Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2018
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Racist video by two students casts NWHS in ‘bad’ light As racial rant spreads on social media, students, parents and school administrators condemn the video while law enforcement increases presence at school. It’s ‘a learning opportunity,’ one parent said. by CHRIS BURRITT GREENSBORO – An explicitly racist and crude video posted on Snapchat by two Northwest Guilford High School students followed by a threat of violence at the school has shaken students and parents
IN THIS ISSUE Stokesdale gets clean audit ........ 3 Your Questions................................ 4
and put law enforcement on alert. The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office increased its presence at the high school this week for “the peace of mind of the students and the teachers,” said Capt. Doug Burroughs, supervisor of resource officers in the county’s schools. In a telephone message to students’ homes Wednesday, Principal Ralph Kitley said law enforcement had found no evidence that the threat of violence was credible. “The concern that we have right now is that our kids feel safe,” said Ashley Royal, parent of a junior at the school and advocacy chairperson for the school’s Parent, Teacher, Student Organization. “Students and staff are really saddened. The video was vile and disgusting and doesn’t reflect who we are.”
Summerfield couple gives back 8 Community Calendar................. 10
News in brief.................................... 7
Crime/Incident Report .................11 Youth/School News ..................... 12 Student profiles ............................. 14 Grins & Gripes ............................... 18 Classifieds ..................................... 19 Index of Advertisers ..................... 23 NWO on the Go! ...........................24
Extra law enforcement was present at Northwest Guilford High School this week in response to a student posting a threat of violence on social media. Royal’s son, Graham, attended school Wednesday, although an undisclosed number of students stayed home after a message posted on social media
Tuesday referenced a possible shooting at the school. The number of students who didn’t attend classes Wednesday
“I’m thankful for the best pup of all. I never thought I’d have a dog, but I got Sage, an American cocker spaniel, in April, and my life has completely changed. Best of all, I get to bring her to work at Countryside Manor every day. It’s fun having her around and watching her interact with all the residents. They love her as much as I do! Plus, having Sage has given me a small glimpse of what it would be like to have children.” Rachel Dillery, Greensboro
the Park monthly events. He loves giving out the small door prizes, eating hot dogs and just being with friends and neighbors of our Oak Ridge community.
...continued on p. 5
We give thanks: Part II
In this week’s issue we share the additional responses we received recently when we asked our readers “What are you especially thankful for this year?”
Church to disband, donate funds 6
Photo by Chris Burritt/NWO
“I’m thankful for the new 7-pound, furry bundle who joined our family this year – Beauty, the dog. She’s our daughter’s best friend. “I’m also thankful for turkey, stuffing, noodles, pumpkin pie and cooler weather to wear baggy clothes to cover it all!” Danielle Gram, Oak Ridge
“I truly love seeing my grandson, Wilson, as he helps with the Music in
“Wilson loves to make people smile and never wants to miss anything in our community. I am so thankful for the support, love and caring neighbors who make up this town of Oak Ridge. “Wilson is truly a blessing and I am so thankful God gave him to my family.” Phyllis Anders (Wilson’s Nana), Oak Ridge
...continued on p. 16