Northwest Observer | May 15 - 21, 2015

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May 15 - 21, 2015

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

Walk, run, climb or jump the Ridge, May 30 The popular 1-mile walk/ run and Run the Ridge 5K will return; also, new this year is Rugged Ridge 5K by GERRI HUNT As part of the three-day RidgeFest celebration, the Merchants Association of Oak Ridge will again host its “Ridge” races on Saturday, May 30, at Oak Ridge Town Park. A new feature of the 1-mile walk/ run for all ages will include optional obstacles for children; the walk/run will begin at 8 a.m. and be followed

by the 7th annual Run the Ridge 5K at 8:30 a.m. Also new this year is the 3-mile Rugged Ridge obstacle race for ages 13 and up, which will start at 9:30 a.m. The course meanders through woods and on and off trails, with participants running across logs, climbing over obstacles, carrying items and throwing water balloons. While it’s not a “mud run,” old running shoes are recommended. Andy Michels, who is co-directing Rugged Ridge with Oak Ridge chiropractor Dr. David Lorczak, said

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Increase in twin trailers on N.C. 68 prompts mayor to contact FedEx Trucks pulling twin trailers on the state highway are a danger to other drivers, the mayor stresses in a letter he wrote to the corporation’s CEO by PATTI STOKES OAK RIDGE – Semi-trucks pulling twin trailers are prohibited on state highways unless specifically exempted by North Carolina Department of Transportation. That means the two-lane section of N.C. 68 that passes through Oak Ridge is off limits for the double trailers. However, the temptation to use the local highway route and even some rural “back roads” as a

located at 5200 U.S. 220, for an opening ceremony at 11:45 a.m. and carnival rides, food, music and entertainment throughout the afternoon, ending at 4 p.m. PARKING: Those arriving at any time Friday or Saturday are asked to park in one of three lots, where shuttles operating throughout the duration of the event will transport them to and from the athletic park and the parade on Summerfield Road. Park at Laughlin Professional Center (7911 Summerfield

After residents and town officials alike noticed a steady increase in trucks with twin trailers – many of which they say have sported the FedEx logo – not only on N.C. 68 but on less traveled roads within the town, Mayor Ray Combs recently wrote a letter to FedEx’s president and CEO asking for the company’s “attention to the matter in a timely fashion.” In the letter, Combs reminded the company that “this type of trailer is not allowed on any of these roads, which were largely built for local traffic and which do

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Founders’ Day, May 15-16 Founders’ Day kicks off at Summerfield Athletic Park this Friday, May 15, from 6 to 10 p.m., with carnival rides, food and entertainment from Northern High School’s music programs. The Founders’ Day parade will wind down Summerfield Road on Saturday morning at 10 a.m., beginning at Centerfield Road (beside Summerfield Elementary School) and ending at Oak Street. Following the parade, festival-goers are encouraged to head back to Summerfield Athletic Park,

shortcut has apparently been too much for some truck drivers to resist.

File photo

Road), Summerfield First Baptist Church (2300 Scalesville Road), or Summerfield Charter Academy (5303 U.S. 220). Handicap parking will be available at SAP.

MORE DETAILS? For a full line-up of events, see ad on page 2, or the frontpage story in our May 8-14 issue (access it online at

News in brief................................3 Your Questions ............................4 Celebrating ORE’s 90th birthday ...6 Business Notes ............................8 Bits & Pieces ................................8 Silly Bandz world record? ........ 10 Oak Ridge Town Council ......... 12 Students prepare for prom ... .. 15 Social media discussion.......... 18 Student Profiles ......................... 19 Crime/Incident Report .............20 Grins & Gripes ...........................22 Community Calendar ..............23 Classifieds .................................26 Index of Advertisers ................. 31 NWO on the go! ........................32

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