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1~~ R't~--t PICJL-o~, R'f~--t Now!
Peru State College ... Nebraska's First and Finest...
You are hoad.ng in your hands a oolle<;tiOO of some of the best tn()ti'IO!ltS of a year •n thO life ol NebraSka's first and finest •nstttutloo of highet edoeatoo: Peru State College. The Peru State College of today contioues to bu11d on tiS ptonHr bOg•nnlngs oC 1867 and shcw.'S no signs of SIO""IIOQ hs growth. TM past year we oelebtated historiealy targe •ncotnltl9 classes. the rovl"taJrzatiOn of our maN'~ eampt~ and an cnctglled V1Q0f and posrtlvo spirlt in our student$, facutty v<cJ staff.
This yearbook. fllled With ttnagfl &nd milestones, of 8 rematUble
year. •s an oxcelent sn.apshOC ot our shared g•onos and rnomonos. In yeafSto oome. however,l1 wil serve to spatk the memooes of fnondshlps madO. hardShtps W1thStOOd and <Steams begun at thO Campus of a ThOusand oak$. ltts my hope that wlle(l you re't'\Sittts pages tn years ;o como you wtiiiOOk baCk on your ttmo as a Peru State Bobcat v.T!h pocle, fondness. and warmth Here's to many more great )'031$ at Peru State Colege ~ Nebtaska's f>rst and ftnost.
The First State College
The terntonalleg1slature 1n 1860 granted a Charter for the establoshment of a college 1n !he v111age of Peru. By 1865 funds were soliCited to erect a buold1ng forty by eoghty feet and Ulree stones hogh to giVe to the Conference of the Method1st Evangelical Church for the purpose of a female sem1nary. During the bu11d1ng periOd, temporary Quarters were used. In January of 1867. on the presentlocallon of the Student Center, a new classroom/dorm building was occup1ed. The first term numbered 58 students. The college was offered as Mount Vernon Semonary to the Methodist Conference, but the otter was rejected. In 1867the college was accepted as Nebraska's first state higher education inslllution. In II early m1ssoon. the college was established as one olthe naloon's first "normal schcols". Normal schools were often located 1n rural areas for workong students who taught in rural schcols for one or more terms before retum1ng back to classes at the normal school. Early on graduates and faculty of the State Normal Schoof at Peru were pooneers, not jusl in educatoon and agnculture. but on new foelds. Then. as now. lhe college produced students of higher charaC1er, cotozen leaders. By the early 1900's Peru's graduates had developed the momentum to help entlfely remake the campus wilh the add1tion of a new library. chapeVgymnasium. adm1nostration building. teaching building and T.J. Majors. In 1921 the legislature authorized the grant1ng of the bachelors of art degree and designed Ule State Normal School at Peru as the "Peru State Teachers Collegeâ&#x20AC;˘ In t963 the college became Peru State College. Such rubrics behe reality as alums and faculty members have cont1nued transforming the natoon Thelf endeavors 1nclude the cure for malana. giving borth to computenzed music, diSCOvenng temperatures of the stars and planets, playwnt1ng for telov1s10n and BroadWay. develop1ng reliable cnteria for natoonal decosoon making in publoc adm1n1slfatoon. and proV1d1ng natoonalleadershlp in NatiVe Amencan R1ghts. desegregatoon. nat1onal parkS. reclamat1on, health and ag1ng. cooperatiVe market1ng, and energy development. Tho llfst Peru graduating class to wear caps and gowns was the graduating class of 1905. The Graduating Class of 2005 will carry on this century-old trad1110n and start new ones, but most1mportant1y the Class of 2005 represents the Character of PSC students.
Yearbook Adviser and Staff ADVISERS NOTE PSC Yearbook has def1nitely boon a fun project. The challenge has been searching for a yearbook company to electronically create the yearbook online, and l1nding people to volunteer to create the pages. and take pictures at events. I have worked w1th the staff. written copy. burn CD pictures. prepared camera-ready copy, and much more. f have spent lots of time on th1s yearbook of memones. I would like to thank all of the Individuals who tOOk the t1me and energy to help us produce this pubhcahon. I really was glad to see a PSC Yearbook created aga1n. When you open th1S yearbook years I rom now, remember your college memones Thanks ... Renee Mathews Service Learning Coordinator/Yearbook Adv1ser
YEARBOOK STAFF Pamela Bouterse Kathleen Brown Rand1 Fisher Stephanie Galardi Sarah Hay Heath Adam Haynes Andrew Hollister M1chehna Hollister Anthony Johnson Amber Kushner Tnsha Lear K1mberty McG1Hin LIZ McGill 01ane Payne Chanty Reeves Phuong Tran
Hall of Fame------------
II all of Fame Banquet held September 24. 2004 Upper Left: President Johnson presenting award to Mick Haney. Middle Lcfi: People aucnding the banquet. Bouom Lcfl: Members of 1991 Bobcat Football Team Right: President Johnson presenting award to Wayne Davidson.
,r-------------------------------------, HOMECOMING 2004 PARADE
Homccon11ng Parade Top: "hf Y~r~ Su~r Senior-.• Left: Lit \leG ill and Coo) \\'itt "'•ddlc: Softlx1ll ream. Fir..t Place Winner-. R•ghl l.md'3) (ulp and Tiffany '\oltc
.....-------------------. GO BOBCATS!
FOOTBALL Go Bobcats!
l:ppcr Left: Scon Beveridge #8 and Luke Johnson #27 Middle Left: Luke Johnson #27 Bottom Lcfl: Offensive CoordinntoriJ-\ssistont Co:lch l>.:aullasley Righi Ccn1cr: Eli Brown #19
1-------------FOOTBALL ------------2004 Bobcats
hnt itO'IO I« lt\1,.11(1, ~ 1~. Kcnr.) \k\QII)·. \h_..c l)t.;k(ft, TJ <".n!wta. ('od) f>iibal, \lo\.~ lbrro., OJ"" D.""'II•Nu,.bkt ~ kmll} '~t..I:W. Dur\1. TJ '>C'I\C'fl, brN("~ \11lt \1tnnt• ~ ltO'fo ; Jil.•t'" 11:,..._., J~("'""ft~C'lo· AJ \k'l'!t'll., ~tC.. . I~k). J,atn'ld ~~ Jt>M A~h...-..L 1)1'(1111 Wr.l.lt. ~...... Jt~ lt~N) h,il\rr, Robol-rt ~~·~ Anof) ~.. An.f) f~ \ l.n Gul~no~ Tlurd ltO'Ifl _A,n-u. ltJIIW'f '-t.tor1a rtd., Al>l..tMII Tnon« J.lr.s. l bll, Rrlnt.tl 0..~., '"""-""' (.'~bl)an lfcofn9tl, ~C.-o.clt. T-. ('~<T.A~miiM ('"""il \'~W-on, AA~ Cc.adl nn. Rot...--n_"'ff.lk..SCOoldll"') Clwl. Am"*Co.a.:lt. o-.&; bmw). A•ol1UM ('~ 1'.,1 W~.A~•"""-('Ntll ~ fl'lC'-. \~Mot 1-)'Jfl-\.\<, \~r A'lld) RM..Ifll, A"-\AIMII Tn.IWfftd) Aldftl, A"-<~<UMTnoin«
'\,."'tlltiiM\ llt.ad Atlllrtht; Tnoll!ltr S.:<a ~ fouM Ko..o \l.lrltk\Mil.l.....-.- P~. k)•~,.......,.,..<i«-J ·~. Rr• h.,·h. T)kf \l\ll~y. 8"'- Bro¥.11. U.S~t. Knldioll ~- r ...
a-, Wt , ..,"', Ou•l.lll ~..ac,, 1."""-" Otrio•. ~ J<.lfl~• h~ R.w.. fot1«
Dce&:"'-"l. R)~t~ r.o-t, 01)• ~"' l),.. \ k)cr. Bc-IIICSon K.t,·. \l.)kf .,_'klft, ~ Cnkl!rodd. Rktt Na,t.~. Do
\b:t ('.r1..,,... 8t«< K-.Jor. ~~ft. . . . \ln. Altm RQoO.JIX, (lm, 8111'\.o. Tn''" ltu-V.or\, J.Nll'l 1~ \td.kl K~ Jr~ :;.....,.. ROolol.,.dl, UlnWICt, "~ K«"ff~W. T)l« IXB*. J,;,o t..ut,.m. sa.-- Ry...._ Trq IMU,d,. K)tt ll.:>)k. ~oct rllln) R~ ~ ~lloJno.
~uil R.,. J.tft'\1..'Q.I•"" Ja) ~\ncb a~•
o..n.t TOJ'J'II\I.bn K""'~'- \t!U ~ ~lo,k,o('~'- l ~,t,~. o-_, f:klm.t.Addfttllll'lft'*-('ok ftto,.-I.JIIolltf,AM
\\ aUIAI'Mo.ltallht)
C~.. J« \~. \Uti.\Ak~.
l ) - 1 ' " - . [litflro<won
LeO: Running Back Mike Mertens 1143 Middle: Quarter Back Sheldon Cross #2 Rigllt: Co.,ch Terry Clark
_ ... __ ...__ _ _,_., ...... ... ,_ __,..._. ... _ ... ....... ....__ ..... ..., _ ......... ,_, . ._... .... _..,. __ , ... ,........,...-...(-. .. _._,_
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Senor !jl)lll Carl DrobuN (Ai.b.JrnJ and Sara HoiC:on'b (Arcata)
"~·..-' ·l •• .
',, ---
Volleyball Back Row Lei\ 10 Righo: #6 Bryan Wcic,c. #5 Garrell Callcndnr. 1115 Zach llopkin,, #4 \<1i~e Weber and# 3 J.J. Barnhill. i'ron1 Ro\\ : Brian Van e"· ¥13 John 5, ehla. 118 Taurcan l'a';~k;~ula. ·11 Kyle Donofno. ttiO Scha" n Sorlc. and tt7 Ephraom Kahanu .
• Roli..rt I kl~t·l"rg,r "l•u the• n~Kh for /',Tit \tt~t• Hi.,
..u. ~~
GOLF 2004-2005
Peru Slate Golf Team: Erin Scoville, Mancal Souticrc, Joanna Hays, Jill Wollcnburg, and Sara Intrieri Lcfi: Sara Intrieri Middle: Joanna Hays Right: Jill wollcnburg
,_ _Cross Country__ 2004-2005
Top Lcfi: Anna Tcnnal. Lcisha Tcnnal. Kristen Boos, Chrisic Viets. Natasha Price. Kasey Young. Coach Murray. James Cole. Coach Lee Top Right: Tennal Sisters, Anna and Lcisha Lower Lefi: Lcisha Tennal Middle: Coach Murray and Anna Tennal Lower Right: Kasey Young
l"""" ·~ .~ ..'4",•1 '1\.u "'h Kt (,JIJ .. f"J-\"" l~l 14 l('o... J h!WI ~·t >•'Coll'f
h\•111 ruv. U·f): Rarnc:lk Mclnto,h. ~II)• \\tiL K~:l'' W111, hhk) Grnn1 \..\:,lf'd Rl'\lo N;n;~~h.1 Pncc-. Kara l.Ail),l\h..._m tllll. ('.,...._,...,.. Hun·nWl. A-.hlcy \klll-rJ H.11.lr. """ t )nJ"'~ '-.-anbn, llc-.a.J (~'llkh lknm' PudwJ. J<nn011 Ran~. l~L~ h<tlflJI. rbt,:r,~ lltlbn. Su.lh J\.'ln('\. \kl ill (Klb-, \• o..Qnl C'o.K"h )(I(' 1 )rlliO.. 1(~-.h..:llc lla\llt
Below: Head Coach Dennis Prichard explains a game play to the team during a time out.
Fronl I"Q'o\ O路r): k'~ llll)lle'S, M)'ron JC'nkm!>, Vt-mon Johnson. ~btt Rile)'. CnfSdll:idcll"f". KC\ in Tomc"r,IA"r\"k Kn:tpp.Oan)l (3rter ~X>nd ro"~ A~I,LM1 Co.'l<-h Monl...ho Wii"'O'l, \1arli,l.o\dace. Jamc.. John">OO. Umd Fw-l<h. Otns Under. Chrh Rik.1. Kdl) O'IX-11. ~i~ Wynn, A'.'i'-'ant Coocll Ryan UpboO'. llcad Ce芦h J~rrc Cok
#23 Marlis Lovelace goes up for a block.
#22 Crif Scheideler goes for a lay-up basket shot.
#3 Kevin Turner dribbles quickly down court.
~~-------- 11
Bobcats 2004
2003·04 Bobcats Front row (l·r): Trevor Rowell. Ryan Odie, Nick Lefeber, Reagan Sidoi, Dustin Vetrovsky, Spencer Larsen Second row: James Wason, Jim Stevens. Dan Liggeu, Jacob Bamoski, Ryan Closterman, Tom Huntingford. Zach Basye. Zach Jones, Josh Z•emba Back row: Head Coach Mark Bayliss, Jayson Tynon. Rich Broderick, Steve Fuller. Co!'f Clemenger. Jeremie Larkins, Joe Tynon, Jesse Haynes, Brad Wolansky. Jack Critchfield. John McHugh, Nate Mcintyre. Assistant Coach Christ Finnegan
Bobcats 2005
â&#x20AC;˘ ::::a.. Left: Jeremie Larkins at bat Upper Right: Joe Tynon rounding third Middle: Coach Brad Wolansky and Cory Clemenger Lower Right: Shaking hands to congratulate
- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -
-- - - -
SOFTBALL 2004-2005
Bobcat Softball Team 2004-2005 Front Row L-A: #24 Kathleen Brown, #33 Tina Montoya. #18 Liz McGill. #22 Mane Poole Middle Row: #32 Amy Mitchell. #1 Dani Metzler. #14 Randi Fisher, #2 Tabitha Foster Back Row: #11 Krisli Buhrman, Assistant Coach Ken Jones. #17 Carissa Sievers, #3 Ka~a Harpenau, #9 Sara Jones, #23 Megan Kugel, #19 Anna Tennal, and Head Coach Mark Mathews.
Lcfi: Kathleen Brown as Coach Mathews for I tallowcen. Middle: Saroh Jones oatohing a ball on Crci~hton Softball Field
Right: Team Mcmbcl'$ and Parents at p:m:nts day
Peru State
----- J •' t: ' ......' . \
---- ------':__ Upper Leh:Sohball team on Arizona (2004) Upper Righi: Ka~a Harpenau pitching Lower Leii:Sol1ball huddle in Bellevue Lower Middle:Amy Mitchell #32, Daniello MeiZier # 1. Sarah Jones •9. Liz McGoll •18. and Tina Montoya #33. Lower Roght: Liz McGoll Battong
l - .... ' :\• .
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•• •
_____ Cheerleaders Go Bobcats! ......;;;....
Top Len: Cheenng at the ~.,~ctb-111 g•mc Mtddlc: Cheerleaders'" the ll<>tm:commg poradc llonom Lcfi: Jari Wehmeier Ktght: lind:.cy Culp (Cheer Squad Mcmbcl'lo: t'hcl:.ca Allgood. Sha" no Culp. Lmd«:y Culp, Cari:& Da' i>. Kri<un Dolancy. Stcph Doters. Jessica llnuo. Heather llur..l, Kclh Johns. !leather. Kobmwn. Jari Wchmctcr. and Katie Yarger.)
l.cft: &b<al Kicker> al half hmc fop Rt~htlntroducing lhc Bobcal Ktckc" \1tddlc: Group sho1 of1hc Bobcat Kick<r> Co·f:IJ'Hains: Olh•ia lloffmon. TiObny Kulhman Other ~!embers: i\shlcc Deahl. C'arly ~"''"on. ('ry,lal Meyer. Mandy llaullc. Megan \lcGrJth. and Tracie Mitchem llo<k>m Rt~ht The dance 1cam pcrfom11n1> at half lime :
Bobcat Fans!
P C Bobcat Fans! vpJ'<!r l.cft: Fan, at Football Game lltlllt>m l.cll: 1-'ootball Booster Booth :111<1 llobcah Store Booth
Can't Hide that Bobcat Pride!
Top: "Number One Fans" travel to USD for the football game Bouom Left: Taking a brc,..k to watch intramural basketball Bouom Right: Fans at a men's I'Oileyball game
Seasonal Act1v1ties:
Top l.cll. Brett Robert:. retire> fr\lm Oag footballaficr fi\C ) \,\If)
llouo•n Left: Ktistin Delancy R•ght: Team. "1:.\Ct')lime"' is the ontramur.ol softball champK>n~
Sand Volleyball Softball Flag Football Basketball Wiffleball Floor Hockey Ultimate Fnsbee Pool league Card Tournament College Football Bowl PrediCtions March Madness
Intramural Director: Mark Mathews
Intramural Basketball 2005
Top Let\: Good score keepers arc always needed Top Right: Eli Br0\\~1 officiating the game Bottom Let\: Cody Witt boxing out Middle: Jared Gerdes going up for the shot Bottom Right: Kurt Lockard going for the block
Madrigal Singers
.........bB.d.t ~tfMwCNk
,__ '-tfr•l
JU!Olm ~
' "'th« lc<ot.h ~•><".a\kK
Jtllft) Set.....,
~\lolutf('td k~Mi/.t'la)tr
Or. no-~Edotrt
Tt:nlJ'l(llr.lf)' Jc.,t~:<r M;m t)r. (lc-n•otflle
As The Worm Turns
TrumJX'1 Pb)C"
Ac• 2
Dr. 0;~\1d Edm. RobMck1m
_ _Mis!Y Blues Show Choir
c.,.... Elo
-Gobl>o Air'* KlllfiNt ~l..atMn
...._u.. 8ryw\ UM Jeft Sew3n
Cta.g Nov&oi. St. 110ft Sl4tmple
s.-""'"'"' 0.-E-O.tO<IO<
Concert Choir
Dr. Thomas Ediger. Dircc1or
Reva Benefiel. Piano
_ __.M ;. .___,o;;..,_re Mad rig a Is=--------1
- -Concert
Jazz Band
f------------'- -
- -
Piano Extravaganza
_ Piano Extravaganza
Aeolian -II - - - - - -
Left: Or. ()~,id Edris. Chaia路 of Fine & Pcrlonning Arts. Director of I) and
Aclh itic~. Right Dr. I homas Ediger. Professor of '.1u,ac. Director ofChoml \eli' itic,. Or. Edr". I namp.:t and Dr Edagcr. Piano. pcrfonn togcth~r tn cmaccn,_
Student Senate
Members: MIChelle llo<'llfas(Pres,dent). Jenn1e Gooley(V1cc Prcs,dcnt). Rose Anderson. Stephan1e Galardi, Ahsha Han~ka. Heath Chns11ansen, Amy Kollmeyer. Oanielle Shepler. C«<y W1U, Em11y Simmons. Cofl Harmon. Kelh JOhns. Heath Haynes. Jane Economou, Cody Bononz. Ben Leseberg, Alec Gorynski, Cun1s Slfoud. Nick Richardson. Stephanie Deters. Jodie Kluthe, Jordan Marr. and Wendy Alexander.
Left: Advisor Dr. Sara Crook Right: Advisor Alex Greenwood
for Christ
top left Anna Clements and Ben Fehringer top right Group shot middle left: UNL Student, Anthony Schmid, Mall Poll. Ben Fehringer, and Cale Lang middle right Playing in the sand bouom left: Ugly christmas sweater party bollom right Five dollar prom in Denver
FCA Fellowshi of Christian Athletes
front Row: Nicclc Ri!'t, Tash:J Price. Tina ivlontoya. Li1 McGill. Kathleen Jlrown. Janice Fronk. Jeff Areu, Lcisha Tcnnal. Jcnna Rempe: Back Row: Oc11 fchringct. Kurt Lockard. Je;.;.sc Williams. Bryan Kustcns. Rob McKim. Kate McKim. Jessica McKim. 13rcanna Kosmicki. 拢,i Steffens. Cole Lang. Scott Flurry. Anthony L. Schmid. Jon Laubcn. Rondi Fic;her. Cody Witt. Reid Gcnuchi. ~路latt Polt. Erik Miller. Lynn Meyer. photo by Sha\,na Culp
Front: Lindsey lbumt::trtner. ~Tandy Ncmcchek. Ktlli Johns. Tia Cotrula ~Iidd le: Jenny Stinson. ,\ t onic:• M~\rx. Li;. )lcCill. Sally \\'itt. Stc\t Fuller lhck: Cody \Viti, Lincls~l)' Scanlan. Kri~tin Oclancy. Kc\'in Turn<'r. \Vcndy A l e~~ n dc•·
- - -Peru
State Times
Zach Brooks. Evi Sccffcns. Ralph Wusk. Kriscin Delancy, Elicia Reich. Randi Fi>her. and Kiuy Bouccrse
____Halloween Dance
Top Left: Jesse ll aynes. Skyler Johnson. Marlis Lovelace Oonom Lcti: Swrla Teet. Karla Harpenau. and Erin Nelson Right: Emily Jantzen
80's Dance Great thin s were made in the 80's
l<. \13rh' l.mclacc lr,-..'T Ri!!hl: l'ociUre time on lllor拢an before the big l);utcc \ltJdk K;u路a Ltll) and Tn.-c Dol3n ~.u~,., Roght: (,orl' ha\ mg fun
Formal Dances
Stc:ph Shnn<l)' and Lmily Simmons right: Valentine> Day Kmg and Queen. Anthony Schmid :md Randi Fisher bottom: Chccrlc:tdc" rx>,ing li>r a picture
PSC Sludents enjoy carn1val games on campus. The dunk1ng lank was a popular one. Sludenls lned lhe~r sk1lls al dunking coaChes and college slaff. SIUdenls had lois ollaughs a11ry1ng Iheir 1alen1s with I he mllalable box1ng ring. SIUdenls 1es1ed I heir slrenglh wilh lho mounlain climbmg.
New Student Weeken
lop: \:c'' 'tudtnh h:'l tl'k: baJUn.l ~htk lo\\t:r Left Tog:l l)an,..:! Middle: Kc\\ Studcnh haH' fun Lo'' cr Right: Team ''')~ ~Kill~ "1th pa:.!)ing a litC'-1\Cr
GOOEY G R.:. U....=;... . .;:;. B ~
Top C1 lptl'lfl\ of Ilk: fun ac:ll\ '""'' '"""' L<ft (;.,.n~ d<mn the >hdc Jt gOO<) grub \lddk \ \!'" \ludt:nh m"-ct and t4.~m up for comp:tilion LO\ltt R1·.tht Sud.ml! jt:llt' up a ''ra"
PSEA Peru Student Education Association
Lpper Left: Dr. Ball ('kmcnlc Middle: Dr. Rhond.a J11hnwn 1.01\Cr Lcll: Dr. Dcnna' Vokolc~ UJ!I>er Righi: The childa路cn ac1ing on Singe L<mcr Righi: Ocn Fehringer. Wendy Alexander. Anna Clemen!,, and Calc Lang
Dr. Seuss 1OOth Birthda
n.ewJc-.,oc3 \lcKnn
''-pt:>Cr Righi: Dr ll3~r and Dr. Clemente ~ ""J<Joc;; J3nicc fmn~ ~Lo~.cr Right ÂŁ, oSteffen'
Phi Beta Lambda 2004-2005
Top Lcfi: Stale Leadership Conference nigh1ou1 Middle: Sm1c PBL President Emily Janltcn homecoming parade Bouom Lcfi: Kristin Delancy and Chris Lindner Top Right: State Leadership Conference Chris. Jenny. Trevor. Emily. and Decca Bouom Right 2004-2005 PSC PBL oflicer instilation
HONOR 300 Hcaor 300 \kml>c:"
.,..... Roo.., ~'" •• lloOmm. \kl1'...:t \t~.:('ull~"- St~phamc Gobrdo. \nd) IXL<ln~. Boll IU)..., J<nn> Remf"'. 1\mber t\11~Mr, R.mda l-1\h~r. kc'hl3 S<l~o. Sherr. IIJrring1on. l'huong lt1nh Tmn, Dione P.l)ne. Sar•h >milh, ond Cr) 'toI I Ill\. Dr. S!<'phen Syhc,tcr j.., Coordinator.
Honor 300 Studenr, plan thc1r trip to Santa Barbaro. (';llifomia.
Photography Club 1-- - -- â&#x20AC;˘
Mcmbcrb Pam Tacey. Sarnh I lay. Tabitha McDonell. l)huong Tran. Emily Simmons. Shcrri !!arrington. Kristin Ooos. Stephanie Galnrdi ::u1d St>Onsor Peggy Grofr.
fall Break Trip 10 Estes l'ark.
Homecoming Parade Float
Art Guild
ti'onr n:m
~rnh 113).
Rlla Scid. Bryan Drew. Mr. Bone,, I.llld\C) \l:t\.On, \i1kc CurT)
<Jih<r mcml>o."l' >r<l<ordan \1arr. O.:n:k Bohlm~. B<"<k) (kiJ<n. lxh IIJ\<IllJn. 8<-.;k) (Omph<ll. and lkath<r "•"•
FUKE_ ___,
For U2 Kee Entertained
Ad' isor Dr. Bill Clemente The purpose of th1s organtzatlon IS to establish a means of ba5lC entertainment for PSC students. All of the actrvthes 1n FUKE w111 be free of drugs. alcohol. and any other 1llegal actMty. We atm to proVlCie an enwonmentthat helps students supplement their high Quality educahon WTth a htgh Qualtty of enterta1nment.
Clubs United Hall Council
Back Row L-R: Brenna McSweeney, Caryn Bohaty, Car1y Rae Franson, Heath Haynes, Andrea Lear, and Stephanie Galardi. Front Row L-R: Kari Stallbaumer, Brenda Lutz, and Chrisie Viets. Not Pictured: Josh Gibbs
Alpha Chi- National Scholarship Honors Society Alpha Chi membership is the top 10% of the institution's Juniors and Seniors. Alpha Chi involves members in all aspects of operation: chapter officer leadership. student representation on the National Council, local chapter event planning, and presenting schola~y programs at regional and national conventions. Dr. Bill Clemente is the Regional IV Secretary!Treasurers.
Pilot Club
Homec:Qmlng Parade Robert L•ndsey and Jetf Arett carry;ng the Peru's Individual LoaOOts Of Today Banner
Decorating Halloween Pumpkins L-A: Steph Galardi. Jeff Arett, Lindsey Baker, and John Ferguson
L-A: Melissa McCullers, Megan Roan. Olivia Hoffman, and Brenda Lutz
L-A: Reid Genuchi. Robert Lindsey. John Ferguson. Jeff Arett, and Christina Wusk
The purpOse of PI LOT is to pro' ide an opportunity for the students and othcn; at l)cn1 St:ttc College to \'Oiuntccr in service l>rojccts that will benefit others. Projects thi:-. y<.·ar ''ere: 2nd place winner float in the !tonK-coming J>aradc. send gifl nnd rnadc cards for children in a hospilal. decomtcd pumpkins that \\CI'C dona.tcd to nun,ing home~ and Region V home~. Kis~ the Pig Contc:.-.t with proceed~ don:ucd to help a family in
Southc.ast Ncbra..,.ka. co-~pon><>r of the fcbruttry Blood Mobile. and collect pop tab5. for the Ronald McDonald llou~c. Pc~~y Grotri:.-. the Advbor.
~ .
. ..
Society __Philomathean _
Front Row--Left to Right: Kimberly Pate. DiAnna lo). Stcphnnic Galardi Back Row-- Left to Right: Pat Rippe. Glenda Haley, Mari lyn Kline The Philomathcan Society wa' incorpor:ucd in 1870 at the Nebm,k:t St:uc Normal School in l'cru. Originall) open to only Junior' and Senior,, mcmber.hip "a' later c\lcnd~-d to all who were eager to de' clop literal') JlO" cr. The name "Philomathc:lll" come; from the G~-ck wonh "philos" {JO\ e) <lnd "m.nho' • bomcthtng which i> learned). !!i"ng u' the meaning: "lo'c ofknO\,Icdgc." The Philomathcan Society w:t, rc-initiatcd C<trl) 2005 with the mi"ton being to promote lttcrac) and reading at Peru Swtc College.
'• I
,_____;;P __;eru State Co II eg:.e; ;. .-..~ In the classroom
Upper Len: Student works on Art during An Class/Lab. Middle Len: Students broaden their knowledge listening to lectures. Bottom Len: Students enhance their skills with computers. Right: In Dr. Dennis Welsh Chemistry Lab.
Colleg~ e_
In the Class roo-;;m~===:=:::;;
â&#x20AC;˘ ldi: Lecture during cia" l:ppcr Roght; Cia" lkmon,tr:nion for Ph~ ,jology of hcrei-c. fli flro" n and \hchacl King \Iiddie Roght; Student'> Jcnna Rempe and Lit McGoll Bottom Right: Scott Flurry studyiing hard
What to do
Upper Lcfl: Nick Richardson
Middle Left: Students gather at the Bob Bottom Left: Students in the llob Right: PSC Indoor Swimming Pool
1---_ A_round CamR_Us__ Where to o
••• I
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Len: I he I unbo in 1hc Li'c Oak Room Upper Righi: Kri s1in Delancy and I ul<l'c)' Baumgartner Middle Righi: Nick al Nighl Bonom Righi: Swdem Ccmcr "here you can mcc1 new people
Delzell Hall
fop: Dcltclllfall flonom LeO: Watching Duke and orth Carolina Middle: Catching up on some TV flonom Righi: Playing video game~
Top: Mall Ryan and Mall Benshoof
,_ _M _o_rgan Hall
lr -_M _ orga_n_H_a_ll_ _
Top Len: Jcnna Rempe. Lci,ha Tcnnal. and Ali son II ill Bottom Lcfi: Laundry Time! Top Righi: Kaylcigh Raker Bottom Righi: Nicole Ri'l
Resident Assistant Staff
Upper Left: Delzell RA Staff Middle Left: Complex RA Staff Bottom Left: Morgan RA Staff Upper Right: Mathews RA Staff Bottom Right: Les Stonebarger
Comglex Davidson Palmer Clayburn Mathews Nicholas Pate
Top: The Complex Bottom I eft Cun" Stroud and Nick Richard..on practicmg for thcor band. '•ght Sky Bottom R•ght L11 \leG ill and Stcph Shand)
_ Centennial Complex
Top: A little pitch action Oonom Len: Celebrating St. I'm rick's Day Oonom Right: Practicing for their 13and
PSC Fling abroad our college colors to the free Nebraska breeze , Blending heav'ns own white and azure with the soft green of the trees! While our loyal hearts and voices with pride and joy unite. As we sing Peru's devotion to the pale blue and the white.
PSC Commencement (;radual<"\ ch芦r :~nd tbt
for lhdr 200-1 ( 路ta-.,
Ken t\ndcrson spcnks at PSC Commencement.
PSC Graduates entering tho Commcnoomont.
136th Graduating Class
Your lime as a student at Peru State College was one of the best t1mes you will have in your life. It was full of ups and downs. teaming, friends, and devetop1ng relationships that will last a lifetime. As you make the transition from student to alumnus, reflect on this chapter in your life. You carry the tradition of Nebraska's oldest college with you into the future; carry it proudly. You will meet other proud PSC alumni in many arenas as you travel through life. By devetop1ng th1s network. you w111 be building a powerful resource to use 1n both personal and professional endeavors. Welcome to our ranks. PresiOOnt Ben Johnson hands Nancy Merz. her d1ploma.
DiAnna L. Loy, Ed. D.
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Thb is the fir..t yearbook for Peru since 1993 and not all faculty and coache> were a\ailable for photos.
Faculty/Staff Group Pictures
Llbml) S1a1T: Barb George. Jonn John'>On. Carol) n
Allgood. and Roger Becker. Middle Right: School of Professional Studies Front Row L-R: Christy Hutchison, Brad Griflin. Greg Galardi, James Nevitt, Todd Drew. Second Row L-R: Alice Holtz, Judy Grotnan. James Thomas, Th1rd Row L-A: Patnck Wray, Kelly Asmussen, Mahnda Edris, Joel Lundak, Fourth Row L-A: Lmda Staples, Bruce Batterson
Financial Aid Department Left to Right: Janice Volker, Assistant Director; Diana Lind. Director; and not pictured Knsta W111iams, Accounting Clerk.
PSC Foundation
Back Row L路K: Dan Johnson. Krysl:tl Nolte. and Linda Kinghom.
front Ro'' L路R: Marilyn Kline. Carolyn Brcdcrncicr. and ~路l olly Volkwcr.
Student Records
Front Row L-R: Barbara Bender, Phyllis Davis Back Row L-R: Phyllis Adams, DiAnna Loy--Director and Institutional Research, Dixie Teten
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Vincent Chambers March 2 1 1
- March 1 2004
Vincent Chambers was tragically taken from us on Monday, March 1, 2004. Vincent Anthony Chambers II was born in Abilene, Texas on March 21 , 1983. Vince enjoyed living and lived his life to the fullest everyday. He had a contagious smile and loved music, dancing , art, sports and making people laugh. Vince had a big heart and could always be counted on. The best son , brother. and friend annyone oould ever hope for. Vince was a starter on the Peru State College men's basketball team that finished second in the MCAC. Vince transfered to Peru State from Central Arizona College where he played for head coach Chuck Schnoor. Vince was a graduate of Cholla High School in Tucson, Arizona. In memory of Vincent, Peru State College has created the Vincent Chambers Basketball Scholarship. He touched so many lives and will be missed dearly by all his family and friends.
Rusty LaVern Smith. age 22. of Falls City. NE passed away June 20th. 2004. Rusty was bom October 23. 1981 and graduated from Tri-Centcr high School in Neola. lA. He was a student at r>cru State College and was active in athletics all his life. Rusty li' eel with his fiance Tinany Nolte and their son Jaxson Alexander in Fall> City. NE. Rusty enjoyed hunting. baseball. and life. lie was a wonderliol son. brother. and father. ~lc will be missed and a lways remembered by many friends and his lo,â&#x20AC;˘ing family.
Nate Kerzman September 28, 2004
Nate Kerzman, a freshman at PSC, died during a car accident on September 28, 2004. Kerzman was a funny, straightforward guy who believed in living life to the fullest. Kerzman came to PSC from Omaha's Central High School. Kerzman was on the PSC Football Team. Kerzman had a great personality and touched each ones lives that he came across and he will be missed.
Jill Speers October 4, 2004
Jill Speers, a junior at PSC, died October 4, 2004 after a traffic accident on Highway 67 and 660 Spur near Talmage. A northbound truck turned west into Speer's car as she was headed south. Speers came to PSC from Humbolt-Table Rock-Steinaur High School. She was majoring in elementary education with endorsements in middle school, math, and coaching . She was a peer mentor, the Vice-President of the PSEA, a member of KappaDeltaPi , and she also worked in the Education office. She touched people's lives through her friendly and loving attitude. Speers will be missed.
AUTOGRAPHS 1-----------------l路
Lewis & Clark
Lewis & Clark Day is a fun filled day of history. Students get to try hands on activities. Dr. Stephen Sylvester dresses for the occassion in his Lewis & Clark wear. Or. Sylvester demonstrates. gives background history. and works with the students .
History Day
Uppcr Lcfi: Dr. Sara Croo~ l;ppcr Righi : D.1n Johnson and Korinnc Tandc w i1h Senior'> Group lower Left S111dcn1s l.owcr Righl: Kristi Nics wilh award winncl"'\
Poet Ted Kooser
The Poet Laureate of the United Stateâ&#x20AC;˘. Ted Koo;cr. >poke at Pcm State College. Koo>cr;, the author often book' of poetry and the recipient of numerous a"ards. In addition to being named the country's poet laureate. Kooser has also earned, The l'ushcan Prize. The Richard Hugo Prite. and Nebraska Book 1\\\ard, for both poetry and non-fiction.
Japanese Drums Japanese Drummers performed at Peru State College in the Student Center. The drumming songs gave the audience a good cultural experience.
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路 Farm Suppl ies 路 Automotive 路 Lawn & Garden
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