,_0 1.-~
] a ~he TEcnple .of ~cln:as Iur : The State Board of Ag riculture a t its Ja nuary mee ting, 18 74, a dopted the foll owing resolu tion :
"Resolved, That the secon d W ednesday of A pril of each yea r be a nd is hereby desig nated, d ed icated a nd set a part as A1'bor Day for the State of N ebra ska, and that the Ag riculturists of N ebrask a be requ ested to petition the Legislature to make said A rbor D ay a L ega l H oliday ; that un til so made a H oliday the G overnor be requested to call a ttention to said A r bor D ay by Proclamatio n, a nd request the whole people of the S tate to observe it by planting Forest, Fruit or Orna m ental J'rees." In response to this action of the S ta te Board of Ag riculture the Governor issued his P rocla mation, urgently recommending an ob se rvance of the day d esig nated as A r bor Day, as de sired and exp ressed in the resolution h erein referred to; and each succeeding yea r the G overnor of the State has issu ed his P roclamation calli ng attention to this day.
Th e importance of the wo rk thu s begun has fi na lly received L egislative recog nition .
In furth erance of the
JC.Iea: e, p ressed by the S tate Board of A.g riculture , the L e gislature of th\s year passed a law naming the 22d day of
April as Arbor D ay a nd decla ring the same to b e a L egal Holiday . ~ Otl.l , ~lt.ercto r.e,
J AMES W . DAWES, Go vernor of the S tate of N ebraska, con temp lating the day in
all its importance, a nd with the earn est desir e tha t it be observed faithfully and well by the people of the S tate, do hereby iss u e m y P roclama tion, a nd, as prescribed by L egis la tive ena ctment, desig nate
The re sult of these a nnual periods of tree planting for the past eleven yea rs can be seen on every hand .
once treeless p rairies are clotted with young forests, a nd the re is sca rcely a village, or a homestead, or a habitation, however low ly, in the State, tha t has not its complem ent of tree, .shr ub or vine, the result of honest toil o n the clay set apart a s A 1/bor D ay.
T his is well.
There should be no decrease in the number of trees planted each year, no
discontinu a nce in the work of bea utifying the H ome, no s uspension of the o bserva nce of A rbor Da)', which is now the Legal H oliclay of the N eb raska husbandman. ~tl ~~stinton11 ~hereof,
l have hereunto set my \1anc\. anc\ causec\ to b e
affixed th e G r eat S ea l o f th e S ta te o f N e bras ka. (L. S.)
D one at Lincoln, this 13th day of April,
A. D .
r88 5.
JAM ES W. DAW ES. By the Governor : E . P . RO GGEN,
S ecn tary of Sta/P.