Northwest Observer | June 6 - 12, 2014

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June 6 - 12, 2014

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

Lessons taught, lessons learned Retiring educators in northwest Guilford County share memories, pearls of wisdom by CINDY BULLARD

Barbara Chauvigne,

The end of the 2013-2014 school year brings the final last day for some of our northwest-area educators, who will be retiring from the school system within the next few weeks. We thank them for taking a few minutes out of their end-of-school-year wrap-up to reflect on their careers in education and share some of their favorite memories and lessons learned, and we wish them all the best as they take a well-deserved recess.

8th grade science teacher at Kernodle Middle School, celebrates 35 years of teaching multiple grade levels, from kindergarten to 9th grade, and service to about 3,000 students.

Q: What are some lessons you have learned from teaching? A: This too, shall pass. Issues in education seem to move in cycles. Q: What is your favorite school day – the first, or the last day of the school year? A: I like the middle of the school year, not the first day when I don’t know my students, and they don’t know me, and not the last day when many are sad, and we are saying goodbye. Q: What advice would you give to teachers just beginning their careers?

A: Teaching isn’t easy, but if you love it, then you are in the right place. Teaching isn’t a job; it’s a career that takes a lot of work, part of which is being a life-long learner, and continually being open to new ideas and strategies to improve your effectiveness in the classroom. Teaching carries many unseen responsibilities; you will impact students’ lives in so many ways, many of which you don’t even realize.

...continued on p. 18

IN THIS ISSUE Photo by Laura Pullins/NWO

June 6 marks the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Normandy, the largest amphibious invasion in history. D-Day, the day of the initial assaults by Allied forces, occurred on Tuesday, June 6, 1944, and though costly, the battle gave western European allies the upper hand in the war against Nazi Germany. (Pictured at right) Summerfield First Baptist Church designed a beautiful display to honor those who served and gave their lives for this country during the Battle of Normandy. Several WWII veterans are members of the church’s congregation.

News in brief................................3 Your Questions ............................4 Senior Grins .................................8 Pets & Critters ..............................9 Where butterflies rule ............... 10 Pet Adoptions............................ 11 Charlie and me ........................ 12 Business Notes .......................... 14 Bits & Pieces .............................. 15 Crime/Incident Report .............20 Community Calendar.............. 21 Run the Ridge photos ...............22 RidgeFest photos ......................23 Grins & Gripes ...........................25 Classifieds ................................. 27 Index of Advertisers ................. 31

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