Nov. 27 - Dec. 3, 2015
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
NWO readers express gratitude for this year’s blessings ‘Tis the season when giving thanks is especially on our minds. In keeping with tradition, we recently reached out to our readers and asked them to share what they are especially thankful for this year. The following are some of the comments we received, with more to follow in our Dec. 4-10 issue. “I am thankful for my wife and two children,” says Jared Rolfes, Northwest High School’s head football coach. “My
wife is a woman of faith who is a great example to young ladies. My two kids are a blessing and I am thankful that they were created with their individual personalities and characteristics! “I am also thankful to be a part of Northwest High School and the Northwest community. The leadership in this school is a pure joy to work for. The colleagues I have both in coaching and teaching are fantastic people and I enjoy coming to work every day.” The renewed health of a loved one brings a great sense of gratitude. It’s one that Summerfield resident Lori Yager knows well.
“I am thankful for the complete healing of my husband, Mike, who has been battling cancer for the past few years,” says Yager. “The cancer has shown us to be on the look-out for even the smallest things to be thankful for. Those small things – the sunshine, the sound of wind chimes, a great parking place, a very close connecting flight at O’Hare – take us through the day.” “I am always thankful for the town’s staff and volunteers. This year I am equally thankful for the families of these wonderful folks,” says Mike Stone, a
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Founding foursome gives final salute to Veterans Memorial Committee Volunteers retire after 11 years by GERRI HUNT STOKESDALE – Back in October 2004, Barbara Marshall took a bus trip with Juanita Southern to see monuments and the World War II Museum in Washington, D.C. “Juanita said that she, Peggy Joyce and Betty Shelton had been talking about a veterans monument for quite a while but hadn’t gotten it going, and wanted to know if I’d be interested in helping,” said Marshall. The four friends subsequently founded the Veterans Monument Committee and set off on road trips.
“We went all over looking at communities with memorials and kicked around some ideas,” said Marshall. Envisioning a small granite monument with an American flag flying overhead, the ladies set a goal of raising $12,000.
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Capt. Michael Ganert, center, a volunteer who had recently returned from Iraq, is flanked by retiring Veterans Memorial Committee members, from left, Juanita Southern, Barbara Marshall, Betty Shelton and Peggy Joyce at the memorial a few years ago.
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief.......................... 3 Your Questions...................... 4 Bits & Pieces.......................... 6 High School Sports............... 7 Student Profiles..................... 8 From frontlines to sidelines.. 9 Student on a mission...........11 Cross Country champ........ 12 Youth/School News............ 12 Community Calendar........ 13 Stokesdale Town Council.. 14 NWO on the go!.................. 20 Crime/Incident Report....... 22 Letters/Opinions................. 24 Grins & Gripes..................... 24 Classifieds........................... 27 Index of Advertisers........... 31