Northwest Observer | Jan. 16 - 22, 2015

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Jan. 16 - 22, 2015

Looking backward, looking forward

Elected officials reflect on challenges of the past year, goals for 2015 Compiled by ANNETTE JOYCE

NW GUILFORD COUNTY – We recently invited our elected officials in Oak Ridge, Summerfield and Stokesdale to share their thoughts on their town’s challenges and accomplishments of 2014, and goals for 2015. The following are some of the responses we received.

Spencer Sullivan, Oak Ridge’s mayor pro-tem, says one of his town's greatest challenges in 2014 was "working to encourage and support alternative developments that allow more flexible Sullivan housing options in Oak Ridge, and beginning a review of our land use plan and development ordinanc-

es. As our community grows we need to both encourage that growth and preserve the character and heritage of our community." Although these issues were sometimes controversial, Sullivan believes there was a positive impact. "A Land Use Plan Review Committee was formed to review our plan and look at our development ordinances," says Sullivan. "The open house we held at the beginning of that process was very well attended. I believe the committee will suggest changes

that benefit us, and at the same time increase our citizens’ understanding of the guidelines we seek to apply." While the concern for alternative housing options and community integrity will likely remain at the forefront, Sullivan foresees another challenge facing the town in the very near future. "For several years now I have been concerned about our water supply. We rely on ground water from private and community wells, which is a fragile re-

Olympic Committee picks Boston to bid for 2024 Summer Games …and Summerfield-bred horse ‘helped!’ Born at Cabin White Farm, ‘Slick’ (aka Gracious Plenty) lands starring role in video Photo courtesy of Lisa Cook

Andy Cook sits atop Gracious Plenty, an Irish sport horse born and raised in Summerfield, during the filming of a Summer Olympics 2014 video.

by GERRI HUNT SUMMERFIELD – Dressed in a black cape and three-point hat, Andy Cook walks deliberately through the misty purple dusk toward a barn where his horse anxiously awaits his ar-

rival. Once there, Cook firmly takes a shining blue beacon in hand, hoists himself onto the horse’s back, and horse and rider become one as they gallop off through the trees on a mission. The scene described is the first 34 seconds of a 131-second video that prompted the U.S. Olympic Committee to choose Boston as the only U.S. city to bid on

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IN THIS ISSUE News in brief..........................3 Your Questions ......................4 Oak Ridge Town Council .....6 High School Sports ............. 10 Student Profiles ................... 11 Bits & Pieces ........................ 14 Celebration ......................... 14 Community Calendar ........ 15 Crime/Incident Report ....... 16 Letters/Opinions ................ 17 Grins & Gripes ..................... 17 Classifieds ........................... 19 Index of Advertisers ...........23 NWO on the go! ..................24

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