Aug. 14 - 20, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Take a ‘Bliss Trip’ over the airwaves
Road projects on target for Nov. 2016 completion
Local band gaining fans across country
OAK RIDGE – A literal band of teens is taking over Gashouse Radio, an online
Philadelphia station whose deejays are playing their songs between those by well known greats such as Elvis Costello, Tom Petty and David Bowie. For the months of May and June, The
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Photo courtesy of Mackenzie Gail Photography
The Bliss Trip, whose members are classmates at Penn Griffin School for the Arts in High Point, includes keyboardist Robert Beverly of Oak Ridge. Tegan Dean, also of Oak Ridge (not pictured) is a female backup vocalist for a few of their songs.
Summerfield Town Council hosts Q&A
SUMMERFIELD – To the interest of many Summerfield residents, the town council invited representatives of NCDOT and the Greensboro Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to its Aug. 11 council meeting for a Q&A session about I-73 and U.S. 220 roadwork with the public and local leaders. “We’re not here to change things about the road, but we wanted to give folks an
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Photo by Gerri Hunt/NWO
NCDOT district engineer Bobby Norris points out road construction on a projected map during the Summerfield Town Council meeting Tuesday night, Aug. 11.
NCDOT says ‘no’ to twin trailers on N.C. 68 by PATTI STOKES NW GUILFORD COUNTY – In response to Tar River Services’ request that North Carolina Department of Transportation consider allowing tractors with twin trailers on N.C. 68 between I-40 and the Rockingham County line, the NCDOT has determined the two-lane stretch of highway is not safe for twin trailers. After the Whitsett-based trucking company submitted its request to NCDOT in February, the department conducted a field study and sought public input. In
response, town representatives and citizens in northwest Guilford County and Rockingham County voiced vehement opposition to the company’s request, maintaining that twin trailers (also referred to as tandem trailers) are too long, too heavy, too wide and too tall to travel on two-lane highways and they jeopardize the safety of others on the road. “This request is not approved because of operational and safety concerns on the current alignment,” NCDOT state traffic engineer J. Kevin Lacey wrote in a letter to Tar River Services dated Aug. 11.
“This route experienced a high number of truck crashes during the five-year-period ending Dec. 31, 2014. The truck crash rate exceeds both the statewide average and critical truck crash rate. We have also received strong opposition from both local governments and citizens to this requested route.” The letter notes the U.S. 220 widening project and a new multi-lane freeway connecting U.S. 220 and N.C. 68 are underway, and trucks (with twin trailers) will have the option to travel these routes when completed.
News in brief.............................3 Your Questions .........................4 Celebration ..............................6 Business Notes .........................6 Bits & Pieces .............................6 Oak Ridge Town Council ........8 Piedmont Classical to start... 11 Crime/Incident Report .......... 14 Community Calendar ...........15 Letters/Opinions ....................16 Grins & Gripes ........................16 Classifieds ..............................19 Index of Advertisers ..............23 NWO on the go! .....................24