Oct. 9 - 15, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Governor Pat McCrory comes to Stokesdale Hours after the Legislature wrapped up for the year, the governor signs bill for economic development bill at Culp Home Fashions by GERRI HUNT STOKESDALE – On Wednesday, Sept. 30, just seven hours after learning the North Carolina General Assembly had wrapped up its 8 ½-month session, Gov. Pat McCrory pulled into the parking lot of Culp Inc. on U.S. 158 in Stokesdale to sign the first bill from the session into law. HB 117, known as the NC Competes Jobs Plan, makes the state more competitive in the United States and worldwide, said McCrory, who winged his speech rather than using one prepared
for the occasion.
The bill includes $20 million in annual job creation reimbursements that will give North Carolina economic development officials more flexibility and more fire power to attract new jobs to the state. That reimbursement fund will increase by $15 million annually should North Carolina land a major manufacturer which invests at least $500 million in facilities and creates a minimum of 1,750 jobs. Former Greensboro mayor Jim Melvin, who McCrory referred to as his mentor, called the passage of the bill “truly historic.” “In our region, we’ve lost 90,000 jobs, net, over the last 12 years. That’s a hole we have to fill up,” Melvin said. “About a month after the governor was elected, a group of business people met
Photo by Gerri Hunt/NWO
in his office, and he told us, ‘If y’all will get the [job] sites, I will get you a bill that will be competitive.’” Melvin then turned to N.C. Secretary of Commerce John Skvarla III and said,
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Stray bullet hits passing vehicle Driver confronts alleged shooter, then calls 911
northern Greensboro woman was driving her SUV westbound on N.C. 150, just blocks from her Scott’s Grant subdivision.
and sees a man standing with a rifle shouldered, pointing it at another car parked in his driveway,” Sibert continued.
As she approached Spencer-Dixon Road, “she hears a gunshot and feels a thud on her car door, and immediately recognizes that her car had been shot at and hit,” said Lt. Chad Sibert of the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office. He said the crime report was unclear as to whether the bullet penetrated the door.
Sibert said the woman turned into the man’s driveway, but the other car was trying to leave, because it was the one the gun was being pointed at – so, she backed out of the driveway to let the other car leave.
NORTHERN GREENSBORO – A local man was arrested on Thursday, Oct. 1, after allegedly firing a rifle from the driveway of his northern Greensboro home and striking a passing vehicle. According to a Guilford County Sheriff’s Office report, around 4:45 p.m., a
“She looks off to the side of the road
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory talks with employees of Culp in Stokesdale after signing a bill at the facility on Sept. 30.
But then the woman proceeded to
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IN THIS ISSUE News in brief.........................3 Your Questions .....................4 Business Notes .....................5 Bits & Pieces .........................5 Oak Ridge Town Council ....8 Crime/Incident Report ...... 10 Community Calendar ....... 11 High School Sports ............ 14 Youth/School News ........... 15 Student Profiles .................. 16 Letters/Opinions ................ 18 Grins & Gripes .................... 18 Classifieds .......................... 19 Index of Advertisers ..........23