July 3 - 9, 2015
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Northwest Class of 1965
Graduates gather for 50th reunion by GERRI HUNT Friendship’s ties remain forever, Formed at our great school. For they stir our best endeavor; They our lives shall rule…
And 50 years later the alma mater still holds true for the Northwest High School Class of 1965, with 71 graduates and their 59 guests gathering for a reunion at Lakeside at Carolina Marina in Stokesdale on Saturday, June 27. Even three former teachers attended: Ray Comer, Helen Godwin and Roger Nelson. “The 1965 class started out in the fall of 1962 with the consolidation of rising sophomores from Colfax, Oak Ridge, Stokesdale
Photo courtesy of Steve Subotnik
Linda Overby Canty, center, reminisces with former classmate Brenda Pegram Johnson, as Johnson’s husband looks on, during the 50th reunion of the Northwest Class of 1965 on Saturday, June 27.
and Summerfield,” said Emily Tucker Subotnik, who along with Sandra Clinard Noble organized the reunion. During their years at Northwest, about 20 students left, and by the time the third graduating class turned their tassels, they numbered 158. Linda Overby Canty, who now owns a real estate business in Fredicksburg, Virginia, recalled attending NWHS with students from across the area.
Photo courtesy of the 1965 NWHS yearbook
“With dynamic personalities and high ranking character, Linda Overby and Larry Cottrell are chosen Best Personality,” says the 1965 Northwest yearbook.
“I was at Summerfield prior to that; at Northwest, while we got to know a lot of other students, we were not as close to them as we were to those from Summerfield because we had known each other for years,” she said.
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief.................................3
...continued on p. 18
Your Questions.............................4 Pets & Critters...............................7
NCDOT to consider U.S. 158 Bypass alternate routes Committee had hoped Section C of the project, which will route the bypass around Stokesdale, would be reduced on priority list and eventually ‘killed’
by PATTI STOKES STOKESDALE – It is often the unknown that creates unrest, as Steve Bowie, chairman of Stokesdale’s U.S. 158 Bypass Committee, knows all too well. Bowie periodically seeks updates from NCDOT on the U.S. 158 Bypass project, which
has experienced more than a few delays before getting underway. The U.S. 158 widening project, estimated to cost $105 million, would widen 18.8 miles of U.S. 158 to multiple lanes from U.S. 421/Business I-40 in
...continued on p. 6
Avoiding shark bites...................8 Pet Briefs........................................9 Bits & Pieces...............................10 Community Calendar..............14 Grins & Gripes............................15 Crime/Incident Report.............17 High School Sports....................19 Classifieds................................. 20 Index of Advertisers..................23