Feb. 20 - 26, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Residents alerted to potential scammers Another of my neighbors came faceto-face with one of the young men at his garage – in the dark – in the rain. That’s a really bad scenario for a lot of reasons.” Mike Stone, Oak Ridge resident
had a theory about why the man had come.
NW GUILFORD – Kelly Ryals wasn’t expecting any visitors to her home on the evening of Feb. 11, so when she heard someone knocking on her front door, she peeked through a window to see who it was. Since the man she saw was a stranger, she didn’t discourage her dog from scaring him away.
After receiving emails, texts and phone calls from concerned residents in his neighborhood, Oak Ridge resident Mike Stone emailed the Northwest Observer, town officials, the sheriff’s office and other neighbors about three men canvassing his Old Mill Homesteads neighborhood on Feb. 9 while claiming to be selling AT&T U-verse (internet, TV and phone services). Ryals had seen the stream of posts on the Northwest Observer’s Facebook page about the three men.
Ryals couldn’t recall a salesman coming to her Stokesdale home on U.S. 158 in the four years she has lived there. She called the sheriff’s office to report the incident, but already
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Committee gets ‘breakthrough,’ takes new direction on trail A change in property ownership will help clear a path for A&Y Greenway extension through Summerfield by PATTI STOKES SUMMERFIELD – Since being appointed in July 2013, Summerfield’s Trails and Open Space (TOS) Committee has worked on developing a trail route that will extend the A&Y Greenway system from Greensboro to a 12-mile segment of the abandoned Atlantic Yadkin (A&Y) Railway which runs through the towns of Summerfield and Stokesdale. The trail would be a segment of the Mountains-to-
Sea Trail, which will eventually stretch over more than 1,000 miles across North Carolina, from the Great Smoky Mountains to the Outer Banks.
After considering various alternatives for an initial 4.5-mile trail section through Summerfield, the TOS committee presented a proposed route to the town council on Feb. 11, 2014. The route was to begin at a pedestrian tunnel under U.S. 220, weave through the Greensboro watershed and around Pleasant Ridge and Bunch Roads, and end at the town’s community park on Centerfield Road. The proposed route garnered protests, however, after some citizens
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File photo
Since being formed in July 2013, Summerfield’s Trails and Open Space Committee has been working on options for a trail route that would extend the A&Y Greenway from a pedestrian tunnel under U.S. 220 to the old railroad bed just north of Summerfield Elementary School.
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief...........................3 Your Questions .......................4 Summerfield Town Council .... 6 Bits & Pieces ...........................8 High School Sports ..............10 Student Profiles .................... 11 Crime/Incident Report ........14 Community Calendar .........15 Letters/Opinions ..................16 Grins & Gripes ......................17 Classifieds ............................19 Index of Advertisers ............23