June 26 - July 2, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Town advised to hire water system manager I’m not saying this burden should lie on all future council members, but until we get somebody, we’ve got to be the eyes and ears.” Mayor Randy Braswell, on the need for council members to confirm water lines and meter boxes are properly installed.
Inspections falling short at construction sites by GERRI HUNT
STOKESDALE – After the incorrect installation of municipal water system equipment at several construction sites, the Town of Stokesdale is looking for an inspector to come on board. “We don’t have a [water system] manager, so we’re flying by the seat of our pants, and I think we’re getting whipped,” Mayor Randy Braswell said during a town council workshop on June 18. The town purchases its water from
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Photo by Gerri Hunt/NWO
A fire hydrant already stands at the entrance to the upcoming Dawn Acres development on Haw River Road. Stokesdale Mayor Randy Braswell says the town did not see the water line as it was being installed under N.C. 68.
Town budgets reflect priorities, commitment to tax or not tax by PATTI STOKES NW GUILFORD – Another municipal budget season has drawn to a close, and with – or in spite of – citizen and council input, all three incorporated towns in northwest Guilford County have approved budgets for the new fiscal year that begins July 1. Oak Ridge Town Council unanimously approved a $1,313,150 budget, keeping the town’s property tax rate – 8.63 cents per $100 valuation – the same as it has been since it was first imposed in 2004. Also with a unanimous vote,
Stokesdale Town Council approved a $365,650 budget, while renewing its commitment to having no property tax. Things didn’t go quite as smoothly in Summerfield. Keeping its property tax rate at 2.75 cents per $100 valuation, Summerfield Town Council approved a $1,945,029 budget with a 3-2 vote, with one of the major last-minute sticking points being over the inclusion of a line item expense for a $25,000 water and fire protection study; that amount was ultimately reduced to $9,500, but still contributed to Town Council members Elizabeth McClellan and Alicia Flowers
voting in opposition to the budget after a lengthy discussion in which they argued it is the fire department’s responsibility to fund a water and fire protection study, and the town should not contribute funds for a non-profit entity to conduct a study. Flowers also disagreed with the town manager’s salary for next fiscal year including an 8 percent raise, saying that was excessive. See page 14 for an overview of Oak Ridge, Stokesdale and Summerfield’s projected revenue and expenses for next fiscal year, or visit the towns’ websites for a complete line-item budget.
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief ................................3 Your Questions ............................4 Bits & Pieces ................................6 Stokesdale Town Council ..........8 Community Calendar .............11 Letters/Opinions .......................14 Grins & Gripes ...........................15 Crime/Incident Report ............17 Classifieds .................................19 Index of Advertisers .................23