April 25 - May 1, 2014
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Fairways, greens may soon be replaced by houses Developer Kevan Combs has offered to purchase the majority of the Dawn Acres golf course property, which has been on the market for four years. Photo by Annette Joyce/NWO
If approved, a request to rezone property for 80 new homes on 113 acres will transform the Dawn Acres golf course into Stokesdale’s newest residential community.
by ANNETTE JOYCE STOKESDALE – If a rezoning request is approved by the town council on May 8, homes will soon replace the golfers who populate the greens at Dawn Acres golf course. Local developer Kevan Combs intends to purchase approximately 113 acres at the back of the golf course property, contingent on the property being rezoned from Agricultural to Planned Development Residential (PDR). Although Planned Development Residential districts allow for limited neighborhood businesses, Combs is requesting to develop the property for residential use only.
Parents request athletic fields be more available for local youth After meeting with the Parks & Recreation Commission, parents say they are ‘cautiously optimistic” that a compromise will be reached by STEVE HUFFMAN OAK RIDGE – A group whose members object to the way the town’s athletic fields are made available spoke at length with members of the Oak Ridge Parks & Recreation Commission last week.
While cordial, it’s unclear if the meeting will result in immediate solutions. “I’d say we’re cautiously optimistic,” said Mike Criscuolo, who started an online petition objecting to the availability of athletic fields at the town park. Criscuolo said he and several oth-
ers looking for changes in the way the fields are made available were allotted 20 minutes to speak to Parks & Recreation Commission members at their monthly meeting on April 17. Instead of being limited to that time frame, however, Criscuolo said the dialogue continued for the better part
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Les Eger, a planner with the Guilford County Planning Department, confirmed that Combs has submitted an application to rezone the property for residential use, and he has provided a required sketch plan which indicates lot sizes and locations. Combs said he plans to develop the property for 80 lots, each with a minimum of 20,000 square feet as required in PD-R zoning districts. Fifty percent of the property will be left as undeveloped open space. “We’ll be building all brick houses in a price range starting at $350,000,” said Combs.
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IN THIS ISSUE News Briefs ....................................3 Your Questions ............................4 Stokesdale Town Council............6 Rev. Webster celebrates 30 yrs..... 10 Bits & Pieces ................................12 Student Profiles ...........................15 Community Calendar................18 Crime/Incident Report ..............20 Letters/Opinions ........................22 Grins & Gripes ............................23 Classifieds ...................................25 Index of Advertisers ...................31 NWO On The Go! ........................32