Northwest Observer I Nov. 1 - Nov. 7, 2018

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Nov. 1 - 7, 2018

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

Blisters, bears, never-quit attitude mark AT hiker’s journey Daylight Saving Time ENDS Nov. 4 at 2 a.m.

IN THIS ISSUE News in brief

Summerfield’s Randy Fuqua finished hiking the Appalachian Trial last month, trekking 2,190.9 miles from Georgia to Maine. by CHRIS BURRITT

SUMMERFIELD – Two-thirds of the way along the Appalachian Trail, Randy Fuqua replaced his trail shoes with a pair a half size too small. Both of his heels developed deep, red blisters bigger than a bottle cap, forcing him to return home to Summerfield in July for nine days to recuperate. “My body was pretty much tapped out at that

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Early Voting and Nov. 6 Election Day details .....3 Your Questions................................4 Subdivision underway...................6 Pets & Critters ................................11 Bunny love .....................................12 Pet Adoptions ...............................14 Community Calendar.................18 Student profiles ............................ 20 Great Pumpkin Event photos .... 22 Crime/Incident Report ............... 23 Grins & Gripes .............................. 24 Letters/Opinions .......................... 26 Classifieds .....................................27 Index of Advertisers .....................31

Photo courtesy of Randy Fuqua

On the 20th day of his hike, Randy Fuqua reached Newfound Gap on the Tennessee-North Carolina border. His destination of Mount Katahdin was 1,972 miles away.

Manager’s position Grieving father, counselor set to in voters’ hands A proposed town charter amendment would eliminate town manager’s position

headline opioid forum The two will speak at a community forum Sunday, Nov. 4, 6 p.m. at Stokesdale UMC.



SUMMERFIELD – Since changing its form of government in 2007, the Town of Summerfield has employed a professional manager to oversee its day-to-day operations. Earlier this year citizens who have been vocal critics of Town Manager Scott Whitaker circulated a petition to change the town’s current council-manager form of government back to a mayor-council form of government. The proposed change, which is on the ballot in the Nov. 6 election in the form of a town charter

STOKESDALE – The third forum organized by the Northwest Community Opioid/Drug Prevention Coalition will feature presentations by two people with first-hand experience fighting addiction to opioids. They are Steve Shelton, who lost his 27-year-old son Caleb to a drug overdose two years ago. The other is Janet Hunnicutt, a substance abuse counselor with New Season’s Greensboro Metro Treatment Center. Shelton serves as outreach director with the

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