Northwest Observer | May 30 - June 5, 2014

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May 30 - June 5, 2014

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

They’ve done it again! For the tenth consecutive year, Northwest Guilford High is bringing the Wells Fargo Conference Cup home ...See story on p. 12

Lowes Foods’ expansion, remodel will bring big changes to store

Photo by Kristin Kubly

Jeff Bean, store manager of Lowes Foods in Oak Ridge, is excited about the store’s upcoming expansion and remodel.

OAK RIDGE – The town of Oak Ridge recently approved an amendment to its development ordinance which will allow Lowes Foods in the Oak Ridge Commons shopping center to expand by several thousand square feet. This will be no ordinary expansion, however. The entire look and feel of the store is going to change.

News in brief.................................3 Your Questions.............................4 Anticipating a 60th reunion.......7 Bits & Pieces............................... 10 NWHS wins Wells Fargo Cup..... 12 Community Calendar............... 13 Crime/Incident Report.............. 14 Letters/Opinions ....................... 16 Grins & Gripes............................ 17 Classifieds.................................. 19 Index of Advertisers..................23


May 29 - 31

Lowes Foods manager, Jeff Bean, says the store is planning a transformation similar to a prototype recently completed in Clemmons. “There will definitely be an emphasis on local products from Greensboro, Oak Ridge, Kernersville and the surrounding area, which is something we have already established here at this location,” he says. The local area will be celebrated even in the names of the registers, which are going to be named after Oak Ridge streets.

...continued on p. 18





Beer den, dedicated sausage area, and dancing chickens may be coming soon

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