Northwest Observer | June 20 - 26, 2014

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June 20 - 26, 2014

Congratulations, class of 2014! Northern Guilford High School

Northwest Guilford High School


leadership,” Billeisen said.


It was a memorable day for 324 Northern Guilford High School seniors as they walked across the stage of the Greensboro Coliseum’s Special Events Center on the afternoon of June 13 in their caps and gowns, high school diplomas in hand.

Smith, who graduated with a 5.28 GPA, plans to attend Wake Forest University in the fall where she’ll study mathematics.

Supporters filled the Greensboro Coliseum’s Special Events Center on the evening of June 13 to honor 456 graduates of Northwest High School’s Class of 2014. On a solemn note, the graduation ceremony began with a moment of silence for Eric Ahmed and Timmy Johnson, two 17-year-old seniors who died after an automobile accident on Oct. 28.

Northern’s graduation coach, Wade Billeisen, proudly introduced Karleigh Smith, the Class of 2014’s salutatorian. “Truly the halls seem brighter when she walks through them. The classes perform at higher levels and teams strive because of her

As someone passionate about math, it seemed only natural for Smith’s speech to touch on variables and how it is life’s unknowns that determine who we are. “There are no guarantees and tomorrow isn’t a given,” Smith reflected. “But we’ll always have this … we’ll always be the class of 2014.” Following the salutato-

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Western Region school superintendent Angelo Kidd recognized the Top 26 academic students in the graduating class.

Guilford County Schools Superintendent “Mo” Green recognized Kyle Schlanger, salutatorian, who graduated with a GPA of 5.39, and Erin Brown, valedictorian, who graduated with a GPA of 5.41. “Today is a very important day,” said Brown as she began her valedictorian speech. “Today is the 164th day of the year; today is the inspiration behind a successful franchise of scary movies; and most importantly, today is Flag Day eve. Oh yeah, and today is the day we finally get to graduate from

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IN THIS ISSUE News in brief.................................... 3 Your Questions................................ 4 Emma conquering Chiari ............ 6 Summerfield Town Council .......... 8 Business Notes .............................. 14 Bits & Pieces .................................. 14 Northern Graduation Photos.......................... 16 Northwest Graduation Photos .......................... 17 Lessons taught, lessons learned 18 Northwest Guilford Kiwanis .........20 Community Calendar................. 21 Crime/Incident Report ................ 22 Letters/Opinions .......................... 24 Grins & Gripes ............................... 24 Classifieds ..................................... 27 Index of Advertisers ..................... 31

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996 Annie Sauer, valedictorian, will attend Auburn University

Karleigh Smith, salutatorian, will attend Wake Forest University

Erin Brown, Kyle Schlanger, valedictorian, will attend salutatorian, will attend University of South Carolina. Middlebury College.

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