Aug. 8 - 14, 2014
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Nighttime work Border crisis – what to do? underway on I-73 project COMMUNITY SURVEY
U.S./NW GUILFORD– Since last October, 57,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant children have been detained at the United States-Mexico border. Most of these children are from Central American countries including Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Fleeing gang violence and poverty, they’ve traveled through Mexico to reach the U.S. Many are seeking to be reunited with family members in our country. The number of these children has doubled since last year and federal officials estimate that at least 150,000 more will attempt to enter our country in the next fiscal year.
McCrory, along with five other governors, wrote to President Barack Obama and urged him to address the situation in a “pragmatic and humanitarian way,” while securing our country’s borders and protecting the safety of the children involved in the crisis. In this month’s community survey, we asked readers to share their thoughts on the border crisis.
One thing everyone seems to agree on is that we are faced with a complicated issue without any easy answers.
I am an immigrant. As a boy, I would make my friends’ eyes roll every July Fourth by chanting “Happy Fourth” to all my buddies. They didn’t appreciate it – they were British. So was I. But I didn’t care because I loved America, and at 53, I still do.
Last month, North Carolina’s Gov. Pat
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NW GUILFORD – N.C. Department of Transportation contractors planned to begin nighttime hauling on the U.S. 220/N.C. 68 Connector (future I-73) project site at PTI Airport near Greensboro on Aug. 6. Weather permitting, hauling of construction materials will take place nightly from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. until Tuesday, Sept 30. “Maximizing safety and minimizing the impact to the traveling public is our goal,” said DOT’s Mike Mills. Heavy delays are expected on N.C. 68 between Leabourne Road and Edgefield Road in northwest Greensboro, and drivers are urged to use caution while traveling through the area.
In order to ensure safety, backup alarms, artificial lighting and warning strobe lights will be used on all equipment. In April, the N.C. Department of Transportation awarded a $176,550,000 contract to the designbuild team of Flatiron Constructors, Inc./Blythe Development Company – A Joint Venture/RK&K, LLP. The design-build team’s completion date is set for April 25, 2017. For real-time travel information, call 511, visit or follow NCDOT on Twitter. Another option is NCDOT Mobile, a phonefriendly version of the NCDOT website. To access it, type into the browser of your smartphone.
IN THIS ISSUE Photo by Patti Stokes/NWO
Asplundh Tree Expert Co. is contracted by Duke Energy to trim trees grown into the power lines. The company’s trucks are a common sight these days in the northwest part of Guilford County. Have thoughts, photos to share about the tree trimming? Send them to
News in brief................................3 Your Questions............................4 Bits & Pieces ................................9 Crime/Incident Report ........... 14 Community Calendar ............ 15 A family story ........................... 16 Grins & Gripes ........................... 17 Classifieds .................................. 19 Index of Advertisers .................23 NWO on the go!.......................24