Update on the
Oak Bowl Project The renovations are fully underway on braska and the College and Foundation's the Peru State College (PSC) Oak Bowl $1.5 million match. Phase I consists of a new stadium and project. On October 20, 2012, immediately following the PSC football game against concourse area and an improved entrance Central Methodist University, ground was to the Oak Bowl from the stre~t. This stabroken on the Oak Bowl Project. This is dium will seat 2,000 guests and the conthe first major renovation .to the facility course area will include hospitality suites, a new press box, and expanded concession since its construction in 1900. District 1 State Senator Lavon Heide- and restroom area along with a new tickmann led the way in securing $7.5 million eting booth. Pending city approval, there in state funds for the renovation of the his- will be improvements made to Fifth Street, toric facility. which runs to the west of the Oak Bowl, Bill Sapp and Lee Sapp~ owners of to improve safety. Fifth Street will not be Sapp Brothers Travel Centers and Petro- lowered at this time. leum, made the first significant gift to the Phase II includes the new field with project. Their donation of $500,000 is the lighting and artificial turf, along with a largest single non-estate gift in the Peru new lower entrance concession/restroom/ State's history. storage building. This second phase also The Oak Bowl renovation project is includes exterior upgrades to the existing being completed in three phases, with field house such as a new roof. phases I and II currently in progress with The total cost of phase I and II is apthe funds received from the State of Ne- proximately $8.8 million. Additional
The old concrete bleachers are being removed to make way for the updated seating that will be in the New Oak ,Bowl. fundraising efforts will be necessary to The Oak Bowl project is just one of the complete phase III of the project, which improvements happening at Peru State. includes a new field house. Plans are in the works for a safer, updated The College hopes to play the first campus entrance and program statements game in the new Oak B.owl at Homecom- . have been completed for major improveing on November 2, 2013. Kiewit Builders ments to Delzell Hall and the Student Group has set the Oak Bowl completion Center. date for November, 2013 For more information regarding the At this time, the first few home foot- Oak Bowl project, and how you can help; ball games are scheduled to be played in contact the Peru State Foundation at pscAuburn, Nebraska. - For information on foundation@peru.edu, 402-872-2304 or the PSC Bobcat Football schedule visit by visiting http://foundation.peru.edu/ www.pscbobcats.com . oakbowl/
In Memory of Dr. Leland (Shorty) Sherwood
Dr. Leland Sherwood
It has been a while since Dr. Leland Sherwood, better known as Shorty, taught on The Campus of a Thousand Oaks, but his name and artwork remain an essential part of Peru State College (PSC) and the community of Peru. Before becoming a professor in 1963, Sherwood was a student at PSC. It was while he was a student that he met and married his wife Karlene. Though his education was delayed while he fought in the Korean War, Sherwood graduated from PSC in 1957 with a B.A. in education (art), wit4 minors in both English and history. Karlene also graduated from PSC with a B.S. in teaching. Sherwood went on i:o receive his Master's degree from The
University of Wyoming and he eventually earned his Ed.D. from Indiana University. In 1963, he and Karlene returned to Nebraska so that Shorty could teach Art at PSC. The couple made their home in Peru where they both became very active in campus and community activities. Shorty was voted citizen of the year in 2009 by the city of Peru. As a professor, Dr. Sherwood instructed generations of art students in his unique watercolor technique. Sherwood's extraordinary pieces are represented in many public and private collections all over the United States. His efforts weren't just limited to the art program; Dr. Sherwood was also an avid supporter of all of the athletic
programs at PSC and was a member of the Football Boosters. Dr. Sherwood was well-respected by students, staff, faculty and community members for his dedication to art education. In 2009, the PSC Foundation sponsored a reception and auction in honor of Dr. Sherwood. Sherwood donated some of his own masterful watercolor paintings to the auction in order to estab.lish the Leland H. and G. Karlene Sherwood Scholarship in art. Many of Shorty's friends and admirers attended the rec(,'.ption and spoke their praises of the professor.
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