Sept. 19 - 25, 2014
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Academy president invites community ‘in’ Dr. Danny Nobles invites the community to visit the historic military school’s campus by KRISTIN KUBLY OAK RIDGE – Oak Ridge Military Academy is heading in the right direction, said Dr. Danny Nobles when he spoke at the Oak Ridge Town Council meeting on Sept. 4 and provided updates about the local institution. The academy has a current enrollment of 80 cadets. With an aggressive recruiting campaign underway, Nobles, who serves as president of the academy, said the school hopes to see enrollment increase to 130 by January 2015; within the next five years, the school hopes to see that number rise to 200.
Nobles said an outstanding faculty and leadership education curriculum has resulted in rising test scores, citing as an example the SAT scores of juniors, which doubled from last year to this year when they retook the test as seniors. The academy president also noted the international makeup of the student body, which includes cadets from China, Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the U.K.
Nobles said the school holds six major parades every year and he welcomed residents to come and watch. “We want to be a part of this community,” said Nobles. “We’re very proud of it.” Established in 1852, Oak Ridge Military Academy is the official military school of North Carolina. To learn more about the school, visit
“The world has literally come to Oak Ridge, North Carolina,” Nobles said. Finally, Nobles acknowledged that the academy is not as involved in community activities as he would like it to be. “There seems to be an invisible fence,” he said. “It’s as if our cadets don’t go off, and we can’t get the community in.”
Photo by Patti Stokes/NWO
Dr. Danny Nobles speaks to cadets and guests at a 9/11 ceremony on Sept. 11. Nobles, who has served as Oak Ridge Military Academy’s president since June 2013, attended the recent town council meeting in Oak Ridge and provided an update on the local military institution.
Demolition project awarded
Photo by L.A. Logan/NWO
Earlier this month, the Town of Summerfield received four bids for property demolition, material disposal and a rough grade of disturbed areas at the northern tract of the Gordon property. The tract consists of 15.66 acres that span along U.S. 220 to the north end of Summerfield Road. Bids for the project ranged from $18,700 to $65,325. On Sept. 9, the town council voted to award the demolition
project to D.H. Griffin, which submitted the lowest bid. Two framed houses, five abandoned mobile homes and miscellaneous outbuildings and structures on the property will be demolished. Additionally, miscellaneous concrete footings, pads, walks, trees, brush piles, stumps, fences, posts, poles, mailboxes and trash will be removed. Select areas of the property will be graded and seeded after the removal of all materials. D.H. Griffin estimates the demolition project will take about 1.5 weeks to complete.
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief..............................3 Your Questions ..........................4 Summerfield Town Council......5 Panthers Cheerleader .............8 Sanctuary House .................... 10 Youth running program.......... 11 High School Sports ................. 12 Business Notes ........................ 14 Bits & Pieces ............................ 15 Community Calendar............ 18 Crime/Incident Report...........22 NWO On The Go! ....................24 Grins & Gripes .........................25 Classifieds ...............................26 Index of Advertisers ............... 31