July 31 - Aug. 6, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Fox attacks bicyclists 9th confirmed rabies case in county this year by GERRI HUNT SUMMERFIELD – A fox that bit two adults on U.S. 220 North near Strawberry Road on Saturday, July 25, has tested positive for rabies. “The folks were riding their bicycles and the fox attacked them,” confirmed Sandy Ellington, media coordinator for Guilford County
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Two bicyclists are being treated for rabies after a fox attacked them
...continued on p. 18 while they were riding on U.S. 220 North.
Letter to property owners resurfaces According to letter dated 2003, refunds for water system deposits are overdue
ties, or preferred the town to continue holding the deposits in hopes they will one day be able to connect, Stokesdale Town Council discovered the money should have been refunded seven years ago.
Council called a special meeting on June 25, with an agenda that included reviewing customer responses to the certified letters sent out earlier in the month. In
STOKESDALE – After sending certified letters to 53 property owners to ask if they either want their $200 deposits back since water lines never passed their proper-
Scam Alert: Don’t fall for threatening phone calls Personal information should never be shared with anyone threatening jail for failure to appear in court or pay back taxes
NC/NW GUILFORD COUNTY – In January, the North Carolina Court System’s website (nccourts.org) issued a warning after court officials in multiple counties reported residents being targeted in a scam involving
jury duty fines. The warning stated: “A caller informs the resident that a bench warrant (or a warrant for arrest) has been issued because the person failed to report for jury duty. The caller then instructs them to make a payment by telephone in order to satisfy the bench warrant. Sometimes the caller states that failing to pay this fine will result in a jail sentence. This is a scam.” This scam touched close to home
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recently, when the scammers called the elderly in-laws of a Summerfield woman. When the daughter-in-law returned
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News in brief.................................3 Your Questions .............................4 Stokesdale Town Council ...........8 Remedies of days past .............10 Business Notes ........................... 11 Bits & Pieces ............................... 11 Crime/Incident Report ..............12 Community Calendar ...............13 NWHS students study abroad ...14 Letters/Opinions ........................16 Grins & Gripes ............................16 Classifieds ..................................19 Index of Advertisers ..................23 NWO on the go! .........................24