Northwest Observer | Oct. 2 - 8, 2015

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Oct. 2 - 8, 2015

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

Northwest High administrators work through traffic snarls by GERRI HUNT NW GUILFORD COUNTY – As rain continued to fall on a parking lot that had already been saturated over the weekend, Northwest Guilford High School Principal Ralph Kitley and Assistant Principal Bert Webb shook cans of spray paint and marked large arrows on the ground.

was to get parents and students into and out of campus much more efficiently than they had in recent weeks, during which a new traffic pattern had brought more problems than solutions. With the new pattern, parents had only one entry lane and one exit lane for dropping off or picking up students, both alongside the school’s mobile

The administrators’ goal

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Trail expert to speak in Stokesdale Oct. 8 STOKESDALE – Kate Dixon, executive director of Friends of the Mountains-toSea Trail, will give a presentation during the Stokesdale Town Council meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8, at Town Hall, 8325 Angel Pardue Road. Stokesdale is ripe for the development of the A&Y Greenway, a trail following the old, abandoned A&Y Railroad bed. If citizens show their support, and the town moves forward with the greenway, it will eventually become part of North Carolina’s 1,000-mile

Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST).

Summerfield has already hired a designer for a section of the A&Y Greenway that will run from a pedestrian tunnel under U.S. 220 north of Strawberry Road to Summerfield Elementary School. If the A&Y Greenway does not travel through Stokesdale, it will have to be rerouted if it is to be part of the MST – possibly heading through Oak Ridge. It’s up to the Stokesdale Town Council to decide whether it makes sense to have a trail cross through its bound-

Photo by Patti Stokes/NWO

Assistant Principal Bert Webb directs traffic in front of Northwest Guilford High School on the afternoon of Sept. 30, in an attempt to keep vehicles flowing in and out of campus in a timely manner.

aries. Town leaders still have many questions: Does it make economic sense? How will it benefit citizens? Is it safe? Will there be enough volunteers to maintain it? Is there enough community support? How will the route be determined? That’s why Councilman Frank Bruno invited Dixon to speak at the upcoming council meeting. “I’ve known Kate for several years, and she’s been [working on] the Mountains-to-Sea Trail for a long time,” he said. “Everyone needs a little more education, and her job is to promote the trail.”

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IN THIS ISSUE News in brief..........................3 Your Questions......................4 Pets & Critters........................7 Lou and Oscar......................8 Pet Briefs................................9 Pet Adoptions .................... 10 Crime/Incident Report....... 11 Bits & Pieces........................ 12 Around Town....................... 13 Community Calendar........ 14 High School Sports............. 18 Fields of Faith...................... 19 Student Profiles...................20 From frontlines to sidelines.21 NWO on the go!............... 22 Katie’s Kids......................23 Letters/Opinions.......... 24 Grins & Gripes............25 Classifieds.............. 27 Index of Advertisers.....31

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