May 29 - June 4, 2015
‘And the Beat Goes On’ Event to benefit infant heart recipient by GERRI HUNT SUMMERFIELD – Seven-monthold Jax Bunton is all smiles. And so are his parents, Chris Bunton and Mercedes Ingram. But it’s been a tough road for the family in the short time since little Jax arrived on Oct. 2, 2014, a seemingly healthy baby. “At just over two months old, he got sick, and his temperature was really low. It was just weird,” said Bunton. They brought him to the hospital, and were told it was probably reflux. But he was having problems breathing.
“Shortly after we arrived at the ER he went into cardiac arrest,” said Ingram. “We stood there and watched them give Jax CPR… a sight that will haunt us forever.”
It was Dec. 10, 2014, and Jax was airlifted to Duke Hospital for immediate surgery, put on a machine that “plays as his heart and lungs,” she said. Diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle, the couple was told he would need a heart. “We lost our home, jobs and savings, and had no choice but to leave our rental home [in
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Photos courtesy of the Ingram-Bunton family
Prior to having a heart transplant, Baby Jax, hooked up to medical equipment, spends time outside with his parents, Mercedes Ingram and Chris Bunton. Jax received a new heart in March, when he was 5 months old.
Bank robber makes off with undisclosed sum by PATTI STOKES SUMMERFIELD – The Guilford County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a bank robbery that occurred May 26 at the Bank of Oak Ridge’s Summerfield branch on U.S. 220 North.
Photo by Patti Stokes/NWO
The Bank of Oak Ridge’s Summerfield branch was robbed at gunpoint on May 26.
About 15 minutes before the bank’s 6 p.m. closing time, a black male, 5’6, medium build, wearing dark clothing and a dark bandana, entered the bank armed with a handgun and demanded cash from the tellers. The robber
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IN THIS ISSUE News in brief......................... 3 Your Questions ..................... 4 Business Notes ..................... 6 Bits & Pieces ......................... 6 Stokesdale Town Council ... 9 Crime/Incident Report ...... 12 Community Calendar ....... 13 Student Profiles .................. 14 High School Sports ............ 15 Grins & Gripes .................... 16 Classifieds .......................... 18 Index of Advertisers .......... 23 NWO on the go! ................. 24
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