June 27 - July 3, 2014
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Summerfield Farms: A little piece of country heaven Photos
SUMMERFIELD – David Couch grew up working on farms in his hometown of Asheboro. By the time he was in high school, he had established himself as a budding entrepreneur setting up what he refers to as his own “little cattle operation.” Couch, 51, tells the story of how he made money purchasing unwanted bull calves, bottle feeding them and selling them. He didn’t own any
Steve Bowie, chairman of The Town of Stokesdale’s recently revived U.S. 158 Committee, gave a report at the
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“There were a lot of widowed ladies who couldn’t keep their property up,” says Couch. In exchange for letting him keep his cattle on the property, Couch labored to bring the farms back into a manageable state. Even as a young man, he saw an opportunity to meet a need, bring people together and
...continued on p. 26
U.S. 158 Bypass not necessary, and would have ‘major negative impact’ on Stokesdale, committee members say STOKESDALE – A citizen-led committee is recommending that the U.S. 158 Bypass project be dropped lower on N.C. Department of Transportation’s project priority list, with the hope that re-prioritizing the project would kill it entirely.
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land, so he worked out a deal with local farm owners.
Committee recommends ‘killing’ project by PATTI STOKES
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A dream turns into reality as working farm evolves into event venue, farmers market and a simple place of beauty to be shared with the community
town council’s June 12 meeting, in which he requested the council accept the committee’s first recommendation to “send a letter to the Guilford County MPO as well as the local Board of Transportation member, and ask them to use their influence to reduce the ranking of R-2577 (U.S. 158 widening project), which in turn will cause NC-
...continued on p. 7
Delicious organic produce is available at The Market. Cattle are moved frequently at Summerfield Farms to ensure the best beef product possible.
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief .........................................3 Your Questions .....................................4 Stokesdale Town Council ...................8 Apron recalls good memories ........10 Frame shop brings history to life .....14 Bits & Pieces .......................................18 Around Town ..................................... 20 Community Calendar ......................21 Crime/Incident Report .................... 22 NWO on the go! .................................23 Letters/Opinions ................................24 Grins & Gripes ....................................24 Classifieds ..........................................27 Index of Advertisers ..........................31
Photo by Annette Joyce/NWO
Colfax Frame Shop, located on Sandy Ridge Road in Colfax, is overflowing with history and memories of decades long since passed. Read the story behind this unique business and its equally unique owner on p. 15.