Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996 • •
Town prepares to apply for PARTF grant Parks and Recreation Commission presents proposal for Phase 2 of town park by ANNETTE JOYCE
The area around Shelter 2, the pond and the open field known as Redmon Field would be a likely location for many of the additional proposed Oak Ridge Town Park amenities. Photo by Annette Joyce/NWO
OAK RIDGE – If things go as planned and funding becomes available, visitors to the Oak Ridge Town Park could see additional park amenities sometime in the not too distant future.
Proud to be part of Summerfield’s accomplishments Councilman John Wray will vacate his council seat on Dec. 10 by ANNETTE JOYCE When Summerfield was first incorporated in 1997, life-long resident John Wray wanted to do something to make a difference in his newly-minted town. So, he ran for a seat on the first council – and won.
Wray was selected from among his fellow council members in 2001 to become the second mayor of Summerfield and, with a brief respite due to family illness, has spent more than a decade
serving on the town council in the roles of mayor and council member. This past year, Wray decided not to seek re-election. “I’m 70 years old and I want to start spending more time at the beach and with my family,” he says. “I felt like there were a lot of good people in Summerfield who could run for office. It was time for me to let them take over.” Looking back on his years on the
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Since conducting a community survey and holding several meetings, the town’s Parks and Recreation Commission has been focusing on the second major phase of park development, which will include additional parking, another restroom facility, tennis courts, a performance stage/amphitheater and a second playground area. “We’ve been discussing ways to enhance the existing park infrastructure
...continued on p. 26
IN THIS ISSUE News in brief.......................................................3 Your Questions ...................................................4 Thanksgiving thoughts ......................................6 Stokesdale Town Council ...............................10 Business Notes .................................................14 Bits & Pieces .....................................................14 High School Sports ..........................................16 Student Profiles ................................................17 We’re thankful for ............................................18 Crime/Incident Report ................................... 20 Community Calendar.................................... 22 Letters/Opinions .............................................24 Grins & Gripes ..................................................25 Classifieds ........................................................27 Index of Advertisers ........................................31 NWO On The Go! .............................................32