12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List JAN 13, 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 13, 2016, 10 a.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402-872-2429
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List Peru, Nebraska - Peru State College today released the names of students who earned a place on the Dean’s List for the fall 2015 semester. To make the Dean’s List students must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for the semester, have completed at least 12 college credit hours during the past semester and have no incomplete grades for the semester. Students earning a 4.0 are noted in bold. Seairla Diane Able
Danyelle Marie Achenbach
Sara A Adams
Kelly L Aden
Skylar Albers
Kendra Ranae Alberts
Kylie Jo Allgood
Nebraska City
Akpedje Benjamin Amoussou
Keri Rose Andersen
Laura Catherine Andersen
Sheri L Andersen
Libbey Ruth Anderson
Millie Anderson
Tawny Sue Anderson
Claire Elizabeth Ankney
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Jacob Allen Anthens
Nebraska City
Amanda Sue Antholz
Chelsea N Arguello
Sydney Jade Armbruster
Falls City
Guenevere Marie Arthur
Jamie Ann Ascherl
Miss Chelsea Ashford
Paul Bachman
Alessandro Badalamenti
Payton Erin Baier
Weeping Water
Hannah Marie Baldacci
Jehan Alyce Balliet
Kelsee Lynn Barenklau
Austin Lee Barth
Susan Bartman
Nebraska City
Theodor James Beckert
North East
Haley Jayne Benedict
Kaitlin Benefiel
Taylor Berner
Miss Mariah Bigelow
Katelyn Leotha Billups
Vincent Joseph Blomstedt
Julie Mae Blunck
South Ogden
Kirsten Kay Blundell
Daniel Craig Boshart
Wood River
Hailey Marie Bouwens
Elizabeth Jane Bowman
West Point
Rylie Nicole Bowser
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Aaron Timothy Bradley
Jessica Bradley
Chelsie Leighan Bradshaw
Chelsea Candice Brandl
Miss Heather Brekke
John Edward Bresler, Jr
Jasmine Antenia Brill
Brandon Brown
Shari Anne Brown
Jay Bryant
Allie Buesing
Wendi Sue Buggi
Amanda Rose Burk
Sarah Busche
Lindsey Anne Buskirk
Grand Junction
Phillips Buskirk
Grand Juction
Sara A. Buss
Tyler Brandt Calegan
Ismael Calvillo
Dayana Elizabeth Camacho
June Renee Campbell
Grand Island
Samantha Jo Carlson
Travis Robert Carnahan
Caitlin Lee Cassell
Damian C Causgrove
Nebraska City
Elizabeth Ann Rachael Chamberlin
Holly E. Chandler
Megan Rae Chapin
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Hannah Noelle Christen
Dana Rae Christensen
Ryan Christensen
Elizabeth Christon
Hannah Marie Chubbuck
Lauren Clark
Kristen M Clausen
Austin Reed Closner
Nina G Coburn
Rachael LuAnn Cole
Eric Scott Collins
Sparkle M Collins
Fort Wayne
Desiree Ann Como
Luis Henrique Ribeiro Constantino
Varzea Grande
Amber Nicole Cook
Rock Port
Hannah Marie Cook
Tammy Sue Coons
Dillon Corey
Philip Eugene Corey
North Platte
Carley Jean Cortez
Machaela Marie Cowan
Cynthia Faith Creek
Tess Kathleen Crotty
Jonathon Matthias Dambrauskas
Evan Thomas Davies
Aubrey Elise DeBraal
Taylor Lauren DeVorss
Nebraska City
Jasmine Amal Dia
Nebraska City
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Jaimie Digby
Prudence Sitheni Dingani
Heather DiPaolo
Miss Hannah Dodd
Alexandria Marie Donovan
Katie Lynn Doran
Patricia Ann Doty
Erika Nicole Drage
Charles Daniel Dunn
Falls City
Miss Theresa Durst
Nolan Michael Dvorak
Mariah Lauren Earhart
Nebraska City
Devin Kaylene Edds
Lauren Rae Ellingson
Taylor Rene Eltiste
Darrick Emery
Mackenzie Rae Faris
Evan Michael Feighner
Falls City
Matheus Vieira Fernandes
Port Chester
Bethaney Anne Fine
Tanner John Fischer
Miss Haley Fleek
Brandon Micheal Fletcher
Marissa Florian
Erin Marie Formanek
Robert James Fouts
Missouri Valley
Hunter Dean Franzen
Joshua S Frerichs
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Emily Lauren Frink
Zoe Michelle Kay Frink
Kari Renae Fritz
Falls City
Garrison Gamm
Shawn Lee Gaskill
Melissa Kay Gdowski
Timothy Michael Gevedon
Robert Floyd Gilbert
Kaylee Chanae Gill
Nicholas Bay Girard
Allison Marie Glathar
Falls City
Jacob LaThary Gleason
Devin Arthur Gobber
Council Bluffs
Beth Chantille Good
Darrin Lee Goracke
Alyssa Rose Grell
Laura Griffin
Carlina Marie Grove
Jenna Rae Gruber
Kiley Amelia Guerue
Jared Haag
Danielle Katlyn Hall
Emily Jordan Hamblin
Mitchell James Harling
Falls City
Lindsay Dawn Harlow
Garrett Todd Harring
Emily Morgan Hausmann
Holly Jo Hawley
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Kelsey Jo Hayes
Falls City
Brooke Corrinne Hays
Heather Lynn Heble
Sarah Yvonne Heft
Mason City
Abbigail Jillana Hegge
Amy Helms
Alec Hendrickson
Lauren Elaine Heng
Nebraska City
Alaina Michelle Henzel
Kayla Christine Henzel
Shana Elizabeth Herigon
Jazmin Brook Hernandez
Taylor Lynn Herzog
Jessica A. Hicks
Molly Marie Hillman
Patrick Michael Hintz
Battle Creek
Daniel James Hoehn
Luke Hoesing
Alexous E Hof
Red Cloud
Nicholas Randall Hohensee
Halle Tyree Holloway
Jason Daniel Holman
Nebraska City
Leigh-Anne Renae Hughes
Lauren Elizabeth Hull
Makenzi Kathryn Humphrey
Taneesha Ranae Hunter
Jared Hyland
Samantha Jo Jackson
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Nadja Janjevic, IV
Tammie M Janzen
Melissa Cecilia Jasso
San Diego
Hayden Robert Johansen
Jordan May Johnson
Robert Lee Johnson
Shelby Rae Johnson
Chelsea Jones
Nebraska City
Crystal Jones
Derek Forest Julian
Jessica Kadavy
Hailey Jo Kaderabek
Michelle Ann Kaiser
Nebraska City
Consolatrice Marie Kamana
April E Kander
Stephanie Elaine Kantor
Saint Augustine
Antonia Marie Kean
Alexandra Rose Kenney
Corey Michael Kenter
Nebraska City
Benjamin James Kill
Patrick Ilo King
Tanya Renae Kniffen
San Antonio
Raechel Angelique Knowles
Kerry Aine Koch
Maddie Sue Kohrs
Nebraska City
Ryan Kolman
Kinsey Rose Kozisek
David City
Lucas LaVerne Kozisek
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Colton John Krewson
Spencer Todd Krone
Tyler Matthew Kuester
Hillary Kuhlman
Sharon Labenburg
Laura Lajko
Catherine Rose Lammers
Chloe Anne Langford
Miss Madara Laure
Sean Patrick Lawler
Nebraska City
Carmen J Lawson
Emily Patricia LeCleir
Amanda Rose Lee
Shannon Leigh Liewer
Regan Nicole Lind
Nebraska City
Audrey Alberta Little
Naier Liu
Madelon Kalley Livingston
Ashley Renee Looper
Melanie Diane Lucas
Rock Port
Sofia Grace Lunbery-Fox
Zachary David Lutz
Cedar Creek
Justin Mahon
Brittany Rose Margrave
Sophia Helena Marks
Cathleen Marsh
Jhessica Rayssa Rosa Martins
Courtney Ann Mathewson
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Mason McCann
Liam Allen McClarnon
West Point
Bailey Elizabeth McCormick
Kara McDaniel
Dawn Marie McElhenie
Dolores McGargill
Mark Q McKelvy
Amy Rae Medley
North Platte
Gabriel Meints
Margaret Oluwafunmilayo Merriman-Johnson
Kimberly Sue Milius
Steven Carron Mitchell
Joni Monroe
Van Buren
Kyle Alan Monte De Ramos
Michael Blake Mooney
Astrid Marie Moore
Bayan Lepas
Katelynne Elizabeth Moore
Savannah Lee Moore
Idaho Falls
Shannon Michelle Morgan
Council Bluffs
Kelly Marie Morris
Jared Timothy Mueller
Jordan Dean Murphy
Casey Andrew Myers
Elm Creek
Jacob Edward Myers
Elm Creek
Kendra Marie Frances Myers
Anna Marie Naber
Travis Joseph Navarro
San Jacinto
Benjamin Robert Nelson
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Caleb Allen Nelson
Elizabeth Marie Nelson
Emily Nicole Nelson
Lindsey Ellen Nelson
Granite Bay
Treyten T Nelson
Tristen Joe Nelson
Dustin William Niedermeyer
Miss Elizabeth Nielsen
North Platte
Colin Mitchell Niemeyer
Falls City
Wade Evan Noll
Falls City
Holly K Norris
Thomas Ross Norvell
Kate Marie Nutzman
Chelsey Ann O'Dell
Matthew Patrick O'Neill
Thousand Oaks
Sarah Obradovic
Courtney Lynn Oldham
Rebecca Olson
Gunnar Jefferson Orcutt
William Gregory Orrender
Van Buren
Steven Ortmeier-Wilken
Nicole Lynn Osborn
Jennifer Marie Ostrowski
Coty A Otten
Rebecca Ann Otten
Logan Paben
s Rochelle Partosan
Kendra Ann Patania
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Alana Payton
El Paso
Ashley Peiman
Nathan Anthony Peoples
Skyler Anne Petersen
Traver Pettijohn
Victoria Noelle Pfeffer
Taylor Marie Pfeifer
Jaclyn Noel Pfleuger
Kelly J Pittman
Serina Renae Plympton
Nebraska City
Michaela Anna Pooch
Riley Monroe Porter
Marisa Elizabeth Pribnow
Kelsey Prichard
Falls City
Vanessa Louise Pruitt
Cristal Quinonez
Joanna Rainforth
Grand Island
Daisy Alejandra Ramirez
James A. Ramsey
Trenton Allen Rannells, Sr
Corrie Rathbone
Stephany Roshell Razo
Whitni Kay Redman
Talaina Chay Reed
Rock Port
Sierra Marie Renner
Lilian Rewerts
Miss Chelsea Reznicek
Nicole Ann Reznicek
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Ema Ellen Rickman
Nebraska City
Rachael Ann Riding
Falls City
Julaina Emilia Alexis Riege
MaKayla Nichole Riesberg
Scott Albin Riley
Morgan Taylor Ritchie
Brittany Leeann Ritter
Falls City
David Robbins
Jonathan Ross Robertson
Lauren Riley Robertson
Maggie Lynn Robertson
Elizabeth Ann Robine
Edwin Jose Rodriguez
Puerto Rico
Alison Rene Roggenkamp
Andrea Marie Roggenkamp
Heidi M Rose
Amelia Marie Roth
Brooke Leigh Rudebusch
Kirby Ryan Ruhnke
Stephanie Rumbaugh
Chloe Rose Russell
Tiffany Lauren Sand
Andrea Renee Sanders
Saint Joseph
Christa Carolyn Scott
Cassandra Marie Severs
Matt J Shaw
Margaret Elizabeth Sherwood
Jiekun Shi
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Roxanne E Shires
Nolan Siemonsma
Jacob Todd Sievers
Jordan Silva
Katlynn Jo Lessa Simonton
Brian Simpson
Denise Marie Sinclair
Susan Lauretta Sisco
Rebecca Denise Smallfoot
Aaron Lee Smith
Erin Snyder
Kimberly Ann Snyder
s Rachel Soden
Carrie Jane Sommerhalder
Brett Austin Sporleder
Mark Stafford
Elizabeth Renae Stauffer
Elizabeth Ann Stevens
Miss Ali Stohs
Laura Marie Stolle
Shandi Leigh Strawhacker
Jordon Sukup
Micah Alexandra Summerlin
Derek Lee Swanson
April Faith Taggs
Breanna Monae Tarvin
Kaitlyn Marie Tennant
Seth Michael Thomason, IV
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Seranna Thummel
Sara Marie Trojan
Leah Katherine Tubbesing
Chelsea T Turek
Dalsis Uziel Tysor
Katrina Ann Umland
Robert Michael Van Heufeln
Grand Island
Bethany Marie Vandiver
Rachel Elizabeth Vaughn
Alberto Vazquez
Quentin Maxwell Victor
Nebraska City
Lisa L Vigdal
West Plains
Amanda Renee Volksen
Robert Daniel Wagar
Samantha Adeline Wahle
Pacific Junction
Megan Wallace
Nichole Marie Waterman
Paige Watkins
Sheridan Geraldine Weideman
Shawn Weise
Jennifer Welch
Rock Port
Alyssa Elizabeth Welna
Emily Jessica Jean Wenstrand
Nebraska City
Jessica Rae Wentling
Miss Rebecca Wessling
Chelsea Anne Westerfield
Audra Lee Wetrosky
Nebraska City
Emily Whipple
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State College announces fall 2015 Dean’s List
Corey David Wickersham
Nakaisha Elizabeth Wiegert
Nicole Christine Wilken
Pawnee City
Ashley A Williams
Nyla Annette Witzel
Miss Hannah Wynn
Staci Diane York
Kelsey Sue Young
Ruei J Zakarias
Taylor Zillig
Zachary John Zobel
Ryan Parker Zuhlke
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:48 PM
Peru State College gives 227 units of blood since June 2015
Peru State College gives 227 units of blood since June 2015 APR 18, 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 18, 8:00 a.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- Beginning in June of 2015, Peru State College has given 227 units of blood in Red Cross blood drives. The Red Cross reports that the donations by students, faculty and staff could save up to 681 lives. Twenty percent of all blood donations are made by college and high school students. Five student groups have sponsored blood drives on campus. The Leaders Save Lives students sponsored a drive on June 9, 2015 and raised 22 units despite summer vacation. The Student Senate raised 49 units on September 10 and Residence Life raised 47 units on November 10. This spring the Student Success Support group raised 64 units on February 9 and the campus Red Cross Club raised 45 units on April 5. The groups were able to exceed or approximately meet goals at all five drives. Chelsea Turek, president of the Peru State Red Cross Club, said, “It's wonderful to see Peru State College unite under the Red Cross. Blood donations are in need all the time and I'm proud our campus has come together to save 681 lives!” The next blood drive on the Peru State campus will be June 14, 2016. The American Red Cross released a statement on April 8 about the need for type O negative blood. Volunteers with this blood type should visit www.redcrossblood.org to find an upcoming blood drive near their zip code. ###
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507.
About Peru State College: Nestled in the historic hills of the Missouri River, the “Campus of a Thousand Oaks" is Nebraska’s oldest college and will celebrate its sesquicentennial anniversary in 2017. Peru State College’s constant commitment to academic excellence has resulted in a unique and innovative mix of online, traditional, undergraduate and graduate programs. Similarly, the college's ongoing student engagement promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation on-campus and across the region. Peru State College is committed to being a good steward of education, students, the region and Nebraska for another 150 years.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Dr. Kelly Asmussen named 2015 Teaching Excellence Award winner.
Dr. Kelly Asmussen named 2015 Teaching Excellence Award winner. MAY 9, 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 9, 2016, 8:00 a.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- Peru State College Criminal Justice Professor, Dr. Kelly Asmussen, was named the institutions 2016 Teaching Excellence Award winner. Asmussen was honored during the college’s commencement on May 7 on the historic campus of a thousand oaks. President Dan Hanson said, “Dr. Asmussen has served an incredible role in Peru State College’s academic development during his twenty-two years of service. His efforts to found the Criminal Justice major and its associated programs have culminated in hundreds of graduates including more than thirty graduates this spring.” “Dr. Asmussen’s teaching excellence will leave a lasting legacy at Peru State College and in the law enforcement and corrections offices of this state and region.” Asmussen said, “I am particularly honored to receive the Teaching Excellence Award as a culmination of my teaching career at Peru State College. For the past twenty-plus years, I have been richly rewarded watching the careers of many students at all levels of the Criminal Justice System excel through research, community service, and unique educational engagement opportunities.” “I would start my entire career over again and repeat the process; I loved the challenges and the successes I was able to achieve.” Asmussen joined the Peru State faculty in 1994 and teaches criminal justice in the Peru State College School of Professional Studies. Before beginning with Peru State College, he pursued his Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and worked for fourteen years in the maximum security unit at the Nebraska State Penitentiary. Shortly after joining the faculty, Asmussen was instrumental in establishing Peru State’s criminal justice program. He also arranged the Provisional Alcohol Drug Addiction Counseling (PLADC) program allowing criminal justice and psychology majors to attain provisional certification to treat persons with alcohol and other addictions. Asmussen developed, coordinated and supervised six international study tours to Australia, Costa Rica, and England for over 150 students from Peru State and other colleges. Students traveled and lived in these counties while comparing the host country’s criminal justice system to the U.S. system. Dr. Asmussen also established the Inside-Out course, “Searching for Justice.” The course engages 15 “outside” college students and 15 “inside” persons in a classroom at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution, a maximum-security prison. The course examines the intersection of class, race, gender, crime and status relating to the search for social justice. Students report the experience was transformative and “the class has been their best educational experience in college.” Asmussen has collected data for five years regarding the changing attitudes of participating students. He has presented his research at a professional conference and a paper has been submitted for publication. Asmussen teaches a capstone course about societal problems where students are taught the skills to write and submit grant proposals to funding agencies. Five proposals have been granted including $37,000 from FEMA for new firefighting gear and $40,000 for a therapy garden in Auburn.
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Dr. Kelly Asmussen named 2015 Teaching Excellence Award winner.
Asmussen has published research articles about high school weapon possession; college student fear; victimization; reactions to violence; instruction and assessment strategies in criminalistics; and a “how to” guide to develop an international study tour. His seminal published article on campus violence continues to be a standard reference in the top research textbooks today. In addition to his published research, Asmussen has served as a peer reviewer for over twenty textbooks. He has also evaluated the training academy curriculums for corrections and police in seven states; consulted with school districts regarding school safety issues; and helped multiple southeast Nebraska agencies review procedures and achieve grant funding. Asmussen coordinated and facilitated the Nebraska Court of Appeals holding oral arguments at Peru State College twice in the past four years. Peru State was the first college campus to host the court. Dr. Asmussen is a member of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, the American Society of Criminology, and the Midwest Criminal Justice Association. He frequently attends and presents at their annual conferences.
Dr. Asmussen receives his award from Dr. Hanson Dr. Asmussen addresses the 2015 graduates ###
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Nestled in the historic hills of the Missouri River, the “Campus of a Thousand Oaks” is Nebraska’s oldest college and will celebrate its sesquicentennial anniversary in 2017. Peru State College’s constant commitment to academic excellence has resulted in a unique and innovative mix of online, traditional, undergraduate and graduate programs. Similarly, the college’s ongoing student engagement promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation on-campus and across the region. Peru State College is committed to being a good steward of education, students, the region and Nebraska for another 150 years.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Dr. Kelly Asmussen named 2016 Teaching Excellence Award winner.
Dr. Kelly Asmussen named 2016 Teaching Excellence Award winner. MAY 9, 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 9, 2016, 8:00 a.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- Peru State College Criminal Justice Professor, Dr. Kelly Asmussen, was named the institutions 2016 Teaching Excellence Award winner. Asmussen was honored during the college’s commencement on May 7 on the historic campus of a thousand oaks. President Dan Hanson said, “Dr. Asmussen has served an incredible role in Peru State College’s academic development during his twenty-two years of service. His efforts to found the Criminal Justice major and its associated programs have culminated in hundreds of graduates including more than thirty graduates this spring.” “Dr. Asmussen’s teaching excellence will leave a lasting legacy at Peru State College and in the law enforcement and corrections offices of this state and region.” Asmussen said, “I am particularly honored to receive the Teaching Excellence Award as a culmination of my teaching career at Peru State College. For the past twenty-plus years, I have been richly rewarded watching the careers of many students at all levels of the Criminal Justice System excel through research, community service, and unique educational engagement opportunities.” “I would start my entire career over again and repeat the process; I loved the challenges and the successes I was able to achieve.” Asmussen joined the Peru State faculty in 1994 and teaches criminal justice in the Peru State College School of Professional Studies. Before beginning with Peru State College, he pursued his Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and worked for fourteen years in the maximum security unit at the Nebraska State Penitentiary. Shortly after joining the faculty, Asmussen was instrumental in establishing Peru State’s criminal justice program. He also arranged the Provisional Alcohol Drug Addiction Counseling (PLADC) program allowing criminal justice and psychology majors to attain provisional certification to treat persons with alcohol and other addictions. Asmussen developed, coordinated and supervised six international study tours to Australia, Costa Rica, and England for over 150 students from Peru State and other colleges. Students traveled and lived in these counties while comparing the host country’s criminal justice system to the U.S. system. Dr. Asmussen also established the Inside-Out course, “Searching for Justice.” The course engages 15 “outside” college students and 15 “inside” persons in a classroom at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution, a maximum-security prison. The course examines the intersection of class, race, gender, crime and status relating to the search for social justice. Students report the experience was transformative and “the class has been their best educational experience in college.” Asmussen has collected data for five years regarding the changing attitudes of participating students. He has presented his research at a professional conference and a paper has been submitted for publication. Asmussen teaches a capstone course about societal problems where students are taught the skills to write and submit grant proposals to funding agencies. Five proposals have been granted including $37,000 from FEMA for new firefighting gear and $40,000 for a therapy garden in Auburn.
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Dr. Kelly Asmussen named 2016 Teaching Excellence Award winner.
Asmussen has published research articles about high school weapon possession; college student fear; victimization; reactions to violence; instruction and assessment strategies in criminalistics; and a “how to” guide to develop an international study tour. His seminal published article on campus violence continues to be a standard reference in the top research textbooks today. In addition to his published research, Asmussen has served as a peer reviewer for over twenty textbooks. He has also evaluated the training academy curriculums for corrections and police in seven states; consulted with school districts regarding school safety issues; and helped multiple southeast Nebraska agencies review procedures and achieve grant funding. Asmussen coordinated and facilitated the Nebraska Court of Appeals holding oral arguments at Peru State College twice in the past four years. Peru State was the first college campus to host the court. Dr. Asmussen is a member of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, the American Society of Criminology, and the Midwest Criminal Justice Association. He frequently attends and presents at their annual conferences. ###
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Nestled in the historic hills of the Missouri River, the “Campus of a Thousand Oaks" is Nebraska’s oldest college and will celebrate its sesquicentennial anniversary in 2017. Peru State College’s constant commitment to academic excellence has resulted in a unique and innovative mix of online, traditional, undergraduate and graduate programs. Similarly, the college's ongoing student engagement promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation on-campus and across the region. Peru State College is committed to being a good steward of education, students, the region and Nebraska for another 150 years.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:49 PM
Peru State claims 18 top 10 finishes at PBL national competition in Chicago
Peru State claims 18 top 10 finishes at PBL national competition in Chicago SEP 16, 2015
Eighteen Peru State College students recently placed in the top 10 nationally in 13 categories at the Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) National Leadership Conference in Chicago. PBL is a state and national business and leadership association. The competition focused on a wide range of business and leadershiprelated tests, including subjects ranging from financial analysis and economic concepts to human resource management and business ethics. President Dan Hanson said, “Peru State PBL has been enormously successful at nationals, earning nine national championships in the past five years and many top 10 finishes. I want to congratulate and thank all of the students on our PBL team for representing Nebraska’s first college in such an outstanding way. “Providing our undergraduate students an opportunity to present their work at a national conference is one way Peru State works to create unique opportunities for student engagement while also opening doors that can benefit future careers. These national awards are a tribute to the hard work of our students, their advisors and the faculty in the School of Professional Studies.” The 18 students who placed in the top 10 at nationals include: 2nd place Management Analysis & Decision Making – Kesha Beethe, Kenny Bias & Marshall Klontz 2nd place Sales Presentation – Kesha Beethe 3rd place Community Service (The CHANCE Initiative) – presented by Preston Sunneberg & Taylor Zillig 3rd place Cost Accounting – Hope Harsh 4th place Word Processing – Mary Blacketer 5th place Future Business Executive – Alex Wessels 5th place Networking Design – John Beal, Dustin Gerdes & River Towne 6th place Business Decision Making – Alex Wessels & Zach Zobel 8th place Human Resource Management – Benjamin Amoussou, Zak Ruei & Cody Sullivan 8th place Strategic Analysis & Decision Making – Kenny Bias & Zach Zobel 9th place Accounting for Professionals – Brandie Westhart 9th place Emerging Business Issues – Josh Frerichs & Isaiah Spears 10th place Business Law – Benjamin Amoussou In addition, the following individuals qualified for finals (top 15): Integrated Marketing Campaign – Hannah Chubbuck
12/11/23, 2:49 PM
Peru State claims 18 top 10 finishes at PBL national competition in Chicago
Small Business Management Plan – John Beal Other students that competed this year include Ryan Arnold, Alexandria Donovan, Lauren Robertson, Emily Slama. Peru State PBL also earned the following chapter recognitions: Hollis and Kitty Guy Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit Outstanding Local Chapter Award Chapter Challenge Award Non-Stop November Award Super Sweeps Award Action Awareness Award Seven Up Award
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Kyler Ryan Recognized as eLearning Innovator in Education
Kyler Ryan Recognized as eLearning Innovator in Education SEP 16, 2015
Dr. Kyle Ryan, Associate Professor of Exercise Science in the Peru State College School of Education, has been recognized by the University of Nebraska Medical Center as an E-Learning Innovator for his role in the creation of the online course, Principles of Community Engagement in Public Health: Service Learning, Community-based Participatory Research, Leadership, and Civic Engagement. The course, last offered at Peru State College in the Spring of 2015, was developed and created in partnership with Dr. Ryan, Director of the Rural Health Education Network Dr. Patrik Johansson, and Director of the Office of Public Health Practice Dr. Brandon Grimm.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
Lindner Elected to NSCPA Board of Directors
Lindner Elected to NSCPA Board of Directors SEP 16, 2015
Chris Lindner, a Peru State Business Administration alum, has been selected for a term on the Board of Directors of the Nebraska Society of Certified Public Accountants. Lindner is a member of BKD’s National Utility and Government Team in Lincoln. He has more than ten years of experience in public accounting specializing in providing audit and consulting services to commercial, governmental and utility entities. A Society member since 2007, Chris is also a member of the AICPA and holds the certified government financial manager (CGFM) designation. He is Chairman of the Society’s State & Local Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee and is involved with the BKD Foundation. He also presents on numerous topics at GFPOA and APPA conferences regionally and nationwide. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the YMCA in Lincoln and is a graduate of Peru State College with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
Peru State Students Break Ground on Therapy Garden
Peru State Students Break Ground on Therapy Garden SEP 16, 2015
Students from Peru State College recently broke ground on a new therapy garden at the Longs Creek Assisted Living facility in Auburn, Nebraska. Libbey Anderson (Criminal Justice) and Megan Bergmeier (Elementary Education) raised more than $26,000 for the garden and hosted a groundbreaking ceremony on Sept. 9. The project stemmed from the Contemporary Social Problems class with Dr. Kelly Asmussen, Professor of Criminal Justice. The project which will feature trees, shrubs and other plantings at the center.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:58 PM
UNMC expands RHOP at Peru State College
UNMC expands RHOP at Peru State College SEP 16, 2015
The University of Nebraska Medical Center and Peru State College have expanded their partnership in UNMC’s Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP) to now include the clinical laboratory science, physical therapy, physician assistant and radiography professions. Under the agreement, beginning this fall, qualifying Peru State students may apply for admission to RHOP and provisional acceptance into one of these respective College of Allied Health Professions educational programs. Peru State now has early admissions programs with four UNMC colleges, including RHOP agreements with UNMC’s Colleges of Nursing, Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, and the Public Health Early Admissions Student Track (PHEAST) agreement with the College of Public Health. The RHOP program began in 1990 to encourage rural residents to pursue careers in health care and practice in smaller communities throughout Nebraska. Chadron State College and Wayne State College also participate with UNMC in RHOP and PHEAST. “We are excited to further our RHOP partnership with Peru State,” said UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D. “This is an embodiment of our commitment to Nebraska, and a reflection on the need for a highly skilled allied health workforce. Through this agreement we not only offer opportunity to more students, but they in turn will help keep their fellow Nebraskans healthier and our rural communities strong.” Peru State College President Dan Hanson said, “Peru State is proud to partner with the University of Nebraska Medical Center to bring more skilled health care providers to rural Nebraska, meeting a critical need for the region. The Rural Health Opportunities Program represents a commitment by our institutions to investing in the health and well-being of southeast Nebraskans. I want to thank the leadership team at the UNMC College of Allied Health Professions, area hospital administrators and our science faculty for their work in securing these seats. We look forward to an enduring and productive partnership." Peru State students accepted into RHOP will receive a full tuition waiver from Peru State during their undergraduate years. Each provisionally admitted student will be appointed a faculty mentor from Peru State and a faculty mentor from the respective UNMC allied health program of study. Mentors will advise the students on academic and career development. “It was critically important for us to expand our RHOP partnership to Peru State College,” said Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., senior associate dean of the UNMC College of Allied Health Professions. “The students and faculty are outstanding, and we are delighted to partner to ensure the provision of outstanding allied health practitioners for the citizens of southeast Nebraska.” Requirements for application, performance standards while at Peru State and number of spots available will be established by each respective UNMC College of Allied Health Professions program. For fall 2016, three seats are available in the physician assistant program, three in medical laboratory science, two in physical therapy and two in radiography.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Kelly Kingsley to Speak at National Convention
Kelly Kingsley to Speak at National Convention SEP 18, 2015
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) is pleased to announce that Kelly Kingsley, of Peru State College, will be speaking at the 2015 NCTE Annual Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kingsley will present as a member of the panel, "Integrating Digital and Media Tools into Instruction." The participants’ description of the panel reads: "Now that digital media and other technologies have been a part of our teaching conversations for many years, new strategies continue to emerge, with exciting promise for teachers at all levels. This session features 14 roundtable discussions offering a range of ideas." The session will be held from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM on Saturday, November 21, 2015. Each year, the NCTE Annual Convention draws thousands of elementary, middle level, and secondary educators, college faculty, administrators, and other educational professionals from around the world to participate in four days of professional learning programming. NCTE convention attendees hear presentations from award-winning speakers, attend thought-provoking sessions, share best practices, and test the latest teaching materials. The 2015 NCTE Annual Convention will be held November 19-22 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The National Council of Teachers of English (http://www.ncte.org), with 30,000 individual and institutional members worldwide, is dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:53 PM
Peru State Hosts Rural Health Care Symposium
Peru State Hosts Rural Health Care Symposium SEP 19, 2015
Peru State College will host a symposium addressing rural health care issues at 9 a.m. Friday in the Black Box Theater, V.H. Jindra Hall at Peru State College. The event features panelists in health care from Southeast Nebraska, as well as faculty and administration from the Rural Health Opportunities Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Peru State College. In a roundtable-style discussion, panelists will discuss the unique needs and opportunities of working in health care in the Southeast Nebraska region. An information session for students interested in RHOP at Peru State will be held immediately following the symposium.
Through RHOP, Peru State College now has early admissions programs with UNMC’s colleges of nursing, pharmacy and allied health professions. This offers students admission to programs in clinical laboratory science, physical therapy, physician assistant and radiography, pharmacy and nursing.
RHOP students in good standing receive a full tuition scholarship while enrolled at Peru State and guaranteed acceptance to UNMC. For more information, visit peru.edu or call 866-968-6507.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
Petersen Attends National Workshop
Petersen Attends National Workshop SEP 19, 2015
Professor Sheli Petersen participated in the Highlights Foundation Workshop "Super Children's Book Boot Camp" from September 10 13 (Honesdale, PA). Professor Petersen's current picture book project Carmen and Angelo, a story about an innovative raven couple, was critiqued by Caldecott Honor winning illustrators Denise Fleming and Peter Brown; nationally recognized illustrators Pat Cummings and Greg Pizzoli; children's publishing veteran Ruben Pfeffer, owner of Rubin Pfeffer Content Literary Agency; Martha Rago, Random House/Golden Books Young Readers Group Creative Director; and Nancy Paulsen, President & Publisher of Nancy Paulsen Books, a Penguin imprint. Acceptance to the international workshop was juried.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
Petersen Exhibits Art Work in Brownville
Petersen Exhibits Art Work in Brownville SEP 19, 2015
Professor Sheli Petersen's artwork is on display until October 11 at the Schoolhouse Art Gallery in Brownville, NE. The exhibition features Professor Petersen's fine art, which explores wildlife and its relationship to the landscape, and children's book illustration. Artist's Reception will be Sunday, October 4, 2 - 4 pm.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
Bronze Sculpture Unveiled at Peru State's Oak Bowl
Bronze Sculpture Unveiled at Peru State's Oak Bowl SEP 23, 2015
( Peru, Neb.) Peru State College President Dan Hanson will be joined by critically acclaimed artist Benjamin Victor to unveil a larger than life-size bronze sculpture of a historic football player near the Oak Bowl Stadium entrance at 5 p.m. this Saturday, Aug. 29. The public is invited to attend. Following the unveiling, the Bobcat football team will take on the Central Methodist University Eagles at 6 p.m. in the season opener in the Oak Bowl. The bronze sculpture was commissioned as part of the $9 million Oak Bowl renovation that was completed last fall. By Nebraska law, one percent of all state-appropriated monies, in this case $7.5 million, must be used toward art. The Oak Bowl project included a renovation to the stadium, press box, concourse area, concession stand, restrooms and pedestrian access. As one of the largest outdoor facilities in southeast Nebraska, the lighted, turfed field is used for the college’s football program, active intramural program and a variety of other academic and co-curricular activities such as band competitions, camps and high school football play-offs. Victor was on the Peru State campus for nearly a week this past March sculpting the statue and sharing insight into his craft with students and members of the community. Art critics and organizations, including the National Sculpture Society in New York City, recognize the aesthetic and conceptual integrity of Victor’s artwork. He got his first large commission at age 23. By 26, he became the youngest artist in history to have a sculpture in National Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol. Nine years later he became the only living artist to have two works in Statuary Hall. For additional information about Victor or to view his work, visit www.benjaminvictor.com .
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
Rural Health Symposium at Peru State College Scheduled for September 25
Rural Health Symposium at Peru State College Scheduled for September 25 SEP 23, 2015
(Peru, NE) The community is invited to attend a symposium on rural health Friday, September 25 at 9 a.m. in the Black Box Theater, V.H. Jindra Hall on the campus of Peru State. The event will highlight issues in rural health and feature panelists in healthcare from Southeast Nebraska, faculty and administration from the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Peru State College’s Rural Health Opportunity Program (RHOP). Panelists will talk about issues in a roundtable discussion on the unique needs and opportunities of working in healthcare in the Southeast Nebraska region. There is an information session scheduled for students interested in RHOP at Peru State immediately after the discussion. “We are excited to be hosting this event and draw attention to the need for healthcare in rural communities,” said Dr. Dan Hanson, President of Peru State. “We hope to stimulate conversation and increase awareness of the issues and solutions surrounding healthcare in Southeast Nebraska.” Peru State College now has early admissions programs with UNMC’s Colleges of Nursing, Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions. This offers students admission to programs in clinical laboratory science, physical therapy, physician assistant and radiography, pharmacy and nursing. RHOP students in good standing, receive a full tuition scholarship while enrolled at Peru State and guaranteed acceptance to UNMC.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
Peru Theatre Presents The Rocky Horror Show
Peru Theatre Presents The Rocky Horror Show SEP 24, 2015
The Rocky Horror Show is a musical with music, lyrics and a book by Richard O'Brien. A humorous tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the late 1940s through to the early 1970s, the musical tells the story of a newly engaged couple getting caught in a storm and coming to the home of a mad transvestite scientist unveiling his new creation, a muscle man named Rocky Horror. Produced and directed by Jim Sharman, the original London production of the musical premiered at the Royal Court Theatre (Upstairs) on 19 June 1973 before moving to several other locations in London and closing on 13 September 1980, running for a total of 2,960 performances and winning the 1973 Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Musical. Its 1974 debut in the US in Los Angeles had a successful nine-month run but its 1975 Broadway debut at the Belasco Theatre lasted only three previews and forty five showings despite earning one Tony nomination and three Drama Desk nominations. Various international productions have since spanned across six continents as well as West End and Broadway revivals and eight UK tours. The musical was adapted into the film The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), which has the longest-running release in film history. The musical was ranked 8th in a BBC Radio 2 listener poll of the "Nation's Number One Essential Musicals". Peru Theatre Company encourages audience members to come dressed as their favorite character from The Rocky Horror Show. We will also be selling audience participation packs for $8 prior to each night’s production. See you there!!!
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
Peru State Student Presents at History Conference
Peru State Student Presents at History Conference SEP 24, 2015
Samantha Jackson, an sophomore Middle School Education major at Peru State College, is presenting the paper, “JFK: Why ‘Camelot’ Still Resonates” at the 56th Annual Northern Great Plains History Conference in Bismarck, North Dakota on Friday, Oct. 2. Additionally, Peru State faculty members, Spencer Davis, Sara Crook, and Daniel Holtz, will be presenting “Trails and Tails: An Experiential Learning Model" at the conference. The conference features the research of historians who live and work in the Northern Great Plains, as well as that of other historians, on a variety of topics in local, regional, U.S., Canadian, and world history.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:50 PM
Clopton Wins National Award
Clopton Wins National Award SEP 28, 2015
Peru State College Biology Professor Dr. Richard Clopton will receive the Helminthological Society of Washington's Anniversary Award later this month in a ceremony in Maryland. Established in 1960, the Anniversary Award is the highest honor that can be bestowed by the Helminthological Society of Washington to one of its members. The Anniversary Award recipients comprise a distinguished group of parasitologists primarily from the Washington, D.C. area. Dr. Clopton is recognized for his years of loyal and dedicated service to the organization, which has included serving as Editor of the journal Comparative Parasitology from 2002-2006. He has also served as Associate Editor and Graphics Editor. Additionally, the award recognizes Dr. Clopton's research with gregarines, noting that he has become the world's leading authority on the topic. Dr. Clopton's research includes an article in the Society's journal, which is the most cited paper in the journal's history.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State Education Association Holds Cookout
Peru State Education Association Holds Cookout OCT 2, 2015
The Peru Student Education Association (PSEA) held their second annual “Welcome Back to School Cookout” on September 29 at the home of Dr. Judith Ruskamp. Twenty teacher candidates, freshman through senior, were in attendance for the event. The organization completed some “get to know you better” activities and enjoyed grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and side dishes during the evening.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
Recent Grads Win Awards
Recent Grads Win Awards OCT 2, 2015
Recent graduates of Peru State College have enjoyed success as new teachers. Several recent surveys and awards provide evidence of the excellence of the Peru State education programs. Lewiston Public Schools teacher Devin Garcia has been named 2015 Rookie of the Year by the Nebraska State Education Association. Garcia teaches science, and also is the school's Quiz Bowl sponsor, junior class sponsor, head golf coach, assistant football coach and assistant girls' basketball coach. Tyler Nutsch, a sixth grade teacher at Walnut Creek Elementary in Papillion, NE won the Rookie of the Year award from the Papillion-La Vista school district. The job placement rate for Spring 2015 teacher candidates is currently 73% with all graduates reporting. Graduates who are not in full time positions are tied to particular geographic areas and are working as para-educators or substitute teachers. On a recent first year teacher survey, Peru State College graduates were rated at or above the statewide average as compared to other Nebraska colleges’ teacher preparation programs on all measures.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
SPS Students Attend Cyber Security Conference
SPS Students Attend Cyber Security Conference OCT 2, 2015
CMIS faculty and students attended the Nebraska Cyber Security Conference held in Lincoln on September 30, 2015. The State of Nebraska annually hosts this conference to provide information from leading experts, including Homeland Security and the FBI, on ever-changing cyber threats.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Holtz to Receive Sheldon Award
Holtz to Receive Sheldon Award OCT 6, 2015
Dr. Dan Holtz, Professor of English at Peru State College, will receive the Addison E. Sheldon Memorial Award from the Nebraska State Historical Society in a ceremony on Oct. 16, in Lincoln. The award recognizes an individual or organization for outstanding contributions to the preservation and interpretation of Nebraska History. Dr. Holtz is being recognized for his contributions to the preservation and interpretation of Nebraska history through teaching, public programs, scholarship, and service on the Nebraska State Historical Society Board of Trustees and the Nebraska 150 Foundation. Dr. Holtz has served as the First Vice President for the Nebraska State Historical Society Board of Trustees and has made more than 200 presentations as part of the Nebraska Humanities Council Speaker's Series. In 2002, he released, Welcome to Historic Nebraska!, a musical recording which features 18 traditional and original folk songs, plus a historical narrative, to tell the story of Nebraska’s early days. In 2000, Dr. Holtz received the Nebraska State College System Teaching Excellence Award.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
Music Students Win Awards
Music Students Win Awards OCT 6, 2015
Music students from Peru State College competed at the West Central Regional National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) auditions, held at the University of Nebraska-Kearney on September 29-31, 2015. Four students advanced to final rounds and Peru had two state champions. Cameron Victor, a Senior at Auburn High School, placed first in the High School Men category Derick Pounds, a first year PSC student, placed first in the First Year Men category Emily LeCleir , a first year PSC student, placed third in the First Year Women category Casey Myers, a sophomore at PSC, placed second in the Second Year Men category Although she did not advance to finals, Katie Umland scored a 98, which was the highest score achieved by a PSC student from a single judge. Peru State students competed against students from schools such as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of NebraskaKearney, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Creighton University, Wayne State College, Concordia University and York College. Dr. Jacob Bartlett coached the students and accompanied them to the competition.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
Peru Grads Publish Research
Peru Grads Publish Research OCT 6, 2015
Drew Wellenstein (far left in the picture) and Haley Dutton (far right), 2015 graduates of Peru State College, have recently published articles based on research completed at Peru State College. Haley Dutton's paper, "Metazoan parasites of catfishes in the Big Thicket National Preserve and surrounding areas, Texas, U.S.A." and Drew Wellenstein's paper, "Morphological confirmation of Homalometron (Trematoda: Apocreadiidae) species in freshwater fishes in southeastern Texas, U.S.A., with description of two species" were both recently published by Comparative Parasitology. Both articles are the result of their work on National Science Foundation Award 1253129 to Dr. Mike Barger. This is Haley's 2nd publication from her research in Dr. Barger's lab, and her 3rd manuscript was just submitted for peer review.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:53 PM
Peru State to host forum on LB 268 and lifting the 2015 ban on the death penalty in Nebraska.
Peru State to host forum on LB 268 and lifting the 2015 ban on the death penalty in Nebraska. OCT 7, 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 7, 2016, 3:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- Speakers from Retain a Just Nebraska and Nebraskans for the Death Penalty have been invited to the forum hosted on the Peru State Campus on Wednesday, October 12, 2016. The forum is from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the College Theatre. The forum is hosted by students enrolled in the Engagement in the Election Process course. The course is taught by Dr. Sara Crook, Peru State professor of history. Crook writes of the forum, “Although we don’t have a firm confirmation from Nebraskans for the Death Penalty, we hope to have each side take five to ten minutes to present their basic premise, followed with a two minute rebuttal. Then the class has prepared several questions for each side to address in a five minute time span, with one minute follow-up rebuttals allowed.” “We will entertain written questions from the audience which will be coordinated by myself and forwarded to the moderator. After one hour, we will ask each group to make a final statement of up to two minutes.” The New York Times wrote in October of 2015, “More than four months after the Nebraska Legislature voted to abolish the death penalty, a petition drive by supporters of capital punishment in the state has succeeded in upending that vote and suspending the new law, the secretary of state’s office announced Friday.” “The petition drive, which collected more than 143,000 verified signatures from across the state, will force a statewide referendum in November 2016, when Nebraska voters will decide whether the state should have a death penalty.”
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Nestled in the historic hills of the Missouri River, the “Campus of a Thousand Oaks" is Nebraska’s oldest college and will celebrate its sesquicentennial anniversary in 2017. Peru State College’s constant commitment to academic excellence has resulted in a unique and innovative mix of online, traditional, undergraduate and graduate programs. Similarly, the college's ongoing student engagement promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation on-campus and across the region. Peru State College is committed to being a good steward of education, students, the region and Nebraska for another 150 years.
12/11/23, 2:53 PM
Peru State to host forum on LB 268 and lifting the 2015 ban on the death penalty in Nebraska.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Volunteers gather for Kids Against Hunger event at Peru State
Volunteers gather for Kids Against Hunger event at Peru State OCT 7, 2015
October 8, 2015, 9:00 a.m. CDT Volunteers gather for Kids Against Hunger event at Peru State Community members, the Nemaha County Ministerial Association, numerous Peru State staff, student groups and athletic teams gathered in the Al Wheeler Activity Center October 5 to package over 44,000 meals for Kids Against Hunger. Peru State organized the event in partnership with the Nemaha County Ministerial Association, led by Pastor Ken Miller, who raised $11,000 in funds to support the effort. Kids Against Hunger is a non-profit Omaha-based national organization whose goal is to significantly reduce the number of hungry children in the U.S. and to feed starving children throughout the world. The meals packaged at Peru State by nearly 300 volunteers will be shipped to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. “The partnership between the Nemaha County Ministerial Association and Peru State College allowed for a seamless event,” said Dr. Gina Bittner, Associate Professor of Education at Peru State and organizer of the event. “The sheer number of people who participated in the 2015 Nemaha County Kids Against Hunger event demonstrates a level of compassion and commitment to making a difference that would be hard to beat in any small community. We are truly blessed to live in a place where people care, people commit, and people work together to make a difference.”
Community members, the Nemaha County Ministerial Association, numerous Peru State staff, student groups and athletic teams gathered in the Al Wheeler Activity Center October 5 to package over 44,000 meals for Kids Against Hunger. Groups who volunteered or contributed: Nemaha County Ministerial Association Peru Community Church Nemaha County Rotary Club Auburn Girl Scouts Peru State College Psych Club Auburn United Methodist Church Youth Group Auburn United Methodist Church Southeast Nebraska People First Many community members Peru State College Campus Services Peru State College Men¹s Basketball Team Peru State College School of Education Peru State College Student Success Services Peru Student Education Association Peru State College Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Peru State College Actions in Motion (a chapter of the Nebraska Lutheran Campus Ministry organization) Peru State College Volleyball Team Peru State College Student Ambassadors Peru State College Baseball Team Peru State College Rotoract Club Peru State College Women's Basketball Team Peru State College Cross Country Team
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Volunteers gather for Kids Against Hunger event at Peru State
Peru State College Softball Team Peru State College Football Team
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Southeast Nebraskans invited to celebrate Peru State’s 95th annual homecoming Saturday, Oct. 3
Southeast Nebraskans invited to celebrate Peru State’s 95th annual homecoming Saturday, Oct. 3 OCT 8, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 8, 2015, 9:00 a.m. CDT Southeast Nebraskans invited to celebrate Peru State’s 95th annual homecoming Saturday, Oct. 31 Free food, entertainment and prizes on the Quad from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Southeast Nebraskans invited to celebrate Peru State’s 95th annual homecoming Saturday, Oct. 31(Peru, Neb.) Peru State College President Dan Hanson invites southeast Nebraskans to campus for the college’s 95th annual homecoming celebration, Fall Harvest, Saturday, Oct. 31. President Hanson said, “Homecoming is an opportunity for us to celebrate the beginning of another successful year and to thank southeast Nebraska for the unwavering support of our institution and our students. Peru State will also have a ribbon cutting for the new City and Campus entrance and the renovation of TJ Majors Hall. We invite all of our friends and neighbors to come to campus, meet our students and staff and have some fun!” A schedule of the day’s activities is as follows: Saturday, Oct. 31
8:30 a.m.
Nebraska’s Toughest Mile - Downtown Peru
An entry fee of $20 is required. Those who register in advance will be guaranteed a t-shirt. Register online at http://goo.gl/SX0DjV or send a check made payable to Peru State Cross Country, Attn: Coach Katy Billings, 1412 I Street, Auburn, NE 68305. Be sure to include your t-shirt size. Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. the day of the race. The starting line is near the Peru Fire Station and the finish line is near the front of T.J. Majors on the Peru State campus. Awards will be given to the top male and female finishers. 10 a.m. - Parade - Downtown Peru Free and open to the public. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Tailgate and Carnival - Campus Quad Free and open to the public. The tailgate, featuring chili, burgers, hotdogs and more, will be held on the campus Quad near the Library. The Peru State Jazz Band will be on hand to entertain the crowd on the steps of the Jindra Fine Arts Building and a carnival will be held on the green in front of T.J. Majors. A variety of other activities are planned for young and old alike. In the event of inclement weather, the tailgate will be held in the Student Center and the carnival will be canceled. 1 p.m. - Ribbon Cutting for the new city and campus entrance and the renovated TJ Majors Hall. 2 p.m. - Football vs. Graceland University – The Oak Bowl Admission is $8 for adults, $7 for seniors (age 65 and older), and $5 for non-Peru State students ages 7-17. Peru State students with a student ID and children six and younger are admitted free. Halftime - Coronation of Homecoming King and Queen
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Southeast Nebraskans invited to celebrate Peru State’s 95th annual homecoming Saturday, Oct. 3
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:53 PM
Registrations now being accepted for 95th Annual Peru State Homecoming Parade
Registrations now being accepted for 95th Annual Peru State Homecoming Parade OCT 8, 2015
Registrations now being accepted for 95th Annual Peru State Homecoming Parade (Peru, Neb.) Members of the Peru State College Student Senate today announced details of the College’s 95th Annual Homecoming Parade, which will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 31 in downtown Peru. The theme for this year’s festivities is “Fall Harvest.” Parade entry registration is available online and must be submitted by Thursday, Oct. 29. Cash prizes or trophies will be awarded based on those entries which best represent the homecoming theme, though all types of entries are welcome. The categories are: Floats - First place $150, second place $125 and third place $100. Decorated Vehicles - First place $100, second place $75 and third place $50.
Participants will be contacted directly with additional information regarding the route and line-up. For more information on the parade or any of Peru State’s Homecoming events, contact Student Senate President Millie Anderson at 402-872-2329 or studentsenate@campus.peru.edu.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Kimmel Foundation Establishes Scholarships at Peru State
Kimmel Foundation Establishes Scholarships at Peru State OCT 12, 2015
October 12, 2015, 4:30 p.m. CDT Kimmel Foundation Establishes Scholarships at Peru State Peru State College and the Richard P. and Laurine Kimmel Foundation announce the availability of four new scholarships created to benefit students in southeast Nebraska. Each of the four new Kimmel Foundation Scholarships will provide up to $24,000 in scholarship assistance over a four-year college experience. The Kimmel Scholarships are among the largest scholarships the college provides, thanks to the generous support of the Kimmel Foundation and its strong commitment to southeast Nebraska. Applications for the scholarships are now available with a deadline of January 15, 2016. The first round of scholarships will be awarded beginning in the fall of 2016. A description and the criteria for the four scholarships are as follows: The Richard P. and Laurine Kimmel Business Scholarship supports a student pursuing a degree in the field of business. The Cornelia Petring Kimmel Education Scholarship supports a student pursuing a degree in the field of education. This scholarship is available only to students graduating from Nebraska City High School or Lourdes Central Catholic in Nebraska City. The Richard P. and Laurine Kimmel Art Scholarship supports a student pursuing a degree in art. It is established in recognition of Peru State Art Professor Ken Anderson for his service to the Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts. The Richard P. and Laurine Kimmel Exercise Science Scholarship. The college’s first scholarship in the field of exercise science honors Associate Professor of Physical Education Dr. Kyle Ryan. Preference will be given to students from the southeast Nebraska counties of Otoe, Cass, Johnson, Nemaha and rural Lancaster, but any student from rural Nebraska or rural Iowa is eligible to apply. Honoring the Kimmel family’s deep ties to Otoe County, those students are especially encouraged to apply. Any student considering a future career in business, education, art or exercise science should apply for these generous scholarships. Go to www.peru.edu/admissions, or call the Admissions Office at Peru State for more information: 402-872-2221.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
Strong Presence for Peru State at 2015 NRMERA Conference
Strong Presence for Peru State at 2015 NRMERA Conference OCT 14, 2015
The 2015 Northern Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association (NRMERA) Conference was recently held in Boise, Idaho. Several individuals from Peru State played a strong role at this annual conference. Dr. Liz Kearney, Assistant Professor of Education, led a workshop entitled, “Overcoming Deficit Thinking: Improving Academic Achievement with Low Income Students.” Dr. Kyle Ryan, Associate Professor of Exercise Science, and Dr. Sheri Grotrian-Ryan, Associate Professor of Business, presented their accepted paper in the Higher Education session: “Transformative Learning as a Means of Student Retention.” Dr. Loretta Zost, Associate Professor of Education, serves as the Secretary for NRMERA. Dr. Greg Zost, Associate Professor of Education, served as the Nebraska Representative on the Executive Board and was appointed to serve as the Minnesota Representative for the upcoming year. Ms. Darolyn Seay, Assistant Professor of Education, was elected to serve as the Nebraska Representative for the upcoming year. Additionally, Peru State College Graduate Programs, led by Dr. Greg Seay, served as the sponsor for the conference’s keynote speaker.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
PSC Grad Named NSEA Rookie of the Year
PSC Grad Named NSEA Rookie of the Year OCT 23, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 23, 2015, 3:00 p.m. CDT Contact: Rebecca Johnson, Peru State College Marketing, and Communications, 402.872.2409
Peru State Grad Named NSEA Rookie of the Year Peru, Nebraska - Devin Garcia, a 2013 Peru State College graduate, has been named the 2015 Nebraska State Education Association (NSEA) Rookie Teacher of the Year. Consideration for this award, presented annually to a first-year teacher, is through a statewide nomination process. A Diller, NE native, Garcia graduated with a degree in Biology Education and Chemistry Education. He currently teaches science for the Lewiston Consolidated Schools. When asked how he chose teaching as a career, Garcia said, “I knew I wanted to get into teaching after my second year at PSC. I joined PSEA and the Student Education Association of Nebraska through the NSEA. After becoming active in those programs and working with the National Education Association Student Program out of Washington, D.C., I knew that teaching was going to be my occupation after college.” Dr. Judith Ruskamp, associate professor of education and PSEA advisor said, “Devin Garcia is another excellent example of the Peru State College School of Education’s concerted effort to develop exemplary educators.” She went on to add, “The consistent emphasis on the development of teachers who become difference-makers and have a positive impact on their students, in their schools, and in the community is what ensures that a Peru State College teacher candidate is well-prepared, committed to the field of education, and have the potential to be leaders. Mr. Garcia’s NSEA Rookie of the Year Award is a well-deserved honor.” In addition to his teaching, Garcia is also the Quiz Bowl sponsor, junior class sponsor, head golf coach, assistant football coach and assistant girls’ basketball coach at Lewiston and serves on the school district’s technology committee. For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
PSC Grad Named NSEA Rookie of the Year
PSC Grad Named NSEA Rookie of the Year OCT 23, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 23, 2015, 3:00 p.m. CDT Contact: Rebecca Johnson, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2409
PSC Grad Named NSEA Rookie of the Year
(Peru, Neb.) Devin Garcia, a 2013 Peru State College graduate, has been named the 2015 Nebraska State Education Association (NSEA) Rookie Teacher of the Year. Consideration for this award, presented annually to a first-year teacher, is through a state-wide nomination process. A Diller, NE native, Garcia graduated with a degree in Biology Education and Chemistry Education. He currently teaches science for the Lewiston Consolidated Schools. When asked how he chose teaching as a career, Garcia said, “I knew I wanted to get into teaching after my second year at Peru State. I joined PSEA and the Student Education Association of Nebraska through the NSEA. After becoming active in those programs and working with the National Education Association Student Program out of Washington, D.C., I knew that teaching was going to be my occupation after college.” Dr. Judith Ruskamp, associate professor of education and PSEA advisor said, “Devin Garcia is another excellent example of the Peru State College School of Education’s concerted effort to develop exemplary educators.” She went on to add, “The consistent emphasis on the development of teachers who become difference-makers and have a positive impact on their students, in their schools, and in the community is what ensures that a Peru State College teacher candidate is well-prepared, committed to the field of education, and have the potential to be leaders. Mr. Garcia’s NSEA Rookie of the Year Award is a well-deserved honor.” In addition to his teaching, Garcia is also the Quiz Bowl sponsor, junior class sponsor, head golf coach, assistant football coach and assistant girls’ basketball coach at Lewiston and serves on the school district’s technology committee. For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
Peru State Students Host Museum Event
Peru State Students Host Museum Event OCT 23, 2015
Students from Peru State College, along with Dr. Tony Citrin, Dr. Kelly Kingsley and Dean Ellie Kunkel, recently taught a series of minilessons to 144 fourth grade students at the Union Pacific Museum in Council Bluffs. The Peru State students, taking courses in elementary education, provided 10 minute lessons for the Rue Elementary students who rotated through different stations. At one station, Peru State students used hoops to show how messages were relayed to moving trains. At another, Dr. Citrin demonstrated how important time-keeping was to the railroad industry. The lessons will be donated to the museum for use by volunteers. More information about the event is included in the link below: http://www.nonpareilonline.com/news/local/peru-ed-majors-teach-field-trip-lessons-at-museum/article_29ef1edc-6af85477-9651-8be315e1f682.html
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Peru State announces 2015 Homecoming Court
Peru State announces 2015 Homecoming Court OCT 27, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 8, 2015, 3:00 p.m. CDT Contact: Rebecca Johnson, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402-872-2409
Royalty to be crowned during halftime of football game on Saturday, Oct. 31 (Peru, Neb.) Peru State College today announced its 2015 Homecoming Court. Candidates, selected by the student body, will be featured in the annual homecoming parade that begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31 in downtown Peru. Coronation of the king and queen will take place at halftime of the Peru State vs. Graceland University football game, beginning at 2 p.m. in the Oak Bowl. Admission is $8 for adults, $7 for seniors (age 65 and older) and $5 for non-Peru State students ages 7-17. Peru State students with a student ID and children six and younger are admitted free 2015 Peru State Homecoming Court Homecoming Court members are listed below along with their majors and hometowns. Queen Candidates (Senior Women): • Millie Anderson – Elmwood – Business Administration • Allie Buesing – Cozad – Sport and Exercise Science • Whitini Redman – Holyoke, CO – Biochemical Science • April Taggs – Harlan, IA – Criminal Justice Counseling • Chelsea Turek – York – English Teaching and Psychology King Candidates (Senior Men): • Briar Burr – Wood River – Exercise Science • Gregory Conry – Harlan, IA – Elementary Education • Nicholas Girard – Peru – Biochemical Science • Logan Paben – Columbus – Middle Grades Education • Michael Smith – Kansas City, MO - Psychology Junior Representatives: • Nicole Reznicek – Omaha – Middle Grades Education • Evan Davies – Omaha – Criminal Justice Counseling Sophomore Representatives: • Ryan Christensen – Omaha - English • Taylor Eltiste – Tecumseh – Music Education
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Peru State announces 2015 Homecoming Court
Freshman Representatives: • Kaitlyn Tennant – Thornton, CO – Elementary Education • Shawn Gaskill – Omaha – Criminal Justice Administration
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Criminal Justice Students and Faculty Win Awards
Criminal Justice Students and Faculty Win Awards OCT 30, 2015
Nine Peru State students and their faculty advisor, Danny Hayes, attended the ACJA-LAE Region 3 Conference in Columbia, Missouri from October 22nd to October 25th. The participants attended seminars and took part in written examinations, crime scene competitions, and physical agility competitions. The top 3 finishers in each division of the competition received trophies and Peru State won five total awards including: Physical Agility Under 25 yrs: 1st - Taneesha Hunter 3rd - Sarah Newell Physical Agility Over 36 yrs: 1st - Danny Hayes LAE Knowledge Exam: 2nd Professional - Danny Hayes Crime Scene Investigation: 1st Professional - Danny Hayes, Sarah Newell and April Taggs Professor Hayes was also elected to a two-year term as the Vice President for Region 3 of ACJA-LAE. Peru State students who attended the event included: Daniel Mick Justin Shepard McKenna Newman Jazmin Hernandez Taneesha Hunter Hailey Kaderabek Sarah Newell Je'Kerra Hopper April Taggs
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Peru State announces 2015 Homecoming Grand Marshal
Peru State announces 2015 Homecoming Grand Marshal OCT 30, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 30, 2015, 9:00 a.m. CDT Contact: Rebecca Johnson, Peru State College Marketing, and Communications, 402.872.2409
Parade begins at 10 a.m. this Saturday, Oct. 31 in downtown Peru (Peru, Neb.) The Peru State College Student Senate announced their selection of Joyce Douglas of Lincoln as the grand marshal of the institution’s 95th Annual Homecoming Parade. Douglas, a native of Clinton, Iowa attended the University of Iowa and moved to Lincoln, Nebraska in 1970. She’s had a very successful career in banking that includes 23 years as a Branch Manager and Corporate Department Manager at State Federal Savings and Loan / American Charter Federal Savings and Loan, and as the Executive Vice President / Chief Operating Officer and Director at Farmers Bank in Lincoln for 16 years. She has served on boards for the Nebraska Bankers Association, Cornhusker Council of Boy Scouts, Waverly Community Foundation, DeWitt State Bank, and was an officer and member of the Board of Directors of Financial Women International. Douglas currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors for Farmers Bank of Cook, which is celebrating its 125th year of service this year. Douglas is also an active member of the Peru State College Foundation Board of Directors since 2014. Her late husband Jud had served since 2000. President Dan Hanson said, “The Douglas family have always believed strongly in the power of education. Joyce is a very civic-minded individual, and has given continued support to campus efforts, scholarships and is an active member of our Foundation Board of Directors. She continues to be a wonderful asset to Peru State.” Student Senate President Millie Anderson, a senior marketing major from Elmwood, said, “Student Senate is proud to honor Mrs. Douglass as the grand marshal of our homecoming parade. The long-time dedication to supporting education, our college and community is deserving of our recognition and thanks.” Joyce will be honored on Saturday, Oct. 31 in the homecoming parade. She will also be a part of the symbolic ribbon cutting for the dedication of the Park Avenue city and campus entrance project. As grand marshal, she will also be performing the coin toss for the Bobcat football game vs. Graceland University at 2 p.m.
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery, and innovation.
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Peru State announces 2015 Homecoming Grand Marshal
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:53 PM
Peru State Hosts ELL Resource Fair
Peru State Hosts ELL Resource Fair NOV 5, 2015
Peru State College students in the EDUC 434 Secondary Content Literacy course hosted the 2nd Annual ELL Community Resource Fair at Nebraska City on Oct. 21. The event included 8 community resource fair stations available to 7-12 Grade English-Language Learner students from area schools. The stations included information on Nebraska City Museums and Attractions to Employment Services to Sports and Recreation Services. The class is taught by Dr. Judith Ruskamp.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
Ruskamp Presents at National Conference
Ruskamp Presents at National Conference NOV 5, 2015
Dr. Judith Ruskamp, School of Education, presented recently at the Center for Scholastic Inquiry conference in Charleston, SC. The title of her paper was “'Being a Fish Out of Water': Pre-Service Teacher and ELL Partnership Experiences that Nurture and Sustain a Culturally Responsive Teaching Identity." The Center for Scholastic Inquiry provides education, business and behavioral science professionals with a scholarly forum for exploring and sharing the latest academic research in their fields. The Center hosts elite academic conferences that promote research and scholarly inquiry and it publishes peer-reviewed journals on education, business and behavioral science topics.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:53 PM
York, Kansas City natives crowned 2015 Peru State Homecoming King and Queen
York, Kansas City natives crowned 2015 Peru State Homecoming King and Queen NOV 6, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 9, 2015, 9:00 a.m. CDT York, Kansas City natives crowned 2015 Peru State Homecoming King and Queen Dr. Dan Hanson, Chelsea Turek, Michael Smith II, and Elaine Hanson (Peru, Neb.) Seniors Chelsea Turek of York and Michael Smith II of Kansas City, MO, were crowned Peru State College’s 2015 Homecoming king and queen on Saturday, October 31 by President Dan Hanson and First Lady Elaine Hanson and the 2014 Homecoming king and Queen, Ryan Baumann and Lexi Neeman. The duo was selected by members of the Peru State student body. Turek, a double major in English Education and Psychology, is the President of the Peru State Red Cross club, and the Dr. Suess Day event chair for the Peru Student Education Association. She is a member of the Peru Theatre Company, the improvisation troupe “Who Asked You?”, and Psychology club. She is also a Student Ambassador, an SSS tutor, Lincoln Literacy Tutor, and a writer for the PSC Times. She is the daughter of Robert and the late Shanna Turek. Smith is majoring in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice and Business Administration. While at Peru State College, Michael has been involved as a Student Leader in Peru’s Faith Based Group “Revive” as well as a Dance Captain for the Show Choir, “Prestige.” He is also a member of Black Student Union, Peru State Theater Company, Lambda Alpha Epsilon, and a Peru State Ambassador. He is the son of Denise Johnson and Michael Smith Sr.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:53 PM
Johnson-Brock Sixth Graders Participate in 27th Annual Peru State Social Studies Fair
Johnson-Brock Sixth Graders Participate in 27th Annual Peru State Social Studies Fair NOV 10, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 13, 2015, 2:30 p.m. CST
Johnson-Brock Sixth Graders Participate in 27th Annual Peru State Social Studies Fair (Peru, Neb.) Peru State College recently sponsored 17 Johnson-Brock Elementary School sixth graders for the college’s 27th Annual Social Studies Fair. Under the direction of Professor of Education Dr. Anthony Citrin, and Dr. Kelly Kingsley, 13 Peru State teacher education students in the social studies methods course worked with the sixth graders on projects for six weeks prior to the event. Dr. Ellie Kunkel, Dean of Peru State’s School of Education said, “This collaborative project between Johnson Brock 6th graders and PSC teacher candidates provides an enriching teaching and learning experience. Dr. Citrin developed this event and has successfully facilitated an engaging venture over the years through his diligence and dedication. Last year he was joined by Dr. Kingsley who has added positively to this endeavor. Peru State College School of Education Faculty believe strongly in the value of providing our teacher candidates with opportunities to work with PK-12 students and go above and beyond to assure quality experiences. I am very proud of the work they do to help improve education for all.” Students presented their projects to a panel of judges. Trophies were awarded for first through fourth place. Silver medals were awarded for the best oral and visual presentations. All participants received participation certificates and ribbons. Awards were presented in the following categories: Best Oral Presentation - Caleb Fossenbarger Best Visual Presentation - Audrey Sandfort Fourth Place - David Gerdes Third Place - Skylar Witte Second Place - Christina Lillenas First Place - Hanna Gerdes Awards winners, left to right: Best Oral Presentation, Caleb Fossenbarger Best Visual Presentation, Audrey Sandfort Fourth Place, David Gerdes Third Place, Skylar Witte Second Place, Christina Lillenas First Place, Hanna Gerdes
12/11/23, 2:53 PM
Johnson-Brock Sixth Graders Participate in 27th Annual Peru State Social Studies Fair
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery, and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:49 PM
Clemente Publishes Essays
Clemente Publishes Essays NOV 12, 2015
Dr. Bill Clemente, School of Arts and Sciences at Peru State, has received notice that two of his essays have been accepted for publication. “Corporate Abuse and Social Inequality in RoboCop and Fido” has been accepted for publication this spring in Critical Essays on Apocalyptic Narratives in Millennial Media (McFarland P). In addition to Robo Cop (2014), this essay focuses on Fido (2006), a Canadian zomcom that features Billy Connely in a non-speaking role as a zombie butler named Fido. The other article, “Zombies Along the Malecón,” will appear as part of a horror block in next edition of The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies. This essay offers analysis of another zomcon, the award-winning Cuban film “Juan of the Dead” (Juan de los Muertos, 2011) that offers a critique of Cuban politics and society, especially since Raúl Castro took the helm in 2006.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Kyle Ryan Wins Campus Compact Award
Kyle Ryan Wins Campus Compact Award NOV 12, 2015
Dr. Kyle Ryan, Associate Professor Sport and Exercise Science, Peru State College recently received the 2015 Excellence in CommunityBased Teaching and Scholarship award from the Nebraska Campus Compact. The award was recently presented at the Campus Compact Heartland Conference in Kansas City, MO. The Excellence in Community-Based Teaching and Scholarship award recognizes one faculty member from a member campus in Nebraska who has 1) successfully incorporated service-learning into at least one course with demonstrable outcomes and 2) conducted outstanding research in the field of service-learning and engaged scholarship. The Campus Compact organization noted that Dr. Ryan “is an exemplary model to students, exhibiting above standard professional demeanor while demonstrating what can be accomplished through critical analysis and action.” Working with local, state, and national populations, Dr. Ryan has developed countless partnerships during his tenure at Peru State College, resulting in opportunities for his students to utilize concepts learned in the classroom to serve others. Through grant funding obtained by Dr. Ryan through the Rural Futures Institute, his latest successful endeavor aligned with academic service learning as the development of the General Education curriculum capstone course, SOC 395 – Principles of Community Engagement in Public Health: Service Learning, Community-based Participatory Research, Leadership, and Civic Engagement. Since the course was designed for online delivery, students had the opportunity to serve through learning activities in the National arena.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
Peru Students Attend NE SHAPE Conference
Peru Students Attend NE SHAPE Conference NOV 12, 2015
Six Peru State students recently attended the the Nebraska chapter of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (NE SHAPE) state conference in Kearney, NE. Three PSC students were recognized at the conference for their community service and academic achievement. The students have also shown a passion for their perspective careers as Health and Physical Educators and the Fitness Industry. The PSC students students and their awards include: Taylor Zilling: Peru State College Health Education Major of the Year Jared Hyland: Peru State College Physical Education Major to the Year Theresa Messman: Peru State College Exercise Science Major of the Year Three additional PSC students attended the conference, along with Professor Frank Lynott.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
Teacher Candidates Attend Conference, Perform Service
Teacher Candidates Attend Conference, Perform Service NOV 20, 2015
Twenty-one PSEA teacher candidates and Dr. Judith Ruskamp, School of Education, attended the Student Education Association of Nebraska annual Fall Conference and Outreach to Teach event at Mockingbird Elementary School in Ralston, NE on Friday and Saturday, November 14-15. Friday evening was a celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Student Education Association of Nebraska. All past presidents of the organization were honored, including two from Peru State College – Dorothy Bock Willis (196566) and Megan Brown (2012-13). The Outreach to Teach event followed on Saturday where the Peru State students and faculty worked on various clean-up projects both inside and outside of Mockingbird Elementary School, enhancing the learning environment for the students who attend school there. Over 130 SEAN members from across the state came together for the day to complete various projects at Mockingbird Elementary School.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
PBL Students Attend Leadership Conference
PBL Students Attend Leadership Conference NOV 23, 2015
Peru State Phi Beta Lambda members recently attended the National Fall Leadership Conference held in Omaha, Nebraska on November 6 and 7. The weekend event allowed students to participate in various workshops and networking activities, as well as take part in two motivational general sessions. The group is sponsored by Dr. Sheri Grotrian-Ryan, Associate Professor of Business. Additionally, Grotrian-Ryan, and Dr. Kyle Ryan, Associate Professor of Exercise Science, led a workshop on November 7, entitled, “Connecting with Mentoring,” to align with the national FBLA-PBL theme of CONNECT. Those in attendance included FBLA and PBL members, advisors, and business leaders.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:58 PM
Weitzenkamp named to state advisory committee.
Weitzenkamp named to state advisory committee. DEC 2, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 2, 2015, 4:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429 Peru State College Instructor, Cassandra Weitzenkamp. Lincoln, Nebraska- Peru State College is pleased to announce that Cassandra Weitzenkamp was named to the Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy Educational Advisory Committee. Weitzenkamp is currently an instructor of accounting courses in the School of Professional Studies. Weitzenkamp was named to the advisory committee in late November under the Public Accountancy Act. The appointment was made by Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy (NBPA) members who were in turn appointed by the Governor of Nebraska. The Educational Advisory Committee (EAC) meets at the discretion of the Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy. The advisory committee consists of educators focused on the field of accounting. Weitzenkamp explains that the EAC sets educational standards for students that are seeking to sit for the Certified Public Account (CPA) exam. She looks forwarding to serving as a voice for Peru State College, accounting educators and CPASs throughout Nebraska. Dr. Greg Galardi, Dean of Professional Studies, said, “This is a critical committee as it allows educational institutions equal voice in the accounting standards set forth by the NBPA.” “We appreciate Cassandra’s efforts statewide and her dedication to the college and our communities.” Weitzenkamp received her bachelors in Business Administration and a Masters of Professional Accountancy from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Weitzenkamp is originally from Nemaha, Nebraska and currently lives in Nebraska City. ### For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:58 PM
Weitzenkamp named to state advisory committee.
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Hill named Young Conductor of the Year
Hill named Young Conductor of the Year DEC 3, 2015
December 3, 2015, 4:00 p.m. CDT
Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Omaha, Nebraska- The Nebraska Choral Directors Association has named Matt Hill the 2015 Young Conductor of the Year. Hill is the Director of Choral Studies and an assistant professor at Peru State College. 2015 Young Conductor of the Year, Matt Hill.Hill was nominated by NCDA District 1 representative Mark Harman. Harman is the choral director at Fremont High School in Fremont, Nebraska. He is also a District Representative for the NCDA. Harman writes, “I have worked with Matt as a colleague on a number of projects ranging from performances to management. His professionalism and dedication to the choral art is astounding and is only trumped by his musicianship. Qualifications for the award include ten or fewer years of teaching experience; consistent American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) or Nebraska Choral Directors Association (NCDA) membership; high performance and literature standards; and participation in ACDA and NCDA activities. Hill said, “I am honored and humbled to be in such company. I am grateful to my music colleagues in Nebraska for their high standards and for your collegiality.” The Nebraska Choral Directors Association is a non-profit professional organization composed of choral musicians from schools, colleges, universities, churches, community and professional groups. The ACDA includes 18,000 directors representing more than one million singers across the United States. Hill earned a master’s in choral conducting at Oklahoma State University and is in the process of completing his doctoral work at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Hill is the founder of “Sing Omaha Inc.” The 501c3 non-profit organization serves as Nebraska’s Premier K-12/adult choral arts organization, and is comprised of seven choirs, which serve more than 200 singers in Douglas and Sarpy County each year. The Peru State choral programs will be performing “The Magic of Christmas” Holiday Concert on December 10 at 5:30 p.m. in the Jindra Fine Arts Building, room 215. The community is welcome to attend the concert and a 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. open house in the home of Dr. Dan and Elaine Hanson. The president’s home is just north of campus at 604 Hoyt Street in Peru, Nebraska. ###
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507.
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Hill named Young Conductor of the Year
About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:52 PM
Hill Named Young Conductor of the Year
Hill Named Young Conductor of the Year DEC 3, 2015
The Nebraska Choral Directors Association has named Matt Hill the 2015 Young Conductor of the Year. Hill is the Director of Choral Studies and an assistant professor at Peru State College. Hill was nominated by NCDA District 1 representative Mark Harman. Harman is the choral director at Fremont High School in Fremont, Nebraska. He is also a District Representative for the NCDA. Harman writes, “I have worked with Matt as a colleague on a number of projects ranging from performances to management. His professionalism and dedication to the choral art is astounding and is only trumped by his musicianship.” Qualifications for the award include ten or fewer years of teaching experience; consistent American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) or Nebraska Choral Directors Association (NCDA) membership; high performance and literature standards; and participation in ACDA and NCDA activities. Hill said, “I am honored and humbled to be in such company. I am grateful to my music colleagues in Nebraska for their high standards and for your collegiality.” The Nebraska Choral Directors Association is a non-profit professional organization composed of choral musicians from schools, colleges, universities, churches, community and professional groups. The ACDA includes 18,000 directors representing more than one million singers across the United States. Hill earned a master’s in choral conducting at Oklahoma State University and is in the process of completing his doctoral work at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Hill is the founder of “Sing Omaha Inc.” The 501c3 non-profit organization serves as Nebraska’s Premier K-12/adult choral arts organization, and is comprised of seven choirs, which serve more than 200 singers in Douglas and Sarpy County each year. The Peru State choral programs will be performing “The Magic of Christmas” Holiday Concert on December 10 at 5:30 p.m. in the Jindra Fine Arts Building, room 215. The community is welcome to attend the concert and a 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. open house in the home of Dr. Dan and Elaine Hanson. The president’s home is just north of campus at 604 Hoyt Street in Peru, Nebraska.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
Peru State hosts Nemaha County Sheriff for marijuana seminar.
Peru State hosts Nemaha County Sheriff for marijuana seminar. DEC 4, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 4, 2015, 5:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429 Peru, Nebraska- Nemaha County Sheriff, Brent Lottman, was on the Peru State College campus Thursday morning to present a seminar on “the effects of use and legalization of marijuana through the eyes of law enforcement.” Lottman is a Peru State alum and has been sheriff of Nemaha County since 2003. The seminar focused on evolving law enforcement findings and policies of states where marijuana is legal. The long-term health effects of newly legal, intoxicating substances are studied in depth; but the long-term consequences to communities and law enforcement are just coming to the public’s attention. Lottman said, “Education is an important piece of the law enforcement toolbox – whether it’s educating new deputies or the public on the consequences of legalization. Statewide legalization doesn’t change the laws on DUIs or even federal laws on distribution. “Local law enforcement will be responsible for applying the new laws and old to maintain public safety.” Lottman’s presentation was sponsored by Dr. Kelly Asmussen’s Sociology 300 class. Students select a social project to address and this has led to various speakers being invited to campus to share their perspective. As a result, student engagement has been fostered through community engagement resources. Lottman is a 1997 graduate of Peru State College where he earned his Bachelor of Science. In 2010, he received a Master of Arts in Legal Studies from the University of Illinois. He is a graduate of the National Sheriff’s Institute in Longmont, Colorado, a traffic crash reconstructionist, and a Standardized Field Sobriety Instructor. Lottman also assists with training at the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center and is a member of the adjunct faculty for Peru State College in the criminal justice department. ###
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010
12/11/23, 2:55 PM
Peru State hosts Nemaha County Sheriff for marijuana seminar.
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
School of Education Hosts 19th Brain Quest
School of Education Hosts 19th Brain Quest DEC 4, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 4, 2015, 4:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- The Peru State College of Education is in their 10th year of Brain Quest. Brain Quest is a biannual program for third graders that promotes math and science. Peru State education students designed and taught fun activities to promote hands-on engagement in math and science concepts. Projects included pizza making to better understand fractions and art projects to better conceptualize weather patterns. Other activities included “Sense Investigators;” “Solving Problems One Scoop at a Time;” “Read, Aim, Measure;” “Math and Murals;” “What a Zoo;” “The Dye Milk;” and “Taking Flight.” 288 third graders from Chandler View Elementary in Omaha and Hayward Elementary in Nebraska City attended. These students were split into small groups of 20 to 25 students. Dr. Gina Bittner founded “Brain Quest” in 2006, her first semester as Peru State College faculty, and was joined in recent years by assistant professor Darolyn Seay. Together, they host the event each fall and spring semester in collaboration with the elementary methods students. Bittner says, “Brain Quest is a great opportunity for our teacher candidates to gain first-hand teaching experience with meeting students’ needs in math and science. The candidates work to use the STEM Standards (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to engage students in meaningful lessons.” Bittner also thanked her fellow Brain Quest and public school partners for their contributions, “It has been a pleasure to collaborate with Darolyn. She brings a positive energy to the Brain Quest experience. Furthermore, without our public school partners and passionate teacher candidates, the Brain Quest event would not be what it is today." ### Mackenzie Faris (Tecumseh, Nebraska) reads to a section of "Pizza, Pizza."
Max Smith (Crete, Nebraska) helps a student measure soaps for a hurricane demonstration in "Weather Creators." For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507.
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
School of Education Hosts 19th Brain Quest
About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:58 PM
Weitzenkamp Named to State Advisory Committee
Weitzenkamp Named to State Advisory Committee DEC 4, 2015
Peru State College is pleased to announce that Cassandra Weitzenkamp was named to the Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy Educational Advisory Committee. Weitzenkamp is currently an instructor of accounting courses in the School of Professional Studies. Weitzenkamp was named to the advisory committee in late November under the Public Accountancy Act. The appointment was made by Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy (NBPA) members who were in turn appointed by the Governor of Nebraska. The Educational Advisory Committee (EAC) meets at the discretion of the Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy. The advisory committee consists of educators focused on the field of accounting. Weitzenkamp explains that the EAC sets educational standards for students that are seeking to sit for the Certified Public Account (CPA) exam. She looks forwarding to serving as a voice for Peru State College, accounting educators and CPASs throughout Nebraska. Greg Galardi, Dean of Professional Studies, said, “This is a critical committee as it allows educational institutions equal voice in the accounting standards set forth by the NBPA.” “We appreciate Cassandra’s efforts statewide and her dedication to the college and our communities.” Weitzenkamp received her bachelors in Business Administration and a Masters of Professional Accountancy from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. She is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Kyler Ryan Recognized as Innovator by UNMC
Kyler Ryan Recognized as Innovator by UNMC DEC 7, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 4, 2015, 4:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429 Lincoln, Nebraska- Dr. Kyle Ryan has been recognized by the University of Nebraska Medical Center as an “E-Learning Innovator in Education” for his role in the creation of the online course, Principles of Community Engagement in Public Health: Service Learning, Community-based Participatory Research, Leadership, and Civic Engagement. Ryan is an assistant professor in Peru State College’s School of Education. The Principles of Community Engagement in Public Health course was developed and created in partnership with Ryan; the Director of the Rural Health Education Network, Dr. Patrik Johansson; and the Director of the Office of Public Health Practice, Dr. Brandon Grimm. The course is funded through a Teaching and Engagement grant from the Rural Futures Institute. The course was designed to create an online public health curriculum for undergraduate students enrolled at rural Nebraska campuses. Particular attention was paid to maintaining the requirement that students complete a total of 20 hours of service learning. According to Ryan, “The unique structure of this course was that, since it was offered online, it guaranteed that students enrolled at Peru State College gave back to the community in which they reside. Since we had over 20 students enrolled in the course and living everywhere from Birmingham, Alabama to Stockton, California, Peru State College students offered over 400 hours of service across the country.” Johansson created modules for community-based participatory research that offered instruction on the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnership Process that included videotaped interviews with local Directors of Public Health Departments. Grimm created modules for leadership that included video-taped interviews with U.S. Representative for Nebraska’s 3rd Congressional District Adrian Smith, State Senator Sara Howard, Director of Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln Dr. Bob Rauner, and Director of Southeast District Health Department Kevin Cluskey. While the course was created by Ryan, Johansson and Grimm, it was Ryan who was responsible for the implementation of the course and who assumed responsibility for grading of the course. According to 2015 Peru State College graduate, and current UNMC College of Public Health student Chessa Quenzer, “Sociology 395 is an extraordinary course. Truly, by far, the most thought-provoking, engaging, and challenging course I've taken.” “I say this, in part, because learning from top professionals and professors in public health gives students many collective viewpoints to engage upon. Quenzer continues, “My favorite part of the course, which is not offered in most online courses, was the service-learning project. I was able to gain acute and fundamental skills through a public health sector.” “This hands-on application was further challenged by applying learned skills of civic engagement, personal growth, academic engagement, and leadership in reflection papers. Through the service learning process, I was able to challenge and optimize my critical thinking skills on a level that hadn't been ignited yet in my Peru State College career.” Ryan was also recognized with the 2015 Excellence in Community Based Teaching and Scholarship award from the Nebraska Campus Compact and the Peru State College 2014 Teacher Excellence Award.
12/11/23, 2:54 PM
Kyler Ryan Recognized as Innovator by UNMC
### Dr. Kyle Ryan accepts the E-Learning Innovator in Education award from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:49 PM
Celebrate the season with Peru State College!
Celebrate the season with Peru State College! DEC 8, 2015
December 8, 2015, 8:00 a.m. CDT
Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- Peru State College invites the community to visit campus on Thursday, December 10 for seasonal celebrations. Campus events that afternoon include “The Magic of Christmas” Holiday Concert and an open house in the president’s home. The second annual “The Magic of Christmas” Holiday Concert will be at 5:30 p.m. in the Jindra Fine Arts Building, room 215. Enjoy holiday favorites old and new before the closing sing-along carol. After the concert, join Dr. Dan and Elaine Hanson from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in their home just north of campus at 604 Hoyt Street. The open house features holiday treats and a string quartet. Both events are free and open to the community. ###
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507.
About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Fremont-Mills Community School seventh graders visit Peru State College
Fremont-Mills Community School seventh graders visit Peru State College DEC 9, 2015
December 9, 2015, 4:00 p.m. CDT
Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429>
Peru, Nebraska- Peru State College hosted seventh graders from Fremont-Mills Community School in Tabor, Iowa. The students were part of Stefanie Shaw’s skills class and visited campus as part of their preparation for high school and beyond. Shaw said, “The plan for the skills class is to help students through figure out what their interests are and to develop possible careers. They developed portfolios and PowerPoints on those careers too.” Tara Christiansen, Fremont-Mills school counselor, adds, “The students have been working on study skills and habits for entering the career fields. For our visits to colleges, they look at finances, majors and areas of interest to help develop questions for when they’re there. As part of the visit, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Tim Borchers; Admissions Counselor Ashleigh Eickhoff; and Student Activities Coordinator, Shelley Hartman, welcomed the students. Students were introduced to the college, the admissions process and what they can do now to prepare for high school and college. The students were then split into smaller groups and given a tour of campus by current students. The students regrouped in the Student Center and a visit to the bookstore. Stefanie Shaw is one of several Peru State College alums at Fremont-Mills Community School. According to Ms. Christiansen, FremontMills faculty members Greg Ernster, Alicia Callahan, and Tracy Malcom also attended Peru State College. Students or groups interested in visiting Nebraska’s oldest college, Peru State College, should first visit https://www.peru.edu/admissions/visit/ or call Admissions at 402-872-2221. ###
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507.
About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Fremont-Mills Community School seventh graders visit Peru State College
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:49 PM
Charitable service and giving ramps up for holiday season
Charitable service and giving ramps up for holiday season DEC 10, 2015
December 10, 2015, 5:00 p.m. CDT
Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429 Peru, Nebraska- Peru State College students, faculty and staff have a long tradition of community service and charitable giving. Despite the press of finals and the end of the semester, campus organizations are still working to meet holiday and seasonable needs. Dr. Dan Hanson, Peru State College President, says, “Throughout the year, our students work to give back to our communities. However, I am always impressed by our push to do more at the end of year despite all the other pressures of college life.” Staff, faculty and student organizations were asked to provide a short synopsis of their activities over the holiday season and any photos they might have taken as they served. Thirteen students organizations responded.
Campus Activities Board Shelley Hartman, Peru State’s Student Activities Coordinator, writes, “The Campus Activities Board has been working on SENCA’s Little Santas. CAB purchased trees and student clubs that were interested are decorating them. On December 14th they will be judged based on creativity, most school spirit, and most holiday spirit. Then the trees will be picked up by SENCA and distributed to families in need.” Campus Activities Board is a student organization that meets to plan and orchestrate a majority of activities that are held during the school year. Activities can include anything from campus service events to concerts. Southeast Nebraska Community Action Council, Inc. (SENCA) was incorporated for the purpose of developing and operating any and all community action programs and activities. SENCA is headquartered in Humboldt, Nebraska.
Rotaract Chelsea Reznicek, Rotaract President writes, “We started off the season raking yards in the community before Thanksgiving. As Christmas is approaching we have caroled around campus to raise money for ‘Save your Melon;’ donated as a club to the Giving Tree in the library; and provided a tree through CAB and SENCA for a family in need.” Rotaract is a service club sponsored by Rotary International, open to anyone who has an interest in both community and international service. Recently, Rotaract raised $300 for Men’s Health and $120 for Love Your Melon. Love Your Melon is an apparel brand run by college students across the country on a mission to give a hat to every child battling cancer in America. They have partnered with the Pinky Swear Foundation to provide immediate support for children battling cancer and with CureSearch for Children’s Cancer to fund research initiatives to beat childhood cancer completely. Love Your Melon is not an official organization on our campus, however Madelon Livingston is serving as president for the Love Your
12/11/23, 2:49 PM
Charitable service and giving ramps up for holiday season
Melon Peru State College Campus Crew. She is currently a freshman and has spread the word and raised money by selling Love Your Melon beanies. Brooke Earnest, Peru State Academic Advisor, writes, “This money is then used as ‘points’ for Maddie to receive free items. With the free items she and others on campus are responsible for finding kids battling cancer and to organize/ attend household visits.” “Maddie just organized her first household visit on December 4 with a young boy, Cameron Burroughs, who is battling brain cancer. Maddie and other Peru State Students gave Cameron and his family Love Your Melon hats, other gifts and ice cream (his choice for dinner).”
Peru State Psychology Club Austin Barth, Peru State Psychology Club (PSPC) Vice President, writes, “Our club will attend the Feeding 44 initiative. It's the campussponsored event headed by fellow classmate, Je'Kerra Hopper, in which volunteers help local needy families get the necessary foods donated for their use. Our club will help select groceries; carry them to vehicles; and assist Je'Kerra in setting up and tearing down the necessary tables and furniture.” The Peru State Psychology Club works to promote the study of psychology and provide a sense of educational enrichment and social service to the campus, community and its club members.
American Red Cross Club Chelsea Turk, President of the American Red Cross Club, writes, “My organization did not do a charitable service this Christmas, but did have a Christmas party. We played UNO, Apples to Apples, and did a white elephant gift exchange. President Hanson and Elaine Hanson got a meal with the newspaper editor, Ama Bikoko, for their white elephant gift.” The purpose of ARCC is to promote the American Red Cross on the Peru State College campus and to promote the mission of the American Red Cross. The club plans at least one community service project each semester and assists with the blood drives on our campus.
Christian Student Fellowship Kim Haizlip with the Christian Student Fellowship, writes, “For this Christmas season we gathered shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse. We put together seventeen boxes” The Christian Student Fellowship is a non-denominational campus ministry based in Nebraska. CSF exists to share the love, truth, and purpose of Jesus Christ with college students, changing the world one life at a time. Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love.
Science Club Dr. Joanna Cielocha, advisor to the Science Club writes, “The students wanted to show their appreciation for the science faculty and all that they do. We hosted a Science Faculty Appreciation Chili Lunch to give thanks for how our faculty impacts our students daily.” The Peru State Science Club is for students who share a common interest in the sciences. Science Club promotes science and science activities on and around campus.
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Charitable service and giving ramps up for holiday season
Actions in Motion Dr. Gina Bittner, advisor for campus ministry group Actions in Motion, writes, “AIM gave back to Nemaha County by donating and decorating a Christmas tree for the recent auction at Nemaha County Hospital. The tree was loaded with ornaments and children’s books under the theme, ‘Growing in God’s Love.’ Furthermore, AIM volunteered at the Table Grace Cafe in Omaha, Nebraska where we served in a ‘pay as you can’ style of cafe on November 21st to the hungry and homeless population in Omaha.” Actions in Motion is a student service organization seeking to serve its campus and community in Christ’s name. The campus organization is a chapter of the Nebraska Lutheran Campus Ministry organization
Phi Beta Lambda Dr. Sheri Grotrian-Ryan writes, “Phi Beta Lambda chose to participate in Nemaha County Gives Back where various groups and businesses donated something to the cause. Our club chose to purchase and a decorate a tree.” The tree was auctioned off for $200 and other items from PBL brought in an additional $220. PBL also participated in the SENCA’s Little Santas event and the Giving Tree for Growing Great Kids. Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) is a state and national business leadership fraternity. Peru State College’s chapter, Epsilon Tau, is open to all students interested in business and/or leadership. Students do not need to be a business major to join our chapter.
Student Athletic Advisory Council The Student Athletic Advisory Council also donated items to Nemaha County Gives Back. The purpose of SAAC is to facilitate communication and support between athletic teams. Members of SAAC must be nominated by their coaches. Nemaha County Gives Back is a fundraiser hosted by the Nemaha County Hospital. Funds raised went to SENCA and will be distributed to area families in need.
Black Student Union Kristi Nies, advisor for the Black Student Union, writes, “The Hispanic Latino Student Association (HLSA), Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) and Black Student Union (BSU) hosted a toy drive on campus. The new and gently used toys collected will be distributed to needy children in Southeast Nebraska. The Bobcat Athletic Department joined the effort by reducing admission prices by half for those who brought a toy to the Dec. 9 women’s basketball game. Peru State students and employees who attended the game and donated a toy received a ticket for a bag of popcorn.” The purpose of the Peru State College Black Student Union is to foster a sense of community, stimulate the intellectual, social, cultural, and political growth of all Peru State College students, and provide support for students and the community. The black student union is open for membership to all PSC students of all backgrounds.
HLSA In addition to the toy drive held in conjunction with the Black Student Union and Phi Beta Lambda, the HLSA hosted a food drive on campus that raised over two hundred pounds of food for SENCA. The Hispanic Latino Student Association is new to campus this semester and serves as an educational and cultural learning instrument for all students, faculty and staff.
Phi Alpha Theta
12/11/23, 2:49 PM
Charitable service and giving ramps up for holiday season
Phi Alpha Theta decorated a tree for Little Santas in partnership with the Campus Activities Board and SENCA. Phi Alpha Theta also participated in Feeding 44 on Friday, December 11. Phi Alpha Theta is a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. They seek to bring students, teachers and writers of history together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways.
PILOT Peggy Groff, advisor for PILOT (Peru Individual Leaders of Today), writes, “The ‘Giving Tree’ is for Growing Great Kids which is a program within Southeast District Health Department which serves our area. The tree has tags on it and then students and staff pick the tag, buy the requested item and return it unwrapped with the tag on it under the Christmas tree in the Library. Several clubs and groups on campus have worked together to give generously for this effort. It has been fun to watch the pile of gifts grow!” PILOT sponsored another activity where students made fleece blankets for Project Linus. Several students worked together to make tied fleece blankets that were delivered to a drop off location in Omaha to be distributed to hospitals participating in the program. PILOT also organized an event where students made Thanksgiving cards that were sent to the Veteran’s Hospital in Omaha. The intent was to thank veterans (patients) for their service and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. The purpose of PILOT is to provide an opportunity for the students at PSC to volunteer in service learning projects that will benefit others. Targeted groups will include, but not limited to, agencies that serve those with learning and physical disabilities, retirement and nursing homes, food banks, nonprofit groups such as Peru Day Care and Girl Scouts, as well as other organizations such as Project Response, Hearts United for Animals, etc.
Peru State Theatre Company Dr. Josh Young, advisor for the Peru State Theatre Company, writes, “This past Saturday, 20 members of Peru Theatre Company met at the Good Samaritan Society Rehabilitation Center in Auburn to spread holiday cheer. We helped them to play Bingo and then we led them in a series of holiday carols.” The group was formerly known as the “Peru Players.” The group is still dedicated to renewing interest in Theatre Arts throughout campus and community.
Staff Students are not the only ones to give during the holiday season. Staff and faculty have been involved in most if not all of the above listed events and activities. PILOT Club, Peru Theater Company and Professional Staff Senate joined forces to support SENCA by ringing Salvation Army bells at SunMart and Casey’s in Auburn on Saturday morning, December 5. 90% of the donations stay in Nemaha County and the other 10% goes to the Salvation Army. The funds are used to help needy families during the winter months for things like utilities, rent, etc. Faculty and staff were able to wear jeans on Friday, December 4 if they brought toys for boys and girls of any age, stocking stuffers or holiday treats to donate to the St. Nicholas Program sponsored by Catholic Social Service in Auburn. The St. Nicholas Program received approximately 75 toys and stocking stuffers for southeast Nebraska children in need. ###
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Charitable service and giving ramps up for holiday season
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
Undergraduate Psychology Conference at Peru State College
Undergraduate Psychology Conference at Peru State College DEC 15, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 14, 2015, 4:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Crete, Nebraska – Peru State College faculty members Dr. Darrin Coe, Dr. Kelli Gardner and Dr. Jim Nevitt took 15 students majoring in psychology to the 2015 Nebraska Psychological Society Undergraduate Conference. The annual conference was held at Doane College in Crete, Nebraska. Gardner writes, “NPS holds this conference at a different college or university every November, and it provides a small, friendly environment for students to get experiencing delivering both oral and poster presentations.” Two Peru State College students presented at the conference. Devin Edds is a senior psychology major from Farragut, Iowa. Paige Meyer is a senior psychology and criminal justice major from Elmwood, Nebraska. Edds developed a poster titled "The Dark Side of Conscientiousness." In this poster, Edds integrated published research about highly conscientious people. Although conscientiousness is generally considered a positive characteristic, some highly conscientious people exhibit perfectionism, which is associated with negative outcomes. Next semester, Edds will be collecting data to help better understand the well being of conscientious people with perfectionist tendencies. Meyer presented a poster called "Attitudes of Students at Universities." She was interested in how the experience of taking a gender studies course might change students' beliefs about gender roles and endorsement of feminist values. Meyer found professors from other area colleges and universities who are teaching gender studies courses and got their permission to measure the attitudes of their students at the beginning of the gender studies course and again at the end. Paige will be analyzing her data and writing up her results in the spring. Dr. Nevitt writes, “The students’ posters showcased the work of Peru State psychology students to the Nebraska psychology community. I am glad we can recognize student work in this way.” Nevitt adds, “A good time was had by all. We had an extremely interesting keynote speaker during our lunch. Dr. Anne Schutte spoke on how environmental factors play into spatial working memory and executive function.” Schutte’s presentation was entitled "Let's Take a Walk: The Influence of Natural Environments on Cognitive Functioning.” She is an Associate Professor of Psychology and works at the Center for Brain Biology and Behavior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The psychology faculty at Peru State College first began taking students to the NPS Undergraduate Conference in 2011.
Devin Edds with with the poster she presented that the conference. Paige Meyer with the poster she presented at the conference. ###
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Undergraduate Psychology Conference at Peru State College
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:43 PM
Peru State alum named to Midlands’ 40 under 40
Peru State alum named to Midlands’ 40 under 40 DEC 16, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 16, 2015, 9:00 a.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- Peru State College congratulates 2007 graduate Alec Gorynski on being named to the Midlands Business Journal 2015 “40 Under 40.” Gorynski studied criminal justice and psychology while at Peru State before going on to receive his Masters in Public Administration/Public Policy from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Gorynski currently serves both as the senior director of community development and corporate social responsibility at the First National Bank of Omaha and the president of First National Nebraska Community Corporation. First National Nebraska Community Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of First National Bank of Omaha. The Midlands Business Journal’s “40 Under 40” is an annual list saluting the Omaha area’s young, dynamic leaders. A full profile for Gorynski can be found in the December 11, 2015 issue of The Midlands Business Journal. For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:45 PM
Peru State alum named Outstanding New Elementary Principal of the Year.
Peru State alum named Outstanding New Elementary Principal of the Year. DEC 17, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 17, 2015, 5:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- Peru State College congratulates 2005 graduate Sara Paider (née Holcomb) on being named the 2016 Outstanding New Elementary Principal of the Year by the Nebraska State Association of School Administrators. Paider studied elementary and early childhood education Paider studied elementary and early childhood education at Peru State College student taught at Loup City. Her first teaching position was at Loup City and she is currently the principal of St. Paul Elementary in St. Paul, Nebraska. The Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) is an umbrella organization of 2,100 current and former school administrators. The Outstanding New Elementary Principal of the Year award cites “demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, their region and at the state level” and “demonstrated . . . enthusiasm for the principalship by support from students, parents, teachers, and peers. For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
Petersen wins bronze prize at 2015 American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Nebraska “Show.”
Petersen wins bronze prize at 2015 American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Nebraska “Show.” DEC 17, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 17, 2015, 4:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Omaha, Nebraska- Peru State College congratulates Sheli Petersen on her bronze award for children’s book illustrations “The Scarf” and “The Nest” in the 2015 American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Nebraska “Show.” Petersen is a professor in the Art Department at Peru State College. The juried exhibition was displayed at KANEKO in Omaha this fall and will continue to be on view at the Metropolitan Community College Gallery of Art and Design until January 4, 2016. The work of other winners may be viewed online at http://shownebraska.org/winners .
"The Nest" "The Scarf" ### For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:46 PM
Peru State Alum Named Outstanding New Elementary Principal of the Year
Peru State Alum Named Outstanding New Elementary Principal of the Year DEC 18, 2015
Peru State College congratulates 2005 graduate Sara Paider (née Holcomb) on being named the 2016 Outstanding New Elementary Principal of the Year by the Nebraska State Association of School Administrators. Paider studied elementary and early childhood education. Paider studied elementary and early childhood education at Peru State College student taught at Loup City. Her first teaching position was at Loup City and she is currently the principal of St. Paul Elementary in St. Paul, Nebraska. The Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA) is an umbrella organization of 2,100 current and former school administrators. The Outstanding New Elementary Principal of the Year award cites “demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, their region and at the state level” and “demonstrated . . . enthusiasm for the principalship by support from students, parents, teachers, and peers.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
Petersen Wins Bronze Prize at AIGA Show
Petersen Wins Bronze Prize at AIGA Show DEC 18, 2015
Peru State College congratulates Sheli Petersen on her bronze award for children’s book illustrations “The Scarf” and “The Nest” in the 2015 American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Nebraska “Show.” Petersen is a professor in the Art Department at Peru State College. The juried exhibition was displayed at KANEKO in Omaha this fall and will continue to be on view at the Metropolitan Community College Gallery of Art and Design until January 4, 2016. The work of other winners may be viewed online at http://shownebraska.org/winners.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:56 PM
President's Speech at SCC Graduation - Peru State College
President's Speech at SCC Graduation - Peru State College DEC 18, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 18, 2015, 3:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429 Lincoln, Nebraska- Southeast Community College held the fall graduation for their Lincoln campus on December 17, 2015 in the Pinnacle Bank Arena in the West Haymarket district of Lincoln. Peru State President, Dr. Dan Hanson, was invited to give a short commencement address to the graduates and their family. Hanson told the graduates, “Regardless of how your story began or evolved, you took advantage of the opportunities and support given you; you worked hard; and you, your families and your communities are better for it.” SECC-Lincoln had 267 graduates this fall. Approximately, 2000 people attended the graduation at the Pinnacle Bank Arena. Hanson ended by saying, “Today, as you celebrate your success and look to the future, take advantage of opportunities, be thankful for the support you receive, work hard and in the words of Brad Anderson (former CEO of Best Buy), ‘Prepare to be surprised.’” Southeast Community College has campuses in Lincoln, Beatrice and Milford. Lincoln hosts the largest campus with more than 9,000 students. ### Dr. Dan Hanson speaking at the Southeast Community College Commencement. Photograph by Chad Greene - ChadCRG Images For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507.
About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:51 PM
Peru State to close for holidays
Peru State to close for holidays DEC 21, 2015
December 21, 2015, 9:00 a.m. CDT
Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru State College to close for holidays
Peru, Nebraska- Peru State College will be closed from noon on December 23, 2015 until 8 a.m. on January 4, 2016. The college closes four hours earlier than previously scheduled. President Barack Obama declared a half-day holiday for Thursday, December 24, 2015. The Nebraska State College System 2015-2016 holiday schedule already provides for one contractual holiday to occur on December 24, 2015. NSCS Chancellor Stan Carpenter authorized an NSCS half-day (4 hour) holiday be added on Wednesday, December 23, 2015, to match the recently announced federal holiday.
For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507.
About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
Peru State to host 20th Anniversary of Trails and Tales
Peru State to host 20th Anniversary of Trails and Tales DEC 21, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 22, 2015, 2:00 p.m. CDT Contact Jason Hogue, Peru State College Marketing and Communications, 402.872.2429
Peru, Nebraska- The ninth “Trails and Tales Institute and Tour” will begin on the Peru State College campus on June 13. Trails and Tales began in 1996 and 2016 will mark its twentieth anniversary with “Anticipating Nebraska’s Sesquicentennial.” The Institute is a five-day course followed a six-day Tour of Nebraska. “Trails and Tales” will be taught by Peru State College faculty Dr. Sara Crook and Dr. Dan Holtz. Crook, said, “We are very excited to offer the ‘Trails and Tales Institute and Tour’ one more time. With Nebraska’s 150th anniversary of statehood approaching, we thought this would be the idyllic time to prepare teachers on the incredible history and literary heritage of this great state.” “Our intent is to inspire and invigorate these teachers, who will in turn develop a better appreciation for our state in their students.” Dr. Holtz said, "Nebraska is a great state with enterprising people, a geography whose variety will surprise those who have only seen I80, and important stories--not only for the region, but also the nation.” "So many of these stories are inspiring, not just because they show milestones of progress, but because they show the kind of progress that is only earned through perseverance and battles with prejudice and injustice. In this Trails and Tales, we want to give voice to the many peoples--African-American, Euro-American, Hispanic-American, Native American--who have called Nebraska home and made our state what it is today." The Institute will run from June 13 to June 17 and can be taken for graduate or undergraduate credit. Three credit hours are available as an English or History course. The three-hour undergraduate course costs $592.05 while the three-hour graduate course costs $706.80. There is an additional matriculation fee of $10 for new Peru State College students. The Peru State Foundation will be providing $100 grants to the first thirty in-service or pre-service teachers that enroll. The Foundation is hoping to attract teachers interested in adding more Nebraska history and literature to their curriculum as part of gearing up for the state’s 2017 Sesquicentennial. The Tour will run from June 20-25. Only a few seats are available for non-students (those folks not attending the earlier Institute). Double Occupancy runs $690 for five hotel nights and $850 for single occupancy. The Tour has 25 tours planned including stops at Fort Robinson, Chimney Rock, Ash Hollow and the Nebraska State Capitol. Applications for the Institute are due on or before March 1, 2016. Registration for the Tour is also due by March 1 with a $100 deposit. Potential new students should fill out the registration form and apply to be a student using Peru State College's free application. Dr. Holtz has taught Nebraska Literature at Peru State since 1987. He is a former President of the Board of Trustees for the Nebraska State Historical Society, as well as been active with other Nebraska literary organizations.
12/11/23, 2:57 PM
Peru State to host 20th Anniversary of Trails and Tales
Dr. Crook has taught Nebraska History at Peru since 1984. She is a former President of the Board of Trustees for the Nebraska State Historical Society, former chair of Humanities Nebraska, and a current member of the Nebraska Hall of Fame Commission. Both Drs. Holtz and Crook are on the Nebraska 150 Foundation Board. Dr. Crook is also on the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission and is the Chair of that Commission. Hence “Anticipating Nebraska’s Sesquicentennial.” (Note: The class is in the summer of 2016 while the Sesquicentennial is 2017.) ### For more information, visit www.peru.edu or call 1-866-968-6507. About Peru State College: Peru State’s “Campus of a Thousand Oaks,” an arboretum, is nestled in historic southeast Nebraska. The state’s first college, Peru State offers a unique mix of innovative online and traditional classroom undergraduate and graduate programs, including online graduate degrees in education and organizational management. It is a college of choice fostering excellence and student achievement through engagement in a culture that promotes inquiry, discovery and innovation.
Peru State College 600 Hoyt Street P.O. Box 10 Peru, NE 68421-0010 866-968-6507