Oct. 16 - 22, 2015
Action-packed week in Stokesdale Gas leak scare, manhunt and attempted armed robbery all within six days by PATTI STOKES STOKESDALE – Three incidents within six days have created quite a commotion in
...continued on p. 10 Photo by Gerri Hunt/NWO
More than a dozen Guilford County Sheriff’s investigators responded to Kings Crossing shopping center on N.C. 68 on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 14, following an attempted armed robbery at Crossroads Pharmacy.
Council hears from trail opponents, proponents by GERRI HUNT
Executive director of Friends of the MST makes presentation at Oct. 8 council meeting Photo by Gerri Hunt/NWO
Mike Rumley tells the Stokesdale Town Council that he and several other residents on Flatrock Road are in favor of the MST coming through their properties.
STOKESDALE – There are two sides to every issue, and sometimes they are as different as night and day. Trespassing, crime, liability, trash and cost. That’s what opponents of an A&Y Trail through Stokesdale cite.
Quality of life, happiness, family-friendliness, and drawing people to town. That’s what proponents see in a future with the same trail. Some of the opponents’ concerns were addressed during the public comments period of the Stokesdale Town Council meeting on Oct. 8, which followed a presentation by Kate Dixon, executive director of the Friends of
the Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST). If the Town allows a nature trail along the abandoned A&Y Railroad bed, the state would include it as an official part of the MST. With a packed council room, less than two dozen citizens chose to speak out: eight were in favor of the trail, nine opposed, four asked questions, one suggested waiting… and one citizen presented a petition signed by 140 people opposed to the trail.
...continued on p. 3
IN THIS ISSUE Your Questions......................4 High School Sports...............6 Business Notes......................7 Community Calendar..........8 NWO Real Estate................. 11 Real Estate Briefs................. 12 Parade of Homes................ 16 FUNDay, Sept. 24................ 18 Real Estate Q&A.................22 In the Zone..........................22 Recent Transactions...........29 Crime/Incident Report....... 31 Letters/Opinions.................32 Grins & Gripes.....................32 Classifieds.......................... 35 Index of Advertisers.........39
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