Northwest Observer | August 2 - 8, 2018

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Aug. 2 - 8, 2018

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

Public records: property of the people? Over three months have passed since Summerfield Mayor Gail Dunham received her first public records request for email communications relating to town business; to date, none have been fulfilled.

Dunham took office on Dec. 12. Although Summerfield Town Attorney Bill Hill has confirmed the Northwest Observer’s public records request was both valid and complete, neither that request nor any of the other requests the Town of Summerfield has processed for Dunham’s emails in the last three months have been fulfilled as of the writing of this article.

Hill sent an email on Aug. 1 to those who have submitted requests for Dunham’s emails, by PATTI STOKES in which he stated, “By now, you should have reSUMMERFIELD – According to North Carolina ceived a response to your public records requests General Statute 132-1, public records (documents, from Gail Dunham. Regrettably, these responses emails, recordings, etc.) and may well lead you to believe public information compiled presume facts which are Your requests are or by the agencies of North not accurate. For that reason, Carolina government (i.e., valid in my opinion, and the as the town attorney, I feel elected officials or public claimed deficiencies are not compelled to correct these officers) “pursuant to law or inaccuracies and will attempt ordinance in connection with a basis for refusal to answer.” to do so. the transaction of public “Please note that I am not Bill Hill, Summerfield’s town attorney, business” are property of the responding to those who have request- copied on any of the emails people. ed Gail Dunham’s town business emails (from Dunham to those makAs we have written ing public records requests),” previously, on June 19 the Hill continued. “They were Northwest Observer submitted a public records sent without my review, input or approval. The request for Summerfield Mayor Gail Dunham’s town business-related emails dating back to when ...continued on p. 5

IN THIS ISSUE News in brief.................................3 Your Questions.............................4

Welcome, Shrimp Connection!..6 Crime/Incident Report................6 Pets & Critters photos..................7 “Henrietta,” “Henrietta” .............8

Photo by Chris Burritt/NWO

Is that you, Santa? It’s August and temperatures are hovering in the high 80s, but the Christmas season will be underway in just a few months and Chuck Welke is already gearing up for his role as Santa Claus. In next week’s issue we’ll introduce you to the Summerfield resident who loves to bring smiles to the faces of children and senior citizens alike when he dons his Santa outfit and heads out to spread some Christmas cheer.

Pets up for Adoption.................. 10 Pets, Critters & People Briefs..... 11 Community Calendar............... 14 Congrats, SF Stars 9U team!...... 15

Coach Ngo on the mend......... 16 Grins & Gripes............................ 18 Classifieds.................................. 19 Index of Advertisers..................23

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