Dec. 5 - 11, 2014
bringing the local news home to northwest Guilford County since 1996
Three hundred miles on foot
Vietnam veterans trek to Washington not once, but twice to fight for fellow Marine’s release by KRISTIN KUBLY
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As a Marine in Vietnam, Summerfield resident Lance Cpl. Terry Sharpe, 64, pledged never to leave another Marine on the battlefield. He remembered that promise when he decided to walk to Washington to help another veteran he has never met. Sharpe and fellow Marine Lance Cpl. Allen Brown are being honored Dec. 5 at the Summerfield Community Center for the part they played in the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, a veteran who served two tours in
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Former Marines Terry Sharpe (R) and Allen Brown (L) in front of the U.S. Capitol building after their arrival in Washington
End of road for at least one local business? Small business owners along the highway’s route say the state doesn’t seem to care about its impact on their businesses by ANNETTE JOYCE SUMMERFIELD – As the new, widened U.S. 220 takes shape in Summerfield, some local businesses are feeling its impact. For at least one Summerfield business, this could be the end of the road for its operation. Petro 220, a convenience store which until recently sat on a major highway accessible to an almost continuing stream of traffic, didn’t lack for customers. That changed a few weeks ago, as N.C. DOT
The people in Raleigh just don’t care about small businesses. We’re the ones who pay more taxes because they give corporations the big tax breaks.” Mark Middletown owner of M&M Tire
opened the northern end of the new highway, leaving the convenience store sitting at the end of a short access road. “We’ve lost at least 50 percent of our business,” says Ashley Trimble, a shift manager at the store. “But, it’s not just about the business losing money. (As employees), we’re losing hours and income.” Due to its lack of business, the store recently changed its hours – opening later and closing earlier on both weekdays and weekends. Two other businesses, Gilley’s Small Engine Service and M & M Tire, have also lost their prime
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IN THIS ISSUE Your Questions .........................4 Happy 100th BDay, Thelma!...6 Pets & Critters ...........................7 HORSEPOWER Open House ...8 Pet Adoptions.........................10 High School Sports ................12 Community Calendar ..........18 Student Profiles ......................20 Crime/Incident Report .........22 Bits & Pieces ...........................22 We’re grateful for... ...............24 Grins & Gripes ........................26 Classifieds ..............................27 Index of Advertisers .............. 31