2013 The Peru Stater (Nebraska) - Spring issue

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Update on the

Oak Bowl Project The renovations are fully underway on braska and the College and Foundation's the Peru State College (PSC) Oak Bowl $1.5 million match. Phase I consists of a new stadium and project. On October 20, 2012, immediately following the PSC football game against concourse area and an improved entrance Central Methodist University, ground was to the Oak Bowl from the stre~t. This stabroken on the Oak Bowl Project. This is dium will seat 2,000 guests and the conthe first major renovation .to the facility course area will include hospitality suites, a new press box, and expanded concession since its construction in 1900. District 1 State Senator Lavon Heide- and restroom area along with a new tickmann led the way in securing $7.5 million eting booth. Pending city approval, there in state funds for the renovation of the his- will be improvements made to Fifth Street, toric facility. which runs to the west of the Oak Bowl, Bill Sapp and Lee Sapp~ owners of to improve safety. Fifth Street will not be Sapp Brothers Travel Centers and Petro- lowered at this time. leum, made the first significant gift to the Phase II includes the new field with project. Their donation of $500,000 is the lighting and artificial turf, along with a largest single non-estate gift in the Peru new lower entrance concession/restroom/ State's history. storage building. This second phase also The Oak Bowl renovation project is includes exterior upgrades to the existing being completed in three phases, with field house such as a new roof. phases I and II currently in progress with The total cost of phase I and II is apthe funds received from the State of Ne- proximately $8.8 million. Additional

The old concrete bleachers are being removed to make way for the updated seating that will be in the New Oak ,Bowl. fundraising efforts will be necessary to The Oak Bowl project is just one of the complete phase III of the project, which improvements happening at Peru State. includes a new field house. Plans are in the works for a safer, updated The College hopes to play the first campus entrance and program statements game in the new Oak B.owl at Homecom- . have been completed for major improveing on November 2, 2013. Kiewit Builders ments to Delzell Hall and the Student Group has set the Oak Bowl completion Center. date for November, 2013 For more information regarding the At this time, the first few home foot- Oak Bowl project, and how you can help; ball games are scheduled to be played in contact the Peru State Foundation at pscAuburn, Nebraska. - For information on foundation@peru.edu, 402-872-2304 or the PSC Bobcat Football schedule visit by visiting http://foundation.peru.edu/ www.pscbobcats.com . oakbowl/

In Memory of Dr. Leland (Shorty) Sherwood

Dr. Leland Sherwood

It has been a while since Dr. Leland Sherwood, better known as Shorty, taught on The Campus of a Thousand Oaks, but his name and artwork remain an essential part of Peru State College (PSC) and the community of Peru. Before becoming a professor in 1963, Sherwood was a student at PSC. It was while he was a student that he met and married his wife Karlene. Though his education was delayed while he fought in the Korean War, Sherwood graduated from PSC in 1957 with a B.A. in education (art), wit4 minors in both English and history. Karlene also graduated from PSC with a B.S. in teaching. Sherwood went on i:o receive his Master's degree from The

University of Wyoming and he eventually earned his Ed.D. from Indiana University. In 1963, he and Karlene returned to Nebraska so that Shorty could teach Art at PSC. The couple made their home in Peru where they both became very active in campus and community activities. Shorty was voted citizen of the year in 2009 by the city of Peru. As a professor, Dr. Sherwood instructed generations of art students in his unique watercolor technique. Sherwood's extraordinary pieces are represented in many public and private collections all over the United States. His efforts weren't just limited to the art program; Dr. Sherwood was also an avid supporter of all of the athletic

programs at PSC and was a member of the Football Boosters. Dr. Sherwood was well-respected by students, staff, faculty and community members for his dedication to art education. In 2009, the PSC Foundation sponsored a reception and auction in honor of Dr. Sherwood. Sherwood donated some of his own masterful watercolor paintings to the auction in order to estab.lish the Leland H. and G. Karlene Sherwood Scholarship in art. Many of Shorty's friends and admirers attended the rec(,'.ption and spoke their praises of the professor.

Continued on page 1,9


- ---Peru Stater Spring 2013:

Greetings •from Peru State Dan Hanson Peru State College President

Dear Friends, Peru State is at a pivotal time in our history as we grow and establish our institution as a college ·of choice known throughout the Midwest. As proud alumni of Nebraska's First College, we want to ,: keep you informed on some of the ways we are building a strong and vibrant future centered on a mission of student engagement. The results of our focus on student engagement and achievement will make you proud. In this issue of The Stater you will read more about several students and recent graduates who have been recognized at the state and national level for excellence. Their achievements are as inspiring as they are impressive. You will re_ad more about Megan Brown, who won the Outstanding Local Leader Award at the

National Education Association's Student Program Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.; Tim Oehring, who was named a Capital One Academic All-America First-Team honoree; Katlyn Donovan, who completed a prestigious public health fellowship at UNMC; biological science graduate and current student in UNMC's Master of Public Health program Kate Trout of Tecumseh, who received Best Paper Award at the First International Conference on Global Health Challenges held in Venice, Italy; and Kathy McKillip, an MSOM graduate who was recently named executive director of the Nebraska Tourism Commission. As you can see, our Sesquicentennial Strategic Plan's focus on an active approach to_teaching and learning is having an impact. In programming, the Institute for Community Engagement or ICE, under the direction of Dr. Julie TaylorCostello, is coordinating relevant learning experiences integrated with the college's academic programs. Projects and courses are designed to make an impact at the community level, broadly defined in terms of scope and location (campus, local, regional, abroad). Program participants have opportunities to develop and apply lead-


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Our work in areas other than academership, critical thinking, project manageics continues as well. The renovation of ment and communication skills. Institutionally, in the National Sur- the Oak Bowl is underway, and I encourvey of Student Engagement, Peru State age you to watch for updates on Facebook. ranked in the top 10 percent of all schools Fundraising continues for this important surveyed for students who feel the insti- projec!_and a new Field House. We are also tution is committed to their success. Our working with the City of Peru, Nemaha freshmen ranked us higher than our pub- County and the Peru State Foundation to lic and even private peers for positive re- improve the campus entran.ce. I want to lationships with faculty members. Stud- thank our Foundation Board members for ies show that positive interactions with- pledging nearly $300,000 of their personal funds for this important project. I also want to thank the City of Peru for col"Tell your friends, families laborating with us on a grant application for additional funding. We are working on and prospective students about program statements for Delzell Hall and the great things happening at the Student Center to define the scope of tnese projects. Improvements to our camPeru State, join us for events, pus infrastructure are critical for building consider providing internships a strong future for the institution. for our-students and connect us I invite you to be a part of building a vibrant future for Peru State. Your involvewith people who mqy have an ment is more important than ever. Please interest in Peru State's future." consider contributing financially to these important projects. Tell your friends, families and prospective students about the faculty members are critical to student great things happening at Peru State, join success. Additionally, our first-year stu- us for events, consider providing intern·dents ranked us significantly higher than ships for our students and connect us with our Plains public peers for perception of people who may have an interest in Peru quality. And let's not forget the ringing en- State's future . Thank you for your contindorsement we received last year from the ued support of Peru State. Higher Learning Commission.

Th e

Per j :~ tater

College President

Dr. Dan Hanson PSC Foundation Board of Directors

SaraBeth Donovan ('85), Chair - Vienna, VA Mike Guilliatt ('67), Vice Chair - Fremont, NE Judson Douglas Ill (attended '56), Treasurer - Lincoln, Neb. Chuck Niemeyer ('65) - Secretary - Ashland, NE Larry ('71) & Sue Green - Miramar Beach, FL Cindy ('82) & Tim ('84) Hoffman - Lincoln, Neb. Fred ('73) & Pam Robertson - Westlake Village, CA Rod Vandeberg - Falls yCity, Neb. Dennis Wittmann - Auburn, Neb.

Mike Guilliatt ('67) - Fremont, Neb. Nick ('87) and Laurel (Sm ith, '87) Harling - Falls City, Neb. Chuck ('69) and Alice (Massoth, '69fMizerski - Lincoln, Neb. Fritz ('74) and Char (Lutz, '74) Stehlik - Omaha, Neb. Angelia Rohwer Steiner ('90) - Sabetha, Kan Al Urwin('82) - La Vista, Neb. Editor:

R. Todd Simpson, Executive Director, PSC Foundation Managing Editor/Writer:

Brooke Ashford ('12) Graphic Design:

Kellen Sailors ('12), Graphic Design Artist Copy Editor:

Promise DeBilzan ('11) Contributing Writers:

Regan Anson ('11), Director, PSC Marketing & Public Affairs PSC National Alumni Association Board of Directors


Pau l ('67) and Arlene (Borcher, '67) Fell, Co-Presidents - Lincoln, Neb. Carlos Harrison ('51), Vice President - Shenandoah, Iowa . Ed Ankrom ('91), Secretary - Beatrice, Neb. Kim ('90) and Kris (Kubert, '94) Vrtiska, Co-Treasurers - Fa lls City, Neb. Elton ('88) and Connie (Sims, '87) Edmond - Lincoln, Neb. Dan ('76) and Cheryl Cotton - Peru, Neb.

Dr. Bill Clemente, PSC Professor of Engl ish PSC Foundation Staff Rebecca Johnson ('05), Graphic Design Artist, PSC Marketing & Public Affairs • Kellen Sailors ('12), Graphic Design Artist Ted Harshbarger ('77)

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Peru~'state; Spa~g-'2013 ,

Foundation ' and NAA on the ,. Move 1,100 college and university chapters. Students are not the only Bobcats makins positive moves. Our faculty and staff Todd Simpson are in the news as well. Peru State's own CFRE Professor Randy Waln has been selected Executive Director to display his artwork in the Governor's Peru State College residence during the 2012-13 season. ProFoundation fessor Waln's photography will be featured from May 22 through June 21, 2013. Bobcat alumni are also making head• lines. Whether it be induction to the NaPeru State is definitely on the go . .. tional High School Athletic Directors Hall making progress ... taking many elements of.fame (Tom Hallstrom '49), or selection of our College to new levels. Whether talk- as the Nebraska Tourism Executive Direcing about student awards, faculty achieve- tor (Kathy McKillip '08), or publishing ments, alumni honors, or even campus their fourth novel (Rebecca Cooper-Thufacility improvements, clearly Peru State is mann 'OS, '09), Peru Sate alumni are putgetting better every day! ting their Bobcat education to good use! . Our students continue to make a treOf course, exceptional students, facmendous showing by receiving awards and ulty and alumni deserve modern and efwinning competitions on a local, regional fective campus facilities. For those not and national level! For example, just last familiar with the Peru State campus of late, fall Megan Brown, a special education you should pay the College a visit. Most and early childhood education major from are aware of the award winning library, Syracuse, Nebraska, was honored with the our former chapel and gymnasium, renoOutstanding Local Leader Award by the vated in 2003. But you may not be aware National Education Association. Brown of the newly renovated, award winning was selected for the NEA honor from V.H. Jindra Fine Arts Building, or the just more than 60,000 members involved in remodeled Eliza Morgan residence hall.

~ the College, F~uµdatioh and City of-Peru and has already seen wondt;:rful support These facilities are giving the Campus qf a from alumni, area businesses and even the Thousand Oaks _the physic.al capabilities it • Nemaha County Board of Commissioners. so richly deserves. In addition, the College is planning for Even so, there is still more to do ... renovations to Delzell Hall and the Stuand Peru State is doing it! . The 'O ak Bowl, dent Center in the not too distant future . largely ignored for years, is currently under Funding sources are currently being exmajor construction. (Visit http://around- plored and preliminary architecture drawperu.blogspot.com/2013/01 / oak-bowl- ings are being created. - Ultimately, facility improvement will renovation.html for some · of the \most recent construction photos.) Funds are still depend to a large extent on Peru State's being raised for the full Oak Bowl pi;oject, ability to raise private funds. _which includes a field house with meeting Our student outcomes clearly point to rooms, training facilities and offices. Ath- a vibrant and successful educational expeletic Director and Head Football Coach rience following in the tradition that has Steve Schneider said it best when he noted, long been a mainstay of PSC. If, as the old "Our student athletes have earned facilities • saying goes, the proof is in the pudding, at least as good as others in our confer- then the accomplishments of our students, ence. To offer them less is not acceptable." faculty and alumni is all the proof of suc(Please take a minute to show your support cess one needs. of the Oak Bowl witl'i your gift, today. You The College needs all of us to help decan make your gift on-line at http://foun- termine the future of Peru State. Will the dation.peru.edu/giving/index.htm or you successes and growth of recent years concan contact the Foundation at (402) 872- tinue? Will our students and faculty have 2304.) the facilities to match their enthusiasm • The Oak Bowl is not the only major ;nd accomplishments? Yes ... absolutely facilities upgrade taking place at Peru . .. with your help, there is no doubt. State. Funds are currently being raised for Thank you for your Gommitment and a renovated entrance to the campus. The support. Go Cats! Live Blue. Entrance Project is a joint effort between

The National Alutnni Association Events The Peru State National Alumni As- Black Iron Grill in sociation ha,s had a very busy year so far. Rock Port, Missouri. The annual Lincoln and Omaha Meet Please . join fellow and . Greets brought together Alumni alumni for fun and from several surrounding areas and of- complimentary appefered an opportunity for President Han- tizers. As with all of son to meet with alumni and update them the National Alumni on _?-11 of the great things happening on Association events, The Campus 0£. a Thousand Oaks. all PSC alumni, The Alumni Chili Feed was a success, friends, family, staff . serving about 450 people and bringing and students are welin over $400 in support of the Peru State come to attend. Foundation. Plans for a Peru The Omaha Chapter of the National State Alumni Day in Alumni Association hosted its annual Brownville, Nebrasfundraising Dinner & Auction on April ka are in the works 25, 2013. In the past three years, this an- for August 10. The day is set to include nual event has brought in over $14,000 to a cruise on the Spirit of Brownville and fund scholarships and organizations at a reception_ at the Whiskey Run Creek Pe'ru State. Winery. Interested parties can also book 'There will be an Alumni Reception rooms on the River Inn Resort. More inheld on June 6, .2103, at 6:00 p.m. at the formation regarding_this event will be an- .

nounced at a later date. For information on the National Alumni Association and their events, pleas·e visit http://founda- • tion.peru.edu or find us on Facebook.

NAA Board Members: Co-President Paul Fell, Chuck and Alice Mizerski, Co-President Arlene Fell wait to work serving guests at the Alumni Chili Feed.


Peru Stater Spring 2013

The Distinguished Speaker Series On Monday February 25th, Peru State hosted Dr. Shirin Ebadi as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series. Dr. Ebadi is an Iranian lawyer, a former judge and human rights activist and founder of Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran. On October 10 2003, Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especially women's, children's, and refugee rights. She was the first ever Iranian to receive the prize. Dr. Ebadi spent the day on The Campus of A Thousand Oaks beginning with a faculty breakfast. Dr. Ebadi then made scheduled classroom visits before having dinner with student leaders and then giving her keynote address. Iran Awakening: A Story of Revolution and Hope. As a woman in Iran, Ebadi's life has paralleled the dramatic changes within her country. Her call for dissent and support for human rights has rung clear during the political and religious upheaval in the Middle East. Making history as the first woman judge in Iran, Ebadi was stripped of her basic rights by religious revolutionaries, whom she once supported, who declared women unfit to serve as judges. She fought her way back as a human rights lawyer, defending women and children in controversial, politically charged cases. She has been arrested and has been the target of assassination, but through it all, Ebadi has spoken out with quiet bravery on behalf of victims of injustice and discrimination.

Defying government obstacles, Ebadi created one of the first independent, nongovernmental human rights organizations in Iran: The Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child. She is the author. oflran Awakening: One Woman's Journey to Reclaim Her Life and Country and The Golden Age. A towering figure with a commanding voice tp.at will not be silenced, Ebadi courageously champions democracy and basic human rights for women, children and all individuals. Her influence extends far beyond the borders of her country, inspiring hope that Islam, democracy and all human rights can co-exist despite the challenges faced in these turbulent times. Dr. Shirin Ebadi (left) Peru State established the Distinguished Speaker Series in fall 2010 as part of the college's commitment to student son Arun Gandhi, Bawa (Cameroon, Afriengagement and success. The intent of ca) Health Initiative co-founded Dr. Denthe Series is to bring diverse, nationally nis Richardson, Pulitzer Prize winning and internationally recognized speakers journalist and author Sonia Nazario, conto southeast Nebraska to enrich the edu- sumer advocate and former Green Party cational experience of students while also presidential candidate Ralph Nader, and providing surrounding communities op- human trafficking activist Somaly Mam. portunities to engage in interesting and All events are open to the public and free relevant topics. Speakers are encouraged of charge. to connect with the community in a vaAdditional information about Peru riety of ways during their visits through State's Distinguished Speaker Series is classroom discussions, guest lectures, available at _w ww.peru.edu/speakerseries meet and greet receptions, and a keynote or by contacting Vice President for Enaddress. .rollment Management and Student Affairs Previous· guests include former skin- Michaela Willis at 402-872-2224 or mwilhead Frank Meeink, civil rights leader lis@peru.edu. and Little Rock Nine member Minnijean Brown-Trickey, Mahatma Gandhi's grand-

Peru State Enrollment Update The



growing by leaps and bounds, and through increased recruitment efforts from the Peru State Office of Admissions, the college has a positive outlook for the fall. Below are a few positive signs for the future. • Freshmen

Peru State Alutn Hired By The State of Nebraska Touristn Cotntnission State






up52% • Freshmen


by37% • New student Housing Applications arze showing an increase of

Congratulations to Kathy McKil~ lip, graduate of the Peru State Master of Science in Organizational Management (MSOM) program, who has been hired by the Nebraska Tourism Commission to serve as its Executive Director. McKillip is a Nebraska City High School graduate who earned a bachelor's degree from Nebraska Wesleyan University, a master's degree in public administration from the University of Nebraska at Omaha along with her MSOM with an economic emphasis from Peru State College. Since 2011, McKillip has worked as the

director of the Nebraska Travel and Tourism Division. She has also worked for the Department of Economic Development as interim director. Mc~llip played a key role in facilitating a statewide tourism strategic plan. Recently, McKillip has drawn attention for launching an initiative with the Nebraska Department of Roads to replace 37 aging tourism attractions along Interstate 80 and she has also scheduled a series of tours for travel writers to review many of Nebraska's tourist attractions. The Nebraska Tourism Commission

works to expand Nebraska's dynamic and diverse travel industry making it more viable by creating awareness, attracting increased visitors which results in greater tourism revenue and economic gain throughout the state. Some of McKillip's e'iecutive director responsibilities include the marketing of Nebraska attractions and events, monitoring national trends in travel and tourism and preparing legislation related to tourism.

77% • Student




showing an increase of more than 200% Our spring 2013 enrollment showed some positive signs with headcount increasing by just under 2%. On campus, that increase was more pronounced • with an 11 % increase in headcount.

Peru Stater Spring 2013


Farewell to The Oak Bowl: HomecominE! ...., 2012 .

Approximately 1500 people flocked to The Campus of a Thousand Oaks for Peru State College's 92nd Annual Homecoming celebration, Sea of Blue, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012. The day was filled with various events for everyone to enjoy, starting with a parade in downtown Peru. Serving as Grand Marshals of the parade were State Senator Lavon Heidemann and his wife, Robin. Student Senate President Ellen Larsen said, "We could not have picked better candidates for our grand marshals. The Heidemanns have done so much for Peru Stati. 'This is a small token of our appreciation for their leadership and friendship throughout the years." The parade was followed by a tailgate and carnival on the campus quad. Guests were treated to a· "cookout" style lunch of hot dogs, hamburgers and all of the fixings, including a choice of several desserts and drinks. The crowd was entertained by the PSC Jazz Band before a presentation recognizing Senator and Mrs. Heidemann, for their service to southeast Nebraska. The Homecoming day activities also honored Bill and Lee Sapp for their generous contribution to the Oak Bowl Project by dedicating the

newly constructed Sapp Plaza in honor PSC's first lady, Elaine Hanson, and of the Sapp family. President Dan Hanson. The King and The Homecoming football game Queen duo was elected by members of was played against Graceland Univer- the PSC student body. sity Yellow Jackets who defeated the Due to renovations on the Oak Bobcats 28-20. Bowl, the date of the 2013 HomecomDuring the halftime show, Seniors ing game will be November 2nd. For Christopher Hawkins (Indian Head, more information on the 2013 Bobcat Maryland) and Jenny Trapp (Omaha, • football schedu~e visit www.pscbobNebraska) were crowned the 2012 cats.com or for information on Peru Homecoming King and Queen by State events, visit www.peru.edu.

Senator Lavon Heidemann with PSC President Dan Hanson

Above: The Oak Bowl brimming with fans during the last Homecoming game held in the old Oak Bowl before renovations begin. Below: Lucille and Bill Sapp, Lee Sapp, Zelma Drake, Lavon and Robin Heidemann stand by the plaque during the dedication ceremony for the newly built Sapp Plaza.



Peru Stater Spring 2013

Peru State Art Department News

Megan Brown

Peru State Student, Megan Brown Wins Outstanding Local Leader Award . Peru Student Education Associa- PSEA Advisor Dr. Judith Ruskamp said, tion (PSEA) President, Megan Brown, "Megan continues to lead with exemplary received the Outstanding Local Leader dedication and commitment to the field Award at the National Education Asso- of education and the Peru State Student ciation's (NEA) Student Program Leader- Education Association. As orre of our ship Conference in Washington, D.C. own, we are very proud of the fact that Brown was also honored by the Ne- she continues to play an integral role on braska State Education Association the Peru State campus as a difference(NSEA) in 2012, with their Capitol Dis- maker." trict Leader Award. Brown organized and led several An early childhood and special edu- PSEA events during her tenure as presication major from Syracuse, Nebraska, dent, including: Brown was selected for the NEA honor • 8 to Great Leadership Seminar, in from more than 60,000 members inwhich campus leaders engaged in volved in 1,100 college and university an alternative character education chapters. The award recognizes her dediprogram; cation and leadership skills as the Peru • American Education Week ProjStudent Education Association (PSEA) ect, which involved PSEA members president throughout the 2011-2012 helping Calvert Elementary (Auburn, membership year. Neb.) make thank-you cards for their Brown was also recognized Jast year by teachers; the NEA, earning the Jeffrey "J.D." Mill• Scholastic Book Fair, pr~fits from er Outstanding Underclassman Award at which are used to buy books for area the organization's National Student Leadschools; ership Conference in Chicago. Brown said, "I continue to be ever grateful , for the honors awarded to me that-recognize my dedication to the association. My singular objective for my first term as PSEA president was to increase member engagement in our activities. PSEA has grown and flourished with a little push and new direction. Our members' desire to do more, be more and take ownership of our group is the truest indicator of my success as a leader." Associate Professor of Education and

• Reading Buddies Program, where PSEA members read to toddlers at the Peru Day Care once a month; • Water Warrior Welcome Back Social; • The Dr. Seuss Birthday Bash, where more than 1,500 area students attended to watch interactive skits and celebrate reading. For additional information about the award or_the PSEA, contact Ruskamp at jruskamp@peru.edu or 402-8722301.

Aside from the regular art exhibits For more information on any of the displaying the talents of the Pe.ru State exhibits at the PSC Art Gallery, contact College (PSC) art students, the Art De- PSC Art Professor Ken Anderson at partment has hosted some very influen- 402-872-2271 or via e-mail at kandertial art exhibits this school year. son@peru.edu. The exhibit "Subtle Images," feaArt professor, Randy Waln has had turing paintings and drawings by Da- some of his own personal successes vid McLeod, was on display in the PSC recently. Waln's exhibition of digital Art Gallery through the I.IlOnth of Oc- prints and historical photographs, "The • tober 2012. McLeod earned a master . Degeneration of the Family Farm", was of fine art in painting from Southern on display in November and December Illinois University at Edwardsville. He of 2012 at the Stalder Gallery in the has taught at Metropolitan Community Falls City, Nebraska Library & Arts College in Omaha and the University of Center. Nebraska at Omaha. Waln was also selected by The NeThe exhibit "Hidden in Plain View," braska Arts Council to be a featured featuring the works of retired Omaha artist in the Governor's Residence World-Herald Photojournalist Rudolph Exhibition. Waln will have his photo"Rudy" Smith, wa'.s on display in the graphs featured May 22-June 21,.,2013. PSC Art Gallery during the month of Waln is one of 13 contemporary NeFebruary. Smith gave a special presen- _braska artists selected via an open comtation on Tuesday, Feb. 5 in the College petition and review panel. The Nebraska Governor's ResiTheatre. Smith is perhaps best known for dence is located at 1425 H Street in his coverage of the riots that erupted Lincoln. The residence is open for in north Omaha in the summer of 1969 public tours on Thursdays from 1 to and the early Civil Rights movement in -4 p.m. Visitors are invited to take part the city. As a photographer and editor· in a guided tour of the home featuring for the World-Herald, Smith covered this exhibition series, historical inforU.S. Presidents, riots, famous enter- mation and memorabilia collected by tainers, professional sporting events, Nebraska's first families. Reservations politicians and news events from coast- are required for groups of 10 or more. to-coast. Contact the Governor's Residence at His photographs have appeared in 402-471-3466 for more information or Ebony Magazine,Jet, Life, Look, News to make an appointment. Week, Time, Sports Illustrated, and Waln said, "I am very pleased to be London Daily Mirror, among others. able to show in this venue, and I feel He also contributed to the publication the agricultural subject matter of my of three books, including An Illus- • work is especially appropriate to Netrated History of African Americans braska-." Waln came to Peru State in 2002 afin Nebraska from 1860-Present. Smith has won more than 55 awards for his ter teaching 20 years at Montana State photography, including awards from University-Northern. He teaches art the NAACP, NCAA, State of Nebraska, and graphic design. His work is mostly University of Nebraska, City of Omaha focused on photography-based digital and Omaha Press Club. images. For more information about the Smith was the first minority to gradResidence Exhibition uate from the University of Nebraska at Governor's Omaha's (UNO) Communications De- Program, v1s1t http://www.nebraspartment and the first minprity faculty k a arts council. org/ artists/ exhibimember in the UNO Department of tion_ programs/ or contact Program Communications. He retired from the Manager J.D. Hutton at jayne.hutton@ Omaha World-Herald four years ago nebraska.gov. after a 45 -year career in the industry.

-+ Peru Stater Spring 2013


The Peru Theatre Cotnpany N ew-s The Peru Theatre Company (PTC) has had a very busy and successful year. Under the direction of Josh Young, Assistant Professor of Communication Arts, the PTC has performed several main stage productions and many smaller projects. The first main stage production of the academic year was EAT (It's Not About Food) by Linda Daugherty. The ·performance began November 1, 2012 and ran through Sunday November 4 at the Peru State College (PSC) Theatre. The critically acclaimed script EAT , (It's Not About Food) dramatizes the dangerous and baffling world of eating disorders in girls and boys. Candidly exploring causes and warning signs, the play takes .a hard look at the influences of society and the media and tells individual stories of young people struggling with this epidemic and too often tragic problem. The PTC has also received several honors this year during the week-long Region V Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Started in 1969 by the Kennedy Center's founding chairman Roger L. Stevens, the KCACTF is a national theater program involving 600 colleges and universities and 18,000 students from around the country. Through state, regional and national festivals, the KCACTF provides theater departments and student artists an opportunity to showcase their work, share experiences and insights within the community of theatre artists, and receive outside assessment. The KCACTF honors excellence of overall production and offers student artists individual recognition through awards and scholarships in playwriting, acting, directing and design. In January and February of each year, regional festivals showcase the finest of each region's entered productions and offer a variety of activities, including workshops, symposia and regional-level award programs. Regional festival productions are evaluated by a panel of three judges who are selected by the Kennedy Center and the KCACTF national committee. Approximately 1,600 students from

victims of domestic violence and related walk for the Peru Daycare. The on-campus issues. Project Response currently serves daycare center is a non-profit organization five counties in Southeast Nebraska. that gives students, staff, faculty and the Organization. Athletic Director, Steve Schneider community a reliable source of child-care. The PSC Student Athlete Advisory said, "This friendly competition provides During many of the campus's holiday Committee (SAAC) is another group on a means of not only providing assistance at events donations were also collected for campus that is very active in charitable ac- the local level, but does allow the members the Southeast Nebraska Back Pack Protivities. For the past four years the SAAC to participate in an event which is nation- gram. This Program provides backpacks has participated in the annual Make a Dif- ally recognized." of food to underprivileged children durDuring the month of October, the ing the school year. ference Day, sponsored by the USA magazine. Make a Difference day takes place on Campus Activities Board (CAB), sold Other community programs that were the fourth Saturday of every October and breast cancer awareness themed shirts. aided by donations and gifts collected is the most encompassing national day of CAB was able to raise $650 for the Ameri- through the Holiday Outreach Program helping others and a celebration of people can Cancer Society. were Southeast Nebraska Community AcThe holidays gave a variety of op- tion (SENCA) and Adopt a Family. Both helping people. For their part in the National Make portunities for PSC students and staff to programs offer assistance to many area a Difference Day, the SAAC organized a aid organizations around the community. families in need during the Christmas seacompetition among all of the PSC athletic Student Activities Coordinator, Chelsea son. teams, asking their families and friends to Allgood led the Holiday Outreac_h ProGifts for the Tree Tag Project and Toys donate cold season items such as cough gram that collected goods and donations for Tots were both collected through the drops, tooth brushes, mittens, hats, sani- for several organizations in Peru and the Holiday Outreach Program and offered a tizing products, and cold/flu medicine etc. surrounding communities through differ- way for students, staff and faculty to help The donations were calculated on a point ent events, collections and fundraisers. underprivileged children in the surroundsystem to judge the winning team. For the The Holiday Outreach Program even ing communities. As part of Project Linus, third year in a row the Bobcat Softball brought the holiday spirit to Peruvians students made fleece blankets for ill or team won the competition by earning the by organizing a holiday caroling group traumatized children. most points. around campus and the town. For more information on the charitaThe Make a Difference Day Donations As a part of the H9liday Outreach Pro- ble efforts of PSC clubs and organizations, were taken to Project Response, a pro- gram, volunteers were asked to make and visit www.peru.edu. gram that provides goods and support to donate cookies for a fundraising cookie

Bobcats Give Back Throughout the history of Peru State, students have devoted countless hours to charity work all over Southeast Nebraska. With the recent formations of the Institute for Community Engagement and the Rotoract Club combined with increased community involvement from many of the other clubs and organizations on The Campus of a Thousand Oaks, students at PSC have beefed up their efforts to aid in a variety of avenues throughout several area communities. The Rotoract Club organized several charitable activities this semester. The most ·notable of events was the club's involvement in the nationwide Movember campaign. Movember is a non-profit organization whose ·goal is to raise money and awareness towards men's health problems, such as prostate and testicular cancer. The Rotoract members, in cooperation with the college, hosted a mustache growing contest during the month of November. Contestants were voted on through donation buckets, with the winner having the bucket containing the most money. All of the money was donated to the Movember

colleges and universities in Nebraska, • Danny Moberly, a freshman liberal arts Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, North Dakota major from Auburn, Nebraska, and Grace and South Dakota participated in this Cole, a sophomore liberal arts major from year's festival, the vast majority being the- Scribner, Nebraska, were selected from atre majors at.both the undergraduate and hundreds of students to perform in the graduate levels. KCACTF Faculty-Directed Scene ShowThe following is a list of the honors case of Edward Albee plays. earned by the Peru Theatre Companr • Michael Casavant, a senior music major • Spirit Award for outstanding school from Lincoln, Nebraska, was one of five spirit (second consecutive year) . students selected for the world premiere • Merit Award for Ensemble Acting, staged reading of The Lord of the Underawarded to the cast of Andromache of world's Home for Unwed Mothers, writEuripides. ten by Louisa Hill and under the direc:. tion of Broadway Director Rob Urbinati. • • Merit Award for Achievement in Social Casavant was cast as the reader of stage Issues Theatre, awarded to Peru State directions . Communication Arts Instructor and Young said, "I am extremely proud PTC Theatre Director Joshua Young for of the progress our students have made. the production of EAT (It's Not About Their diligence, commitment and quality Food). Young was also selected to be one of their work are to be commended." of the faculty directors for the event. For more information regarding the • Merit Award for Reviving a Dormant Peru Theatre Company, contact Josh Theatre Program at Peru State College, Young at 402-872-2285 or jyoung@peru. awarded to Young and Adjunct Instructor · edu. of Speech, English and Theatre Devon Denn-Young.


Peru Sta~e Co,llege -Foundation _Honor Roll·of _ Donors 2013 •

• '.

! I

1930's Tom & Edus Goldenstein (1938) Ernest Horacek (1939) Max Kerns (1936) Charles Kingsolver (1935) Maxine Pankonin (1938) Maxine Remmers (1939) Madeleine S\:hmucker (1934) Marjorie Speece (1932) Evelyn Tyser (1938) Mildred Vanderford (1933)

1940's Lois Adams (1942) Larrie Bell (1945) Mary Black (1947) Bernard Bliefernich (1949) George Blocher (1948) Delbert & Jean Bowers (1949) Rosa Brooks (1945) ' • Joan Buhrmann (1946) Evelyn Carter (1940) Mary Cashman (1945) Lois Christensen (1943) George Coupe (1947) Beunice Doty (1940) Frances Duckworth (1941) William Edmondson (1948) Densel Fankhauser (1944) Josephine Godown (1941) Virginia Good (1945) Ted & Rita Graves (1942) • -:;,' Vada Hahn (1943) • • Myrt Hall (1947) Thomas & Dorothy Hallstrom (1949) Margaret Harrold (1947) • • Ralph Hays (1942) • Carolee Heim (t941) ;L).lta Herr (1948) Jean Hill(1944) Sar~ liip:i.w-(i949) . _Max ~Janice Hosier (19.47}J VirgiiJa Hunt (1942) ' •W~llatd H9.t1zek.er (l 94()) . . Max ~ .\t:ilina Jack&on (194-2}" Robe.rt, Jatnes (t 944) UoydJ~l'\11son (1940) Clay Kenfiedy (1945)'_ _, ··1·" •.Ai:thor & I-lelen Kermoade (1948) Nina Klaudt (1943) Goldene Lahann (1943-) Andy }4cey (1945) • David Lang (1949) Melvin Larsen (1942) Art Lindsey (1949) Josephine Loennig (1942) Bob Luedke (1946) Harold Macomber (1943) Joan Marfice (1949) Jack Mast (1945) _ Richard Mastain (1946) , Gail Miller (1948) H:eleri Moody 01 942),-


Lorene Moritz (1941) : Evelyn Neve (1946} Ruth Nixon (1948) Margaret Ottersberg (1945) Dorothy Parks (1946) ; Nelda Peterson- (1942) _ Vincent Petrucci (1945) Marie Pupkes (1947) 1 Janet Read (1946) Eldon Reutter (1947) John Rhodus (194?) Marjorie Rider (1943) Patricia Russell (1945) Helen Schacht (1940) Verona Scheer (1944) Percy Schmelzer (1948) Wanda Schmidt (1943) Virgie Lee Shaw (1944) Wilson Sigerson (1949) Margaret Skoog (1941) Marian Smith (1946) Loretta Smith (1948) Ruth Steele (1948) Virginia Stuhr (1943) _Martin Svoboda (1949) Shirley Wenzel (1945) Beulah Widga (1947) ,._ Robert Williams (1942) - • Evelyn Yanders (1948)



• '1'


' ..

1950's William & Lavonda Abernathy-(1951)Bertis & Georgfa Adams (1956)Marlene Alberts (1957j William Almond (1957) Fred & Marianne Applegate (1955) Sidney Applegate (1958-) • : Ralph Aranza (1959) Loren .Argabright (1954) Pp:yllis Atchison (1954} Robert Auffert (1 ~~) _. . . Clyde~ Bttty Bairett (1956) . _ Grae~ ,!3:e11,tZinger ,€'1~$-~ - : . Bob'& ~;ry Bo~~~- - J9~) ;;.- ,. Pattttmi\Bomemeiet •Tho~~; & Leta ~~Oftli (19\4) .... • . . . Clyl'k~eadston (~§)) • _. _. _,.. Ronalii'ijrock (1~-:~ •• • Eveiyn Brown (1951;) • Leroy Buchholz (1959). Bonnie C:ll:file (19$'.7) Gerald Carnes (tg57) John Christ (1955) , Darrell Christensen (1956) Barbara Clayburn (1951) Fred & Marilyn Clements (1956) • Charles & Beverly Coatney (1951) Rose Coe (1958) Regina Colbert (1954) Richard Corwine (1958) Richard Cotton (1956) Lavon & Gleora Covault (1953} John & Ramona Crookham (1955)



Alta Dakolios (1952) Nadine Danielson-Cusack (1959) Pat Davis (1952) Bob Davis (1953) Nancy Dickerson (1959) Muriel Docker (1958) Jack Dodge (1959) Jud Douglas (1959) Marian & MareaDo')Vney (1952) Ben & Carol Duerfeldt (1954) Tom Eastman (1958) Charles Ebel (1955) Arnold & Sharon Ehlers (1959) Robert & Marion Eilers (1951) Ruth Elwell (1950) Gertrude Ettleman (1950) Anna Falsken (1952) Darrell Fischer (1956) Joan Gabrielle (1959) Marvin Gerdes (1953) , Wilma Geyer (1951) • Donald Gibson (1958) Lois Giles (1958) Orville & Erma Gobber (1950) Ilene Good (1953) r Mary Gorden (1955) • Georgie Graham (1953) .., .. Ray & Gwen Graves (1953) ·, . ; ) •:• Jack Hallstrom (1950) _, ,,. ..: Ed & Betty Hanna (1950) , Carlos Harrison (1951) Rodney Heim (1958) Bob & Carolyn Henry (1959) Kenneth & Mary Hoag (1954) Wendell & Patricia Holmes (195'4) ,. Walter & Peggy Huff (1959) Ga,ry Huli (1959) • Harvey & Patricia Ideu;s (1956) :Norma Johnson (1954) Keith Johnson (1957) Jo Kaffenherger (1953,). Mary Kellbgg (1'951). • Wilma Kelly (1959) ., Ma15ga"ret Kilibar-Ela (195,9) Ela-ine K~eaig (195"6]' Shirley 1$,rejd (1-956) , . Richariltu'mpf (19.53) _ M~rle L ~ (t:955) ' • Robert Libbey (1958) Curtis & Jean Lindell (1954) Bobby Livingston (1950) David Longfellow (1~58) Joanne Majors (1950) Kenneth Majors (1959) Oliver Mayfield (1950) Earl McCain (1958) Edith McCaw (1954) Laura McClain (1955) Cecil McKnight (1952) Lois McMullen (1956) Nancy Mead (1953) Shirley Meinzer (1955)


Dean & Marilynn Meisinger (1955) Virginia Meyerkorth (1.959) Janice Moen (1956) Doris Moore (1951) Dale & Ann Moore (1954) Janet Moore (1954) Maurice Moran (1952) Lee Moren (1958) Rosemary Morrill (1952) Jerry Mullins (1958) Marilyn Naggatz (1958) Donna Nenneman (1959) Jean Niedfeldt (1950) Robert Norvell (1958) Sharon Ockei: (1953) Harlan Oestmann (1957) Lee Ogle (1957) Nels Overgaard (1956) Duane Overgaard (1956) Jerry Payne (1958) Franklin Pedersen (1959) Sherry Penney (1951) Grace Pfister (1951) Charles & Vickie Pickering (1956) ,. c.., Wayne & Gloria Pressnall (1959) Otto Rath (1951) ' , ., Barbara Rawson (1952) ,.,_,, .'c ,. • Barley Rector (1953) ·,,, ·-f.u ,,.·. ,. , • Robert Reed (1958) Robert Resz (1Q;i0) Elaine Robert~ (1,950) .•. Jtl Shirley Rose (1951) Rachel Ross (1951) Fred Rothert (1957) Annabelle Rumbaugh (1951) Joann Russell (1959) Russell Ruth (1950) Raymond & llose Ruzicka (1959) Robei;t Ryafi -(t952} William & Laverna Sayer (l 955~ Leroy Scheele (1959) • •;• •

.. ,J

RomJ.d Sf?1ulti (1952) -' r." ' :'"' ~ : Bill & J-aruce Schulte. (1'953) Alan Sch.l:16tet {1~3) Henry & ~a,rcia Sd,.w:p;u- (1'9Ji~ ' '·· :-'; . .{, -' .:•: Marjorie 's&tboei (1958:J· • • • ·, -':_:. · , Louise -S'li.faicey_(1 %~ ••• :' Curtis & Mai:y Si!det:biu--g (1954) Carofyn ~ip-er (195-1) .. "• •Bobby & Claudette Slaughter (1956} • George Slaughter -(195 7) Charles Smith U951) Joyce Taylor (1950) Jean Thayer (1952) Dean & Eilene Thiesfeld (1952) Bill Thurman (1951) Cecil & Colleen Tillman (1951) Michael Treat (1954) Bob Utermohlen (1950) John & Doris Vacek (1950) Dale Vanderford (1950) William Vqegtli (1951)


Peru Stater Spring 2013

Jeanne Wall{1954) . Anita W~bster (1955) Lewis Weick (1950) Paul Weinert (1956) Ronald & Beverly Weiss (1956) Donald & Vivian Wendt (1959) Ronald & Mary Wenninghoff (1957) Kathleen Westerfield (1958) Carol Whitcomb (1952) .Anna White .(1952) Fran Whited (1953) David Williamson (1952) Samantha Williamson (1959) Ron & Fran Witt (1958) Kenneth Wolford (1950) Norma Wood (1951)

1960's Joyce Able (1963) Velma Adam (1967) Garth & Gloria Adams (1967) Jim Agnew (1965) David Albert (1964) Monty & Judy Allgood (1963) Ted Allison (1967) Gary & Marian Anderson (1960) • Steven Anderson (1969) Mildred Appleoff (1969) Lee Arellano (1968) • Larry Aylor (1969) Marlene Ballance (1960) : JoAnn Barry (1965) Linda Bell (1962) Raburn & Dixie Benton (1960) Glen & Patsy Beran (1962) Marvin Bergsten (1960) Diane Berlett (1966) Arlan & Carolyn Biere (1964) • Oliver & Janet Bierman (1966) Connie Biggers (1961) George Bleich (1965) Kenneth Boatman (1966) Paul Bodtke (1963) Lonnie Bohling (1967) Marilyn Borgerding (1961) Jack Broady (1962) Lowell Brown (1967) Thomas Buchholz (1964) Buzz Burling (1968) Ray & Connie Cain (1967) Jerry Carlson (1960) Linda Carlson (1%6) Samuel Carneal (1966) Ronald Carnes (1962) Ken Carnes (1969) Norman Catlett (1961) Charles & Mary Caverzagie (1964) Carol Chandler (1968) John & Dolores Clark (1967) Eston Clarke (1968J Daniel & Carol Coffey (1965) Galen Conn (1963) Rick Connole (1967) Douglas Cotner (1968) Ron Cotton (1964) Luke Cox (1965)

John Creamer (1969) Richard & Dawn Daly (1968) Jon Davis (1966) Janice Dawson (1964) . Janet DeMott (1965) Edna Dennis (1960) Patricia Diskin (1969) Marlene Dodd (1969) Kenneth & Leona Dostal (1963) Robert Eichenberger (1964) Gayle Ellison (1967) Gordon & Pamela.Essink (1968) Antoinette Faulkner (1968) Paul & Arlene Fell (1967) Glenda Fish (1967) Richard Flannery (1969) Richard & Beverly Floerchinger (1965) Ronald Foreman (1965) Chuck Francis (1960) Gary Fritch (1966) Louis Fritz (1966) David & Rae Fulton (1960) Doris Galbraith (1963) Roger & Janice Gardner (1963) Lamarr Gibson (1961) Richard & Martha Gibson (1969) David & Linda Gomon (1965) Ilma Gottula (1965) Phyllis Greedy (1967) Alyce Green (1961) Dorothy Grell (196b) Mike Guilliatt (1967) James Hall (1964) Mel Hamel (1963) Nancy Handley (1968) James Hanks (1966) Patsy Harpster (1969) Drexel & Mardell Harvey (1962) Bruce Haughton (1969) Clarence Haws (196.9) Keith & Virginia i-Iawxby (1961) Larry & Marian Henderson (1969) Robert Heng (1961) Carol Henning (1967) Alvin Henrichs (1965) Paul Henrickson (1968) Judy Hetherington (1965) Russell Hicks (1963) Dennis & Linda Hilfiker (1960) Lavelle Hitzemann (1969) Larry & Palma Holding (1968) Lonnie & Nancy Houchin (1966) William Hunsaker (1964) Glenn Irwin (1962) Patricia Isaac (1962} Donald Jackson (1960) Michael & Virginia Janis (1965) Gerald Jeanneret (1961) Judy J~nsen (1963) Jerry & Christina Joy (1964) Don & Nancy Kasbohm (1960) Ronald Kelley (1963) Lana Kennedy (1968) WilliamKerins (1968) Julia Kern (1966)

Delynn Kit;nker (1960) Milan Kloepfer (1963) , Sharylin Knock (1963) Leroy & Linda Koehler (1969) · Jere &Jan Krakow (1960) JoAnn Krause (1964) Linda Kreimeyer (1964) Vernon Krenzer (1967) Robert Krofta (1966) Larry Landwehr (1969) •Carolyn Law (1960) Robert Leander (1966) Dan Leuenberger (1965) Duane Lewis (1960) • Richard Linder (1969) Jerry Littell (1963) Tim & Jean Logsdon (1968) Stanley Longfellow (1961) Roger Lucas (1967) Rosemary Lucky (1960) Jerry & Charlotte Lunsford (1962) Ernie Madison (1960) Michael Malone (1966) Darryl Manring (1960) Harold Marshall (1966) Carol Martin (1968) John & Gail Masonbrink (1962) Sandra Mathews (1961) Boyd Mattox (1965) Bruce & Linda Mau (1965) Darlene McCord (1961) Michael McCormick (1966) . Ron & Mary Lu McCoy (1967) Norma McKercher (1965) • Leonard McLain (1962) . Lorna McMurray (1968) .James Meacham (1963) Ray & Myrna Meister (1962) . Norma Meyer (1960) Lester Miller (1960) Marion & Barbara Miller (1965) Haney & Karen Milstead (1961) Teresa Minard (1968) James Minor (1964) Chuck & Alice Mizerski (1969) Richard & Ramona Moore (1969) Rev. Moorer Moorer_ (1961) •· Linda Moree (1963) Larry Morgan (1961) Larry Morrissey (1965) Nancy Nealon (1967) Gary Neddenriep (1964) Allen Nelson (1962) Gary & Verona Neumann (1967) Anita Norman (1969) Elizabeth O'Connor-Gunn (1969) Gordon Ohnoutka (1962) Paul Oliphant (1966) Lynn & Pauline Osterholm (1961) . Mariedith Pagel (1965) Rose Parli (1961) John Patterson (1967) Loren Penkava (1966) Joseph & Susan Perina (1964) Dennis Peterson (1963)


Terry Petsche (1968.) Lois Pietzyk (1~69) Darrell Plumb (1967) Jody Pohlman (1968) Mary Ann Privatt (1963) Lorene Pruitt (1965) Michael & Sandy Ramirez (1964) Samuel Rankin (1964) Robert Raper (1961) Larry Rathe (1963) Keith & Lucille Rawson (1965) Fred & Linda Regnier (1960) Robert Reimers (1963) Robert Reitz (1963) Kenneth & Jane Rhodus (1962) Alan & Martha Richard (1964) Gary Richey (1964) Bonnie Robbins (1963) Michael Roddy (1961) James Rowe (1969) Frank Ruecker (1967) Lloyd & Betty Russo (1964) Donald & Ardith Rut (1964) Linda Ruyle (1964) Mary Ruzicka (1964) Marilyn Ryan (1966) Ralph Schawang (1968) Marilyn Scheinost (1969) Elaine Schlange (1963) Gary & Mary Schlange (1963) Gary Schmucker (1965) Carol Schmucker (1967) Leland Schneip.er (1967) Mary Lou Schriner (1968) Donna Schwertley (1961) Donald & Glenna Scoby (1960) Enoch Shepherd (1963) Chuck Shores (1968) Margaret Slayter (1966) Walter Slick (1969) Samuel Smith (1966Y Albert & Louise Smith (1969) Richard & Margaret Smith (1969) James Sprague (1966) James Stanosheck (1967) Dean Stapleton (1963) Bonita Steinback (1964) Frances Steinbrook (1964) Paul & Mary Stevenson (1966) Sylvia Stokes (1968) Ronald Stoltenberg (1960) Donald & Donita Stuart (1967) Gaylin & Carol Sudik (1962) Larry & Ramona Swett (1963) Brenda Teleen (1966) John & Marsha Vanderford (1969) Barbara Vaughn (1967) Bruce Vickrey (1968) Shirley Wach (1966) Joe & Kathleen Ward (1965) Gerhardt Wehrbein (1969) Kent & Connie Wichman (1961) Ralph Wiles (1968) Dorothy Willis (1966) Continued on page 12



Peru Stater Spring 2013

Bobcat Volleyball Boosts_ Coaching Staff


Two former Peru State volleyball players are returning Jo help Bobcat volleyball head coach Melvin Balogh. Balogh and P~ru State athletic director, Steve Schneider announced that Kelsey Monahan and Katlyn Donovan have been hired as assistant coaches for the 2013 Bobcat volleyball team. Monahan (Atkinson, Nebraska) will work as an assistant coach for the spring and then as a graduate assistant starting in the fall. A December 2011 graduate, Monahan returns to the Bobcat sideline after most recently working as an assistant coach for Colby Community College in Colby, Kansas. Monahan was a three-year member of the Bobcat team prior to her graduation. She earned three letters and was twice named as a Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athlete. Monahan served as a team captain her senior year and earned academic conference recognition. While at Peru State, Monahan was a seven-time bean's List honoree, a member

of Alpha Chi, and was the recipient of numerous academic scholarships. Monahan will assist in all aspects of the volleyball program. Katlyn Donovan (Greely, Nebraska) will be joining the volleyball staff, working as a strength and conditioning coach for the spring 2013. Donavan was also a three-year member of the Bobcat volleyball team and just completed her eligibility this past fall. Like Monahan, Donovan was a two-time NAIA-Daktronics Scholar-Athlete and will also be a two-time Heart of America Athletic Conference (HAAC) Scholar-Athlete. Donovan is a double major in sport and exercise science and K-12 physical education. Donovan was the past president of the PEAKS - the Physical Education, Activities, and Kinesiology Students of Peru. This past summer Donovan completed the highly competitive and prestigious Great Plains Public Health Training Center Student Summer Fellowship Pro-

Katlyn Donovan

Kelsey Monahan

gram at the University of Nebraska Medical Center's College of Public Health. During her fellowship, Donovan assisted rural Nebraska health departments educate citizens about cancer prevention and obesity. She developed and implemented plans and activities to respond to areas of need, prepared written reports for accreditation activities, and participated in outreach and case management services for populations with little access to care. Balogh said, "Kelsey is a welcome addition to the staff and will add some differ-

ent insights, having played at a competitive level, having coached different age groups, and providing valuable clinic experience. Having had the opportunity to coach Katlyn this past fall, r· know of her competitiveness and willingness to work hard, so I am sure she will assist the girls to become better conditioned this spring." The Bobcat Volleyball team begins their exhibition schedule on April 10, 2013 at Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs.

Cross Country Team Wraps Up Successful Season and Welcomes New Coach

Above: New Cross Coach Leah Wehenke


Left: Danielle Prchal and Kesha Seethe running during the Bearcat Cross Country Invitational in Maryville, Missouri.

The 2012 Peru State College (PSC) importance of excelling in the classroom, Bobcat women's cross country season.was not just on the field or court. We are proud a successful one, as the team had its best of the efforts put forth this season by the finish in school history. _ women of our cross country team. They Sarah Willams (Hiawatha, Kansas) have struck the difficult balance of achievends her career with two national meet ing success in both arenas - all while beappearances and multiple "Runner of the ing active in a variety of campus and comWeek" awards from the Heart of America munity organizations. They are excellent Athletic Conference (HAAC). ambassadors of Peru State and are very Seniors Kesha Beethe (Tecumseh, deserving of these recognitions." In the March •2013 the lady Bobcat Nebraska), Danielle Prchal (Omaha, Nebraska), and Sarah Williams were the Peru cross country team welcomed a new coach, State College Bobcat cross-country team Leah Wehenkel of Auburn, Nebraska. Wemembers who were honored with the aca- henkel, formerly Leah Petersen, is a 2007 demic recognition as Daktronics-NAIA Auburn High School graduate, and a May Scholar-Athletes. For Beethe and Prchal, 2011 honors graduate of Doane College this is their second recognition. with a bachelor of science in physical eduStudent-athletes are nominated by their cation with an emphasis in exercise science. institution's head coach and mu~t main"I am very excited to have the opportain a minimum grade point average of 3.5 ·tunity to coach the women's cross country on a 4.0 scale and must have achieved a team at ·P eru State College," said Wehenjunior academic status in order qualify for kel. "I am looking forwar9 to the season the honor. and the chance to further develop a sucPresident Dan Hanson said, "At Peru cessful and competitive program." State, our student athletes understand the

Peru Stater Spring 2013

2013 Men's and Women's Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athletes Courtney Ward (Bartlesville, Oklaho- was selected to the HAAC's All-Conferma) and Jasmine Tate (Fayetteville, North ence First Team. Ward has also received Honorable Carolina) have been named as The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Mention recognition for the National (NAIA) Division I Women's Basketball Association of Intercollegiate Athletics student-athletes 2013 Daktronics-NAIA (NAIA) 2012-2013 Division I Women's Basketball All-America Teams. Scholar-Athletes. Ward earned the honor after leadThis is Ward's second time being honored as a Scholar-Athlete. Ward, a senior ing her team to a 14-17 and 9-9 (HAAC) criminal justice-counseling major, was mark. Ward became just the third Bobcat ·one of the key leaders on the Bobcat bas- / women_'s_ basketball,player to earn national ketball team. In addition to earning two recogn1t1on. Heart of America Athletic Conference Tate, a junior graphics design major, (HAAC) Player of the Week honors, Ward also played a key role in the women's bas-


ketball team success this season. High School and has been a member of Bobcat women's head coach, Maurtice the Bobcat basketball team for three years. Ivy stated, "Courtney and Jasmine are our "Peter and Brett have both been inteleaders, not only on the floor, but obvi- gratparts of the men's basketball program ously in the classroom. Both women can for the past couple of years," said Bobcat effectively balance their time in order to •men's head coach Troy Katen. Katen achieve this recognition." added, "Not only have they done well in Peter Knudsen (Vanloese, Denmark) the classroom and on the court, Peter and and Brett Pierce (St. Joseph, Missouri), Brett have participated in the men's basmembers of the Peru State men's basket- ketball team's community service projects ball team, were named the NAIA Division and are also involved on campus." In order to be eligible for the DakI Men's Basketball student-athletes 201213 Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athletes. tronics:NAIA Scholar-Athlete honor, a Knudsen is an accounting ~ajor who student must be nominated by an institutransferred from Broome Community tion's head coach and the student-athlete College in New York in the fall of 2011. must maintain a minimum grade point avPierce, a K-12 physical education and erage of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and must have sports management and exercise science achieved a junior academic status. major, graduated from Mid-Buchanan

Headlines Around The Campus of A Thousand Oaks: • Dr. Sara Crook and eight Student members of Phi Alpha Theta were able to witness the Presidential Inauguration in Washington DC in 2013. The tickets to the inauguration were arranged through Congressman Jeff Fortenberry. Senator Mike Johanns arranged for the group to have a tour of the U.S. Capitol. • Kate Trout, a biological science major from Tecumseh, Nebraska, received the Marc H. Dresden Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research at the 44th annual meeting of the Southwestern Association of Parasitologists. • Trout's presentation, Maintaining Gregarine Associations and Inducing Syzygy In Vitro, took nearly two years to complete. • Six Peru State students were recognized as Certified Student Leaders at the National Center for Student Leadership Confere~ce. Only 5,000 student leaders from all over the world have received this certification since 1994. The students are Ryan Bauma~ (Falls City, Nebraska), Joseph Fauver (Springfield, Nebraska), Ellen Lars.en (Lincoln, Nebraska), Jessica Merrill (Falls City, Nebraska), Lexi Neeman (Sioux City, Iowa) Trevin Nelson (Omaha, Nebraska).

Tim Oehring Capital One Academic All-America First Team honoree

Southeast Nebraska Career Fair in the Al Wheeler Activity Center. The Career Fair is designed to give Peru State students and people from acros·s southeast Nebraska an opportunity to meet with representatives from large and mid-sized firms and government agencies to discuss current and anticipated employment openings for fullpart-time or summer employment, time, • Peru State was honored to host counas well as internship positions. try music sensation, Florida Georgia Line, best known for their chart-topping hit, • PSC sophomore, Jessica Merrill (MurCruise. The Campus Activities Board ray, Nebraska) was selected by Governor sponsored the event, and tickets for the Heinemann to represent Peru State as the April 12 concert sold out in 38 hours. 2013-2014 NSCS Student Trustee. Jessica • Peru State College hosted the annual begins her one year term on May 1st, but attended the March 14-15 Board Meeting

Jessica Merrill 2013-2014 NSCS Student Trustee

Kate Trout The Mark H. Dresden Award winner

held on the Peru State campus to shadow current Student Trustee, Seph Fauver.

tion Dr. Kyle Ryan as Sport zand Exercise Science Professor of the Year for 2012.

• More than 1000 children from surrounding communities descended on to PSC's campus to take part in the annual Dr. Seuss's Birthday Celebration. The Peru Student Education Association (PSEA) hosted the annual two-day event with performances from several Dr. Seuss favorites.

• Tim Oehring (Lincoln, Nebraska) has been named a Capital One Academic AllAmerica First Team honoree. Oehring is • a senior defensive lineman and the first PSC athlete to receive this honor in 29 years.

• The Nebraska Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NAHPERD) named . Katlyn Donovan the Physical Education Major of the Year and PSC's Assistant Professor of Educa-

• Alexander Wessels (Weeping Water, Nebraska) a sophomore business administration market management major, has been awarded a $2500, 2013 Virgil Eihusen Nebraska Business Hall of Fame Scholarship from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce & Industry.


Peru Stater Spring 2013

2013 Donor List Cont. John Wider (1967) William Witty (1966) Darrel Wolcott (1961) Shari Wolken (1969) • Donald Wright (1965) James Yelnek (1961)

1970's Van Allen (1970) Deborah Anderson (1975) - James Bailey (1972) Janet Barlow (1977) Russell&. Julie Barnes (1975) Randy Baucke (1972) Bob Beaver (1973) Carolyn Bednar (1978) Roger & Linda Behrns (1972) Vicki Beilke (1972) David Bierbaum (1971) I,.ora Black (1977) Leon & Renee Bose (1971) Joyce Boslau (1979) Richard Bourne (1971) Jody Bukacek (1971) Rhonda Burbach (1977) Beth Butts (1974) Maureen Carpenter (1972) Robert Carter (1977) Stephen Chatelain (1978) Rhonda Chomos (1978) Joseph Cluley (1977) Anne Collingwood (1976) Mary Conradt (1973) Larry Corton (1970) Dan & Cheryl Cotton (1976) Roxann Coudeyras (1978) Robert Craig (1975) Dennis Curtis (1970) Stephen Dalton (1970) Rev. Davis Davis (1976) Samue1Deaver(1972) James Desbien (1973) Linda Dickeson (1976) James & Dianne Dickson (1972) John & Phyllis Dierking (1977) Don & Claudia Dougherty (1970) • Ruth Doxon (1976) Rose Duncan (1971) Barbara Easley (1970) Elizabeth Eheler (1970) Jeanne Eitzmann (1978) Bob Engles (1973) • Berton Faulkner (1970) Kenneth Fike (1977) Eldonna Forrest (1971) Thomas Froehlich (1974) John Furlong (1972) Janice Gerdes (1973) Mary Givehand (1973) Rebecca Graham (1979) Larry & Sue Green (1971) Mary Green (1974) Kim Hahn (1974)

William Hallock (1975) Susan Hanley (1972) George Hanssen (1971) Gail Harmon (1976) Ted Harshbarger (1977) James Head (1970) Jayne Hlavac (1971) Carolyn Hopp (1972) William Hosack (1975) William Iliff (1972) Danny Jeanneret (1973) Anna Jeffrey (1973) Michael Johnson (1971) Ronald Jones (1970) Pamela Jones (1971) Joyce Jones (1977) Annie Jones-Rucker (1976) Ray Kappel (1977) Sherri Kashishian-Apilado (1978) Kathy Kelly (1975) William Kennedy (1972) Richard & Penny Kimball (1978) Doug Kingery (1975) Janet Kirkendall (1974) Robert Kiser (1971) Charles Klingle~ (1972) Mary Kloepping (1970) Ronald Koester (1972) David Koll (1973) Joseph Kotnik (1977) Douglas Kottich (1972) Colleen Kreifels (1977) Phyllis Kreutzer (1979) Tom & Nancy Kunkel (1971) Calvin Kunze (1979) Mary Lade (1972) Fred & Trudy Lainson (1973) James Landwehr (1974) Deborah Larson (1975) Steve & Shirley Lewis (1979) Robert Lisee (1971) Robert Little (1978) Maureen Losee (1977) Robert Lowery (1976) Randy Luther (1973) Maynard & Dianne Martin (1971) Ann Martinez (1976) Gail Mausbach (1971) . Sharon Maynard (1972) Darwin McHugh (1971) Ronald & Susan Meyer (1971) Roger Michaelis (1973) Sandy Miles (1972) • Stephen & Elizabeth Miller (1973) Rodney & Janie Montang (1971) Joann Moore (1976) Linda Morris (1970) Terry & Marlene Neddenriep (1974) Gerald & Ruth Neeman (197~) Gary & Glenda Nelson (1971) Darnice Nyce (1973) Dennis & Carole Obermeyer (1970) •. ·

Stanley Ohnmacht (1973) Sandra Papineau (1973) Robert & Judy Peterson (1972) William Peterson (1972) Carleen Plog (1972) Kenneth Pokorski (1972) Duane·& Eileen Rathe (1974) Terry Ratliff (1972) Kathleen Rattell (1972) Carl Richards (1971) _ Mildred Rieschick (1971) Dennis -Robertson (1973) Margaret Roddy (1973) Gary Rosso (1970) Sharon Russell (1979) David Sackles (1970) Jeffrey Scanlan (1978) Dale & Max,ine Schatz (1975) Kenneth Schlange (1972) Vernyce Schmidt (1970) Larry Schwan (1970) Mary Scott (1978) John Seeba (1970) Alan Seybert (1976) Patricia Sheehan (1973) Joan Shurtliff (1972) Jodi Siegner (1974) Janice Smith (1974) Susan Snodgrass (1975) Tommie Solie (1974) Judy Souder (1974) Dianne Springer (1972) Jack Stanley (1974) Holly Steffens (1979) Steven Stemper (1972) Dave Stemper (1977) Debra Stinn (1975) Alice S_toltenberg (1976) Anne Stribling (1978) Elaine Stuck (1970) Gerald Stukenholtz (1972) Willa Stutheit (1971) . Vincent Sunderman (1975) Gayle Swisegood (1974) Theresa Symancyk (1975) Joseph & Joyce Tackett (1971). • Sherry Taylor (1978) Esther Tegtmeier (1972) Dean Teten (1972) Douglas & Diana Thomas (1978) Robert Tipton (1972) John Trayer (1975) Jon Tritsch (1972) Brian ~ -Patricia Trottier (1971) Jerold & Ramona Tuxhorn (1972) Mike & Kathy Tynon (1970) Ricki Valentino (1972) Julie Vasey (1977) Sara Veigel (1971) Terrence Volker (1973) • Raymond Waters (1972) Dennis & Janet Watts (1970) Mark~ Kathleen Weiler (1971) Rod White (1978) Donald Wiechec (1970)

Lanny & Mary Williams (1971) James Wilson (1972) Kent & Nancy Wilson (1972) Lance Wilson (1978) Bob & Lucy Winter (1974) Raymond & Carol Woerlen (1976) Fayrene Woods (1979) Wayne & Dee Young (1979)

1980's Todd & Brenda Anderson (1 ~86) Donny Anderson (1986) Stacy Applegate (1980) Alan Baldwin (1988) Lonnie Bane (1980) Ruth Beethe (1989) Leroy & Diana Behrends (1985) Colleen Belitz (1989) Gary & Kim Bender (1985) Judith Bennett (1988) Paul Bennett (1989) Joni Berg (1987) . Timothy Boerner (1983) Ron Brockhaus (1988) Christopher Cerveny (1985) Carol Chappell (1986) Carolyn Christen (1984) Polly Clark (1983) Amy Clark (1987) Sharon Clelland (1984) Janelle Comer (1989) Mary Comstock (1987) Lori Cook (1986) Debra Craig (1980) Donald & Sharon Crunk (1981) Shelley Cygan (1981) Joni Davis (1980) Joe Davis (1989) Diane De~niston (1989) Christine Dietz (1983) Ronda Diggs (1981) Janet Dingman (1982) SaraBeth Donovan (1985) • Barbara DuBois (1983) Douglas Duis (1989) Teresa Falk (1988) Mary Findeis (1980) Michael Ford (1988) . Jack & Mary Frary (1987) Russ Freitag (1983) Naomi Furnas (1985) Michael Gerdes (1988) Nancy Glasgow (1987) Janice Godinez (1989) Mary Grimes (1989) Darwin & Tricia Gushard (1988) Phillip & Kathleen Hall (1985) Mick & Katherine Haney (1982) • Don Hardekopf (1980) . Rev. Harrison Harrison (1984) Vince & Bonnie Henzel (1986) Tim & Cindy Hoffman (1984) Anita Hueftle (1988) Sharon Hurley (1989) John Hurst (1987) Kristine Jenkins (1989)


Paulette Joy (1981) Deeann Ketter (1986) Deb Kinney (1981) . Ruth Kirchhevel (1989) Janyce Kirkendall (1989) Jan Knobel (1988) . • ,Karen Koehler (1982) Lee & Rebecca Kohrs.(1982) Lucinda Kopf (1980) Jim & Theresa Krajicek (1986) Rene Kruse (1983) Rodney Lahodny (1985) . Steve LaHood (1986) James & Anne Larsen (1988) Michael & Cynthia Liewer (1981) _ Dennis Marshall (1980) Julia Martinosky (1984) Joann McRell (1989) Kathi Mercure (1987) Patrick Mertens (1986) -, •f Barbara Miller (1988) Pamela Mitchell (1984) Jack Moles (1980) Patricia Moon (1988) Keith Mullins (1981) Ritchie Nelson (1986) • David & Elizabeth Norris ,(i987) Michael Northrup (1984) Mark Paneitz (1987) Bob Parsley (1980) Susan Pease (1989) Georjean Perez (1985) Mari-Ann Pesek (1987) Elizabeth Pieters (1989) Joseph Primm (1980) Kent & Becki Propst (1981) , Kevin Rahner (1987) Betsy Reed (1980) .. Randy Reeves (1987) Susan Rice (1987) James Robb (19S2) Matthew Roberts (1-987) Jodi Robins6n (1989) P~el~-R9hrs (1982} Rene~ Ro~ell (1984) -W:lld & Melissa Ruge (19~.6) • Ri~ ~w.imel (198J) .. . . • ;_ . - •. Steven: & Wendy S3:at:hoff(1982). . _-, Xe~ S'c'filange (1185) • . 1• • • '· Bevedy.S1;;hwal> (19:88) ; , , • • 1 • : Ann :Sev~rin (198tf · •"· • •



.Roselyn ~af:fer (1984)' Stephanie Shrader (J984) . Jeffrey Slagle (1986) Brad Smith (1989) Jacqueline Sparks (1984) Jack Spencer (1989) Kevin & Carmen Sterner (1980) Carol Stukenholtz (1988) Linda Thomas (1983) Julie Tubbesing (1989) Al Urwin (1982) Scott VanderVeen (1988) Mark & Diana Watton (1982) Jay Wiechmann (1989)

Jeff Wignall (1983) Valorie Zentner (1986)



Susan Abrahams (1995) Brenda Ad}ci.ns (1995) Steven Andersen (1992) Ed Ankrom (1991) Ellen Arthur (1990) Matt Asher (1999) Julie Bauman (1995) Theresa Baumgartner (1992) Susan Baylor (1990) Barbara Beatty (1996) . Lori Bellar (1990) Rebecca Blakley (1994) Tim Bowen (1993) Daniel Bowmaster (1993) Brian Boyce (1991) Deborah Breuer (1999) Gregory & Penny Brewer (1999) Lori Broady (1990) Susan Cade (1992) Kevin Caverzagie (1990) Wei Chong (1992) Joan Christen (1996) • Ter_ry & Anita Clark (1992)' Sharilyn Cole (1990) Diana Conradt-Mulle:1_(1993) Kendra Craven (1999) Lillian Cromer (1999) Robert Curry (1999) Paul Czapla (1995) Denise Daake (1992) Melissa Decker (1992) Peter Dennis (1994) _ Douglas Dockweiler (1993) Tracy Donner (1996) Teri Dorn (1999) Scott & Amy Douglas (1999) Catherine English (1991) Michael Ervin (1994) Jason & Kimberly Esser (1995) . Jeaa Eyerha1't.G 19-9i) .• Trudy Fankhaeser (1993) Dewey Fingar (1995) -Jam~s FlQtepu ~ ~2:) ~ ". ~ :~ ·:.t -~ •· 4'f Lbn~~-P ~erniss _(t 990) Cathy Fugleberg (1999) Jodene Glaesemann (199.1) P! Craig H'all (1995) • • - ' Jeffrey Hammer, (1991) Shannon Hansen (1991) Shidey Hasche (1996) Sandra Hilding (1991) Scott &.Erin Hochstein (1999) Pamela Holcomb (1995) Terry Hotze (1992) Michael Hubert (1994) Sa).ly Hutt (1992) Merri Johnson (1992) Tina Johnson (1995) Margo LaBrie (1992) Brett & Toni Landenberger (1994) Julia Lenners (1993) Carrie Leong (1999)

Kory Lind (1990) Michelle Manes (1993) Harat Manges (1999) · Garrett & Linda Mann (1992) Lucious McGhee (1999) Sheri Menold (1990) Holly Meyer (1990) Michael Milburn (1996) Debra Neely (1993) Joseph Neesen (1990) Susan Nielsen (1993) Marlene Oaks (1996) Julie Parde (1994) Roxann Penfield (1994) Thomas Proudfit (1996) Korey Reiman (1995) Mary Richardson (1996) Tony Rieschick (1994) John Roddy (1996) Susan Rokey (1992) Benjamin &Jamie Royal (1995) Steven & Erin Sayer (1990) John Sayer (199?) Audra Schawang (1995) • Brenda Schwartz (1993) Christopher Segrell (1999) Cynthia Sellers (1991) Lisa Siegel (1999) Christopher Stangl (1994) Kevin Stanley (1997) --. Jason & Ronda Stinson (1998) Stacy Taylor (1994) Vernon Thacker (1994) .. Lori Tibbs (1993) Eugene Tietz (1991) Ross & Kelli Tomjack-(1997) Tony & Mary Uhlir (1993) . Susan Unruh (1994) Alan Vervaecke (1990) Nancy Vogt (1994) • Stephanie Ware (1996) . Craig Webster (1991), . Miriaril Werne~ •(1992) Tres;a Whittfugton (19'97) • Ivan Winegla~~ (1994) M.arcili Witll'tigflam (19~-S) • . Mo_n ica Yanlcus (1'9f7) . A.lexaqder Zambra'µo: (1994) 2600~s· :_... ~-~·-- -~:· . -:: s· ~~ ~~-- . Cin<ifiAl9recht (Z005) -Jessica Allington (2006) B,M;~aca All.deJ:$Qli (Wo3} Regan Anson (2010) Dennie & Kristi B.aker (2000) . . Nathan Bartels (200.7) . Rita Becker (2002) Charles Benson (2005) • Wende Bergmeier (2007) _ Todd Bonnes (2010) • Kristen B2os (2007) David Bremer_(2005) Wendy Brennan (2006) Kathleen Brown (2007) • Cynthia Burki (2004) Jenifer Busiag (2001)


Joanna Cielocha (2006) ' "' Fr~:ddi~ Clopton (2006) • Jowan Collins-Remmenga (2006) Kellen Conroy (2008) Kent & Tanya Crotty (2006) Michad Curry (2008) James Daberkow (2007) Jill Davis (2008) Stephanie Dearmont (2008) Julie Diaz (2009) Bryan Doke (2004) VelRita Drake (2001) Laura Drake (2011) Thomas Dunekacke (2006) . Jeffrey Ely (2003) Jodi Evans (2010) Michael Flurry (2006) Clarence Forsgren (2000) Carly Franson (2007) Kent Freiburghouse (2011) Alan Gager (2003) Charles Genuchi (2002) Mark Gilleland (2004) Linda Green (2009) Timothy Hahn (2006) Guy Hale (2008) Colton Harris (2011) Marshal Hays (2003) Amanda Hegge (2007) Steven Heine (2000) ., Erik Hertzel (2001) • Matt Hill (2006) Theresa Hoag (2008) Robert Hollandsworth (2008) Robert & Wendy Hollis (2000) .. Andrew & Michelina Hollister (2008) Karen Horky (2001) Jeff Jedlicka (2008) Martha Jessurun (2000) Bryan Kinder (2004) Amanda Knickman (2009) Sat a Kopf (2003) Frank K:ostal •(2001) • David & Peggy Kuser. (2901~ . _. N~oleJ.,a,rs~ (e.012) - • '• :. . -.Chris ~ -Lindsey Lindne;. (2005) , ,· Brenda Latz (2008) • ' , Gefh~.Liµ (Zo09) ·".'', ••_._ ::, Nath~~il Lygt1sse (2007) •·p~uI Lytle (20)1) • Scott Mazu,,. (200"7) • • : • Gary &. Steph~e Mercer (2:005) Leslie Michaelson (2007) Leighton Michaelson (2009) Adam & Denise Miller' (2000) Frankie Mossa (2011) Antoinette Mulondo (2007) Christine Nyffeler (2008) Robert Olson (2008) Lisa Parriott (2010) Clinton Pebley (2004) . Sara Pithan (2004) Sagrario Rangel (2004) Gary Richters (2001) Christy Riggins (2010)


Peru Stater Spring 2013

2013 Donor List Cont. Darlon Rohlff (2002) Aaron Schneider (2000) Carol Schulte (2009) Thad Sears (2007) Phillip Sheek (2001) Whitney Sisco (2011) Lucian Smith (2004) Danni Stoddard (2009) Eric Uher (2012) Roger Virost (2004) Tonya Volk (2002) Jamie Vonderschmidt (2000) Phillip Warrick (2000) Kari Westmeyer (2002) Connie Wildermuth (2010)

Friends Raymonn & Tiffany Adams Aegon Transamerica Foundation AFP Nebraska Chapter Wayne & Joan Albury Charles Andresen-Reed Bill & Debbie Anstine Juan & Isabel Arche Virginia Argabright Kelly Asmussen Auburn .State Bank John & Danette Babic Ball Corporation Richard & Dena Bartlett Bruce Batterson Larry & Kathy Beaty Mark Beischel Friedmar Bendrat Christy Berglund Susan Berndt Michael Beveridge Diane Bias Kenneth Bias BKD Black Hills Energy Paul & Lynn Bloomquist Martha Bolyan Barbara Borst Solon & Sharon Boynton Hilary Bradford Gerry Brady Keith Bramhall Marla Bramhall Kerry and Kimberly Bramhall Carolyn Bredemeier Martha Bre*el / Lloyd Brethouwer James Brockhaus Nancy Brown Paul Brown Bill &. Barbara Bucher Michele Buckingham Chris Buethe Donna Campbell Oscar Canas Amy CanneUa Hugh Carman

Stan Carpenter Peter and Stephanie Carpino Catalyst Travel Inc. Harvey & Maxine Cavinder CDM Appraisals Jane Cheek Eugene Cherin William Cita Thomas & Frances Clark Donald Clark Bill Clemente Cole and Associates ConAgra Foods Foundation Burl Crawford Sara Crook John Crotty ·Beverly Croushorn Lisa Croushorn Lawrence and Judith Curry Bradley & Sophia Custer James & Lynnette Davis Whelma Davis Bob & Kathy Dawson Lou Dezarn David & Michele Diehl Dan and Charlene Disney Helen Dixon Uhl & Nancy Donovan Todd Drew Lonny & Wanda Duennerman_ Diana Duncan Seth Dunn Walter & Margaret Dunse Rick and Josephine Duree • Thomas Ediger Beverly Elliott Deborah Embury Kathy Ensz Jared Esquivel Jeff Eubank Clayton Evans • FBL Financial Group Inc Leon Ferrari John Fettig First National Bank of Johnson Tammy Free Dennis Freeland William & Susan Fry Shaon & Shannon Fry Patricia Fuhrmann Marty & Pamela Fye Jerry Gallentine Gass Haney Funeral Home General Electric Foundation James and Deanne Gerking Alfred Gigstad Paul Gilbert Norma Gilmore Joyce Gleason Glade Goings Juanita Goings Kenneth Good

Michael and Janelle Grabowski James Grant Bill Graves Ted & Rita Griess John Hahn Colene Hance De Ann Hanson Dan and Elaine Hanson Alton & Ann Harbin William Harrahill Harris Foundation Janet Hawley Marty & Andrea Hayes Bob & Carol Hemmingsen Joyce Hietbrink Paul Hinrichs Rodney & Sharon Hofer Donald and Margaret Hoffmeyer Dan & Alice Holtz Warren Howell Jack & Lynelle Huck C. Jacobs John Jacobsen Kathy Jacobson Todd Jensen Derby Johnson Jo Dee Johnson-Cate Nancy Jorgensen Cassandra Kanter Brian Keating Elizabeth Kernes Krause Janet Kinder Mike Koslosky Paul & Loretta Kruse Scott & Kris Kudrna De Von Kuether Thomas and Betty Lanpher Jana Latham Craig Latscha Robert & Kimberly Lee George Leto Matilda Leto Lynn Lial Liberty Property Management Company Michael & Vicki Long Daryl Long Patricia Longley Raymond Lorenzo Christopher Love Lukert Chiropractic and Wellness Kenneth & Deanna Lytle James & Virginia Madsen Shirley Majors Patrick & Evelyn Martin Tammy Massengale Joy Matejka Maurice and Maedean Mathews Paul & Rande McCreight McHenry, Haszard, Roth & Hupp, PC Ruth McMaster Maxine Mehus Marie Meland Merck Partnership for Giving Bradley & Rebecca Metz Roger & Vickie Meyer

William Mieir Paul Miller Robert Moore Neil & Carol Nannen Nebraska Community Foundation Rhonda Neely Kristi Nies Northwestern Mutual Foundation Nutritional Advances Jacqueline Obermeyer Tom & Sylvia Olson Larry & Garrie Oppitz William Osborn Elisa D Palko Randal & Pamela Palmer Tammy Parker Darrell Parks Deborah Parmer Morden Patterson James & Nancy Perry Kristin Petersen David & Virginia Pippert Robert Polen Michael Potter Juliann Ramel Bill and Betty Ratliff Fred Raybourn R Kent & Kristine Reckewey Mary Redelfs Don & Linda Reiman Ralph and Wilma Jean Rennison Wayne & Kathy Richter Verlen & Becky Ritterbush Ken Rittgarn Rixstine Trophy Randy Roberts Laura Roberts William & Debra Rogers Guy Rosenberg Dick & Jean Rottman Howard & Mary Rush Tony Saladino Bill Sapp Lee Sapp Paul & Donna Schmidt Steve Schneider William Schuller David & Catherine Sellmyer Mark Sewald Craig & Cynthia Shaw Robert Shively Clifford & Barbara Sibley Jacqueline Simpkins • Jim & Marti Simpson Todd Simpson Leonard Skov Randel & Jane Smith Kim Smith Bill & Shirley Snyder Bret Spielman . Sprint Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation Louis Steck Joe Stehlik John Sullivan





Peru St~(~r Spring 2013

William Swenson Walter & Connie Teten The Jackson Howard Foundation Marilice Tombo Steven Tonkin Gordon & Lizzie Tower Natalie Travis Kathy Tynon Union Bank & Trust Karel Vance Rod Vandeberg Michael Veak Floyd Vrtiska James Vukonich Mary Walker

Wanklyn Oil Company Waters & Wood, Inc. Roxanna Watson Dean Way John Wear Al Wheeler Rick Whitaker Mikki Willis Doc Wininger Jan Wright Aaron & Marlo Yakel Benjamin and Lanette Young Milton Ziegler Helen Zimola

1990s Susan (Slama, '99) Johnson and Gregg Johnson of Omaha gave birth to their second daughter, Graycee Marie Johnson, on February 17, 2012.

2000s Doug and Jessica (Joe, '03) Effie of Lincoln welcomed a baby boy, Kyson Dylan Effie, on December 7, 2011. /

Nick and Kelly (Scheel, '01) Price of Clive, Iowa announce the birth of their son James David born January 9, 2012. He was welcor;ned home by big brother Burke. Rita (Martin, '02) Becker and Ty Becker of Hanover, Kansas would like to announce the birth of their son, Davis Tyron Becker born December 26, 2011 at 4:02 p.m. He weighed 8 pounds, 5 oz. and was 211/2 Jnches long. '

1980s Sandy Milius ('89) and Mike Kinney married on August 25, 2012. Sandy is currently employed at the NRCS office in Lincoln as a Civil Engineering Technician. Mike is currently employed at HVAC Construction in Lincoln as a supervisor.


Elpidio ('03) and Monica (Marx, '05) Buhian of Richfield Minnesota are proud to announce the birth of a baby girl, -Mira Retha Buhian born on February 15, 2012. She was welcomed home by big brother Noah. Heath ('06) and Cori (Harmon, '08) Christiansen of Auburn welcomed baby girl, Olive Elizabeth, on September 7, 2012. Olive was welcomed home by her sister, Lucy. Heath and Cori work at Peru State College; Heath is the Website Administrator, Cori is a Distance Education Coordinator.

Katrina Daniels ('.02) is to be married to Rod Moore June 2013 in Gretna. • Andrea Schank ('03) and Austin Jones will be married on May 25, 2013. Andrea is currently employed at Alegent Creighton Lakeside Hospital Laboratory in Omaha while her fiance is employed with KLK Construction of Pella, Iowa. Ashley Cleveland ('06) and Andy Klawitter Norfolk, were married on April 20, 2013. The groom is employed by Johnson Plumbing and Heating in Norfolk as an apprentice plumber and the bride is employed by Daycos in Norfolk as an NTS specialist. Stephanie lske and Justine Seger ('08) of Beatrice were married on June 20, 2012. Stephanie is employed as a cashier at Casey's General Stores. Justin is employed as a farmer with Jurgens Brothers Farm in Odell. Angie Mousel ('10) and Sean Wemhoff were married on August 4, 2012. Angie is a seventh and eighth grade English teachef with the Ogallala Public Schools. Wemhoff is a project en~ineer with Becton Dickinson. Kayla Johnson ('12) and Greggory Wiebusch ('10) were married on April 14, 2012. Kayla is a head teacher at Little Kingdom in Lincoln. The groom is a physical education teacher at Syracuse school?. Kalea Molloy and Jonathan Neeman ('11) were married on April 14, 2012. Ka lea is currently a hair stylist at Shear Magic Salon in Nebraska City. Jon Is a police officer with the City of Auburn Police Department. Rebecca Colling ('12) and Jacob Reher were married on June 8, 2012. Rebecca Boshart and Madison Farris ('12) will be married on June 26, 2013. Rebecca plans to graduate from Peru State College in December of this year with majors in Elementary Education and Special Education.

Loakat The e 1950's Ed Hanna ('50) of Oakland was inducted into the Sokol Omaha Hall of Fame.

1960's Margaret (Beard, '63) Hormel of Lubbock Texas retired in 2010 after 42 years of teaching kindergarten and first grades. She spent 17 years in Fremont and.25 years in Texas.

1970's Kyra (Rengstorf, '71) Mills of Rock Port, Missouri retired from her position of director of networks and data centers at Northwest Missouri State . University. Janice (Henning, '74 & '90) Henrichs-Smith has retired from teaching: She began her career at Nemaha Valley Schools at Talmage where she taught for 15 years. She then taught for 20 years at Nebraska City Public Schools. Every child taught has a special place in her heart! "Thanks for the memories!" Karen (Dierking, '78) Johns of Tecumseh retired after 35 years of teach ing. Sh-e spent her last 25 years of teaching at Johnson-Brock. Bill Fitzgerald ('78) was recently selected as the District II Athletic Director of the Year by the Nebraska State Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NSIAAA) This recognition was presented at the NSIAAA Spring Awards Banquet held at Wilderness Ridge in Lincoln on March 6, Continued on page 19


Peru Stater Spring 2013

Remembering Oliver "Ollie" Mayfield Known as one of the greatest high Colorado. school football coaches in Arizona histoOllie worked part-time as a forest rangry, Ollie Mayfield claimed two state titles, er in Rocky Mountain National Park, but it winning Arizona Coach of the Year in . didn't take long for word to get out about 1970 and '71 and was chosen as Arizona Mayfield's history as a winning coach, and Coach of the Decade for the 1970s. In soon he agreed to help a local school reha1984 Mayfield was inducted in to the Ari- bilitate their football program. Ollie taught zona Coaches Hall of Fame. Before Ollie math in the high school and coached the Mayfield was a legendary Arizona Coach, Middle Park Panthers of Granby, Colorahe was a Peru State Bobcat. do, for about three years before he eventuThe youngest of five children, May- ally retired at the age of 65. field grew up J.?.ear Louisville, Nebraska. Ollie was a natural leader and he was An active participant in church activities, not on the field winning football games, he Ollie met his future wife Opal Reehle at a was in the class room inspiring, siwportchurch in Weeping Water~ Nebraska. After ing and educating generations of students high school, Ollie and Opal both chose to as a well-respected math teacher. Through attend Peru State Teacher's College. Ollie the years, many of Mayfield's former stumajored in physical education while Opal dents kept in touch with him, and -some chose a major in elementary education. would seek him out just to tell him what a Ollie and Opal were active members of difference he had made in their lives. the campus community. Ollie was a memOliver Mayfield is a shining example of ber of the Blue Devils, a PSC men's spirit a true, blue Bobcat, by taking the knowlclub, and he served as the assi~tant foot- edge and skills that that he developed at ball manager. His interest did not stop Peru State out in to the world to enhanced with sports; Ollie also joined educational the lives of his students and players clubs such as Alpha Mu Omega, a national throughout his career. math fraternity, and Sigma Tau Delta, an Mayfield passed away in Tucson, two English fraternity. Ollie served as vice years after losing his beloved wife Opal. president of his senior class and was May · Ollie leaves behind a great legacy as a Pete Senior Attendant in 1950. teacher, coach, father and grandfather, Opal was voted Homecoming Queen brother, friend and Bobcat. in 1950 and was a member of the women's spirit club, the White Angels. Opal was also an active member of the You,ng Women's Christian Association. Soon after graduating from PSC, Ollie and Opal were married and Ollie began hi.s career as a math teacher and coach in Ralston Nebraska. In 1956 Ollie took a job -in Arizona .and moved his growing family across the country. During · the 1970's Mayfield coached track and football at Tucson High School and built, what some called, the most powerful football team in Arizona history. In 1980, when Mayfield walked off the field from his last game as the coach at Sabino H igh School in Tucson, he held the records for most wins in the school's history with 103. Ollie and Opal enjoyed spending their summers pff in the mountains of Colorado, so when they reached retirement, (1950) Senior May Fete attendants, the couple, moved to a cabin overlooking Oliver Mayfield and Trudy Jogweiller Shadow Mountain Lake in Grand Lake,

okat71t - e 2013. ~ill will complete his 35th year in education this spring, serving the past eight years as Assistant Principal / Activities Director at Fremont High SchootPrior to that time he was an instructor, coach, and Activities Director at Louisville Public Schools for 24 years, and he and his wife Anne ('78) taught three years at Central Heights USO in Richmond, KS after graduation from PSC. Mark Shively ('79) retired from Omaha Public Schools after 33 years of teaching Special Education.

1980's Keith Mullins ('81) of South Duxbury, Vermont received a Master's of Education in School Leadership on May 14, 2012 from St. Michael's College in Colchester, Vermont.

1990's Tim Bohling ('90) of Omaha was named the new Director of Internal . Audit for the Omaha World Herald. Angie Antholz ('92) of Humboldt was promoted to Southeast Nebraska Community Action (SENCA) Deputy Director in January. She has been employed with SENCA since 1995. Tess (Gruber, '97) Nelson of Shenandoah, Iowa is the managing editor at The Valley News in Shenandoah, Iowa. The Valley News is part of Midlands Newspapers, Inc., which publishes daily and weekly newspapers. Based in Papillion·, Nebraska, Midlands Newspapers operates as a subsidiary of the Omaha World Herald Co. Lance Cohn ('98) of Grand Island has been promoted to executive vice president of operations for the YMCA of Greater Omaha. Sean McLaughlin ('98) of Albuquerque, New Mexico has been hired as the District Executive of Sandia District by the Great Southwest Council of Boy Scouts. Sean earned his Eagle Scout in 1992.

2000's Sheryl (Ehmke, '01) Gaston of Louisville is celebrating 10 years with US Bank. Nathan Rolofson ('04) of Bellevue is now the Corporate Webmaster at Tigerpaw Software in Bellevue. Heath Christiansen ('06) of Auburn completed his MBA degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in August 2012. Dena (Peterson, '08) Beck of Minden was named the Small Business Administration's Nebraska 3rd Congressional District Financial Services Champion of the Year for 2012. Amanda Feilen ('08) of McCook won the 2012 McCook "Educator of the Year" award. Jeremy Kirkendall ('09) of Nebraska City has been hired as the curator for the Kregel Windmill Factory Museum. Sergeant Robert Thompson ('12) of Kearney graduated from the Battalion Career Counselor Course at Camp Ashland. Thompson is a human resources sergeant with the Nebraska Army National Guard's 734th Transportation Battalion in Kearney. The course prepares newly assigned unit career counselors for their role in enc9uraging fellow soldiers to re-enlist in the Nebraska Army National Guard.

Peru Stater Spring 2013

Remembering Peru State What kinds of people include Peru with all of the Brownell family and would State in their estate plans .. .former stu- often babysit for them. Agnes_viewed the dents, faculty and staff, former commu- Brownells as a religious and proper family nity members? This is not always the case. and was shocked when Herbert chose a caThere are many people, with an affinity for reer in to politics, working as the Attorney PSC, simply because someone that they General for President Eisenhower. know or love has shown tremendous reIn 1909 Agnes received her degree • and lifelong teaching credentials from the · spect and admiration for the college. That was exactly the case with Donald Peru Normal School. She and Fred were Page. Growing up on a ranch in Flagler, married and she began her lifelong career Colorado, Mr. Page never had much first- as a teacher. hand experience with Peru State, but since The Pages bought a cattle ranch in Flaboth of his parents attended the small gler, Colorado where Agnes was a teacher teacher's college in Nebraska, he grew up for many years. Donald Page was born in with an appreciation for Peru State and 1924 when Agnes was 40 years old. Donthe college's mission to educate America's ald was the youngest of five and the only male child for the Pages. As a newborn, teachers. While students at the Peru Normal Donald developed Rheumatic Fever, and School in the early 1900s, Agnes Blank of his parents were told that he would not Creighton, Nebraska, met Fred Page, a na- survive past the age of three. Though tive Peruvian and soon after, they began Donald suffered from permanent heart courting. Fred was an orphan and was un- damage, he surpassed the doctor's expec•able to finish his schooling because of lack tations and survived. of funds available to him, so he dropped Overcoming his health problems may out of college while Agnes completed her have been what led Donald to grow up education. to be a very st.rong and determined indiAgnes didn't have a place to live in vidual. Donald despised the lonely life on Peru while she attended college, and be- the cattle ranch, so he moved to Denver, ing from a very affluent, Victorian family, where he finished high school in 1942. arrangements were made for her to live While most young men were going off with relatives of Herbert Brownell, who to fight in WWII, Donald could not join would later become an affluent professor the armed forces due to his heart condiat PSC and eventually the Attorney Gen- tion, so he started his career in personnel eral of the United States. Agnes was close and human resources in Washington D.C.,

working for the United States government. Soon the Eastern climate caused problems with his health and Donald moved to the other side of the country, taking a job with the state of California. Donald successfully worked for the state of California for 30 years, eventually becoming the Head of the Human Resources Department, and when he retired there were close to 1,000 people working directly under him. Donald used any time that he wasn't at work, to expand his vast array of interest and talents. Mr. Page served on the El Dorado County Grand Jury for two years and worked as a consultant for the California Hospital Association for 12 years. Retirement allowed Mr. Page to spend more time dedicated to his passions such as news, politics, stocks and fine dioing. Donald was al;;.o quite a history buff, serving as a two term president on his county's historical society. Donald's biggest pleasure was books. Throughout his life, he maintained an extensive personal library. In 2002 Donald established the Agnes Margaret Blank Scholarship at Peru State to be funded by his estate upon his death. This scholarship offers academic opportunities to students, who otherwise, might not be financially capable of attending college. Donald gave this gift in honor of his mother and the years that she spent educating children, but the idea came from the hardships that his •father suffered in his attempt to get his degree without financial support.


When Donald began making the arrangements for his estate, he knew that Peru State would be included in his final wishes. Donald was a generous individual and wanted to give funds to several charitable organizations, such as funding research for curing childhood diseases as well as organizations that provide aid to families in need. Most of all, Donald wanted to give the gift of education to the future teachers at Peru State. Donald.knew the importance of education and because of his parents; he knew what a valuable institution lay hidden in the small town of Peru, Nebraska. On February 26, 2013, Donald Page passed away at his home in Placerville, California at the age of 88. Donald's estate plans included a gift of $275,000 to the Peru State College Foundation in honor of his mother, Agnes Margaret Blank Page. It was a true miracle that Donald Page was able to live such a full and long life, considering he was never expected to make it out of infancy, and in his death he has given so many others the ability to enrich their lives. Because of his estate gift, Donald has given future educators, for years to come, the opportunity to attain their goals and dreams through education. Please consider the gift of education when planning your estate. If you would like more information about how to include the Peru State College Foundation in your estate plans, you can visit foundation. peru.edu or call (402) 872-2304.

Th e old Oak Bowl stadium and field have been removed and th e ground is being readied for th e new construction .

Interested in learning more about the Oak Bowl project or how you can help? Visit http://foundation.peru.edu/oakbowl/ for more information.


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Duey Oestmann ('68) of Johnson passed away June 16; 2012. He farmed at Johnson and was a field reporter for the Nemaha County FSA office for almost 45 years. Robert E. Snyder ('41) of Holly Hill, Florida passed away on November 13, 2012. He served in the Army Air Corp. during WWII and served as vice president of Jackson Michigan Community College. Kenneth Stroupe ('56) of Curtis passed away on September 25, 2011. Stroupe _worked in the insurance and musical fields in Denver and Omaha before settling down in Maywood in 1981. Also, Stroupe made many friends teaching music and directing the band at Maywood High school. Mathilda (Barisas, '34) Brown of Kansas City, Missouri passed away on October 17, 2012. Brown began her teaching career in a country school in Creighton and then continued with an adventurous move to Hoquiam, Washington. Jerry Osborn ('63) of Springfield October 13, 2012. He was a graduate of Peru State College in 1963. Marian (Cupp, '63) Johnson of Thurman, Iowa passed away on February 27, 2013. Marian taught school for 20 years at Treynor, Thurman, Bartlett, and PeZrcival. James "Red" Holmes ('54) of Pacific Junction, Iowa passed away January 11, 2013. Red was an avid sports enthusiast and continued coaching and refereeing for many years. His quick wit and humor will be missed by all who knew and loved him. Irene (Finkle, '51) McQuinn of Bellevue passed away April 6, 2012. She was a lifetime member of O.E.S. Chapter #189 and P.E.O. John McQuinn ('49) of Bellevue passed away on June, 11, 2012. He was a long time principal in Omaha Public Schools, Primarily at Bryan High School from its opening until his retirement in 1987. John passed away just two months.after the passing of his wife, Irene. They had been married 62 years. •Anna (Mangold, '42) Nelson of Falls City passed away March 18, 2012. She taught in Silver City and Akron, Iowa and later taught in Richardson County Schools, as well as Dawson, Dawson-Verdon, Hiawatha and USO 415. Charlene {Glathar, '59) Tomek of Humboldt passed away on September 26, 2012. She taught for 35 years in Pawnee and Richardson Counties, with the last 29 years being at Humboldt Schools. She retired from teaching in 1995. Maryanne (Walker, '41) Ferguson of Corydon, Iowa passed away August 14, 2012. She was a teacher at a country school_in Wayne County, . Iowa for several years and then was a substitute teacher at Sewal Community Schools in Sewal, Iowa until becoming an assistant Post Master in Powersville, Missouri. Maryanne was a Home Health Aid for Wayne County Home Health for 28 years finally deciding to retire at age 82. She for 63 years until death . ' '!-fas married to Kenneth . . . . his -. - . in 2009. ~

Jerry Joyce ('54) of Lincoln passed way August 17, 2011. Jerry. won the Weeping Water Distinguished Alumni Award in 2006, Lincoln

Seniors Foundation Community 2008 Service Award, _Better Business bureau Integrity Award for 2005, KFOR Best of Lincoln for Retirement Living for 14 years in a row: and National Association of Home Build_ersSenior Housing Councils-Gold Award for Legacy Estates for 2005. Virginia (Trively, '40) Plummer of Nokesville, Virginia passed away on January 3, 2012. Virginia was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, Prince William Retired Teachers, Christian Women's Club, the Lunch Bunch and Collector's Club and was a fifty year member of Sudley United Methodist Church where she had been the church organist in the 1960's. Armon Yanders ('48) ofColumbia, Missouri passed away May 7, 2012. He was the author or coauthor of a number of papers dealing with the biological effects of ionizing radiation and chemical mutagens, and the behavior of toxic chemicals in the environment. Theresa KoKoruz ('02) of Omaha passed away on March 12, 2013. She spent her career in the Millard Public school system as both a Special Education teacher and a data management special ist at Educational Services 3. Tanya Craig ('00) of Falls City passed away April 6, 2012. She owned Giggles and Grins Daycare and was a member of Christ Lutheran Church at Falls City. Thelma (Friedly, '37) Swisegood of Falls City passed away April 13, 2012.She was a bookkeeper for the plumbing and heating business she and her husband owned until she retired in 1989. Lester Starlin ('64) of Omaha passed away April 4, 2012. He was an avid outdoorsman and a Boy Scout at heart, eventually becoming a Scout Leader and helped all three of his sons become Scouts. Marilyn (Hoberg, '45) Pucket of Beatrice passed away on April 12, 2012. She enjoyed bowling, playing bridge, shopping and traveling. Mary (Moore, '54) Gress of Overland Park, Kansas passed away on November 17, 2011. She loved her Lord and served him faithfully throughout her life. Donald Gress ('52) of Overland Park, Kansas passed away on February 21, 2012. He loved his Lord and ministered in many capacities in the local churches he attended. Gail Beckstead ('61) of Holdrege passed away December 29, 2012. He taught Industrial Arts in Holdrege for 27 years. Irene (Miller, '43) Ochsner of Sutton passed away March 16, 2013. She loved people and always had a ready smi le for everyone. Lucille (Bricher, attended '39) Tackett of Glenwood, Iowa passed away on November 13, 2012. She taught in the country schools of Mills Co. in the 1940's. She and her husband Wilbur were married over 67 years. Their children Wayne, Keith, Anne and grandchildren Michael and Mark Tackett all attended/graduated PSC. Martin Dwine of Denison, Iowa passed away March 12, 2013. He ' the first half of his career, coached college football and wrestling during and a highlight of his coaching career was being honored as Nebraska . Coach of the year in 1975 while at Peru State College. Doris (Gray, '39) Cunningham of Lincoln _passed away May 1, 2012 . She developed her millinery talents, making hats and teaching hat

Peru Stater Spring 2013 . • .• .. -


classes, before moving to genealogy during her retirement year.

2012. She taught Kindergarten in the area for many years.

Bob Logsdon ('47) of Lincoln passed away June 4, 2012. His career as a manager of the Legionnaire Club set standards for hospitality, good food, great jazz and more fun than anybody has had at one address in Lincoln-probably before and certainly since.

Maxine (Bateman, '69) Myers of Sidney, Iowa passed away on March 23, 2012. She taught country school and then public school for over forty years.

Sidney Timmons ('41) of Torrance, California passed away December 7, 2011. He was a member of Elks Lodge, Moose Lodge, Masonic Temple and Shriners. Earl Kerker (attended '43) of East Dubuque, Illinois passed away February 12, 2013. He enjoyed his family, travel, fishing, bridge, and fine woodworking. Theoda (Hewitt, '68) Crooker of Humboldt passed away January 23, 2013. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Fa lls City and was a member of the Athenaeum , and Sorosis Clubs, both in Falls City.

Irene (Nispel, '44) Pearson of Plymouth passed away on March 13, 2012. She was employed by the Educations Service Unit #5 for 19 years. Nancy (Darrah, '68) Handley of Nemaha passed away November 10, 2012. Harley Rector ('53) of Norfolk passed away on April 2, 2013. He was drafted by the Detroit Lions football team but chose to accept a teaching contract at Fu llerton, where he also coached football. After his retirement from education, Harley was elected to two terms as mayor of Norfolk.

Dorot hy (Schanot, '71) Wande r of Nebraska City, fo rm erly of Syracuse, passed away January 9, 2013. Dorothy t aught six yea rs in rural Otoe Count y schools then taught fift h and sixth grades for 24 years at the Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca sctmols. Rona ld Boswell (attended '43) of Lyons passed away on June 2, 2012. He enjoyed teaching Sunday school at the First Presbyterian Church in Lyons. Darrel Wolcott ('61) of Omaha passed away September 24, 2012. Darrel was an avid reader and a daily cross word puzzle solver. Wayne Pesek ('65) of Crete passed away on Oct ober 8 , 2012. Phyllis (Fisher, '71) Bridgmon of Cook passed away October 3, 2012. Phyllis loved to t ravel in t he United St ate and t wice visited the Czech Republic f rom where her grandparents immigrat ed. Edus (Hahn, '38) Goldenstein of Lincoln passed away on May 2, 2012. She ta ught Sunday school and Bible Schoql over the years and was a long-time member of Grace Lutheran Church. Bob Roberts ('48) of Ottawa passed away on April 29, 2012. Church held an important part of Bob's life. He has sung in the choir since the 1960's. Janice (Slagle, '46) Crose of Lincoln passed away on May 17, 2012. She was a member of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church and Women's Circle, order of the Eastern Star and Daughters of the Nile. Donald .Mathews ('41) of Auburn passed away on April 20, 2012. Don was a longtime member of the Methodist Church, first at Pleasant, View near Humboldt and later at Auburn First United Methodist. Margie (Neddenriep, attended '42) Casey of Lincoln passed away on May 17, 2012. She taught in the rural schools in Nemaha County for several years and in the Beaver Crossing Public Schools. Eleanor Jean (Meister, '48) Redfern of LaMirada, California passed away on January 24, 2012. She was an eager reader and she enjoyed music. She sang in the church choir. John Wayne Brooks ('72) of Lincoln passed away on April 18, 2012. He was a band instructor at Plattsmouth School for 20 years. Donna (Hill, '68) Ruth of Sidney, Iowa passed away on February 23,

Long t ime friends Jerry Joy (left) and Dr. Sherwood (right) sharing a laugh at the Sherwood Appreciation Night in 2009.

Dr. Sherwood Cont. During his speech, Dr. Sherwood spoke Auburn. That is where in 2011, Karlene of people who had influenced him over Sherwood passed away at the age of 76. the years like his dear friend Jerry Joy. On January 31, 2013, PSC said goodIn 2006 the gallery on the top floor bye to one of its icons, when br. Leof the Student Center was dedicated in land "Shorty" Sherwood passed away at honor of Dr. Sherwood and aptly named the Good Samaritan Society in Auburn. the Sherwood Gallery. The room serves Dr. Sherwood's legacy will forever reas a venue to showcase parts of the Sher- main a· part of the college and commuwood art collection to· students, staff and nity, not only in the memories of three anyone visiting The Campus of a Thou- decades worth of students, staff and faculty lucky enough to work with him, but sand Oaks. Dr. Sherwood remained dedicated also through his beautiful and unique to PSC even after his retirement in 1993 works of art that grace many of the walls and worked as an adjunct professor un- of Peru State. I • For more informati<Dn on Dr. Shertil 2006. Shorty and Karlene were active in college and community events until wood's artwork and legacy contact Prohealth' concerns prompted the pair to fessor Ken Anderson at 402-872-2271 or move to the Good Samaritan Society in via e-mail at kanderson@peru.edu.

The Peru Stater PSC Foundation P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010

Inside this Peru Stater you'll find ... Page 1

Update on the Oak Bowl Project

Page 1

In Memory of Dr. Leland (Shorty) Sherwood

Page 4

The Distinguished Speaker Series

Page 6

PSC Student Wins Outstanding Local Leader Award

Page 7

The Peru Theatre Company News

Page 10

Bobcat Volleyball Boosts Coaching Staff

Page 11

Headlines Around The Campus of A Thousand Oaks


1be Peru .Stater is pu Hs ed twice each year .by the Peru State Co ege Foundaft0n. Send your comments, news items and address

e a gesto: The Peru Stater PSC Foundation PO Box10 Peru, NE 68421-0010

For more information about Peru State College, Neb.raska's first collegef visit www.peru.edu or find us on Facebook~ . .

For more ioformafon about the Peru State College Alumni Association and Foundation,, visit foundation.peru.edu. or call us at 402..,872•2304 or email us at psefoundation@peru~edu,.


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