Nov. 15 - 21, 2018
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Photo by Patti Stokes/NWO
Meeting peppered with usual contention Mayor pro tem calls ‘BS’ on mayor; council member, mayor chastise each other for frequently interrupting
Summerfield Mayor Pro Tem Dena Barnes (left) and Mayor Gail Dunham exchange words as Dunham prepares to bang the gavel for the first of several times during Tuesday’s council meeting.
by PATTI STOKES SUMMERFIELD – “Stop interrupting!”
“Wait a minute, do I get a turn here?”
“Can we have a point of order?” “This is beyond embarrassing!” Between all the heated exchanges, some things were accomplished at Tuesday night’s Summerfield Town Council meeting, but being apart the
...continued on p. 26
Discussion on eliminating Three roundabouts on RS-30 zoning highlights drawing board for Oak Ridge highway officials affordable housing concerns State evaluate whether to Ordinance Review Committee recommends requiring minimum lot size of 1 acre by STEVE MANN STOKESDALE – A public discussion about eliminating the RS-30 zoning district in Stokesdale ended up focus-
ing on what has become a hot-button issue all over northwest Guilford County: affordable housing. Mayor John Flynt said he called for the open discussion during the Oct. 25 town council meeting “to see what community thoughts were.” Flynt said he’s heard complaints about residential planned develop-
IN THIS ISSUE Strategic planning open house ...... 3 Your Questions ................................... 4 News in brief ....................................... 5 Singing with ‘soul-sister’ Anna ......... 8
...continued on p. 6
replace stoplight at N.C. 68 and 150 with a traffic circle and build two others nearby by CHRIS BURRITT
OAK RIDGE – Three roundabouts that would slow traffic on N.C. 68 and 150
and reshape Oak Ridge’s biggest intersection are being evaluated by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. A traffic circle would replace the stoplight at Highways 68 and 150 while two others would be located at N.C. 68 and Linville Road near Bojangles’ and at N.C. 150 and Marketplace Drive near the Sherwin-Williams and Tractor Supply stores, said Brian Ketner, a project engineer in NCDOT’s Greensboro office.
...continued on p. 9
Business Notes ................................. 10
Real Estate News ............................ 16
Vikings band off to Hollywood ......29
Bits & Pieces ..................................... 11
Real Estate Q&A .............................. 16
Student profiles ................................30
Crime/Incident Report ................... 12
I-73 development on horizon ........24
Grins & Gripes ..................................32
NWO Business & Real Estate .......... 13
Community Calendar .................... 27
SMA food drive through Dec. 17 ...33
Real Estate Transactions ................. 14
Northern Homecoming ..................28
Classifieds ........................................35