Northwest Observer | November 10-16, 2017

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Nov. 10 - 16, 2017

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

And the votes are in Walking is good Some changes will be more significant than others, but every northwest-area town will have new council members effective December By PATTI STOKES AND STEVE MANN NW GUILFORD COUNTY – Although at times it seemed like an eternity, the municipal election season has finally drawn to a close. As the political signs slowly begin to disappear from the road-

sides, change is most certainly on the horizon for all three northwest-area towns. In Oak Ridge, incumbents Mike Stone and Jim Kinneman, along with Ann Schneider and Patti Paslaru, ran for two open council seats. At the end of Election Day, out of 5,235 registered voters in Oak Ridge, 1,356 had cast their ballots in the local election. Schneider was the top vote getter in the race, with 464 votes, representing 35.39 percent of the total votes cast.

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for your health, walking naked in public not so good By PATTI STOKES OAK RIDGE – Taking a stroll in the park can be a great thing for your health, but doing so in the nude is a little – or a lot – unsettling to other park patrons, as one 74-year-old white man from Belews Creek has learned.

Mayor Spencer Sullivan said that while talking with residents at the Cycle NC event which was held in Oak Ridge Town Park last month, a local couple told him they regularly walk in the park in the mornings. During the conversation, the wife

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IN THIS ISSUE News in Brief.............................. 3 Your Questions.......................... 4 Oak Ridge Town Council......... 8 Community Calendar.............19 Youth/School News................ 22 Student Profiles........................ 25 High School Sports.................. 26 Crime/Incident Report........... 29 Business Notes......................... 30 Grins & Gripes......................... 33 Classifieds................................ 35

Veterans Day, Nov. 11 To our veterans, present, retired, and long since passed – we cannot possibly know you all, but we will eternally owe you all. Thank you for our freedom.

Stokesdale Fire District hits ‘grand slam’ with grant, equipment upgrades All three area fire districts’ ISO ratings improve By STEVE MANN NW GUILFORD – Chief Todd Gauldin of the Stokesdale Fire Department called the events of the last few months a “grand slam.” In July, the Stokesdale Fire District received a $273,580 cost-share grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to pay the bulk of the salaries of three firefighters for three years.

In August, the fire district learned its Fire Insurance Protection Class Rating had improved from 6 to 3 (Class 1 represents exemplary public protection, and Class 10 indicates the area’s fire-suppression program doesn’t meet the Insurance Service Office’s (ISO) minimum criteria). Also that month, a new $160,000 squad truck – smaller than a fire engine – was put into service to run medical calls. And in October, a LUCAS device – a portable CPR machine that provides mechanical

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Photo by Steve Mann/NWO

The LUCAS portable CPR device provides mechanical chest compressions for cardiac arrest patients. The Stokesdale Fire Department used it within 24 hours of being trained on it.

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