Northwest Observer | May 1 - 7, 2015

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May 1 - 7, 2015

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

Celebrating Municipal Clerks Week, May 3-9 by GERRI HUNT Municipal Clerks Week has been celebrated since 1969, to recognize the smiling faces of the clerks who are the bedrock of local town councils. These clerks prepare agendas, record minutes, maintain files of ordinances and resolutions, keep historical records, process permits, take payments, and answer thousands of questions from folks who visit or call for information. As we celebrate Municipal Clerks Week, May 3-9, be sure to let these folks know how much they are appreciated:

VALARIE HALVORSEN Summerfield town clerk How long have you been a town clerk? Eight years.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Didn’t know. What’s the most interesting part of your job? While the basic duties are consistent, the work is very varied and changes from day to day. It is certainly never boring.

CAROLYN JOYNER Stokesdale town clerk

What’s the most interesting part of your job? The variety – there’s never a dull moment. You’re involved in finance, planning, zoning, and talking to all kinds of people about all kinds of issues.

How long have you been a town clerk? Since December 1995 (19 years!)

What’s the most difficult? Trying to get adequate answers for people’s ques-

plaint about a neighbor throwing bacon over a fence into the adjoining homeowner’s property. What is something most people don’t know about you? I have two degrees from Guilford College; I have also worked part time at the college for 10 years as a professional tutor.

What’s the most difficult? Juggling many responsibilities simultaneously.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be What is the most bizarre request you’ve everything from a veterinarian to an received? I received a telephone comastronaut to a biologist.

Oak Ridge Elementary is turning 90! Photo courtesy of Oak Ridge Historic Preservation Commission

Oak Ridge Elementary PTO will host the school’s 90th anniversary celebration on Tuesday, May 5, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on the campus at the corner of Oak Ridge and Linville roads. Enjoy student-led tours and view historical artifacts. Mingle with old friends, teachers and principals. Purchase a BBQ dinner for $6 or a hot dog dinner for $5, with net proceeds benefiting the student council. For more info or to order dinner, visit or call ORE at (336) 643-8410.

...continued on p. 25

IN THIS ISSUE News in brief................................3 Your Questions ............................4 Let’s go SkyWild! .........................6 NWHS Winter Guard ...................8 Pets & Critters ..............................9 HorseFriends changes lives ..... 10 Bark and Wine .......................... 11 Pet Adoptions / Bits & Pieces .... 13 Celebrations ............................. 15 High School Sports ................... 18 Student Profile ........................... 19 Crime/Incident Report ............. 21 Community Calendar ..............23 Letters/Opinions .......................24 Grins & Gripes ...........................24 Classifieds .................................26 Index of Advertisers ................. 31

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