April 11 - 17, 2019
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Marrow recipients meet their match ‘It’s like meeting Santa, your wedding day and your first prom date all rolled together,’ said Aaron Plaster of meeting his bone marrow donor at the Triad Be the Match 5K fundraiser on April 6 by ANNETTE JOYCE
Photos by Annette Joyce/NWO
OAK RIDGE – Despite the overcast skies that greeted the dozens of people who showed up Saturday, April 6, at Oak Ridge Town Park for the second annual Triad Be The Match 5K walk and fun run, the threat of rain couldn’t dampen this crowd’s excitement.
Although the 5K was a fundraiser for the Be The Match Registry, there was something even more important taking place. Two local men, Jeff Pruitt and Aaron Plaster, whose lives had been saved through the registry, were about to meet their donors for the first time. Pruitt, who lives in Kernersville with his wife, Kristy, and two sons, Austin, 16, and Colby, 13, was diagnosed a few years ago with MPN/MDS Overlap Syndrome. The rare bone marrow cancer normally affects people between the ages of 65 and 75; Pruitt was 46 at the time. An Oak Ridge resident, Aaron Plaster, who had been diagnosed with leukemia, received his marrow transplant November 2017. His
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Council members, ORYA reps grapple over use of historic Redmon house
IN THIS ISSUE Mayor releases emails ................................2 Your Questions ..............................................4
Oak Ridge’s mayor, mayor pro tem and council member Ann Schneider objected to Van Tanner’s request for Oak Ridge Youth Association to take over the historic Redmon house for meetings, storage
News in brief ..................................................5
Student Profiles ........................................... 22
OAK RIDGE – A request by Oak Ridge Youth Association (ORYA) for use of the historic Redmon house at Oak Ridge Town Park drew objections from Mayor
...continued on p. 9
Oak Ridge Town Council meeting ............6 Calendar Events..........................................12 Crime/Incident Report ..............................14 Business Notes.............................................15 Scenes from Northern’s “Lion King”.........16 SkilsUSA chapter helps cancer patients ..18 See “The Addams Family” at NWHS ...... 20 Grins & Gripes............................................. 24 File photo
How to use a house on Oak Ridge Town Park property long referred to as the “Redmon house” for its previous owners, Chester and Linda Redmon, has become a topic of debate.
Classifieds ................................................... 27 Index of Advertisers....................................31 NWO on the Go! ........................................ 32