March 27 - April 2, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
An ‘extra’ordinary
News in brief...............................3 Your Questions...........................4 Finding fulfillment .....................9 Stokesdale Town Council ......10
basketball team Battling to be ‘normal’ after brain surgery two years ago, fourth-grader Ryan Altizer, teammates and fans have a basketball season to remember by Team Thunder parents and L.A. LOGAN In December 2012, Ben and Natalie Altizer received shocking news. Their son, Ryan, had
medulloblastoma, a malignant brain tumor. “We were totally devastated,” said Natalie. “All we could think about was that we were going to lose our son.” The day after his diagnosis, Ryan underwent a 7-hour surgery to remove the tumor; after recovering from the surgery, he underwent an aggressive program of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Since then, Ryan has learned to adapt to the after-effects of the tumor and treatments, which include
A rededication ceremony for the historic Linville Chapel will be held March 31. See story on page 13. Ryan Altizer, who was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in December 2012, enjoys playing basketball with his new friends on Oak Ridge Youth Association’s Team Thunder.
weakness on his right side, balance issues and speech disturbances. As Ryan’s body strength-
ened and scans showed no signs of cancer, his parents decided to reach out to Oak
...continued on p. 6
Residents speak out against trucks with twin trailers on N.C. 68 Stokesdale becomes the second local town to draft a resolution in opposition to NCDOT’s consideration of allowing twin trailers on the state highway by GERRI HUNT
STOKESDALE – The towns of Oak Ridge and Stokesdale received a letter from an NCDOT representative in mid-February stating the department is considering allowing trucks with twin trailers on N.C. 68 between I-40 and U.S. 220 in Guilford and Rockingham counties. That prospect brought several local residents to the March 12 Stokesdale Town Council meeting to speak out against
it. Following the period for public comments, the council voted unanimously to draft a resolution in opposition to twin trailers on N.C. 68. Roger Brown of Springdale Meadow Drive said he is surprised NCDOT is considering opening N.C. 68 to such large vehicles. It’s
...continued on p. 26
Biz Notes • Bits & Pieces .........14 Student Profiles ........................18 NASA comes to NW Middle ..19 Crime/Incident Report ...........20 Community Calendar..........22 Battle of Guilford Courthouse .........................23 Letters/Opinions .............. 24 Grins & Gripes ...............24 Classifieds .................27 Index of Advertisers....... 31