NWObserver Media Brochure

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where our readers are

It’s all local to us When we first began publishing a community newspaper in November 1996, the Internet was in its infancy and smartphones, tablets, Wi-Fi, Facebook and Twitter were unheard of.

hood and community, whether it’s about things like how roadwork will impact their daily travels, a new restaurant opening up, a rash of home break-ins, or details about a property tax increase.

Now, more than 25 years later, the Internet is a source of instantaneous news about what’s going on regionally, statewide, nationally and internationally, and in the race for what news source can be the first to make a story go viral, weekly magazines and daily newspapers continue to adapt and redefine their role.

That’s why residents in northwest Guilford County repeatedly thank us for providing a connection to their world that is personally relevant.

But despite the explosion in technological advances and ways of connecting with the world, one thing has remained constant: people still want information about what’s going on in their neighbor-

Guilford County and are personally relevant to our staff as well, since we live, work and volunteer in the communities that we cover. As the ways in which news and information is delivered and received continue to evolve, we are as committed to adapting to them as we are to adhering to our original mission of providing “hyper-local” news, stories and information that is personally valued by residents of northwest Guilford County.

In addition to the Northwest Observer, which is published in print and digitally on the first, third and firth Thursday of each month, PS Communications publishes one semi-annual and four annual special-focus publications and hosts a frequently visited and updated community Facebook page and website. All of our products are exclusively targeted to northwest

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about us.

Cordially, Patti Stokes president/owner PS Communications

Our readers live in northwest Guilford County, and they work, play, shop and dine here ...

and all over.

Stokesdale Oak Ridge











le mi



High Point


Median household income Median value of owneroccupied home Bachelor’s degree or higher Mean travel time to work

Guilford County

since 2010


Percent growth


2020 estimate

Oak Ridge Population





















25.5 min

23.6 min

29.2 min

21.9 min

who our readers are

Our publications reach some of the most affluent readers in Guilford County and in the Triad.

Data derived from U.S. Census Bureau/2020 American Community Survey 5-year estimates and N.C. Office of State Budget and Management


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Unique advertising opportunities in publications that reach engaged readers

Our flagship publication, bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

13,900 copies printed the first, third and fifth Thursday of each month Directly mailed

to over 12,400+ homes in northwest Guilford County (27310, 27357 and 27358)

Placed for free pickup

1,500+ copies at 70+ business locations

Free e-edition online

24/7 at www.nwobserver.com

See advertising info on page 5

Our weekly newspaper and all of our special-focus publications are online year-round at nwobserver.com connecting residents to their community and businesses to their customers



Published every January: A comprehensive resource with need-to-know, fun-to-know and good-to-know info for northwest Guilford County residents 16,000 copies printed annually Directly mailed to over 12,000 northwest-area homes Available for free pickup throughout the year

ed by publish

Online year-round

Published semi-annually every spring and fall: From maintaining and improving your home to a slice of life in the northwest 15,500 copies of each edition printed annually Inserted into the Northwest Observer and available for free pickup Online year-round

Published annually and featuring home-grown stories about fitness and healthy living 15,500 copies printed annually 2021

Inserted into the Northwest Observer and available for free pickup

how we connect you to our readers


Online year-round

Back to School! Published annually: An up-close look at the new school year, with perspectives from students, parents and educators 15,500 copies printed annually Inserted into the Northwest Observer and available for free pickup Online year-round

To learn more about these publications, email advertising@pscommunications-inc.com


advertise in the northwest observer

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nd Continuing a legacy home a turning y DentistryUltimate Kids expands on Tumblebees’ original vision il n Ford re m o a F st re ld P rfie Dr. Summe joining ted in the has resul st, grow th, which on another denti Tumblebees Ultimate Gym has family feel need to bring uted to theserved the ingTriad for the past 32 years, can be attrib and to staff treata sense of community for those offering be ice of the pract d want to they woul who have come through its doors. As patients as , s. hand selve that community has changed, the gym license in treated them dentistry along with it. continued haswork With his ed with hard d to be l to evolve bless excite is “I’m their denta Ford joinfor its gymnastics roots, Tumand to be Dr. Preston nts who value Known e this July ing patie t’s why I’m hom “Tha istry. ed continues blebees said. the to expand its programhead ly Dent health,” he duce him (Ford) to the needs of its customers. erfield Fami meet‘It’s ming to says ing Summ intro stown and Ford proud to up in Jame y, South. When Dr. he sincerely is still, and will always Ford grew Elementar community meet you,’“Gymnastics tian Florence to Chris programming, ded last our of center the ure remain Point atten ated the a pleas both le and High He’s dedic it is to offer more for to but how ol he found west Midd howexciting means that. mastering In high scho passion for to on on- to take it in new direcwant those who his Academy. passi eight years his life and nts and he’s saidledge Heather Carr. Carr, along the love of help his patie ingtions,” that know t apply with Dan Keane, their recently joined Scott in science dentistry. ate abou results for bestLineberry ys interested Ford the (husband alwa Newton Tom le,” ve and peop “I was to achie l health.” able to help d total denta Sally Newton, Tumblebees’ of the latejoin smile and and in being high school I starte a eager to as partners of this local legacy. n in ed in Ford y Dentistry said. “The Besides being founder) mom work Dentistry, erfield Famil ys wife. Her d Family “We are to looking to provide rdjust esy of Summ not would alwa dating my erfield forwa Summerfiel Photo court ice and she denon at Summ his wife look athletes, unity. we are looking to dental pract shadow the and Ben West said he and in Olympic comm come ld Jenny the ctly shou g Drs. life provide foundations for all our athletes it fit perfe tell me I the building a will be joinin y did, and ing aroundhappy, healthy adults,” Carr on Ford (left) tist. So I finall goals were.” to start “I enjoy workto become Dr. Prest July. nts at lly going my istry this the patie them to know that they wante,” I’m actua said. “We hous with what earned their Family Dent meeting house, so confor aour his now wife GreensFord said ture and it’s a place place here, have Dentistry Ford and acre of highUNC d Family building furni there. about an they can do anything.” ritted to the degrees at have Summerfiel en where they afeel join the team was comm shared our bachelor’s years of unde he said. “We desire to plant gard that obvious he after four and UNC want to firmed his ens.” the doors to through Just walking chick boro, and patients feel can ard of care went on to land, so we on said. “He’s have some est stand can tell the studies he they West as tually “You uate Ben can stry. you the facility,Dentistry feel the excitement much grad ies,” and even stry and ly philosoph re, and as to study denti office, d Fami d about denti iques hear t . sky-is-the-limit erfiel energyofofalltheir and warm cultu dentist’s Chapel Hill ages the Summ inely excite make the at techn be did nts ge genu said. d to his truly g-ed patie to extreme sports training Ford new approach be excite ed cuttin Absence said he and be here,” welcomes has learn field.” excited to r, and Ford ice’s n to in trampoline and tumbling, diving, rs in the they are the pract grow fonde ed to retur is placing from leade es. on believes they want techniques parkour, ninja warrior, fencing, rock for a Ben West ed his studi wife knew One of those st replacement after he finish d Family Denclimbing, acro, dance and more. the Triad the close erfiel implants, met Summ on and his are ready to push . programs “Our Once he West that tooth ’ natural rs Dr. Ben um ‘root certain athletes to their limits in a safe, suptistry owne nt is a titani provides a on, he felt “An impla al fit Jenny West and portive environment,” Carr said. profession wife, Dr. into the jaw multiple d be a good integrates single or they woul ation for The best part is, the gym welcomes Ben strong found re stability,” for him. as people,” red kids of all ages so the whole family can for dentu like them have resto teeth, or mely ined. “We “I just really is join in on building a healthier lifestyle both extre Weston expla past, but Dr. Ford any“They’re o parent-and-baby gymg to help imtogether. Ford said. nts in the place ensborFrom and willin lly impla they kind Gre fied to actua the way nastic classes to summer camps for generous, ndt Rd, see that in highly quali 0 school-age children and adult rock wall Lake Bra extremely 1-A -144 body. I could are 616 643 s.” plant (336) ence for as well. They and are driven tist.com a big differ practice take nts, fieldden “It makes in thing you their patie summer . That fit caring of having some said. best for them ed to people not your mouth,” Ford to by what is I want of cts out how aspe ent with in and really well a lot of differ ct a can impa “There are dentistry.” practice nts and you on, it was .” met Prest doing impla “When we le in big ways lot of peop

Photos courtesy of Tumblebees

Students build together at Tumblebees’ Learning Center weekday school. t Team members pep up for a big meet with a silly sock practice.


Preschoolers have a chance to get stronger while having fun working on the bars.


teams, Tumblebees has programs for everyone looking for a fun way to be challenged and grow. In addition to gymnastics classes, Tumblebees recently added the Tumblebees Learning Center, an academic weekday preschool, to their programming. Tumblebees is a leader in the Triad for this new style of learning that integrates physical activity into academics. “There is a proven direct correlation between brain development and movement,” said Sarah Keane, director of the program. Tumblebees’ preschool program is now enrolling children from the ages of 2 through 4 and 5, preparing them to enter kindergarten. With so much going on already, what else is on the horizon for this gym? “It’s always exciting to add and grow in our programming, but we are also looking to improve in other areas as well,” Carr said. The first of several changes is the company’s name itself. Starting this summer, Tumblebees Ultimate Gym will become “Ultimate Kids: Home of

Tumblebees.” The name comes from the original owner, Sally Newton, who chose it as the name of her LLC. “We know Sally not only wanted the gym to evolve, she expected it. She would be proud and encouraging of this change,” Carr told us. “Tumblebees will still remain at the center of our programming, as the name of our gymnastics classes for younger children, but it is our hope that this new name better encompasses all of our programs both now and in the future.”


get your business story in front of our readers

Sally Newton’s vision for Tumblebees was for it to be a place where people felt they belonged and were a part of something bigger than themselves, and that is exactly what Tumblebees plans to continue to provide. “The legacy of Sally is important to us,” Carr said. “Remembering why this all began is key. Ultimate Kids: Home of Tumblebees is for the people of our community to find a community within – a place where families can come together, not only training athletes to excel in their given sports, but also providing a home where families and athletes alike can grow, learn and thrive.”


6904 Downwind Road Greensboro (336) 665-0662 tumblebees.com


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business card 3.25w x 1.8h

$680 to $755 per issue

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full page

$195 to $240 per issue

$115 to $160 per issue

For pricing details, call or email Laura Reneer, marketing manager (336) 644-7035, ext. 11 | advertising@nwobserver.com


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