Sept. 11 - 17, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
ceremonies Oak Ridge Military Academy will hold its Patriot Day Ceremony from 7:45 to 8:30 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 11. Everyone will meet in front of Alumni Hall, 2317 Oak Ridge Road. Cadets will be in formation and a brief speech will be given. On Saturday, Sept. 12, WoodmenLife will present a 9/11 Honor and Remembrance Ceremony from 10 to 11 a.m. at Linear Park in downtown Stokesdale, to commemorate those who lost their lives on Sept. 11 and all veterans, firefighters, police officers and first responders who have given their lives in the performance of their duties or who are currently serving our country and our communities. Veterans will have an opportunity to speak to the crowd. For more information, call Frank Bruno at (336) 337-8473.
Town revisits solicitation laws by GERRI HUNT OAK RIDGE – It’s a common sight in large cities: You pull up at a red light, and someone is at the edge of the road, humbly hoping for donations from kind drivers. It may be a homeless man seeking spare change or someone who lost their income and is looking for odd jobs. But many motorists stopping at the N.C. 68/Oak Ridge Road traffic signal in recent weeks have been greeted by solicitors of a different nature.
Oak Ridge Town Hall received several complaints about the yellow-vested men near all four corners, aggressively approaching drivers. And when the Northwest Observer posted a picture on Facebook of the activity, comments rolled in fast and furiously. Seeing one of the solicitors made Samantha Hefner uncomfortable as she sat in traffic. “I was sooo glad he didn’t make it to my car before the traffic started moving,” she said.
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Photo by Patti Stokes/NWO
Fundraisers for the Miracle House of Hope, based in Charlotte, have been a common sight over the last few weeks on N.C. 150 at the N.C. 68 intersection in Oak Ridge.
Dear First Responders… Northwest Middle 7th graders write to heroes NW GUILFORD – “With 9/11 upon us, I feel like it is important to remember the people who are no longer with us. But people also did survive 9/11, and that is because of people such as first responders.”
Elizabeth Cake’s sentiment is shared among many of us, including her seventhgrade classmates at Northwest Middle School, who have written letters to first responders. “Thank you for keeping our towns safe,” writes Brandon Miller. “Thank you to the military, firefighters, police, doctors, nurses, and EMS drivers. Thank you for
protecting our country.” For some students, the aid of first responders hits close to home. “God made you a protector, a helper and a life saver. My papa was a state trooper so I know what it is like for you to be scared, but don’t be,” writes Jeffrey Davis. “Believe that God is
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IN THIS ISSUE News in brief................................3 Your Questions ............................4 Bits & Pieces ................................5 Oak Ridge Town Council ...........8 Crime/Incident Report ............. 10 Community Calendar .............. 11 High School Sports ................... 14 From frontlines to sidelines ...... 15 Roscoe induction ..................... 16 Student Profiles ......................... 17 Grins & Gripes ........................... 18 Classifieds ................................. 19 Index of Advertisers .................23 NWO on the go! ........................24