July 18 - 24, 2014
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Firefighter awarded Andrew Russoli Strength and Honor scholarship Alyson Jones, 18, is the first female firefighter to receive the scholarship
Alyson Jones (center), with Assistant Fire Chief Sam Anders (left) and Roland Russoli, is presented with the Strength and Honor Fund scholarship at the Oak Ridge town council meeting on July 10.
News in brief ..................................... 3 Your Questions.................................. 4 Champ gets better with age ......... 7 Summerfield Town Council ............. 8 Bits & Pieces .................................... 12 Fighting Cystic Fibrosis ................... 14
Photo by Kristin Kubly/NWO
OAK RIDGE – Firefighter Alyson Jones recently received the annual Andrew Russoli Strength and Honor Fund scholarship, a $2,500 scholarship offered to firefighters with the Oak Ridge Fire Department. It is awarded by the family of Lance Corporal Andrew Russoli, who planned to serve with the department after completing his service in the U.S. Marine Corps. At the July 10 meeting of the Oak Ridge
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Crime/Incident Report .................. 16 Encouraging summer reading .......18 NWO on the go! ............................. 20 Community Calendar ................... 21 Letters/Opinions ............................ 22 Grins & Gripes ................................. 24 Classifieds ....................................... 27 Index of Advertisers ....................... 31
And the walls will soon come down ‘Flag” building and former blacksmith shop will soon be demolished by PATTI STOKES SUMMERFIELD – Passersby on Summerfield Road will soon notice a bare spot where there is now a leaning building – leaning to the extent that it has become a public safety concern of some who fear a strong wind could quickly topple it. The most visible of the two buildings that will
be demolished on the Gordon property, which the Town of Summerfield purchased last month, is referred to as the “flag building” because of the hand-painted replicas of American flags on its exterior front walls. It stands, or rather leans, next to the former Gordon Hardware building, which the town plans to eventually renovate and use as administrative and meeting space. At the July 8 town council meeting, Summerfield’s town manager, Scott Whitaker, presented two bids for demolishing both the flag building
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File photo/NWO
The “flag building” and a former blacksmith shop on the Gordon property, which the Town of Summerfield recently purchased, will be demolished within the next few weeks.