June 12 - 18, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Tide is ‘The house that God built’ turning for A fire set by an arsonist destroyed Gideon Grove’s sanctuary in December 2012, but not its spirit by PATTI STOKES
Photo by Patti Stokes/NWO
STOKESDALE – On the night of Dec. 23, 2012, and into Christmas Eve morning, Gideon Grove United Methodist Church’s sanctuary burned. The sanctuary, built when the church was founded in 1894, was destroyed. In the almost two-and-one-half years since that tragedy occurred, Rev. Wanda Lancaster and
...continued on p. 24 Bottom, at left: A fire set by an arsonist destroyed Gideon Grove United Methodist Church’s sanctuary on Dec. 23, 2012, and on into Christmas Eve morning. Top, at left: After a two-and-one-half-year journey, Gideon Grove United Methodist has been rebuilt; the congregation invites the community to celebrate on Open Door Sunday, June 14. File photo
Virginia man dies in N.C. 68 wreck DOT worker sustains injuries by GERRI HUNT NW GUILFORD – One man died and a North Carolina DOT worker was injured when a tractor-trailer rear-ended an SUV on the afternoon of Monday, June 8. Emergency crews responded to the wreck at 2:35 p.m., on N.C. 68 near N.C. 65 just inside Guilford County. Traffic was rerouted. “DOT workers were limiting lanes,
holding up stop signs and ‘slow’ signs,” said North Carolina State Highway Patrol Trooper Chris Knox. “A tractor-trailer was approaching the area and struck a Nissan SUV from behind. The SUV went off the roadway and struck a DOT worker who was standing outside his truck.”
The DOT worker, 61-year-old James Gladstone of Clemmons, was taken to Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
The SUV driver, 72-year-old Stephen Dashoff of Axton, Virginia, was taken to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, where he later died from his injuries.
Karak is charged with misdemeanor death by motor vehicle, stemming from his failure to reduce speed, said Knox, adding that neither speed nor alcohol were an issue.
Knox said the truck driver, 61-yearold Milenko Karak of Greensboro, was not injured.
water system Rate hike may be on tap in November by GERRI HUNT STOKESDALE – The Stokesdale Town Council has reached a milestone of sorts: earmarking money for depreciation in its Water Enterprise Fund. The proposed FY 2015-2016 budget, up for approval at the council’s meeting on June 11, includes $28,400 for depreciation of water system equipment.
...continued on p. 23
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief........................................ 3 Your Questions .................................... 4 Celebration•Business Notes ................8 Bits & Pieces ........................................ 9 Around Town photos ............................10 Oak Ridge Town Council ................. 12 Community Calendar ...................... 15 High School Sports ........................... 18 Coaches reflect on season ...............19 Kickin’ In for Our Kids ....................... 20 Crime/Incident Report ..................... 22 Grins & Gripes ................................... 25 Classifieds ......................................... 26 Index of Advertisers ......................... 31