing that lends to the fast
Wayne State game cancelled... I
The coach said he's been encour, aged with PSC's early practice sessions. "Wefeellikewe'replaying: better defense than we have the last three or four years," Gibbs said.
Open season Monday
"We want to get the intensity of the past we once had back on defense. I think we can be a good defensive team and score a lot of points because we're a little·. quicker this year."
The Bobcats tip-off the season on Nov. 11 at Doane, while the Lady Bobcats open by hosting Concordia onNov.16attheA1 Wheeler Activity Center.
me ....___S_e_n_a_t__e_R_e_v_i_e_w_.___.;,
thePeruStateCollegefootballteam who have only played six games second in a tow as an independent. hy Robin Anderson was left out in the cold. thus far this season and need a Thefieldofteamsiscomprisedfirst Senate Reporter
Coach Lou Saban's Bobcats were minimum of eight to meet part of by conference champions which scheduled to meet Wayne State thecriteriafortheselectionofplay- meet the pre-set criteria, and the College last Saturday (Nov. 2) in a off teams. remainingbirthsfilledbythehighest
1:30 p.m. kickoff at WSC's Me- Now, Peru State can only play i"ankedteams(inorder)inthefinal mo rial Stadium following a two- seven games (including Midland) national ratings until the field of 16 week layoff. After excessive before the NAIA extends play-off is completed. bids on Sunday, Nov. 17. A win "We will continue to work with Nebraska last Wednesday and overWayneState,orpossiblyeven the NAIA to determine the ruling Thursday, the two teams mutually a loss, would have put the seventh- on the cancellation," said agreed to postpone the contest until Tanked Bobcats in a good position Harshbarger, "and will appeal to Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. to make the 16-team field. the Council of Presidents if this But in a phone call received late PSC.is attempting to qualify for can'tbeconsideredagamebecause Saturday night, Wayne State offi- the Division II play-offs for the of the weather."
The Student Senate met Ocl. 16. Senate standing committees gave their reports. The Political Committee reported that they had read p1)e cpnstitution and sent it back. The Programs chairman gave an update on in the near future.
The Community Relations Committee brought back a report from. the last community meeting. The problem of branches blocking the complex to campus was brought up at the meeting. The town is looking in Lo clearing the sidewalk. The town also asked for ideas to clean up Peru's Once a dale is set, Ilic Senate plans on helping the townspeople clean up the st.reels.
Academic Affairs and General Studies arc both looking into the Rising Jr. Exam. Dr. Butler also spoke on Ilic issue. There will be a forum addressing the cxmn on Oct. 31 al 11 a.m. in the Student Center. This forum will help inform students and offer answers to students' questions. Hopefully this will prepare students for Ilic test. which is set to be given Nov. 19 and 20. The Senate will hdp with the forum.
The Student Board of Trustees had a conference call Oct. I 5 Many things were discussed.
Despite temperatures expected to be around 20 degrees at kickoff, Peru State coaches and players had fully intended to go ahead with the contest, according to Harshbarger. "Pete Chapman and I had many conversations throughout the day (Saturday)," Harshbarger said of the WSC director of athletics. "Our first indication was that the field · would be ready. However, late Saturday he informed us of the • possibility that even if we got there, we might not be able to play because the field was icy."
The cancellation leaves PSC with a 4-2 record going into this week's game against Midland-Lutheran College at Fremont. It further ere-
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A problem with some lights in the Complex parking l,>t was brought to the Senate's attention. This matter is being looked into.
The Senate did not meet Oct. 23.
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Flintstones or baseball?
Instructor opposes smoking
by Todd Gottula
"Mom, can I watch the game tonight?"
"Johnny, I've fold you 10 times already, baseball games aren't meant to be warctect by young boys. You can Flintstones tonight instead!''" •:::'...
This isho-,1;;-:-mai!y parents felt last week during playoff games between the.· Atlanta Braves and ?jf<ites. You ask why? the Pirates manager, Jim Leyland, smoked in the dugout during the game
No big deal right?
Wrong! · ·
Kevin Price, a fifth-grade teacher in Columbus, GA., is fed up with seeing coaches and managers in pro sports smoke on sidelines and in dugouts during games.
Price, a Pittsburgh native, said, "I love the Pirates. My walls at school are covered with Pittsburgh players. I just don't think Leyland's smoking is a good thing for their organization."
Both the National and American Leagues say smoking in uniform is not allowed in view of spectators. So how does Leyland get away with it?
He generally cups the butt in his hand. You don't see a cigarette,just smoke coming from his mouth. "He tries to hide it, but my students notice," said Price.
The real reason Leyland smokes
and gets away with it is because major league baseball doesn't enforce the rule. They must think it's crazy too!
Crazy or not, Leyland is breaking a league rule and should not be able to smoke without paying the price. In my opinion, if you're going to make all these rules and waste paper and ink to print them, then you had better stick the managers who break them.
Time-Out With Todd
by Todd Got1u ta
Price advised his students not to watch the games on television. Many parents and teachers around the country agreed with his advice, but I didn't.
Baseball is America's favorite pastime and all children shou!d be allowed to watch it. A baseball diamond is not the only place where people smoke. In today's society, ever;where you look there is a smoker. If parents and teachers are telling children they shouldn't watch
Placement Activities
.Juniors and Seniors: Preregister for College 400--Career Strategies held.Wednesdays at 1 p.m. for 1·hour of credit. The course covers resumes, cover letters, interviewing, where and how to look for a job, how to dress for success, and business etiquette.
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Say what you want, but a fifthgrader is not going to go out, buy a pack of cigarettes and become a chain smoker the next day just because he/she watched a baseball game on T.V.
It has been proven that smoking is bad for your health, so I understand that we don't want to make smoking look glamorous to our young. But on the other hand, if parents start blowing things out of proportion, then kids will become more aware of smoking, and the situation could backfire. They might want to try it.
I really doubt if the fifth-graders in Georgia even noticed that the Pittsburgh Pirates manager smoked until their teacher told them about it. Then they watched just to see if they could catch him doing it.
I'll have to admit, Fred, Barney and the boys are better role models tl1an most major league baseball players and coaches, but this is t11e 90's. Bulldozers have replaced Fred's dinosaurs, cars use gas insteadofBarney's feetandWilma's kitchen has a microwave.
So, mom, even though a coach may sneak a smoke now and then, the next time Johnny wants to watch a game, let him. You've got to relax a little and change with the times!
FRESHMAN HITTER C::heri Ramer, who is ranked sixth in aces and seventh in kills per game in the latest NAIA District 11 volleyball poll, spikes in an eariler home match. Stacy Landwehr (right) was ranked sixth in passing with a .918 efficiency.--photo by Todd Gottula
Peru State College volleyball coach Jim Callender gained his 200thcareervictory on Oct 25 with the Lady Bobcats 15-7, 12-15, 154-15, 15-12 triumph over McKendree College in a quadrangular at Columbia, MO.
For Callender, PSC's first-year coach, it certainly didn't take long to reach the milestone. He entered the 1991 season with. a six-year mark of 182-94 -an average of 30 wins per season.
Chicagoland Coach of the Year honors with a 17-30 squad in 1989, and then guided them to a 33-10 mark and District runner-up finish last season.
Callender compiled a 45-34 record atNCAADivisionIMemphisState, where he was named the Metro Conference Coach of the Year in 1987 after leading the Tigers to a 24-18 ledger and third place conference finish.
the weekend 1-2 overall, including losses to Evangel and the host Cougars at Columbia, MO.
The Lady Bobcats missed their first opportunity at No. 200, losing to Graceland College last Thursday in Lamoni, IA, following a five-set victory over Northwest Missouri State in the home finale at the Al Wheeler Activity Center.
your appointment with
"It's a nice milestone," Callender said Monliay. "But it's really a tribute to several teams that worked real hard. I've had the opportunity to work for several different schools and teams andreceivedsupportfrom each of them. This wouldn't be possible without each of them."
Callender, 33, has previously coached at Mundelein College of Chicago, Memphis State University, and Western Oregon State College.
At Mundelein, he turned the Lakers into an overnight national contender after starting the team entirely from scratch. He earned
During his tenure at Western egon, Callender' s teams posted an 87-20 record in two seasons, were ranked in the NAIA Top-10 both years, and knocked off such Division I teams as Oregon State and the University of Washington.
"All the teams I've coached should feel part of the contribution," Callender said. ''That's one of the things I've always stressed as a coach wherever I've been; it's a team effort Actually, I think this team here has accepted it quicker than most of the other places."
Callender's Lady Bobcats have compiled an 18-20 mark through matches of Oct. 26. PSC closed out
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HAIRCUTTERS would like to salute the Peru State Bobcats in their quest for the National Tournament in
a baseball game because the manager smokes, then they need to wake up and look al today's world!
Lady Cats victorious ... Coach Callendar gets 200th win.
Poll participants approve Thomas ,
by Kellie A. Johnson and Kris Citrin
Did Judge Clarence Thomas sexually harass Professor Anita Hill? We, the people, may never know. Did the hearings by the U.S. Senate sabotage his chances of becoming the next Supreme Court Justice? Apparently, they did not. On Oct. 21, 1991, Judge Thomas was voted into the Supreme Court by a Senate vote of 52-48, according to Time magazine on Oct. 28, 1991.
A non-scientific poll taken by the PSC Times on Oct. 30, 1991, showed that 47 percent of those polled supported the nomination of Judge Thomas before the allegations of sexual harassment by Prof. Hill.
After the allegations, 54 percent of those polled approved of Judge Thomas' nomination. That is an increase of seven percent from before to after the hearings. Also those againsthisnominationrosefrom 19 percent to 39 percent after the hearings. The majority ended up approving him, but the number also increased for those who did not approve.
The greatest percentage that rated Judge Thomas on how good of a job he would do in the Supreme Court was 36 percent with a 'good' rating. There was then a jump over to 'fair' at 19 percent and 26 percent at the 'poor' level. Only 16 percent felt thatJ udge Thomas would do an 'excellent ' job.
Concerning the allegations by
Prof. Hill, a majority at 58 percent felt that the hearings should not have been held on public television. A mere 20 percent felt airing the hearings was the right thing to do. The performance of the U.S. Senate in handling the allegations and subsequent hearings was rated largely at 'poor' with 49 percent. Only six percent considered the handling 'excellent,' 20 percent rateditas 'good' and25percentfelt their performance 'fair.'
"You people have destroyed my life," Judge Thomas said to the U.S. Senate on NBC ,during the hearings. After the vote, Judge Thomas declared that it was now "a time for healing."
Please see "Judge Thomas survey" on page 6
Champs get the chance ;
See page 4
Finals schedule on page 4
"Time-Out With Todd" on page 8
Madrigal Christmas dinner preview on page 6
Men's basketball on page 7
All-District volleyball honorees on page 8
• Peru Pfayei's · ·. on page 5
I N s
Bobcats get playoff appeal
by Chan Crooker
Finally, yes, finally it is now a fact that the Peru State football team has once again made it to the NAIA Division II National Championship Playoffs. The Bobcats will face Nebraska Wesleyan University on Nov. 23, at 1:30 p.m. in Abel Stadium on the Wesleyan campus. The decision was made on Nov. 11 to let the seventh ranked Peru State Bobcats into the playoffs even though they didn't meet one requirement, the eight-game minimum rule.
One of the standards that theNAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) sets is that in order to be eligible for the playF offs a team must have had a minimum of eightgamesplayvd by Nov.
· 16, which Peru did not According
.to the football schedule, we·would.
· have had the required eight games pad it not been for the ice storm that struck the week Peru was to play Wayne State.
Wayne State said that its field was in too poor of a condition to play the game on, and Wayne wanted to cancel the game. Therefore, Peru was in real trouble because the remaining game days were full, which left no time to make up the Wayne State game.
Ted Harshbarger, PSC's interim athletic director, and the football coaches began looking for a game. According to Harshbarger, they tried every possiblity they could think of See "Playoff Game"
DR. WILLIAM SNYDER, PSCvice-presidentofacademic affairs, speaks to students at a forum on Oct. 31 to inform them about the Rising Junior Exam. Looking on is Student Senate Denise Meyer. Please see related editorial on page 2.--photo by Todd Gottula on page7
Widespread tree damage creates problem ...
Fake crews ripping off citizens
by Martin Jacobsen
further damagmg and even Cle- whosemembersareofaprofess1onal
The ice storm of Oct 31 has left a stroying branches and trees that association of arborists. big mess, in more ways than one. could be saved.
Branches are lying in yards, even According to the National Arbor now,andmanypeopleareprobably Day Foundation pamphlet When a · wondering how to get rid of them. Storm Strike:;, thereareanurnberof
And rriany other people are aware steps that can, ensurethat these limbs need to be gottei:i the selection of a professioi:1al tree
The pamphlet also suggests that a tree care company be consulted when the following dang(<r signs are present:
rid of and iire willing repair/removal
-You.Reed to climb hig!t.or use a exorbitant prices to do so. chain saw.
Chris Adenrgeneral manager of -Make sure the service is an es- -The tree is leaning on a structure theNationalArborDayCentef,said tablished business or a part of an or another tree.
in a telephone interview that a established business. -Electrical wires are involved or number of fly-by-night clean-up
-Check to see if the service has a structures are endangered. crewsaretryingtomakeafastprofit listing in the phone book, prefer- -Major tree repair is necessary. by removing branches and even ably under tree service. -Large limbs are split or broken entire trees and hauling them off.
-Detennine whether or not the while remaining connected to the
In many instances, the branches service carries insurance for prop- tree. andtreesarehealthy,andthepeople erty damage, personal liability and hauling them away are not only worker compensation. taking people's money, but also are -Choose, if possible, a tree service
See "Tree Troubles" on pages,-
November 22, 1991 Issue#S The Student Voice of Peru State College Since 1921
Rising Junior Exam at PSC
raises unnecessary concern
Students, faculty and even concerned citizens are talking, talking about the concept, practicality and ethics of the Rising Junior Exam.
The Rising Junior Exam must be taken by all students (including transfer students) who were admitted to Peru State College underthe 19901992 catalog and who have completed 45 or more hours of course work. Two days of testing were conducted last week, and two more dates are scheduled for this coming April. So what's there to talk about?
Infringement of rights?
Many students seem to feel that their rights are being infringed upon by their being required to take a test that was not specifically listed in their college catalog. Yet, the catalog does say within the first few pages that the college reserves the right to add anything to the catalog that will be beneficial to both the college and the student body.
of academic affairs, feels that primarily the test is given to surmise how the students and faculty here match up to their counterparts throughout this country.
The first intention is to communicate to the college that the Peru State College curriculum is doing what it needs to be doing. So it's not really a negative assessment of the students; it's an assessment of what the faculty is doing. In addition, its purpose is to test the students so that the college can strive to do a better job in educating the sttident body. So what's there to talk about?
Tte past two years the test only had to be taken a voluntary basis. This year, in order to truly represent the college and get a fair assessment, it has become mandatory.
Accreditation requirement
should have been in the catalog ... but it does appear on everybody's progress sheet."
Dr. Snyder said that the Rising Junior Exam will be printed in future catalogs.
Even the Legal and Academic Officer of the Nebraska State College System, Dr. Larry Schultz, published a letter to PSC implying that he has no major problem with implementing the test, as long as the administration does not have a set score that a student has to attain to graduate. According to Dr. Snyder, the students admitted next year will probably have to achieve a set score to graduate, though this resolution has not yet been passed by the administration.
Need for accurat,e sample
the job market? So what's there to talk about?
"OK, so the administration put in a disclaimer that says they can make us do what they want. What's the point of this test then?" a student· may ask.
Reasons for the exam
Another important factor that students might not be aware of is that North Central Accredidation (under whom PSC is accredited) requires that all of its schools provide assessment outcomes. By the time PSC comes up for accreditation again in the year 2000, a total assessment program must be in place. So, we'll eventually be forced to take the test. Why not start it now if it's beneficial ?
When responding to the ar-
To a non-traditional student who doesn't agree with having to take the test because of his or her age, we can see your point. Yet, if the college is trying to implement a testing program to help improve the college and its credibility, what are three-and-a-half hours out of your day? If the college needs an accurate sampling of the students' standing, non-traditional students must also be included. Regardless of age, aren't we basically all here for the same reason, to become educated, get a degree, and compete in
Dr. Snyder sums it up well with this point, "It comes down to this. Ifyou can' tcom-. pete, your degree is an expensive way to spend four years. Need to be competitive
It's a competitive world. If you don't have those skills, you're in trouble. Hopefully, the Rising Junior Exam is one more check for the student to know that they're getting the skills."
where you are at in your education. The Rising Junior Exam appears to be a great opportunity for the college and students to cooperate in an effort that will benefit both parties.
We simply don't find much to argue about, whine about, or talk about.
Letter to the Editor policy
The Peru State Times welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, or articles should be signed by the individual person or persons writing them and will be published at the discretion of the editors. The Peru State Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor. Send material to: Editor, the Peru Slate Times, Campus Mail, Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska, 68421. Apparently, there are several reasons for starting this testing system which date back to 1989. Dr. William Snyder, PSC vice-president
gument that it should have been listed in the college catalog, Dr. Snyder said, " It
by Katy Duryea
It's a familiar scene to most of us. Sunday afternoon, football, friends, food and beer. The American lifestyle.pr is it? We all know· tlie familiar jargon that blares from our television showing us just how life really is supposed to be. "It's the rightbeernow!", "It'sMillertime!", and the popular "It doesn't get any better than this!"-the slogan from Stroh Brewing Company's ads for Old Milwaukee beer that has recently made national newspaper headlines.
A recent arlicle in USA TODAY reported that Suuh's TV ads have
Because your score on the Rising Junior Exam will be reported to you and not placed on your transcript, it's simply a good way to understand
been under attack from five women employees who actually work in the St. Paul, MN, plant. These women are angry at the ad, stating that the "Swedish Bikini Team" co11cept is offensive and ing towards women. TheTemale employees are filing suit against the company, stating that the ads "promote an atmosphere of hostility towards women in the workplace."
What are these companies saying to us? Obviously, that anyone who drinks their beer will be beautiful, popular and happy. It's a known fact that sex sells.
Beer companies use this concept to sell their product knowing that
both the young and the old will be tempted by their ads. But, recently, in this country there is a growing concern for young people and the images we portray to them on TV. Ex_en the Surgeon General of the United States has shown concern about beer ads being directly aimed at our youth.
Butwhataboutcollegekids? How are Peru State students affected?
These beer commercials portray the idea that if you aren't 5 foot 10 inches, 110 pounds, blue eyes and blonde hair and drink Coors Lite,
Please see "Beer commercials" on page 3
\:>Bt.AT M\tJI)$ AAORK. 0
Beer commercials are misleading ... Peru State Times Published Bi-monthly . Editor·ir.·Chief .........•..•..•.......•.••.•••..•...••.•..•...••....•.... Laura Osborne Sports Editor. ....•......•..•.... •••••.••.••.•...•.••.........••...•.... Todd Gottula Production Editor ..........•...... 7 • • • • • • • Katy D,;.ryea Assistant Editor .....•...• •••.••••.....•.••• •.....••........•..•.... Kell:Cjahnson Head Copy Editor ..•......•.•.. •.....• .••••...•..••••..•• .•••....•.. Photography Coordinata- ....•...••..•..•••..••••.••..•..•...••.••...•...•••• Scott Udey Photographer .........••...••...••••••..•...........••••.••••..•••.•.• Todd Go'.tula Ad Manager • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • <m:gg Ma<tm Leacifu:p<r.., Typesetter Adviser · · · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· Tom Hyde · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .......••.....•.•..••.....•.•..••...... Lilia C.ottula · ·· · ···.· : ..•.......................••...... Dr.D"'1Holtz
NCTE's annual convention attracts PSC's Dan Cox
by Times Staff ""
PSC's Dan Cox, assistant professor of education and director of field experiences, will participate in an all-day workshop at the 81st annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
Cox will take part in the workshop entitled "Bringing About Unity Among the Affiliates" cm Nov. 25 specifically focusing on "Working With New Teachers in Affiliates."
Some 5,000 teachers and supervisors of elementary and secondary school English, college
by Kellie A. Johnson
The Art Department at Peru State College has proved to be a busy one this year. With shows and the actual work, students have made a great impression on many people.
At the PSC Art Gallery, artists from nearby have had their work shown here. A few of the artists include Dan Lynn and Dan Reigert, both of Lincoln, and Ruth Bowen and Luke Jordan of Lawrence, KS. Ken Anderson, associate professor of art, contacts the artists and tries to have shows that correspond with the classes offered at that time, such as having watercolors at the gallery since there is a watercolor class. Anderson can then take students
into the gallery and show them certain aspects of the artwork.
The basement of the old gym is used as the department and has 7,000 square feet when you add in all the nooks. According to the Omaha World Herald, Anderson and Leland "Doc" Sherwood, professor of art, suggested renovating the basement at a cost of approximately $10,000. The renovation was completed in 1988 and has given the artists much more space to work.
"The main concern is that our students are well prepared to go out and teach art," stated Anderson.
"The art department's primary mission is for the students to become thinkers, because art is about thinking."
Openings available for indiviuals or student organizations to promote the country's most successful SPRING BREAK tours. Call InterCampus programs 1-800-3276013.
Pianist Wanted
Experienced pianist to play for the PSC show choir and the jazz ensemble beginning spring semester 1992. Does not have to be a music major. Partial tuition waiver or other financial compensation possible. See Dr. Ediger in Fine Arts 113 or Mr. Van Oyen in Fine Arts 107 or call 872-2253.
Help Wanted
The College Advancement department will need a photographer and darkroom technician for the second semester. Experience with black and white film processing and printing is required. Average 1012 hours per week, minimum salary $4.75/hour. For more information or to apply, contact Kent Propst, ext. 2225.
ATLANTIC OCEAN LIVING Nanny/Childcare. positions available. Full-time live in situations with families in the BOSTON area. Includes room and board, automobile, insurance. Salary range from $150 to $300 per week. Great way to experience Boston families, culture, history and beaches. Call or write THE HELPING HAND, INC., 1 WEST ST., BEVERLY FARMS, MA 01915 (508) 922-0526.
·nan Cox faculty in English and rhetoric, and teacher educators from all parts of the U.S. and Canada willattend thisyear'sNCTEconvention.
Publica_tion fee to help PSC Times
In every issue ofourpaper, we, the Times staff, include at least one editorial. UsuaIJ.y our topics focus on events on or ,eff campus that do not directly involve us as a staff. This week, however, we feel it necessary to bring to your attention a concern that does directly involve us, that has been a concern of ours since the beginning of the semester and that many of you have also expressed concern about. The topic: the publication fee.
Many students have still been asking, as we have, where is the money from the $25 mandatory fee going? At publication time, the Times has come up with some less-than-definitive answers. The problem with finding an answer seems to lie with a change in policy, as to where publications' fee money should go, and with the fact that there are outstanding debts to pay.
Facts about the fund
Here are some facts that we can tell you for sure. Our paper, until this school year.has gotten its money from the college's general fund. This year our funding is supposed to come from the publications' fee,
Beer commercials from page2
you're definitely not cool. And you're certainly not going to get a date with that drop-dead gorgeous hunk who can play sand volleyball, water ski, surf, and still go out on the town with three women on his arm at one time while filill drinking ·beer! The idea is just too unrealistic.
What's my point you ask? I want for beer companies to start treating
according to administrative officials. The budg,ted amount of $4,212 is to pay for publication costs, supplies, telephone services, postage and the managing editor's salary.
Scholarship money cut
However, we do not expect to see any other portion of the publication fee as the $22-$23,000 collected from it this semestermorethanlikely will be needed to pay $38,000 in debts. The debts were evidently incurred because money collected for the yearbook program in past years was not always used to pay for the yearbook. Furthermore, the amount designated for scholarships for the· Times staff for this year ($1,800) was cut in half from last year's budgeted amount of $3,600.
In 1990, our paper won a first-' place rating in the American Scholastic Press Association's nationwide newspaper competition, scoring 910 out of 1,000 points. This year we are striving for the Association's highest award, a first place with merit We publish each issue on time, and we feel we produce a quality product that the colpeople, both women and men, with a little more respect They need to quit aiming their commercials at us like we're intellectually retarded. Yes, I drink beer. I like to go out and have a good time, just like anybody else. But unlike TV fantasy, I recognize that most men in the bar don't have three sexy girls each hanging all over them. Most serious beer drinkers have a beer belly, belch, and yell really loud (I'm talking about both men and women) while getting plastered.
lege can be proud of.
Why are we telling you all of this?
So you will understand that we are not just another group on campus that wants more money. We feel that we have earned at least a portion of the fee, and if we were to receive the funds, they would be put to a proper and good use. Presently, our print shop contains one Macintosh computer. We have no laser printertoproduceourcamera-ready copy on ourselves. We have to use the laser printer in the computer lab at the TJ. Majors building. Lab schedules vs. staff's schedules
Our staff works on the paper as they are able to around their class schedules. This means that many times a staff member may need to print stories, cutlines, headlines or corrections at a time when the lab isn't open to students.
If you would like to lend us your support, please let your student senate representative, any one of our staff members or a member of the administration know how you feel. We would appreciate any support given to us concerning this issue.
Why don't beercommercialsshow people going out, getting drunk, driving recklessly, maybe losing their lives, maybe getting an MIP or DWI charge, maybe sleeping with someone they don 'tknow and blacking out or spending all night throwing up in the toilet or a trash can, and then trying to wake up the next morning with a hangover so bad they wish they coulc\ die. Because these scenes are reality or at least part of it.
THE I CE BLUE jazz ensemble performs one of its five selections at the Nov. 10 annual fall jazz band/swing choir concert. Mr. Larry Van Oyen. PSC director of bands, leads the 18-member instrumental group. The PSC Misty Blues show choir also performed as a part of the program.--photo by Scott Udey
LaBrie sees need for quality and care
by Thomas M. Hyde
Many students amble their way • through college and end up being · identified only by the nwnber of · their social security card. Once in · awhile, a person meets someone · who genuinely cares about people and the quality of work. This is Margo LaBrie.
Betty Heflebower, secretary for the physical education department, has known Margo since she came to PSC. Betty has also had Margo as a work study and said, "She is dependable, cheerful, kind, caring and nice to have working here."
Senior Margo LaBrie has a 3.4 GPA and is an elementary education major with subject endorsement in teaching physical education for grades K-6. She will also have a coaching endorsement when she graduates next December.
During her volleyball career, Margo broke seven school records. Some of these include most assists in a season, most assists in a career, most service aces, most aces per game, most digs and most digs per game.
Coach Jim Callender said that as
a player Margo. strived to be the' best, worked on weaknesses in play and was very coachable. Coach Callender also said, "Margo was · our senior leader. S'.le controlled our offense like a rudder does a ship. How she played detennined · how well we would do against an opponent"
This year she made a few all-tourney teams, including the one for PSC's conference.
Person of
Margo had this to say about her last season as a PSC volleyball player: "This year I did really well, and Coach Callender pushed me to be the best athlete I could be. I went out and tried to play 110% every game."
For the previous two ·seasons, Margo has won the Hustle Award. She was co-captain in the 1990 and 1991 seasons.
Coach Callender assessed Margo's value to the team by saying, "I think that PSC has a better volleyball program because of her. The college was very fortunate to have her
1 Final Exam Schedule
I The following schedule is for the on-campus exam week of December 16-19.
j Monday, December 16, 1991
as a student, and as a team we will miss her terribly."
Dr. Victor Ferre, professor of education, said that Margo is a dedicated, conscientious student She always finished her homework before she had to leave on trips due to volleyball. "
Dr. Ferre feels that Margo will be, · "An enthusrastic teacher who students will be interested in because of her love of teaching. She is also
the Week
a very caring and concerned person who has a positive outlook on life ·and is very outgoing."
Margo felt that her parents had the biggest .influence on her life because they encouraged her to do well, not only in sports (as her high school and college coaches did) but ·also in academics. Margo said that if she didn't do as well as she would have liked in school or in sports, her parents were always there to support her anyway.
She said her most memorable moment as a volleyball player was winning last year' scomerence tournament-only the second time in PSC's history that this had been done. She said that before the title match, PSC had to play five games against Wayne State and then went on to beat the College ofSaint Mary for the conference championship.
Quote of the Week
"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills."
Ernest Hemingway
Margo said, "Everyone was excited and eXhausted, but glad we won."
Margo also vividly remembers her last home game. She said they played Northwest Missouri State and beat them. Margo said the younger players presented her with flowers and that it was the biggest crowd all season. Her other memorable moment was lastseasonplayinginfrontof4,000 people at Kearney State's (now the University ofNebraskaatKearney) new gym and ahnost beating them, while at the same time being on television.
She has managed time between her studies and volleyball by budgeting. Margo said as soon as volleyball practice was over, she usuallystudied. Shewentontosaythat
Coach Callender stressed the idea that to be a good volleyball player, one also has to be a good student.
Margo has been an active member in many student organizations. This yearsheispresidentof the Women's Athletic Association. One of her duties so far was to run a 12-team high school volleyball tournament intheAWAC.
She is president of the Varsity Club and is a member of Kappa Delta Phi (the international educa-. tion society). Margo is also a coach for the United States Volleyball Association and helped coach the Peru Juniors team. She said that this
team was composed of Southeast Nebraska girls that were below age 14 to girls age 18 that had made the team through tryouts.
Presently Margo said she is working at Peru Preschool to prepare herself for a future job in education. She decided to become a teacher because, "I like working with young children, and I feel that I will have an impact on teaching them basic values."
Her plans after graduation are to look for a teaching job anywhere in the United States. Margo said she would like to teach the early elementary grades and possibly coach. With these goals in mind, it seems that Margo LaBrie will make as outstanding a teacher as she was a volleyball player. With her positive outlook and caring attitude, Margo willinspirefutureathletesandscholars alike.
I Wednesday, December lf., 1991
Auburn, Neb. ·
I Thursday, December 19, 1991
••••••••••••••••• THUR. PE.RU NIGHT-AU STUDENTS & FACULTY ADMITTED FOR $2.00 cw11H t.D)
Closed Wednesdays
Upcoming Movies:
NOTE: Original Class Time indicates the first class meeting of the week. 1 1 • or only class meeting of the week.
1.1) If the meets once a week, then the exam period is during the scheduled I class meetlng.
I 2) If the class meets more than once a week and begins at 6:30 p.m., then the I I exam period is 6:00-8:00 p.m. on the first day of the week that the class meets. I
I Original Class Time ll:OOT I 11:00M 19:00M I 9:30T I
I Original Class Time I lO:OOM m 12:30T • 2:00M I 3:30T I Exam Time 8:00-10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1:00-3:00p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Exam Time 8:00-10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.-12:30p.m. 1:00-3:00p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m.
I Original Class Time Exam Time 1:00 M 8:00-10:00 a.m. I 4:00 M 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m I 12:00 M 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 17, 1991
I I Original Class Time Exam Time I I 8:00 T 8:00-10:00 a.m. I Ill 8:00M 10.3oa.z:i.-12:30p.m. 1 II 3:00 M 1.00-3.00 p.m. I OPEN 3:30-5:30 p.m. I !
Margo LaBrie
I 3)
once a week
8:00 p.m.,
I I exam
8:30-10:30 p.m. on
first day
NOTE If h · abo th hedul d h · 1------------ workshoponfolksingingwhenhewasoncampusNov.13.-photobyScott I : you aveanyquestJ.ons ut eexamsc e, onot es1tateto I Call Z?4 4096 For Showtimes Udey ._contact Dr. Snyder in the Administration Building. _, '-----------------------....1 --------------------____________,_
If the class meets more than
and begins at
then the
period is
of the week that the class meets.
MAY, an internationally knownfolk singer, performs one of his original
songs for PSC students in the Benford Recital Hall. May also held an afternoon
Dr. Davidson, teacher by day, coach by night at PSC
' From the Other Side ofthe Desk...
Announcement of cast for upcoming drama
Peru--Rehearsals are underway for the upcoming Peru Players production of "Whose Life Is It, Anyway?"
The powerful drama will be stagea ThursdaythroughSunday,Nov.2224, and on Dec. 6- 7. Curtain times are 8 p.m. each day except for a 2 p.m. Sunday matinee on Nov. 24.
"Whose Life?" involves a battle of wits between a recently paralyzed accident victim and his doctor, ultimately resulting in a legal battle to determine who has control over the
"Tree Troubles"
from pagel
-You lack the know ledge, equipment or health to effect repairs yourself.
The pamphlet also suggests that many methods can be followed to prevent the damage or destruction of trees as well as the peripheral damage to electrical wires and structures. Pre-planning and proper pruning are stressed as the most effective methods of damage prevention.
This pamphlet, according to Aden, can mean the difference between ruined trees and salvaged ones, and· between spending money on frauds or spending money on professionals. Aden encourages all who have been affected to obtain a pamphlet.
To get a pamphlet, write to The National Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska City,NE 68410.
Of course, there are certain situations, such as determining different methods of care for different trees that will require the expertise of a trained arborist or forester. But the bulk of information to prevent being defrauded ca!! i>e taken from this pamphiet.
accident victim's life.
Cast members include Tricia Boeck, a freshman; Trace Buesig, a sophomore; Andrew Donovan, a senior; Mike Gerhard, a freshman; John R. Hall, a sophomore; Charles Hamilton, a senior; Thomas Hyde, a junior; MattLundak, a sopomore; Beeky Malloy, ·a freshman; John Molzahn, a senior; Jenny Pasco, a freshman; Pat Vendetti, a junior; and Cindy Yates, a freshman . Support staff include Heather Cohrs, a freshman, stage manager; Lynn Hicks, a junior, props; Trish Moody, a junior, props; and Tracey Todorovich, a junior.
Those wishing to submit their werk to the Sifting Sands publication are hereby given a deadline extension. The new deadline is Dec. 2. Authors are encouraged to submit.
Career Opportunities for Minorities
Speaker: Jim Beatty, President' National Consulting Services, Inc.
Monday, Nov. 25 4 p.m., TJM228
Kori Konopka
When you first hear the word "Superman" don't think of Clark Kent but rather Dr. Wayne Davidson.
Dr. Davidson has been involved in education for the past 33 years. He obtained his doctorate from the University of Missouri. Dr. Davidson has also done some traveling; he coached in a small college in Kansas City, he coached at a state school in
"coaching is teaching and in order to be a good coach you also have to be a good teacher of fundamental skills. That is why I enjoy teaching and coaching because of that aspect."
Coach Davidson
Indiana, and spent eight years coaching and teaching in Missouri.
Dr. Davidson has been at Peru State College for the past ten years. During the day he teaches classes such as Coaching Theory, Motor Development, Principles and History of Physical Education, and the Organization Administration of Physical Education. Butoncethree-thirty rolls around he then changes from a man in a shirt and tie to a man wearing sweats, because Dr. Davidson is the women's basketball coach. He has been
thecoachforthepastsevenyears. His record at Peru is 104-71 and his career record is 341-214.
When asked the question does being a coach help you as a teacher or vice versa Dr. Davidson had a philosophy. He believes, "coaching is teaching and in order to be a good coach you also have to be a good teacher of fundamental skills. That is why I enjoy teaching and coaching because of that aspect." If you think this is an easy task; stop it!
With Dr. Davidson you must first learn he is an educator
habits, have good study habits, · make sure you are well grounded · with basic education, and lastly : set goals and plan your program · with what you wanf to achieve."
Dr. Davidson is ready to start
the 1991-1992 basketball season and his goal along with his team is "to be the top team in Nebraska and to compete at the national level " Dr. Davidson has a good supporting cast of women behind him and an assistant coach of tli<! pru; four years in Vince Henzel. When asked about Dr. Davidson, Henzel replied, "he knows his game and he knows how to win. I learn something every day just
whether it be with a piece of chalkorwithabasketball. When · askedaboutwhatadvicehe would give a student, Dr. Davidson responded, "have good work
by watching Dr. Davidson whetheritbehowtodosomething or when to do it He has a great coaching styleandI hope to coach with him as long as possible."
TRICIA BOECK, Andrew Donovan Trace Buesig appear.in this scene fro the upcoming Peru State College produetion of Whose Life [flit, Anyway? Th production began Thursday, Nov. 21.--photo by Lila Fike ·
Wayne Davidson
--photo by Scott Udey
··············,;ij;;;l!VJ· ··· ..ijf ... ·........ (.Hair Affair Hair • • ifuil Service Sofon11 II • I 11 : IWotff Tanning Bed : 1900 HARLAN FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA 68355 PHONE: (402) 245-3440 • Ipa u l 14 u c ne:tt: RANDY GOITULA :. I Biola9e products • OWNER-OPERATOR • : The Voice of the Bobcats • · 607 5th st. Peru 872-3215 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
'hristmas Madrigal nears
Tim Bailey
ru's Madrigal Singers are gearing up for the second annual Christmas Madrigal Dinner.
For many of us, Christmas tradition is filled with memories of egg nog; '":oery, animated television shows; and of course the supposed fun of 1 ••. nging decorations. ARenaissance Madrigal Feast can also be an integral of your holiday memories.
ir. Thomas Ediger, director of the Peru Madrigal Choir, explains what Aadrigal feast is. Dr. Ediger said, ''Essentially, a Madrigal Feast is an port\mityforpeopletogatherforamealandanevening'sentertainment.
· cntctainment is in the style of something very similar to something might have been done during the Renaissance. You'll get to see the '.adrigal Singers in authentic Renaissance costumes performing a lot of ne ceremonial music for the evening. They also perform the after-dinner concert, which includes a lot of music for the Christmas season."
1\1usic is not the only entertainment to be provided at the feast According •o Ediger, a Court Jester will serve as the host of the evening and the Peru ··:ayerswill present a brief play.Jugglers and magicians will also roam the audience to provide atmosphere.
If music and merriment don't strike your fancy, how about great food? with Madrigal meals is an abundance of food and drink.
Those who attend the Peru Madrigal Dinner will not be dissapointed as their nourishment will consist of a multi-course meal with a flarnirpudding for dessert.
The dinner will be held on two consecutive nights, Dec.13 and 14 at 7 p.m. in the Peru State Student Center. Tickets are on sale now for a price of $13. For further information and for tickets, contact Dr. Ediger at (402) 8723353, contact any Madrigal Choir member, or write to Peru State College Department of Music; Attention: Dr. Thomas Ediger; Peru, NE 68421.
Beatty to speak on Monday
Peru--James Beatty, a nationally known communications consultant, will speak to PSC minority students at 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 25, Room 228, TJ. Majors. His topic will be "Career Opportunities for Minority Students."
Beatty, a native of Chicago, is a graduate of Doane College, according to Linda Warren, PSC placement director.
He is now president of National Consulting Systems, a ielecommunications and consulting firm headquartered in Omaha. Beatty has over 20 years experience in the telecommunications field and was an integral part of the development of Omaha as a worldwide telemarketing and information processing center. He has worked extensively with communities across the country in developing information-based industries and creating thousands of jobs.
In the evening, Beatty will address Bob Shively's Principles ofEconomic Development class on "The Role of telecommunications in Business Locations."
The meeting with minority students is being coordinated by Dr. Spencer Davis, faculty advisor to the Multi-Cultural Affairs Committee, and Placement Director Warren.
Judge Thomas' Survey from page 1
·Before the hearings regarding the allegations of sexual harassment from Prof. Anita Hill, did you support the nomination ofJudge Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court?
yes 47% no 20% no opinion 33%
After the allega:tions by Prof. Hill, did you approve of Judge ,Thomas' nomination'?
yes 54% no39% no opinion 7%
How good of a job do you feel Judge Tllo mas will do on the Supreme Court?
Excellent 14% Good 36% Fair 19% Poor 26% no opinion 5%
Do you think that the hearings concerning Prof. Hill's allegations should have been on public television?
yes22% no58% no opinion 20%
How would you rate the performance of the U.S. Senate in handling the allegations from Prof. Hill and the subsequent hearings?
Excellent 6% Good 20% Fair 25% Poor 49% no opinion 0%
Thomas to present in Fayetteville
by Thomas M. Hyde
into Portugese and Spapish and is Dr. James Thomas, chair of the being sold in Central and South Business Division, will make a pre- America. sentation to the Arkansas Retail Dr. Thomas' latest effort involves Grocer'sAssociationinFayetteville . the use of computers in the direct in December, as a continuation of store delivery process. EarJier this his research in the retail grocery year he had a paper published on industry. that topic at the National Decision
Dr. Thomas has been conducting Sciences Institute meetings in San researchondishonestdeliveryprac- Diego, CA. He will be presenting tices in the retail grocery industry further research at the .Midwest since 1984. Academy ofManagementmeetings
His training video on proper re- in San Antonio, TX, next March. ceiving procedures, a result of this During this semester he has also research, h.as been purchased by made presentations to the Pennsyl137 grocery stores nationwide. vaniaRetailMerchantsAssociation, Among these are some of the larg- the Texas Retail Grocers Associaest grocery chains in the country.· tion,andTheFoodMarketinginstiThe video has now been dubbed tute in Charleston, SC.
Next month he will make a similar presentation to the Arkansas Retail Grocer's Association in Fayetteville. · His latest paper "Computer Fraud Perpetrated Against Small Independent Food Retailers During The Direct Store Delivery Process" iS under review by the Journal of Small Business Management.
Mon.-Fri. 4-6 p.m. Darts-Pool-Snooker 9i0 Central Ave. Auburn, NE
Government jobs are now available
Peru--The federal government is back into the employment picture again after at least a 10-year absence, according to Linda Warren, PSC placement director. · After looking at projections on the small number of people who will be available for employment in the upcoming years, the federal government is concerned, as are other employers, according to Warren. For that reason, the government is back on campuses, recruiting. At the same time, new civil service exams have been instituted. Being declared invalid by the courts over the past several years, the exams have been rewritten and are now called Administrative Careers with America Examinations (ACWA)coveringsixoccupationaJ groups:
Placement Activities
Attention December grads:
- Turn in resumes to Ad. 105
- Subscribe to weekly newsletter with openings for your major. The cost is $6.00 per month.
· Spring Student Teachers pick up Resume Expert to start credential file.
December and May Graduates--Deadlines for Resumes:
Dec. 19 Underwriter, New York Life, Omaha
Dec. 19 Man. Trainee, Nash Finch, Central
Jan. 23 Programmer, Union Pacific, Omaha
Jan. 29 Sales Rep., Wallace Comp. Ser., Omaha
Mar. 20 Accountant, Dana Cole, Lincoln
Services Available:
Job listings--full, part-time, summer
Information on graduate school
Resume preparation
Career counseling
Credential files (written references)
Workshops--Tuesdays, 11 a.m.: resume, cover letter, interviewing, job search, dress for sucess
THE PERU ST ATE College chapter of Kappa Delta national honorary society in teacher education, will be led in 1991-92 by chapter advisor Dave Jensen, a PSC faculty member, and by Rebecca Staley, president; Brian Carlson,vice president; Cindy Dierberger, treasurer; and Sue Ro key, hiStorian. Not pictured is secretary Robin Anderson.--photo by Todd Gottula _
Cagers tournament winners
by Times Staff
Led by All-Tourney selections
Fred Ward and Matt Motley, the Peru State men's basketball team reigned as champions of the 1991 PSC Basketball Invitational last weekend at the Al Wheeler Activity Center.
Coach John Gibbs' Bobcats, 3-1 posted a 79-65 victory over Grand View on Friday, and an 85-74 triumph over Bellevue College on Saturday enroute to the tourney title. The Vikings claimed consolation honors by getting past Park College, 71-61.
Mann plays well
Senior center Garrett Mann paced four players in double figures against Grand View with 15 points, hitting 7of12 shots from the floor. Ward, a 5-10 junior guard, added 13 points, seven steals and six assists, while Motley and fellow senior
forward Michael Woolsey shipped in 11 apiece. ·
Woolsey'sgamehigh 12rebounds helped the 'Cats dominate the Vikings in the rebound department, 55-41.
PSC broke away from a slim 3433 halftime margin by holding Grand View to just nine secondhalf field goals and 30 percent shooting.
Mann turned in his second strong performance in as many nights on Saturday in the title game against Bellevue, topping a balanced attack with 19 points and 12 rebounds. Ward scored 16 points and had nine assists, while juniors Greg Snipes and Rod. Green added 14 and 12 points respectively, and Motley 10.
All-tourney team
Joining Ward and Motley on the All-TourneyTeamwereBellevue's James Benford and Frank Egan,
Senate Review
by Robin Anderson Senate Reporter
The Senate met Oct. 30. The first order of business, the Women's Information Network constitution, was brought up by the Political C'ommittee. The Senate passed the constitution for the Women's Inforr.1ation Network.
United Ministries of Higher Education reported that Dr. Lundak was forced to resi!;"Il his position as interim minister. Dr. Esther Divney is his replacement. Her office hours are from 10 a.m.-12 noon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Arrangements to see her can be made through Linda Warren.
Yearbook report given
and Darnell Robertson of Grand View. Park's Olin Shum was crowned the slam dunk contest winner in between Friday's games, whilePSC's Green, a transfer from Cisco (Tex.) Junior College, was crowned winner of the 3-point shootout.
The Bobcats meet Central Methodist College and Northeast Missouri State this weekend in consecutive road games.
Quick Fact:
FRED WARD splits two defenders in last Saturday's championship game of the PSC Basketball Invitational. Ward had 16 points, nine assists, five steals, and five rebounds in the 'Cats 85-74 win.-·photo by Brent Strittmatter
Challenge for Moorhead State••• Cats lose in Metrodome Classic
by Jon Kruse
The latest report on the yearbook was given; last year's yearbook will be After coming off a strong win at printed. It was then decided that a survey table concerning the yearbook Midland Lutheran college in Freand publication fee should be set up to gather student opinion. mont, the PSC football team felt A question was raised about the computer lab hours. The Senate was goodgoingintolastSunday'sgame asked to talk to students and bring opinion back to the next meeting. against NAIA Division I foe
The need to utilize the organizational board was brought up. It was Morehead State University. The decided to re-order a plaque to replace the one that was lost. Bobcats played the Dragons in the
The Senate's next meeting was Nov. 6. The Executive Committee had third game of the kickoff classic at met with Dr. Burns on Oct. 31. A report on what was discussed was given. the Metrodome in Minneapolis, Official college bodies then gave their reports. The Student Judicial MN. Board heard one case Nov. 6. General Studies has been discussing the The Bobcats proved again that they Rising Junior Exam, including the consequences of students failing it and can compete with some of the nathe test's cost. tions best NAIA teams. The
The survival kit letters have been stuffed and addressed. Senate approved cats "really played their hearts out," the kit's contents. The supplies will be purchased from Corner Market. despite the final outcome of the Computer lab hours discussed game, 43-32. Computer lab hours were again discussed. The Senate feels that the hours Disappointment was themain feeling at the end of the game as Head are satisfactory for now but might need to be changed in the future. coach Lou Saban explained, "I was A committee was set up l9 buy letters for the organizational board. A list disappointed because we had a of organization's names, meeting places and times will be posted. To be chance to win against a very fine included, the organization must meet at least once a month. ' football team." •
The froln ihe yearbook survey showed that1 majority of students want a yearbook this year and in the future. - · A lot of the scoring was done in the firstquarter.MSU quarterbackBob
Concern about Rising Junior Exam JoneshitsplitendMarkKunzeona
A student voiced his concern about the Rising Junior Exam. He feels that 36-yard touchdown pass with 14:22 the test should not be a requirement for graduation if it is not stated in the left in the quarter. But PSC recatalog. The Senate is going to inquire about this. As of now, the test spondedquickly.SeniorkickerRon ;emains a requirement for graduation. ;Shaneyfelt booted a 51-yard field
Last on the agenda for new business was Barb Lewellen. She brought up ' goal to put the Bobcats on the board the idea of improving the student center and recreational activities. She with 12:00 left in the first quarter. asked for Senate's thoughts. The Senate is to talk to other students and On the next MSU possesion, Keith gather opinion on the the idea. This will be discussed further at the next Bohn had a seven yard touchdown meeting. run to put the score at 13-3.
Sophomore receiver Mike Rucker then returned the MSU kickoff 58 yards. Fullback Joe Parks and wide receiver Cory catterson had big plays to put the Cats in good field position. Nate Bradley squeezed in on a quarterback sneak behind the blocking of the PSC linemen with 8:00 left in the first quarter. Shaneyfelt added the PAT to make the score 13-10.
Junior Juan Steele then intercepted an MSU pass and returned it 28 yards to set up a 61-yard touchdown pass from Bradley to Rucker, who went in untouched for six. Holder Aaron Bailey then lofted a pass to Parks for the two-point conversion with 5:56 left in the first quarter to give PSC an 18-10 lead.
MSU then went on a scoring run with 17 unanswered points in the second quar,ter to make the halftime score 18-30.
The Cats came out in the second quarter and scored on their first possession. Bradley hit Catterson on an eight-yard touchdown pass to tighten thescoreto25-30with 13:04 left in the third quarter.
MSU scored on a 17-yard yard pass with 9:00 left in the third quarter. The conversion attempt failed and the score remained 36-25.
The scoring was silent until the fourth quarter when tailback Mark Whitaker sc;ored on a four yard nm to make the. score 32-36. That was as close as :the Cats would get as MSU scored with 1:16 left in the game.
Linebacker Stephen Gaines said, ''We had a chance to upset a team but fell a bit short "It wa:; great experience for us, as well a,; something that will prepare us \vcll for the playoffs next week. We re ally played our hearts out"
"Playoff Game" from 1 to schedule a game, anytime, any,where, but because of conference regulations and bylaws, Peru was unable to schedule one.
So, Peru asked Wayne State to forfeit the cancelled game which would have gone down as a the Bobcats to give them the eight games. However, Wayne State declined to do this. Then, Peru had to send an appeal to the Championship Competition SubcommitL:; of the NAIA, to see if they would k: ·Peru in under these OnNov.11 thedecisionwasmad1 to allow the Peru State football ;:c;.;r;_ a cha:::::c to defend its na!i::mal cham;;:unship title in the 99: plarc ··
Q.) ./·::-:._,--,
·Peru State's football team has qualified for the NAIA Division II playoffs for the third straight year, a school record..
), _ I .......\l I ' ,, I\' .;,, .= "0"" 7
Frank "The Tank" teaches lesson....
More to sports than winning
Head Coach Dick Strittmatter's Auburn Bulldog football team beat Omaha Cathedral 34-6 three weeks ago to end the season 5-4.
No, I'm not writing about the team because I graduated from Auburn High School and played for Strittmatter. I'm writing because one of theirplayers made me realize that sometimes there is more to a game than the final score.
Frank Critser was a senior on this year's Bulldog team. He stands 5'10" and weighs 262 pounds. Frank, "the tank," as known by many, was not your typical senior football player. As most of us are aware, seniors usually st:ut and get a lot of playing time and media attention.
Well, Frank never started a varsity game and didn't even play until three weeks ago in the last game of his senior season. You see, Frank is not a great physical specimen. He can't bench press 300 pounds, he doesn't run the 40 yard dash in 4.5 seconds and he can't even come close to dunking a basketball.
Knowing he had limited athletic ability didn't stop him though. He went out for the team his sophomore year and stuck with football all the way to his final game as a senior.
When I was a senior, I had1the privilege of watching Frank in practice. Many times I looked back after sprints and saw Frank running
in last place as hard as he could all the way to the finish. I remember watchinghimonthescoutteam. He got knocked down play after play, yet he always got up. And who could forget the time his practice pants split in the rear during a blocking drill! Wealllaughed,andFrank laughed with us.
To be honest, I thought Frank would never last through the season. Butldidseethathehadagreat attitude and always put what was best for the team ahead of his personal goals.
With Todd
by Todd Gottula
I didn't hear much of Frank Critser my first year here atPSC. I read the local paper but never really saw his name. He never received player of the game honors, had his picture in the paper or had a story with his name in it. I figured he gave up on football.
But, at the beginning of the sea-
son, I saw his name on the roster. I was a little surprised, but the more I thought about it, the less shocking it became. I was glad to see he didn't quit, so I watched Frank at every game to see if he got to play. But he remained on the sideline.
In Auburn's last game the team's star back scored one of his three touchdowns. All of a sudden I see Critser, an offensive lineman who hadn't played a varsity down ever, lining up in the backfield for the 2point conversion. The snap was bobbled, and he didn't get to carry the ball. Frank, as well as the crowd, was a little disappointed.
But Critser had better luck later. He carried the ball once for a five yard gain and recorded two tackles on defense. He received a standing ovation from the crowd when he came off the field after his carry. You could tell Frank was on the top of the world!
Auburn High School has some very good football players, but Frank Critser's five minutes of playing time taught me more about athletics than any of Auburn's starters could have.
He doesn't have great physical ability, a lot of statistics or a bunch of clippings to put in a scrapbook, but Frank Critser has something you need to be a success in today's world and something a lot of other athletes would love to have: Heart!
First playoff game Nov. 23
by Times staff final poll with a 63-14 loss to No. 2
The Peru State College Bobcats Georgetown, and No. 14 Friends will travel for their seventh road wasrefusedabidduetoaconference game of the season in Saturday's limitation.
NAIA Division Ilfootball play-offs. While the Plainsmen were secretly But you won't hear any complaints a popular choice among PSC playfrom coachesorplayers with PSC's ers (the Bobcats have five players first-round pairing. on the roster from Lincoln schools),
The defending national champion Saban said he had no preference. "It Bobcats,5-3,willmaketheshort75 really made no difference to me mile trip to Lincoln to play No. 16 whatsoever," Saban said. ''The fact Nebraska Wesleyan University at weareplayingNebraskaWesleyan
1:30 p.m. at Abel Stadium. and it is an in-state rivalry means "The feeling here is upbeat," said there should be a lot of emotion on PSC Coach Lou Saban. "We're the field."
exciied to be in the play-offs again. Peru State and Wesleyan have not Really, it's a new season for us, but played since_ an early meeting in agi-eatinanythingscanalsochange 1989 in a year .both teams· injhe play-offs. There's n9 .• to.the p1v,1'.'1?.U. U play'"- row, so you have t.O give it your best offsat>ut 1ost m theOIJCmng-Tmhid • · shotoryou'reout.Iguessthat'sone the Bo1?cats to Baker, KS and the of the great things about the play- Plainsmen to Chaciton..Stat'e.. offs."
Wesleyan won over PSC the
Tomorrow almost never came for contest, 38-35, after recovenng _a either PSC or NWU. Peru State key fumble on its' own 3 yard line received an exemption last week to with two minutes left, and later waive the requirement for a mini- sacking quarterback Nate Bradley mum of eight regular-season games with 46 seconds left to preserve the before Nov. 1.6. Wesleyan, mean- win. Bradley had one of his best while,latchedontothefinalat-large games ever the last time he faced berth when Campbellsville, KN NWU, completing 31of55 passes dropped 11 spotsto21stinSunday's for 379 yards.
Wesleyan' s offense is led by senior running back Bobby Wright, who ranks among the Division II's leading rushers with a 116-yard average. but Saban said he expects to see the Plainsmen air it out, too. NWU has rotated two quarterbacks this season, Ben Huls and Jeff Lindquist, and used a form of the no-huddle offense on occasion.
''They run a one-back set most of the time," the first-year coach said. ''They do put the ball in the air a lot, so it should be a busy afternoon for our secondary."
a game-high 15 ·!bounds.--photo by Todd Gottula
PSC Ladies victorious over rated Concor·dia
by Times Staff
Thi:: Peru State College women's basketball team proved to be too tall an order for Concordia to fill last Saturday afternoon.
PSC's much taller front line outscored the Bulldogs 54-23 and held a 51-28 advantage on the boards, leading the Lady Bobcats to a 65-61 season-opening victory at the Al Wheeler Activity Center. Coach Wayne Davidson's squad, 1-0, defeated Avila College in Kansas City, MO, Tuesday night, and will host Lincoln University tonight in a 6 p.m. tip-off at the Wheeler Center.
Tamir Anderson, a 6-1 sophomore center from Omaha, took gamehigh scoring honors with 14 points. Senior forward Carlotta Watson added 13 points and sophomore transfer Sanja Simidzija 11. Peru State's rebound edge was led by Lora White, a 5-10 sophomore, and Simidzija, who each pulled down
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15. Anderson, who connected on 6 of 10 field goals, grabbed 12. Traci Leggett paced Concordia, 1-1, with 13 points.
The Lady Bobcats swept Lincoln University last season, including a 72-60 triumph at the Wheeler Center.
Wedding, LaBrie on All-District volleyball team
by Times Staff
Peru State College setter Margo LaBrie and middle hitter Bev Wedding have been named to the honorable mention list of the 1991 NAIA All-District 11 volleyball team in a vote of the District coaches. Nationally-ranked Hastings College placed the most players on the 12-member first team with five se· lections. Doane followed with three. while Concordia, Chadron State. Midland-Lutheran, and the College otst. 1<ach h{ld ope. _ LaBrie, a senior from Doniphan brpkqingle-season and se' assist marks this year with totals ol 1,380 and 2,749 respectively. She fmished fourth in the district in as· sists per game, tied for third in ser· vice aces per game, and ninth ir digs per game.
Wedding was the Lady Bobcats' main go-to player offensively. The 5-8 graduate of Norris High Schoo notched team highs in kills (517) kills per game (3.29), hitting per· centage (.243), and attacks (1,305)
LORA WIIlTE blocks a shot during PSC's 65-61 season-opening basketball victory over Concordia. White scored nine points and had
(Mon.-Fri.) 8
a.m.-10 p.m.
Can the Cats do it fot number two?
by Jon Kruse
A fourth-quarter rally lifted the PSC football team to yet another playoff victory against a tough Midwestern State University foe at Wichita Falls, TX, last Saturday.
With the help of a strong fourthquarter wind, the Bobcats put 15 points on the board in the final minutes of the game enroute to a 28-24 quarterfinal win, sealing off the Indians' hopes of continuing in the national play-offs.
The Bobcats will next fly to Georgetown, KY, for a Dec. 14 semifinal game in the 1991 NAIA Division II play-offs.
In last year's quarterfinals, PSC pulled of a similar fete. Down by 20 to Dickinson State of North Da-
kota, the Cats came back to win by a touchdown. ·
"We had some panic to be honest," senior quarterback Nate Bradley said. "I thought of Dickinson State last year, and I think that's what got - us through the game today. The deficit wasn'tas big, but the crowed was more involved."
A number ofBobcats figured in the fourth-quarter scoring. Senior full· back Joe Parks helped by capping an 83-yard drive with a one-yard touchdown run. Bradley then hit senior tailback Mark Whitaker on a pass for the two-point conversion with 8:05 left in the game, to cut the score to 24- 21.
Senior receiver Cory Catterson also caught passes of 27 and 16 yards, and Whitaker had a 24-yard reception on the first fourth-quarter scoring drive.
See page 4
on page 8
News-in-briefs on pages 3 & 6
Farewell "From the Other Side of the Desk " on page 5
Letters to the editor on page 2
I N s I D E F 0 L D
That's when the PSC defense took over and forced the Indians to punt.
The offense then drove from their own 46 to take the lead on Whitaker's one-yard sweep into the end zone.
The Indians had one last chance to come back, but PSC iihebacker Stephen Gaines stuffed the Indians' quarterback for an 11-yard loss on fourth and three, which gave the Botx:ats the ball with 59 seconds left in the game.
See Bobcat football
on page 8
Lesson of risk comes from hostage experience
by Laura Osborne Editor-in-Chiet
This article contains opinions of the author.
As Dr. Daryl Long, professor of science, has bef;n prone to state lately, everything involves some amount of risk. No matter what it is we are doing, there is risk involved. Sometimes, the risks aren't readily visible. At other times, they are quite obvious.
Being an American living in the Middle East during the second half
of the 1980' s would be one of those obvious risk situations. many Americans did choose to live in that turbulent, American-hating area. And seven American civilians paid for taking such risks.
I grew up for the most part in that decade, which means that, for me, a natural part of my learned vocabulary was the words "terrorism and hostages." I guess I really didn't fully understand at the time w_hat it meant for seven Americans to be taken and held hostage for years in Lebanon. But this past month as all of our American hostages were
freed, I finally saw the full picture. Terry Anderson's story has made the biggest impression on me compared to those of the other hostages. Perhaps it's because he's a member of the Associated Press. At any rate, I watched on television as a man who had been stripped of his freedom for seven years saw, for the first time since his abduction, his sister, wife, old press buddies and a daughter who was born during his captivity. I cannot even begin to comprehend what he must have felt as he endured those seven years. Can you imagine being
chained with shackles, confineJ n cells, held in solitary at times and being allowed to go to the bathroom only once every day? I most certainly can't.
And yet, Anderson returned with a certain kind of peace about him that caught me off guard. He holds practically no bitter feelings toward his captors for all they put him through and deprived him of. He commented in one of his many press conferences that his Catholic faith carried him thrnugh those scv..:n See Anderson's release on page 3
13, 199}
#6 The Student Voice of Peru Sta_te College Since 1921
Bobcat football players
SENIOR TAILBACK Mark Whitaker follows the block of offensive tackle Craig Moraski during last Saturday's NAIA Division II play-off game. Whitaker scored 14 points in the game, including two touchdowns and a twopoint c01;versi m.· ·?hoto by Bonnie Henzel
Time for a change?
Smoke in Bob-In": annoying
An issue that has been in debate the past few weeks is the movcrrn:nt to i·nstill no-smoking policies in public institutions. Case in point: the new Clarkson Hospital (Omaha) policy that all employees must be smoke-free while on Clarkson property with the exception of a few designated smoking areas. Should a no-smoking policy be instilled campus-wide at PSC?
The current college policy states that smoking is prohibited in all campus buildings with the following exceptions: 1) the AW AC lobby, 2) the Student Center TV lounge and 3) .the Bob Inn. Presently, some smokers are violating this policy by smoking in the Student Center study room. However, signs concerning the policy aren't posted in the area. Specifically, we wish to address the issue of smoking in the Bob Inn. RecenJly, the Student Senate conducted an impromptu poll as a part of the National SmokeoutDay. Thepoll was conducted at random from 11 :00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Swdent Center. One-hundred-sixty-two students and faculty/ staff ans we red yes or no to the single question of the poll, "The current policy of the college allows smoking in the Bob Inn and TV lounge. Should smoking be prohibited in the.Student Center?" Seventy-three persons (45%) felt smoking should not be prohibited while 89 people (55%) felt it should be prohibited.
We agree with the majority of the poll answerees. Smoking, in the Bob Inn especially, infringes upon the rights of nonsmokers. It is very unappetizing to try to eat a meal when cigarette smoke is constantly swirling around. The Bob Inn is not properly ventilated, which means that even separating smokers into their own smoking section is not a feasable thought.
Passive smoking has been proven to be very harmful. This fact has led pregnant commuter students to prefer going without a meal rather than taking the risk of entering the smoke-filled Bob Inn to get food. ·
Smoking has no place in such a small establishment that cannot properly ventilate to compensate for the smoke. Maybe total campus-wide prohibition of smoking isn't the answer. However, the Bob Inn certainly is no place foritto be allowed. The policy needs to be reviewed because nonsmokers have the right to be able to study and eat in a healthy environment.
Editor(s) Wanted
The Peru St.ate Times is looking to hire an assistant editor or editors for spring semester. Up to $200 in tuition remission available. Previous high school or college newspaper editing experience neeessary. · Cont.act Dr. Holtz, Ext. 2267,FA Bld,g.203,andtakethisopportunity to get valuable communications experience to beef up your resume.
Letters to the editor ...
Concerns remain over Rising Junior Exam
I'd like to respond to Times opinions article (Nov. 18, 1991): Rising Junior Exam at PSC raises unnecessary concern. That article states the following: "Even the Legal and Academic Officer of the NebraskaStateCollegeSystem,Dr.
Larry Schultz, published a letter to PSC implying that he has no major problem with implementing the test, as· long as the administration does not have a set score that a student haS'tO attain to graduate."
· I have read Dr. Larry Schultz's letter, however, and I think, according to what he said, that he does indeed have problems, or, as he stated, other considerations concerning the Rising Junior Exam.
He interpreted the college's disclaimer (the college reserves the right to repeal, or amend rules, regulations, tuitions and fees, and may withdraw, add to or modify courses orprograms)inthismanner: "Based on this statement, it appears that entering students have been put on notice that requirement$ for graduation may change and that an examination such as the 'Rising Junior Exam' may now be required for graduation."
"Another consideration, however, is whether changing graduation requirements at will and without reasonable notice, whether in the General Catalog or some other manner, is the best policy or in. the best interest of students and the college."
"Based on these considerations and in the interest of fairness, if it is PSC's intent to require a successful , completion of the 'Rising Junior Exam' as a condition for graduation, it is the recommendation of this official that this new require-
tion. The campus resistance to this meilt affect only next year's enter- resolution, not yet passed by the ing freshmen class, and the classes administration, is understandable that follow thereafter, and that no- and can hardly be deemed an "untice for this provision be given by necessary concern." Students should amending the 1992-93 catalog to beencouragedtotalkabouttheexam reflect this new graduation require- and tpe questions I have heard them ment" · discussing. For instance, "If I pass At present the administration is all my classes, but get a low grade requiring students take the "Rising - on the exam and am not allowed to Junior Exam," and it is a graduation graduate, aren't I entitled to a full requirement refund?", an interesting question Finally, I want to respond to the and worth discussing. Or this perfollowing from the Times edito- ceptive statement, "The exam prorial: ". .· to the non-traditional gram itself, now in its third year at studentwhodoesn'tagreewithhav- PSC, should be subject to periodic ing to take the test because of his or evaluation." These are important her age, we can see your point, yet contributions to a discussion that " has not yet been resolved to the Yet what? Whatasnowjob. There satisfaction of many students and is absolutely no connection be- should not be called "whining" or tween whether or not a student·is "arguing" by the editors. Promote fresh out of high school, transfer, discussion from students, don't try non-traditional, or otherwise. The to stifle it. point is are we, the students, going Another distressing note in your to allow the course catalog to be editorial is the emphasis placed on manipulated like clay. Is this a one competitiveness. Cooperation, not timedeal,orwillitsetprecedentfor competition, is the key to success. future manipulation of course cata- Competition is .derisive and counlogs? terproductive in the business world
Rod Beyke
Should cooperation be more of an issue?
The Rising Junior Exam does not seem as threatening when viewed as a barometer of our successes at PSC. This test could provide useful experience for both faculty and students.
However, it appears that acceptance of the exam will be achieved only if the scores of this test are not used as a requirement for gradua-
Farewell 1991; welcome 1992
as well as in the academic world. The "Be good competitors," school ofthoughtisoutmoded. emphasize their need for team players, not competitors.
In my classes, we have a high regard for peer cooperation. It's impossible to motivate students ta ·communicate if the climate is competitive. Cooperation has proven a "valuable tool for speech students. As one student commented last mester, "I learned [in my Speech 152 class] and made many lasting friendships there."
.Rebecca Hasty Adjunct Faculty
Readers invited to submit ideas to Times
by Kellie A. Johnson
The semester is almost over, and the staff of the PSC Times would like to bid everyone farewell for the year 1991 andwelcomeyou to 1992.
This past semester the Times ran
a wide variety of stories, columns and editorials. Our feature stories ranged from polls on important figures, such as Senator Bob Kerrey and Judge Clarence Thomas, to articles concerning the activities on Peru State campus, such as PBL, choir and the art aepartment.
Our ''Person of the Week" ano Letter to the Editor policy "The Other Side of the Desk" colThe Peru State Times welcomes umns, plus "Time-Out with Todd" all letters to the editor. All letters ran on the Campus Scenes and to the editor, cartoons, or articles Sports pages respectively in each should be signed by the individual issue. Our editorials primarily conperson or persons writing them and will be published at the dis- cernedcampusissuesandproblems cretion of the editors. The Peru such as the Rising Junior Exam and State Times reserves the right to ·dogs on. campus.
all 1 tt t th dit S d The Times is sull not sure 1f you, 1 e ers o e e or. en t It Edit th p Stat thereader,areseemgeverythingyou m.a ena o: or,. e eru e would like to see in the paper. Do Times, Campus Mail, Peru State 1 you have story ideas or suggestions College, Peru, Nebraska, 68421. , for the paper? No problem. If you
have a story idea and would like to share it with the Times , please drop off the story or idea for consideration at Box 120 at the PSC mailroom.
Anyone with a college education canwrite,soifyouwantmoreoutof your paper--just let the staff know. If your work is published, it is an excellent way to show future employers how versatile you can be, no matter what your area of study is.
For spring semester of 1992, the Times would like to put a cartoonist on the staff. 1 The newspaper advisor would also like to talk to anyone intere$ted in reporting or photographing for the Times. Interested people should contact Dr. Dan Holtz in room 203, in the Fine Arts building.
· ·::u; in-Chief Peru State Times Published Bi-monthly , , , ....•.. Laura Osbam:: ....•.•...•.....•..........•••. Todd Gottula Editor. .....•............................•...• · · • • • • Katy Duryea As.\iS.alll Editor. ....................•......................... Kellie Johnlon llca,J Cnpy Editor .........................•••.......•••••..•.••...•...•• Marty Jacobsen Phc<ography Coonlmator ................•.......•....................•. Scott Udcy Photographer AdMar..J.ge1. Aul. Sporl.3 I ,e.aJ Reporter ............................•. Todd Gottula. Gregg Matta< Amy Hollescn TcmHyde Typc::'!Cttcr • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lisa Gottula Advi.-cr · · · · · · · · Dr. Dan Hoitt
ed ·t·
Christmas celebrating is overdone
by Chan Crooker
Christmas, it seems, stirts the day after Thanksgiving and lasts clear through the middle of Jan1,1ary. Now, don't get me wrong I like Christmas, and I definitely like the extended vacation that goes with it, but by the middle of January I'm tired of 'Old Saint Nick' and all of the decorations. Towns are starting to put up Christmas decorations earlier arid earlier every year it seems. The malls are the worst though. I went to a mall in Omaha the day after Thanksgiving and it Anderson's release from page 1 years. To me, his faith plainly shows, and I'm glad to see it.
I don't know if the captors were speaking truthfully when then told Anderson that they weren't going to ta:ke civilian hostages any more. What's to stop them from doing this again if they wanted to? What I do know is that America has been through aseven-yearlria:I that hit us all at a personal level.
The American hostages weren't soldiers sent off to fight knowing that becoming a prisoner of war was a possibility. They were civilians, tryingtogoaboutsomewhatnormal lives working at regular jobs. The hostages could have been anyone. As Anderson noted, all the captors cared about was having Americans in their grasp.
I wish that I could tum back time for a:ll seven of the Americans held
Students from area schools take technology workshop
"'l>eru--Students from 11 regional high schools took part in the Peru College Industrial Technology and Education (ITE) Open House anr Workshop, held Nov. 21.
A total of 55 student'>, plus their teachers, were involved m the event noted Rob Evans, assistant professor of industrial arts. SessiOns were held on topics including computer aided design, of flight, desk top publishing, and oxyacetylene welding of aluminum Evans said.
Sessions were led by PSC faculty including Evans, Dr.Lester Russell professor of industrial arts, and Ross Udey, instructor of arts. PSC students Dave Helms, a senior from Auburn, and Kevm Frey, ; junior from DuBois, also led workshop sessions, as did Peterson o Auburn High School and Lyle Stewart of Johnson-Brock HI¥h.
Participating schools were Auburn, Nemaha Blarr, Farragu (Iowa), Johnson-Brock, Humboldt, Southeast Consolidated, Nebrask:. City, Dorchester, Omaha Bryan, and Yutan.
PSEA busy in fall semester
by Kris Citrin
The Peru Student Education Association (PSEA) has been extreme!_ active during the last few months. According to Dr. Anthony Citrir; associate professor of education and PSEA advisor, PS EA has been ver. busy with activities and conferences. Currently they are selling PSC 1 shirts and sweatshirts, which can be purchased from any PSEA membe or Df. Citrin for $10-15, to raise money for their organization. Recent!; they sent six student representatives to the State Fall Leadership Confer ence in Lincoln. ·
was filled with CHRISTMAS! They even have Christmas stores open all year round now with nothing but Christmas apparel in them - fill year round!
Christmas is a wonderful holiday but doesn't it kind of ruin the great expectations if you start expecting them at the end of November. I remember when I used to get my parents up at 6:30 every Christmas morning because I couldn't wait to see what was in that package under the tree, but now I hurry downstairs because it's finally here, we are
fina:lly going to get Christmas over with so I don't have to listen to the Christmas carols anymore or look at all of the decorations wrong! As soon as you step outside the next day you know you're wrong, a:ll of the malls have their post-Christmas sales on, and just to keep you in the spirit of buying, they play the same old Christmas carols. '
I know that I sound like a Scrooge, but Christmas is wearing me out. At least I don't have to participate in the church's Christmas play anymore!
As well as being busy with conferences, PSEA also has assisted witl many fund raisers: two of the most recent were a spaghetti dinner giver by Peru Daycare and a Social Studies open house at Johnson-Brock where they provided the refreshments.
All of the activities for next semester are not yet planned but PSEA i: planning to send people to the State Leadership Conference and have more fund raisers. When asked how he felt PS EA was doing this year, Dr. Citrir said, "this is one of the most active years in PSEA, we have a ver; commited and active group of executive officers."
Fashion show needs models
Peru--Students who would like to be models for the annual fashion sho\.\ ! are encouraged to volunteer in Placement, Ad 105. The show will b< Thursday, Feb. 27 at I I a.m. during the convocatfon hour in the cafeteria A first this year will be the opportunity to present the show on the day o. the business contest for high school students who will also be schedulet to see the show.
The models will be ta:keri to Lincoln to select clothing from several store: and will be given training on how to model.
be something that are a part of everyday life for all of the world.
hostage for so long. I wish I could muchsaidaboutpeacea:ndgoodwill. give them back the time they missed Let's hope that, starting with this with family and friends and just the Christmas, pe'ace and goodwill cait good old American lifestyle with a:ll the freedoms that we tend to ta:ke for granted. But I can't, no one can. Allthatanyofuscandoisremember the !rial and try to learn from the experience.
There are things that happen that we can't control. Being a member of a nation can mean that we may be forced to pay for the ideals of our country that other countries and peoples do not like or agree with. It is a risk that we ta:ke on when we become a member of this nation.
I hope and pray that the freed hostages will have a:Il of the richest blessings of life now that they are home. But more than that, I pray that America will never have to be held hostage like this again. During the Christmas season there is always
Good luck in Kentucky Bobcats!
The purpose of the fashion show is to show students how to dress fo interviews and careers, in addition to showing them the latest fashions. The deadline for signing up to be a model is Jan. 17. If auditions an needed, they will be held Jan. 20 at 12 p.m. in the Live Oak Room Approximately 20 students will be needed, 10 women and 10 men.
Campus minister is on duty
Peru--The new interim campus minister, Rev. George Harrison, h:t> arrived. His office hours are 10 a.m. to I p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The office is temporarily located in Tl Majors room 103.
Rev. Harrison, who likes to. be called George, recently retiml after 26 years as a caseworker for the Minnesota prison system. He has :ilso served as minister for the Disciples of Christ denomination.
Rev. Harrison is available for counseling sessions any time. He can he reached at the parsonage, 872-5905, or at the Peru Community Church. 872-3905.
He received his theological training from Lincoln Christian Seminary ir Illinois and a guidance and counselling degree from Fort Hayes College ir Kansas.
Harrison follows Dr. Esther Di vney, who served cam pus mini st l' fora short time this semester after Rev. Tom Osborne's move to !lasting'
PERU ST ATE College senior David Jones demonstrates how a core is made in the casting process.to a group of area high school students. The students were attending PSC's Industrial Technology in EducaC m (ITE) Open House and Workshop on Nov. 21.--photo by Rob Evans
LIZ BAUMAN, a junior elementary education major, teaches a lesson on measurement to the kindergarten through fifth grades at the Peru Elementary School. This project was the on-site experience for Bauman and 16 other elementary education majors for the Teaching Math in Elementary Schools class taught by Dr: Ralph Thorpe, associate professor of education. Dr. Thorpe has been talcing his students out to teach lessons m area schools for almost four years.--photo by Scott Udey
Band endures cold weather to play at game in Fremont
bJ7 Jennifer Mortensen
Would anyone out there like to know what playing an instument on a very cold football field is like? If so,justaskanybandmember. And if you would like to try it, then talk to Mr. Van Oyen, band director, about joining next fall.
On Saturday, Nov. 9, at 8 im. we met our bus driver, Fred, who seemed to be a rather friendly and Jun type of guy, but he did have two rules that we had to follow on his bus. They were (1) we had to call him Fred and not Mr. Bus Driver, and (2) we had to have a good time.
After meeting Fred, we started our road journey to Fremont We arrived at Fremont's empty Memorial Field at 10 a.m. and immediately hit the field to practice. We did not do our field show as planned, due to the conditions of the field.
During the game, we continued to do our best, cheering on the football team. We had to do something tokeepourselveswarm. We weren't as lucky as a few of the band members who had some delicious hot chocolate to keep them and
going. Although of us were successful at keeping warm, there were a few cases of what Paula Czirr (one of our wild. and crazy percussionists) calls "band comas". Band comas are caused by pe.ople burying themselves to keep warm. Usually they do not come out or move for what seems hours. Jill Lewis (another one of our percussionists) and Meredith Kerins (a trumpetplayer)were the only known cases of these comas. I think somebody should have revived these individuals with some hot chocolate. · After departing from the field, we stopped at Valentino's to pick up our large order of pizza and drinks. We managedto eat it all as we rode home without messing up Fred's bus.
Quote of the week
"We said there warn 't no home like a raft, after Other places do seem so cramped up and
Native of Ethiopia enjoying pre.medical studies at PSC
by Thomas M. Hyde life is that if you are really deter- the way that Bruk was working in States, young men cannot get out very difficult to learn, compared Bruk Getachew (pronounced Ge- mined to do something to plan the general chemistry class. He fth" draf "fth to English. He felt that it was Tach-oo) is a freshman pre-medi- 0 is teveni eyaregomg difficult to adjust to America becal major wilh a 3.6 G.P.A.
Per"'on oif th
l"lI k to college or have a government cause he first went to a non-de-
To maintain his G.P.A., Bruk 1 Al e ff ee job. Bruk also srud that even if nominational Christian school in has had to sacrifice many things: ahead you Cal) do anything. He said thatBrukwouldhaveagood you serve in thearmy,youcan be Kentucky. He said it was hard to his time, money and some sleep. also said, (quoting from an unc chanceofbecomingadoctorifhe drafted again. adjust there because you had to Bruk decided to go to Peru be- known source), "Itisnotthetipof works hard at it. In Ethiopia, thereare ISO differ- get up early, there was a strict cause Emeabet Taddesse (a themour.tainthatsupportsit;itis Bruk,formerlyofAddisAbaba, entethnicgroupsand 7Sdifferent dresscode(hadtowearveryplain former PSC student who had the "Wh Bruk · le.ft Ethiopia at 16,becauseofthe languages. This is a major prob- clothing), you couldn't talk to Id h the sides. at was saymg !em since many of these ethnic same major as he did), to un metaphorically is that people civil war. He said it was very other girls and you couldn't stay about it. Bruk met her while in difficult to get out of there be- groups want t.o break away from up late without permission. Washington,D.C. and often wrote causeofit. Heal so said that young therestofEthiopiaandform their It is evident that if Bruk pursues own nation. to her. It was through her letters men are drafted into the army as Bruk said that his native Ian- hisgoalsandenjoysthehardwork that Bruk found out about PSC. soon as they can hold a rifle. in getting there, he will become a Helikedtheideaofasmallschool, Unlike the draft in the United guage in Ethiopia, Amharic, is cardiologist. with a small studenHeacher ratio. Although Bruk still likes PSC, he says that sometimes it does gel boring, because there are really no programs for foreign students at PSC.
Bruk says he plans to go to mt>dical school to become a doctor and that he would like to specialize in cardiology.
he i> a member of the ·'Ii is nut the tip ofthe moun'ain that supports it, it is the ,·ides."
Bruk Getachew Committee, the honors program and the Fellowsh ir of Christian Athletes but he · that at PSC there need to be more opportunities for Christian fellowship.
Rruk said that his philosophy of.
Bruk Getachew
should not try to attain the goal just for its own sake. He said that the goal that you set should alsb be enjoyed in the work that it takes to attain it He. said that you have to plan ahead, that you have to hang on and keep going, to think of the final benefits, and you have to enjoy the process to get there. ··
Dr. David Pippert, Brok's general chemistry professor, said that he is, "an outgoing, friendly student, regular in attendance." Dr. Pippert also was impressed with
smothery, but a raft don't" Mark Twain
Unique senior art Show being exhibited at PSC gallery
The following article contains opinions of the author.
Shrug off your inhibitions and preconceptions at the door of the Art Gallery in the Fine Arts Bldg. and enter the surrealistic environment of"TheDreamworldofMabelMach Tegtimeier (Dec. 8, 1904 to Nov. 1, _ 1968),"by senior art major Terence A. Wenzl.
The selections are the artist's interpretation of what must have been captured in the mind of his grandmother as she grew and matured, livingonthe family farm built in the 1920's. The focal point of the collection centers around a block that actedasaweightonapulleytoraise and lower the attic stairs in the family farm house. Mabel carved her name and the date into the wet concrete of the block.
From the Other Side of the Desk...
by Martin Jacobsen
All good t.11ings must come to an end. Like it or not, the end must come. Nineteen ninety-one is nearing its end, andending with it will be this column, or in any event, my writing it.
and grades, also in the sense of writing this column. creating the column; meeting those who agreed to be the subjects of the The easiest part of this column has interviews; and above all, applying been finding an angle (that, for you the things I have learned not only in non-journalistic types, is the apjournalism and English classes but proach taken by a writer of a colin ALL of the classes Ihave taken. umn like this). The-people I have sat It has become quite clear to me that with thispastyearhaveallgivenme the liberal education contained in something than t.11eir very the general studies program that I important and limited time): a have so ardently tried to promote phrase, a veiwpoint, a suggestion, through this column is the most · that has made a mark on the way I important factor in my having been interpret the world. I hope that the able to continually produce it. valuable insights they have given
me have reached my readers.
Wenzl explains that the block "assumes a thrilling existence, teetering powerfully amid a room oflines. All o.f these lines join together to create a marvelous, yet ambiguous, depiction of the many paths the artist believes his grandmother wandered within her mind."
In discussing the exhibit with fellow students, I found that many viewed it with skepticism at first, but later reflection compelled them to enter the surrealistic vision again and again. Marty Jacobsen, senfor English major, said that he found .the work intriguing, especially after discussing it with Wenzl. A thoughtprovoking collage, this audio-visual extravaganza cannot help but challenge the viewer.
The show, running in conjunction with another seriiorexhibit, "Emotions," by Sandy Zabel will continue until Dec.19. Both exhibitt are a must see.
1 Final Exam Schedule 1
I The following schedule is for the on-campus week of December 16-19. I I I I Monday, December 16, 1991
And it has been a good thing, for me anyway. It has been a challenge, not only in the sense of deadlines
I would like to thank Mrs. Crook, Mr. Lewellen, Mr. Fegan, and Mr. Tabata; and Drs. Long, Citrin, Barrett, Eckert and Russell for,the time they gave me and the things I learned from talking to them. I hope that their SUJdents are better able to appreciate their efforts, and it is my sincerest wish that many through this column, are betterable to appreciacte the efforts of their instructors.
It is my wish to someday be in a position similar to my subjects; that is, I hope to one day become a college professor. This column has given me an opportunity to test the waters, even if it_ be vicariously. This may seem selfish (as those things which motivate us usually are),.but it is not the sole reason for
The people we see in the classroom may seem to some to show up for class, to administer a test every now and again, and to have the rest of their time to themselves. This is a myth I have wanted my column to obliterate. I have done a number of things for a Iiving and, as has everyone else, known many other people who have done many other things for a living. And I can say with certainty that the sum of my experience has never revealed the kind of
NOTE: Original Class Time indicates the first class meeting of the week or only class meeting of the week.
1) If the class meets on1.:e a week, then the exam period is during the scheduled class meeting.
dedication I have seen reflected in 2) If the class meets more than once a week and begins at 6:30 p.m., then the the comments of the professors I exam period is 6:00-8:00 p.m. on the first day of the week that the class meets. I have interviewed. I hope to emulate 3) If the class meets more than once a week and begins at 8:00 p.m., then the I that level of dedication, when I take I exam period is 8:30-10:30 p.m. on the first day of the week that the class meets. I up residence on theothersideofthe I I desk.
I NOTE: If you have any questions about the exam schedule, do not hesitate to I • contact Dr. Snyder in the Administration Building.
THE TIMES··PAGE S Enter an entirely different environment. ..
' r::::======================::::==================:::;;;;::::::::=:::;:::==:======:;i
TERENCE WENZL stands next to part of ills senior art exhibit now showing in "f'SC's Art Gallery. Wenzl's exhibit, unlike many past shows, is an "installation" in which the whole space in the gallery becomes part of the exhibit.--photo by Scott Udey
."Other side of the desk" column plays its last role in the ·rimes' final issue of 1991
Z74M&ii dill.
"The people I have sat with this past year have all given me something.... a phrase, a viewpoint, a sugggestion, that has made a mark on the way I interpret the world."
Martin Jacobsen
I Original Class Time , ll:OOT I ll:OOM 9:00M 9:30T Tuesday, December 17, 1991 Original Class Time lO:OOM 12:30T 2:00M 3:30T Wednesday, December 18, 1991 Original Class Time l:OOM 4:00M 12:00M 2:00T Thursday, December 19, 1991 Original Class Time 8:00T 8:00M 3:00M OPEN Exam Time 8:00-10:00 a.m. 10:30 am.-12:30 p.m. 1:00-3:00p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Exam Time 8:00-10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. l:00-3:00p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Exam Time 8:00-10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. I 1:00-3:00p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Ex&m. Time 8:00-10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1:00-3:00 p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Entries sought for tourney
Peru--Entries are being accepted for a town team basketball tournament to be held Jan. 10-12 at Peru State College, accqrding to event coordinator Dave Jensen.
The tourney format will be double elimination, thus guaranteeing each team a minimum of two games, and will be held at PSC's Al Wheeler Activity Center. ·
Prizes will be awarded for the first, second and .third place teams, as well as individual plaques given to the Most Valuable Player and a fivemember all-tourney team.
The entry fee is $80 per team and must be received by Dec. 30, Jensen noted.
For more information, contact Dave Jensen at Peru State College at 8722205 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or at 274-4554 during the evenings.
Cadets to be commissioned
by Miriam Duckett
In May of 1992, the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) will close its doors to Peru. On Dec. 20, 1991, two of the program's final three participants will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the United States Army Reserve.
Cadet Miriam C. Duckett and Cadet Louis V. Goins will receive their gold bars at a ceremony to be held at the Offutt Air Force Base Offic1;;. Club. Duckett is a business management major from Nebraska City. Goins is a psychology major from Kansas City, MO.
Kappa Delta Pi puts on fair
Peru-Peru State College's education fraternity Kappa Delta Pi is sponsoring The Great American Book Fair. The fair began yesterday and runs through today from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Burr Oak room in the Student Center. ' · ·
A variety of the bookswill be available for purchase, with selections for all ages. The books include award-winning titles, classicfavorites and the newest books by popular authors. Visitors can choose from biographies, popular fiction, adventures, mysteries, humor and sports. ·
Placement Activities
Congratulations December Graduates!
Seniors: December and May grads
Deadlines for Resumes:
Dec. 19 Nash Finch, retail manger
Dec. 19 New York Life, underwriter
Jan. 23 Union Pacific, programmer
Jari. 29 Wallace Computer Services, sales
Seniors: subscribe to weekly job openings bulletin, $6 per month, many new openings for each major every week grads: register with the placement effice by submitting resume which will be sent to employers ,
Store Hours: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) 8 a.m.-7 p.m. (Sat.) Noon - 4 p.m. (Sun.)
Donut Shop Hours: 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Monday through Saturday)
Senate Review
by Robin Anderson Senate Reporter
The first order of business at Senate's Nov. 13 meeting was a report from the Executive Committee. A plaque nas been purchased for the organizational board, and plastic letters will be ordered.
Academic Affairs is continuing its discussion on the Rising Junior Exam. They recommended to Pres. Burns to keep the exam a requirement for graduation. They also read five petitions from students. Bus 298 and Mus 212 were approved. It was also decided that non-resident students in Rock Port, 'MO, will pay in-state tuition.
TheBoardofTrusteesmetNov. 78 in Chadron. Projects at Peru both in progress and to be. started are ventilation, street· repair, the AWAC,'theOidGym andfirecode deficiencies.
The results from the student _sur-
Mon.-Fri. 4-6 p.m.
910 Central Ave.
Auburn, NE
vey about the publication fee were counted. The majority of students want a yearbook this year and in the future.
Senate will continue -to recycle aluminum cans. &mmittees will be put on the agenda to remind them when to pick up the cans.
The General Studies Committee discussed the bases for the new honors program.
A committee is being formed to make recommendations ()n how ·to utilize the Student Center to its fullest pbtential. Members on the committee will be announced at a later date.
Hair Affair
Hair Design
Full Service Salon
Wolff Tanning Bed
Paul Mitchell- ·
Biolage products 607 5th St. Peru 872-3245
Volunteer Models Needed Men and Women
Raffle tickets for Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls are being sold. Part of the inoney will go to buy a new bingo ball for the Senate; remainder The AWAC hours have beeri will be.donated to the Make-a-Wish changed and will be posted. A foundation in Nebraska report from the Multicultural ComThe Senate's next meeting was mittee was given. The group is Nov. 20. The Senate first voted on planning on getting t-shirts for Black and passed the constitution for the History They will hold Management Association. regular ?1eeungs on Thursdays at Th T h Ed c· 11 a.m. m the Emery Oak Room. e eac er ucauon omm1ttee approved two classes: GSci 298 and Bus 375. It also approved the Rising Junior Exam policy and looked at candidates for teacher
Sign up in Placement Office Ad 105
By Friday Jan. 17, 1992
If needed, Auditions will be Monday Jan. 20, 1992 Live Oak Room at 12:00 PM Fashion Show wi// be Feb. 27, 1992
(402) 245-3440
Donut Shop and Off-Sale Liquor ·
SPECIALS Deli Sandwiches
· BILL SCHWALM (left) of the Nebraska Public District's Sheldon Station, a coal fired power plant near Hallam, explains the process of electrical power generation to Peru State College students (from left) Jennifer Williams of Bellevue, Roger Clarke of Brock, Arny Allgoqd of Nebraska City, Gine Meier of Bellevue, and their Dr. Daryl Long. The students were amilng a PSC energy class group of 50 which recently took a field trip to study energy resources across the region.--photo by,Kent Propst Yt
RANDY GOTTULA - OWNER-OPERATOR • The Voice of the· Bobcats • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Slow starts hurt Bobcats in two road losses
Peru--Slow first-half starts plagued Peru State College mens basketball team Saturday and Monday in road losses at the University ofNebraska-Omaha (UNO) and Nebraska Wesleyan University. The Bobcats fell behind the NCAA Division II Mavericks 38-28 at halftime on S:>turday in dropping a 7766 rte ision at UNO's Fieldhouse
Time-Out With Todd
by Todd Gottula.
We're sorrv
to say....
The faithful readers of the regular column, "Timoout With Todd", will be disappointed to learn that the column will not be presented as a part of this particular issue of the Times. Mr. Gottula has taken ill with pneumonia and couldn't raise his pen of wisdom for us this week. We hope he will regain his health soon and we send him our best wishes.
In the meantime, we're sure he'd want us to convey his wishes to you, his regular readers, for a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year. Look on the sports pages of the Times again in 1992 for "Timeout With Todd".
Wedding nets All-America Scholar award
Peru--Peru State College middle hitter Bev Wedding has been named an All-America Scholar-Athlete in volleyball by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) for 1991.
The 25 student-athletes honored were selected by the NAIA Volley1,;1H Scholar-Athlete committee in c Y11junclion with their national volley ball achievements inthe sport, as well as academic distinction.
Wedding, a 5-foot-10 junior from Hickman is a mathematics/education major and carries a3.80 gradepoint-average (GPA) on PSC's 4.0 scale.
To be considered for the award, a student-athlete must maintain a 3.50 GP A or higher, been in attendance for a minimum of one full term, and be a junior or senior in eligibility.
Wedding is only the second recipient of the All-America Scholar-
Athlete in volleyball in school history, joining Kaylee Michalski of Ord(1989).
PeruStatehasalsohad three GTE/CoSIDA Academic AllAmericans in Glevon Covault (1982), Michelle Workman (1985), and Michalski (1989). Wedding, a graduate of Norris High School, is actively involved in numerous campus activities. An honor roll student, she is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Womens Athletic Association (WAA), and Vars\:v
Club, of which she serves as public relations director, and Morgan Hall dorm government.
On the court, the three-year starter led Peru State in kills (517), attack attempts (1305), kill percentage (.243), kills per game (3.29), passing (.942), and blocks (121).
In thefinalNAIA District II standings, Wedding finished second in passing and fourth in kills per game.
PeruStatecompletesits 1991 campaign 21-25 overall under first-year coach Jim Callender.
before an estimated crowd of 1,500.
W>C shot just 37 .5 percent in the period, and only 32.8 percent for the game (22 of 67).
Junior guard Fred Ward, the Bobcats' leading scorer, didn't break into the scoring column until early in the second half. He still led the 'Cats with 17 and eight assists, followed by 15 points from senior centerGarrett Mann and 13 points from ·reserve forward Michael Woolsey.
On Monday ,PSC trailed Wesleyan 45-27 at intermission after the Plainsmen switched to a 3-2 zone
defenseandincreaseda27-21 margin into a 38c23 advantage in only five minutes.
Ward, a transfer from Platte Community College, scored 16 of his game-high 22 points in the second half. Mann chipped in 14 poipts and 10 rebounds, and juniors Ryan Harshaw and Rod Green added 13 and 11 points, respectively.
The Bobcats, who fell to 7-5 overall with the losses, closed out the first semester of play Wednesday night (Dec. 11) at Concordia College of Seward.
Openings available for indiviuals or student organizations to promote the country's most successful SPRING BREAK tours. Call InterCampus programs 1-800-3276013.
Pianist Wanted
Experienced pianist to play for the PSC show choir and the jazz ensemble beginning spring semester 1992. Does not have to be a music major. Partial tuition waiver or other financial compensation possible. See Dr. Ediger in Fine Arts 113 or Mr. Van Oyen in Fine Arts 107 or call 872-2253.
Help Wanted
The College Advancement department will need a photographer and darkroom technician for the second semester. Experience with black and white film processing and printing is required. Average 1012 hours per week, minimum salary $4.75/hour. For more information or to apply, contact Kent Propst, ext. 2225.
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JIM GILBERT pops the ball over the net, while teammate Scott Gerdes looks on during action in the two-man volleyball tournament, in the AWAC. Six teams remained in the tournament at press time.--photo by Scott Udey
NO GIMMICKSEXTRA JNCOME ENVELOPE STUFFING - $600 - $800 every weekFree Details: SASE to Brooks International, Inc. P.O. Box 680605 ·Orlando, FL 32868
From CBS to ESPN ... Professional careers possible for senior Cats
by Tim Bailey
The Peru State Bobcat football team has been known for its dominance the past few years in NAIA Division II. It isn't surprising then that some of the graduating senior Bobcats may be going on to dominate in professional football.
Senior starting left defensive back Bobby Stephens from Tampa, FL, decided tQ come to Peru to play after talking to some graduates that highly recommended the school. Stephens said that when the team played in the Metrodome classic in Minneapolis, three scouts from the World Football League (WFL) came to watch the Bobcats play. He said that if the opportunity arose, ''I'd prefer to play in the Canadian League to start off."
A psychology/sociology major, Stephens says if the pros don't work out, he plans to go into
coming to Peru. Catterson says that scouts from the Los Angeles Raiders, Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears have come to Bobcat practices this year. Although NFL scouts came to the practices, Catterson said, "I'd like to try out for the Canadian League ifl get the chance." If this doesn't work out, Catterson said he is planning to look for a good coaching job after he graduates.
One of the Bobcats who has received much attention the past couple of years is post-graduate quarterback Nate Bradley from Newark, NJ.
Bradley was a linebacker at Rutgers University his first year of college, but chose to leave for Peru so he could be a quarterback. Since coming to Peru, Bradley has been so successful at the quarterback position that he now is one of only seven NAIA quarterbacks to have passed for over 9,000 career yards.
talking to a couple of teams, and I'm going to let him work with that until the end of this football season."
Bradley said that he is looking forward to talking ·with the Canadian teams, but right now he is most concerned with finishrng up this semester and concentrating on the play-offs. Bradley also "said that he has received some mail from overseas teams, but he doesn't really want to go that route unless a team is WFL affiliated.
Senior defensive end Tim Herman played high school ball at Lincoln Southeast where he was a linebacker, and he also played that position at UNL for a year. Herman says that he has received letters from almost every NFL team, buthasn'theardatall from the CFL or WFL. His plans are not really organized yet, but he does plan to try out for some
· Bobcat football from page 1
that came in during two-a days.!' But when asked of his future plans, he said, "To tell you the truth, I think my chances are pretty much slim and none. Ifl'm given a chance to try out, I will. But I'm not holding my breath." Hansen plans to go back to work for the Nebraska State Penitentiary when he gra(luates this month and is looking into joining the Air Force as an officer.
Senior Tailback Mark Whitaker from Inwood, NY played two years of high school ball in New York and the other two in Germany. He isn't thinking heavily about the professional ranks now; but he definitely plans to try out in the spring. As he put his preferences, "right now CFL, but if the NFL opportunity came, I'm sure I would take it.'.'
Whitaker is a psychology/ sociology major and is looking into becoming a correctional officer after graduating.
Early in the fourth quarter, PSC was faced with a similar fourthdown play when the Indians were on the PSC 12 yard line and could have taken control of the game, but defensive end Mark Fritch pressured quarterback Craig Pettigrew to throw an incomplete pass.
''That fourth-down play turned the game in our favor," Coach Lou Saban said. "Usually in a game like this, one or two plays decide the outcome; and we made the play that was the difference in the gam_e." Whitaker also scored the first touchdown in the first quarter, but the Indians answered with 14 points. The Bobcats scored once more in the first half when Catterson caught a 24-yard touchdown pass with just 18 seconds left in the first half. Ron Shaneyfelt's extra-point attempt failed, leaving the halftime score 14-13.
The Indians scored their last 10 points in t'1e third quarter, including a 41 yard field goal by Shane Roberts and a Henry Anders' 17yard touchdown run.
Catterson was named outstanding offensiveplayerforthesecond playoff game in a row, with 187 yards on nine receptions. Bradley had 299 yards in the air completing 20 of 44 attempts, arid freshman defensive back Alex Malcolm led the defensive crew with 14 tackks and three assists. · - ·
Tomorrow's game in Kentucky is scheduled to start at 1 p.m.
Catterson Bradley
business with his sister, who is a paralegal specialist Stephens said that in early January, tryouts for the teams will begin, and he'll start talking with teams if they are interested in him.
Senior Cory Catterson from Lincoln was a quarterback at Lincoln Southeast High School but has been a wide receiver since
Bradley has already earned a. ·psychology/sociology degree and is pursuing a business management degree in order to play football this season. When discussing his professional possibilities, Bradley said, "Right now I'm looking at Canada. There's some money to be made out there. Coach Saba'ii has been
Herman Hansen Whitaker teams this coming spring. When asked if he had any favorites, Herman said, "Dallas is nice. I'd like to go down there, but I really haven't thought that far ahead."
Senior Bob Hansen, a linebacker from Greenwood, NE stated, "I talked to a few scouts early on. I got some mail from the Dallas ·Cowboys, and there's a few
The Peru State Bobcat football team will be in Kentucky this weekend for their semifinal playoff game against Georgetown University. The team will lose many talented seniors this season, but don't fret. Turn on ESPN next year, and you just might see a Bobcat alumnus..
Ladies can't be beat at home in-Peru
by PSC Sports Information
The Peru State College womens basketball team look out its offensive frustrations or irthwestem college with an attacking defense December5.
After being held to their lowest point production in 42 games, the Lady Bobcats used an effective second-half, full court zone press to force 36 turnovers and create a season-high 22 steals enroute to an 8054 victory at the AW AC. With the victory, PSC improved to 5-1 over- · all and remained unbeaten at home. The Red Raiders dropped to 2-2. ''The whole change in the second half was that we picked up the intensity at the defensive end," Head Coach Wayne Davidson said. "We
gave a much better overall effort and hustle, and with that created a lot of steals which turned into fastbreak baskets."
Sophomore forward Lora White, making only her second start of the season, sparked the defense with nine steals - just one shy of equalling Linda Shepard's single-game record of 10. White led all scorers with 20 pointsand took game-high rebound honors with 12. "Lora had a tremendous game," Davidson said. "Much of that came from the pressing defense, and from the ten offensive rebounds she had and converted."
Senior forward and leading scorer Carlotta Watson, held out of the starting lineup with a gimpy knee, came off the bench to contribute 14
points on 6-for-9 shooting. Sophomore forward Sanja Simidzija also tossed in 14 points while hitting 7 of IO field goals. As a team, the Lady bobcats enjoyed their second-best shooting effort of the season at44.7 percent(34of76). TheRedRaiders shot slightly better for the game, 47.8 percent, but were limited to only 46 total shot attempts.
"I was pleased we had better offensive production that we ended up shooting better from outside," said Davidson, whose Lady Bobcats were held to 64 and 47 points in their previous two outings. "That's an ingredient we need to improve upon."
The Lady Bobcats jumped out to double-digit leads early in the first half, as White tallied 11 points and
Diane Pokorny nine to build a 3727 halftime lead. Simidzija and Watson had ten and eight of their points in the second half, and PSC pulled away behind its' 1-2-2 full court zone press, which caused 19 turnovers in the period alone.
"Another factor to me was the steady play of our guards," Davidson said, "and also the opportWlity to play all 1.3 players, in particular, giving some freshman game experiendce." One such freshman was guard/forward Angie Wilson. The Atchison, KN, native collected seven oints, three rebounds and two assists.
The Lady Bobcats' undefeated at home record was challenged Wednesday nightagainstNorthwest Missouri State, but game results were not available as of press time.
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CHARLOTTE ABRAM acts as guest speaker Jan. 22 in PSC's observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s bh:thday She is an omahanative currently holding a at that city's Unity Memorial Methodist Church. for further details on PSC's program honoring Dr. King, see the related article on this page. ···photoby Scott Udey
Professors discuss Soviet changes
by Tim Bailey
The Soviet Union, or the new Commonwealth of Independent States as they're now known, has been going through much transition , the past year. Who would have ·· thoughtthatwhen theTimes printed a story on thefailed Soviet coup last . fall, that we would now be talking ofboth the Soviet Union and Soviet Communism in the past tense?
With a majority of the world·in accelerated change and the Commonwealth of Independent States in turmoil, we talked to a few Peru State College professors on their views. of the current condition in 0 that area, what's in store for the Commonwealth in the future, and what must the United States do, if anything, to help them on their road to democracy.
Associate Professor of Business
Dr. Kermit Mowbray spoke of the Commonwealth's current condition, stating,"The economy is bad and has been. If the economy hadn't have been so bad, wewouldn'thave had a shift" Dr. Mowbray mentioned the conceptofinfrastructure, a contributing factor .of their economic problem, being the inability to transport consumer goods. He also said that the old regime was much to blame. "Those in power made some extraordinarily bad decisions. One of these decisions was the emphasis put on the military at
Martin L. King honored at PSC inJan.22program
by Jennifer Laflin
the expense of producing consumer goods."
Harty Tabata, also of the business division, implied that the evident · of the problems is that under · their new partial free market sys. tern, costs of consumer goods have ' drdtically increased, as much as · 1,000 percent in some cases. (Sta· tistics from the U.S. News and World Report, Dec 23, 1991) He said that "Bread used to cost two <;ents under the state system". But now, he says the average Commonwealth salary of 500 rubles a month
Continued on page 5
New plan for loans d • d
W ashington--Yesterday the House Education and Labor Committee heard testimony on a new and radically different student loan program, the Income-Dependent Education Assistance Act (IDEA). The proposal's author, Cong. Tom Petri (R-Wisc.), says he is quite optimistic. that the committee will approve the IDEA program in the near future.
IDEA would make up to $70,000 of loans available for most college and 1graduate-level students and up to $143,000 for medical students. Under the income-dependent approach, former students would repay the loans based on their incomes after Jeaving school. "There would benofixedrepaymentschedule. Rather,repaymentwouldautomatically be stretched out as long as people need it to be," said the. Wisconsin Republican, a member of the Education and Labor Committee.
Those with high incomes after leaving school would be. expected
to repay relatively quickly at slightly highereffective interest rates which would help to subsidize those with low incomes after school. "Those who ex)?ect to make high incomes would still be attracted to the program by its still-reasonable terms and by its flexibility," Petri said.
IDEA loan payments would be calculated and collected as part of former students' income taxes.
"Under IDEA, every student, regardless of his or her parents' income, would be able to take out loans for education with complete
confidence that repayment would be affordable, no matter what income the student ends up after leaving school," Petri said. "If you lose your job, get sick, or take time off to raise kids, your loan is automatically rescheduled."
Petri noted that most students would finish repaying their loans in 12 to 17 years, but any loan amounts left unpaid after 25 years would be wiped off the books. The degree of subsidy provided in this way would depend on a oorrower's total income over the 25 years.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday
was celebrated on January 22 in the
Live Oak Room in the Student Center. The event was sponsored by Student programs and approximately
60people, including students, faculty and staff, attended.
The keynote speaker was Charlotte Abram, a native of Omaha who is currently a minister at the Unity Memorial Methodist Church.
Abram told the crowd of interested listener ; that Dr. King .taught his followers how to deal with conflict with dignity and respect, he also taught them self-control.
Later in her speech, Abram asked, "What price are we willing to pay?"
She stated throughoutherspeech that in our lives we must make choices, like Dr. King made the conscious KEY POINTS OF THE IDEA PLAN
* Plan would expand student loan availability while saving billions of dollars
* Cosponsored by 78 members of the House 32 Democrats, 46 Republicans ·
* Companion legislation introduced in the Senate by Senators Paul Simon and Dave Durenberger
choice to fight non-violently.
She also made reference to Malcolm X and Dr. King going toward the same goal, but trying to reach this goal in a defferent manner.
Abram also believes that our society is being "swept away by indi·, vidualism. What is in it for me?" If we are going to have a nation that is
See "MLK Day" on page 3
See page 6
Coach Saban's resignation on page6
Mid-term graduates on page3
Basketball results on page7
Person, of the Week on page4
I N s I D E 0 L D
See page 4
Has King's 'Dream' Come True?
Dr. Martin Luther King had a ! anythingtoseeasdifferentbetween ! the old trau1tional rut of racial; dream - a dream that was partially blacksandwhites?Webelievethat's '. "slighting" -makingoff-handcommaderealitywhilehewasyetalive. i true for a good portion of young, mentsorjokesdegradinganddisreBut today - in 1:992 - Charlotte i people today. But there are also I spectfulto the Black race.
A,bram, PSC' s Martin Luther King j those who have grown up with rac- : When asked about his feelings Day guest speaker, stated she feels ism - from both sides. ' about racial relations at PSC, Greg progress made against racial dis- · Reverse racism? Snipes,seniorhealthandPEmajor, crimination during Dr. King's life • said, "Ithinktherearesomepeople has been lost since his assassina- On the surface, perhaps, racism · who are cool with it and some that tion. DostudentsatPSCagreewith has been deleted. But what about .aren't. Some people just remain her? · under the surfz.'.'e? Is there aracism within their own shells rather than,
When attempting to question that is ver1 rarely shown because· dealwiththedifferences,butlthink people on campus about racial ten- the opportunityfor it to be exhibited most people here are cool with it" sion between blacks and whites, is rare? Is there such a thing as · you ·11 get a lot ef comments - most reverse racism? Is there a combina- Inter-racial relationships of which yoµ're told aren't for the tion of both? record. Thisfact in itself shows that "I don't think there any more of some type of gap between the two a racial gap here than on any other · races does exist. campus," stated Brian Carlson, senior elementary education major.
"But then there has always been
On Jan. 16, NBC's "A Different racism. Hopefully there always World," a television sitcom, aired won't be." an episode dealing with the subject One white PSC male wishing to of racial tension. On the sitcom, · remainanonymoussaid, "Prejudice threewhitestudentsofthefictiCious exists both w,ays. Blacks pressure VirginiaA&MCollegemadeabet : each other to hang out with blacks with "Ron," a black student of and whites pressure each other to Hillman. College, over the outcome hang out with whites." of a football game. At the game's Deana McAlexander, a senior soconclusion, the three whites met up cial science major added another with Ron and "threw" their perspective on the question, ''We at him. Ron, in his big-headed mood don't really have very. many minorupon his personal victory, made the ity instructors here at PSC, deficomment, "Maybe you guysoughta nitely no black especially get a few more brothers on your compared to other campuses." team." That leads to the question q1JoThat comment enraged two f)f the tas - whether it be in college admisthree A & M students who then sions(i.e.IvyLeagueschools)oron decided to spray paint the word the job market - a proper solution? i Is it right for a white person to be
"nigger" on Rori's car hood, and a physical fight ensued. The campus security officer had to sort out both s!des of the story. In so doing, the third A&M student admitted he was ashamed of his friends' actions and : was sorry for them.
That student also admitted that as , a child he had played with black · children and thought nothing of the difference in skin Then, one· day he heard his father tell a racist joke to his uncle. The boy was shocked to hear his father say 1 "nigger".
Is that how many children grow up · today? Is that how students of PSC grow up - not realizing there was
·deni.ed a job or admission intO the Ivy League because law requires I that a certain number of minorities . be hired or admitted - even if the minority who gets that position isn't as qualified as the as the caucasian? If it is equality that is being sought after, shouldn't everyone simply be judged equally ·and by their own individual merits? Do blacks harm their own cause of eliminating prejudice when they continue to voluntarily separate themselves from other races in such events as the Miss Black America pageant?
On the other hand, whites have absolutely no excuse to remain in
Peru State Times
The differences do exist as they I naturally must between two people witJ: different cultural backgrounds. · Tensioris. today build even more I when two people- one from each of cultures - decide. to a / dating or mantal as Lora White, junior psychology/so- ! ciology major, commented upon.
"I think going out with someone of a diffe:r:ent race is all right as long as the couple is happy. But the reality is that Peru is a very prejudiced town for those couples. The success of an inter-racial relationship
FIVE NEW staff members havejoined the Times. Ourpersonnelnow include shouldn't depend on what others from bottom left; Jennifer Laflin. editorial assistant; Lisa Gottula, typesetter; think, but someone, somewhere will Laura Osborne. editor-in,.chief; Michelle Kimball, colUmnist; Jon Kruse and always have something negative to Chan. Crooker, ed!torial a$Sistants; Marty Jacobsen, copy. editor; :rodd say about the relationship."· Gi:ttuia. sports editor; Gregg Mattox, ad manager; and Tiffi Bailey, asslStant
Ob 1 trif be bl ks editor.--photo b Dr. Dan Holtz
v1ous y, s e tween ac and whites has occurred for hun-1,. ' dreds of years and has not been . eliminated yet. TheJan.27 Lincoln
IStar even attributed the Scott. Baldwin incident as evidence that
raciai tension needs to be resolved. by Robin
Senate Review
We feel that yes, progress against Senate Reporter prejudice needs to be made. However, it must be,a two-sided effort. The Senate's first meeting of the year was Jan. 15. Reports of Senate Both blacks and wh'ites have to be StandingCommitteeswereheard. StudentProgramsisbusyandhasmany willing to give somewhat. We can ·activities planned. They will be helping with Black History Month. all begin - and thereby perhaps sue- Women's History Month, and sponsoring a dance and fun flicks. AIDS cessfully conclude - such an effort Awareness Week will be Feb. 10-14. Dr. Divney and Rev. George by looking at every person in the Harrison are going to Lincoln to attend the State Board. The location of world as their own individual per- their office was also discussed.
"You never know"
Getting back to that episode of"A Different World"; Ron's black friend, Duane, had also been detained having participated in the scuffle. He and the caucasian security officer exchanged the following words which we feel sum up the situation:
Duane: "We don't expect a fair shake from you officer."
Officer: "'Cause rm a white man."
Duane: "That's right."
Officer: "I could be a card-carrying member of the Klan .••"
Duane: ''Never know."
Official college bodies then gave their updates. College Affairs met and discussed faculty release time proposal, Rising Junior Exam policy, and early entry fees. Academic Affairs met and heard ten petitions. Teacher Education met and approved applicants for teachers education and heard a proposal to increase teacher education and practicum time. The library also is now using its new system.
The Student Board .Member met with Dr. Bums t6 discuss the upcoming board meeting in Lincoln on Jan. 16-17.
Dr. Butler gave an update on the yearbooks. The finish date is still in question. , The raffle that the Senate helped donated $100 to Make-A-Wislf in Omaha.
The Senate then met the following week, Jan. 22. This was a shorter The Political Committee is updating its files of organizations' constitutions. This process will be repeated every three"years. . College Affairs metand heard four petitions. The Judicial Board met and heard one case. The General Studies Committee met and set up a new meeting time for this semester.
The Student Board Member gave a report from his meeting mLincoln. Some funds were reallocated from Chadron and Wayne State to Peru State. ·
Officer:"Orlcouldhavemarched j The election for next yt(ar's Student Sentate will be held on the last with Dr. King, you don't know. :ThursdayandFridayofFebruary. Thelastissueofbusinesswasaquestion Maybe you should look at me as an on being tardy to the meetings. There is no-current policy so the Rules individual and not as a color." Committee is going to discuss it and report oh it on a later date.
Published Bi-monthly Editor-in-Chief .••••.•••••••.••.••.•.••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Laura Oobcxt>c Sports Edit<r Todd Gottula A istanlEditor •.•. "· ••.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• imlBailcy Head Copy Edit<r ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• : •••••••••• Marty 1..,.,boen fbOIOgraphy Coonlinatoc.•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Soott Udcy Ad ••••••••;•• ; •• : • • • • • • • Gregg Manax Typesetter •••••••.•••• -. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lilio GouUla Editorial A.Ni.t.ntt Chm Croobr · · · JmKruo 1amik Lltlin AdvilCr Dr.Dmffoltz
Company awards stipends to two Peru State students
Peru--Continuing a program begun last year to support Peru State College's academic program in economic development, Peoples Natural Gas has awarded scholarships to two PSC students.
Sonya Miller of Bellevue and Jerry Breazile of Auburn have each been awarded $200 scholarships from Peoples, according to Bob Shively, director of economic development at PSC.
Bruce Bartch of Peoples Natural was on campus Jan. to present the scholarships. ·
Only PSC students who completed the "Principles of Economic opment" class with a grade of "B" or above, t:md .who are enrolled in "Advanced Economic Development" this term, are eligible for th.e stipend, Shively noted.
With corporate headquarters in Omaha, Natural Gas provides retail natural gas to over 325,000 customers •
Students to serve as models in Feb. 27 fashion show
PSC lists 47 mid1.ter. grads
Peru--Forty-sevenPeru State College students completed their work on degrees at mid-term, PSC President Dr. Robert C. Burns has announced.
Mid-terrri graduates will have an opportunicy to take part in formal Commencement exercises on May 16, since the college does not hold mid-term graduation ceremonies.
Mid-term graduates included:
Master of Science in Education Degree--Penny J. special education; Laurie J. Graham, elementary education;
Bachelor of Arts in Education-Steven Christopher Andersen, social science, history, and coaching;
Bachelor' of Science in Education--Shannon Michelle Brown, physical and special education; Tracy Allyn Doerr, elementary edu- ·· cation; .Haeven H. Pedersen, Jr., elementary education;
Teressa Renee Reier, elementary education; Kelly J. Salzwedel, elementary education; Elsie Kay Sejkora, elementary education; Shawn P. Semler, pnysical and special education; Cynthia K. ' Sullivan, elementary education; Sharon L. Wuertz, elementary and special education;
Bachelor of Science--David Wilse .Adams, wildlife ecology; Wendell Julius Bogle, chemistry and computer science; Stephen Broady, business administration and management;
Peru--On Thursday, Feb. 27 at 11 a.m. in the Student Center, the offices David W. Crouse, industrial manof Career Planning and Placement and Student Support Services will be agement technology; Lisa A. hosting the fifth annual Dress for Success Fashion Show. · DeMint, accounting; Miriam C.
The Dress for Success Fashion Show, according to Linda Warren, Duckett, business administration director of placement, offers fashion tips on how to dress to succeed by and management; wearing the outfit that helps you "get the job." Warren said fashions, Steven W. Felthousen, industrial perfect for inten'iewing, will be presented by Ben Simon's of Lincoln. management technology; Jana M. Julie Cotton from the Hair Affair in Peru will be doing the hair styles, and Fink, wildlife ecology; Ropert EuJackie Williams, a Mary Kay representative, will be doing the make- gene Hansen, psychology and sociovers. , ology; ,
The following Peru State College students will be modeling the fashions , Jeff J. Janssen, accounting, busi- : from Ben Simon's: Sonya Miller, Amber Fabry, Sonja Simidzija, Cindy Walla, Ruth McGuire, Kristi Napolie, Amy Berkey, Marcy Grace, "MLKDay" from. pag·e 1 Norma Micari, Jeff Parker, Dan LaRose, David Jones, Jim Gilbert, Daniel Hamilton, Stacy Kinghorn, Marnie Stairs, Dana Kruse, Lisa Gottula, strong and united, we need to work Denise Meyer, LeeAnn Clifton, Jill Dougherty, Sherri VerHuel, Dorrine on it. She used the analogy of being McKinney, Ryan Harshaw, Jason Seymour, Troy Uhlir, Brent Strittmatter, on a journey, going forward to reach and Cory Catterson. thedreamsthatDr.Kingtalkedabout.
Peru Players begin practice
She truly believes that, "A house divided cannot stand."
Dr. King had said that people
Peru--Peru Players production of Amphitryon 38 has been cast and is wanted to be he called this w?ll into the second wee!< of rehearsal. According to the playwright Jean th.e "Drum Majorinstinct." This inGrraudoux, the adult comedy is the thirty-eighth dramatic version of the. st.met can and for ancient Greek/Roman myth concerning the love of the god Jupiter for the love, peace, Justice, and nghteousmortal woman, Alkmena. ness. This instinct could also be bad Cast members are: Pat Vendetti (Jupiter), Andrew Donovan (Mercury), if we practice the three most danClint Beaver (Sosie), Charles Hamilton (Trumpeter), Thomas Hyde (War- gerous "isms": racism, sexism, and rior), Kristine Meeske (Alkmena), John Hall (Amphitryon), Heather classism. , Cohrs (Nenetza), Tracey Todorovich (Kleantha), Jenny Pasco (Echo),and Sonya Ive been to the Trace Buesig (Leda). Mountam Top, Thomas Hyde read
The four scenes for the play are being designed by Donovan with lighting ·an excerpt from Dr. King's, "I Have design by Mike Gerhard. Backstage crew assignments are being handled A Dream:" which was a speech by Peru Players and the students in the Introduction.to Theatre class. The by Dr. King at the March on Washstage manager is Tracey Todorovich, and the directoris Dr. Royal Eckert. ington, August 23, 1963 and Ursula Amphitryon 38 will be presented Feb. 28 and 29 and March 6 and 7 at 8 McLendon read the fmal poem, "I p.m., and on March 1 at 2 p.m. in the College Theatre. Too", by Langston Hughes.
ness administration and management; Shana D. Leggett, psychology and sociology; Jeffrey Walter McWilliams, mathematics; Brian Edward Meyer, business administration an<l management; Tracey L. Niehues, accounting; Debra. J. Pugh, administration an_d management;
Joel Patrick Rabe, business administration and management; Warren C. Roberts, business administrationandmanagement; Sean LawrenceScheutz, businessadministratiop and management;
Elizabeth Ann Sickel, accounting; Lisa Renee SUilivan, mathematics; Billie J. Taylor, business administration and management;
24-hour service a goal
Charles J. Trom, administration and management; Adrian H. Witty, physical education and coaching; ; BachelorofTechnology--Stephan R. Bailey, management; David E. Boom, management; Jerry Wayne Boothe, management; Anne Bremers,. management; Michael J. CostantinQ, management; Brian W. Dawley, management; Quinson L. Edwards, management; Larry R. ·Golka, industrial · supervision; David Sobilo, management; Raymond Stafford, Jr., management; and Ulysses Eugene Zeigler, management.
Neodata lays off employees
by Barbara J. Balm available positions. In fact, Hartong said Neodata projects Eight PSC students were among eventually having a larger staff at the 20 persons laid off Jan. 1 due to Peru than it had prior to the layoffs changes in Neodata's inbound/out- · as it reaches its target of 24-hour bound sales services areas. Peru's service. He noted that since the Neodata has become an inbound beginning of inbound services in 800-number service center that January that the hours of operation rceives phone calls instead of an have been expanded one hour from outbound service that places phone 7 a.m.-3:30p.m. to 7 a.m.-4;30p.m. sale calls. The company is under- Hartong also said Peru's Neodata going nationwide restructuring, ac- office has not been singled out for. cording to Mike Hartong, Branch cost effectiveness due to lack of Manager of the Peru office. performance; the restructuring is Hartong said that as the number of representative of what is occurring calls increases, though, so will the nationwide with the company. ·· ·
-R:1' Make your appointment with The Haircutters today. . 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. c:) • 8 a. m. - 8:30 p. m. Thursday Phone: 274-5546
THE PEOPLES NATURALGAS CO., represented by Director of Economic Development Bruce Bartch (left), recently presented economic development scholarships to Sonya Miller and lerry Breazile, who are students of PSC's Bob Shively (right). Shively is Peru State Director of Economic Development. photo by .Kent Propst
L::::::=::======C==O==R::::::::::.===============R:::::::::K===f Donut Shop and Off-Sale Liquor BEER SPECIALS Deli Sandwiches Everyday Store Hours: 8 a.m.-10 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) 8 a.m.-7 p.m. (Sat.) Noon - 4 p. m. (Sun.) Donut Shop Hours: 7 a.m.-5:30' p.m. (Monday through Saturday)
Plans to work on master's Ctegree System cost $3.75 million
Miller seen as 'real,asset' at PSC New on-line service in place
Person of the Week·.
by Michelle Kimball
''A real asset to our campus."
These are the words that Barb Lewellen used whe_nasked about Sonya Miller. Sonya is a junior · economic development/business managementmajorfrom Omaha. Since she has been at Peru State, she has been actively involved in various activities and campus organizations. Through this · participation, So,nya has contributed to PSC, and at the same time, has learned some things about herself.
Sonya is a member. of the Student Senate, Student Programs, and theM;ulti..Cultural Committee. In talking about the Senate, Sonyaremarlced, "I really enjoy it. You meet a lot of people and it gives you a chance· to get involved in. more small committees. You gain a lot of knowledge about your school."
Sonya briefly discussed her involvement with the MultiCultural committee. She said it was an important organization to her because it is one of the smallest. She added, "This is a
group with a lot of potential, but it needs more people and more input. Tire Multi-Cultural Committee is consisted of mostly minority students, but it doesn't · have to be. Everyone can get involved." Sonya also stated, "Sometimes it is hard being ?. minority student. I've never been treated bad at Peru, but I know the problem exists. I try not to think of myself as a color. I think of myself as a person with adreamforsuccess." Shedefined if for her as making it through college, graduating, and moving up in the corporate world. Her fmal comment on this particular topic was, "Being a minority and. a woman, you have to,work twice as hard!."
by Keri Hoffman
As many of you may know, there is a new "on-line" system in the library. The "on-line" system helps students locate books by title, author, subject, or key words.
When asked what the benefits of the new "on-line" system are, Jim Mulder, public services librarian, stated that this system is different, butmucheasier to use. Mulderalso stated that the new system is easier to follow through because it has a new keyword title search and is menu driven.
Sonya Miller ·
Sonya Miller
Sonya chose Peru State for a number of reasons, but she commented on when Pam Cosgrove visitedher school. She was so friendly and made Peru seem like a home away from home. Sonya smiled and said, "I love PSC! I know that this might sound funny, but Peru is like a big high school to me. I've had experiences here that I never had in high school, like being chosen for a homecoming representative and running for Student Senate."
Cable TV remains off-limits for residents of Delzell Hall
by Chan Crooker
Delzell Hall has had to go without cable TV this year due to a problem that occurred last year. This has brought up criticism from many residents this year who don't feel they should be punished for the actions of last year's residents.
Last year many of the Delzell residents were splicing info the ca\>le wires of that were paying for cable; therefore, many of them were getting cable channels absolutely free. Douglas Cable Company found out about this and shut off all of the cable.. Delzell has been without cable since.
Troy Uhlir, Delzell Hall resident director, said,"As dorm director I feel, after being in contact with residents every day, that they are more responsible and more appreciative of the dorm than past res10:ents. Therefore, I think they are capable
of handling the privilege of having cable."
A Douglas Cable Company spokesperson, however, said that there was just too much of a theft problem last year by way of splicing. The spokesperson said that Douglas has to meetstandardsfortheFederal Communications Commission, and they were not able to do so with Deizell Hall.
The spokesperson said that the company is aware that many of Delzell's residents this year didn't live in the dorm last year, but Douglas still has no intentions of giving the dorm cable this year. According to the spokesperson, Douglas hopes to be able to figure out a way to install cable in Delzell so that it will have cable next year and plans tO work on the matter over the summer.
The most important thing Sonya ltas learned while at college is responsibility. "You learn so much at college. You learn to take car.e of yourself because you decide your success." Bob Shively, an administrator in economic development used tpree words to describe Sonya. He said, "Three P's--personality, perseverance and personality." Barb Lewellen smiles as she talks about Sortya. She replied, "I've worked.withSonyasinceshe was a freshman both in Senate and Programs. She's a super girl!"
Sonya has a very positive attitude and outlook on life! Her future goals are to go to graduate school and receive a master's degree in business administration. She Js on her way to achieving her desited success. Sonya Miller is definitely a plus to Peru State College.
Summer Camp Opportunities
Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Boys' Counselor:;, Girls' Counselors, Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront directors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors. Adventure Trail guides, Environmental Program director. Archery Instructors, Riflery Instructors, Steward. Call or write:
Menu driven means a patron can pickone option from a menu. That option then tells the person how to continue to the next step.
·In addition patrons can now see if a book is available for exchange at Chadron and Wayne State. The new system will also contain a serial modulewhich will help patrons locate magazine articles and college catalogs from other schools,
7 Friday
Skating, Old Gym, 6:30 p.m.
8 Saturday
Mens Basketball vs. Mt. Marty, AWAC, 7:30 p.m.
9 Sunday
Ediger Studio Recital, Benford, 3:00p.m.
Feb. 10-14 Aids Awareness
Week sponsored by Student Programs and dorms
Mens Basketball vs. Park College, AWAC, 7:30 p.m.
12 Wednesday Band Tour
13 Thursday
Mens Basketball vs. Bellevue, AWAC, 7:30 p.m.
Valentines Dance sponsored by Multi-Cultural, 9:00 p.m.
such as the University ofNebraskaOmaha.
Mulder also stated th.at the library would be able to communicate with other libraries across the world through a system called "internet."
Since nothing was wrong with the previoussystem,onemightwonder why Peru decided to install the new one. The answer Mulder says is so that Peru will be in line with all other publicly owned institutions which have the same package. The state legislatu;re granted Peru, Chadron, and Wayne State the money which paid for the 3.75 million dollar system.
When asked if spending 3.75 million dollars was practical, with all of the b.udget cuts, Mulder said he felt it was because no student fees were used to install this new sys• tem. He also stated that automation makesmaterialsmoreavailable, and Peru' can now use resources from other schools,
14 Friday
Application for May Grads Due Skating, Old Gym, 6:30 p.m.
16 Sunday
B,and Concert. College Theater, 3:00p.m.
Feb. 17-28 High School Art Competition, Art Gallery Black History Month Quiz Bowl, Student Center, 6:30 p.m. ·
18 Tuesday
VITA, Student Center
19 Wednesday
VITA, Student Center
-20 Thursday
Mens Basketball 'VS. MidlandLutheran, AW AC, 7:30 p.m. Skating, Old Gym, 6:30 p.m.
You learn so much at college. You learn to take care of yourself because you decide your success.
YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P St, LincolnNE 68508;(402)475-9622. OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Emplqy- ment/Career Services Office. .,_______________________,. ••••••••••••••••••••m••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• dmmv+nmmv • • II II • 1900 HARLAN FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA 68355 PHONE: (402) 245-3440 RANDY GOTTULA 1111 • 1111 • 1111· • OWNER-OPERATOR 1111 : The Voice oflhe Bobcats : ······························••11••••••••••••1111••••••
Dr. Butler urges student involvement
From the Other Side of the Desk ...
"From the Other Side of the Desk" welcomes you back for a second semester of columns profiling Peru State faculty. Joinwithmeas we takealookatoneoftherelatively new facesatPeruState College.Dr. Steven Butler.
The new Vice President of StudentAffairs,Dr. Butler, was born in New Mexico, but raised primarily
in the San Francisco Bay area of northern California. He attended college at Humboldt State University in extreme northern California, and received his bachelor's degree in political science and a master's degree in social science at that institution.
Di:. Butler then !ll.arted to work in residence halls as an R.A: and as a Residence Hall Coordinator. He next took a position as a full-time professional at California State University at Bakersfield as an sistantDirectorofHousingin 1975.
The following year he was named the.Director of Housing at Bakersfield, a position he held for nine
During his time at Bakersfield, Dr. i Butler was commuting four hours 'roundtrip to the University of Southern California to start doctoral work,
Just before completing his dissertation, Dr. Butler was offered a job at the University of Alaska at Anchorage as Director of Housing, where he started a residence hall program. Previously, the University of Alaska did not fiave any sort of program similar to this. Dr. Butler said that this was fun because, "We built the residence halls, developed the program, hired the staff, and initiated everything. That was fun because there was nothing, and we built [something of] it While I was doing that. I completed the dissertation ..•" Dr. Butler holds a doctorate in education and counseling, which he received in 1,987.
While still at the University
Alaska, he was promoted to the Director of Student Life where he was in charge of residence hall.s. the campus center. student programs, food service, the health center and
child care.
When asked why he came to Peru State, Butler stated, "I wanted to be the ChiefStudent Affairs Officer, at most places it's vice-president, some places it's dean. That was an aspiration to be the one who had oversight on the various areas Some people want to know, why Nebraska or why Peru? When I
Dr. Steven came here to interview (in May), ,the staff was a good one. I was very impressed with Dr. Burns and the job that he had performed. Something felt good about that " "The working relationship that I have to have with the President and
to sell it s strengths. In many ways Peru has been left behind by Lincoln. Omaha, and the other state institutionsinit sowndevelopmentofthe school...I think you 're seeing a re• surgenceof that [development] right now. We're not trying' to do all things. Wecan'twithourbudget · but [the priority is] how do we serve the community? How do we serve our students? "
What are Dr. Butler's priorities? He said, "One of the things that rd like to work on is the Student Center Use Committee...Basically, after6:00 p.m., there is little going on on this campus. We're trying to develop something that can have more of. a student-union type of approach .•. "
Dr. Butler mentioned that whe:r students were polled on their preferences for development, the. biggest request for improvement was
according to Butler.
I asked Dr. Butler what differences ·he has seen in students over the ·years, since he has worked in three 'distinct of the country. He ·answered, Students in each area are different depending on where they're from. But .the issues with students remain the same. Their educational needs, their behavioral issues, alcohol and substance abuse, they're pretty much universal in the United States. I find the students here friendly. A concern I have is trying to get more students involved and participating in programs and activities."
I then asked him what he had in his plans for the future. He seemed content with his new position, saying, "Somebody asked me if my 'goal was to be a. president of an institution. No, it's not. But will that ever be the case? I can't say ..• I enjoy what I'm doing. I would like to get more involved back in the classroom on the instruction side of it and can see myself at some point· using the administrative experience that I've had and going into teaching counseling,· higher education
••• students [at PSC] have an opportunity to get a lot of personal attention •..• Students that don't take advantage of it are really cheating themselves." and administration of student perDr. Steven Butler sonnet."
in turn that I work with my staff on, has to be a good working relationship or you can't be productive. I felt it when I interviewed, and thus far it's proven to be true."
When I asked Dr. Butler of his feelings of Peru,· I received many good responses. "Peru has some great and I think it needs
"I would like to say to all of the to have an automatic teller machine students that they have an opportuon campus. Second on the list was nity to get a lot of personal attena game room. Implementation of tion. They've come to a. campus these projects are in the early stages where their ability to get involved is of development right now. great ..• Take advantage of it.
Video sales, recreational equipment. and a sand volleyball court were also mentioned by the students,alongwithmorestudyrooms,
Students that don't take advantage of it here are really cheating themselves."
Profes so rs discuss Soviet changes (continued from page 1)
(90 rubles to a dollar) clearly isn't ship." He said thathe believed that thanwedo There'snoreasonwhy sufficient to allow the consumers to the Commonwealth states really Japan shouldn't give them humaniprovide for themselves. didn't know what to do right now tarian aid."
HowlongwilltheCommonwealth because, "They have very little Should U.S. save Soviets? beinaconfusedstate? BobShively, knowledge of the democratic syswhoteacheseconomicdevelopment · tern, and transmission of those ecoat Peru State College, gave a very nomic and political systems into precise prediction stating confi- theirdesireddirections." Dr. Hahn dently, "I think it• s probably at the also agreed that they would be relabottom and will stay there much of tively stable within two years. this year. If the people can resist a ' • • • takeover by·a communist or other Need for bumamtanan aid dictatorial groups, I think they will What must the Commonwealth do, be over the worst part in another· andwhatcantheUnitedStatesdoto year." help them in their recovery? Shively Stable Commonwealth? gave a detailed description of what should be done by the United States in saying, "I think all of the western nations should commit whatever humanitarian aid is necessary to get them through this winter with enough food, clothing, and shelter. This should not be a burden of the United States alone. Western Europe has as much or more at stake
Dr. Mowbray too,was asked whetherornot we should give aid to tile countries. He responded, "Yes, it's humanitarian When Castro took over Cuba, if we had been more helpful to him, we might be getting along with him a lot better now than we have in the last 30 years. We'vecertainly given money to other places."
billions of dollars into keeping the · "No, I think with Yeltsin still in world stable? No, I don't think so. there, the Commonwealth should If it's a good idea for corporations still be considered a potent force, to develop over there, they should but not necessarily a force to be do it on their own, but I don• t think feared at this point. I don't see them tax.payer's money should be used to dwindling away toaninferiorpower do it.,, or a group of independent states that are disorganized ••• I think we'll see Finally• question was asked, Gorbachev come back in some ca"Do you think that the Common- pacity. I don't think we've seen wealth will diffuse the formerly the last of him." powerful Soviet Union ?" Sara B. Crook, instructor of history, said
Feb. 7
As with Shively, the professors all believed that the Cpmmonwealth would eventually become stable within two to 10 years. Dr. John Hahn of the humanities division, specifically said, "It will take quite a while. The only way it will accelerate is through dynamic leader-
All but one of the professors interviewed believed in helping out the Commonwealth with some sort of government economic aid. Dr. Spencer Davis. assoqiate professor of history, had a completely different opinion. He took a standpoint shared by many Americans in his response." Do we need to save the Soviet Union ? Do we need to put
.Feb. 12
Feb. 14
Feb. 14
Feb. 14
Feb. 19
Resume Expert Workshop, 2 p.m., TJM 301 Insights into the state government application process, Lincoln
First Data Resources of Omaha On-Campus interviews
Resume Expert Workshop, 2 p.m.• TJM 301
Deadline to apply to graduate, Registrar Wildlife Ecology Federal Govemment·exam, Kansas City
Mutual of Omaha On-Campus interview, resume deadline
Rent-a-Center On-Campus interview, resume deadline
Feb. 20 & 21 Meet the Pros, Omaha & Lincoln art, graphic arts, journalism, sales, advertising majors
Search for coach underway... Saban steps down from P C helm
by PSC Sports Information and Todd Gottula
State College
President Robert Bums has announced that the college will begin immediately to· a replacement for Lou Saban, head football coach.
It is not known if Saban, whose currentcc)ntractendsMarch 15, will return to PSC. "Whether or not Coach Saban. returns to finish his contractis strictly up to Dr. Bums and Coach Saban," said athletic director Ted Harshbarger.
Dr. Bums believes a return to a teachingandcoachingarrangement, allowing for the individual to be on campus"throughout. the academic year, is in the best interests of the college. '.'Saban' s replacement will be hired to both teach and coach," Dr. Bums said.
"I understand the necessity for change in the job description for the · head coach and the modifications this would require to my contract," Saban said.
"Due to my own personal circum-
stances, however, I can't commit to the 1992 in view of these changes," he added.
Saban, the 70-year-oldformerprofessional and major college coach, guided the Bobcats toa 7-4 mark, a Top-10 national ranking, and .the semifinals of the 1991 NAIA Division II play-offs.
When Saban was hired last spring, PSC altered the football position to ·involve only coaching, recruiting and athletic fund-raising. All previous football coaches held faculty positionsatPSC,apracticetowh.ich the college will return.
Dr. Blirns will consult with· Dr. Steven Butler, vice president for student affairs, PSC faculty athletic representative Dr. Jack Hytrek and Harshbarger in the effort to find PSC's next football coach.
The search will be limited, at least initially, to internal candidates at PSC. Many returning players have voiced concern about how long it will take to find a new coach.
Dr. Bums agreed that time is a
critical factor. "We must be prompt and thorough in our considerations, as recruitment and plans for spring ball are underway," he said.
Harshbarger said that the assistant coaches have been instructed to make plans for conditioning and spring practices,
The next coach will be offered appointmenteffectiveimmediately, with the contract period extending through fiscal. 1992-93. Even though the search is limited to current PSC employees, many coaches from around the U.S. have been calling about thejob. "The news of this coaching change is being reported throughout the country," said Harshbarger. "A lot of interest is being shown in this job."
The future of the football team remains a question, but Dr. :Bums said that things will be done right. "Peru State College, has a great tradition of successful, quality athletic programs, and we are determined to continue that tradition."
Post-season honors for three
Peru--Three Peru State College football players have been named to the honorable mention list of the 1991 NAIADivisionllAll-America football team.
The PSC players chosen are quarterback Nate Bradley, defensive tackle Kurt Hasley, and place kicker Ron Shaneyfelt.
Coaches Association (NAIA-FCA), and officially announced last Friday from theNAIA headquarters in Kansas City, MO.
A total of 14 players were selected tO the first and second teams on both offense and defense.
Bradley, a senior, guided the 'Cats to a 7-4 mark and a semi-final ap-
and 20 touchdowns. He was a first team pick in 1990.
The 6-2. 205-pounder was the No. 8-rated passer in Division II with a 250.3 yard average, and ninth in individual totaloffenseat234.3 per contest. Bradley also set career records for most completions, attempts, yards, ancftouchdowns.
Hasley, a 6-3, 265-pound senior, logged a career-high 68 tackles this past season, including eight for losses. He anchored a defensive interiorwhich includedKodakAllAmerican Tim Herman, and ranked second nationally in team rushing defense (54.7) during the regular ·season.
pearance in the Division II national playoffs by passing for 2,669 yards
Shaneyfelt is a repeat choice to the honorable mention list. He finished sixth in kick scoring at 6.00 points per game after ranking as high as second during much of the season. The seniorfrom Millard South High School converted 36 of 38 extrapoint attempts and 10 of 20 field goals.
Quick Fact:
starts season,
by Times Staff Paulson's single to score Heller and, IttookabighitSaturdayaftemoon Dave Deboer's double to drive· to prevent the PSC baseball team Darrell Berry. from pulling off a huge upset. NU got two ruiis back in the botNebraska's Dale Hagy delivered a tom half, butPSC made it6-2 wi two-out home run in the bottom of three more runs in the sixth. the ninth inning off Peru's Mike The Cats added two runs 'in the' Fitzpatrick to give the Huskers a 9- eighth for an 8-4 lead before its 8 victory in the season-opener for bullpen faltered. Peru issued two both teams.
"We played well enough to win, we just didn't," PSC coach Dan Johnson said. "The only negative thing to come out of this game was the loss."
The Bobcats, who took advantage of temperatures to play their earliest season-opener in history, had two positive aspects to reflect on. They out-hit Nebraska 12-10, and committed only one er-· ror defensively.
A crowd of 415 atLincoln'sBuck BeltzerFieldsaw PSCbreakascoreless deadlock in the fifth. Keven Heller tripled past NU' s Jed Dalton for the first run, followed by Jeff
walks leading to a three-run eighth frame pulling Nebraska to within 87, and Troy Brohawn's base-on-; balls to leadoff the ninth preceded Hagy's game-winning homer.
"Offensively, we had good pro-. duction up and down our lineup,"'. Johnson said. "We did the things it takes to win, especially against a team like Nebraska, but we didn't finish.
Paulson finished 2-5 with four RBI's. WilRafteryandDeBoeralsp· had two hits.
PSCresumesaction Feb. 25 against Creighton University at 2 p.m. a Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha.
607 - S th 872-3245 Peru. NE
Voting was done by a committee representing the NAIA Football
Athletic Director Ted Harshbarger aecepts a check from Art Club president
record at the AWAC is a new school record for
Gayle Purtle Tl:te club sold football playoff t-shirts and donated part of the most
consecutive. wins.
money to PSC's athletic programs.--photo b Todd Gottula
Sarah Gaines dumps a pass between two Doane players to ceammate Lora ite during last week's 73-49 setback. White is PSC's second leading scorer
Cagers win thrillers at hO e
by Todd Gottula
In a half full of big shots, PSC' s Fred Ward fired the last-4111d loudest-on Jan. 30.
· Th.e 5-foot-10 inch junior point guard nailed a hanging 19-footeras time expired to give the Bobcats a victory over Benedictine College at the Al Wheeler Activity Center.
The win improved the Cats to 9-0 at home and 11-8 overall on the season.
·· WardrescuedPSCaftertheRavens reeled off nine unanswered points in the game's final two minutes, including back-to-back three pointers by Jason Wyrick and a threepoint play by Terry Jones, to force a 90-90 tie with 45 seconds left. Benedictine had a chance to take the lead after rebounding a missed shot by PSC's Greg Snipes, but they were called for traveling with 10 seconds left.
That set up Ward'.s game-winning shot, which rolled around the rim twice before falling through as the buzzersounded. Whenaskedabout the play, coach John Gibbs said, "We set it up for Fred hoping he'd be able to penetrate and create a 'Shot, draw a foul or dish off to an open teammate."·
Ward tied for game-high scoring honors with 18 points along with Michael Woolsey and GarrettM.ann. Snipes added 17 points for the Bob, cats while Rod Green chipped in 10.
Gibbs was pleased with his team's play for the first 37 minutes but unhappy with the last three. "We played great the whole game and then made very poor decisions at the end which let them back in the ballgame," he said.
On Saturday, Feb l, the Bobcats gave .,; :JSually quiet crowd a lot to cheer about when they defeated Central Methodist, the nation's highest scoring team, 116-103 in double overtime.
After trailing by as many as 10 points in the first half, PSC made a run to cut the lead to three at halftime. Trailing 90-87 with 13 seconds left in regulation the Cats called a time-out. With four seconds left Ryan Harshaw hit a three-pointer
·Time-01.Jt With
by.1oc[d Gottula
Student-athletes sometiines forget how precious life is
I met Lonzo Rollins seven months ago when Fred Ward, a teammate of mine on this year's PSC basket.ball team, introduced us.
Last summer I called Fred to see ifhe wanted to play in a three-onthree "hoop it up" basketball tournament He agreed to play and said he knew a good player (Lonzo) that would play if we needed another guy. Being the picky person I am, I wanted. to know how good" Lonzo was. Fred just said, "Gottula, he can PLAY. Do you wanthimornot?" Wedecidedto· get Lonzo.
The tournament was in Falls City, where my dad lives, so the three of us went down a day early and stayed with my dad. We sat around, talked basketball, got to know each other and ate like crazy! The next day we took third place in the tournament (I think the fact that each of usate a whole·pie a half-hour before we played had something to do with us not winning.) But we did have a great time.
I didn't see Lonzo much after that weekend, but occasionally I would ask Fred about him. Fred told me that Lonzo might come to PSC to play next season. He was in his second season at Platte Junior College in Columbus.
page, football suddenly disappeared. Instantly, my stomach became hollow and my head heavy. A headline on the front pageread, "ex-Mi.Hard South player Lonzo Rollins dies at 19."
Lonzo collapsed and died after playing about 20-25 minutes in a pickup game at Platte College. His coach, Jack said, "He hadn't shown any of a heart condition. He was mgreat shape, running, shooting and dunking. He was playing really welt ·
Lonzo' s death is a mystery. · Autopsyreportsfailedtopinpoint why he collapsed and died. Doctors did say that drugs alcohol was not the cause, Reports say an irregular heartbeat might have been the reason, but we'll never know exactly why this great basket.ball player died. Lonzo was 6-foot-5 inches, 200 pounds, arid one of those guys who was liked by an. Like most college kids., he was a crazy- guy who loved to joke around and have a good time.
from the corner to send it to OT.
The first overtime went back and forth, as neither team was able to pullaway. Withthescoretiedat99, Greg Snipes shot a fade-away jumper that came up short as the buzzer sounded.
The second overtime saw PSC pull away in front of a loud and almost crazy home crowd. The Cats
outscored Central Methodist 17-6 in the last overtime period to take the win 116-103.
Michael Woolsey led seven PSC players in double figures with 20 points and 15 rebounds. Also scoring well were Matt Motley with 18; Greg Snipes, Fred Ward and Ryan Harshaw with 17; Rod Green with 12 and Garrett Mann with 10.
The next time I heard about Lonzo was on Dec. 31. As with every other day of my Christmas break, I woke up at noon, grabbed some lunch and headed downtown to buy an OmahaWorld Herald. I couldn't wait to open up the sports sectioJi and see how the Huskers were preparing for their annual "bowl game choke"! ·
When I opened to the sports
Lady Cats play ,tough over Christmas break
by Jon Kruse ·
The 21st rated PSC lady Bobcat basketball team has had its ups and downs during and after the Christmas break.
The lady Bobcats traveled to Pensacola, FL during the holiday break. to play in the New Year's classic where they edged Evangel, MO 52-49andlosttotheUniversity of West Florida 63-76. St. Mary's
of Texas pulled off a 77-70 win over PSC in the final game.
In other action, the lady Bobcats capitalized in wins over Dubuque, Northwestern, UNK and Park University. However, PSC fell short againstMorningside, South Dakota, Graceland and Concordia. _ :
Sophomore Sonja Simidzif;l.was ·named the NAIA Division Ii District U Player of the Week fOl"Jan.
12-19. The 6 foot 2 inch lady Bobcat from Belgrade, Yugoslavia scored 35 points an$! pulled down 16 rebounds in games against Concordia .. and Missouri Valley combined. The following game against UNK she scored 26 points in an 85-:77 win.
"Iwasverypleased, and I, think it has made me work
The shock of his death really hit me. Like Lonzo, I'm only 19, play basketball, and I consider myself to be in good shape. It's scary to know this kind of thing could happen to any of my teammates or me at any given time.
It hurts to have a friend with so much potential die so young. As college students and athletes, we often forget how lucky we are just to be able to wake up every morning. Because we're young, · onourownandfullofenergy, we tend tothinkthatwe'reinvincible.
· But Lonzo' s death is the harsh reality of what could suddenly happen to any of us!
Native American Educator, Author, Artist & Poet John Twobirds Arbuckle·
even harder because I have more energy."
On Jan. 30, the lady Bobcats met up with some stiff competition against the highly rated Doane Tigers at the AWAC. PSC fell short · 73-49. Lora White led in scoring fortheladyBobcatswith 16points. The5 foot 13th nationally in individual rebounding.
Raise record to 12-8..•
Reserve Forward Dan LaRose goes up strong underneath in PSC's 116-103 double overtime victory over Central Methodist.--photo oy Scott Udey
will pnoscnt North American Indian Religion & PhilosophyAn Indian Way February 10. 1992 - PSC 8.00 a.m. FA 211 9:00 a.m. TJM 3t7 U.00 a.m. TJM 104 2.00 p.m. FA 2ll OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
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videos and imported items are also available. ,,;;i SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME.
PSC calls to the wild ... Peter Gros club guest
by Laura Osborne
Thanks to Carrie Winn and PSC's Tri-Betaclub,Perusttidentshadthe opportunity to enjoy the visit of a prominent television and wildlife figure Feb. 3.
Peter Gros of Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom accepted an invitation to PSC from Winn and the club. Winn stated she had met Gros on a few occasions in ·California. and proposed the idea of asking him to give programs toPSC students. The club provided his plane. ticket for the day-Imig visit.
Gros first made an appearance at Hoyt Science Building before eating lunch in the cafeteria with stu..: dents. He then lectured to a science class which met in the Bob Inn before travelling to Auburn's Nemaha County Good Samaritan Center. There he visited with residents showing them a Burmese python, an Asian gecko and a chin;i,ibilla. The animals were provided by Omaha• s Henry DoorlyZoo and Julie Neemeyer. the zoo's marketingassistant,andHaroldMcGovem. zoo volunteer, aided in the display.
The next stop on the agenda was dinner in Auburn before returning to Peru for an evening presentation in TJ Majors 114. The final lecture attracted nearly 200 people from PSC and nearby communities. This presentation, as did his other Peru lectures, included the display of birds from Raptor Recovery.
The head of the Wildlife Education Center in California focused his topics on animals and the environment Hespokeof"ecotourism",
the combination of travel with education, taking tourists to environmentally sensitive areas being ful not to damage those areas while educating the people as to the area's importance.
Gros feels there is a great need to get young people involved in the environmental issues. "Some kids think an outdoor activity is a trip to themall,"hecommented. "We need to· get kids into the outdoors and teach them the value of it"
Gros proposes to do so by taking more than 20 students to a workshoponrainforestconservation. The workshop will be held in the actual rainforests for 14 days. Students included would be able to visit with the natives and learn how their cultures care for the rainforests.
Also, Gros mentioned that the Wild Kingdom has purchased 250 acres of rainforest land which will be used to study the forest processes. He said that students will be allowed to study on the facilities as well.
Gros feels there is a positive future for the environment as people are becoming more environmentally aware. ''Good things are happening now,"hestated. "Therearesomany good things happening with recycling and all of the efforts to help save the environment"
Gros stated he joined Wild Kingdom eight years ago at the request ofJimFowlerwhenMarlinPerkins became ill. He also has 20 years of experience in travelling to various areas o( the world and in working with animals.
Students and f acuity of PSC give opinions on Japanese and U.S. trade and work ethic
by Chan Crooker
These questions dealt with theeco- · more concerned about quantity and ·, nomic conflict between the United 1 not quality."
According to a non-scientific poll StatesandJapan,inregardtoJapan's "What do you thinkoftheJapanese conducted by the Times, 84 per- trade policies, their purchasing of , trade policies in relation to the cent of PSC students and faculty/ U.S. property, and their attitude to- United States' auto industry?" was staff feel the Japanese trade policy ward the U.S. work ethic. The poll the next question, and an overwith the U.S. is unfair. Only 43 was conducted shortly after the •whelming 84 percent felt ·these percent, however, are somewhat / Japanse Prime Minister said that ·policies are "unfair." One-tenth of upset with recent remarks the Japa- U.S. workers are lazy and those polled felt they are "fair, "and nesePrimeMinistermadeinregard unmotivated. six percent had "no opinion." One to the U.S. work ethic. The first question on the poll asked, ·student stated that, "Japan exports OnFeb.11and12, 1992, the Times "Which of the following choices more than most of the Americans asked 80 students and 10 faculty/ most closely represents your atti:.. are aware of." staffmembersquestionsabouttheir tudetowardrecentcommentsabout Views were somewhat one-sided feelings on certain subjects regard- American workers made by the dealing with the Japanese buying ing Japan.
New Honors courses on page 3
Native American speaker on page 6
Silas Summers winners on page 5
Basketball highlights on pages 7 & 8
,, Japanese Prime Minister and largeamountsofU.S.propertywith
Speaker of Japan's lower house of almost half of those polled being Parliament?" Thirty percent felt "bitter" andastrong46percent "con"bitter" toward the comments;· 42 cerned." Four percent were ·percent were "somewhat upset," 12 "neutral" on the purchasing of real percent were "neutral," 10 percent ·estate, while one person out of 90 felt the comments were "justified," "slightly approved," and one was" zero percent were "pleased" and ·in favor". "The U.S. helped Japan approximately six percent were · get started after the war. I feel that "not aware" of the comments. One Japan is really trying to take over. comment taken from the poll The government should stop letting stated, "Ifeel that the Prime Min- Japan buy up our land and put some
ister's comments were justified due restrictions on Japan," said one PSC tothefactthattheAmericanworker ,See "Trade Relations" has become JaZy, [because] we are on page 2
PETER GROS (far right), from Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, gets "up close and personal" with a Burmese python from the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha. Standing next to Gros is PSC student Ray Boren.--photo by Kurt
Student ll'S<C Jl!ll!l!illl l!"'ll>ili __ Faculty/S 1 aff
I. Which of the following choices most closely represents your· attitude toward recent comments about American worlcers made by the Japanese Prime Minister and Speaker of Japan's lower house of Parliament?
2. What do you think of the Japanese trade policies in relation to the United States' auto industry?Unfair
Fair Have no opinion
3. What is your reaction 10 the Japanese buying large amounts of U.S. real estate?
__ Bitter.-- Slightly concerned __ Neutral __Slightly approve __ Favor·
4. Which of the following ·choices most closely represents your .attitude toward Jap:ill in general? ·
Hostile Disapproving Neutral Friendly
Comments :
"Trade Relations" continued from page 1
·American industries must change to compe.te with aggressive Japan
Japan. once our foe in World War II. is now our foe ·in the interna· tional business world. Within the 1ast20 years, Japan has steadily forged itself into an eccr nomic giant, right under our noses. Especially during the lastlO years, Arnericanshavebeengrowingmore and more bitter toward the country we'd like to consider our cute littlebrotherfigure because we've helped makeitwhatitis today.AsColumbia University historian Carol Gluck · said in Time • Feb. 10, 1992, "The Japanese depended on depending on the Americans, and the Americans depended on. being depended .uoon." ·
Campus poll revealing approximately five percent felt · Statistics from another article in student.
. The final question on the poll asked . for an overall attitude towardJapan in general. Twenty-one percent felt "hostile" toward Japan, 39 percent were "disapproving." 35 percent were "neutral" on the subject. and
"friendly" toward Japan. · this issue of theTimes concerning OnePSC s.tudentsaid thatJapan is a poll we've conducted with Peru ofilyusinggoodbusinessselise,that State staff and studentsj give us a the U.S. should stop crying and start good indication of the general feelgettting our businessmen and gov., ing of people in the Midwest, and ernment to change their ways. · possibly in the whole U.S., toward Japan. People surveyed felt over-
whelmingly that Japan implements unfair trade policies toward us, and sadly many felt extremely bitter toward Japan in general, often contributing expletive-filled comqients.
The fact is. trading policies toward us are unfair, but it isn 'tas bad as it seems when you think that the U.S. exports more to Japan than it does to Germany. France and Italy combined. (Statistics from Time ,
Feb. 10, 1992) .
Conflicting values
Yet, the Japanese are an organized society which first and foremost concentrates on their own interests. To put it simply, if they can buy Japanese, even at the multiple cost of. an imported good, they'll do it. They have great nationalpridein theirunity ofethnic4J and in their common sense of pri;r·· pose. , On the other hand, America could ·· be seen as the complete opposite to the Japanese, culturally. What is American culture, really? Our land, our people and our ideals are so· diverse that it would be impossible to.say that our whole country can think the same or have a common, ·
purpose. But that is what makes the U.S. so great.
Fabricated complications?
Getting back to trade, there are instances where Japan appears to be offering us free trade, but"unforseen complications" often arise. The setup goes like this: an American company will receive orders from an interested Japanese company. But, problems are found at the pier. The merchandise can't be found, or the product has to wait six weeks to pass an inspection. It seems often times that the Japanese are doing whatever they can do to keep American items off the shelves. Underhanded collusion, dumping and predatory pricing also take place.
·So, O.K., the Japanese do implement unfair trade policies. But as we said, they are blown out of proportion. Unless you read the statistics you may be prone to think that the Japanese don't cooperate with usatalland thatoureconomic·woes are totally their fault. Japanese do admit that their $40 billion trade surplus to the U.S. has affected our economy. Yet, consider these facts if you're the typical, "Dadgun Japs are taking away our jobs" person. About 450,000 Hondas are now.maoe in the U.S. by American workers annually. Many Japanese companies are and have been building plants in the United States. However, Ford, GM. and Zenith have been opening new plants in Mexico. ·
The point is this. Tensions tween the U.S. and Japan are skyrocketing. We are well on the road to further tensions and conflicts in
the years to come unless both sides compromise to fit the other's needs. Sadly, some analysts are predicting. that this will all climax within the next 20 years with another war. ·Some of our complaints are justified. Some of their ridicule is justified. (But not saying that American workers..are lazy.) But the more we complain· and moan, the more Japan will lose their long-time respect forus. We simply can '.t count each other out. We are the two biggest economic powers in the world, but -41 wecan'tletthe U.S. be number two by the year 2000. Yet it's ridiculous ·JI to think that we don't have to cooperate and work together.
Actions lo1;1der than words
This is a tilne to humble ourselves; 4 let the Japanese defame us they want, and work to prove them wrong. Nothing speaks louder than action.
The·time is at .hand. Americans have always prospered under pressure.Just think of how the Russian Sputnik scared us ·into working · harder on our space program and succeeding i11.putting the first man on the moon. That sarqe type of intimidating pressure is being thrown at us now by Japan. We must ac;cept the. challenge, accept Japan as a legitimate business part.ner and competitor and accept the fact that we must gear up and do whatever it takes to regain respect as the most successful and productive country in the world. This isn't the frrst time of crisis where we've come out on top. Americans can do it. That is what makes the United States the great- · est country on earth.
Qqote of the Week
"If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, and endeavor to live the life you have imagined, you will meet with success." .
--Henrv David Tlwreau • .T
Letter to the Editor poucy
The Peru State Times welcomes a.II to the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, or articles sbouldber· ,edbytbeindividual" person or 1- lrsons writing ' and will be published at the dis· cretion or the editors. The Peru : State Times reserves the right to. edit all letters to the editor. Send materialto:Editor, the Peru State Times, Campus Mail, Peru .State College, Peru,
The Times is accepting personal ads for upcoming issues.
,... Personals can be humorous but they must be in good taste. Submit ads to Peru State Times, Box 120 in the Ad. Building mailroom. Ads for the February 21st issue must he submitted by 4 p.m., February 14th,. and by4 p.m,.February28th for the March 6th issue.
The cost. is $1. for two lines approximately 40 characters per line, and $2 for five lines; f2r the ad myst acconu;wry the submission.
were justified Pleased Not aware
__ Bitter __ Somewliat
Frankly.Speaking .f/H;t,, Mh!L
. Pig's feet, pig's tails or cajun chicklf!n? f guess I'll take the chicken.
State Times. Published Bi-monthly Bditot-in.Qiicf •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Laur>. ')lbu:nc Spom Ediw • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• Todd Clottula A...istant Editor , , , • : ••••••••••••••••••••••• ; •••••••••••••• 'r= Bailey Head Cop)' llditar ; ••••••••••••••• , M.r.;t Joco1-l Fhotography Coordiml<r , •••••••••• Scou 'Tdoy AdMamger ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,. ••• Gn:ggM&ttm: Typcoc11cr •••••••••••••••••• :. ; ••••••••••• , •••••• .- • • •• •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • Lia Clol!ula EditorialAubllmta •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• °'j= 1cmilio: Lat1in Adv1- Dr.DmHclto
Senate Revie
by Rohm Anderson Senate Reporter
The Senate's latest meeting was Feb. 12. Bob Lewellen was moved to the top of the agenda. He proposed that the school's 125th anniversary theme should also be used for the homecoming theme. He gave the Senate a of suggested themes. The Senate will discuss it at the next meeting. Reports of the Senate standing committees'were then given. Community Relations reported that the Cargill Company is thinking about coming into this area. This would create many new jobs. Rules Committee then re-read the three proposed amendments and the Senate did a first round voting on them.
Academic Affairs approved a new name for Children's Literature and passed four petitions. The Judicial Board met and heard one case this week.
Our Student Board Member has received the applications for his position. The applications are due back Mar. 13. Then a committee will be formed to narrow the candidates to three. Those three applications will then be sent on. All students are encouraged to apply.
Elections for president and vice-president of Student Senate will be held ·the last week in February. General elections will then follow. Exact dates will be posted. ·
The Senate agreed to sell tickets for the pancake feed that is being. sponsored by Dr. Bums. A suggested date and time were given to Dr. Burns.
Last on the agenda was a yearbook update. A camera-ready copy of last year's book will be ready Feb. 15. It will be completed by the end of this school year. The yearbook committee also turned in some ideas for this year's yearbook to Dr. Bums.
Sport management available
Program blends two majors
Peru--Sport Management. a new option for physical education majors. has been approved by the Academic Affairs Commission.according to Dr. Jenold Hanson. The option combines physical education and business to provide the student with the knowledge and skills to enable the graduate to enter occupations in a variety of public and private endeavors. such as intercollegiate and professional sport settings, corporate or private fitness centers, park districts and the growing sport related industries. Career opportunities include those as directors of activity centers. club managers, ·fitness facility managers, directors of public relati.ons for sport teams or organizations; program directors, business managers, ticket sales managers , and directors of community centers.
More information and specific course requirements can be obtained from any member of the physical education faculty or Dr. Jerrold T. Hanson, Chair of the Division of Education.
Placement Events
Feb. 25 International Career Opportunities Workshop, UNL
Feb. 25 Union Pacific on-campus interview, resume deadline
Feb. 27 Fashion Show, 11 a.m., Student Center
Feb. 28 PPST deadline
Feb. 28 Deadline for summer jobs with federal government (i.e. park ranger, surveyor, chemist, writer)
Mar. 5 GRE test registration due
Mar. 7 PPST & NTE
Mar. 12 Public Sector Career Fair, UNL, cost $5, transportation available, government jobs and not-for".profit employers ·
The Communication Skills Center (CSC)
The csc offers study skills assistance in the following areas:
*How to write a term paper
*How to study using a study/reading method
*How to manage time
*How to prepare for the PPST
*How to use the Cornell Notetaking system
For more information contact:
Frank Ferrante, CSC Director, TJM 313, Ext #2426
JEFF COLGROVE and Dave Joneii work aluminum goblet projects for a material processing class
b>: Dr. Lester Russell, professor of industrial technology; They also work with Computer Numerical Con trolled trulls and lathes as well as other fonns of advanced industrial technologies. Introductory and advanced classes are offered every other semester through the Division of Science and Technology.-photo by Scott Udey
·New Honors courses to be offered
by Marty Jacobsen
ciety, to be taught by Dr. Larry
Four new Honors courses have Pappas, professor of biology; and beendesignedandwillbeofferedin HP212: Introduction to thefallof1992.Thesenewcourses em Musics, to be taught.by Dr. are the result of the. redesigning of David Edris, professor of music. the Honors.Program according to HP 101andHP400 are taught by · Dr. Anthony McCrann.honors pro- · Dr. McCrann, assistantprofessorof gram coordinator. English and Dr. Spencer Davis, asUnder the new design, six courses .· sociate professor history, respecwill make up the Honors Program. tively.
Two of these courses, HP 101: According to Dr. McCrann, there Twentieth Century·Issues and HP are no prerequisites for honors pro400: Ethics and Social Justice, are gram courses, nor do the courses required if one is to complete the need to be taken in· a particular program. order. Moreover, all honors courses
The remaining nine hours must be will fulfill general studies requirechosen from the four newly de- ments;noextrahourswillbeadded signed courses: HP 201: Making to the cuiricula of Honors Program Sense::Artinthe World,tobetaught participants. Students are free to by Dan Cox, assistant professor of withdrawfromtheHonorsProgram education; HP 204: Contemporary at any time.
Asian Cultures, to be taught by "The Honors Program has been HarryTabata,assistantprofessorof redesigned to be more available to business; HP 205: Science and So- students," said Dr. McCrann. "The
administration and many instructors have gone to a great deal of effort to make this a reality, Dr Burns [PSC President, Robert Burns] has enthusiastically supported this effort to improve the content and availability of Honors courses."
The purpose of the Honors Program, says Dr. McCrann, is. to challenge academically gifted students with new ideas and perspectives. Usually interdisciplinary, Honors courses are designed to stimulate an inquiry ofleaming through a seminar-style atmosphere. Extracun;icular cultural and scholastic events are also open to Honors dents.
For more information concerning the Honors Program, contact Dr McCrann, Fine Arts 215 or call 872-2285.
Speaker says new laws curb civil liberties
by Keri Hoffman
According to the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, we are guaranteed freedom of speech, religion and press; our civil liberties. Why then are 15-year old kids being arrested fo:t being out at 10:30 p.m.? Why are male students being expelle,!i from school because they have long hair and wear headbands?
Bill Schatz, Executive Director, · Nebraska Civil Liberties Union (NCLU),addressed these and many otherquestions concemingourcivil liberties, on Friday, Feb. 7, to an audience of about 30 here on campus.
Schatz, who has been executive directorof theNCLU for two years, said changing laws are not very favorable for civil liberties.
"The state of civil liberties is gettingworse. Ourdvil libertiesarein jeapordy" Schatz said.
The NCLU, which is an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, founded 71 years ago, protects the individual rights, civil rights and civil liberties of the public. The NCLU receives 2000 complaints a year. Of that, 200 are reviewed, and only 10 are actually accepted as cases. TheNCLU gets its funding from membership dues and donations.
Throughout his speech, Schatz gave examples of what he feels are infringements on civil liberties. Schatz said that 83% ofthe private schools in the United States are religious, 63% do not emoll blacks and 80% contain no Hispanic stu. dents. Administrators, at both high school and college level, have the final say on what can and cannot be printed in school newspapers.
In an issue closer to home, Schatz said the Nebfaska state legislature tried to pass a bill that would revoke · and refuse drivers licenses of all people who did not have a high school diploma or GED
Coach Johnson teaches the basics
From the Other Side of the Desk •••
by Tim Bai Jey
It's been just over a year since Peru State Bobcat baseball team welcomed their new coach, Dan Johnson.
Johnson came here from Ranger, TX. At Ranger, he was the head baseball and football coach and athletic director in their high school. Johnson said of his Texas experience, "I went there as the head baseball coach and assistant football coach. I stayed in that capacity for two years then they asked me to be the football coach and I took that. Then about six months later I became the athletic director."
Johnson recelved his bachelor's and master's degree in South Dakota. "I grew up in South Dakota and went to a junior college in Iowa and then I went back to South Dakota. I played baseball at Northern State College in Aberdine, SD. I graduated with my bachelor's in 1984,andmymaster'sin 1987.Af-
ter I got done with my bachelor's I went to a town called Maybank, TX, which is just east of Dallas. I taught and coached there for two years. Then I went back as a graduate assistant to Northern and got my master's. I went to Ranger and I came here from there."
I asked Coach Johnson what he felt were some of the strong points ofPeruStateCollege.Hetesponded, my colleagues in the business say, 'How do you get kids to come to Peru,?' We just try to sell the fact
"As a player and as a coach, I've been blessed to have had some pretty good success." that the campus is all inclusive. We don't have to do anything outside of campus to achieve the education or the athletic process. The tuition being the lowest within a thousand miles probably is a strongpoint It's a quaint'little town. It's a very old and neat looking college campus. I think it looks more like a college campus than a lot of places do. You're not going to get lost in the crowd or lost in the shuffle, but yet it's big enough where you're not under the microscope all of the time ... It has got a lot to offer with the surrounding area, the campus activities, and on top of it all really providing a fine education."
How did Coach get into baseball in the first place? He said,"
[ I've loved ] anything with sports ever since I was little. I have an older brother that's eight years older than I am and he got me interested' in all of it. In high school I played football, and baseball. I've always been interested in that. I probably had the best success in the baseball part of it. I went to college to play baseball Asa player and as a coach, I've beell blessed to have had some pretty good success. That makes it a lot easier. " Coach Johnson did have great success in college, beingnamed'anAll-American baseball player at Northern.
Coach Johnson added that he loves coaching and teaching and doesn't feel bogged down with both responsibilities saying," It's easy for me.Itdoesn'tseemlikeajob.••This is vacation for me." After coaching and teaching in. a high school, he felt very comfortable with the teaching load he has at Peru.
The baseball season is upon us. The Bobcats lost a tough one to UNL 9-8 a few weeks ago and officially open their season at Creighton the 25th of this month. Mentioning his thoughts on the Nebraska loss, Johnson added, "We should have won that one. We out hit them. They had more errors than we did ..•.They got the big hit when they needed it. We were ahead 8-7 going into the ninth inning.••. I'm
Wildlife mural brings life to manor
by Vicky Johnson
Tri Beta members turn artist
Recently members of the Tri Beta Biology/Wildlife Club brought a little wildlife to some residents in a Falls City nursing home.
Carrie Winn, a post-graduate student studying biology and wildlife ecology, and Sheri Rumbaugh, a junior studying biology and chemistry' devoted much of their Christmas break to painting the hallways of Manor. Although the m.ural is only half finished the residents of Ketler Manor are enjoying a variety of anin1als. The project
is to be completed this summer. Carrie, a resident of Falls City, picked Ketler Manor because she was previously acquainted with the owner, Vern Ketler. She stated," the residents were more than willing to help and are enjoying the work they have done so far."
Another club member, Mark Fritch, joined the artistic duo a few days after the work had begun. While Carrie sketched, Sheri and Mark painted behind her. Residents lending a paint brush or two were George Griffiths, Maudeen "Dee Dee" Lee and
Alice Jurgens.
Although the Tri-Beta Club has . not been active at Peru for some time, the members are engaged in some interesting and worthwhile endeavors. In addition to the Ketler Manor murals, the club routinely helps with "adopt-ahighway" litter campaigns, nature trail clean-up efforts and recycling projects.
The Tri-Beta club is sponsored by Peru State instructor Dr.Larry Pappas. There are currently 20 members. Officers are: President, Mark Fritch; Vice-President, Amber Fabry; Treasurer, Sheri Rumbaugh; and Secretary; Andrea Brown
Quote of the Day
"Let us all hope the dark clouds ofracialprejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog ofmisunderstanding will .be lifted • • "
pleased with the way we played, but then again I think about the last when we lost 13 games by one run."
Coach Johnson felt confident that theteamwouldhaveagoodseason. ·
He is pleased with his recruits this year, but mentioned that he lost a · few players since this fall for various reasons. He strongly emphasized that his team is training on the fundamentals, not playing a fancy game, but a polished, efficent basic game. "For us to be successful we have to do three things: We have to play a basic every day defense; you catch the ball and you throw somebody out. We have to throw strikes as pitchers. And you have to move the runners around. That's pretty basic•.. We concentrate on the fundamentals and we do those things every day."
Johnson mentioned that he likes to try to bring out the individuality in both his players and students. Johnson said that many teams clorie their players, as in having all of their pitchers throw the same way, and he sincerely dislikes that approach. "I'm not going to tell people what they should think or how they should think. But hopefully I am going to make them think for themselves. College is a place where not only do you need to absorb the education, but a place where you develop your own critical thinking abilities. It's not a time where you should be
following the pack. You need to think for yourself and act like an adult. You're still a student but you're not a child. I hope that in·my classes that I can urge, that I can I demand that the students develop their own set of philosophies••. " When discussing his future, Coach Johnson told me that he is planning to stay at Peru State and live in Auburn with his wife and his two children saying, "I'm at the point where I just don't want to move my ·kids anymore. "Johnson and family have lived in nine different residences in eight and a half years. He also pointed out. that ·he is happy at Peru and as long as Peru State is happy with him, .he will most likely stay.
Oh, by the way, Coach Johnson is starting a doctoral program this fall at UNL. So, in a few years you will not only have to call him "Coach?', but "Dr. Johnson."
. R read ea u
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CARRIE WINN (back left) and Sheri Rumbaugh workonthemural atKetler Manor .in Falls City.--photo cour:tesy of Falls City Journal.
Cosimano, Johnson get top honors
Contest winners announced
Peru--Winning entries have been She is a freshman speech and drama selected in the annual Silas Sum- major of Fremont.
· mers writing contest at Peru State "That Fateful Night" by Penny Colege. according to Dr. Anthony Gibbonseamedhonorablemention McCrann, assistant professor of shortstory. SheisajuniorelemenEnglish. · tary education major from Beatrice. The literary contest is named after In the poetry category, MerriJohnthe late PSCEnglish professor Silas son took top honors with"Autumn." Summers, who served the college A senior majoring in business acifrom 1960 to 1972. ministrationandinEnglish,shelives
Will attend Creighton Law School
Gottula has 'discipline,· motivation'
Person of the Week
by Miehe.I le Kimbal
"A classic example of selfmotivation and self-Oiscipline". was the statement Sara Crook made to describe Lisa Gottula. Lisa is a senior history major from Table Rock. Mrs. Crook extended her statement with these words. ''She excels at her work not only because she has natural ability, but because she channels her talents into productive endeavors. She is truly an exceptionalstudent" Therecords prove this to be true, because she currently holds a 3.94 GPA.
Although she didn't start her college days at Peru State, she is very much satisfied here. Lisa initially enrolled at UNL, but didn't find it to her liking. She moved to Salina, KS, where her sister was finishing residency, helped out with child care, and took some classes part-time at a small college there. When that college closed, Lisa moved back
HELP WANTED: Methodist Student
to familiar surroundings and enrolled at Peru State. About PSC, she commented, "I like the community-like atmosphere Youcanmakeaplaceforyourself and you don't feel like you're lost in the crowd."
Lisa is a member of Phi Be.ta Lambda, and she attended the Leadership conference last year. She placed first in accounting at the state competition which qualifiedherforNationals, where she placed second. She is currently the president of the campus chapter of"' Phi Alpha Theta, an honorary history fraternity. Lisa is also a member of Alpha Chi. When asked the "I have no doubt that [Lisa] will continue her success throughout her career and her life."
--Sara Crook · question. "What do you like to do in your spare time?" Lisa was quick to ask. "What spare time?" She then added that she enjoys just watching TV, that once in a while she'll shoot some baskets, and that shelikes to walk.
Dr. Spencer Davis, Lisa's academic advisor, had this to say about her. "Lisa is frighteningly intelligent, hard-working and conscientious." Lisa is also a work study student for both Mrs. Crook and Dr. Davis. and she is
Lisa Gottula
also the typesetter for the Peru State Times.
Lisa's original plans upon graduation from Peru State were to attend graduate school andlater teachhistory,butthoseplanshave since changed. She became interested in law. and sent an application to Creighton Law School. She was notified the same day that classes resumed for second semester that she had been accepted. After three years in law school. Lisa plans to practice in Nebraska. somewhere around this area. Mrs. Crook had one last comment to add about Lisa. She said,"! have no doubt that she will continue her success throughout her career and her life." Lisa's accomplishments prove that self-motivation pays off. It definitely worked for her! HAIRAFFAIR HAIR
The winning entries, along with in Auburn. other literary WOJ."ks by PSC stu.: Tom Hyde wrote the second place dents, will be included in the 1992 entry, "doesn't see." A senior Enedition o( "Sifting Sands," to be glishmajor,heisfromPlattsmouth. published this spring by the PSC "Windmill in the Sun" by Susan English club and Sigma Tau Delta Brown earned third place. She is a honorary fraternity in English. senior language arts and English In the short story category, "Pie- major of Nebraska City. tures" by Ann Cosimano was cho- The honorable mention poem was sen for first place. She is a junior "What'sGood?"byMarilynWoerth. psychology/sociology major of She is a senior psychology /sociolOmaha. She is a 1989 graduate of ogy major of Brownville. Millard South. Serving as the judge for the 1991Second place went to Joan Chris- 92 Silas Summers·writing contest tenfor "Time." She is a sophomore was Dr. Ralph Bellas. Dr. Bellas is math major from Tecumseh. a retired professor of English who Tricia Boeck's short story. "A served Illinois State University and Love to lastaLifetime" placed third. the University of Kansas.
Harling's term expiring; Trustees seeking new PSC representative
Lincoln-·The System Office of the Board of Trustees for the Ne.braska State College has announced that a search is underway for a student trustee from ChadronStateCollege. WayneState College and Peru State College. Student members of the Board represent the student bodies of their colleges beginning May 1 of each year.
Current student trustees are Charlotte Hood at Chadron State College, Jan Wendte at Wayne State College and Mike Harling at Peru· State College.
Board of Trustees policy requires that the Student Senate, or a similar body, nominate from each campus three candidates for consideration by the governor. The Board Office receives the nominations from each of the three colleges and forwards
them collectively to the governor. Here'showtoapply: 1) pickupan aaplication form at the Student Government office; 2) fill it out and prepare a one-page personal statement as directed on the form; 3) return the form and statement to the Student Government office; 4) an ad-hoc selection committee set up by the student senate will interview and screen appljcants for recommendations to the entire student senate, which will confirm the recommendations; 5) final nominees will solicit three letters of recommendation from faculty and/or students (no administrators); 6) names of the final three nominees. including nomination form, personal statement and letters of recommendation, are submitted to the System Office for forwarding to the governor.
Donut Shop Hours: 7 a:m:-5:30 p'.m. (Monday through Saturday)
SILAS SUMMERS writing contest winners include (from left) Merri Johnson. Tom Hyde, Penny Gibbons, Susan Brown. Tricia Boeck, Ann Cosimano, Marilyn Woerth and Joan Christen.-photo by Lynn Hicks
for PEER MINISTER POSITION to help Campus Ministry contact students 6 hours per week - $4.25/hr Internship credit possible See Rev. George Harrison - TJ Majors 103 or Call 872-2243
NEXXUS HA IR CARE PRODUCTS Tanin:f.ng Specla:l.s ·.w. ·· 6 Sessions ' $.20.00 .J..2 Sessions $.29.00 i Mon.th. (unHrn.ltedJ $38.00 IBIS OFFER GOJD TIIRU FEB. 29, 1992
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ckwisch to resent er
Stuckwisch has been to present a research paper at the Sixth National Conference on Undergraduate Research March 26-28 at the University of Minnesota.
A native of the Madison area and graduate ofBattle Creek High School, she is the stepdaughter of Fritz Ziehmer of Madison. Stuckwisch will graduate in May from Peru State with majors in computer science and mathematics.
Her research paper is entitled "An Implementation of a Knapsack Algorithm on an Intel IPSC/2 Hypercube." The research was largely accomplished last summer when Stuckwisch won a National Science Foundation grant to study at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Only.10 students from southern and midwestem states were accepted into the eight-week program. At Rolla she parted up with a research partner. Lupita Sanchez of Panhandle State University in Okla-
A "New Native America". .. Speaker informs students of "The Way"
by Barbara J •. Balm
John ''Twobirds" Arbuckle spoke Nlonday,Feb.10,1992,aboutcenturies-old religious and philosophical traditions of North American Indians. The.two traditions are indivisible and are evident in a spiritual and harmonious lifestyle called "The Way." Arbt,J.ckle, who sees· himself as an "itine:rant educator," was at PSC to share his belief that a New Native American is emerging, who is neither American Indian nor Caucasian.
Arbuckle said it is a common misunderstanding that the Native Americans had "no religion or philosophy of their own. Arbuckle, a Vietnam veteran, said, "When I entered the. Army I was listed as 'Caucasian with no religious preference' on my dog tags. The sergeant would not accept 'American Indian' and 'Native American' as answers. Theredraceisseenas 'the invisible people."' Arbuckle went on ·to say that Native Americans have found themselves in col)flict between the dominant society that surrounds them and that society composed of their own people and tribes, which is also very much a part of their everyday lives.
Further, Arbuckle said, "There are two major differences in The [Indian] Way from traditional Christian theology. First, Native Americans believe in the Great Mystery. This mystery goes beyond the concept of God. Secondly, they believe everything is endowed with a spirit." According to Arbuckle, there is a
need to redefme how society looks atreligion and philosophy.
He went on to say,"We don't as-
grandtather as his father had been
pire to heaven or hell. There is no killed in WWII. It is smoked each goodorevil.Theconceptofsinand day by Arbuckle. He believes it hell was juxtaposed on us. helps guide him where he needs to not put here to dominate. We are go to spread the message. here for balance and harmony. The The message is thata New Native Way advocates living in harmony AmericanisemerginginTheWay, with the universe." made up of all nationalities who
have left behind their ties with Europe, Africa or the Orient, according to Arbuckle. He noted environmentalists, whose main concern is preserving the earth, as an example.
Rebecca Hasty, adjunct instructor of speech, had Arbuckle, who is an author. artist and poet speak to her speech After the lectures, many students asked for help to pursue a study of The Way.
Auburn, Neb.
Bargain Night Tuesday
Family Night Monday
PSC Night Thursday
Reg. Adm. $3-Adult $2-Child
7:30 Nightly (Closed Wed.)
Sunday Matinee 2 p.m •
••••••••••••••••• KEVIN COSTNER
The Way also has a "commonality" that runs through ·an Native American tribes which helps define it as having its own distinct religion and philosophy. "That basic belief is the Sacred Circle," said Arbuckle. Using examples, he showed how this symbol was present in the Native Americans' symbolic language passed on to him, because he was the first born of the first born in his family. The ceremonial pipe was passe:c! to him UJ)On the death of his
homa. SanchezwillbeSni:ckwisch's co-presentor at the Minneapolis conference.
S ni:ckwisch called her experiences and successes "a pleasant surprise for me. When I first came to Peru State. I planned to major in accounting and math."
"After my freshman year, I took a computer science class with Stan NlcCaslin and decided to go in that direction; I kept my math major and dropped accounting," she said.
Mccaslin, assistant professor of computer science, was "a major influence," Stuckwischsaid. Shealso credited Dr: Daryl Long, professor of science, for his influence.
"I've had incredible opportunities for student research here, which may not have happened at a larger school," she said. "Peru has done so
much me.
"I knew that at a big university I'd be lost, and that the student-toteacher ratio would oo important to me, " sl}e said. "At Peru, you don't just learn material, you learn from experien<?es--your own and those of the faculty, too."
Nls. Stuckwisch has been a ber of the PSC Student Senate, the college business honorary Phi Beta Lambda, and the math and science •honorary Alpha Nlu Omega. She is :co-director of a computer lab, and :tutors students in math and com;puter science. Stuckwisch has been offered a graduate assistantship at the University of Missouri-Rolla. "I've considered other grad schools, too, but I'm also looking at the job market, " she said.
Women's History Month Events
Presented by Women's History Month Committee ·and Student Program8
Monday, March 2 • Art Show Opening, featuring women's art, 7-8 p.m., Art Gallery, FA.
Thursday, March 5 - Pioneer Women, a program which discusses the variety oflives and roles of pioneer women in the Great Plains, 2 p.m., Benford Recital Hall, FA. Sponsored by the Nebraska Humanities Council.
Tuesday, March 10 - Christena Menth,,pianist, 7:30 p.m., Benford Recital Hall, FA. Sponsored by the Nebraska Arts Council and Student Programs.
Monday, 23 - Sadie Hawkins Dance, music by complete Music DJ., 9:30 p.m., Student Center Women's History Nlonth Book Display in PSC library. Women's History Nlonth Display in Diddell Court in FA Bldg.
Upcoming Movies: ALKMENA (Kristine Meeske, left) and her maid, Neneatza (Heather Cohrs, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle center), listen as Leda, the Queen of Sparta (Trace Buesig, right), tells of her
FLO STUCKWISCH (center) gives a Io.t of credit for her achievements to profes8ors Dr; Daryl Long (left) and Stan McCaslin. Ms. Stuckwisch has been invited to a computer science research paper at a national conference in Minnesota next month.-photo by Cindy Hartman
JFK WARHlifl SfllOC.. fID FATHER of l:he DE cea:i Don Johnson lVlelanie Griffith -·-·-...
Beaut Y & the Beast amorous adventure with Jupiter, the King of the Gods. The scene is from Peru Fr iEid Green Toma toes Players production of Amphitryon 38 to be presented at 8 p.m. on Feb. 28, 29 Grand Canyon
and March 6, 7, and at 2 p.m. on March 1 at the the College Theatre.--photo by Call 274-4096 For
Mea wst
by Times Staff
On Feb: 10 Peru State College President Dr. Robert Burns announced thatassistantMonteMeadows was to becbme the new head football coach.
Meadows was selected from an internal search to succeed Lou Saban, whose contract with PSC ends March 15. Meadows' appoint:. ment as .head coach will take effect immediately.
"Coach Meadows has a reputation for taking on tough jobs and having great success. I know he did that here at PSC this year, and I am confident that he-.will do that as our head coach in football," Burns said in making the announc.ement.
Meadows said. taking over PSC' s traditionallystI'Qng football program was an opportunity hecouldn'tpass up.
"This is a great challenge in my career, but I'm ready "At some point in time, everyone iI) coaching wants to be the head coach, and that opportunity had risen here. There'salotofworktobedone,and I want to be part of the many positive things that are going on with this team."
Over the past three years, Peru State has posted a 27-6-1 mark, earned three consecutive .NAIA Division JI play-off berths, and won the national championship fu 1990; Under Saban, the '91 Bobcats were 7-4 overall and reached the semifinals of the play-offs.
"This is my first head coaching job and is pressure in that itself," he said. "With what's happened the past couple of year8 I do feel some pressure, but it's pressure I want to have because we've been in play-offs. One of my goals is to continue that success/' Meadows, a graduate of Kearney State (now University ofNebraskaKearney), served two years as a graduate assistant for the Lopers before coming to PSC. He coached the offensive tackles and tight ends, and as the strength coach and weight training supervisor.
with the offensive line and assisted with the play calling, and he developed a good relationship with the players.
· "The players and I developed a 1 good relationship during the seasan," Meadows said. "I've kept in close communication with them, and plan to keep the channels open , as head coach."
Meadows declined to comment on any changes he has planned, but said some can be expected.
"Anytime you switch head coaches, changes are natural, he said, "and there will be some noticeable changes with us. don't want to be specific just now, but I will say that we'll have some."
Like any newly appointed coach, recruiting is a "high ·priority" on Meadows list.
"Recruiting is our main objective right now," .said Meadows. "We have started conditioning with the players who are hereand we've had a good turnout. But my main concern is to get some commitments for next year."
So, does Meadows feel any pres- · sure in accepting the position?
Friday, Feb. 21 - Skating.Old Gym, 6:30
Tuesday, Feb. 25 - VITA
Love Connection, Live Oak Rm..i 5-7p.m. , Wednesday, Feb. 26 -VITA Fun Flicks, 1-7 p.m.
Coffee, Programs Office, 11 a.m.
High School Business Contest
Student Senate Elections, Student Center, 11. a.m.-1 p.m
Friday, Feb. 28 - Play.
Amphitryon38, College Theater, 8 p.m.
Student Senate Elections, Student Center. 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 29 - Play, Amphitryon38, College Theater, 8 p.m.
Sunday, March 1 - Play, Amphitryon38, College Theater, 8 p.m. '
Monday, March 2 - Art Ex-, h!bit, opening, 7-8 p.m.
Tuesday, March 3 - VITA
PSC Baseball, 1 p.m.
Monte Meadows
· Meadows a happy coach.
The Neligh native played and let7 "I was ecstatic when they told me four seasons on the Loper I had been selected," he said. "IC s football team (1982-86). a very good feeling to know the at offensive guard as a semor on administrationhasconfidenceinme KSC'.s S-4 team.. .. , . . . and my abilities as a coach ·and
After completing his eligibility. instructor.
Meadows operated as the Lopers' "I'm sure there were some conhead junior varsity coaph in 1988 cerns; he's too young or he's not whileservingasastudentassistant. experienced enough," Meadows Asa member of the Bobcatcoach- added. "But I believe in myself and ing staff last fall, Meadows.worked I know rm ready."
fifth RNNU.RL Dress For Success
Lady 'Cats shoof down Lady Lopers at UNK's Health and Sports Center
by Times staff
Despite missing one of its top guns February14, thePSC women 'sbasketball team shot down the University of NebraSka-Keamey Sophomore Lora White scored ·16 points and snatched 10 rebounds to lead a balanced attack and pace the Lady BobCats' 68-63 victory fore a crowd of 125 at the Health and.Sports Center in Kea..ney.
Th'.'ursday, Feb. 27, 1992
Hair done by: HairAFFAIR. Peni, NE
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Make-up done by: Jackie Williams ·M;uy !Cir Representotiv• Student Center
Make your appointment with The Haircutters today.
In all, four players reached double figures the 23rd-ranked PSC women, who improved to 17-10 overall andreboundedfroni anightmarish scoring effort (60-40)atPark· College three nights earlier.
Coach Wayne Davidson's squad played without its leading scorer on the season, 6-foot-2 sophomore Sanja Simidzija,·who did not make the trip due to medical reasons.
The Lady Bobcats, using a sagging man-to-man defense, forced the Lady Lopers out of their game planbytakingawaytheinsidegame.
·While UNK was hitting only 22 percent from the floor (8 of 36) in the opening staniil, Peru.State connected on 12 of 32 attempts '(38 percent) to grab a 35-28 halftime lead.
· · a 5-10 forward from
Omaha, scored 12 of her points following intermission asPSC held off a late Lady Loper rally. After building a 47-35 advantage just over eight minutes left. Tami ·Tullydrilledathree-pomtertospark ·a run which brought UNK back to · within 63'-60. The Lady Lopers had a chance to pull even closer, but center Ginger Keller. threw tl).e ball out of bounds after being swaJ:med by double team pressure. · · Peru State, however, was unsuccessful in running its delay game with two minutes remaining and six-pointmarginat63-57. TheLacly Bobcat's troubles stemmed from going 2-for-7 at the foul line in closing minutes.
Michele Marschman, a 6-2 senior, ·had 12 points, nine rebounds and three blocked shots for PSC. J unk1r ·Sheila Sughroue, rotating at ·small forvvard spot in place Simidizja along with freshman .Angie Wilson,matchedherseason' s .bighwith12pointson4-for-8shooting from the floor. Senior guard Diane Pokorny chippped in 11 ·points, including a pair of three' pointers.
· Peru State closes out the season in back-to-back contests with Chadron ·State on Feb. 21 and 22.
.. BIN
SHEILA SUGHROUE scored a season high 12 points in PSC's win over UNK.-photo by Bonnie Henzel ·
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Winter Olympics are a bore
US athletes need
Inez Watchmefall and Gilbert Imaclutz appeared on the ice wearing brilliant costumes in the skating finals of this year's Winter Olympics in Albertville, France. The balletic duo left the audience breathless with an innovative, roman tic routine to Lizst's "Liebesttaum." All nine judges thein,first place; a:Ild,Jhe pair with gold medal! · ', ·
Get real! They.made ·three mistakes and still won the gold? Worse· yet, the United States best finish was sixth. Not surprising, since the U.S.hasonly won three medals so far. True, our hockey team is kickin' some tail, but even if they do win a medal this thing called the
Winter Olympics is a joke.
ing. For each target missed they have to ski one round of a 150-yard path.
I bet the CBS ratings skyrocket when they cover the biathlon. I know my eyes were glued to the tube for four hours during this event! It was almost as exciting as watching bowling or a chess match
With Todd
by Todd Gottula
O.K., maybe rm being a little too harsh on these athletes. Then again, I wonder if these performers Freestyle skiing- Doesn 'tfreestyle should even be called athletes. The have something to do with swimevents they compete in are down · ming? Lets go on right ludicrous. Since many of you Luge- Finally an event I can are not f®Iiliar with the events, lets handle. Grown men getting on a 2 talce a Jook"at a few. · · pound sled and sliding down a Biatl)lon::. This is an event tn'at snowpacked trail at speeds of 70 combines the endurance of cross.. mph. These guys have got some country skiing with the marksman.. nerve. ship from a shooting range. Ath- Alt:ight, you caught me. I have letesstopattheshootingrangetwice, · been watching the Winter Olym·firstshooting prone and then stand- · pies a little bit But the only reason
is so I wouldn'tm,iss any wipeouts. Like it. or not,· the wrecks. provide the most excitement. Without the crashes I doubt anyone would watch the Winter Olympics.
I guess I'm down on these Olympics because the U.S. team stinks. We spend millions· of dollars to build. and improve our team's training facilities, yet we struggle to win medals. In 1988 the U.S. won a whopping six metals. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think the training facilities are helping much. I could go to Albertville with my roommates, train for a day, jump in a homemade sled and still place higher than the guys we've got over there will.
It's pbvious that the media also knows our team is hopeless. A U.S. skier failed to place when he lost control half-way down the slope. Looking for an explanation, a reporter asked, "Did the snow er ice ·have anything to do with your troubles?" (I thought snow and ice werethereasonswecallitthe 'Winter' Olympics.)
Take my advice; The U.S. team is sorry, the events are even sorrier and unless you've been having trouble sleeping, I'd suggest you stay away from this year's Winter Olympic coverage!
New head coach satisfies players
by Jon Kruse
Many changes have been taking place around PSC's football team this year. As many already know, head coach Lou Saban has stepped down from his position due to "personal circumstances". MonteMeadows was announced as the new head coach on Feb. 10 by PSC President,· Dr. Robert Bums.
There have been several reactions to the coaching changes. Sophomore tightendJim Schoeppner said, "Coach Saban had good philosophies, but I don't think the communication was at the level it should have been. At times it was frustrating for both the players and the coach."
Coach Saban's replacement, Monte Meadows, is a graduate of Kearney State (now University of Nebraska-Kearney). He has ' -
coached the offensive line at Kearney and at PSC. he said. Meadows summed things up by saying, "I'm sure there were some concems.•.but I believe in myself, and I know I'm ready."
Reactions to the new coaching changes. have been very positive. Defensive back Alex Malcolm respOnded, "I'm glad that he got the job. I believe he can help the team out the best next year, and with the right personnel; we should have a winning season."
Other reactions have been positive also. Freshman tight end Tom Farrel said, "I think coach Meadows deserved it. He will do a great job. The school did a good job in picking him. Now we can do nothing but improve.,,
The players know and like the coach frdm the 1991, 7-4 season. Coach Meadows likes his players too. "I've kept in close communication with them, and plan to keep the channels open as head coach,"'
Bobcats shoot well, beat Bellevue
by Todd Gottula
The PSC men's basketball team. used a strong frrst half and high shooting percentage· to defeat BellevueCollege96-71 on Feb.13. The win raised the Bobcats record to 15-10 on the season and 12-1 at home.
Michael Woolsey; who has been on a mission as of late, put PSC on top early by scoring· eight of the teams first 10 points. Solid play from Fred Ward and Greg Snipes-
also contributed to the Cats 45-26 halftime lead. '
"That first half was probably the best half of basketball we've played this season. The guys really came out ready to play," said head coach John Gibbs. PSC shot 69% from the field in that powerful first half and held the Bruins to just26 points.
The second half of action saw the Bobcatscooldownintheirshooting, brit the lead got larger. "The thing I like to see as a coach is that when we don't shoot the ball well we're still able to put teams away. That's because our execution on offense, intensityondefenseandhustlehave allowed us to play through the cold shooting," said Gibbs.
Ward's 3-pointerfrom the left wing with seven minutes left in.the game stretched PSC's lead. to 21 points.
Ward was 6-7 from the 3-point arc, one shy of a school record.
Everybody got a chance to play, as the bench was cleared with five
minutes left Bobcat subs came in and scored the last eight points to give themselves the 25 point victory. When asked about the game Gibbs said, "We played very well together. We had a team meeting a few days earlier which seemed to clear some things up. As aresultof that talk our guys seem to be a lot more focused on what they want to accomplish.
"I'm very pleased with the progress we've been making lately," he added.
Peru State .45 51-- 96
Bellevue 26 45 71
PSC--Wright0-22-6 2, Snipes 7-14
3-4 18, Green 3-5 4-4 10, Harshaw 0-1 2-2 2, Gottula 1-1 3-3 5, Ward 7-9 2-2 22,Mann4-62-310, Woolsey5-10 10, Motley 5-5 5-615, Graffl-12
Totals - 33-55 60%, 23-30 76.7%.
Three-point goals - Ward 6-7, Snipes 1-2, Green 0-1, Harshaw 0-1. Rebounds Motley8, Woolsey
Ward 7, Harshaw 3. Steals - Harshaw 3, Green 3. Record- 15-10
GREG SNIPES dunks for two of his 18 points in the Cats 96-71 win over Bellevue.--pboto by Bonnie Henzel
••••••••••••••••••••m••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• mlmmv+nmmv '•• •• • • 1900 HARLAN FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA 683SS, PHONE: (402) 245-3440 RANDY GOTIULA • • • • • 11 OWNER-OPERATOR • : The Voice of the Bobcats : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
SHERIRUMBAUGH has been named to the All-USA College Academic Team by USA. Today. ·More information about her award is contained in an article on pagt:: 6 as well as in the story bClow.-,·photo by Dr. Holtz
USA Today names student to college academic
Sheri Rlinibaugb, a PSC junior, was recently named to the 1992 AU-USA College Academic Team by tb.e newspaper USA Today.
Rumbaugh, a wife, mother of three and a full-time student felt honored to be nominated, let alone to have made the team. When Dr. Carol Pappas, associate professor of natural science, nominated her for the position, Rumbaugh didn't feel she had a chance. She was excited but didn't concentrate on the award that much.
When asked how she felt about being accepted to the team, said, "l was really excited and very surprised. One of the qualifications is to be a well-rounded student, and recently r ve had to give up some of my work to devote
Cosimano victorious in polls
mv t:im.e to my studies and family. This.is one of l was so surprised to have been accepted."
When asked· what· did.to cope with. stress, Rumbaugh admitted that curling up on the couch in sweats with no make-up and a pony-tail and watching cart09ns with her daughters is always a lot of fun." For exercise and a llttle t:im.e with friends, she plays volleyball two nights a week.
But Rumbaugh' s best advice for managing stress came from the heart. She said, "Put your priorities in order. What needs to be done, do, and what can wait, let it." The 6th.er important message she had for all was that, "[I am] nothing special. Anyone can reach their goals, as iong as they set goals that are within their reach." She also wanted to thank PSC and Dr. Pappas for the nomination.
by Ti.m and Jon Kruse
The 1992 Student Senate presidential and vice-presidential elections were held last week at the Peru State College Student Center.
The new president-elect is Ann Cosimano, a junior psychology/sociologylpre-law major. Her vicepresident-elect is junior Robin Anderson, an elementary
and his vice-presidential running an open forum for all students. She mate, Nicolle Miller, a freshman added that she hoped the recycling psychology/sociology major. program would continue because, On Tuesday, Feb. 25, a forum was "I think this is a very beneficial held with the candidates, conducted program to the campus." by out-going president and vice- Cosimano's running mate, Robin president Denise Meyer and Troy Anderson, was asked, "As Co-chairUhlir. v person of Student Programs, you One question asked of Cosimano · would be responsible for many was, "As President.of Student Sen- things. What types of skills do you ate, what project or projects would possess that qualif)" you for the you implement in .order to get other position?'; She mentioned that she jor. students to be more informed of has been on the Senate.for one year
Defeated in the election were presi- what goes on at PSC?" Cosimano See "Senate Elections" dential.candidate John Ramsey, a replied that she intends to let stujunior business/accounting major, dents realize that the meetings are onpage2
,staff conducts readership survey
by Laura.Osborne
recently conducted
·anon-SciCµtific survey of .111 people on campus asking readers' opinions of our paper.
Ninety-seven people stated they read the Times on a regular basis with 107 people feeling we do a good job of reporting ca.Inpus news and events. Fifty-seven of those surveyed read the front page fir$t, 34 turn immediately to sports, 10 to campus scenes, six to opinions and three to news-in-briefs. We received 64 "good" overall ratings, 30 "average;' IS "excellent" and five "fair."
Now I, as would like to address some of the comments received in the other questions. As we have stated before, tb.e $25 publication fee charged all students this year has. not been awarded to us, as a yearbook program is still under consideration.. In fact, our budget was only slightly more than
New "Guitar and Pen" on page 5
Women's History Month display on page 6
Students' Spring Break plans on page 4
Staff comments 'on condom distribution on page 2
Intramural basketball onpage8
$4200 for entire year. There- tion, but we do not. always hear fore, we do not have the funds to aoout actiVities thartake'place. until increase'our production and we can- someone get$ .upset that we didn't not increase the amount of pages cover them. We accept information per issue. We wish we· could do concerning campus organizations both and include all of the informa- in release form through camtion submitted to us, but funds sim- pus mail, c/o Peru State Times, but ply do not allow it. not in large block advertising form.
We always are willing to accept We need that advertising space to information concerning upcoming sell to area merchants to add to our events or events that have occurred funds, especially now as we are ?n campus. We try to cover all See "Survey Results" · subjects that are drawn to our atten- on page 2
Survey on Peru State Times
1. Do you read the college newspaper, The Times, regularly? yes no ___
If "no," why?
2. Do you think The Tim.es does a good job of reporting campus news and events? yes . no ___
If "no," what would you suggest The Times do to improve?
3. If you answered "yes" to question# l, what section/page do you read first when you pick up the paper? ·
__ Front Page __ Opinions __ News-in-Brief
__ Campus Scenes __ Sports
4. What do you like best aoout The Times?
5. What do you like least aoout Tlie Times?
6. What is your overall rating of Tlie Tinri!s?
---· Excellent __ Good __ Average ___ Fair _ Poor
Over 100· participate •••
Seepage6 Seepage4
Condom information necessary • • College· being res
Contains SexuallyExplicit Material:: <'•·; offended by.information concerning .Ji:: c,, PSC students .living .on campus .read. thes. ,. they got their mail two weeks ago. Every , · now that the college administration C' · explaining sexually transmitted < student's mailbox on campus. , ' ? \
So what's the big fuss all about? WeU,insett;(!cl i,n tq;e pamphlet was a latex condom. There.were with pictures, explaining how to use a condont < • ) · We understand why some people by the graphic nature of the informatio11, · · After all, this is the 90's. It's no .all over the United States are havingse*'. We;/f. staff, feel that what the · ····· 18-22 year-olds think of using ' Many times, college ·. when having sex because of attitude. · · ·
The PSC administration something. Knowing that movies, have the same effect, they with·inforniation about theAIDS yirus: · · · Director of Residence Life Dan . hall directors of each dorm, helped;: · together. Haugland designed the handlq , the information in them. ·.· > '"." ; r
We feel the information handed,qu The statistics, instructions on ho,\\! !6 general information about got right to the point. This joke. and. even though som:e · it. we're sure that there·were information seriously,and Ifs nice to know that It's obvious that. PSC. is not:'cphq2y which we thinkwould be to know that· they care· and conc.eming sex. ·· · · ·
YCEHOLLESEN speaks to Nancy Emerson's Sociology340 (fhe Family) lass on Feb. 28 about dysfunctional families HoHesen is a child rotective worker for the state of Nebraska and a PSCgraduate.--photO.by Dr. an Holtz · ·· · ·
"Senate elections 11 from.· page ·.1 and Student Programs for three ideas of differerlt types of stt\dents, years. She also added the fact that i.e., non-ti:ads, commuters, minorishe is Alpha Chi and ties?" Miller emphasized her new feels she can organize her time well idea is to post agendas before each andreally give her all in her partici- meeting to let students know what pation. will be discussed. She also menOne of the questions askeclof presi- tioned a priority discus.sed by all of dential candidate John Ramsey was, the candidates in increasing ''What do youfeel will be the role of ment instudent programs. Student Senate on this ccµ:npus dur- The two teams also used publtc ing the coming year?" Ramseysaid relations techniques during their that bis priorities would be to ex- campaigns. The Ramsey-Miller pand student involvement in activi- connection passed. out "Blow-Pops" and in tum to Student in the Student Center following the Programs :Vital·fuipactwith forriip.. •and •the the ·•· · · ···· · ·Cosimano:.;Andersoiiteam h?Ji<led
11 Survey results" from pa2e 1 attempting to purchase, entirely on our own, a single laser printer for our publication8 office use. Comml,IDts we appreciated were ·those. that constructively our staff, We do reaµze that two pages of sports is a considerable amount of our newspaper, bU:t we do not · wish to exclude any one or two sports in our regular coverage
One person smveyed stated that what they liked least about the Times is the. "lack of students on campus getting to voice all opinions-what happened to freedom of speech?"
To this person and to all our readers I would like.to call attention to the. fact that in every issue we include information about 6m Letters to the Editor policy, the readers' forum to express opinions ·on any subject
We cimnot interview every student on canipus concerning every main editoral subject; this is sim,ply impossible. We would love ·t<>):eceive to. the editor.stating clear::cut pertinent opinions!·
There seems to he some confusion as to what a newspaper really is. Several persons stated they would liketo see some gossip in our paper. I'm sorry, but we are not The tionalEnquirer. Our publication is one for students to learn proper journalistic techniques, ethics and morals. ·
Our newspaper covers more than campus events because we all are affected by what happens in the world around u8 every day. Also, we try to follow guidelines for quality publicatfons as set by the American Scholastic Press Association. These· guideline$·include· student interest in the community and community: awareness. ·
to the editor, cartoons, or articles should besignedbytbe individual person or writing them and will be published at the discretion of the editors. The Peru: State Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor. Send· material to: Editor, the Peru State Times, Campus Mail, .Peru State College, Peru, Ne.braska, 68421.
I worild .like to readers that ·the Times ·is distributed on publication. dates in every building except the AWAC, Old Gym and the dorms. They areloeated.at the doors of all of the other buildings and on the benches on all three floors of TJ Majors.
The Times staff woulc;l like to thank everyone who participated in the survey. All comments are appreciated, as they will help us make our paper more us¢ful and enjoyable to om readership.
Editor-in-Chief. Laura ?&OOnic Sports Editor Todd<lottul& A istaIJt Editor , Tim Bailey Head Copy Editoc , • , Mar.;t Jacobsen PhotograjIDy Coordinator , •••• , , , Soot! 'Tiley AdManagct ; •• 0..,ggMattu>< Typcscttcr ; " , •••• , , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lisa Gottula Edito:ial A.Sswmts • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a.m erootoor · IonKruoc 1Cllllifor Laflin Advisor ; Dr.DanHollz
WdL •• I.i,.'f. C..IAft. L :!-flt s:uy "'Y j :.11' s.i.C:...t bw!Jy M1 j11lf f,"'r<.h•Sd $IN 111<'1..,I A-1>.1: V«.,;J, lh:nl<:.., i\.•t h• .,+ t:kc ,..,. t .: t 'f'.I )#<r i.;,.."' t:tllt..
A question asked. of Ramsey's run- out homemade chooola:te-cbip Coak.:. ning ma:te, Nicolle Miller, was ies later that night. · "What new ideas do you have to r -tte * t'h E'":* · lie . . . ·s. /Pr db r.o e unorpo '1.. ' tmprove enate ograms an ow Tb ., Sta.te · .· I d · d · ···· ·t th e c eru 1. unes we comes o you mten to mcorpora e e ·ni tt t th' All. 1 u· a e ers o e 1 or. e ers by :Cit Ml-ra.-w.d by Sc.nt tlofm(.5 -
Peru State Times Published Bi-monthly
Quote of the Week
"Whether or not we admit it to ourselves, we are all haunted by a truly awful sense of impermanence. 11 Williams
Summer Camp Opportunities
Nebraska's most beautiful ·camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Boys' Counselors, Girls' Counselors, Wrallglers,Lifeguards, Waterfront directors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors, Adventure Trail guides, Environmental Program director, Archery Instructors, Ritlery · Instructors, Steward. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P St, Lincoln NE 68508; (402)475-9622. OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office.
Quiz Bowl nears •••
Qualified undergrads may take PSC graduate courses-·
Peru-Students planning to attend the 1992 Summer Session may be puzzled ab6ut their eligibility to take graduate level courses with 500 <md 600 numbers, according to Dr. Jerrold Hanson, dean of graduate studies. Those courses with Q00 numbers are open only to graduate studcn.s, that is, students who have completed a baccalaureate degree.
Courses numbered in the 500' s are for graduate students but arc to• qualified upper-division students, according to Dr. Hanson. AnupJfor::. division student is one who has attained junior status defined at Pcn1 as having earned at least 59 credits. -The Graduate Council has established. the following for adinission of an undergraduate to a 500 level course:
1) sufficient preparation, i.e., at least 15 hours of work in the discipli.i1c in which the course is being offered with a minimum of 3.0 GPA and an overall GPA of at least 3.0, OR 2) permission of the instructor. There are also several 500 level courses which are "double numbered," meaning that graduate students taking the course are requited to do additional work in order to earn the graduate credit. Undergraduates enrolling in the upper-division numbered segment of the course complete the regular course requirements.
Dr. Hanson said the 500 level courses will offer a challenge to undergraduates, but there are several which \Villenrich the student's backgrmmd and should be considered by the serious student.
Seniors can submit resumes
Display perseverance •.•
Three students get awards
Peru--Three.Pero State College students wlio have shown exceptional perseverance toward the goal of gaining their college diploma will be recognized at a statewide assembly.
Denise Meyer; Paul Howard and Amy Fossenbarger will receive ''Trio Awards" through a U.S. Department of Edµcation program. They will be recognized at a banquet on the University of NebraskaLincoln campus on Saturday, Feb. 29.
Trio is a federal program designed to assist students who .are statistically less likely to succeed in cot::. lege than others. For example. first-
Volunteer workers needed
Peru--The annual Peru State College Quiz Bowl has been scheuled for March 31 and April 1 and 2, 1992. According to Lori Gottula, coordinator of the three-day competition, volunteers are being sought to read questions, keep score, and time events. ·
Gottula stated that the academic tournament attracts over 500 top high school students from more than 60 schools in Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska. (Kansas schools are.not allowed to compete after March 1.)
''The volunteers have always been fantastic," Gottula said. Fifteen volunteers are needed every half hour from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the three-day period. "It is an organizational challenge, 11 she said, ''because even if a student can only give a half hour, that half houris very important."
Gottula also said that the experience of helping with the Quiz Bowl could look good to a possible employer, especially for education majors. "Academic competitions such as this are becoming very popular 1n high schools. Principals and counselors from local schools call me at various times of the year asking for organizational a8sistance with their own coiµpetitions."
Besides gaining experience, it's fun, according to Gottula. "Volwiteers on the first day usually sign up for more time because they really enjoy the competition and the scholary experience. 11
To sign up to read, time, or keep score for any portion of the competition, contact Lori Gottula at extension· 2356, or see her in the President's office, Ad 202.
generation college students, minority students, handicapped students and those from an economically disadvantaged background are less likely to graduate from college than some others.
Fossenbarger will receive the ·''Trio Achiever Award" ·ror being an exceptional student, characterized by high acadeinic achievement, character, .service activities, and commitment to Trio program goals
She is a senior majoring in accounting and business administration.
Paul Howard will receive the "Trio Oedication Award," which goes to a student who bas shown great dedication and persistence in their academic work.
He is a senior majoring in chology and sociology at PSC.
Denise Meyer will receive the "Trio Pacesetter Award, 11 given to a student who has exhibited superior leadership and extensive involvein school activities.
She is a senior majoring in busines.s administration and management.
The Trio program on the Peru State College campus is coordinated through the Student Support Services office at Peru State.
Peru--Students who })ave completed 45 or more semester credit hours by the end of the fall 1991 semester AND who entered Peru State College under the 1990-91 OR the 1991-92 college catalog need to sign up for the RISING JUNIOR EXAM in TJM 303 by MARCH 13. The test is a graduation requirement for the above mentioned students.
The test will be given on -April 14 and 15 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Students need only attend one session. If you have questions regarding the exam, please Nelson, TJM 303.
Rising Junior Exam nears
Peru--All seniors are invited to subinit a resume to the Placement Office for the Senior Resui11e Book, according to Linda Warren, placement director; The book will be sold for $10 to employers. Several requests have already been received from employers attending the April 9 PSC Career Fair.
Seniors who have resumes on the Resume Expert Software will automatically be included in the book. Those seniors who have prepared their resumes on the Mac or Professional Write will need to bring'a copy of dw resume to the Placement Office, Ad 105, by March 23.
Placement Events
Marcl13 UP interview 011 campus.
Mar. 5 GRE test registration due
March 7 PPST and NTE
March 12 Public Sector Career Fair - UNL
*Government agencies: federal, state, local
*Non-profit organizations, graduate schools
*Transportation provided - sign up
March 12 Air Force officer interviews
March 23 Deadline for Senior Resume Book
April 1 Deadline for sign up, Omaha Public School interviews
GREG MITCHELL (left) and Linda Switzer (fardght) of the Stupent Support Services program at Peru State College tools: a mo_ment to honor three PSC students wh6 have earned "Trio A wards" through a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. The PSC students who formally. receive their awards in a program in Lincoln on Feb. 29 include Paul Howard of Brooklyn, NY, Denise MeyerofFalls City, and Amy Fossenbarger of Brock. --photo by Kent Propst
......................................... ......... .
mlmmv+nmmv • • •• • • • • • 1900 HARLAN FALLS CITY: NEBRASKA 68355 PHONE: (402) 245-3440 RANDY GOTIULA OWNER-OPERATOR The Voice of the Bobcats· • • • • • • • •
Delays education to raise children What
Dr. Gilmore retires ...maybe
From theOther Side of the Desk
by Tim Bailey
Question: "Name the Peru State College professor who has been a consultant, a diagnostician, a director of special education, an administrator of special education, a college professor, a mother, a wife, a classrQ9m teacher (even at a log-:- · ging camp), a supervisor of student teachers, and a relaxation therapist?"
Dr. Norma Gilmore is a retiring associate professor of education at. PSC, a co-advisor to Phi Sigma · Chi sorority and a co-sponsor of Student Council for Exceptional Children. Dr. Gilmore is an intricate lady who, when I interviewea her, absolutely amaz<;d me with her life story. The experiences she's had could fill a couple of lives and she's as active as she was thirty years ago.
Born in Michigan
Dr. Gilmore was born in Mansilona, MI, and lived there until she was 15. She then moved with her family to Cadillac, Ml, for a year before stints in California, Arizona and New .Mexico. She graduated from high school at Albequerque High School in New back when the town had only 25,000 residents.
Dr. Gilmore attended Scripps College for a year in Clairmont, CA. This was a college for women only mid she left after one year saying, "I kind of enjoyed being in a coeducational setting." She then took a semester at the University of New \1exico, then started at the Arizona Teachers College (now the University of Northern Arizona).
Dr. Gilmore was forced to leave ATC saying, "After World War II, my father and mother moved back to \fichigan and I went back also. I was going to go to college, and I in briefly, but this young mm1 said that if I didn't marry him now, I would never be able to marry him so I quit college and married and \Ve had four children." Dr.
are you doing during· this• year's Spring Break?.
Gilmore has three sons, one daugh- . paired (Ll) program in J:..ansing, MI, ter, and H grandchildren. wentba<;kto work for a BOCES in Back to school Fort Morgan, CO, canietoPeru.to After several years, Dr. Gilmore. teach for two years from 1980-82, then. went back to the BOCES in finally found herself back in school Fort Morgan for two more years. at AT¢. She had a witty comment She also taughtat Western State on getting her bachelor of science iµ College in Gunriison, CO, under elementary education degree stat. · Dr. Jerrold Hanson, PSC Dean of ing," ittookmeonehU$band, 12 S d" f f years, and three and three-fourths .Graduate tu 1es, or our years. children to get my bachelor's." Then, as that college was going She went to Michigan State Uni- .· through some changes, she decided versity to gether recertification in to retire. But, shortly thereafter she teaching and found that by taking the recertification classes, she had completed one-third of the work to get a master's. "So I thought, well, r might just as well get a master's."
Dr. Gilmore received her master of arts in education from Michigan State University in 1969.
received another call .from PSC, so
A year later she started coursework at MSU to become a reading consultant and an education specialist, which she completed in 1972. She startedajob in Uoulder, CO, tb.at fall as a special education consultant. Eventually, she took a job in Leadville, CO, as a special educa- she decided ". a year or two would be She's now.been at
".• [students] are the ore, and we smelt it.down and refine it in education so they become gold. "
Dr. Norma Gilmore
tion director· although she think she was ready for that kind of position. Dr. Gilmore added that this was another case ofsomething she didn't want to do which helped her immensely, stating, "This is one of the things that I've always found. I think I don't want something, and I practically beat my head on a brick wall because I don't want to go, and then as I look back it's the best thing that could have happened to me." This jQb as the director of special education for the Mountain BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services) made her the first woman in Colorado to be a special education director at a BOCES.
Started Doctorate
Senate Review
PSC since 1988 andis retiring this by Robin Anderson July, or at least she says; " I'm really Senate Reporter going to retire, I think ! say I'm The Senate last met on Feb. 26. The executive committee reported going to retire, but I don't think that that a maintenance will I'm going to sit in the rocking chair be coming to campus to do an "enon the deck and look at the lake." ergy master plan." Their goal is to Dr. Gilmore backs up her point of find out how the campus can save not having an easy retirement by money. The United Ministries in expressing what her plans might be. Higher Education committee then She'd like to try selling real estate gave an update. In their last meetin Mt. Oaire, MI, along with con- ing the peer minister position was ducting a relaxation therapy Class discussed. March 4 will be the first that she has been trained in, and Lenten breakfast at the Community working as an adjunct professor at Church. The church is also conCentral Michigan University which tinuing its supper/Bible study class is 17 miles away form her retire- on Sunday at 6 p.m. There is also ment residence. going to be a movie night on Educational philosophy Wednesdays at7:30. Signs will be posted. Student Programs decided' on a Spring Fling theme. Itis "125 years and Still Going."
Finally, after covering her unbelievably extensive background, I asked Dr. Gilmore what her philosophy of education was, and how she approached education. She said, "All of us have strengths, and all of us have weaknesses We just try to work it. out and grow and develop. In other words they [students] are the ore, and we smelt it down and refine it in education so
She then started a doctoral pro- they become gold." gram at the University of Northern "I like to teach the students things Coiorado at Greeley. She left the that are going to be relevant to them Leadville job after a year and a half when they're teachers and so I gear and continued her doctoral work my class curriculum toward that full-time, graduating with an Ed.D I will miss it here: I have good in August of 1976. friends here, and I like to think
Over the p.ext 12 years, Dr. about the students out utilizing the Gilmore spent time working as an knowledge that I have tried to imadministrator for a Learning Im- . part to them." ';>'\ct,
Senate will be selling tickets for the pancake feed fundraiser to be
held on March 8 from 10:30 a.m1:30 p.m. at the Student Center. The tickets can be bought beforehand for $2, or peopJe can pay at the door. Donations are also welcome. Nominations were narrowed to three candidates for the Scroll of Service Award. The final vuting will take place at the next meeting. The Senate also voted on the recipient of the Senate Scholarship. Winners of both awards will be announced at the banquet.
Reports of the college official bodies were then heard. The College Affairs committee accepted the new degree in sports management, the Honors Program course proposals, and discussed the new teacher's policy.
Fmally, Senate selected the homecoming theme for next fall. It is "Celebrating 125 Years of Excellence."
.Jenny Goering, junior plans to visit some friends in Manhattan, KS
Charles Smith, senior going to work on his practicum and write a paper ·
Michelle KimbaJI, senior going to go to a friend's aunt's and uncle's house in South Sioux City
Roger Cook, junior plans on working in Lincoln
Donut Shop and Off-Sale Liquor SPECIALS Deli Sandwiches Everyqay Store Hours: 8 a.m.-1.0 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) 8 a.m.-7 p.m. (Sat.) Noon - 4 p:m. (Sun.) Donut Shop Hours: 7 a.m.-5:30·p.m. (Monday through Saturday)
Mike Harling leads with confidence
Person ofthe Week
by Michelle Kimball
Phi Beta Lamdba business fraternity. "When I was.a freshman, ·I never would'.ve dreamed.of being presidentof any organization." ·But during:. the 1990-91 school year he Was elected fo that position and achiev.ed a 37 percent membership increase. One important thing Mike has learned and would like to share with others is to never sell yourself short and don't be afraid to set high goals!
If you were a contestant on Mike has had other personal· Jeopardy and the answer was, successes through Phi Beta "An active participant in campus Lambda (PBL). He was the state organizations and an excellent chamoion in business law and representative of. Peru State business executive, which College," the question. would qualified him for the be,"Who is Mike Harling?" competitions, one held m
said of Mike, ''Over the years, rve seen Mike grow. develop a great deal of self-confidence and extensive leadership skills." Mike has also.been a member of Student Senate for three years. fa
Dr. Robert Burns
spe;µc very higltly of Harling. A<:cor9ing to Dr. Snyder, has· represented st;udent interest very : well .on the General Education · the State Board of Trustees. carefully thinks things through. and is very articulate when he states his ' position." .
Mike is a senioi,- business Annaheim, CA; the other in administration ·I sales Washington, D.C. "PBL has management major with a 3.44. given me opportunities to travel GPA. Mike chose Peru State andseeotherpartsofthecountry. College because of scholarships I feel that these opportunites and because he has a brother who would not have been possible if I also attended PSC: ·Mike decided had attended a larger school. The on a career is business because · opportunities for success at Peru "everything. you do in .life is State are good!" business-related."
Russ Beldin, asisstant professor
Mike has been actiyejn PBL sponsor!
liver transplants
Vanderford displays courage·
by Barbara J. Balm
"Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die," said G.K. Chesterton, English writer and journalist.
This statement might have been made about Karina Vanderford, a freshman psychology/sociology major at PSC. The youngest of four children of Don and Janice Vanderford, Karina has undergone three liver transplants over the past three years. Her condition was first detected at age 16, while she was attending Auburn High School.
Karina went from being involved in many extracurricular activities at school, plus working three part-time jobs, to being confined to a stark, sterile hospital bed on April 17, 1989, at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. Janice Vanderford said/'It was very frightening to see your child change be-
Karina Vanderford fore your eyes. She went from being involved in track to being a little girl lying in a hospital bed fighting for her life." Three days after Karina's seventeenth birthday, on June 27, 1989, she received her first liver transplant
See "Vanderford's Courage" on page 6
He.feels his Senate ex}>erience has made him a stronger speaker and has givenhim confidence to express his feelings at meetings. Mike is currently a student member on.the Board of Trustees of Nebraska State Colleges. This position allows him. to represent Peru students and "be their at meetings. "Being the student board member has helped me. to broaden my perspective on college policies and to develop an appre,ciation for how long policies take." Bbththe president and the vicepresident of Peru State College
Dr. Burns is impressed with Mike •. especially concerning his positi,on on the Board of Trustees, which is a governor-appointed position. President Burns commented that Mike has impressed him with the way he pays attention to the agenda of the Board meetings, the way he states his views, and his representation of Peru State students, even when the other student members' votes totally · differ fr9m his. "If Mike says something at a Board meeting. it is .because he is representing the students of Peru State College. He is very positive. and when he speaks, others listen!" Because Mike's term is almost finished, Dr. Burns commented that Mike's replacement has big shoes to fill.
To add to an already busy schedule, Mike is a computer lab assistant two days a week to him. this job is a one because it allows him to help students who are unsure about computers and show how friendly they really are!. ·
With the background that h;e · has, Mike will 1.llldoubtedly have· a successful career in the business field Mike will graduate in May.
:------:-------------, 1 Ozzy Osbourne.
The Top 5 Guitarists are. l)Yngwie Malmsteen, 2)Steve/Vai, 3)Eddie Van Halen, 4)Chris DeGarmo and S)Eric Johnson.
Last year's Top 5 Bassists are by John Stewart ;---"- l)Geddy Lee, 2)Billy Sheehan; The purpose of this column is to Frontrwiner played at The Wall in 3)Les Claypool, 4 )Gene Simmons review albums, bands (well-known Beatrice. Based on what I've heard, and S)Nikki Sixx. and local) andtell of the.latest news people were not impressed. I don't The Top 5 Drummers are l)Matt in the music world and musical think that anyone in this band real- Sorum, 2)Lars Ulrich, 3)Alex Van events here on the PSC campus. In izes that the backbone of any music Halen, 4)Chris Slade and S)Matt this first column, I will reveal who is time, and if they had realized it, it Cameron. was the best vocalist, guitarist, bass- must have slipped their minds. The Finally, the Top 1O Albums of ist, dnnnmer, along with the Top 10 vocalist could not carry a tune ei- 19')1 are 1)Empire by Queenscyche, albums of 19')1. Here is Guitar and ther, and I give them a rating of 4 on 2)Metalli.ca by Metallica, 3)HollyPen. a scale of 1 to 10. wood Vampires by L.A. Guns, 4) As most of you probably know by On the campus scene we have Psychotic Supper by Tesla, S)Use now, Vince Neil is no longer the Aeolian II, which is two of the three your Illusion I by Guns n' Roses leadsingerofMotleyCrue. Ithap- full-time PSC music instructors. 6)J9J6byMotorhead, 7)Useyour pened on Feb. 12, and according to F.ach player has his unique style and Illusion II by Guns n' Roses, 8)Rolt ·Vince,itcamerightoutoftheblue. when the two come together, the the Bones byRush,9)ForUnlaw· "I was in the studio working with sound of the music that is made is ful Carnal Knowledge by Var the guys, and the next thing I knew also unique. Dr. David Edris plays Halen and lO)No More Tears b) I was history," said Vince. How trumpet and Dr. Thomas Ediger Ozzy Osbourne. much this will affect the contract plays piano. Aeolian II is somethat the Crue has just signed with where between a caveman playing PBL AUCTION their label (Electra), which is only the bongos and one of those new worth a reported 30 million, is age performers. Seriously. these The Peru State College chapter of Phi anyone's guess. There are stories guys are worth a second look. Their Beta Lambda will be having an auction c that Vince's obsession with auto last recital was a Cole Porter jobby, new and used items on Wednesday Marc racing was m9re to .him and they did a superb job of bring- ·25th at 7:30 p.m. in the old gym. All than music;. In a recent mterv1ew, ing the music of a dead man back to members are asked to bring at least five Vince laid to rest this rumor. This life. I give these guys an 8 on a scale ·items of some value. ·These items shoulci could turn out to be the same situa- of 1 to 10. It's an even better show ·be brought in l? Mr. Beldin prior to the tion for Motley Crue as it was for when Larry Van Oyen steps in on day of the auction unless further ments have been made. More details wll Aerosmith a few years back, when the saxophone. be given at the next meeting Thursday Joe Perry (guitarist) went his own Now; Awards of · · · ·March 12. If you have any questions yoi: way, only to realize that Aerosmith The Top 5 Vocalists are l)Geoff can contact Mr. Beldin at 872-3815 ext was his true calling. Tate, 2)Bruce Dickinson. 3) 2220 or Greg Kotas at 872-6695. This. baJ1<J, Sebastian Bach, 4)Axl Rose andS)
Peru, NE YOUR FULL SERVICE SALON PAUL MITCHELL- BIOLAGE & NEXXUS HAIRCARE PRODUCTS Tanning fil! 6 Sessions •20.00 .12 Sessions $29.00 I i Mon.th (unlf.ndl:edJ •ss.oo :· nus OFFER cron nmu FEB. 29, t 992,
"He is very posmve, and w,hen h(! speaks, othe"rs listen!"
"Vanderford's Courage"
Karina, oodaunted, carried on with her life, struggling to work herparttime jobs wbifo overcoming various side effects fo,lm surgery and medication. Just before being hospitalized, Karina had purchased her first car. According to her mother, "Karina was determined to pay her own bills." Fate, however, was not imished with Karina
Karina underwent a second liver transplant on Oct. 1, 1989, but this did .not alter her immediate personal educational goal, which was to graduate with her. ltlgh school class. Karina missed most of her junior and .yem:s due to her precarious health, but with her father's assistance, she earned her diploma.
Commencement exercises for the Cass of 1990 were held May 20, but as her classmates walked down the aisle to receive their diplomas, Karina was wheeled down a hospital corridor to undergo a third liver transplant. Karina's determination. had enabled het to graduate with a 3.0 GPA, and her courage had helped to inspire her classmates as · she fully intended to go on to college. When Karina retwned from the hospital to her parents' home in Auburn, she .enrolled at PSC.
Karina's cournge has helped her to overcome her biggest obstacle, tiredness, and to pursue her personal goal, a college degree. Last semester Karina made the grade at
Rumbaugh gets USA award
Peru--Sheri Rumbaugh, a Peru State College junior, was recently named to the 1992 All-USA College Academic Team by the newspaper USA Today.
Sheri was to the USA Today second team--the only strident from a Nebraska college or university to earn a spot on the 6()-student first, second or third,.team rosters.The rosters are filled with students from many large, prestigious universities from coast to coast. · Over I,200 students were nominated by their colleges. Selection was based on scholarship, initiative, leadership and creativity. Dr. Carol Pappas, Peru State associate professor of natural sci-
ence, nominated Rumbaugh for the award last fall. "Sheri is very intelligent, obviously, and self-directed," Dr. Pappas said. ·"Part of her uniqueness is that she manages her time so well."
The student and her husband, farmer David Rumbaugh, live near Sabetha, KS, with their daughters, Ashley 7, Ali 5, and Alaina 3.
The 1982 graduate of Midway High School in Denton, KS owns a 3.98 grade point average and is majoring in both chemistry and biology.
She is a member of Alpha Chi, the national scholastic honor society, and of Beta Beta Beta national science honorary.
Women's History Month Events
Presented by Women's History Month Committee and Student Programs
Tuesday, March 10 - Christella Menth, pianist, 7:30 p.m., Benford Recital Hall, FA. Sponsored by theNebraskaArts Council and Student Programs.
Mmtday, March 23 - Sadie Hawkins Dance, music by complete Music DJ., 9:30 p.m., Student Center.
Tuesday, March 24 - .Cather and O'Keeffe, Spirit of the Southwest. 6:30 - 8:00pm, Benford Recital Hall, FA. Presented by Polly Duryea with the support of the Nebraska Humanities Council.
college level. Against her doctors wishes, Karina checked herself out of the hospital in order to take her college finals. Karina s?id, "I had worked too hard to take an incom:plete in any of my classes." With effort and her professors' willing- · ness to assist her, she earned 12 credit hours.
Karina currently carries 10 hours of classes at PSC. Dr. Qyde Barrett, one of her professors, said, "Here is a person who has set aside personal health problems in pursuit of an edUca.tion." Karina's long-term goal is to become a social worker and to work with other patients and their families. In the meantime, Karina's advice to other stUdents is "Enjoy life because you never know how quickly it can be takeJi from you. Don't fret over little things."
Emerson said, "Courage is the will to keep standing up after being counted out" ·
Wednesday, March 25 -Friendship Banquet. 6:30 pm, Llve Oak Room, Student Center. Program to include writer and humorist Phyllis Buell.
Women's History Month Book Display in PSC library.
Women's History Month Display in Diddell Court in FA Bldg.
STUDENT RICHARD MARCOU;x and Sudent Senate Vice-President Troy Uhlir "rock it up" for a Fun Flicks video on Feb. 26 in the Student Center. Many students took advantage of the opportunity to be "stars" for a day. photo by Tim Bailey
Morning at 7:30 a.m. at Peru Community Church 7: 15 a.m. coffee & pastry 7:30 a.m. devotional by Nemaha County Ministers sponsored.by the UMHE, Kiwanis & .the Community Church Sunday Supper·and Bible Study 6 p;m.-8 p.m. provided by Campus Minister George Harrison at Peru Community Church north entrance every Sunday evening Make your appointment with The Haircutters today: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m; Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Thursday Phone: 274-5546 Ladiesi take an OPP.Ortunity to look ana feel your best with a visit to The 2210 J sT •. AUBURN, NE
LISA GOITULA, president of Phi Alpha Theta (an honorary history fraternity at PSC), puts up a display concerning pioneer women in South Dakota. The display is in the courtyard in the Fine Arts Building and is one part of the Women's History Month celebration.--photo by TimS-iley
Season ends with play-off loss to Cbad,ron StQ.te
by Times Staff
Coach'John Gibbs says the 19'1192 Peru State College mens basketball team deserves praise.
"The kids played together and played very hard, and I'm proud of them," he said. "They got along together on and off the court very well, too. They were a pleasure to coach and a fun group to coach."
The Bobcats completed a 16-13 season. Wednesday night when Chadron State jumped out to a 16. 2 lead and held off a late secondhalf rally to defeatPSC 93-76 in the NAIA District XI tournament.
Chadron State, also 16-13, advanced to Saturday's title game in the Division II tourney against defending champion Concordia College. !
"Considering we had some neW .·.faees again, I no · our season," Gibbs sru.d. "One 9f our goals to start was to have fa winning record, and we accofil.;. plished that. We were disappointM with the way our season ended, butwe had some distractions which hurt us."
Peru State fmished 11-19 overall a ·· year ago, but improved by five wins with a squad which had more continuity and was healthi.er.
"If you look at last year's aJ?.d this year's, I thirik we were much· improved." he said, "more so thlpl just the win-loss record. Our ki{ls played very unselfishly a!\d wete
by Times
better at staying within the things we tried do as a team.
"Obviously, we had some expectations of ourselves. We would have liked to\ave been in the position of playing at home in the playoffs and getting to the national tournament. But we lost two or three critical games which probably cost us that opportunity. And we also knew it would be a difficult task to get there (nationals) with Concordia having almost everybody back from last year's team."
Three seniors - Garrett Mann, Michael Woolsey and Matt Motley - ended their careers against Chadron. All three transferred from junior colleges - Mann from Northeast Tech of Norfolk, and Woolsey and Motley both from Ranger, TX - to play the last. two seasons at PSC.
The Bobcats never recovered from · the early hole they dug themselves into at Chadron Wednesday. But they twice pulled within four points after intemlission, including a threepoint basket by Fred Ward with 3: 13 left to make it 78-74.
From there, the Eagles sealed the win with pin-point free throw accuracy in the final .2:05; hitting 11 of 16 attempts.
"Getting off to the slow start was the key point," Gibbs .said.. "We · told the .kids we neededto be patient offensively, and if we made thell). play defense beyond three orfour
passes they would break down. As · it tumell out, we shot too quickly and then got out of our game plan.
· "You have to give our kids credit, though, because they fought back the entire game under some adverse circumstances. The final score wasn't indicative of how cfosethe game actually turned out to be."
Ward, a 5-lOjunior, paced the Bobcats with 25 points. Motley added 18 points and 11 rebounds while Greg Snipes had 10 points. Peru State closed with its fourth straight loss - the 'Cats longest skid of the season. It was also the first time iri four years the Bobcats didn't earn the right to host a first-round playoff game at the Wheeler Center.
"You'd much rather play at home in a situation like that," Gibbs said of the playoffs. "especially where we were 13-1 at and had played so well throughout.the sea- " son.
The Bobcats will return a strong backcourt next year in Rod Green, Ryan Harshaw, Ward, and Snipes: Ward broke single-season records for most steals (93) .and assists (159) while leading the team in (19.1).
"Ifeel very good al::ioutnext year," Gibbs said. "because we have two of the top eight players in the District coming back and several good, young players who-uow know our . syste:µi.''
s:t1rr00Af}S PSC IQSS:
Stair· :. •j .si::or!:bOard operator failed to tum on the.· PSC also raised the isSUe with Doug Slifka,
The PSC women's basketball clock. and inCanwhile, the Vikings were able the NAIA basketball liaison in Kansas qity. 1991-92 season last Friday with a 6/- ' to times, reverse the ball and "They indicated t.hat when the game was 66 la;s to Dana in a NAIA District get off shot attempts without any time officially over, it was over," he said, "and the game at Blair which featured a controveisltU expiring. NAIA would not suppress that rule." ending.
After coQfening, the officials awarded Dana Freshman Angie Wilson pace the Cats .with PSC interim athletic d.irector Ted the basket and placed seven seconds on the a season-high 18 points. White had 11 points Harshbarger said the school filed an d(ficial clock for PSC to work with. The Lady and 10 rebOunds while Simidz!ja added 10 protest of the game Monday witp. the Bobcats had a shot by forward Sanjda points. The loss dropped PSC to a final • District's executive t Simidziga go in at .the buzzer, but the refer- 19-12 record. The comlni.ttee informed PSC MondJy that ees waived it of[
JUNIOR. POINT GUARD Rod scores two earlier game with Midland .College.· PSC dropped games, including a. 93-76 play-off loss to Gh#ron State, to finish 16-13 on the seaso11 --. photo by Scott tTdey
The Bobcat Baseball team picked up its first win of the season, a 17-9 victory over Missouri Valley on Sunday, STATE THEATRE Auburn, Neb. ••••••••••••••• $ the result would stand and no replay gf the A brief; but heated scuffle between fans game would take place. A possible mi$inter- followed the contest before order was repretation by the referees and a scorekeepers' stored. Many observers, including error bOth hang over the game· like dark Harshbarger, believed all or even more than
With 13 seconds left, the Lady Bobcats took the lead at 66-65 when Lora White sank two free throws. Dana called time-out with nine seconds remaining to set up a Iastsecond shot. After inbounding the ball, the
Creighton beats PSC hurlers
by Jon Kruse
Bargain Night Tue$day FamilyNight Monda.Y PSC Ni tit Thtksda Reg. Adm. 7:30 Nightly (Closed Wed.) Sunday Matinee 2 'p.m. clouds.
the nine remaining seconds had expired. According to the iulebook. the officials had !he option of replaying the final nine seconds, or consulting a videotape of the· game.
PSC coach Wayne Davidson unsuccessfully argued with the officials for a replay.
Breadeaux t>isa Local Delivery To Peru
5:00 - 10:00 p.m. 7 Days A Week 274-4700
Errors on the part of die Peru State College baseball teall). were the 11).ajor factor on Feb. 25. PSC played its second game of the season at the Creighton Bluejay Sports Complex and fell to Creighton, 7-0.
The Bluejays, an NCAA Division I team ranked sixteenth in collegiate baseball, had seven unearned runs on six Bobcat errors. The Bluejays jumped on top first when Brian Davidson smashed a threerun · double in the third inning. Davidson was then driven in with a base hit. The Bluejays' fifth run scored in th fourth inning off two PSC errors. ·
The Bobcats did threaten to score in the top of the fifth. The Bobcats
loaded the bases when Mike Simcho singled, Denny Maguire walked and Matt Grewe got a base hit. But the Bluejays ended the rally with an inning-ending double play.
Bobcat pitcher Scott Kier, 0-1, spread out five hits in three innings to take the loss for the 0-2 Bobcats.
The Bobcats' season opener, held at Buck Beltzer Field in Llncoln, was a close decision to the University of Upcoming Movies: Nebraska, 9-8. JFK
Key hitters for the Bobcats in the The Hand That Rocks the Cra::lle game with Creighton were Kevin. Beauty and the Beast Heller, 1 for4; Jeff Paulson, l for. 3; Fried Green Tomatoes Waynes World and Will Raferty, 1 for 4; all with · The Prince of Tides base hits. Medicine Man Simcho summed the game up with. 1 G_ran_d_Can _ _..y_on___ a comment, 'We playethter- Call 274-4096 For Showtimes rible."
· .
look at Bobcats' 12-hour trip to Chadron
Snipes sees sheep Jor first. time... . · · ·
We all know· that big-time travel to Chadron. scenery in western Nebraska. hot tub. A little later the team · for a few minutes. We take some colleg¢ basketball players are.
3:59-The 12-hour trip is starting Garrett Mann, who's been here goes to the gym for a·30 minute pictures and hit the road. treated like gods on road trips. to have its effect. Everybody but before, says he thinks there is a review of the scouting report.
2: 15-Fred tells me to shut the the best food, stay in the Matt Motley and a PSC Times barn coming up. I stay awake in 2:45-A few guys buy kites and window. I tum around, and he's fanciest hotels and ride in the writer is asleep. Motley seems to excitement. Fred needs some fly them outside of the hotel until got his shirt off! {Sometimes that nicest buses or airplanes. have found a good joke book to heat. the strings break. of the kid doesn't make sense to me.)
So how does a small-college help pass the time. (f m sure he'll team sleeps in their rooms. Guys are studying for tests they basketball team spend their time be doing push-ups for some of Time-Out
4:30-Game-faces-are on. Each missed. on the road preparing for a the words in it) player has his own way of getting
3:30-Coach Gibbs runs into the. Here's my diary of PSC's thiee
4:51-We stop for a train in "pumped up" for the game. curb for the 12th time. Ryan day trip to Chadron for the first- Paxton (pop. 536). Greg Snipes
Somebody hollers at me because Harshaw comes over from the round play-off game against sees sheep for the first time. Fted With they want the light off, but I need other van to tell us a joke about Chadron State. wants the heat turned up. itto write this column. cough drops.
Tuesday-The two vans are 4:57-CoachJohnGibbs stops at
7:30-Game time! PSC is 8:15-Fred hasn't said a word loaded at 6:45 a.m., and we pull Ole's Big Game Bar in Paxton. defeated 93-76 in front of a very about being cold in FOUR hours! outofPeruat7:30. Most of the .Theteamboltsoutofthevanand Todd rudeandhostileChadronState I look tom:ake sure he's still guys pull out their headphones headsJor the counter. "Wrong," crowd. We exit the gym quickly breathing. aud go back to sleep. An AM says Gibbs: The reason for the by Todd Gottula to get away from the physical and 8:37-Nine stops and 12 hours radiostationplays-lightlyinthe stopwastolookatacollectionof verbalabuse. Wealltakegood later we arrive.in Peru. We background. ,(Our van doesn't 186 stuffed animals. displayed showers to wash off the spit we unload and start our walk to the :receiyeanFM,signal.)Really! · throughout'thebar. SJripessees 8:00-We arrive in Chadron, received from the home town dorms.
12:30p:m;-After five hours of · his first bear. check into our hotel and goto the fans. It's true. If you play basketball .travel along interstate 80, we
5:42-Michael ''Jackson" gym for a shoot-around. After
10:30-Back to the hotel. A few at a small-college like PSC, you arrive in North Platte. The team Woolsey claims he's the"nieest the practice we go back to the guys watch T.V., while the rest won't get pampered the way .goes to a local gym for a one- tough guy around." Dan Larose hoteHor a short team meeting. take part in wrestling matches. players are in Division I. But hour practice. Our point guard, gives an unprintable response.
10: 15-We go to our rooms and It's pretty quiet since we lost. maybe that's what makes this s.o Fred Wara; thinks the gym is
5:42 (again)-We just changed talk about basketball, women and Thursday-We pull out of great. We work just as hard as cold. time zones. Man, this trip is everything else. Lights out! Chadron at 7:30 a.m. and eat they do without getting the extras.
2:42-After eating chicken fried longer than l thought! Gameday-Wakeup is 9:30a.m. breakfast at McDonald's. And I betthey'll never get the steak at Bonanza, we load up and
6:34-Hey, a tree! Finally Then breakfast, followed· by a · 1:00-The team talks coach into chance to stop at Ole's Big Game prepare for five more hours of somethin to look at. There is no meeting. A few guys head for the Bar!
Softball season starts today
by Times Staff newcomers on the mound: Erin fromlast year's team in pitcher/first A yeteran, yet some what untested Ingram from the College of DuPage baseman Kristi Deleeuw. She was Peru State College softballfeatii (IL),andfreshmanBethCordyfrom named to the All-America second will open its 1992 season this after- Wymore. team as a utility player noon hosting Baker {KS) Univer- Ingram didn't throw much last The Lady Bobtats, who finished sity in a 2 p.m. double headei at the season at DuPage, but was with 13th nationally in teaµi batting last Auburn softball complex. a Region IV-leading 0.44 ERA as a season, should be a strong offen1he Lady Bobcats return five start- freshman. Last year, she batted sive club in '92 with Horsham, ers from last year's 17-12 squad .377 anddrovein42 RBrs forthe Pokorny, Fryeand Vetter back and which placed third at the NAIA 44-4 Chaparrals, who posted a 39- Ingram in the No. 3 hole. District XI championships-the high- game winning streak and qualified · PSC has eight double headers est post-season effort since 1979- for the National Junior College tour- scheduled, weather permitting, and chalked up the fourth best win nament at Hutchison, KS. which will be played at the Auburn total in sch09l history. PSC lost one of its main weapons softball complex located just south PSC, under the direction of fourth- of Auburn High School. year coach Larry Brown, is most
Basketball in full swing•••
lntramurals off to good start
Diane Pokorny-are back along with part-time starter Chris Hlavac. by Chan Crooker Horsham, a native of Wahoo, was an All-District selection last season Intramural basketball is now in after hitting a career-high .363 and full swing with men and women scoring 25 runs. Pokorny, a gradu- both hard at play.
people arowid night classes is a real nightmare," said Coach Brown. ate of David City Aquinas High So far this year Peru State has
I School, earned second team All- offered c<>-ed flag football and vol-
I Clly _____________
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Other returning starters. are senior co,.director of intramurals, said that
I Council Bluffs at first base, and competitive." Brown also says he
Brown said that they {he and Erin Sayer, the other intramural co-director) are "tossing" around some new ideas for the intramural program. He said that they are working on putting in a sand volleyball court and would also like to put in some kind of swim meet. Brown also thinks that an intramural track meet would be a good idea; but it would take a large effort to pull it off.
I at two key positions-third and sec- Tu.e 0 1?1Y problems that really arise
J pitching staf[
. TheLadyBobcatswillrelyontwo schedules "Trymg to schedule
At the end of the competition the winners of each sport are ·awarded with a T-shirt, and the rest are just awarded with a great time. If you are interested in playing in intramurals, contact Coach Larry Brown, Majors Hall 216, or Erin Sayer at Morgan Hall.
We can help you find MONEY FOR COLLEGE EveryStudent is Eligible for FinancialAid ·• Comprehensive Database - over 200,000 lstings represent over $10 biftion in private sector fmancial aid. • Easy To U• -we match up studen1S to awards based on information provided including career plans, family heritage, and academic interests. • · Awards - our research department has located scholarships for golf caddies, left-handed students, cheerleaders, non-smokers, and more. • Guarantee -we will find at least seven sources of private sector financial aid, or .we win refund your money. For more information and our FREE brochure, please complete and mail the coupon below.
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1 NII-
I District honors with a .374 batting leyball along with a two-man vol1
I average and 37 base hits. leyball league. Coach Larry Brown,
I Teresa Frye of Bennington at short- it has been very competitive this
I v.. in Sc:hoal
I stop, sophomore Nicole Vetter. of year, but he said, "it's always very
I -I sophoma:e Kelly Burnside of Coun- feels that intramurals are a great I
I cil Bluffs at catcher. Vetter also · asset for Peru students. "It gives
I started part-time in rightfield. kids a great break from studying, I
I Peru State will have two new faces and it's a great mixer."
I ond base-as well as an entirely new dunng mtramural sports are sched-
• uling the games fit the students'
Small town suits PSC graduate
This article "is the first ln a group ofrea"/ted articles included in this issue. They address the problems small towns face as their high school graduates don't return after attaining a college degree. All of the articles in the story campaign are denoted by "italic headlines.
by Laura Osborne
Mike Gerdes, a current Auburn resident and worker.firmly shakes his head "no" when asked if he regrets returning to his home town.
A 1983 graduate of Auburn High School, Mike was raised in the small town 12 miles southwest of Peru. Mike graduated from PSC in 1988, a business administration management major and computer· science
Mike first worked for a diamond retailer in Omaha, but realized the occupation wasn't his desired ca" reer path. He next worked for an Omaha business listing company which comPiled all of the businesses of the US and Canada, categorizing them according to their primary business functions. There, Mike was in of all Clll}adian list-
Gerdes thinks there are opportuni'The listing company employed ties that exist for college graduates over 400 people," Mike stated. "It to return home. "I admit that curwas a hard ladder to climb and I rent opportunities are somewhat didn't feel I could meet my goals limited, but there can be more there. I had kept in contact with Young people need to get involved people here, and so I applied when and make their own opportunities I heard an opening had come up like starting their own business," he here at Aubutn State Bank." commented.
Mike's duties at the bank vary "Problems for the futures of small widely, towns are foreseeable," Gerdes purchasing of bank supplies arid "As average town ages get paying expenses. . older wht}11 their graduates don't
Gerdes has a wife, h{atalie,"ffilda retum;'small towns face becoming four-year-old daughter, Megan, at ghosttowns. There are big potenhome, and Natalie is expecting in tial problems if the opportunities May. "With my daughter, I just aren't created or maintained," he didn't feel safe from crime in continued.
Omaha," he commented. 'There, Gerdes actively supports his opineverything you could ever want was ions by his membership on. the Au- , basically minutes away, but yet it bum Chamber of Commerce's didn't appeal to me. ·It's all a lot of W-0rkforce Vitalization Committee, extras wereallydon't he con- ·described in minor. tintled. "Here, I was familiar with issue. the people, I could afford to buy a The PSC grad strives to be a daily house here and, to me, there are example of what success is possible things I can do in Auburn that I for students who choose to return to can't in Omaha, like play golf at the their home towns through his occuspur of the moment. To me, there pation, committee work and private
are more advantages to living in life. Aubutn eompared to the potential
of Omaha," Mike stated. r,
Future Plans for PSC Students
Check the responses which apply to you.
1. My home state is __ Nebraska __ some other state.
2. I plan to stay in Nebraska after I graduate from college. __yes __ no.
3. I come from __ a large city (100,000 plus population)
__ an urban area (a town of 2,500 or more population)
__ a small town (less than 2,500 population) ·
__ a fann family
4. I plan to return to live in or near my home town after I gradUa.te from college. __ yes __ no.
5. If you answered "no" to the previous question, which of the following most closely reflects your reason for not planning to return?
__ lack of job opportunities
__ a desire to live in a larger community
__ a desire to live in a smaller community
__ other reasons
6. If you checked the "lack of job opportunities" response in the previous question, would you like to return to your home town if suitable job opportunities were available? __ yes __ no.
Polled students plan to leave Nebraska
· by Chan Crooker · towns and their reasons for doing
According to a 11on scientific poll conducted by the Peru State Times staff, only a small number (seven out of 39) of students from a small town or a farm say they will return after they graduate.
Recently the Omaha' World Herald published a series of artides in regard to the continuing decline in population in rural.Nebraska. The · Peru State Times then decided to ask 100 Peru students if they plan · on returning to the farm or to small
so, or not doing so. ·
lation), while 30 respondents were The first question on the poll asked · from an urban area( 25,000ormore if the respondents were from Ne- · population). 20 out of those polled braska or some other state. Sev- · were from a small town (a town of enty-one students were from in the · 2,500 or less population). and 17 state. · were from a farm family.
Forty-six of the 100 polled stated Only 28 out of the 100 students that they plan to stay in Nebraska asked said that they planned to live after graduating from college while in or near their home town after 51 saidthattheywouldchangestates they graduated from college, while after graduation. 67 plan to go elsewhere. These · The next question asked for the statistics are not new. They agree size of community that they had .See "Poll ResuUs" 011 page3 come from. Twenty-three were
Softball on pages
Photo poll on page5
PPST grant on page 6 Intramural Top 4 on page 8
, MIKE GERDES is a graduate of Peru State College who decided to retum to his home town to live and work. --photo by Laura Osborne
.o ..
'npOrtunitieS lie elsewhere ...
Woerth applauds safe sex pamphlet
Dear Editor:
As a non-trad I would like to applaud the college and Dan Haughland's condom pamphlet. I read che pamphlet and I didn't swoon. In "my day," pregnancy was the only thing a girl had to worry about. Unfortunately things haven't changed much. The mentality among consenting young adults seems to be "there's nothing to worry about so long as she's on the pill." WRONG! Ask yourself this question. Do you know how many HIV+ cases are in Nemaha county? You might be surprised by the answer. Remember, "for every action there is a reaction." Think about it.
MarilynJ. Woerth
Dean's resignation from staff position disgruntles student
Dear Editor:
I was shocked and disheartened to learn thaL in a few short weeks Bob Baker will no longer be the Dean of Continuing :Eclucation at Peru State · College. I felt betrayed to learn that no replacement has been sought tc 1 lmish this semester.
Last fall I had the opportunity to· work with Mr. Baker as a semester intern through the Community Organization class. Through that experience and numerous contacts with his office prior to and following the internship, I grew to greatly ad.mire Mr. Baker's work. The only true frustrations I experienced were 1 the methods of funding that con- , strain the Continuing Education' department and the bureaucracy that 1 had to be worked through in order to form or to change off-campus· and weekend class offerings. Neither of these impediments were within Mr. Baker's control.
To appreciate the work that Mr. Baker has petfonned for many students, one only need be in his office.
by John Stewart · [p(jj{jJ
Steve Riley is out as the drummer extended piece very unique and of L.A. Guns. Before joining L.A. enjoyable.
Guns, he was the drummer for I personally was happy with the WASP. His replacement is M.C. end result, but did have my doubts Bones. M.C. stands for "Mighty between the beginning of semester Cool." He says that is what every- and the actual concert. The whole one calls him. time my state of mind was "So con-
C.C. gr?up, ''The fused I didn't know whether to
C:.C. Deville has been scratc.hmy watchorwindmybutt." signed by Capitol Records. The Dr. Ediger also stated that more lead singer's n3?1e i.s Joey C. men (women too) are encouraged I that this .will have a similar to join chorus. And he is happy Poison sound to it. with the mixtures of veterans and The new Kiss album should be out rookies in both the Choir and by mid-May, and according to Bruce Madrigals. Kaj.ick, it should be the best one so far.
The Show Choir is currently workI want to commend Rush for do- ing on two new pieces to add to _the nating $100,000 in proceeds from a existing show. They are bemg recent concert in Oakland to AIDS shown the new choreography Reasearch. Rush is in the middle of Craig Ellingson, a free lance chorea world tour that will end in late ographer from Lincoln. I thought June. Ten years ago this month, one they did an excellent job during the of the best guitarists of all time was fashion show. At the end of the killed, Mr. Randy Rhoads. He was semester when every group (Choir, 70 hours away from getting his Madrigals, Show Choir) petfonns, master's degree. What a combina- I think. that the levels of progress tion he would have been able to will be impossible to measure. create.
This last Sunday, both the PSC Concert Choir and Madrigals performed. Being in both, I thought it was Hot and Mentally Draining. But many people have commented that it was very entertaining. When speaking with Dr. Ediger, his first words were "really excellent concert" and that most people found the while he worked wholeheartedly to see. that present off-campus or tnm:sf erring students got as many class offerings or transferred credits as possible. Mr. Baker bas opened the door for many people considering a college career. Many of these oncecontinuing-ed students are now on-; campus and academically excelling I students.
As Mr. Baker leaves the college, I believe a vital component of Peru· State College is lost.
Theresa D. Baumgartner
Peru State Times
The vocal recital on March 12 was a success on the whole, but some 0 us could have done better. But for everybody, including myself,.•
congratulations on a good job. Th next recital is scheduled for Ap · 21. I encourage all to attend an view the talent.
As our wt 1lll '14\e Booe..+- .Mol>Ht. -io tftL PSL tc.n+c.vwhe.ye T.Jd b.tt!-c.I.. ;$ bc. ly"dlt.cl by o.l'llj"'Y MOO of. "t:mu !AfSC+ his cof\Mftt- o-. .fflc. wint-c.¥ or,. p:c.s ••••
EditoMn·Cbicf Sports Editor ASStstant Editor Head Copy Editor Ototography Coordinator Laura O.boc:oc ..•.... Todd Gottula Tim Bailey • Marty Jacobsen ScottUdcy Ad Manager TYP<Sctter • • • • • • • • • • • Grt:gg Mattox Editon:tl Assistants • Lisa Gollula a.an Crooker Ja:tKruse Jenni.fer Laflin Dr. Dan Holtz E.o"+ '"cu. 1 y ·.,. +kt. lllastrator-·&:ott Hobnes '
Published Bi-monthly
Graduate likes her home ·town
by Laura Osborne
Leslie Thomas-Bratrsovsky is an Auburn native who chose to return to the community to contribute the benefits of her PSC education.
Mrs. Bratrsovsky lives in Auburn with her husband, Jeff, and is the manager of the local Chamber of Commerce. She graduated from Auburn High School in 1984, then eJ)l'olled at PSC. She graduated in 1988 with a B.S. in math and accounting.
Leslie's first job was with American Meter Company of Nebraska City as Cost Accounting Supervisor for two and a half yeai:s. "I could have stayed there," she stated, "but I wanted to come back to Auburn. so, when I heard that this position
11 Poll Results 11 from page 1 with the statistics found in the Omaha World Herald that show figures taken from the 1990 census stating that 66.14 percent of all Nebraskans live in an urban area and only 33.86 percent live in rural settings.
Next, the Times asked why those students who so decided were not planning to return to their home town Thirty-six of those polled said that it was due to the lack ofjob opportunities in and around their. home town. Fifteen students said that they just had a desire to live in alargercommunity, whileonlythree out of the 100 said they wanted to live in a smaller community. Twenty-one said that they had other reasons for moving away.
The final question asked that if their answer for not moving back was a lack of job opportunities, would they like to return to their home if more opportunities were · available to them there. Fifteen of those people said that they would like to do so. and nine said they still would rather not return.
had opened, I immediately applied."
Leslie returned to her hometown because she liked the small towri atmosphere and she w.anted to be near family.
The PSC grad had many options available outside of Auburn. "I could have remained at American· Meter and continued to be in a supervisory position, I could have furthered my studies and gotten a teaching certificate or I could have sat for the CPA (Certified Public Accountants) and become a public accountant or worked as an actuary in the insurance business.
Mrs. Bratrsovsky's responsibilities for the 170-member Chamber include conducting corresponwith tourists, new residents and prospective business owners who and the coordination of retail .and Chamber-sponsored conununity events as well as active membership on the Southeast Nebraska Tour and Travel Committee and the Merriwether Lewis Foundation.
Leslie feels that if a college student wants to return to their home town, the options are there. "PeoJ>le
don't thirik about being an neur and starting their own business," she explained. "Also, it's important to keep contacts with people in your own city and let ·them know you'd like to stay because a lot of people don't realize you would return. If you keep the right contacts, you'll be aware of what is available for you. But, you have to know in your own mind what kind of lifestyle you want to live."
Leslie has no regrets about returning to her home town, feeling it is important for other college graduates to do so;
"If you don't have people in the community working for its improvement, it will die out. It's important to have people trying to do things to ·provide the jobs and services people are looking for," she stated.
"Students should try to get involved,'' Leslie continued," especially irl things related to their desired field. They can make good contacts and learn outside of the classroom. They may even find that what they had gone to school for really isn't for them,'' she concluded.
Southeast counties work for economic growth
by Barbara J. Balm
South.east Nebraska is addressing many of the same ; problems that are being experienced nationwide: a changing economic climate, a dwindling population ;, · diversifying
' The larger communities that are located in thesoutheastNebraska .. counties (Gage, Otoe; RichatdSoii; Nemaha, Johnson and Pawnee) are combining in a •joint effort to attract new industries to this region. Bob
, Shively, PSC director of : economic development, and
·Dottie Holliday, director of · Nebraska Business·Development
· Center (NBDC) are helping the communities and the businesses in this area reach economic growth. Shively and Hollida; · see southeast Nebraska as having a powerful combination in its current/potential work force and its strategic location. The future for economic growth and development in this area is increasing.
Shively said, ''I think southeast
· Nebraska is coming out of a long · term decline. This area has the _ · most strategic location in all Nebraska with · its quick ; accessibility to market areas in ·
FAX 402-475-6183
i Kansas City, Topeka, St. Joseph, Lincoln and Omaha. Economic development lies with the leadership of a community." He went on to sav the next four or
five years may be slow, but the potential for economic growth is on the upswing. Any type of industry that is not hazardous to · the surrounding area creates a · bigger demand for laborers and : in tuin higher wages as the ec;oµomy more competjti,ye.
This changing economic scene will be felt in the states bordering Nebraska as well. A 10-hour leadership program will be presented by Shively at Rockport. MO, in April. Community leaders from Mound City, MO, and Tarkio, MO, will be attending the program.
In addition, PSC stimulates economic growth through the NBDC. Holliday through the NBDC advises potential businesses or new and existing businesses for profit in management, marketing, record keeping, expansion, technical. assistance and financial counseling. NBDC works as a liason with various governmeµt, education and private organizations to help answer business questions. Consultations are free, and workshops are presented for a nominal fee for any interested parties.
Holliday stated, "There is so much potential in this area" Since the first of this year, 57 have contacted the NBDC for oonsultations. Client contacts
have c;ontinued to .increase since the NBDC was opened in September 1987 at PSC. Holliday, in 1991, handled a total of 120 contacts. "I do encourage anybody starting a business to have a business plan," said Holliday. The NB:OC program is : funded by the state and federal governments.
Iriterested communities may contact Shively at the &.onomic Development Educational Center, PSC, Peru, NE 68421 or call (000) 742-4412 or (402) 872· 2427. Businesses for profit may contact Holliday at the NBDC, PSC, Peru, NE 68421 or call (402) 872-2274.
Development happening now in southeast corner of the state
by Barbara J. Balm
PSC Director of Economic Development, Bob Shively, said economic growth and development is becoming a reality in southeast Nebraska. Various industries are in the initial negotiating processes or in the process of opening new facilities.
Some established industries are calling employees back to work, adding new positions or remodeling existing plants.
Cargill has taken an option on a piece ofland near Nebraska City in anticipation of a final decision to be reached this year about building a wet-com milling plant The plant's end product will be ethanol and other by-products of com. Preliminary work on a '·· National Arbor Day Convention Center has begun in Nebraska City that will eventually employ
90 people. :.woodfield Iridustries, located in Auburn, begins operation in March with 11 employees. Pawnee City has a new business called HBO Inc., (Harrison Bird Diets), a distribution center for exotic bird feed. Beatrice has added several new industries in the last five years.
Triangle Pacific Cabinet Corp., Auburn, has called employees back to work with extended work hours. Marburger Fabrication Irie., Humboldt, has added some new positions. In Tecumseh, Campbell's modernized its existing plant. These influxes and changes in the area's industries have opened up many other potential economic changes in the agricultural, housing and mercantilism businesses, according to Shively.
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LESLIE THOMAS-BRATRSOVSKY stands in front of some of the information she distributes as part of her duties as the manager of the Auburn Chambero(4 Commerce. ··photo by Laura Osborne
Vendetti finds his dream in theater
Person of the Week
Iby Michelle Kimball
"All the world's a stage, and all the and .merely players. This quote from Willi<Ull Shakespeare could be Pat Vendetti's life motto. for on the stage or somewhere around it is where one would fmd Pat most of the time. Pat is a senior speech/ drama major from Om.aha. Theater ultimately changed Pa(s career because he started his freshman year as a wildlife major. "I got involved m the theater primarily as a social thing. But from that first semester, I decided to gear towards theater." And in these four years, the college theater has been Pat's second home. Pat been involved, in some way, m 16 different shows here on campus. He has had some part in set construction in all of them, held acting roles in 14, and served as stage manager for one.
Besides acting, Pat has another · specialty in the theater. Pat was instrumental in the design and set-up for the lighting in six main stage productions. He also operates the light board for events in the music department, and offcampus organizations that bring their shows to PSC, such as the Brownville Fine Arts Association.
Pat has bad very diverse roles, from Christopher Robin in The House on Pooh Corner to a very
"Pat is very conscientious. You can give him ' a job and expect that it will get done. "
Dr. Charles Harper
serious Dr. Traverse in Whose Life is it Anyway? When asked• what type of role is his favorite, , Pat smiled and said, I loved · playing a god!" This refm to the · role of Jupiter in the Peru Players · most recent production,. Amphitryon 38. He then added that ;:t. character he has always wanted to portray is the lawyer in Inherit the Wind. To explain why that particular role, Pat stated, "I like the subject, and the character is neat because he's quiet, yet alert and smart."
Dt. Eckert, professor of drama, used two worcls to describe Pat. "He's v cheenUi ·and dependa.·"'fo.1 •i.Heryeinh··.r..z ::.;•.,, v : ,. i., as. an enthusiasm and everything the of his ability." Dr., Charles Harper, also a professor of speech/drama, added these comments. "Pat is very conscientious. You can give him · a job.and expect that it will get done." Pat stated that his active involvement in the theater has made him more resporisible. "In the theater, there is always a deadline and things must be done by that time!"
This year Pat was nominated for the Irene Ryan award- named
Students reveal divorce opinions
for the actress that played Granny on The Beverly Hillbillies. To auditioll" fdr this, one has to choose two pieces, one solo and one duet, and present five minutes of material before two adjudicators. Because this award is a national one, every nominee is competing with very high-quality talent. Pat also received the PSC Distinguished Drama award, given by Drs. Harper and .Eckert, ·in 1989 and 1990.
Recently, Pat was accepted as scenery and light instructor and technical director at an all-girls summer camp in Boston. Pat has had experience in this type of position. Just last summer, he worked as a theater assistant and ¢ouiisei0r····ror·1•a:1i:Academic camp here on ;campus, ·Wherchhe also·worked witJ:t." Perlkalumnus Robin McKercher, who is presently working in New York.
· If Pat could have a dream come true, it would be to do a show with Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, or Julia Roberts, especially if all three were in the same show! But a more present goal, upon graduation in May, is to work for a while and eventually go to graduate school with an aim towards either light design or acting. Who knows? Some day, · one might see a familiar name in neon lights!
Thorpe, Gilmore head fo.r:;,r:etitement
by Vicky Johnson
At the end of the 1991-92 academic year, two PSC faculty · members will retire. Dr. Ralph Thorpe and Dr. Norma Gilmore, both associate professors of education for the past four years, will bid farewell to Peru to enjoy the life of the retired. However, a life ofleisure is hardly what either have planned.
Dr. Thorpe will retire to his home in Lincoln. He currently teaches the Foundation of Education classes as well as helps oversee the student teaching program.
Recently both areas were reorganized, and-Or. Thorpe was pleased to be a part of that reorganization. Part of the revamping was to move the Foundation classes further back in the students' educational program. The education majors will now be required to participate in an orientation class to coincide with the 207 Practium. Even though Dr. Thorpe will not be at PSC on a daily basis, he hopes to help oversee the student teachers.
by Jennifer Laflin
Once upon a time, families stayed together through thick and thin. Now one out of two marriages end in divorce and the children of this divorce find themselves hurled into another world.
A divorce affects children in many ways. One PSC student said, "Ifelt like I would have to choose between my parents, when they got their divorce. Luckily that didn't happen, but I thought it would. It would have been easier if I was younger."
In some cases the divorce happens before the child knows what is going on. Another PSC student I interviewed said she really didn't understand when her father left that he wouldn't be comiJ:Jg back, because she was only three years old.
"Divorce can be very devastating because no matter how hard a child tries to deny it, a divorce is a matter of choice," says Linda Bird Francke, author of Growing Up Divorced.
Dr. Ralph Thorpe
In his spare time Dr. Thorpe · plans to take up the piano and : attend a few swimming lessons. i He admits he has no plans to master 1 either of the two arts, but he would · like to be able to out a ! ' few tunes and save his own life if j necessary. When asked what he ! would miss about PSC the most, • Dr. Thorpe said he will 'iniss the : close and personal relationships I have had with my colleagues and students."
Although retirement is the word Dr. Gilmore used to describe her leaving PSC, her plans do not include slowing down. Dr.
Gilmore will retire to Mt etaire; ··· MI, where she owns a lake-;.front qottage. She will spend her days selling real estate, working with an expert on cranial research, and t.eaching one eight-week class at Central Michigan University. When asked if she was sure this was retirement, she laughed and said,''! plan to slow down but keep my mind as active as possible. The eight-week class will not require the amount of
· Dr;·Gilmqre plans to fmd time for golfmg; forexercise and for kayaking for a little excitement. She said, "In what's left of my spare time I will enjoy my family and friends that live in the area." Wh.en asked what she would miss about PSC the most, Dr. Gilmore ·said,"I'm not sure, there's just something about Peru that gets into the blood that you can never get out." When asked if any changes would be made in the special education program, Dr. Gilmore felt the only change would be the finding of a new professor to take her place.
'The divorce made .me war)' of everything I did in my life, e$pecially if I was making a big decision like college," said another .PSC student. Divorces can also have an effect on what kinds of relationships we get into, if we get into any at all, because of a lack of trust A freshman at PSC explained it to me this way, "children as they grow up see how their parents tumed out and wonder if they will have the same fate. I am in a serious relationship right now and one of the strong points in it is the trust we have for each other. I think that is where most couples go wrong, there just isn't any trust."
Growing up in this day and age is bard enough, but when parents get divorced the child has to learn how to adjust to a new Iifestyle with only one parent. This .adjustment can make the child a stronger person One PSC student said, "Yes, it made me a stronger person. I stand up for what I believe in and say what is on my mind, because I believe in myself."
Believing in yourself is the hardest thing a child of divorce has to do. I myself am a child of divorce and have gone through the range of emotions from hating my father for leaving my family, to being happy that be didn't stick around.
Children of divorce must realize that they can survive and with people around them who love and care for them, they will survive.
time I must conlmit to my classes ""''" '<''' } F'°,/ •... .·
Do you plan on returning to your home town?
Miner· Speech/Drama Louisville, NE.
No: ''There aren't many theaters in the area. I hope to go to Minneapolis, MN andfmdajob. Louisville is a nice community if you prefer a small town. butformy career I need to live in a big city.
No: "In&iw,()ia h?S fl®k,,grocery store, antitwo bars. There's nothing to gal>ackto.
No: "The town is ugly. There are good jobs available, but rve lived in Wichita all my life. rd rather work somewhere else."
No: ''There are no jobs there at all. I do like Nebraska and I hope to work in this state though.
Not just Alice's restaurant r Auburn pushes development
From the Other Side of the Counter•••.
by Tim Bailey
Rising from the dangerous region in which reside the oldest humans, on average, on campus, where the fat is chewed, the coffee spills, and the cigarette smoke billows from the depths of Hell, there come three
thought for-a change of pace, in- Alice calls herself the "Gopher," ' stead of pr6ftling a why saying, "If they run out of somenot proftle some other folks on cam- thfu.g, I go get it. I make sure the. · pus whom we see every day ?. tables. are cleaned· off. L wipe the I first asked the ladies what some tables out front- keep the coffee of their duties are. Fran, the Snack filled." Students may remember Bar assistant manager, responded, Alice as a former employee of the 'My hours are from nine to four .I Shop-EZ store where she usually check to make sure if for two years. She has lived in Perti Rhonda needs something or what I her whole life and says of coldo is do the tables in the Cafeteria.. ''ltQink it's pretty neat. It's the Then I come back in, and Rhonda.. only thing really that's here." She · ·and I together,.geUlie Deli''.Bar;,to,;'.; ·· iSnJoy,:s getting to see gether fot bolh'.lhe· Gaielena Sider missed seeing after and for the snack bar side." Shop-El closed However, as Snack Bar manager that Alice told from 7 a.m; Rhonda meisthatshewenttohighschoolin gets the whole thing .going; "It!. the what.is now the T .J. Majors buildmorning I come in and open, get the ing. cinnamon rolls and breakfast items I next asked Fran what sells really ready, turn the grill on, the pizza big in the Bobcat Inn. She answered,
by Times staff
As America faces the problem of students not returning to their home towns after college, a portion of the solution burden falls to the small towns themselves. The community of Auburn, population 3,443, has actively assumed this responsibility.
The Auburn Chamber of Commerce's Economic Development Committee has created sub-committees to address specific community problems. One of these is the Workforce Vitalization Committee. The committee's purpose is to provide Auburn's business community with a pool of fresh professional talent which is ready and willing to enter the workforce.
The WVClists two goals: l)ToretainandmaintainAuburn's young people within the community upon the completion of tl\eir formal education 2) To attract young professionals to the Auburn area. The committee has five members: JeffDills, Dave Fletcher, Mike Gerdes, Renee Rowell and Laura Osborne. The committee meets once a month. WVC efforts currently include aid in Chamber coordination of Business and Industry Appreciation Week events, involvement in Auburn High School's Career Fair and work towards greater communication with PSC for expanded internship opportunities.
"The committee is really Auburn's way of saying, 'We know the students who are natives of our town are a highly qualified potential workforce. We want them to know that there is a future here for them if they just give Auburn a chance,"' stated WVC member Osborne. ''I feel the WVC, in part, is a key to Auburn's future success. The rest of that success lies .within each Auburn student as they approach the completion of their college studies. Students have to be willing to create a future, not just for themselves, but for their home town as well."
The \VVC plans to participate in PSC' s April 9 Career Fair. Information concerning internships and potential job opportunities will be available at the committee's booth.
Rhonda .l\'.fo:rrison women ready to satisfy the hunger pains of each and every customer.
Rhonda Morrison , Fran Eltiste and Alice Meyers are the three employees that you're likely to see giving you a smile when you walk into the popular Bobcat Inn. I
Fran Eltiste
oven and the basic prep work for the day to get it started. " She also mentioned working with the cafeteria side, "We'll help with sack lunches odd jobs, little things they ·· might need that they don't have time to do, we'll do "
" probably our hamburger or a cheeseburger... We sell probably at least 15 to 20 regular burgers a day.
·Sometimes we can sell 10 Bobcats
See 'Counter' on page 7
Sheila Sughroue· Indianola, NE
Paul Howard • Sociology Major , Lynn fficks • English Major Brooklyn, New York Wichita, KS
Craig Hall -.Business Major Ewing,
Alice Meyers
Local Delivery To Peru 5:00 • 10:00 p.m. 7 Days A Week 274-4700
50 employers set to attend Career Fair at Peru State
Peru--The Peru State College
1992 Career Fair will be held on ' Thursday, April 9, 1992from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Approximately SO employers are expected to be in the AWAC to answer any questiom; students may have.
Peru--Memoir and poetry writing will be the topics of a free public "'J workshop andreading on Wednesday, April 1, at Peru State College. The presenter will be Dr. Lorraine J. Duggin of Omaha.
Dr. Duggin haS taught fiction writing at Creighton University and has given two workshops on topic, "From Autobiography to Memoir to Fiction." Her own.memoir excetpts have been published in Sluulows: A Flowering A Festival and Nebraska Humanities magazine. Workshop participants will have an opportunity to gain insight, inspiration and methods to motivate them to delve into their own histories. The workshop is scheduled from 3:30 - 5 p.m. in the Bur Oak room of the PSC Student Center.
At 7:30 p.m. Dr. Duggin will give a public reading of her works, also in the Bur Oak room. There is no charge for either the workshop or reading. Pre-registration is not required. Both events are presented with funding from the Nebraska Humanities Council.
Contact Merri Johnson, president of the PSC English Club, at 274-5217 for more information.
PPST grants to be available
Curtis Frye, the dean of students at Wayne State, will be the 11 a.m. speaker. He will be speaking on, "What it takes.to get ahead in the future?" Students from all majors are encouraged to attend. ing to Linda Warren, director of placement, getting information early about career choices helps in planning classes and helps in making. contacts for future employment. Warren especially urges seniors to see the recruiters from many companies and said that several interviews and actual job offers e<µne out of last year's fair. class on 23. Alaraj, a native of Palestine, is ;a student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. His talk and slide presentation dealt with politics and the way of life in Palestine, Jordan and Kuwait Alaraj, who just recently became a U.S. citi:l.en, hopes that by giving talks he will rpake students understand people of the Middle East better.··photo by Todd Gottula
Placement Events
,April 1
April 9
Deadline to sigt;l up for Omaha Public SchdOl interview
Deadline for $10 due for Teacher Fair ·
Deadline for resumes to UNL for Teacher Fair preselect Career Fair, 9 am.-1 p.m., A WAC 1 4lJ employers registered cafeteria lunch will be served in AWAC for seniors, interns, summer jobs
April 14-15 TeacherFair- UNL
April 22 ·· Infotec Conference and Job Search Forum, Omaha I 1:30 am.-1:30 p.m. computer science and data processing transportation provided , HOT TIPS!! (
* Fifty immigration examiners will be hired in Lincoln. August start' 3.45 GPA or test in April
·*Lady Footlocker openings in Omaha, Minneapolis, Des Moines, Sioux Falls
*Other openings posted weekly on bulletin boards in each classroom building.
; *Walk-in tests fot federal government employment at UNL East Campus Student Union:.
Finance, Management
Seniors should have several copies of their resumes wi.th them to hand to "But if the resume is not ready. don'tstay away," said Warren.
Students often want to know if they have to wear a snit Warren said students should just wear their best "You do want to make a good first impression and appear to be a professional person."
Some of the employers and schools attending will be Accent Service Company, Auburn Economic DeSubject Committee, Becker CPA Review, Clarkson College, Creighton University's College of Business Administration, Farmers Home Administration, Franklin Life Insurance Company, Inteck Brock High School, Methodist College of Nursing, Nebraska Department of Labor, Nebraska Public Power District, Norwest Financial, Omaha Public Schools, Project Response, Rent-a-Centei:, State Department of Social Services, TableRock-Steinauer Public Schools, Union Pacific Railroad; University of Nebraska Medical Center's Physician's Assistant Program and The U.S. Marine Corps Officer $.election Office.
The fair is sponsored by Career Planning and Pl.acement and The U.S. Departmenfof Education Student Support Services Grant.
Peru--Students who qualify as participants of the Student Support Services Grant will not have to pay the $50 fee for the PPST test next according to Linda Switzer, director of the Student Support Services Grant. There are stipulations that must be observed. NUmber one is applying for a fee waiver from PPST.
Freshmen should pick up aform from the Placement Office, Ad 105, and mail it before Junel. If they do not receive thefee waiver from PPST, the Student Support Services will cover the cost of the test for participants of their grant.
The qualifications for grant participants Can be deterinined by Switzer or Greg Mitchell inAd 105. 1
The PPSTtestis required by the state ofNebraskafor teacher certification and is administered during the sophomore year. Tests will be given in 1992-93 on Oct. 24, Jan. 23, March 6, and June 12.
Talk will give dose of medical history
by Lisa Gottula
Dr. JoAnn Carrigan of the. University of Nebraska-Omaha will be appearing on campus as a guest speaker on April 7, 1992. Dr. Carrigan, who specializes in the study of medical history, will be speaking at 2 pm in the Fine··Arts Building, Room 21L Her presentation is entitled "Nmeteenth'Century Popular Medical Advice Manuals--For Mothers and Others." · · · ·
This presentation is of both general and historical interest according to Dr. Carrigan, and much of the "advice" proffered by the manuals appears humorous in light of recent scientific and medical developments. This event is sponsored by Phi Alpha Theta.
England a dis.tant second • •.
Soviets want U.S. pen pals
Scranton, PA--By a wide margin, educated young people from the former Soviet Union say they most want to have a new friend from the United States.
In a questionnaire distributed during 1991 to students and young professionals throughout the former Soviet republics, fully 80 percent of the respondents said they would like to make a new friend from the United States. No other country came close to this degree of popularity.
The next-most-popular choices were England with 6.4 percent, and Canada with 4.8 percent
The questionnaire was conducted
jointly by· the Russian magazine For free information on maklng English-speaking friends from Russia and the other former-Soviet republics, please write to Pen Pal Planet, P.O. Box 3657, Scranton, .PA 18505.
Student Meridian is Russia's magazine for students of high school and college age. Its address is: SA Novodmitrovskaya St;: Moscow,· 125015. Its phone number is (005) 285-8071 and fax number 972-0582. The editor's name is Yuri Rostovtsev. An English-speaking contact person is Kostya Lapocbkin, letters editor.
AIMAN ALARAJ speaks to }.;:(s: Emerson's Cultural Anthropology
Benefits, Tax,
April 17 April 17 April 17 April 20 9:00a.m. 12:30p.m. 9:00a.m. 12:30p.m.
Admin., Computer
Enforcement & Investigation
. Rd . wumll\y +nmllv ••• • • Ill • • • 1900 HARLAN FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA 68355 PHONE: (402) 245-3440 RANDY GOITULA OWNER-OPERATOR The Voice of the Bobcats • • • • • • • •
SHORTSTOP Darrell Berry throws around the slide attempt" of Hru:tings' Tom Johnsen (26) during a recent game. Berry turned a double play on the ground ball and was 2-for-3 with a double and two runs seored as PSC claimed a 6-2 win.··photo by Bonnie Henzel
·'Counter' pages 'nights. that's great ! " · Rh()nda also had high pr;,tise for [burgers] a day. ··PSC town saying, "It's a ·
You might venture to ask about nice it's homey.it's Comfortthe new popular pizza slices that the lable. likdhe people here... they' re 'Inn has just introduced Rhonda told 'very trustworthy." me a little about" the new product. · AU of the ladies mentioned that 'The crust is a frozen product we're ithey really love their job and that 'using. but we roll out and.let it ione of fueir favorite aspects of it is irise. Basically like making a ;the they get to see on the h d b d "' dd :other of the counter. Rhonda Olllema e rea w· e a our own· ingredients to spice it" said, "Everybody's very friendly. up They're gO!tJ'! sized pizzas, One That's makes itnice." piece is filling." Fran Rhonda both mentioned I also asked the their opin- that.tht:y would like to take some ,i()n of PSC. Fran me an ear classes campus. Fran alreadv .full. "I'm glad a college itook xmtrition class last semester withinPeru. I'm see there's iand takemoreinthatarea some thing that this town /so that can some day ,become afloat... I would see the col- !dietic.i:in. Rhonda also was interlege work with i ested taking food classes and ·anybody here in , possibly some computer classes. facilities, ot wants The time that you enter the ·I'd like to see college more Bobcat you can be asstired that willing to say, 'Ya sure, no prob- no how busy they are, :lem.' I'd like to the swimining and Alice will gladly pool hours opened more for the friendly. conversation public I'm glad have the roller up a delicious helpskating rink for on Friday ·in<> of whatever the heck ou order.
Baseball team heads south for break i Every_ is: Eligible
byKeriHorrman TX ·
On Saturday, March 14, at 5 a.m., most PSC students were on Spring Break sleeping in. Meanwhile,. PSC' s baseball team was headed to Wichita to play Kansas Newman in a double header. The, games against Kansas Newman started an eightday. 14-game southern trip, in which the. team picked up six wins and eight losses and enough fast-food to last a couple of seasons.
After losing both games to Kansas Newnlan, it was back into the vans, and off to Gainesville, TX. At 9:35 p.m. the team began to experience van. trouble just outside of Guthrie, Ok.
Paulson tried to fix it by putting 10 gallons of diesel fuel into the tank, which then had to be siphoned out since the van ran on unleaded. "It's scary to think that Jeff will graduate in a couple of months. and be out in the world," said Johnson.
On March 15, after repairing the van, the team travelled to Stephenville, TX for a doubleheader with Tarleton State. After losing both games in Stephenville, the players ate at a Mexican restaurant At 8:30 p.m. the were on their way to Temple,
l for Financial Aid
• Comprehensive Database - over 200,000 fisting;; represent over Monday - PSC lost both games Johnson. PSC lost 4-1 and 5-4 in $10 biftion in private sector financial aid. at Mary HarcJ.in...Baylor by scores extra The first contest
between our two schools," said
• Easy To Uee -Yle match up students to awards based on information of 1-0 and 4-2.. "We're f e.atu,red .a 470 Jt .homer off an Pf9Vided including career plans, family heritage, and academic interests. good pitching, J:>µt: we're hQt unnaµieq. PSC pitcher. "Very
• Unique Awards..,... our research department has located scholarships for bitting," wrote Johnson. After f t d ,, k d golf caddies, left-handed students, cheerleaders, non-smokers, and more. · rus ra ng · ay • · remar e
• Guarantee -we will find at least se11en sources of private sedor financial more travel the .g1lys ate at Johnson. · aid, or we win refund your money. ·
, Grady's in Wac<>, TX. A team The next:aftemooti PSC put two For more information and our FREE brochure, please meeting was held at the liotefto more win8 under their belt. Jeff complete and mail the coupon below. discuss the team's _play in KuhlandDaveDeBoerpitched. previous games. in the 13-2 and 11-0 wins over I Please send FREE scholarship information to:
' Tuesday, March 17, was the Mid-America College in I Na-
teams only day off. Everybody Oklahoma City. I
:went shopping and found good PSC defeated Hillsdale Baptist I :deals on hats and clothes. "Darrell in two games to end the long trip.
·Berry paid $20 for a Sparked by Scott Kohout and I cay
baircut sucker," writes Johnson. Kier, the pitching staff has went I .,_ 111 Schoel
Wednesday, the 18th. Johnson the last 21 innings without giving I
diary says, "We eat · at up a run. Coach Johnson and I Phine(
McDonald's. Again! Left for Lefever are given very nice I MailTo: SCHOLARSHIP PLUS
I:Iawkins to play Jarvis Christian. pocket knives by the team and I Dave & Pam Jensen
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and players show up, but still do the coaches hard work. L 402 27 4 4554
nothingtofield. BerryandScott 2:40 a.m. -Team arrives in Kier pitched We won both games Peru. ! by score's of9-2 and 7-0. Went "This trip was fun, long, back to hotel with sunburn! Ate meaningful; and educational. I a good meal at Hickory Fair think all of our players and BBQ." coaches realized that we have it The team played Texas College very good here ip Peru and that in Tyler the next afternoon. 'This home definitely is where the was quite and experience for our heart is," concluded Coach younger players. They were Johnson. shocked at the cultural differences
ENVELOPE STUFFING - $600 - $800 every week -
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Cookies, Golf and Oprah •• ·•
Patience part of game plan
How many of you pee in the shower? Do you eat com on the cob in circles or side-to-side? Do you look in the medicine cabinet when you use someone else's bathroom?
While all my friends are off in Florida watching wet T-shirt contests, I'm sitting here eating Magic Middles while watching Oprah Winfrey ask questi0ns about what Americans do behind closed doors. The fact that I had no money made my decision of visiting my dad in Falls City allri.ng spring break pretty easy. After 10 minutes of Oprahenough to last a guy a Ilfetime - I decided to get some fresh air. I zapped Oprah from the screen and headed to the local golf course.
Before I g" on, there's a few things you should know about this golfer. First of all, I stink. I usually hit the ball on the first swing, but that's the extent of my talent. Secondly, any shot that ' goes in the air is enough reason to get me excited. And finally, I hate courses with trees and water. Other than that, I don't mind the game.
Last year, because we had the same level of talent, I golfed with this girI She decided that I needed to change my ways, so now I'm left tq golf alone. She also said I took golf too serious and was too competitive. I know she was right, so I decided to change my ways this spring. No more smashing clubs, cussing, throwing balls or pouting around when I golf bad. (Which is
Lately, I've tried to enjoy the walk, have fun, and not worry about my score. I figured this could be a good way for me to relax and get away from college stress. But this time I decided to keep track of my score.
My first tee shot hit a tree, the second skimmed across a lake and my third landed in somebody's yard. My putting closely resembled that of my
With Todd
by Todd Gottula
seven year-old sister's when she plays Nintendo golf, and I had already lost two of my dad's free Hink.y Dinky golf balls, But more importantly, I wasn't or throwing things. And better yet, I was past the water and the oak tree.
The next five holes provided the same story line and looked like a statistics problem: 1 tee shot+ 1 penalty stroke + 1 more · tee shot+ 3 short five-iron shots +3 or 4, sometimes 5 putts = Gottula frustration. If only my
Coach Meadows to lead••• Cats hit field for spring ball
by Times Staff
friend could've seen me. Staying calm wasn't so hard after all. Wanting to get back to my dacrs house as soon as possible, I headed for the last hole. Although my score was higher than Falls City's zip code, I had a feeling my luck would change. I teed up my ball - Frito Lay logo facing the green 280 yards away - and pulled out my favorite (ha,ha) driver.
Then, like a reoccurring bad dream, I saw this oak tree sitting right next to a lake. But hey, I've never parred a hole anyway, so I. stayed positive. I hit the ball. The sound of my shot grabbed the attention of golfers on surrounding fairways. I knew it was a nice shot because the other golfers stopped to watch it travel toward the green.
As I looked upward for my best shot of the day, I lost sight of my ball. I was watching it, when suddenly ··1 .J:ie;ild a THUD. My ball, under the watchful eyes of Fall City's finest golfers, landed 10 feet away. It went straight up, about 200 feet, and came straight down.
Laughter filled the area. I slowly walked over to my ball, picked it up and put my scorecard away. I thought about my friend who said I needed to change. I was so glad that I finally played a round of golf without losing my temper. I even looked at the big oak over by the water and smiled because it didn't get the best of me!
Then, I walked toward the water, screamed at the top of my voice and threw that ball as far as I could into that damn lake.... · ·
Tough opponents for softball tea1n
by Jon Kruse ·
The PSC softball team had its share of tough competition in games at Shreveport and Bossier City, LA over spring break.
The Lady Bobcats lost all seven of the games they played. Of the six teams, five were NCAA Division I colleges. Peru State is a NAIA Division II school.
PSC opened against Centenary College in Shreveport, LA to be defeated in a double header 0-7 and 0-10 on March 19. The following day at Bossier City, the Cats' were defeated three times, all by NCAA Division I schools. In the first game against McNeese State, junior infielder Paula Czirr had the lone hit as McNeese States' pitchers threw a one-hitter.
The Cats' generated three runs to
Northwestern State's 16 in their second game of the day. Erin Ingram had two RBrs on a single in the fifth inning to drive Kim Horsham and Dianne Pokorny home.
The third contest saw PSC losing to Southwest Missouri State 0-6.
On March 21 the Lady Bobcats' hopes to pick up a win were still alive, but the competition proved them wrong. Stephen F. Austin College threw a no-hitter in rout to a7-0win.
PSC got a rematch with Southwest Missouri State to close out the trip.
Peru's only run in the 1-7 loss was when Dawn Little sacrificed for Nicole Vetter in the fourth inning. Vetter added a base hit up the middle for the Lady Bobcats.
Although the seven losses were not what head coach Larry Brown
.First-year Coach Monte Meadows says some changes are coming to the football team this spring.
''There will be some similiarities to the past two seasons, but there will also be some differences,!' Meadows said. "I don't want to advertise what they are, but I can say it'll be a little bit of both years and .a few other things, too."
The Bobcats, 7-4 last season and winners of 27 of 34 games over the past three years, opened spring practices Wednesday with around 55 players reporting. And among them are 13 starters and 36 letterwinners off of the '91 squad which advanced to the semi-finals of the NAIA Di-· vision II playoffs.
Offensively, Peru State utilized the run-and-shoot to average 479.8 yards per game in 1989 and 419.4 per contest in 1990,,butdropped to ·· 36910 last after switching to more Ofground'-COntrolled attack ll,Qder Lou Saban.
"We'll use some sets similiar to the run-and-shoot and maybe open it up a little bit, but it won't be the nmand-shoot either," Meadows said. "At the same time, we want to maintain a strong ground game."
Mr..adows said the Bobcats are experienced and deep in the area conducive to producing a good at" tack - the offensive line.
"Looking at everyone we have back, I feel very comfortable with the offensive line," said Meadows. "We'll have some good competition at a couple of spots, but the nice thing is we won't be losing anything because the person behind whoever starts js capable when tbe time comes."
On. defense, Meadows said the schemes will be "sound but simple."
"We'll probably use the defense they ran two years ago," the coach
said. "It's a good defense and the players seem to like it as well."
One of the Bobcats' goals in spring practice will be finding replacements to fill the losses of graduation, including All-Americans in Nate Bradley at quarterback, Cory Catterson at wide receiver, and Kurt Hasley and Tim Herman at defensive·tackle.
"We need to identify and evaluate the players we have here," Meadows said. "The questions we hope to answer are can we rely on those we already have, are there some position changes we can make, or will it be someone we have to bring ?"lll.
As far as actual practices are concerned, Meadows said he plans to start slow and build up, "The first week is a short week, but initially I want to getinto some X's and O's and also set a pattern to what our practices will be like," he said. "I want to have live contact to see some things, but I don't want to contact them to death. This is the time to learn, and I think we can do that in mostly shoulckr pads and by going through it fast. We may end up having only three or four days with a lot of contact "Every thing we do now will lead to two-a-days for the fall. So I want to keep it fairly simple and become good at what will be our bread and butter."
Meadows said the Bobcats were busy during the winter months. In addition to weight lifting, the players went through aerobics, agility drills, sprints, and water plyometrics prior to spring break.
''The guys are ready to go, and I thi11k: it's an exciting time for them," Meadows said. "We had a good winter conditioning period, and I thi11k: they're eager to learn."
had hoped for, he remained optimistic. "It was a good learning experience for us. The competition of playing the tougher NCAA schools will help us later on in the season."
Coach Brown's squad will see their first home action of the year when they take on Teikyo-Westmar this afternoon. The game will be played at the Auburn Softball Complex at 3:00.
Auburn, Neb.
Intramurtd Top 4 IEAM. 1. Whitakers 2. IB6YO 3. Showtime 4. Win or Lose We Booze RECORD 6-0 5-0 5-1 4-2 HAIRAFFAIR HAIR DESIGN 607 - S th 872-3245 Peru. NE YOUR FULL SERVICE SALON PAUL MITCHELL- BIOLAGE & NEXXUS HAIRCARE PRODUCTS· Tanning Specf.ctls 6 Sessions .$20.00 .12 Sessions .$29.00 i Monaa. (unlirn.itedJ .........•.. •ss.oo :.-.•:-: .,. ••••••••••••••••• Bargain Night Tuesday Farilily Night Monday PSC Niglit Thursday Reg. Adm. $3-Adult $2-Child 7:30 Nightly (Closed Wed.) Sunday Matinee 2 p.m. ••••••••••••••••• I!!J ......__..__,,._, Fried Green Tomatoes•:·... ..-...-."'..-·-··-Upcomini: Moyies: Beauty and the· Beast Fried Green Tomatoes Wayne's World The Prince of Tides Medicine Man Grand Canyon Call 274-4096 For Showtimes
Peru State is preparing to celebrate 125 years
Lewellen and a committee of 17 others are organizing activities to center around Commencement at theendofthissemesterandHomecoming next fall.
This semester's Spring Fling was also part of the celebration and fit into the anniversary's activities with thethemeof 125 Years and Still Going. The official theme of the... comm-
••• the recent Board of Tmstees meeting at Peru State College. Harling bas been the Peru State student representative to the Board for the 1991-92 school. year.··photo by Todd Gottula
was known as Mount Vernon
"We wanted to incorporate the future as well as the past" Every organization is encouraged to participate in the celebration and to wish PSC a happy birthday.
.. <·iS'' of !J.J/.tlon.. of JI._ dluJ A Tradltion of New Lewellen said, Seminary School. The school was later named Peru State Teach- · ers College, which was a twoyear school. Now it's just PSC: To commemorate this history,
PBL does well at state
by Laura Osborne
The ·psc. chapter of Phi Beta Lambda did well in competition at the State Leadership Conference April 3-4 in Lincoln.
First place to Lori Gerking, Accounting I; Lisa Gottula, Business Law; Christy Long, Impromptu Speaking;.and Charles Hamilton, Marketing.
Second place: Jeff Janssen, Accounting II; Scott Hinz, Computer Concepts; Angie Bischoff, Future Business Teacher; Christy Long and
College Trustees meet at PSC
Greg Kotas, Business Decision Making Team; Jeff Janssen, Economics; and Christy Long, Ms. Future Business Executive.
Third place: Dt(lyn Clifton, Computer CoJ1eepts; and Jeff Janssen,. Mr. Future Brisiness
Fourth place: Heidi Halbasch, Machine Transcription.
Fifth. place: Chad Heath, Business Law.
Sixth. place: John Ramsey, Job Interview.
Angie Bischoff was also elected State Secretary.
The Nebraska State College Board graduate students at a higher rate to erated primarily by room rentalfees of Trustees.made their annual visit help raise additional The ·paid in by students, is for a to the Peru State College campus take formal !renovation of the 61-year-old Eliza for a business meeting March 27- settmg twtion. at _their Apnl Morgan Hall, the only on-campus 28. State. law requires that they and June meellngs in Lincoln. residence hall for women. meet at least once each year on Board members have be- Trustees approved a resolution evezy state college campus, noted fore fh:em a negotiated six percent saluting efforts of several volunDr. Robert L. Burns, president of salary increase faculty teers as well as PSC staff members in ·Peru State College. of th.e collective renovating the 100-year-old Matters of finances and physical umt, _State College President's House last year. Special facilities occupied much of the They also indicated ·recognition was extended to PSC Trustees' attention. The Board ·possible support for four percent staff Dr. Bill Snyder, Paul Kruse, members indicated, for example, increases in salary dollars for Ron Fabry; Eldon Kistner, Bob they would not be likely to increase · and suppot Breazile and. Bob Judd. undergraduate tuition for Nebraska eluding three percent cost-of-livmg Dr. Carol Pappas, associate proresidents for '92-'93 above the 4.6 .raises across the board, and one fessor for natural science, gave a percent figure already mandated by .percent for position adjustments, spe<.,ial presentation to Trnstces on the state legislature. 111 ;merit pay and the like. recent biological research involvBoard members may, be
The Board got an of ing .Peru State undergraduate scicompelled to increase ltwtlon for nearly all campus buildings dunng ence students.
·non-Nebraska residents and for their visit, Dr. Burns noted. Col- Board members and other visitors 'lege personnel stressed the need;for were hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Burns ·new or renovated space in the class- at a Friday evening dinner in the room buildings and the library, more college Student Center. A number
Industrial Arts
Honorary Fraternity onpage6
Student Support Services on page 5
Baseball on page7
Sigma Tau Delta onpage3
I· and better laboratory space, and of college local dignitaries were in
· · fwds for upkeep and gen- attendance, as were the presidents eral maintenance--something that of Southeast Community College,
· ·haS been neglected in recent years, Dr. Robert Eicher, and Metropoli!Dr. Burns pointed out.I ,.' tan Community College, Dr. Rich-
Dr. Burns reminded Board mem- ' ard Gilliland. bers that PSC's top priority for state ! After the dinner, PSC art faculty building funds is for an expansion members Dr. Leland Sherwood and ofthe college library. The top pri- ·Ken Anderson gave a presentation ority for revenue bond funds, gen- : on the college art program.
Seepage3 Seepage4
Pooc es pose problem at PSC
by Jennifer Laflin
Editor's note: This story contains opinions of the author.
On March 24 a PSC student walking back from the river was bitten by a dog.
Melissa Prante, freshman, said, "I was running out to the river when a black and white dog nipped at my heels. 1 thought it was just because I was running. But on my way back into town, a red came across the street, followed me for a while and then bit me twice. The first time I was able to pull my leg away, but the second time he got a better hold. I was so scared, a111 could do was scr1;am. I think the dog got scared, and that's when he finally let go." Prante received three layers of 11 stitches on her calf from the bite. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that dogs roam all over Peru, ' not just in town, but on campus too.
We have seen these dogs, but noth.:;
ing seems to get done about them.
Toni Cunningham, a PSC student from Auburn who just resigned her position as dog catcher of Peru, was not allowed to come on campus to retrieve a dog because the campus is state property. Cunningham said her reasons for resigning were because of, "the lack of facilities and disorganization within the city."
In order to keep PSC from becomanother dumping ground for some PSC students believe it will take a tragic accident or a vicious dog attack before the proper coHege and city government officials stand up and take notice.
State ordinances say it is the owner's responsibility to have their dogs tied up or fenced in. If the owners don't assume this responsibility, then the city and state have the power to protect citizens from potentially dangerous animals.
City ordinance code 6-109 states that any dog that has bad two writ-
ten complaints in a 30-day time period can be destroyed. State ordinances, on the other band, specifv three complaints over an unlimited period of time before the dog can be destroyed.
PSC students and administrators are not the only ones that could be in danger of a dog attack. Children attending Peru's daycare and preschool could also be as wdl as high school students who attend PSC functions. Even a employee is not come onto campus to Cunningham said that the campus could hire a dog catcher of their own. Such a suggestion could be beneficial to the students and administration by reducing the dog population on campus, and by providing an opportunity"of part-time employment to a PSC student.
The dog population in Peru, both on and off campus, is a problem. But with a little awareness and a lot of cooperation, we can take a bite out of this problem.
Counselor reiates computer virus to AIDS
Dear :Editor: 1
A little while ago one of the; college's computer labs became in-) fected by a computer virus. This! virus, while a real bother, did not)
1 cause any real damage thatweknowi about We did find 11 people whoj have had the virus transmitted to their disks, and those 11 were they used a certa:m computer, etc. It occurred to me that I was becoming
, shocked to find their disks bad become infected and that they might lose valuable data. The Student Support Services grant bas an antivirus protection computer program,
came on cam.pus (we do not really know) and bow many people's disks are infected (we do not really know that either), remain an ask them how they thought they got
which enabled us to clean and repair the infected disks and to ease the minds of the students whose disks were infected - this time. As I helped those students, I would
See "Virus 11 on page S the virus and when the last time was·
Student feels Bobcatman too violent; Editors respond
a "disk doctor," always asking Dear :Editor: people when the last time was they In regard to the "Bobcatman" carused the disk and did they practice toon, I would like to ask how one SAFE COMPUTING. It also oc- expects to use a cartoon to speak out curred to me that the way this' virus against things such as steroids and
F Ilic. <OM(
hQc 4... P'<. focf.._y lo
-1.11 yo wky !:
I.e. "'"'-t. i>""f.Jo.1
repression of freedom of speech through a violent, murderous superhero who dismembers children and PSC students. This is humor? I find it a misguided attempt to provide an entertaining message.
Gail Purtle
"Bobcatman" is obviously the type of comic you like a lot or bate completely. Instead of trying to convince you to love "Bobcatman," we'd like to explain why we decided to include it in the Times. If children were our main audience,
we realize that the cartoon wouldn't be appropriate. But since we have mostly an adult readership, we feel "Bobcatman" shotJid be allowed its space. The thing we'd like to emhasize is that even though "Bobcatman" rips people apart whose actions he doesn't approve of, his message is always posiJive. , We understand why you may not 1 find our cartoon hµmorous; we also realize that other students at PSC find this type of humor entertain- · ing.
The :Editors
Peru State Times Published Bi-monthly Editor-in-Cbicf. .•...........................•.....•.................•... Laura Osb<ime Sports Editor. • • • • • Todd A"8istanl Edi.tor Tim Bailey Head Copy Editor Marty Jacobsen Fhotography Coordinator • • • • • • • • • • • • • Scott Udcy Ad Manager • • •• • • • • • • • Gtcgg Mauox: ........•........•....•......................•................. LlsaG«tula Editorial AS$i&latlts. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Olan Crooker J<lllKmsc Jennifer Laflin Ad\IUer • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dr. Dan Holtz
Society invites· members
Sigma Tau Delta, au international English honor society, invited six new members to join this semester, stated Dr. Clyde Brurett, faculty sponsor the PSC '-'"'"!J<'-i.
This opportunity is offered during the second of ·each year. new members include one senior, Merri Johnson; five juniors, Barbara Trace Bucsig, Lynn Hicks, Laura Osborne and Hope Schawaug.
· "Due to the relatively small number of students eligible to be members Sigma Tau Delta does not operate as a distinct org<;; .iization (electing .officers, holding scheduled meetings, etc.), electing instead to work through the English Club where membership is open," said Dr. Barrett. This membership is offered to upperclassmen majoring in English who. have maintained a high scholastic record. As members, they may contribute material for publication to The Rectangie (an international journal) and the Sigma'Tau Delta newsletters stated Dr. Barrett.
Junior Day is April 30
Juniors who want an early start on their job search next year are invited to Junior Day on April 3Cl The m,eeting will be held during convo hour at 11 a.m. in TJM 114, said Linda Warren, Placement Director.
MARCH 28 WAS A DREAM come true for fans of piano music as over 220 pianists from four states participated in the Peru State College Piano extravaganza before a capacity crowd in the College Theatre. Here Dr. Thomas Ediger, director of th€? eventi conducts a practice session. Eighteen of the 19 pianos used for the event were provided by Williamson Baldwin Piano and Organ of by Todc\ Gottula
.Alpha Chi attends conference
by Jon Kruse
Alpha Chi. Peru State's highest honor society, attended the Regional Scholarly Presentation Conference held at Bellevue College last weekend. To be eligible for Alpha Chi you must be in the top 10% of your class with junior standing.
In attendance were Dr. David Edris, and Dr. Clyde Barrett, both sponsers of Peru State's chapter of Alpha Chi. Members of Alpha Chi submitting essays were Amber Fabry with "Bio-Remediation," Marty Jacobsen with "Spiritual Unrest: The Dilemma of Emily Dickinson," and Marilyn W oerth with "Reality of Abused Children."
The purpose of Alpha Chi is "the
promotion @d recognition of scholarship and of those .elements of character which make scholarship effective for good among the students in the academic divisions of colleges and universities in the United States of America and other countries."
At the conference, held every other year with nationals intervening, there were 15 schools outofthe35 in Region IV.
Dr. Barrett stepped down as the Secretary-Treasurerof Region IV, and Peru State's Dr. Edris replaced him. Other than the presentations, there were several business meetings and a banquet.
Dr. Edris of the oonference,
''The students were favorably impressed with the papers, and it was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend."
New iµembers of Alpha Chi inducted last November were senior inductees Amy Ammeter, Jeffrey Chmelka, Vickie Dierking, Lisa Gottula, Jacobsen, Susan Kujath, Brian Lhamon, Christina Stover, and Thomas Zieg. ; Junior inductees were Robin !Anderson, Rodney Beyke, Fabry, ·Kevin Frey, Joan Hazard, Debra Morris, Kim Panko, Jeffrey Parker, Christine Ramsey, Faith Rolfsen, Sheri Rumbaugh, Lori Russell, Theresa Taylor, and Belinda Vernon.
The Placement Office will give a presentation on resumes. Students will need resumes by Oct 1 or earlier to be included in the Nebraska Interview Consortium. The total interviews for the nine small colleges added up to 50in 19<J2-93.
Linda Warren, placement director, believes that some of the best jobs for 1993 grads will be offered through these interviews. She hoped JtiiliorDay will help students to be ready also for a Career Fair on Sept 24 in Lincoln There will also be infonnation on internships presented by the Cooperative Education Office. Mock interviews will be conducted by faculty and staff for those students interested. will explain credential files and other steps needed to prepare for a job search.
Foreigner to be last play
The Foreigner will be Peru State College's last theater production for the season. According to reviews, the comedy is "a constant invitation to relax and laugh at the foolishnes.s of life"; "one comic suprise after another."
The play is written by Larry Shue, the author of The Nerd. The Foreigner is the winner of two Obie Awards for Best New American play and Best Off- Broadway Production.·
This play, under the direction of Dr. Chet Harper, demonstrates what can happen when a group of devious characters must deal with a stranger who (they think) does not know English.
Presentation of The Foreigner will be April 24, 25, May 1 and 2 starting at 8 p.m. and Sunday April 26 at 2 p.m. in the College Theater.
Letter to the editor policy
The Peru State Times welcomes all letters to the editor• All letters to the editor, cartoons, or articles .should be signed by the individual person or persons writing them •and will be published at the discretion of the editors. The Peru State Times reserv.es the right to editall letters to the editor. Send !material to: Editor, thePeruStak 1· !Tim.es, Campus Mail, Peru State iCoUege, Peru, Nebraska, 68421.
STAFFING A ROUND of the '92 PSC Quiz Bowl, an academic competition for regional high schools held last week, were (f:Om left) junior Jill Meyer, senior Ron Hackbart, and computer science professor Dr. Bill Longley. The contest this year drew almost 100 teams. --photo by Kent Propst
PSC Library
Book Sale
64 and graduating from
Person of the Week..
other students. She states, "Some' times other students can really re) sent an over-achiever But everyone has made me feel comfortable, and no one has evidenced any ugli-. · ness."
Joan is very happy at Peru. ''I really like the atmosphere because it is so stimulating. Everyone is so alert and alive." Joan described PSC as an optimal learning situaby Michelle Kimball , tion; "The teachers will really wotk '-------------'---', with you. You are not just a square
on a seating chart." Joan attended
"A very caring person" was the 1 UNL for a. semester after high
Joan Hazard
phrase Dr. Charles Harper, profes- school. When asked to make a This is the most fascinating.aspect!" sor of speech/drama used when de- comparison, Joan said, "Plato reads When asked about her chdsen field !oan Hazard, a En- just same whether it is UNL or of English, Joan commented that it ma1or from City. PSC. was the one thing that didn't sound
Club, and Dr. LorSmee she and her family moved to Joan commented that bemg a stu- ' too difficult. She· chuckled then
she has taken a few dent has made her more assertiye added, "I couldn't have been m mcervals This semester and confident. She feels that her major." 1s her fifth consecutive semester,as 1
Dr. Dan Holtz, associate professor a full-time student. There is one· of English, has seen Joan in a num-. aspect that makes Joan different· "The way things mesh, ber of his classes, yet a lot of the from other students; Joan will be 64. every subject has a rel- time, he is the one learning. He years "young" in June. evance to every other said, "Joan has a concern for others.
When talking about her ventures I've gotten insights from her on ' SUb'}ect. II as a college student, a very distinct how to work with other students."
i raineDuggin read a poem written oy Dr. Duggin, during a public reading of · Dr. Duggin's poetry on April 8 in the Student Center. The poem uses an exi perimental fonn and is meant to be read simultaneously by two people.·-pho: to by Todd Gottula
by J. Balm
Creative juices were tapped in the Bur Oak room of the student center! quit for a while, take a few more; discussfons. She is really able to then quit again. I finally reached opinions are based on fum ground, · formulate her thoughts and express the paint where my family didn't and she has the belief that when you herself precisely, a gift most people really need anything, so I thought, are in a climate where people are don't have. She brings a different I'm going to' go play, so I came to seeking higher learning; you might perspective to class, and it's fun to play, and now I'·m working my tail· have something you know that oth- have someone with her life experioff!" Her hard work is evident, ers don't. "Plus, you always know ences around."
grin.appeared on her face. She. Joan Hazard
He went on to say, "Joan is very remarked, "I'd .take a few classes,, good at choosing words in class
Approximately 80 people attended a creative writ:ing workshop conducted. by Dr. Lorraine J. Duggin on April 1 at PSC. Dr. Duggin spoke about the insights, the inspirations and the methods needed to help people write their own memoirs. though, because she presently holds that there is a book somewhere that Joan will complete her schooling a 3.98 GPA. will tell yousometbll;lg!" Joan stated in December of this year. She has
At first, Joan was a little apprehen- that she is amazed at how things fit no set plans upon getting her desive about going back to school. together in education. "The way gree, "I didn't do this for any reason full-time. She wasn't concerned things mesh; every subject has a except self-gratification." That reaabout the faculty, just mainly the: relevance to every other subject. son is just as good as any other!
Dr. Duggin said, "We a1l have shimmering pictures in otlr minds that have a lot of emotional feelings built around them most satisfactory to write about even though we don't always know why." She:: ad-
Stu visits with Jon 'The Animal'
Guitar and Pen
by John Stewart
I went to Llncoln this week for an interview with the "Godfather of· Radio," Jon Terry (The Animal at KFMQ 102). We discussed labeling,. the financial aspect of radio, where he got his start and the complete nmdown on Spinal Tap.
Terry first took a part-time position with a small radio station i.n Missouri near his home town. He then said to get in the business "You
can either go to college, spend a lot Moines, or whatever; You just never cfoes include his #1 single Tri Tone of money and not be assured a job know." and his latest single Just Keepin when you get out, or you can get a Spinal Tap finally released their Me Honest. Go and check both of ·job.and work and get experience."· latest album, Break like the Wind. these out. He is only 25, so God do I feel old. The CD can be found in the extra · Finally, the Peru State Jazz Band He said, "We don't make gobs of· long box which has 50 percent more and Show Choir just completed a money, but we get a lot of benefits recyclable material. Tap consists tour. Here are a few comments that you can't put a price on. Such · of David St. Hubbins (vocal and from the members: as meeting Van Halen, which I've guitar), who used to be Lenny on Dr. Thomas Ediger, choir directordone three times, - the coolest guys Laverne and Shirley, Nigel Tufnel "I thought it was excellent. I thought in the world. ·rve met Dave Mustaine (guitar) a.k.a. Christoper Guest, who both groups did a really nice job, (singer/Megadeath); he has a big was a comedian on the Saturday excellent pe1formances, a lot of enattitude, but everybody already Night live crew, and Derek Smalls ergy, a lot of enthusiasm, good knows that. (bass). who does voices for The· musicianship .! appreciate all the "The prob{em is that when people Simpsons. Tap has gone through hard work that everyone does just to meet rock stars they leave them- many drummers. The whole story set up and tear down and do the selves wide open, because you never can be seen on the home video This other details that are.necessary to
know what kind of day they had. is Spinal Tap.
make this all work."
vises potential writers to begin with personal incidents that have changed their lives.
In addition, Dr. Duggin suggests to start writing with small segments or scenes; moments can be plotted out later. The time period should be ·identified. The writer should delete any unnecessary elements and choose the most dramatic moments. She ended the workshop.with ahumorous note, "Don't show your work to relatives."
In the evening, Dr. Duggin read some of her poetry and memoirs. Dr. Duggin, an artist with the Nebraska and Iowa Art Councils, is a free lance poet and fiction writer living in Omaha. The workshop was funded by the Nebraska Humanities Council and the PSC En.glish Club.
Quotation of the Week
"This nation will survive, ••• the orderly business of life will go forward if only men can speak in whatever way given to them."
William Allen White
For example, I met Tesla in Omaha,
Larry Van Oyen, director of bandsnicest guys in the world; two days This latest release is, I think, the "We had great audiences ... the tour later, I went over to Des Moines to second best album they've ever put was a huge success." see them because I enjoyed the show out The best was their 1982 release John Molzahnin Omaha so much, went back to see called Smell the Glove, but both are "I think we rocked." them and they were complete jerks. ju8t shy of being as good as our very Tom SudikThey must have had something.go own Larry Van Oyen's triple plati- 'This group has mellowed out from wrong with the show, Omaha, Des num album Use Your Big Toe which what it used to be."
PSC'S English
Poet urges aspiring writers to look for their own 'shimmeringpictures'
Peer consultants help PSC students
by Tim Bailey and Vicky Johnson
The Peru State College Student Support Services office has provided an invaluable service to eligible students for the past year through peer consultants.
Linda Switzer, project director of Student Support Services, said that peer consultants can help students themselves, or they can refer st\1dents .to other departments for help. She added that, "A student who doesn't know w.here they' re going is less likely to study to get there.
So, if a student doesn't have a major, sometimes the peer consultant can let that student know how important that is We' re teaching them about our [job] resource library Sometimes they just need somebody to check up on them. Often the peer consultant can check upon them."
The campus has 15 peer consultants that each help an average of 15 eligible students. The funding for "Virus" from page 2 set of questions. What we do know is that in as little as three days 11 "' people had infected disks - ·that we know of. ·
This virus story parallels a different type of virus, one that kills, and one for which there is no cure. Yes, I am talking about AIDS. I ask you to reread this letter and this time replace the words "computer virus" with "AIDS virus," "SAFE COMPUTING" with "SAFE SEX,'.' "people's computer disks" with "people's bodies."
Qearly, this is also the way the AIDS virus is passed around. This harmless computer virus parallels the deadly one. I just read in the newspaper that one in every 250 Americans could be infected. On this small campus everyone sooner or later will know"'who had an infected disk. So talk to them and ask them how they felt about not knowing they had a computer virus. As it was not a pleasant experience, I do hope it was an educational one with no real harm done.
However, some students do not practice safe computing let alone safe sex. I just hope they do not get a computer virus or the AIDS virus. I can cure the first virus with another computer program. I cannot cure the latter virus! Only infonnation, education and control will help with the AIDS virus. So I ask you to pass the word around - have yourself and your computer disks checked. Practice SAFE COMPUTING and SAFE SEX - the data. and the life you save may be your own.
Gregory Mitchell, Counselor Student Support Services
the peer consultants is provided by a Title IV, U.S. Department of Education grant. The consultants must have at least 45 credit b.ours completed and carry at least a2.5 GPA. Prospective consultants must fill out an application and are interviewed for the position. Once they have been accepted, consultants are required to participate in 16 hours of intense training in counseling skills, listening skills, and in many of the services that Student Support Services provides.
The basic purpose, according to Switzer, is to help students solve their problems so that they are more successful at school. Many of the services provided by Student Support Services are available to all students. All of the services, including peer consultation, are available to the students that qualify for the grant. Switzer said of the process, "We have 225 students that we can accept into Student Support Services according to federal guide-
· lines."
To become eligible for the grantsupported services, the student.is · considered on the basis of three criteria. being a first generation college student (neither parent has a college education), meeting the ec6nomic guidelines oflow inconie as set by the federal government, andbeing handicapped. According to Switzer, "These students, statistically, are more at risk than other students for not completing their degree:"
"One of the things that we can do is to try to spot problems before they become huge. The peer consultants are to get to know the students well enough to know that if there is something that n,eeds to be looked at, let's see if we can get it before the GPA becomes too low .... "
The full range of programs provided through the Student Support Services include handicapped services, career workshops, personal counseling, fmancial aid assistance,
Big 10 computers...
From the Other Side of the Desk•••
time management sJ9,lls, resume 1 goodfeeling Ithinkfrs easierfor writing, selecting amajor,sl'!lllll1er students, sometimes, to talk to an! bricl,ge program, personalized moni- other student, to relate. to a student, ' toring, study skills improvement. rather than to somebody in the ad'_career planning/exploratipn. cul- ministration. It makes. you feel retura1 events/workshops, stre8sman- ally good when you can help someagement, employment search, body." · ·gradl.late school information, and Meeske was also asked which arthe peer consultantship. · eas of the Student Support Services
One of the peer consultants is Joe that the grant students seem to use Davidson, a senior elementary edu- the most. She responded, "Mostof cation major. Davidson said that, the students use the Expert "Socially, you getto meet a lot of We do a lot of career people I've seen a lot of people in c?unsehng. We have access to all for Resume Expert. career work- kinds o! to help you figsh.ops arebig.:.cultural events are big too." He mentioned that the two if 1t s a.good area to be m. biggest elements that he has per- All Peru State College sl?den.ts sonally been able to help his grant ·can take advantage of m peers with is encouragement and ·the Student Support Services ofeducatio1,!al goals. ·flee. A grant student
Kristine Meeske, a junior pscyhology/sociology major started the full ?f services stop work as a peer consultant last fall. by Admini.stration 105. Switzer said She commented on her participa- , she will gladly explain the crition as a consultant. "I like to help tena to the student, sign the student people, mainly. It just gives you a up, and enroll the
reflects on long PSC career
Quasar .! had a course in nuclear astro-physics from a guy who later got the Nobel Prize for Physics."
' I asked McCaslin how he became 1 linterested in physics and computers · Iin the. firstplace. "My high school was so small that they offeroo chem! istry and physics every other year. l When I was a junior, it was the time when they were offering I physics So I got into physics there , by Tim Bailey i and got interested there .I got inter- ' L---------------' ested in computers at that same
Stan Mccaslin has an extensive 'science background to say the least. .He was PSC's first computer science instructor and has been here since 1971. Currently teaching general studies astronomy and the upper level computer science classes, he provided me with a quite interesting conversation about bis life experiences.
time [However], at that time, they, did not have very many computer science programs."
11 ••• in computer science, you really learn by doing it. "
Stan McCaslln
McCaslin was raised in Leroy, MN, a town close to the size of Peru. Coming from a small town He also said that he was. infludidn't prevent him from receiving enced by a summer program he three college degrees. participated in during high school. McCaslin did bis undergraduate "Whenlwasajuniorinhighschool, work in physics at McCallister Col- they had one of these National Scilege in St. Paul, MN and has a ence Foundation summer [promasters of science in physics from grams] for science students On the the California Institute of strength of my computer experiTechnology(CIT) in Pasadena, CA, ence that summer in high school, I · where he also started a minor in · got summer work with IBM. I astronomy. He graduated from CIT · worked for IBM for two summers in 1971 and said that it was an during college in the development immensely educational experience 'lab at Rochester, MN doing com: because of some of the people .that puter programming." ihe was able to study under. "One of When McCaslin graduated from my Astronomy classes was taught CIT in 1971, he was immediately by the man who discovered the hired at Peru, but not as an instruc-
Stan McCaslin
tor. "Originally, I was hired here as a computer programmer. As Computer Center Director, I came in about six months before they got their first computer."
Mccaslin has been at Peru ever since that time except for one year when he left to work on his second masters degree. He received bis master of science in computers from UNLin 1985.
I asked him how long he has an interest in, instructing others." From the time J was in high school, I've always wanted to teach " Next, of course, I asked him, "why"? He responded,'' I guess that it was my high school science teachers. I had some really inspiring teachers in high school and also in college."
Because McCaslin has been a prof essorfor quite some time, I thought it only appropriate to ask him of
how he approaches He answered," Particularly in Computer sCicil<:e; youreatly learn it by doing it. Really, the only way to learn to program is to write programs. I think of my job as trying to motivate the student to write programs and trying to help them. when they run into difficulty Unless you 'get on the machines and do it, it doesn't soak in."
Over a'.period of twenty plus years at the same institution, an instructor must surely notice a change in students' attitudes and ideals. ·He had some potent comments to give me ·on this idea. "Overall, .I think the students right now tend to be a little more serious than they have been On a negative side, they're more apathetic politically, less cone cemed with things other than their studies ...There's a lot less student activism .! think that's bad."
Next, I asked him what he thought of the city of Peru an.dhow the school has changed. "It's a nice location, and it's a good place to raise kids Over the years, my opinion of the college has improved. It's one of the very few places where you can, for a reasonable amount of money, get good instruction at a small institution." ·
"How about future plans?", I finally asked. He responded, "I don't see myself leaving Peru .I would certainly like to go back and work on a Ph.D. I would like to be able to do that and continue teaching here, but I haven't found a way to do that yee'
. .
Placement Events
April 14
April 14& 15
April 17, 19, 20,
Senior Women. Luncheon, Llve. Oak Teacher Fair, UNL Walk-in Federal Exam, UNL & Bellevue 21 &23
April22 INFOTEC Computer Fair, Un:1a!1;a--tra.n;soorta11on available, sign up
April 30 Junior Day, 11 a.m.--mock interviews, resmnes, information on internships Prepare for fall interviews!
May 15 Sign up for PPST
May 31-June 4 PE Majors Workshop for Fitness Instuctor Certification, Omaha
Junel3 PPST
*Accent Services--$18,000--0maha--Collections
*See hundreds of openings posted every week or call 872-2243
NOTICE: Next fall an additional section of College 400 will be offered on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 a.m. for those who couldn't register for the 1 p.m. class on Wednesdays. The course may be completed in five weeks or fifteen.
Junior Day
Thurs., April 30, 11 a.m.
TJM 114
Prepare for fall interviews
-Mock Interview Festival
Be ready for August deadlines'• when employers recruit May '93 • grads early!
Information on internships also · available.
See Placement, Ad 105, for additional information.
Senior Women are to a luncheon April 14.,,, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Llve Oak Room
Sponsored by AAUW
Speaker on backpacking and cycling
Other pai:ticipants: All camptis female employees WIN
Non-Trad Qub Campus Ministry
RSVP to Ad 105 at 872-2243
·.:PSC Eta chapter members attend .education conference
by Laura Osborne
PSC' s Eta chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau, the International Honorary Professional Fraternity for Education in Technology, participated in the international technological association conference in Minneapolis on March 25.
.Students Kevin Frey, Russell Dalton, Todd Qark:, Kevin Hamele, Timothy Friese!, Dorrine McKinney, David Jones, Jr., Gary Jorn and Daniel Sims took an active part in ceremonies initiating exem, plary leaders from around the U.S. as well as foreign countries, The Eta chapter also hosted the breakfast which took place the next moming. PSC's Dr. Lester Russell, Eta ··chapter trustee, acted as emcee for the initiation ceremonies.
Outstanding students, teachers and administrators in education for technology are eligible for Epsilon .Pi Tau membership. To be nominated,
Senior Vocal Recital of Cinda Goodrich on April 12, 1992 at 3p.m. in
·Benford Recital Hall
Jindra Fine Arts Building
students must be ''upper-level" and demonstrate leadership potential, according to the fraternity's handbook.·Administrators and teachers who have made significant contributions to the profession may be nominated, as well as industrial leaders whose services and achievements are tonsistent with the fraternity's precepts. Membership is not determined in regards to race, sex or creed. The fraternity currently has over 60,000 members in 73 campus and seven field active chapters.
The Eta chapter also recently joined the Adopt-A-Highway program. April 1 was the first working day as the group cleaned up the area along the road from the corner of highways 73-75 and 67 west for two and a half miles. To fulfill the program, the group must clean their "adopted" area two times a year.
Auburn, Neb.
••••••••••••••••• Bargain Night Tuesday FamilyNight Monday PSC Niglit Thursday Reg. Adm. $3-Adult $2-Chila 7:30.Nightly (Closed Wed.)
· Sunday Matinee 2 p.m.
••••••••••••••••• -.::::> ariocl the
YVONNE METHOD-WALKER, Union Pacific personnel officer, speaks to Dr. Joel Lun<lak:'s Human Relations class on April 2. Method-Walkersaid human relations skills are more important than ever for a successful business career, because intense international competition, the need for large corporations to down-size and restructure, and technological change place heavier demands on employees to develop good working relations with many new colleagues.-plloto by Jennifer Laflin
MEMBERS OF.PERU STATE'S industrial technology fraternity who participated in Epsilon Pi Tau's Exemplary 1'I Inititation Ceremonies March 25 include (front row) Kevin Frey; Russell Dalton; Dan Simms; Ross Udey--Co-Trustee; ! and Dorrine McKinney. (Back row) Dr. Lester Russell--Trustee; David Jones, Jr.; Todd Clark; Kevin Hamele; Tim Friese! and G Jorn.·· hoto b Rob Evans
7: 15
Peru Community Church Breakfast served
a.m.-8 a.m
...c::>ea.st (gJ ' C> Fried Green Tomatoes•:... · .._,., _, __ Moyies:. Beauty and the Beast Fried Green Tomatoes Wayne's World The Prince of Tides Medicine Man HAIRAFFAIR HAIR DESIGN 607 - 5 th 872-3245 Peru, NE YOUR FULL SERVICE SALON PAUL MITCHELL- BIOLAGE & NEXXUS HAIRCARE PRODUCTS Tanning Specict.:fs 6 Sessions $20.00 ..:12 Be.s!Sl.ibn..s $29.00 l ·m3m •mmv ;: • •' .. . a' 19oo HARLAN FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA 68355 PHONE: (402) 245-3440 a • : RANDY GOITULA ·· :. OWNER-OPERATOR • b' • • The Voice of the Bo .cats.. • •••••••••••• •.•. • .••••••• •,•,• ••• •II! •••••• '!I•..............
SHORTSTOP MIKE MARONEY is tagged out at home plate in his attempt for an inside-the-park home run against oncordia on March 26. The rest of the team watches from their newly built dug-out ·PSC split with the Bwlldogs in the by Todd Gottula -
Hurlers working to iIDprove field
by Keri Hoffman
Spring is a time for new things, a time.when people want to get out and do something. That's just what the PSC baseball team has been doing to its field this semester., lately, the team has done some general maintenance on the field and built dugouts. The dugouts have railroad-tie bottoms which were primarily installed to save money in two areas. One, the wood is easier on the cleats that
looking top seed
(by Times Staff : getling done on the mound. PSC Upon being eliminated from last has a ERA of 4.98, down from year's NAIA District 11 playoffs, 7.64 season.
the PSC baseball team immediately "Our pilching has been tremensetagoal tonotonlyqualifyforthe dous at "Johnson said. "I .· post-season tourney again. this pitching about as well spring, to earn the No. 1 seed. It hasn't been flawless, Peru off to a slow 3'-11 kept them (flaws) to a · start this season, including a six- and we've also played game challenging trip to behind them;" Kansas, and Oklahoma. Scott Kohout, 3-2, is the The Bobcats then put together a 1 vvitb a 2.65ERA and 34 streak, which in- 34 innings. Among consecutive shutouts surprises are Brad PSCs 4.13), and two freshdroppe(i. 12-18 with losses Kier and Jeff Kuhl. last University of Ne- ,dshirt from Grand Island, braskaatOmaba(UNO)andWayne a 3.96 ERA and 24 State. 24 innings. Kuhl, a 6Despite last week's losses, JOhn- is 2-1 with a son said likes the progress his tossed three comteam has made. games in as many starts.
the players wear, and two, they cost less than a concrete floor, said Coach Dan Johnson.
The team made several to Craig, MO to pick up the 170 railroad ties needed to build the floor of the dugouts. All of the work was done by the players, coaching staff and volunteers. This summer the players plan to remove the fence that is around the outfield and replace it with a wooden·fence that will enclose the whole park. Johnson said the team would also like to see the
scoreboard, which was donated by Pepsi three years ago, installed. The estimated cost for all the improvements is around $3,500. Johnson said the money for the improvements comes from donations the team receives and from fund- raising activities. Regarding the changes, Johnson said, "It's good for recruiting." He also said the improvements would give his players a sense of pride and make them feel good about playing for Peru State.
Week busy for baseball team
by Chan Crooker
· In baseball action last week PSC won five of 10 games.
The Bobcats won a doubleheader against Dana on March 24 with strong pitching from Brad Gerdts and Kevin Heller.
PSC took its 9-16 record into games with Concordia two days later. After outscoring the Bulldogs 12-2 in the first game, PSC went cold and lost the nightcap 3-1.
0-2 against UNO
Head Coach Dan Johnson's team traveled to Omaha to play the University of Nebraska-Omaha and came away with two tough losses on the road Darrel Berry's single in the second inning brought in Mike Maroney for PSC's only score in the 6-:lloss.
The Cats were defeated 5-3 in the
second game of the day. The Bobeats had a big third inning as they were able to take a 3-1 lead. UNO Came back and scored four runs to get the victory. Second baseman Mike Maroney was 3 for 3 from the ·plate.
Cats win .doubleheader
PSC got back in the win column when they beat Doane on April 3 in a doubleheader at Crete.
Scott Kohout upped his record to 4-2 with the Cats 15-3 win ill the opener. Berry homered, as did Kevin Heller.
Peru's bats didn't cool off from the ,first game as they scored seven runs in the first inning of the second game; PSCaddedfourmoreruns to get the 11-7 win. Gerdts pitched the Bobcats to victory for the sec-
ond time this season.
A very tough Wayne State team ·came to town the following day. TheWildcats picked up nine hits enroute to a 6-2 win in the first game. "Against Doane we hit the ball well and picked up fhe runners in scoring position; whereas, Saturday we di<;fn't, II said Maroney. Scott Kier gave up six earned runs in the loss to drop his record to 2-3.
Wayne too tough
PSC used three pitchers in the second game, but couldn't find the right combination to slow down Wayne ·State's bats. They scored 10 runs in lthe bottom of the third inning to put :the game out of reach for the Cats. lWayne State won 16-8.
; After the busy week, PSC's record !stood at a respectable 14-18.
"At this point, we need to win good pitching, Johnson all," Johnson said of his team's said, Peru State needs more ofienremaining District games. "Our . sive production to win big. The goal is to go into the tourney as the Bobcats are hitting .294 collectively, No. 1 seed. And to do that, obvi- but more importantly, have stranded ously we have to beat Bellevue, 191 runners to their opHastings at Hastings, Doane at ponents' 157. .Doane, and take two from Mid- "It's not that our offense has been land." bad, it's been sporadic," the coach Johnson, in his second season at ·sa;id. "A good example was our · PSC, said the Bobcats· may have double header with Concordia We · taken a few early lumps, but also go from scoring 14 runs inthe first learned by them. game to only 1 in losing the sec-
"I think we've got into a' ond." · · situation where we know what to do 111 think we have quite a few playon the field (to win)," he said. "Now. .ers who are capable of producing, it's a matter of getting it done each but we also have several who must time out." produce from game to game in orTbus far, the Bobcats have been der for us to be successful."
.Spring football game on 11th
· The PSC football team will conclude three weeks of spring practices with its Blue..White spring game tommorrow.
Frrst-year coach Monte Meadows said the format will match the off ense, or Blue squad, against the defense, or White team, instead of conventional split squads. The scrimmage will be broken down into three sessions of 15 plays each, with a special scoring system used for the defense.
"From the beginning, all the guys asked if wewere going to have a spring game. So I know they're anxious and excited about it/' said ·Meadows.
SPRING GAME: Sat., April 11, 10:30 a.m.(tentatively} at the Oak Bowl. Offense vs. Defense.
RETURNING PLAYERS: Peru ·State returns as many as 36 lettermen from last year's 7-4 squad, ·including 13 starters (6 offense, 6 defense, 1 kicker)
TARGET DATE: The '92 season opener is sched4.led for Sept. 5 at home against Doane in a 1:30 p.m. kickoff at the Oak Bowl.
for PEER MINISTER POSITION to help Campus Ministry contact students 6 hours per week - $4.25/hr Internship credit possible See Rev. George Harrison - TJ Majors 103 or Call 872-224:1 NO GIMMICKS. EXTRA INCOME ENVELOPE STUFFING_;_ $600 - $800 every week. Free Details: SASE ta Brooks International, Inc. P.O. Box68060S•Orlando, FL32868
SOUTHPAW BETH CORDRYfires a pitch to homeplate during a recent home game. The freshman earned her first victory of the season last Saturday with a 17-9 triumph over Teikyo- Westmar for consolation honors of the G<>Qfathers Classic in LeMar8, IA--photo by Vince HenzeL
Big comeback sparks soft_ball team
·Let's cage the PSC Bobcat
Did you ever wonder why the Bobcat is PSC' s mascot?
PSC received its' nickname back in 1921, when Baldy ·Wilcox, the editor of the campus newspaper, wrote that the Peru teams fought like a bunch of Bobcats. The name became popular and was quickly adopted It until October of 1927 that PSC had its' first live mascot. C.E. Hansen, a 1912 graduate, sent the Bobcat all the way from. Arizona.
PSC's W.N. graciously accepted the offer, reportedly the first live mascot of the conference schools in Nebraska. "Bob,'.' as named by the students, was kept in a .cage underneath the gymnasium where the art classrooms are now located. Every Saturday would be loaded up and taken to the football game in his cage.
The fJrst Bobcat eventually died, and like mascots throughout the country, he$as preserved behind glass in the trophy room at the AD. Majors building. Another Bobcat was given to PSC by an unknown source years later, but students failed to take good care of it, so it was given to the zoo in Lincoln.
Now, I want all of you who don't like a change in pace to quit reading this. Go on. Getlost. Go watch Captain Kangaroo or something.
O.K. I'm going to try an(l convince the administration that we need to change PSC's mascot I know, I know. The Bobcat dates back a long time and shouldn't be
Lady Cats.take third place trophy
by Times Staff Shortstop Teresa Frye drove in four an opportunity to win their pool, but
There are comebacks, and then. runs on a pair of singles and being dropped a 4-3 decision earlier in the there is Peru State College's mi-. hit by a pitch, while outfielders Kim day to Teikyo-Westmar. raculous come-from-behind finish Horsham and Diane Pokorny added "I think still coming out second over Teikyo-Westmar on Saturday.· two RBI's · , was good," the coach said. ''It wasn't After being held hitless .through· ''We told the girls she was throw-· an easy pool, and we had to play the first four innings and trailing 9- · ing a strike almost regularly on the · well to get where we did." 0, the Lady BobCats rallied for four· first pitch," Sayer said of TWU's · "As far as finishing third, we're runs in the fifth and exploded for a, Lisa Muhs, "and not to lay off the· happy with it. ·We also lost to a 13-run sixth to post a 17-9 victory· first pitch and be more aggressive. really good Southwest (State) team. over the host Eagles to claim conso- · "Once we started to hit off her and So coming up against competition. lation (third) honors at the Godfa- it steamrolled, then she wasn't able like that, and coming back the way thers Classic in LeMars, Iowa. to handle it 11 we did were both positives for us. ff
"It was certainly an incredible The Lady Bobcats posted wins. The Lady Bobcats suffered a 5-3 comeback to say the least, 11 PSC over Minnesota-Morris (5-3) and. setback to the Mustangs, the even-· Co-Coach Erin Sayer said. "We. Dordt College (10-6) to go 3-2 at tual tourney champion. went from everything going wrong the tourney and place second in. PSC will compete in the Northearly to everything going right ff · their pool. Last year, they swept all' west Missouri State Invite today
First baseman Nict>le Vetter keyed · five games to capture the Godfa-· tomorrow in Maryville. the outburst for PSC almost single- thers' title. handedly. The ripped· · Peru State landed two players on: six RBI's in the frame, including a the All-Tournament team in Vetter· three-nm triple to tie tiie score at 7- · and HorSbam. In five games, Vetter· 7 and a three-run double to cap the · was 6-for-16 with nine RBI's while· inning. Horsham was 7-for-17 with a total Vetter :finished the contest 3-for-7 · of six RBPs and five runs scored. with a.career-high seven Rel's; · Sayer said the Lady Bobcats had
Did You Know?
The baseball drill where a · coach or player tosses a ball in the air and bats it to an i outfielder is called Fungo.
messed with. But our athletic teams need a nickname that people in surrounding communities and on campus can relate to. A Bobcat just won't cut it anymore.
I did a little creative "brainsearcbing" and came up with these possibilities for a new school nickname:
Buffalo - I may be a sexist pig, but if we purchase a buffalo for our mascot, I think we should get a female. The males get too big. And like young college students, they only have one thing on their -minds!
With Todd
by Todd Gottula
Scotties - I like this one, except I don't want to be the -0ne responsible when somebody steals Dr. Burns' dogs to take to thegames. · Elephant - Original, but with PSC's budget we probably couldn't even afford to store and feed it.
Cow - This is something that, unlike the Bobcat, is in great abundance in this area. The only problem is that a few residents of Morgan Hall will get mad Hey,
I told you to read something else.
Road Kill - "Home of the PSC Road Kill." It sounds better than Bobcats and would also make for some interesting decals on the football helmets!
Road kill ·definitely has a future, but I think the college better steer away from the use of animals as our mascot. Let's take a look at some other ideas.
The Fighting Oaks - Hey, here's a good one. Then again, what if we had another Halloween ice storm that wiped out all the Oaks? Let's goon.
Skippers - This would be good if we had a nice lake for boating, but since my toilet bowl is the largest body of water in Peru, I don't think it will work.
Vacuums - This scores a 10 for originality, but probably a foolish choice. I can just hear the opposing team's cheerleaders chanting "Peru State sucks!"
Keggers - I can already sense your approval. But I doubt that we'd be able to convince Dr. Bums and the boys that it is appropriate. (I think we better keep searching.)
We need a mascot that doesn't need to be fed, is a daily fixture on our campus, will never become low in numbers and, finally, will be easy to associate with.
I guess there is one thing that fits all of the criteria. And we wouldn't even have to change our colors.
The Peru State College Parking Tickets.
to all students, faculty, and staff who assisted with the four days. of track meets.
Because of your efforts, we received many comments on the meets as 11 being the best ever held at PSC! 11
Again, thanks. Your help was definitely appreciated!
Ted L. Harshbarger Interim Athletic Director
fF©©cdJ C®Ulfit®ll
Peru Corner Mkt.)
Shop and Off-Sale Liquor
I Open Seven Days a week Downtown Peru
Louie Lantz (far left), Tim Bowen.David Schock and Dan Gauchat, residents of the Nebraska and 5th Streets "Bud ouse," took advantage of Peru's 13" snowfall the day after Easter to construct a "snow bottle." The heavy snows caus e college to close April 21, the latest "winter" closing date for the college ever. A combination of rains and temperatures in the lower SO's contributed to the snow';disappearance by April 24. ••• photo by Todd Gottula.
PSC students volunteer for fire duty
by Chan Crooker adrenalin flowing." On his first call he says that he wasn't really scared, he was just excited and ready to go.
The Perri Volunteer Fire Department includes 11 personnel from the Peru State College campus; These 11 are Jay Kowil. John Sayer, Steve Sayer, Penny Gibbons, Todd Klopfenstein, Mike Blum, Tim Rice, Craig Hall, Chris Stangl, Todd Cox and Josh Eads.
These students volunteer valuable time and effort to be a part of the fire department for various reasons.
Josh F.ads, a freshman from Brandon, FL, decided to join after his "roommate. Chris Stangl. got him interested. He says that he has gone out on several calls including three fires. After all of the classes and training, :Eads said he was ready for the real thing. ''It's kind of a rush; it's n,ot really fun, but it really gets the
.Dr. Pappas wins state college teaching Excellence Award·
by Laura Osborne
Dr. Carol Pappas. associate professor of biology at PSC. has been selected as the recipient of the FirsTier. George RebensdorfTeaching Excellence Award. The selection was made by the Nebraska State College Board of Trustees.
Dr. Pappas was nominated for the ·yearly award by Dr. David Pippert. the cbainnan of the division of science and technology at PSC. Criteria for the award include an overall positive student evaluation, superior level of teaching effectiveness,
an active and positive record of service to students and the winner must have actively undertaken involvement in faculty development programs and developed an innovative course or program of study which provides enhanced educational opportunities for.students 9oth in and outside the classroom.
Junior Sheri Rumbaugh, a threeyear student of Dr. Pappas, said of the instuctor, "She always has time for. her students, no matter how busy she is, and she takes every
Continued on page 4
Craig Hall, a sophomore business administration and business man: agement major from Ewing, has been on the volunteer fire department for three months and has gone out on one call. Hall said that most
of the training isjlJSt;hands on experience, along with going to meetings and training sessions once a ·week.
Todd Klopfenstein, a junior respiratory tlierapy major from Lincoln, · decided to join the fire department · after talking with some friends that · were already on the department "I felt the need to help people," said , Klopfenstein. After graduation he said he hopes to do rescue work .along with other medical work in
his field.
Klopfenstein says his most memorable moment on the department is the time he responded to a call and was the first one to show up at the fire barn. He rushed out to the fire
Continued on page 4
right, puts forth extra time and effort to help students such as Kristi Scott, said .Sheri
Finals Schedule onpage3
Dr. Bums reviews first year on page S
Spring Fling photos on page 6
Basketball AD.Americans
Rumbaugh,. another of Dr. Pappas' s.tudents.
••• photo by Todd Gottula
• Seepage6
Stu previews latest Inetal releases.
Guitar and
will regain the bite that existed hack when they did Pyromania. it seems they have gummed
The magazine Guitar for the Pen ... ,. PracticingMustcmnreachedits one ' hundred first issue with the May 1 1992 edition. Of all the magazines
1 I read, this is the best one by far. ,All the bass lines are included, another ; plus. Speaking of bass, I've run by Jdm Stewart into a snag playing. Wen its not
really a snag but more of a dilemma
Def Leppard has recently replaced I was recently told by someone that the late Steven Qaik(guitarist) with an effective and true bass player veteran axe master Vivian uses his or her fingers. Guitar for Campbell. Vivian, who has played r the Practicing Musician also bad a· with Wbitesnake and Dio, is just , view on the subject Page 80 of the1 what they needed. Maybe now they last issue contains the middle of an i
interview with Rick Savage (bass-" ist I Def Leppard, average). He isasked, "You're a player. Did' you ever try fingers?" He says, "Yeah, and it sounded awful. Whenever I with fmgers, I get an uneven Between different plucking fingers, some boom out, some disappear, you get clicks here and. there. Sometimes :it works - during slow moody songs. But in general, it's far better just to lock onto the groove with a pick." Most bassists that use a pick play a harder style.
First came the Monks of Doom, then Temple of the Dog, now the Slaves of New Brunswick are here withmypick.asAlbumoftheMonth, a new feature to look forward to in the months ahead. This album is a
tribute to New Jersey bar life and good songwriting. It consists of 50 or so of Glen Burtnick's closest friends. Glen is the man behind the r.-::.'=::-=:-:-::1 questionable reformation of Styx. Some of the best songs on the al, bum are "Kinky," "Seven Minutes to Heaven," and "Rock N Roll Queen." It's defmatively a nine on my scale. Moving on to music in politics
Political guru Steve Exon (son of Sen. J. J. Exon) is the man behind an undercover record labeling sting operation in Omaha. Four stores in Omaha this last week went under investigation for selling certain albums to minors. This man ought to be shot! I'mjustnot the biggest fan of record labeling in the first place, and second I'm outraged that something of this small magnitude has taken precedence over Omaha's bigger problems. C'mon Steve, go after the real criminals, you idiot! I hope that all of you have enjoyed reading my articles and I look forward to writing again next semester! I don't know what you're going to do this summer but I'm going to attend a few concerts, drink a few beers, and play gobs of that new Nintendo game "Nude Twister" (I lose concentration playing the real version). Have a great summer and remember to keep one foot in the gutter. and one fist reaching for the gold.
Schedule conflicts cause graduation delays
by Keri Hoffman
even years. If were unable to take the class semester, you· will have to wait until the spring of 1994 before it will be offered again. If, for some odd reason, you are unable to take it in 1994, because it is full or you have a schedule conflict, or whatever. you will have to wait another two years. I personally ran into a problem concerning this arrangement of cl.ass
quired courses. When I pre-enrolled for the fall there were two required classes I needed. These classes were offered on the same day at the same ti.me. Now I have to wait until the one class I was unable to take comes around again, in two years.
I know several people who, because of the ti.mes classes are offered, remain in school an
See 'Scheduling' page 3
:t llustr•+or - Sc.off Hoh a.s Wratr "T;,._ B,.:lc.y
Wh t do you think about Bobcatman?
Nancy Instructor ·ofsociology \ '.?: ·:
"It's great mal-;'Ke's showing creativity. But as a sociologist I don't like tQ::.see violence used as a of campus humor. It shouldbe moderated in someway."
Larry Brown - freshman, mathematics ·
"I think it's funny .It's for a college-aged crowd. It's something different. and I like it."
Fiital Exam Schedule
The follmvi.ng is for the on-campus exam week of May 11-14.
Monday, May 11, 1992
NOTE: OriginalClass Time indicates the first class meeting of the week or only class meeting of the week.
1) If the class meets once a week. then the exam period is during the scheduled l class meeting. ,
I 2) If the class meets more than once a week and.begins at 6:30 p.m., then the · exam period is 6:00.8:00 p.m. on the first day of the week that the class meets,
Mary -·Junior, pre-pharmacy
"I think it's stupid. He portrays · real-life instances unrealistically. We don't go around beating up people to solve problems. ·
Brian Coburn Junior, soci· ology
"We're in college, so it shouldn't be hard to accept I think it's ·kind of stupid. but it's the first ·thing I read after the sports."·
• 'Pf.ula C:zirr H juDior, ele-. · mentari edueJspecial educ. · "I like it becaus.e he says what he wants and isn't concerned ·about what people think., .He speaks up for those afraid ·to stand up for themselves."
.'Scheduling' from page 2 " extra semester. Does the .school arrange classes this way to keep us here longer so they can get more money from us?
I can see why Peru doesn't offer required courses every year. First of all, it would cost more because additional faculty would have to be hired, and second, there probably · · wouldn't be enough students enrolled in the class to make it worth the effort of adding required classes to the schedule on a more frequent basis. But maybe two different classes could fulfill the requirement. In other words, an alternate class could be offered the semester · the required class isn't offered. This
·way.·students could have a different class to substitute for a required class that is difficult to schedule. These alternate classes could be the classes that are normally of.fered in a Thatway, ad-
diti.onal faculty would not be needed. could then fulfill their requited classes easier and possibly graduate in four or five years instead of six or seven years.
This is just one possible solution; r 1ll sure there are many more. ·Something does need to be done, jhowever. or everyone at Peru State \will become professional studeiits.
Reader'$ Theater May13,tm 10:30a.m.
•TroyUhlir Uhlir receives Scroll of Service Award.
by Jennifer Laflin
Troy·Uhlir, a senior business administration/business management major. is this year's Scroll of Service Award winner. Uhlir. has been an RA. at Delzell, and i.s currently an RD. there. He was voted 1991 Homecoming King and was a member of the 1990 NAIA Championship Football team. He is also active <i.!j
I ,· in SiW.tent 8enate,-a0.d a' chairper' son of Student Programs. ; F.ach year at PSC the Student Sen!ate nominates stildents for this 1 award; any student is eligible. The !award goes to a Student , ''Who bas contributed a great deal to PSC," said Barb Lewellen. student pro;, grams coordinator. HAIRAFFAIR
Original Class Time 3:00M 8:00M 8:00T l:OOM Tuesday,
Original Class Time 9:30T 9:00M ll:OOM ll:OOT \\'ednesday,May13,1992 ; Original Class Time ; 3:30T ! 2:00M 12:30T lO:OOM Thursday, May 14, 1992 Original Class Time 2:00T 12:00M 4:00M OPEN Exam Time 8:00-10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 1:00-3:00 p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Exam Time 8:00-10:00 am. 10:30 am.-12:30 p.m. 1:00-3:00 p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.in. Exam Time 8:00-10:00 am. 10:30 am.-12:30p.m. 1:00-3:00 p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Exam Time 8:00-10:00 am. 10:30 am.-12:30 p.m. 1:00-3:00 p.m. 3:30-5:30 p.m.
NE .. '\:- YOUR FULL SERVICE SALON PAUL MITCHELL- BIOLAGE & .__·--·"_ __, . NEXXU,S HAIRCARE PRODUCTS 3) If the class meets more than once a week and begins at 8:00 p.m the· exam periociis 8:30-10:30 p.m. on the first day of the week that the clas8 '·· ;, ,,. ·College Auditorium NOl'E: If you have any questions about the exl!Ql.schedule. do not hesitate tQ contact Dr. Snyder in the Administration Building. Public is welcome
607 - 5 tll 872-3245 Peru.
JlJNIOR TODD KLOPFENSTEIN and freshman Mike Blum are members of Peru's Volunteer Fire Department They also attend PSC and live on campus.·.·photo by Tim Bailey
Peru Volunteer Student Firemen from page 1 alone and was a little nervous. only to have the rest of the department anive shortly afterward he has been a member of the Peru Volunteer Fire Department for three years.
The president ofthe Peru Volunteer Fire Department is also a Peru State student. Chris Stangl, a junior wildlife ecology major from Randallstown, MD, decidedtojoin the volunteer fire department after being involved with his hometown department. He joined that team when he was 16 and liked it so much he decided to join Peru's as well.
Stangl is also the secretary/trea-
surer for the Peru Rescue S'quad his duties as the president of the department include presiding over business meetings and taking on the role of Assistant Fire Chief, if the Head Fire Chief or the assistant are gone.
Stangl says his most memorable moment on the department is the fire school he had to attend in Grand Island. He also enjoys the "thankyou's" that he gets after assisting in a fire or accident. "I like being able to help the community,'' said Stangl.
So the next time you feel alone on Peru's campus, don't sweat it Peru State's finest are on the job.
Dr. Carol Pappas' Excellent Teacher Award from 1 nity to tµm a situation into a learn- ing as a career. "Adventure" is the ing experience. She definitely de- , word she uses to describe her phiserves. the award. She is an excel- losophy of teaching. "It keeps me lentrole model for women and any- going to try and make learning an one else. She does a good job of adventure for students, and to do balancing her full-time teaching, that I have to keep it an adventure research and family life. I and formyself."
some other students attended the ' Dr. Pappas has been employed at American Mosquito Control Asso- PSC for8 1/2 years. She received ciatioll meeting with her at Corpus her B.S. in anthropology from Christi where we saw how highly Florida State University, and her she is regarded by her peers." Masters in teaching biological sciDr. Pappas said she chose teach- ences and her Ph.D. in entomology ing by chance after ruling out nurs- both from the University of Illinois.
iLaura Osborne edits her last edition state press award
Person of the Week.
by Michelle Kimball
Dedicated.. This would be an appropriate word to use when one is describing I.aura Osborne. a junior F.nglishmajor from Peru. To keep up with a schedule like I.aura's. one would have to be exactly that, dedicated!
I.aura graduated from Aubur.t1 High School in 1989, and sh( chose to further her education at PSC, the main reason being that she didn't want to leave this area. Upon her entrance to college, I.aura had a particular field in. prespective: journalism. She didn't waste any time getting into the swing of things as far as her chosen field was concerned. Laura got involved immediate!) in the campus newpaper, the thennamed Pedagogian, mainly through the Beginning Journalism class. Since then, she has held different positions on the staff of the now-named Peru State Times. I.aura has served as advertising manager, assistant editor, and editor-in-chief, a position which she has had for
; three semesters, including this one. AccOrding to Dr. Dan: Holtz, advisor to the Times, this is the 1 longest any one person has served ' as managing editor since he has ·. been the paper's advisor. When asked about her job as editor-in-chief, I.aura replied, "It was good hands-on experience that helped me to learn how to do various things with the newspaper I had. had some education in journalism before I cain.e to college, but not a lot. Being an editor has given me the confidence I needed tofeel like I know what f mdoing'." She then added that what she likes most about her position is the responsibility. ·
Dr. Holtz expressed a very high. opinion of Laura and her work with the campus newspaper. He made a comparison to a college student with a term paper that is ·
six or seven times during the semester. This is what I.aura has to deal with, because just like a term paper, the Times has a deadline that must be met." He went on to say that to add to that pressure, the campus newpaper is not that just one person or professor sees; it is something that everyone has access to. That makes' Laura's job a little more difficult.
However, according to Dr. Holtz, who is also Laura's academic advisor, she has handled that pressure extremely well! "She is very diligent and· very determined. She is a very good journalist, and very dedicated. She came into college. with the idea that she wanted to· focus on journalism; and she has ·done an excellent job of achieving that goal." Dr.'IIollzcredits Laura with being instrumental in keeping the paper running, and stated that she takes on extra responsibility to make the paper as good as it can be. This being Laura's last semester on the staff, Dr. Holtz concluded with this comment, "I and the other members of the staff will miss , her."
Laura Osborne·
assignments on short and · she can adapt to a variety of feature story ideas. In fact, she has assumed all editorial responsibilities for production of our special sections," he said.
According to Sanders, I.aura has been exposed to most phases of newspaper production at Auburn, and he feels she will be a valuable .isset to any paper she works for in the future.
Laura Osborne, managing editor of the Peru State Times, received notice on April 29 that she is the 19<12 first-place winner for the Nebraska Press Women.
The award carries a prize of approximately $500. Any upperclass woman pursuing a career in mass communications at any of the state's colleges and univiersities is eligible to apply.
Announcement of the award will be made this week in Scottsbluff, and Osborne will be officially recognized at the Nebraska Press Women's meeting in Columbus next September.
Auburn, Neb.
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due on a certain date, and the pressure he/she feels when struggling to get it done on time. He stated, "Take that kind of pressure and magnify it as though you had to do this type of paper
In addition to her job as the editor, she also has two part-time jobs in Auburn. One of those is being part of the staff of the Auburn Newspapers. John Sanders, I.aura's supervisor, bad very favorable comments. "She has a willingness to accept
Laura gives partial credit for her success to her parents. "My parents are the reason I have success in anything. They always told me if I put my heart into it and do my best, then it's. successful;"· Laura has been a , success at PSC, especially with • the campus newspaper Because this is the last issue of the Times that she' 11 be a part of, the staff felt this would be a good way to commend her for her efforts.
"She is very diligent and very determined
••• a very good journalist••• "
Dr. Dan Holtz
Wayne's World The Prince of Tides Grand Canyon
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Plans campus beautification...
Dr. Burns is pleased with
From the Other
Si de of the
· ''What we Qiscovered in the year oped projects, including the revised mostly with some meet-
was that problem. really was ·ingr00ni$ " about three umes the size anybody cal Educauon Sports Management · :fle stated.l:bat the primary concern
bad known It was really about a option. of many sllJ:dents is to get an automillion dollars beyond what the leg- Dr. Burns next discussed the ·matic tell.er:machine (ATM) on or
islature bad provided." college's ongoing plans to make •near campu:s. They are close to get-
Dr. Burns stated that the budget improvements upon the grounds. ting this implemented, along with problem is now somewhat stabi- "We're doing some campus beauti- other new developments. More lized and was surprised that it was fication. This campus bas been games in the Student Center and resolved so quickly. "In a year's known throughout its history as a possible expansion of the bookstore time, it's amazing actually that beautifulplace,anditis We have services were also mentioned by we've been able to do all that's been known for a long time as the Dr. Bums as ideas received from by Tim Bailey · '--------------.J happened in that regard." campus of a thousand oaks These students.
It's been a year now since Peru State College welcomed its new president, Dr. Robert Bums from Washburn University in Topeka, KS.
I spent twenty minutes speaking with the president, and he refle.re<l upon his first year's accomplishments and his priorities for the future.
I first asked the president what he thought he accomplished in his first year's term. He began his response with extensive talk on the budget "When I came we knew that there were some budget problems with the college a shortfall· of about $40(),000. The legislature bad a special bill to give the college about a quarter of a million [dollars], approximately half of the need, with the idea that the college would come up with the balance....
His other big priority was the next oaks are getting old We've got to
One big issue with students this topic of discussion. "The other goal, start now to plant replacements so year is that, previously, student fees of ccurse, was to get to know the that when they actually are gone, may not have been used appropricollege and it's people so that you we'll already have trees to replace ately. Dr. Burns says the problem can begin to have a sense of their them."
Dr. Robert Burns has been rectified and that, "Now needs and interests. I think that's we can say when we charge these ies show is that students pick the · th • gone well too. If I hadn't bad the .11 We've reallv made student fees in the future, ey re 'J college they come to, to a great goi'1.g be used for the things budget problems to deal with, and they weren't so urgent. I'd have bad more time to. do the usual things a new president does. It was simply a matter of maklng sure that the college was on a firm foundation first; then I could do some of the fun things later."
Dr. Bums said that he.has strongly prioritized getting to. know the students and community better in the coming year.
I next asked Dr. Burns what the plans are for the ooming year at PSC. He mentioned that work is continuing on some newly devel-
Will pursue masters degree
some amazing prog- e:l).tent,onhowitlooks Sowewant to." ressin a year's time. .11 to make it look like quality place I brought up the question oflong we know it is." range plans for PSC, concerning Dr. Robert Burns Dr B ·d that h bad 1·ed · urns sat e worl\I ·possible expansion of the college's
He also said that with some funding from .other sources such as OPPD, the college will be bringing in some flowering shrubs, trees, picnic Pibles, bencpes and planters to make the campus a more usable place for students. He addec1 that beautification of the campus is not the only motivation for making improvements. "What mltional stud-
with the Student Senate in accom- ·size. Dr. Burns responded that, in plishing some goals. "One of the the end; he is more concerned with most satisfying thoughts I have at ·improving the quality of the college the end of this .year is how I have than improving the size. worked with Student Aslleavethiscampus,colfoge Senate Through the Student Af- and column, I will remember the fairs offices and working with. the one distinct quote that summed up Student Senate, we established, for my whole interview with Dr. Burns example, a committee to deal with as he said, "We've really made some how the Student Center might be amazing progress in a year's time. reorganized and upgraded to be a There's a lot inore work to be ·real student center. Right now, it's done "
• . .
Jacobsen to furthereducat100 at UNO
Peni--ln the last few years Marty Jacobsen bas gone from soup, to studies, and now, to salaried scholar.
The 29-year-old Tecumseh native and former Campbell's Soup Co employee is about to steer his life in a new direction. Nofonly bas he been given a graduate assistantship to the University of Nebraska at ·Omaha, but he has been awarded
one ol only two competitive gradu- For those who know him, sucate fellowships from UNO's En..; cessisaforegoneconclusionforthe glish department ·focu:sed and talented Table Rock
Ail English major who will gradu- · resident who carries a 3 .93 grade ate next month, Jacobsen will point roll next fall in graduate school as a "Marty is a superior he teaching assistant The fellowship : has a vocation for the scholarly life," and graduate assistantship will pro- said Dr. Anthony McCrann, assisvide Jacobsen a combined stipend taut professor of English. "He is in 9f over $7 .500. love with literature and has a great breadth to his reading. He will make an excellent teacher."
Surprisingly, college was not in his plans ·after graduating from Tecumseh High School. He spent ' time in the Army, then worked for 10 years at Catnpbell's Soup Co. A tuition aide program at Catnpbell's prompted him to enroll at PSC in the fall of '87, and he has been making the most of the opportunity ever since.
Of bis opportunities at PSC, Jacobsen said, "To me, a good student will get a good education; the good ones must be willing to go beyond what they get in the classroom. A good teacher will motivate, and all of my professors in the English department have been very inspiring.*'
For your support throughout the
Student Senate, NonTrad Programs, His first two college classes were Student Center Committee, New with Professor Bill Cole, who StudentWeekendCommittee, the Jacobsen said possesses "an amazing command" of literature.· staff, and administration. Jacobsen was hooked from the first You have all been most helpful. I day. Cole said, "Marty is and has appreciate the.wonderful cooperabeen one my·most astute scholars,. tion I receive. Barb Lewellen one who tenaciously and consistendy pursues a vastfund of general information."
"I am proud of Marty and of the faculty who have worked with him,'' said President Robert L. Burns.
"Such distingmshed awards are rare, and they come only when you can combine special students with specialfaculty."
Marty is a member of the mitional honor scholarship society Alpha Chi, vice president of the English club, a member of the international English honor society Sigma Tau ·Delta, bas been assistant editor of the campus literary magazine Sifting Sands, and has been a columnist and copy editor for the campu:s newspaper the Times.
Ultimately he wants to teach on the college level and "share what I've teamed; the most important part ' of learning is knowledge."
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MARTY JACOBSEN discusses literature with professor Bill Cole.·-photo by Kent Propst
CWhm only the best will
Mud·andjellofly in Spring Fling
(Above) LboKJNG FOR A HOSE. Jason Grat JrleS' to find somebody tc wash off .:fl.'>
, (At rightXii('VRT. HASLEY. Tim Bowen, Liz Allen and Rick their way to victory in the
(Top left) PAT VOMACKA and Alex Malcolm celebrate their jello wrestling victory.
(fop right) SARAH GAINES and Steve Karst prepare to return a serve in a mud volleyball match.
ard, White win honors Softball team picks up two wins
by Times Staff
PSC basketball players Fred Ward
Lora White have been named honorable mention All-Americans by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) for the 1991-92 season.
The were made by the NAIA's AU-America committees during the respective mens and womens national tournaments in
White, a 5-10 sopJtmm:ore, of only 20 honorai:ile mentic)n in the womens va.i..•uuu><. other district cagers made the listing - Trisha Lukawski of Chadron State, and Dana's Katie Corbitt and. Jennifer Edelman.
White is the first PSC player to earn NAIA national recognition in womens and only the Stqirenville, second ever TX, and to achieve Monmouth, post-season OR honors beWard, a 5- yond the 10 junior, District was joined
women's softball team game losing streak by aereat1n12 Doane College in both a double- header on April
Bobcats starters collected in the 10-2, 64.wins.
PSC scored tbree runs in and fifth innings to jump out 0 lead. Doane came back to score its nms·of the game in the si'\.th in making the score 6-2.
first base to give PSC the early lead. Doane added one run in second but PSC , ,,,,,,IY...,"'" ,, with two runs of their second.
In one, pitcher Erin Ingram 5-hitter and struck out two win on the mound and raise season record to 7-15. Kim Horsham had a big day at the plate 3-for-3 with one nm batted in and one run scored. Rightfielder Beth Cordry was 2for-4 at the plate with two two RBI's and two runs scored. Kelly Burnside added ahit and two
Bobcats came "r"'""'""" back to score four runs in the sixth which gave them thC final margin of
PSC's bats cooled off in the but they were still able to the 6-4 win. Cordry pitched to get the win on un;•uw..t, while Ingram came in up her second save of the .year.
A big third inning gave the control of the game. PSC three runs, keyed by .UJ',•UUJcv"i Paula Czirr's hit which drove in with two RBI's and one run sconY' added one RBI ·runs.
L i nd a on the list Shepard, the
A single by Cordcy in the first inning scored Kim Horsham from
Fourth·annual athletic banquet Sunday
Doane added three runs in the inning, but couldn't put together anything in the last inning, and held on for the 6-4 win. by two Fred Ward Lady Bobother Nebraska District XI players - cats' all-time scorer, gained honorDevin Smith and John Puelz, both able mention All-America from Fast of Concordia. Break magazine in 1985 after averFew players, if any, have made a aging a school-record 23.9 points
bigger all-around contribution than per Ward did this past season. He led With White averaging 12.6 points the Bobcats in scoring (19.0) and all and 11.5 rebounds, Peru State posted three categories in three-pointers a 19-12 record this season, the third and free throws - made, attempts and high percentage. But Ward also led the 16-13 Bobcats in steals
PSC will hold its fourth annual all-spbrts athletic banquet this. Sunday .at the PSC Student beginning at 5:30 p.m.
tive teams for the 1991-92 academic ··year, and present individual awards
highest win total in school history.
The public is invited to attend the event, according to interim athletic director Ted Harshbarger. The cost. is $9 per person, and checks can be. made out to PSA Varsity Club.
Ward is, the first honorable mention men8 selection at PSC since Danny Shouse, the Bobcats' career and assists with school records of scoring leader with 1,867 points, Peru State coaches will recognize 93 and 159, respectively. was selected in 1979. accomplishments of theii respec-
ENVELOPE STUFFING-$600 • $800 every week· Free Detatls: SASE to Brooks lntemational, lt1c. P.O. BoX 680605 •Orlando, FL32868
M eado w s coaches first spring game
by Jon Kruse
The annual Blue-White Spring Game was held April 11 at PSC's Oak Bowl. It was the Bobcats' final practice of their three-week workouts.
First year head coach Monte Meadows had a positive reaction to the spring practices, remarking, "We had pretty good weather, and we got a good foundation built for next year."
Despite former head coach Lou Saban's departure, the team experienced a good transition between coaches. "With the players, as far as the relationship goes, I don't think there was much adjustment," noted Meadows. "I didn't treat the team any different than when I was an assistant." ·
Before taking the head coaching position, Meadows was an assistant for the Bobcats. Assistant coach Larry Brown is currently the only other paid on-campus coach. Aside from Meadows and Brown, several graduate assistants were involved with spring practice.
There have been several changes under Meadows's leadership. "We put in some new things like ent formations and schemes,* noted Meadows. "I was pleased
with a lot of things, and there were some pleasant surpi:is.es. But of course there is always things we need to polish up on."
Meadows·further commented, "On
offense we will be in a one-"1ck set throwing type offense to. try and put the defense in a bind, and l>asically we want to take whatever the defense is going to give us. It's been
proven in the past to be successful." It's a pleasant place to work, Meadows responded well to his ,everything looks gCX:d." overall impression of bis .new position; noting, "I plan on being here awhile. It's aplace I can settle into.
Shane McGooden 76 pass from Jason Eaton (Bon Khanthasene kick)
Mike Rucker 75 pass from Eaton (Kevin Oliver kick)
Khantasene 30 FG
Jeff Schawang 21 run (kick failed}
RUSHING- Jeff Schawang 4135, Jerry 5/30. Chris O'Neal 5/21, Tany 8/17, Briven Jackson 418; Nick Maher 7, Rick Olsen 3/6, Jason Eaton 6/-24. PASSING- Eaton 9-13-2, 273; Uhlir 524-3, 85.
RECEIVING - Jim Gilbert 4/125, Rucker 3/92, Shane McGooden Bryan Sullivan 3/3i, Aaron Bailey Chris Aue 1/12, Rice 119.
TACKLES - Robert Arnold 10, Gaines 9, Andrew Beckford 8, Malcom 6, Craig Moraski 5, Zeb Sirnones 5, Tom Becker 5, Dellyn Feighner Barry McGooden 4, Darrell McCullough 3, Ryan Rischling 3, Travis Gnade 3, ·Andrew Reed 3, Brian Sankey 2, Jamie ·Flaugh 1, Sam Walkup 1. Moraski 1, Becker
FIRST-YEAR HEAD COACHMoiite'Mtla<fows points while giving instructions to memJ?ers of his team during ·1, Reed 1, Ri$Chling 1/2.
PSCs annual Game On, April 11. T.he completed three weeks of practices with the 80- /NTERQEPTIONS. Malcom 3, Feighner play intrasquad by 1, Becker 1. ··
Johnson s men
Baseball team goes extra mile
If you're a PSC baseball player: or coach, pat yourself on the back. The things you've done to improve your program and facilities should be commended. · For the· rest of you, listen to · everything that the baseball team bas done this year to raise money • for themselves. They raffled off acolorT.V. and sold 1900 tickets, worked the concession stands at· Omaha Racers' basketball games',. sold concessions at PSC · basketball games, got donations · and held their annual Vegas Night· dinner, and in , addition to numerous other things, held youth baseball camps in Shenandoah, IA and Louisville, NE. Swprised? So was I. It doesn't seem right that the baseball team· has to do all of these fund.raisers · to get money for the program. I realize that the other PSC athletic teams do fundrail!ers also, but not to the extent that Head Coach Dan Johnson's men do. "We're not looking for a paton the back. We do the fundraisers out of want and need," said Johnson. He added, 'We don't have to do the fundraising. With our budget we could get by, but we'd only play half the games that we do now and we wouldn't get to go on a spring trip and stuff like that."
are many programs throughout the state that don't do · the extra things that PSC's baseball team does. But the Cats want the best. A good schedule, equipment and unifonns, so they go the extra mile. College sports are an expensive business and .PSC helps as much as it can, but·
something needs to be done. A couple months ago, the coaching staff and players, along with the help of a few volunteers, built dugouts at the baseball field. · With only one campus carpenter, and other priorities on his list, the players were forced to build the dugouts themselves. They rounded up the supplies and spent 12 hours of a Saturday and built. the dugouts. Without their effort they wouldn't have had good· dugouts-this season.
lhe team also made the decision to buy their own uniforms. "I bought the pants and they paid $100 for the rest of the uniform,". said Johnson.
Time-out With Todd •••
by Todd Gottula
Other improvements to the field are being'planned. Johnson is trying to find enough donations to be able to purchase a wooden fence to replace the chain link fence that surrounds the field. And if more money can be found, a scoreboard will be installed.
"We've already got the scoreboard, but the power company charges $1500 to install a power pole. Then PSC is :
responsibfo for laying the line to the scoreboard," said Athletic Director Ted Harshbarger. 'We're making improvements as money becomes available," he added.
The baseball team has volunteered to do everything they can to have the kind of program they want, but it's still not right. It's no secret that in comparison to all colleges in Nebraska, PSC' s athletes do far more fundraisers than any school in the state. Harshbarger proved this in a study · he did for a paper he wrote on the funding of college athletics.
I'm sure all the extra work is getfing to be a chore for those associated withPSCbaseball. It's not fair that they have to do this in order to have the things they need to be successful. Thefre doil!-g · the best they can with the money · that's available. I know funds are low and PSC has helped the team out whenever possible, but they need to help more. I'd be willing to bet that PSC is the only baseball team in the state that doesn't have a scoreboard.
It's not right that every time our players need something done that they have to do it themselves. They should be worrying about winning baseball games, not raising money for the college. Sooner or later the responsibility needs to be taken out of the players' hands.
As for Coach Johnson and his players, nice job. Whether you do the extra work because you have to or not, you definitely deserve a pat on the back!
Softball team loses key player
The Peru State College softball team has apparently lost starting shortstop Teresa Frye for the remainder of the season due to an injury, Co-Coach Erin Sayer said
Preliminary tests by Peru State trainer John Gabriel indicate Frye has a dislocated right shoulder, said Sayer
"She's going to see another docto1 just to be sure, \int it doesn't look good," the coach said.
Frye, a senior from Bennington, suffered the injury in a nonathletic incident following the Lady Bobcats' 2-0, 2-3 split with Dana College in Blair on April 13.
Frye, PSC's No. 3 hitter in the
lineup, was batting .270 on the season with 13 RBI's and 12 runs scored in25games.
Kim Horsham, a si;mior from W ahoo, will start at shortstop in Frye's stead and Beth Cordry, a freshman from Wymore, will move from rightfield to leftfield as Horsham's replacement, Sayer said., "This puts us in a difficult .situation because we need Beth to pitch," Sayer said. "And Kim to the infield reduces our speed in tlie outfield."
Without Frye, the Lady Bobcats. dropped two games, losing 4-0 to the College of St Mary and 13-3 to : Avila College on April 14.
FIRST BASEMAN.Jeff Paulson prepares to field a ground ball. The senior was 2 for 4 and scored three runs in Tuesday's victories over Doane College. --photo;by Todd Gotto.la
Cats win recent games
by Jon Kruse
The PSC Bobcat baseball team has compiled an J8-24 record. The Cats have lost close games as of late.
At Hastings College the Bobcats lost both ends. of a double-header by margins of 2-4 and 3-4.
On Saturday, April 27, the Bobcats ground it out with theUniversity of South Dakota at Vennillion. PSC split with USD winning the first game 3-2 with pitcher Scott Kohout going the distance on the mound to improve his record to 5-2. They lost the nightcap by a score of 2-3 Brad Gerdts threw a four-hitter, but took the loss on the mound.
In the first game of the doubleheader, second baseman Mike Maroney was including a double. Centerfielder Kevin Heller
The annual PSC alsowas2-4withtwosingles. The · • b ball game stayed tied at two from the , UIDDI ase game •fourth inning into the top of th,e
1will be played tom or-· eighth when Heller put the Bobcats
1 on top for good by collecting an.
l RBiito make the scote 3-2.
In ·the second game, the Bobcats three hits weren't enough to seal the win. Heller had a double, while 'catcher Brian Smith and third baseman Matt Miller singled. Gerdts' pitching record dropped to 4-3 with the loss.
The Bobcats have had four games cancelled due to uncontrolable cir-' cumstances.
Peru State's game on April 27 against the University of Nebraska at Kearney was canc:;elled because UNK elected not to play :Pse'after taking their playoff situation into consideration.
The game against the University of Creighton was cancelled due to NCAA game violations against Creighton. NCAA schools can only play 10 percent of their games against smaller divisioned schools. Creighton is an NCAA Division I school and has already reached the limit
· The Bobcat baseball team played 'a make-up game against Doane College on Tuesday and won 13-2 and 11-4
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