June 5 - 11, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Sheriff’s home burglarized Investigation continues with fingerprints, surveillance by GERRI HUNT “It can happen to anyone.” That’s what Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes said six days after his Summerfield home was burglarized, Tuesday, May 26. Just past noon that day, someone knocked on the front door of a neighboring home. The resident called out “Coming!” but found no one on the porch. The burglars bypassed a home with a posted security system sign before moving on to the home of Sheriff Barnes and his wife Dena, Summerfield’s mayor pro tem. “Nobody was home. Apparently they saw the driveway empty and decided to hit it. They had to get in through one of the wooden panels they kicked out,” said Barnes. “From the looks of it, I think they were in the house less than a minute. They
only went through a closet and three drawers, dumping things.” The burglars left with items in a tote bag, and an entire dresser drawer containing jewelry, pins and documents. The alarm company alerted the sheriff’s department at 12:24 p.m. Deputies were on the scene eight minutes later. “I can’t complain. That’s a great response time – I’d love to have that on every call, and we do on many,” said Barnes. “They (sheriff’s department personnel) were very professional” – which is a comment he hears time and again from other citizens. Detectives have visited with neighbors and area businesses to see if anyone’s security cameras were aimed at the streets, said Lt. Chad Sibert of the sheriff’s department’s District 1 office in Summerfield. On Sunday, the dresser drawer and
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Carol Gibson, ‘Come on down!’ The price was right for local woman by GERRI HUNT N. GREENSBORO – If you happen to spot a red 2015 Chevy Camaro off N.C. 150 in northern Greensboro sometime this fall, give the driver a honk and a wave. Whoever is behind the wheel will probably already be grinning ear to ear. Not just because it’s an awesome car, or that it’s brand spankin’ new, but because Carol Gibson won it on “The Price Is Right.” Gibson took her daughter, Katie, on a 21st birthday trip to Los Angeles in March, where they attended a taping of the popular CBS game show.
...continued on p. 25
Lady Nighthawks soar to state championship Photo courtesy of Maureen Wesoly
Playing for the state softball championship this weekend, the Northern Guilford Nighthawks include, from left, (front) Maggie Horshok, Caitlyn Ray, Makayla Barracks, Grace Wesoly, Malory Price, Ashton Lambeth, Allie Scaramuzzo, (back) assistant coach Matt Brown, head coach Russell Dorrell, Katie Bilbrey, Krista Jackson, Carson Cass, Morgan Fuquay, Morgan MacEldowney, Anne Tewksbury, Amber Long, Kacie Neal, assistant coach Anna Grindstaff, Sydney Griggs, assistant coach Elizabeth Dorrell, Hunter Hall, assistant coach John Scaramuzzo, and (not pictured) Cathy Hellivick.
...See story on p. 19
Photo courtesy of Katie Gibson
Katie Gibson and her mom Carol show off T-shirts Katie made for their trip to “The Price is Right” game show studio in Los Angeles.
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief.............................3 Your Questions .........................4 RidgeFest Photos .....................6 Business Notes .........................8 Pets & Critters ...........................9 Fact/fiction about snakes ....10 Canine Capers, take three... 11 Community Calendar ........... 14 Crime/Incident Report ..........15 Bits & Pieces ...........................18 Sports ......................................19 Student Profiles ......................20 Grins & Gripes ........................24 Classifieds ..............................26 Index of Advertisers ..............31