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Summerfi eld Town Council meeting

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SUMMERFIELD town council old Atlantic and Yadkin railyard toolshed. Earlier this year, a crew relocated Board volunteers. Town Manager office reported deputies responded to the wooden structure from private Oct. 13 / MEETING HIGHLIGHTS property in Summerfield to the corner of Summerfield and Rhondan roads as as reported by CHRIS BURRITT the first step in salvaging the building.

Mayor BJ Barnes called the 114 calls in Summerfield in September; PUBLIC COMMENTS monthly council meeting to order, with the calls included three incidents of Summerfield Farms Village Mayor Pro Tem Tim Sessoms and larceny and a business burglary. More than 30 people commented council members John O’Day, Lynne Summerfield Fire District. The district by email and in person about develWilliams DeVaney, Teresa Pegram and ran 98 calls in September, including oper David Couch’s proposal to extend Reece Walker present. 29 fire-related calls, 47 emergency- water and sewer lines from the city of


The council limited attendance related calls and 22 other calls. Fire- Greensboro to Summerfield Farms on to the meeting in Summerfield Com- fighters also installed 19 child safety Pleasant Ridge Road. Those expressmunity Center due to public gathering seats. ing opposition to Couch’s plan to restrictions related to COVID-19, but the meeting was live-recorded on the COMMITTEE REPORT develop 650 acres around Summerfield Farm with a mix of residential and town’s Facebook page. Historical Committee. A report by commercial development outnumANNOUNCEMENTS tors have submitted bids to repair the by more than three to one. Scott Whitaker said the Trails and Open Space Committee, Finance WHAT they voted on, Committee and the Board of Adjustment are seeking volunteers to serve and HOW they voted: as members. Mayor Pro Tem Tim Sessoms and council members John O’Day, Lynne No Christmas tree lighting. The town Williams DeVaney, Teresa Pegram and Reece Walker voted on the following will not be holding its annual Christ- issues during the council’s Oct. 13 meeting. Mayor BJ Barnes was present, mas tree lighting next month because but in Summerfield the mayor votes only to break a tie. of coronavirus restrictions, Whitaker  4  1: Authorize (Pegram opposed) Barnes and Town Manager Scott said. He added that the tree in front of Whitaker to meet with developer David Couch and city of Greensboro and GuilSummerfield Athletic Park on U.S. 220 ford County officials to learn more about Couch’s proposal to expand residential will be decorated. and commercial development on 650 acres around Summerfield Farms RECOGNITION  4  1: Appoint (Pegram opposed) Jessica Haverland to the Historical

The council presented plaques of Committee appreciation to five volunteers who  4  1: Appoint (Pegram opposed) Clark Doggett to the Zoning Board recently completed service on town committees:  5  0: Consider during its Nov. 10 meeting the possibility of increasing membership on the Zoning Board from five to seven membersScott Henson (nine-and-a-half years on the Zoning Board); Christine  5  0: Pursue taking ownership of the Summerfield Community Center Henson (five years on the Finance and the surrounding 16.8 acres Committee); Patricia Juszczak  5  0: Adopt a five-year capital improvement plan (12 years on the Historical Committee); Lewis Nash (10 years on the Board of  5  0: Table until the Nov. 10 meeting discussion of a proposed Summerfield Tomorrow Committee Adjustment) and John Plybon (six years on the Historical Committee).  5  0: Instruct Whitaker and town planner Chris York to recommend a PUBLIC SAFETY  5  0: Unseal the closed-session minutes of four council meetings in Sheriff’s Office. The sheriff’s District 1 2019 and 2020 Chair Gary Brown said three contrac- bered those expressing support for it process for creating a land use plan for the town

 4  1 (Pegram opposed) to Summerfield Community Center (capital improvement plan). Prepared creation of an extraterritorial jurisdiction authorize Mayor Barnes and Whitaker to meet with Couch and city of Greensboro and Guilford County officials to learn more about the developer’s proposal. (See related article on front cover and in our Oct. 15-28 issue.) MANAGER’S REPORT Appointments  4  1 (Pegram opposed) to appoint Jessica Haverland to the Historical Committee for a term that runs until July 2022.  4  1 (Pegram opposed) to appoint Clark Doggett to the Zoning Board for a three-year term. Doggett has been serving as a board alternate along with Clint Babcock and Ryan Moats. Subsequently, the council voted 5-0 to consider during its Nov. 10 meeting the possibility of increasing membership on the board from five to  5  0 to pursue taking ownership of the Summerfield Community Center on Centerfield Road and the surrounding 16.8 acres that contains the core of the town’s park, a lake and parking lots. The council instructed Whitaker and Town Attorney Bob Hornik to negotiate the transaction with the property’s owner, Summerfield Community Center Inc., which offered last year to deed the center and the land to the town. As part of the agreement, the owner plans to give $9,000 of the approximately $11,000 in its bank account to the town and $1,000 each to the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Grange, two organizations that meet in the community center. The town may spend its share of the money to help pay for replacing the building’s roof, which needs extensive repairs, Mayor Barnes said. and recommended by the Finance Committee, the plan will serve as “a working blueprint” for the council and town staff to set priorities for spending on major projects. A draft spreadsheet in the document shows spending of $905,000 in the current fiscal year, with $500,000 for development of a new town hall the largest expenditure. Looking ahead, the plan earmarks $800,000 in the fiscal year starting July 1, 2023, and another $800,000 in the next fiscal year to construct two more ballfields at Summerfield Athletic Park. Summerfield Tomorrow Committee  5  0 to table until the Nov. 10 meeting discussion of a proposed Summerfield Tomorrow Committee, which would consist of residents advising the council on community issues. (ETJ) to protect Summerfield’s boundaries from higher density development or annexation by Greensboro. The council reviewed a map showing the possibility of creating an ETJ on the western and northern sides of the town limits. Whitaker and town planner Chris York were instructed to explore whether an annexation agreement between Summerfield and Greensboro had expired. Land use plan  5  0 to instruct Whitaker and York to explore options and devise the process for creating a land use plan for the town. One possibility is seeking help from the Piedmont Triad Regional Council, Councilman O’Day said. Unsealing of closed minutes  5  0 to unseal the closedsession minutes of council meetings on May 19, 2020, and Sept. 9, Sept. 21 seven members, which would allow the Extraterritorial jurisdiction and Oct. 8, 2019. three alternates to serve on the board Capital improvement plan Councilman Reece Walker urged With no further business, the meetPAT TILLMAN FOR SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 3 Re-elect as voting members.  5  0 to adopt a five-year CIP the council to consider pursuing the ing was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.

• Experienced Public Servant • Combat Veteran (US Marines) • Champion for Parents • Reformer

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