Northwest Observer I Nov. 8 - November 14, 2018

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Nov. 8 - 14, 2018

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

Town set to spend $316,155 on N.C. 150 sidewalk A half-mile extension of sidewalk will provide access to future walking trails on the Whitaker property purchased by the town this summer by CHRIS BURRITT OAK RIDGE – The Oak Ridge Town Council approved spending $316,155 for construction of a sidewalk running half a mile along N.C. 150 from the Oak Ridge Swim Club to Chalet Drive, giving access to the Whitaker property where the town envisions building walking trails.

Rotruck files another appeal On Nov. 2 Todd Rotruck filed an appeal to judge’s decision affirming Board of Elections’ April findings

The council voted 4-0 at its regular monthly meeting Nov. 1 to award the contract for building the sidewalk to Yates Construction Co. of Stokesdale. It also voted to pay $17,000 to Davis -Martin-Powell & Associates, a High Point-based engineering and surveying company, to manage the project. Councilman Doug Nodine was absent from the meeting.


“This is one of the largest contracts we’ve ever entered into,” Mayor Spencer Sullivan told the council. “We’ve been trying to get this project done for two years now. I’m pleased that we’ve finally reached the stage of

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SUMMERFIELD – Lawyers for the Guilford County Board of Elections and Summerfield resident Janelle Robinson are preparing for another day in court after receiving notification Nov. 2 that former Summerfield Town Councilman Todd Rotruck had filed an appeal to a judge’s decision four weeks earlier. Rotruck was elected to the town council last November but held office for only four months before the BOE heard a voter registration challenge

Voters overwhelmingly say ‘No’ to change in form of government

A second proposed amendment to the town charter passes with 54 percent of voters in favor by PATTI STOKES

Photo by Chris Burritt

Voter turnout in this week’s midterm election was high, with some people waiting in line for over an hour to get to the voting machine. Shown here, voters at Oak Ridge Town Hall wait patiently for their turn to cast their votes on Election Day.

SUMMERFIELD – Sixty-three percent of registered voters in Summerfield went to the polls during Early Voting and on Nov. 6, setting a new record for voter turnout in the town. Two referendums on the ballot were specific to the town they lived

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filed by Robinson and determined Rotruck had not established permanent residency in Summerfield. Summerfield Town Attorney Bill Hill and Guilford Todd Rotruck County Attorney Mark Payne agreed the board’s decision meant Rotruck was not eligible to hold office in Summerfield and his seat on the council was immediately declared vacant. Rotruck fired back April 25 by filing a lawsuit against the Town of

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IN THIS ISSUE Annexation requests accepted ..3 Your Questions................................4 News in brief....................................5 Oak Ridge Town Council ..............6 Crime/Incident Report ................10 Community Calendar.................11 Bits & Pieces ..................................12 Youth/School News .....................13 Student profiles .............................14 Grins & Gripes ...............................16 Classifieds .....................................19 Index of Advertisers .................... 23

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