Northwest Observer | Nov. 14 - 20, 2014

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Nov. 14 - 20, 2014

bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996

by KRISTIN KUBLY OAK RIDGE – What makes Oak Ridge a great place to live? What would make Oak Ridge an even better place to live?

The Oak Ridge Land Use Plan Steering Committee, made up of 12 members appointed by the town council in September, is seeking input from fellow citizens on these and other topics as it delves into the task of reviewing and

Town Planning Director Bill Bruce said the committee and town staff have already received a wide variety of concerns and comments from the community survey, but felt the open house was needed to let people ask questions, view maps and voice their concerns in person.

Roads, community gathering spaces, affordable housing and new businesses were some of the topics brought forward in the surveys so far and discussed at the open house.

“It’s an opportunity for the steering committee to talk to a wide variety of people in an informal setting,” said Bruce. “Oak Ridge has become a highly desirable place to live in part because of the land use plan, so we want that to continue.” Committee member Sandra Smith, a lifetime Oak Ridge resident, says the responses from residents have been very valuable.

IN THIS ISSUE News in brief.............................3 Your Questions .........................4 Summerfield Town Council .....6 Oak Ridge Town Council ........8 High School Sports ................12 Student Profiles ......................13 Community Calendar ........... 14 Halloween in Bedrock...........18

Business Notes .......................20 Bits & Pieces ...........................20 Crime/Incident Report ..........22 Grins & Gripes ........................24 Operation Northwest Pride ...25 Classifieds ..............................27 Index of Advertisers ..............31 NWO On The Go! ...................32

Photo by L.

A. Logan/N


“They have been from people all over town and from all different areas, and we’ve received some really good, thoughtful responses,” Smith said.

Committee member Jay Cumbus said many of the questions he has received thus far have been about roads. “People are asking what the lines on the maps are … potential connector roads and that

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...continued on p. 26 Top photo: Veterans attending the Veterans Day ceremony on Nov. 11, which was organized by the Stokesdale Veterans Monument Committee, were asked to stand and be recognized. Middle photo: Nathan Freeman, battalion commander (second from right), and fellow cadets stand at attention during a Veterans Day ceremony at Oak Ridge Military Academy on Nov. 11.

kes/NWO Photo by Patti Sto

How do you envision Oak Ridge in 20 years? What are the major hurdles to overcome in achieving this vision?

updating the town’s land use plan. In addition to an online survey, the committee held its first open house on Nov. 5 to offer citizens an opportunity to get information, ask questions and voice opinions about the Oak Ridge of the future.


Impact of new roads, community gathering space, affordable housing and retail options are some of the topics brought up by citizens who attended an open house hosted by the Land Use Plan Steering Committee.

Photo by L.A. Lo

Committee receives valuable input at land use plan open house

Bottom photo: Veterans attending the Veterans Appreciation event in Summerfield Community Park on Nov. 9 were asked to come forward, introduce themselves and tell where and when they served. Above, Summerfield Mayor Tim Sessoms, left, and Korean War veteran Bob White, a member of VFW Post 7999. For more photos from these events, visit

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