Aug. 28 - Sept. 3, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Manhunt leads to lockdown, arrests Ellisboro Road extensively patrolled Aug. 25, 26 by GERRI HUNT STOKESDALE – Little Kaitlin was so excited on her first day of kindergarten that she got up 10 minutes early, was ready to put on her new dress and fix her hair in pigtails. While her mom, Meagan Richardson, made breakfast, Kaitlin colored a picture for her new teacher.
“We took her picture and she, my husband and I headed to school,” said Richardson. It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, Aug. 25, and the trio rode 8 minutes from Mustang Run Road – a quarter mile inside Rockingham County – up Ellisboro Road to Huntsville Elementary. There were no signs of anything awry. “At 7:30 we walked in and got Kaitlin settled in class,” said Richardson. “She was so excited about going out
Playschool director winds down after 23 years Photo by Gerri Hunt/NWO
Jennie Cole shows off her collection of wind-up toys, which have helped comfort and distract the youngsters at Children’s Christian Playschool for more than two decades.
to the new playground for recess. It was right outside her classroom.” Richardson and her husband went to the other side of the building to fill out some paperwork. “We were waiting in line when they came over the intercom and announced a ‘code blue transition.’” Teachers went into the cafeteria and rounded up students who were
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Photo by Gerri Hunt/NWO
The Huntsville fire station on Sardis Church Road at Ellisboro Road served as a command center for the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office, which led efforts to find two suspects in a Kernersville home invasion at 12:40 a.m. on Aug. 25.
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief................................3
Jennie Cole has directed Summerfield UMC’s preschool since its beginning by GERRI HUNT SUMMERFIELD – After 23 years of winding up toys to the delight of little ones, Jennie Cole is winding down after retiring from Children’s Christian Playschool at Summerfield United Methodist Church, on Scalesville Road just east of U.S. 220. “It’s time. It’s time,” she repeated with a quivering voice. “I have two grandchildren who live an hour away. I kept saying, ‘just one more year,’
...continued on p. 26
Your Questions ............................4 High School Sports .....................8 Student Photo Page .................. 10 Student Profiles ......................... 11 What’s News at Your School? .. 12 Youth Gives Back ..................... 12 Stokesdale Town Council ........ 14 Business Notes .......................... 18 Bits & Pieces .............................. 18 Crime/Incident Report .............22 Community Calendar ..............23 Letters/Opinions .......................24 Grins & Gripes ...........................25 Classifieds ................................. 27 Index of Advertisers ................. 31 NWO on the go! ........................32