1995-1996 The Times (Peru, Ne) - issues 1-12

Page 1

OAKSTOCK: Students• get hands on habitat

Peru State College held its 1st Annual Oakstock '95 on Sept. 12 and 13, at Indian Cave State Park.

Oakstock is a workshop for handson experience in environmental education across all curriculum areas put on by the Education Division for all PSC's education majors.

Approximately 225 students attended this retreat along with the guest speakers, teachers and administrators. Overnight camping was op-

"I really liked the hands-on that sessions provided,

the students go out to the grass and stake their claims ofland using stakes in the ground with colored flags representing water, flat land, hilly land, timber and others. The students were then faced with different disasters and had to decide whether they were going to stay on their land or return to Europe and tell why.

Jennifer Slattery, senior elementary education major, said,"The sessions were the best part because they gave us ideas of environmental education issues to use in the classroom as well as letting us have fun and participate."

speakers were very informative."

Cari Ortmeier, junior elementary education major , also stated, "I really liked the hands-on training


The first day consisted of a variety · workshop sessions, and each stuJent attended four. The workshop ,; speakers ra.nged from an Environnental Education Specialist to a ;:'roject Wild Coordinator to a Park Ranger

One example of an activity that took at these sessions was called 'Stak:ingYour Claim.' I'..orna Lange, a Park Ranger from Homestead National Monument near Beatrice, had

that the sessions provided, and"the speakers were very informative."

The second day all of the students met at the amphitheater to listen to two different speakers discuss federal. and state environmental issues.

"The purpose of Oakstock was to have the students not only focus on the environmental education issues but also to have a sense of community and an opportunity to meet and find out who their fellow education · majors are," stated Joy Dunnigan,

Theatre department put on hold

ROB BOZZELL, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR of archeology at the Nebraska State Historical Society, talks about artifacts from southeast Nebraska. Those artifacts include pottery, arrowheads and many other unique findings. --photo by Matt Uher Oakstock coordimltor and assistant professor of special education. Lastly, there were the closing ceremonies conducted by Dunnigan and Dr.Dan Cox, associate professor of education.

A mini t.v. was donated as door prize by PSEA. The door prize was awarded to sophomore Chad Windeshausen.

Accident claims Pappas' life

Dr. Larry George Pappas, 48, was killed in a traffic accident near Nemaha in Nemaha County on June 19, 1995. Atthetimeofhisdeathhe was professor of biology at ·PSC. He was a resident of Auburn. He was divorced and the father of two children: Ellen Catherine, a student at Florida State University, and Emily Lenora, of Valdosta, GA.

Pappas received his bachelor of science cum laude from the now defunct Hiram Scott College of Scottsbluff, NE in 1969. He received a master's degree in zoology from the University ofWyoming in 1971, and his doc-

torate in entomology from the University of Illinois at Urbana. Champaign in 1975.

The play's the thing. Maybe not this year on the Peru State campus. For the first time in years, there will be .no mainstage productions on the Peru stage.

Dr. David Edris, chairman of the Humanities Division, informed students in a meeting on Sept. 13, that the search for a technical staff member in the Theatre was unsuccessful.

This search took place in the summer promoted to associate professor in of 1995 1983-and was promoted to Professor In response, Dr. Charles Harper, in 1988. professor of Theatre, chose to go

in tum, left no one to direct the shows on campus.

Dr. Edris also stated that if the students would like to put 'on a student production, the budget is available. The only other thing the students would need is a faculty sponsor.

Dr. Edris stated, "It has not yet been decided if another search will be started, or if we will find another solution. This does not mean that the Theatre program has been cancelled."

A program review of the Theatre department is due for the 1996-97 school year. This will help to decide the future, according to Dr. Edris. &

From 1971-75, worked at the University of Illinois, first as a guest lecturer, then as a teaching astor or co-investigator on six projects _T. • f"' _ & f atPSC which attracted federal grants I u I I 0 n e es

Pappas was the principal investiga- strictly to classroom teaching. This,

sistant and finally as a U.S. Public totalling $302,570 from the National t• Health Service Trainee. In 1975-77, ScienceFoundationaildtheNation.al I rst he did post-doctoral research at Vir- Institutes of Health. He had an ex- By freedom

ginia Polytec:;hnic Institute and State University (Blacksburg, VA). From 1977-79, he served on the science faculty at the College of Saint Teresa in Winona, MN.

Pappas served PSC from 1979 until his death. He joined the college as assistant professor of biological science, was granted tenure in 1983, was

pages 2-3

tensive record of published articles in professional trade journals, many of them co-authored with his undergraduate students at PSC. Pappas and Dr. Carol Howard together discovered a new species of insects and named it Culicoides Elemae.

Timothy S. Norris, 17, driverofthe truck which allegedly. struck Dr. Pappas while Pappas was bicycling near Nemaha, pied no contest in his hearing on August 1. He was given 18 months probation.




* student activity fee seven plus hours up $2 to $22

Just as enrollment went up this year, so did tuition. Tuition was not the only fee on the student's bill to increase, so did health fees, transcript· fees, facility fees, student activity fees, event fees, as well as room and bOard.

* event fee one to six hours up $1 to ·$8: .seven plus hours up $1 to $16

* tuition fur a resident of Nebraska

Ts up $2.50 per hour to $52.50 per hour

* tuition for a non-resident of Nebraska is up $10 per hour to $I 00 per hour

* rooms in Detzel or Morgan are up 4 percent to $700 per semester

* there was also a 4 percent increase in the meal plan


pages. 7-9

pages 4-6 Campus

Sports pages l 0-11 Entertainment.. page 12

tribute to Dr. Pappas on a e 4

In March of 1995, Student Senate received a proposal which included suggested increases in tuition and fees for 1995-96. This bill included all proposed increases. After close examination .the Student Senate passed the proposal It has been two years since there was a increase in tuition at PSC. The increases are as follow:

* health fee up $2 to $17

* transcript fee up $1 to $4

* facility fee one to 11 hours up $1 to $5 per hour: 12 plus hours up $12 to$60

When asked where the money is being spent, Gene Trimmer, student trustee at PSC to the State Board of Trustees, said, 'The money is spent on the faculty payroll." Trimmer went on to say that in order to keep up with colleges' the same size and with the same curriculum Peru State needed to increase its tuition.

author from southeast Nebraska?? page 6 Vol. 73 Issue .1
September 22, 1995
Bobcats play first three games, defeated in one
Inside ................ ..................

Students angered over Oakstock '95

Somethings seem to have been 2. Many students thought that Oakstock didn't need problem for non-traditional students because of day heating up the PSC campus the last few to be two days long. The second day was mostly filled care and transportation conflicts and for traditional weeks, and we're not just referring to the with politicians' aides speaking about bills currently students because of job and other conflicts. At the perature. Oakstock '95- yeah, that's what we're being passed, and not about topics relating to educa- Sept. 7 meeting, Stu.dents brought up these concerns, talking about. From the time of the organizational tion. Many (students) thought that the second day was and leaders consented that if students had conflicts, · meeting held on Thursday, Sept. 7, tempers have flared dull, and they didn't see any point in coming, espe- that they would not be required to go. So it seemed much like a heat wave. For any type of activity, the cially if they weren't already there because of camp- like some people were trying to scare students into first time one is held, people will complain. People ing the night before. On the other hand, all future teach- attending Oakstock by saying that attendance was will disagree on how things should be done. What ers do need to expand their horizons and learn about mandatory. made Oakstock '95 such a hotbed of debate and con- other things going on in the world other than the school 6. One last problem we found with Oakstock '95 tention? We, The Times staff, aimed to find out. subjects that pertain to them. The more you know, was that not every activity needed to be outside. We

First of all, however, we would like to thank Dr.. the better you'll be in your field. might be enjoying nice weather now, but the second David Ainsworth, chair of the Division of Education

3. Oakstock could have been more specialized to week of September still had scorching hot days. In and Psychology, foy Dunnigru;i, assistant professor of meet different majors' needs. Most of the workshop · addition to the heat, bugs were very plentiful at Inspeci:af and coordi:ti.atiqr of·Oak:stock '95, s(!ssions were focused on elementary education. Lan- dian Cave State Park. In fact, all the information and alHhe others who helped with the first Oakstock. guage, history, math, etc. majors didn;t learn much given to students stated to bring bug spray. And what We acknowledge all the hard work and creative plan- about new and innovative teaching methods for their about students (and faculty and guest speakers) with ning they put into this major event. We also encour- particular subjects. However, the topic of this year's allergies? age any students concerned who enjoyed Oakstock '95 Oakstock was to teach kids about the environment There are most definitely positive elements of to thank these members and encourage this (hence, speeches about clean water and endangered Oakstock '95. Everyone we've talked to thinks that, event to continue. species); maybe next year's ideas will seem pointless ideally, Oakstock is a wonderful idea, and that its

1. The biggest problem we found with Oakstock to students in elementary education. However, we feel existence is a good way for education majors to get was the lack of communication between those who that more workshops could have been included for together and learn new things in a setting other than organized the affair and the students and non-educa- secondary education majors. a classroom. And most students took home some tion department faculty members. Students needed 4. There were too many people at Oakstock that good ideas to put to use when they are teachers. · more than a few days 'notice of the event. The Sept. 7 didn't want to be there. Many students felt that they We at The Times understand that there are kinks meeting held at 11 a.m. was when most education shouldn't be forced to go, especially if they were not to be worked out. After all, this was the first year majors found out that there was an Oakstock and that even taking any education classes this semester. for Oakstock, and we praise Joy Dunnigan, the other they were expected to attend. However, people who Oakstock '95 was mandatory for all education ma- faculty members who helped and the guest speakers were planning Oakstock knew last April about it. El- jors, freshman through senior standing. Perhaps next for coordinating and participating in Oakstock '95. ementary education students who were fortunate year, the "rule" for Oakstock should be "if admitted Hopefully, Oakstock '96 will be an improvement over enough to be in the planners' classes last year found to teacher education, this is mandatory; if not, this is Oakstock '95 thanks to both student and faculty out ·about it thei:L Also, mostfaculty .members not in optional." input. We welcome any letters to the Editor and comthe e.ducation c1ep¥t:J:nent found oµt only a be- ·. 5. Going along with this previous idea, we felt that men ts any student, faculty or staff member or reader fore that ·as many· as half of their sttidents were going Oakstock simply cannot be mandatory. A mandatory has to share. to be gone for two days. event like t1!-is is nearly, if not, impossible. It is a

The Times is the official student newspaper of Peru State College, Peru, NE, 68421. The Times office is located in the college print shop in the Physical Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260.

The Times is being published five times during the 1995 fall term by Peru State Colleg_e Students. Opinions expressed may not necessarily be those of the entire editorial staff. The Times is printed by..._Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE. ·

The Times welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters to the editor. cartoons, articJes, and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be published a1 the discretion of thf'. staff. the editor s_hquld not exceed. 250 words inlength. The to edit al\ I_ettersto.theectitor style

Please send maierial to:. Editor.

The Peru State Times Campus Mail Peru State College Peru, NE 68421.


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lliTill PRIZE WINNING NEWSPAPER 1995 --rr..-
Well 5uys you'r lorl;'1 1 ARoulJD F1IJALLY Gor- y A 111 /IRE Oio. rged v}'.th .JJ.,e. of !?.:>bct>.+"'1"¥.1 Stoff ,4,;,,." s iP-y /;;l"r,.)u


· nqying fot almost years; May has • !; beeri, a tirunm.swered risisferit'. ··. question pe()ple ask her iii ·. you eat Sl)e has a;; ;She _started t9, en.dured the ordea:J of checkmg every · seem to ,foel hurt food label to make sure there isnoth•fog like beef fat or chicken st.ock in :tf'.tiead pamphlets what she eats. · ·.

1Jrandcosmet- She endured stttmg through dmnet'll ;a:nhna:Js; }She·· where the delicious smell of fried or '.think al:lbut'.how chickens grilled chicken. was.present, she are in.tiny and ·.has lived cinly being able to eat.

· · lliey'relCiU&HShestarted salad arid.fries at certain restaurants'.· irds .and sqrifrrels J:iking ,Why?. BecauseMay loves atJimalS · · §he feeF ••'She innqct'nce.• •.th.err trushng lO:wiisn'trlght::::;}l < ; J .; May belteves

•· ·. irilalstliecibjecidot •... ttiatthey tove the of the earth

.; <'h :. •)1suinption?'·wno tells hu:: unless tpey are willing to acron: their '''.··:mans to play Goel' breed anima:Js. words a11d refuse to consume the flesh ·· · ·· 91;\ll.• them?,.'\V!1Y do of those :• • · ·.·· •· ·.

·<· humans' have the to. take .,Allnght, all nght!H I can't s.tand • ·· fo( .•.·.. May.ate•turkey .and mashed J;io'ta"• the pressure! There is no May! f m · < · ·toes atherfamily's 19871hanJ<sgiv-· talking· about mysel.f 1 lliihk for .a· &·.Cl:>l:9t?tii1ity,• and. hadi e,,a.te,'nj :ing'dinrier;andthe next day; ona \valk minute there I was getting a little too IJ:lC,'1t,:itl1'herhfe, Meapo tQ serious for even IJ:l)'self! · · · ·· :m6st often the.basis ofbothlt1hch and • 'din11er.•· She.had.neyer:even hearcfof.


.eatm¢a:t! ;; • .· '·'·"• ; : ·•. ··•· •.• •;.

/athoughtwould eNe,r hef mind every now artd like a.little. voice whispering ""Isit right.for you• to .eat something that moves and breathes li}<e you do?" May ti:ied to ignore that voice;.· what was wrong with eating meat? She never knew· anyone who c:!idrt 't. How could some-

The Fat Lady Sings

Non-tra'ds have. drean:as to fill

· ceptance to Peru. I ca.n 't say I wasted •gent, so ilii:ge that I rdrfet the time; but Lno ionget dream. of we don't own the campus. Aren't we .finding an alternate gasoline source, the reason the Bob Inn exists?'• Do or discovering cures. for strange you eversee traditionals using the eases. l tJ:iipk l n}ay oe.sti:etchjng brary ,f9rariything other than things to hope for one published bOok : Ok, I'm grinning already: > .·· ·· ' Plea5ethrowonly•sbftthirtgs!

I have childteij 'l;\lld a .husband:who. ,''.The .Fat Lady Sings'' is for ii()nl, Caveadsum! (Beware, I am here!) compete for my!fotnework ti):ri<i,;ilna ··• ,trads. )fs our voiqe•in !got that J,,atin phrruie from an an- share the multiple illnesses \vt;1'pick · nl?wspaper. I chose this tique copy of Ivanhoe when I was in up from schools, work ang dayca,ie.;< itjmplies alaterevent,.s()rilethingtJ:iat high school;.···.It meant more to me, Though they are very sup,portive of;. happens .tO\Yard the end ofait opera:,'. then. I was about to enter my first my tht:reare stin many things notatthe beginning. It college experience and was certain I I wantto do/many things the tradi- iobe a persona! affiJ'ITiationOf ..y,hot' WOUid splash into that lake with tional Cail d?, thatl .cannot; ai'.ll; a Ja4 woman Who'isnot fish ripples though I carne from a I'm rtot:Complairiirig about the ble8s-'. mriiid to go out in this thiri•hiingrf small pond. Obviously, my plans ings clanfyitigthaf world andgeta degree, a.career, and were unr¢alistic. the dif- ·maybe, if rm really lucky, fulfill a

Nine year$ passed between my last ferent from .traditional Stl.ldent lift\ ;, couple ofdreams in ttie process; Jfl. ·attempt at an education and my PSC has 11 large con tin- caii do i4 anybody can. i. ··J} \ (

CAB plans activi-ties students want a driving force

Take a left after entering the Student Center, then go to the last door on the left side. I bet most of you do not have a clue as to who resides in that room. My friends, the resident is none' other than Barb Lewellen, Student Programs Director here at Peru State College.

Barb Lewellen, with help from toe Campus Activities Board and your representatives on Student Senate, creates and irons out a large amount of the programs that go on all over campus every week. Sl!e is a driving force in an active group of people who ai:e constantly striving to make life here at Peru State College more enjoyable.

Every year, the programs improve. Every. year, Barb Lewellen tries to

Parking continues as issue for many PSC commuters

Those of us who are commuters often find parking a bunting.adventure.

If we arrive at Perµ after 8:30 a.m. we usually have to park on a city street. Commuters have had problems parking for a long time. But is it a real problem?

Comments such as by junior business administration, accounting management major Susan Meyer, "If. we pay for a parking place we should get a parking place," are common. So far this semester 329 parking permits for commuters have been sold for an estimated 130 parking places.

Such figures have led many to believe that a parking permit is really only a hunting permit. But those estimated 130 parking places do not include the overflow Jot on the north end of the iot for the complex.

Lack of use by commuters of the overflow lot is a rusty link in the argument for .more parking. Susan Udey, vice president for Administra-

tion and Ffoance pointed out there is no reason to create more parking while the overflow parking isn't utilized. She also said the previous vice president for Administration and Finance looked into buying residential property and other solutions but came upon dead ends. She did say it was possible something could be done, but not soon.

Part of the problem is commuters themselves. "People need to learn how to park," said Cheryl Mellage, junior in business administration and accounting management. Especially in winter, it's hard to believe college educated people caff park so creatively.

So what is the solution? Fewer parking permits, sold on a first come, first served policy, is p0ssible, but not practical. In the end nothing can be done. So, either show up early, park at the complex and wear walking shoes, or find a side street and do your best imitation of a mountain goat. Some things never change.

Where are an·d ·heroines

the heroes of PSC?

involve the students and create a carefree environment in a stressful day. But every year, students are "bored" and swear that there is nothing to do at Peru State but drink and party 24 hours a day and seyel) days a week.

These are the same people who make fon of those who participate ln ·off,the-wall events like the Dr. Clemente look.alike contest. Most of the time it is because those students · are scared of being themselves and looking elsewhere than the bottle for a good time.

The programs are there, and it is definitely a good time. A lot of people are missing the boat. For the student feeling like.he or she doesn't fit in, it is a great way to meet people. Maybe Mr. or Miss Right will be there. For the people that do go to the programs,

try to get someone to go with you. Get a whole group of people together for a night at the Coffee Hbuse or the feature movie of the month.

The best thing about these activities is the cost. THEY'RE FREE!!

The student's college budget can easily afford that. No one will have to go digging through the couch or breaking open that piggy bank to scrounge enough cash.

Next iime, check the calendar or the student senate window for upcoming events if there is "nothing to do." Don't be afraid to have fun and meet some new people.· I guarantee you "will not regret the choice. Go to a CAB meeting with ati idea for "something to do." Or go to Barb's office to let her know that the Student Programs Director is doing a great job.

Let's suppose a:Jl members of PSC administration are doing the best job they can. Further, accept that nobody wanted a half-time job at low pay in the drama department. ·Do we really have no local volunteers willing to take up the slack?

Last spring, people told me how wonderful Perµ and the surrounding area are. Leadership abounds in this community! Scout guides, church leaders and community developers live here, in Peru, A1.1burn, City and Brownville - HERE we have greatness - yet, it avails us not.

· Obviously;I'm missing something. Perhaps no one considers drama important? Could everyone in the community be fully tapped out and there are no more volunteers? Perhaps the students of PSC do not care about this Jost opportunity? Maybe it never made money? Maybe .there's no drama club and no organizer who has ·stepped forward to take this responsibility? It really wouldn't take much to get the ball rolling. The work later might be intense, but the joy of play productions has always outweighed the

pain. If there was a time students, faculty and community members could meet at the Student Center, noon on Thursday, Sept. 28, for example, it would be easy to set up a drama club meeting, select officers, and set those officers to choosing a play.

I imagine, if money can be raised for sporting events and club activities, a dedicated drama club could sell candy or baked goods the same as anyone else. Interested community members might be willing to make donations. I would hope, if the student body rose up and acted in such a bold fashion, that the administration would provide facilities. Excellent leadership and innovation deserves reward.

The impetus would be a strong leader - one person to forge a:headfollowed by several willing actors. It's too bad that person doesn't exist at Peru, that we won't have any plays this year. Maybe someday, our campus will spawn heroes and heroines of such caliber. In the meantime, PSC students will have to be content to learn on the job - should they be so lucky as to receive. positions in schools and theatres without any dramatic training or experience.

e· < · ..•• ;:.X ·

Students remember ·or. Larry ·Pappas

four more. science classes, not because I pl_an to teach science. I'm a I have to admit that I didn't expect language arts major. I took them bemuch from a course called Science cause he was right. Science is a part and Society. I walked into the class- of every discipline. I am only cutroom expecting dreadfully boriqg lee- ting myself out of the picture ifl don't tures and difficult homework assign- learn as much as I can and teach th.at ments. On the teacher's desk w.as a to my future students. · man wearing torn shorts and shirt, My story is not unique. Every stustrumming a guitar and smiling, with dent of his could tell you a similar tale a harmonica by his side. That was of how he guided their academics to"Moondog," otherwise known as Dr. ·ward knowledge of science. He was Larry Pappas. He was my first intro- more than charismatic; he was a force duction to "the Blues." ofrea5on, an intelligent man who inWe moved the classroom to the Stu- fluenced others by example. dent Center to learn in a relaxed at- Eileen Uchytil, senior history mamospqere, and learn we did. Through jor, says, thought he was fantastic! informal discussions and debates, we I feel that future students of PSC have hashed out the present, past and fu- been robbed of his wisdom; Ll).St ture of science issues such.as women summer's class was the best he· ever in research, minorities in science, the · taught!. I am still· reminded of him role of science teachers, the ethics of whenever I see trees I recognize." genetics and more. Dr. Pappas occa- "He taught me. He inspired me," sionally entertained wi.th his inusic were Tony Featherstorie's words. and encouraged us. to show oilr tal- Featherstone is. a junior English and ents because creativity is also impor- history major.

tant in this field that many people as- Pappas's career science students sume to be set and dry. One of the have even more to say. Genelle L key points Moondog inade was that Grossman, who.wasastudentatPSC science is extremely important and a from 1983-87 and is now working at large part of all our lives, to the ex- theC.enters forDi8easeControlinAttent that no one can afford to be ig- lanta, GA, recalls her faculty advi8or norant. as ltperson .:who was instrumentaJ in

·K1ers plan$ to improve

The Riverview Restrau.nt ·in Brownville, Ne. has recently changed management. Keno is stln maintained. by the fonner operators, but Kevin Kiers.from McCook, NE, is now jn charge of thecrestaurant. While many things remain the same, a walk into the Riverview may surprise you.

the floor space has been nized to give every table more space and a fair view out the large windows facing the Missouri River. There are cleaner lines dividing the area from thedining, so you can be easily se;ited. The new manager has been busy.

Kiers began a J!lOnth ago in the


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couraged me and generated the funds necessary for me to present the results of our research at the National Tri Beta convention (honorary collegiate biology association) at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ, my sophomore year." She won the first. place Frank G. Bro0ks Award for research in inammalian physiology and went on to Harvard University's School of Public Health. her success as a scientist. "He en- Another student who enjoyed

11e,w ·.management·

· to get an. idea how the establishment ran. 1\vo weeks ago he took over as active mamtger, He feels the transition has caused the public little stress, and he is adjusting well to the position.

Kiers has several plans to improve on the service and food quality; A hot luncheon buffet is.one idea already,operating. The buffet will!'save time for those customers on a tight schedule," s.tated Kiers. The restaraunt hopes to begi11 purchasing even fresher and quality mea,ts than previously offered. Kiers wants to "create a personal environment" for diners.

Future attractions will include nightly specials and a College Night.

The specials willchange weekly, giving customers more for less

TheColiege Night will be an evening students will receive a discount. College Night is expected to be Thursday, but Kiers is uncertain when it will begin.

For those students seeking employment, the restaurant is hiring day time waiters and waitresses. Hiring for :other positions may begin the shut down of the Cooper Nuclear Plant.

Keno is open twenty-four hours a day, but the Riverview's hours are 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. On Friday and Saturday the restaurant will remain open until 11 p.m.

Pappas's teaching was Todd Anderson, research professor in Toxicology at Iowa State University of Science and Technology in Ames, IA. Anderson first met Dr. Pappas in 1982 and often visited him on trips back to

PSC. He states, "Without question, Dr. Pappas [was] one of the finest instructors I have known."

Pappas's daughter, Ellen Catherine Pappas, writes, "Dr. Pappas was certified in CPR. He was interested in camping, biking, guitar and harmonica, hockey, baseball, photography, running and he loved his dogs." In other words, Pappas was not just a science teacher; he was a true Renaissance man.

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • Art gallery scheduled shows .. • • : Sept. 25 - Oct.
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Patty Gallimore

Catch the bug; Check out the bluffs

When Roland Sherman of Peru · "gets the bug," one can be sure the bluffs along the Missouri River will

Sherman commented. The carvings can be seen only to adventurous hikers, but are well worth the mile and a half trek. When asked why he chose the bluffs as a

as well as carvings portraying stories' and legends.

One of these carvings Sherman has entitled "The Golden Arm". 'It is named after the story by Mark 1\vain

"THIS CARVING IS_ AS GOOD as my ability goes. With the genii I even amazed myself." (says Rol_and Sherman) by Tera Stutheit be made more unique and more beautiful.

His carvings generally depici area interests. Fo_r example, a bobcat, cheerleader and Peru emblem represent the college, and Sherman's version of our state flag symbolizes Nebraska. A tribute to Desert Storm can also be found along the river bottom,


about a woman losing her arm The carving, with its witch head, bones and the golden arm is an excellent depiction of1\vain's "ghost story".

Sherman says, "It draws in everything I had found out in working on the others [carvings]." ·

The Genii, surrounded by his coins, is just stepping out of_ the bluff.

Sherman commented that there are

enjoys gardening, camping and being outdoors. A nature lover all his life, Sherman, at "nearly 70 years old" generally walks the path along his carvings about twice a week, depending on the weather. An avid wildsome legends that have come about flower enthusiast, he often collects because of this carving. "Some them for his own yard. Sherman can people think the Genii is good luck, identify over 300 types of flowers and but others think if you touch it, it will plants in the Peru area. One he is parbring bad luck." Interestingly, some ticularly proud of was used by the Inhikers have left coins in the genii's dians to help heal his grandmother of mouth.

"This carving is as good as my ability goes. With the genii I have even amazed myself," Sherman remarked. He has no carvings planned for the future.

Sherman does other art work as well. Displayed in his backyard are flags with free hand on them. One is a livelier version of the Nebraska state flag, complete with goldenrod, com, and a covered wagon surrounded by 93 stars that

a childhood illness. It is now growing in his backyard.

Another facet in Sherman's life is knot-tying. He can currently tie over 600 different types and variations of knots, most of which have practical uses.

Sherman grew up in the Peru area where his love for art and the outdoors allowed him to lead a very interesting life.

After being educated at Peru, he

CARVED IN THE BLUFFS overlooking the Missouri River is this unique version of the Nebraska state flag. --photo by Tera Stutheit

"Genii of 12 Hollow "is nestled off represents our counties. the path in what is known as 1\velve Along with art Sherman has many Hollow. ' About his latest carving other hobbies that keep him busy. He

Health Center open !or business

The PSC Health Center is open from 8 a.m. - 4-p.m. in the A.D. Majors Hall and a physician is available every Thursday from 8:30- 11:30 a.m. Counselor Eldon Davis will have-office hours on Tuesdays from9:30- 11:30 a.m. and 1:30-4:30.p.m., Wednesdays from noon to 5 p.m and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m: - noon and 1 - 3:30 p.m, Appointments should be made whenever possible. Call Linda Estes, Director of the Health Center, at 2229 for appointments or more information.

Sherman also worked as a carpenter, a butcher, a Union Official and a "River Rat", which he said was the most exciting time of his life. Everything in life, Sherman feels, is a learning process. "You have to work and learn how to do it."

11 am - 9pm Sun. - Thur.


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Sherman uses his well"practiced artistic talent to carve artwork into the bluffs. Hefirst began to carve to "see if he could do it." Most of his carvL -HAIR
background for his art, Sherman replied, "It is a lasting thing." ings are done with a putty knife, and some have cement added to them. "Each one is a learning process," HAIR DESIGN _I" ' Tanning Special!! · - • _,, -. 12 Sessions/$24 Julie Cotton 2 months unlimited/$64 872-3245 612 5th St. Peru,NE
The most recent carving Sherman has done is already five years old.
found this didn't fit his nature, commenting "I like to draw when / like to draw," as opposed to having deadlines each day.
I lam - !Opm Fri. - Sat.

BROWN IS PROOF: Writers can hail from Peru f

Last week I had the opportunity to meet an incrediblewoman, originally from southeastern Nebraska, who has a remarkaple and illustrious life. She is also prob?bly the most famous person I've ever met.

Her name is Marion Marsh Brown; she spoke atPSC's 1995 graduation and on that day received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters for Literature. She also has published 19 books.

In Omaha, I found. Brown temporarily residing in an assisted living facility, where she will be until Oct. 1, recuperating from a fall. There she talked with me about her distinguished teaching and writing career.

Brown was born on July 22, 1908, on her uncle's farm near Brownville, and was delivered by a woman doctor, Dr. Kapp, from Peru. "My family lived in Lincoln until I was three or four, then we moved to a farm adjacent to my uncle's," she said. As a child, Brown attended a one-room country school (District 17) which, still standing, is used today to show

MARION MARSH BROWN, 87, has published 19 books so far in her lifetime. A 1927 graduate of Peru State College, she now lives in ·Omaha and still writes. --photo by Amy Bremers elementary classes what school was the college newspaper, which at the Susan LaFleshe, a woman from the like in the "old days." time was called The Pedagogian. Omaha tribe who became the first

When she was 14, Brown graduated After two years she left PSC to teach Native American woman doctor. from Auburn High School, and was literature and creative writing at what Young Nathan, Brown's first book 15 when she entered PSC .While at- is now the University of Nebraska at which is a fictional biography about tending college, Brownwrote features Omaha (UNO). Nathan Hale, was chosen as a Junior for the been. interested. Literary Guild selection. "I have to and: was

· "Ihao·fon writing: as a ··give my husband credit for my writShe

fWas to, I ing tliat," Brown admitted. "He was years with a degree in English and. had my first thing published; it was a a historian, and when I said I wanted started teaching high school right short story in the Omaha Bee (the to write a book, he said, 'Why not away. ·Her first teaching job was in Sunday newspaper). Since then she's write one about Nathan Hale?'." Steele City, and she taught at various written 19 books, mostly fictional bi- She finds choosing one book as her high schools for eight years. During ographies for young readers, besides favorite to be difficult. "I've had fun these summers she completed her soine short stories. In October, a re- with all my writing. Because it was master's degree in English. vised edition of her book Homeward the first, I'm fond of Young Nathan.

Brown returned to PSC in 1935 to the Arrow's Flight is scheduled to be I also like Marnie a lot. It's a young teach English and be the sponsor of published. This book is a story about teen novel about a girl on a farm in




Nebraska. Some people say Marnie's a little autobiographical."

Brown said that her most popular book is probably The Silent Storm, a fictional biography about Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller's teacher. The Silent Storm was a collaboration with author Ruth Crone.

After 14 years at UNO, Brown quit teaching in 1968 so that she could spend more time writing. "I like teaching," she said, "but I like writing better. I like words; I like the way words just keep rolling out once you get started (writing). I like ICeling like I'm doing a little good in the world by giving young people a chance to read."

Several of Brown's books have Nebraska themes; these include such books as The Brownville Story, The Pauper Prince and Marnie. Brown has also written books about Willa Cather.

Brown has won many awards during her career. These include the Omaha YWCA Woman of Achievement award, the Nebraska Humanities Council Sowers award, the PSC Distinguished Service award and as already mentioned, the PSC Honorary Doctor of Letters.

Besides her many achievements, for a while Brown also edited The Brownville Historical Bulletin, a Brownville paper that comes out once a month.

One of Brown's favorite hobbies,

besides reading and writing, is trav-

cling. She has been to every state in I'the United States, several countries in Europe, the Orient and South ), America. Switzerland is her favorite, however, because she likes the people and the scenery so much. She has one son, Paul, who is a lawyer in Omaha, and three grandchildren, an architect, a lawyer and a Jaw student.

This remarkable 87-year-old woman does have some words of wisdom for people interested in writing as a career. "They have to be readers. They have to really want to write, and be willing to give up other things. They must love words and he pretty good at expressing themselves. They have to have patience - you can't write a best seller in a minute. And it doesn't hurt to practice."

Even people living in southeastern Nebraska can be published writers; Marion Marsh Brown is living proof of that.

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{:ampus activities

two and a half days.

Now that everyone is into the swing of things, let's review some of the activities that have taken place on campus thus far

Students Taking Academic Responsibility (STAR) began Aug. 21 and lasted through the 25th. STAR is an intense week-long course sponsored by Student Support Services.

Student Senate held a retreat on Aug. 25. The retreat consisted of five different sessions and concluded at the Coffee House. The Coffee House is sponsored by your Campus Activities Board (CAB) and is located in the lower level of the Student Center.

Chuck Wake, a senior education major, not only entertained the Coffee House attendants with his musical performance but also amused, them with his comedic performance.

New Student Weekend had a different twist this year. On Aug, 26 at 1 p.m. Freshmen Orientation, better known as College 100, began. The weekend covered all the curriculum that College 100 has during the regu-

The annual Big Brother/Big Sister banquet took place on Aug. 27. The banquet gives incoming students the opportunity to meet returning students. It serves as a mentoring program throughout the year.

Phi Alpha Theta and CAB co-sponsored the "50thAnniversary of World War II: First Hand Accounts" on Aug. 31. This consisted of a panel of veterans who educated their audience.

CAB held a "Back to School Dance" on Aug. 31, which held an overabundant crowd.

The hypnotist Jim Wand was here last semester, and a tape was shown on Sept 12 to remind the students what a great time it was.

Cinema Classics opened with the film "Animal House" in the Coffee House and was GREAT fun! Cinema Classics will be shown every Monday and Wednesday in the ·Coffee House.

This is just a quick overview of the first weeks of school with lots more

YOU'RE LOOKIN' AT THE NEW 1995 Campus Activities Board (CAB) members. CAB is planning '0 have numerous activites once again in '95. --photo by Chuck Wake

Hard-working representatives ioin Student Senate for fall semester '95

Do you know what Student Senate does? Do you know who youf Student Senate representative is? I'm here to help inform you. Are you ·vondering who I am to give you such nformation?

I am the Student Senate Vice-President and the Campus Activities Board 'CAB) President, Heather Joy yson. It's nice to meet you!

tudent Senate is your governing .Jy here at Peru State College. This vrganization helps inform administra·on and faculty of the student body's )pinion. Representatives were :lected in the Spring semester of '95. fhe meetings are held every Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. in tbe Burr Oak Room in the Student Center. Meetings are open to one and all!

Let me introduce you to your hardworking representatives:


Melanie Barry


Heather Jgy Layson

Financial Secretary

Andy Tynon

Recording Secretary

XimFey ·

Corresponding Secretary

Spencer Duncan

Morgan Hall Rep.

Anne-Marie Taylor

Freshn;-en Reps.

Tyler Moore

Shannon Howard Delzell Hall Rep.

Russell Crouch




Misti Munson Oak Hill Rep

Wes Graham

Non-Traditional Reps.

Herman Vollmann, Jr.

Robin Payton


Andy Tynon

Shanda Hahn

Vic David

Shane Buresh

Melissa Snyder

Spencer Duncan

Kim Fey

Steve Jirsa

Commuter Rep.

Diane Dum1an

Chris Raabe

Board of Trustees

Gene Trimmer

Any questions? Please feel free to contact your represntative!

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Join English Club! See channel 4 for : : dates, times and places. (free food too!) :

BEER & LIQUOR Wide Variety! Friendly Service!


PSC Honors Clu invites to ioin students

The Peru State Honors Club would like to invite any interested student who is eligible for the honors program to join The club will be attending various cultural and educational events throughout the year as well as providing ' them for the campus.

If there are any questions regarding the club feel free to contact one of the officers. The officers are Jennifer Draper, Mikki Lane, Mindy Brockman and Diane Durman. Meeting times will be posted in the various buildings across campus as well as on channel 4.

Students needed for involvement in CAB activities

Interested in being involved at Peru State College? I have the perfect opportunity for you.

Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a volunteer-based organization, and every student at PSC is encouraged to become a member. CAB plans the majority of the entertainment for the campus. It's simple; more people=more ideas, which leads to more FUN!

The executive committee includes three officers and 11 committee chairs. Meetings are held every Tuesday in the Bur Oak Room at 5:30 p.rn. Corne one, come ALL!

STUDENT SENATE IS once again having an open door policy. If you have any questions aboUt life at PSC, they are willing to help. Among those pictured are President Melanie Barry and Vice President Heather Layson (front, second andthird to I.) and sponsors Barb Lewellen and Dr. Sara Crook (r., fourth and third rows respectively). --photo by Kent Propst

New PSC English professor enthusiastic and optimistic

Dr. Dennis Cresielski, PSC's new assistant professor of English, has a unique background. Interestingly enough, Dr. Cresielski came to Peru, which he refers to as "a little spot of paradise off the river," from another small town, Peru, IL. After earning his B.A. from Arkansas College in Batesville, IL., Dr. Cresielski taught half-time for five years while completing his PhD. in rhetoric and composition, which he earned at Souther Illinois University in Carbondale.

When questioned regarding his teachirig philosophy, Dr. Cresielski replied without hesitation, "Language is the foundation of everything we do." He stresses his "hope to give students an idea of how the composing process works, so they can use it inside of the classroom as well as outside the classroom."

Dr. Cresielski is enthusiastic and optimistic about teaching at PSC, emphasizing that "small schools are good schools because they're small." He stated that at small schools, people

Spends two years in Texas

Biology returns to Nebraska

Dr. Richard Clopton, assistant professor of biology, learned just one week before school started that he would be a teacher at Peru State College.

enjoys a good game of racquetball.

know who you are, and the relationships among students and professors are more personal.

When asked about additional interests, Dr. Cresielski revealed his fondness for accoustic biues music. He enjoys playing the guitar and, in the past, toured with a band.

Dr. Cresielski lives in Peru with his wife, Dr. Virginia Crank, who is teaching some literature and speech courses at PSC; his daughter, Melissa, a junior at Auburn High School; and Banie-The-Cat.

Dr. Cresielski would like to inform students that his "door is always open," and that he is willing to be "everybody's writfog consuHant."

He has spent the last two years at Texas A&M University as a research associate, studying the ecology and evolution of complex parasitic life cycles. "I came back to Nebraska because I know the area and because I went to college here in Nebraska, and I want to give somethirtg bac'k to the community," said Dr. Clopton.

Dr. Clopton has been married for five years. He has two dogs and says he's a fairly proficient reader.· He also

Dr. Clopton has a B.S. in agriculture, an M.S. in entomology and a Ph.D. in parasitology. All are from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

Dr. Clopton originally was an engineering major, but decided that he didn't like calculus. So he wrote out all of the majors offered at UNL and started the elimination process, crossing out ;;,;,µ"": all of the majors that required calculus. Then he decided that was going well, so he kept going and narrowed the list down to parasitism.

His advice for any student that

hasn't declared a major? "Don't necessarily pick the major with the most money; pick the one that is most ap_ pealing to you."

Dunnigan ioins physical education faculty

physical education. He is the instructor for weight training, wellness and muscular anatomy this semester.

vetSity,1ackson,'MS;'litid earnect

·. his bachelor 'ofScierice in engineering tpere. His master of science in information·systems was achieved at A & T University in North Carolina. He received his A.B.D. (he has only to complete his dissertation to finish his doctorate) from the University of Cincinnati.

New to the Physical Education Department this year is David Dunnigan, ·assistant professor of

Prior to joining the staff at PSC, Dunnigan, a University of Nebraska (UNL) graduate, was an instructor at Doane College in Crete for 11 years. There his main job was assistant track coach. He was also the assistant sports information director and taught physical education classes. He and his wife, Joy, have recently moved from Hickman to Peru. You may already know Joy, a twoyear member of PSC's Division of Education. Now that the 20-minute commute for Dunnigan and the 60-

minute commute for Joy have been reduced to a two-block walk, Dunnigan says that they have a few more minutes to spend together. They have four grown children. Dunnigan's outside activities and. interests include, you guessed it, sports! "Basically, any sport will do." Dunnigan said. His musical taste lies in the easy listening area, and he listens to 97.7 FM.

"Peru's a little bigger than Doane," said· Dunnigan, "but the atmosphere is pretty much the same. The kids are great, and Peru has an ·excellent'academic:reputation. ·I'm· glad to be here."

You can find Dunnigan, or at least. his posted office hours, in room I 07 ofT.J. Majors.

Lindsay appointed new library director

Mark Kesh is the newly appointed assistant professor of management information systems. He fills a muchneeded position in the Business Division. He will be teaching upper and· lower-level computer science courses.

·Prl.or to to. Peru, he taught for. seven years at Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH. In addition, he taught;plll't:;:time .at the University of Cincinnati.

Kesh was looking for a change and was interested in life in Nebraska. He found the goals and mission of PSC to be in keeping with his personal feelings aboufeducation.

Kesh attended Jackson State Uni-

He finds working with computers challenging, and he enjoys the challenge. He is an avid reader, particularly to keep up with the latest in computer technology. He also sperids some of his free time playing chess and swimming.

Kesh, 37, was bmn in Persia, now known as Iran. He lived there until he was 19, when he came to the United States to pursue his college education. Heis _now living in Auburn, waiting for the arrivill of his family, who will join him in :March.

His family 'includes wife, Nahid, three-year-old son and infant daughter.

Kesh said that he is happy to be teaching at PSC and that Peru is an "excellent school with nice people."

When asked what he hopes to accomplish at PSC, he stated that he feels he can "make a difference" and "provide opportunities for students."


photos by Kim Olson

Lorin Lindsay photo provided by Kent Propst

Lorin Lindsay was recently named the new director of the library at PSC. The appointment is a homecoming of sorts for the Nebraska-born Lindsay, who spent the past nine years as Director of Library Services at the University of Texas at the Permian Basin.

"Mr. Lindsay brings to PSC the ta!-

ent and dedication we have needed to make our library the center of the campus," noted PSC President Robert Burns. "That combination of fresh ideas and professional expertise will touch every corner_ of the building and its services," he added.

Lindsay was born and spent his early life in the Howard County Community of Cotesfield, moving with his family to Grand Island at the age of six. After high school there he attended the University of Nebraska for a time, then earned his bachelor's, degree from Kansas Wesleyan University. His Master of Library Science degree is from Wayne State University in Michigan.

Linday puts a strong emphasis on

what he calls "customer servicr with most of his customers includ college students and professors. Th. is a philosophy he plans to maintaii; at PSC and one he has been directe<! to expand.

"We have begun at Peru State to insist on expanded involvement of faculty, staff and students in the decisions regarding budget, programs anJ services," Burns said. "Mr. brings an open attitude about our ap-' proach." !

Another priority for Linsay will be• helping PSC plan to improve the 90.J year-old library facility and the way, it provides services. The library, built; when PSC's most advanced diploma: was a two-year degree and the student body numbered a couple ofhunc1 dred, will be a focus for improved! technology and service orientations. ·

Familiar face, Erin Sayer, holds new campus position

: By Leigh Calfee worked asAssistantDirectorofResi- very time-consuming. However, she ties.

• : Erin Sayer is probably a farnil-

• iar face to many at Peru State Col-

: lege. She graduated from Peru in : 1991 with a B.S.)n health, physi-

• cal education, psychology and so-

: ciology, and since then has been

• employed by the college.

: She was formerly Assistant to

• the President at PSC and also

dent Life. She is now the new Direc- has found the time to complete her She says the college will be imple- 1 tor of Resident Life. master's degree in education at the menting a five-year plan for furtheri

Noting that she has "an excellent University of Nebraska at Lincoln and improvements to the residence halls:' working relationship with Dr. Burns," has been accepted into a Ph.D pro- She adds that students will be inSayer enjoyed being Assistant to the gram at UNL. volved in this process. President, but missed working with Sayer states that as DirectorofResi- Commenting that "staff and stu the student population. Her new po- dent Life it is her goal "to make cam- dents make the position worthwhile," sition allows her to be more involved pus housing something that students Sayer welcomes comments and sug- · with students. can be proud of." She looks forward · gestions. She can be reached by eSayer says that her new position is to the continued renovation of facili- mail at Sayer @ ns.peru.edu


Holtz to speak about famous in-state authors

Dr. Dan Holtz, professor of English -at PSC, will give two talks on Nebraska writers in the near future.

On Oct. l, he will be the keynote speaker for the annual Bess Streeter 'Aldrich Remembrance Day in Elmwocid, the long-time home of this popular writer. His talk is titled "Doing Our Best on an Unruly River." It will themes and events iri Aldrich's hovel Spring Came on Fora book in which a number of scenes occur in NeoraSka City. ·.

Dr.· Holtz, a recently elected member of the board of directors. of the 'Mari Sandoz Heritage.Society, will .·also give a talk on Sandoz in October. He will speak at the 30th annual Western Literature Association Conference, which runs from Oct. 11-14, 'in.Vancouvef. British Columbia.

His presentation is titled "Disso"!lance and Harmony: Musical. Varia,\ions in Mari Sandoz's Old Jules." It !is based in part on interviews Dr. fHoltz conducted with the one surviviing daughter of Old Jules, Caroline ;sandoz Pifer.



Complex gets facelift

• Many changes have taken place at the Centennial Complex over the summer, according to Paula Czirr, Complex Director. Everything from new windows, lights, and fresh paint has been added to get the Complex ready. The computer rooms and game rooms also had some changes.

The computer rooms all received new computers They are IBM compatible and equipped with the Microsoft Works program. Each hall has one computer room. These rooms are Pate 13, Palmer 15, and Mathews 12. In order.to use these computer r()OmS, a resident must check out a key from a resident assistant or the Complex Director.

Residents wiUalso need a key to · use the game rooms. Some rooms are equipped with pool tables and others

with ping-pong tables. These rooms are Pate 02, Palmer 16, and Mathews 14. Some new equipment has already been purchased, but more items are still needed.

This is where all Complex residents come into the picture. Surveys were to be sent out to all residents of the Complex. These surveys asked what types of equipment and games the residents would like to see in the game rooms. The survey also asked what should be done about the kitchen areas. Input from· all residents was strongly encouraged.

The money used for all these purchases was taken and will be taken from the hall activity fees that all residents are required to pay when they move in.. Since the money used comes from the residents, Czirr asks that all residents fill out the surveys and return them so the purchases can be made.

drum maiors show PSC spirit

Three PSC coeds will be front and this trio. · center when the 1995 Bobcat Marching Band perform5 this fall. PSC students Kristin· Sandstede, Jessica Damrow and Sara Anton wiil serve as drum majors for the ing group this fitll, according to Cheryl Fryer, PSC director of bands. They were selected after rryouts were held this past Drum majors play a Fryer-said, and she is excited about working with

"All three are ecxellent students, and they have a high energy level," she said. '"They have a high level of musical skills, and that's importantbecause they help teach the band. They are my assistant directors."

The group possesses leadership skills and· decision making skills which are crucial, especially when · petfonnances btigin, said.

''They are completely responsibie

Wheeler Activity Center open for use

Wheeler Activity Center is openfor usei The Center and weight room will be open from 6::30 - 8 a.m. and from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Monday through Friday; from 6:30 - IO p.m., Sunday through Thursday and from 1 - 4 p.m. .on Saturday. The pool will be open .from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and from 1 - 9 p.m. on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wheeler Activity Center will be closed when PSC athletic teams are hosting eve(lts in the facility and on home football dates.

PSC to soon celebrate Homecoming

PSC's 14th Annual Homecoming celebration will be Saturday, Sept. 30. All clubs and organizations are encouraged to participate. The theme for the celebration is "Rodeo Days."

Student Support Services receives grant

The PSC Student Support Services program received a $i75,100 grant for 1995 • 96. The .grant, awarded for the third consecutive year by the U. S. Department of Education, provides.service to students considered "at risk" or .JessJikely to graduate from college. Over 300 PSC students participated last year. Over a third of the partidpants posted a GPA of 3.5 or better.·

for the performance of the band once it is on the field or in the parade route," she said.

Anton is a sophol_Iloe majoring in elementary and special education. Damrow is a sophOme biology ma· jor. S.andstede is a sophomore preveterinary science major.

The PSC •Marching Band made its 1995 debut in Nebraska City's Applejack Festival pai"ade on Sept, 16.

Calloway, Becerra to be discussing Paralympic Festival

On Friday, Sept. 22, at 9:30-11 :00 a.m. in the Student Center dining area, Dr. Jimmy Calloway, vice-president of the 1_996 Atlanta Summer Paralympic Games, will be making a presentation to the PSC student population.

Cheri Becerra; a Nebraska City native, will also appear with Calloway. Cheri is a paralympic athlete who lost the use of her legs at age four.

She and Calloway will be discussing the Paralyqipic Festival, the types of obstacles the athletes encounter on a daily basis, the training that is r'!q uired of Becerra, how the paralympics games were developed, and more.

Calloway will also be offering paid internship opportunities for PSC students for next summer (end of May through the end of August). These students would be working directly with the athletes and experts from around the world who will come to Atlanta for the games




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THE NEW PE.RU STATE TIMES STAFF includes (back I. to r:) .Kim Olson, Je.nnifer Froeschl, Chrls Raabe, Jesse Henderson, Terry Dugan, Andrea Graff, Matt Uher; (front I. to r.) Tera Stutheit, Amy Bremers, Robin Payton. --photo by Dr. Dan Holtz ·
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Volleyball season begins

The volleyball season is underway, and the Lady Bobcats are looking sharp with an 8-4 record thus far. Coach Callender seems optimistic and believes that this could be the best team he's ever coached. "They are working hard. and having fun, which are the main keys to success," he commented.

Thi.s hard work-was put to the test this past weekend as the ladies placed, fifth in the Graceland Invitational. They met some top competition with eight of the 20 teams participating being ranked in the top 20. The Bobcats ran away with victory in their first three matches against Huronu, St Ambrose and Benedictine. They then bowed. to Columbia and Northwestern.

Tracy Cochran, junior outside hitter, was named to tl:le all-tournamnent team. "Tracy's not the flashiest player nor is she the tallest, but she passes and serves well and that is what wins a game. Her overall game continues to get better y.-ith every match," Callender said.

This was not the first time this season the the Bobcats have had to face the dominating Northwestern team. They met them in competition at their first tournament of the season, the Northwestern Invitational. NAIA elite, Northwestern, was ranked eighth in the nation and hadn't lost on their home court in the past three years, that is, until they faced the powerful Bobcat team. Unfortunately, they avenged their loss to the Lady Bobcats, beating them in Peru State's final game of the tournament. The ladies suffered their first loss to Hastings after defeating Palm Beach Atlantic and Bethel, which placed them fourth in the tournament over-

college· foC>tball

ond ill the Bigger10. S(>rry Paterllq ·• bit;ih;beeause they kicked more field against LSU. I saw the replay. It was and the gl.lttg,Jhe Nittany Lion,s will··· goals in the. third quartet; of night· a have t!ie Citrus· games oil odd numbered calendar Baby Bowden will have to root for Bowl high days. ; ,; · ···•· dear old dad and the tomahawk chop; like Notre Dame; Thatis Is the lQ turning intothe I 'wouldn't stick that neck out too far ·. .· Any coach who admits to Sch()c)l is bal:k'in foll swing, as is Notre Dame has a pO'wder Puff 4() teams in the WAC. Great! More running up the score to get votes in the f()ulldation ofAmerica. No, no( ' 8ch¢<fule'. l $irt!c the)' play;filniqst med!0cte't¢an}s in a yawn 6fa co11- the poUs is at the. same level as those bltsebllll! The otherfoundati6n that froJii the arn}e(I;fof?esit; ference: pe6ple.who \Vere hoping Cal Ripkeri win l>reak our hearts as Army; W.AiCiri a of years,?.. ; ( ' would get hurt, just so he couldn't the grubbing; wild• , eyen the Beatp.ce: · \VhatabOut:TexilSA&M? ;BUZZr breiik Lou. Gehrig's record. wm cardeif-Oaseball. ?id, last year: ··Tn:i National Guar'd.·However.fdid iiehl- · .Wr()pg .;Florida State and solllebody.please drag Bobby into the iilking C'ollege football! '• .· that the Beatrice decent\" N¢bt8ska'haVe to lose. .l see street and poor inan, before Thifquesti6n festering in most of·· this yeal": Uke they:,thathllppeninguntil)anuiiry. Beside( tlie NCAA does. ·· heads is who is Raabe picking is The Florida are.a goliath .this yeai-, Wen, let me begin with the for theJ1l.J1:ie'Schedule gets tougher• ; sptuler; Tlle).ggies w111 ha.ye ato11gh again'. It l.ookS like this explosive Defending · National Campion than'N:orthwesterllfo,r Pete sake · · , tiine with the Buffs Co1dd it be The 't'ense. could again be o.ne .t9 reckon Comhus1'ers who somehow lost the title doesn't Jo Hail Mary part II? •. .· .· .· with. The serious thumping received number one ranking in the off-season •.... be goillgtoPAC IO either.•. 8cenario,: ·. Let us tum .this topic to the · by Tennessee last week'was a lam still baffled by that one. Hey, truy reajm ofdeceit, the Southeast. sage to the rest of the big dogs. Don't they lost Lawrence, Phillips, but they beats Washington State, Wh() The !()lling tideof Alabama crashed .·mess with the. Gators in the swamp · got Herbie back. Tom Osborne beats Arizona; probation •oyer,··. Anto.nto ·.My.prediction is "I don't have a true class in his handling .of Oregon,whdbeatsUCLA; wh() agent and into thehighly clue who will win it all!!!"

· the Phillips situation. · Washington. Each team ties for first ;touted Arkansas Razorbacks Hyy, ·· My solution is toremove the new · Penn State will have to settle for ·in.the. ¢onference, and in the (ie· theyg()t beat by a bunch ofpigs, And playoff systerll from baseball and insecond again, Only this time it is ·• sta11 One in college football.

Sign up your te·ams; lntramurals can bring fun f?r all

One constantthat you can always courit on every semester here on campus is intramurals. ·

Barb Lewellen, the interim intramural director, quoted, "We have a variety of activities for the ·stud-

dents this semester, and I hope people s.ign-up and, above all, have fun."

Lewellen will have handed over her duties to David Teske, the new baseball coach, on Sept. 20. "He is excited and anxious to get started because he realizes. the importance of intramurals on this.campus," stated


Some cif the activites going on at the present time are flag football, aerobics, lifter & joggers club and· noon basketball. Other events planned for this fall are events like the annual punt/pass/kick competition (registration: Oct. 17) , soccer (Oct..


In other recent volleyball action, the , Bobcats captured a prodigious victory · over the Concordia Bulldogs. Peru State rallied to beat the previously undefeated Bulldogs in four sets, 154, 15-17, 15-12, 15-12.

Leading the Bobcat attack at the net was senior middle hitter, Jill Parker,., who swatted 22 kills out of 42 attempts. Sophomore transfer, Kendra Cory, lead the team defensively with 21 digs. Parker, who is a pre-season_ all-american pick, was impressed with the way the team hung together during the intense second set. "Even though we lost the·set, the comeback from a score of 9-14 to a final score ' of 15-17, gave us momentum heading into the third set," Parker said. In the home opener, the ladies grabbed a victory from 19th ranked· Doane, in front of a large home crowd. Victory came after four sets, 15-3, 9-15, 15-ll, 15-10.

Leaders for the Bobcats so far this season include Parker with 127 kills out of 261 attempts with 29 errors, · sophomore outside hitter, Jamie Hahn, with 79 kills out of 241 attempts with 27 errors, and setter,., Stacy Fitch, is leading the team in I assists with 258 out of an attempted ! 612

Although the ladies have had a sue- • cessful season opener, Callender be11i lieves that they need to be a little mor4i:' intense on the court and serve more·:; aggressively; but offensively, they are; playing great. "The seniors are do-; ing. well with taking on their leader-i ship roles and the new players are· contributing a lot. The whole team knows what we need to accomplish.1 to get to nationals," Callender said. ,

The junior varsity is also following< the varsity in a successful direction. They have captt,ired a 3-0 record beat- · ing Doane, Highland and Cloud County. 'The J. V. team members are, intense and very capable of varsity. They should be looking for ward to playing varsity," commenteb J.V. coach Raylene Walker. ·

The Lady Bobcats will be in action_ on Sept. 19, when they will travel to· challenge Dana, before returning to the friendly confines of the Al·' · Wheeler Activity Center for their next! five games, beginning Benedictine on Sept. 21. j

10-16), ultimate frisbee, 4/4 volleyball, and the ever-popular wiffleball tournament. These activites are slated later in the semester

"We also have activities available in the newly remodeled game mom which is open to eveyone, and it's. free," commented Lewellen.


PAGE end-zone from .one yard out. Peru State answered back on a seven touchdown '.'1n sophomore ·terback Jamie Stmson. Peru missed;; the PAT and trailed 7-6 at the end o( the first period. ·

Doane recovered a Bobcat fumble in the end zone but botched the point after early in the second quarter. The 'Cats struck twice forTD's one minute and 30 seconds· apart. Terry Rice caught a six yard touchdown pass;, Shane McGooden scampered in from eight yards out. PSC took a 21-13 lead into the intermission.

Doane scored twice following interceptions to lead 26-21 late in the third quarter.

On the Tiger's first possession of the fourth quarter, the Bobcats jarred the ball loose from running back Charlie Shoemaker. Five plays later Stinson hit McGooden in the back of the end zone for a l 0 yard scoring strike. PSC fumbled the ball in their own end of the field, giving Doane one last shot.

The Bobcats will attempt to send their record to 3-1 tomorrow night against Chadron State. The game will be played in Beatrice and is scheduled to start at 6p.m

ALWAYS A FORCE AT THE NET, senior middle hitter Jill Parker scores a point for the Lady Bobcats. PSC won the match in four sets. --photo by Jesse Henderson
. . .. .

Bobcats start out winning; lose to Dana • 1n

1y Chris Raabe

'>ana 42 Peru 16

The Bobcat's quest for a 3-0 start 'ell short in 42-16 blow out in last .veeks Apple Jack Bowl in Nebraska :::ity. Peru State rolled up nearly 500 1ards of total offense, but managed o tum the ball over eight times.

Peru State took a 10-0 lead early in he game on a 21 yard field goal by vlorgan and an 11 yard scoring strike

·rom Stinson to Reiman. But from '.1en on out, it was all Dana.

Squandered opportunities were the ea! story in this lopsided loss. Dana 1ad five picks, recovered two fumbles nd blocked a Bobcat punt. Dana unning back Mike Haddock punched 1oles in the Bobcat defense all night, umbling his way to 109 yards and '>ree touchdowns on 24 carries.

A late touchdown pass from Stinson o Matt Brown concluded Bobcat coring in this Dana romp. But PSC "1iscues had already put this game out >f reach.

McGooden raced in from three yards out for his second rushing touchdown ·of the season, and Kory Reiman caught a 19 yard bullet to give the Bobcats a 14-6 lead at half-time

Kicker Jeff Morgan's 25 yard field goal extended Peru's lead to 17-6 early in the third quarter. The Bluejays narrowed the gap with a 85 ·yard drive resulting in a two yard touchdown run.

Peru State iced the win on a five yard bootleg aerial, when Stinson found McGooden all alone in the comer of the end zone. Kevin Vogel's interception at midfield sealed the Bobcat's second road win in a row.

Peru 29 Doane 26

The Bobcats traveled to Crete for their season opener against the Doane Tigers. Despite six turnovers, the Bobcats managed to squeeze out a 2926 victory for head coach Dick Strittmatter's first collegiate victory.

The Bobcat defense was a key factor in the victory.

The Bobcats fell behind on Doane's opening possession, when Tiger runStinson was connected on 17 of 28 ning back Matt Reiling plunged into iasses for 317 yards in a Peru State ·ictory marred with penalties. the SEE 'CATS PAGE 10

'eru 24 Tabor 13

PSC selects two new coaches for men's athletics

has decided to give NAIA football a try. Strittmatter is Peru State's head football coach. Prior to Auburn, Strittmatter has coached Redfield and ShelbyTennant (IA), as well as Gibbs, Florida.

After 23 years and 18 winning sea-

sons of coaching, Strittmatter still shows the excitement and enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. "Coach Strittmatter brings to our football program the experience and positive outlook it needs," PSC President Robert L. Burns said. "His kind of leadership in our athletic department is what I've been looking for."

"I am excited and happy," Strittmatter said, "I've been around Peru State College for eight years and have a lot of pride in it. It's nice to stay in the area and keep the friendships I have developed." Coach Strittmatter has guided the Bobcats to a 2-1 mark going into tomorrow night's game with NCAA Division II foe Chadron State Colle e.

This spring a new man will be giving the signs in the Peru State third base coaching box. Dave Teske, formerly of Simpson College (IA) has taken the reigns of the Bobcat baseball program and intramural responsibilities. He is the third Peru State skipper in three years, taking over for Jerry Lefever, who resigned this summer.

"Dave's energy and enthusiasm were two of the reasons he was selected," PSC Athletic Director Dan Johnson said. "I see Dave as one of the up and coming stars in the baseball coaching field."

Prior to Simpson. College, Teske had stints as a college coach and player. He also spent two years playing professional hall in the New York Mets organization before an injury ending his playing career. His coaching has taken him to Iowa State. Arizona, and Alaska. His intramurals experience will bring a big plus to an already strong program. Student Program Director, Barb Lewellen commented, "Dave realizes the importance of the intramural program to the students of Peru State College." Teske is excited about his first year at PSC, and he hopes he can add a new dimcsion to the Peru

JUNIOR PUNTER JAMIE CASON is snowed under by a fury of Dana defensemen. The Bobcats were defeated 42-16 in this Apple Jack Bowl held on Sept. 16. --photo by Chris Raabe ;y Chris Raabe
4,;, VIDEO CENTER . ·.·el b t'Q...
uick Strittmatter, former grid-iron ientor at Auburn (NE) High School,
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'shows; ·•findn{)tew<>rtl)Yrroin: Johnny s1ay¢f; so ·• ·;;;\ '· < was;Jclndo Clryf.·. surilpier1 there .• :was··.·.th 1 beginniilgt rear -its nihilistic .head. ·:Arid w '. .;:

Squirrel cult kills 12: police baffled

Peru, NE-Twelve squirrels have been found apparently murdered and left in the middle of Nemaha County roads since September 15. Sources point to possible cult activity.

Animal homicide detective, John

Musafa, said that the cult was allegedly sucking all the blood out of thL tree faring animals leaving the poor creatures flat and lifeless on the roac' Police have few leads since the onl) witnesses have been squirrels.

LIBRA (S. 23-0. 23) Do no: hold grudges especially this month. Like when that witch stood you up at your 11th grade homecoming dance, remember that? Instead, invite someone to this homecoming dance and do the same thing to them! and' Ha! Instant payback!

SCORPIO (0. 24-N. 21) Bt .. ··· · ertMirifhience'.wilf seem like they want you to go furies;

Up; · w<. • "(; : : buy some Oreo cookies, wear ; this installment, with swea or a week, and rent Beethoven just to be.answered next so you can look in the mirror and realize time; Who was the original how pathetic your life is. If your life isn'< · and.guitarist for the. Rolling pathetic, this is your month to make fun .Stones whowil$found dead floating of those other pathetic sweat-wearin', own swimming pool in 1969? Beethoven-watchin', cookie-eatin' losers.

Edgefest '95: Loud, drunken, minor-ridden bore ...

I was thrilled by the concept of Edgefest '95--nine or so bands, 12,000 peop!e and in-line skating demonstrations. 101.9 "The (sl)Edge", rightfully so, hyped up their event immensely.

·We arrived at the feeding frenzy of post-Madonna lost souls at 11:45 a.m., excited and bubbly. Security guards frisked us like juviniles at Shopko(an added bonus they neglected to mention on the air), and let us by.•

We stopped, ever so briefly, to watch the skaters jump the ramps and ride the rails. "The (dr)Edge" made this out to be some big deal; it was four guys and some flatboard. It's really tough to see good in-line skate accidents when the ramp is two feet tall. It was 12: 15, an"d we finally make it over to our. summer bungalow better known as the beer tent. That's when_ the ·palpitations started.

"Three bucks!" I cried. They neglected to tell us that we were going to have to mortgage our cars to get drunk at this "festival."

Around 12:45, the first band came on stage, Heroes ·and Villains they clilled themselves. They should be named Cowboys and Indians because that's what these boys should be playing at their age. The base player looked 12! The bass was bigger than he was. And the lead singer, before the rest of the band grabbed their instruments, shouted the "m.f." word before you could say potty trained. I hope they had their fun because that boy's mouth had the Coast coming his way on the homefront. At approximately I :20, Secret Skin came onstage. I said to my friend, "Who's this? It sounds like crap?"

"That's because it is crap," he agreed. "Let's get another beer."

Shovelhead was next; .they sounded pretty good, but I was talking to a friend I hadn't seen for a while.

Two beers later, The Nixons were on. They were basically Heroes and Villains, except older. ·

1000 Mona Lisas came on next

another added bonus). They weren't too bad, if you like speed guitars and excessive screaming, which I do. At this time I went to the A1M machine and made that withdrawal, which I didn't really need because I was getting drunk already ($3 for 20 oz. x 6/3 hrsJ1601bs.=yeah). Luckily, lcame back in time for The Urge. They were probably one of the best bands there. These guys had trombones, and they're flyin' all over the stage putting each other's eyes out. It was neat. t,tr-.e.


The Phunk Junkeez were next, but I honestly don't remember them playing. I mean, I know I heard them and all, but gravity was calling me to a blanket. To top it off, these I 0th graders, camped out next to us were trying to be cute with me. "I just had my first period," or something, they said. I turned to them and said, "Kids, rm drunk (x8) do you mind?" They just laughed, stupid kids.

God Lives Underwater was next; I don't know, I passed out. Somehow, I woke up in time to listen to the Violent Femmes. "Blister

in the Sun," "Add It Up," and "Gone, Daddy, Gone," were great. Problem is, oops! That's all the material they have! It's 15 years old!

Last, but not least, was 3110maha's pride and joy. If you have their first album, you have all three. I We left after five songs. Needless to say, Edgefest was as fun as a crack hunt with a strung out-past their prime-Femme-checking IDs to make sure they're 18. However, it did teach me one thing: Listening to bad 1 music drives you to drinking.

© l9Q6 MA-rt"

mysterious holes being developed in you. pocket Carry a needle and thread, please.

AQUARIUS (J. 20- F. 18: That person who stole yom· beer last Wednesday when yot were really drunk and blowing. chow, remember him? Phew! mean er 1'11 keep an eye out, ok?

PISCES (F. 19-M. 20) Thb month, do something nice for those who helped you so much recently--like God. Because face it, if it weren't for God, you wouir have gotten your ass beat at that pare, where you were to cheap to bring you, own beer. Also, tum in some papers, huh.

ARIES (M. 21-A. 19) Wher someone calls you "stupid" this month, tum the other cheek. Because, there you will find someone who actually has a lower IQ than you do.

TAURUS (A. 20-M. 20)

IHS v.A..ioe Tttt:MES oF Tl-\IS C.AA.TOotJ ?

w1\.l. "I.I i:e. IN HELL II M'C '?

Whatever you do this month, don't go into the Burr Oav room, you hear me! You will have the best month of your life if yo:: stay out of that room. In that room, no I can't bring myself to tell you. I just can't.

GEMINI (M. 21-J. 21) This month would be a good mont' c_hange your favorite radiu J statmn, because you know that t mg on your neck, I think it'll go away.

,.- CANCER (J. 22-Jy. 22) Don': take any crap from anybody this month (Unless, of course you haul manuer, but yeah, l didn't think so). Except from Gemini. because they're having a bad month to begin with--the neck thing and all.

LEO (Jy. 23-Au. 22) Enjoy j(i bossing your roomma'.

W\.\O: NO o.i' 2tAUJl CAeES'. 01 s-r1Jo1GtlltSH1ll(", A 6'JES$. E o't•olo)AL STAT£: SQ\JE.•C:.l-llJO.

.....J around. Focus on time management so that you can find more time to boss your roommate around.

VIRGO (Au. 23-S. 22) Virgu.

What can I say! I worship the ground you walk on. However don't be so sure in your relations (unless you're sure). This is the month for rugs to be pulled out from under you unless you're standing on an afghan. Then, it's a little tougher.

For entertainment purposes only - don't think you can sue us and get away with it.

hqpe ·.··
··•· tp
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NNERS \S "LIFE. IN HELL',? ( '111'\0: STAil. OF "tt\tS: 01 ST1i.l6lltS111,)r, -r..,.. r.adTt.i:Qut 6ll•s. t io &'ftiS, tO"IT""'l° "!\ol IEl'loTllOllU, 5TATU srt<U. UJKO: llP.6&lT o,.l-"Tl!E·C.O. 1n sr1t1<.111SK111(, 8P.ll<"•L'1, 81.ilo'j 1.i OllAGo, El"IO'l"IOo.IAL STATE: i!>lllllt.MLL'! Mlt1 0:tQ, \alHA'r ARE

Hersemann ioins administrative staff

Dr. Daryll D. Hersernann has joined the administrative team of PSC as Vice President for Student Affairs. He arrived in Peru to assume his duties on Oct. 9. The duties of his position .include overseeing the work of the Admissions and Financial Aid offices, Student Support Services, Cooperative Education Career Center, and Residential Life office.

He replaces Dr. Steve Butler, who resigned after 4 years at PSC to ac" cept a position at Moorhead State University, Moorhead, MN. ·

"The national search for this position brought a rich pool of applicants from across the nation," stated Dr. Robert L. Burns, PSC president. "Dr. Hersernrnann rose out of the process as a strong candidate who will add stature and hard work to our administrative team."

Before corning to Peru, Hersernann was Vice President for Student Affairs at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN. He joined that institution in 1976.

Prior to that, he worked at Millersville VIJ.iversity in Pennsylvania, the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, North,_ western University and Whitman

College in Washington.

Hersernann, who hails from Peoria, IL, received his J,l.S. in Psychology from the University of Illinois and his M.A. and Ph.D., both in Education: College Student Personnel, from· Northwestern University. He is on the national board of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, the primary professional association for student affairs.

"I genuinely enjoy working with students," states Hersemann. "I've worked at institutions of from 1,000 to 12,000 students, and I like the size of Peru State the best. Students tend to flourish where they can know the faculty and staff personally."

"It's wonderful to be at a place where I can know the students as individuals," he concludes. "They will .find me to be open and candid and trustworthy:" Hersemann's office is located on the third floor of the Administration Building.

Hersemann and his wife, Sharon, have relocated to southeastern Nebraska. They have two daughters, Susan Hersemann Leibman ofWashington;.DC, and-Jennifer Hersemann, a student at Valparaiso.

and laws concerning drinking driving strictly enforced

Alcohol Awareness Week, Oct. 1622, is a week set aside for the aware,.. ness alcohol and problems associated wtth the drug.

Recently-many states have passed tougher laws which deal with.drinking and driving. Thousands of drive.rs have discovered the changes by being prosecuted under stiff new policies. The Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Council of Nebraska is trying ' to disseminate information about the ,.. new laws during Alcohol Awareness in an attempt to prevent unpleasant surprises to Nebraska drivers.

There are five important procedures which affect drunk drivers. The first allows !in arresting officer to confiscate a driver's license at the time of airest if the owner's breath-alcohol ' testis in excess of the legal limit(. IO

percent in most states). This ruling is known as Administrative License Revocation, or ALR.

A second ruling, the Law of Implied Consent, says that every person who operates a motor vehicle on public roads or highways has agreed to take a breath test upon request.. Therefore, a driver's refusal to take one allows for confiscation of his license by an · arresting officer under the ALR law, just as if the driver were-proven to be over. the limit. Confiscation for refusal to take the breath test will then result in immediate suspension of the license, usua}ly for an entire year. Standard field sobriety maneuvers, such as standing on one leg while counting to 30 or doing a nine-step walk and turn, are used to determine impairment (the third procedure) because a driver does not need to exceed the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) in order to be arrested for driv-

ing under the influence (DUI). It is not lawful to drive after drinking any amount of alcohol if the driver is impaired. Any impaired driver whose BAC is lower than the limit can still be charged with DUI, even if his BAC is as low as .02 percent.

Some states have "zero tolerance" laws which lower the legal BAC to .02 percent or less for anyone who cannot legally drink alcohol. A driver who has been drinking and is under the age of 21, in the state of Nebraska, will be charged with violating the .02 percent BAC limit and will be placed under arrest.

Finally, anyone charged with DUI must pay for his defense. Attorney fees for this type of offense average $1200. Several mandatory administrative fees may be required, such as chemical tests ($35), an alcohol assessment ($10), court costs ($24) and drug tests ($30). Ignition interlock devices may be required which cost about $400 for six months. The fine for a first offense DUI usually runs about $500 and the court can order drivers to participate in an alcohol treatment program, which would approximately cost $3900 for one average stay of 28 days.

Once the driver has paid his $95 to have his driver's license reinstated at the end of his suspension period, he can look forward to high-risk insurance payments. These payments will be a minimum of one hundred ·percent more than his previous standard rate, if he is able to get insurance at all. These figures are all based upon a first offense; further offenses become more expensive. The total of these expenses could be as much as $6691, but a second offense can cost as much as $7901. A third offense can be as high as $12,291.

Too much alcohol can-have dangerous effects. on you

Thirty percent of all hospital admissions are alcohol-linked. Fifty percent of accidental deaths, suicides and homicides are related to alcohol. For those who do not imbibe to the point of hospitalization, chronic drinking causes damage to virtually every organ in the body.

Chronic drinkers are more susceptible to infectious diseases and certain cancers. Alcohol disrupts the production of testosterone in men, and causes dysrnenorrhea, amenorrhea and hormone imbalances in women. Even small amounts of alcohol can be dangerous to a fetus and heavier use of.alcohol may cause miscarriages, premature births, underdeveloped fetuses and babies with fetal afcohol syndrome.

Nutritional and cell damage caused by alcohol lessens the ability to reason and learn, and increases risk of stroke. An abuser may be physically older than his age and may become dependent on alcohol due to a restructuring of brain cells that have adapted to the heavy use. The heavy user's brain actually shrinks as neurons die and the tissue of the brain wastes away.

Heavy drinking increases the risk of dying from heart disease because the alcohol can actually degenerate the heart muscle. The drug hampers digestion and absorption of food, ulcers, gastritis and other disorders. Rectal ble!!!iing 'can occur from the veins and arteries of the colon dilated from alcohol abuse. Alcoholics are at increased risk for osteoporosis.

Alcohol, while it does not seem to cause psychological problems, does serve to stimulate the aggressive side of people who are genetically predisposed to such behavior. Alcohol is the most popular drug in the United States and is the most widespread life-threatening substance available.

pages 2-3

Features pages 4-5

Spirit Week page 6

pages 7-9

pages 10-11

Lady 'Cats
page 10 Vol. 73 Issue 2 October 13, 1995 Coffee House grounds for entertainment page 7
clean up with first·place
Inside \
Ii Entertainment ................................
12 1 j
Campus News

O.J. case proves no one innocent

We're finn believers of the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" way of thinking.

Now, we have heard in the last week and a halfthl!t the O.J. Simpson case will redefine how our justj.ce system is run, and we just have a hard time accepting that. In fact, a staff member was watching Saturday Night Live, and Nonu MacDonald, iri his Weekend Update skit, announced, "It is finally official, murder is legal in the state ofCalifornia."

You. see, our justice system has been constructed so that every accused individual can get a fair trial. Of course, we also have the Salvation Anny who gives out free coats to the needy. OJ. Simpson is not a needy individual and can, therefore, buy the best coat he can regardless of Therefore, Simpson has the same basic principle the coat provides, only his coat protects better. That's what this case came clown to. There is no doubt that money buys freedom. It always has. If you didn't want to serve in a war, you paid someone else to go for you. Is it wrong? Yes, very much so. Will it change? Never in our lifetime. The Simpson trial was a freak event.

How often do we see people in the spotlight go to prison? Rarely ever. The lastcase, we believe, was the Jim Baker scandal, and can you really call this guy a celebrity? The only reason he got as much attention as he did was due to the massive Pentecostal uprising. Every channel you turned to, there was an evangelist; now, we have to wait for a Billy Graham special from Buenos Aires for TV religion.

That aside, who really won this case? Obviously, the prosecution with their thrift store resources were no match for the deep pockets of the defense pythons. When one of your witnesses has to plea the 5th Amendment and.another is treated as a hostile witness, there are a few minor snags. However, the prosecution's window of opportunity timeline seemed incredibly solid.

Was the winner OJ. Simpson? If this guy could wal.k out in public before, he never will again. On his ride home from county lockup, traffic helicopters followed him to his home and up to his front door. What kind of life is this? The only thing he may have gotten out of this, that would have never happened otherwise, was a #I best seller - remember that? I Want to Tell You, believe it or not, is still selling well and will probably sell until the end of time.

We think the biggest loser of the entire ordeal had to be Ron Goldman's father. Does this guy have an ounce of composure in him? Understandably, he's very devastated over the Joss of his son. Wouldn't want his shoes, but at the same time, this man is so full of hate and blood lust that he can not talk in public. We counted over 15 interviews with this guy in the last three months, a year and a half after his son's slayingmind you and he was never able to speak nonnally once. We understand his loss, but are these whimperings any way to pay tribute to his son? Shouldn't he be strong for his family, like the Brown family, and crusade for results and not hate?

Speaking of hate, a staff member was watching CNN (which, by the way, has the 3 tape complete highlights for $29 .98), and someone on the network toyed with the idea of Johnnie Cochran running for political office. Ridiculous? Maybe not Colin Powel is in the lead right now and he has probably killed a few people in his time. Is there a difference?

- Reshape the justice system?. No way. With people kissing their television sets and jumping around in the

streets-of-iriostinajorciti:es· after'the verdict; this was like something oufof Revelatiotls. coiirthouse·where···

legal team for answers to their

most pressing.OJ. questions; it was O.J.palooza! ·we were all on

here, folks, and OJ. wasn't the only one to get off.

Do you agree with the verdict reached in the 0 .J. Simpson trial?

NO I 393E

Do you think this trial will have any effect on the judicial system?

YES 1 4S3 INO 1 s23 1

Do you think race was a factor· in the ... verdict of the OJ. Simpson trial?

YES I 393 I -

This is a nonscientific survey taken on October 6, 1995. total of 55 people took the survey.

1-dMI very model or the modem Pera-STA1E VNDl!JWlt.D A

tr5 G(:!£Ar to be away rrom. bomc, the domtltorica aren't bad J'

The Bob Inn food Is not too but o. lrost 11-tE food Is E<llblE.

ANd If I ooulcl 'louR YfAR5 fRoM OOW, lllot'd NCllly be Incredible!

· The Times is the offtcial student newspaper of Peru State College, Peru, NE, 68421. The Times office is located in the college print shop in the Physical Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260.

The Times is being published five times during the 1995 fall term by Peru State College Students. Opinions expressed may not necessarily be those of the entire editorial staff. The Times is printed by Atlbum Newspapers, Auburn, NE.

The Times welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, articles, and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discression of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style.

·Please send material .to: Editor

The Peru State Times Campus _Mail

Peru State College Peru, NE 68421

/' '' ,; n. r..tW - Ut pl • 191, , ,. , lflay '1111.. -MN - llil$ ,.. but even if the teom does not, it with a

The Marching Band is on the R.ld, Mi. fryer's got her , 11111 111111 "1r(l If lilt M, Slit's- falkfl! • '9 leleplMI..


Editor-iii-Chief Assistant Editors

Sports Editor

Features Editor

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Editors' Assistants Advisor

Ainy B;emers

Terry Dugan

Robin L Payton

Chris Raabe

Tera Stutheit Reporters

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Ray Topscher

Jennifer Froeschl

Matt Uher

Dr. Dan Holtz


lebnmha l'rellll .lm!ocl8llm

Mindy Brockman

Leigh Calfee

Jodie Hardy

Amber N. Hypse

Heather Jpy Layson

Dawn May

Amelia McAlexander

Troy Moraine

Freedom Robinson

Debbie ,Sailors

Heather Stutheit

Andrea Tee

Josh Whitney

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Letters to .the Editor

Barry makes statement

Dear TIMES Staff,

It has been brought to my attention that something I said at "Blizzard of Bucks" offended some people. I want to take this opportunity to apologize to the student body for anything that may have offended them. I assure all o,f you that it was done for entertainment purposes only. I think that my dedication and bard work for this institution speaks for itself.

Student funds at risk

Dear Editor, Congress will vote on October 10

.[the vote may be delayed a month] to cut $10.5 billion from the Stafford Loan Program, removing some 2,800,000 students from the Pell Grant program. Other programs targeted for cuts are SEOG ($583.4 millton), Federal Work-Study ($616.5 million), and TRIO ($463 million).

The House and Senate proposed capping the Federal Direct Student Loan Program at 40 percent of new borrowing, with a savings to the government of $6.8 billion over five years. They want to eliminate the direct lending program and Department of Education. The "Campus Gag Rule" would cut federal funds to schools allowing student activity fees to be used for campus-based groups involved in activities aimed at "influencing .public policy."

Heroes abound at PSC

Dear Editor;

I would just like to point out to the students at Peru that there are heroes and heroines on this campus. They are the members of Peru Players, the theatre organization on campus.

Peru Players is the oldest collegiate theatre organization in the state of Nebraska. Requirements for becoming a member are to have an interest in theatre, be actively involved in any activities and pay $10 dues a semester. That's it!

Yes, Peru Players presents the plays at the college theatre, but not this year. Unless you haven't heard, there will be no plays this year unless it is a student-directed show. What most people don't realize is thatit takes a lot more than just a couple of students getting together to do a show. At this time, there is no student qualified, or who has the time, to direct a mainstage production. We also have to ask who would build the set, sew the costumes and hang the lights. Volunteers? I highly doubt it, since in years past only IO - 12 dedicated students work on getting a show ready.

At this time, Peru Players is working on ideas for another search for a faculty member in the Speech/Drama Department. The last two searches proved unsuccessful. Why? Ask the administration.

So, yes, there are heroes and heroines on this campus. We're just not able to show our talents on the stage as we usually have. If you would like to join Peru Players, and become a hero, then come to a meeting. [Meetings are held on Thursdays at 11 a.m. in the College Theatre.] Come find out about us before you start making judgements.


for dinner? Try these

Cook }asagna n()()dles acc(,)!'ding to,: the potatoes with the soup mixture recipe somewhere a long time ago, )be'package'sinstructions. Afterthey and. a cup. and a half (or more) of but through some of my changes, i · are done; pla,ce them in a pot full of grated cheese (you pick). For.the top; considerit part mine. All right, here the appropriateamoimt of room tem: mix togeth!'lr a l.ittle. margarine with we go. C.ook 12 ounces of spaghetti: perature vegetarian spaghetti sauce: eigbrnrnine crushed Ritz-like crack- In a skillet, saute one cup green pepLetihe sauce and ersandsprinkleontop. Bakeat350* per, one cup chopped onion with a then reduce heat. to a Add until the starttoJook a little. liW.e margarine 1mtH. ar!J

I used to be the total opposite of a appropriate amoul)t grate{sharp burnt (aboUUll) hotjr). tender; then·iidd one can of tomatoes house body: Ineyer cleaned, I never (or mild) cheddar cheese, ·ric:otta six ,

• (with juice)•: one can of sliced: black wanted a huge family, and I espeeia!ly cheese and vegetables if desired, plus ·No Tuoa · olives,· one can of mushrooms, and never cooked! gratedparmesancheesetotaste.Also Here is a classic, bow one or iwo teaspoons of oregano. Well, I still hate to clean my house add more sauce if possible fo order to many servings you want, and make Simmer for about 10 minutes. (although I do try to wash my dlshes make the dish more soupy•. Stir we11. ma,caroni noodles according to. the While vegetables are simmering, at least once a month n9was opposed Cook arid stir occasionally until package's instructions for that mix in a bowl one can of cream of to every other month which I used to cheese is completely melted. --serves ber. Let's say six for now. Six is a mushroom soup and 1/4 cup water. do). I stiu ·don't envision myselfin however many you deemed "a)Jpro- nice number'. Use about a cup and a Put half of the spaghetti in a casse10 years with more than that.5 child priate" · half .of dry macaroni. While maca- role dish, and cover with halfof the which got cut offof that average · Baked Potato cClsserole roni is c'ooking, drait1 a can of pells vegetable mixture; one cup of ily with 25 children. However, fately This is a relatively new recipe I in- .and a small one of mushrooms and ded cheddar cheese and half of the (in the last year and a half) I have been yented. You wil1 need to allow ·time open. a can of cream of mushroom soup mixture. Then repeat with the cooking. · · for the potatoes to chill; Bake ap• 5oup. rest of the ingredients, including anIn this issues coJUmn, I'm going to proximately six medium-sized russet When ready, combine noodles, other cup of cheese. Sprinkle on 1/4 share with you a few ofmy main-diSh (brown) potatoes until the skins start peas, mushrooms, soup and a cup or a cup of parmesan cheese on top, and vegetarian recipes. Keep in mind ope to get crinkly. (approx; 350*for one more of grated cheddar cheese in a bake uncovered for 35 minutes at important thing: I am the type ofper- hour) Take off the skins; clltthe p<r casserole dish. Spread Corn Flakes 350*. son.who, when does not 'al- tatoes into bite-siZed pieces, alld put (or its. e:quivalent) generously, Well Itold you my jargon wasn't too ways measure ingredients very care- ·them in.the:refrigerat9r 1,1ntilco0L sprinkle a little more cheese tin top sharp. Believe me, although some of fully.· (I also don't know any \\?lite the pi:>tatoes :ire:c001ing; mix :ofthe foOd; and bake at 375* for.35" these recipes might sound a little calcbefjatgon.) I tend to be creative thgethet one can of cream of mush" 40 minutes or uniilCom Flakeslook. · goofy withoutthe meat, they are very and just throw stuff in the pot and room soup artd one cup of sour cream. llice they're going to bum. _,:,.serves delicious. **They are also relatively cook untilitiooks or tastes gO<)d. So When the potatoes are cool, spri,nkle about six gocid for you, especially if you use my measurements are just guidelines. about one of chopped Vcigetarian Spaghetti .reduced fat cheeses, soups, crackers, to your taste. ·· · dried onfori evenly over the Potatoes · · · role .· · etc., which I usually do, so' I know lasagna in a casserole: Then gently stir,, ; Okay, 1. they tastegoOd.** GoOd eating!

TheFat'{(dysini:i\ . . /f· 11 . . bl. 1 _Age · oesn't.motterf o ow your ·. 1ss.

wori't the workforce ulltil l998

These cuts will affect the entire

Adoctoraieis notgoing to student a higher self-:esteem{College country's student body, parents, in- ;itthee.ar.liest nanci.a!lyservea60cyear.-oldstude.nt 100Handbo0k,PSC,1994);pr.o.vid.es structors and communities. The im- · · · · pact on education will be devastating!

Furtl)ermore, I'in still considering as well.as it. does a 30-)'ear-bld; the student withabetter

There will be many first-time students several career options; including the · Set aside money for a moment. (I ing of the .world and more solutions that will not be able to attend college ofa masters or. doctorate,. I know that's hard to do, but yoil .can to problems that they may encounter and many current students that will could. delay my atways pick it up again after reading (My father says so, Branson, 1995). not be able to continue. years till I'm 40, which would mean my column.) Assume for a moment College-educated people are likely to I feel as though the politicians are that!' d have approximately that lmowledge bas value in addition be more open-minded toward their attempting deficit reduction in the Verii, Puer, disce sapere!. (Latin - to build for a.retirementriestegg and to the wealth it can bring. I have read children, have a greater awareness of wrong manner The goal should be Come; Boy, learn to be wise.) ·For help my children through school. a study showing that an active mind, political issues and are usually the reduction of loan default and the non-trads, the question .is often not I'm lucky! In 25 years, given· Ille one that continues learning through- healthier than their less-educated age _continued financial support of the whether we should come se.ek wis" right profession and financial. deci- out adulthood, is less likely to suffer peers (ask any college student, here, American student. It is the educa- dom (higher education), but how far sions, I may be able to achieve my the ravages of Alzheimers (Skolnick, now!). tional growth of the American.student we plan to go in the time. remaining· goals. But, what the person JAMA, 1992). Males, in particular, The best reason, however, is a step that allows for the continued finan- to us. who enters college for the first time who practice memorizing (an activ- beyond these tangible observances. cial growth of America. By the time this artide goes to print, at age 50? Should they even consider ity often encouraged by professors) Personal fulfillment, following one's

P I will have "celebrated" another birth- a masters?· What about 60? A doc- are more al;>leto remember important "bliss," is worth more than all the lease call today and express your d A 34 · d' · h' d ·t··0 ·rate'? ·. · d · h

1 ··. · ·.·. •::;
opinion on this issue. The number to ay. t
11 · 80 are well. into
ca is: l- 0- 5744 AID, or call your receiving raises and other perks for graduate·program is wasted on some- If slowing the process of aging is Ok, so my attitude is idealistic. But, senator at 202-224-3121. · f 1 1 · · · · " · I ft" h · · · " · Gene Trimmer Student Rep to th u emp oyment histones. I one e. 1or a career. not enoug reason educate older cons1?er.10; a moment, 1f you're not Board of .· e st1.ll have years (and many commuter · Looking from a students, let'.s :consider• som.e ..• plannmg to improve yourself,
are _k · '· ·,:',c· ,· • •
· 1· · (D' Id d'll · · h ldl (A
; tnany tra 1llonru
ents ata as t ey con mue to age 1scov- go en ca 1 acs m t e wor re
their careers, perhaps people would say that a ery Chaimel; T'1, 1994). there any, really? I thinkit's a myth.)

Champion attends PSC Marker is rodeo queen

special recognition for winning this portion of the competition.

As reigning queen, Marker's main duty is to represent and promote rodeo. She is currently scheduled to ride in six grand entries and a few parades. Next year she will do television and radio interviews, especially before and during River City Roundup Days.

The sport of rodeo has many fans across the country, and it is becom1ng more and popular. Making rodeo successful requires a great deal of time and effort from competitors and rodeo organizers. One group which spends large amounts of time prom.oting rodeos is the rodeo queens.

Cara Marker, sophomore wildlife ecology/biology major, was recently crowned 1995-96 Miss Rodeo Aksarben. On Sept. 23, she accepted hercrown in front of a sold-out crowd at the River City Roundup World Championship Rodeo at Aksarbcn.

Contestants spend two days prior to the rodeo in front of judges. They are judged on modeling, appearance, horsemanship, an interview process and a question and answer section. Marker commented. "You have to knuw everything current in rodeo and current events."

She prepares by reading and staying on top of rodeo news. "You never know what questions you'll be asked;" Marker stated.

Contestants must prepare their clothing. This is one of the biggest considerations. Marker is fortunate to have her mother's help in this area.

The horsemanship part of the competition can be tricky to an unskilled rider. "You have to ride other people's horses," Marker said. She received

· A$1200 scholarship is one of the bonuses of winning the queen's title. Marker also took home over $3000 worth of prizes. A new saddle blanket, a hat box and a belt buckle are only a few of the items she received.

Marker is no rookie to the world of rodeo queens. In the past four years· she has received first runner-up in the Miss Rodeo USA competition in Oklahoma, and in the Sabetha, KS, and Sidney, IA, queen competitions.

She is also a past Carson Iowa Rodeo Queen.

She plans to compete in the Miss Rodeo Nebraska competition and possibly the Miss Rodeo America competition, held in Las Vegas.

Competing in quee11 contests is something Mar)(er has always wanted to do. Ever since she was a child, she has ridden horses and shown in horseshows. Marker enjoys her role in promoting the sport of rodeo. "It's abig part of being a queen," she said.

Marker doesn't compete in actual rodeo competitions. She says the queen competitions "are more me." also enjoys showing dogs and has been involved in 4-H. She is interested in starting a Circle K Club on campus, which is a junior Kiwanis club for college-aged students.

Marker plans to finish college and become a park ranger and wants to stay involved with rodeo. Helping young girls achieve their goals of becoming a rodeo queen also holds· Marker's interest.

New music lab vital to Psc· students

You won't find any microscopes or test tubes in the newest laboratory at PSC. Scales are in regular use, but not to determine weight. The type of measures in this lab are musical..

PSC music students are the scholars found in this new lab. Lab equipment was purchased and installed this past summer, at a cost of approximately $25,000.

"New educational technology like this puts our students on the cutting edge for instruction and as they compete later for employment," PSC President Robert L. Burns noted. The Roland brand electronic lab

features ten full-sized electronic pi- The electronic pianos are capable of anos and a "lab controller unit" which duplicationg the sounds of the organ enables the instructor to hear, or to or the harpsichord, too, she noted. speak to, the entire class at once or PSC classes like Fundamentals of with each student individually. Music, Arranging, Music Theory and The equipment provides opportu- perfonnance classes can be taught in nities to record pieces on several the new lab, noted Dr. Thomas Ediger, tracks, to compose, and to add or- professor of music. chestral accompaniments, according PSC's music department also was to PSC faculty member Emily bolstcredbyarecentgiftfromMr.and Davidson. Over I00 different instru- Mrs. Woolsey Davis, Nebraska City. mental sounds are accessible at the The generous donation will be used touch of a button. for various purposes in PSC's choral "Many piano textbooks now come department. "We are so grateful for with software which may be used as the continuing support of the Davis's students work through the texts," for the choral and piano departments Davidson said. "This lets the students at Peru State College," Ediger said. hear compositions, play them with "It has allowed us to present many cnaccompaniment and increase the riching musical experiences for our tempo as the skill level improves." music students in the choral area."

Silas Summers contest to begin

The Silas Summers Writing Contest will begin on Oct. 16 and will end on Dec. 15.

Categories for the contest include Poetry, Non-fiction ( 1500 words maximum) and Fiction (1500 words maximum). All PSC students arc eligible to win cash prizes in each area Prizes of$25, $15 and $10 will be awarded to the top three entries in each category.

Winners will have the opportunity


to have their work published in the Sifting Sands literary journal which will be published in the spring. Also, anyone who is interested in having his/her work considered for publication in the Sifting Sands and is not a PSC student can drop material in the Silas Summers box in the PSC Library. Instructions and application fonns will be available Monday, Oct. 16 in the Library.

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THE NEW PIANO LAB AT PERU STATE COLU:GE brings some of the latest technology in musical instruction to the PSC campus. Emily Davidson (right), who teaches music courses at PSC, is pictured working with a group of students in the new lab. -photo by Kent Propst From College Advancement Rewrite by Amy Bremers
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PROWLING PROUDLY IN THE outer office of the president's suite is one of PSC's two new stuffed bobcats. The original mascot, which used to stand in the trophy case in the Student Center, had to be thrown away, and is now replaced. - photo by Amy Bremers

The (Boat) Race is on

On Oct. 15 the third annual Great Boat.Race will be held between the Belle and the Spirit of Brownville. This event attracts fans of both ships from all over the area. The steamboat race will begin under the Missouri River bridge in Brownville at 2 p.m., will proceed·down the river to Langdon, MO, and will finish back at the Brownville landing.

· The cruisers will be competing for the traditional prize of the Golden Antlers. Tickets for either of the boats may be purchased by calling the Spirit ofBrownville office at 825-6441. Entertainment will be under way on both of the steamboats. ·

The Spirit of Brownville has been a popular attraction in the historic town of Brownville for the past 14 years.

The local owners of the excursion boat, and Jane Smith, conduct two cruises a day. The Spirit, captained by Randel Smith, begins her season on Memorial Day and continues until middle October.

The steamer was purchased in Omaha from another excursion operator and was brought to Brownville as a 49 passenger cruiser. The Smiths remodeled the boat to accommodate 150, passengers with two decks.

Bobcat PSC mascot since but 'Old B_ob' now iust a memory

Ever wonder how the bobcat became the PSC mascot?

In 1921, Paul "Baldy" Wilcox, the -Pedagogian (student newspaper) sports editor, decided PSC should have a school mascot. Since at the time most teachers were thoughfof as female Wilcox wanted a masculine sort of mascot.

At first, Wilcox considered "bears," but according to Earnest Longfellow's 1967 book entitled The Normal on the Hill, "that reminded him too much of the future teachers' hugs. He became pensive and dreamy; finally one night he jumped out of bed with his great inspiration: 'Fight like a Bobcat.' He sprung it on the boys, and they (the members

of PSC's athletic teams) immediately voted for it." The bobcat then became PSC's mascot.

On Oct. 20, 1927, Peru received a live bobcat, and became the first in the Nebraska Intercollegiate Athletic Conference to have a live mascot. The animai was a gift from George Hansen, a PSC alumnus. Dean W.N. Delzell accepted the gift on behalf of the college.

For 11 years, "Bob the bobcat" lived in a cage near the PSC auditorium until he died on May 20, 1938. On July 11, Bob was stuffed and mounted in the athletic office until he was moved to the trophy case in the Student Center.

Unfortunately, Old Bob seems to have lived out his life. On Thursday, Sept. 28 (this year), Bob was removed

from the trophy case to hopefully be restored to his original appearance, but a taxidermist found the cat doused in arsenic. Apparently, in 1938 arsenic was used to keep bugs from eating away at mounted animals. So poor Bob had to be thrown away because he was considered toxic waste. However, PSC now has two brand new stuffed bobcats. One replaced Old Bob in the Student Center, and one roars proudly in the outer office of the president's suite.

Currently, PSC is looking for a "live" mascot. If you are interested in dressing in a bobcat costume for athletic events, contact one of the cheerleaders or Bill Clemente in FA 201. (Don't worry, you will not be doused in arsenic.)

The ship is powered by two 671 diesel engines. These engines power the boat's propellers, since the original paddles on the Spirit are no longer in use.

The excursion boat received its name after the last ferry boat used in the town. "We felt it was a nice gesture to name the cruiser after a piece of history," recalled Jane Smith. the Spirit averages eight miles per trip, but it has been to Sioux City and Indian Cave on occasion. Further distances are possible but only on private charters.

The Smiths also own the Belle of Brownville that is currently docked in Omaha. The Belle was purchased 25 years ago in Houston, TX. The ship arrived in Omaha by piloting through the Gulf of Mexico, up the Mississippi River, and finally onto the Missouri River. While the Belle is a larger craft than the Spirit, the Spirit holds a special place in the hearts of the whole community.

Whatever the outcome of this grand race, the Spirit willhave earned her rest. The cruiser will retire to her winter harbor until the beginning of next season. of Brownville is one timeless tradition not lost in an ever changing world.

PARKER FROM PAGE 10 mainder of her career with the Lady Bobcats. "I think that we definitely have the potential and desire to make it Jo nationals." With a 17th place · ranking and a 19-4 record so far this season, Parker and the rest of the volleyball team just migh.t be packing their bags and heading to California by the end of the season!

Pool - Darts-Music

Sunday thru Satiirday Open lpm- lam Happy Hour 5-6 Everyday!

Paralympics visit PSC

OR. JIMMY CALLOWAY (LEFTj AND CHERI BECERRA, representing the 1996 Paralympics Games thi_s past week. Cpllowc;iy is. Vice fo_r Paralympics and Becerra, a C_1ty resident, !Sa. t?p-rated. compe!1tor racin!;J. The Parafympics - or Parallel Olympics - are for md1v1duals with physical d1sabd1t1es. They will be held in Atlanta next summer two weeks after the 1996 Summer Olympics are completed in that city. --photo by Kent Propst '

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Dormitories fight it out in zany, br·ainy games

It was a battle of the halls at Peru State College from Sept.2529. Spirit Week was under way as residents of Morgan Hall, Dezell Hall, The Centennial Complex and off -campus residents "other" competed against one another in various events t-ying to earn points for their halls.

In order to participate in any of these events, one had to be a student and sign up for the event before 5p.m. the day preceding the event.

At least one event was held each day involving a student from each hall. Mind you, these events aren't your typical competitive events, like a relay race, but strange and unusual events such as the Gastronomical Gas Contest. The winner of this contest was based on who could "burp" the loudest.

Another event was entitled the Pudgy Bunny Contest. This event entailed putting marshmallows repeatedly, two at a time, into your mouth and reciting "Pudgy Bunny" until only one student could still say "Pudgy Bunny" understandably.

Sara Anton, secondary special education and speech/drama major, who was a contestant of the Pudgy Bunny Contest commented,"! had a ball, but the hardest thing was trying to keep the marshmallows from slipping down your throat."

"Spirit Week was designed to increase school spirit as well as student involvement while having all competition be in good fun," stated Heather Layson, CAB president.

Now that the fun has ended, the scores have been tabulated and the results are iii.

The activitfos:h61d and the winning halls are as follows:

Monday, Sept.25 ·

Gastronomical Gas Contest - Delzell Quiz Bowl - Delzell

Tuesday, Sept.26

Pie/Gum Contest - Complex

Game Night - Complex

Wednesday, Sept.27

"Blizzard of Bucks" - All but "other" received participation points.

Thursday, Sept.28

Pudgy Bunny Contest - "other"

Pep Rally/ Bonfire - participation points

Friday, Sept.29

Girls Volleyball Game - participation points

And the overall Spirit Week winning hall is Delzell· by a nose.

Homecoming '95 has a whole host of fun activities

Homecoming was another success for Peru State College this year. The day started with alumni receptions; one at the museum and the other at the Student Center for senate alumni.

After the receptions the alumni and other spectators began assembling to watch the parade while parade participants lined up. There were 69 entries in the parade with three categories to win.

In the float category first place was given to Peru Players/MENC, second place to the Management Association and third place to Todd's Backhoe/ Margaret's Painting. First place for decorated vehicle was awarded to Phi Beta Lambda, second place to Campus Activities Board and third to the Accounting Association. Justin Cotton of Peru won the best kids in costume category.

Roosevelt. Brown, Mike Mulvaney and Dr. James Pilkington were inducted into the Hall of Fame at 1 p.m. in the Oak Bowl.

Kick off was at I :30 p.m. with an exhilarating game to follow. As second quarter came to a close, half-time began with a Band-o-Rama. Halftime was concluded with the Homecoming court and announcement of King Jacob Stallworth and Queen April Czaplewski. The game resumed with an exciting third and fourth quarter which came to an exasperating finish when the Bobcats tied Hastings 23-23.

After the game Delzell Hall hosted a reception for all.

This was not the end of the Homecoming festivities. Campus Activities Board (CAB) sponsored a dance in the Student Center until late that night.

Those of whom who worked so hard to make Homecoming such a success are commended.

photos top to bottom, left to right l. Students smile at the dance. 2. The Homecoming crowd shows PSC spirit. 3. Jesse Henderson scoops up money in the Blizzard of Bucks. 4. Students unravel toilet paper in the "Blizzard." 5. April Czaplewski is the queen. 6. Peru Players display winning float.

Gives students something to do

Those around campus who are in search of something to do in the evenings can find sanctuary in a new addition to the Student Center, the Coffee House. The Coffee House is a non-profit place for good, clean fun located behind the steps of the Student Center on the lower level. The Coffee House started out as an idea formulated by Barb Lewellen, Student Programs Director, and Heather Layson, CAB president and Student Senate vice president. It was created to give students some place to go in the evenings where they could see entertainment that was suited to their tastes.

On Monday and Wednesday nights

Dr. Bill Clemente, associate professor of English, shows movies. On Mondays the movies are in a popular vein. Such classics as 'Animal House' with John Bellushi have been seen. Wednesday nights are reserved for cinema classics, both old and foreign. Clemente makes a strong effort to create a theatre-like atmosphere. The movies are blown up to larger-than-

,OTT KRICHAU AND CHUCK WAKE ENTERTAIN students in the Coffee House on Sept. 12. This sponsored by the Campus Activities Board (CAB), is one of many that CAB is planning to be Id in the new addition to the Student Center. -photo by Kent Propst

pirit Week,

Coffee House

.ore proof of CAB fun

neather Joy Layson

3 you know, the Campus ActiviBoard (CAB) has been working ·hard this semester. The last three •ks are no exception.

!:le Coffee House has been open

!, sometimes four nights a week

:ring many different activities. On 12 the English Club held a poreading in the Coffee House. Oct.

.;as an amateur night that brought many of the campuses talents.

.ma Classics has been held here ry Monday and Wednesday nights

: attendance fluctuating.

·ri teams signed up to participate

!e Co-Ed Pool Tourney on Oct. 5.

ch out pool sharks- Peru has their

! comedian Pat McCardy enterl the students of Peru with his ,1 Oct. 3. What a FUNNY guy!

.;necoming was a success on Sept. the students an array of vities to occupy their time.

Jirit Week had the campus in a ed co!I'petition from Sept. 25-29.

._contests included Big Jludgy

my, Game Night, Quiz Bowl, the

Welcome n.ew representatives!

Gastronomical Gas contest and Hall Decorating. Participation points were available at the bonfire, Blizzard of Bucks and the Lady Bobcats Volleyball game. Delzell won the Spirit Week Competition.

The Coffee House rocked on Sept. 21 with the musical talents of Nathan Leach and Brandon Bender.

Sept. 19 there was an Campus Organizational Fair. Fourteen organizations had informational booths in the Student Center.

Sept. 18 the Creative Fun/Recreational committee from CAB held a pinata break in the Student Center. On Sept .14 this committee also had a Water balloon, Egg Toss and Toss Your Cookies contest. The winner of the cookie toss was Connie Burbee, and the winners of the balloon toss were· Stacy Lancaster and Connie Burbee. Congrats! ,.,.

Once again Chuck Wake entertained the Coffee House, but this time he shared the stage with the one and only Scott Krichau on Sept. 12. There are many activities coming up so be sure to check the bulletin boar-Os around campus.

Student Senate would like towelcome its newest representatives Joe Sexton, Clayburn/Matthews and Victoria Anderson, Davidson/ Palmer. These two are a great asset to our organization, and we are confident they will do an excellent job! There are two more positions to be filled, so keep watching!

Just a reminder that Student Senate meetings are open to one and all!


: 24th Annual Show

: Choir Festival

: Tuesday, Oct. 24 and

: Wednesday, Oct. 25

:in the College Theatre

• • • PSC's Misty Blues

: will perform at 1: 10

: p.m. on both days

• ••••••••••••••••

Calendara Chriatmaa &

big-screen TV proportions without losing any clarity. The Coffee House offers free popcorn, and various coffees and candies for 25 cents. Clemente has obtained funds from CAB to order movies and welcomes suggestions. '"What I am going to show comes from the suggestions of students," he said.

Tuesday and Thursday nights are open to anything. Comedians and singer-songwriters have already graced the stage. Poetry readings, karaoke and amateur nights are also being done. Agame named Peru Hollywood Squares with questions coming from students and the squares filled with RAs, staff and faculty is in the works, along with a possible cross-dress bikini contest.

The committee for the Coffee House is headed by Chairperson Andre Agee, who has put forth a lot of time and effort towards making it a success. Reactions have been overwhelmingly positive. The attendance has been slowly building, and everyone remains optimistic for future turnouts.

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swing with

The sound of music is alive and well on campus thanks to two special music ensembles: The Misty Blues and the Madrigal Singers.

Dr. Thomas Ediger, director of choral activities and professor of Music, describes Misty Blues as a choral group concentrating on Broadway music,performed with dance. The Madrigal Singers specialize in singing unaccompanied 16th century music.

Both groups are selected by Dr. Ediger, based on audition. These auditions were held at the beginning of the year. Here are the results.

The Misty Blues include sopranos: Heidi Burchett, Renae Gerdes, Lisa Othmer; altos: Rachel Callahan, Jessica Damrow, Becky Starr; tenors:

Steve Jirsa, Steve Kelsay; basses: Harold Banard, Nathan Leach, Kevin Topscher, John Widick; student as-

PSC's • ensemble! music

sistant Ray Topscher; drummer Jon Dunlap; pianist Mrs. Emily Rosewell Davidson; bass guitarist Denys Shafer.

The Madrigal Singers include soprano ones Rebecca Bstandig, Lisa Othmer, Jamie Morgan; soprano twos Jennifer Baldwin, Joni Martinosky; altos Rachel Callahan, Cynthia Yates; tenor ones Steve Jirsa, Ray Topscher; tenor twos Jon Dunlap, Steve Kelsay; basses Christopher Gibbs, Nathan Leach, Kevin Topscher.

Dr. Ediger stated,"Both groups are very promising, and I am very excited about the year."

The Misty Blues will perform for the first time this year at the High School Show Choir Festival on Oct. 24-25. The Madrigal singers will premiere on Nov. 5 at 3 p.m. They will also be presenting a Madrigal Dinner Dec. 8-9. Tickets are not yet available, but look for them in November.

Arthaud newly in PSC's Education Divisior

Tamara Arthaud joined PSC's education division as the newly appointed assistant professor of education with the onset of the 95-96 school year. She is instructing special education courses and a psychology class in behavior management.


Come to college computer club

The organizational meeting of the Peru State Computer Club was held Sept. 28. Sharon Thompson, senior computer science major, is the student organizer, and Prqf. Mark Kesh is the faculty organizer.

Kesh was the advisor and organizer of a computer club at Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH. When asked. why he wanted to start a com-

puterclub, he answered, 'The major- agement information systems, ity of students do not have access to showed highlights of activities from e-mail. I want to help the students. the club at Wilmington College. The E-mail is such a big .--·----------------. thing."

Two immeaiate projects for the club will be to get all members an e-mail address and to start a home page for each member.

"You don't have to be a computer whiz to be in PSCC."

Arthaud is originally from Jacksonville, MO, a small town of about 150 people. She earned her bachelor's degree in elementary and special education and received her masters degree in behavioral disorders from the University of Missouri in Columbia. After completing counseling and graduate hours from Southwest Missouri State in Springfield, she became a school psychological' examiner (the person who gives l.Q. tests). Arthaud is currently working on her Ph.D. in special education assessment at the University of Nebraska.

Before coming to PSC, Arthaud taught for 15 years in public schools, ranging from primary to secondary education. She also taught graduate special education assessment at Northwest Missouri State in Maryville.

When asked about her goals, Arthaud replied, "I hope to help prospective teachers understand the realities of education, but also I hope

Kesh, assistant professor of man-


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proposed constitution was discussed by Wes Graham, senior computer science major. Nominations for PSCC officers were held and elections scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 10. Dan Vice, computer science major, spoke about access to the Internet and the World Wide Web. Angie Wilson discussed dues and other activities for the club. E-mail and its availability was addressed by Bill Lockwood, senior elementary education major. Any member interested in opening an e-mail account can contact Mr. Mccaslin in his office, Room 102, Hoyt Science Building

Professor Jack Hamilton stated that this club should shine. "Positive things can happen. We need to work to attract others. If it's fun, it will grow."

"You don't have to be a computer whiz to be in PSCC," insists Thompson. The next meeting of the PSCC will be on Tuesday, Oct. 10, in Room 114 of T.J. Majors at 11 a.m. Meetings will be held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Anyone with an interest in computers is welcome.


to inspire them to see what they c do for other people." Addition::' she expressed her desire to bre down the barriers between reguf. education and special education· that " all children are considerec'.., belong." Arthaud continued by sa ing, "I believe our future upon quality education."

Arthaud lives in Rockport, MO". is married to Gary Arthaud, who superintendent in Rockport. She> the mother of three daughters: M! issa, Amy and Bobbi. Arthaud a' has two grandchildren.

Arthaud's other interests inclUi running, an activity her whole fami enjoys, water activities such as wz· skiing and boating, and reading. S especially enjoys murder mysterit; Arthaud's office is located in Rov 210 ofT.J. Majors.

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'.!iARLES COWDEN, SEAN Shaughnessy and Troy Schroeder of 1e Power and Transportation class (ITE 127) measure the benefits f solar energy. -photo by Rob Evans

TE students experiment ivith solar energy, electricity

'Y Andrea Graff

industrial Technology students conucted a lab experiment the last week :1 September lo determine the feasi1Jity of using solar panels to produce '<3ctricity.

The ITE 127 Power and Transportion class, taught by assistant prossor of industrial technology Rob determined the measurement f voltage and current and the calcu'.tion of watts:-

A computer graph produced by the

Art Gallery hosts many shows

Have you taken the opportunity to stop by the art gallery in the Fine Arts building lately? There are lots of tivities happening in the gallery as well as in the Art Department. The gallery has a number of shows scheduled throughout the year, including two senior shows. According to Peggy Jones, Art Guild faculty sponsor and Gallery Director, a senior exhibition is a requirement for all art majors. Jones explained that senior shows "essentially say that they can graduate and be practicing artists."

Other gallery events include a PSC sttfdent show, which will be juried and feature an entry fee award. The Nebraska Art Teachers Association Undergraduate Art Exhibit is another scheduled event which is open to all Nebraska college art students. It will be juried by Dr. Leland Sherwood, a retired PSC art professor.

The Art Guild, which is a professional development organization for students, is planning a field trip to Emporia State University in Kansas for an art t!Jerapy exploration day. A trip to the Nelson-Atkins Art Gallery in Kansas City is also being consid-


Other Art Guild activities planned include.studio visits with area artists as well as opportunities for students to learn the business side of art, such as dealing with galleries.

Jones is enthusiastic about the happenings in the Art Department and in the gallery. She says the response to the gallery has been good and encourages "anyone to come, enjoy and ask questions." Gallery hours are Monday-Thursday, 9:00-4:00, or an appointment can be made by calling Jones at 872-2275.

Marching Bobcats bigger than ever

PSC' S Marching Bobcats are back. This year's band is bigger, louder, rowdier, and can be heard through the entire game. There are three Drum Majors: Sara Anton, junior special education/ speech/drama major, Jessica Damrow, sophomore biology/preOptometry major and Kristin Sandstede, sophmore pre-vet major. Together, they direct the band during pre-game, half-time, and cheers and

chants from the stands. They are under direction of Cheryl Fryer.

One of the highlights of the Marching Bobcats is baton twirler Jami Boeck-Seffron, sophmore elementary education major. Jami bas twirled for ·11 years and has instructed others for the past six years. In the last week of July Jami and her dance squad performed at Notre Dame University. They received first place and will travel to Milan, Italy to compete at nationals. Jami was last seen twirling fire during half-time of the Home-

coming game.

The flag corp received new outfits this year, and the band's new uniforms will be in for concert band. For the game on Oct. 7 the band will be playing "Satisfaction," "I Can See Clearly Now," and "Motown Medley." Sandstede said the hardest part of band was "dealing with the pressure of putting a show together in three rehearsals." She went on to say that she enjoys being a Drum Major and realizes the stress comes with the territory.

students to show the relationship between the weather (sunny, cloudy, partly cloudy, overcast) and electricity production aided in the experiment. The students also compared the cost of solar panels to the conventional methods of electrical. production.

"We found that solar energy at the present time is not a viable alternative to conventional methods of production of electricity," concluded Evans.

Plummer awarded CPA scholarship

Andrew Plummer, a Peru' State College senior from Lincoln, has been awarded a $500 scholarship by the foundation of the Nebraska Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Carol Ruck, assistant professor of business, nominates a PSC accounting student each year for the award. Her recommendation is based on academic achievement, leadership skills and involvement in campus activities. The recipient must be interested in a career as a CPA.

?SEA has value for the money

'.The first meeting of the Peru Stuent Education Association, a stucnt-run organization for education '.ajors, was held on Oct. 3. The guest peaker, Jackie Kelsay, K- l Z princi_;1 and athletic director from ohnson-Brock, spoke about student.

!aching. Kelsay's talk is just one of 1e activities planned this year by 'SEA. Other possible activities inrude selling PSEA t-shirts, having a paghetti supper and holding mock ·terviews with area administrators. PSEA is affiliated with the Student .iucation Association of Nebraska nd the National Education Associa:on. Affiliation with .these 1ons allows PSEA members to enall the benefits of the groups exept voting privileges.

Dr. Dan Cox, associate prq[essor of education, says "one of the things I always recommend in my education classes is 'belonging to professional organizations." The benefits of belonging to PSEA include meeting other education majors as well as the opportunity to "network" or make contacts in the professional community.

Another important reason to belong to PSEA is that members have $1 million worth of liability insurance to protect them any time they are working with school children. Because of this benefit, Dr. Cox says that PSEA membership is required this year for anyone involved in a field experience:

PSEA members benefits as wen: Dusk Junker, vice-president of PSEA, commented, "It's.a good idea to belong to professional organiza-

24-hour visitation may be ok

Delzell Hall


Weldele recently turned in the proper forms in order for Delzell Hall to have 24 hour visitation on weekends.

In order for Delzell to have 24-hour visitation, 90 percent of the hall had to vote. Nintey-five percent of Delzell did. The vote will give the hall 24 hour visitation Fridays and Saturdays. On Sunday thru Thursday the hours would be 9 a.m. till midnight.

The hours for the hall now are 11 a.m. till midnight on Sunday thru Thursday, and 11 a.m. till 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday. For many students it is a hassle to get up at 2 in the mom-


ing and escort out their friends. For others it doesn't matter either way. "I just voted for it (24-hour visitation) because everyone else was," said sophomore Butch Endorf. Delzell had a good tum-out when 95 percent of the hall voted and 86 percent of the votes were for 24 hour visitation. There were three other choices: the hours right now, 24-hour visitation on Friday and Saturday and 11 a.m. till midnight every other day, and 9 a.m. till 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday and 9 a.m. till midnight every other day. As of press time, there was no word on whether the proposal will pass;, students of Delzell must wait.

tions in the area." President Jennifer Hurt added that belonging to PSEA is fun.

·PSEA has two other meetings, Nov. 9 and Dec. 7, scheduled for this semester. Dr. Cox encou.rages all education majors to pay the $20 membership fee and join as soon as possible.

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EIGHT PSC STUDENTS HAVE GAINED MEMBERSHIP in the national honor society Kappa Delta Pi, a national education honorary. Members are selected from college juniors and seniors whose academic rank is in the top 20 percent of their class and who plan to make their careers in the field of education. The Class of '95 initiates into the PSC chapter of Kappa Delta Pi include (from left) sponsor Frank Ferrante, Jennifer Anderson, Bobby Young, Erin Ginley, Joe Dunn, David Junker, Diana ·Ramer, Amy Bausch and Lara Coulter.

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SETIER STACY FITCH, #8, BLOCKS a spike from a Dordt College opponent during the game held Wednesday, Oct. 4. The Lady 'Cots downed the Lady Defenders in four sets. -photo by Chris Raabe

Lady Bobcats take tourne}

The 15th ranked. Lady Bobcats walked away from the Nebraska Wesleyan Classic this past weekend with a first place finish. The Bobcats won two matches on Friday, claiming victories over Dakota State College (15-4, 15-12, 14-16, 15-11) and Baker (15-7, 15-3, 15-7). Heading into action on Saturday with a 2-0 record, the team beat a previously undefeated South Dakota Tech team (15-5, 15-0 15-4). To clinch the championship title, Peru State defeated Coe College of Cedar Rapids, IA, (15-4, 15-1, 15-2). Their record has escalated to 19-4, after going undefeated in their last 11 matches.

Aside from their first place finish, setter Stacy Fitch and middle hitters Kendra Cory and Jill Parker were selected to the all-tournament team.

·Peru State was the only team to have three members selected. An additional award went to Parker who was named most valuable player of the tournament.

- "We worked together and kept the intensity up even though we had several tough matches previous to the tournament," commented Fitch who led the team defensively with 24 digs in Friday's match against Dakota State College. The Bobcats have faced some tough

competition lately. On Sept. 29, the faced NCAA Division II Washbm University, winning in four sets 5, 5-15, 15-10, 15-13). After losili the second set, outside hitter Trar Cochran came through with si straight serves to win the third se The team fell behind early in ti, fourth game, but rallied back to a 1\ 6 lead before sailing to the victor "We played exceptionally well o Saturday, beating South Dakota Tee: who also had a record of 2-0 goir into the match," said Coach Ji! Callender. The entire match laste only 43 minutes.

Another big game in the Al Wheel1 Activity Center took place on Oct when the Lady Bobcats faced a toug squad from Dordt College of Sio" Center, IA. The Bobcats lost to 18! ranked Dordt in the.first set (14-h but walked all over the Lady Defenc ers in the next three sets (15-10, 1 7, 15-11).

Other victories during Peru State winning streak included Benedictit of Atchison, KS, Dana, Mid Ameri( Nazerene of Olathe, KS, and Mou. Marty of Yankton, SD. In these fo1 matches the ladies defeated the cha lengers without losing a set.

The Bobcats will attempt to ket their winning streak alive this wee, end when they travel to Baldwin, Kfor the Baker Invitational.

Jill Parker plays key role in, success of Lady Bobcat Volleybal

A familiar face on the volleyball court this season is senior middle hitter, Jill Parker. Towering at the net at a height of 6-4", Parker enters her fourth year as a starter for the Lady Bobcats. During the past four years Parker has played in 173 matches for the Bobcats and has only experienced two home court losses.

Last year, she contributed strongly to the team being undefeated at home and, with only one regular season home game left this season, they could be headed in that same direction. "Jill is probably one of the greatest players to have ever played for

Peru State. She has definitely already left her mark as a premier player in the NAIA," commented Jim Callender who has been Parker's coach throughout her career at PSC.

Parker, a native of Auburn, graduated from Auburn High School in 1992. While in high school, she was an outstanding athlete, participating in volleyball, basketball and track. She received numerous awards including all-state volleyball honorable mention in her sophomore, junior and senior years.

In the fall of 1992, Parker brought these talents to the Campus of a Thousand Oaks and joined the Lady Bobcat volleyball team. She also

More single day activities expected as fall intramurals fly in,to action

We are two months into school, and JJ1:tramurals are in full swing.

One project the intramural department is doing is the relocation of the Intramural Director's office. "Barb - Lewellen, CAB director, and Dr. Bums, President of PSC, noticed that intramurals needed to be visible to the students and that is why I'm moving my office to the Student Center," commented David Teske, new Intramural Director.

Teske hoped that he would be moved by the end of the month. ''The office will be easier to find, and I hope the office near the cafeteria will bring more feedback from the students," stated Teske.


Teske also said that he would appreciate more input from the students concerning activities involving intramurals. "I'm trying to get a feel for what tile students want," explained Teske.

He is looking to add more single day activities like ping-pong, card, and eight-ball tournaments.

Flag football is half-way through the schedule (standings were unavailable). The championship game for flag football will be held in the Oak Bowl on Oct. 24. "I hope moving the game to the Oak Bowl will be more exciting for the participants and spectators," said Teske. Upcoming programs include Punt, Pass & Kick (Oct. 14) and Ultimate Frisbee (signup Oct. 30-Nov. 6).



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played on the basketball team for two years. While persuing a degree in secondary education in the field of mathematics, Parker has played a big role in the success of the volleyball program. "I believe that the main keys to success are hard work and intensity," Parker said. This hard work and intensity has definitely paid off for Parker. "Every time she plays, she gets closer to reaching a new mark on the record charts," commented Callender. Last year Parker led the team in hitting with 386 kills. This year she has already pounded 195 kills with a .464 attack percentage. Parker has recorded a career of 1,450 kills, placing her third on Peru's individual career record list for kills. Defensively, she is sitting in third place for her individual record of blocks with 369 solo blocks and 182 assisted blocks. Andrea Graff, a former Bobcat teammate of Parker's, also commented on

Parker's net play. "It was always nice to know Jill was on my side of the net. Her net play is extremely dorninationg and intimidating," said Graff. Aside from these accomplishments, Parker has received many other awards. Most recently, she was named Most Valuable Player of the Nebraska Wesleyan Classic and Midwest Region Player of the Week. She has also been named pre-season all-American for the past two years and was part of the 1993 Lady Bobcat team that qualifled for the national tournament in San Diego, CA. When asked ifthere is one accomplishment that she is


most proud of Parker repJie, SEE PARKER PAGE

is no longer in

faloes lose. Someone at ABC needs their games. to pull his or her head out of his or But of course, at a game at the Co1 her.}?utt, No gender bias here! 1 plex Field.s there are no bathroor_ 1'.rown upon equally. little seating, and no. <,'The.fact that_Colorad.o has a stands serving cold hot dogs. Po< tober is upon us.

Whywouldany: baU does have all of the afore mt. _ eyers is coming out with a nev.; Hal- one to play playoff games in the .- tioned I live. a sri:I( of.the Colorado? .I portable cubicle to pooh in and w1 i}lg'slJ"cing; and the p!ayoff's •-· / no 'one thought the a seat on the hill. I don't a co are,:iq fUUswing:' ·A(leastthatisthC'·.··would actually make it to the post hot dog, either. I'm not asking f. iiJrilo/:<.'.fhe otily games season.. < •. ·.-·-· ' .•.. -• ' much, just a small vehicle that Cl fl.l'Sfr{)und weretqe Rockies·gllffieS, >Coor5 Field does have an under- pull a ?rag around the infield Car oh, and the Manners because .their /ground heating system. The Rockies the maintenance crew depart wnh 01 series went five games. i._ - have underground heating, but Peru of those precious little John Dec moroni.c reason; which State baseball .and softball don't have tractors that are sitting unused in th onlytheexecutivesol'ABCknow;!btl something to drag their fields with. building.

Peru metropolitan area received only ;Itisastrangeworld in which we live, Don't get me wrong. I am the Rockies and Braves for the first indeed. PSC sports fan, even football. M: three games of the series. For those In this world, I pay an activity fee King Jacob Stallworth reign as a fc of yo11 who are not familiar with the for my admission into athletic events. but feared ruler. Can I be knighteL PenfmetropoHtan. area, it inC!ude_s And yet, I have to pay five bucks to: And my congratulations go out Omaha, Lincoln, Humboldt, arid, I ·go.to a home game in Nebraska City. the Seattle Mariners. I am glad yi



Come in anci see our new custom guess, Denver. That is the only rea- Hey, guess what, it only cost me one beat those convicts from New soningfor Peru being in the Ro.ckies dollar to get into the game at Crete. The game is still as exciting as e\7.. 826 Central Ave. embroidering machine. Get 15 % off fan region. ·. ·.• Is in the for those of you who are be NE. embroidering with student ID Hmrrtm _ All these Husker fans fan's best interest? Is the. game m cottmg the game of baseball, you 11: out on true great?e!

-·.- · -. .Raabe

HERE WAS NO DISAPPOINTMENT at homecoming despite the fact that the game ended in a e. Seren Humborg (#22) takes a handoff and tries to penetrate the Mustang defensive line.

Three stars selected for PSC Hall of Fame

Rewrite by Matt Uher

The Peru State Hall of Fame accepted three new members prior to the start of the Homecoming game against Hastings College. The inductees included two standout athletes and a highly successful coach. Dr. James Pilkington of Warrensburg, MO (coach), Roosevelt Brown of Casper, WY (player), and Mike Mulvaney of Beatrice (player).

"Induction into our Athletic Hall of Fame is a special recognition of excellence for our alumni and fonner staff members," stated Dr. Burns. ''The membership list is a real honor roll of talent and dedication, and these new members will continue that tradition," commented Burns.

Dr. James Pilkington, now a Professor of Physical Education at Central Missouri State University, served on the PSC faculty and coaching staff from 1962-69. Pilkington was an assistant football coach, assistant track coach, and head cross country coach.

Most of his success was seen in his cross country teams. Pilkington's squads posted Top 10 finishes in the NAIA national meets six times, including a third place in 1965. His teams were 144-6 at home, and the 1965 squad was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1990. Pilkington has many other honors including being inducted into four different halls of fame, one being his alma mater,

Drake University.

Roosevelt Brown was a record-setting NAIA All-American during his football playing days at Peru State College from 1977-80. Brown caught 31 touchdown passes and gained nearly 2,500 receiving yards during his playing career at PSC. His senior season was his best when he caught 19 touchdown passes and earned firstteam NAIA Division II All-American honors.

Brown is a teacher and coach in Casper, WY and co-chair of the Physical Education department at Natrona County Higtr-Scpool. He officiates NCAA Division I and II basketball games.

Mike Mulvaney was a two star athlete for PSC on the track and on the football field before graduating from Peru State in 1971. Mulvaney broke the Peru State discus record in his first meet as a freshman, and went 0.11 to break his own record five more times.

He won or placed in discus competition at such prestigious meets as the Drake, Howard Wood, Kansas, and Arkansas Relays. He never finished lower than fifth place at the NAIA national meet. Mulvaney was a fouryear letter winner on the gridiron. He was team captain and most valuable player during his senior year. Mulvaney is Administrative Support Services Manager at the Beatrice State Development Center, where he has worked for the past 24 years.

Jobcats ki.ss sister on Homecoming, lose two of three

1 Chris Raabe

1.fter two straight victories to start the 1995 campaign. the Bobcat 'tball team has struggled. Injuries i lack of offensive execution have :n major contributors. The PSC dders have failed to win in their t four games.

nedictine 27 Peru 17

Last Saturday, the Benedictine vens paid a visit to the Oak Bowl, tting their undefeated record on the c. The Bobcats battled back from ,7-0 deficit, only to fall 27-17.

itfter 17 first quarter points by the lvcns, Peru State struck back on a yard scoring strike from Jamie nson to Shane McGooden. Jeff Jrgan split the uprights with a 20•d field goal late in the half to pull ; Bobcats within a touchdown at the if.

-:;tinson found McGooden in the zone on a four-yard pass, early 1 fue third period, to knot the game 17-17. But that would be all that .;'Cats could do offensively.

'he Benedictine defense stiffened, )lie the offense got rolling. Tony lmentere rumbled to pay dirt from ,,;e yards out to break the tie. medictine kicked a 24-yard field al to round out all scoring on the °;t play of the fourth quarter.

The Bobcats showed promise by ining back from an early 17 point heir, but the inability to run the hurt. The Bobcats could on! y ,:.<iage 71 rushing yards on 34 cars. 'tu 23 Hastines 23

1he defense came up big when they l.,to, but a little luck proved to be PSC needed in a Homecomtie with nationally ranked stings College. Hastings had one ?I chance to break the tie, but the

Bronco place-kicker shanked a chip shot field goal on the game's final play.

The teams were deadlocked at zero until the second quarter. Stinson took advantage of a blown coverage and hit McGooden for a 65-yard touchdown pass to take a 6-0 lead. The Broncos answered immediately with a 25-yard scoring strike on fourth down and long.

Morgan nailed a 27-yard field goal to put PSC ahead 9- 7, but Hastings answered the call once more. With 22 seconds left in the first ha]f, Tom Steer !farted in from six yards out. The Broncos added a two-point conversion to take a 15-9 lead into the half.

The Bobcats scored on their first possession of the second half, when Sunny Lofton caught a five-yard aerial from Stinson. Again, the lead would not hold. Bronco running back Sam Meyers bolted into the end zone on a two-yard run to give Hastings a 23-16 lead.

Peru State wasted no time, driving down to the Hastings five yard line on their next possession. Rick Olsen took a hand-off and pounded his way to the goal line for the score. Morgan's PAT knotted the game at 23-23.

In the fourth quarter, Jacob Stallworth thwarted a Hastings attempt to score, when he picked off a Bronco pass inside the Peru State ten yard line. Poor offensive execution and the inability of the Bobcats to stop the run set the stage for a short Bronco field goal attempt, but the kick was wide left, and the game ended a tie.

McGooden and Lofton were over the 100-yard receiving mark with 107 and 101 yards, respectively. Nick Maher led the defense with 18 tackles.

DESPITE THE POWER IMBALANCE, Peru State was able to keep pace with the Chadron State Eagles. Quarterback Jamie Stinson (# 19) looks for someone to help get the Bobcats into the end zone, but PSC's efforts were to no avail. --photo by Chris Raabe

Chadron State 20 Peru 0

Peru State traveled to Beatrice for a tussle with Chadron State. The Bobcats trailed 3-0 after the first half of play. E.ven though Chadron State rolled up 412 yards of total offense,

the Eagles only got into the end zone twice.

The first touchdown came on a two yard run in the third quarter. Chadron defensive back Gilbert Diaz picked off a fourth quarter Stinson pass and

took it back 35 yards to drive the final nail into the Bobcat's coffin.

\ The Bobc?ts have tomorrow off, before-travelmg to Westmar, lA next week. The Bobcats final home game is Oct. 28 against Iowa Wesleyan.

-photo by Chris Raabe
,,'1' 1 1

Squirrel files harassment charges

Peru, NE-An unidentified squirrel Musafa, said that his client , has filed harassment charges against ceived unwanted words from his Bo his boss at Sally Joe Squirrel's Acom Sally Joe Squirrel. "My client v. Palace, a popular squirrel hangout harassed on a consistent basis in 1 and escort service, in Nemaha County gards to the size of his nuts and he court. This is the third harassment often he gathers them," said Musa charge filed by a squirrel this year. An investigation is pending due Animal county attorney, John prior charges of unwanted escortir

LIBRA (S. 23-0. 23) Take upon yourself to commit ffll this month. Any fonn will <' This can range from credit d fraud to sending your next de neighbor 8 CDs for a penny, maybe t1: Phish CD, because it's nice to do thin for others. ·

SCORPIO (0. 24-N. 21) matter what happens to you tf. month, please, keep somethi; in the back of your mind to h' you get through the day. You not a fish! If you were, you might..J just can't talk about it.

SAGITfARIUS (N. 22-D. Z This is really going to be a tr.:. sitional month for you. Fi11 you will lose everything )'• have. You'll be depressed ai smoke three packs a day, but then, it'll j1: be a big misunderstanding! A jok Right! Sorry? Then you'll shoot tt. funny guy and go to jail. Then you'll co1 full circle by being shot by a fish. (Do: make any long-range plans)

Mike Watt and his b.and ·found not guilty

In a time where celebrity equals supremacy, Mike Watt breaks all molds by showing he's an everyday guyor at least the supreme everyday guy.

On September 26, Mike Watt and his band thrilled the crowd at the Ranch Bowl with their off-off-beat punk rock stylings. "His band" consisted of guitar god Nels Cline and two drummers. It wasn'tjust loud; it was little brother screaming 'cause he just got his arm sawed off by a mass murderer commie stalker loud.

Watt played several songs off his solo-debut, "Ball Hog or Tugboat?," played some songs I'd never heard, went into the bar and got a shot of bourbon (he said), and then finished with a song called "Piss-Bottle Man"

(Your explanation here).

If there's one thing about the Ranch Bowl I respect, it's the differing beer prices from the pub to the club. Since beer was cheaper where the music wasn't, friend Dan and I ventured into the pub in anticipation for Watt. The bartender was friendly and the beer was cold (Pub: three beers out of a five-beer scale). We then went into the minor infested club and had two more beers at almost twice the price.

"$4,25! Eek!" I said to friend Dan.

"We'll see if the opening band sucks and maybe go back into the pub," he said. Believe me, at $4.25 for two beers, it wasn't going to take a lot for this band to suck.

The opening band called themselves Six Finger Satellite. We saw the lead singer with one of those guitar/keyboards. We V lined back to the pub. We talked ahout quite a few things in the pub, and almost saw a guy bowl a 300 game on ESPN. The one thing that came to the forefront was how we've been brainwashed by brew companies. When we have to ditch a concert to get cheaper beer, I think our priorities need re-evaluation.

Six Finger we Suck finally got off stage, and Watt set up for his show. This same guy, who toured earlier in the year with a backup band consisting of Eddie Vedder and Dave Groh!, was setting up his own equipment.

Watt's bass case was pretty straight forward black with an "American Sex Machine" sticker and his last name spray pained in stencil forin on the case. Do you really think that's necessary? Watt was also donned in blue Levis, a blue flannel shirt, Converse All-Stars, and naturally, his wallet in his back pocket

Needless to say, Watt gave an enjoyable show. There was one hippiechick in the front row who almost fell

asleep on a speaker while her boyfriend recited every word of every song, even the instrumentals. This girl must have either recently had a lobotomy or was deaf. Then again, if your boyfriend is more infatuated with Mike Watt than he is you, I'd sleep, too.

The saving grace on the E-Bola like minor infestation front was one redheaded beauty who we didn't notice standing by us until most of the way through the show. In fact, I didn't , notice her until I saw Nels was playing the guitar with an egg wisp. Then Blam-o! Watt fell to the background.

Watt was an impressive celebrity though. Not only did he play nonstop for an hour and a half, he also sold some T-Shirts out of his white Ford van afterwards: talking to the kids, tellin' jokes, and rakin_g in about

$300 to $400 bucks. Think Uncle Bill's gonna see any of that? He was, in my opinion, a good role model, and I'll bet my socks that even if he did kill his ex-wife and her friend, he'd still be a celebrity. Watt would probably be spending the rest of his life in jail, but he would be the biggest celebrity in his cell block. However, if Watt somehow was acquitted of his crime, I think he would have enough brains not to throw an all-out drink to you, puke bash in his kidney shaped pool, and invite someone who looks like Andre Agassi to get pissed with as soon as he got out. Plus, I believe Watt is beyond trying to find killers and take the law into his own .hands. We call that a vigilante, and for a guy who just got off a murder rap, I think getting in the way of police work would not be a _good

call, especially with Mark Furmantypes living in Northern Idaho. And what's that all about? This wasn't the trial of the century because of the case; it was a trial that created a recluse, a fool, an egomaniac, a sensitive-social type, a rotting old man, a man with no dignity left for his family, and Naked Gun 4.75. We'll play Match Game later.

Not that Mike Watt should be concerned with Nazi-loving, crack hunting, hate mongers like the LAPDs phoney crime-scene-looking, evidence fakers. However, he should watch the IRS for that tax thing.

Needless to say, Mike Watt and his band were much·more enjoyable than watching our dehumanizing justice system. See it sometime (Watt's show, not the justice thing).



W\-\0 IS 60hJG.

CAPRICORN (D. 22-J. i: You will run into a celebri' this month. Make sure your i' surance is up to date. Oh, ai

!-_,_.,, check on your father. H, been fishing too much lately. It's odd.

AQUARIUS (J. 20- F. l Emulate someone this mont It will do you a lot of good ai make you new friends. May< just a suggestion, you can em late OJ. Simpson and help him find 1; person(s) who killed his ex-wife and Re Goldman. That's his new goal in life know. Something fishy? 1 - -

PISCES (F.19-M. 20) Bewp oh great sign of Lent; a !of people are going to put :[,: down because your sign 11· !111111..._<lllilllJ' stupid fish. "What's mean?" they'll scoff. Little do they k ·· Pisces is significant for having no sig, cance whatsoever. Just screw with t; head. Stupid other Zodiac sign peopl< don't need them anyway.

ARIES (M. 21-A. 19) 1 words: bowel moveme1· You're gonna have proble" , due to the third moon of Ju,. ter being in the house of Ma (Thought I was going to say Uranus, did• you?). All I know is your bowel mov1 ments are your business, but if I were a. Aries, I would definitely look into sor.c over the counter products to help if ne1 essary. Cracklin' Oat Bran, Taco Bell al! fish work wonders. ·

TAURUS (A. 20-M. 2( Here's how you make a qui<• ' $50 this month (notthat quic>:: Carry around with you, in'· , 1 ._ _ baggie, two guppies when ya go to parties (make sure water is in tt bag too). When no one is looking, ta:. the baggie out of your pocket and set on the counter. Say, "Hey, whose fist; Bet everyone ten bucks you will swallo' them both and then shotgun a beer as chaser. Caution: Don't drink too mu( after you've swallowed two live fish.

GEMINI (M.21-J.21) Com. how many trophy fish you sel this month in this county. month, the number you fou · .,__._,___,. will be your lucky numbc.' alleye do not count.

CANCER (J. 22-Jy. 22) Nov,

,. I know if this is legal ' Jo this state or not, but go to a p1:

'il!llaiiJ store and get two fighting fal!

If Then, invite your friends ovc and bet on which one will survive. Po some com and charge a cover. Better th?· Tyson pay-per-view!

- LEO (Jy. 23-Au. 22) Don't gc into a relationship this montt· don't even date! Unless yous at home and watch "A Fir

'!---' "" Called Wanda" because that' a pretty good flick with that one guy in ii VIRGO (Au. 23-S. 22) Ok, can't stand it any longer. You'r a year older now. You need , find some direction or a carec

-1.--.Jlll.• move. Next thing you knov you're gonna be selling fish wholesale fc some guy named Pete who smells wors than you will. Do you really want to smc

'TO -ro LEAO VOWi.JTARY, OE.AQ. l.OQ.O, vs PQA'j ™A\ S'IJl'Qa.\E: COVQ.T Wll.1. IJOt" QL \JIT\i 'n-1£ SIOPAtlA'TloN Wl\.I. Olo.ICC. A6AIN 6f. UPHEl.O, P.wo "!\\At l.ll'- CA.J l'U8\.IC ScM.OOLS OV"C OF T"E. RE.LIGlOoJ l!IJS1"1ES:S A>l'D 8Ac.t: TO EQVC.AT\C>o..J. ti.Me.l..l.

Junkor jewel? You decide page 5 Vol. 73 Issue 3

November 3, 1995

Choir shows off its stuff page 9

:Student attacked, campus takes action

no leads, but is still investigating. walked around campus to detennine

According to Helms, no more as- dark spots and plan for the addition saults have happened since this inci- of more lights. dent, and none "have happened be- · Since the idea of self defense and

So far, the Sheriffs Department has Spangler, one of PSC's electricians, Afemale PSC student was attacked at and Oregon in downtown Peru approximately 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 18.

The stbdent was· walking alone when an unknown man, about six feet

The two reported the incident to Les Stonebarger, sergeant of PSC's security, and he then called the Nemaha County Sheriffs Department. Keith Helms, deputy on duty that night, came out to Peru to investigate the downtown area.

fore (in Peru) that have been reported to this office."

In response to the repoJ1ed attack, .several people on campus have started taking action toward increased safety and defensive thinking. For example, both Stonebarger and Tim

safety was already in students' minds, Genelle Czirr, sophomore clared/pre-mortuary science major, invited Officer John Shelton otthe Nebraska State Patrol in Lincoln to come talk to students about self defense tactics on Monday, Oct. 30.

The course Shelton leads is a SHARP program which stands for Sexual Harrassment Assault Rape Prevention. Designed by Bruce Siddle, president of Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT), Inc. and the American Tai Kwando Association (ATA), the course teaches about prevention psychology, sexual harrassment and sexual assault counter-measures.

The area Shelton talked about on

Oct. 30 was prevention psychology. This includes being prepared for an assaultin advance and learning things to do verbally to make a person not as much a victim.

According to Shelton, the difference between life and death is a person's

Shelton emphasized that "The most important thing you can do for your safety is to think ahead." This means "deciding how you're going to act before anything happens to you."

reaction time.. Reaction time includes knowing where a phone is and knowing where a place with a lot of people is no matter where you might be, locking your car door when you get in it and wearing clothing that will allow you to move quickly if needed. · tall and wearing a white shirt, grabbed her and pushed her to the pavement. She managed to get up and ran to a friend's house neru:Jly.

Czirr stated that although she wished more people had come, she thought that "those who did come came out with more knowledge about preventing getting into situations in which danger could occur" than they came in with.

Student escorts may be partial -solution

Even before the. assault of a female PSC student, according to a memorandu:lli\wd;§&;U.ed by Dr. Daryl!

want to avoid after dark.

MEMBERS OF THE DANNY JACKSON TRIO, a jazz group from Topeka, KS, perform ot Peru State ,\College along with PSC's ke Blue Jazz Band during i\_iloon performance on Oct. 17. They later · presented a jazz improvisation clinic to jazz music lovers on campus. -photo by_Genelle Czirr

.• Herseffil&fl.·vice president for student affairs, rumors have spread on campus that there have been many other reports of su.ch incidents, but Hersemann assures students these are false accusiitions in the memo To counteract this problem there are two surveys to arouse the student body's interest. The first is with the Student Senate and Dr. Kelley Assmusen, assistant professor or human services. The survey is to see if the student body has an active interest in a safety walk. The walk would involve campus security walking with students. from the complex down to the main· campus and around it. Along the way security would point out the danger·spots students would

"I do think the safety walk is a good idea because it allows the students to become aware of the places of danger," stated Morgan Hall Student Sen ate Representative Anne-Marie Taylor.

The other survey is about constructing a student escort service. The escort service is active at a lot of the larger universities in the area. Due to the recent problems it is also being considered· here at PSC. If made available to students, the escorts would have walkie-talkie's so that they could be in contact with campus security if they had a problem. The escorts would be able to walk people to the main campus from as far away as the complex.

If there are any questions about any of this information Dr. Hersemann or any of the student senate representatives can be contacted

.·S,ophomores a,re not only students affected by portfolios

will decide what work is included in the portfolios; students have no input

If you are a freshman or first-semes- in this program, unlike the Senior ter sophomore, you will probably be Portfolio Program used in the English · part of a new program at PSC called Department. Instructors may ·choose the Sophomore Portfolio Pilot Pro- papers written for the class, or they *1'am. The pilot accomplishes three may have special assignments or esgoals for PSC: providing the says which they plan to use specifistudent with an early .evaluation of cally for the program.

, academic progress, pro..:·---------------' viding the faculty with an ongoing evaluation of ; coursework and instruc; tion methods,. and con;tinuing the· accreditation of PSC. A poor portfolio may. prevent a student from becoming a junior, or force the sophomore to take remedial courses to · improve basic skills before moving forward.

Inclusion in the program is mandatory for all students up to the second semester of the sophomore year. All courses in the general studies program will eventually be included in the pilot. Instructors of the various classes

Although the work examples inside the portfolios will not be graded, each student's advisor lll)qariotherfaculty member will evaluate the portfolio to determine if the student's skills are progressing appropriately. If a student has a serious problem with their

advisor, they may want to change advisors prior to the evaluation.

Students }VhO retake classes will have an example from the retake alongside the first take example Because the purpose of the portfolio is to show progress, a better example from the second class would show improvement of the skill being evaluated. Any course the student chooses to take within the first three semesters at PSC, if it is pait of the general studies program, will be included in the portfolio. Therefore, students can only prevent a course from being included by not taking that class in the first three semesters. However, there may be a requirement to force students to take a certain number of general studies courses within those first three semesters so that their portfolios can be evaluated.

A short explanation of the program was included in freshman orientations this year and should be included in all future orientation classes, but this is currently the only method by which students are informed about the pro-

gram. The new catalog, next fall, will include an explanation, as well.

Although some sort of evaluation program is necessary to continue accreditation and the plan must be in place by the year 2002, there was no requirement to disallow student input toward the portfolios. This plan, with no student input; was chosen by faculty and administration three years ago and has slowly been moving toward completion. It is already considered permanent and may be in use as early as next semester.

There is some discussion among faculty of combining both portfolios, Sophomore and Senior, in the English Department. It is likely that the combination will occur, but it is uncertain whether student input in the senior portion of the portfolio will be dropped or kept. It is possible that students of all curriculums will someday have portfolios kept of their work from the first assignment they complete at PSC until the last assignment they finish before graduating.

Faculty members are conc_emed

about the considerable amount of storage room needed for portfolios, which may need to be kept for as long as seven years, about the use of the portfolios to evaluate instructors and about the extra work that advising students will require when each portfolio must be evaluated by two people.

l pages II

11 Fearures

i, pages 4-7

Campus News

1 pages 8-9


1 : pages 1 1

''The mqst important thing you can do for your safety is to think: ahead.''
-Officer John Shelton
Jammin' with th·e Jazz Band
It is. possible that students of all curriculums will some day have portfolios kept of their work from the first assignment they complete at PSC until the last assignment they finish before graduating.
!1 ' ll Ii .ttm m- 11 I
.I Opmu:ms
\ I
I. Sports ,
Ii Entertainment ii lL
12 J(

B:e-ca.reful! Peru· may e sma but not immune from .. crime

In this small town of Peru, life sometimes may seem idyllic. The town is quiet (except for perhaps Friday and Saturday nights at the Complex); the people are, generally speaking, friendly; and the two largest cities in Nebraska, Lincoln and Omaha, are each only an hour and a half away.

In a town like Peru, people may tend to forget or disregard one important thing: their safety. Peru may seem like a town in which nothing bad can.happen. People leave .their clothes unattended at the laundromat, keep their doors unlocked and walk alone at night. Then something happens that forces us to open our eyes wider and realize the cold, hard, sadtruth that this seemingly safe place is not crime-free and maybe not even remotely so.

Two weeks ago, a young woman walking alone at night in Peru was attacked. Forttinately, she was not seriously injured. But this incident raises the issue of security and safety in general.

Peru might not be a New York City, and it might seem like just another little Midwestern town, but people can not take the size of this town for granted.

First of all, because of the many different backgrounds and cultures PSC's students come from, Peru has much of the ethnic diversity of a large city. Many different morals and life-styles exist in Peru. More importantly, we need to realize that crime is everywhere. Whether lurking in the shade of tall Los Angeles buildings or hiding amidst Peru's corn fields, a criminal can be anywhere. People need to be on their guard at all times. ·

So, locally speaking, what can students do to be safe but still lead a fun life here in Peru?

If you want to walk at night, walk with another ·person, or do it on the main part of campus. PSC's campus is better lit due to additional lights added last year, and even more will be added sometime this year. An even safer option is to walk at the Wheeler Center. With the weather getting colder, the Wheeler Center is a sensible place to exercise anyway.

Or if you have to go somewhere alone at night, call someone who will know where you will be. A few years ago, PSC had·a kind of escort service that students could call if they needed a ride or a walk home. Whatever happened to that?

K;eep your car doors locked when you park, maybe even while you drive. Keep your room or apartment doors locked. Don't let strangers in.

if you must walk to your car alone at night, carry your keys in your fist with the correct key already chosen. Walk with purpose, not dawdling or being fearful. Check under the car and the back seat (or truck bed) before getting into the vehicle. Lock your doors once you are inside. Always, when walking at night, act confident. Be somewhat on guard and carry something in your hand that could be used as a weapon, such as keys, a roll of coins or pepper spray. If you suspect you're being followed, go immediately to a well-lit building or house and seek shelter with other people. Make a phone call. Do not hide in bushes or. other secluded and poorly lit places. If you feel that fearful, run to the tlearest help. ·

Maybe this all seems like common sense, but it may save your life sometime. Peru is a small town and is most always safe, but that doesn't mean it isn't immune from crime.

'.cru.i69n ;fbols to coler. filsJ words :_1d •.. Watch' s. ,,liilll:••···.'Y'fe .a.re ill now, L.1f :!!ell, •. ·.· 'lirld. thitl.gs .at'e. 41fferent. We bits ofllirlguage that ·. d6n 't ·run Peanuts· :comic 11ot •·· stJ.ips;Yfe rtJn.I.:.ife i11Hell;.and .In all, cases,. tll.e itis fat x:natilre audiences. We mwork•are examined l)efore likelifeirl:hell: Akbar and Jeff Pl.ll>lisation and are.·, 'are homosexuals, Binky is just lll.ad,,eon .the taste ofour worf a wreck; and his illegitimate • s·on Bofig9 is tion., and we ·feel•·we have •youth; Do theyremind you of ifia:geappr9priate in anyone you knqw?

·. • · · · ·. Dan Ketelsen has his opin••However, our purpose is not 1ons, and if he feels this Ian'oitl)r to inform (such· as:·the · guage will help emphasize his would), point better, we will only centhe position sor·the letters, maybe with tq show student @#$%!, and we do and have works(suchas this issue's bad .·censored previous articles this l6ve poetry): ·· Y9u see •very year. Docksile will continue litqe swearing in the to use his slang in as approHerald, and you see very little priate a manner as possible they do use the while still getting the point .word''b.ell''in the World-Her- across and, yes, his poem was .ald and even the New York censored Syndicated colum- We appreciate greatly all letnist:S, such as Dave Barry, use ters to the•editor, especially the that word as well. critical ones, and as our posiWe at The Times do not find tion now stands, we will conthe word "hell" to be a bad tinue to use some questionable It will remain to be language, when desired. usedin this paper as we deem We're a student paper, and unnecessary. Mr. Ketelsen' s ti1 the majority of students say cJ:i?ice of using symbols to. ·· "no swearing," we have to ascensor his word was his sumethestudentswanttoread choice. What word does he it.

He WU •in!lin!l to tha Jcid4i• •you wuv Me and I wuv You" iq.,., ha u jt111t a piece of :roadkill SCID9 furrY pw:ple bits of dino-goo. 9

The Times is the official student newspaper of Peru State College, Peru, NE, 68421. The Times office is located in the college print shop in the Physical Plant Building, telephone (402). 872-2260,

The Times is being published five times during the 1995 fall term by Peru State College Students. Opinions expressed may not necessarily be those of the entire editorial staff. The Times is printed 1zy Auburn Newspa-: pers, Auburn, NE. ·

The Times welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, articles, and so forth submitted to'The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be.published a:t the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style. Please send material to: Editor

The Peru State Times

111 Campus Mail 11111 Peru State College Peru, NE 68421

lluN!y. got run ovv by a tractor lle8t of all it happened on 'N All the little childnn are ullha;ipy I am jwot beolide -1.f with gl

I don't thinlc the childnn likeBut though I lc.Ul.ed lWn, it'• not torca; We're Mwd fxaa evil puzple, nm:i llind-c:ont2:oller' • llOl1a

Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editors

Sports Editor Features Editor

Photography Coordinator


Advertising Manager


Editors' Assistants Advisor


Terry Dugan

Robin L. Payton

Chris Raabe

Tera Stutheit

Charles Wake

Jesse Henderson

Kim Olson

Andrea Graff

Scott Holmes

Dan Ketelsen

Ray Topscher

Jennifer Froeschl

Matt Uher

Dr. Dan Holtz



Mindy Brockman

Lejgh Calfee

Jodie Hardy

AmberN. Hypse

Scott Krichau

Heather Joy Layson

Dawn May

Amelia McAlexander

Troy Moraine

Freedom Robinson

Debbie Sailors

Heather Stutheit

Andrea Tee

Josh Whitney

Cbozue: Oh• lluNly got run owr by a tractor Beat of all it happemd on '1V

All the little c:hilclrm are 1lllhappy I' am :luet beside ,.ywelf with gl-

Hy trial dati iJi Mt for 'J.'Uaday I 110n't get off (eo I'- been told) 10 million lciddi• - - do it , And the llllialbera of the jury are •ix yurs old

Chorus: Ch' llaXney got run 099r by a tractor But of all it bappened on TV

All the little children are unhappy I am jwot beaida 111Y11elf with gl

• . I
reitiain· of;tl1e 'Times .'.It ·meim theJ;e? \Vho Iqiows .• Ask to xedit. atcwex:naybetoolax,.;JVlmow;.but.keeot8'lls6·tises·s'.'thfsm.mind:• ·.·.·.. :. " · Dro{(l{etelsen:s
Chorus: Sarn.y got run ovwr by a tractor Bute of all it happened on '1V · All the little childrc are unhappy I am :l1111t beolide JllYllelf with gl,, Cbo:i::wa1

Apathy is pathetic waste of college minds

Dear Editor, Political and social apathy is spreading like wildfire across AmeriCa. As college students, we should begin to realize our responsibility to the future of this country and the world.

There is no excuse for anyone (especially college students) to be unaware of political and social implications taking over America.and society as a whole. There is no legitimate excuse for lack of knowledge, apathy and general ignorance when it comes to our future.

We know that it is difficult at times to be fully aware of all the issues going on in society. However, if everyone would take ten minutes a day to read the front page of a paper or watch the first ten minutes of a news show, and put this knowledge to use, we could make a difference.

A note to remember: Once power has been placed, it is hard to retrieve it!

Julie Wagner and Diane Durman

"Joe Log.ic" is not smart to "Jolene"

Dear Times Staff, I was very 'disappointed in an article in yourlastedition. The one I am talk-· ing about is "Joe Loglc" iri the Opinions section. Granted this is the opinions section; however, I feel that it could be done with some tact and professionalism. Statements like "What the hell!" and "There is an overabundance of lazy!@#@?" are unprofessional and could be replaced with more effective sayings.

Also, I don't know where this person got their information from, but if people can actually find parking spots two .blocks from campus after 8:30 a.m: without the city issuing them a parking ticket, I encourage them to let the other 99% of the commuters in on their secret. And as far as buying a bus, where would we park it? Who would drive it? We'd have to buy a permit for that, too! Oh, and would tlie school be willing to pay gas ·. money to go to Belleyue and further?

You are right - this isn't high school. Most high school students have parking spots and enough intelligence to know how to use tact and act more professionally than the author of this article did.

Sincerely, "Jolene Logic" · Diane


Dear Editor,

We would like to bring to your attention the Peru Bobcat Marching Band. We would first like to say that we are impressed by·the size of the band, the way they look and the music they play. We must say that the band director, Ms. Cheryl Fryer, has definitely made a difference in the · band compared to two years ago. We also think the band shows a lot of spirit at the football games.

However, we feel that the band members' chants are very disrespectful and tasteless, and also give Peru a bad name for itself. Don't get us wrong, we should support our athletes · but not by saying things about sex and beer. The parents at tbe football games seemed shocked at what the band members say.

For some people who have no idea of what we are talking about, we would like to give you an example: "Give mean 'S;' give mean 'E;' give me an 'X;' what's that spell? ('SEX') What's that mean? ('SCORE, SCORE, SCORE')" That is just one of many chants that are very offensive to students and parents.

We were very surprised that no authority has said anything about these so-called chants and done something to prevent them. We were also shocked to see our "pride" band director yell with her band these obscene chants. W1' are aware that nothing will probably be done about these chants, but we have spoken to let you know how we feel about the chants and how bad they really make all of you look.


• A group of people who care about Peru's reputation

are also made witll animal fat

.· Foriiistarice,1 bought rnyselfa and myfr:iend insisted there i1c,:. (adeast they used to be; 1 haven't Heiilthy Choice Garden Potato way in it. !/ell, I eaten themfor so long be?ause of that · frozen entree that I, · out Jhe box froj'n' the trash, and · reascm they. might have changed). Jllanned fo eatatwork. As I sure en,ough, ,guess what \Vas one of What is wrong with vegetable oil?. It · 'ing it in.• the. niicr6\Vave, J, ··· · the •· .· , ··. >'"i'J'. / •·A• , ·.sure is m.rire healthy than· animal. fat aboutjµsthow:very hungry I \Vas. My Whe1;1lonce\Vent to a i;estauran'tin anyway! · ·· · empty stomac)l growled angnly as 1:. .Llnc6!n; J wanted to prder.French · ,Why do companies do these sort of smelled that fo6d. · · · ·· · · .things? J just don't imderstand.

But something smelled · ls it .some plot to make wrong lgottheideatoJook· · ·• All I can say is, thank God work harder to prove their Youiaiov&; people ask rneallthe Aha! The ·)or Ba cos, "America's #1 ba· convietions? Isita way to pro.. time howl·canlive.withriut eating firstlngredfont besides veg:· ··· · ·· · vide cheaper more unhealthy meat lte11theriiit's nothai;d at all, etableswaschicken broth; r 'con flavored .topping . ./' foodstoconsumerswithoutlowandl'.m not iying when I say' that. ·. c'puld .!1Q1 believe itl For a -------------••-. ering the cost of the products?

onion soup with three kinds of Or is itjust a source of information being a vegetarian You just realiz.e anyway, then chastised myself and cheeses. Yum, that sounded so good. and discontent for me to write about? what you're actila!Jy.eatirigwhen you the stuff in the.trash. Butwhen Iasked the waiter what the All I can say is, thank God for eat me.at· (killed ·anirrials), and .you A lot of Rice-a-Roni and pasta iil ·a base of·the soup was, he answered Bacos, "America's# J bacon flavored you can't niorally participate. bOx kind of dinners contain broth too. "beef broth." Shot down again. topping;'' which contains no meat or v.ulgar sort of activity ahy A friend ofrriine waSmaking dinner And you know those cheap dough- animal fat. Those crunchy bacon bits longer.'. 'I'.he'harder·pa:rt of being•a ' for tl:ie.two of us when! noticed the nuts fo a box you can buy in any gro- (unlike the soft ones you'll find at vegetariail ls watching out for meat sfli.ellcoming ·from the kitchen cecy or convenience store? Check the s:alad fbars) make my numerous. salproductll .that. com{Jl\flies. sneakinto: smelled like chicken. The rice she sometime: beef ads very delicfous.

Noteating!neatiStheeasierpartof ·· 'secondl!houghtaboutea.tingthef'()()d

v.·e·· ... ·e·.·.. o··ri"la . .•·.... ·.•.•. ..,.. ............. ····.· . . . .. :·•.•:.·.'-·.· ·. . ... .... . .. . gKJ. ... .. ···.··•.·.·.·. ... ........... :· ,.!},: ':,·?"'":' " {,: <"'/'> .·· ..•. ··.. .·· .·. • :• ; ··•·· ·. ..··. < ·< . " . . i ' t•:. .. • ·'• , :· ·,' ·>:<.'>.'"<··; ., 1 :;<; ,• ve_getariariiierns:

PSC catalogs are mini reflections of yesterday and today

If you want to see a miniature reflection of the world, read your PSC catalog. Better yet, go back and read catalogs from the past to find out what your parents did for fun, or what your great-great-grandparents considered important.

At Peru, we are fortunate to have catalogs beginning from eight years after the establishment of the college, the State Normal School of Nebraska.

The first catalog was published in 1874, at which time the school retained eight faculty members and 18 student teachers, most of whom were female.

The fourth year class (seniors) included four students who had already finished courses such as morals and manners, botany and drawing, penmanship, Latin, bookkeeping, logic and solid geometry. No description of the courses was provided in the book, but it wouldn't be difficult to imagine that morals and manners might be similar to an ethics class today. Penmanship would have been much more important in a world without computers; can you imagine what "Johnny's" parents would have said if his teacher was unable to write legibly?

No library existed at the school then. Students were encouraged to bring whatever bo9ks they possessed

to use as further references to the texts that could be purchased in the village. The Normal School charged no tuition, but had an entrance fee or matriculation fee of $5 per term - fall, winter or spring.

In 1875 a "model" school program was added to the curriculum to help teachers practice their skills on real pupils: Today we have practicums and student teaching to

costs a student to attend this school for a single term, or for a.year. No direct answer can be given to this question, as much depends on the habits of the student. We have here given all the necessary items of expense, and students intellectually qualified to enter the school can form their own estimates." (Italics added.)

· In 1880, there were 152 female and 124 male students at the school. Past

- verse from a poem by S. Y. Barton

assist education majors.

The 1876 catalog lists all school alumni by the year they graduated. The first alumni of the Normal School, the Class of 1870, were George Howard of Leipsic, Germany, and Annie (Moorehead) Joy of Sabetha, KS.

The entire class of 1874 consisted of one person who had died by the time the catalog including his name was published -two years later.

In 1878, dorm room rates went up from $5 to $7 per term for the best rooms. Also, this year's.catalog included the following statement: "We are sometimes asked how much it

graduates· of both courses numbered 39. The average age of the student was slightly over 19 years. Forty counties and eight states were represented at the college.

Although time marched on, no significant changes were noted by the college catalogs until 1889, when it became necessary to use a smaller font to accommodate more graduates and students. This catalog also noted that the school had been enlarged in 1885. The 1889 summary included 379 female and 193 male students, an average age of 19.5 and slightly lower room !'ltes for dorm housing than the previous year.

The 1894 catalog included pictures (an observatory and a fountain), added a summer school and established a military department. Total graduates had reached 89.

Course descriptions were added in the 1898 catalog, along with explanations of the 12 possible courses of study and degrees available from those courses. A diploma fee of $5 was added. Dorm rates went up to $13 for the best rooms. And, as a sign of how times were changing, a note · was placed in the text requesting that alumni keep in touch with the school, at least by having their address on file with the college.

From 1904-6, the Chapel and the (old) Gym, were built. The catalog included a poem by S. Y. Barton entitled "A Picture." The first verse reads, "If I could _paint a picture, and paint it in colors true, I would spend my time in work sublime, painting old Peru."

Electricity and hot/cold water were added to Mount Vernon Hall, the dorc mitory for ladies. This catalog also mentions good railroad connections for travelling students.

Student organizations included the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), the Philomathean Literary Society, the Everett Literary Society, the Ciceronian _Debating Club (for

males), the Athenian Debating Club (for females) and the Athletic Association.

This catalog also contains a picture of T. J. Majors standing in his corn field. Some of the stalks towered over his head more than three times his height; the whole field was half again as tall as he was.

In many ways, this document was more like a gossip column than a guideline for students. It included personal information about several faculty members, graduates, administration and students. The language of the booklet was very informal, similar to many high school annuals or alumni newsletters, but very unlike our catalog today and the catalogs published before 1906.

What will the students of tomorrow learn from us? Perhaps it wili be the importance of a college education, signified by the fact that we have programs to help more people get into college. Maybe they will find an ancient disease mentioned, AIDS, (hopefully) cured long in their past. Or they might wonder why sexual harassment was such a huge issue.

Our catalog is more than three times the size of the 1874 volume. With computers to aid our writing and storage of documents, will the catalog of 2074contain three times the information of ours? Let's hope PSC is around to find out!

Brownville Cemetery has eye-opening history, elite membership

A casual stroll through a quiet riverview cemetery may seem a mundane. activity for a crisp fall day. However, if you are armed with a little information and a sharp eye, the Brownville_. Cemetery can provide a unique glimpse at local history.

The first cemetery .board was formed on Nov. 7, 1864, three years before Nebraska received statehood. Nine local men organized the board, with Luther Hoadley as the president. How long the graves were tended by a nameless group of guardians without the benefit of an official title, is unknown.

It is known that the group was composed entirely of women. Women weren't given the right ro vote until l920, so it .was unlawful for them to form a board. Probably the women's husbands served legally in their .places.

The town of Brownville was incorporated in 1854, and the old· est recorded date of death was for Mary J. Gilliatt,Aug. 23, i855. Many others were buried before this date,

but we can only speculate about who they were, or where they came from. These graves are thought to be those · of travelers or local residents whose families later drifted on. The oldest graves are unmarked or have.little of the original headstones intact.

The most famous individual at the cemetery has his own page in Nebraska history. Robert Furnace, third elected governor in the state, lies in his family's large plot. In his lifetime he was not only a public official but a newspaper editor and organizer of the State Historical Society.

Furnace promoted the first state fair, and two were held in Brownville, due to his constant support. He

Later in life, Robert Furnace became an Indian Agent and captured the Indian Chief John Ross.

The cemetery is constantly battling the effects of weather and erosion but recently has acquired a new threat

Vandals have demolished over 20 headstones in the last few years. The cemetery has chains over the dri v6ways, but unwelcome- intruders persist in destru.ction. Not only is the damage thoughtless, but most headstones are beyond repair. Lola Vice, treasuer of the cemetery board states, "We try to fix them if we can, but many are just too old to ever repair." The older marble markers are rather simple, but as the years progressed, the stones became more imaginative in design. A whole day could be spent studying .the work of Monday - Saturday am - Spm

· Sunda 5:30am -12:30 m

Breakfast Buffet - Saturday and Sunday All-you-can-eat Spaghetti - Tuesday Nights Catfish and Carp-Friday Nights

past tombstone artists. Having even one marker destroyed is a historical loss.

If you closely observe the dates on the headstones, you can detect deaths due to our culture's medical woes. Communicable diseases such as smallpox, and harsh winters took their toll on whole families. · Death ·dates are often within a week of each other or sometimes the same day.

T.hese graves are important. Throughout the area there are dozens of forgotten historical "treasures." They are part of our heritage. Take

time to stroll through a cemetery on a crisp fall day and remember those who founded our community.

"WE TRY TO FIX THEM IF WE CAN, but many are just too old to repair," said Lola Vice about cemetery upkeep. -photo by Amelia McAlexander achieved the rank of U.S. Army Colonel, bestowed on him personally by P r e s Abraham Lincoln.

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"If I could paint a picture, and paint it in colors true, I would spend my time in work sublime, painting old Peru."
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1941, but was not accepted because he didn't have any college education.

Fighter pilots are bold, immortal, Instead, he joined the RAF and transand theyfacetheirfearsheadon. Fred ferred to the U.S. Corp later in 1942.

"Bud" Farington, a 35 year Auburn Farington, unlike most other pilots resident is such a man, though judg- in the 8th Air Force, had official ing only by his small 5'6" stature,. one pilofs training before joining the Air would never guess he is capable of Force. He attended Dallas Aviation maneuvering a powerful piane around School after he graduated from high the skies. But for 56 years, he has school. · been doing just that.

''The Air Force actually kind of Bud was bitten by the flying bug frowned on having previous training. when he saw an open-cockpit plane They wanted to start you out the way fly over Falls City. A short time later, they wanted. It's a different type of at age 7, he took his first airplane ride flying," explained Farington. in Horton, KS. After that day, he In looking back Farington is glad knew he wanted "N b •td he joined the Air to become a pi- of everyone can u1 Force "There lot. a plane and take their was a.war going He learned to granddaughters and on,andyouhadto fly in an open friends on a ride." be somewhere. I cockpit biplane Bud Farington preferred to be in with no brakes the air." and no tail wheel, and he soloed on He did comment that flying for the Oct. 6, 1939, at the young age of 19. Navy would have been his second Farington went on to fly 65 combat choice, but he said with a grin, "!can't missions during WWII. At the con- swim very far." trols of a P-51 North American Mus- Farington was eventually promoted tang, he escorted b,omber planes to Captain and was called back to serthrough enemy territory. vice in 1953. He also spent time in

''The P-51 is fast, sleek and had the air during the Korean War. most all the capabilities a pilot likes After the war, Farington put his in an airplane. They are nice and re- skills to good use as a flight instrucsponsive and actually easy to fly," tor. He taught students in Falls City, Farington commented. "It was my Kansas City, MO and in Malden, MO. favorite plane to fly. I survived the He is now instructing in Auburn. "I ·war in it." enjoy seeing a student work hard to

Although Farington flew with the build up to his first solo," Bud com8th Air Force, 4th Fighter Group of mented. the U.S. Air Corps during most of the Bud, his wife Bobbi and their two war, it was the Royal Air Force of children moved to Auburn in 1962, Britain that gave him his start. where he managed the municipal airHe tried tojoin the U.S. Corp in port and with his wife started Auburn

Flying Service. He began agriculture spraying and instructing at thi.s time.

Although Bud has given up spraying in the last few years, he continues to do some instructing, but he mostly flies for pleasure.

Throughout his flying cai:eer, most would say Bud has at leaSt touched base with nearly all aspects of flying. However, in the early 70's he began a project that topped off his long list of aviation feats; he began to build his own airplane.

"I used plans and started in my basement building the fuselage, wings and tail separately. I wanted to see if I could do it. It was for self-satisfaction," Bud explained. ·

After nearly eight years the "CP" was finished. It was a open cockpit two-seater Contiplane with a 65horsepower engine and a wingspans of only 26 feet.

"It was an ego trip for me. I have nothing but good memories flying it, "Bud remarked. One memory, however, he is sure not to' forget is the day he disassembled it.

"All my passengers grew up, "Bud quipped. Some of his fondest memories are taking his granddaughters for rides. ·

"Actually the insurance was high and it wasn't a utility type of aircraft," he said. "It was only meant to go putputtin' around the sky."

Bud added proudly, "Not everyone can build a plane and take their granddaughters and friends on a ride."

During his 56 years of flying, Farington has been honored many times, both during and after the war. He received Air Force, wings from

Safety is this flyer's top priority

Fred "Bud" Farington, Auburn, has definitely been around. the world of aviation for awhile. For 56 years he's been flying and learning all he can about airplanes.

Dtiqng his career, safety has been his top priority. ''The machine's ability and the pilot's ability have to coincide," Farington said. "Otherwise, so.."!leone will get hurt."

Anoth.er important aspect of flying that Farington values is knowing when not to fly. "Weather is a major factor when flying. A pilot needs to

his limits," Bud commented. never tried to get someone in the

"Safety is knowing enough so you plane if they didn't want to," he said. don't over step the bounds of the "Most people don't understand · plane's ability,_ especially in bad · what makes a plane fly, " he comweather," Farington stated. mented. "There ·is no feeling of When teaching his students to fly, height. Once people begin to underFarington commented, "I'll do every- stand it, they have fewer fears." thing I can to help them get their lie As forthe future0fsmall airplanes,cense, but ifl ever learn they that fly Farington says there won't be any carelessly, I'H work just as hard to unless the pilot's liability gets figured take it away." out: He also commented that the price

Preflight and postflight chedks are of small planes is now too high for a regular part of Farington's flight the average person to afford. procedures. "Flying is as dangerous Farington talked about local uses as you want to make it." He under- for small airplanes. He said that most stands people's fe1-s offlying. "I've are used for pleasure, but crop-dust

three different countries, the U.S., England and China. He also received numerous Air Force medals while serving his country.

Recently, however, Bud received what is perhaps the greatest honor any pilot can receive. The Auburn MunicipalAirport was officially renamed

"Farington Field" in honor of hisservice to the Air Force.

"It was an honor to join an elite group of people in the aviation business who have had an airport named after them, especially since I am still around to enjoy it," Farington remarked.

Commuters enioy the ride, learn to use the time wisely

Have you ever had one of those days that began around 6 a.m. and when you finally got home it was nearly 10 p.m.? The staff and students who commute to PSC certainly know what one of those long days feels like. However, commuters don't mind the driving. In fact, commuters make the most of their drive time by studying, listening to music or unwinding at the end of a busy day.

Junior language arts major Amber Hypse commutes daily from Sabetha, KS, and comments, "I tune the radio to the Edge and look at the scenery." Hypse doesn't mind commuting but says it's frustrating to drive two hours only to find that class has been cancelled.

Debbie Sailors, a freshman language arts major, and Dawn May, a sophomore speech pathology major,

commute together from Falls City, and feel that commuters are isolated from many college services when they aren't at school. May says that not having easy access to campus computers makes some of her classes more difficult.

Although Sailors and May find commuting frustrating at times, they do use their drive time wisely. Sailors relates, "Commuting gives Dawn and me a chance to catch up, discuss classes and study together."

Robin Payton, a junior language arts major who commutes from Sabetha, uses her drive to spend time with her daughter, who attends the 9ampus daycare. Payton says that a working car and gas money are the biggest financial drawbacks of commuting. She also comments, "I always think about how I could use those two hours of driving for other things."

Associate Professor of Education Dr. Dan Cox makes use of his daily drive from Shenandoah, IA, by taking notes on a hand-held tape recorder and using his cellular phone to make ,, important calls. Cox says of the drive ' home each night, "Driving lets me change hats from work to husband and father."

Dr. Toney McCrann, associate professor of English, likes commuting now much more than when he lived ,; on the east coast. He says that two " hours of driving on the east coast got !I him about 20 miles. McCrann now !I lives in Nebraska City and says of his ·· 23-minute commute to Peru, "I put on Beethoven or something and enjoy it."

Many commuters feel as McCrann does. Although frustrating at times, commuting is an opportunity to study, listen to music or just to relax and enjoy the scenery.

FARINGTON performs part of a pre-flight check.
WELCOME TO KANSAS is a sign that Amber Hypse, Robin Payton and others see every day on their way home from Peru. Sabetha, KS is approximately 48 miles from PSC.
-photo by Tera Stutheit
-photo by Robin

'Shop 'til you drop' at D·ecker's Grocer

"Howdy Do!" This is one of the 1any greetings you will receive from Id Decker, the owner 'of Decker's :rocery store in downtown Peru.

Decker is originally from Denver, :o, and worked at a Safeway superiarket in Colorado for 11 years.

Before he started his own grocery lSiness, he met his wife Barbara at Safeway in Lakewood, CO, where 1ey were co-workers. They were :tarried in 1977 and started their own rocery business in 1978 in Denver.

: After running their own business nd living in Denver for 10 years, they 10ved their place of residence and usiness to Ness City, KS, in 1987. bey then moved everything to Peru 1 1992 due to the lease expiring.

,"God guided us here," said Decker.

After a four day search in Nebraska nd looking at five different stores we .aine to our final destination and have een here ever since."

Upon coming to Peru, Decker was repared for anything. Moving from 11e racially diverse community in .•enver to the farming and oil workg community in Ness City, he was !ady and excited to work in the col!ge and farming community of nall-town Peru. However there was one situation he

had to adjust to, the decrease in business during Christmas vacation and summertime when the dorms close and the students leave town. "We squeeze by through the Christmas and summertime, but do pretty good the

Decker. The students also seem happy with the service Decker provides them. "He makes it a point to get to know everyone and makes you feel at home," said Lea Bausher, a junior pre-physician assistant major and native Californian. ·

Joe Dunn, a senior physical educa- · tion alld health major said," It's always nic.e to see Mr. Decker's friendly smile. He has a special way ofletting people know he appreciates their business."

rest of the year," said Decker.

The grocery business isn't something new for Decker; it is a tradition · in his family beginning with his grandfather, then passed on to his father and now him. Decker works about 90-100 hours a week along with his wife, who puts in about 60 hours a week.

'Tm happy with my profession, and I love it here in Peru," said Decker. He also said he loves the college environment because the students are so full of life, excited to achieve their goals and motivated to move out into the real world on their own.

"Going through college is like going through life; you need to find what you want to do with your life and like doing, do it and enjoy it," advised

Decker, his wife Barbara and their five children: Micha, Aaron, Jarred, Miranda and Sarah, ranging from six to 17 years old, are happy living in Peru and plan to stay. Decker even mentioned that he would like to retire here.

As far as Decker's plans for business in the future, he would like to move all of the videos to the room next door and make that into a video store and even purchase some arcade machines.

Just an added note for your shopping convenience: Decker's is open from 8 a.m to midnight Monday through Saturday and from noon to 7 p.m on Sunday.

November 22 is Decker's birthday, .so take the time to stop in and wish him a happy birthday!

fashion styles make new comeback

:y Mindy Brockman

The looks of the late sixties and ·rly seYenties are back in style. Flip

.rough any magazine and you will bell bottoms, platform shoes and :ven velour pantsuits. The look can ·n be found here on campus. Loy, the platform shoes are the most

· resented style.


'.>latform sandals, with either cork plastic soles, were the leading shoe \ Aes during this time. Wearing them ,ifu jeans was.also a popular way to riodel them. Now, almost any shoe

1.yle can be purchased with a platform

<:el-anything from dress boots to

junior elementary special education major.

Some might say this style has gotten a little.out of hand. For example, Converse manufactures the Chuck Taylor high-top canvas basketball shoes with a three inch platform heel. What kind of outfit would you wear them with? According to Val Richardson, junior secondary math education major, "I think they are absolutely disgusting because my mother wore them when she was young. They remind me of a hippie."

so common among young women today.

Mini skirts and wrap skirts are other popular styles from the early seventies. Short, sleeveless dresses also came into style during this period. Cutouts and see-through inserts of sheer fabric in certain articles of clothing are another common fashion style that remains popular today. Purses designed to look like treasure chests are also common today. Instead of having a long strap, they are carried by handles. Metallic locks and trim are also features of this type of bag.

Cupid plays dominoes at PSC

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." Does it appear that there are a Jot of love connections happening on campus?

"lmis shoes. "I'm fascinated with the 1ility platform shoes have to make person stand out in an eccentric sort f way," states Sara

Those of you who claim to dislike the fashions of years ago need to look into your closets. You will find many clothing styles of the past in your present wardrobe. For instance, denim overalls came out in 1972 along with the t-shirt dresses that are

Finals Sc-hedule Fall 1995

So for those of you who hated the styles from the late sixties and the seventies, wait a while, they will be out of style again soon. But beware,· because_ they will be back.


Get your flu

Walking around campus one is sure to see couples involved in displays of affection. Cupid must have come early this school year and shot several arrows.

Krys Leeds, junior secondary education language arts major, states "The domino efft;et is the idea that when one couple begins dating a series of people pair up,-up-domino."

It is nice to see students happy in their personal relationships. Students were asked what is the most important aspect in having a successful relationship.

Matt Uher, senior secondary education language arts major, believes the ability to compromise and understand are the most important. "It is easy to say that but I think it is the key in having a successful relationship," he added. Matt also thinks it is helpful "to be able to get along with her parents, it makes it easier."

Andrea Tee, senior secondary education language arts major, feels trust and honesty are vital; without these a relationship is sure to fail.

Every couple has their own ideas of what makes their relationship work, more power to them!

Let's just hope we keep the "up domino" and don't experience the "down domino"! Good Luck!

We now accept Visa, MC, Discover, and ATM cards for your purchase!

... 11 .!' ' j • - II • - '
"I'm happy with my profession, and I love it here in Peru,"
-Ed Decker
ll !I Exam Period Dec 18 Dec 19 Dec20 Dec 21 8:00-lQ:OO 2:00 9:30 9:00 3:30 a.m. TTH TTH MWF TTH I' ' ltj " li; ii JI 10:30-12:30 12:00 3:00 11:00 2:00 ii p.m. MWF MWF MWF MWF ., c: 1 :00-3:00 4:00 8:00 12:30 11:00 i1 p.m. MWF MWF TTH TTH 11 1' 1:00 8:00 10:00 OPEN 3:30-5:30 t p.m. MWF TTH MWF l -
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• • • • shots in
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ED DECKER SMILES AS HE checks the quality of his produce. Ed is the owner of Decker's Grocery in downtown Peru. -photo by Andrea Tee
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Sabbaticals awarded to two PSC professors

Anderson, Davis to recharge enthusiasm for teaching

Two longtime faculty members at PSC have been granted paid sabbaticals for the upcoming spring semester. Ken Anderson, professor of art, and Dr. Spencer Davis, professor of history, have been chosen to receive sabbaticals. Both had submitted applications this past spring and were notified in September of their selection. It is the first time in over IO years that P_SC has granted paid sabbaticals to any faculty members. Sabbaticals are granted to college professors for various purposes. In larger colleges and uni- PROFESSORS DAVIS AND ANDERSON are going on sabbatical next semester to recharge their teaching batteries. -photos by Andrea Tee versities, sabbaticals are often for the purpose of rest and rejuvenation. They are generally awarded every seven years, with application unnecessary.

At PSC, a sabbatical proposal is submitted for administrative consideration only when funds are available. A professor may use a sabbati-

cal for scholarly work, creative endeavors, continued research, development of new courses, travel or thought.

Both Davis and Anderson stressed that their students will ultimately benefit greatly from their sabbaticals. Both feel that they will come back for

Vi s if your local schools, see investment in education

The week of Nov. 12-18 will be formally proclaimed American Education Week by Peru Mayor Dick Stich on Nov. 9. Stich, Peru State President Dr. Robert Burns and Education Division Chairperson Dr. David Ainsworth will sign the proclamation. This year's week-long observance will carry the theme "Good Schools

Are A Great Investment."

In celebration of this week, citizens are being urged to visit their local schools to see how their investment in education is paying off. The celebration is not inclusive to the process and facilities, but also, education workers are being praised for their

dedication to helping today's children become tomorrow's responsible citizens.

The emphasis of the week will focus on the fact that "investment" involves more than monetary values. It also means public interest and active participation in support of various schqol events and programs which are of prime importance.

American Education Week was established as an annual event in 1921 by the National Education Association and the American Legion. Today, there are 10 other co-sponsors, including the U. S. Department of Education.

the fall semester feeling refreshed and recharged with new ideas.

Davis intends to travel to Connecticut to do research in the Yale University Library. He also hopes to attend events and lectures at UNL and UNO.

Anderson plans to visit New York


City and the San Francisco area, visiting art museums and exhibits, interviewing artists. Anderson hopes to return with a body of his own completed sculptures and Davis would like to see some of his articles published.

Dr. Terry Smith, vice president of

academic affairs, stated that PS( "hopes to continue to fund sabbati cals in the future." He feels that faculty sabbaticals "recharge intellectua batteries" and help tremendously ir faculty development. He also empha sized the benefits for students oDavis and Anderson.

Excellent teachers may get rewards

If there's a teacher you'd like to reward, here's your chance. The Nebraska State College System Teaching Excellence .Award for outstanding teaching at a Nebraska state college is open for nominations. The cash award is worth $3,000. The deadline to nominate an instructor is November 22, 1995.

Qualities of excellent teaching include the teacher's willingness to develop innovative teaching techniques; present course materials in an interesting, stimulating and scholarly manner; demonstrate sensitivity to student inquiry and discussion, both in and out of the classroom, and any other traits the teacher has which enhances,

strengthens and encourages stude1 to enjoy becoming involved in the learning process.

Additional considerations are the teacher's involvement in faculty development programs and the active and positive record of service to students as an academic, profes·. sional or personal advisor.

Full-time faculty with at least four. years of continuous employment at · state college who teaches a minimum, of 15 credit hours per academic year; are eligible for the award. One previous recipient of the award was Carol Pappas of PSC. Nomination form, are available in the office of the ViccPresident for Academic Affairs.

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.t com," croons the deejay on 101.9

YI. What's up with that? ·

Fechnology is everywhere. My sisr" want to e-mail me. The Lincoln-

'.li\lhal Star's web site is under coniuctiori. · Roy Rogers and Dale are launching an Internet site World Wide Web. This stuff is {)Wing arid nothing seems to be ex.acted in the race to be "on-line." to find out what this is all

ibuL Mark Kesh, assistant profesof management information sys1ns, invited me to sign up for a semion e-mail that was being con."cted by Dan Vice, a junior comiter science major. I'm happy to inounce that you can now e-mail me llnay@pscosf.peru.edu.

'Whe.n Colonie Martin, a freshman ?Ctronics/robotics major, was asked :ly she was learning to use e-mail,

"I have a friend at Doane lege that lwant to write to.:'

J1ysical education instructor David {mnigan attended the seminar. "Evsystem is different," he stated, i!ld I need to refresh iny memory."

kStudents and instructors around fmpus were asked if they used eail or were interested in it.. Most o'dents replied that they would take

'to learn e-mail if it was

Some just didn't care.

Froeschl, a junior language arts f'jor, said, "I don't know how to use !nail but I'd like to learn. I think it puld be helpful in the future."

!For those of you who aren't using inail;" here's the story. Every stulnt at PSC can access e-mail and the free of charge. You can send ail to anyone with an e-mail ad:.::ss. It's really easy to use.

tMore e-mail .seminars will be ofed in the future. The dates have t &en set but you can see Kesh in ,'.;business office ofT. J. Majors for ore information. Bill Lockwood, a \Ilior elementary educatiollJspecial !ucation major, offered his help to ,yone interested. He said, "If you find rile, I'm iri the Hoyt comJter lab often."

it out! Jt's fun, it's easy and i' cheap! Unless you want to be left take the opportunity now and ) cruisin' on the superhighway of

PSC hosts Show Choir Festival

You.are probably wondering what all of the extra people were doing on campus.the other day. They were here for the 24th Annual Show Choir FesThe festival was held Oct. 2425 by the Peru State College department-01' music and student chapter of Music Educational National Conference.

Thirty-two schools participated in this years festival. They perform both for competition and feedback on their

performance. The adjudicator for this years festival was Dr. Robert Davis. Dr. Davis is the director of choral activities at North Iowa Area Community College in Mason City, IA. Although Dr. Davis..gives feedback to the schools on their performance, the MENC students run the show.

The duties that tht!se students irmst perform include: hosting schools to make sure they get places on time, running the sound and setting the stage for the high schools, setting up for the festival and cleaning up after

Five go to ABE conference

Five members of the Adult Basic Education program offered through Peru State College took part iri the 14th annual ABE Conference in Kearney. · ·

The participants attended a variety of workshops and talked with other adult educators from across Nebraska, according to Chris Dietz, Volu11teer C()ordinator,f,Qr the program at PSC.

Workshop topics -included "GED 2000," "Working With At-Risk Youth," "Gangs and Youth Violence in Nebraska," and sessions on adult , education programs in math, writing, and English as a Second Language.

"It was a great opportunity for those of us sel'Ving ABE students to network and meet each other -to talk about our programs," noted Dietz.

it is over. Some of the students must show up by 6:00 a.m. to get things ready. "Our main duty is just to keep things running smoothly," commented Raymond Topscher, president of MENC and a music education major.

Iri addition to these duties, many of the students performed in PSC's own Misty Blues show choir both. days of the festival.

MENC is already looking forward to next year and is planning the best festival ever for the 25th year.

The Times is now taking applications for a Photography Coordinator for the Spring 1996 semester. This is a paid position. Applicants must be able to process black and white film and perform darkroom tasks. Beginning photography or equivalent required. Contact Dr. Dan tfoltz at:


As of October 22nd, Peru State adopted a new open flame, incense policy. According to the policy, students living in the residence halls will not be permitted to bum any kind of incense at any time.

However, candles will be able to be burned in the residence halls if the candle is inside a metal or glass container. The containers must rise at least one half inch above the flame. Also, candles may not be placed alongthe same wall that a window is located. Plus, the resident must be present and awake while the candle is burning:

In addition to candles, electric simmering potpourri pots will be allowed

;iC'S MISTY BLUES SHOW.CHO.IR performs at the 24th annual ,'OW Choir Festival it hosted. D,r. Thomas Ediger's group is·one ; 35 show choirs performing during the two-day event. fboto by Debbie Sailors
Incense, open flame policy announced ;-
PERU STATE SOCIETY OF SOCIAL AWARENESS sponsors o presentation by Mad Dads. in residence hall rooms. Residence SSA President Phyllis Jorgensen (center), a PSt senior from Auburn, introduces Ed Staton {left) and Life Staff reserves therighttokeyinto Theron Co?k to a large crowd on hand. Mad Dads was founded in Omaha in May of 1989, and its anyroomiftheysmellanythingburnmembersh1p has grown to over 25,000 in 12 states. ·Mad Dads is an acronym which stands for Men ing, and if any regulation is violated, DiwdO< Kom · 0,. · e :-i r HAIR DESIGN -. Pool - Darts-Music < Special!! Sunday thru Saturday Open lpm _lam - • / 12 Sessions/$24 CJf. Happy Hour 5-6 Everyday! Julie C;tton 2 months unlimited/$64 ood luck Football and Volleyball teams! 872-3245 612 5th St. Peru,NE 0 m 1010 11th. Street Auh111n NE

Bobcats pound low,a Wesleyari·1 sitting one game below

The Peru State Bobcats dropped a close one to Westmar University on the road before pounding Iowa Wesleyan over Fall Break. The 'Cats sent their season mark to 3-4-1 on the season. A victory at Nebraska Wesleyan next Saturday will give the Bopcats their first season at or above 500, since 1992.

Peru 42 Iowa Wesleyan 20

The Bobcats played their final home game of the season last weekend. A powerful running game proved to be the key as PSC rolled to a 42-20 victory.· Peru scored five touchdowns before Iowa Wesleyan even considered putting points on the board. Shane Mc.Gooden scored three times on passes of 67 and 16 yards and scampered to pay dirt from 13 yards out.

The real story was sophomore run-

and applied the pressure, sackin; Wesleyan quarterbacks five times an• dropping running backs for losses oi nine occasions. Jason Wheeler ha] 15 tackles, while Nick Maher 10 tackles, a fumble recovery, and a I ·mtercept10n. :

Westmar 17 Peru 14 "\

The Bobcats traveled to Westmaj Iowa for a showdown with 5., Westmar University on October 2J Peru State drew blood first whiq Maher rumbltid to the end zone 20 yards out. The kick failed, but tit 'Cats went into the locker room a 6-0 halftime lead. \ Westmar went to the !)ir for the1 first score of the game early in t1i period, on an eight yard strike. The Eagles added to their ofi .point lead when Clint Broer from one yard out. A field goal eY tended the lead in the fourth quarte\,

THE BOBCATS SHOWED SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT under first year C:oach Dick Strittmatter, and as a r'esult, the Bobcats are one win away·from' their best record in years. One reason can be accredited to the Bobcats improved tenacity on defense as shown by defensive back Nick Maher

Gibbs' gang toward a. high-flying '95-96 season


Midnight Madness, Dick Vitale, Bobby Knight and the heat being turned on in the Al Wheeler Center. What do these things have·in common'? Basketball is just around the corner. The Peru State men's team is in final preparations for their season opener, Nov; 6 against Central Methodist College of Fayette, MO.

The Bobcats are coming off a disappointing season of 8·20. They are looking to improve on that mark from last year. "We believe that we should have a successful season. Although it will be a tough test for us because we have 11 home games compared to 19 on road," commented head basketball coach John Gibbs.

Wea!messes that coach Gibbs saw in his team were having the players , 1*come familiar with the system and fariiiliar with each other. "Our team isprobably a year fri>m being a top 25 team, but we want to be competitive by the second semester because as a team that is what we are shooting towards," explained Gibbs.

'This team is probably the most athletic team I've h.lid in the past two years. I. think this will be a solid rebounding team and a team that will play tough defensively. Defense and rebOunding are the two big keys in having a successful team," stated Gibbs.

The Bobcats are returning seven from last year's squad. They include: junior, Nate Caldwell; junior, Scott Daniel; freshman, Jamol Hai:ris; senior, Daniel King; sophomore, Chris senior Albert Norman; junior, Tom Riley. Captains on this year's squad are Daniel King, Albert Norman and Tom Riley.

"The recruiting class was a and four of these nine recruits are · going to step in and play key fC!les," commented Gibbs. Four are from ·junior colleges, two are freshmen and the other three are red-shirting.

The six recruits, that are on the active roster include: junior, Lance

Cohn; junior, Damarcus Johnson; junior, Lawrence Hollier; junior, Greg Thompson; freshman, Gregg Liesemeyer; freshman, Shawn Gibbs.

This year look for the Bobcats to have more of a pressure style defense. "We are looking to use three guards and two forwards much of the time, but we will start most games with a bigger lineup to disguise our shorter lineup," explained Gibbs. Depth has always been a strength for Gibbs in the past, and this year the depth is even stronger. "As a team l would compare them to the team we. had a year before we went to nationals," commented Gibbs.

"Our .first opponent is Central Methodist. This team scored 130 points on us last year, and they are everyone. Our· objective will be to slow them down and reduce their point production. This team will probably be the best team to enter the AWAC this season," remarked Gibbs.

One player that will be missing from the lineup when they take the collrt on Nov. 6 is junior, Chris Lade. He is a strong post-player who is a smart kid and a good player who will be missed," stated Gibbs. Lade is recovering from an injury and the status on his return is uncertain at this time.

1'wo new faces on the sideline that might .look familiar to most people that weie former players themselves are now assistant coaches .• Fred Ward, a two-time all-American, played on the team that went to the nationals in 1993, and Paul Calloway was the most valuable player on last year's !;quad. "I think these two men will do a great job," commented Gibbs.

"Overall I feel very optimistic for the upcoming. year, As I Stated earlier if this team can get familiar with the system, and above all with each other we will very competitive. These players are a good bunch of men and will get the job done," re-· marked Gibbs.

ning back Seren Humburg. Humburg carried the ball only 16 times but rushed for 203 yards. The Bobcat ground game chewed up 341 yards of real-estate as Peru State amassed 520 yards of total offense.

Jamie Stinson hooked up wit McGooden for a 30 yard aerial, Korey Reimen added the conversion to pull-the 'Cats within: field goal. But the Eagles stiffenr; and the Bobcats were turned awaj Maher and Scott Weyers led the fensive charge with I 3 tackles a pieq (#9) showing the Bobcats refusal to give up on a ploy. -photo by Chris

The Bobcat defense controlled the line of scrimmage most of the game

noances with WoJves•

<. ; '4 called in about proud tradition or culture, NativeAnieri; Mascots deal with culture.• Take f She claimed that• example the Vikings of the NFL, ti e tomahawk as sac.red .tO Indi: Yankees of Major League Baseba: ' are tothe PlthQ.. or the Fighting Irish of Dan ... .. :;istnelas(tillleyousaw Mostsanethitikersdonotviewtb ped(lling his mascots as• degrading .but rather' : ]3i:it those uplifting figure used to show the t-1 -e':rlea market are Probably not spirit of.an athletic team Do o:;

; · ·•· boystparoutagainsttheuseoft);I #it: ' heritage.? Are fat people. , 'tional1lldfatijsno1onger the Giants fo change their nait1·; ef lains in search of the·· How inanygays have you heard cor/ fact; Ibet50 percent plaining about the Packers. e •· · ··. > Native American. The United States is proud of ·· '\Pances Indian. heritage and shows tfi-1 · Iri iny, through the use of the Indian cultu.A.meripan''i,The Traditional Native American It seen that 01oyfe.,;.,/ ; noibeen persecuted through the ri(' 7th'e you want: of mascots. They have been i:esu not degrading i:ected. .The only thing I can see • · p<>litically incorrect is the use of tl , represent /name Senators. Now, that t1!i'used tOcetebrate>'a ., .• ·,·


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Bob tats to '29-6

The Bobcat volleyball team finally got to play the competition they needed to play to make that final step of improvement for post-season play

The Bobcats traveled to Springfield, MO, over fall break to play in one of the toqghest tournaments they have played in all season. Jill Parker, senior middle blocker, said, 'This was just the competition we needed to make the improvements necessary for post-season play."

Peru began the best of five tournament sweeping Harding College three straight games, 15-9, 15-8, 15-7.

Peru was then to face a very tough Columbia (MO) team. Columbia, ranked 8th nationally, hammered Peru in three straight games in a previous tournament at Graceland College. However, the task would not be so easy in Springfield.

Peru and Columbia were neck and neck exchanging wins in the first four games of the match. Peru, however, would come up on the short end with a 15-8 loss in the 5th game.

Parker saw this particular loss in good spirit. "Last time we played Columbia we'gothammered by them. Going tough with them for five games shows some massive improvement· from us. You can't be disappointed in that."

The I,,ady Bobcats, ranked 17th nationally, opened up the following day facing the 12th ranked Rockhurst.

Again, Peru got the short end after another grueling five game match, 15':.9, 13-15, 15-4, 13-15, 15-9.

"We were physically drained from the Columbia game. I know if we had played Rockhurst Friday it very well could have come out differently," commented Parker.

Parker believes that physical fatigue could possibly be credited to the best of five game tournament. This year the Bobcats have only

wasn't enough for the Bobcats to be counted down and out of the tournament. The ladies had one final game in Springfield in which they crushed Drury College 15-7, 15-4, 15-11.

Raylene Walker, senior student assistant, believes the tournament was a positive experience for the Bobcats. "They played their best and lost, but more importantly it opened some doors for improvement. Now they know the level they have to play at to

-Jill Parker

played in best of three game tournaments.

"It doesn't sound like a lot, but going best of five is much more strenuous than the best of three game match. Most best of.three matches can be played between 45 and 90 minutes. In best of five matches, that could easily be doubled. Our Columbia game lasted 2 1/2 hours. That is hard on a player physically as well as mentally," replied Parker.

Even with the Peru team having two rough losses behind them, it

{reklau breaks down w·omen'.s basketball

rf'he 1995-96 Lady Bobcat Basket1ll season will soon be underway. )fding to 6' senior, Jen Trouba, .tices (which started on Monday, 2) are going well and everyone .he team is working with Jots of ,ensity." ,.

"Trouba, the lone senior on this 1i!r's squad, is one of only five re, ning players. The other four vet,41s include 5'6" junior Jill Schulte,· '""sophomore Tammie Dodge, 5'8" nior Cheryl Reineke and 5'9" junr Angie Hubach.

Hubach also commented on the \m's practices thus far. ""We are .img but we are working together 1 ry well and are looking forward to ,.usitive season."

!'he Bobcats, who captured a 26-12

season last year, lost four key players from last year's team. Those players include Angie Wilson, Lisa Brown,

her career as coach of the Bobcats last season.

Kreklau stated that the team has Sheryln Ehman and S a r a h Gaines

be at the level they want to be at."

Will Peru reach that level in time for playoffs? Parker says yes. ''We'll probably get to play both Rockhurst and Columbia again, by ·then we'll have made some changes to counteract with their offenses. I'm confident in the ability of my teammates and myself, so from here on out, teams better be ready to play hard!"

Peru moves to a strong 29-6 on the season. The Lady Bobcats travel to Topeka, Kansas to play NCAA Division II Washburn.

Coed volleyball and ultimate frisbee slated to start in November

Have you noticed that the coat closet in the Student Center has been tllrned int;·the new intramural office?

--------------• quite a bit of Brown .and Wilson, along with Brian Woebbecke, are working with the team

as student assistants.

This year they have eight,pew recruits. "We have a lot of depth in the freshman class. I'm very pleased with practices and am confident that they will be ready to step it up and contribute early in the ·sea5on," commented head coach Tera Kreklau, who began

depth at the perimeter which will allow them to put a lot of pressure on defensively and allow them to play up tempo


Assistant coach Phil Weldele, also in his second year with the Lady Bobcats, commented on one of the team's major strengths. "We are able to see the floor very well," he said. As for a weakness within the team, Kraklau only mentioned one. "Al-

though we have quality along the front line we are lacking in depth, which means we will need to stay injury free and out of foul trouble," Kreklau said.

The Lady Bobcats will open their season at home on Nov. 9, when they will face Mount Marty of Yankton, SD. The Lady Bobcats last faced Mount Marty in the playoffs of the 1994-95 season. In that game, Peru State handed Mount Marty a loss which ended their season. "They' re big, talented and experienced , but beatable!" commented Weldele.

The Ladies will then hit the road for a duel with Avila College in Kansas City, MO, on Nov. 11, and will be on their home court in the Al Wheeler Activity Center on Nov. 14, when they will face the women's basketball team from York.

Coach Dave Teske's office hours range from 11 :00 AM to 2:00 PM everyday. If you miss him, give him a call at 872-2443. "I would be more than grateful to listen to .anyone with any suggestions they might have concerning intramurals," explained · Teske. Intramural posit:ons are open for both semesters.

Upcoming activities inciude:

-414 coed volleyball

-ultimate frisbee (men, women, coed)

Sign-up ends November 6

Registration forms are available in Teske's office located in the Student Center. "Again I would like to stress that feedback is essential for intramural success," said Teske.

Julie Nykodym, sophmore from Tilden, shows excellent form while a serve, which shows another reason why the Lady Bob:ats are so successful this year. -photo by Jesse Henderson
"It doesn't sound like a lot, but going best of five is much more strenuous than a best of three game match."
"We have a lot of depth in the freshman class."
-Tera Kreklau
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Seven hundred killed in squirrel riot!

Nebraska City, NE-Seven hundred branches and stormed the street. squirrels were killed when nature Unfortunately, the event escalated; guru, Dr. Bill 'Chip' Clemente, during rush hour traffic. I( brought the book Things Fall Apart Squirrel Riot Control Chief, John by Chinua Achebe to the local tree. Musafa, said, "They went too far on After reading the book, two thou- this one. Now, look at this mess!.

1995 sand squirrels armed themselves with Who's gonna clean this up?" -

Bad love poetry fin with PSC

For the third year, Dr. Bill Clemente has sponsored a bad love poetry contest in the English 309 Creative Writing class. Please, do not read these if you are currently in a good relationship and would like to keep it.

te Tragedy Ketelsen

with you I have no pride.

I guess he was right; you do have great eyes. Your silhouette appeared from atop the banister. After first and second glance, I reached for the canister.

As you tried to embrace me, I thought of my friends, their friendship in doubt, I just wished it would end.

As I stammered from your hulking grasp, I tried to pull focus, but just choked and gasped. I gathered my thoughts, nice guy shoes put aside, grabbed my coat and ran like hell!!

Bye Bye.

t to Her love a Kelsay

Oh love, my love, you are the one I want your love back. You captured my heart like a raiding Hun. say our thing is over and done, It seemed forever I did wait, Squashed like a squirrel under my tire track To find in you my destiny, my fate. or even deader if shot by my gun.

Unto you, my heart is true, Dependable, lasting, like an old shoe. Pale are the stars high in the sky Compared to those that fill your eyes.

My dearest, you are the stuff of dreams. If passion were paper, I'd have reams. Sweet darling, you make my heart race fast, Faster than winners of derbies past.

My love shall withstand rain and snow. For you I searched high and low. You are my sun, my moon my starlit sky. And I shall love you until I die.


Version 2.5

When·I put it in my CD player, it did not sound all that good.


Snoopy in Pumpkin Patch (Hallmark)

I love the attention from morn, but let's try some laundry money next time, huh.

'AC/DC 8'

Ball breaker '

I would seriously constder saving _your hard earned money for things of like lint. ' ·



Don't throw away all we got and kick me out of our trailer court. Don't discard me like a Kleenex full of snot or a lottery ticket that came up short. C'rnon. for once let's be smart, You're my Cleopatra and I your Romeo. But if you go, you'll smash my heart like that bull did that clown's head at the Rodeo.

I know if you go, I'll be sick. Already my butt has a sore rash. I need your love honey, quick So what if I am white trash

Sore Loser:: Being i ··.

B I h By Parry\' 'f at Peru. "·

How I miss you so. Everything I see iitihfS two-horse town reminds me of you and how much I miss your idolic rriind and body. Your body is like a pedestrian crossing sign , without the lines. I yield to you always. I miss you,· skin, so white like the dormatory toilet paper. Let me rub you on my body. Make me sore. Your stomach like food service jello. All right to touch and taste. The lemon flovor reminds me of your breasts. Small and pointy, the same to tast<" Your mouth as loud as the f--kers in room 317. Make me want to shut your mouth with my lips and get no sleep when I have class at eight in the morning.

Although r·m away. you're with me in all I see an( hear, my dear. Come see me for I am alone in this ' college zone before I find someone else who'll take my mind off this place.

Vol. 1 Issue 3
November 3,



Volleyball squad snatches

November 27, 1995

Talented teacher plays the blues page 7

bid to nationals

"Oh my, we could actuaUy win this thing." With adrenaline pumping and emotions soaring, thoughts of a national bid was all Jill Parker, captain of the volleyball team, could think about before that final point was served.

On Nov. 18, the Peru State volleyball team traveled to Columbia, MO to face Rockhurst, the 12th ranked team in the nation, for the third time this season. Considering it the "ultimate challenge," the Lady Bobcats avenged two previous losses to Rockhurst to snatch away a bid to the National Tournament.

Going into the Regional Tournament, Peru believed that only two teams out of the region would have the privilege of attending the National Tournament. Peru thought they had to beat Rockhurst to be one of the two teams.

Thirty-two teams will make the trip to San Diego, CA to try their talents for the National Championship title.

:I.ACY, COCHRAN (#4) AND AN unidentified flying Bobcat blocker attempt to thwart an opponent's II attempt in a recent tournament game. --photo by Jesse Henderson :.; ard of Trustees votes <

gets OK to purchase Conrad's

"Aindy Brockman

"'he Board of Trustees voted on '.turday, Nov. 11 to.allow Peru State Jllege to purchase the former )nnid's Building in Nebraska City.

"e college plans to renovate the iilding and to use it for off-campus .:ssrooms and as a Technology Cen1.

"This is a natural continuation of hat we have been doing at other ces across this region," said PSC ·esident Dr. Robert L. Burns. "We ·1 been looking for space to rent in City to offer our extension _;rk when this came up. It was a .1den opp.ortunity we were in a po·ion to take advantage of."

The building will .be. purchased for

$160,000. The money will come from the college's cash funds which are generated from the college itself. Private funding and Foundation grants will be used to furnish the Technology Center.

According to Burns, a receiving satellite dish will be one of the first purchases. Later, equipment for transmitting via satellite will be added.

The building sits in the southwestern part of Nebraska City near the intersection of Highways 2 and 75.

With this location; the facility can also be used·by business, industry llnd educational groupsfor programs and conferences. Being located near the Lied Conference Center is another advantage for this facility, according to Burns.

The building, erected in 1971, was first used as an Elk's Lodge. It consists of 15,000 square feet and has a · paved parking lot. Upon inspection by the state, the building was declared structurally sound and ready for renovation.

Associate professor of English Dr. Bill Clemente thinks the center is a great idea. He would like to see the local multi-national corporations give their support in the form of funding for technological equipment. He would also like to use the facility to teach a business communications class which would put emphasis on business writing. Clemente feels that the facility has a lot of good possibilitie.s as Jong as the school makes good use of it.

Peru and Columbia were the two teams in the Midwest Region to land the bids. However, Rockhurst and St. Ambrose, also in the Midwest Region, gained bids by being "at large" teams in the nation.

To gain an "at large" bid, a college's national ranking must be among the best in the country. It just so happens that two teams in the Midwest Region were strong enough to acquire "at

large" bids. That raises the bids in the Midwest Region to four, a very unique occurrence.

Although Peru would have qualified by gaining an "at-large" big if they had lost to Rockhurst, team members say they wouldn't trade the feeling of beating Rockhurst for anything.

Becky Wetjen, co-captain of the team said she felt a sense of relief. "I have gone to nationals before at my junior college, so the feeling had a strange familiarity. It was a feeling I never thought I would feel again. Plus, it was relieving because all of the pressure was off of us."

Squad members felt various emotions about the win. Kendra Cory, middle blocker, felt a sense of "satisfaction," while Marcy Barber, outside hitter, described the feeling as "unbelievable."

Parker credits much of the win to the intensity of practices the previous week. "Rockhurst is a really good blocking team so Coach Callender had us hit on a high net and had guys come in and block against us so we could work on hitting around a high, solid biuck."

Callender says that his team is playing very well. "We're doing an excellent job playing as a team. We're playing confident, focused and together, three characteristics of a championship team_."

Peru is ranked 13th in the final poll, SEE 'NATIONALS' PAGE 11

PSC student dies in accident

A November 13 collision between two vehicles on Highway 136 ended the life of Terry Lynn Lee, 23, of Auburn. Lee was a junior at PSC and a counselor at Tarkio Academy (MO).

The accident also claimed the life of Cynthia Gerdes, originally from Humboldt, but who lived in Beattie, KS, until the time of her death.

Lee was headed west on Highway 136 near Brownville-at 8:30 a.m. when his 1989 Honda collided with the eastbound 1978 Ford Mustang driven by Gerdes.

:AB 0. g.oes to Denver, • wins two awards

" Heather Joy Layson

Ct's 6 a.m., Thursday, Nov 9, 1995

ho would think six weary PSC stu1t programs staff members loading m a Lumina mini-van would come 'k a few dats later with two presti,ms awards and a lot of memories.

'!'he 11-hour drive to Denver, CO,

1s well worth the trip. The six travl ng companions included Barb )Wellen, Student Programs director; avid Teske, intramural director; Layson,_ Campus Activities

Jard Shanda ;hn, CAB· Anne-

··arie Taylor, CAB first officer; and 1ssell movie chairperson. l'he reason behind this trip was the ·nual convention for the National :;sociation of Campus Activities JACA). For three long days these ., attended educational sessions,

mainstages, exhibit halls and filmi video showings. The educational sessions were just that, educational. At these sessions members could learn how to run a

"ft was senting tion. 11

get without losing large amounts of money," added Taylor.

The mainstages included an array of entertainers. The participants were able to watch everything from comedians to regurgitators

exciting to be reprePeru ai" this conven-Shanda Hahn

better meeting, become a better leader, gain better publicity techniques.deal with stress plus many other options.

"It was at Barb's and Dave's educational session that I had my best experience at NACA," states Taylor."It was here I found out what a great CAB we have." This convention included larger schools with bigger problems. "At least we use our bud-

(someone who swallows miscellaneous items and brings them "back up" upon demand) to musicians. These mainstages

were like commercials advertising their acts. The exhibit halls gave the participants a chance to meet with the sponsoring companies and their eptertainers. The film/ video showings gave tips about running a better movie program.

"It was exciting to be representing Peru at this convention, especially when two of our members w.ere honored with prestigious awards," said Hahn. Barb Lewellen received the

OutstandingAdviserofthe Year while Russell Crouch-became the Unit Representative for Nebraska.

CAB nominated Lewellen for the Outstanding Adviser of the Year award on behalf of all that she does forthiscampusandcommunity. "My best experience was watching Barb's 'graceful acceptance' of her award," a smiling Crouch added.

"We felt it was important to have better representation for smaller schools; Russ was the, man to do the job. He is a great asset to this campus and will be to NACA as well," added Hahn. To become Unit Representative the member had to apply and then be voted on by their region.

For Hahn the best experience was that "We became much closer and stronger as a group and now know that we really are an excellent CAB just like Barb always said."

Nemaha County Sheriff Loras Baumhover didn't say in which lane the cars collided, but did say that, although Auburn's Jaws of Life equipment was used to remove both drivers, both probably died at the time of the impact.

A memorial service for Lee was held in Benford Recital Hall at PSC on Monday, Nov. 20.

-a PSC rewrite from The Nemaha County Herald by Robin Payton and Amy Bremers

1 1 Inside ii \\ this issue


Future .educators get real-life lessons page
Opinions \\ pages 2-3 lj Features 11 pages 4-5 11 G@$$09@@@@$®@@0$ I I *SPECIAL* II i I News Spread l1 1: pages 6-7 Ii II " .,.,"., .,.,".,,.""'.," \\ II Campus News Ii I pages 8-9 ii. Sports 1 1 ' 11 I pages 10-11 \i jl Entertainment i\ I page 12 jl

What was your reaction to Colin Powell's decision not to run for resident of the United States?

Compiled by Matt Uher

- Mr. William Cole, part-time instructor

"I think it was a very wise decision on his part. 1. admire Colin's honesty in his decision."

- Dr. Sara Crook, Assistant Professor of Social Science and Chairman of Otoe County Republicans

"Disappointed, I like his moderate stances, and thought he also represented a good opportunity for Americans to elect their first minority President. I thought he was. particularly qualified for the position because of his knowledge of foriegn affairs."

- Jacob Stallworth, senior, Psychology and Sociology major

"Actually I don't think he has to prove himself because he is a respectable man. I thought it was a good decision. The reason why is that he was in the military for '35 years."

- Dr. Spencer Davis, Professor of History, "Disappointed, I thought he would have made a good candiate. I think a.lso it would have been valuable to the Republican party to have an attrative and popular figure. I fhink his position as a fiscal conservative and a moderate on social issuses is a very appealing position and dose to what many voters of today believe

The purchase of the old Elk's club in Nebraska City by Peru State College comes as a welcome surprise, not only to the community, but to the college population as well. The possibilities are endless; this location is central to Omaha and Lincoln. Man) of our instructors and students commute from these locations. One use for the site is night classes. The purchase of a down link could present many opportunities for distance learning; These are just a few of the possibilities. I am sure many more are in the works.

As a Nebraska City resident, I am pleased to see this building being used in the worthwhile direction of education which wil' enrich the entire region. As a technology center, this facility will serve not only southeast Nebraska, but southwest Iowa, and possibly parts of Missouri and Kansas.

Board of Trustees member, Dr. A. 0. Gigstad of Nebraska City, said plans are to have this satellite campus open by the fall of 1996. Some minor repairs are needed to the roof, along with placement pf some non-load-bearing walls on the interio1 of the building. PSC President, Dr. Robert Bums, is drawing up floor plans for the new classrooms.

At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees in Chadron, questions were raised about operating costs. Dr. Carol Krause, exl ecutive director to the Board of Trustees, said that Nebraskt City Utilities records indicate that Conrads had incurred utilit) bills of about $2000 per month. The college's expenses shoulo be much lower, as the cost of running a kitchen will not be factor. 11

This purchase and prospects for the future of PSC are excit? ing and, to many, long awaited. The goal of2000 enrolled stu; dents on and off campus by the year 2000 may be met with thh new facility in Nebraska City, allowing for much needed class. room space with the continued growth of our campus. Statistics show that enrollment is up and continues to expand ever: year.

Dr. Burns and all involved deserve a round of applause ii their valiant efforts to enlarge, enrich and expand our campw into the ever-growing field of technology.

Gene Trimmer, Student Trustee,State Board of Trustees


..;;;:"Jj' T-ps<hu.-

Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editors

Sports Editor Features Editor Photography Coordinator

material to: Editor

The Peru State Times



Amy Bremers

Terry Dugan

Robin L. Payton

Chris Raabe

Tera Stutheit

Charles Wake

Jesse Henderson

Kim Olson

Andrea Graff

Scott Holmes

Dan Ketelsen

Ray Topscher

Jennifer Froeschl


Matt Uher



THE P5c. TUIJE5 AR£ NoW HE"RE The Times is the official student newspaper of Peru State College, Peru, NE, 68421. The Times office'is located in the college print shop in the Physical Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260. Times is being published
five times during the 1995 fall term by Peru State College Opinions expressed may not necessarily be those of the entire editorial staff. The Times is printed by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE. , ...,. The Times welcomes all letters to the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, articles, and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style. Please send
Photographers Advertising Manager Cartoonists ..:d
Assistants Advisor
Campus Mall Peru State College l \\Il Peru, NE 68421
Amber N. Hypse Scott Krichau Heather Joy Layson Dawn May Amelia McAlexander Troy Moraine Freedom Robinson Debbie
Heather Stutheit Andrea Tee Josh Whitney To BRINC:. You Sci'\£ Tll/lllK5&1v1NG. (ijff.R! THE FEAST THEY'vE HRS 6<>1'" us Alt.. :l°eAREI> C11vsE mr urr 1m'r 0111rE <:u«. J) p '£, TllE PdTAl"oES oF lo\la.SE ltRE r.ior Pl.All'! iff•V<:.11 TllE loPPfNI:> IS lo J;:XPL/!rN ::rut::I' IS .10/C.E°Ll!SS 7/flS IT USE Lit.ff $0 we ON $"oMe: <.RAVI' Tll/t/N.
Dr. ban Holtz
Mindy Brockman

veggiitfyorid ..··

H,gbting .is.

My favorite time of the year is here ;igain. I love autumn. I love walking through parks and woods on leaf-cov_'!red paths. Jlove the sweet, fall smell in the air and the occasional burning 1bonfire scent. I love raking my yard 'and then tumbling into the huge pile 1'lf brown, green and orange leaves I've created.

And I love hearing shots in the distance of people killing deer, rabbits, 9heasants and other animals living otherwise peaceably in our fields and 'woods. Yes, I am being sarcastic.

Hunting season is here, thank God 'Not!), which makes the most beau;ful season of the year to me ugly.and

Yay ! Now men and women have something fun to do on the weekends! They can go kill animals! How fun!

· On Nov. I 1, deer rifle season

OPefled: and that eyening Of1e;6fthe), night.• · '·•. ni.ost disgustjng and tragically • • : ;, I 1lls.o had anoth.er l:>ad experience things )lap" • a fewfu,tys ago. As I was driving to ·.· .pened. All d.ay at. lhacl to Lincoln, I came up behind a pickup nessmany,.many p'eople truck with something in the bed of it. the neon orange and Since the driver was going slowly,,I enthusiastically discuss where they prepared to pass the truck, Coming planning to hunt :ind what they cJoser, .I noticed that the thing in the had already bagged. I attempted very bechvas a dead deer. Once again, my hard to keep an optimistic attitude eyes misted. One thing made me during the day, but that got to bedifc laughalittle, however ironically. All • ficult. I tried not to ciingewhen after the windows of the. truck, except of Itold people to. have a nice day they course the front, were covered with replied with, "Oh, yeah I'll have a cardboard'. Hmmm .I wonder why. nice day, I'in gonna get myself some Could it possibly be so that no steamdeer." ing vegetarians yell out our windows

Wel4 I was pretty sick by the end and find out who the hell daied kill of the day, but then something hap- one of our precious friends? pened which caused me to go over the I can't believe that in our supposedge. This man came in to buy beer edly so-educated society people and was dressed in tan coveralls and tually enjoy killing animals. Why wearing an orange cap. As he handed don't most people enjoy reading? Or me.his moriey, I saw that both of his helping out in the community? or arms were covered thickly in blood, taking walks in the cool autumn air?. and his hands were stained with it. Why in the world do people enjoy i practically threw his change at waiting for an animal to take a walk him, and before he even started to in the cool autumn air and then proleave the store, I ran to the bathroom. ceed to shoot them down?

It's one thing to simply know that · I guess spme people don't underhunting and killing happens, but to ac- stand that animals have families and tually view the crap myself, especially ·feelings, and that they hurt when they when I try to avoid doing so, is aw- ' are killed just like any human being ful. My eyes watered every time I does. Attention all hunters: go see thought about that experience that the movie "Powder."

BRUTAL REALITY by Dan Ketelsen

Planning to graduate?

Are you going to graduate? You may think SO, but might not if you haven't applied. I have talked with many seniors who do not even know that they must apply for graduation.

One student was recently talking with me and stated that she had talked with both the chairman of her division and the Registrar's office and asked what she needed to do to graduate. Neither told her she needed to formally apply.

When she went back into the Registrar's office to make sure that nothing else needed to be done, she was told that she was supposed to apply back in September and may not

be able to graduate in December.

The faculty and staff need to know what is required of the students and inform them of these requirements. The catalog does state that seniors must apply for graduation. Signs are also posted around campus before the date the applications are due. In this case the student could also be blamed. But, when students do ask the faculty, they should not be led astray So, if you are graduating in May, be watching for the signs with the application date.

Oh, and do not forget the infamous $20 for your application fee. This time you cannot say that you haven't been warned.

Progress reports could

Finally pre-registration is over. However, before registration did everyone look at their progress report? They can be picked up in the Registrar's Office after you have completed 30 credit hours or are a transfer student. These reports could be very helpful if they were done correctly.

Before registration I looked over my progress report. Being a sophomore, I was very excited. This little form was going to make my life so much easier when it comes time to pre-registration. When looking at my form I got very confused. Classes I thought I needed were not listed. Classes that I had rio idea even existed were in their place. Thinking I had wasted my freshman year, I was devastated. Then I noticed that the office has me down as the wrong major. Now I have this wonderful reference, but it is of absolutely no

book for me, flipping pages and trying to remember if I took a certain class or if! was going to take the class. I started asking around to see if I was the only one with this problem.

LouAnne Steinkamp, senior English major said, ''They put classes in wrong slots. They had my general education classes marked instead of marking my classes for my BA. "Students had classes they hd 'taken left blank, classes they haven't taken filled in, and there were even classes left off." Steinkamp also said the progress reports were very cramped. I agree with this; the reports are cramming a lot of information into a small space making thtm very difficult t0 read. Progress reports could be absolutely wonderful if they were done better. Just think-a list of classes that you don't have to go over with a fine tooth comb to make sure that there are no mistakes. Wouldn't that be great?

Sexism exists at PSC

Have any of you heard one of these lines?

"I'll have the gals in the office make copies of this."

'The office girl typed this just this morning."

"I'll see how the. ladies are coming along on that."

I'm thinking you probably have. I have. On more than a few occasions.

I've been attending classes at PSC since January. I have met many in-

Commuters with tots have special parking problems

ice or snow, to the day care.

I carry a heavy book bag, a purse and other bags, which makes it impossible for me to carry her the entire · distance. Yet, I am a commuter and usually running much. later than I planned, especially on the bad days.

"Drop her off first, every day!" I try, when the weather is really cold; to give us time for that. In spite of my best efforts, it just doesn't work out every day. And, my daughter is consistently cold, even when the weather feels fine to me.

and thoughtful administrators

and instructors. Their help and guidance has been invaluable to me. However, it has been disappointing to hear remarks like these.

Now, I don't believe that any of these remarks has been intended in a derogatory, offensive or demeaning fashion. In fact, I feel quite the opposite. These women are obviously valued and respected employees, doing valued and respected jobs at PSC.

However, referring to these women-these trained and talented professional women-as "gals," "girls" and "ladies" is inappropriate.

Infans ejulat. (The infant crieth.)

What is the toughest part of your : lay? The hardest thing I have to do '<Very single day occurs when I arrive at Peru. No, it isn't finding a parking place, but you 're close.

For me, the rough spot happens af•er I've parked and have unbundled my daughter from her pillow, blanket arid car seat, have awakened her for the third or fourth time that morn;ng and am guiding her half-sleeping body five sometimes in rain,

I don't have time to drop her off in the day care loading and unloading zone, then find a parking place and often then walk right back to T. J. Majors.

Therefore, my burden peaks about every morning when Jessica cries all the way to the day care about being cold. Of all the guilty crisis moments I experience, this one is the worst.

I can hear you now. "Dress her warmer!" Do you really think I don't take care of my beloved children the best I can? She wears tights with her dresses, long sleeves, good coats and shoes or boots. The clothes are not the problem here.

If we could be assured of having a spot in the commuter lot every day, I wouldn't worry as much. However, sometimes we park far enough away that I must carry her along with everything else for the day, at least long enough to warm her up a little.

I don't think I'm the only parent who has this problem. In fact, some parents have two children out in the cold, in strollers, arms or walking. Isn't there anything we can do to leviate a bit of pain for these pre-kindergarten kids?

I have a solution. It isn't the greatest idea, and I would certainly listen - to other options, here it is. Why

not make the street-side parking next to the commuter lot into a daycareparents-only zone? Yes, it gives some students a minor privilege, but only while they have children attending Peru Day Care. And remember, we're doing this for the babies and children There's even a chance that less time in the wind and cold could help decrease the number of sniffles inside the building, which might cut down on the absences of non-traditional students. One drawback besides jealous commuters without children might be the expense of printing another color of car tag for parent commuters. Also, when construction crews woi:k along that street, it cuts the number of spots by half or more. Even so, I think the idea deserves consideration. I'm sure Peru's day care children shivering on their way to "school" every day would agree.

Perhaps some of the secretaries, clerks and receptionists who work in the very offices that I am referring to are thinking, "I'm not offended. Why does she care? She should mind her own business!"

Well, I'm afraid I am offended. I care about sexual stereotypes. It is my business. I am a woman. I was one of those "gals" for nearly 15 years.

Maybe there are some administrators and faculty members saying right now, "I may say that once in a while, but I don't mean anything by it." And you probably don't. But shouldn't you take the time and make the effort to correct what is incorrect.

"I'll have the office staff make copies of this."

"My secretary typed this just this morning."

'Tl! see how my assistants are coming along on that."

Political correctness aside, don't these sentences just sound better?

. . ' i
:30L he.e.E' J"u-::,t rn-p.;..\ff:o (E'.JM;f\D c. Y (\C'.e..r.> ·m AW1..y FoR. • All. The Fat Lady Sings .·


Cooperating teachers find helping rewarding

Cooperating teachers are often faced with a challenge when college students take over their classes for 16 weeks. Although it usually creates an extra work load for them, they find it rewarding to help prepare future educators.

Howard Martin, a Peru supervisor from Omaha, is the supervisor who was assigned to Vetter. "Basically what we look for is how prepared the student teacher is while teaching the lesson. We look at the opening and closing of the lesson and classroom management. We hope we don't find the students controlling the teacher," Martin commented.

He believes Vetter does her job well. "Nicole makes it fun for the students. Anyone who can make it fun like Nicole will make an excellent teacher."

Judy Ruskamp, English teacher at JohnsonBrock High School and former cooperating teacher, welcomes student teachers. " Being a cooperating teacher is my responsibility as a part of the education profession."

Ruskamp is always happy to provide a place for her future colleagues to learn. She feels

No ,such thing as 'winging when student teaching

If you're an education major in a methods course, more thatn likely you have heard that phrase more than once. Nicole Vetter, a senior in the stages of student teaching said, "When they tell you planning is important, they're not kidding. There's no winging it like so many people think!"

Vetter has been student teaching at Hawthorn Elementary in Lincoln for the last 12 weeks. She is majoring in elementary/special· education. Her first eight weeks were with first grade, and her remaining eight weeks are being spent with fourth through sixth grade special education.

"I just loved my first graders. It was everything I thought it would be," commented Vetter. Special education, on the other hand was different for Vetter. "I can't be) ieve how challenging it is. It's not that I don't like what I'm doing now, but first grade is my nitch."

After the first week of teaching Vetter knew she had made the right career choice. "I must admit, I was scared to death on my first day, but after about two days I was ready to be the teacher," Vetter remarked. "I sat in the back of the room more than enough during my practicums."

By the time Vetter had taken over the classroom she described herself as "ready, anxious and excited." Vetter credits her cooperating teacher, Mrs. Russel-Miller, with a great deal of her success. "She gives me a lot of great advice and she teaches exactly how I want to teach."

Scott Bullock, student teacher at Tarkio Public Schools, says nothing you can learn in col-

lege courses compares with actual experience. "I learned more in my first week of student teaching than I did in all of my education classes put together."

Vetter agrees, "Of course they [college instructors] can't teach you how to be prepared." ·

Everyone-'s student teaching experience will : obviously be different, but Bullock believes that] with a good cooperating teacher it can be a posi- i tive experience for everyone. "Your cooperating teacher gives you so much knowledge about : teaching itself," Bullock commented. "If you] can get comfortable being in charge and show ' confidence, then you should have no problem." ;

Ryan Knippelmeyer, senior elementary edu- ' cation major, recently finished student teach- J ing at Calvert Elementary in Auburn. During his experience, Knippelmeyer learned the most in the area of classroom management. "Keep-t ing the class on task at all times was sometimes·; a challenge. It's something you don't until you're actually teaching." "

Knippelmeyer felt he was well-prepared for his student teaching. "You can really what you learn in methods classes,· Knippelmeycr added. "You have to take them. seriously and be sure to save everything; it comes in handy."

Knippelmcyer, as did Vetter and Bullock,. knew immediately that he had made the right. choice of major.

"It's great to be a positive role model in young. kids' lives," Knippelmeyer remarked. Seeing what they have learned in their college courses be put to use was rewarding in itself for all three student teachers interviewed. Also, each stressed how important it is to plan ahead and use your time wisely.

one of the most important things a student teacher can gain is the experience of teaching in an actual classroom, as we11 as getting used to the atmosphere and work load that can be expected.

She advised future student teachers to ""ry to get as much out of the student teaching experience as possible." She also advised students to..,take advantage of every opportunity they come across, including extra dulies. "Visiting other classrooms is a good idea also," Ruskamp added.

Both Ruskamp and Martin have found the student teaching program to be·

successful. "I have always had good communication with the supervising teachers at Peru and with the students themselves," Ruskamp commented.

Pool - Darts-Music

Sunday thru Saturday. Open lpm - lam Happy Hour 5-6 Everyday!

by Hawthorn Elementary students, Nicole Vetter, ·senior PSC student teacher welcomes praise. -photo by Andrea Graff
NICOLE VETTER, student teacher from PSC, works with students at Hawthorn Elementary School in Lincoln. She has been student teaching for the last 10 weeks. photo by Andrea Graff
Get your flu shots in the Health Center today! AD Majors 324 8:00-4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday "O ::l .c< r- r· ff) 8 I .c< Every Saturday All you can eat $4.95 Coupon 11uy one Beef Burrito fJet one FREE! -Ill J I l r t;i Nol willt ttny ::i:: I ollter offers L •Expires Dec. 15 • .J 1002 J St. - Auburn

'X-mas arrives early in town of Brownville

Christmas will arrive a little

·'"early in Brownville this year. The j historic town is preparing for its f, annual Victorian Christmas Tour of Homes. The tour will run Nov. and 26, from I to 5 pm and features six homes decorated in holiday attire.

The historic homes chosen for this year's celebration are Cogswell( 1865), Bechivc(l 864), Salt Box( 1880), Blacksmith( 1870), Gov. Furnas( 1868), and Carson(l872).

The' School House Gallery, on rnain street, will serve hot cider ! and treats. Several other activities, such as demonstrations on glass blowing, jeweiry' fl!aking, and art work will also be taking · place. The downtown merchants will serve snakes for those who wish to browse through the many shops.

Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children, with children under · five free. All proceeds from the :,,. tour will go to the Brownville Historical Society and the Fine Arts Association.

For more information call (402) 825-4131, or write Christmas, Box 1, Brownville, NE 68321. Tickets can purchased at the Carlson House, at Third and Mafo, I the days of the tour.

The mind is a mysterious thing. No one knows this better than Craig Karges, an expert in extraordinary phenomena, who came to entertain our campus and challenge our minds on Nov. 6 in the Student Center.

Extraordinary phenomena are those incredible, unexplained mental and physical happenings in the lives of ordinary individuals that have yet to be explained by scientists of today.

Karges refers to the human mind as the greatest computer ever invented. "But like almost every computer, we utilize only a percentage of its power. We use only IO to 20 percent of our minds," he continues.

"Think about the capabilities existing in that 80 to 90 percent controlled by our subconscious. The most extraordinary phenomenon is the power of the human mind."

After the death of his great uncle, a Vaudeville stage medium turned spiritualist", the 15-year-old inherited an extensive collection of his manuscripts a!ld journals dealing with magic, mentalism, spiritualism and parapsychology, which ledKarges to perform as a magician and mentalist during high school and college.

"I do not possess supernatural powers, nor do I perform as a psychic, spiritualist or magician," said


For six consecutive years Karges has been named the most popular v;nety entertainer on the college circuit. He was named 1995 Campus Entertainer of the Year by both the National Association for Campus Activities and Campus Activities Today magazine. He has made over 1500 appearances on more than 500 college campuses in 49 states. His television cre.dits include the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and CNN's Larry King Live.

His performance contained various unexplainable events. For example, he passed around a pad of paper on which each member of the audience were to write their name, birthday, phone number or social security number and a thought. Each participant kept his or her piece of paper. , Later on in the show, Karges asked the audience to think about their initialS.or the numbers they wrote.down. He then closed his eyes and asked if there were any Sarah's in the room, and two women stood up. Karges proceeded to recite the numbers and the thoughts that the two women wrote down on their pieces of paper.

"First, I couldn't believe that he picked me, and then I couldn't believe he knew the personal stuff I wrote down," said Sarah Hawley, sophomore math education major. At the end of the show, he had his

paycheck placed in one of several envelopes, while the others all contained blank paper. An audience volunteer was then asked to select one envelope and bum the rest. The illusion works this way: if Karges is successful in controlling his volunteer's thoughts, the remaining envelope should contain his check. If not, his performance is free. His performance that night was not free.

Jennifer Froeschl, junior secondary education language arts major, said, "I really enjoyed the show, but I just don't understand how he does it."

When Karges was asked about the most memorable moment of his Peru State College performance he referred to the portion of the show during which he chose a volunteer, Jeff Wusk, freshman industrial technology education major also known as 'Smalls' and asked him to draw something on a piece of paper. Karges then drew the same thing on his board without looking at Smalls paper.

Karges started laughing and drew the image on his board, which faced toward himself, after Smalls was finished with his drawing, When Karges turned his board around to show the audience the drawing, he said," I can't believe that Smalls drew a penis. Out of all the performances I have ever done, no one has ever drawn a penis."

Student twirls her way through life • age 8 since

Each person has something that makes him or.her unique. One student on our campus has a talent as a twirler. Y6u may have seen her during half-time of the football games. Her nameis Jami Boeck-Seffron; she is a sophomore elementary education major, the twirler for the Peru State Band and the coordinator for the Peru State flag corps.

She has been twirling since age eight An ad in the paper was offering , classes," Jami said, "and my parents asked me if I would be interested." She has been twirling ever since.

Jami is part of Sue's Stepperettes which is a group of200 youths of various ages. The group has gone to National Competition the last nine years. In 1990 they took a show lour of 23 members to the Soviet Union. The tour lasted two weeks and went to the cities of Minsx, Moscow and Lenningrad. They also perform closer t<;> home. The group marches in local parades and sometimes performs halftime shows at Omaha Racers, UNO, UNL and Creighton basketball games.

Jami has won many competitions by herself and in small groups. For the last eight years she has been named Miss Majorette of Nebraska m various divisions. In 1992 she won the novice two-baton competition in

which she went against 35 other participants. Also in 1992 her trio won the National Competition against 80 participants iri their division. "In an average year there will be between 7,000 and 10,000 participants at National Competition," Jami said. This year Jami, along with 11 other members and five alternates, travel with Sue's Stepperettes to participate in the World Competition fhis spring. The team won the Senior Porn-Pon Division at the National Championship out of 35 teams. "There are only four teams going to represent the United States, we were just lucky to be chosen as one of them," Jami said. Twelve other countries besides the United States participate in the World Competition. Besides all of her competitions, Jami ·also teaches students of her own. She has 15 students in Nebraska City through the recreation department. Each of these students · has a half-hour lesson with Jami once a week.

Jami also coordinates the 11ag corps in Nebraska City and has taught at UNO flag camps during the summer.

Jami has had much success in her 11 years of twirling. It just goes to show that even the most unique talents have their rewards.

:RAIG KARGES PERFORMS ONE of his many mystifying acts of nind power on the PSC Student Center "stage." Karges entertain.ed ;tudents on Nov. 6. -photo by Andrea Tee
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Campus activities fighti

Apathy is the disease that eats our society alive. In business, consumer apathy closes businesses and shopping centers faster than banks can foreclose on the loans those businesses and shopping centers took out. Apathy shuts down major organizations and moves teams like the Cleveland Browns and the Los Angeles Rams and Raiders to greener pastures. This disease becomes even more dreadful when someone else's money is involved.

Peru State, as well as. other campuses around the country, suffers from this disease; however, steps have been taken to help find the vaccine for this plague of the technological era. The cure, commonly referred to as Student · Programs and the Campus Activities Board (CAB), remains light but effective. Small doses of Dr. Jim Wand here, Blizzard of Bucks there, and poo1 tournaments around the corner become infused into our scholastic veins every day. CAB and Student Programs try, wholeheartedly, io improve the campus and student way of · life through activities, and believe it or not, their efforts work.


"Atmosphere is always important,". ' says Barb Lewellen, director of Student Programs. Lewellen, now in her sixth year at Peru State, believes that students need comfort and a place to go that is their own. One of the purposes of the CAB Coffeehouse, according to Lewellen, includes giving people, iraditionals to rion-traditionals to commuters, a place where they can go and relax-maybe have some popcorn, and the fact remains, all students need a place to go and do whatever they need to do in a safe, comfortable environment.

As with all new projects, such as the coffeehouse, establishing that specific environment can not be easily done at first, but as Lewellen says, "You to make a start. You've gotta have a start, and it's not going to be what it's always got to be." Lewellen believes firmly that if things stay constant for too long, they become worthless; everything needs to be constantly evolving for the betterment of· the program. "It's important to get things in plac'e. Then, move forward," says Lewellen.

One such project, the game room in the Student Center, has gone through an evolutionary process.

Christened in ·November of 1992,

the game room. has since gone through a number of changes.· From that time in 1992 up until jus(last year, the pool tables and video games that were.in the game room.:were owned by a private vendor. Now, the school owns all of the pool, ping pong, air hockey, and foosball tables in the game room, and they can all be played free of charge; plus, the room stays open until midnight.

"Now it's free, and it's going to be even better," says Lewellen.

·The fruits ofLewellen's Jabots in the game room extend beyond on-campus use; Lewellen admits that a lot of the activities that is in charge of serve a dual purpose: student activities and school promotion.

"It's a big point that they(theAdmissions personel) show students the g a m e

ing to Lewellen; she believes that, if you don't take advantage of programs and services offered at Peru State, "You've missed out on some of your education. We have a lot of things that a lot of students have never had."


''The budget is just notthere," says Lewellen in response to questions about bringing in "celebrities." "Our goal is to give the students the most · varietfwith what we have."

Another large misconception that runs rampant concerns the quality of the acts brought in by CAB. "People think that just because they're (entertainers) performing in Peru, they're no good," says Heather Layson, CAB president. To their credit, performers such as Dr. Jim Wand and Craig Karges, who have per-


Lewellen believes Peru State campus activities attract more students, percentage wise, than many of the major universities that do not have developed, student-led programs such as CAB. Yet, turnout at many events sponsored by the school surprisingly low. The low turnouts not only encompass variety acts, but it also includes sporting events and educational forums.

Dan Johnson; Athletic Director, said overall attendance at sporting events has also been declining from previous years. This lack of school spirit reflects badly on the school. Approximately I 00 people attended the men's basketball home. opener. On that same night, Craig Karges put on his show for well over 100 people.

Did the fact that both events happened on the same night cancel each other out attendance wise?

Before we consider that question, consider this: the attendance for the women's basketball home opener barely broke 60. More than 1000 people live in this town.

to-day basis.

· "I would have killed to have something like this when I was in ·1 school," said Clemente. He also"'.'. added that this may be the only · chance a lot of students will have to.see cinema from other countries and from the underground movement in this country, and film can enlighten and change ·. people just as literature and art can; that's why we bring these J movies in, Clemente continued.

Despite the low turnout, · Clemente, who also teaches the Film Criticism class, stands firm , on his effort to bring more cul- , ture to this college. "I'm not go- ; ing to let ignorance dictate what I do," he said. "You just have to keep doing what you do and hope things get better. And if they don't, do it anyway."


Illusionist Craig Karges, who recently performed at Peru State, feels that a major reason for student apathy can be directed toward the evolution of technology.

"It's hard to get people to go out," Karges said. "They can just push a button and get anything." (He added that being a closet residence hall dweller is easier to accomplish due to the internet, gaming systems, and cable TV.)

"You can get so isolated."

room(on campus tours)," says Lewellen.


"What's an activity for one person is not an activity for another," states Lewellen. Peru's non-traditional and comniuter populations sometimes get left out of the mix when traditional night programs such as variety acts and intramural sports are involved because these students have other responsibilities geared more toward families and work.

In regards to the non-traditional students, Lewellen says, ''Their whole life structure is different, but they do have needs that'heed to be met. Some might just want to sit on the chairs outside and enjoy a nice day."

Programs that develop through CAB aren't just activities, they serve as educational lessons as well, accord-

formed several times at Peru State, have won many awards and accomplishments in the entertainment industry. They not only play Peru State, they play Penn State and others. "Students don't know the quality they're getting," Lewellen added. Back in the late I 980s, Peru State played host to the likes of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts and Cheap Trick; however, the sacrifices made to bring. those acts in far outweighed the benefits. Not only was the entire campus activities' budget spent on those shows, money had to be pulled from other areas. Even though Peru State does not enjoy the likes of superstars (one drive to Omaha or Kansas City can quench that desire), students have places like the coffeehouse, a game room, a lounge, sand volleyball courts, and so on. The next priority, according to Lewellen, deals with installing pool tables in the residence halls.

And when students do go to games, they act as if they're attending a vigil. On Monday the 20th, Peru faced-off against Kansas Wesleyan, and lost in the final minute by a score of 78-80. In spite of the excitement of the game, the students that did show up (and sat in the graveyard known as the student section) could not cheer! The Wheeler Activity Center filled with the noise from the parents and surrounding community members, and the only students that noticeably cheered sat with them- a 78-80 game! Clearly, those that wish to cheer should sit on the west side.

Anqther fledgling program, Cinema Classics, has also felt the crunch of apathy. -

Sponsored by Dr. Bill Clemente, Cinema Classics airs movies twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) featuring both mainstream films, such as Animal House and Strange Brew, to international films that students have absolutely no access to on a day-

Apathy, Kargcs believes, has become more of a problem now than ever. Karg.cs spoke or a performance series he was involved with a few years back, and during this time, he played for a crowd of 50 at a major university. After the show, the school's representative congratulated him and made Karges aware that his. show hands-down had the best turnout the school had had all year for the series, "Some of the large schools don't have very. good activities boards. They'll bring in between two and four big hames a year but nothing on a regular basis," he said.

To his credit, Kargcs enjoys coming to Peru State, and he performs at smaller schools because,• one, more smaller schools exist, 1 and two, the amount of personal expression he can generate wiv more personal setting helps him 1 ter his act even more. Karges r added that using the cafeteria in student center creates a more at ence friendly atmosphere than 1 atres and recital halls which seeri constrict and intimidate a lot people. Hence, fewer people attevents in recital halls and theatre

Lack of student su1

Two years ago, Peru State's volleyball team vanquished the opposition in the Regional Tournament and advanced to the National Tournament. The Al Wheeler Activity Center was packed and LOUD. This year, the squad returns to the Big Dance, and support lacked in extreme fashion.

Dan Johnson, Peru State Athletic Director,

stated, "We have good athlete attendance, but we don't have the support.

People aren't getting into it as much."

Other events coinciding with athletic events create part of the problem.

Johnson also cited classes offered only at night and not during the day doesn't help either.

The biggest problem may reside in media coverage. Volleyball coach Jim Callendar stated, ''There isn't as much media coverage. There are fewer write ups in the local papers."

The media posters of the past remain in the past. "People missed out on some great volleyball," Callendar commented.

Take a look at the athletics at the

University of Nebraska. Nebr turns athletics into an event on largest scale. Peru State is no [ sion I university, but the m4

"It's-liken one cares.n -Fredd Wal

could scale down to fit nicely an NAIAscheme of things. The: dents need to be presented 1 something to take pride in. How does this affect the play Fredd Ward, assistant men's


to • improve life at Peru


are (clockwise from


'.lne event that has been admittedly throughout the years at lthering a large number of students one time has been the school lnces. Part of this may be because ,,cial interaction between. sexes kes place, a lot of people sweat and gets hurt until country swing unveiled. 'Plus, dances, the home-

coming dance in particuiar, become tradition (like sporting events).

Yet, even more of a tradition, many students get hammered and then make an appearance at the dances. Despite this logic, many feel that it would be better for the school if these people that did drink would not even come to the dance at all-again, tradition. And to the conservative's de-

fense, these people have a point because the law deems it illegal to be intoxicated on school property. This, of course, does not mean people will stop doing it.

To come full circle, drinking goes along with the main principles of apathy. Drinking makes the consumer lethargic, and when people start drinking after classes in the middle

oort could mean'

!!.l coach, commented, "As a player, ,e support can help so much. When ·ire is no support at home, it makes .ings a lot tougher. It's like no one Low attendance takes its toll on re·ruiting, as well. "Recruits always sk about the support at home," 'allcndar stated. In the recruiting 1ar, Peru State could lose out to ;hools with better fan support. In ie big equation of things, this means ·c downfall of Peru athletics. When 'cruits don't come, fans d.on 't know bout games, and school spirit dies-1e program dies.

·Since 1992, the campus support of ,)Orting events has declined notice-

ably. Players look back at game tapes, and they can not believe the overflow crowds rooting on the Bobcats, win or lose. Extra bleachers stood unde_r each basket to handle the people, but it was still standing room only. Where has the support gone?

Johnson commented, "Students do not have as much free time on their hands as in past years. Peru State does not have a big community, geographically." However, Peru is located in relatively the same area as it was four years ago.

The community support has declined as well. The loss of the Peru Parent Program could contribute to this fact. The program was designed

to give freshman help him/her out w college. In retu given a pass t discontinuati Program im School sp themselves i do attend ga ting on their cessions. But in chants.

The cheerleaders rece1 ne forms within the last year, b do not grace the Al Wheeler A Center with their presence eith the cheerleaders can't attend, who can blame the students. Last year, the

of the afternoon, it is highly unlikely that their presence· will be felt positively at home games orC.A.B. sponsored events, if at all. ·

One simple fact remains-programs get measured by the amount of revenue and support they receive, and if support disappears from these activities, so will the activities. What betgames, teams good ngerhangdent center.

irit has been eek trophy true spirit hree halls ted to

comes of a school without activities?

The school turns into a prison where its inhabitants live limited to what they can and can not do. We have a choice in what we can do, but if we do not exercise that choice and start attending activities and cheering at games, the choice will be phased out by lack of financial support from places that matter.


for no conference crown or divisional title. They play for themselves, the fans, and Peru State College. The time has come for people to take notice and pull athletics from the mire. When athletics goes, what will be next department to be phased out?

Perhaps it will be the band. No halftime marching; no pep rally to play for. Perhaps intramural activities will follow suit. Kiss the Physical Education department good-bye. Then will the Al Wheeler Activity Center be phased out, as well.

If the proper action is not taken, this tail spin will end when Peru State College ceases to exist. That would be a sad day, indeed.

of student fullfillment provided by CAB. Playing to a packed house and taking their turns at a possible career in left) Cheryl Fryer, The Famous Dancing Chickens (Barb Lewellen and Julie Taylor), Dr. Dennis Ciesielski, Shawn Schacht and Matt Asher, l Barb Lewellen and Dr. Sara Crook. -photos by Jesse Henderson and Heather Joy Layson

Education honored

as "Education Week" at tlie college. -photo by Kent Propst

Progress reports available .for completed, inspection

Progress reports are completed and can be picked up at the Registrar's Office. A progress report is a list of classes students have taken, the grade they received and a list of classes that need to be taken in order to graduate.

The first page tells how many hours the student has taken, the GPA, how many upper division hours taken and the year of the student. The next page lists all of the general studies clas.ses divided into categories as in the catalog. On the third page is the academic major, what catalog the student is under, and how many hours the student needs to fill the major.

Work begins on the progress reports only after a student has completed 30 credit hours. Progress reports are completed upon arrival for transfer students. A note to transfer students states, "Grades are not accepted in transfer, only credit hours the student has successfully completed.

Therefore, a check- mark is used in

PSC holds Business Information Day

Approximately 155 high-school students visited Peru State College on Nov.15, as a part o_f Business Information Day.

The students attended four sessions: entrepreneurship, keys to interviewing, deterring shoplifting and importance of the internet. Students in the Business Division put this program together.

Each session lasted for one hour, and then the students moved on to another session. The students then had a break for lunch at noon and at 1 p.m. they all met at the College Theatre and discussed the day's events.

Some of the teachers who helped out were Dr. Jiin Thomas, professor of business and dean of Continuing Education; Paul Hinrichs, instructor of science and technology; Dave Ruenholl, director of Nebraska Business Development Center; and Ted Harshbarger, director of Cooperative Education and Career Services. Each one of them covered a different session.

Alpha C'hi members

Fifteen receive honor on Nov. 19

Fifteen students became new members of Alpha Chi, an academic honor society, at an induction ceremony held Sunday, Nov. 19, at the Benford Recital Hall in the Jindra Fine Arts Building. Only juniors and· seniors with grade point averages in the top 10 percent of their classes were eligible for this honor. These students must also have completed 24 Peru State College credit hours within the last year.

In the fall of 1980, PSC was installed as the Nebraska Delta Chapter of Alpha Chi, a national collegiate academic honor society

with over 250,000 members. Each fall, the PSC Faculty Senate nominates students for membership.

Membership in Alpha Chi represents an opportunity for students to present scholastic work at regional and national conventions held each year.

Alpha Chi does not focus on any one area of study. Scholastic work can include research papers, dramatic presentations, artistic works or musical performances. The regional convention is to be held at Northwest Missouri State University in Marysville in March.

The new members of Alpha Chi are Cynthia Bell and Dusk Junker,

seniors; and Caroline Bridger, Mindy Brockman, Sabine Clapper, Jean Gibbons,. Amber Hypse, Brent Lottman, Michelle Lane, Colleen Mincer, Marlene Oaks, Matthew Reuter, Mary Stewart, Leo Trimmer and Daniel Vice, juniors.

New officers were also installed at Sunday's ceremonies. They are as follows: Mindy Brockman, president; Michelle Lane, vice president; Amber Hypse, secretary; Brent Lottrrian, treasurer; and Leo Trimmer, student delegate. Faculty sponsor for Alpha Chi is Dr. David Edris, chairman of the Humanities Division.

K·1ds get c·reat·1ve w·1th Clemente

the grade column to indicate transfer hours. All transfer grades must be C or higher for courses required, elected, or selected to complete major course requirements."

When asked why several students have had problems with some of the progress reports, Alice Hamilton, academic credentials technician, said. "They were probably not updated; we have been working on them, and· they should be updated now."

Students are encouraged to look at their progress reports to make sure they don't take any unnecessary classes. Students can also look at their transcripts. A transcript is a copy of the students permanent record. If a student wishes to take the report from the office there is a $4.00 charge.

A transcript begins as soon as a student begins taking classes. Students can check out their progress reports for as long as they want to at no charge, as long as it is returned to the Registrar's Office.


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The future poets of the next century are having their minds fed here at Peru State College. Dr. Bill Clemente, associate professor of English, is teaching a group of seven gifted kids in the Omnibus program. The Class meets once a week at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and centers on creative writing. Dr. Clemente thoroughly enjoys teaching the fourth, fifth and six.th graders, calling the class "a lot of fun."

The Omnibus program is a program for gifted lids who achieve a composite score of 90 or above on the Iowa Test of Basic Development. It gives them classes after school once a week for six weeks. According to the students, the classes are educating

and entertaining for them. Besides Clemente's class in creative writing, there are classes in aerodynamics and art among others in the program. The class that Clemente teaches is more of a workshop than a class. The kids write in class under the guidance and encouragement of Clemente and his volunteer helpers. The writing the kids produce is always interesting The creativity they show is tremendous. Their perspective never to be thought provoking and can sometimes bring about a chuckle or two.

In one sessibn, the kids' first assignment was to write apology poems that apologize for some makebelieve act for which they really are not sorry. The next assignment was to incorporate some Spanish words

Now atthe


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from a given list into their poem. The following week they wrote wish poems that showed some remarkable creativity that was matched only by the next poems which were to invite a friend to some make-believe place and convince them to come. In the next class they wrote about Halloween and gave new viewpoints on the ancient holiday. Consistently, the kids consider the class fun and look forward to coming every time. They very much enjoy writing in class. Some even said that they were tempted to possibly write outside of class. The energy these kids possess is enough to wear out a spectator. "They keep you young," Clemente states.

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PSC PRESIDENT ROBERT L. BURNS and PSC senior Jennifer Hurt recentlysignedadocumentproclaimingtheweekofNov.12-18 DR. BILL CLEMENTE, ASSOCIATE professor of English at PSC, teaches a class of gifted children after school. -photo by Josh Whitney
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Doug· Mason

New director begins duties

"Peru State is set to break a lot of barriers and make major moves ahead, and Doug -1\.fason will be a big part ofthat."

That is what Dr. Robert Burns, PSC president, has said about the college's Director new of Admissions and

Relations, Doug Mason. that small schools such as PSC can Mason, who recently joined PSC, has fare well in attracting new students. over 10 ---------------• He said, years' experience in his field

"In terms of job placement after graduation, [PSC is] doing far better than the national and comes to average." PSC after

atmosphere of a small private college and low cost too. That's a dynamite combination.

"Here have we a combination of the quality education of a heading the Doug Mason state school, admissions ____________.___ t h e program at Southwestern College in Winfield, KS, for three years. Although the high school class of 1994 was the smallest in the nation

C o l 1 e g e in the last 30 years, Mason believes

''There are a lot of unique qualities about Peru State that, in terms of

PSC hosts arts and humanities panel

Peru State College hosted an arts md humanities panel discussion in he College Theatre on Oct. 30.

The event, which was held in conjunction with National Arts and Humanities month, featured a variety of artists and humanities scholars. PanelistsUiscussed the importance of arts and humanities in society, as well as the effect Congressional budget cuts may have on arts and humanities programs.

Panelists inc.luded Jane Renner Hood and Molly Fisher of the Nebraska Humanities Council, Ron Hull of Nebraska Public Television, George Neubert of the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, Peggy Jones of PSC, Littleton Alston and Welch of Creighfon University and Suzanne Wise and Neville Murray of the Nebraska Arts Council.

Peggy Jones, assistant professor of • art and the event's coordinator, said the purpose of the panel was to look at the role of arts and humanities in our culture. Jones believes that · funding for the arts and humanities is essential and stated, "If endowments arc gone, we lose a large part of our

A PANEL OF DISTINGUISHED ARTS AND HUMANITIES SCHOLARS discussed the future of the arts and humanities in America at an event hosted by Peru State College. The panel discussion featured (from left) Jane Renner Hood and Molly Fisher of the Nebraska Humanities Council, Ron Hull of Nebraska Public Television, George Neubert of the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, Peggy Jones of Peru State, Littleton Alston and Ashton Welch of Creighton University, and Suzanne Wise and Neville Murray of the Nebraska Arts Council. culture."

student recruitment, we haven't tapped yet.. For example, in terms of job placement after graduation we are doing far better than the national average. To have a 90 percent placement rate within nine months of graduation is fantastic, ar j it's a huge selling.point."

Consequently, he believes in two years PSC "will have challenges in dealing with the number of students attending PSC" and wanting to live in the residence halls.

Step back in time during Madrigal singers' dinner

The sclledule for the Madrigal Dinner for Christmas has been released. The dinner is an event in which you can take a step back in time and dine in the king's court. A full-course meal is served, accompanied by Wassail (a drink representing wine).

This year's dinner features the Madrigal singers, who throughout the dinner entertain the audience with music of the time. Dr. Royal Eckert will mesmerize the audience with his stories.

The jester presiding over the ceremony is Russell Crouch, sophomore speech/drama major. When asked about his favorite part of the dinner he said, "Probably interacting with the crowd and the Mummer's play." Again this year the Peru Players will present St George's Play. The cast forthe play has not yet been released.

Audience members reacted positively to the event. Dr. Toney McCrann, associate professor of English, feels the panel served a

to get their spin on events." Associate Professor of Ei:1glish Dr. Bill Clemente agrees and said, "I sincerely wish we'd see more of this kind of informative discussion format about useful purpose. He commented, "It's various topics on campus." interesting to see people like Ron Hull Jones was pleased with the panel

Credit transfers now made easier

Twenty-five of Nebraska's junior colleges, colleges and universities have recently agreed on groundbreaking policies to make credit transfers easier.

These policies, now known as the "Nebraska Transfer Initiative, have been in effect at Peru State College since 1993, according to Dr. Terry Smith, vice president of -academic


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affairs. PSC also has similar agreements with institutions in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri.

The student with a college transfer associate degree from a junior college or trade school wanting to transfer to PSC benefits the most"'from the policies. A student with this degree from an accredited institution can enter PSC with a junior class standing, or if the student has fewer than 60 hours, all hours will transfer.

''There is a perceived gap between two-year and fourcyear institutions," said Smith. "Hopefully, this Initiative will close that gap and make transfers seamless."

Smith said that, under the old policies, the course being transferred must have been exactly the same as the course offered at PSC. Often, the previous school was asked for a syllabus and course description before a credit transfer was granted.

discussion as well. She believes the fact that high-quality panelists voluntarily gave of their time reflects the level of commitment to the arts and humanities. Jones stated, "If we don't fund the effort to civilize us in spite of ourselves, who will?"

The Madrigal Dinner for Christmas will be on campus Dec. 8 and 9, and there will be an extra performance at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Nebraska City on Dec. 10. The price is $12.00 for students and $15.00 for nonstudents. The show in Nebraska City is $12.00.

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defense proves to be key,

Tough women's basketball off to good start

The Peru State Lady Bobcats met the York Lady Panthers in basketball action on Nov. 14 at the Al Wheeler Activity Center.

Throughout most of the first half, the teams were within one or two points of each other. With six minutes left in the half, York pulled away with a five point lead making the score !Oto 15. With two minutes left in the half, the Bobcats picked up the defense and came back to trail by only one. Freshman Deana Christiansen, · sunk a shot with 1:02 left. This sent the ladies into their locker room with a one point lead over the Panthers.

Increasing the intensity in the ond half, the ladies gradually walked away with the rest ofthe game. Assistant coach Phil Weldele commented on the team's success. "During half-time we realized that we were playing good defense, but we needed to execute better on offense."

The aggressive defense mentioned by Weldele continued as the Bobcats allowed the Panthers to score only two points in the first six minutes of

the second half. Peru State then stepped up the offense and jumped to an eight point lead with fourteen minutes left. In the final seconds of the dual, Amy Petry, 5 ft. 6 in. freshman fired in a three pointer at the buzzer to seal the 54 to 36 victory over the Panthers.

Angie Hubach, 5 ft. 9 in. junior, led the team offensively with sixteen points and defensively with thirteen points.

The Bobcats opened up their season with a 72 to 60 victory over Moµnt Marty of Yankton, SD. They then suffered a close loss, 42 to 47, to Avila College of Kansas City, MO. Peru State shot 28 percent in the second half while the ladies from Avila shot 42 percent. Hubach was the leader in this game with fourteen points and eleven rebounds.

In their first tournament of the season at Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, MO, on Nov. 1718, the ladies went 0-2 to two previously undefeated teams. "We played two very talented NCAA divisiOn II teams. Both games were a good measuring stick for us to see what we need

to work on," commented Coach Tera Kreklau. She noted that the main' thing they need to work on is offensive execution, "It will just take time for the players to know how to play with each other," she said.

The NWMSU Bearcats handed the Bobcats their first loss of the tournament, 42 to 74. Jen Trouba, 6 ft. senior, scored 10 points to lead Peru State .while Hubach dished out six assists.

In their second game, the Bobcats fell to Southwest Baptist, 58 to 71. Hubach put in 19 points while Petry scored 16 points.

Currently the team is shooting 37 percent from the field. "We seem to have a lot of team unity, which is very important. We get along on and off the court very well. Eventually our rough edges will smooth out as we continue playing together," commented Jill Schulte, 5 ft. 6 in. junior.

The Bobcats will travel to Graceland College in Lamoni, Iowa on November 28 and will then be back on their home court to face Benedictine of Atchison, Kansas on December I.

Bobcats use bombs in early season win over Central Methodist

The men's basketball team entered the Dana Tournament this past weekend with a 2-1 record. The Bobcats opened first round action against Grand View College, Des Moines, IA. Grand View defeated the Bobcats 8375.

Rockurst, Kansas City, MO., defeated the Bobcats in a close one by the score of 54-53.

The Peru State Bobcats fell victim to Dakota State, Madison, SD. This was the Bobcat's first loss of the season. Dakota State shot 48 percent from the field and hit r2 of 19 three pointers while the Bobcats shot a mere 39 percent in a 92-70 loss. Junior Tom Riley was the leading scorer for the Bobcats with 18 points, and Lance Cohn, junior, was the leading rebounder with seven boards.

Baker College, Baldwin City, Kansas fell victim to the visting Bobcats, 90-89. Greg Thompson, junior point

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guard, scored 22 points, added five assists and pulled down seven rebounds in the victory. Others scoring for the Bobcats were Riley with 18, Lawernce Hollier, junior, 16 and Demarcus Johnson, junior, added 14 points and six boards.

The Bobcats opened their season with a thrilling victory over Central Methodist College, Fayette, MO., 8886. The Bobcats used effective free throw shooting to propell them to victory. The Bobcats used the three point

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shot as a weapon against Central Methodist making 10 trifectas from beyond the circle.

Riley led all scorers with 23 points, while Johnson added 15. Thompson and Scott Daniel, junior, put in 13 each. Thompson led the Bobcats with eight assists, while Hollier pulled down 11 rebounds.

Next home action for the Bobcats will be after the Thanksgiving holiday on November 30 against Dana College.

Guy bending spoons beats out volleyballer's run for nationals

were on the visitors' side.

When freshman, lsaw' college athl.etics at its finest 1 stumbled down three flights of Delzell's stairs, crossed the only street in Peru, and entered the Oak Bowl for the first time. ·This was no desolate arena of hushes. I saw it. as powerful, invigorating, and awesome. The only reason.people ventured home at half-time was to tap. the keg and return for the ond half. The. only. i;mpty •seats


Now, I read letters. in the paper about the band's "tasteless" cheers. The players competein front of hushes. '\Vith all the open seats, I see.no problem moving away from those offending band members. In fact, there should be enough room to sit on your hands, too. .Those cheers were here, when Uirst came and will be here, when I am gone. Let's talk fan support. The Peru State volleyball squad had a most impressive regular and post-season. Most of you went to see Craig Karges bend spoons and missed the bOat. Two years ago, extra seating was made available for the overflow crowd of students. This year, I witnessed a dismal showing of

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support. · The 'Cats were on the prove without the needed support. road to the Nlltional Tourney, and My hat goes otT to the PSC band you could have heard a pin drop. and those great cheers. And I hope This lack of school spirit rests on my boys in the end zone come back the shoulders of the younger gen- · next year. The torch of school spirit eration of Bobcat fans, who race needs to be fueled and passed on home on Friday night to see their Opponents should cringe at the old high school teams lose. The thought of playing in Peru, not fall spirit is not dead at PSC but could to the ground in obscene laughter. be gasping on last breaths. I am calling the old rowdies to Is it basketball's turn to play in arms. Bring your penny-IDied milk ari empty Wheeler Center? I apolo- jugs and your face paint. The time gize to the seniors playing their last of resurrection cries for the Bobseason at this institution. This is cat spirit of old to rear its Hacksaw not the just, reward you deserve. Jim Duggan head. If athletics deHome field advantage can not be a composes to oblivion, the school phrase utilized to describe the may soon follow. friendly conf"mes at Peru State. Hello. Is there anybody home?

Maybe the football team had a Would the last one out of Peru State sub-par season, but they won't im- please turn off the lights?

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TOM RILEY DRIVES FOR THE HOOP AND SOME HARM in the Bobcat's season opening victory over Central Methodist in the Wheeler Center. -photo by Matt Uher
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Give her the rock, baby!

FRESHMAN GUARD SHANNON TOWNSEND nails a jumper from the perimeter in a home victory over visiting Mount Marty on November 9. The 'Cats romped, 72-60. -photo by Jesse Henderson

Bobcat's ,football season en s with loss to Wesleyan Plainsmen

The Peru State football squad traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska on Nov. 11 to play the final game of the Bobcat's 1995 gridiron campaign. The Plainsmen of Nebraska Wesleyan stood between the Bobcats and a fourth win of the season. · ·

Seven Peru State turnovers and a powerful, Plainsmen ground attack sent the 'Cats home losers. Peru State fell behind early, when Nebraska

Wesleyan scored three times in the tailback EdWedmeyer bolted for 204

, first quarter to front 20-0. The Bob- yards and two touchdowns. The 'Cats cats struck pay dirt early in the sec- rushed for 80 yards as a team. ond period on a 12 yard scoring strike The Peru State 'vas led by from Jamie Stinson to Korey Reiman. Nick Maher's 12 Jermaine Jeff Morgan's extra point put the Cats "Beef' Sharpe recorded the only sack within 13 points. for Peru State in this white washing. Unfortunately, the Plainsmen The Bobcats finish 3-5-1, winning rattled off 27 unanswered points as only one of their last seven games. the Bobcats struggled offensively. Since 1993, Peru State has compiled Peru State could manage only 194 a record of9-19-l. The last Bobcat yards of total offense, while Nebraska winning season occurred in 1992, Wesleyan ran wild: Plainsmen when the Bobcats finished 7-2-1.

Sacred Heart's streak ends

They have been accused of recruiting players and of allowing only the best athletes to attend their school, but all they have really done is win. And win they did. The Falls. City Sacred Heart Irish football team won an inctedible 87 games in a row before losing to the Table Rock Tigers on Nov. '6 in a double-overtime game.

During, Sacred Heart's seven-year reign, 36 of their vktcries came by the 45-point rule. Only two games went into overtime. Three classes of seniors didn't loose a varsity game during their careers. The Irish runners gained 24,806 yards or 14.1 miles. Thirty-one players made the all-state list. The all-state list for this year's squad has not been released.

Coach Doug Goltz, a 1987 PSC

graduate, now in his ninth year at Sacred Heart, had inherited a winless team when he started in 1987. Goltz and assistant coach Dennis Prichard, also in his ninth year, hold a current 101-8 record.

"The winning streak isn't something we talked about, but everyone we played was wanting to end it. We emphasized to the team that if we lost, it wasn't going to be because we weren't prepared," Goltz said.

Prichard thinks that the Sacred Heart community deserves a big share of the credit for the wins. 'They, rather than the coaches, have to do with the ability of the kids. We arc very lucky to get these talented athletes and good kids," he said.

Jeff Schawang, senior accounting and business management major, was part of the incredible streak.

Schawang, a 1991 Sacred Heart graduate, helped his alma mater win their first ever State Championship in 1989. He said, "At the time (that I graduated), it was a big deal that we had won six straight championships. We had won the football, basketball and track championships in 1989 and 1990. We weren't even thinking in terms of a long football streak."

Both coaches are looking forward to next year. They are only losing five seniors and the up-and-coming freshmen have an undefeated record.

Goltz concluded, "Our first game next year will be Sep. 6 at Falls City's Jug Brown Stadium against Table Rock. That is a huge motivator for the team."

Will this be the beginning of a new and longer winning streak? Watch and see.

earns trip to California Wannabees take title and shot at the National Championship

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 moving up four positions from their previous 17th ranking. Callender believes this is exactly where they need to be. "We're already being considered a 'sleeper team.' Many times it's those teams in the 9th-12th rank-

ing that really surprise people. It's those teams which are dangerous to the highest ranking teams."

Tuesday, Nov. 28, is the departure date for the Lady Bobcats. They will be allowed practice times in the Point Loma gymnasium in San Diego to put

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the final touches on the game plans and strategies

The Lady Bobcats will take on Montevallo of Alabama and Point Loma of California on Thursday in best of five matches. Despite the fact that each of these teams are very dominating, Parker has optimism. "Some of us played in the National Tournament in 1993, so hopefully this time it won't seem so overwhelming. It's just like any other tournament. The best team will win!"

Good luck at Nationals

"Intramurals are going very well.

tThe students are getting more comfortable with me and the way I like things run," said Dave Teske, intramural director. "It's very important that the emphasis be on having fun and participating rather than winning."

Speaking of having fun, in flag football the NFL Wannabees beat the !Loose Cannons in the championship game on Nov. 12 to take the title. Volleyball is underway and continues until Nov. 29. There are nine earns in the running, and may the best team win.

Upcoming activities include:

• wiffieball: sign-ups Nov. 22-29

• five-on-five basketball (men,women,coed): sign-ups

are Dec. 6-13, play beginning in spring

• three-on-three Schick's Super Hoops basketball tournament Dec. 13 (watch posting for signup dates and location)

There are still work study positions open for intramural officials. Previous playing experience is preferred, but training will also be provided. Teske would like to include some less physical activities for spring, such as game room activities, cards and even a Sega tournament.

"My goal is that everyone who participates have something to show for their participation. This may mean winning a shirt, meeting new people, making a friend or just socializing through school activities," said Teske.


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Assassio's bullet claims life of Nutsn.ack

Oak, Nebraska: A sad day for squirrels ev- SATA (Squirrel Anti-Terrorism Agency) erywhere, Randal Nutsnack, president of the Cheif, John. Musafa, remains. baffled by the anti-hase league, was assassinated· during a shooting; a second shooter is suspected. An rally,at the town.oak by an unknown assail- anti-skiouros terrorist group known as ant. At exactly 1:30pm, Nutsnack was speak- Watership Down has claimed responsibility for ing when, allegedly, a rabbit in a squirrel suit the act. Musafa states, "I. thought it was a pretty fired three shots with a Pump Master gun from good movie, but I never thought it would come the third story of the Ob_g:rvatory building. to this. There's going to be hell to Qay_."


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Ventura' returns, Correy entertaining as ever

The $20 million man is back on the big screen with his newest movie, Ace Ventura, Wizen Nature Calls.

Jim Carrey, who makes $20 million per motion picture, stars in the sequel to the highly successful Ace Ventura Pet Detective. In his newest adventure, Ace Ventura has to travel to Africa to find the Great White Bat.

FOR ANY INFORMATION LEADING TO THE APPREHENSION OF MR. PETER and any other members of the R.L.0. who may have been involved in the shooting of Randal Nutsnack. Mr. Peter, A.K.A. Brian Dennehy, may or may not have scars all over parts of his body. At the time of the incident, Mr. Peter had hair, bufit may or may not have been cut off by now. DO NOT APPROACH

MR. PETER UNLESS YOU HAVE HAD A RABIES SHOT! He has the ability, also, to make his eyes turn red in the presence of a quick flashing lightsource. Mr. Peter may or may not be armed; however, if anyone would like to take his family hostage, his hole is l I 4 mile west of the golf course in Nebraska City. Do not be fooled by the faux B. Bunny mailbox and the burrowing around the entrance. Contact animal antiterrorism expert John Musafa if you have any details or a rabbit because really all rabbits look the same. Besides, anyone convicted of this crime is going to be put awa immediate! and ho e for the death enal I mean after all it's not California


Alice in Chains

I guess the band hasn't overdosed in the past 2 years, good to hear that. GREEN DAY


Three geekey California kids who stink and breathe that can really play a rockin' tune.


PSC Professors

Whata deal! Getting paid for traveling the world, do you think I could get one? ,

2 for $2

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Oatmeal stout

Thick taste with an abundant texture of a full bodied beer served ice cold.


A Light in the Attic Shell Silverstein

Happy, fun & exciting look at childhood through prose and drawings. Everyone should look back.

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Invaders Fox mini-series

Did not see it, but it made me miss the Simpsons--1 was sure pissed.

The Zamboni Brothers 88 PSC talent show (surrealist illusionists)

Pretty stupid idea these guys came up with, but it sure made people laugh.

The trick is, if Ventura doesn't find the bat, two African tribes will fight to the death. There is something else too, Ventura hates bats and refuses to touch them. But according to Ventura, all living creatures deserve a chance, so he takes the case; plus he is getting paid $20,000, so that doesn't hurt any.

This isn't just any ordinary detective movie. Ventura has his own style

and uses it to track down the Great White Bat. Whether it be riding around in a robotic rhino, wrestling with an alligator, driving recklessly, or just meditating, Ventura does it all.

I see why Carrey makes $20 million a picture, because this film has no supporting cast. But who cares?

Jim Carrey is hilarious as Ace Ventura, and there will probably be more sequels in the future. I think that the director just told Carrey what he wanted and let him go wild. This movie has no rules, and Carrey just displays his talent as a great come- i di an.

There is no great acting in this movie, but if you what to just sit back and laugh, I recommend this movie. On a scale ofone to four stars, I give this movie 2 1/2 stars.

llfE fM 1-\E.l..L1btiri\fs < ;{<#t!lc: me:acr?st\vlth. •.• on a cn:R.9Ivl.ff .·.·· /. 'tjiins yideos. ·, /, 3 · •··· .· < ; · ····.•i••.;TheansWers · •• and• : ;Tim?JY 1'-{e;;v ques: tion: nhtne· ofthe first um, }61easect,·'put •out
GunS'N'Roses? Bonus :1What ·.;record label
it tdefu>cidJ.mder? 'Ace

Distance Learning Center open for business

Two classes scheduled for spring '96

Dr. Robert Bums, PSC president, was one of the speakers at the celebration of the opening of PSC's new Distance Leaming Center on Nov.

28. Located on the third floor of T. J. Majors Bldg., the center will be used for two classes next semester and othin the fall. The two classes that will be offered in the center next fall dre Political Science 426: American Constitutional Law and Psychology 1-60: Psychology of Corrections and A.t-Risk Youth Education.

instructors at Metropolitan Commu-

nity College in Omaha participated in the ceremonies in real-time from their own interactive learning facilities. After Dr. Bums' remarks, the Metropolitan faculty played a taped program which explained distance learning and its possible benefits to students.

The tape was followed by a miniature lesson given by Dr. Sara Crook, assistant professor of history and political science. The lesson included tips for presenting items to distant learners, such as how large the typing on paper must be for students to view the text on television monitors.

The event lasted from 3:30 p.m. to approximately 5 p.m. and was attended by large numbers of PSC students; faculty, administration and staff.

DR. SARA CROOK, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF HISTORY and political science, presents material for the opening of PSC's distance learnin classroom in TJMa"ors. - hoto b Robin Pa on

Recreational trail south of Brownville construction for drivers ighyvay 75 roving mess in the works; several-groups helping project


get this project off to a good start by also sponsoring a grant for additional

A proposed recreational trail from trail funds.

Nebraska City to south of Brownville

The NRD is presently drafting a trail

1-ias been the subject of heated debate plan it hopes to have completed by the ."or the past year. In October the end of this year. This plan will then Nemaha Natural Resources District be submitted to the state along with a (NRD) took legal possession of the application for funds. The grant the rail bank corridor, and discussion has NRD is applying for is a federal grant oegun on the 'future of the old tract. given to. states from the Highway to trails, a naiional orga- Commission called Inter-State TransJhat takes uill!Sed railways portat.ion Activities, or and converts them info.trails, tlaS ISTEA. This grant is specifically for. sponsoi:edapproximately 85th'otisa:nd · iloii moionzoo tratisp&rta:tion and wiil dollarstowlirds ihe project. Noimally match the applicants fonds at a ratio the organization offsets its costs by of 80 to 20. salvaging the rails arid ties from ihe Some work has already accom.::xisting track,. but in· this case has plished along the trail itSelf. The pledgeddts support: without iiny sal- Honey €reek bridge has been revageable materials at the site. The moved, but has not been replaced. The: Nebraska Game and Parks Commis- Boy Scouts of America have helped ion has ient another helping hand to in measupng existing bridges and. tak-

ing land measurements. However, not much more can be done until after January 1, 1996, due to contractors still removing rails and ties.

A NRD subcommittee has been formed by NRD directors. The committee includes Chuck Chase, Mike Speece, Ronald Heskett, Alfred Gigstad, Kathy Wittler and Howard Sautter. This committee will assist in advising the formation of the trail, but states that th!l public needs to beinvolved

An 0rganization of citizens, landowners and trail enthusiasts is being formed. Anyone wishing to join may. contact the NRD office. This· will be the community's trail, and , decisions need to be made. Those who have suggestions or concerns need to participate.

Attention commuters! Anyone traveling north of the Peru tum-off on Highway 75 will notice the immense mess of road construction. It is becoming a rising concern, especially since the arrival of winter weather. Rumors have been spreading about what is actually being done, making it difficult to distinguish the faets.

' Dennis GQtlnng, highway nance superintendent of the Nebi:aska Department of Roads in Auburn, said the road presentiy being, traveled will be moved, and it will become the· shoulder for the new road being built. He eontinued, "Everything· is being redone."

1;.he newroad will remain two : laries. Goering-said, traffic counts, it wasn'tfeasible to have

Stutheit volunteers for position Theater's futu

What is the future of the theater department at PSC? Right now, the answer doesn't seem clear.

In the first part of r-{ovember, Heather Stutheit, senior speech I drama I English major who graduates this December, talked to Dr. Terry Smith, vice president of academic affairs and asked that someone be hired for the spring 1996 semester to help out with the theater department. "Since I was graduating, !offered to apply for [the job]," Stutheit said. "[Dr. Smith] said that he had not thought about it for a long time and would get back to me."

According to Stutheit and Dr. Charles Harper, professor of speech I theater, Dr. David Edris, chairman of the Humanities Division, then talked to Smith stating why Stutheit's proposal was a good idea. However, Smith turned down the proposal.

Smith said that at the beginning of the school year he had" asked Dr. Harper if they (the upper division theater majors) do not have live mainstage theater experiences will the academic po[!ion of their program prepare tl)em sufficiently as degreereceiving majors, and he said 'yes'."

Harper admitted in a formal memo to Smith that he was wrong when he said that he believed most of the upper division theater majors were ex-

four lanes." He added, "Two lanes will handle the traffic that we have." Goering also explained, ''The Constructors, Inc. out of Lincoln have the bid." However, the engineering office is in Tecumseh.

Everything is under construction, including bridges. Eventually a traffic light will be installed when the first bridge over the viaduct is being redone. The bridge will be built ( one half at a time. At this time, de- I nag people fil'e not ex- I pected.

Goering recommends all travelers possible to take highway 67 when going to Peru. The road is better; it is shouldered; and there is less traffic on it.

The anticipated completion date is set for the fall of I 996. However, as Goering remarked, "Anything is sub·ect to change."

perienced enough. " In that memo I stated the reasons why Heather should be hired, and said that earlier I had been wrong; the students do need live theater to prepare them for their degrees," Harper said.

Again Smith turned down the proposal. "What I by saying was that we made a decision about what we were going to do at the beginning of the year, and there's no new evidence to lead us to believe that the decision was wrong. We began this year with the professional advice of the theater faculty member; we took his advice; he's changed his mind, but we've made our plans. We're set for the year."


King helps 'Cats
State page 10 Vol. 73 Issue 5 December 15, 1995 Be sure to color inside the lines! page 6
shoot past Dakota
i>SC'S CONCERT CHOIR, with direction byDr. Thomas Ediger, pertheir final concert of the year Dec. 3.-photo by Andrea Tee

New road bill allows speed limit-change

Some people grateful for Clinton's signing

It's true, I can't drive 55 mph! No matter how hard I try, I find my speedometer creeping up into the ticket zone. Let's just face the facts. I like to go fast. Really fast. Those of you whom I pass on a regular basis will agree.

Thanks to President Clinton's signing of a $6 billion road bill on Nov. 27, federal restrictions on speed limits have been removed and each state can now set their own limit.

Why, you may ask, should the speed limit be increased? First of all, common sense is common sense, no matter how fast you drive. On Dec. 8, Montana reverted to its

pre-197 4 policy of "reasonable and prudent" speeds during daylight hours and 65 mph on interstates at night. Montana drivers are trusted to use their own judgement and common sense. Given that trust, most people will do the responsible thing. Those who choose not to comply are dealt with appropriately.

Second, people drive above the speed limit on a regular basis. Speeders are, for the most part, law-abiding citizens. If drivers are not endangering the lives of others or being reckless, they shouldn't be fined.

Next, the money you save on gas by driving 55 mph, especially in newer model vehicles, is a minimal amount. If

you are that concerned about the money you are spending on gas, go slower.

Last, but not least, raising the speed limit would give our law enforcement officials more time to pursue "real" ·criminals. In other words, quit picking on me!

Judging from the number of people that passed me on Interstate 29 while I was passively driving 65, the more popular opinion of the.driving masses is to raise the limit and do it quickly. But, until at least January, Nebraskans must keep driving 55 on highways and 65 on the interstates. Until then well I'll try to drive 55, maybe.

Do we really need to drive any faster?

Is it worth hurting or killing someone while driving faster just io save a few minutes? Is it worth putting yourself, your passengers and .other drivers in danger? Are we really in that big of a hurry?

What do all these questions have to deal with? The speed limit of course. Recently, Clinton has passed a law that lets each state choose the speeds we are able to drive on interstate and other highways. Friday, Dec. 8, was the _day that drivers needed to become more aware of speed limit signs when crossing state lines. Since each state has different limits, we need to pay better attention to the speeds we drive.

The speed limits are fine just the way they are.' Su· why' is there· such a fuss to raise tfleID;?,.faster·sp_eeds cause more accidents.

They also make accidents worse. A collision at a greater speed causes greater impact. Why do we want to put ourselves even more at risk than we already are?

How many times have you been passed on the highway by some crazy driyer who does not look to see if oncoming cars are approaching? Is it fair that someone driving too fast can lose control and cause you to get into an accident? This reporter says "no."

Don't get me wrong, there are drivers out there who are responsible and can handle driving 80 miles an hour or faster. But look at how many drivers are not able to responsibly handle driving at much slower speeds. I believe there are more careless drivers than careful ones. With.Nebraska highway speed limits

currently at 55 miles per hour, most people drive at least five miles over the limit. If limits are raised to 65 miles per hour, people will drive at least 70 or more miles per hour. Many of us are already ( driving entirely too fast. If the limits are raised, we will have more accidents and more deaths.

Editors' note: No matter what your opinion is on the issue of speed. limit changes, we hope that you use common sense and cour- · tesy while driving, whether cruising along at 75 or taking your time at 55.

'Protein shoplifting' problem in cafeteria

Dear Editor,

Do you think it was right for President Clinton to send troops to Bosnia? Why or why not?

Dr. William Snyder, professor of economics

"No. Hhink essentially it is a civil! war. I don't think outsiders can1 successfully intervene in a civil war. Also it places U.S. men and women at risk with little chance of resolving this century old conflict. Tito successfully retreated into the hills against the Germans and conducted guerilla warfare."

"I think it is a mistake. First, the terrain is made for guerilla warfare, a very similar situation to that of Vietnam. Secondly, I have real doubt that we will be able to solve the issues between the Bosinians and Serbs. They've been fighting for generations. and there is no quick fix to it.".


"I don't think it's right for us be the world's baby-sitter every time someone has a problem. didn't see anyone come over here when we went through our civi; war."

"No, I don't think they want om help. I think it will lead to a large1. war."

The Times. is the official student newspaper of Peru State Col" lege, Peru, NE, 68421. The Times office is located in 'the .college print shop in the·Physical Plant Building, telephone (402)

The Times is being published five times during the 1995 fall term by Peru State College Students. Opinions expressed may not necessarily be those of the entire editorial staff. The Times is printed by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE.


The Times welcomes air letters fo the editor. All letters to the editor, cartoons, .:aiitfcles,. and so forth submittedto The Times should bi: signed by the .indivldual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style.

Please send material to: Editor nmes mm

Peru State College Peru, NE 68421 PRIZI WINNING NEWSPAPER 100S


Assistant Editors

Sports Editor Features Editor Photography



Advertising Manager


Editors' Assistants Advisor


Terry Dugan

Robin L. Payton

Chris Raabe

Tera Stutheit

Charles Wake

Jesse Henderson

Kim Olson

Andrea Graff

Scott Holmes

Dan Ketelsen

Ray Topschei

Jennifer Froeschl

Matt Uher

Dr. Dan Holtz


lobruka PrlSS .bsaclatlrn

Mindy Brockman

Leigh Calfee

Jodie Hardy

Amber_N. Hypse

·Scott Krichau

Heather Joy Layson

Dawn May

Amelia McAlexander

Troy Moraine

Freedom Robinson

Debbie Sailors

Heather Stutheit

Andrea Tee

Josh Whitney

As difficult as this may seem to believe, a large quantity offood has qeen stolen from. the food s_ervice over the last few months. · · This not only includes taking an extra hamburger back to the residence halls, but also ·students on the meal plan who have been giving food to those that are not on the meal plan. Ithas been proposed that ifthisis continued,priceswmgoupand violators' meal plans could be suspended for a period of time(if not*n- totally away 4'rom1he"Studerit). c ·

Our job, as Student Senate, for one, is to make sure that students are getting the most for their money. However, for us to do that successfully, we need cooperation from students.

We realize that the quality of the food served, as well as the variety, could use improvement, but for us to meet these goals, we need cooperation from · students with the hope that the "protein shoplifting" will end.

If it does not end, there are proposed measures that do not seem favorable for Peru State students. One option, as before mentioned, is revoking the student's meal plan. Another option is adopting.an idea that other schools use which concerns the commons area If this stealing .of food does not stop, there may be a paid entrance required to even enter the cafeteria.

We would not like to see this hiippen. If you have any information leading to these thieves, you can contact members of food service. Plus, if you have any concerns about food service in general, please contact Student Senate or Dan Thomas, food service manager, at your leisure.

Sincerely, Student Senate

.,;I thinkit is agood idea. I it's America's duty as a peac, keeper to the world to interven< when ethnic cleansing and crimei against humanity are involved."

Tes Gruber, junior, English

"No, I don't think we have th, money, and it is none of our busi· ness."

Compiled with photos by Matt Uher

<C 1ID. Ir Ir® J]l tl (C ® [fJ, <C rJl Tr
!Jl IS
Dr. David Ainsworth, education chairperson
..------__,· !
Dierberge, freshman, undecided Syndee Oblinger, junior, special education Leigh Calfee, junior, Language Arts

Parents CJ,nd fe(l.chers

to .be included.iii spec;ial concussllJnispretty for a dozen other reasons (;!qually scf- Your brightest minds are likely to be phistieated. the hardest hit by these childhood

McA/exander says Love poetry sets bad example for PSC

Dear Editor,

#*@%! (Latin for#*@%!)

What a day! Everybody has health problems on occasion, so you don't need to hear about mine, but it would help if I'd ever heard of the illness before! Anyway, this column is about my son who got beat up on his way home from school this week, and I happened to be there because l was UL Arthur is a sensitive kind of guy. It upsets him when other kids tease him and, at 13, he hasn't learned how to deal with teasing yet. They tease him because of his name, because his glasses have plastic frames instead of metal, because he sings well enough

Most of us hav.e been through "games" because the most intelligent lar events, though maybe not always kids are often singled out by bullies. to similar degree. In Sabetha, we are And, while such encounters are not fortunate to have a school system and new in the history of mankind, guns principals who take an active stance have elevated the danger level beyond against violence, so it may be a few what childrep should· reasonably be years before another beating occurs. expected to handle. Not that guns are This is Arthur's second experience. necessary - Arthur's concussion was The first, back in grade school, gave ·caused by a bookbag. him a concussion. Iconsider him for- What should we, as educators,. do? tunate to have had fewer encounters That's a good question; I'm here to than he might have had in a larger find the answer. I have no idea what school, a bigger town or a school sys- to do in a violent situation, and that is tern with less guidance. one of the reasons why I need to be What does this have to do with trained. lege students? Well, a lot of us are It's one part of why teachers aren't planning to be teachers. Unless you · just people who walk into a school plan to teach at a very small school, with experience in business, or with and possibly even then, you're going good science grades or with a couple to have to deal with a certain amount of books published. There is more to of violence. It may be only amongst education than simply knowing your the students, but it could also involve subject, just as parenting is more than you. making babies.

It's easy to say that these occur- So, maybelshould have named him rences are games of childhood, but David?

SRUTAL REALITY by Dan Ketelsen

.The November 3, 1995 issue of the PSC Times printed a letter to the editor on page three. The letter referenced the Peru Bobcat Marching Band and suggested that perhaps some of the cheers were disrespectful and tasteless. Reading on through the same issue, I found on the final page the winners of a "Bad Love Poetry Contest" sponsored by an instructor. I realize the idea was the poetry

spectful and tasteless certainly do apply. Perhaps we need to evaluate the examples staff are presenting to our students. The PSC Times is more widely read than you might think. It finds its way to businesses and places of employment throughout the area. I take pride in PSC and would certainly like to see more thought given to how we present ourselves to our community.

was to be bad. However, "bad" does Sincerely, not describe this contest, but disre- Judy McAlexander

Planning essential for successful wedding

"Going to the chapel, and we're going to get married." Word has it you' re getting married, congratulations! Are you ready, or are you stressed about what to do next?

First of all, relax. Everything will work out; the wedding will be beautiful; all will be fine.

When planning a wedding, keep in mind to do what makes you happy, remember it's your "big day." Yes, it's fine and dandy to get input here and there, but have enough guts to follow your own ideas. Some toes might get stepped on, but who is the one getting married anyway?

A long engagement will help a lot. After being engaged for a period of time, the couple should have an idea of what they want to begin their lives together. This time will allow you to get ideas, to shop around and to compare prices. Don't ever think a question is too stupid to ask! It's not every day you get married, is it?

After the date has been set and ideas have been conjured, start booking. It is best to start with the location of the ceremony. Remember just because the location has been reserved, do NOT assume clergy comes with the package. Be sure to reserve the person to unite the two of you as one.

Next, reserve the place to have the reception. After you have these items checked off your list, start getting in touch with the more commercialized businesses (photographers, florists, caterers, music, etc.).

Be careful to ask a lot of specific questions with these businesses. Can

we keep the proofs? Do you charge a fee for travel? Any suggestions on what foods will keep the majority of the guests happy? Can we get beverages from your service? How much will you charge if we need you to stay longer? Can you recommend someone? These are all valid questions. However, the latter is important if you hit a brick wall with a company. A brick wall can be anything from too expensive or the company has already booked the time you need them.

If your parents are paying for the wedding, it is easi,er to receive lump sums of money rather than calling every other day requesting more funds. How about opening a separate checking account? This will save a lot of time and unwanted hassle.

To help avoid any hurt feelings, start compiling guest lists right away. Always check, re-check, and check the list again. If you think of' someone you would like to invite, put him/her on your list. There is always time to add and cross off of the' list.

It is better to have the guest list completed at least three months before the wedding. The invitations need to be mailed five weeks before the big day.

Try not to be a control freak, and ask for help if feeling overwhelmed. Utilize the members of your wedding party!

Weddings are more enjoyable if something is done that sets it apart from all the rest. Find something different, away from "traditional" to give your day a unique twist.

If all else fails-ELOPE!

>Veggie World '. continues hunting issue; gives her farewell to PSC

hunting, I can make some feel guilty about what they do, and if just one person stops, I've helped my lessthan-fortunate animal friends.

Another Yay! - I received a Letter to the Editor about my story. The author of the letter seems to think that I think hunters are "uneducated savages." However, as I would like to make clear, I don't feel this way at all.

Get over it! Is this the only excuse anybody has to shoot down an animal? We will never know if deer will overpopulate because no one ever gives them a chance to. Besides, the human race·fa vastly overpopulated; should we all go out and kill each other to control the human population?

ratory and freed caged animals; I've never had the urge to yell out the window while driving past a "butchering plant;" I've never even written anything as strongly opinionated as both last issue's and this issue's columns.

Hi there everyone! Well well, so you all just loved my column last rime, eh? So I've heard. The threats :if dead squirrels on my car sure were to hear about, let me tell you.

I set out last issue to make some C)eople mad, to poke fun at some 'leople, and to prompt feelings of guilt in some people about their "disgustmg activity," and I seem to have acmy goal. Yay! Although '\can't physically force hunters to stop

i dldii'i say that hunters were stupid or uneducated, I simply said that lcouldn't understand why, in our educated society in which so many peaceful activities exist, anyone would enjoy killing an innocent creature.

Also, about what the author of the letter and countless other people I've talked to over the eight years I've been meat-free endlessly argue concerning overpopulation of hunted animals - I'm sick of that excuse to kill!

I am so tired of hearing "Ifwe didn't hunt, the World Will be overrun by deer."

What gives us the right to take care of overpopulation of animals anyway? That is so hypocritical. People raise. animals. People force animals t6 breed and therefore force more animals upon the earth, and then use the excuse that there are too many animals on this planet in order to morally hunt.

Why do people raise farm animals to kill and eat? They aren't overpopulated. People raise them. Can I stress this point too much?

People seem to get mad at me no matter what I do to express m);' opinion on eating meat. I've never protested at a stockyard or entered a labo-

But even my gentle tactics seem to make people angry: things like displaying bumper stickers on notebooks, saying things like "Moo" or "A big cow must have died for that · huge cheeseburger" at dinner, or "Oh what a cute animal, I can't believe people can eatit" while passing a field of sheep.

Good, I'm glad people get angry. Ifl don't make you angry, that means you don't care about what I say. If I do make you angry, it means perhaps you feel guilty about the fact that you eat animals' flesh. Another Yay for me!

You know what I really hate, or at lea8t really can't comprehend? I do not understand the massive amounts of people who say they love animals

yet eat them. Really, does this make sense? As examples let me suggest the veterinarian who went into the business to save animals' lives, the protester at fur shops who wants animals to keep their coats but not their lives, the vegetarian who knowingly cheats and eats meat occasionally, or any pet owner, who looks at his/her animal and thinks "how adorable, how cute, how smart" yet eats one of its distant relatives. Would any of these people ·or anyone else for that matter rather admire animals; pet them and love them, or eat them?

This is my last column; I graduate this December. (Yet another Yay!) I pray that no one hates me for anything I've written, but instead thinks about the ideas and questions I've posed during the last two semesters. If you truly love animals, plain and simple, you shouldn't eat meat. For those of you who don't love them, well, good eating - I guess.

'l9 I • I The Fat lady Sings · ..· ·. ..· ·

Distance 1·earning not .all

Distance learning seems like a dream come true for colleges and students across the world. Children in Australia can learn from their own living rooms; Metro College in Omaha can send and receive courses in cooperation with Peru. Someday, we might not need a commuter parking lot at PSC because all the commuters will be learning from classrooms closer to home.

Education students will soon be taking classes on how to teach through the medium of television: how to stand, point, speak, dress and move. These classes may be offered via satellite from an instructor who has never set foot on the campus. Miracles abound in this electronic age, but will our new teachers find jobs?

Distance learning classrooms only need one teacher for hundreds of students.· Furthermore, the \earning sites don't need certified teachers to monitor the students, only "facilitators" who know how to tum equipment on and off and who can manage classroom behavior.

these facilitators won't handle any serious problems but will call trained technicians for electronic assistance and report unusual student problems to the far away instructor.

The National Education Association (NEA) is adamant about preventing new technology from displacing any current profes hundreds of students. Further- · more, the learning sites don't need certified teachers to monitor the students, only "facilitators" who know how to tum equipment on and off and who can manage classroom behavior. these facilitators won't handle any serious problems but will call trained technicians for electronic assistance and report unusual student problems to the far away instructor.

These facilitators won't handle any seriouwho struggled to put their children into colleges, of my own financial burden to attain a degree and of my son's future experiences which will be limited by the amount of money I can earn as an educator.

Even if colleges don't altogether disappear, the profession of teaching is going to radically change. Facilitators are not likely to be paid well enough to warrant needing a degree. For every real teaching job there will be hundreds of

Hunting important to ecology

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the article by Amy Bremers "Hunting is a sad, disgusting activity." This article makes it seem that hunters are uneducated savages who go out and kill everything. It seems to me that Ms. Bremers needs to know something about Ecology and Biology.

First of all, if populations of wild animals were let to go uncontrollably, they could easily overpopulate an area over time. They would use up the food resources, even fields of corn and soybeans, and die of starvation. They would wastefully decompose in the · Ancither fact is that natural disasters such as blizzards, floods, tornadoes, and hailstorms kill more wild animals than hunters. These can wipe out entire populations in a given area iri a short time.

• •


candidates, perhaps thqusands. Yes, students may benefit from having the best of the batc_h to teach them, but where will their mentors be?

Future students will not be individuals any more than.the instructors will. There will not be individuals any more than the instructors will. There will be no intimate talks together, no shy dreams brought to light, nor bold ones either. There will be professor "A" who teaches from. city "X" to students "I-many."

Not much can change the course of history and certainly not this editorial. Even if I wanted to go back to horses and ox-carts, too many others dream of cybernetic futures. These changes have already begun, and we go onward.

But, if you think the world has changed too much in the past twenty years, just wait for the next twenty. Prospective teachers, take a piece of advice with you into the nineties: lose weight, dress well,' and learn how to behave on television. Or, better yet, find another profession and hope that it, too, does not become obsolete.

What good is the Old Gym?

Come spring semester, the softball and baseball are going to need to start practicing, but where and when are the questions.

The softball and baseball teams, along with other athletic teams, previously used the Old Gym as their place to practice in the winter months.

But now, due to the remodeling of the Old Gym, no athletic team is allowed to use the facility.

As of now, the_ Old Gym is being used to hold some aerobic classes and dance classes with an instructor present, and that is the extent of its use. However, I was told by the administration that the Old Gym is going to become a human performance lab and wellness center. Keep in mind, this will take more money. So when this will happen; no one can say. In the meantime, I was told that there was to be a batting cage put in for the use of the softball and baseball teams. Again, no one could tell me where or when this was to be done.

Even so, a batting cage just isn't enough. One can 'tjust bat; one needs to throw, catch, pitch and field to have a good team, just as one can't make a cake with only eggs. One needs milk, flour, the cake mix and the eggs to

make a good tasting, well rounded cake.

When I discussed this issue with the administration, I was told that the faculty hadn't made any proposals about the situation and that they should be able to deal with the issue themselves.

Also, I was told by a member of the administration that I have a one-track mind because I care about what is going to happen with softball and baseball. Since when is caring about what one is involved with considered having a one-track mind?

Obviously, as you have read, I have been getting mixed signals, and someone isn't telling the whole story.

I feel it is time for both sides to quit blaming each other for the good of the college and its students, as athletics and athletes are a part of the college. Because, after all, isn't college supposed to be for the students?

All I do know is that there is only about a month left until the softball and baseball teams are supposed to start practicing and plans aren't even made as to where the batting cage is going to go, let alone putting it up or where and when we are to practice.

So, are softball and baseball going to be left out in the cold, literally?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Also, why does the Department of Natural Resources employ Ecologists and Biologists to set bag limits on animals so that their population is not depleted to extinction? By the way, these are educated people, contrary to the article.

Another point I'd like to make is that most hunters and fishermen are involved in societies that preserve the environment such as Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, National Rifle Association, · and Bass Angler's Sportsman's Society. These organizations seek to preserve the populations of animals so that future generations can enjoy the sport.

I am not against her stating an opinion, but Ms. Bremers should _know the facts or reality of the situation before she jumps to conclusions about people who hunt.

Brian Keul

Biology major


SJI!ith added that as unfortunate as not filling the theater tech job at the beginning of the year was, the administration was going to stick to its decision.

Many students agree that not having a theater tech position filled is unfortunate. Sarah Anton, junior secondary education I special education speech I drama major and president of Peru Players, said, "I feel the administration is making a big mistake.

"The problem we've had in the past with the last two searches is that the applicant is not willing to accept the position, mostly due to the pay. Well, Heather is willing to accept the pay; she's willing to do the job; she's more than qualified enough to do the job, and the administration is still saying 'no.' I think they're making a big inistake."

drama I secondary education major, agrees with Anton. He feels that Stutheit "would definitely be a plus to the college. It's a shame that we don't get to do live theater at any time during the yea:r. It involves so many people on campuS."

Shanda Hahn, senior language arts I secondary education major, is upset also because she is supposed to graduate in a year; and she "might not get the opportunity to work with live theater again."

"From what I understood," Stutheit stated, "they (the administration) had no obligation to offer live theater on campus. I was very disappointed in the school to hear them say they had no obligation to offer it. It's not only a handson experience for the theater students, but it's also a cultural thing for the rest of the students on campus, and it involves a lot more people than strictly theater majors.''


PSC . emeritus

There is an assumption that retirement means taking up the rocking chair. Three emeritus faculty members from Peru State College have a different idea of what retirement is.

Dr. Clyde Barrett, Lyle McKercher and Dr. Esther Divney have been busy traveling, involving themselves in Peru community affairs and enjoying their grandchildren. Although retired, the three have many memories of their time at PSC and the students they served.

Dr. Clyde Barrett, professor emeritus of English and former vice-president for academic affairs, retired from PSC in 1993 after 28 years of service. Since retiring, Barrett and his wife have traveled extensively, visiting Greece, Holland, Germany, France and Finland, among others. They visit Corpus Christi, TX, during the winter months and own a gift shop in Warsaw, MO, on Lake of the - Ozarks. Barrett and his wife also enjoy seeing their grandchildren who live in Oklahoma and Texas.

When Barrett is in Peru he enjoys fishing, reading and visiting friends. He is also active in the community, belonging to the Peru Community Church and serving with the Peru Foundation, which raises money for PSC scholarships.

Barrett says he saw many changes in his 28 years at PSC, Including changes in the students. He comments, "Students seem to have more of a questionong attitude today."

Although many of his 28 years were spent in administration, Barrett says

faculty keep busy during • retirement

She retired in 1990, but has many strong beliefs about current education al issues. An advocate of multicultural education, Divney taught the first multicultural education class at PSC.

· Inclusion, or mainstreaming special education students into the regular classroom, is an educational issue which she feels very strongly about. She says, "Inclusion denies everything that these children have signaled that they need." She believes that children are identified as needing special education services i,ecause their needs are not being met in a regular classroom.


he enjoyed both the teaching and the dents of the Shuffles and Ruffles Dr. Esther Divney, does her share of administrative work. When asked if square dancing group in Auburn: He traveling, usually to the Summer he would ever consider going back is president of the Peru Foundation Theological Seminary Seminars in St. to teaching he r¢plied, "I am perfectly and also says, "I'm sort of the handy- Andrews, Scotland. She travels there ·satisfied with retirement although I man at the community church." each summer because she is a comcertainly was not tired of the job McKercher has seen many changes missioned lay preacher for the Preswhen I left." in his students over the years. He byterian church.

Lyle McKercher, professor emeri- says, "Kid,s are more worldly today. In addition to being a preacher, tus of mathematics, is also perfectly They were maybe more serious back Divney serves on the Peru City Counsatisfied with retirement. Since re- in the early days. A lot of them were cil, belongs to PEO, owns houses tiring in 1990 McKercher and his the first in their families to go to col- which she rents out and serves with wife have visited England, Scotland, lege and were more appreciative than the Peru Foundation. Ireland and Wales and frequently they were in college." Divney is a pioneer of sorts at PSC. travel to southern California and Teaching is something that She was the first woman to hold a south Texas. They also enjoy visit- McKercher says he thoroughly en- doctorate at PSC, the first woman to ing their six grandchildren. joyed, but he is definitely enjoying his gain tenure and the first female to be When in Peru, McKercher enjoys retirement. He will continue to travel a full professor. making stained glass as well as buy- and be involved with the Peru Foun- Divney was brought to Peru State ing, rebuilding and refinishing old dation. in 1975 to develop the special educafurniture. He and his wife are presi- Professor Emeritus of Education, tion teacher certification program _

Divney has seen enormous changes in her students over the years. She says that post-World War II children were meek and easy to discipline. When the 1960's came along Divney found it almost impossible to teach a child anything and found that children were often hostile and aggressive. Today she believes students are more business-like, vocationally oriented and concerned with finding a job quickly.

Divney has certainly had a long and distinguished career, but retirement suits her just fine. She is part owner of the Print Shop in downtown Peru and works there frequently. Last year she preached 40 out of 52 weeks for the Presbyterian church.

These three retired faculty members are active and involved. Each enjoyed their time at PSC and now are enjoying their retirement. They certainly dispel the myth that retired people must take up the rocking chair.

Hanukkah holiday festival of rededication

IY Heather Stutheit northeastern section and in 175 BC Sc:i, they celebrated it after the war at different times every year and just also become somewhat commercialconquered Judea. ended. The people then had the happens to fall around the celebration ized. Jewish people have begun to you' re like me, a mid western girl, The Assyrjaps turned the \:ele?rate holi- of Christmas. Last year the final day trade gifts as in the Christmas celebrayou .may have wondered about the Temp)e)nto a _place of w9'r:Ship f< · of of celebration fell on Dec.IO. This tion. This is simply to assimilate what Jewish festival Hanukkah, which their Pagan 9ods. ']I'! 165 13,s:f: L JJ' year it will fall on Dec. 25. is going on around them. falls around C::hnstmas time. ;)'"''Tl), tin)e, were eel- However, the Christian celebration The next time you think of Hanuk-

You may be. surprised to discover cessfullycondu_c!Cd a ihree·y<.!ar , ,: · added to of Christmas started out in the spring. kah, don't think of Christmas, think

fat Hanukkah has little ornothing to rill a war again sf Antiochusc:I'V, .Wn<)';\ theSpecia!Hanuk,kruiMenorah. Ha- The priests changed the date of of the Festival of Rededication. o Christmas. Hanukkah is a was the of the Assyrians. .;·:· eight days and Christmas to convert pagans. At the (Our thanks to Donald R • st1val ofrededication of the ancient The victor,Y was (or of the days, time that Christmas was originally Schwartz, part-time instructor in Temple. Let me give you a lighting the seven \vjtf(anint?;<;,,aildle to "guard" the oth- celebrated, there was also a pagan speech and Organizational Comhttle background.

Temple Menorah Which ers.

'Tpe'Jighting of the Hanukkah solstice. For this reason, the priests munications, who has published

In the year 585 BC the first temple knowledge and understanding · over the eight-day period moved it to the winter to get these and• taught several classes and of Judah, the Jewish state, was de- light of God protecting ;'eb 'emorates the events that oc- people to convert.. seminars in Biblical scholarship, strayed by Nebuchadnezzar of Succoth (Booths) is an curred during the war. The Christ- In the last 150.years Hanukkah has for the i!Jformation for this story.) Babylon. In 445 BC it was rebuilt. Biblical holiday following Yorn KipL mas lights seen everywhere now ' Alexander the Great conquered the pur, in the autumn. It is a festivaftp came from the lights of the Menorah. country inc. 335 BC. celebrate the 40 years in the The Christians saw that the Jews had

A,fter the death of Alexander there following the Exodus from lights for their celebration, and they was no one to watch over tne empire. During the time the MaCCfll?h#S;:/ !"anted lights also.

The Empire was divided into three were fighting the'Assyrfaiis,'the);:'c'Siltclthe Hebrew calendar is a luparts. The Assyrians took over the missed the celebration of Succoth. nar calendar, J:Ianukkah is celebrated


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Students answer 'piercing' • question:

Should I give my body to art?

The patient lies quietly on the table. The light overhead is adjusted. A sterile needle is unwrapped. The aroma of alcohol permeates the air.>. · ·

Soon, the patient grimaces as the procedure begins. Some time later, he hears, "All done," and he sits up and views his new tattoo.

Tattooing is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, especially among college students. Body piercing has also become a trend. The results of a recent on-campus survey show that students at PSC are no exception. Many of them have tattoos and body piercings. But why would anyone submit to these painful and permanent procedures and pay to have them done?

The answers

're "Lt

"st "· Others feel that tattooing and body piercing are forms of art and individual expression. Still ·others have these proce-

fore, those seeking a tattoo or piercing should ask about the sterility of the tattoo gun and needles used and the qualifications of the tattooist or piercer. · Ralph Spangler, owner of Ralph's Hungry Eye Tattoo, said thanhe most popular tattoos right now are college and fraternity designs. Oriental and tribal styles in all black have been big sellers the past few years. Custom designs are also available. Most tattooists discourage the use of names in a tattoo, with the exception of the names of a person's children for someone getting a tattoo. This isn't too surprising. Some PSC students have tattoos with personal significance while others choose whimsical or fantasy styles.

John Tiedt, junior accounting major; has a tattoo of two angels on a cloud with his children's names

hundreds of hours in their collections. For instance, a full back tattoo takes anywhere from 30 to 40 hours. Tattoo collectors are generally charged an hourly rate of about $50 You do the math.

Body piercing is a less-complicated procedure. A human body can be pierced almost any place----ears, nose, lips, tongue, eyebrows, cheeks, chest, nipples, navel, hand webs, knuckles and genitals. The most popular place for PSC students seems to be the ears. A few have pierced noses, eyebrows, nipples and navels.

Andrea Tee, senior lanuage arts education major

special meaning.

under them. A gift from his wife, this tattoo obviously has dures done to get a rise out of their parents. Some plan for months ahead, and others, such as Lynette Beck, sophomore pre-nursing major, go fof""a spur of the moment thing."

Alcohol consumption appears to have some ;connection with the decision to be tattooed or pierced. A good number of PSC students who responded to the survey reported being drunk when they decided. However, most tattoo and body piercing shops have policies prohibiting tattooing or piercing if the customer is drunk. In addition, most shops require that the customer be 18 or over.

Tattoo and piercing shops in Lincoln and Omaha, such as Ralph's Hungry Eye Tattoo and Grinn & Barrett, are favorites with PSC students. In Nebraska, these shops are not required to be licensed or inspected. Tattoo artists or body ptercers don't have to be licensed either. There-

Keri Baer, freshman psychology major, has a tattoo of a spotted green tree frog. Why? She "thought it would be cool." A fanged skull with a background of demons was the choice.of John Cash, sophomore math education major. He got his tattoo "for the hell of it."

Tattoos, if not cared for proverly, may fade and need retouching. Dick Warsocki, a widelyknown tattoo artist with Grinn & Barrett in Omaha, recommended that instructions for.care of a ne\'V tattoo be followed closely. Doing so will reduce the possibility of complications, which he says are rare.

The cost of a small tattoo runs about $25. It may take JO minutes to an hour. A postcardsized tattoo costs around $80 and takes two to three hours, depending on the detail. People who have extensive tattooing, known as· tattoo collectors, may invest thousands of dollars and

Dustin Durant, freshman sociology major, has a pierced tongue. Since May, when he had the piercing done, he's had DUSTIN DURANT SHOWS off his tongue' to relearn some basic skills like talking, eating piercing.--photo by Debbie Sailors and kissing. He likes to see the reaction it causes in people. He wears a small silver barbell that ·"I want to be a teacher," she stated. "How cool he leaves in all the time. He's had no compli- is a tattoo now? I wasn't thinking long-term." cations, although they do occasionally occur, A few students who responded to the surve:1; especially in piercings of the nose and hand. indicated that they didn't have a tattoo or piero'l Multiple ear piercings and facial piercings are ing and would not want one. They felt that boJ\.'. equally popular with both sexes. Nipple pierc- piercing was "disgusting," "abnormal" and ing is a frequent choice for men and navel pierc- plain sick." Scott Venter, a junior psychology ing for women. Piercing is done for about $20 major, wondered, "Why not just put a tattoo in above the waist and $30 below the waist. Jew- the middle of your forehead, where everyone elry is not included. could see it?" He believes that tattoos are <:·

According to PSC students, it's not nearly as· stigma in today's society. painful to be tattooed or pierced as is commonly· Tattooing and body piercing have been around. thought. Most indicated that their experiences for centuries. Tattooing has seen its popularity were, at most, uncomfortable. Andrea Tee, se- rise and fall during that time. Piercing of nior language' arts education mAjor with an Az- women's ears has been fully accepted for years. tee sun tattoo on her leg,. commented, "It hurt a However, men piercing their ears and other body little at first, but once he got going, it didn't parts is still controversial. hurt anymore. It was numb." -

Will the popularity of tattoos and piercings

When asked if they had any regrets about their recede anytime soon? Or, will both become more tattooing or body piercing, PSC students re- accepted in our society as more and more people sponded almost unanimously with a resound- choose to decorate their bodies this way? We ing "no." However, Susan Bergemann, senior can only wait to see. elementary education major with a small flower tattooed on her ankle, did express some regret.

OUIJA CRAZE: Students not bored with board

It seems that a strange "craze" randomly hits the students of Peru State College periodically throughout the school year. This craze is student's participation with a OUIJA board.

This Parker Brothers game (for those of you eight years of age and up) is played by believers, non-believers, those who don't know what to believe, and those who just "don't care."

After surveying 20 PSC students, 15 are definitely non-believers. However, of these 15, eight have participated in a OUIJA session at least

twice this year.

Jennifer Krakow, senior math education major, falls into the "non-believer but participant" category. "It's just a little too much for me to leave to the imagination. In away I want it to be real because it's a way to look into the future, but realistically I know it can't be real."

Other students voiced their opinions a variety of ways from "it's FREAKY," to "no way." Gina Froehlich, sophomore psychology major, falls into the "no way" category. A simple, "GET REAL," was all Gina had to add on the topic.

Some students have had sirange or unexplainable events occur when par-

ticipating in a OUIJA session. Jill Parker, senior math education major, says it is "FREAKY!" She adds, "We asked the OUIJA board who we were talking to and the name of a friend's dead grandfather was spelled out. He (the friend) was in the room but not playing. Nobody else knew the grandfather's name or the fact that he was dead!"

At least five of the 20 people surveyed have been witness to something "unusual" like this. Stacy Fitch, junior biology/pre-medical technology major, doesn't know how "it knows." She adds, "We asked for a sign and it kept going 4226. We didn't know what it meant until we went into


the other room w.here friends were watching television. A basketball game was on and when a time-out was called the score was 42-26. Explain that!"

Greg Bentz, senior psychology major, can't explain why things happen because no such event has taken place with him or even in his presence. He believes people pull or "test" it and assist with the spelling.

"I would like to believe but there has never been anything concrete to make me believe. It's really hard to take someone's word about things like this so something would have to happen to me to make me a believer."

Bentz also thinks that people like

to be scared by things like OUIJA. "We have all heard our stories about the super-natural and because it's an. 'unknown' we find it interesting. A lot Of people want there to be something out there."

So do we leave the unusual happenings to mere coincidence? Bentz no. "About OUIJA being real, I would have to say probably not However, I do believe that there at' forces out there and maybe sort! people can tap into them, but I can't.·

For all of you believers or non-be· lievers, a bit of good news. OUIJP says Nebraska is going to win anothe; national championship. Believe h now?

ART TATIOO ARTIST from Falls City, uses his tattoo gun to inject ink into Tonya Simmonds, also from Falls City. -photo by Debbie Sailors
(getting a tattgo) hllrt a little at·first, but once he got going, it didn't hurt anymore. It was numb."


First Lady of Peru: Hear 'the rest of the story'

1y Amy Bremers received his doctorate, we had our had to choose between this job and

Almost everyone at PSC knows who Dr. Robert Bums is. (For those of you who don't, he's the president of the college.) But .not too many people on campus.have the privilege of meeting the woman behind the man, his wife, Pat Burns.

The "First Lady of PSC" was born in Louisville, KY, on February 12, 1941, but as she said, "You're only as old as you feel, and I don't feel 54."

Bums attended a college preparatory · high school where she worked as the advertising manager for the school's award-winning newspaper, and she herself won an award for layout and design on an ad that featured Singer sewing machines.

"I had the best family," Burns reflected. "My mom was the manager .·of cafeterias in the GE company, and :ny dad was a railroad worker." The baby of the family, Bums also has two older brothers.

After high school, she continued her schooling at the University of Kentucky and acquired a degree in journalism. Shortly after that, she married a man she lived across from and ,grew up with, Robert Burns. "He was my high school sweetheart," Burns smiled.

The two lived in Germany during ,their first year of marriage since her husband was in the army, and then Jhey returned to Kentucky so that he could finish his schooling. "When he

son Chris, who's 30 now, and moved taking care of my family; I couldn't to La Crosse (WI) where Bob taught do both, and I always opted for home English and Literature for 13 or 14 life." years," Bums said. Meanwhile, they This lady, who doesn't keep a high had another son, Les, now 24. -profile on campus, belongs to several Bums' family made a career change community organizations. She is JI to Moorhead in Kentucky then to member of Beta Sigma Chi, a socja1 WashbuminTopeka,KS,(whereDr. sorority which meets in Nebraska Burns was the and the PhilanthropiC EduFational then the president of tl!e university Organization (PEO), agroup which and from where both sons graduated). encourages women to continue eduThis is her fifth year living in Peru., eating themselves; and a group oflaand she expressed that she likes both dies who gathers to sew. the community and the college a lot.

Bums likes to travel, and has been

"The community is wonderful. I get to sucn places as Scotland, England, to know the community and can be Austria and the Caribbean. Church just as involved as I want to be," is very important to her, and she colBums said. "(Also,) there's a lot to lects angels and folk art brick brack. be said for small-town colleges: She also owns two dogs, Buddy and small classes, you get to know the Katy. faculty and students in an entirely She is very proud of her kitchen and different atmosphere than a larger the fact that when she is entertaining size college, and I think students get she can keep everybody socializing a well-grounded education." in the kitchen. Bums described, "I Burns has had several jobs in the grew up in a home that had lots and past, including volunteering as an lots of people and food. The kitchen aide in classrooms while living in La was a place where you didn't just Crosse, and working in the Legisla- come to the table to eat, but you dined ti ve and Administrative Services Of- and visited." flee in the Kansas legislature for three

First Lady Burns feels that life has years. Her high pressure job in the been rich to her. She said that she legislative office consisted of paying thought her' biggest accomplishment bills, taking committee minutes, hir- was raising a good family with moring secretaries and conducting legis- als and work ethics and "having my lative research. "Basically, we took children (and grandchildren) healthy care of all the needs of the legisla- and happy, and keeping them that ture," Bums stated. But, "When Bob way." took the presidency at Washburn, I

TYSON OESTMANN {R.), senior electronics/robotics major, takes a quail retrieved by his dog Toby while hunting near Johnson. Toby always accompanies Oestmann on his bird hunting adventures and proves to be a worthy partner.

TAKING AIM IN A FIELD near Johnson, senior elementary education major Brett Davis (L.) eyes his target. Bird hunting, which Davis enjoys because he can be out in the open, is one of his favorite pastimes.


Thrill of the hunt attracts many PSC students

Getting up before the sun, braving _inclement weather and walking several miles a day over rough terrain are all aspects that hunters often face. Some people may have a hard time understanding why people would go through all of this just to hunt. However, with various hunting seasons underway, many PSC students have put in numerous hours pursuing wild game.

Senior elementary education major, ,Brett Davis, is one such hunter. "I love being outdoors when no one else is around," he remarked. "When vou 're out in the open by yourself you iave to rely on all of your senses."

Davis also said that he enjoys the of hunting. "Hunting isn't just about killing animals. You can learn a great deal by being out in nature."

Tyson Oestmann, senior electronics/

robotics major is also an avid hunter. He commeneted, "Hunting helps you get a lot off your mind."

Both Davis and Oestmann find hunting to be very relaxing. "It's a stress reliever," Oestmann remarked. Davis added, "After being in classes all day, I like to get out in the open."

Both Davis and Oestmann hunt deer, pheasants and quail, raccoon, coyotes and do some trapping. Davis prefers deer hunting over game. "You only get nine days, and all you do is hunt deer."

Oestmann on the other hand enjoys pheasant season the most. "I like hunting with my dog, and it's a challenge to hit flying birds."

Davis spends a great deal of his free time hunting. During deer season he hunts everyday and during other seasons, usually four to five days a week.

He usually hunts near Johnson with his brother on land that is owned by his emplbyer.

While inclement weather may keep some hunters inside, Davis and Oestmann look fo!'Ward to it. ''The rush of adrenaline you get while hunting makes up for it," Davis commented. Oestmann agreed saying, "Hunting is too invigorating and exciting to worry about the weather."

Another aspect of hunting that Davis and Oestmann enjoy is training and hunting with their bird dogs. "A great deal of time a11d money is involved," Davis commented.

Although there are great rewards during the training process, Oestmann said that it is difficult at times when your dog doesn't listen to you. "When my dog is retrieving and he would rather run around and play instead of bringing it to me, it's very frustrating."

"A hunter and his dog have a close relationship," Oestmann commented, "You depend on them for success when you hunt. If your dog ever dies,

it's like losing a hunting partner."

Although both Oestmann and Davis enjoy hunting, it is not the only reason they hunt. "Hunting controls animal populations and the spread of diseases. Also, the money the state takes in from hunting licenses goes towards benefiting the animals, like preserving wildlife and improving habitats," Davis remarked.

"I have a hard time understanding people who don't support hunting. They usually just don't have all the information," Davis continued.

For Davis and Oestmann hunting is an enjoyable hobby thatal,so helps improve nature. looking forward to when they can put classes outOftheir mind and concentrate on

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PAT BURNS, AKA 'FIRST Lady of PSC', poses with her two dogs Katy and Buddy. -photo by Amy Bremers -
> '' < •

Anderson shows off studio

KEN ANDERSON, PROFESSOR OF ART AT PSC, ;its in a scaffold.in h,is future art studio. Anderson bought the concrete building behind Decker's Food Center several years ago and started remodeling as soon as he found out about his sabbatical. He hopes to be finished within a few weeks and plans to use the building for working on the sabbatical. -photo by Amy Bremers

College group travels to see rare Treasures of the Czars

On Tuesday, Nov. 7, 13 PSC individuals traveled to the Kansas International Museum in Topeka, KS to view historic Russian artifacts.

Treasures of the Czars, an exhibition from the Moscow Kremlin Museums, consists of I 0 galleries covering various aspects of the lives of Czars and Czarinas during the 300year period of the Romanov dynasty. Approximately 265 objects of art are on display throughout the self-guided tour.

The trip was sponsored by PSC's Phi Alpha Theta, a national honorary history society. Dr. Sara B. Crook, assistant professor of social science, and Dr. Spencer Davis, professor of history, were co-sponsors.

Mr. William Cole, part-time instructor, was among those who attended the exhibit. Cole felt the exhibition was "very well executed." He also said that he obtained new knowledge for his own "V.F.O.G.I." (vast funds of general information). He noted, "Lenin made a concerted effort to preserve these artifacts of the past, contrary to what our western propaganda had for several decades." Cole con-

tinued, "All the wealth, the glitter and the brilliance was done at the expense of the serfs (peasants)."

Davis commented on the "wonderfully put together exhibit." However, he was surprised that there weren't very many paintings. Davis added, "I wouldn't say that any of them were a work of art I would enjoy for aesthetic value, but as evidence of the historic life style of the Czars and Russian nobility."

Crook felt the exhibit was "very impressive." She said, "The presentation of the actual artifacts was excellent. The artifacts themselves were stupendous." She also commented on one particular item-a 700 carat solid Topaz jewel. She added that the exhibit was "dripping with jewels."

The Treasures of the Czars is an opportunity of a lifetime which is highly recommended for people of all ages. Crook added, "It is a memorable way to familiarize yourself with Russian history."

The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week. The Treasures of the Czars exhibition will end Dec. 31 to return to Moscow. Reservations are recommended.

·Kiwanis Club plans mati·ns Desktop publishing new way to go.

December 1995 marks the 50th consecutive year that the Auburn ,iqy.-aq\sGlub.has.sponsgred,a, week of matins services the last.full week prior to Christmas.

Each year the project starts in early November when the ministers of six churches in Auburn are sent a letter reminding them of the dates of this year's matins and a request .that they arrange for laymen in their church to give the message, read scripture and give a prayer.

The services are planned for the men and boys of the community. High school age boys meet in the church fellowship hall about 7:15 a.m. and march in just prior to the start of the service at 7:30. Each church organist has a special folder in which the two Christmas hymns to be used in that church are printed out in a lower key so that the men \.can sing them in unison. I lam - 9pm Sun. -Thur.

The total service is about 20 minutes Jong so that students can get to school and men can get to their jobs prior 8 a.m. The chairman of the Kiwanis matins committee is at each church by 7:15 a.m. to answer any questions the participating laymen may have and to be sure that the organist plans to use the music in. the lower key. That Kiwanian is also the song leader at each of the six churches.·

The matins attendance averages over 150 men and boys, equaling about 1,000 individuals each year.

This year the matin services will be the week of Dec. 18 through the 23. Monday will be held at the Trinity Lutheran Chm;ch; Tuesday at St. Joseph's Catholic, Wednesday at St. Paul Lutheran, Thursday at the Presbyterian, Friday at the Christian and Saturday at the Methodist.

Do you ever wonder how newspapers are put together? Do you ever wonder how they get that design or how did they do that graphic? The answer is desktop publishing. Desktop publishing software allows users to design and produce professional looking documents which contain both text and graphics. Examples of such documents include newsletters, technical manuals, and annual reports. According to Terry Dugan, assistant editor of Peru State Times, desktop publishing is vital to newspapers. Dugan also added, "Desktop publishing allows you to be more precise and line things up." · Newspapers haven't always had computers to do the desigh and make the graphics. Reporters and editors would have to type their stories on typewriters or even some <;>Id computers, then print them out., After getting their stories printed or typed they would make sure everything was per-

feet. Then the stories would have to be pasted on big sheets of paper with everything else that goes on each page: stories,' the flag, ads, and graphics. ·The sheeets would then be shipped to where the paper would be printed.

Now most newspapers are done on \ the computer. First, the stories are \ typed on the computer, then imported \ onto PageMaker. PageMaker is the program on which the designing is done. In PageMaker you can place the story where ever it needs to be on the page. So, if you need to move something, it will be easier than the cut-and-paste method. Also, if you make a mistake, all you have to do is delete it on the computer. The old method calls for reprinting the story or retyping the line and pasting it back on your sheet.

Amy Bremers, editor of the Peru State Times, likes both methods.

Bremers said, "The cut-and-paste method was a lot more fun because we (the staff of the newspaper) could

get together and help each other, and we all could work on a separate page."

An advantage of the cut-and-paste method is that you can put all of the pages on a table and look at them: With a computer you can only have one page on the screen at a time. Also, according to Bremers, a computer is very time consuming because only one person can work on it at a time. Pictures have also improved with the help of computers. With the software program Photo Shop someone can scan the picture or the negative, and it will appear on the screen. This is helpful because a person can see what the pictures will look like and if necessary can adjust the size. If there are scratches on the picture or negativ.e, there is a tool that can be used to touch up the picture.

Desktop publishing is used everywhere. Every time you open up a magazine or a CD cover or even the design on a jacket, desktop publishing is used or has some aspect of it in the material.

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Native African visits PSC,- discusses • cinema

# On Wednesday, Nov. 29, Peru

playedhost to honored guest Dr. Mamadou Ousmane Niang, assistant professor oflinguistics in the English department of the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Naing is a native African from the country of Mauritania and, Pulaar being his natural language, has a Pulaar - English dictionary coming out next year. Naing also speaks French,Wolof, and Intermediate Arabic as well. The list of his honors, articles and professional presentations are rather long and could fill an article by itself. Linguistics, although being his expertise, was not the reason for his visit to Peru.

Naing has an interest in African cinema and gave a talk on it at 10 am and 2 pm in the Benford Recital Hali. Independent African cinema was the basis of his talk. As he explained, the films made are not generally for the sake of entertainment. They are generally in an artistic vein and make a statement of some kind. The thematic

concerns run the gamut from confronting and questioning certain traditions and political agendas to stories of birth, death and everything in between.

The film makers run into many problems with their films. One of the major problems is funding. These films are filmed with the conventional equipment we tend to think of, and making films is very expensive. If the basic story or message of the film is controversial, or ifthe government decides it doesn't like it, backing can be hard to come by. Censorship is a big obstacle to overcome in Africa, and some governments go to great lengths to torture those who disagree with them. Even if the money is found to support their film, the actual filming is a hardship. Following that, distribution is yet another problem. Making a film in Africa that is going to have any merits is not easy and takes much dedication on the part of everyone involved.

The presentation Naing gave was an informative one which sparked several questions afterward.

:McCarty shares message about living with HIV Gym renovations nearly completed

Darren McCarty recently celebrated

!'In important anniversary. Ten years ago, on Nov. 14, he tested posited for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. McCarty, who lives in Lincoln, is known-to many PSC students for his fascinating presentations to each semester's freshman orientation classes. ,He has been giving his presentation for Peru students for the past three years. In fact, Darren was here at PSC on the date of his 10-yearanniversary. He also talks to students at other colleges and high schools, as well as civic organizations.

McCarty is' one of about eight percent of people infected with the human immunodeficiency. virus who have not developed AIDS symptoms. Through a combination of exercise, rest, diet and numerous medications, he remains in excellent health. 'Tm in better health than I've ever been," he says. He actually weighs 30 pounds more now than when he was diagnosed. He has achieved this by lifting weights and using anabolic steroids prescribed by his doctor. Keeping weight on is an important part of


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fighting the virus.

Darren has become very involved in educating.himself and others about HIV and AIDS. He keeps constantly informed about new developments and treatments, allowing him to play an important part in his own health care. He works closely with his physician, Dr. Thomas Stalder, who is willing to listen to Darren's suggestions. He serves on a state Department of Health advisory committee. He was recently honored by the Lincoln and Lancaster County AIDS Task Force at a ceremony' where-he was with the Individual Educator Award by the mayor of Lincoln.

Since testing positive, he has lost his job, lost his insurance, quit school and given up his dream of becoming an athletic trainer for the Nebraska Cornhuskers. He has also attended the funerals of many friends who died from AIDS. He is unsure why he has lived while others have dieCl He asks, "Why am I stil!'here?" He wonders if he has a defective virus or a better genetic makeup. "Sometimes I wonder if I have HIV or some minor immune disorder."

One thing is certain. Darren McCarty will continue to fight the virus with all of his resources. "I want to be one of the first people to live with this," he says. Be is living proof that an HIV diagnosis is not an automatic death sentence.

The Old Gym renovation is'' not complete: Bob Breazile, facilities manager, stated, "The renovation is being done to make the building · available to more students." The purpose for the renovation is to turn the Old Gym into a health and -wellness facility; ·· The facility wUI no longer be used by the athletic for practices. All practices will be held in the


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Wheeler Center. This is because in the past there has been damage to the walls when the baseball and softball teams have practiced in there.

The proposal was made up by Dave Dunnigan and Education Division Chairperson Dr. David Ainsworth.

On the back side of the now unstable wall will be two classrooms and a wellness -Along the west wall on the open side there are plans to put some aerobic equipment. ·

The open half of the gym will be

used only for scheduled classes.or activities. There will be certain hours that the gym will be open to students. This is so that all activities that take place are supervised to help protect-the flo9r.

Ainsworth is in charge of the facility, and any use of the facility must go through him first.

The· ren<JVatlon· ·wm: cotHitiiYe within the next few weeks. Mr. Breazile anticipates the the facility will be fa use by the fall of 1996.

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DR. MAMADU D. NIANG a pair of lectures on African cinema at Peru State College on Wednesday, Nov. 29. His discussion included a review of the history of filmmaking in Africa, and of current trends In African cinema. -photo by Kent Propst
@:qrisfmas is mlJ mugs hark!

Hairy legs slated for intramurals

Congratulations go out to 4U2NV, who beat the Poor Loosers to take the title of coed volleyball. The championship game was held on Dec. '4, at 8:30, in the Al Wheeler Activity Center.

title :-_vas gained; afte.r three competitive sets of close. scores. The first set was 15-8 for 4U2NV, the second set went 15-4 to Poor Loosers, and the third set was 1512 .to 4U2NV for the championship spot.

Mark Miller, junior criminal justice major and a memberof 4U2NV said," The last game was a battle. Both teams played hard, but in the end our team worked together and pulled it out."

.Wiffleball is underway, consisting offive teams all hungry for the title.

Don't forget, 515 basketball (men, women, coed) play starts early next semester.

*Special Announcement*

On Monday, Dec.18 ai 5:30 in the Student Center, there will be a Hairy Legs Contest: Yes, you read that right, a Hairy Legs Contest. This event will be divided up into two categories, male and female. The contestant with the hairiest legs from each category will receive a year supply of Schick razors.

So, let your leg hairs grow, grow, grow and bring them down for a hair raising experience!



Bobcats avenge early sea-J loss to Dakota State

The Bobcat men's basketball team is coming off arecent, 74-69 win over Dordt College (IA). Tom Riley, a junior from Springfield had the hot hand in the win over Dordt. Riley scored a career-high 31 points and added 11 rebounds to lead the Bobcats.

The two teams went into the intermission tied at 35, but it was the Bobcats who took control of the ballgame in the·second half with an impressive 17-5 run to pull ahead. Dordt's lead was seven when the Bobcats scored 17 of the next 22 points to take a 6055 lead.

During that span, Peru State got three straight scores from Riley which included two inside lay-ups and a three-pointer. Peru used solid shooting from the free throw line down the stretch to ice the win, their fifth of the year, giving them a record of 5-6.

Lawerence Hollier, junior from Colorado Springs, CO., was a perfect seven of seven from the field. Hollier was behind Riley with 14 points and nine boards.

"I feel the kids have played well because most of the season we have started four new players to the program each game," said coach John Gibbs.

The Bobcats also avenged an early season loss with a convincing 85- 72 win over Dakota State, SD. The Bobcats were beaten 92- 70 just weeks before at Dakota State. Trailing 36-35 at the half, the Bobcats took the lead for good when Hollier stole a pass and dunked PSC into the lead, 44-42 with

13 minutes remaining in the game.

The Bobcats added to the lead with consecutive three-pointers by freshman Greg Thompson and junior Scott Daniel to make it 57-43 with just under 10 minutes left. PSC pulled ahead by as many as 19 points, and the closest Dakota State could come was 11.

Offensively, the Bobcats were paced .by a balanced attack featuring five players in double digits. Thompson led PSC with 18, while Lance Cohn and Hollier added 15.

PSC failed in a comeback attempt against Dana losing by IO points, 7565. The Vikings jumped to an early 10-3 lead and never trailed. Although the Bobcats cut the lead to two points late in the game at 62-60. Dana then pulled away to seal the victory. Hollier led a balanced Bobcat scoring attack with 13 points. Four 'Cats were in double digits.

Peru State put together a 15-point lead at halftime, before holding on to win their third game of the season against Benedictine of Atchison, KS. The Bobcats had hot hands from the field, shooting 48%. The Bobcats shot an impressive 57% from the field in the first half and never trailed Benedictine, breaking a season high streak of four losses. Hollier and Thompson led the Bobcats with 13 points while King and Riley added 11. Hollier also led the Bobcats on the boards with nine rebounds.

"Defense has been a key in our recent success, and the last four games have been an improvement for our team. We'll continue to improve· throughout the season and hopefully peak by February," said Gibbs.

Froeschl named 'Player of the ·vear' candidate

Jen Froeschl, a junior language arts major, has been named as a finalist for the intramural's "Player of the Year" award. Froeschl is a graduate of Falls City Sacred Heart, where she played volleyball, basketball, ping p<>ng; .and underwater bowling. In 1993, she was named Richardson County Lawn Jarts Player of the Year. She was crowned co-ed, 8-ball pool champion in October. Froeschl was recently voted cOO!est person in the room by her English Club. She enjoys reading, sleeping and watching Night Flix on TBS.



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Editors' Note letter of application to :

"Player of the The Peru State Times Year" candidate. All intramural par- Campus Mail _ticipants .are.eligible. for this..mosL --Peru.State College 8-BALL POOL CHAMP JEN " FROESCHL hos been named the first finalist for the intramural "Player of the Year."

·, '
SENIOR POINT GUARD DANIEL "SILKY' KING stops and pops a short jumper over on unknown defender in a thumping of visiting Dakota State on December 2. The Bobcats avenged an early season loss with an win. -photo by Jesse Henderson ·
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NEWSPAPERS 830 Central Avenue, Auburn NE (402) 274-3185 Open Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.rn. prestigious award. Peru, Ne 68421 The Times staff is looking for com- Please include a return address and mittee members to decide on the fi- two reasons why you feel you are n.alists for the award. To becm:ne part qualified f9r this dubious distinction. of the Intramural 'Player of the Year *No postage is necessary, if mailed Voters' Committee, please send your in Peru State's Campus Mail. AUBURN LANES BOWLING CENTER Late Night & Weekend Open Bowling lllesday College League 10¢ discount per game with student l.D. BEER• POOL TABLE • MIXED DRINKS • SNACKS VIDEO GAMES• BOWLING SUPPLIES 1111 J St. Auburn, NE '!)edeJtd, VIDEO CENTER KJl'{I' (402) 274-4320 December 19th -Clueless -Die Hard with a Vengence -Judge Dredd
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.ady Bobcat hoopsters look for improvement in second half of season

Although the Lady Bobcat basketball team has suffered recent losses, coach Tera Kreklau remains confident. "We are an awfully goqd 4-6 team," she commented.

"As a coach, I am pleased with our ·performance. Over the past two weeks, we have shown tremendous .improvement.. If they keep practicing with intensity, the second half of ·the season could very well be a great success."

Kreklau also noted that the Christmas break will give the injured players a ·time to heal so that they can come back playing with full intensity.

In recent court action, the ladies fell to Dana. The Bobcats led early in the duel, 17-14, but Dana then went on a 15-0 run midway through the first half to eventually build a 13-point lead by halftime.

In the second half, the Bobcats

poured on the defense and pulled within two points three different times.

Unfortunately, with each attempt Peru State failed to take the lead. In the 64-58 loss to Dana, Angie Hubach, jµnior, scored 15 points and hauled in IO rebounds.

"It was a very disappointing loss," said Kreklau. "We could've won, we should've won, but at the same time I'm pleased with our comeback in the second half."

In the Bobcats second tournament of the season, the Briar Cliff Invitational, the ladies Jost to Briar Cliff, 95-60, in the opening round and to Hastings College, 73-53, in the consolation match.

On their home court, the Ladies recent! y faced Doane. Although Doane handed Peru State a 65-55 loss, the Bobcats gave the 10-1 Lady Tigers a run for their money. The Bobcats jumped to a 14-9 Jead eight minutes

places his gifts er

into the contest, but the Tigers answered with a 34-15 run in the next 11 minutes to take the lead for good.

Peru State was lead by Amy Langdon, sophomore, and Jen Trouba, senior, with 16 and 12 points respectively.

Trouba, who brought in nine rebounds against Doane, on her hopes for success the remainder of the season. "If we continue to improve on offense and keep the intensity up on defense, the second half of the season should be successful," she said.

Amy Perty, freshman, also commented, "Going into the second half of the season, I hope that we will continue to improve by working together as a team."

The fans won't see the Lady Bobcats work on the home court again until after Christmas when they will face Graceland of Lamoni, IA on Jan. 12. This weekend they will travel to Fremont for the Midland Tournament.

Green Jeans; NHL hockey teams .are

week#y the Grey <;up Jlliss,ii:ig.; Jt is jiJst

St st.state in the some extra padding for your back. unibn. Not only that; btit'the entire

town, so I bought you Canada will be

Enough is enough The world of Write back and tell me if.it helps, tf countrywillberelocatedtotheSouth sports has tipped the scales of you do happen tO wake up Pai:ific. No. thanks ranee this year. Merry Christmas, the this year. · ·. ' To Pope John, Paul ll.;,Aticketto Reisman trophy went to Eddie To BillClinton- You get a bowt the Fiesta Bowl and a "Big Red" robe George, even though the Big Tert Looks like you'veinhaieda couple f:very little bitofinslltance1telps, • · rushing title and }lose Bowl went to hundred times in your term, You've To Roy Tarpley;. Let's.see, do you Darnell Autry of Northwestern, artd probably.run out. want cocaine .or one last dance with another pert'ecf season we!ltto To Alriy

An:ice;thiCk,· "Mary

Jane?" -1iommy. Sorry Danny "Waffle," the juicy steak served bloody rare and a To the infamous John Musafa·;ystein in Gator county wa$ your key side-order oflamb fries. · · Are you sick of cleaning up after to success. Sorry Troy Davis State. T-0 the NFL- Th,is iliegal hit kick ·. dent crime$? lfound you a job with Whoops! I meant Troy Davis from has got to gg. If is no instant · Peru State maintenance;. Hey, you get Iowa State: replay on the field, you can't use jt to breaks every• 15 minutes! ·. Well Christmas came .early. for levy fines On clean Ms.· Your gift is To Peru Stlite. Volley)>all'." I give Eddie, butother!l must wait.to open an invitation to the. NFL defensive you rriy cotigratulatiopson another the gifts under the. tree •. Let. us see lim:man Christmas party. ,Hey, free great seai;on, anothergn:ati'ecruiting what e".eiJ'one is getting from me'. · beer; but! suggest wearing prot,eCtive .cl115s, and a return .to,'califomiai · / .·.' .· , ......•· ·•··•' :iTotht:,PeruState;,&Seballaiid

Merry Chiistrrias an,d yo11 Il,IY ·... ·.To Jlt". ne'1V $0ftballteams.,.l devotion; ias-a fari; :if iIB >r elttis'-·'"·11<1•iii

You:are one ille: gfelit<£st . .... of ail time and run ilie classiest : · 1996, and tile re$t ·art iri7: '• gram I've alI'ea<lY g()ta w; vite to the ·.•·· ···.· µ .· jive sitio.n for you a.s an .assistant coach fei'ence; same st9ry, '. · \ ··• .· ··•. Y to play hallways and for a.• lOo 12 year old baseball. ·.To P.eru i.bequt:ath tc:> ,•.... hit4rithlfbatting:C,ag&int1te.c'Omputer team when.you. get-Out oHootbalt·.···· ·.

Bobcat volleyball bid at National Tournament come.s up short

The Peru State volleyball team ended its season with a 39-11 record.

·Tue team fell sho11 of Its goal at the· · national tournament in San Diego, CA. Peru won one of four games in pool play, defeating only Taylor University of Indiana.

Jill Parker, senior middle blocker, believes the national tournament could.have.turned QUtdifferentlyfor

·Peru State·· had they ·.defeated Montevallo of Alabama in their very first game atthe tournament. ''The

game was so close. The momentum kept switching, and it just ended up on the other side of the net at the end of the game. We played five long, tough games,"

Despite 'the tournament !Osses; the team had a memorable time taking in the sights and sun in beautiful San Diego. The sights included places such as Mission Beach, Old Town, Tiajuana; and various outdoor shopping malls.

For her.outstanding efforts during the season, Parker was named second team All-American. Parker lead the team in kills and blocks and was in the top three in digs.

At the national tournament, Parker was ranked 14th for her spiking efficiency and average kills per game. She was also ranked 24th for her serving percentage. On an overall ranking in all categories, only 16 other player's statistics surpassed Parker's own numbers.

Although Parker has received many other honors and forms of recognition, she believes gaining All-American status is "unbelievable;"

''The All-American thing hasn't really hit me yet. I see my name on lists with other players whom I have watched play, and I have never thought of myself as being as good as them. It's an honor to know that other coaches see me as being able t::; play at that level," stated Parker. The Bobcats lose some key players but look forward to having an outstanding campaign in 1996.

My,' Two Cents , ··· F•' •.'0;r f: !< · · .·. ··
•good news
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Vol. l Issue 5



What are your feelings on the abolition of the 55 mph speed limit?


December 15, 1995

Robert Rabbit's d.eath "not a suicide": Musafa suspects foul play

Highway 67-Robert J. Rabbit, 6 months, was maliciously crushed by a car driven by PSC Student Bryan Bott on Wednesday. Nebraska State Patrol Liaison to Wildlife, John Musafa, suspects foul play was involved. Although there were no witnesses; Musafa believes that four s uirrels acted in retaliation for

last month's slaying of Randal Nutsnack, VIS "He just looked too shocked that he was hi1 by the car," stated Musafa. "I can't help think ing this was not a suicide. This was squirrels. Musafa believes the copy of Prozac Natior. found in the ditch with "I Hate Myself and Want to Die" hi hli hted is urel coincidental.

i.s c.alled;Y()()Cloo Child, The CD con- sidered as the sketchbook of a .great record companies have put out some tains m11teriabyhereheJs stripped of artist. For Hendrixfans ()ile wHlfind new. box sets. There is a 2 CD set by (or that sometimes there are some mas- · Led Zeppelin cafied "Live Dreams:· · useofsttidio:effecfs terpieces in the Torri Petty has a 6 CD set with 27 pre>tl111t gt!:Ye a sound The Edge, 10 L9, has turned viously unreleased tunes that's bound : Ol)ly,ffilltcl1¥?ky.lr9n Bµtt(!dl,Y's p)1emy•. In some of their little ads to be a winner. And Nirvana has put Clnu:ky

"I think it is a disgrace to our society. There are too many irresponsible drivers out there to war-

rant such an action. It's as if a squirrel can't leave his tree anymore!"


"Look at me! I've got a nut in my hands! I'm gathering for win t e ( ! "

(Note: Frisky

· was placed in a nd .tkemto: iJ.n•

Mr. Wiskers "I'm really not sure .it sounds, okay, but I'm a cat so what do I really care? I just watch the cars go by and wait for my family to come home so I can be arrogant toward them."

Mehico •ibfii\' ' Hey you with the camera, get out of my yard before I gnaw your oh, the speed limit. Well, if I ever got out of this cage, I suppose chasing cars is going to be more difficult-that is if I'm ever on the highway."

· · · · · .•.·Tl;iese tunes between. songs they have taken .time out 6. CD singles from their albums outJ()insuli:apoupleof?reat bands. "Neverrnind" and "In Utero" that .•.. Telle at;td;EtW· ·· Tiley n1ight play a snippet of Lynrd showcase..somewonderrul tosQi11e Skylii4 and.askJfyou gt11fiS. ·May!Jeit's not to() late to make.

· · ?J!itl!r: old c]as- someaddiiions toyourChristmas list. sic·Somew)lete else (Z92? ·lrbe ·• As(ar as concerts; Babes in 'J'oyland · of'l98a;.; if.ngel/ Ea'gle?); W:ho. are they kidding?,Z92 .;vm be atthe Rancl1Bowl on the 19th. ancf)M · · Cijlle' (92:9)arectraw· It'. you want tickets to the .Ozzy · · ilsed l!Sia Jl1gfrom30140years•of.music; ;The Ozzborne conc1:rt in Ames, IAin FebThis ·Edge draws from aboutfOuryears ruary or the AC/DC. show in Kansas wondet'fulblues witl)}heexception of.an old song by City, MO irtApril;youbettergetyour sopg hacl(.t(J;the Delt1triQne dStlld •:R>;E:M. 0r.Stirtg. Now. who do you· tickets quick I'in sure they'll gofast. thil):k•is g()ing to have· a better: The answers to Jastissue's question:

, ety? (jive,l!leabreakguys,pmchof "Live?!*@ Like a Suicide" on Uzi fortposewho the music. you.play is .very good, bµt. ·Suicide Records ·For What • ·.·.. .· • , · · .·•··· OJIS.W.J!Slca} 1tiiq;tr9tJor e:v: : w'iU 1outlast thent alt. legenda(y · performer closed w1th iiJi&ok;c:;ltid;the ecyone:: l'his:alllulh •·shouldJ:ie. con_. · ·•.•.•· with.the CJ1ristmas upon .Us; Wobdstock·onMonday morning?

Morissette & The Rentals captivate .in Omaha


f'.1(.fe ). _.r.:l."''..1:. j /'":"+VJ_E:: t.LY -""\, 21 ol,ct, sen·tliva 1of From the bliinLreality of '.'Yo.u .Gughta Know" to the heartfelt expression in "Perfect," Morissette has been able to capture a world-wide audience.

Morissette puts on a powerful performance. On Friday, Nov. 24 Morissette rocked the Mancuso Convention Hall in Omaha. However, the audience got a good pump of energy from the opening band, The Rentals, who played for an hour. "I always feel sorry for the opening band," states Marcy Grace, senior admissions counselor, "Everyone is there to see the headliner. The Rentals were great. They really got the audience going."

Half an hour later, and after some technical problems were fixed, out came Morissette. From the moment she kicked into "All I Really Want," it was obvious that most of the audience has not only taken those songs to heart, they know them by heart. Shanda Hahn, senior secondary language arts major, says, "I can relate to the lyrics of her songs. It's comforting to know you're not alone and that someone else has been put through similar rough spots."

"The worst part about the concert was the moshing," says Jennifer Hamann, senior criminal justice major,"I'm sorry, but her music is not about moshing.'' It's safe to say that Morissette will return to Nebraska, and that we'll accept her with open arms.

Bird Imagine striking it rich! A great (name with- job, a beaUtiful wife, an'd even a hired held du• to gun that will ta](e care of all your .wildlife ·re'-· problems. Then have it all disappear r0 (; ct i 0 n and have people try to kill- you. program} Casino, based on a true stozy, takes·;

"Target prac- place in the 1970s. "Robert DeNiro tice is going to stars as Ace, a bOOkie from "back : be a lot harder.· All in all, I think it's .home" whO is asked to run a Las Ve. just another ploy by the mafia to de- casinQ for the mob, but is not sure stroy wildlife at its roots." he wants the job. l:le takes the job and moves tc> Las Vegas. Jae Pe5ci

·· Devey stars as Nikki, Ace's best friend from

"I'ma lawn or- .back home. Nikki, Ace's hitman, is. nament. How a thief, he will basicall;y steal anythe hell do you thing that is worth something. think· I feel Everything is going great until about. it! You Sharon Stone enters the picture. She want to know plays a hooker that works the casino. how I feel? Ace likes her because she brings in Try being stuck in a pool all damn a lot of money and falls in love with day with some flower!That's how I her. Ace asks her to marry him and feel, pal! Hey, don't leave please." things start to take a turn for the S e a: Ill worse. Nikki starts getting greedy

"s q u i. r re I and ends up getting kicked out of eve ct e r " erycasinoinLasVegas. Acedoesn't Flanegan, want to be seen with Nikki because Senior then i.t would just look bad for him.

"It's open sea- And Ace's wife starts getting inson 1996, volved' with drugs and becomes a baby!· Those junky.

whiney squirrels bettei- start sayin' There are so many details to this their prayers now and pray to wh_at movie, there is no way I could exever tree God they worship that they plain them all. I did think this was a never meet me! HA HA HA! Gather vezy good movie, and I highly recthis you rodent! HA HA HA!" (Note: ommend However, it is very long, Flanegan, as well, was taken to an almost three hours, and very, very asylum shortly after that question.) violent. I give it four out of five stars.

<-· ••• ·•
L\f E.1 N
with 'Cosino' u I!:.
(91C,95 "" 4'Tt' iHt C\.A.SSROOI<\ SO'JE.RCR.OW'CIE.t> 1'£:AC\.\ERS t\R€. I/ON' T W.OQ.2.lj, 1'\E: TIME: Al'lQ l.-1\\"\.t .e.IJOO\ES OU\ \Jltc'.,H SCHOOL 1 W't.'l.-L 1-\A\IE: !:1ouQ. P'2.\SON
JEFF ONUS WINS THE WORK STUDY EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH for December. His job is taking the blame for everybody else.

Issue #7 hits newstands on February 16

1New policies raise questions of cleanliness

·Hersemann said,

."The physiCal

Vice president of academic affairs, Terry Smith, resigns

lallowed in the arena. not thick enough,

The Al Wheeler Activity Center has adopted plant found the two policies: 1) students must bring another floor damaged pair of shoes to change into before using the from a drink. The WheelerCenter,and 2)beveragesarenolonger floor's sealant is President of Peru State COllege, Dr. Robert Bums, expressed a mix of personal and professional feelings when he announced that 1'r. Terry Smith, vice president of academic affairs, has accepted a position as Vice Pesident of Columbia College in Missouri. Smith will finish the spring semester at Peru Staie.

Burns stated that Smith's accomplishments at Peru State are numerous during his three-year stay. Smith's contributions included wide ranging revision and enhancement of Peru State's curricula, development of new catalogs, a faculty handbook, new teaching sites and an advising system-to mention just a few. Also, Burns is confident in Smith's ability ·to play a leadership role at Columbia College that will be marked with distinction.

A national search for a Vice President for Academic Affairs will begin immediately.

Pappas scholarship established

Members of the Peru State College Biology Club have donated $500 to a scholarship fund in memory of the late Dr. Larry Pappas, a longtime professor at PSC. Dr. Pappas died this past summer in a car-bicycle accident, and a schol)\' arship fund in his memory has been established by his family. The Biology. Club conducted a J;i11ke a supper and a raffle drawing to G\ise the funds.

Art Exhibit Opens

The sculpture of Stuart Wheat and the photography of Clay Walker are currently on display at the art gallery in the Jindra Fine Arts Building. The show runs through Feb. 16 and can be seen between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Fri<iay or by appointment by calling 872-2275.

Vice president announces office hours

Dr. Daryl! Hersemann, vice president of student affairs, will hold open office hours for students each Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Emery Oak room of the Student Center. Students are invited to stop by at anytime during those hours to ask questions, express concerns or just say hello anc;I become acquainted.

Writing contest deadline extended

The deadline for the Silas Summers writing contest has been extended to Feb. 9. Students are invited to submit poetry, short fiction and non-fiction, and prizes will be awarded to the top three works in each category. All entrants· will be considered for the Sifting Sands, Peru State's literary journal. Entries may be turned into either Dr. Bill Clemente, Dr. Mary Mokris, Dr. Anthony McCrann, or the Silas Summers entry box located in the library.

Movies shown in coffee house

Every Monday and Wednesday at 7 p.m., Cinema Classics invades the Coffee House in the basement of the Student Center. Foreign films as well as modern classics are shown for those interested in expanding their cultural horizons or just looking for something to do. Upcoming films include Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window (Feb. 5), Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times (Feb. 14), and Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas (Feb. 19). Refreshments are available, and Channel 4 displays the upcoming films.

The first "new" rule is actually an old rule and the carbonthat has never been enforced. "The shoe- ation leaves holes change policy will keep the floors cleaner," in the sealant. stated Athletic Director, Dan Johnson. "People Moisture then come into the Wheeler Center with salt and works through rocks on the bottom of their shoes. That doesn't the holes into the help the floor." Last semester, turf shoes were floor. Pitting of not allowed to be worn by baseball players, but the floor is the reRon Fabry, the director of the Physical Plant, suit." said, "Any black sole shoes cause black marks However, on the floor. The turf shoes are not responsible Fabry said, "Ydfor the marks on the floor." · low stains on the

The second policy change deals with drinks floor are caused intheWheelerCenterbuthasramificationsthat by pop being reach far beyond. In addition to the prohibition spilled on the of pop on a day-to-day basis, beverages have floor and not bebeen disallowed at athletic events, and the con- ing cleaned up."

I cession stand has been closed "with no plans of He didn't mention I re-opening it in the near future," stated Vice the carbonation


IPresident of Student Affairs, Dr. Daryl! ·eating through Hersemann. the sealant. In fact, according to Fabry, the Hersemann commented, "The stand has been Wheeler Center floor does not have a sealant.

Iclosed due mostly to the new policy. It is hard In a Dec. I memo from Fabry to Vice Presito keep pop out ofthe gym." Since pop can't dent of Administrative Affairs, Susan Udey,

be monitored, the concession stand will not be Fabry suggested that "pop be disallowed in the reopened. Al Wheeler Activity Center with the exception Senior.Tony Duffek ran the concession stand of the lobby area. Two stains have been located as an intern andJctur..,sx,"'4m.t,'i,.b.e!p.ed ..t.od2perc"'.w .since Nov. ,.l ,of ,.,Clu<hstain i.s .01Lthc ate the stand which pulled in over $200 of profit main court. The other stain is located at the at Peru State athletic events last semester. The lobby entrance and splatters its way to the stand also made over $720 during a three-night Wheeler Center custodial room. volleyball tournament last fall. "The stand was Jerry Henrichs, the custodian stated, "I think not costly to the athletic department, and it did the stain occurred during the high school volnot take any time away from my (Johnson's) leyball tournament in October." Henrichs reA.D. duties," stated Johnson. ported the stain on Nov. 7. However, head volThe major issue is the effect carbonated bev- leyball coach Jim Callendar said the stain had erages have on the new Wheeler Center floor. been on the main court since a solvent was

I Peru State College has become one of only a I few Nebraska colleges to offer a middle grades 'education field endorsement. Dr. David Ainsworth, chl'tirman of the education division, says this addition is important to the lum and will greatly enhance the teaching skills and employment opportunities of those students who pursue it. PSC has been working for several years towards creating this program in compliance with state require.ments

Ainsworth feels that there is an ongoing statewide, if not national, trend towards increased emphasis on students at the middle grade levels. This sentiment is echoed by many others in the field. "Larger metropolitan schools are moving even more rapidly towards more emphasis on the middle school concept," added

Dr. A. J. Hytrek, certification officer of the education division. This is due, in part, to a grow-

ing awareness by education professionals of the special needs of children in the middle school age group.

Hytrek added, "There are very few middle school-certified teachers out there right now."

Dr. Daniel Cox, director of field. experiences for the education division, pointed out, "There are 16 teacher-training schools in Nebraska.

Peru is now one of just a few to offer the middle school endorsement. There aren't very many colleges in the nation that offer this program."

Increased interest in middle schools combined with the fact that there are so few qualified middle school teachers or schools offering the endorsement highlight the significance of PSC adding this field endorsement.

The middle grades endorsement prepares students to teach grades four through nine and works well in tandem with either the elementary education or early childhood education field endorsement. Students who fulfill the require-

spilled at a wrestling tournament last March, over six months before the stain was discovered by Henrichs.

Fabry said the main problem area is from 3p.m. when Henrichs goes off duty, until he clocks in the next morning. The only exception is game days, because Henrichs stays until the .game is over. Fabry .did .not recommend closing the stand, because games are not a trouble time.

As far as cleaning, the Wheeler Center floor is not waxed, .but a scrubber is used instead. Fabry stated, "Each day, Monday through Thursday, one floor is scrubbed. On Fridays, all the floors are scrubbed, and on game days, Contmued on page 7

ments of the early childhood endorsement become certified to teach children from birth through third grade. Therefore, when combined with the middle grades endorsement, certification covers birth through grade nine, an extremely marketable range.

Students who combine an elementary education endorsement with the newly-offered middle grades program will end up certified to teach kindergarten through grade nine. Alone, the elementary education endorsement enables the student to teach kindergarten through grade eight. While it appears that only one additional grade is made available, this is misleading. The elementary education endorsement is limited by the fact that any teaching done at the seventh and eighth grade level must be done in self-contained classrooms.

The shift towards more emphasis on the middle Contmued on page 2

Page 3 Page4 Page 5

Real News

Calendar of Events for February

6 - CAB Variety Act "Regency"

8 p.m., College Theatre

12-16- Room Draw for 1996-1997

13 - CAB's Valentine Scavenger Hunt - ·

13 - Aeolian II 8 p;m., Benford Recital Hall

14- CAB Valentine Dance 9p.m: to .midnight; Student Center _ _ -

16- CAB Movie "While You Were Sleeping" 8 p.m., Benford Recital Hall

16- Principal Counselor Day at PSC

16 - Applications for May

Graduation Due - CAB Travel Activity to Lied Center (Lincoln) or Orpheum Theatre (Omaha)

22 - Engineering and Technical

Fair-UNL .

22 - Hypnotist Jim Wand 8 p.m., College Theatre

22 - Student Recital 11 a.m., Benford Recital Hall

Black History Month

6- CAB Variety Act "Regency"

8 pom., College Theatre

7 - Cinema Classics "Place of Weeping" (S. Africa) 7 p.m;, Coffee House

8 - CAB and Art Guild video "Color of Adjustment" noon, Student Center

12 - Cinema Classics "Within Our Gates" 7 p.m., Coffee House

Video "Martin Luther King. Celebration" 1l Student Center

19 - Cinema Classics "Where the Caged Bird Sings: Autobiography of Maya Angelou" 7 p.m., Coffee House

21 - John Harris, motivational speaker workshop, 7 p.m., Student Center

21-- Cinema Classics "Ta Dona"11 Fire".(Mali) 7 p.m., Coffee House

26 - Cinema Classics "Ketta-The Heritage of the Groit" (Burkina Faso) 7 p.m., Coffee House


middle grades endorsement offered

Contmued from page 1 grades education field endorsement, either alone dren of this age are working through school concept is accompanied by a plan to or in conjunction with another endorsement, tasks, including getting along with peers, parplace more grade levels in middle school set- will be required to follow the programs as out- ents, teachers and, perhaps most important, tings. Middle school settings usually don't lined in the co,urse catalog to be released in the themselves. make.use of self-contained classrooms, mak- ·fall. This catalog will be the first to offer the Waggoner hopes to incorporate some of the ing it necesssary to be certified for middle middle grades endorsement, and it should be same middle grade teaching methods for this grades in order to teach fourth, fifth and sixth noted that, while seeking just the middle grades class and stated that he wants his students to be grade students who hav.e become part of the endorsement is an option,jt is not-recom- well-prepared for the middle school teaching middle school system. mended: The faculty in the Education challenge, including effective interviewing techElementary education majors who have com- feel strongly that the middle grades endorse- niques. He plans to include workshop-type acpleted the requirements for thei.r field endorse- ment alone would limit employment possibili- tivities, field trips and guest speakers in an openment will find themselves generally well-pre- ties. forum atmosphere. pared to seek the middle grades endorsement. Nine PSC students are taking "Teaching in Chris Raabe, senior, elementary education Most will need OQlyJo take an additional three- the Middle Grades."_ Dave Waggoner, counse- major and a student in "Teaching in the Middle credit class, "Teachfog in the Middle Grades," !or for the past five years at Mission Middle Grades" this semester, has been hoping the and to complete required student teaching in a School in Bellevue, teaches the class. Waggonei: middle grades endorsement would become a middle school. At least some practicum hours is working on his doctorate in middle school reality while it was still an option for him. He need to be spent at a middle school, also. Each education at UNL. Aihsworth stated, "We are 'fias already completed his practicum hours in student's transcript will be reviewed on an in- lucky to have such a well-qualified instructor middle schools and, in the fall, will fulfill his dividual basis to determine if practicum require- for this course." Cox added that, "UNL has one student teaching requirements in an Omaha ments have been met. of very few doctoral programs for middle school middle school. His goal since becoming a PSC Early childhood education majors who have education in the nation." The class meets student has been to teach middle school. Jen fulfilled their requirements are in a similar situ- Wednesday nights from 5 to 7:30 in T.J. Ma- Slattery, senior, elementary and early childhood ation, although they will probably have a small jors building ·education major, is taking the middle grades amount of additional coursework to complete Waggoner explained some of the concepts of class also. She hopes to have better opportunialong with the new class. Those students who middle grade learning that have recently begun ties for a teaching job after she graduates by have completed the secondary education field to interest education professionals more and being certifi.ed to teach preschool through ninth endorsement will need to take the new class p!us more. He stated that middle grade students, age grade.

approximately 20 hours of additional classe's in 10 to 15, are not junior high students. Middle , PSC students have a distinct opportunity that

order to seek the middle grades endorsement. grade students encompass a broader age range is unavailable to the majority of our nation's In both cases, middle school student teaching that begins at a younger age. An emphasis is college students. Administration and faculty

will-have to be completed and practicum hours placed on hands-on learning that is student-cen- members who worked toward implementing will have to be reviewed. tered. Course work is more integrated and team this program have helped to increase the job

Any student who to begin the middle teaching is implemented when possible. Chi!- opportunities for many Peru students.

Write ups increased by more than 40 percent at Peru State College last semester. Was it a wilder year, or was there another reason for these inflated numbers?

Erin Sayer, director of residence life., feels these numbers might be misleading. "it's not110 students being written up. There is only a small group causing problems." In fact, only 22 residents accounted for 61 of the 110 write ups.

Contrary to popular belief, freshman did not make up a majority of this small group. "New students coming in, making up most of the Morgan and Delzell population, made up less than.halfthe write ups," reported Sayer. ·Delzell and Morgan combined were responsible for only 53 of the write ups, compared to spring '95 when Delzell, alone, had 77. ·

Sayer also feels that resident assistants are cracking down and are no longer giving residents four or five warnings.

The Times, the official student newspaper of Peru State College, is published once every two weeks by Peru State College students. The Times office is located in the college publication office in the Physical'Plant building, telephone (402) 872-2260.

Peru Players

The state's oldest college dramatic organization, Peru Players, currently has around 15 members and meets every other Thursday at 11 a.m. in the College Theatre.

Peru Players officers are Sara Anton, president; Marcy Eddinger, vice-president; and Freedom Robinson, "Getting live theatre back at PSC," stands as the main goal for the club, this semester.

During the week of Jan. 24-28, members of the Players attended the American College Theatre Festival (ACTF) which is a play contest for colleges in the midwest region; an adjudicator decides which school(s) qualify for the national contest.

Every year, schools may enter two to three students in the Irene Ryan Acting Competition. Ryan played the character of 'Granny' in the "Beverly Hillbillies." Also, contests for light, sound, costume and design take place.

Peru Players are-s1tll-organtz1ng--:a-trip--to-NewYorksometime·this May, which will include several Broadway shows as well as tours of NBC studios and Radio City Music Hall. Anyone that is interested can contact Dr. Charles Harper, professor of speech/drama, or Anton.


The Peru Student Education Association (PSEA) dedicates itself to helping future educators of America.·

The officers include: Jennifer Hurt, president; Dusk Junker, vice-president; Dave Junker, treasurer; Scott Heese, secretary; Michelle Kildow, historian; Geane Gibbons, non-traditional representative.

To become a member, an application form needs to be filled out; also, a $20 fee must accompany - the application. Three dollars of this fee remains at the Peru chapter while the rest goes to the state. This fee gives the member a subscription to publications that offer new ideas in teaching PSEA meets once a month in T.J. Majors room 114. The next meeting is Feb. 8 at 11 a.m.

Opinions expressed may not necessarily

be·those ofthe entire editorial staff. All letters to the editor are welcomed: Letters, cartoons, articles, and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them artd will be published at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style.

The Times is printed by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE.

Please send material to: Editor Editor

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Peru State Times Campus Mail Peru State College Peru, NE 68421

Terry Dugan

Chris Raabe Reporters

Josh Whitney

Shane Vanoene

Dan Ketelsen

Troy Moraine

Dr. Dan Holtz


Leigh Calfee

Jennifer Froeschl

Shanda J. Hahn

Scott Krichau

Heather Joy Layson

Krys Leeds

Freedon Robinson

Debbie Sailors

Andrea Tee

Matt Uher

Greg Wolfe

PSEA, this semester, is planning a soup supper in February, and in March, PSEA will take a trip to the Joslyn Art Museum with the Johnson-Brock ninth grade. Plus, a conference with other colleges is currently being organized to attain new ideas and to learn from each other.

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Inferior ma'intenance at root of problems to floor of AWAC

Proper maintenance holds the key to keeping possessions in tiptop condition. In those terms, a baseball card collector wouldn't dare allow a four-year old to handle a Mickey Mantle rookie card, and without oil changes, our cars would collect in various junk yards awaiting a high schooi shop class to rescue them from auto purgatory. /

With that in mind, how could the new floor in theAWAC, little more than one year old, suffer the adversities it has, resulting in the closure of the concession stand? In the custodial staff's defense, people should report spills immediately to whomever is responsible for the AWAC at that moment. We still haven't outgrown the occasional spill, but we should be mature enough to take responsibility for those spills.

That aside, we venture to the mysterious stain that is turning into the bloody glove of PSC. Was the stain a result of soda spilled dming a high school volleyball tournament in October, or was it the result of a mixture between blood and a chemical used to clean it up during a wrestling tournament in March of 1995? Either way, the stain remained unreported until Nov. 7, 1995, and due to this discovery and a rash decision, the already anemic athletic department budget will miss out on the lucrative concession business that accompanies high school basketball tournaments.

How long had those in charge discussed the ramifications and feasibility of closing the concession stand? Many schools, in fact, do not allow beverages in their gymnasiums, but we can not think of a single school that does not have a concession stand in operation during games and a lobby area to accompany it. Maybe the decision wasn't as rash as we may think. Dr. Daryl! Hersemann said to a Times reporter that the concession stand wasn't costeffectivc. However, to us, the decision to close the concession stand seems to have been made too quickly.

In further searching last week, behind bleachers, we discovered a program from December graduation and a Pepsi cup, among other things; plus, an unusual fragrance lingered from an area by the south wall where someone had recently vomited. Guess what accompanied the odor.

Hospitality does not come to mind when we speak of the restrooms in the AWAC. Is anyone else embarrassed that visitors :Jo PSC athletic events, not to mention students and their families,

'have to use those restrooms?

IWe recently spoke to Dennis Gilbertson,, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor at North Dakota State University. NDSU has the same 'type of floor as we at PSC do, with the exception that their floor is approximately 30 years old and has never been replaced. We asked Gilbertson how they deal with stains on the gym floor. Gilbertson chuckled as he said the reason they don't have a problem with stains is b<:cause they clean their floor every day. Cleaning consists of dry mopping the floor every morning and then going over the floor with their floor scrubber.

, Granted, we at the Times are not responsible for cleaning the AWAC and, frankly, do not know all the ins-and-outs of taking care of such a facility. Yet, we as students (not to mention the taxpayers of the state) pay for that facility and its upkeep. As we see it, our money would be better off invested in Mickey Mantle rookie cards.

Nearly everything in life is best accompanied by music. Thoughtful and thought-provoking music selection , enhances and enlightens the activities of everyday life.

Take, for instance, the morning routine-out of-bed,into1he shower; out of the shower, into the clothes; out of the house, into the world. In silence, this routine takes on the monotony of a lecture on African cinema; but, with some Bush playing in the background, everything is Zen.

Driving to and from work or school can be boring; the scenery repeats itself like a chase scene in a cheap cartoon. Just by slipping the Indigo Girls into the CD player and allowing their soothing harmony to wash over me, "the closer I am to fine."

While working or studying, music can inspire greatness. The cleanest conceivable house and the tallest stacks of Bounce-fresh laundfy result from R.E.M. providing the "Finest Worksong." The most unbearable shift at work becomes bearable with Jackopierce's reminder that I'm a "Capable Girl."

Comp_rehending Emerson's Nature or cramming for the PPST's can be as daunting as trekking up the icy in-


In• the jukebox, my fingers excitedly trace a line under each selection. A • piercing Pearl Jam guitar riff fills the air. It's so good to be "Alive." tu it with

Perhaps the evening play plans include an intimate encounter. I daresay that the right music for sex is the most important musical decision made. It must be mutually agreeable and con-

s •1 ducive to spontaneity, much like the e · I e QI ors crucial lights on or lights off determic1ine to the Student Center. Feeling, nation. Remember the Righteous at times, overworked and over- Brothers and Rebecca Howe? I bewhelmed, it helps to know that Alanis lieve that almost everyone who's ever predicts "everything's gonna be fine, had sex has a favorite sex song. A fine, fine." song so powerful that hearing it, anyAs some days wind down, I remain time or anyplace, evokes physical rewound up like Quentin Tarantino on sponses such as weak knees or bcdephedrine. Yearning for relaxation room eyes. For my own personal and and craving creature comforts, I care- private reasons, the passion of fully choose Dave Matthews Band. Prince's "Purple Rain" has aphrodiCheered by the thought that "every siacal qualities unlike any other tune day has its way of being forgotten," I known to me. realize the required mental release. As Life, in all its mundane and mc:giusual. a dose of Dave does it. cal moments, somehow becomes tranAll work and no play makes life scendent when Big Head Todd and the about as exciting as "The Jewelry Monsters pronounce it 'just a circle." Showcase" on !ate-night QVC. After After all, life.is just a long movie spana long day, maybe a few friends and a ning from your birth to your death. few drinks at the local watering hole chronicling the events in between. are in order. Dropping my dollars into Why not have a kick-ass soundtrack·?

Mistakes muddle image of Peru State

I take immense pride in saying to people that I go to school at Peru State College. Even though Peru is often referred to as the lesser of the three state colleges, those who have been here past their first year and value the education Peru State has to offer know differently.

With that in mind, I saw a funny thing. I work with the women's basketball team and enjoy it very much; so, whenever anything is printed about the Bobcats, I take interest in it. Gandering at the official men's and women's basketball team poster displaying the schedule and team photo, I became appalled. Not only is the schedule on the poster next to unreadable, former women's team member Lori Henn is identified as Julie Henn in the poster. Odd. I looked on and discovered Chris Lade's name was spelled "Chris La9de." 9?

With my curiosity unsatiable, I looked at the inserts in the men's and

BRUTAL REAL/TV bv Dan Ketelsen

yea/1, I ..ias 1eadin' t/1e Odxsser t/1e ot/1e1 day. couldn't be\·1eve t/1at god-C/1iCk didn't mafce Odysseus clean /1e1 cave /1e 1-to..i rude.

women's programs which give updates on the team as well as star player identification. I was beyond shocked to see that words were consistently misspelled and horrible grammar covered the page. In the Dec. 18 issue of "Bobcat News & Notes," a newsletter from the sports information department, coach John Gibbs is quoted as saying, "There is not many teams you'll beat if you shoot that poorly." Gibbs has been at Peru since 1981 and I believe, would not say 'There is not many " This publication, from our school, makes our coach seem as if he talks as if he were raised by wolves.

Also in that issue, Deana Christiansen, who won player of the week Dec. 11-17, was credited with having 10 rebounds, nine assists, nine steals and five blocked shots "in the win (against Graceland College)." These numbers were for the week. In reality, she had three rebounds, three assists, six steals, and two blocked shots for the game.

These programs, that people actually see, epitomize everything a learning institution, like Peru State, is all about. I ask you, what kind of message does this send about our school? Let me tell you: If you go to Peru State, you don't know how to spell or distinguish between past and present tense. On one hand, recruiters say come to Peru to get a quality education and a job after you· ve graduated. Of course, on the other, once you graduate, you' II have the equivalent of an eighth grade education. Being in charge of this newspaper, I realize it is very difficult to catch every mistake, but placing a "9" in a person's name? Come on. It's not just the basketball poster; there are mistakes in almost every publication released from the athletic department. Who approves these things? Someone needs to decide if we're going to give off the impression of being a.higher learning institution or people without an education who are expected to make so many mistakes.

If you 1 ve got music, you 1 ve got good times
r _, ... \ " \) I ! \



Students learn about justice 11 Down Under 11

·By HrysleeCJs afternoon tea. Visiting the prosecuting attorney's office captivated hear, think and live it." Kelsay where she heard the prosecutFour Peru State College students ing attorney reinact his argument put this motto to practice when they from a current murder trial. "It was immersed themselves in the Austra- fascinating to watch him work," lian crim1rial justice system on a ten- stated Kelsay. day study tour to Queensland over Asmussen, considering himself a Christmas break. strong believer in educational opporMike Manske, J.D. (Doctor of Ju- tunities outside the classroom, feels risprudence ), assistant professor at the students left assuming they knew Washburn University, organized the a lot about their own criminal justice trip and extended an invitation to Dr. system, and tours such as these chalKelly Asmussen, assistant professor lenge their knowledge about people of criminal justice, and any students and their own judicial system. "The from PSC interested in learning more best part was watching Peru students about Australia's legal system. become a part of another group of stuOn Tuesday, Dec. 26, Asmussen dents, to fit together and watching and his parents, Manske, and a total them patricipate on that level," said of 28 college students including: Asmussen.

Diane Durman, sophomore, criminal This trip was not only an educajustice/ pre-law; Laura Kelsay, senior, tional experience but also a social sCience; Nicole Miller, PSC multicultural one, according to graduate and Jason Ross, sophomore, Asmussen. During rare free time, stupsychology/ sociology, departed from dents spent an afternoon at a koala Kansas City International airport. and kangaroo sanctuary where the After losing a day due to the Intern a- students held the koalas and fed the .tionaLDa1e Line, Jhe.y .arrived in kangaroos. Time was also allowed

Brisbane, Queensland on Thursday, for snorkeling, exploring coral reefs Dec. 28, and the group stayed at and rain forests, body surfing, shop-

THE PSC ART DEPARTMENT held a jurored art exhibition and contest. and this veor, the winner wos selected Emmanuel College (without air con- ping, sun bathing and meeting new by Omaha artist Paul Conner. Students could choose to submit a five dollar fee along with their work to be ditioning), which houses the music people. "Everything was fun; there eligible for a cosh entrv fee award. The awards were presented bv Peggv Jones, assistant professor of art. department of Queensland University. was no one best part, but the friendThe Best of Show/Entrv fee award of $50 went to Rhonda Johnson for her box sculpture titled "Christina's Not needing an alarm clock, they ships made were outstanding," proWor,ld. (top)." Cindv Dills' oil triptvch, "Croquet(bottom)." received a $25 gift certificate donated bl,! Dick Blick were awakened around 4 :30 every claimed Durman.

Art:IY\aterials in· Lincoln for Second Best of Show honors. Two students were given Honorable Mention morning by the kookaburra, a bird Durman and Kelsay agreed that a awards. "Untitled;" bl,! Shawn Blevins wos given o $10 gift certificate olso from Dick Blick. while Aaron known for i!s loud cry similar to hu- lot can be learned about a professor Wts_dom'.s "Untitled" earned him $10 in cosh. Both paintings were done in oil. The exbibit .displaved from ·man laughtet; ''It was a jungle right by spending two weeks in a foreign Jon. l S-26. -photos bv Tern; Dugan outside your window," said country with him, while Asmussen

1996 Ti mes Point by numbers

Publication Schedule Teachers Fi II in for art, math

Asmussen. was impressed that he and 28 college Their-day-officially began around·- kids traveled 20,000 miles without

8:30a.m.andwentsteadilyuntil4:30 incident. Emmett Asmussen, Dr.

Any news briefs or letters to the edi- p.m. Most of this time was spent in Kelly Asmussen's father, summed up tor must be submitted by the dead-

By Troy Moraine ferent places to go to see art shows, meetings with various departments of the trip: "I feel more like I do now line date to make the following week's including Kansas___Cicy, Omaha and thanLdici when I first got here." issue. As the second semester begins, two Lincoln. I hope the students use these of facilities which often included hav------------• new faces, Janine Copple and Mark resources to expand their minds," said ing lunch on site and being invited to

#7-February 16 Fuerniss, join the PSC faculty. Both Copple.

Deadline: February 8 arehereforjustonesemesterreplac- The other new instructor is ing Kenneth Anderson, professor of Fuerniss, who is replacing Hinrichs

#8- March 1 art, and Paul Hinrichs, instructor of in the math department. Fuerniss re-

Deadline: February 22 science and technology. ceived his master's degree at UNL, #9-March 15 Replacing Anderson in the art de- where he currently teaches night partment is Copple, a graduate from classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Deadline: March 7 Tyler School of Art at Temple Uni- He has been teaching for about 25

#10-._April 8 versity. She -has taught at the Uni- years and has taught everyone from D d versity of Nebraslh1 at Lincoln and sixth graders to college students ea hne: March 28 can also teach Spanish. Copple has Fuerniss was surprised to find the

#11-April 19 her own studio at home were she does classes so full; he has almost 40 stu-

Deadline:- April 11 wood carvings. In addition, she has dents in four out of five classes. "I illustrated a couple or books_ really just want the students to acquire #12-May 3, In Copple's opinion, Peru is a very a better knowledge of math," said

Deadline: April 25 mobile place. "There are a lot of dif- Fuerniss.

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Cafeteria renovations one step toward improving Student Center

Recently the cafeteria in the Student Center has gotten a face-lift. Some changes include the. addition of a juke box and lattice as well as a new paint job.

These changes are only a beginning of renovations in the Student Center and are not the first that have been made. The Burr Oak room has been redone along with the Game room and lower 1evel of the Student Center. - Plans for other renovations will also be occurring sometime this year, according to Barb Lewellen, director of student programs. The next renovation will most likely be the Bob Inn. Since the food service contract is up for bid, the committee is waiting because the food service that is hired may be able to make changes on their own, using their own funds.

People Nqt From Idaho

The cast and crew of "The PSC Times Bunch" has expanded from the previous season and fought off cancelation and the Neilsens once again. This year's east of characters inclues (starring in alphabetical order from left): top row, Leigh Calfee, Terry Dugan, Jennifer "Little Frog" Froeschl, Shanda Hahn, Dan Ketelsen; second row, Scott Krichau, Heather Joy Layson, logo, Krys Leeds, Troy Moraine; third row, Chris Raabe, Freedom Robinson, Ann B. Davis as Dr. Dan Holtz, Debbie Sailors, Andrea Tee; bottom row, Matt Uher, Shane Vanoene, Josh Whitney and Greg Wolfe as Peter.

ReC:rtals key for students and staff

)y Dawn May

Perfotmance plays a very important ;art for both students and faculty in he music department.

Before graduation, niusic majors nust first give a senior recital, and hose students who study applied ;lUsic or take private lessons also : :,;iicipate in a student recital. As role l:ddels, the faculty of the music de;artment set an example by performng as well.

Ediger, professor of music and diieetor of choral activitie>, have been performing together in facul1y recitals for 15 years. Together, with Edris on trumpet and Ediger on the piano, they make up the duo known as Aeolian II. Ediger said their practice time depends on how close to a recital they are, and perforry1ing also tends to be a form of relaxation because they enjoy performing. Aeolian II gives two recitals a year with their next one on Feb. 13.

Dr. David Edris, chairman of the -Iumanities Division, and Dr. Thomas Graduating music majots tend to spend at least one semester or more

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in preparation for their senior recitals. Vocalists and pianists must memorize their music, and the experience culminates years of hard work and dedication to one's skills.

Ediger expressed his regret that there would be no musical this spring, but he stressed there will be musicals at PSC in the near future; when that time comes, volunteers will be needed.

Students should keep in mind that all of these performances and recitals are necessary and important to the music students.

Lewellen is onthe committee engineering the changes along with Erin Sayer, director of residence life; Julie Taylor, assistant director of residence life and Morgan Hall director; Dr. Robert Burns, president of PSC; Paula Czirr, Complex director; Tara Kreklau, student advisor; and members of Student Senate. In reference to the changes, Lewellen went on to say, "We have lots in mind but can only do what time and our budget allow."

Since the Student Center is a revenue bond building, Nebraska Legislative Law does not permit the use of state funds for renovation. Nor can funds be mixed or drawn from other areas to be used on the Student Center, said Burns. The budget for the renovations of the Student Center is

generated from student fees or revenue bond money. "When it comes to changes in the Student Center, the money comes from student fees 0r the CAB budget," explained Lewellen. "Students get to see their money at work."

Besides the paint job and addition of lattice and a juke box, ivy was added as well. "I love the colors," said Dr. Bill Clemente. associate professor of English, "but the parsley on the ceiling doesn't send me. However, the overall effect is more intimate and less institutional." This is the look the committee was going for.

"We started by looking at repainting the bottomare or the walls of the Student Center. We wanted something fresh looking and the ideas just grow from there when you have a good creative comrninee. Students have also expressed their wishes for changes in the looks of the Student Center," stated Dr. Burns. Awnings were also added to complete the theme, and the trophy cases were cleaned and repaired, along with felt and mirrors being added. "The new look is great. This is just another example of PSC's ability to put students' ideas and requests into action," said Melanie Barry, junior, sports management major.. _ , , ,, · , , Lewellen summed up, "Because of the constant use of the Student Center and the cafeteria in particular, it becomes the students' dining room, living room and den. The cheery, airy, Garden Cafe look creates a pleasant atmosphere. The best reward is having students say that they like their home away from home."

MCE.N.C. elects officers

The first meeting of the PeniState College Music Educators National Conference (M.E.N.C.) chapter;,was held on Jan. 25 The main iterilfl.on



the agenda was the election of new officers for the 1996 year. These new officers are as follows: Denys Shafer, president; Lisa Otl1111cr. vice-president; Becky Bstandig, secretary; Cinda Goodrich, treasurer; Tiffany Holmes, historian.

M.E.N.C. is looking forward to a busy semester starting with the Piano Extravaganza on Mar 30. Meetings are held Thursdays at 11 a.m. in Fine Arts 111.

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Men's Basketball

3 -vs. Doane (7:30 p.m.)

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13 .- at Midland Lutheran (7:30 p.m.)

15 - vs.Avila (7!30 p;ID:;)

Women's Basketboll

5 - vs. Grand View (7:00 p.m.)

10 - at Hastings (2:00 p.m.)

17 - vs. Midland

Luthfran (7:oo p.m.)

ntramural Activities

7 - Water Volleyball (Registration)

12 - Cribbage (Registration)

14 - Cribbage Tourney, Coffee House 17 - Video Game

Intramural Player of the Year Candidate Raabe

Fredd "The Wizard" Ward has been named as a finalist for the Peru State Times Intramural Player of the Year award. Ward, a secondary education and psychology/sociology major, was a crucial ingredient in his team's dominance of the Shick three-onthree tournament.

The former record-setting, Peru State Bobcat, point-guard is currently an assistant coach for this year's men's basketball squad. Intwo years of playing, Ward set the career steals and assists records but credits his intram"Ural three-on-three success to teammates Terry Rice.Jason Stinson, and Jason Libal.

Ward and company head to Ames, IA for the regional tournament, hot shot contest, and free throw shooting contest.

When asked about his nomination for Player of the Year, Ward stated, "I am honored and a little out of shape, but it is basketball. Things come· naturally."

"The Wizard" feels no pressure frorri the award's prestige. "It's not like I'm playing on some dumb college team. Our coaches team outweighs opponents by 30 lbs. a man. · I got Strittmatter setting screens for me."

"The'Wizard" calls Bellevue home. Last year, he taught learning disabled and behavior problem children at a private school in Omaha. Ward hopes to someday become a head basketball coach. Congratulations to Coach Ward, the second "Intramural Player of the Year"·finalist.

Peru State Lady Bobcat Basketball coach Tara Kreklau remains optimistic as thr team heads into the ing regular season games and post season competition with a 8-14 record. ····-···· ··

"We've said all along.that our ultimate goal is to be at our best by the end of the season as we head into the playoffs," she said. Kreklau c;ommented that they must go into every practice with this ·goal in mind and make themselves a better team.

According to Kreklau, the inconsistencies in the team's performances are frustrating yet challenging. She believes that these inconsistences are a sign of a young team. "We've decided that we aren't going to make excuses. Either we get the job done or we don't."

Deana Christiansen, 5 ft. 9 in. freshman, seems to know what ir takes to get the job done. Christiansen was recently, named NAIA Division II regional playerofthe week for the week of Dec. 7-13. She scored 68 points in three games that week, including a career high 29 against Graceland (IA) College in the Bobcat's 62-59 win. During the week, she also pulled down 10 rebounds, dished out nine assists, had nine steals and five blocked shots while leading the Bobcats to victory. She also shot 25-47 from the field including 7-19 on three pointers and l l- l 3 from the free throw line.

Christiansen, who played in only

mas. "I noticed a real change in m) playing when I could devote all of mj practice time to basketball. I feel tha: the team has more confidence in m' and that I can contribute more to thi team now," she said.

Kreklau believes Christiansen hai provided a spark for the whole team especially on the offensive floor "Deana is a tremendous competito, who comes from a winning progranl (Omaha Roncalli) and hates to lose,\ she said. :

The Bobcats have also gained an other addition to the team. Celesti Nolte, a 5 ft. I 0 in. freshman fron Falls City Sacred Heart, transferre( at the semester from Benedictine (K:i>; College. "Peru was originally m) first choice when I was being re· cruited, but circumstances led 1{1e tc Benedictine." she said.

When Benedictine's program clidn ·; meet Nolte's expectations she decide\ to transfer. "I didn't feel comfortable and relaxed at Benedictine. l fee much more at home as part of th( Bobcat basketball team," noted Noice "Celeste is an outstanding athlek who is a tremendous addition to ou' team," commented Kreklau, "ThE more she practices the more familia; she becomes. The full impact of he; addition to the team won't be felt until next year when she will be the team from the beginning of tJI,': , season."

Intramural GPA important, but won't get vou on Dean's List Scores from recent Bobcat cager action

"I dig 'em! They're not too competitive but just enough to be fun," said Greg Bentz, senior, psychology major and avid participant in intramural activities.

During the wiffleball competition, Bentz was a member of The Dipper Dappers who beat The Tongas in the championship game to take the title.

The Dipper Dappers ended the season with a record of 7-1, the best of ·the five teams who fought for the title.

Currently, men's basketball dominates the intramural aC'tivities with 14 teams and 120 players. Each team plays six games during the regular season with a tournament following to determine the champion. Sportsmanship is the key to the true spirit of competition. In order to make sure that everyone abides by the rules

of fair play, a ratings system has been developed to consistently evaluate a team's performance in sportsmanship. The ratings system ranges from four points (the truest form of sportsmanship and spirit) to zero. If a team falls below an average of 2.5 for the season for any reason, the team forfeits its spot in the play-offs, and if at any time after two regular season games the team's average falls below two, all upcoming games are considered forfeits. Plus, after two zero ratings, team members will not be allowed to participate in intramurals for the rest of the academic year.

"Rivalry is good, but when it goes beyond competition to poor sportsmanship, it gets to be a problem that we don't need,"·said David intramural director. The intramural sp_ortsmanship guide can be picked up in the intramural office.

Congratulations go out to the Shick three-on-three basketball champions.

Men's champions are Fredd Ward, Terry Rice, Jamie Stinson and Jason Libal; Jennifer Dappen, Jill Parker and Cari Ortmeier won the women's competition. Both teams will represent PSC at the regional tournament in Ames, IA on Feb. 17.

Response to the intramural program has been favorable. "The way the intramurals are run gives everybody a chance to participate and not feel intimidated," said Mark Miller, junior criminal justice major.

Will Portor, junior, physical education major, agrees with Mi1ler.

"Intramurals gerpeople involved with the school, and the football scheduling was well organized."

However, a few glitches remain. "I think that the t-shirts awarded to the champions of each event need to be more creative and fun. The previous t-shirts have sucked," said Lea Bausher,junior, pre-physician's assistant major.

And finally, congratulations to coach Teske on the recent birth of a 7 lb. 12 oz. boy, Daric Pale. ··


"Diaper Dandy" Deana Christiansen tallied a season-high 29 points in the Bobcat victory. Jill Shulte added 13, while Hubacl! grabbed 13 boards. 'c r•

Concordia 76 PSC 72 .1lo Shannon Townsend had four swiit and four assists. Christiansen, Amy Petry, and Jen Trouba had 21, 17, anci 16 points respectively. ··

PSC 63 Hosings 51 Celeste Nolte was chairman of the boards, snaking 14 off the glass to go l\iith nine points. Christiansen scored 23 points, as the 'Cats rolled past the Lady Broncos at home.

Grand View 73 PSC 47 Hubach led PSC with l 3 points, and Trouba grabbed 9 rebounds.

PSC 71 Dono 66 Nolte exploded for 18 points, while pulling down 6 caroms. Townsend sealed the win with two clutch freethrows in the final seconds.

Euchre Tourney,
Challenge, Student Center 26 - Euchre (Registration) 28 -
AMONG THE TREES Shannon Townsend stops and pops a jumper over a toll Viking defender. The Bobcats defeated Dono 71-66 in Jon. 29 action on the Wheeler Center floor. -photo by Chris Raabe
62 Graceland 59
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Bobcats rebound from tough Christmas ,schedule to beat Warriors

Welcome back to the second half of the Bobcats men's basketball season. After returning from the Christmas break, the Bobcats traveled to the Northwestern Tournament in Orange City, IA:

In the Cat's first action back, Peru State fought hard and won 73- 70 in overtime. Lawrence Hollier and Tom Riley scored 21 and 20 points respectively.

The victory pitted the Bobcats against the host, Northwestern. Peru State fought a valiant battle, but the 'Cats lost the championship game 101-89.

Riley and Damarcus Johnson led the Bobcats with 19 points apiece.

Senior Albert Norman added 16, a career best.

After an encouraging split at the Northwestern Tournament, the Bobcats took to the hardwood at the Tabor Classic. In the first round, the Bobcats fell behind Tabor College by 19 points.

Peru State came out with a stepped up defense in the second half to tie the game, with only one minute left to play. Untimely turnovers late in the final half cost the Bobcats the game

Riley led all scorers with a career

f\Jew policies raise.questions

'Continued from page 1

;nented, "Jerry (Henrichs) is supposed to dust mop the floor before scrub·1g." Mopping is recommended in

.der to remove any pebbles that ,ould be smashed into the floor.

When Henrichs was asked if he dust nops the floor, he responded, "Sometimes, usually on the courts but rarely Jn the track or in front of the enrances. It doesn't do any good to just nop, so I don't clean it.".

As far as the concession stand orders have come from Peru 5tate College President Dr. Robert '' 11stodiscontinue·theserviceofthe.

1d in the Al Wheeler Activity Cen';. ,, and.until further notice, the constand will be closed to assist 'ompliance with the new "NO )RINK" policy.

Swanson, Gentleman and Hart intalled the floor in the AWAC and Nere contacted in early December to hspect the damage to the floor. The ·ompany has not sent a representaive, yet.

high 32 points, including eight threepointers.

Coach John Gibbs commented, "The inside game hurt us." Tabor's 6' 11" center turned into a Bobcat nightmare scoring 15 points and pulling down 17 rebounds.

Peru State came oudlat in the consolation game with a disappointing 84-67 loss at tlle hands of Sterling College. Riley scored 21 points, while Scott Daniels .added 14.

The Bobcats poor showing may have been due to a long lay-off over the Christmas break. Before the break, the 'Cats won four out of five games. Gibbs said, "Since the break, we haven't shot or rebounded well at all." Due to the confidence the team has shown, Gibbs thought, "We will 'get our shooting back up to par."

The Bobcats returned home to play host to the Midland Lutheran Warriors on the Wheeler Center floor. Peru State shot 42 percent from the field and prevailed 75-74. Tom Riley paved the way with 26 points and nine boards. Greg Thompson added 23 points, while dishing out seven assists.

Hopefully, the hard work will pay off in the run to the play-offs. The men's hoopsters play host to Doane College tomorrow and Park College on Tuesday. Both are slated for 7:30 starts.

Big 1-2 to become part of NFL bv vear 2000

Well, well, Mr. Lee Corso must have received major head trauma while coaching at powerhouse Indiana. His grass theory struck me as lunacy before the Fiesta Bowl and funny afterwards. My hat goes off to the Cornhuskers and their second straight National Championship.

In a season marred with controversy, Tom Osborne proved something to me. Dr. Tom is the classiest act in all of football. All those who attempted to knock him down 'should be ashamed.

-1994was aseason of destiny; ending .with an ·orange Bo.wl win and a Nationa;l Title. The non-believers knocked a weak Husker schedule and claimed the Nittany Lions were robbed of a share. Now, the Mighty Big Red have stepped into an elite level. The second-best team in the country managed to get driHIKI 62-24.

The Huskers thoroughly enjoyed the "Fun -n- Gun," but it was Nebraska that pulled the trigger.

The Gators were reduced to a pair

.. Two Cents with Chris Raabe

of boots, and .Steve Spurrier wore them well. Florida gulped a. big spoonful of their own medicine as Tommy "should have won the Heisman" Frazier punched holes in a paper mache defense. Lawrence Phillips returned with a vengeance, running through Florida's defense as if they were tackling dummies In a jesture of good will, Dr. Tom knelt on the ball at tfie Gator one yard line. It was the same late game tactic used on perennial powers Pacific, Iowa State, and Missouri. I call it mercy. Perhaps Steve Spurrier has

M.d Our 1 west · customer Business QlJ.t..friends b

Mvlearned a lesson from this. A gator will never survive a Nebraska winter or sh,ould I say Big One and little I I. That is a little harsh, considering Colorado, Kansas State, Kansas, and Texas A & M all rolled to bowl victories. The Big 12 looks miere conference for years to come:

storm. I found the post-game quite disheartening. The pre-season pollsters were already shooting off about how Florida was the top team going into next season. Whoa! I don't think a 62-24 drudging deserves a pre-season top spot. I don't think Nebraska has lost a game since the season ended. The Gators should not find it hard to return to the top. They_have added Pacific and Notre Dame to the schedule. The University of Pacific has started up the football program for two more seasons. Pacific's Athletic Director' John Musafa stated, "We hung with Nebraska for a few minutes and lost by about the same margin as Florida. The way I see it, we could sneak up on the Gators." Notre Dame head coach, John Musafa has guaranteed a victory.

Meanwhile, the University of Nebraska has become part of the Big 12,

NFL Commissioner John Musafa stated, "The new conference may become part of the NFL by the year 2000. I guarantee Deion Sanders will have to learn how to hit and tackle, if the NFL annexes the Big 12."

"Welcome to Tostito's Super Bowl XXXV (35 for those of you not familiar with the Roman System), The University of Nebraska hopes to add to an unprecidented I 01 straight wins dating back to I 994. A tough Minnesota Vikings team stands in the way. Let's go to analyst Lee Corso."

'.'I am going with the Vikings in this one. Nebraska will not win, because the game is being played on grass." I know, I'm going a littl.e overboard Whoa! Gotta go! Nebraska is about ready to score, again.


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JUNIOR GREG THOMPSON (20) looks For an open passing lane. while Lance Cohn (42) works to get inside position. Scott Daniell (12) watches From the perimeter. Thompson led the 'Cats witn 23 points. and Cohn had eight rebounds. The Bobcats slipped. past the Warriors 75- 74 on Jan. 20. -photo by Chris Raabe
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Brownville, NE-:Despite all his forecasting prowess; GilberfVan Groundhaggen, Brownville's resident rodent forecaster, couldn't have predicted the massive beating he received when he saw his own shadow earlier today.

After his prediction, Van Groundhaggen received a well placed nut between his eyes, and a band of desperate, hungry squirrels, suffering from an unusually harsh winter, pummeled the woodchuck while chanting "Redrum! Redrum!" as younger squirrels cried at seeing what their parents had been reduced to. Supervisor of all animals no taller than two feet, John Musafa, said, "Yep. This attack took us by surprise. I honestly think that this tragedy could have been avoided if Van Groundhaggen wouldn't have said, 'Wow, I guess I put some weight on

this winter,' He should've just went back into his hole."

Eight squirrels have been detained in conjunction with the. attack as Brownville residents remain in a state of shock. Van Groundhaggen's children refused to be interviewed with the fear that they too may see their shadows and receive their eternal punishment.

Musafa added, "It's pretty bad wheQ you can't even come out bf your own hole anymore. What's that saying for our society? Squirrels are an anar.- chic threat to the balance between nature and man. If we couldn't squash -them like silly putty; they might actually be a threat."

When asked about death threats he had received, Musafa had no comment, but he did say no creature without opposable thumbs was going to push him around.

Wreaking havoc in the Peru S

Stra_iµ __pol I sho_lJ.J?

Forbes as front-runner

A straw poll of 50 PSC students shows Steve Forbes as the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, Of those asked, 25 percent said they weren't aware that, out of the list of candidates, Bill Clinton was not running for reeleetion, and another 64 percent said they would not vote for any fruit manufacturer or type of cracker. Two percent asked if the Greek guy with bushy eyebrows had been impeached yet, while another 4 percent liked the pretty flowers that were situated by the place of polling. Here. are the results: _ Forbes Dole Gramm

12% 6% 2% 80% Margin of error: You do the math

From Dusk Till Down: ride to hell-and back

By Troy Moraine

From Dusk Till Dawn has all of these things and more. George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino star as Seth and Richard Gecko, brothers who have just robbed a bank and try to head for Mexico.

Along the way, the Geckos pick a few hostages: a minister named Jacob, played by Harvey Keitel, and his two kids. The Gecko brothers, with a little help from their hostages, make it into Mexico and to the bar where':they have to last until dawn. The onty problem is the bar is full of vampires -who are ready to feast on

everyone there.

It is a battle to the finish. Blood flies everywhere, people get tom in half and the vampires are loving every minute of it. The remaining people who haven't been caught by these vampires make a valiant effort to stay alive by using everything from crosses to crossbows and even supersoakers .filled with holy water.

The battle rages on as Clooney leads the way with his wooden spike hooked onto a drill, shredding whatever bloodsucker steps in his way. I found myself jumping through the roof a couple of times and loved it. As I left the movie, I was really pleased with the ending; for once the· guy doesn't get the girl.

Basically, this was an

7112 Word Review


William S. Burrows

It's nice that someone else digs the jun-

By Scott Krichau

(What' S the Story) Morning Glory?


Far cry from the "Fab Five" from LiverVoice of our generation-Kurt Cobain Spin Reader's Poll

Kurt's dead, Right? Then how can he spe-

Vanilla Nut Kaffe


.Good'coffee, but even better with some everHerbaf-eCstaCy letters, please ..lt's le


William S. Burrows would robabl be ve

seat action movie, with scenes that would scare you half to death. Tarantino wrote the screenplay and has again given us a bizarre mix of violence and comedy (a couple steps down from the great Pulp Fiction, but still intelligently written).

I think maybe Tarantino should go back, write and direct another great movie and just stick to the small parts.

As for his counterpart, Clooney will make a good transition from television to the big screen, but I don't think .he should give up television right away. With this firm, he's off to a good start.

Keitel gives another good performance as Jacob, and Juliet Lewis gives a decent performance, even though I have personally never liked her. I did enjoy From Dusk Till Dawn very much and give it three out of five stars.

WOROS 1996

/\N6R':l W\-l 111' lv\l\L£



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'Athletic Director, Dan Johnson, re-

.signs; Kreklau named interum

Pat Longley just sent out her Christmas letPeru State Athletic Director Dan Johnson has ters last week. Yes, she's late, but she was a a position in Hopkins, Minnesota. little busy over the holiday break. On Dec. 18, ''Johnson, who served two and one-half years as she donated one of her kidneys to her husband 1thletic dirctor, also coached the baseball team of 35 years, Dr. William Longley, programmer/ from 1991-1994. Under his tutelage, the team analyst and former instructor at Peru State. recorded the best season in Bobcat baseball his- "It just seemed the logical thing to do," Mrs. ':tory with a 34-16 mark. Longley said about her decision to offer a kid-

He will put his baseball knowledge to work, ney to her husband. "I knew he wasn't doing ,pnce more. Johnson has been named head base- too well." Longley's kidneys failed just over ball coach and new facilities director at Hopkins five years ago due to complications from diaHigh School. betes.

Head women's basketball coach Tera Kreklau · Longley, 58, started dialysis as soon as he has been named as Peru State's interum athletic knew the diagnosis. Knowing the only llirector. Kreklau has been at Peru State since for long-term kidney failure is a transplant, he :he fall of 1994. tried to place his name on the waiting list for a

.(areer Fair announced combination kidney and pancreas transplant,

The division of cooperative education and which would have also eliminated his diabetes. services are sponsoring a career fair to , His health at the time prevented his from be held at Peru State's Student Center on April being added.

10:30 a.m. to l p.m.

The Longleys, who have lived in Peru for 12

1 The fair offers juniors and seniors a chance i 1/2 years, were both affiliated with PSC at that speak with prospective employers in their time. Dr. Longley taught physics and computer fields of study, and freshmen and sophmores science for nearly ten years. In his current poare invited to discover new career opportuni- i sition, he works closely with the computer systies, begin to make contacts and look for pos- , tern and programs used by the college. Mrs. sible internships. ! Longley, 56, was night reference librarian at

In addition to over 40 business representatives l PSC from 1983 to 1990. She left her job when from across the region already scheduled to at- ! the demands of caring for her husband became tend, Creighton University, University of Ne- I overwhelming. 4braska Medical Center Miss.ouri j Longlcy's dialysis treatments were necessary State University will one hour each.· A on their graduate programs. ·

.,Scholarship applications for 1996-


1997 school year due March 1

Any student interested in applying for one of 'the many scholarships offered through the Peru State College Foundation must return the apto the financial aid office by March l. (ij you are interested in picking up an applicacontact lhe financial aid office.

Student teacher applications for ;pring 1997 now due

Applications for education majors to fulfil .heir student teaching requirements are due on Vlarch I. Any education major who is planning to student teach during the spring 1997 semester must complete their applications and turn ·them into the department of education by this date.

Applications for May graduation due t'oday

If you are planning to in May of 1996, !Oday is the last day spring graduations will be accepted. Contact the office of the registrar for additional information.

Inside this issue

Page 2

Page 3


Page 5

Pages 6&7


Page 9

Page 10

Page 11

Contmued on page 2

Since the closing of the Old Gym in the spring of '95 many questions have arisen about its ture. According to Dr. David Ainsworth, chairperson division of Education and Psychology, the Old Gym may become a wellness laboratory and exercise facility.

David Dunnigan, assistant professor of physical education, pi;oposed to the administration ways to utilize the Old Gym. Dunnigan's proposal includes placing two classrooms and a human performance lab behind the movable' wall.

"This way we would have a laboratory to prepare our majors(physical education) for the real world," states Dunnigan. "We have the equipment for· assessment but can't use it due to lack of space."

Ainsworth added that if tljese changes oc-

Acc id en t claims

Oestmann's life

Tyson Oestmannil died in a hunting accident on Feb. 4, 1996. Tyson was born June J6, 1973, the second child of Jerry and Roxanne Oestmann. He graduated from Johnson-Brock High School in 1991 and was a senior at Peru State College majoring in industrial technology/ electronics and robotics.

I had a class with Tyson my first semester here. It was Advanced English Composition and he, Nathan Grube, senior, wildlife/ecology and I were in the same group. I don't remember who else worked with us, but I remember Tyson. He struck me as reserved, shy. He and Nathan were always talking about always. Tyson loved it.

·Contmued on page 4

IT TAKES MORE THAN A KIDNEY TRANSPLANT to stop Pot and William longlev frorn spending tirne together at their favorite place to enJOV coffee-The Cottonwood.

curred, it would benefit the college as a whole. "We need to en visualize this thing and get people exercise regimes that they can do and be comfortable with," said Ainsworth.

Many feel the hours on the Al Wheeler Activity Center (AWAC) are too restrictive. Melanie Barry, junior sports management major, sympathizes "If this proposal passes the general population wouldn't be restricted on when to schedule their needed exercise program to comply with the hectic practice· and game schedules of the Wheeler Center."

Last spring the proposal for the Old Gym entailed adding racquetball courts, weight lifting room and an aerobic facility. Due to much opposition, this proposal could not be passed.

Racquetball courts are too costly and would disturb classes being held in the art facility. The floor in the Old Gym cannot hold the heavy weight system that was originally proposed.

However, the aerobic facility could still be held in the front area of the gym.

Ainsworth would like to sec many of the heavier weight systems to be in the AWAC and to bring up the aerobic equipment such as the stair-steppers and stationary bikes to the Old Gym while adding a multiple-station weight system "A multi-station weight system would be spread out enough that the floor could support it...this way a person could get both aerobic exercise and/or resistance exercise," added Ainsworth.

However when d1ange occurs in a building that had so many different uses in the past, questions will arise about where to hold these events.

With acceptance of this proposal, Ainsworth and Dunnigan would like to see the Old Gym in use by next fall.

kicks Real News
- hoto by Debbie Sailors

the ultimate gilt of I

Cont:mued from page 1 chances were slim that she would be an appro- rate for transplant patients in the Clarkson pro- "But, of course, they don't know Peru, so they

permanent catheter was surgically inserted for the treatments. Later, using a different method of .delivery known as "machine-paced" dialysis, his treatments lasted about 12 hours each, administered overnight, six times per week

Needless to say, Pat Longley kept busy helping her husband with his medical care. She helped monitor his treatments and chart his medication use. She carefully prepared his meals, conforming to his severely restricted diet.

Then, only six months after his kidneys failed, testing revealed that his coronary arteries were blocked; quadruple bypass .surgery was performed. Longley came through the surgery, weakened; but still facing a myriad of health problems. Mrs. Longley' s role as caregiver was now even more vital.

Longley recovered from heart surgery and pursued once m 0 re the possibility of a transplant. Due to his age, he was no longer eligible :or the dual-organ transplant, but he asked to have his case re-evaluated in early summer of last year in hopes of being placed on the kidney transplant waiting list. After doctors determined that he was a viable candidate for a transplant, his name was added to the list, and t!icrc he remained until October 1995, when Pat offered to become a donor.

There were many hurdles to overcome before Pat's offer became a reality, though. The

*Kidney failure can be caused by three different factors. They include complications from diabetes, complications from high blood sure and traumatic injury to the kidneys.

* There are actually two different types of.dialysis. Hemodialysis is generally performed in a hospital with special machines. It usually requires two or three treatments per week and takes about four.hour$ each tinie. It involves the removal of blood from the arteries, filtering out of waste products and returning the blood through the veins. Peritoneal dialysis is done at home with close monitoring necessary. Treatments must be administered several til)les each day and last about an hour each. The waste products are filtered out of the bk>odstream using a sterile solution and a surgically-implanted catheter.

* Nearly 25,000 people are on the waiting list for kidney transplants. Yet only about· one: fourth that number, of kidneys are donated.each year. Of that onC"-fourth, approximately 4, 100

priate donor, yet she went ahead with tests to gram is about 95 percent.

didn't realize we'd have lots of help," Pat said. determine if blood type, tissue type and viral The Longleys were ready, then, to schedule She believes Peru residents have been "particuexposures were compatible. "I was hoping the surgery and receive some individual pre- larly unique" in their heartwarming response. against it," said Longley about the possibility surgery .psychological counseling. The Although he had to return to the hospital for of his wife becoming a kidney donor. "That Longleys' daughter, Elizabeth Schrieber, and some minor adjustments in his anti-rejection way, she wouldn't have to make the decision." son, Harold Longley. arranged to be with their drug therapy, Longley continues to recover. He Against the odds, Pat was approved as a suit- parents. Two of Mrs. Langley's brothers also takes over 30 pills a day, including a tiny bahy able donor for her husband. Not only did they planned to help for as long as they could. aspirin to help thin his blood. He still must reboth have type A blood, but they also each were Dec. 18 began with Pat being prepared for strict his diet, but only for the diabetes, which Rb negative. "It'samiracle,"saidMrs.Longley. surgery and ended eight hours later when Dr. leaves him with many more choices. Doctors

And, quite possibly, it is a miracle, especially Longley was released into intensive care. Six will continue to monitor his condition, watchwhen you consider a recent news story about a days later, Christmas Eve, husband and wife ing for any signs of rejection. He returned to 59-year-old Omaha woman who was also on came home. After a quiet holiday spent recu- work part-time on Feb. 1 and hopes to resume the waiting list for a kidney transplant. Since perating, Longley managed to make it out to full-time duties by March l being added to the list in February of 1994, the his favorite coffee shop, The Cottonwood, the Mrs. Longley is nearly back to her normal woman.had been called in 22 times, unsuccess- day after Christmas. Pat, however, was tired routine. She is able to do laundry and cook now. fully attempting to match tissue type with do- and taking just a little longer to bounce back. In fact, she is back to her twice-weekly water nated kidneys. Eventually, the 23rd try was a This dependency was at odds with her role as aerobics, and her brothers and children have majch, and the woman received a kidney. caregiver for so many years. "I had to learn to long since returned to their homes. "I feel pretty Longley and the Omaha woman are both pa- be on the receiving end," said Pat. Doctors had great," she says. And she finally got those tients in the kidney transplant program at warned Pat that she would need a lot of help Christmas letters mailed. Clarkson Hospital in Omaha. The program, in once she was home. They had worried that the existence since 1971, is supervised by Dr. Longleys wouldn't have adequate support. Rodney Taylor, director of kidney transplants. Interestingly, recent studies have shown that organ transplants between spouses increase the chances for survival over those of other unrelated donors and recipients. It is not yet known what causes this phenomenon, but doctors say the emotional connection between 'the couple seems to help. Normally, the five-year survival

little known facts about kindney transplants

are cadaver kidneys and 2,000 are donated by living relatives or spouses. The average wait for a kidney is 14 months. ·

* When a new kidney is transplanted into a , recipient, the old failed kidneys are usually not removed.

*The oldest living kidney transplant recipient is 77 years old. The donor his 78-year-old wife.

* Nearly 38,000 people are currently waiting for organ transplants, nine of whom die waiting each day.

* Only abourone-third of all Americans have signed a donor card and less than half of those people have told their families about their wishes.

*As recently as 15. years ago, the average stay in the hospital after transplant surgery was two months.

Peru State Management Association

vAn organization open to all students which provides a wide range of activities to enhance members' knowledge in the field of business management - that's the Peru State Management Association.

Peru State Management Association officers include Curt Van Laningham, president; Jim Endorf, treasurer; Shane Vanoene, public relations; Meghan Gilligan, secretary.

This group strives to provide enrichment and experience in developing leadership. One hundred and fifty-five students from area high schools attended a Business Day that was sponsored by this association and other business clubs. The group is also planning a trip to St. Louis with the other business-affiliated organizations.

Meeting times for the Peru State Management Association are the first Thursday and third Tuesday of every month.

Biologv Club

Interested in biological sciences? The Biology Club provides activities for those interested in this field.

Biology Club officers include Aaron McCormick and Julie May, co-presidents; Michael Wonderly, vice-president; Sabine Clapper, secretary; Marlene Oaks, treasurer.

The club has held fundraisers to provide biology scholarships and plans a trip to Columbia College in St. Louis. This field trip would allow the members to check out the school's graduate program, with an entertaining camping trip to follow.

This organization has started cleaning the nature trail behind the Al Wheeler Activity Center and plans on using it as an educational trail.

Beta Beta Beta, a subcommittee, is the college's professional honorary biology fraternity open to junior and senior biology students. Candidates for membership must have aboveaverage grades and plan to continue studying biology.

Meeting times are Wednesdays at noon.

English Club

The English Club encourages worthwhile reading, promotes the mastery of written expression and fosters fellowship among-students specializing in English or literature.

English Club officers include Matt Uher, president; Terry Dugan, vice-president; Freedom Robinson, secretary.

The Times, the official student newspaper of Peru State College, is published once every two weeks by Peru State College students. The Times office is located in the college publication office in the Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260. npinions expressed may not necessarily be those of the entire editorial staff. All letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters, cartoons, articles, and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style.

The Times is printed by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE.

Please send material to: Editor

Peru State Times Campus Mail Peru State College Peru, NE 68421

Jennifer Froeschl


Assistant Editor

Copy Editor

Photo Coordinator

Advertising Manager

Cartoonist Graphics Editor

Terry Dugan Reporters

Chris Raabe

Leigh Calfee

Josh Whitney

Shane Vanoene

Dan Ketelsen

Troy Moraine Advisor

Shanda Hahn

Scott Krichau

Heather Joy Layson

Krys Leeds

Freedom Robinson

Debbie Sailors

Andrea Tee

Matt Uher

Greg Wolfe

Dr. Dan Holtz

This organization's goals include conducting the Silas Summer's writing contest, constructing the Sifting Sands and inviting a significant author to Peru's campus.

On March 13, Michael Carrey, a poet from Iowa, will be reciting his works at Peru State. For further information contact Dr. McCrann, associate professor of English, in Fine Arts 215. Meetings are as needed and will be advertised.

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,Christian Coalition wrong group for rights Finding answers can become an obsession

With the exception of maybe AIDS, we are not supposed to be scared by much in this post-cold war era (maybe add _the IRS to that list). But the scariest thing to come out of the U.S. since Crystal Pepsi seeped out of Iowa this week: the power of the Christian Coalition.

Even though Bob Dole won the caucus, Pat Buchanan, who received over half of the Christian Coalition vote, came out of nowhere to prove God doesn't need $35 million to get second in ,fowa. Maybe that's taking it a bit too far. However; what do we really know about the Christian Coalition, and even with such a large following, does the Coalition represent the will of the people?

It's tough to argue that people in America are against God, but are most people in America against human rights, as the Christian ::'.oalition is?

Rep. Chuck Hurley, a state representative in Iowa, said, "We must hate the wrong doing. We must not hate the wrong doers." He said this in regards to homosexuality, but this seemed to be a motto repeated throughout the speeches of Coalition supporters. So, do we hate robbery but not the robber? I thought that wrongdoings and wrong-doers went hand-in-hand.

Jay Sekulow, an attorney and vocal member of the Coalition, stated in a speech during a Coalition rally on Feb. IO that homosexuality was "evil." During the same speech, he called "same-sex .narriages" the downfall of the "great empires" of Rome, Greece, and even Nazi Germany. Sekulow also said that his cousin was a lesbian, but he doesn't hate her. But, according to Sekulow's way of thinking, isn't she evil? And, aren't good Christians supposed to .ate all that is evil?

These people treat alternative social behavior, as well as criminal ·iehavior, as if Satanic possession were involved. If a consenting 1dult wants to be married to someone of the same sex, will that 1estroy society at its roots like Nazi Germahy was· destroyed? The Christian Coalition says hating same-sex marriages is a case of hating wrong-doing and not the wrong-doer, but maybe, more :ruthfully, it's the American way of creating an Aryan race.

" rising up through the air. Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light " Don't worry. This isn't a retrospective of 20-year-old Eagles' music. However, I must admit a warm fuzzy feeling comes over me whenever I'm welcomed to the classic "Hotel California." I always love asong I know all the words to.

In a recent discussion with some friends, we debated the definition of a word contained in the song. You surely recognize one of those really important discussions. I, certain that I knew the correct meaning, asserted that fact. Instantly contradicted, I stood my ground. My equally-certain opponent held up for a totally different definition an impasse.

Did I mention that I have one of those anally-retentive, obsessivecompulsive, prissy, perfectionist personalities-but in a good way? I like control. I also like to be right. So, the definition of the disputed word became a personal challenge. I wanted to find out what the word meant, and I wanted to be right.

I first consulted my four successively-largerdictionaries-no luck. I noted to myself that perhaps Webster's was due for a letter about this matter. I ventured to the library and looked in the biggest, oldest dictionary and, still, no satisfaction. An

Hicholas residents need their 11 garages11

Imagine you came home one vening and found a stranger parked n your garage. Would you be upset? )f course you would; it's your pri1ate parking space. Nicholas Hall ·sidents feel exactly the same way.

Nicholas Hall, located at the Com•lex, is where married people and/or aose with children can live. More •ke apartments than dorm rooms, Hcholas units have kitchens, and 3.Ch has a private parking space. The

parking spaces are clearly marked and allow easy accessibility for those with children or lots of groceries to carry. The personal parking spaces assigned to Nicholas residents are not free, however. In addition to purchasing a Complex parking permit, residents pay more to live at Nicholas Hall than do others living at the Complex. The rate for living at the Complex is $757 per semester, while Nicholas residents pay $1, 190 for a one-bedroom or $1,445 for a two-

In• tu• it with Debbie Sailors

all-consuming need-to-know burned inside me. I looked at every specialized dictionary I found. I dashed into every bookstore to check out the dictionaries. I asked friends and teachers. How could a word be so elusive?

By now, you might be thinking, "Why doesn't she get a life?" Believe me, I have a life-a life that I regularly neglect for pointless pursuits of this type. I really don't understand why; 1 assume it's some sort of escapism thing-childhood traumas, maybe. I guess I missed that day of Ed. Psych.

But, I digress. You see, I apply the same dogged tenacity to all of my many manias, music holding a top spot. I follow new alternative music as zealously as others follow "All My Children." I tape hours and hours of "120 Minutes" on MTV, as well as "Left of the Dial" and "Basement

Tapes" from the Edge. I read anything and everything about alternative rock music. I spend money on CD's that should go to VISA or Dillard's or-well, the list goes on. I'll hit the road to Omaha or Lincoln to catch an up-and-coming band with a buzz going, knowing full well that an early class awaits me the next morning. I believe that my personal weakness has its advantages. For instance, I know the meaning of lots of words. And, I usually listen to some pretty cool new music-music that makes you say, "yeah that's it." The best part, though, is sharing music picks. Now, some crazy per5on has given me this column.

Therefore, I feel compelled to share. Right now, I'm listening relentlessly to the soundtrack of the movie, "KIDS." This CD offers a pleasinglyeclectic mixture, featuring mainly music by Folk Implosion. I particularly recommend this programming combo, if you can: tracks 3. 4. 5, 7, 9 and 10 (add 6 if you·rc feeling wacky). This is a fur.I-} liuk pick, but it grows on you in a 01g way. Listen for "Natural One," a song from this CD that is just starting to get local radio airplay.

Well, that's it for this time. By the way, does anybody know what "colitas" means?

bedroom unit per semester. Included in this price is the assignment of a private parking spot, a "garage" of sorts.

It is especially troubling when others park in the private spaces, the "garages" of Nicholas Hall residents. Admittedly, there are lots of other parking problems at PSC, but when Nicholas residents come home and find someone parked in their spaces, it is as if they had come home to find a stranger parked in their garage.


exemplifies the Amerjcallspirit-art honest, hard-working person of grity; goOO. character, who has a profound sense of d()itJg gti()d for our nation, families, busfoesses,and one person int\le raCe.\VhO rnade i

J ,_
Dan Ketelsen
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tlJf,(;):60 in thel 996 Presidential election? ; \ t;f'}:;; i. ci •}<···•· •. ••.·•· ·•• •. •Compiled by, Matt .Uher ••··· ·.:. fc · •... . ·.·...... . ·· ., · •· 'Tll vofe 'f()r tfie pt:rson
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has. beeli nc.cotnplished
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Similarities outweigh differences

Members of the Association for Challenged and Enabled Students (ACES) live by the group's motto: Our similarities outweigh our differences. Amy Rut and Shane Buresh epitomize that saying. Rut and Buresh can be placed in the same category as every other Peru State student-ambitious and goal-oriented. Yet, as much as they are like all of us, one fact them from the crowd; both Rut and Buresh are blind.

Many see Rut and Buresh clairvoyantly maneuvering their way around the campus, yet few know much about them except that they are blind. Rut, a senior psychology/sociology/ criminal justice major, hopes to work in marriage and family therapy. Howshe has always been tempted to "'run away and sing." She holds various positions on campus. She is a peer mentor, is president of the Nebraska chapter of the National Federation of the Blind, volunteers for a domestic violen.ce hotline and is of ACES.

While growing up in Nebraska City, Rut was not mainstreamed into the public school until her ninth grade year. During her high school career, Rut was named head cheerleader, participated in track, played piano, sang in swing choir and was a member of the National Honor Society.

Before attending her firSt semester of classes at Peru State, Rut spent part

of her summer practicing and memorizing the campus's concrete trails. "Things just clicked," said Rut, "I had to learn the tricks of the trade." Buresh, a senior secondary education major, hails from Valparaiso and would like to become a professor of math or a teacher of the blind. Buresh currently serves as treasurer of ACES and is an active member in Student

Senate. In additon, Buresh has written a column for the Times.

Although the duo are flesh and blood like us; naturally, their adaptation to live in a world without vision took different routes. Rut learned Braille as a child; Buresh was not taught Braille until his junior year of high school. Both agree their canes are

Harris to speak on "The State of Black America

their eyes. Buresh said that ifhe gets up from a table without his cane, he feels awkward.

motto of ACES. 'The only difference is, I don't have eyesight. It just takes people getting used to it."


John Harris is a native of si. L:ol.1is, MO. Harris is a talented motivational speaker and professional consultant who frequently gives presentations for.colleges, corporations, school districts, community and religious organizations.

Harris will be speaking on Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. in the Coffee House. His presentation will focus on "The State of Black America: past, present, and future."

Harris, who is a graduate of the University of Missouri at Columbia, currently serves as the special assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

Admission is free.


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Rut feels the cane and Braille are vital to her life. "Without Braille, a blind person is illiterate; without a cane, you can't go anywhere independently." Rut, who has been using a cane since she was a young girl, admits, "I hated it when I was

As far as school work is concerned, Rut feels the professors and staff at Peru State have been "incredibly accommodating, accepting and understanding." In particular, Rut points out her experience with math instructor Paul Hinrichs, who little."


"Blindness is a disability, not a handicap," says Buresh, who does not believe in the po1i ticall y correct approach of side-stepping basic realities. 'Tm blind, so I won't ever drive a car."

Without Braille,

a blind person illiterate • • IS Without a cane, you can't go anywhere independently.11

checked out a book on Braille to better understand her and helped Rut by raising mathematical diagrams for her.

"It great! y impressed me." Rut contin-

However, Rut said, "I really

Amy Rut

"Our similarities outweigh our differences," sa.id Buresh, repeating the


ued, "I'· wouldn't have received that kind of treatment at a larger univerthink people with differences need to be treated with respect, even though people may do things differently, they are all the same inside." She added, "Acceptance is better with growth."

Heicn Keller once said, "The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no vision," and although they arc blind, Rut and Buresh have good days and bad days like everybody else. Our similarities outweigh our differences.

Accident claims Oestmann's life i

Continued from page 1

I wish in this article you could hear the voices of those who knew Tyson; - hear the laughter as they talked about good times; hear the emotions as they described Tyson as a person and shared their memories. "He will be greatly missed," states a softspoken

Melissa Rippen, senior psychology/ sociology/criminal justice major.

Tera Stutheit, senior language arts/ secondary education major, remembers spending time with Tyson hanging out in the student center and going to the lake. "If there was something going on in Johnson, Tyson was always around, and he made sure he always had a good time."

Grube, a close friend of Tyson's for the past eight years, recalls Tyson as being pretty laid back. "I couldn't make him mad. Itried, and I couldn't

do it." He described Tyson as full of vigor and very giving. "He was constantly running around. He'd hop out of his truck, he'd run up our I steps, hop in our house."

Tyson had helped with the Johnsoi Brock weightlifting and footbalt: team for the past couple of years. "He went in at six every morningnevcr got paid; nothing. But he loved weightlifting, and he'd go up and have it (the gym) opened up I before the coaches even got there, be there for a couple of hours, then I come to class." said Grube.

As we all reflect on our own I memories, one thought remains prominent; Tyson Oestmann will be I missed. As Rippen said, "Some people knew him better than others, but everyone knew him in a very special way whether it was his smile, his laugh or his hellos "

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committee, sponsors the Council for Exceptional Children and co-sponJoy Dunnigan and Tamara Arthaud sors the Association for Challenged are used to homework. As assistant and Enabled Students. professors of special education, they Teaching full-time and being a fullassign homework almost every day. time student leave Dunnigan little However, Dunnigan and Arthaud of- time for a personal life" She said it is ten receiv_e homework as well. Both difficult "giving 110 percent at Peru teachers are also students working on as well as being a wife, mother, grandtheir Ph.D.'s at the University of Ne- mother and friend." She sometimes braska at Lincoln. feels overloaded.

Dunnigan, who teaches a full load

However, Dunnigan sees many benof classes at Peru State, is also a full- efits to earning her Ph.D. Professiontime student workillg on her Ph.D. in ally, she believes a Ph.D. allows you special education.------------- to better comLast semester she pete for teachspent three days a 11The more you ing positions; it week in Lincoln in knOW, the more is an important addition to teaching piece when apclasses, while this you realize you plying for ten' semester she is in don't know" ure.

process. This commitment to learning finds her teaching a full load of classes at PSC as well as working_ on a research project at UNL. Her Ph.D. will be in special education focusing on assesment testing. She has about two and a half years left to finish her degree Arthaud said, "It's very difficult when you are both teacher and student. Deadlines creep up really quickly, and sometimes it's hard to do as well as you could have done." She also said working oil her Ph.D. means taking money out of her household. Graduate hours can be very expensive.

Lincoln once a day

Personally, and one evening a - Joy Dunnigan Dunnigan looks week. Dunnigan forward to inexpects to finish her degree in about creased knowledge. She said, ''The two years and said, "A year from now more you know, the more you relize I would hope to have the coursework you don't know. There is a tremendone." She must also pass two com- dous responsibility when you teach petency tests and write a dissertation. teachers to give them everything pos-

In addition to her teaching duties, sible to be the very best."

Dunnigan is on the biology search Arthaud sees learning as a life-long

However, Arthaud likes being a student. She finds that she can adopt materials and methods she uses at UNL to her classes at PSC. Believing there is much more she needs to know about special education assessment, Arthaud commented, ''The day you stop learning is the day you should .stop teachin_g."

This life-long commitment to learning is what keeps Arthaud and Dunnigan' going on those busy days when they must both be teacher and student.

Fall 1995 academic honors list announced

· The following is a list of students. who Foster, Stacy received academic honors for the fall Freeze, Robb 1995 school term. To qualify for this Friesz, Debra list, students must have earned at least I;'roeschl, Jennifer a 3. 75 grade point average for the se- Gerdes, James mester. Gerdes, Renae Gibbons, Jean Gibbons, Tracy .lien, Marti Christiansen, Colin Gibbs, Audrey 1Allen, Tami Clapper, Sabine Gibbs, Jenny Anderson, Sheri Converse, Isaac Gifford, Carla Anderson, Tiffany Converse, Gimpel, Sarah Asher, Matthew Cookerly, Rachel Ginley, Erin Barnes, Melzar Cooper, Anna Goodrich, Cinda 'Bartles, Cheryl Cowan, Joshua Graham, Lelania Bashaw, Greggory Crawford, Vanessa Grell, Carey

Bausch, Amy Cromer, Lillian Grotrian, Jay

Bentz, Greg Cross, Alma Guenther, Alicia

Bergemann, Susan Czaplewski, April Tricia , Biggs, Marcia Damrow, Jessica Haughton, Angie

Boeche, Catherine Davis, Brett Haverty, Donna

Boeck, Jami Dills, Cynthia Hawley, Angela

Breazile, Jerry Draper, Jennifer Hawley, Sara

Bremers, Amy Duerfeldt, Jan Hayes, Suzanna

Brentano, Grace Dugan, Terry Heath, Michelle

Bridger, Caroline Dunn, Troy Heese, Scott Brockmap, Mindy Durman, Diane Hemminger, Dawn Bullock, Leslie Scott Eckert, Laura Hersh, Lois

Burchett, Heidi Eckrich, Douglas Hines, Kelsi Burnside, Kelly Ehmen, Sherlyn Holmes, Tiffany

Calfee, Leigh Endorf, James Hoschar, Laura

Callahan, Rachel Endorf, Robert Hotsenpillar, Gina Carlson, Anthony Fey, Kimberly Hunter, Rusty Cave, Amanda Fichter, Kyle Hypse, Amber Chandler, Jamie Findlay, Susan Ibero, Jacqueline Chaney, Debora (Abele) Flaugh, Jamie Iler, Everett Christen, Joan Fossenbarger, Jeffrey Jansky, Jody

Jennerman, Rachel Jirsa, Steven Johnson, Clarisa Johnson, Shane Johnson, Susan Jordan, Jo Ann Jorgensen, Phyllis Jorn, Douglas Junker, Dus-k Junker, Mark Kelley, Lori Kelsay, Laura Kildow Michelle King, Curtis Kirkendall, Heidi Knippelmeyer, Ryan

Koskela, Anna Kreifels, Kristina Krichau, Scott Krill Jr., Thomas Kuhlmann, Michele Lane, Michelle Lemay, Fawn Lockwood, William Lottman, Brent Lowery, Laura Lunsford, Mary Mackey, Monta Maher, Nick Marteney, Jeremy Martin, Colonie Martin, Daniel May, Dawn Mccaslin Jr., Fred McCormick, Aaron McGooden, Shane Mcintyre, John

McQueen, Caralyn McVay, Caroline

Meinecke, Rebekah

Meyers, Rachel

Miller, Dawn

Miller, Josh

Miller, Nicole

Milligan, Kimberlee

Mincer, Colleen

Moore, Tyler

Morris, Andrea

Moyer, Conda

Munson, Miisti

Myers, Carrie

Nanse, Melanie

Nanse, William

Nelson, Kenya

Nielsen, Bethany

Nykodym, Julie

O'Brien, Aaron

Oaks, Marlene

Ogle, Scott

Olberding, Pamela

Oliver, Wendy

Ortmeier, Cari

Orton, Julie

Othmer, Lisa

Owen, Lora

Parde, Lisa

Parsons, Jonna

Patterson, Duncan

Perkins, Seth

Plummer, Andrew

Prante, Jason

Pryor, Jeremy

Ptacek, Genevieve

Quijas, Carl

Rahko, Kjel

Reed, Teresa

Reuter, Matthew

Rhodus, Sheila

Rice, Terry

Rider, Bryan

Rife, Jeffrey

Riley, Holly

Roddy, John

Roever, Stacey

Rohman, Kirk

Rolf, Karen

Romine, Kimberly

Root, Wesley

Russell-Cropp, Brenda

Rut, Amy

Sailors, Debbie

Santo, Sara

Sawyer, Michael

Sayer, Amy

Schelbitzki, Stacy

Scott, Teresa

Shafer, Denys

Shanks, Terri

Shaughnessy, Sean

Shorney Jr., Jerry

Sinram, Kent

Slama, Susan

Slattery, Jennifer

Somerhalder, Suzanne

Steele, Gina

Steiner, Marilyn

Stewart, Mary

Stuhr-Reeves, Autumn

Stukenholtz, Gretchen

Stuthman, Ida

Swanson, Jason

Sweley, Shawn

Thompson, Lester

Thompson, Rachelle

Tiedt, John

Topscher, Raymond

Townsend, Shannon

Tramp, Terry

Trimmer, Leo

Troutman, Jayme

Turner, Michelle

Twitchell, Michael

Van Der Kamp, Barbara

Van Laningham, Curtis

VanMeter, Lanette

Vetter, Nicole

Vice, Daniel

Vogel, Kevin

Volkmer, Amanda

Walker, Andrea Ward, Kelly

Wehrbein, Tracie

Wendland, Monica

Whittington, Tressa

Whorlow, Tait

Wieser, Stacee

Williams, Audra

Williams, Larry

Williams, Stacy

Williams, Stephanie

Witte, Laura

Wonderly, Dawn

Wonderly, Michael Zimmerman, Christina Zimmerman, Darcy

Deadline for Times #8


FORMER COMMENTATOR PAT BUCHANAN come in a ven; close second to Bab Dole in the Iowa caucus this past Mondav. His strong finish in Iowa and a win in Louisiana gives Buchanon momentum heading into next week's New Hampshire

This information was taken from a Flyer on the candidates compiled by the Christian Coalition. Candidates were sent Q form and asked to respond to the Lamar Pat issues listed below.

El•ct1 I

The presidential primaries enter the 1996 year representing lo man; a c:hancc: to make a difference in the way our country is run, bur for others, the •:vent is as welcome as a fox in a hen house. The Iowa caucuses climaxed on Monday, and theTimes was in Des Moines to cover the first major step to the White House. •·

During our travels, we visited Lamar Alexander's headquarters, attended i the signing of the "Marriage Protection Resolution'' and inhaled the election J atmosphere. However, our first goal focused on finding out exactly how a caucus works.

Unlike a primary, a caucus represents a more organizational approach to -electing officials. Four stages must be completed qcfore any candidates win delegates from a state's caucus. During the first stage of the precinct caucus. before precinct delegates are elected, a straw poll is taken to, basically, judge the overall feel of whom the voters would vote for in a primary. The results of the straw poll, seemingly, would be the same as those of the election of delegates, but sometimes, strategy plays a role in electing district delegates.

In another example, if Dole had little support, his existing supporters could vote for a district delegate who represents a candidate who feels the same on issues as Dole. To clarify, Jenny White supports Alan Keyes because Keyes opposes a flat tax. Jenny is also aware that Keyes has very little chance of picking up enough votes for a delegate. She then could give her support to Lamar Alexander's delegate, who also opposes a fla: tax and has mure of a chance of being elected. If the flat tax issue is the oniy one importam to her. either candidate would be useful to represent her views. This does not stop Jenny from voting for Keyes in the straw poll, which is used primarily for media purposes.

After the straw poll is taken.a pre-determined number of delegates arc elected to. the county convention where they will be able. to elect 10 the district caucus. These prccincl Jelegaics, in a way, represent the presidential candidates because, no matter who wins the straw pt1lls, these vote however they wish.

For example, Jeff Davis, a Bob Dole supporter, w•mls to be a dciegatc for his precinct. He makes it very clear to those who vote in the precincr I hat Jeff is a Dole supporter, and if elected delegate. he wili use his vote in future stages of the caucus for Dole. Ir Dole would happen to drop out ol 1he race, he can still vote for Dole, or he can vote for an existing candidate. His vote, or that of any other delegate is not sci in stone after the precinct caucus. Then,the members of the precinct then discuss what they feel should be included in the party's platform. The platform wili be debated on all levels of the process.

On March 23, the county convemion takes place. ln this part of the election process, all steps taken in the precinct caucus are repeated with the exception of the straw poll vote.

A month later, the district caucuses are held, and during this time, three people are elected to serve on the state central committee. This committee is the governing body for the political party and has a great deal of influence on the selection of candidates as well as the distribution of campaign funds.

Finally, in the middle of June, the state convention is held. Herc, state delegates are elected to the national convention, the state party platfom1 is discussed and adopted and two presidential-at-large electors are elected.

Are you still confused? You may just be nom1al. All parliamentary procedures aside, the straw poll dominates the focus on the Iowa caucus. All candidates get their feet wet in Iowa, and the rest of the nation looks on to find out what the candidates believe. As for those registered to vote in Nebraska,"''' the candidate is traditionally chosen before the May primary.

Balanced Budget Amendment Sup orts Supports

Flat RateFederol Income Tax Opposes Supports

Increased Dependent Child Tax Exemption Undecided Supports

Religious Freedom Amendment Su or ts Su or ts

Prohit Abortion Opposes Supports

(Exception: Danger to Mother's life)

Prohibit Abortion Supports Opposes

(Exception: Rope, Incest. Mother's Life)

Stop Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood Supports Supports

Parental Rights Act Su orts Su Orts

Parental Choice in Education (Vouchers) Su

Abolish U.S. Deportment of Education Su Orts orts

Privatize Notional Endowment for the Arts Supports Supports

'Prohibit Pornogrophv on the Internet Opposes Supports

Reverse "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Govs in Militorv Supports Supports

Term limits for Congress Supports Supports

Abolish Congressional Pension Svstem Su or ts Su or ts

Bob Dole Supports

Undecided Supports Supports Opposes Supports Supports Su Orts Supports Su orts Supports Supports Supports Supports Undecided

Steve Forbes Supports Supports Supports Supports Opposes Opposes

No Response Su orts Supports Su orts Supports Supports Unclear Supports Supports

PICTURE NOT AVAILABLE Opposes Su orts Supports Opposes Supports Su Su Su Supports 0 oses Supports Supports Su orts

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Who has the right?

(Top) Dan Ketelsen and protestors from the Iowa chapter of "Expose the Right" gathered ous1de the First Federated Church in Des Moines, IA to voice their concerns regorcJ1ng the "Marriage Protection i'-1esolution." (left) The "Marriage Protection Resolution" was written bv member:; of a notional campaign and founded to "continue to re· serve the special sanction for one man and one woman.as husband and wife" (Right) A Christion coalition gathers to denounce same-sex marriages. Members init1tioted the fight for support of the resolution.

Fight to pnJtect marriage begins in Iowa

On Feb. 10, three c: ·:dictates attended the kick-off of the ::::ampaign to Protect the Sanctity of Marria:.•; at First Federated Church in Des Moines. L Master of Ceremonies, Bill Horn, called ti• campaign the "fight to begin the legal defini: m of marriage."

After giving a brief spc. :h, Ambassador Alan Keyes, Pat Buchanan .d Sen. Phil Gramm signed the "Marriage Pro<:;ction Proclamation," which was written by m::mbers of the national campaign. The documc: stated, "Marriage is an essential element ir :he foundation of a healthy society govem1 ·. :nt has a duty to protect that foundation."

The resolution also s.: gests that "the state should not legitimize he: :sexual relationships by legalizing :c1arriage' but should continue io reserve cial sanction for one man and one woman as '· isband and wife.''

This campaign was hr ght about by actions in the legislature of Ha :i calling for a statewide vmc. on whether c '.ens of Hawaii want to recognize "same-sc." ;arriages.'' Hawaii Senator Mike Gabbard•· ed, "Homosexuality is promoted in society'" glorified in pop culture. If we allow horn· :xual marriages, we open a Pandora's box th:: vill be impossible to close.·· ln concluding h1 peech, Gabbard held homosexuals responsibi !or "behavior that's destroying themselves:• ·.veil as society.''

Chief Council for theAmcrican Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow, called homosexuality "evil" and "a pagan culture.'' Sekulow, who appears occasionally on The Family Channel's "The 700 Club," called this issue "more significant than any trial I've ever faced in the Supreme Court."

"No culture has ever surviv'·'d with 'same-sex marriages,"' Sekulow stated. using the Roman Empire, Greece, and even NJ;•i Germany as his examples. Sekulow added, "Some people say we're in a post-Christian era: I prefer to say we are in a pre-Christian era."

After Sekulow's speech. an offering was taken, ancl two letters were read. One was from Sen. Bob Dule, who stated he fully supported the resolution, but thought it "does not go far enough." Another letter, from Gov. Lamar Alexander. said that Alex:wJcr endorses the resolution, but contrary to the resolution's statement, AJc);ander stated we need "less from Washington and more from ourselves" in all areas.

In addition to the sche(L:kd guests, some guests showed up to state r:. :,. concerns. The Iowa chaprer of "Expose th.: Right" picketed outside the ciiurch in the mi( ·:t of a brisk north wind. The assembled group;· mned a line from one end of rhe church to the: ·lher.

·Organization kev to campaign 1r1 Alexander comp

Campaigns are won or lost through organization. Does the ·1ndidate have enough volunteers on the phones? Are they :al!ing enough? The Lamar Alexander camp was kind enough g open their headquarters to us for a few hours, and what we _aw may surprise you.

As we stepped into the reception area of the Alexander head;uarters, it was evident the occupants were temporary. The ,round level hosted desks and computers as well as eraser boards md at least two telephones per room. The walls were covered ·:ith pieces of paper where each piece contained the names of 1ossible Alexander constituents in every district in Iowa.

The upstairs of the building looked as if it was still under onstruction. Carpet appeared occasionally on the wood-covred floor and the monotony of space was broken up only by he occasional telephone, and someone was always on the tele·hone. We entered the room where Alexander promotional (plaid shirts, video tapes, stickers, buttons) were housed.

According to Alexander volunteer, Michael O'Tool, two 1eeks ago, the room, as well as the adjacent.room, was filled .\ the top with boxes of these items. Now, a few boxes remain :upplies were running low with two days until the caucus

Good news entered the Alexander camp the day before when 1ey were informed they had won the Iowa high school elecons over Bob Dole by 2300 votes. This vote involved juniors nd seniors from high schools all over the state. The hope is .at the children talk to the parents and swing a few more votes .lexander's way to add to his slowly rising figures. In Decem:er, six percent of the voters favored Alexander, and that numer has increased to 15 percent just two days before the elecon. Volunteers will use all of these figures to persuade voters J Alexander's side.

Everyone working at the headquarters is in a constant state of 1otion, and it's look out or get run over in the hallways. Withut a strong showing in Iowa and New Hampshire, the camaign will end, and life will return to normal for the volunteers. ut, on Tuesday morning, Alexander says good-bye to Iowa !ith hopes to return someday soon to face President Clinton.

Run for #l

,.. (Right) Signs and banners ore kel) for name recognition. ond the windows of the Alexander rnm 1 J are fu!i of them. (Bottom) Michael O'Tooi makes sure evervthing runs smoothlv during the fi· nal few davs of the Iowa caucuses.

• • ur 1v1n
the lo

PSC Flag Corps turns into Winter Guard

Way back in August, the Peru State College Flag Corps began rehersals along with the marching band for their 1995 performance season.

When the Bobcat football season ended, so did the Marching band season. But the Flag Corps kept on ·working, under the guise of the PSC Winter Guard.

The eight-member group is under the direction of Cheryl Fryer, PSC director of bands. Jami Boeck, sophmore, elementary education major, serves as its coordinator.

According to Boeck, the group does exhibition performances at area high schools and during high school drill team competitions. In addition, the

Ambassadors vital for recruiting

Think back. Do you remember thai strapping young stud (or studette) who escort.ed you across this beautiful campus., talking up the professors, bragging about the dorms, easing your fears? Was that person the same one who called you up, psyched you up and got you here. Consider the impact that person has had on the beginning of your young adulthood.

Rarely recognized, except maybe by a vague "hey, I think I know that guy," the ambassadors play a vital role in Peru State College's recruitment. "We do a lot of work we don't get credit for," said Sara Anton, junior, secondary special education, speech/drama major.

According to Russell Crouch, sophomore, secondary speech/drama/ history education major, the role of an ambassador includes leading potential PSC students on a tour around campus. During this time they answer any questions the person might have about PSC, discuss activities available at Peru and escort them to necessary meetings. "I like the college, so it's very easy for me to tell people about it," said Crouch.

According to Marcy Grace, admissions counselor, ambassadors are required to work two days a week and

two weekends a semester. Tour times are Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and occasionally on weekends. If a tour is not scheduled during the assigned times, the ambassadors spend that time doing office work.

Besides tours, ambassadors are obligated to ·attend two meetings a semester with the admissions office to discuss ways to generate new and larger tours, said Grace. They also help organize orientations and New Student Weekend. The Ambassadors just finished planning Principal/ Counselor Day.

The ambassador program is run by the admissions office, and there is a handbook that all the ambassadors must follow. An ambassador must be a sophomore and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. After filling out an application, the candidate is interviewed and required to give a tour of campus-the final step in the interview process.

The ambassadors for the 19951996 year include Vic David, psychology/sociology major; Kim Fey, elementary & special education major; Crouch; Anton; Marcy Eddinger, junior; Spencer Duncan, senior; Melissa Rippen, senior; and alternate Tonia Boller,senior. -..;

"' America. n Heart Association


Hypnotist .scheduled to perform at. PSC

Dr. Jim Wand, hypnotist, will be performing Thursday, Feb. 22 at 8 p.m. in the College Theatre. His show is primarily based on audience participation and will include humor, expert educational techniques and self-help tips.

Wand has to his credit over 4000 professional performances and has hypnotized over 500,000 people

Wand has worked with celebrities such as The Seattle Supersonics, Jay Leno, Cheap Trick, and Sinbad. He's been nominated for novelty/entertainer of the year 10 vears in a row.

While You Were

group perfored at a men's home basketball game on Feb. 6. Typically, they present a five to seven minute performance to pre-recorded musical accompaniment.

"It gives our young group some ad-· ditional experience, and we hope it serves as a recruiting technique for us, too," Boeck said. "We hope others see us and choose to join us after they enroll at Peru State."

Winter Guard members include (clockwise from top left) Jami Boeck, Rachel Callahan, Cindy Wingert, Amy Inman, Lou Ann Steinkamp, Heidi Rekart, Kristi Witherspoon, and Katy Gilbert.

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E ACAPPELLA GROUP 'REGENCY' performed on Feb. 6 at the College Theatre. y CAB as part of Blcick History month. :photo by Chris Raabe ··
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Calendar of Events for February Intramural cagers' vie for tourney spots

16- Principal/Counselor Day at PSC 16 - Applications for May Graduation Due

21 - John Harris, motivational speaker workshop, 7 p.m., Student ·Center

22 - Engineering and Technical Fair-UNL

22 - Hyptonist Jim Wand 8 p.m., College Theatre

22 -, Student Recital 11 a.m., Benford Recital Hall

27 - CAB Spring Pool Tourney, Game Room, Student Center

29 - High School Business Contest, T. J. Maj01-s

Cinema Classics

All films are shown in the Coffee House located in the basement of the Student Center. All films start at 7 p.m.

19 - "Goodfellas" (Robert DeNiero, Joe Pesci)

21-"Ta Dona"-"Fire" (Mali)

26 - "Ketta-The Heritage of the Groit" (Burkina Faso)

28 - "Blue Kite" (China)

Intramural Activities

Basketball continues through --"'"


17 - Video Game Challenge, Student Center

26 - Euchre (Registration)

28 - Euchre Tourney,

Sneakers are being blown out, blisters are accumulating and players are acquiring traits of a vacuum, sucking air like a Hoover! Intramural men's basketball has definitely started off with a bang, a bump and- a bruise or two. ·

These weekend warrior athletes are giving it their all. Some of the combatants are in tip-top shape running the court, while others haven't even made it past half court. It's not varsity basketball as Peru State varsity teams go, but it's as close as some of these warriors can or want to get.

Play began Jan. 25. The Western and Eastern divisions are hard at work, jockeying for team seeding in the tournament. There have been a lot of close games, a few blow outs and an overtime game. The 50-point mercy rule has only been used once.

"It's both fun and competitive, but come tournament time, it will be all business," said Jamie Stinson, a sophomore majoring in health and physical education.

David Teske, Peru State's intramural director, is very happy with the sportsmanship displayed by most of the teams; however. two teams are borderline with a 2.5 and a 2.344 on the rating system.

''The teams are very conscious and making a great effort to be aware of the opponents and the referee's."

The rating system seems to be working well as arguments and trash-talking have been minimized. 'The referees are doing a great job and the rating system is all right," said Ben Tilley, a freshman majoring in special education.

In other intramural news, Rhonda Jilg and Kristina Kreifels beat

Matt Asher and Jeff Wusk in the IO-point pitch tournament on Wednesday, Jan. I. Congratulations, girls, you showed those boys that diamonds are a girl's best friend.

The co-rec basketball season is imminent, so stay tuned for further information.


For you intramural basketball gambling fans, I have gazed into my crystal ball to catch a glimpse of the intramural future.

Rosenberg to speak during women's history month·

Ellen Rosenberg will be speaking at a brown bag educational luncheon on March 4 at noon in the Bur Oak room of the Student Center. She

, will primarily discuss sensitivity issues.

As a popular speaker, she's presented at the following conferences: state and national health, drug abuse prevention, sexuality, and other edu: cational conferences. Rosenberg has also appeared on many radio and television talk shows and has been featured in newspapers across the United States.

Her programs for school districts, community and professional organizations, and college and university audiences are nationally acclaimed. Her presentations to more than half a million students; staff and parents in forty-five states have established her as one of the foremost authorities on the real issues facing today's young people.


A gift from the heart

At this time of year, the cold winter days tend to drag, and the sunny days of springtime seem a long way off. But you can warm up your days in little more than an hour by giving a gift from the heart: the gift of blood. Every day someone needs blood. In fact, every minute patients in the United States use more than 38 units of blood or blood components. An ample supply must be .on the shelf when it's needed. In our area, the Red Cross must collect 2,100 units each week to meet the need for blood and help support the nationwide Red Cross blood system. ·

'·Pool NOW FO ._... ,

ter on March 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Misti Munson at 872-3084 to make an appointment.

If you're healthy, age 17 or older and weigh at least 106 pounds, you can donate blood as often as every 56 days. Please call today and make an appointment. By doing so, you'll warm up your days and help someone in need by giving a gift from the heart.




Every Saturday

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The bloodmobile will be in Peru at the Peru State College Student Cen-
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25 - at Kansas

Wesleyan (1:00 p.m.)

March 2 - vs. Kansas

Wesleyan (1:00 p.m.)

-3 --vs-.-Hastings-{1:60-p.m.t

6- at Rockhurst (1:00 p.m.)

9 - vs. Dana (1:00 p.m.)

Women's Basketball

17 - vs. Midland

Lutheran (7:00 p.m.)



2&3 - at William

-Woods--Glassic6 - at Dana (4:00 p.m.)

8&9 - at Kansas

Wesleyan Invite

12 - Briar Cliff (2:30 p.m.)

Red hot Bobcats ready for crunch time

Head men's basketball coach John Gibbs summed up his team's play in five words, "We are playing really well.". __ _ Assistant coach Fredd Ward added that the team has finally "come together," and he has really noticed how the plays are happening naturally with the players reacting, rather than thinking.

The Bobcats routed Bellevue on the Bruins home floor Feb. I. Peru State forced 24 Bellevue turnovers, led by Greg Thompson's five steals.

Five players reached double figures for the 'Cat cagers. Demarcus Johnson hit for 21 to lead all scorers.

Tom Riley buried four treys to finish with 14 tallies. Thompson; Lance Cohn and Lawrence Hollier chipped in 16, 15 and 10 points respectfully.

On Feb. 4, the Bobcats had five players in double digits but had to rally to win a 72- 70 thriller at Doane. Thompson dished out 11 assists to go with his 13 points.

Inside the last 30 .Seconds of the game, Thompson and Cohn hit one of two, on consecutive trips to the line, to insure the Bobcat victory.

An I 8-2 second half run erased a 14-point deficit. as Peru State upended Park College 8 I- 77 in front of the Wheeler Center crowd on Feb. 6. Thompson poured in 25 points, while Riley put the biscuit in the basket for 24.

Hollier was chairman of the boards, pulling down IO rebounds, while Cohn pulled down nine caroms off the glass. Clutch free throw shooting-iced

Intramural Player of the Year Candidate

8y Chris Raab.

The list of Intramural Player of the Year candidates has expanded to four. Rhonda Jilg and Kristina Kreifels have been named co-finalists for the dubious award.

Jilg and Kreifels are sophomores. Jilg is seeking a degree in accounting, while Kreifels is majoring in biology. The two recently vanquished all opponents in an intramural pitch tournament.

The tandam staved off a late game comeback to grab the champiQnship, but it wa5 the first game that proved to be the most dramatic. On the last hfil!d, the pair shot the moon for the win. Kreifels commented, "Our superior wisdom won us the game."

Kreifels stated, 0 We loved rocking the boys." Jilg and Kreifels, who are roommates, comprised ·the only women's team entered into the competition. It was a Cinderella story; this darkhorse duo surprised the 10point pitch world in grand fashion.

Jilg was honored to be selected for the pillar of intramural acheivements saying, "The Intramural Player of the Year Award takes competition to a heightened level."

Kreifels views the nomination as a great experience. "Because of this noII).ination, my competitiveness will be increased," stated Kreifels.

The twosome has competed in wiffleball and sand volleyball but looks to take water volleyball by storm. The pair wants to send a message to the rest of the intamural community. The pair said, "Just remember, women always end up on top!"

the win down the stretch.

The 'Cats are coming together at a perfect time. They have won three of their last four games and are looking sharp for the play-offs.

The tournaments are right around the corner. Thompson, the Bobcat's point guard said "It has come down to crunch time. One loss and we're out." But he also added how well practice has been going and how practice will pay off.

Shooting guard Riley looked back over the entire season and said, "We've been practicing hard since September, and there is no way that any of us are going to roll over now." He also went on to say, "We've been having a lot of positive things happen in practice, and I think that all the hard work will carry over into the play-off games."


State 81 Pork 77 college men

Park (13-10)

Bethea 5-20 2-2 17, Bologna 4-6 1-

2 12, Laidler 0-2 0-0 0, Logan Jr. 3-3

2-2 8, O'Neil 7-18 1-2 20, A. Taitte 0-1 0-2 0, B. Taitte 8-15 4-5 20, Youngblood 0-10-00. Totals 27-67 10-15 77.

Peru State

Daniell 0-10-00, Thompson 8-14


Raabe recollects about hot dog relays

Ah, spring is in the air. The melted

greater than that of any professional coaches bring information, differing snow gives way to mud, puddles and skipper. The philosophy, however, is views and overlooked options. Tom big 18-wheelers throwing splotches Ti basically the same. listens to all. If an assistant coach and · of crap all over my windows. I never I WO A coach must have confidence, re- a head coach cannot put aside differremember to fill my window wash- spect for the players, but most of all, ences for the good of the team, the ing fluid, until I hit the wipers and

communication and understanding. squad plays to Jose. Communication smear the tar across my windshield. Communication is a key to the func- creates vents to release tension, but it Spring brings back good memories, •th tioning of a team. It is a universal also creates a lifeline all teams need too. My mind floats back to the hazy WI necessity from tee-ball to the profes- to have to survive. recollection of baseball. America's • sional circuit. I was fortunate as a child-athlete. , pastime revitalizes the nutrients oflife

Chris Aaa be

Many coaches go through a time of My father coached, along with about I had lost during the harsh winter anal retentiveness. This usually· eight other fathers. I am not kidding. ' months. Quintin's bat exploding after making comes about due to the Jack of corn- When I played soccer, we had as ; Summer will soon follow and with conta<.:t with the baseball. And who municati·on with players, coaches or many coaches as players. There were / it comes the little league baseball sea- could ever forget the "Hot Dog" re- both. No one knows everything about a lot of differing views but no probson. I can see vivid pictures coming lays in the dugout. the game. - !ems. The communication of ideas : back to me now Brian racing from I have coached this interesting phe- Knowledge of sports cannot be re- was handled properly, and no prob- , third base to first base after a catch, nornena we affectionately call "Little ceived through osmosis from books. !ems ever arose. Adults should be but not taking the normal route. He League." The mental challenge of Itisn'tasevenstepprocessor 12-step able to handle that. Except for the raced straight across the mound. Or dealing with 12 fourth graders is process. Coaching intelligence time when Roger's morn yelled in 1 springs eternal from experience, clin- Tagallan (language of the Philippines) ' ics,otherperson'sviewsandtheabil- at some poor mid-fielder who ity to change. None of these possible knocked Roger unconscious in one of without communication. our games at the YMCA. She is his

MvTom Osborne docs not make every morn, though. Moms can get away decision on his own. Assistant with that. But that is another story.

discount per game with student l.D.

10 '-.
LANCE COHN (42) SKIES FOR TWO POINTS in an 81-77 win over Park College on Feb. 6. The victory keeps the 'Cats in the hunt for a home game in the regional tournament. -photo by Chris Raabe
25, Norman 0- l 0-0 0, Riley l 019 0-0 24, Gibbs 0-2 0-0 0, Johnson 3-4 5-6 11, Caldwell 0-0 0-1 0, Cohn 2-6 4-5 8, Hollier 6-12 1-1 l 3, Crockett 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 29-62 1422 81.
Big Hardee Burger Comb· $2.99 1010 11th St. Auburn, NE

Troubo set to ride off into Lone Ronger 1 s sunset

"Jen Trouba has definitely been a eader. She is an individual who has ed more by her example than by .vords," said coach Tara Kreklau, who 1as coached the Lady Bobcat Basket·all team for the past two years.

Trouba, an elementary education najor from Lincoln, is the only se,ior on this year's squad. She has 1iayed for the Bobcats for the past ·our years and has been a powerful nfluence on the team.

Last year, she made 46 percent of ier shots, averaging 4.7 points and 4.8 ebounds per game. Towering at a ieight of six feet, she had 17 blocks.

"I believe that leadership is a ne:essity to achieve successful team mity. As the lone senior this year, I new that I would need to step up and ,e a leader," said Trouba, who is a :o-captain on this year's team.

The players and coaches have seen his leadership shining through. "Jen , a player who can always be counted m by players and \:Oaches," Kreklau aid. "She has been an absolute pleaure to coach. She has a great atti:ide and work ethic."

Angie Hubach, who shares the co.3.ptain role with Trouba, also menioned, "As the only senior, she has tepped up and shown her dedication >Y giving her all in practice and in ;ames."

Trouba seems pleased with her per':Jrmance during her years at Peru )tate. Most importantly, she says that he has gained a greater sense of re:ponsibility and now realizes that ·ard work and dedication pay off.

As for the remainder of the season, frouba remains optimistic. "I think hat we've worked more as a team )nee the Christmas break. We've .een a lot of improvement that I hope viii continue through the remainder if the regular season and in our postplay," she said.

Trouba's last home game will be tonorrow at 7:0Q in the Wheeler Cener. The Bobcats host Midland.

Bobcats come up on short end of thriller with Grandview

Despite two recent losses, coach Tara Kreklau believes that "Now, more than ever, we will surprise some people when we hit the play-offs."

The Bobcats first fell to the powerful Doane Lady Tigers. "We were down by only nine points at the half," commented coach Tara Kreklau, "but we couldn't keep up the intensity." The Tigers, who are ranked number one in NAIA division II, beat the Bobcats 88-67.

The ladies then experienced a difficult loss to Grand View (IA), losing by only one point. Celeste Nolte stepped up to drain a three-pointer from way downtown, drawing the foul to boot. The charity toss gave Peru State a one-point lead with 12 ticks left on the clock. However, a Viking bucket with six seconds left handed the 'Cats a 64-63 loss. The Bobcats had three seconds to get off a shot for the win, but the inbound pass was deflected; the 'Cats never got a last shot off.

"They're still practicing hard and enthusiastically. We are still continuing to improve," commented Kreklau.

"I think that our main strength, going into the end of the season, is our strong sense of team unity," said junior, Jill Schulte. "If this continues, we should see success in the remaining games and during the play-offs."

Nolte, a freshman addition at semester, continues to be a strong force for the Bobcats and was recently named NAIA Division II Regional Player of the Week.

Grandview 64 PSC 63 Hastings 72 PSC 61

COACH TERA KREKLAU (RIGHT) CREATES A STRATEGY, while Shannon Townsend Celeste Nolte (52). Tammie Dodge (24). Jennifer Troubo (42) and Jill Schulte (12) heed their skipper's commands in recent cager action at the Al Wheeler Activitv Center. -photo bV Chris Raabe JILL SCH!.JLTE (12) FUES INTO YOUR LAP during a 71-66 victorv over visiting Dano on Jon. 29. -photo bv Oiris Raabe
Maaske 10-23 2-3 22, Knipplemeyer 4-10 0-0 9, Divis 2-5 0-0 4, Slominski 1-2 0-0 2, Uldrich 2-8 0-0 4, Wilson 3-5 2-2 8, Sorensen 5-12 0-0 IO, Barrett 3-8 2-3 8, Bredesen 1-3 0-0 2, Plucker 5-8 5-6 15, Van Engen 0-0 1-2 I, Seier 1-2 00 2. Totals 37-89 12-16 87. Peru State (8-15) Schulte 6- II 3-4 15, Christiansen 3-II 0-0 7, Townsend 1-5 0-0 2, Warner 0-5 1-2 I, Dodge 1-6 0-0 3, Hubach4-7 1-2 9, Petry 7-12 0-0 17, Trouba 1-3 0-0 2, Nolte 5-7 2-2 12. Totals 28-67 7-10 68. college women Grandview (14-9) Schaben 4-5 0-0 9, Van Pelt 1-6 00 2, Janning 2- 7 0-0 4, Westcott 1-4 0-02, Rogers4-6 l-3 9,A. Bricker 12 0-0 2, Yauk 1-8 3-45, S. Bricker23 0-0 4, Delger II-19 0-0 27. Totals 27-61 4-7 64. Peru State (8-16) Schulte 3-3 1-1 7, Townsend 2-4 44 8, Dodge 0-0 0-0 0, Hubach 5-14 1-6 II, Petry 6- II 0-0 14, Trouba 3-9 0-0 6, Pride 0-0 0-0 0, Nolte 5-10 3-6 14. Totals 25-54 10-20 63.
women Hastings College Fleming 1-6 0-0 3, Melander0-2 00 0, Lemonds 1-5 0-0 2, Berry 0-0 00 0, Hargens 5-7 2-4 12, Cambrelen 0-0 0-0 0, Williams 9-18 1-2 19, Folkerts 0-0 0-0 0, Kubik 5-1 I 0-0 15, Johnson 0-0 0-0 0, Schacht 0-0 0-0 0, Folts 8-18 5-6 21. Totals 29-67 8-12 72. Peru State (8-17) Schulte 2-4 3-5. 7, Christiansen 415 0-1 11, Townsend 0-5 2-3 2, Warner 1-2 0-0 2, Hubach 0-8 0-0 0, Petry 4-15 2-2 14, Trouba 5-8 5-6 15, Pride 0-0 0-0 0, Nolte 5-8 0-1 IO. Totals 21-65 12-18 61.
college women Doane (22-4)

Squirrelson wins

Treelon, Saskatatchewan-Lord

Alvin Squirrelson, squirrel poet laureate, has won the Nobel Prize for Animal Based Literature.

In his acceptance speech, Squirrelson called for an end to the Squirrel-Rabbit war that is destroying both the squirrels and the land. "We must strive-strive, I say-to become one for our crying children's sake. All my long life, this ethno-species war has devastated minds and lives that may never be repaired. Wow, this thing's heavy."

Half a tree, half a tree,

Half a tree onward,

All in the wood of Death

Scampered the six hundred.

"Forward the Squirrel 6rigade!"

Charge for the nuts!" he said.

Into the wood of Death ·

Scampered the six hundred.

"Forward the Squirrel Brigade!"

Was there a squirrel dismayed?

Not though the soldier knew

Someone had blundered.

Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die.

Into the wood of Death

Scampered the six hundred.

Rabbits to right of them,

Rabbits to left of them, Rabbits in front of them

Thumpered and thundered;

Stormed at with shot and shell, Boldly they scampered well, Into the jllws of Death, Into the mouth of hell

Scampered the six hundred.

According to Nobel juror and world non-human mammal literature critic John Musafa, the deciSion was difficult to make.

"It's not one of those things where you give a squirrel the award.this year because a rabbit or a wombat won last year. We judge on merit, not species."

When asked if the allegations of Musara accepting a bribe in exchange for the award were true, Musafa said, "That's preposterous," as he rode into the night in a jet black)aguar with ·three hookers in the passengers' seats.

Flashed all their acorns bare, Flashed as they turned in air Sabering the rabbits there, Charging and army, while All the wood wondered.

Plunged in the firey-smoke

Right through the line they broke; Running 'round the rabbits

Reeled from the acorn-stroke

Shattered and sundered. Then they scampered back, but not, Not the six hundred.

Rabbits to right of them, Rabbits to left of them, Rabbits behind them

Thumpered and thundered; Stormed at with shot and shell, While the heroes fell, They that had fought so well Came through the jaws of Death, Back from the mouth of hell, All that was left of them, Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?

0 the wild charge they made! All the wood wondered. Honor the charge they made! Honor the Squirrel Brigade, Noble six hundred!

Black Sheep not Baaaa

In Real News issue #6, we inadvertently misspelled William S. Burroughs' last name. Hey, we were all screwed up at the time. We read the book, and well, there's really no excuse, I guess. Sorry, it won't happen again. The misspelling that is. We'll keep reading books.

course, he fails, and Farley gets his was too much like Tommy Boy. Chris picture taken while drinking alcohol Farley is a very funny man and did a When I saw the new movie Black with a group of kids, but he is just good job in this movie, as did David Sheep, my expectations were high; teaching the kids a lesson not to drink. Spade. But I think they would do the result was Tommy Boy 2. Chris Farley and Spade end up in a cabin better with a new story instead of Farley and David Spade are back in the woods, and even then, Farley having them going around and makagain giving much of the same laugh- finds ways to ruin his brother's cam- ing fools of themselves and then solv ter as in Tommy Boy, their first major paign. The person whom Farley's ing everything that has gone wrong motion picture together. brother is running against gets pie- in the movie.

The movie starts with Farley's tures of Farley supposedly starting a If you are really looking for a laugh brother running for governor and fire at a local recreational center. an_d li_ked these two in Tommy Boy, f Farley driving through the town However, actually trying to put suggest you rent Tonuny Boy and wait ing a fool of himself and his brother. it out. So it is up to Farley and Spade for this one to hit the video stores. It His brother's solution is David Spade; to save the day, just like in Tommy will be much better sitting in the priSpade's job is to watch over Farley Boy. vacy of your own home. I give the to make sure he doesn't do anything ·· ·· 111ts·movre-was-entertaining,-bur it· · ·muvie two out of five stars. to ruin his brother's campaign. Of


Issue #9 hits newstands on March 15

Ten join Kappa Delta Pi

Ten future educators have been inducted into the Peru State College chapter of the national education honorary Kappa Delta Pi. Membership in this organization is limited to juniors and seniors who rank in the top 20 percent of their classes and intend to pursue a career in education.

Spring '96 inductees include Carl Calfee, junior; Leigh Calfee, junior; Jean Gibbons, senior; Dave Grabowski, senior; Katherine Hilgenfeld, senior; Kara Jenkins, senior; William Lockwood, senior; Marsha Nicholas, senior; Cari Ortmeier, junior; and Gen Ptacek, senior.

Choral groups to perform

On Sunday, March 3, the Peru State College Choir arid Madrigal Singers will present a free concert in the College Theatre.

A highlight of the concert will be a performance of the complete "Magnificat" by the Baroque composer Pergolesi, with added strings. An orchestra or violins, cello and keyboard will accompany-the choir.

Scholarship applications for 1996i 997 ·school year due today

Any student interested in applying for one of the many scholarships offered through the Peru State College Folll1dation must return the application to the financial aid office by March 1. If you are interested in picking up an application, contact the financial aid office.

Student teacher applications for spring 1997 due today

Applications for education majors to fulfill their student teaching requirements are due on March I. All education majors who are planning to student teach during the spring 1997 semester their applications and turn them into theDivision of Education by this date.

Student Senate election petitions due by March


Applications for gaining a spot on the ballot for Student Senate positions must be completed and returned by March 6. If you are interested in running for a.Senate position, sign-up sheets are available at the Student Senate offices or you can contact Barb Lewellen (872-2252) for more information.

Bloodmobile in Peru March 6

At this-time of year, the cold winter days tend to drag, and the sunny days of springtime seem a long way off. But you can warm up your days in little more than an hour by giving a gift from the heart: the gift of blood.

Every day someone needs blood. In fact, every minute patients in the United States use more than 38 units of blood or blood components. An ample supply must be on the shelf when it's needed. In our area, the Red Cross must collect 2, I 00 units each week to meet the need for blood and help support the nationwide Red Cross blood system.

The bloodmobile will be in Peru at the Peru State College Student Center on March 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call Misti Munson at 8723084 to make an appointment. If no one answers, feel free to leave your name, pho'ne number and two best times of availability on the answering machine.

If you're healthy, age 17 or older and weigh at least 106 pounds, you can donate blood as often as every 56 days. Please call today and make an appointment. By doing so, you'll warm up your days and help someone in need. by giving a gift from the heart.

Teresa Anderson says the thing she enjoys most about the Peru Daycare is the kids. That's good, because as director of the daycare she deals with an average of 30 kids a day, mostly the children of Peru State.College students or working families from the Peru area. The daycare is invaluable to those who use it. Anderson says, "I've had a lot of parents say if we weren't here they couldn't attend classes."

The daycare, located in the basement ofT. J. Majors, is licensed for 35 children from six weeks to 12 years oid. It is open year-round from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and fees are reasonable. Licensed through the State of Nebraska and the Department of Social Services, the daycare is :1 non-profit organization.

Peru Daycare provides breakfast, lunch and snacks and has structured activities for children 18 months to five years old. The children enjoy finger plays, singing and games. Older children practice

SCHOOL IS NOT TOO FAR OFF for these tvkes, but until then. thev "hang out" at the davcare center in T.J. Majors. The davcare center is licensed to care for up to 35 children whose ages range from six weeks to 12 vears old. - photo by Leigh Calfee ' names and letter recognition. Anderson says, "I think we do basically the same or as much as a preschool."

Outside activities for the children include taking walks and playing on the playground behind T.J. Majors. In the past, the children have been able tu play in the Old Gyrh and have used

Women's Month kicks off March I.

Women across the country and across campus will be honoring the w0men who-have made great achievements in society and the paths those women"' iaid down to follow. Barb Lewellen, director of student programs, has spent the last two months organizing this celebration.

Women at Peru State are reflecting upon their heritage and idolizing the women of the past and present. Shanda Hahn, senior secondary education/language arts major, says she admires Rosa Parks. "She was a woman who wasn't afraid. Even under extreme circumstances, she stood up for what she believed in."

Anne-Marie Taylor, sophomore special education elementary/music major, looks up to her mother because when she was younger, her mother helped her through the tough times of her life. "I admire everything she's ever done,"


PSC's swimming pool.

The toys, supplies and equipment used at the daycare are sometimes donated, and any extra money the daycare receives goes to purchasing equipment. The daycare usually holds a fundraiser in the spring to help defray expenses.

Another expense the daycare incurs is paying said Taylor.

Even women on campus are being honored this month. Victoria Anderson, junior elementary education major, says she looks up to Barb Lewellen because, "she cares all, loves all and does all."

Throughout the month, PSC \"Cill be honoring these women and many more. A will be up at the Student Center; this year's theme is "Women: Past and Present."

Dr. Bill Clemente, associate professor of English, will also celebrate by showing movies by and about women during his Cinema Classics series. Clemente is planning to start off the month by showing "Thelma and Louise."

One week will honor Julia Roberts by showing "Mystic Pizza" and "Steel Magnolias." Clemente is also planning to show "The Tiger," a film from Ecuador about women's struggle for equal rights, and a documentary about women from five different countries and their

its student workers. PSC students who work at the daycare are paid directly by Peru Daycare, not workstudy. Along with the student workers, the daycare accepts volunteers willing to donate their time.

Contmuee1 on page 2

battle for equal rights, called "Through Open Eyes."

A panel called "Leading Women of Nebraska," put on by the Women's History Committee and organized by Dr. Sara Crook, assistant professor of history and political science , will be in Benford Recital Hall March 13, at 2 p.m. Nancy Hoch, of Nebraska City; Dr. Jo Taylor, academic president of Wayne State College; and Jeannette Volker, interim president at Southeast Community College, have been confirmed; others invited to speak on the panel are Kay Orr, ex-govenor of Nebraska; Helen Boosalis, mayor of Lincoln; Gladys StylesJohnson, chancellor at the University of Nebraska-Kearney; and Deb Collins, anchor woman from KOLN-KGIN.

Following the panel, there will be a reception open to the public sponsored by the American Association of University Wofl}en (AAUWJ.

According to Crook, "Women are extremely talented and can be the leaders of the.future."

Inside this Issue
Walk Page
_,! Condomsi Condomsl Page
Page 5 Sports
6 &7 SquiITel Director Dies Real News
I PSC/RED-CRUSS"!I·.·.·· .· ·.. 1 l.··B·· ·.· ·L ....·.· .... o ...·••· .. ·.·.·_o ....·.•...•...·D· ... /·.··..·n ...·.··· ..·R····.·.·.· ..•.. 1 .. v..E ..· .. 1 ·. ·· MA.RCH6 Sign up by Tuesday in the Student Center

Calendar of Events for March


1- Scholarship applications due, Financial Aid office

1 - Studentteacher applications for Spring 1997 due, Education Office

3 - Choir concert, 3 College Theatre

6 - Faculty/Staff/Student College Quiz Bowl, 6 p.m., Student Center

6-7 - Band tour of area high schools

7 - Midwestern gang violence speaker, 11 a.m., Live Oak

8 - District History Day Contest, 9 a.in.-2 p.m., Student Center


10 - Band concert, 3 p.m., College Theatre

13 :- Poet Michael Carey, 7 :30 p.m., Benford Recital Hall

13 - CAB Movie, "Jaws," ,8 p.m., College Pool (AWAC)

14 - Student Recital,, 11 a.m., Benford Recital Hall

15- ResidentAssisstant re5ignation/ reapplication deadline

15 - Last day to withdraw from regular semester courses (W)

18-22 - Mid-Term Break (Residence Halls close at 6 p.m. on March 15)

24 :- Residence Halls re-open, noon

25 - Classes resume 25-29 ·- Pre-registration for Fall 1996 semester, Student Center

On March 13, poet Michael Carey will recite some of 'his works in the Benford Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m, The English Club is sponsoring this event

Carey farms in southwest Iowa.

He is a graduate of the Writer's Workshop at the University of Iowa and is author of three books of poetry: The Noise The Earth Makes, Honest Effort and Nishnabotna. Carey has also written a teaching manual, Poetry: Starting From Scratch, and has been involved in the writing of two plays, A Song In The Wilderness and Dear Iowa.

Most winters, Carey travels the Midwest as a visiting poet-in"residence, and in the summer he teaches at the University of Iowa's Summer Writing Festival.

Carey is co-founder and editor of Loess Hills Press, a fine-arts subsidiary of Mid-Prairie Books.

Statewide art exhibit housed in Art Gallery

Peru State College is hosting the 1996 Nebraska Association of Teachers of Art Undergraduate Art Show.

The show runs through March 15 in the Art Gallery. Recent works by 43 students from 12 Nebraska colleges and universities-including Peru State students Cindy Dills, Rhonda Johnson, Michelle Kildow and Aaron Wisdom-are on display.

Professor Emeritus Leland Sherwood served as the judge for the show.

The exhibit, which is being coordinated by assistant professor of art, Peggy Jones, is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sign up taking place for "Bobcat Walk"

Want to lose those extra pounds you gained hibernating this winter? Then sign up for Bobcat Walk.

This program is co-sponsored by the Health Center, Intramural Office, Campus Activities Board and Student Senate. Bobcat Walk is open to all students, faculty,· staff and their families. You may choose from activities such as walking.jogging, running, swim,ming and cycling or a combination of all the above. ,

Sign-up fonns are located in the Intramural Office or the Health Center. Once you sign up, you at times, that are convenient for you. You must then keep track of mileage and turn rt m weekly mto the marked wall-pocket in theAWAC.

The registration fee for this program is $5 to help cover the cost of T-shirts. The T-shirts are given out after completion of increasing levels (level one=50 miles, level two=IOO miles, level three=250 miles and level four=500 miles).

Questions reganling this program should be directed.to Linda Estes at the Health Center (8722229) or Dave Teske in the Intramural Office (872-2443). -.,

Phi Beta Lambda

Daycare invaluable to students says Anderson

Continued from page 1

With 30 children playing closely together, sickness is a big concern for the daycare, Pink eye, head lice, rashes and colds are th in gs Anderson and the other caregivers are very familiar with, Anderson says the daycare follows state guidelines concerning sickness by posting a sign when a case of pink eye or head lice occurs, Parents are asked to keep sick children at home,

Another concern for the daycare is discipline. Children who are behaving inappropriately are placed in a 'time-out' where they sit for a minute for every year of age, or they count to ten. Anderson says this time gives children a chance to calm down, and in the process, they practice their counting, Creative solutions like these, along with patience and empathy, are the keys to successfully caring for 30 children a day, For Teresa Anderson, however, the most important thing is to just enjoy the kids.

The Times, the official student newspaper of Peru State College, is published once every two weeks by Peru State College students. The Times office is located in·the college publication office in the Physical Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260.

Opinions expressed may not necessarily be those of the entire editorial staff. All letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters, cartoons, articles and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style.

The Times is printed by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE.

Please send material to: Editor

Peru State Times Campus Mail Peru State College Peru, NE 68421 Terry Dugan


Heather Joy Layson

Krys Leeds

Freedom Robinson

Debbie Sailors

Andrea Tee

Matt Uher

Greg Wolfe

Dr. Dan Holtz

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) is a state and national business fraternity. Epsilon Tau, Peru State's chapter, is open to all students interested in business.

The officers include the following: Jennifer Duerfeldt, president; Stacee Wieser, vice-president; Cheryl Bartels, financial vice-president; Tracy Gibbons, secretary; Laura Lea Lowrey, public relations; and Jim Endorf, parliamentarian.

This organization has a busy semester planned. Events such as a spring trip to St. Louis, March 9-12, an Easter activity for the area children, an auction to raise funds for the organization, and a Spring Leadership Conference April 12-13, keeps the club occupied.

PBL meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. in TJ Majors 114 unless otherwise posted.

Society of Social Awareness

Society of Social Awareness (SSA) sprang from a Community Organization class taught by Nancy Emerson, instructor of social work/sociology. The club was revived by members of the class.

Phyllis Jorgensen serves as the club,s president, while Amy Rut is the vice-president. Other officers are Vic David, secretary; and Barbara Van Der Kamp, treasurer.

Currently, the orgariization aims to have Peru State graduates present a forum on issues concerning life after Peru. SSA will also work with the Community Organization class, programming activities for Earth Day.

SSA meets the first and third Tuesday at 11 a.m. in the Coffee House.

Alpha Mu Omega

Alpha Mu Omega is an hom;irary mathematics academic fraternity. Members include students with above-average grades in mathematics who have taken at least ten hours of mathematics are eligible.

This organization is working on the Southeast Nebraska Math Contest for area high school students The contest is tentatively planned for March.

Officers for Alpha Mu Omega are Brent Lottman, president; Val Richardson, vice-president; Aaron O'Brien, secretary/treasurer.

There is not a set meeting time, so watch for posted advertisements.

Whoa. The colors.

We offer the area's only full-color laser copier. Make your next project come alive with breathtaking color from our Canon® laser copier.

Editor Assistant
Advertising.Manager .Cartoonist Graphics
Reporters Chris Raabe
Dan Ketelsen Troy Moraine Advisor Jennifer Froeschl Shanda Hahn Scott
Leigh Calfee Josh Whitney Shane Vanoene

Ignorance can be deadly

The spread of HIVI AIDS is at epidemic proportions; .and we hear about it on the radio, television and newspaper all the time. But, have you considered the fact that you are not indestructible? One night of unprotected sex can sentence you to death The AIDS virus doesn't care who you a:re; it cares about what you do.

Here at the Peru State College Health Center, literally thousands of condoms are given out free of charge each year to students. The intent is not to condone sex; however, if you are going to engage in the act, you should at least be resI>onsible enough be P!otected.

On Feb. 14, the Health Center distributed Valentmes with condoms to students at the Student Center. This is the second year for this event, and some comments were received at the Health Center concerning the message the Health Center is sending out to students. I would like to clarify the Health Center's stand.

First and foremost, the Health Center is not endorsing having sex, but if students are going to have sex, they should be safe and use a condom. The Health Center purchases approximately 6000 condoms yearly to hand out, free of charge, to students in an effort to help prevent STDs, AIDS and pregnancy.

The- messages in the Valentines· were written to get a SAFE ·message across in a catchy manner and to draw the studen.ts' attention to the fact that if abstinence was not the first option, then practicing safe sex was the best alternative. A was also enclosed in each Valentine stating the fact that abstmence was the only I 00 percent safe method of birth control and pre.vention of sexually transmitted diseases. These messages were mtended for students, and receipt of Valentines was optional.

The Health Center provides a service to all students, from.taking care of illnesses to counseling and health education. The nurse speaks in numerous classes each year about STDs, HIV I AIDS, birth control, etc. and programs are held regularly in the residence halls on health-related issues.

The Health Center is for all employees and students of PSC. Not everyone approves of the health issues facing our society today, but it is the responsibility of the PSC Health Center to issues in a manner that students can understand and are w1llmg to accept. ·

Statistics have shown that one out of every 500 collei;e students is infected with the HIV virus, so our campus may not be immune. The infected person is not required to notify the school administration of their disease unless they choose. They can continue to have unprotected sex and spread the virus. So, it is everyone's obligation to be protected. Don't assume that the person_you are going to have sex with will come prepared. You need to protect yourself and carry condoms.


This past year, AIDS became the number one killer of people between the ages of 20 and 40. This disease can go as far back as r· 10 years undetected, so most were infected in their late teens to mid-twenties. ··

The Health Center will be glad to talk with anyone who has concerns or questions about HIV/ AIDS. Condoms can be picked up free of charge from your R.D.s, R.A.s or the Health Center. Hours for the Health Center are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mondax._ through Friday.

Also, the Nemaha County Health Department in Auburn is an HIV testing center, and you can be tested anonymously. You may make an appointment for testing, if you feel you may have been exposed, by calling 274-4549. Results take approximately one to two weeks.

If one pregnancy or one case of HIVI AIDS can be prevented by · the messages that come from the Health Center, then our goals will have achieved,

Debbie offers some introspection on overprotection

There we were, standing in line, the, cool February night air on our faces, feeling wise·for bringing an extra shirt. Shoulder to shoulder, our shortsleeved concert cohorts shuffled about, shivering. As my friend, Dawn, and I stood-not shiveringwe found ourselves engulfed by tiny" waisted, tummy-touting nymphettes who were provocatively posing for the baggy-shirted, nonchalantly-noticing Beavis and Butthead clones. All of them appeared to be about 16 years old. Instead of wise, I was beginning to feel old. "But, h.ey," I thought, "all of us are here to see the same group, Seven Mary Three"you know, that "music unites" spiel. Once foside, the crowd collected by the dim red light of thoughtfullyplaced Red Dog beer signs. The fairly small venue filled to the max, creating a sea of bobbing heads. As we waited anxiously for the music to start, people-watching was the pa:stime of choice. I spotted a tall, gangly, blond kid sporting earrings in both ea,rs, a Coed Naked cross-dressing T-shirt, a silly goatee and an uncanny resemblance to ·my .own 15year-old son, Tim-with facial hair and pierced ears, that is. Well, that started me thinking. How would I feel about Tim attending an 'all-ages show such as this one? How would he feel if I invited him along next time? Would he want to see a concert with his mom? Would I let him go with friends? Before I could become too obsessed, thankfully, the opening act took the stage.

Blue Moon Ghetto rocked; the moshing began. Bruises, cuts and contusions not being favorites of mine, I avoided the "pit." I decided that a successful mosher needs to be big, with lots of fat for padding. I

Debbie S

In•involved? Perhaps if I made him aware of the horrors of moshing, "U crowd surfing and hearing loss, he •' • would agree.

The next morning, I told Tim my l•t tale of woe (over the still-incessant ringing in my ears). Downplaying

•I th considerably my extreme enjoyment of the music, I briefed him of the

events of the previous night, includ-

of the crashing concert-goers. I felt I had made my point.

Ttm, looking somewhat serious, pondered the information I had given him. As he began to speak, I was so proud. He seemed so mature and wise. beyond his years at that moment. I waited to hear his condemnation of the teenage tomfoolery.

"Sounds cool, Mom," he said, grinning, "but I would have worn ear plugs."

My quest to protect thwarted and perhaps unnecessary, I consoled myself. "At least he doesn't have a job. He needs money to go to a concert."

Barring any sudden job-hunting attempts on his part, my baby is s.afe for now. · · ' ·

ing the injuries I imagined for each couldn't help but picture my skinny first-born jumping into the fray. I realized then that Timbo needed a couple more years of growth before he attended any concerts. Wowed by BMG, the crowd waited impatiently for Seven Mary Three. By the time they came on, besides moshing. several kids were "surfing" over the undulating crowd. More than a few crashed to the ground when the crowd suddenly lost interest in them. Being adverse, as I am, to groping by strangers and fast trips to the floor, I also avoided any surfing action. Though being thin is probably an advantage in crowd surfing, I assured myself that Tim surely wouldn't appreciate having his package probed, either. "Tim will have to be happy with CDs," I thought, "concerts are just not in his immediate future."

After thoroughly enjoying the concert, we started the drive home. A funny, foggy sensation enveloped my ears. The Emergency Broadcasting System began testing its signal somewhere in the vicinity of my auditory nerve. At that moment, I made a decision. Although I; as.ait:adult, · continue to attend concerts, Tim would have to restrict his· concertgoing to well, never. How could I, as his mother, allow him to go to a concert, knowing the many dangers

Other overprotected s.hut-in.s .i;nay want to check out Blue Moon Ghetto's self-titled CD, which I heartily recommend. The Oma:ha band's· acoustic-driven rock is fresh and energetic. Their emerging- hit, "Shine All The Ttme," plays occasionally the Edge.

Any Edge listeners might be interested to know that the new. afternoon deejay, Nikld. Boulay,. 'credible backup vocals on ihe' forie: Blue Moon Ghetto plays regularly at several Omaha night spots. I hope to see them again soon, but Tim, of course, will be staying home, listening to the CD.


Resident Assistant

"The condoms are not being forced upon anyone. They are there for people to take. As an RA., I distribute them to my residents. College is made up of choices; condoms are just orte of them."

Vic Anderson
junior elementary education major
"This is the nineties and people are going to. do what they want, .so why not do it saf".ly? I don't think the distribution of the condoms was done to promote· an act, but to promote the safoty in today's lifestyle." ·
.·. .• Marcy Eddinger
junior chemistry/biology education major
"What the' hell, throw 'em at people. Put them everywhere Ifanyone thinks college kids aren't havir1g sex, ·they're in for a big surprise!"
I 0f5
Kristin 'Tin" Sandstede
sophomore pre-veterinarian major '!I think it's .a good service that helps prevent the spread. of disease People are more likely to take them off the table and use them than go out and bux!hem.''.. · ·
Andre Agee freshman art education major ·
great. Whenever I have sex I can wrap it around my winkie and feel safe."
Spencer Duncan• senior secondary math education majorDelzell Hall

TRIO honors students

Three Peru State College students received awards through the fedc·;-aliTRIO program, according to PSC President Robert Burns.

Amy Rut, senior psychology/sociology major; Melanie Barry, junior sports management major; and Gene Trimmer, junior psychology/special education major, were presented the awards during a TRIO recognition program held Feb. 22. The program was part of National TRIO Day. with the"[RIQ. "Dedication Award," based on dedication; effort and persistence in academic work.

The "Pacesetter Award" was given to Barry. This honor goes to a student who exhibits supctior leadership

Trimmer received the "Achiever Award" which goes to an exceptional student as characterized by academic achievement, character, service· to others, leadership and committment to the mission of TRIO programs.

PSC's Student Support Services TRIO program has been assisting PSC students for the past five and a hal.f years through services like peer mentoring, peer tutoring, personal and academic advision and financial aid information.

Contest winners

Silas Summers writing contest recognizes Peru State's talented writers. This contest, sponsored by the PSC English Club, awards writers in three specific categodes: poetry, short fiction and non-fiction.

Winners in their respective categories received $25, while those in second and third places won $15 and $10, respectively.

In the poetry division, Robin Payton received first place with her poem "Crosses." Kristin Sorenson took second place· with her poem "Grandpa." While, Laura Kelsay":> "Winter Haiku" took third. Bill Lockwood's "Turn. Turn. Turn." received an honorable mention.

Amy Bremers took first in the fie-

tion category with her short stor:r "Bobby's World." Laura Kelsa;r came in second with "Billions and Billions." "Deus ex Machina." by Terry Dugan received a third place award. An honorable mention was granted to Kim Milligan for her shorl fiction "Favorite Uncle."'

For the non-fiction category, Jen-y Breazile won first place for "Hey Man, Nice Dream." Phil Bender's "Fat Jack is Dead!" took second, and Josh Miller received third for his untitled piece. These and other si:udents works will be published this spring in the Sifting Sands, Peru State's literary journal. This will be the 50-year anniversary of the journal's publication.

Quiz Bowl scheduled for March 6

Get your team together for 'the Faculty/Staff/Student Quiz Bowl. Scheduled for March 6, the Quiz Bowl is open to the first six teams in a double illimination format. Five people will be on a team which may include one faculty/staff member. To sign up or for more information, contact the CAB office (872-2329). The contest starts at 7 p.m. and plaques are awarded to the winning team

Eight selected for honor band

Eight PSC students were selected to participate.in the Nebraska Intercollegiate Honor Band which will be held at UN-L's Kimbal Hall on March 2 and 3. Participants from PSC include Spencer Duncan, senior saxophone; Shawn Schacht, sophomore baritone; Tiffany Holmes, sophomore flute; Matt Asher, freshman trumpet, T.J. Boller, senior french horn; Mary Novak, freshman french horn; Jennie Voorhees, freshman french horn; and Tim McConriaughey, freshman tenor saxaphone.

Cinema Classics

All films are shown in the Coffee House, located in the basement of the Student Center. All films start at 7 p.m.

4/1 Before the Rain /1

6 -"Thelma and Louise" (Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon)


THE PERU STATE COLLEGE MADRIGAL SINGERS were invited to porticpote in the Holidov for Madrigals. on Feb. 18. held at the Grand Island Interstate Holidav inn. The Group performed six modngol selections as part of on all madrigal concert featuring high school and area madrigal groups. Members of Peru State's Madrigal Singers are (in no certain order) Joni Martinosk1. freshman: Lisa Othmer. sophomore; Steve Jirsa. sophomore; Jon Dunlap, sophomore: Steve Kelsov. junior; Becki,! Bstondig. sophomore; Jamie Morgan, freshman: Jen Baldwin, senior; Rochel Callahan. freshman: Cvnthio Yates. senior: Kevin Topscher, junior; Nathan Leach. freshman; Harold Bornord. Freshman: and Marcv Eddinger, junior.


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HYPNOTIST JIM WAND mesmerized his audience with his talents Feb. 22 in the College Theatre. Campus Activities Board sponsored the event. Legend has it that Wand leaves his bodv during performances to levitate his spirit over his subjects. But then again. what hvpnotist doesn't? -photo by Heather Joy Layson
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Intramural Plover of the Year-Candidate

JJy Chris Raabe

Jamie Stinson, sophomore health id physical education major, is the fth Intramural Player of the Year mdidate. The Tecumseh native is a JO year starter for the Bobcat foot.ti! team.

Stinson played a big role in the )hick 3-on-3 tourney drive to Ames, .A. The former Bobcat guard has .dded intramural basketball to the list.

"I feel the nomination will bring :iredd Ward and I closer together," )tinson stated when asked about how :1e nomination will affect his relation>hip with his Shick teammate.

"I feel no pressure to win the award. ;. play my game-whatever happens, said Stinson. "Good luck 10 the rest of the candidates."

I. Stinson doesn't see intramurals as ust a game, but he thinks players need '.l know how to keep things under :ontrol. "It takes teamwork in 1tramurals," Stinson elaborated. At this point, Stinson is undecided '·!:lout who to vote for in the upcomng 'primaries and presidential elec• lion.

Even with HIV on the prowl, 'tinson did not think it should be :nandatory for intramural basketball •layers to wear condoms. He stated, 'Since it is intramurals, it's OK if you '0n't wear one on the court. Someimes you just have to take your :hances."

The battle continues for the men's intramural basketball teanis as each team has completed their regular season and set their minds to the postseason tournament which is what iL all· comes down to. The championship game will be played between the top team from each division. This is for the whole enchilada!

"We have good shooting on the outside and down the stretch our team chemistry will be our biggest asset," said Brian Childs, a junior team member of Shooters B&G.

Dennis Baker, a junior team memberoflmogene Grain said;" We aren't going to play as hard as we know that we can because we want to give another teai:n the opportunity to win the shirts this year."

"If our floor general (Terry Easter, sophomore) doesn't get kicked out of the game again, then he can lead us to the championship," commented J11cob Stallworth, the senior captain of In It To Win It!

·Good luck warriors, and may the best team rub it in gently.

In·other basketball ·news, Fredd Ward, senior; Jamie Stinson, _

i'ng of cards'1 in cribbag.e?

INTRAMURAt'. BASKETBALL PLAYERS PERFECT their chemistry as the\1 prep for the "big ewhilodo.' known as

the final 14. The co-rec season begins on March 11. - photo by Andrea Tee more; Jason Lible, senior; and John L-------------------------

Whiting represented Peru State in the Schick's 3-on-3 basketball second round tournament which· was held in Aimes, IA at.the Iowa State Recreational Center on Feb. 17. The guys were 2-1 in the pool play and lost in the semi-finals to Iowa State. "The guys represented Peru very well as they beat some really great teams," said David Teske, intramural director.

Bon Khanthsene, s'enior, took "Sega Video Game King" in the Sega NFL contest held on Feb. 17 at the student center, while Jesse Krous, freshman, won the Cribbage tournament earning the title "The King of Cards." It is rumored that Dr. Terry Smith, vice-president of academic

affairs, has challenged Krous to a match. Is Smith all talk, or will he put his money where his mouth is? Stay tuned.

Co- rec basketball will be played the weekofMarch 11-15,solaceupyour shoes. and watch for game times posted at the intramural office. Another, less acknowledged, aspect of intramural are the interns. This semester, Jeremie Gregory and Shawn Grubb,both seniors majoring in sports management, are completing a four credit hour internship which 160 hours for the semester. Interns help with all of the intramu-

#I Chocolate Tie

#4 The Plunge #6 S.A.W.B.

#3 Your Tuition at Work

#5 Flaming Pidgeons

#2 Dream Team #7 Converse All-Stars

#1 Shooters B&G


ral activities, ranging from scheduling games/events and their officials, organizing the days and times of these games/events, being an official for these ga.'11.es/events to promoting any intramural activity.

"This internship gives me the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and get a feel for what's to come later in my career," said Gregory.

Grubb added," I am given the trust and authority to deal with all of the situations that I encounter, the way I feel suit. Also, it is going to look great on my resume'!"

So, after reading this, what better

way to go to school and do an internship at the same time and the same place than thr0l1gh the intramural office? See David Teske if you have any questions about an intramural internship.


Intramural basketball is still the name of the game. According to my look into the future, I would have to say that D-1 Prospects will come out on top of this tournament and will 'wear their shirts with pride. The only chance of an upset would come from YourTuitionAt Work, but my 'Magic 8 Ball' says," Try again!"

#4 In It 2 Win It #6 Eager Beavers

#3 K-Guns

#5 Sherman's Tankers

#2 D-1 Prospects #7 Imo ene Grain

COUPON Decker's Center · +.Pocahonfa:s Fair Game, Ace Ventu. Walk in the Clouds, & · Brave heart Downtown Peru 872-6355 RIVERVIEW RESTAURANT .. .· .. .:·&·CAPTAIN'S iJ6aNGE ' BR<!JWNVILLE':'NE··.:· ' . ' '' ' '· .·•. '" '" !1 :;•>o.;.·1·: "' MONDAY NWHTSPECIALS;· '50¢ DR.Aws·<} · ·"'·· · · $3 PITCHERS :i,.'•i ··jr
Shooters B&G
DONNA SHEA'S WORD PROCESSING For anything you need typed. Reasonable Ra.tes. 872-3105

Bobcats season comes to abrupt end with loss in Wisconsira

The B"obcat men's basketball team breezed to a first round playoff victory over the University of the Ozarks at home, 85-80, but a loss to Northland (WI) on Tuesday denied the Bobcats the National play-off berth.

The Ozarks victory sent them on a 28-hour round trip to Shreveport, LA for their second round play-off game versus LSU-Shreveport. "It was a long trip, but we stayed focused and that made the trip seem shorter-:even though we got lost seven or eight times and had to ask directions," said junior shooting guard, Tom Riley.

Upon arrival, the Bobcats. were all business. The Pilots of Shreveport concentrated on shutting down Peru's leading scorer Tom Riley, and this left open the remaining point guards. "They came out and shut me down, but the rest of the team stepped up and shot out the lights," said Riley on the team's performance. Scott Daniels, junior guard, did just that by hitting seven threepointers in the first half alone to lead the Bobcats to a 55-42 halftime lead.

"We really shocked them," junior center Lawrence Hollier added, "by half-time we had taken the home crowd out of the game completely." The Cats continued their destruction of the Pilots in the second half and l_ed by as much as 24 points late iri the game. They finished the game shooting a mind boggling 66 percent from the floor. "That's the best we've shot this year without a doubt," Bobcat coach John Gibbs said. "We shot as good as we can shoot the ball."

After returning, the Bobcats.were teeming with confidence before heading out to battle number one seed Northland. "We've worked.so hard and right now tlie regular season doesn't matter," said shooting guard Tom Riley. "It comes down to one game right now, and we're going to play until it hurts."

"The victory in Shreveport just puts us one step closer to our goal ofreaching the National Tournament." said 'Cat junior forward Demarcus Johnson. "We've got nothing to lose now."

Their toughest battle at this point is another long road journey to Ashland, WI. "My concern is if the kids can withstand the trip," said coach Gibbs. "We've played so well, I'm wondering When the kids will hit that wall. Hopefully it's not until Tuesday night at about midnight." But the Bobcat men were riding high after .their previous road victory and came into Northland with the fire-needed to play in the National tournament.

FOR TWO in the Bobcats first round vicj!,fifortµna!ely, North!i,md remembered to keep the estinguishers • Itorv over the of the Ozarks in the Wheeler Center on March 20. Johnson (j!ti dnve'itheBobcars by a ' · li2:d the Bobcats with eight assists. -photo bv Chris Raabe score of 73-94. Riley Jed the team with 12 points.


Women's team ends season on sour. note _women'sPlay-offGame

"I'm disapp_ointed the season ended as quickly as it did but I'm looking forward to and am optimistic about nextyear's team," said women's basketball coach, Tara Kreklau, after the season ended due to a loss in the opening round of the NAlA Division II Midwest Regional play-offs.

The team took an eight-hour road trip to Clarksville, AR, where they faced the University of the Ozarks in a head-to-head basketball battle. The Bobcats fell behind early in the first half and were unable to keep up with the Lady Eagle's in the second half.

Despite the 88-66 loss, freshman guard Deana Christiansen hit seven of twelve attempted three-pointers, a _personal career high which also

the Peru State record, while scoring a total of 35 points.

"I am upset with the way things turned out in the play-offs, but we have a lot of talent and can expect good things for next year," said Jill Schulte, junior guard, who scored eight points in the play-offs. Celeste Nolte, freshman center, and Angie Hubach, junior forward, also scored eight points.

In action before the play-offs, Peru State dropped a close game to the seventh-ranked Midl;;tnd Lutheran team.

The 'Cats hung tough with the ladies from Fremont, losing by only three points, 60-57.

Peru tied the game early in the second half, 28 all, but Midland had an 11-2 run and pulled ahead making it 39-30. After pouring on the defense

Peru State 66, Ozarks 88

and stepping up the offense, the Bob- Peru State

cats found themselves in the range of


With 1:50 remaining, Amy Petry, Warner

freshman guard, sailed in a threepointer. Then Shannon Townsend.. Hubach

freshman guard, brought the team ··Tronba

even closer with two free throws to Nolte


put the team within three. Unfortu- University of the

nately, an attempt from three-point

land at the buzzer failed to go in.

The Bobcats ended the season with Rhodes

a 8-19 record. Kreklau wrapped up West 4-11 4-4 12, Stoltenberg 5-10 the season optimistically, "We were 2-4 12, Langham 8-15 0-0 21, Myers a much better ball team at the end of 5-7 2-2 12 the season than at the beginning. PSC 35 31 - 66 We'll c'ontinue to make improve- Ozarks 46 42- 88 ments during the off-season and be FG%-PSC 34,0zarks 48. an even better team at the beginning FT% -PSC 62, Ozarks 83. of next season."

lj 'I - - 6 ' -
S h It 3 6 2 2 8 Chri t" 13 c u e -, s iansen -
29 2-4 35, Townsend 0-3 2-2 2,
0 1 0 0 O,"Dodge 0-3 0-0 o,
4-10 0-1 8, Petry 1-3 0-0 3,
0--5"0-0 0, Pride 1-2 0::1 2,
4-6 8
A_. Dean 0-1 0-0 0, P. Dean 2-4 0-0 5,
Wiley 6-11 0-0 17, Ralph 3-7 2-2 8,
0-2 0-0 0,
1-2 0-0 2,
Peru State (85) Daniell 1-2 0-0 3, Thompson 2-8, l'16 15, Norman 3-7 2-4 8, Riley 9-ll.i 1-1 25, Johnson 2-4 4-4 8, Gibbs 2-2 0-0 5, Cohn 3-5 1-2 7, Hollier 6-8 2' 2 14, Crockett 0-1 0-0 0 University of the Ozarks (80) Richardson 2-6 3-3 8, Wilbanks 10-11 17, Cheatham 0-1 0-0 0, Brown 8-21 1-3 18, Jefferson 8-10 1-5 17 Dotson 4-8 0-0 I 0, Booher 2-6 0-0 4: Batie 3-5 0-0 6 · ' PSC 36 49-85 Ozarks 35 45 - 80 FG%-PSC 52, Ozarks 45. FT%-PSC 72, Ozarks 68. Rebounds- PSC 24, Ozarks 21. Peru State 116, LSD-Shreveport 102 Peru State (116) Daniell 8-12 1-2 25, Thompson 5- l' 2-2 12, Norman 5-5 4-4 17, Riley 7 12 2-2 21, Johnson 3-4 1-2 7, Gibb 3-5 1-2 8, Cohn 7-8 3-4 17, Hollie 3-5 0-0 6, Crockett 1-2 1-1 3 LSU-Shreveport (102) Gibson 0-1 0, Young 7-15 4-6 24, August 5-13 8-12 21, Hall 10-19 8' 13 28, Rogers 1-4 2-2 5, Bergeret 4i 12 2-3 14, Rhyans 3-4 4-6 10 J PSC 55 61 - 116 LSU-S 42 60 - 102 FG%-PSC66,LSU-S44. FT%PSC 71, LSU-S 67. PSC 33, LSU-S 38. Peru State 73, Northland (Wfl 94 Peru State (73) Daniell 3-8 0-0 9, Thompson 2-8 0-'. 6, Norman 2-6 6-6 10, Riley 4-9 0-1 12, Johnson 4-10 3-4 11, Gibbs 1 0-0' 2, Cohn 4-7 0-0 9, Hollier 5-H 0-2 10, Crockett 1-3 0-0 2 Northland (WI) (94) Aki 0-0 0-0 0, Armstrong 1-4 0-0 3 Gutierrez 0-2 0-0 0, Adams 0-1 I< I, Miller 5-9 1-2 13, Jankowski 0-0 22, Blissett 6-10 3-4 16, Maqui 0-0 0-0 0, Besonen 0-1 0-1 0, Smudd' 0-2 2-2 2, Haas 3-4 4-4 I0, 11-13 5-7 27 PSC 32 41-73 Nthlnd 47 47 - 94 FG%-PSC 43, Nthlnd 60. FT%-PSC 75, Nthland 73. Rebounds- PSC 21, Nthlnd 36.
Midwest Business our friends be.c HAIR DESIGN S and ft iore ystems · a er the safe for rent _ I Monthly 813 CENTRAL AUBURN NE 274-3007 TANNING SPECIAL: 15. SESSIONsf$29 612 5THST. PERU, NE f ULIE COTTON 872-3245 20% OFF TANNING BEER PRODUCTS:Wf PURCHASE OF TANNING PACKAGE Decker's Weekly Specials! Wide Variety! Friendly Service! Downtown Peru 872-6355 LIQUOR v l
Rebounds-PSC 36, Ozarks 42.

Baseball Softball looks to build'off last year's success

"Take me out to the ball game. Take me out to the crowd " Ball fans, get ready to sing it loud. Softball season is just about to bpgin!

The Lady Bobcats strike up the action this weekend at the William Woods Classic in Fulton, MO.

The 'Cats, who recorded 36 wins last year which is the most wins in the school's history, return 11 letterwinners, including all eight position starters and two starting pitchers.

"With all the players fmm last year's team returning, Ueel we have a strong team and the potential to make it to Nationals," commented · senior Andrea Tee, who led the pitching staff last season with 13 wins, while striking out 36 batters.

The Bobcats'.quest for Nationals isn't an unrealistic goal for the team. Last year the ladies finished just two victories away from their berth to the national tournament. They won the District VI title and placed fourth in the Region. This season they will be in a new Region with several new teams to challenge in regular season play. Hastings College and the University of Mary in South Dakota, who are both ranked in the top 25, are included in this region.

"My expectations are high. The team understands what r want and I know what they can do. Now we need to put it together, " said Coach Matthews, who enters his third season as head softball coach along with

drop three out of four

.The Bobcat baseball team dropped ree out of four games during their 'St road trip of the season. First year :lpper, Dave Teske said, "Talentse we were right with them. As far · execution and communication, we !re behind."

The 'Cats committed. five first inng errors, spotting Washburn Uni:rsity, KS eight runs in the. first 1me. Even· though Peru State out :the Ichabods, the Bobcats dropped : season opener 11-0. In the night:;, junior pitcher Deon uckout 10; but the Bobcats lost to JyneState7-2. Again, the 'Cats out 1gged their opponent, but were detted.

)eru Staie traveled to Salina, KS to

•Y Kansas Wesleyan. The Bobcats tiled 5-1 heading into the sixth in,,g. Steve Young,juniorout fielder, d Brian Childs, junior catcher, 1ched base. safely. Aaron Lauby, phomore outfielder, smashed a )le into the right center gap to bring !m home. Greg Wolfe, junior first >eman, plated Lauby with his RBI

assistant coach, Scott Heese. Matthews mentioned that the biggest strength of the team so far is their offense, As for .the team's main weak,ness, "Our biggest weakness is our ability to stay focused. We have a. tough schedule this year. We've got to be able to have the killer instinct when we get behind," he said.

A key player returning from last year at third base is Jill Madsen, a senior who led the team with a .461 batting average last year, while knocking eight home-runs and 46 RBI's. Madsen was named MVP of the District tournament and MVP runner-up for All-Region last year.

Other contributors will include shortstop Kerry Brandt, a senior who scored 46 runs and was second on the '95 team with five home-runs and 36 RBI's; centerfielder Dawn Miller, a senior who led with 28 steals and.batted .393 last season; and senior Jen Slattery, who shares the mound with Tee and was named All-Region as a pitcher last year, while leading the team in fielding percentage at .987, and batting .333 with 14 stolen bases. Softball fans can also expect solid action from junior infielders Rachel Duede and Can Ortmeier along with senior catcher Jennifer Dappen.

Matthews concluded by saying, "I'm looking forward to a good season, I think we can have it if we stay healthy, especially with only two pitchers, we have the potential to be a good team. We just have to push ourselves."

Raabe plans YMCA comeback

single to pull the 'Cats within one. The Coyotes, however, put the game out of reach with a five-run bottom of the sixth.

Nebraska City native Kyle Becker, freshman pitcher, took the mound in the second game and literally baffled the Coyotes through six innings before giving way to the bullpen. "Kyle kept the ball down and was very effective," Teske stated. "He had good velocity on his pitches and hit the corners." Becker recorded six· K's, while surrendering only one run on two hits.

The Bobcats played outstanding in the field, committing no errors in 14. inriings of baseball.


Childs drove in three runs in the first inning with a home run to deep center. The 'Cats added another run in the second and tallied two in both the third and the fifth.

Lauby and Child were a combined 6-8 with four RBI's and four runs scored. Chris Raabe, senior pitcher; Duncan Patterson, junior out fielder; Young and Wolfe had one hit a piece in the 8-2 victory.

Michael Jordan lefLbasketball in search of greener pastures. Well Mike,,it looks like no little leaguers will want to "Be Like Mike." I'm not saying a .125 batting average is bad. I am presently battling Mr. Mendoza. Now Mr. Jordan is right back where he belongs, atop the NBA. I am glad to see he has quit making a mockery of the game of baseball and returned to making a mockery of opposing defenses. And above all, he made a comeback.

The l 990's has become the decade of the comeback In all sports, the comeback has slowly crept into the vocabulary of daily routine in sports. The list of heroes lengthens each month. Prior to Jordan was George Foreman. The minister-turned-food franchise lifted boxing out of the doldrums with his palate and punching.

· Mike Tyson has leapt from the chains that bound him to preach of a new life of religion. He is no longer the feminine-voiced boxer turned rapist. Now he spends his days fighting tomato cans in the ring and calling


of a comeback, but I think it is probably just a rumor. He was still dead

1 IUO the last time I checked.

I am pondering a possible come-

back of my own. I have decided I am '-l going to try to make a comeback in

• h YMCA sixth grade basketball. I have WI t taken the measures needed to be eli• gible for the 1996YMCAdraft. I fig-

Ra a be ure I have improved somewhat since · the mid- l 980's and I have been trainthem cute in his feminine convict ing rigorously for the past few voice. months.

The comeback pushes the extremes Sure I'll have a mobility advantage, in some instances. Jim Palmer tried but it won't be easy. I have already to make one a couple years ago. The conta..:t.;d the league to announce my guy was about 50 years old and al- intentions. I have been met with some most nine years removed from the · opposition, but I can't waitto play on game. There comes a time when a those nine-foot rims. man must give it up, unless you are a , If this turns out, I might just try to professional golfer looking to play on get back into pee-wee football as well. the Senior Tour. Imagine the possibilities.

Ryne Sandberg and Magic Johnson are in the midst of comeback seasons, while numerous others are contemplating the idea. It has gotten to an almost ridiculous level. I heard Ty Cobb was considering the possibility

7 -
-vs. Kansas Wesleyan, 1 p.m. ·- vs. Hastings, 1 p.m. · - at Rockhurst, 1 p.m. ' - vs. Dana, 1 p.m. - at Benedictine, 1 p.m. 3 - at UN-0, 1:30p.m. 7 - at Oklahoma City, 2 p.m. 3 - at Oklahoma Baptist, oon 9 - at St. Edwards
1 p.m. 9 - at Concordia Lutheran '.<\ustin,
2 p.m. °' - at Northwood
Hill, 'X),2 p.m. -
Classic, 'BA -
'BA -
p.m. S-
'l -
3 .m.
William Woods
William Woods Classic,
at Dana, 4 p.m •.
Kansas Wesleyan Invite, BA
Kansas Wesleyan Invite, BA vs. Briar Cliff, 2:30
Washburn Invite, TBA
- Washburn Invite, TBA.
vs. Concordia College,
SENIOR THIRD BASEMAN JILL MADSEN practices her swing during prac· tice at the complex field. -photo by Freedom Robinson

Director Martin Squirrelsayshe dies

Treeside, CA-Famed director Martin Squirrelsayshe died yesterday at the age of six. Squirrelsayshe was rushed to Cedar-Sinai medical center · after suffering a fatal gunshot wound.

According to United Nations Wildlife Peacekeeper, John Musafa, Squirrelsayshe was filming a scene for his new movie, "The Rabbit Hunter," in the RabbitlandSquirrelzerland demilitarized zone when he was shot. Musafa said, "He was ready to say that 'Action' thing when a stray bullet hit him in the back. Twelve more stray bullets proceeded to strike his body. Talk about bein' in the wrong place at the wrong time, huh?"

Squirrelsayshe's film accomplishments included Taxi Flyer, a: film about a flying squirrel who becomes the protector of a two-year-old prostitute. Robert DeSquirrel gained twenty pounds and had to wear prosthetic gliders in his role of Travis Psychosquirrel; DeSquirrel won an Acorn for his role.

Squirrelsayshe became the target of a brutal protest when he released "The

Last Temptation ofTlmmper," a fictitious account of Thumper, the patron saint ofRabbitland. It was at this time that a reward for Squirreisayshe's head on a stick was offered by the Prime Hare. of Rabbitland, the Ayatollah Toomany. Squirrelsayshe responded, "Ha! The only way they'll ever get that is by shooting me 13 times when I'm most vulnerable!"

At the time of his death, Squirrelsayshe's only venture into television, "My So-Called Nut," a show about a young girl «c inability to cope with reality and U1c fact that nothing will ever go your way if you keep whining about everything to your stupid friends, wa:; given new life by MTV.

\Vhen asked about the rabbit response, Musafa added. "Well, they said they didn't do it, but rabbits are liars. So, you know, I gotta investigate it. They said that, 'if I proceed in this case, I should beware the eyes of March' or something like that. I hate when they talk in codes."

Pacino stars, but Cusack shines in Citt,J Holl

Al Paci no lights up the screen again in the new movie, City Hall. But Pacino isn't the one who steals the show, it's his right-hand man, John Cusack.

Paci no plays the mayor of New York City and Cusack plays his deputy mayor, who believes he can make a difference. The movie starts out with a shooting in downtown Brooklyn. A boy has been killed by a stray bullet during a cop-drug dealer gun battle. It seems that there is a scandal involved with the shooting. The drug dealer had been picked up a couple of years earlier for possession of a handgun and drugs. His sentence should have been time in jail, around 20 years, but the judge let him off with just parole. So now there is a big conspiracy concerning a judge, a political boss and a Mafia family.

Cusack tries, with the help of

Bridget Fonda, who is the lawyer of the police officer, to figure out why the dealer didn't get any jail time. In the middle of all of this, Pacino is trying to create more jobs for the people of New York keep his deputy mayor from getting into trouble.

The movie was very good, but at times I found myself wandering away and becoming bored. It picks up towards the end of the film when you find out who is behind everything. Pacino is very good in his role as the mayorofNew York, but Cusack is the person I -kept wanting to see. I have never been a big fan of his, but now I can't wait for his next film. As for Fonda, her character kind of vanishes toward the end of the film, and you don't really know what happens to her.

I do recommend City Hall and suggest you pay close attention to the movie, otherwise you will be lost. I give it three stars out of five.

Doll gaining momentum; wins Arizona

Devon Doll has won his first primary, and the Scott Krichau campaign is reeling.

Doll took 53 percent of the vote, more than doubling Krichau's 20 percent. Newcomer Angel Ferraro placed a distant third with seven percent.

"This is good. Thanks for voting for me, but you do realize I'm only four years old, don't you?" Doll stated

in his victory speech on Tuesday.

In a big surprise, Pat Buchanan garnished the other 20 percent of the Arizona vote, but a new Arizona law states that any votes for a dead person running for public office cannot count. Buchanan passed on in 2015.

The candidates will forge ahead to South Carolina to try to win valuable delegates. Well, except for Buchanan who is still on the ballot in 40 states.

8' st pro-white, ,&.• 8, N IY\Att THE MANY MOODS OF BOB DOLE \. .. J<.,

Health Center closed March 27-29

The Health Center will be closed March 27, , 28 and 29 so that school nurse, Linda Estes, ,;'can attend a college nurses' meeting. No imwill be given to release holds dur1.f>ing those three days. The doctor will be in ,. the clinic on Tuesday, March 26, instead of Thursday, March 28. To make an appointment for the doctor on that date, contact Estes at 872-2229. The counselor will be available as usual.

Preregistration for Fall '96 takes place March 27-29

Preregistration for the Fall I 996 terrn will be held in the Student Center March 27-29. A $20 preregistration deposit must be paid in 'the business office before. preregistration is allowed.

The preregistration schedule is as follows:


8:30-11 :30 a.m., 90 hours and above, seniors and posigraduates

1-4 p.m., 60-89 hours, juniors


5:30-11 :30 a.m., 30-59 hours, sophomores

i-4 p.m., 0-29 hours, freshmen


8:30-11 :30:a.m., open to all

1-4 p.m., open to all

Grace University sign pact

.Dr. Neal McBride, president of Grace Uni'ersitX in Omaha, was. on campus recently to gn a cooperative agreement with PSC. Peru ;1ate will offer coursework on the Grace cam- · 'US leading to a Bachelor of Science degree i elementary education from PSC. This is ie cooperative venture with Grace, but thers a:ejn development.

Issue # 10 hits new stands on April 8

all that we should. Consequently, many of us do not cover certain areas."


Peru State Receives Gift Page 5

Take Two Asprin anclCall Linda Paae 6

Spring Sports Have Rough Start 7

The End of an Era


"The Faculty Senate is the body at Peru State College to provide primary counsel on all academic matters. Thus, the Faculty Senate shall concern itself with any and all policies governing academic matters," states the Faculty Senate Constitution. Although only in its second year, Faculty Senate is a vital part of this campus.

Faculty Senate deals with numerous academic matters, such as admission requirements, teaching assignments, course schedules, academic standards for students and for the illstitution and · evaluation of the educational program. The group also hears student petitions and proposals for new courses and programs and revisions of current courses. "Basically,'.' said Dr. Dan Holtz, current chair of Faculty Senate, "Faculty Senate reviews· and recommends changes in academic policies and programs.''

Students may petition any academic issue,

"Dr. Harper, with the current curricula, do you feel Peru State language arts majors are being prepared to teach high school speech?

"Absolutely not."

The state of Nebraska requires language arts majors to take a minimum of six hours of speech. After.those six hours, graduates must be effective in parliamentary communication, non-print and non-verbal

According to Harper, a partial solution might be found in the general studies program. Harper would like to see a minimum of six hours required as part of that program. The first Fundamentals of Speech class would cover individual speeches involving organization, research and delivery. The second would progress to group discussions, interviews and debates. communication. The state

also demands competency in group discussions and curricular and extracurricular activities.

In the 1994-96 catalog eight speech classes are offered, four of which are offered "as needed." One is a directed study. Language arts majors are only obligated to take three. Speech 254: Public Speaking and Speech 357: Interpretive Reading are required, and Speech 152: Fundamentals of Speech is required as a part of the general studies program. This goes slightly above the state's minimum six .hours, but are language arts graduates competent in the necessary areas?

"There's no way I'd be able to teach a speech class. I'm not prepared to do that," said senior language arts major, Amber Hypse. Juliane Lee, sophomore language arts major, agreed with Hypse: "I don't think I'd feel comfortable as a teacher. Debate, Oral Interp If you're a speech teacher (graduated from Peru) you're not prepared to lead any of that."

"Perhaps we are doing a minimal job," said Dr. David Edris, chairman of the Humanities Division, "but there are a large number of things to be covered in the class, with a large number of .students taking (Fundamentals of Speech) as a general studies class."

Dr. Charles H,arper, professor of speech and drama, said Speh 152 instructor$ are told to cover all of the basic speeches, but it's just not possible. "We can't cover in athree-hou-r class such as course overload, academic probation or suspension or class waivers to Dr. Terry Smith, vice president of Academic Affairs. From there, they can appeal to Faculty Senate and in turn appeal to Dr. Robert Burns, president of PSC. Petitions range from possible class substitutions for requirements or the waiver of a class.

Heather Layson, a Student Senate representative to Faculty Senate stated, "When students need a General Studies class waived or a suggestion for a substitution, (those concerns can be addressed to) Faculty Senate."

Faculty Senate is composes! of seven voting members and four non-voting:rneritbers. Voting members are elected in accordance to the Faculty Senate Constitution. A new Chair-Elect and At-Large senator are chosen each year by vote of all the full-time faculty, Division resentatives in Science and Technology, the Humanities, Education and Business are elected for terms. Faculty representatives to the Faculty Senate must be chosen from fac-

This would leave professors free to·incorporate more analysis into the Public Speaking class. "We could analyze what makes a great speech and a great speaker."

Then the Interpretive Reading class would study different types of literature, critiques of that literature and move into perforrnance of and critiques of perforrnances of that literature. "I would critique, and the class would critique. This would help prepare students for teaching."

Harper feels the only way to learn is by doing. "You can't learn acting by a book. You must have practical experience and feedback." The same rule applies to the Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) guidelines established for competitive speech. Harper feels, somewhere in the curriculum, NSAA gui.delines

Continued on page 5

ulty holding the rank of instructor or assistant, associate or full professor, except those holding administrative responsibilities at the level of division chair, director or above, or those who are professional librarians, according to the Faculty Senate Constitution. All representatives must have been on the faculty for two years prior to the years in which they serve

The current Chair-Elect is Ross Udey. Dr. Joel Lundak is the Education Division representative, and Dr. Sara Crook is the Humanities Division.representative. Carol Ruck and Rob Evans are the representatives for the Divisions of Business and Science and Technology, respectively. The current At-Large Senator is Stan Mccaslin.

Division representatives serve for two years, and the four divisions elect representatives on a staggered schedule. The Divisions of Business and Science and Technology elect new rep-

Conunued on page 2


Calendar of Events for March

15 - Last day to withdraw from regular semester courses (W)

Peru State Facultv Senate created to improve academic environment

tives are chosen by their divisions after that

Deadline approaching for Fall '96 financial aid

18-22 - Mid-Term Break (Residence Halls cfose at 6 p.m. on March 15)


1 Comedian· Sam Griesbaum, 8 P·lll'., Student Center

Continued from page 1 annual election and before finals week. All elections are conducted by written ballot.

.resentatives in-even years, while the Divisions of Education. and Psychology and Humanities choose new representatives in odd years. Thus, Ruck and Evans will be completing their terms this spring.

Li!<.e representatives, the ChairElect serves a two-year term with one year as the Chair-Elect and the second as the Chair.

Non-voting representatives to Faculty Senate include Dr. Smith, academic vice-president; Dr. Kelly Liewer, registrar; and Spencer Duncan ·and Layson as representatives from Student Senate.

Elections for Cbair-Elect and Senator-atLarge are held in the first two weeks of April at the annual election. Division re resenta-

Tax assistance available


The PSC Accounting Association is again offering the Voulunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program this semester. VITA volunteers are available in the Student Center from noon to 2 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays and from 3:30-4:30 p.ril. on Wedvesdays. The program will run up to the April 15 income tax deadline. Questions about the program can be answered by Carol Ruck at 872-2266.

Terms of office begin at the opening of the academic year.

Faculty Senate meets every· Tuesday at 11 a.ril. in the Business Division Conference Room. Meetings·are open to anyone unless the Senate is discussing a student petition or a personnel issue. ·

Dr. Holtz concluded, "Jfstudents have ques: tions about academic policy they should first go to Dr. Smith. However, they'need to be aware that they can bring ideas on changes or revisions to Faculty Senate. Faculty Senat() tries to make the academic environment as good as it can be. Faculty Senate provides a place the.student body can go for changes in academic policies."

April 1 is the deadline for completing either form. These forms, according to Financial Aid director Dwight Garman, are very important if a student wishes to receive federal aid such as a Pell Grant or a Stafford or PLUS Loan. These forms of aid are based on eligibility as determined by the forms for federal aid.

March is the time to complete either the Renewal Application sent to students by the U.S. Department of Education or the 1996-1997 form for federal student aid which is available in the Financial Aid office. 24 - Residence Halls re-open, noon 25 _:... Classes resume 25- Cinema Classics "Women with Open Eyes," 7 p.m. Coffee House 25 - Applications for Resident Ass.istants for 1996-97 available, dence Life 27-.29 ·- Preregistration for Fall 1996 semester,

If the forms are not completed by April 1, a high probability exists that the aid may not be available for students by the time fee payment for Fall 1996 comes around.

If you have any questions or need any forms, stop by the Financial Aid office.

The Art Guild, formerly known as the Art Club, is a social club for art majors and students interested in art. This organization's informal atmosphere is expressed through a lack of votedupon officers.

Currently the club is planning trips to Kansas City and to Chicago. The Kansas City trip includes seeing the "Made in America" exhibit. While in Chicago, the group will be visiting the art expo. '

This organization assists in the preparation of the Performance Art Piece. Those interested in offering presentations can contact Peggy Jones, assistant professor ofart.

Meetings are as announced.

Association of Challenged and Enabled Students (ACES)

ACES provides support and information for those having, or concerned with, learning disabilities or physical disabilities. It strives lo expose the non-disabled population to a more realistic perspective of those with disabilities.

The officers include the followir(g: Amy Rut, president; Kari Stallbaumer, vice-president; Amy ·Bausch, secretary; Shane Buresh, treasurer and Charles Lanning, historian.

This organization will sell suckers and will sponsor a bowling tournament as fundraisers. Recruiting new members is a constant goal for this group. ACES plans to have a pamphlet available soon.

This club meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

FCA is a religious organization open to anyone who is interested in singing and being part of an encouraging group. Meeting times are as posted.

PERU STATE COLLEGE STUDENTS crowned their new Student Senate leaders. Russ Crouch tokes over as the new Student Senate President, and Shonda Hohn will seNe as Student Senate Vice-President as well as C.A.8. President. -photo by Terry Dugan

The Times, the official student newspaper of Peru State College, is published once every two weeks by Peru State College students. The Times office is located in the college publication office in the Physical Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260.

Opinions expressed may not necessarily be those of.the entire editorial staff. All letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters, cartoons, articles and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed· by 'the ihdividual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discretion of the $raff: Letters to the editcir should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style. The"Times·is printed.by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE.

Please send material to: Editor

Peru State Times Campus Mail Peru State College Peru, NE 68421 Terry Dugan Reporters


Leigh Calfee

The leaders of this group include Philip Davis, Lisa Parde, Scott Daniell and Kelvin Whitmore. This organization will strive to increase its membership after mid-term break. FCA also brings informative speakers to the campus.

Epsilon Pi Tau

Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT), an honorary professional fraternity in technology education, selects juniors and seniors in the industrial arts and other fields, based on their grade point averages. EPT officers are Jason Prante, president; Jeff Colgrove, vice-president; Herman Vollman. Jr., secretary and Greg Bashaw, treasurer.

This organization has adopted two miles along the highway litter pick-up which it does once in the fall and spring. At Christmas time, EPT makes wooden toys to help the local Kiwanis club with its toy project: On April 19, Epsilon Pi Tau will have a banquet for initiation of new members, as well as for alumni.

Meeting times are as posted.

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Education endorsements may

reasons, but the quality- of our education program seems to predominate. Many students' majors sound like this: (blank) (blank) secondary/elementary education major. This has oeen PSC for many years and will probably never change, but is it possible that some education majors are leaving PSC ill-prepared for their future career?

If they are, whose fault is it: the school's or the student's? We focused in this issue on language arts education majors and discovered something previously unknown to uslanguage arts majors (and possibly just education majors in general) are expected to know a little about everything but not a lot about any one thing. Is this commonplace, or are we lacking in some areas that are going to be vital up to 40 years from now?

Graduates with a Language Arts degree are supposedly effective in all areas of communication-written and verbal. They are "certified" to teach English, journalism, drama and ' speech. Speech at Peru seems to have fallen between the cracks, and if it's stepped on, someone's back is going to be broken. Fundamentals of Speech, Interpretive Reading and Public Speaking are geared more toward intrapersonal abilities rather than being able to teach someone how to give a speech.

PSC does prepare students, themselves, to communicate effectively and to get their point across. Speech in high school, however, is a lot more than that. A speech teacher must be able to instruct and critique speakers in competitive situations such as speech contests which build not only a students self confidence but ability as well. If the teacher is not familiar with guidelines, regulations or what a competitive speaker will be judged on, how can they effectively teach students in class let alone lead a speech team?

Those who teach speech at PSC don't feel it is their responsibility. Truthfully, in the Fundamentals classes, it's not; however, what class is available to learn that technique after that? Whose responsibility is that? .Some toss it to the administration, some toss_it_to the. education \_lepartment. The education department tosses it back; there is already too much for them to cover under the Language Arts degree. The administration feels Humanities needs to address it. Bottom line-nothing is getting done.

When language arts majors say, "There's no way I'd be able to teach a speech class," is it possible that a change needs to be made? -

There is no simple answer that will solve everythingmake everyone happy and incredible speech teachers. Per_ haps a "Practicum in Speech" class that would focus specifi1 cally on teaching speech could be incorporated, or maybe simply strengthening our current curricula would help. If each instructor involved with the speech classes could work together to focus on different aspects of the department, language arts majors might be more prepared to teach a high }' school speech class or coach a speech team. "-

We do not believe that the objectives meet the guidelines outlined by the state of Nebraska. Prospective teachers are receiving a Nebraska teaching license, aren't they? Nebraska demands competency in cumcular and extracurricular activities (specifically speech and drama) and only one of those is being met. '

TECHNOLOGY KILLS Procrastination. and fascination ruin students

1:35 a.m. Only five hours until I have to get up. Unfortunately, I haven't everi gone to bed yet. I've done it again_. I've put off this column until the eleventh hour. I'm brain dead, and I have a deadlineyesterday. Procrastination, the plague of college.students everywhere: I feel I am qualified to write about it because, frankly, I'm an expert on the subject. Are you a procrastinator? Is it more i111portant to watch "Seinfeld" or "ER" than to study for an important test? Do you spread your homework out on the desk only to realize you've run out of Pepsi and must, absolutely must, go out and 'buy .some?

Have you been known to cut class to finish a paper, unfinished because of the previous night's "couple of beers"? Or, do you sometimes stay up all night to read the nine chapters that you're behind because you just know there'll be a quiz tomorrow and you've already cut class the day of one quiz and you can only throw out one bad grade? Sorry, went off for a minute there.

Yes, I am one of the many sufferers of the symptoms of procrastination. A busy student just like you, somehow I'm able to regularly watch "Friends," "NYPD Blue," "Party of Five" and a couple other shows. I

Wholn do; you_ consider· to be your female role model?


Dan Ketelsen

In• without it! And, maybe, just maybe, a few beers are just what the doctor tu • ordered to put you in the frame of mind to finish a paper. Probably not, •t but continued research is necessary. I Important tests, unfinished papers and cul classes will always be around, with but this "NYPD Blue" be rerun until summer. Creating a

Debbl•e sa•i lors

successful Nintendo metropolis with · no traffic or pollution problems helps find time to talk to friends at length foster the kind of logical and methodion the phone. I have, on numerous cal thinking employers look for. occasions, been known to play Hand-eye coordination surely is imDOOM or Sim City for hours and proved with each level of DOOM. hours, and, of course, my sc.hedule See how this prioritizing thing works? must include time to listen to a new Procrastination, or as I like to think CD or see a band. Naturally, my in- of it-creative prioritizing-can terests don't leave much time for mi- make lack of sleep and lack of study nor things like sleeping or studying. strategies work for you.

I have a theory about procrastina- The CD that I made a priority· tion, though. I think it is basically a beforesleeping and st1Jdyirig \his. form of prioritizing. And, as you may week (and called all my friends about! know from the many time-manage- is "Pieces of You" by Jewel; an menl books, prioritizing is a skill used kan-born singer-songwriter who is by many highly-organized, efficient currently dating Sean Penn. The Sean and successful' people. Therefore, Penn thing makes no difference whatprocrastination must lead to success. soever-just thought I'd throw it in_.

After all, sociologically speaking, Iflump-in-your-throat lyrics and pas"Seinfeld" is an American phenom- sionate, pleading vocals are a prior' enon. In order to be successful, ity with you, you'll love Jewel's dcshould one not keep closely in touch but alhum. The only flaw I can find with this country's culture? I person- with this CD? The goosebumps I get ally have picked up pertinent medi- while listening to some songs make cal knowledge from "ER." And it a bitch to shave my legs in the Pepsi? As if you can actually study shower.

Dave Teske Head Baseball Coach

·"My mother is my role because she has supported me in. everything I have tried to do and pushed me when there have been things I didn't want to do. All she has ever wanted was for me to be happy."

Josh ;Whitney

senior English major

"Delta Burke. She has a lot of character, beautiful appearance and a wonderful Southern drawl. I've admired her since she was on "Designing Women" because she was the only reason I watched the show."

Julie Severs

sophomore psychology and sociology major

"My sister is my role mod.el. She has been through a lot, and I admire her strength.· She is my best friend and hero goes. •·to school, l\yo jobs; goOd grades. - and raises a

,Jeremie Gregory. senic:>t sports management major

_ __ .

"My grandmother is my role model._ She has been one that I.could go to to find ihe right answers and where I_ searched for advice; Withou_t her my mind would not have been as great as an 3$Set. She has been the one to hold our family together through · the good and not-so"good times."


Former-poet Corev listens to the land

The weekends ate usually hectic at Michael Carey's 400-acre farm near Farragut, IA. This weekend, his four children have friends sleeping over, his wife, a storyteller, has just rec turned from Texas, and planting season will begin soon. So, how does a farmer with a wife and four children find the time to write poetry? Carey says, "You just fit it in when you can."

Carey, who read his poetry at Peru State on March 13, is a farmer-poet who travels the Midwest sharing his unique vision of life on the farm. When he is not traveling, he and his wife, Kelly, farm land that has been in her family for five generations.

Farragut is a long way from Queens, NY, where Carey was born. Raised in Nutley, NJ, Carey came to Iowa to attend graduate sc:hool. He got a master of fine arts degree from the University oflowa and met his.future wife at an Amish Oktoberfest.

Due to a death in the family, the farm was dropped into their laps shortly after the two were married. Carey knew little about farming, He used to drive around his neighbors' farms trying to figure out what they were doing.

Sixteen years later, Carey has stopped using his tractor's turn signal when he reaches the end of a row of corn or beans. Sixteen years have also given Carey the opportunity to listen to the land. He says, "You farm, liye, and then certain images stari,re,sopa.ting {or:you. Sp_m_uch guage comes froin ihe soil. I found I didn't have to took for metaphors."

The images which resonate for Carey are collected in his books The Noise The Earth Makes, Honest Effort and Nishnabotna. Carey says, "Each book tries to do something different."

Honest Effort was written during

the farm crisis of the mid-1980's. Carey says the bleakness in that collection of poetry reflects the feeling he got as he traveled around and talked to farmers living through the crisis.

Nishnabotna, a collection of poems and short historical pieces about southwest Iowa; "is an attempt to mythologize our place," says Carey.

Carey is currently working on a book of spiritual contemplations tenatively titled The Holy Ground. He has also started a publishing company called Loess Hills Books with the intention of giving poets and writers from Iowa a chance to have their work published.

Carey's interest in poetry began in high school when he first read poetry by T. S. Elliot and William Butler Yeats. Carey says, "Yeats just stole my heart away. He looked just like my grandpa." After graduate school, Carey taught in Ireland for a while, and upon moving back to Iowa, he began to get his poetry published.

His work has been published in numerous maga-

WITNESS by Micael Carey zines, including The Poetry

lrelandReview, The Midwest Last night the air anything purer than Quanerly and Time. He has turned brittle and this white-this heaven appeared on television and fell into crystals come to earth, hell's Water was the subject of an article on the window, smokey and gurgling. One in the Wall Street Journal. on the leaves, could let his body disappear

Carey continues to give po- on the horses' ears. in the fading trees etry readings throughout the. None of us were ready. by the dark river, Midwest. He teaches at the Death always comes listening for the desperate University of Iowa Writer's too soon, the night lowing of lost animals. Workshop in the summer. too early. It is barely One could join them And after 16years, hefinally October, yet this morning in the beautifully bought a second tractor. I can rub the frost indifferent air.

Carey's role as farmer-poet from the steering wheel And, as God is a comfortable one for him. of the tractor. Its metal is my witness, , He continues to write poetry seat cools, then dampens I do. and plans to continue farm- my overalls. It is hard to ing as well. He says, "When count the cattle for the fog. you're farming it keeps you Steam rises from the river honest. It's healthier for my as clouds descend, heavy art." with floating water. I have never seen

From Honest Effort © 1995






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MICHAEL CAREY ENJOYS HIS ROLE as a former and a poet. Morch 13. -photo by Lei h Calfee
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Peru State College President Dr. Robert L. Burns has announced a major gift in support of equipping the college's new technology and education center in Nebraska City.

Burns informed PSC faculty and staff attending an all-college meeting on Thursday that the Foundation has presented the college with a check for $90,000.

''This generous gift is the largest we have so far from a private individual or foundation," said Burns. "It is heartwarming and exciting to see the support the College's new center is attracting."

"The Steinhart gift will fund the computer lab that is central to the entire operation," remarked Burns.

The Nebraska Steinhart Foundation strongly believes in the project, as the major gift demonstrates, according to Foundation Board President, Mary Ellen Bosworth of Nebraska City.

These funds wm be used to purchase and install 25 IBM compatible microcomputers and two Apple Macintosh computers and related equipment, said Burns.

The purchase orders for the Pentium-grade microcomputers, the Power Macs and supporting lab equipment are already in preparation.

f Are Peru State education ; majors prepared to teach?

''Continued from page I I

'.should be taught. He feels because ·of time restraints it would be impos-

I1 sible to incorporate them into Interpretive Reading or Publ.ic Speaking.

However, Harper does not think that js justification for them not being jtaught.

Lee agrees that Language Arts majjors should definitely be taught NSAA guidelines and regulations.

lHypse also feels these rules and

;evaluation arc important.

j Edris says students should be '').ware of the organization and does

!not feel that simply reading the ;NSAA handbook will prepare a per-

1 son to properly evaluate or instruct a ,speaker. Because there is not a fojrensics or debate team at Peru, Speh

1152 instructor Dr. Dennis Ciesielski does not feel it is necessary to cover

lihe NSAA regulations in his Funda1mentals of Speech class. "Most of

.the students (in the class) are not i speech majors. ·The real purpose (of the class) is to guide them in their bility to handle real situations, not

artificial ones."

The NSAA does set up an artificial situation but this "artificial situation" is very real to a speech teacher according to Lewiston High School speech coach, Scott Anderson. "If you don't follow those rules and guidelines, you can't compete. The NSAA provides a structure."

Inez Brettman, coach for the Humboldt speech team, feels the guidelines are important even if you don't compete. "The NSAA provides basic guidelines that should be foll9wed for any speech."

Edris feels the difficulties surrounding the issue do not mean we shouldn't be exploring additional classes or concentrating on these things. "If those involved in Language Arts feel it is something that needs to be addressed; max.,be some upper-division classes in teaching speech as an exracurricular activity could be developed." Ciesielski would also be willing to work with the various departments to see what could be worked out.

CAB sponsors comedian

Sam Griesbaum April 1

Comedian Sam Griesbaum, a Missouri native, will be performing at Peru State on April 1 in the Student Center at 8 p.m. Griesbaum is not new to the standup arena. He has performed at colleges and clubs across the country with great response. Sam's laid-back and down-home delivery tends to put even the most cynical audience at ease. A country-boy, common-sense approach to problems and strange situations is sure to please. Griesbaum draws heavily on real life for most of his humor, discussing family, farming, hunting and fishing, politics, kids, married life and all the points in between

Installation of the equipment in a specially designed lab space will be done as soon as room renovation is completed.

Peru State's Regional Technology center, housed in the former Conrads/Elks Club building, was purchased by the College last year. Renovations of the interior space began as soon as the State College Board of Trustees' approval of the purchase was obtained.

The Center will serve as the College's no logy classroom facility, with plans anticipated for partnerships with business and industry, professional groups, government agencies and educational organizations for additional use.

The Steinhart Foundation was established in Nebraska City in 1954 by the late Morton and Ella Steinhart. Its purpose is to support charitable enterprises, primarily focusing upon activities of direct benefit to citizens of Nebraska City and the surrounding area.

"The Steinhart Foundation and others who are lending support to Peru State's new Regional Technology Center are helping us to set a major new direction for the College and the region we serve," Burns said.

"We are using new highways, technological and physical, to take our efforts into the new century," explained Burns.

Trip to IMAX theatre scheduled

Have you seen a 50-foot-tall Mick Jagger? Well, here is your chance!

The CAB Travel Committee is planning a trip to visit the Lied IMAX theatre in Hastings on March 30.

The cost of the tickets to see "Rolling Stones: at the Max" is $12. The money needs to be in to Barb Lewellen by Monday, March 25. This will allow the Travel Committee to reserve the seats at the IMAX for Sat-

noon on March 30. This will allow time to view either the Hastings Museum or watch the IMAX film "Niagara" before "Rolling Stones: at the Max" starts. Six dollars is the cost to see the museum or "Niagara." This extra cost, along with the cost of meals, must be paid by participants.

This is a great chance for students ' to visitthe IMAX theatre; and fully, this is only the first of many trips· in the future for the students of PSC. urday.

The group will be leaving Peru at COUPON

:PERU STATE PRESIDENT ROBERT BURNS showed Steinhart Foundation Trustees Marv Ellen !Bosworth (center) and Nancv Weldon the future site of the new computer lab in the Regional Technologt,J Center in Nebraska Citt,J. Computers and related equipment will be •obtained thanks to a $90.000 gift from the Steinhart Foundation. -photo bt,J Kent Propst
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Campus Nurse Estes· never stopped playin9

While growing up, young children played doctor. The boys would be the.doctors, and the girls would be the nurses. Linda Estes, nurse at the Peru State Health Center, never. stopped playing.

In 1978, Estes became certified as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). She looked at nJJrsing as a way tq put her then-husband through sclioo( ··She' says, "Nursing paid better than secretaria!'work did."

In the summer of 1989, she enrolled in classes at PSC: Her goal was to get her Registered Nurse (RN) license. After a few classes, she decided she didn't want to continue in this path. "I didn't want to drive to Omaha everyday, so I went into business administration." Estes 'graduated from PSC in 1994 with a bachelor's degree in business administration. She has all of the credentials of shejust doesn't have.the license.

Jennifer:Gentert; sophomore criminal justice maj0r,.said,.:'She's very active in the Health Center. :She looks out for everybody and makes. them feel comfortable." She is in charge of evaluations, scheduling, paperwork· and the treatment of minor illnesses. Even though she is not allowed to prescribe medici:ile; she's happy to go into Auburn to pick up prescriptions for students who don't have vehicles. This program began last year.

Another program Estes is heading is the Bobcat Walk. The program is co-sponsored by

the Health Center, Intramural office, Campus Activity Board and Student Senate. With this program you can exercise any way you wish as long as mileage is accumulated.

Estes also organizes programs dealing with health issues for Delzell Hall and Morgan Hall If students need information for class projects, the Health Center invites them down for help. ·

Estes has this advice for students who are afraid to visit the doctors, "Come down and talk. The main· thing is, it's free all the time. That's the big advantage of being a college student-no doctor bills. They'(students) reeeive good quality care from myself as well as the doctors. If someone falls and sprains an ankle, we've got an athletic trainer that I refer some students to, simply because he's better qualified. The counselors down here are wonde,rful. Our location on campus is great; it helps the confidentiality."

The $17 health fee is what supports the Health Center and keeps it stocked with band-aids, cotton balls, cough syrup and condoms.

Estes has an apartment located in A.D. Majors in case of an emergency and can be reached anytime.

During her free time, Estes sperds a lot of time involved in PSC athletics as well as her son's wrestling meets. She also enjoys taking her son and daughter camping. According to Estes, "Nothing beats the outdoors."

Clemente's 11 crack 11 helps 'We Real Smart II' win quiz bowl ,

My intramural basketball pick of the week was 1ight on as D-1 Prospects won the championship game on March 7, defeating Chocolate Tic, 5641, to end the 1996 intran111ral basketball season. The game lived up.to its billing, and both teams represented their divisions well.

"Our intramural season had its ups and downs, but come the last three games of the play-offs; we played at our top potential and clutched the title," said Jason Koerner, freshman and team member of D-1 Prospects.

If you were tuned in to the rumor about Dr. Terry Smith, vice-president of academic affairs, challenging Jesse Krous, freshman, to a cribbage match; here"s a: news flash: Dr. Smith did put his money where his mouth is and beat Krous on March 4, 2-0. Then Krous beat Dr.Smith 2-1 in 8-ball. Hats· off to Dr. Smith, a true man of his word.

The college quiz bowl was held on March 6 at the student center. Six teams entered, and tl')e process was double elimination. The team, 'We

Real Smart II,' consisting of Shanda I Hahn, senior; Brent Lowi1an. senior:; Lou Ann Steinkamp. senior: Russell Crouch, sophomore: and Sean Guilfoyle. sophomore went unde- 1 fcated in the college 4uiz bowl. h·1 came down to the wire between 'Wei Real Smart Ir and TBA 'We Real Smart II' pulled it out with a photo' finish.

"We were very confident going into the howl as we had four returning. players from last year, and as you can see, our con ride nee showned through:' said Shanda Hahn, senior memher of"Wc Real Smart II.'

Dr. Bill Ckmcntc, associate profcs· sor of English and a team mcmher of TBA, said, "We was rookcd 1 Anything to do with math should be banned or should he in the single dig- 1 its, like I+ I=2 Oh yes, and a congratulations to the winning sidethose bastards 1" · Clemente was given the title "Clemente on crack" when it came down to the questions ahout the Canterbury Talcs. He answered the 4ucs- ; tions before they were even asked. It · was definitely a hattle of the minds!



With spring break upon us, intramural events are temporarily slowing down with the exception of the fierce frisbie golf competition. After the break, co-rec soccer will be one of the first events. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I will predict that Finkles Fabulous Feet II will repeat as intramural co-rec soccer champs come April. The fact that I am a captain of this team has nothing to do with the fact that I picked us to win. Really.


SENIOR HEATHER NEDROW 'PLAYS PAT;ENT' for Campus Nurse Lindo Estes. Estes can bel found at the Health Center, located in A.D. Majors, anvtime vou're b1tt<:;n bv the bug. -photo· by Terry Dugan
FOOD CENTER Your one stop sh9p? =>Groceries =>Fresh Meats
D-l PROSPECTS REIGN as the 1996 Intramural basketball champions. The team members include (ba(k from left) Jamie Stinson: John Whiting, Jason Koerner. John Nepple, .Ben Tillet,J, (front) Seren Hamberg, Aaron Brand. Jason Stinson, and Scott Weyers. -photo by Matt Uher
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Bobcats make strong showing ut Kansas Wesleyan Invitational

ay Jen Froeschl played. well, but we could defi.,.'tely play better.,'"commented sem.·or nter fielder Dawn Miller, after the '.:>beats 4-2 in the Kansas ,fesleyan Invitational in Salina this past weekend.

, .The softball team went I in pool !:>lay; and ·1-1 in tournament action, swiping victories from Bethany (KS), (KS), Minot State (ND), and Kansas Wesleyan. "We lost two, but !,"e should actually have only lost one. !just didn't come through in the few innings,'' said assistant coach , Heese. ·

• "Our hitting has been fairly consist mt. We need to work on staying fo:.used. and playing good defense through the whole game," he said.

Peru State senior catcher Jennifer Dappen led the 'Cats at the plate, belting 13 hits out of 23 at bats while securing a .565 batting average for the )Purnament. She also scored nine runs and had four RBI's.

, 'In the opening tournament of ihe season, the William Woods Classic I.Fulton, MO), the ladies had to battle

' with. Ole Man Winter, while defeating Clarke College, 7-3, in the first game. Senior pitcher Jen Slattery secured the win for Peru, giving up only four hits. Offensively, Miller led the team by knocking in three runs on a triple in the third inning.

The Bobcats then lost the next three to Lambuth College, 12-7; Quincy College, 5-4; and Mount Mercy College, 4-2.

"We played pretty fair offensively," Coach Mark Mathews.said. "We could have easily wori every game we played. We just made some costly errors. We have to prepare better."

The players seems to agree with Mathews.· "We have the potential to beat everyone we've lost to," commented senior third baseman Jill Madsen. "In all of our losses we've beaten ourselves. Fortunately, we've learned from this," added junior infielder Rachel Duede.

"This weekend we made our first step towards being the team we expect to be. We are living up to some ··of our expectations," concluded Heese.

Jntramural_ Plover :of the. Year Candidate

three players left. Deisley thought, "We're dead. It's over with." But it was Deisley who sank a jumper from the top of the key to give the Beavers a 64-63 win.

Deisley was sm:prised to receive the nomination. "I thought people were lying to me."

Peru State hits well in early season losses

It's springtime. The grass is yellow; the wind blows a biting cold from the north and the Bobcat mens' baseball team is back into the swing of things. The men played.their first two home games against the Vikings of Dana and were swept in their home debut. Coach David Teske does not feel the team's play is a reflection of the team'stalent. Teskesaid, "We'resuffering from a lack of being able to play." He added that the cold weather has been a factor. "It's been hard to get into the rhythm with the terrible weather keeping us inside." And· ac-

·cording to Teske, the Cats 2-7 record reflec,ts that lack of time outside on the field.

,Junior shortstop Joe Gonyea feel the team is playing badly. Gonyea remarked, "Even though our record doesn't show it, as far as talent and progress; we're twice as far as we were last year." Over the past four games Peru averaged a little over 10 runs per game. The only problem is ihat the opposition averaged a little more than that. "Right now we're hitting the crap out of the ball,'' stated senior pitcher Chris Raabe, "so when our pitching comes around we'll be in good shape."

Hopefully the pitching will come around quickly; over spring break;ihe men will take a trip to Oklahoma City; OK and to Dallas, TX. This will match them against two of the topranked teams in the country. "We're really excited about about our spring trip,'' added Teske. "We're going to face sorTlc good competition, and if we play the way we are capable of; we'll do well." The players are looking forward to the challenges they will face over the next week. Sophomore Aaron Lauby said, "We're going to sec how we stack up against some great competition."

Jqyn9 in J

In the first round of the intramural tournament, Jason Deisley pulled off one of the most miraculous comebacks in intramural history.

The junior wildlife ecology major from Holdrege wa.s one of the three players left on the floor for his team.

Je Beavers trailed by five-seven minutes left, in the game-and only

Deisley was involved in several intramural activities last year. And while this was his first experience this. year, it probably won't be his last. Deisley emphatically stated, "Hey, my talent is up for bids. You haven't seen nothin' yet. Just get me on another team so I can show my stuff."

Dcilsey feels condoms should be mandatory in intramurals. "You never know who has got something," Deisley elaborated. He closed, "I would like to thank my girlfriend, Becky. Ifit wasn't for her, I wouldn't have performed as well."

We Are What We Aren't I

j•Not Grilled •Not Deep Fried . •Not Pre-Made I

I have become accust-0med to many


Perhaps it was a plot against thel:\"ase- · of the aspects of the lfves led by the ball team. We will never really know. millions of searching souls traveling One question popped into my head. through this institution. But I was not I l Why did it want that food so badly prepared for ihe devastating vision ,. , f. that it would risk its life for it? I did my eyes endured, not to mention my "en 'S some research on the situation and stomach. contacted some people I know.

In the past, my taste buds have been b11 Agents Molder and Scully relayed destroyed by the mutating food of the T some very interesting information to "choke and we affectionately


me. call the cafeteria. I see why the "j • J •• It turns out that the "bellyfiller checks are written to DAKA. Every cheese bug" is an insect that is the size time I eat the food, I spend time in letes. On a recent baseball trip, a of a pin head. Once digested into the the restroom making that very sound. player found something in his sand- stomach, it swells to the size of a 16 This is not a random act of <lining: wich that did not belong there. We oz. steak, hence the name bellyfillcr. atrocity. I have contacted the FBI will call this man Mr. X to protect It stops hunger so people no longer (Food Burglary Institute) about some him. The FBI will put him into wit- want to eat. Scully told me ll)afly ¢afmajor violations of the eatery codes ness protection, anyway. ctcrias use this little creature of the U.S. constitution. Yes, ihere Mr. X opened his sandwich to find big appetites.' " · are such codes in the constitution. the normal things like turkey, cheese I don't think big appetites are a, Actually, the law was included in the and a bug. Ohh, wait! The bug wasn't problem in our cafeteria. It must have Bill of Rights. normal, and (I am not making this up) been sent to Peru State by accident. An outcry has arisen from some ath- it was securely hidden in the cheese. Or was it an accident?!


Auburn, Ne 274-3030
THE PERU STATE BASEBALL TEAM WORKS OUT in the new batting cage in the Wheeler Center. The cage was installed Morch 6 - hoto b Matt Uher
10 floppy diaka ...
get one free! 813 CENTRAL AUBURN NE 274-3007

March 15, Issue #9 1996

We 't wait for the news to Rage in the Cage

r.J Times experts predict Oscars

!INew York City, NY-The animal kingdom mourns today for their slain !hero, John Musafa, who was assas-

lsinated this morning by Mark DavidRabbit. Musafa, 35. was outside his !!hotel w.·ith .his wife, Coco standing besid,e him. ·

! · "Musafa was in New York attend-

!ing a banq'uet in his honor sponsored lby the United Nations for his work lin the squirrel-rabibit peace keeping , process. As he was preparing to en-

!ter a limousine, David-Rabbit asked lhim for an autograph and shot him

1five times at point blank range. A lcopy of The Rabbit in the Rye was lin David-Rabbit's possession at the Itime of his arrest.

In his nine years on the Animal

!Special Forces Agency (A.S.F.A.),

IMusafa helped keep animal violence

1 lto a minimum and became the most 1powerful member of the A.S.F.A. lsince one James Hoffa held the post I many years ago.

I Before entering the A.S.F.A.,

1 1 Musafa was a member of "The Ramones," a popular American rock

Iband, until he married Coco Bonio

1in 1986. Many say that the group

Iwas never the same after the marlriage and were displeased that not a

I single bullet his Ms. Bonio-Musafa.

I Current "Ramones" lead singer,

!J?q "Tf\at really

1 1 sucks, ll}an. John was a good guy.

1 He's why I'm here today. If he Iwouldn't have left the band, I'd still Ibe peddlin' hot dogs in Spain."

I We attempted to speak with Ms.

THE LAST PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN of the sloin Musofo wos snopped during o benefit concert held for the Squirrels for Life rollv lost Thursdov. Musafa's guitar will be auctioned off in two weeks occording to Bonio-Musafa. - hoto b Kent Pro st, A.S.F.A. J

feel your pain."

stand a single word she said with the exception of "Large insurance policy."

President Bill Clinton shared his sympathy in a personal letter to the

My ears shall never hear again

Since they heard that fatal shot. Our lives, good John, you did defendIn time, it won't seem all for not.

You sorted through the mud and muck

For those soulless beasts who whined.

To them, you said, "Hey, kid. Sorry about your luck,"

And then, on vegetables you dined.

You were a strange one, dear friend-

Never seemed to make much sense.

Even before your dubious end, You built around your house a candy fence.

Invited us to come and snack at your gate, But we couldn't enter into your world.

Your untimely end was more than fate.

We've all had enough of the squirrels.

classroom doodling

IBest Picture

I Apollo 13


Brave heart

The Postman

Sense &Sensibility

HACKSAW: Apollo 13

MURDERER: Bravcheart

Best Actress

Susan Sarandon-Dead Man Walking

Elizabeth Shue-Leaving Las Vegas

Sharon Stone-Casino

Meryl Strecp-Thc Bridges of Madison County

Emma Thompson-Sense & Sensibility

HACKSAW: Susan Saramlon

MURDERER: Susan Sarandon

Best Supporting Actress

! Joan Allen-Nixon

District Attorney Jerry Musafa said I Kathleen Quinlan-Apollo 13

1 Mira Sorvino-Mighty Aphrodite that the death penalty with optional j Mare Winningham-Georgia benifit roast will be sought in this!

Kate Winslet-Sense & Sensibility case.

i HACKSAW: Mira Sor.vino

MURDERER: Mira Sor.vino

Best Actor Nicolas Cage-Leaving Las Vegas

Richard Dreyfus-Mr. Holland's Opus

Anthony H<>pkins-Nixon

Scan Penn-Dead Man Walking

Massimo Troisi-The Postman

HACKSAW: Scan Penn

MURDERER: Nicholas Cage

Best Supporting Actor

James Cromwell-Babe

Eu Harris-Apollo 13

Brau Pitt-Twelve Monkeys

Tim Roth--Roh Roy

Kevin Spacey-The Usual Suspects

HACKSAW: Kevin Spacey

MURDERER: Kevin Spacey

Best Director

Mike Figgis-Leaving Las Vegas

Mel Gibson-Bravchcart ·

Chris Noonan-Bahe

Michael Radford-The Postman

Tim Robbins-Dead Man Walking

HACKSAW: Mel Gibson

MURDERER: Mel Gibson


L€.SS VIOLE.NT lt.J NEW S0-\00\. UtJ IFORl<'I

No. 1
l I I I
! Bonio-Musafa animal kingdom by _____ _I
"The Events of the Second Week i.n March Puring Intro to Theatre Class" •
,. I \ Ii

New student leaders elected

Student Senate elections were held recently. The following is a list of those elected and their elected titles.

President Russell Crouch, sophomore


Shanda Hahn, senior Senators-At-Large:

Amy Petry, freshman

Jessica Damrow, sophomore

Anne-Marie Taylor, sophomore

Steve Jirsa, junior

Misti Munson, junior

Vic Anderson, junior

Jill Schulte, junior

Brent Lottman, senior

Commuter Representatives

Melanie Barry, junior

Gene Trimmer, junior

Non-Traditional Representatives

·Carl Calfee, junior

Debbie Sailors, sophomore

Morgan Hall Representative

Shannon Hall, freshman

Delzell Hall Representative

Jeremy Pryor, freshman

Clayburn/Matthews Representative

Jennifer Hamann, senior

Davidson/ Palmer Representative

Jonee Roach, junior

Nicholas/Pate Representative

Val Richardson, junior

Oak Hill Representative

Wes Graham, senior

Artist/Photographer displays work

Artist and photographer Pam Berry of Omaha is currently showing her recent works in the PSC Art Gallery from now until April 28. Berry's display is in conjunction with the Humanities Colloquium entitled "In What America Do You Live?" The Gallery is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. or by appointment.

Psychologist available for students

Need to talk? Eldon Davis, Peru State psychologist, holds office hours in the Health Center, and students may set up a session free of charge. All appointments are kept confidential and can be made by calling 872-2229.


Tuesday 9:30a.m.-l I :30 a.m. l :30 p.m.-5 p.m.

Wednesday Noon--4 p.m.

Thursday 10:30 a.m.-Noon l p.m.-5 p.m ·All That Jazz ntuit: Trashboy Not My Son

Clank, clank, clank. That is the sound of money being dropped into a slot-machine. The gambler is hoping to win it big, but instead he loses all of his money in no time. Most people would be pretty upset if they lost all of their money, but this is supposed to be fun.

At Ameristar Casino in Council Bluffs, IA, there are a lot of people who walk out of the place losers, but still come back for more.

Teresa Milner, assistant director of marketing for Ameristar said, "The reason people keep coming is the thrill of winning. They think they can come and hit the jackpot."

There are 1,012 slot-machines at Ameristar, and according to Milner, they are the hottest ticket there. Along with the slots, there are also 40 table games, including craps, blackjack and roulette. People don't go just to gamble.

Ameristar ha.s a choice of four dining optionsa 300-seat buffet, a 24-hour, 200-seat restaurant, a 200-seat steakhouse and a large sports bar featuring live entertainment and a special menu.

The reason Ameristar picked the Council Bluffs area is because of the surveys that were taken, and it has proven to be successful.

"Ameristar was the number one riverboat casino in Iowa for the month of February, and we just keep getting better," said Milner.

There are plans to expand Ameristar, but no word yet on when or where. Right now things are going well. Ameristar has four locations including Council Bluffs; Vicksburg, MS; and Jackpot and Horsesheu, NV. The last two locations are just casinos, not riverboats.

There are also plans to build a hotel that will connect with the main pavilion. The hotel will hold 160 rooms, 120 deluxe rooms and 32 unique hot tub suites. It will also have a

SLOT MACHINES ARE ONE OF THE MORE POPULAR GAMES of chance in casinos. Both video gambling machines and table games monopolize the riverboat casinos in Council Bluffs. IA. Ameristor Casino. alone. hos l .012 slot machines on their boot. children's arcade room. According to Milner, it should be ready around August.

The riverboat also has plans to cruise this spring and summer. It must go on 100 twohour cruises per year. The cruising will begin April 1 during the morning. The riverboat will only travel two or three miles a day, with a speed oflO mph. There must be a captain aboard the boat at all times.

If you live in Lincoln, the casino will be taking shuttles back and forth from Lincoln in the near future. It already takes shuttles from Omaha and Des Moines.

"There are a lot of regulars who visit the riverboat. Most of them are older people who have probably retired and have spare time on

their hands," Milner said about the age group at the casino. "But on the weekends it is pretty much even between younger and older people."

When Milner says the younger crowd, she means people over 21. No one under 2 J is allowed on the riverboat, period. There is also no limit on how much money someone can spend. So if a person comes in with $1,000 and wants lo spend it all, then that is all right. but maybe a little crazy. If someone has a gambling problem and needs help, the casino does have phone numbers available for that purpose.

The casinos are open 24 hours a day. So if you do decide to go there, just remember not lo take all of your money. You might just spend it all.

"It's still too much fun," explains Peru State student, "Jake," although that's not his real name. Jake is a problem gambler who doesn't want to quit. Jake started his gambling career, playing cards l'o(ith friends, shortly after he got his first job as a teenager. As soon as he was old enough, he progressed to lottery tickets and pickle cards, what he terms "the starter drugs of gambling."

Eventually, he started playing the horses and gambling at casinos. He's maxed out his credit cards and, somehow, has· been able to hide a $20 thousand debt from his friends and family. Therefore, he chooses to keep his identity private.

If the fact that Jake is a student here at Peru shocks you, well, be prepared. Recent on-campus screenings of a sample group of 160 PSC students reveal that one out of three has had a problem with gambling. At least 40 percent had a problem gambler in their family or peer group-usually a grandparent. Fil(e percent of those sampled would be classified as pathological gamblers.

The screenings were administered by Mac McKenzie, director of human services at Oak Arbor Recovery Center in Nebraska City, one of several specialized gambling treatment facilities in Nebraska. McKenzie indicated that these numbers, along with those of other colleges, are especially alarming considering that many college students are not 21 and cannot

legally gamble.

Most turn to illegal sports betting, which, up until this year, had been decreasing. However, the fact that this year's Super Bowl was the most heavily gambled-upon event in history contradicts the trend.

It's no wonder that statistics show an increase in problem gambling. Today, 48 states allow some type oflegalized gambling. Twenty-seven states have full-fledged casinos. Legal gambling grosses more than $35 billion annually, more than is spent on movies, videos, concerts and major league baseball games-combined. People are spending more money on gambling than ever before.

Tourism II
Birdman of Alcatraz PSC 1 jWeather Hampers Both Softball
Baseball ·Jriffey/Raabe '96 iPeru Travel and
had a problem gambler in their famil or peer group
ctor of humei1uer:vices Oak Recovery Center.in Nebraska 'City
one out of three PS has had a pre>'-'lem with amblin

PSC st-uden.ts not immune to gambling··problems

Continued from page 1

Compulsive gamblers often have grandiose for their lives, once they "win big." However, the big win is always "just around the corner." No win is big enough. Any money won must be for bigger and bigger payoffs Gambling losses, to the addict, ensure reek-

Jake, an adyenture gambler, felt "a lust for more money-without having to work for it," another characteristic of the compulsive gambler. Many gambling addicts find creative, dishonest or unlawful ways to obtain money to continue their gambling. Jake maintains that

Five years ago, the average age of problem gamblers was between 24 and 35 years old. Today, the numbers are between 17 and 70 years old. Clearly, more of our nation's youth and ·elderly ate becoming addicted to gambling ----'------------------ "something inside wouldn't let

What is compl!lsive gambling? Thoughtto be a progressive and incur.able illness, com-. pulsive gambling, or a gambling addiction,

Thought to be a



There are types of prc)blem gamblers. Thrillcseeki.ng "adventure gamblers" choo.Se · sports betting, horse races and card games: where some skill is required. "Escapist gamblers" are drawn to mind-numbing slot. machines. Although trends are shifting, men generally are adventure gamblers and women, escapist gamblers.

seeking treatment in record bling, Or gambling

gam• Compulsive gamblers are is indicated when gambling causes growi11g or contil)uous problems in the gambler-'s lifo.

is ·numbers. In 1995, 1,518 per-

indicated when gambling causes sons called gambling.hot lines ._,growing·_o.r.·. continuing problems in in Nebraska-up 53 percent from 1994. At the national

the gambler's life. level, hot lines received nearly 40,000 calls in 1994-nearly quadruple the 1991 total. less and .desperate attempts to recoup. This pathetic cycle of winning and losing continues until the gambler recognizes the problem and seeks help

Executive Director, Matt Pelzer, explained that those who call may be supplied with information, referred to a treatment center, or referred to Gamblers Anonymous or Garn-Anon, two well-known and well-regarded support groups for problem gamblers and their loved ones. Both groups use the familiar 12-step program, based on the programs used by Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. When asked if he felt Gamblers Anonymous worked, Pelzer, himself a reformed compulsive gambler, responded, "It sure worked for.me. It saved my life."

Jake, although he isn't ready to quit gambling, acknowledges his gambling problem. When asked if he has ever considered seeking help for his problem, Jake admits that he hasn't and "never will." He states that he has "no more money," which he feels will effectively end his problem gambling.

The Nebraska Council on Compulsive Gambling encourages problem gamblers to call their toll-free hot line at 1-800-560-2126. Care to wager a bet that it won't?

PetuState hosts·22nd Jazz Band Festival

The College 'Theatre was swinging to the of 17 different high school jazz bands 'March 27 during PSC's 22ndannua1Jazz Band Fesifva1 ·andC!iniC, ·· a very successful day. Perspective students were on campus, and Music Educators National Conferece (MENC) members introduced them to our facilities and music department," said Denys Shafer, MENC president. · Following each group's appearance, James ten Bense{ cfrniciari, appraised their performance and selected winners iii each of six school classifications.

Pawnee City High School, directed by Doug Phillips, was chosen as best show in Class D. In' Class C the top choice was the group from BurHngame, KS, directed by Mark Hecht. The winner in Class B was Maysville, MO, directed by Tim Oliver.

first in Class A was Blair High School's band directed by Andy Sorenson. The Class.AA winnenyas Kearney High School and. director Sam Zitek. In the new band classification, top honors went to Lincoln East High School's "Jazz II" group and director Jeff Lean. "It was one of the bigger jazz festivals we've had in a long time, and I think people left with good feelings all around," adds Shafer.

The Times, the official stucjent newspaper of Peru State College, is published once every two weeks by P_eru State College students. The Times office is located in the college publication office in the Physical Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260.

Opinions expressed may not neeessl!fily be those of the .entire editorial staff. All letters to the editor are welcomed. Lt:tters; cartoons, articles and so forih submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discretion of the staff. Letters

inc. urable illness, compulsive
THE PERU STATE JAZZ BAND SHOWED THE YOUNGER CROWD how to swing during the 22nd annual Jazz Band Festival and Clinic. The Jazz Bond is under the direction of Chervl Frver. -photo bv PSC Advancement
to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style. lllifil The Times is printed by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE. I\· Please send material to: Editor Peru State Times Editor Assistant Editor Copy Editor Photo Coordinator Advertising Manager Cartoonist Graphics Editor · Campus Mail Peru State College Peru, NE 68421 Terry Dugan Reporters Chris Raabe Leigh Calfee Josh Whitney Shane Vanoene Dan Ketelsen Troy Advisor '· ;;,i::r,-, PRIZ• WINNING NIEWSPAPCR 109S · Sllbnldla 1'rma .lmnx:lallml Jennifer Froeschl Shanda Hahn Scott Krichau Heather Joy Layson Krys Leeds Freedom Robinson Debbie Sailors Andrea Tee Matt Uher Greg Wolfe Dr. Dan Holtz See red ... ... and green, and blue and lots of other colors from the area's only full-color laser copier. Make your next project come alive with breathtaking color from our Canon® machine. '.n r1r:·lil:-•' EWSPAPERS 830 Central Ave • Auburn Open Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Tough questions mean tough answers Hot Tamales and housekeeping

Does cigarette smoke really cause lung cancer? Tobacco has been around for over 2,000 years; and over 55 million Americans smoke today. In only the last two decades, cigarette smoking in this country dropped 20 percent. ·Why?

In J 976, Jim Jones was appointed to the San Francisco Housing Authority This same Jones founded the Christian Assembly _of God· church (later .called the People's Temple) in Indianapolis, IN, and in 1965, he moved his church to San Francisco where the membership swelled to thousands of people who worshipped Jones. In 1977, rumors spread that the charismatic Jones had a sinister power over his followers, extorted money from them, encouraged sexual promiscuity between himself and his flock and that Jones enforced discipline by beatings and blackmai.l. When these rumors were found true (and broke in the press), Jones and 800 followers fled to the Jonestown commune in Guyana. When California congressman Leo Ryan visited the "Jonestown" settlement in Guyana to investigate the charges in 1978, Jones and his followers killed Ryan and then participated in a mass suicide. That's a bit excessive.

Do we all know how HIV/AIDS can be contracted? Have we ever as.ked? Ate we afraid to get a blo9dtest because the truth may be a lot more painful than our perception of the truth? But if you've had unprotected.sex, are you strong ·enough to ask: is it possible?

The national debt was one trillion dollars in 1980. Today, it is over three times that. How on earth did it get so high? What is going to happen to this country when we owe 12 trillion dollars and our minimum wage is $8.50 per hour?

Better yet, about five years ago, Peru State College took a page from the U.S. Government handbook and became a debtor of somewhere between (i.e., it depends who you ask) $200,000 and $700,000. We aren't a large school. Didn't anyone notice? How in the world were we ever a:ble to bounce back.from that and thrive today-in five years time?

Does anyone want to know?

What is mad cow disease? Can it kill us all like some British Ebola nightmare? Can we still drink tea 1and watch Mr. Bean unprotected?

When you start asking tough questions, you get tough answers and, more often than not, solutions to problems. This country went almost 80 years without Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, but since the car was invented, drunk drivers have killed many, many people. The problem is declining because people have become aware of the problem. Who knows how many people were killed by drunk stagecoach drivers.

In 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded, and today, a support group exists for almost every affliction. To be a member of AA, first, you must admit that you have a problem. Then, the problem is dealt with-in 12 steps or less.

We have these organizations today because someone cared. Someone recognized a problem and acted on it. We need more people in this world who want to know the truth. We need people to want to know why something is the way it is. Without these people, the dead weight of this world will continue to weigh heavily on any hope of a future for our country, which is slowly evolving into a "Jonestown" with every dollar added to the debt toteboard.

· #(or Ilk• moth.,, Ilk• son)

Sitting down to write, Sometimes a difficult task, I think to myself,. "Self, wouldn't some Live, 'ThrowingCopper;. be great about right now?" So, I'm off on a quest to find Ed and friends who, by the way, have been for some time now.

(Please refer to my "Difficult Task Equals Procrastination" theory.)

I realize, with horror, that the tape is lost in the limbo land that is my son, Kellen's, bedroom.

A true disaster area, it holds lost secrets, such as the location of about 75 pairs ofnail clippers, hundreds of missing socks and at least $100,000 in Monopoly money.

As I'm searching through the rubble, I'm pondering a "switchedaV-birth" scenario. This messy boy surely couldn't be'my son. The upside-I also find his stash of Hot Tamales. My favorite.

Contained within this den of debris


Ine Answers Can Become An Obsession" theory.)

tu• Leaving his room with the Tamales and the tape, I walk down the stairs • stacked with newspapers and maga- lt zines into the kitchen cluttered with dirty dishes and Pepsi cans. I pro-

ceed to the living room where unfolded laundry and dusty furniture

ket. I'm not a very good shot sometimes.

Then, it dawns on me. Like mother, like son-this obsessive, candy-loving little piglet really is mine! And I couldn't be more proud.

I admit I've let a few housekeeping

rule. I spy an empty box of Hot Tamales on the floor near the wastebasas Kashmir, the city in northern India. He has created his own revolving earth by hanging our globe with the broken base from the ceiling of his room with fishing line stolen from his brother (ten-pound test)-just so he call see and feel the mountainous

He's che.cked out library books about India. He's used.his computer lab at school to scope out India using "3-D Atlas.'? His search for know!-

is also his latest "project." Being edge ha_s be.come an obsession.

· Hmnimm, Sounds like someone I pelin, he has become intensely inter7 -know (Please r:efer to my "Finding ested iri "Kashmir," the song, as wen

chores slide lately. Seeking divine musieal inspiration to get my buns in gear, I put in my current favorite, Eric Matthews. His debut CD, "It's Heavy In Here," features fluid vocals, intriguing lyrics and a mesmerizing arc ray of musical instruments-:-from piano to piccolo trumpet. This is truly alternative rock done well.

Responses to education article

Dear Editor:

The Times article (March 8, 1996) for which I was interviewed concerning training for language arts majors at Peru State College has caused furor and consternation. I am sorry for this turn of events. That was not my intent when I replied to Krys Leeds' questions during the interview. Neither was it my intention to degrade the language arts major. I believe that students who. have graduated with a language arts major have received the best education that the English and speech departments could impart.

Sy Krys lHds _ Speech is generally divided into two primary categories: informative and dramatic. In the article regarding the current speech cuiricula, Dr. Charles Harper, professor of speech and drama, outlined a plan to strengthen these two categories Harper claims "the last part of the article represents a misunderstanding of the facts." The paragraph addressing the Interpretive Reading class, · when standing alone, could imply an

you be in favor of casino style gambling entering Nebraska?

Compiled by Matt Uher

The last .part of this article represents a misunderstanding of the facts as they were stated between the interviewer and the interviewee. It was implied that in the Interpretive Reading class there was not the opportunity to analyze or have critiques from the instructor or the students. This is incorrect.

The students in this class prepare and present selections from different types of prose, poetry and drama. Over 16 selections are presented in class by each member of the class. I give both an oral and a written

tique of each selection, and each member of the class is given the opportunity to critique the presentations of other students. Also, the selections must be analyzed by those presenting. For those who have stated that they do not believe this to be true, I will gladly supply them with a list of both past and present Interpretive Reading students and they can, if they so desire, contact the students and find out for themselves.

attack ·on the class. However, in the teach the class from a more literary natural flow of conversation, all .it perspective. says is that the Fundamentals Ifeelthe curricula needs to be more class( es) would cover the basics. uniform. That is what I understood Public Speaking would delve more Harper to mean, and that is what I deeply into the informative division,·· m!;ant in my paragraph regarding the leaving Interpretive Reading to cover Interpretive Reading class. the dramatic aspect.. TQe paragraph : ·'·. The language arts major--:-oas a was part of anaiuraJ:progressfori. very strong. I, too, believe

The course outline for Interpretive I am receiving an excellent education. Reading is not very specific in its re- The best? There is always room for quirements. For example, my Inter- improvement. pretive Reading professor chose to



of business I '

"No, I consider it a social evil because of its high l cost on society. The number one complaint is that ,, ' the money spent on gambling is not spent on goods and services. Once the money is spent, it's gone. Another evil is that it takes away from disposable income. Most likely, this money accumulated goes into some void in our society like the mafia,"

"I favor legalizing gambling in Nebraska instead of seeing our money going into Iowa's pocket. Gambling createsjobs, and most likely schools will also benefit from the tax revenue created l)y gambling.

It i.s a form of entertainment for some people, and most gamble anyway with others on sporting events." · · ·

Jill Morin

sophomore elementary and special education major

"Yes. It will help our economy, and I hope the money will be put irito the school systems just as the lottery. I don't like seeing all of the money going·foto.Iowa stead of Nebraska."

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Sy Jen Froeschl

"He rocks in the tree top all the day Jong. Hopping and a bopping and a singing his song. All the little birds on Jaybird Street Jove to hear the robin going tweet, tweet, tweet."

Although Peru has no Jaybird Street and no rockin' robins, it does have the old oak tree in front the Jindra Fine Arts building. Thanks to Dr. Bill Clemente, associate professor of English, this tree has become a feeding area for 15-20 different kinds of birds.

Clemente, whose office is garnished with identification charts, buckets of birdseed, bird figurines and even binocuiars, first became interested in birds back in 1967 when he lived by the ocean in San Diego, CA, near the Mexican border. As he would run along the salt water estuary, he would see many birds, that appeared to be seagulls, fly up and away.

After looking the birds up, he found out that they were actually called ruddy turnstones. "They were some of the most beautiful things that I had ever seen, and I've been hooked ever since," he said as he pulled a book about birds out of his desk drawer to show off the ruddy .turnstone's picture.

Clemente then carried this passion for biids to the Peru State campus. During his first year, he noticed from his office window in the Jindra Fine Arts building, that the big oak tree "was begging for a feeder. The branches seemed to say 'adorn me.'"

When he put the first ones up people were afraid that they wou Id never stay up, but they did, and the Peru students have grown to appreciate them.

"They give unique character to the

campus," said Amber Hypse, senior language arts/ secondary education major.

Another student, Leigh Calfee, who is also a language arts/ secondary education major, appreciates the feeders too. "I think they're great, and my three-year-old son even enjoys looking at them with me," she said.

Since Clemente's first year on campus, the bird feeder collection has expanded to eight different varieties. "As time has gone by, I have upgraded. I would like to try a multi-colored effect," Clemente said.

The latest addition to his collection is the star that hangs in the center of the feeders. "I love to sit and watch the birds, and I think it's really great, except they crap all over the bench out there," said T.J Boller, senior science/

secondary education major.

When Clemente hangs them up each year, it takes about three weeks for the birds to start coming around.

''They usually don't start coming unti I their other sources dry up," he remarked. "Birds are like people. If there's a lot of stuff going on, other birds will come."

When the birds do arrive, pa5sersby can see many birds ranging from goldfinches and house sparrows to red-bellied woodpeckers. Clemente

mentioned that some birds, like cardinals and junkos, prefer to take the seeds off the ground, while others, like the robins, don't eat the seeds at all. "They're just very curious," he said.

Clemente takes his bird watching another step further as a member of Project Feeder Watch. He keeps a tally-sheet on the species seen, along with the precipitation and the temperature of a given watch period. The tally-sheet is then returned to the

Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where Clemente's data are used to address questions such as, "Are flock sizes of common birds larger in smaller or colder regions?" and "Does bird feeding affect the long-term survival of winter bird populations?"

Although Clemente enjoys the feeders, he does have the chore of refilling them three to four times a week. He also has to deal with the squirrels, who enjoy taking the seeds from the feeders and the ground.

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Clemente admits that his bird watching tends to make him feel older because several students have made comments like, "You remind me of my grandfather," or "My dad likes bird feeders too."

Oh well, whether or not bird feeding is an old person's hobby doesn't seem to matter to Clemente. "If you look out the window there's always something going on, " he said. "It's purely for enjoyment..,


The deadline for Times issue# 11 is April 11. If vou hove a news item or a letter to the editor. it must be received bv this dote. The next issue of the Times will be distributed on April 19.

Decker's Weekly Specials! Wide Variety! Friendly Service!

ALTHOUGH THEY WERE NEVER THOUGHT TO LAST. THE FEEDERS on the oak tree south of the Jindra Fine Arts building attract quite o flock-the bird commissary of Peru State -photo by Terry Dugan
Auburn Keno and Club Keno Restaurant 1/2 LB. BURGER MADNESS Every Tuesday 5pm-10pm Hamburger/$2.75 & Cheeseburger/$2.95 (includes fries) OPEN TO PUBLIC ; Let Aaron, Ada , Cari assist, erfect gift for y '
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The answer is •••

' PERU STATE HELD ITS 14TH ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL QUIZ BOWL APRIL 1-3 and students from all across the

' area participated. Tuesday's final competition pitted the (MASCOT NAME HERE)'s from Superior High School (left) against the Fighting (OTHER MASCOT NAME HERE) from Elmwood-Murdock High School. Kent Propst (center) gave his best Alex Trebek impression while seniors Wes Graham (standing) ond Spencer Duncan

'r helped make this experience a pleasant one for the students. -photo by Terry Dugan

Internships on resumes helps job offers and interviews

"Research and literature still show that people with internships on their resumes get interviews first, get job offers first, and get higher starting salaries," stated Ted Harshbarger, director of Cooperative Education and Career Services. While internships are requiredfor some majors at PSC, the experience they can provide is immeasurable.

PSC presently has 49 students in internships this semester, which is slightly higher than the figure from last spring. Internships range from a contract estimator for a plumbing company in Kearney to a Lab Technician trainee in Nebraska City to an elementary education major working with a latch-key program in Falls City. Any student with 15 or more credit hours is eligible to apply for an internship

The Cooperative Education and Career Services staff will work with students to place them in internship positions. relevant to their fields.

Harshbarger recommends that freshman and sophomore students utilize the internship program to explore possible careers if they are not sure of a major. For sophomores and up, he recommends focusing on getting practical experience relevant to their major or career goals.

Sometimes it is difficult to find appropriate internships for some majors, such as education. "Internships do not replace practicums; they only supplement related work experience for education majors," added Harshbarger.

Internships are available to students at any time, and up to twelve hours of internships may be applied toward graduation. For every 40 hours of actual work time, students may receive one credit hour. Interns must complete a formal resume for their internships, as well as a summary report upon completion. "Internships provide students with opportunities to experience real-life job situations," concluded Harshbarger.

·June 1 next : financial aid Rempp enjoys role of professor, principal

i Those seeking financial assis' tance next year should have their Renewal Application or FAFSA form in Cahokia, IL by now.

According to Dwight Garman, Fi'i nancial Aid Director, the result of \ sending in the application form _is t the Official Eligibi"liry ·DOCument Ifor Financial Aid called the SAR. f This year, the SAR will be sev1era! pink papers sent only to the /student's address and not to the \school. Garman says that when /these papers are received, they j should be checked for accuracy and 1then forwarded to the PSC Finan!cial Aid office by June l.

· Once again, June I is the next dc.adline in the financial aid process ·10>thc 1996-97 school year. Financial aid. including student loans, cannot be processed until an accurate SAR is recorded in the Finan:cial Aid office.




For anything you need typed. Reasonable Rotes. 872-3105

Remember visiting the principal's office as a child? One would think college students would have seen the last of the principal's office. Not so if one Visits As'sistant Professor o( Education Kass Rempp's office. In addition to her teaching duties at Peru State, she is the principal of a oneroom school near Nebr.iska City.

Rempp's experience as a principal began in South Dakota when she was only 25 years old. She was an assistant principal for three years and a head principal for two years. She believes she was one of the youngest principals in South Dakota's history.

Rempp now teaches full-time at PSC and is working on her doctorate in educational administration. She says her duties as principal/administrator are very part-time.

Although she visits the one-room school only once or twice a month, Rempp enjoys her time there. She says. "Any contact you have with the classrooms keeps you out of that ivory tower." Her duties include ob-

serving learning, doing paperwork and working on a school improvement plan, which every school must have for accreditation. She is also responsible for formal observations of the school's two teachers:

Two teachers for one school may not seem like a lot, but the school only has nine students. Rempp says the parents who send their children to the school value the individual attention ·their children receive. The two teachers are responsible for first- through eighth-graders, and both teach their own art, music and physical education classes. Rempp says that is one reason elementary education majors at PSC are required to take art, music and P.E. methods courses.

Although the time Rem pp spends as a principal is minimal, she relishes the opportunity to be in the classroom working with both teachers and students. She says, "My favorite part of being a principal has been the ability to help teachers be better teachers and to facilitate learning. It's lots of fun

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for me."

·' Tooay's forecast calls for overcast skies with a 50 percent chance of flurries.

The Bobcat men's baseball team is well into the middle of the season but still has not had a chance to get into the swing of things with the inclement weather. Last weekend, the team's Parents' Weekend was snowed out for ihe:second time, with four games being cancelled. "It's tough to play with any consistency when we play games once every seven days," said junior centerfielder Steve "Albert" Young.

Despite the weather, the 'Cats are coming together. "We've been playing some real tough competition, and thathas made us step up to another tevel o.f play," said Young. fonh:lr teftfielderBryatt "Floyd'' Bott added, "The fovel we are pfaying at right now is going to surprise our up-coming competition. The team is coming together with the pitchers being relaxed, and the sticks back-up to what they

were when the season started. From · here on out the wins will come real tout-de-suite-Ii ke."

The 'Cats young pitching staff has also stepped up their level of play.

"We have two freshmen pitchers in, Kyle Becker and Ryan Dehning, and they've made the transition from le.gion ball to collegiate ball quite nicely," said senior Reid "Geoffry" Olson "They've contributed a lot to our staff.thus far."

· HopefUlly, they will continue their hard work throughout the season. The baseball team still has over 30 games remaining, and the competition won't get any easier. Bott said, "The season hasn't been easy up until now, and I know that it won't get any easier from here on out."

Tqe season may not get any easier, buf the teandtill h1rs a positive outlook.' "There are'lots of first- year players that have stepped up and done a job along with the veterans, and, despite our record, we're still having fun," said Young.


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SHANE VAN OENE SLAPS THE TAG DOWN on an opposing base runner during a pick-off tempt (left). and Joe Gonved swipes third base (below) during a doubleheader against1 Doane that took place on 28 at the Complex Field. The Bobcats took the twinbill 6-1 one 13-11.

Solid hitting proves to be key to success for softball team

''If we continue to dominate offensively and keep working hard defensively, we can expect to be contenders for nationais," said senior catcher Jennifer Dappen, who is-the Bobcats' leading hitter this season with a .452 average. Dappan smacked an insidethe-park home run to slide a 3-2. victory past Concordia College in a recent home duel.

With the 'Cats trailing by one in the bottom of the seventh inning with two outs, Dappen placed a much needed shot to short centerfield. Pinch hitter Lea Bausher rounded the bases to tie the game asDappan put the finishing touch on the game by scoring the fi-· nal run.

"We have been working on staying focused throughout the entire game, and I think it's starting to pay off. We are coming through when it's crunch time," said Bausher.

In the Bobcats' home-opener, the ladies split a double-header with Briar Cliff College (Sioux City, IAY: The 'Cats walked away with the first game, defeating the Chargers 15-5.

The highlight of the game came in the third inning when juniors Kerry ·Brandt and Rachel Duede clobbered over the fence, back-to-back home

runs. "We seemed to pick up the intensity after Kerry and Rachel's big hits. They got our momentum moving in the right direction," said senior pitcher Andrea Tee, who picked up another win for the season. This momentum dwindled in the second game as Briar Cliff avenged the loss to take a 7-3 win. "We hit the ball hard, "Coach Mark Mathews said. "We just hit it right at them. They made the plays all game long."

The Bobcats then picked up a second place finish in the Washburn Invitational (Topeka, KS), after falling to the host team in the opening round 1-0 and in the championship game 50.

On the way to the final game, the Bobcats went on a four-game victory sweep, defeating Doane 8-0, Buena Vista 8-0, Baker 8-1 and Buena Vista 2-L "We made improvement, and that's what we've talked about in practice," Mathews said. "I was happy to see how we were able to come back after our opening-round loss." ·

The Bobcats will travel to Sioux City, IA to face Briar Cliff College; again on April 9, and w.ill then hosl 1 North Dakota State University on April 11.

Preside'1t Griffey pleasant sound to Raabe

I have listened to the badgering and mudslinging of the campaigns for the presidency. My vote lies with the one man who has proven himself, Ken Griffey, Jr. deserves a nomfnation.

I realize he is not old enough to actually run for President of the United States, but I can't think of another candidate as qualified as Mr. Griffey.

Griffey has turned around the game of baseball in the magical way that only he can. Perhaps, he could do it with the country. I'm sure you think I am joking, but I am serious. We need a man in the White House who can hit a ball 500 feet.

Foreign leaders will be standing in line to meet President Griffey. He could autograph a couple of baseballs

Mv Two Cents with Chris Raabe

and help the foriegn dignitaries with their swings. Can't you picture Griffey and Yeltsin taking a little batting practice while discussing a treaty agreement?

And who would try to assassinate

Ken.Gri(fey, Jr.? Think of all the

money that could be saved by c1.1.tting back on the use of the Secret Service agents. Griffey has charm, charisma and a great glove.

The thing impressing me most about Griffey hits .to be .the positive ad campaign be has been running thus far. He slings no mud, but instead lets the bat do his talking fo him. I believe there was anothe president who stated, "I speak softly but carry a big stick."

Griffey is a far cry better than th grace by Ford .and would: probably be able to get the ball to th plate when he -throws out the firs pitch of the baseball season. If h can't run for president, at least mak him the baseball commissioner.

graduation gift5

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Jen Slattery coils to foil Concordia batters (top) in home action last week, and Jill Madsen keeps on her toes helping to fOr{)l. a brick wall of an infield (left). 10 Balls SO cents 1S Minutes $5.00 30 Minutes $9.00 12TH & 6 Corso NebraskaCity (Across from KFC) 873-4040


.known as the 7 l /2 word" review) By Scott Krichau


zits, pimples, craters, a celebacy policy with nature Cigarettes

smokes, darts,. grits, cancers, butts, Kevorkian's,J,ittle helper

Guinness Beer mud water, brown paradise, unconditional Irish love (Note: the love mentioned in this section is not from British ruled Northern Ireland)

Calvin Klein Jeans Commercials soft porn, puberty catalist, time filler, weinerschnitzel

The Bricks Under the PSC Marquee a target, destination point, moveable wall, DMZ

A Serious Hangover

Armaggedon revisited, Where's my keys?, Why do I keep doing this to myself?

The Priest in Lincoln Who Plans on Excommunicating Catholics Who Belong to Certain Pro-Life Organizations Unless They Disavow Their Membership in Those Organizations.

Well, there really is no other. word for that guy.


IIn Times issue #9, the headline "Clemente's 'crack' helps 'We Real Smart II' win quiz bowl" was incorrect. Clemente participated with the team "TBA." We apologize to "We Real Smart II" for inferring they would have Dr. Bill Clemente on their team. We were the ones· on crack at the time.

· No. 1 April 8, ·. Issue #10 1996
Being inane is not our intention, it just works out that way

Nemaha :Katural Resources District I3ase Map

Issue #12 hits newsstands on May 3

Plans are well underway for the Steamboat Trace HikingBiking Trail that will begill near a ghost town called Minersville, just south of the OPPD plant near Nebraska City, and end in Brownville. This will be the only trail of its kind in Nebraska, according to Dr. David Ainsworth, president of the Steamboat Trace Trail Association and chair of the Division of Education and Psychology.

The finished trail will cover 21 continuous miles. The path will vary from 50 to 200 feet ih width and will be covered primarily with limestone screens, a by-product of limestone quarries. One mile is planned to be paved for easier stroller and wheelchair accessibility.

The Nebraska Games and Parks Commission awarded a $53,000 grant to the project to be used for signs, bridges and boundaries etc. Most of the money for construction of the actual trail will come from the $387,000 grant awarded from the Intermodel Surface Transportation Enhancement Act (ISTEA). It is estimated that it will take up to $600,000 doJlars to finish the Steamboat Trace Trail.

Because the ISTEA grant came from 1997 funds, the money cannot be used until at least November of 1996. Therefore, construction for the trail is not likely to begin until the spring of 1997, says Ainsworth. It is estimated that it will take up to thre.e years to complete the trail.

According to Ainsworth, there are several advantages to a trail like this. Jonee Roach, senior psychology/sociology major, would agree. "It will add so much more to the area."

Besides being a fitness trail, great for walking, jogging and biking, there are a lot of ecological advantages. "It is a green corridor. A green corridor means that you have a place with a lot of plant life that basically provides habitat for wildlife and provides plants that are going to produce oxygen. It is usually free of noxious chemicals, and basically it kind of returns to the natural habitat." -

The trail also provides great recreation for bird watchers.

THE NEW STEAMBOAT TRACE TRAIL WILL RUN along the tracks seen in the above map from Brownville to approximatelv six miles south of Nebraska Citl,J The trail is projected to be finished bl,! the year 2000.

Times staff wins awards

The Peru State Times won seven awards at the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association's "Golden Leaf' awards on April 13. Included in the honors was a third place award.in the best overall newspaper category.

Tera Stutheit received first place in the best feature photo category for her picture of Tyson Oestmann and his hunting dog while Scott Holmes and Ray Topscher captured a first for best cartoon. Second place awards were garnished by Chris Raabe (sports column), Debbie Sailors (feature photo) and Terry Dugan (layout spread).

A third place award was won by April Czaplewski for ad design.

Members of the NCMA include Hastings, Midland Lutheran, Dana, Doane, Wayne State and Nebraska Wesleyan.

In addition, Debbie Sailors also captured a third place award for feature writing at the Nebraska Press Association's Better Newspaper Contest. Her winning story was on Peru State College students with tatoos and body piercing.

Football team to scrimmage Saturday

The annual Blue/White game will be held on Saturday April 20 in the Oak Bowl at IO a.m.

The Board of Trustees voted April 12 to increase the computer lab fees beginning with the Fall l 996term;... The increase is needed to eliminate a deficit in spending for the computer labs. For students enrolled in less than seven hours of classes, the fee will increase from $5 to $8 per semester. The lab fee for students enrolled in seven or more hours will increase from $IO to $16.

In each case, the fee will be increased by 60 II percent. However, Vice-President for Academic 1 Affairs, Dr. Terry Smith says this is the first- !ever increase in the computer lab fees. The

IFood Service Being Reviewed

I Page 2

Does A Lab Fee Increase Benefit All?

Page 3


Peer Mentors Are Important

.· Page 4

PSC's New Accreditation

The game will conclude by noon and admis- Poor Sports sion is free.

Flag Corp try.outs to be held

Auditions for the PSC Flag Corp will be held on April 21 at 3 p.m and April

Page 5

Pao-e 6

Most of the trail runs along the Missouri River, which is a natural habitat for the bald eagle and a rest stop for migrating song birds. By the head of the trail, there is a place called Hamburg Bend where corp engineers are building a wetland.

Contmued on page 2

Icurrent fees are the original fees established in 1991.

Smith says the fee increase is needed because the budget for the labs is at a deficit. The current computer Jab fees bring in $1.9,361, while the cost of operating the labs is $24,803 annually. Increasing the fees will eliminate this deficit.

The bulk of the $24, 803 goes to pay the students who supervise the labs, and the rest covers the cost of supplies such as paper and ribbon. None of the computer lab fee pays for maintenance or upgrading.

According to Smith, the feedback he has been getting is that students want the labs, especially

the new Macintosh lab in T.J. Majors, open longer hours. He says, "The Mac lab is under such pressure" that there is the possibility of at least one more new lab.

Smith believes the new fee is much needed. He says, "We're operating at a deficit now. We've plugged in a fee that I think will allow us to anticipate some growth. We want to build in a fee structure so it will not have to be changed for awhile."

So, although the computer lab fees will soon increase, the new cost will allow the labs to be open longer. It will also allow for the possibility of at least one more new computer lab on campus.


JI J:!!o '!I ·uJ laj"Ql'.DllWr,,.,,..4; .,,.ic; " G:!3! .A.IC!tt.TI1 l'llc---11'>
22 at 7 p.m. No experience is necessary to try out. Contact Cheryl Fryar (Jindra Fine Arts Hall) or Jamie Boeck (Morgan 120) for more information. Your Vote'ls Needed Page 7 Candidate Arrested Real News

Grant awarded for hiking/biking trail

Continued from page 1

"(This Trail) is nothing like the others in Nebraska. It's got woodlands, wetlands, bluffs and hills," said Ainsworth.

Another aspect of the trail making it unique to that of any other in Nebraska is its historical significance. There are three Lewis and Clark campsites along route, Abraham Lincoln stayed in Brownville and there is record of mankind in this area dating back 10,000 years. "The trail will be extremely beneficial to the area. It should bring in a lot of tourism," said Heather Nedrow, senior criminal justice major.

The National Rails to Trails Conservancy purchases abandoned railways from the railroad. They strip the rails, ties and gravel and sell them to generate money to purchase more railways. Once the railway is stripped they sell the title lo local organizations. They are a non-profit organization.

According to the Rails to Trails fact sheet, the National Rails to Trails Conservancy purchased this land at a price of$83 thousand, then deeded it to the Nemaha Natural Resource District (NRD). The Nemaha NRD now acts as coordinator for the project and is responsible for a ·majority of the cleanup and upkeep of the land.

Six Honorable Inductees

THE PERU STATE COLLEGE CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY PHI ALPHA THETA grew by six members after induction ceremonies held Tuesdal,J, April 9. Phi Alpha Theta members must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.1 or above and have completed at least 12 credit hours of history courses to be eligible for membership. Students inducted in the ceremony included (from left to right)

Doug Jorn. senior; Laura Kelsay, senior; Charlene Jorn, senior: Elleen Uch1,Jtil, senior: Ph vi Iis Jorgensen. senior; and Amanda Ray. senior.

Dr. Saro Crook serves as temporary sponsor of the chapter. Roy also serves as the chapter President. while Jorgensen is Vice President. The Secretar /treasurer is Uch ti!. -

Committee reviewing choices for food service vendor

Choices could bring changes in PSC food service. The Board of Trustees has a policy which requires PSC to periodically explore new options in food companies.

What do students think of the current food being served in the cafeteria? Is breakfast 'yah!' or 'blah!"? Is lunch 'yummie!' or 'crumrnie!'?

Blanmer Gomez, business administration major, who works for the food service said, "The quality of food and the management are the best I've seen. Sara Schnieder, senior music marketing major, said, "Not being on any meal plan, the few times I do eat there the variety of food is good, but it all stinks."

DAKA, the current food service company, took over for Service Master during the 199495 year:· .DAKA is again petitioning to service PSC. Two new companies are also putting in their bids: Sodexho and PFM.

According to Student Senate President,

Russell Crouch, "All three companies are very competitive and gave great presentations." The petitioning companies offered specialty restaurants, which will be placed in the Bob Inn. (The Bob Inn menu will continue to be offered.) The restaurants proposed include Taco Bell, Godfathers Pizza,, Pan D's Pizza and Pizza Hut. All companies proposed labels for food, listing all nutritional information. · ·

Crouch said, "If a new food company services PSC, it would not affect the price of the meal plan." But the specialty restaurants would not be included in that price. All companies are also proposing later hours for the specialty restaurants.

To decide if a new food service should be offered, student senate established a committee made up of five students, faculty and staff, with input from other students. The committee does not have the power to choose the food service company. PSC President, Robert Burns has to make a proposal to the Board of Trustees, and

The Times, the official.student newspaper of Peru State College, is published once everylwo weeks by Peru State College students. The Times office is located in the college publication office in the Physicaf Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260.

Opinions expressed may not necessarily" be those of the entire editorial staff. All letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters, cartoons, articles and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style.

The Times is printed by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE.

Please send m:iterial to: Editor

E-MAIL: psctimes@ bobcat.peru.com

Peru State Times Campus Mail Peru State College Peru, NE 68421

they will make the final decision.

Crouch, a member of the committee, visited Creighton University to sample food and get students' opinion. The company servicing Creighton is Sodexo. Crouch said, "I thought the food quality was great; everything was very impressive." Ann-Marie Taylor, sophomore special'education major, who is also a member of the committee went to sample the food and service at Doane College. She said, "The facilities were smaller than ours, but everything was pretty clean. The food was all right."

All three companies promote breaks from the norm. Crouch hinted that one company during finals week would serve breakfast in bed. Mattresses would be brought in to the student center, and students could crawl into bed and be served breakfast.

If a new food service company is taking over they will start some time in June. If not, DAKA will remain servicing PSC.

Financial Aid office needs completed SAR by June 1

Generally, there are only two types of financial aid available for the summer semester: student loans and workstudy.

Student loans and workstudy applications are due May I in the Financial Aid office for summer school. Students must be pre-registered for summer classes before summer aid can be processed.

Also, although the SAR (pink sheets that will be received by students to varify information from the Financial Aid Form that was to be sent on April 1) says that the form does not need to be sent to the PSC Financial Aid office-it does. The Financial Aid office needs your SAR by June I as requested earlier this spring.

Management Association to meet Any business. major who wishes to be involved in the PSC Management Association is invited to come to the May 2 meeting in TJ Majors 326. The meeting starts at 11 p.m.Officer positions are still open. Contact Bob Lewellen for more details.


Assistant Editor Copy Editor

Photo Coordinator ·

Advertising Manager


Graphics Editor

Terry Dugan Reporters

Chris Raabe

Leigh Calfee

Josh Whitney

Shane Vanoene

Dan Ketelsen

Troy Moraine Advisor

Je!nalsa !rlllll AallodatllZI

Jennifer Froeschl

Shanda Hahn

Scott Krichau

Heather Joy Layson

Krys Leeds

Freedom Robinson

Debbie Sailors

Andrea Tee

Matt Uher

Greg Wolfe

Dr. Dan Holtz

hoto b Genelle Czirr
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Are students wasting lab fees?

Although it fiscally is needed, a 60 percent increase in the computer lab fees (albeit only six dollars a year) came as a bit of a surprise. Anytime anything goes up 60 percent, an eyebrow or two raises.

Who really uses the labs? Does a majority of the use come from classes, people using the internet or students typing papers? From our observations, the Mac lab in TJ Majors has been used primarily for composition and some computer science classes, the IBM lab in TJ Majors for business related classes as well as Desktop Publishing and the Hoyt lab, the one that gets the most use (it's the one that is the most accessible), is home to the computer programing classes and fastest internet use.

Now, if the labs are monopolized by classes during the day, wouldn't it be more feasible to charge a lab fee for everyone taking a class in one of the labs rather than charging ail students $16 dollars a semester? All the Mac lab computers can be used for, effectively, is word processing, spreadsheets, etc. because they are too slow to run a program like Netscape with any efficiency. That's why most students don't use the Mac lab for internet access. In Hoyt, the computers that have World Wide Web access are very efficient, and the electronic mail system is great for students.

However, during the nighttime hours, the student payrolls, which amount to 80 percent of the lab fee, are being squandered. Both labs in TJ Majors are vacant in relation to the number of computers they house (exception: mid term and finals), and the Hoyt lab computers are monopolized by students who are on the Web or talking to other students via the ISCA telecomunications program. There's another, and probably better, term for ISCA: a telephone. Why should students who have telephones have to pay for those who do not?

Plus. an unwritten rule of the labs is that items that are not school related cannot be printed off the internet. This is due to people printing off things from 20 pages of pornography to gardening tips and recipes.

If these occurences are now being monitored and no more paper or toner is being wasted, it seems that charging a $5 or $10 lab fee for a class is a much stabler solution than raising the lab fees by 60 percent.

Gibbs questions integrity of Times

Dear Editor:

Although I am not a Catholic, and Scott Krichau 's article "Other Names for Things" in no way offended me, I can't help but point out the fact that Catholics favor the "pro-life" movement. I believe the word you were looking for, Scott, was pro-choice, pro-abortion, pro-death, etc. I suggest that you read up a little on what you're talking about next time you try to be a comedian. In light of all this, I present to you, The Peru State Times, my very own little version of "Other Names for Things:"

'The Real News" pointless, tasteless, waste of paper and ink.

"The PeruTimes" pathetic, offensive, 50% useless info, 30% advertisements, 20% gap fillers (example: "The Real News")

This does not apply to the entire paper. I do feel that certain sections of theTimes are interesting. But without the sports and occasional school article, theTimes is hurting. I enjoy


silliness as much as the next person, but the line of silliness is often crossed into being in bad taste or even offensive.

I know that everyone is going to say, "Well, if it offends him, he doesn't need to read it." My reply to that is that I go to school here and pay just as many fees and expenses as everyone else. I feel that improvements could be made which would really help the quality and integrity of the Times.

Sincerely, Shawn Gibbs

Elementary Education


Editor's note:

In issue #10 of theTimes, Scott Krichau's review was incorrectly typed. The error was unfortunate, appalling and regretful; I was the one who typed it in. Mr. Gibbs's letter is greatly appreciated (it's the first one we've gotten from a student this semester). It takes a lot of courage to speak out and break the mold of apathy.

People read a newspaper for different reasons-some because of the sports, others for the news and some actually, in the case of the Times, for the entertainment of"Real News." As a common rule, people turn to one section of the paper, whether it's business, news, sports or entertainment and, then, read the rest if they have time or skim the other articles for anything of interest.

As far as the Times being "pathetic" and "hurting," I must point out that we recently received third place at the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association's (NCMA) "Golden Leaf' awards in the best newspaper category. In addition, we also received an award from the Nebraska Press Association for feature writing; members of the Nebraska Press Association include all the schools in the (NCMA), along with UNK, Chadron

State and UNO.

In winning third in the NCMA, we placed higher than Midland Lutheran, among others, which has a journalism program and a budget of over $I 00,000. We have no journalism program at Peru State, and our budget this year was $8, 100. That budget is paid for through student publication fees which average out to roughly three dollars per student per semester.

When the "Real News" was created last fall, the intention was for it to be a page of social and political satire to add humor to the Times. Some people don't understand some our of satire, others think it's great and still others think it's a waste of space and "tasteless." Everyone has their own moral line which occasionally gets crossed, and different things are offensive to different people. Mr. Gibbs is offended by the Times, many people are offended by the personalities of Rush Limbaugh and Don Imus, and I'm offended by tampons being too close to the toothpaste in retail stores. Writing satire is like throwing darts, and we try to hit the bull's eye as often as possible-in Mr. Gibbs's eyes. we have been missing throughout the entire paper. Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

Letters to the editor are always welcome, and the misconception is that letters have to be in response to stories we print. Anyone can write a letter about anything: congratulating an organization about a program they sponsored, criticisms of or kudos to school policies, opinions about anything, and the list goes on. The Times is your voice, and as long as your comments and suggestions are above the "libel line," they will be printed, space permitting. Letters can be sent through campus mail or our e-mail address, which is "psctimes@bobcat.peru.com." Your input is important for the school to have an interesting, timely and important paper. -T.D.

Due to illness, "ln·tu·it with. Debbie Sailors" will not be ·seen this issue. It will. be bock in issue # 12. Debbie is currently listed day to day, but then again, aren't we all.

Letter to the editor
--. " - \ \
Tracy Cochran junior psychology/sociology major T.J. Carmichael Freshman undecided major Chad Moody sophomore criminal justice major
"I just 'use the lab for mv computer class. The reason whv I don't use it is because mv roommate has a computer in her room.
"The onlv time I use the lab is when I have a paper I need to tvpe. ·1reallv don't use them For anv other reason
"The onlv time I use the lab is when I need to use their printers. Otherwise, I have mv own computer in mv room. and I use that all the time for doing mv papers or projects."
Reeder freshman business management major
"Not too often. I basicallv just use my roommate's computer because it's easier for me to use.
Renee Moss sophomore secondary education major
"I use the lab once a month. The only time I'm in the lab is when I have a paper to due for a class."
Brian Woebbecke junior sports management major
"Between two and three times a week. I use it to do papers. and I use the internet to look up how my sports teams are doing."

Peer mentors help students help themselves

Not only do students who receive mentoring and tutoring services benefit from peer mentoring, but those students who offer their support do also. Working as a peer mentor is a very rewarding experience and can become a very important part of college life to everyone involved.

"Being a peer mentor means a great deal to me because I enjoy helping and talking to the students I work with," says Jonee Roach, senior psychology/sociology major. "I, myself, also have a peer mentor. I benefit from her because it is good to know that there is some one there to talk to wh0 will be a good listener."

Peer mentor April Czaplewski, senior language arts/secondary education major, says that her experience has been "self gratifying knowing

I have helped someone and knowing they can come to me if they have problems. I like being a role model and knowing I am useful to someone. I would really like that everyone would be able to come to .me with problems."

On being a peer mentor, Cheryl Bartels, senior accounting/ management major, says, "I am glad to have been given the opportunity to meet new students and to know that I have hopefully helped in some way to have made their college experience a positive one."

Helping students is what the mentoring program is all about. The motto for Student Support Services is "helping students help themselves." If you are interested in becoming a peer mentor, or would like to have a peer mentor, stop in the Student Support Services office in T.J. Majors 300.

Okay, listen, I'm gonna point at you and you can either laugh or look at me funny MARCY EDDINGER (right) TRIES TO DETERMINE who is responsible for her car's disappearance in the one· act plaL,J "Carwash." Was it Jae (Aaron Wisdom) or Darlene (Heather Lavson)? Find out on Fridal,! April 19 at 8 p.m. in the College Theatre. Russ Crouch directs -photo bl,! Terrv Dugan


Miss Rodeo Nebraska applications due June l

The Miss Rodeo Nebraska Pageant will· again be held during NEBRASKAland DAYS in North Platte. The contest will begin on Sunday, June 16. the new queen will be crowned during the Buffalo Bill Rodeo performance on the Night of Wednesday, June 19.

The NEBRASKA!and DAYS Miss Rodeo Nebraska Pageant Committee is now accepting entries to this year's competition. The contest is open to any single woman who will be between the ages of 18 and 25 by December of 1997. Deadline for entries will be June I, 1996.

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The LIED CENTER in Nebraska City needs help for an Arbor Day banquet. Servers and assistants are needed. Pays up to $8/hour and black slacks with a white button down shirt will be needed. Apply in person by April 23 at the Lied conference center, 2700 Sylvan Road. Ask for Marla Fink or John Muller.

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'W-Softball af William Woods


'.0-Baseball vs. Bellevue, 1 p.m.

;:omplex Field

1-Baseball at Briar Cliff, 1 p.m.

':.2-Baseball vs. Avila, 2 p.m.

':omplex Field

L3- Softball at Midland Lutheran, 5 m.

A-Registratian for intramural ends vs. Doane, 4 p.m.

;Complex Field

!;,,;-Baseball at Hastings, 4 p.m. vs. Briar Cliff, 1 p.m. tomplex Field concert, .3 p.m. College Theatre.

;28-Baseball at Missouri Valley, 1 p.m.

i30-Band concert, 8 p.m. College


30-Softball at Concordia, 4 p.m. at Concordia, 4 p.m.



PSC 1s teacher training programs receive accreditation

Peru State College's teacher training programs have received accreditation by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), according to PSC President, Robert L. Burns.

Notice of achievement was just received said Burns, and it is for NCATE's full five-year term. He hailed it as a major accomplishment by PSC's Division of Education.

"This highly sought accredifation confirms via outside specialists that our education programs have strength and excellence, " said Burns. "Dr. David Ainsworth, chair of the Division of Education, and many of our faculty can take pride in this important accomplishment."

"Only about 500 American colleges and universities are NCATE accredited out of nearly 1300 with teacher training programs, according to Jane Leibbrand, spokesperson for the

Washington D.C.-based accrediting agency.

In fact, full NCATE accreditation used to come in 10-year blocks, then seven-year increments. A few years ago, NCATE revised and strengthened it's standards and implemented a five-year accreditation process, with annual reports required.

"NCATE is 'the' national standard setting body for teacher education in the United States," noted Ainsworth.

"Some institutions have had a hard time meeting their requirements and have had to either delay or surrender their accreditation."

NCATE accreditation, granted to PSC programs at both the graduate and undergraduate level, requires institutions to meet "standards which tend to keep the teacher education program on the c11tting edge," said Dr. Terry B. Smith, vice president for academic affairs.

'Student Support Services helps students )succeed in college and graduation

'By Mindy Brockman qualified; that is, they must meet at least two of the preceeding criteria.

"Helping students help themselves" The program is designed to help stuis the motto of Student Support Ser- · dents with any problems they may vices. The program's goal is to help have. If a student has a problem, and students persist in college and gradu- the school does not have program that ·ate. will benefit him/her, a new program

Applications to Student Support will be tailor-made, or the student will Services are accepted throughout the be referred somewhere that the year and can be picked up in T. J. needed help can be found. Maj9rs,room 300. Students meeting The program is funded ()ntirely by certain eligibility requirements can the U.S. Department of Education. receive academic assistance, personal Funding for this year totaled and social support from the $175,000,andnextyeartheestimated program. All services are available amount is $180,000. The program is free of charge. currently funded through 1997, and In order to be eligible for assistance the staff is in the process of rewriting from the program,. students have to its grant proposal for funding after meet at least one of the following cri- 1997. teria: Greg Mitchell, director of Student

I. Neither parent has a Support Services, says, "We have a bachelor's degree.. very dedicated staff, including Pam

2. Student meets low income Williams, student intervention coorguidelines outlined by the U.S. De- dinator; Kevin Miller, tutorial coorpartment of Education. dinator; Cindy Moran, administrative ·

3. Student has a physical or secretary; Susan Unruh, student interlearning disability. vcntion officer; and Jamie Federal law requires that 66 percent Brownfield, student intern." of all eligible students must be dual- The program serves


"I think the most impressive thing about the experience was what hap-, pened on the [NCATEJ Board of Examiners' exit interview," said Smith. "The Board Chair said they would 'highly recommend' continued accreditation-I've never heard that phrase used by a visiting NCATE team."

Ainsworth noted that NCATE accreditation is not required of institutions. and, indeed, nearly. 800 of the country's approximately 1300 · teacher-training colleges don't have accreditation.

"NCATE accreditation does a couple of things," he said. "It allows you to compare your program against a set of natiOnal standards. And, it's a consumer issue: NCATE accreditation as'sures students, schools and states that the program your graduates have completed meets the highest standards."

The five-member NCATE accreditation team visited campus last October. The PSC Education Division began preparations for the visit over a year before that, Ainsworth said.

NCATE "complimented us on the strength of our faculty and the excellent models they present to students," said Ainsworth. 'They said they liked the model we use that employs the concept of our helping teachers to become effective decision-makers."

"I think [accreditation] is a testament to outstanding divisional leadership and to an energetic and professional faculty who care deeply about the quality of their graduates;"=-= added Smith.

"We were established in the last century to prepare teachers," said Burns. "It's good to know that we still do it with such excellence."

The next NCATE visit won't come until the fall of 2000.


around 250 students. There are 16 peer mentors and 20 peer tutors employed by Student Support Serves. The program has many services that are unique to the campus: tutorial services, mentoring services and one-oncine advising in such areas as time management, stress management, test-taking.skills, academics and life skills. The program also provides a 24-hour tutorial/informational hotline.

In addition, the Student Support Services office has a computer which is equipped with a speech-to-text synthesizer that can be. used by student with dyslexia or physical handicaps. The office also has special .computer equipment designed to help blind students use the computer. The students can hear rather than see what is one the screen. Mitchell hopes to also add a learning skills lab to the program.

If you meet at least one of the requirements or are not sure whether you do, feel free to stop in to as\<.. Mitchell says that the staff is there to help students help themselves.


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Bobcat softball places second at tournament

The Peru State softball team split a double-header on the road at Briar Cliff on April 9 before making a strong showing at the College of St. Mary's· (Omaha) Tournament last weekend. The Bobcats lost the championship game to the host team.

April 9, the 'Cats scored two runs in the sixth frame. Rachel Duede, junior first baseman, reached first on an error and went to third on a single by Kerry Brandt, senior shortstop. A Lea Rauscher sacrifice fly and Jen Slattery single plated Duede and Brandt. Andrea Tee, senior pitcher/ outfielder held the Chargers scoreless to record the shutout victory. Peru State hurler Slattery relinquished only one earned run but took the loss in the night cap 3-2.

Last Friday, the 'Cats traveled to St. Mary for pool play. The Bobcats upended nationally-ranked Kansas Newman in the first game 10-6, avenging aJoss to Kansas Newman in the Park College Tournamen.t earlier in the. season. Brandt went 3-3 With four RBI's, as the Bobcats pounded out 11 hits.

· -Four untimely errors spotted the Dana Vikings a four-run lead early in the second game. Peru State dmpped

UNITYHAS BEEN ONE ASPECT OF THE 'CATS GAME THAT HAS BEEN STEADILY IMPROVING each game. With plo1,JOff time approaching. fans see iT\ore ·mound meetings of encouragement like the one here. -photo bv Don Ketelsen

- the contest 9- l to finish outpool play, pitting Peru State against Midland Lutheran iii tlreflrstmund of the tour- Bobcats advance in the winners' times on senior centerfielder Dawn ney oh Saturday morning. bracket with a 12-4 whipping of Miller's inside-the-park home run but Bauscbe.r's inside-the-park - Dana. Senior third baseman Jill could.manage only two hits the rest grandslarn,highlighted a seven-run Madsen went 3-3, driving in three of the way. St. Mary prevailed 12-5. fir8t as Peru State rolled to a runs. Tee went the distance, picking Bauscher swatted. three hits and 9-4 victory. ·All seven runs were up her second win of the tournament drove in three runs as the Bobcats scored with two outs. Assistant in as many days. upended Kansas Newman, once coach, Scott Heese stated, "That's Peru State rallied to tie the College, agairi. ·The 'Cats ripped 11 hits, scorgetting the job done when we had to." of St. Mary with a four-run second ing five runs in the second and five An eight"nin third inning helped the. inning. The Bobcats tallied three more in the fifth to put the game away.

St. Mary played the spoiler-again.

Miller took the loss, while the Bobcat bats were held to only four hits. "St. Mary is a good ball club. They are 28-5, and one of those losses was to us earlier in the year," Heese said of the loss. He continued, "We were worn out by the fifth game. It is tough to stay motivated for 12 hours."

The 'Cats look to build off the

strong showing last weekend. Tomor row, they travel to the William WoodS' Invite. Senior pitcher/outfielder Jen Slattery stated, "We need to play error free ball and hit the ball like we· are capable of doing. We need it all to happen at the same time if we expect to advance in the tournaments at the end of the year."

Professional athletes are turning into Freakshows

TQday, the face of professional M who ride along on the coattails of ath- think they are? sports:has changed from the carefree

letics like a pork-barrel project on a Fans no longer root for a player who sm.ile of Ozzie. Smith to the grotesque legislative bill. These freak shows plays for the same team year after head of Medusa; I mean Dennis Rod- I UJO don't stand for what the game repre- year. They cheer for a hired gun who man. I always get the two confused. · · sents. They are in it for themselves. will quarrel over dollars and end up

IJ• h baseball. His answer: "I like it, but I Marge Schott hasn't given the own-

Professional athletes have begun to Genl.'S Dave Justice, outfielder for the At- on another club battling arbitration overstep the bounds of their respec- lanta Braves, was asked if he loved two years down the road. tive sports.

These professionals, for the most WI t don't love it." Laker's guard Nick ers of professional teams the needed part, have become overpaid Van Exel was suspended and fined by shot in the arm (no pun intended). Her crybabies, determined to ruin the in- Chris Aa a be the league for hitting a ref. His com- statements GVer the past few weeks tegrity of the game. People claim the ment, "I will apologize to him when have mad.e her the queen bee of anal game has changed, but I beg to dif- away at the fabric of sport. he apologizes to me." Michael Irvin, retention. fer. The players appear to see them- People no longer venture to events wide receiver for the Dallas Cow- I am no longer amazed by the disselves as bigger thiin the game, but I to see the game and all its wonder. boys, said "I don't have a drug abuse agreements between owners and playsee them as diseases trying to eat They come to see the freak shows problem." Who do these players

ers. Ignorance arguing with ignorance just doesn't get the job done. If they keep playing with fire, eventually the two sides will get burned. If so, professional sports could be lost' forever.

My mother taught me a tremendous lesson. When I abused a privilege she said to me, "SHAME ON YOU!!!" I think we can all learn something from this.

The time has come to quit the bickering and the greed. The time has come 10 restore integrity lo the game.

Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?

; 6
i . 1
j :I

flT BATS HAVE BEEN A RARE SIGHT this season as the weather has <orced the postponement of a good chunk of the Bobcat's games. Brian bears down and anticipates the pitch. -photo b1,1 Kent Propst

Weather wreaks havoc For PSC baseball

The Bobcat baseball season can be summed up in one sentence spoken by junior outfielder Steve Young, "I can't remember the last time we played."

This is the situation the 'Cats have been in all year with the weather being so uncooperative. "We had four games postponed last weekend and ended up taking a week off in between games," said Coach Dave Teske.

"Having no continuity with games has meant that our four-man rotation has not been able to get in any sort of rhythm." However, junior leftfielder Bryan Bott suggested a solution, saying, "Maybe we could play wiffle ball games down in the,AWAC if the weather doesn't get any better."


Runs Steve Young (23)

Greg Wolfe (23)

Hits Steve Young (31)

Joe Gonyea (30)

Avg. Steve Young (.437)

Greg Wolfe (.406)

Hopefully the.weather will change span since the 'Cats have over 30 games to make up within the next three weeks. "The rest of the schedule will be important to see how we will be ranked for the post season tournament," said Teske. "We have to pick up some wins against all the teams in our region [who happen to be some of the top teams in the country] in order to get a good seeding for the tournament."

Recently the men over-came a few injuries to split the season series with number-one seed Rockhurst. "I think with beating Rockhurst we proved that we can play with any team in our region," said' senior pitcher Deon Wingert. "We've gained a lot of confidence in knowing that we can beat a team like Rockhurst," added junior

OB% Steve Young (.500)


Shane Van Oene (.429)

Greg Wolfe (5)

Brian Childs (5)

RBI Greg Wolfe (19)

Aaron Lauby (18)

shortstop Joe Gonyea. "If we can stay healthy we are going to be a surprise when tournament time comes around."

Before the regional tournament the Bobcats have to finish the regular season, which includes l 0 home games. "With the tough schedule remaining, we could sure use some extra support from the student body to cheer us on at home games," said Gonyea, which is not to say that there have not been good crowds.

Teske has been very pleased with the turnouts. He said, "We've had some good vocal crowds out lo cheer us on and get on the other teams. The strong home crowd is one thit1g that keeps us in our game."

The Bobcats take on arc::-rival Bellevue University on Saturdc.y at 1.

Wins Kyle Becker (3)

IP Deon Wingert (42.66)

ERA Kyle Becker (3.38)

K Deon Wingert (32)

Student votes needed to annolnt IPOTY winner

3y Chris Raabe

Finally, the time has come for the PeruStateversion of.the ESPY's: You, the farts, will get to vote on which intramural athlete deserves to ';e named the Peru State Intramural .Player of the Year.

Junior Jen "Little Frog" Froeschl got the intramural ball rolling by the co-ed, 8oball pool cham-

pionship last October. Froeschl has competed in many intramural events in the past but pulled off the 8-ball championship while bearing child. Contestant two is a former standout for the Bobcat National basketball team. Fredd "The Wizard"

pects to an Intramural Basketball Championship. Stinson's vote against mandatory condoms could cost him. Only time will tell.

Jason Diesley played an instrumental role in the greatest comeback in modem intramural history. Our final candidate led his intramural basketball team back from a five-point deficit to a one-point win in the first round of the tournament. Diesley pulled off the miraculous comeback with only two teamma,tes left on the floor.

on-three tourney in January.







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The third finalist is a superb duo of sophomores. Rhonda Jilg and Kristina Kreifels won the hearts of card sharks everywhere,. when they shocked the pitch world by taking the 10-point pitch tourney. The pair commented, "Just remember, women always end up on top!" We will see.

Finalist Jamie Stinson is the ideal intramural athlete. Stinson played a big role in the Schick tourney, along with Ward. He also guided D-I Pros-

Affordable graduation gift5 Pen5, Organizer5 Attache Ca5e5

Those are the finalists. To cast your votes, send us your choice to Intramural Player of the Year

The Peru State Times Campus Mail Peru State College Peru, NE 68421 (no postage neccessary if mailed in campus mail) or vote via the netpsctimes@bobcat.peru.edu

Votes must be cast by April 29. One vote per person, please.

Ward was the driving force behind the dominance of the Schick
I-··· "" ''PLIW

Primal Fear

frightfully great

Richard Gere is back, better than ever in his new picture Primal Fear. He plays defense attorney Martin Vail, who doesn't mind seeing his face on the cover of magazines or on the television set.

The movie starts with the brutal murder of an archbishop. Later a young man is found all c.urled up in a corner by railroad tracks, covered in the blood of the beloved archbishop.

The young man is Aaron Stappler, and he claims that he didn't do anything. He says he was just returning a book when he heard a noise. So he went up to the room to see what was the matter, and the archbishop was lying there. Then Stappler claims he blacked out. But he does remember seeing a third person in the room with he and the archbishop.

Martin Vail to the rescue. Vail takes the case pro-bono and really wants to help the young man. Stappler says that the archbishop was like a father to him, and he would never hurt him.

Vail has to figure out a way to find that third person and to keep his client from getting the death penalty. It is a race against time, and Stappler has the best person. on the case.

This is an edge-of-your-seat thriller that will keep you guessing until! the very end. Richard Gere does a great job playing this character, and for awhile you actually thirik he is a defense lawyer. Wh.oever you think did it, didn'tdo it. I give Primal Fear four out of five stars.

Presidential candidate Devon Doll, hot off his defeat of Scott Krichau for the Republican nomination, was charged with assault yesterday at the Kinder-kid Preschool Center.

Allegedly, the confrontation occurred when little Suzy Bargas, three, claimed that her mom would make a better first mom than Doll's. After the claim, Doil struck Bargas with a large, metallic symbol of business and industry.

Eyewitness Mary Poppinrich, Kinder-kid manager, said, "Devon was playing with a Tonka toy-you know, the yellow one that works like a crane? It's a popular toy.

Devon just loves to play with that crane. Anyway, Suzy wanted to play with the crane, and Devon said that she should play with some dolls or the kitchen set. Well, Suzy was not happy with that whatsoever. She had the same look on her face that she had when Devon stuck his hand in her macaroni and cheese and weenies. Anyway, Suzy said, 'Hey! I'm an independent woman who can play with cranes if I want to.' Well, Devon didn't like that talk so he said, 'Well, rve got the Republican presidential nomination in the bag.' I'm so proud of him. He hums 'Hail to the Chief' almost as often as he does the 'Sesame Street' theme. 'Sunny day sweepin' the

clouds Oh, oh, anyway, she said that Republicans are turning into Fascist Pigs-I don't know where she learned that word. Her mouth should be washed out with soap. Anyway;then she said that her mommy would make a better first mommy than his mommy. And Devon said in a cute little William Howard Taft voice, I love when he uses that voice, 'No, she wouldn't because my mom is prettier, and yours is a burden to the tax payers of this country.' Then Suzy said that he was a poopy pants. That's when he took the crane and hit her across the face."

Republican party chairman, · Haley Barber, Jr., is playing this incident off as an unwarranted assault on Doll's integrity. Barber said, "Poopy pants is the last straw. She didn't need to stoop to that level. He was just trying to protect tlie wholesomeness of the Republican party. She's lucky he wasn't playing with the toy carpenter set. Besides, she got the last punch in-a sucker punch when he was getting into the patrol car, I might add."

Doll's former opponent, Scott Krichau, said, "The people of this country didn't believe me when I said he was a suicidal time bomb ready to explode all over the swing set of life. I think the public should have given me more of a chance; yes, I am ad-

dieted to One-A-Day vitamins, but they're so good."

Detective of all political candidates under four feet tall, Anthony "Pappa Tony" DiFriko, who has taken over for the late John Musafa, said, "Kids is kids. Is no kids? Is kids. Kids play. Kids play fight. Kids fight. Kids is kids." Immigration is looking into the matter of Pappa Tony's language.

Bargas officially announced her candidacy for presidency as an Independent candidate. Her jaw should be fully mended in about five·· weeks. Luckily, she's not all that accustomed to solid, grown-up food anyway. Her menu for the next few weeks will include pureed beanie weenies, grilled cheese shakes and macaroni and cheese suppositories-no one has told her about tha1 yet.

The FBI has released a copy of the original draft of what is thought to be the unabomber's manifesto found recently in the shack of Ted Kaczynski in Lincoln, MT. We have attained a copy of the original draft, as well as the draft which was printed in the Washington Post, and have noted a few items that did not·make the final draft.

Page 1, top right hand comer: "Rt 5, Box 32, Linc0ln, MT' Page I, paragraph 1: "It was the best of times, it was worst of times."

.Page I, paragraph 3: "My brother had always been a snitch. There was a time on July 4, 1952 when he told our mom that I had fireworks I had stolen hidden in my pants. I received the worst beating of my life that night. That was the day I knew I would be the unabomber. I wanted to blow up my brother."

Page 3, paragraph 25: "She touched his forearm-muscles rippling. He touched her breast softly as she said, 'I love you, Ted! You are the only man for me-so strong, so outdoorsy. Make a bomb for me."'

Page 5, paragraph 43: "There's too many kids in this tub. There's too many elbows to scrub. !just washed a behind that I'm sure wasn't mine. There's too many kids in this tub."

Page 8, paragraph 72: "I found the cure for head lice. I found it! Yes! No more itching! Oh, no! There it spills. No! No! No! I Damn you lice! Damn you to hell."

Page 16, paragraph 134: "What's up with that Perot guy anyway?"

Page 17, paragraph 138: "Star Wars is the root of all evil."

Page 19, paragraph 152: "Then I said, 'No, I ordered fries, not onion rings.' After that, I took a board I had strapped to my back and beat the intercom until it smashed into a million pieces."

Page 22, paragraph 170: "You don't know what it's like living in a shack in Lincoln, MT. Bears start looking at you funny after a while Then, they stop asking you to play bridge with them. Then, they say, 'Hey, why don't you go back to your own kind before we eat you.' That's when I blow them up."


In issue#!O, we stated that Issue#l 1 wou.ld be on newsstands on April 16. Obviously, it was suppose to read April 19. What happened was our moms showed up with some cookies and milk and our puppy dogs while we were working on the front page. Well, Spot and Lassie were jumping up and down on the keyboard and six popped up instead of a nine. So, that's why. The reason we didn't catch the mistake when we took .the paper to the printer can be blamed on crack.

i"EtJ SOME: l=tl.\.<; VP WI\'\'\ !=Wit:>, !jovG?. HAIR., A>ll:I P\ftS RovGI: Oh.l °"°"Q.

No. 1 _ April 19, Issue #11 · 1996 Mad cow disease ridden beef ..
you can eat for $4.95


According to a recent survey conducted by the Division of Education, graduates felt that the existing curricula had more than adequately prepared them to teach. However, the education department is still striving to make improvements. According to Dr. Anthony Citrin, professor of education, the practica respondents experienced has been greatly altered during the past 18 months.

In 1995, the Education Division, along with help from the Peru Student Education Association (PSEA), sent out a survey examining the Peru State education program. This survey was sent to JS9 graduates of 1990 through 1994 to discover the strengths and weaknesses of that program.

Of the 43 percent that responded, 56 percent had elementary endorsements, 29 percent had secondary, nine percent represented K-12 endorsements, while the remaining six percent were preschool/early childhood. ·

Regardless of the feieds education majors are choosing. a rapidly increasing number of Peru graduates are leaving to teach in an urban area. In the 1989 survey, 79 percent of the graduates were teaching in rural schools, while in 1995, that number dropped to 31 percent. These numbers demonstrate a growing demand for multi-cultural education, which the PSC Division of Education has set out io meet.

THE PERU STATE MADRIGAL SINGERS GAVE.A ROYAL HAND during the fourth annual Nebraska-Dakotas Conference Of) Earlv English Literature which was held April 25-26 at Peru State College. Professors and students from nine states presented papers on various literarv topics. and "Shakespeare's Songs" were performed ;n addition to the Madrigal's performance Dr. Marv Mokris and Dr; Bill Clemente organized the conference. -photo by Dan. Holtz

Jodi Hytrek named 1996 Future Teacher of the Year

Jodi Hytrek has been named the 1996 Future ·Teacher of the Year by the Nebraska English/ Language Arts Council (NELAC). Ms. Hytrek, a senior language arts and former editor-in-chief of the Peru State Timesdid her student teaching at Berlin High School in Wisconsin. Her hometown is Auburn.

The Future Teacher Award recognizes an outstanding. English or language arts major who plans to graduate and seek a teaching position the following fall. Nominees can be an undergraduate or graduate student from any of Nebraska's public or private colleges or universities which have a program to prepare English/ Language Ans teachers.

This is. the eighth year the award has been __ presented by NELAC, an organization representing English/language arts teachers across Nebraska. Previous future teachers have come from the College of St. Mary. Dana College, Creighton University and the Universities of Nebraska at Omaha and Peru State College.

Commission Approves Tech Center

The Nebraska Coord,inating Commission for Postsecondary Education gave final approval on April 23 to the use of the Regional Technology .Center in Nebraska City as an off-campus branch. Approval is for a three-year period.

.Munson selected for honors

Junior Misti Munson. a business management major, was named this year's "Scroll of Service Award" recipient. The "Scroll of Service Award" is given to the student who shows exceptional dedication to Peru State College.

Munson was also selected by Gov. Ben Nelson to be Peru's Student Board Member to the State Board of Trustees. Her term is for one year.

Last summer Peru State College established its own page on the World Wide Web. Since then that Web page has been accessed by PSC faculty and students, as well as by peopl('! all over the world.

In March 1996, PSC's Web page was viewed by people from 26 countries including Poland, Mexico, Japan, Finland and England. In the States the page was accessed by military personnei ai,:id government offices.

The Web page displays useful information about PSC, including the complete 1994-96 catalog, a synopsis of degree requirements, the academic calendar, sports schedules and pictures of campus buildings.

The individual departments on campus, as well as the library, also have spots on the Web page. Faculty can display class syllabi, course descriptions and other informa,tion important to the classes they are teaching.

According to Stan Mccaslin. assistant professor of computer science, future plans for the page include "expanding what we've got." He says the computer club held a workshop last fall to teach faculty how to use the Web. Future workshops on how to use the Web may also be scheduled.

McCaslin believes the Web is the wave of the future. He says eventually students might use a Web page like PSC's to narrow their college choices. He believes the possibilities for using the Web pages are endless.

Getting connected to the Web is easy. Seven of the computers in the Hoyt lab and all of the Macs in T.J. Majors have a program called Netscape, which students must use to access PSC's Web page. This program allows students to browse the World Wide Web or anything else on the Internet.

Mccaslin says the computer literacy courses now have units on using the World Wide Web, but he believes "the best way to learn to do it is by doing it."

It would appear that PSC is well on its way to meeting those demands. When asked how well the individual understood intercultural relationships and appreciated the heritage of various ethnic and minority groups, on a scale of five to one, five being outstanding, one being inadequate, the mean score was 3.3 (adequate to more than adequate).

However, according to the 1995 survey, a significant number of graduates are still teaching in rural schools. Citdn says as a result. on page 2

KEY .gov-Government .org-Non-Profit

.au-Australia .hr-Hungary 01ganizatio11

.ca-Canada .jp-Japan .pc-Peru

.com-Commercial .mil-Mt!itary .pl-Poland 1


.edu-Educauonal Providers .sg-Smgapore

.es-Spain .nl-Netherlands .uk-United Kingdom

.Ii-Finland .no-Norway .us,United States

.fr-France campus-Peru State

Cox Wins Excellence Award Page 2

Intuit: I've Got It, You Want It? Page 3

Get Marino's Autograph for Me Page4

Player of the Year Crowned Page 5

Softball Stats Page 6

A Farewell to PSC Page 7

Summer Horoscopes

HOME PAGE ? 34 .au 2 ? 38 .ca 1 .com 45 .do 1 .edu 29 .es 2 .fi 1 .gov 2 .hr 1 .jp 2 .mil l .net 14 .nl 2 .org 1 .pe l .pl 1 .se 2 .sg 1 .uk 1 .us 4 campus 89 Inside this Issue .ca 1 .com 18 .edu 38 .es l .fi 1 .gov 2 .net 26 .nl 1 .no 1 .org 2 .uk 4 campus 525 THESE FIGURES REPRESENT ll!E NUMBER OF TIMES PERU STATE WEB SITE HAS BEEN ACCESSED DURING THE MONTI! OF MARCH
Real News

Times wins first place award

The Times was awarded first place last week in the American Scholastic Press Association's Annual Review and Contest Awards for scholastic newspapers. The Times earned 880 out of a possible I 000 points to garnish the award for colleges and universities with enrollni.ent between 1001-1700. Over 470 student newspapers from across the nation entered the event. Other Nebraska schools winning awards were the Concordia College (Seward) Sower (colleges/universities with enrollment between 5001000) and Northeast Community College (Norfolk) Viewpoint Gunior/community colleges with enrollment between 1701-2500).

Students score at PBl conference

Four PSC business students qualified for this summer's national Phi Beta Lambda business conference and competition after perform.ances at the state PBL event in April. Andrew Plummer, Lelania Jane Graham, Tom Proudfit and Tracy Gibbons qulaified for nationals which will be held in July in Washington, D.C.

Smallfoot to head Continuing Ed

Dr. Robert Small foot, President of McCook Community College and Native of Nebraska City. has been appointed Director of Continuing Education effective July I.

PERU STATE COLLEGE PROFESSORS Dr. Saro Crook and Dr. Don Holtz will lead this summer's Trails and Toles Tour and Institute. The two- · week program. which begins June 10, features education both in the classroom and across the entire state. Forty-three people. mostly I elementary through secondary teachers from around the sta'te, will go on the tour. Stops range from os far eost as the Old Freighters 1 Museum in Nebraska City to Fort Robinson near Crowford. The project is funded in port by a $9,0PO grant from the Nebraska Humanities ' Council, by more than $3,500 in scholarships for participants from the Peru State College Foundation and by financial support from th0 Nebraska State Historical Societt,i. -photo by Kent Propst

Teacher education program meeting objectives according to PSC sunley

.Continued from page 1

Peru will continue with its long range plans to prepare students for rural environments.

Overall, when asked how successful PSC graduates felt as teachers, 94 percent felt successful or very successful; l 00 percent were satisfied or very satisfied with being a teacher, compared to only 85 percent in the 1989 survey. "Hopefully, this in indicative of improved screening processes and greater use of practicum experiences aiding students to make better career choices," said Citrin.

Although only 14 percent of those surveyed were special education majors, a majority of those surveyed felra:deqtiatcly prepared to recognize amainstreamed child with special needs and adequately prepared to deal with those needs in a regular classroom. Graduates did not feel quite as prepared to ·recognize or handle gifted or talented students.

According to Citrin, "The area of gifted and talented education continues to be a difficult one for our division. There arc few opportunities in the local school systems to-examine comprehensive programs; thus our students have only limited opportunity for hands-on experience. We have attempted to compensate by increasing classroom instruction in this topic, but it does not appear to completely remediate the situation."

While the mean score for this area was· a 2.9 (almost adequate), it is indicated as an area of concern for the Education Division.

The Division of Education's two strongest points involved knowledge of resources and methods of individualizing instruction, with a mean score of 4.3 (more than adequate to outstanding) and the ability to organize and present classroom information, materials and resources, with a mean score of 3.89.

This survey was used to verify the quality and appropriateness of the current Division of Education curricula. Dr. David Ainsworth, chairman of the Division of Education and Psychology, was pleased with the overall results. "The results were very -typical; by and large with a survey like this, you. te.nd•to get a gr.bup response. We have a pretty good program, and the students show.it.".

Discrepancies found in food service artide 1

In issue #I I of the Times, the article "Committee reviewing choices for food service vendor," by Freedom Robinson, contains a few inr correct facts, according to Erin Sayer, Director of Residence Life and Chair of the Food Service Review and Evaluation Committee.

In Ms. Robinson's article, it is stated that "If a new food service company serves PSC, it would not affect the price of the meal plan." According to Sayer, even if DAKA returns as our food service company, a rate increase will probably occur due to·inflation, labor costs, etc; until a company is chosen, we will not know exactly what the increase will be, but every attempt will be made to make the increase as minimal as possible.

Also, the committee established to review the food service proposals were not chosen exclusively by ·student senate. The committee was officially appointed by Dr. Robert Burns, PSC


President, who also made sure the appropriate f administrative personel were on the commit- ·, tee to review contract specifications, financial I data and issues such as vending, concessions J and catering service. According lo Sayer, this , committee began with four students, one fac- ·1 ulty representative, one support staff representative, two vice presidents and Sayer. herself, I as chair. When the faculty member resigned i from the commi!lee, due to schedule conflicts, · a student was appointed to fill the opening. In the article, it is stated that the new food service contract, whether it be awarded to 1 DAKA, Sodexho or PFM, would be in place some time in June; actually, the new contract

will start July l, I 996.

We would like to thank Ms. Sayer for her · help in clearing up the discrepancies in the ar- .,., ticle.

Cox receives Teaching Excellence Award

The Times, the official student newspaper of Peru State College, is published once every two weeks by Peru State-College sttidents. The Times office is located in the college publication office in the Physical Plant Building, telephone (402) 872-2260.

Opinions expressed may not necessarily be those of the entire editorial staff. All letters to the.editor are welcomed. Letters, cartoons, articles and so forth submitted to The Times should be signed by the individual(s) submitting them and will be published at the discretion of the staff. Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words in length. The Times reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor for grammar and style.

The Times is printed by Auburn Newspapers, Auburn, NE.

Dr. Dan Cox, associate professor of education and director of field experiences, has been tabbed to receive the 1996 Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees Teaching Excellence Award. The award goes annually to an outstanding faculty member from either Chadron, Peru or Wayne State College.


to stop what he is doing and work with a student."

Cox says of teaching, "It is not what I do; it's who I am. My [career in education] has given me much pleasure, despite the inherent difficulties, and I have been fortunate to have been recognized for my efforts. That recognition is secondary, however, to the knowledge that r ' have been a positive influence on the lives ol many young people."

Cox, who has taught at PSC since 1988, holds a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He earned his M.A. in lit!'!rature from the University of Nebraska-Omaha and his B.A. in English from Tarkio College (MO).

State Times

E-MAIL: psctimes@ bobcat.peru .edu

Please send material to: Editor Editor

Assistant Editor

Chris Raabe




Cox will receive a $3,000 stipend and an engraved trophy. He is the I 2th recipient of the award, which is funded by an endowment from FirsTier Bank.

Dr. David

Ainsworth, chair of the Education Division, nominated Cox. He wrote, "Dr. Cox is the best prepared college teacher I have ever known. At the same time, his students seem to like and enjoy him. He is available and always willing

Senior exhibition now open

An exhibition ft;aturing art by PSC seniors Kami Hooker and Michelle Kildow is on display in the PSC Art Gallery in the Jindra Fine Arts Building. the exhibition continues through May 11.

In selecting the award recipient, the Board of Trustees evaluates nomination packets which include student evaluations. Jerry Conway of Wayne, chair of the Board, noted that many students appreciated the fact that Cox treated them as peers. "One student wrote, 'When Dan refers to us as fellow teachers and not students. it helps to build our professionalism."'

Other nominees for the 1996 award were Dr. Charles Cressy, professor of business at Chadron; and Ray Replogle, professor of fine arts at Wayne. All will be honored at a recognition luncheon May 8 at the New World Inn in Columbus.

Summer office hours announced Summer office hours have been announced: by PSC Predident Dr. Robert Burns, and are. effective from May 20-Aug. 16: Mondays-, Thursdays, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. and Fridays from. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Copy Editor Photo Coordinator
Campus Mail
State College Peru, NE 68421
Terry Dugan Reporters
Josh Whitney
PRIZE, WINNING NEWSPAPER 1996 lf'obrturka rraoo AnltOCladon Jennifer Froeschl Shanda Hahn 'scott Krichau Heather Joy Layson Krys Leeds Freedom Robinson Debbie Sailors Andrea Tee Matt Uher Greg Wolfe Dr. Dan Holtz
Shane Vanoene Dan Ketelsen Troy Moraine Advisor

Fines needed for improving conditions

If we get caught speeding, we pay a.fine. If we park where we're not supposed to, we pay a fine. If we are late filing our taxes, the government fines us. All of these are examples of consequences

for breaking rules.

\ So, what is wrong with making those who live in residence halls f pay fines for breaking the rules, nothing. At least that's what 'I student senate and we, at the Times, believe.

An initial proposal that was introduced would fine a student $25 :'il for possession of an alcoholic beverage and would provide for _ ( further fines based on the amount of liquor found in the room. Fining students sounds like a more effective way to deal with disrespect of the rules than a straight write up. In the fall of 1995, 22 residents accounted for 61 of the 110 write ups-fines would tl · curb this trend.

'a The residence halls have eyolved greatly over the years. There \ once was a time when a member of the opposite sex in your dorm :I room meant expulsion; the "everything goes" phase has come and g 0 ne as well. However, if we, as students want new programs or improvements to our current facilities, it would.be reassuring to j know that some of the money we pay to go to school here does not ·· go to repairing walls or replacing carpets that have seen better days before being destroyed by parties in people's·rooms.

In addition, the fines would probably go directly into the hall , fund, which would save all the students money in_the end.




·-A problem that has existed for some time has recently gotten worse. I live just off campus, and I can't help but notice that the yards of those that live in Peru, including my yard, have turned into landfills: pop cans, beer cans and bottles, Hardee's trash and McDonald's trash have become a burden. I shouldn't have to put a trash can out for you when you shoukl be responsible enough to take care of the trash.

I ask the students who are doing this to please have some consideration and respect for other people's property. Plus, I know that parking on campus is a problem, but if you're going to park on the side streets, please make sure that driveways and private parking areas are not being blocked. You need to park quickly because you need to catch a class, but we need to get our. cars out so that we can go to work or pick our children up from school.

I had a little scare recently. Admittedly, it was mainly my imagination running away with the spoon, but, dammit, it was a scare. As you know by the absence of my column in the last issue., I was sick, I couldn't quite put my finger on what was wrong, but I was as down as a lovesick Rosie the Robot.·

The doctor walked into the exam room, took one look at me, listened to my story and said, "::nmnds like mono. We'll draw a little blood." What was this "we'.' thing? I'in always amused when doctors imply this intangible partnership, as if they're actually going to have blood drawn with me, for moral support.

He returned after an interminable wait with the results that he called, "Good news, bad news and kind-offunny news." Now, I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have any medical test of mine with "kind-offunny" results.

My doctor, who evidently sidelines as a stand-up comedian, explained the good nell{s (that I didn't have mono), the bad news (that I now couldn't be easily treated with "mono medicine") and the kind-of-funny news (that my white count was unexpectedly w.ay, way below normal). As I was laughing hysterically at this news, I asked ,what this information meant.

He pointed out three possibilities, the first of which was "a unique viral infection." Now, I don't mind being

Nanse responds to "wasting lab fees 11 article

Dear Editor: I am writing in response to the article "Are students wasting lab fees?"

I feel that if the staff of your newspaper is going to write an article they !' should at least put forth the effort to ''-write the facts. Since the author did "not, I will.

First of all, the only computer science class that is taught in the Mac labs is the Introduction ttrComputer Applications class and sometimes Hypercard during the summer.

Here are some more facts about the T.J. Majors Mac lab: At a speed of 56.6 kps the Macs, although not a more powerful platform, access the just as efficiently as the PCs do. The Web can be a very pusy place. Picture it as a highway.

In a traffic jam a Porsche will make it from point A to B just as quickly as a Yugo. - Internet utilities such as email, Telnex, lynx and ftp are also accessible in the Mac lab, and they all run very well. !SCA can also be accessed from the Mac lab as well as any other terminal or networked computer on campus, not just the.ones in the Hoyt lab. The problem is,. most people do not know how.

Here are some more facts about the Hoyt computer lab and ISCA: In the two years that I have attended PSC not a single programming class has been taught in the Hoyt lab. Very rarely we may go on a "field trip" to the lab. Last fall my class spent maybe a totalof90 minutes in the lab, hardly "monopolizing'; it. ISCA is not a telecommunications program. Kermit, Procomm and even possibly Netscape fall into this category, but certainly not ISCA. ISCA was set up as an acadeR;tic computing system by the University of Iowa. Through ISCA, an individual can post questions, thoughts and ideas on an electronic bulletin board that is vjewed by thousands of people daily. This is a great way to get feedback from people all over the country. Unfortunately, most Peruvians do not use !SCA for its intended purpose. Message-express seems to be the most popular !SCA tool that people use, but after four or five weeks, it seems to lose its novelty on the !SCA newbies.

Comments on the "unwritten rule" and "a much stabler (sic) solution": Nothing is more exciting than getting

a dot matrix printout of Miss July and looking at it as I think of all the great things I could be doing with the printout of the recipes I have downloaded. And to say that the fees are squandered during the nighttime hours is purely ignorant. Although we may not have Bill Gates working our labs, most of the workers are fairly well versed on the operation of the systems which they are responsible for.

To charge only students who have computer-related classes would work fine IF we also charged all faculty and students who use any Internet utility the same amount a commercial service provider would: about twenty bucks per month.

It is unfortunate that more students do not take advantage of the computer services that are available here on campus. To have a working knowledge of computers and the Internet certainly will not hurt one's chance of getting a job, unless, of course, the perspective employer is a disciple of Ted Kaczynski.

lundak says advertisement reflects contemporary racism

Dear Editor:

Thank you for printing the advertisement for the breathtaking Canon color copier by the Auburn. Newspapers. "See red " dramatically expressed by the African American male; probably supposed to be about 12 to 14, with eyes glaring and fists clenched, gave me a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate in Psychology 255, Psychology of Human Renot so sµbtle and

contemporary racism. There is no justifiable reason for using such a negative, stereotypical image to motivate people in southeast Nebraska to buy any product.

Editor's Note: We at the Times do not condone racism, nor do we encourage degrading sterotypes or behavior that would purposely try to hurt someone.

Obviously, Auburn Newspapers is not going to purposely degrade a race to sell copies. We didn't see any negative stereotyping when we agreed to nin the advertisment-we saw the kid as a kid ...,..T,D.

In• 1 thing when you really need it?

Well, luckily, I did markedly im-

tu it with Debbie Sailors

unique in somerespects, but I would definitely rather have an ordinary, run-of-the-mill, plain-Jane viral infection. The second possibility, lymphoma. Lymphoma. That ends in "oma," and that can't be a good thing.

And, finally, the third contender, "some type of immune deficiency." Wait a minute! Immune )2eficiency?

IcD? Isn't that half of ? Oh no, I've got "ID"? Is that better or worse than an "oma"? ID-oma! OmaID! You can sef' I had a few things to think about. Naturally, I was secure in the fact that I had never uh probably never I mean hardly ew1 exposed myself to any of those pesky risk factors.

I left his office armed with industrial-strength antibiotics, instructions to come back if I didn't feel "markedly improved" within the next few days (as if I might just forget to return) and his assurance that I didn't need t<r worry. Where's that "we"

• prove in the next few days, apparently the recipient of that insidious viral infection. I returned to school after missing a whole week. (The make-

up work alone may send me into a relapse.)

However, my little mini-scare really made me think about what's important. The possibility of having _IDS really makes a five-page Shakespeare paper look like a booger! And, the thought of any kind of an "oma" makes me rethink the concept of a bad-hair day. How 'bout a no-hair day?

Finally, being gone from this place for awhile really made me-well, happy and relaxed come to mind: But, in all fairness, out-of-sync and jonesin' for school also come to mind. I know that sounds a bit sick and twisted, but, hey, what can I say, that's me! I missed everythiog about PSC-from the parking (or lack thereof) to the pop quizzes to the pasty potatoes and gravy in the cafeteria. But mainly, I missed the people. And, much to my surprise and de! ight. people actually missed me, too. I'm glad to be back just in time to-leave again? How am I going to make it through the summer without this place? Guess I'll just have to somehow endure the sun and fun until September when many of us will be back to do it again. I can hardly wait!


The staff of the Times would like to take this opportunity to thank Chris Raabe, Dan Ketelsen and Matt Uher for their time, devotion and talents that they have loaned to the Times and the students of Peru State over the last few years. Chris's vast knowledge of sports, Matt's devotion to follow whatever was asked of him through and Dan's-well, Dan is Dan-will be greatly missed.

Unfortunately, they will have to be replaced, but their influence will be with the Times for years to come. We extend our best wishes for career success and enjoyment which will be achieved, thanks to their education at Peru State. Thanks guys.

When you've got it, you 1ve got it

·Hendricks to spend summer with Miami Dolphins ACES sp?nsor . . challenging

How are you spending your summer'? Counseling at a summer camp? Going home to work? Taking summer classes at PSC'?

Gregg Hendricks. junior sports management major. will he spending his summer doing an internship with the Miami Dolphins foot hall team.

From June 8 until the end of August. Hendricks will he working under Joe Ciminio. the assistant equipment manager for the Dolphins. with a chance to intern for the Dolphins during the .1996 foothall season. Hendricks will he performing the same tasks for the Dolphins as he does. for the Bobcat football team. He will be in charge of laundering 'the players' uniforms: making sure the game field is ready to play on: preparing for tlie games: transporting to and from the airports: and making sure everything is cfean. prepared and ready to go,

· When asked how he prepared for an imemship like this. Hendricks said.

··Everything that I need to know I ha.vc learned .at PSC in the last four ye'ars hy working under the supervision of previous head football coach Monty Meadows. [<:urrent head coach] Dick Strittmatter and Kevin Miller. wlio is defensive coordinator."

Hendricks· received his internship p9siJion with the help of Peru State's Career Services. He mailed a letter and a resume to all but se1·en of the

·£ie was · oJ the. four or fi·ve interns'. with a' chance to stay <in for the entire foothall season. Hendricks credits Ted Harshharger. director of

Cooperative Education and Career Services, with helping him get the intership. All of the other teams he wrote to responded. but the positions were full. The teams said they would keep his name on file and see if they needed him next year.

The Dolphins wanted Hendricks to begin his internship in April and stay until August. He worked it out with his instructors to leave early, but he

could not find housing until the camp started. Once training begins housing will not be a problem. Hendricks will stay in the hotel right across from the stadium, all of his meals will be paid for, and he will receive a $600 monthly allowance.

Hendricks said, "I feel anticipation;


The PSC chapter of the Associa · tion of Challenged and Enabled Stu- I dents (ACES), for students with physical and learning disabilities, hosted a special bowling tourna-' · :, ment on April 25 at Auburn Lanes. '

One of the tournament's three games featured a unique challenge for each person on the four-member teams. One bowler's vision was impared by the use of light-proof goggles, and another bowled with socks on his or her hands. A third member bowled with the arm opposite the one they were accustomed to using.

All of the imparements were designed to simulate types of disabilities which affect millions of Americans, noted Chuck Lanning, senior and ACES member.

Bowlers didn't have their choice· of disability, just like people in real life don't have a choice, explained Amy Rut, senior ACES member; each person received their disability through a random drawing.

I'm scared, excited and worried all at the same time. I feel like it is an honor to be accepted to work for the people who are making millions of dollars tor doing what they do. I want to walk in and be myself and have them accept me for who I am. Not many people get this chance."

The team from PSC Student Support Services were the high rollers for the event while the team from Southeast Nebraska Developmental Services (SENDS) won a close second. PSC Council for Exceptional Children placed third, and CAB/ Student Senate and the Nebraska School for the Visually Handicapped placed fourth and fifth. respectively.

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Deisley, wins first annual Dec_ker's Grocery IPOTY award

The ballots have been tabulated, and Jason Deisley has been named the Intramural Player of the Year for 1995-1996. Deisley, known as "King Comeback" in intramural circles, won the closest voting in the history of the Decker's Grocery Intramural Player ofthe Year Award.

The scene was set on a chilly March evening. Deisley's team, the Eager Beavers, was trailing the favored KGuns in the first round of the Men's Intramural Basketball Tournament. One teammate had been ejected just prior to the intermission and a second one fouled out with seven minutes left in regulation.

Any normal team would have called it quits, trailing by five points with only three men left to play. But the

Eager Beavers were no normal team, and Jason Deisley was not a normal man. The junior wildlife ecology major from Holdrege took over. '

As the clock wound down, Deisley matched the K-Guns shot foe shot. With six seconds left on the clock, Deisley pulled down a rebound and raced the length of the court. He pulled up at the top of the key and buried a 12-footjumper over two defenders.

The bucket gave the Eager Beavers a 64-63 win on the wings of a miraculous performance by Deisley. In our modern era of·intramurals, seldom does one man rule like a Greek god over the weekend-warrior's world in the same way Jason Deisley did. His name shall ring eternal with intramural athletics.

Jason Deisley Kristina Kreifels and Rhonda Jilg Jamie Stinson

Fredd Ward

Jen Froeschl

THE INTRAMURAL SEASON HAS SADLY COME TO AN END UJith onh,i softball remaining to be played as of press time. (Above) The second,to-last intramural event. co-rec soccer. played its championship game last week. Winning captain Troy Moraine. UJhose te.::im UJon the championship game 8·2. leaps to block a long pass. or was he JUSt protecting himself? -photo by Cheryl


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lady Bobcats· get ready for tournament action;

Many people are unaware of the relationship that the Peru State Softball team has with country singer Willie Nelson. No they aren't being stalked by the IRS, but they are consistently finding themselves playing on the road, again. This weekend, the 'Cats will travel · to Sioux City (IA) for the sectional tournament. The top two teams of the

tournament will advance to Hastings for regionals. The victor in Hastings will then go to nationals in Alabama. "I'm looking forward to this weekend because we have improved as a team tremendously from day one. With a little more perseverance, the outcome of the weekend will be positive," said senior third baseman Jill Madsen. Madsen is currently leading the team with a .361 batting average, with 30 homeruns and 39 RB I's.


.SENIOR JEN DAPPEN IS POISED to score from second base in recent Bobcat action. Dappen is tied for the team. lead in doubles. with Jill Madsen, belting out 12 so far this season. -photo by Andrea Tee

:;shi;r)e. at al gome

Last Saturday night at Richfield Stadium in Minneapolis, MN, Nick fylaher, Sunny Lofton, Jacob Stallworth and Shane McGooden represented the Peru State football program in an NAIA Division II All-Star football game. All four played well and were singled out by Coach Richard Jones who said, "I'm very impressed with the quality of players at

"'; !'

Peru State."

McGooden lit up the crowd on the opening play of the game by going 40 yards on a pass reception. Loften provided key blocks on several plays, while Maher and Stall worth harrassed opposing offenders.

Peru State Head Football Coach Dick Strittmatter said about the game, "I thought it was a good experience for all of the guys. I think they had some fun and they all played well."


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These are paid positions. If anyone is interested in either of these positions,

,r vJ <t,. ,, ";
AVG SB Jill Madsen .361 Down Miller 42 Cori Ortmeier .346 Jen Slotterv 29
Jill Madsen
Andrea Tee*
Kem; Brandt 37 Jen Slotterv 16 HR ERA Kerrv Brant 6 Jen Slotterv 3.22 Rochel Duede 4 Andrea Tee 3.39 Hits Strike Outs Jen Doppen 61 Andrea Tee 65 Down Miller 57 Jen Slotterv 52 please contact Terry Dugan at 872-4050 or Dr. Dan Holtz at 872-6227 THE ANNUAL BLUE-WHITE SPRING GAME was held on April 20. FOOD CENTER one stop shop! =>Groceries =>Fresh Meats =>Greetj.ng Cards =>Copies =>And Much More! We.now accept Visa, MC, Discover, and ATM .. -....e>Ut 1'72-6355 RIVERVIEW RESTAURANT & CAPTAIN's LOUNGE BROWNVILLE, NE MONDAY NIGHT SPECIALS DRAW & $3 PITCHERS ". Jr, I kl FROM.HOME" BRANCH OF FARMERS BANK OF COOK UsE OUR AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE AT CASEY'S GENERAL STORE MEMBER FDIC DOWNTOWN PERU (402) 872-3335 Decker's , Video Center 1 Train '>i... r Tom and Huck · ;1-c 1 ._ How to Make an Quilt Downtown Peru 872-6355 HAIR AFFAIR TANNING SPEQALr1 ! <;!,,_ w:2;2i1i1:;; ;!M 1 '•1 •.• 15.S,ESSIONS/$29' .. ····· 20% OFF ING ."'fill PRODUCTS w!'JluRCHASE 612 5TH ST. PERU, NE '"'0 ·. •i fuUE CorroN 872-3245 OF TANNING P1CIG1.'GE

Baseball team hopes to use recent experiences as nspring-board

As the Bobcat men's baseball team winds up their ;eason, they have the sub-regional tournament and high-quality competition to look forward to. Assistant coach Shawn Exner, who is familiar with the regional competition, says, "We're probably in che toughest region in the United States."

Coach Dave Teske feel the 'Cats are a force to be reckoned with. "Coaches around the region have been talking, and they don't want to play us because our record doesn't indicate the talent we have on this team," said coach Teske. "We've improved a lot this season, and I'm looking forward to seeing the players turn it up a notch in the tournaments."

The players see the same improvements and are hoping to peak toward sub-regional time. "The games this week are the last games for us to prepare [for the sub-regional tournament]," said sophomore designated hitter Shane VanOene. "Hopefully_ we'll be able to learn from and use them as a springboard into the tournaments."

With the season nearing an end, the team took a look back at what has been accomplished. Teske said, "We're going to use the high level of compe·tition and everything we've learned. It's like we're going into a second season with a dean slate, and now we know what has to be done, and we'll do our best to accomplish it."

Sophomore first baseman Sean Guilfoyle also took a look back over the season and said, "The pitching and hitting have been on different roads throughout the season. Now with these _two elements and a supporting cast coming together, it produces a good equation going into the post season."

The baseball team's home schedule is now complete, and the team would like to thank alrthe fans for coming out to support them through rain or shine. Some of you die-hard Bobcat fans may want to join in the spirit as the men travel to Sioux City for Sub-Regionals on May 9-11.

Well, the time has come for me to bid farewell to tl1e scenic mystery of Peru State College. Most of you are probably breathing a sigh of relief, as I drift away from the campus of a ·housand oaks. ·

The life I !)ave lived on the hallowed campus of PSC has not always been a picture perfect one. I like to call it the path less traveled by. Dr. Bill "Grisley Adams" Clemente taught me that.

Athletics at Peru State College have been a rollercoaster ride for the past four years. I have seen the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. I've been in a frenziedAWAC an<l a silent Al Wheeler Activity Center.

When I came to Peru State College in 1992, things were quite different.

VMpast the brick wall without hitting it.

Spirit week did not exist, but the parties did. Did they ever! One thing I WO remained constant through all my years; parking just plain ·sucks. 'en •'S Have you ever read the poster, "Ev\rl •; erything I need to know, I learned in

with Chris Raabe

Delzell didn't have cable. The football team couldn't !Ose; i:i,either could the basketball teams for that matter. Pop could be taken into theAWAC. Fan support was at an all-time high, and people drove through campus on a regular basis. Now, people can't get






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Kindergarten"? I have comprised my own little work of wisdom.

"Almost everything I need to know, I learned at Peru State College." I learned th.at sometimes you can get by only visiting a class four times a year, and sometimes you can't. A cold shower and coffee will not sober you up for a mid-term exam. Decker's Grocery Store has everything a college student needs: beer, chips and dip. Brick walls can always be repaired. And the worst tasting mixed

drink is a glass of Peru water.

I also learned that all night classes go way too long. Fees will always increase. Bird feeders CAN keep a man busy for an entire semester. And Dr. Snyder's World Civilizations before 1500 was the best eight o'clock class I took.

But most importantly, be as involved as you can and have fun. You'll have plenty of time to sleep when you're dead. Remember, Peru State College is not just an experience. It is a state of mind.

I leave you with a few predictions about the future of Peru State College.

1999- Peru State has a million-man New Year's Eve ]5arty.

2000- One million people wake up on New Year's Day and say, "Where

the hell is Peru? How did I get here?"

2001- "Flag" finishes his doctorate and begins his college teaching career at Peru State College.

20JO- Peru State gets a robotic maintenance department. However, they all perish tragically when the new robotic sprinklers go off during a visit from the Board of Trustees who are also robots.

2020- The second big earthquake strikes Nemaha County. Everything east of the Missouri falls into the ocean. Peru thrives as a coastal town Dr. Clemente becomes the oldest mayor in the country.

October I 5, 2025- The Chicago Cubs beat the Tokyo Dragons in the World Series.

October 16, 2025- Hell freezes over, and the world comes to an end.

FIRST BASEMAN GREG WOLFE. JUNIOR. RECEIVES A PICK OFF THROW in diamond action at the Complex field earlier this season. Uncooperative weather hos drastically reduced the number of games the Bobcats were to ploy this season. -photo by Dan Ketelsen ..
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Jean-Claude Van Damme makes his directing debut in the movie The Quest. Hopefully, he will never direct another movie again. He stars in this film with movie veteran Roger Moore.

Even after the movie was over I couldn't figure out what the point was. It was boring, boring and even

more boring.

Van Damme is on a quest to win a tournament, where the greatest fighters all over the world are going to be. Sounds good, right? Wrong.

The only way you can enter this tournament is by special invitation only, and with the invitation you get a map with the lost city on it. So Van Damme and Moore tag along with the U.S.A. heavyweight boxing cham-


Diseases have never been pretty, and we're sure that some statistic somewhere shows that more diseases are contracted during the summer than any other season. Medical terms are· often too complex for people to pronounce, let alone fit on one piece of paper. So, the medical world has used names of famous people who have been stricken by a disease to make the disease more user friendly. As a··service to you, our devoted readers, we have compiled a list of diseases that should be watched for this summer that have afflicted celebreties born under your sign.


Annie Lennox Disease: Warning signs-you may find yourself cross dressing and singing Eurythmics songs. Cure-a swift kick in the head.


·Edgar Bergen Disease: Warning signsc.:....:yoti will be 'Overcome with the desire to sew buttons on your hand. Cure-see the movie "Magic." (F

Jack Kerouac Disease: Warning signs-you will find yourself saying "man" in slang terms as well as traveling a lot, being tragically hip and drinking excessively wait that doesn't sound all that bad.


Chico Marx Disease: Warning signs-you may find yourselfassociating with people who paint mustaches on their faces. plus you'll finda you-self-a talkin'a like-a dis-a. Cure-carry around a bicycle horn (see Harpo Marx disease and consult a psychoanalyst before trying this method).

TAIJIUIS (A 20·M 20)

Mad Cow Disease: Warning signs-your friends may find you ly':: ing dead on your kitchen tloor for no apparent reason. holding part of a cheeseburger in your hand. CurcToi'u.

GEMINI (M 21-J 21)

John F. Kennedy, Jr. Disease: Warning signs-the impulse to start up a worthless magazine overcomes you, yet you've got the money so why not spend it. Another symptom: on reflection. you realize you·ve had way too .much good luck lately. Cureget involved with a person who's last name rhymes with Kennedy-like Schmemedy, Enerdy, or Kersey (slant rhyme] (Alternate Cure: buy your dad's chair for $800,000)

CIUICER (J 22-Jy 22)

Louis Armstrong Disease: Warning signs-you might say to yourself, "What a wonderful world!" in a low, gruff voice. Cure-waking up to reality twice a day should do the trick.

pion of the world. He doesn't know what .is going on, he just thinks they are his servants. At first Van Damme's goal is to steal the solid gold dragon that is going to be there, but instead he wants to win it.

The first hourand 15 minutes of the movie is Van Damme, Moore and the boxer traveling to the lost city. No action, no suspense, no nothing! By the time these guys get there, I was

Jay North Disease: Warning signsyou find yourself walking up to complete strangers, with terror in your eyes, yelling "I was Dennis the Menace! Really I was! I have pictures! See, that's Mr. Wilson! Oh, why don't you see, you simple fool! Why! Why! Why!" Cure-work at an independently operated fast food joint until you get fired for insubordination.

George Jones Disease: Warning signs-due to your flamboyant lifestyle, you may find yourself forgetting well, everything-'what you're doing on stage, what the words to your songs are, why you tried a comeback in a world of country music which no longer has a place for you. You know, that kind of stuff.


llBRA {S 23-0 23)

Thelonious Monk Disease: Warning signs-you back and forth and repeat, 'Thelonious. Thelonious? Felonious. Polonious. Thelonious." Obsession overtakes you. Cure-you find out who Thelonious Monk is and wonder, "What the hell was I obsessing about?" The rest of your summer will go well (more of a virus).

SCORPIO (0 24-N 21)

Jodie Foster Disease: Warning signs-you start feeling your insides ripping apart to the base of your very soul and within 48 hours. you're dcad wait. that's cbola No, wait. THAT IS JODIE FOSTER DISEASE. Cure-yeah. right.


Mark Twain Disease: Warning signs-you start making up names for fictitious diseases and symptoms to scare people who actually read these things. Cure-get a tan, spend summer in Mexico as "Juan Portillo." wear a fake mustache (man or woman), rise to power as the leader of the poor, eat tofu, find the cure for AIDS and cancer only to Jose them in a poker game to a royal flush (he had to have been cheating-I had four ·jacks), come back in the fall and lie about everything.

If you run across a Peru State student this summer you might hear them say several different things. One may be, "Would you like some fries with that?" Another may be, "Take a step to my left; you are blocking my sun!" Yet another may be, "So what if we go to school together! Get out of my yard!"

Summer jobs may be the one time of the year that students worry about the hours they work, rather than the money they make while others work three jobs to develop a nest egg for an upcoming semester.

Genelle Czirr, sophomore psychology/sociology major, will be overworking this summer. "I have four jobs: two babysitting, one at a movie theatre and the other at a Keno res-

ready to go home, but I stayed. The tournament starts, and right off the bat you know who Van Damme is going to fight in the final round, the biggest and worst guy 'there. Van Damme takes the place of the boxer, and the boxer helps him train.for the fights. Finally, there was some action in the movie, but even the fighting was boring. There was nothing new or origitaurant." Czirr is having a food IV inserted on May 15, and it will be removed Aug 7-DON'T MISS IT!

Pulling a Ted Kaczynski, Russell Crouch, sophomore everything major, said "I will be hiding out!" He is currently under 24 hour observation. Spencer Duncan, senior math education major, will be employed at a child care facility and bartending at night. "I will be rejuvenating myself to come back next year." We hear the kids like his special fruit juice martinis and milk shaken, not stirred.

Arny Petry, freshman elementary education major, plans to work at a fireworks stand and plans to take a trip to Chicago.

Juliane Lee, sophomore language arts/secondary education major, will be also be taking a trip to Chicago as

nal in this movie. I have seen it all many, many times before. After sitting through the movie for two hours, the only thing good I could come up with about this movie that it was over. Do not go see this movie. I repeat, do not go see this movie, unless you arc having problems sleeping at night. I give it half a star out of five. well as a trip to Walt Disney World. "I also plan on going to the pool every day." Allegedly, Lee and Petry will be meeting in Chicago with some fireworks and Mickey Mouse ears starting a three state rampage which will conclude in late July. Watch your news for states and times in your area.

Several students are tying !he knot this summer. Laura Lea Lowrey. junior business administration/ marketing option, and Amber Hypse, senior language arts/secondary education major, arc just a couple of students who will be walking down the aisle.

One thing is for certain. Peru State students will not be lacking in the activities department this summer!

No. 1 · May 3, And
for the first time, no crac/( · Issue # 12 1996
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