Nov. 6 - 12, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Higher density development proposed for Oak Ridge town core
An updated land use plan, developed by a crosssection of citizen volunteers, will be presented at an open house on Nov. 10
Photo by Patti Stokes/NWO
OAK RIDGE – A proposed update to the Oak Ridge Land Use Plan will be presented at an open house at Town Hall, during which the public is encouraged to drop by between 4 and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10. The Land Use Update Committee has worked on the document for the last year,
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Special events facility in perpetual violation of permit, town says by PATTI STOKES SUMMERFIELD – On Oct. 27, the Gardens at Gray Gables announced via social media that the Town of Summerfield would no longer allow the special events facility to host community events, including the annual Santa in the Gardens. The public outcry was swift and furious. Gray Gables’ supporters have expressed their anger at Summerfield Town Planner Julie Reid and Town Manager
Scott Whitaker via Facebook posts, emails and phone calls to Town Hall and to town council members. Several also “griped” to the Northwest Observer via its Grins and Gripes section, while others vowed to take their anger to the polls on Election Day and vote against any candidate who supported the town on this issue. While perspectives vary between the town and Gray Gables, a little background provides a foundation for how
things got to this point. In 2001 the Town of Summerfield approved a rezoning for property at 4015 Oak Ridge Road from residential to CU-LB (Conditional Use – Limited Business) after owner Patrick Jenks proposed the existing Victorian dwelling on the property would house his software company, Forestry Systems; at the time, the company reported 13 employees. The following year, the
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News in brief..................................3 Your Questions..............................4 For the love of animals................8 Pet Adoptions ............................10 Charlie and me.......................... 11 Hillsdale Village Fall Festival.....12 Crime/Incident Report...............13 Community Calendar................14
Property along Fogleman Road is within an area that could include higher density residential development.
High School Sports.....................18 Students ignite enthusiasm.......19 Great Pumpkin Event photos.... 20 From front lines to sidelines.......21 Youth/School news....................21 Business Notes............................22 Bits & Pieces................................22 Connected in Hope...................23 Grins & Gripes.............................24 Classifieds...................................27 Index of Advertisers...................31
Throughout the course of American history, courageous men and women have taken up arms to secure, defend and maintain these core principals upon which our nation’s freedoms depend.” Former President George W. Bush
This Veterans Day, Nov. 11, please honor our veterans for their service and sacrifice